Reverse Queer Dictionary!
113 posts
A blog where you can give a description and receive a list of labels that could fit! (Check pinned post for rules + disclaimer!)
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reverse-queer-dictionary · 11 days ago
Are there any genders that call forth images of slime? I relate heavily to genderfluidity, however my gender feels more like a slow moving liquid rather than a fast moving one.
The only term I could find that was related to slime in the way you described is slimegender (a form of fluidflux/genderfluid where all of one's genders feel like differently gendered slimes mixing together, with different combinations and amounts coming to the surface at different times)
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reverse-queer-dictionary · 11 days ago
is there a label for someone whose gender identity changes depending on their emotional state? like, feeling genderless when they’re sad, feeling masc when they’re happy, etc.
The primary term I found is emotugender (someone whose gender is fluid or fluctuating and is affected by one's emotions, mood, or state of mind)
For feeling genders when happy or sad, I found:
Joygender - A xenogender connected to joy, happiness, or similar emotions; one could feel that their gender fluctuates while experiencing these emotions, their gender is only felt while experiencing these emotions, or they feel as joy and happiness are an important part of their gender
Tristegender - A xenogender connected to sadness, disappointment, or similar emotions; one could feel that their gender fluctuates while experiencing these emotions, their gender is only felt while experiencing these emotions, or they feel as sadness is an important part of their gender
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reverse-queer-dictionary · 11 days ago
Is there a label for somebody who is polyamorous and monogamous at the same time? Like, I wouldn't prefer being in a relationship with one person over being in a polycule.
There are a few terms that could potentially fit:
Ambiamorous - Someone who can enjoy both monogamy and polyamory and has little to no preference between the two
Monpoly/polymono - Someone who can enjoy both monogamy and polyamory and may have a preference for one over the other
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reverse-queer-dictionary · 11 days ago
are there any other terms like queerplatonic? essentially any label for being in some kind of relationship/ wanting a relationship that isn’t romantic or sexual but is not simply platonic? sorry if this is too vague
The primary term that comes to mind is alterous (a form of emotional attraction that is not necessarily platonic, but not romantic in nature)
Some other, similar terms are:
Exteramo Attraction - A form of attraction that is neither platonic nor romantic nor anywhere between them
Amical Attraction - A form of emotional attraction that is like a "best friends" or sibling-like relationship; it is described as similar to platonic attraction/friendship, but is on a higher affinity
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reverse-queer-dictionary · 11 days ago
helloo, uhh im struggling to find the definition of a flag but your asks have images off so im not entirely sure how i should ask💔 is there a way you'd like me to send it? /genq /nm
I didn't realize I had asks with media turned off—you should be able to send in the image of the flag now!
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reverse-queer-dictionary · 2 months ago
I found the label Aegogender but I don't know if there's another label that fits me better
I don't feel I have a gender but I also feel there's my agab like it's there but I can see it 'cause I'm disconnected from my gender, but I think I'm not cis by default 'cause if I wake up being a male I would care, I like being female but I think it's 'cause I'm AFAB
I found some labels other than aegogender that could potentially fit:
Cisgenderless - Someone who defaults to their AGAB due to a lack of a gendered feeling
Intrafeminine - Someone who is AFAB and is not cis but has a similar experience to that of cis women (specifically the third example: Being AFAB and feeling that their gender identity is heavily influenced by femaleness or femininity) Cassgender - Someome who may or may not experience a gender identity, but feels that it is unimportant
Cassgirl - Someone who identifies as female or female aligned, but considers their gender identity unimportant
Greygender - Someone who is not entirely without a gender, but is it not entirely “with” a gender either; someone who has a strong ambivalence toward their gender identity; someone who has a gender but it is weak, undefinable, not felt most of the time, and/or one isn’t invested in it
Genderfaint - Someone who has a gender but it’s very hard to feel; numb and almost like an empty space but it is there, either undefined and confusing or just too dull to feel it properly, it could feel completely blank, or genderless but you know you have a gender but can't feel it
Demigirl - Someone who identifies partially, but not wholly as a girl/woman
Distaregender - Someone who feels like their gender is distant, far away, hidden, buried, or generally disconnected from oneself in a way that one can't properly feel or appreciate it
Emicis - Someone who feels heavily related to their AGAB, which makes them comfortable with going by cisgender even though they're not cisgender
Cisvenient - Someone who is only cis because it’s convenient
Demicisgender - Someone who identifies partially as their AGAB
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reverse-queer-dictionary · 2 months ago
Is there a term for someone who is unlabeled but only for their sexuality and not their gender identity?
I couldn’t find a label like you’re describing, but the term “unlabeled” can be used by itself for an unlabeled sexuality alongside a labeled gender identity
An alternative to unlabeled sexuality is pomosexual (someone who denies or doesn’t fit any labels for sexuality)
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reverse-queer-dictionary · 2 months ago
Hi there!!!
I was wondering: is there a term like bear or can i just use bear? I call myself one but i dunno if thats okay.
I'm Nonbinary, bi lesbiflux, aroace and i am fat. But I'm not currently super hairy ( hoping kinda that maybe getting on t will help? ) but also i kinda am borderline? Just no beard hair or heavy belly/back hair.
Am i a bear or is there a term for wanting to be one or a term for being a little in between Hairy and Non? iirc Seal is non hairy? Thanks !!!
If you feel like you fit the label bear, then that’s fine!
I found two alternate labels that could potentially fit: ursule/urse (a beary nonbinary individual) and exotic cat (someone who wants to gain more body weight and hair like a bear; alternatively, a chubby person who feels like they don't meet the requirements of a bear yet, and therefore do not want to call themselves one)
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reverse-queer-dictionary · 2 months ago
Is there a term for someone who only wants to be in a sorta “friends with benefits” relationship? Like, someone who likes being friends with someone, and will also be sexually active with them, but doesn’t want to be in a committed relationship with that person?
If you are wanting a label for someone who only experiences sexual attraction, not romantic attraction, there is aroallo (someone who is aromantic and allosexual)
If you’re looking for an alternate term for friends with benefits, there is casual relationship and foveo
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reverse-queer-dictionary · 2 months ago
okay so this is my friend but he isn’t on tumblr so I’m asking on his behalf
he (male) is sexually attracted to men and for most of his life has only been, therefore identified as gay
when he met his now girlfriend he did start having sexual thoughts abt her but figured he could still be gay since he didn’t think he actually wanted to do it in reality, it was just a fantasy
After like a year of being best friends they kissed “as a joke” and eventually he realized he wanted to date her. he isn’t really sure if it’s romantic or not (quiroromantic?) but he doesn’t care what label applies, he just wants to be with her
so he’s said basically he likes guys and like. a girl. he usually says pan. what labels would apply?
I found some labels that could potentially fit in regards to the gender exception:
Perracearomantic - Someone who experiences a rare “gender blindness” to one specific person that is not typically included in their romantic orientation, but the individual does not consider this a change to their romantic orientation
Homoflexible - Someone who is primarily attracted to the same gender but experiences very rare attraction to different genders
Paroromantic - Someone who is arospec towards certain gender(s) and alloro to other gender(s) (for example greyromantic and/or quoiromantic towards women, and alloromantic towards men)
If wanted additional labels from the other parts of your ask (the unsure if it’s romantic or not, not labelling part, etc.) let me know!
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reverse-queer-dictionary · 3 months ago
a term related to being bigender but leaning more to one gender than the other? (ex. being bigender between male and female but feeling more like a woman than a man)
There were two terms I found that could potentially fit:
Bigenderratio - A static gender where one has two genders that are mixed or intertwined and one gender outweighs the other
Bigendersize - A static gender where one has two distinct, separate genders and one gender outweighs the other
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reverse-queer-dictionary · 3 months ago
is there a term for someone who is male/male aligned (for context, I’m genderfaun) and is attracted to women/fem aligned people, but feels that their attraction is queer (aka not feeling straight whatsoever)?
I found a few terms that relate to being male/male-aligned and experiencing queer attraction to women:
Saphboy - Someone who is a boy and feels as if they and their gender are sapphic
Azalean - Someone who is QLW or experiences queer attraction to women
Gai - Someone who is gay/non-straight in a uniquely non-binary way
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reverse-queer-dictionary · 3 months ago
Do you know any genders where you identify as a gender but like not completely? Like in a contradictory sense? Like being a guy, but calling yourself a woman and using she/her as well as being connected to womanhood but still considering yourself male and not considering yourself a girl or female? Also do you know if there's any genders that's tied to your nonconformity/gender expression? Like if your expression IS your gender or part of it?
For the first part of your ask, I found a few labels that could potentially fit:
Finboy - Someone who is both fingender (feminine-in-nature gender) and a boy/man
Contrafe - A gender that is not derived from womanhood or femininity in any way but still feels feminine or female in some way
Rosboy - A feminine boy/man
For the second part of your ask, the only term I could find was GNCgender (someone whose gender non-conformance is heavily tied to their gender). I think gncgender is all-inclusive and peculigender is specifically due to neurodivergence, but I may be reading the coining post wrong.
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reverse-queer-dictionary · 3 months ago
elloo ^_^ i dunno if this is somethin you do , but ive seen a term recently called " raccoon " with it being a queer label ( akin to bear or otter i believe ) but i can't find a definition anywhere- do you happen to know the definition ?
I think I found the term you are referring to here? I have copied and pasted the original post below for ease of access:
"RACCOON: a presentation term for queer masculine presenting individuals who have permanent dark circles, and appear scruffy, disheveled and messy, this might be due to a disorder/mental health issues but this is not a requirement"
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reverse-queer-dictionary · 4 months ago
hello, is there a label that describes not being asexual but being sex repulsed?
I wasn’t able to find a label that specifically described a non-ace individual who’s sec repulsed, but here are a few labels I found that can apply to both ace and non-ace individuals:
ARCsexual - Someone who feels averse, repulsed, or conflicted towards their sexual attraction or towards sexual interaction
Anticarnal - Someone who is sex-repulsed
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reverse-queer-dictionary · 4 months ago
sorry for the spam of asks (we promise this will be the last ask from us for the time) but is there a term where someone switches between being sex favourable and sex averse/repulsed? like sometimes you like the idea of having sex and other times you feel disgusted or upset at the thought of being sexually active
The two main terms I know of are sex-oscillating (someone whose feelings towards sex change or fluctuate over time) and ARCflux (an individual who is sex-oscillating)
There is also sex-ambivalent (someone who has mixed or complicated feelings about sex) and eriscarnal (someone who is sex-ambivalent)
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reverse-queer-dictionary · 4 months ago
ok so I'm technically trans but I don't like being called trans and I'd prefer to not use the trans label. Is there a specific term for that?
The main two terms I know of for non-cis individuals who don't identify with the term "trans" are cisn't (anyone who is not cisgender) and isogender (someone who is not cisgender, but does not identify as trans either)
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