nonasuch · 5 years
saw your post about moving paperwork and i just want to say i understand. i just moved states and need a new car registration, plates, and license but whoops i lost the title to my car and whoops my registration expired and so did my license and haha you need a social security card to get the tsa approved license and i did not bring that even though it’s my second try at the dmv today. i wept a little, but also, we’re good at other things. we’ll get through these trials!
oh god, I did the MVA gauntlet last month and it was. stressful. and also took two tries. but i got through it! you will too! we’re all gonna do the fucking paperwork required of adult life, eventually!
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montpahrnah · 5 years
i’m so awed by everything you’ve achieved this year. seeing everything you’ve accomplished despite it all makes me feel like maybe i can get my shit together. thank you so much for sharing yourself with us— your writing and your life updates. your words have given so many people the words they need to articulate their experience. endless admiration for you
thank you so much, bbd. honestly if this year’s taught me anything it’s that anyone, including myself, can get their shit together, and i guarantee you can do it more gracefully than i did. all i can ever ask for is that anything i do can help someone else give form to their own experience, and hearing that from you is really one of the nicest things anyone’s ever said to me. definitely gonna remember this whenever i’m feeling some type of way. i’m awed by all of you guys, too; thanks for being there, for better and for worse. always around if you need anything.
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wolfstarwarehouse · 5 years
13 and 20 for the asks 💗
Ah, thank you @bigblckdog
13. What is your favourite fanfic trope?
Answered here, but long story short - ALL THE PINING. :)
20. Have you ever read a fic more than once? What is it about that fic that made you read it again?
Oh definitely!! Lots of them. I usually like to reread a fic to put me in a certain mood. Sometimes I just want the general lovely feelings of reading a favorite, and sometimes I want a story that makes me feel warm or sad or like I don’t know what to do with myself cause I’m a mix of emotions.
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ebp-brain · 5 years
24, 46 for growing teeth, and 49 😚
thanks for the asks though I feel like you maybe already know the answer to 24 😏
24. how I feel about writing smutty scenes: GREAT lol. for me, sex scenes are most interesting (and hottest) when they’re communicating something about the characters’ relationship to–well, anything really: their body, their identity, their desires, their fears, their shame, their feelings about intimacy. I don’t mean I think sex is only interesting when it’s really “about something else”–I mean that sex, in all its messiness and physicality and unexpected turns and all its potential for pleasure and escape, can be one way that some people express themselves and discover things about themselves and connect with other people and I love writing that. that doesn’t mean I never start a scene with the intention to just, say, write some good fun rimming. it’s just that the rimming usually ends up saying something about the character’s desire to be truly seen despite their deep-seated insecurities about their own self-worth. or whatever.
46. what would happen in a sequel to “growing teeth”: hmmmmmm. fleur gets her nose pierced, as promised, and then she and tonks spontaneously take a trip to france and have covert sex in the public garden where fleur was photographed at age eight for her first and last childhood modeling job and then they meet fleur’s mom. her mom HATES fleur’s haircut but is so charmed by tonks that she makes them a cake anyway.
49. first fic I read: this was actually a marauders fic!! I was in high school and my friend was writing a long fic that covered their entire seven years at hogwarts. she never finished and it never got shippy and mostly I just remember them having a snowball fight. then I didn’t read fic again till 2011 when I discovered the classic Victorian Holmes/Watson fics by Katie Forsythe which are, surprise, about Sherlock Holmes and John Watson being angsty and very much in love.
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letteredlettered · 6 years
hi! i saw someone ask a while ago about dialogue and how you write it and i think you had answered saying maybe you would put together a post if people were interested. then tumblr imploded and i lost track of things. i'd really love to learn about how you approach dialogue. all of your stories have such incredible, natural, interesting dialogue. has that post happened?
Thanks!  I have already put together posts about dialogue years ago; I was offering to repost in an easier format.  I haven’t done that part yet!  However, I think you can find them all by searching my tumblr for the tag “dialogue”.  I think it was a 7-part series.   Around Thanksgiving time, I rewrote bits of it and formatted it for dreamwidth, but sadly my computer decided to update or something and I lost all of it.  When I do get it edited and reformatted, I’ll let people know about it here!
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wolfstar-bigbang · 6 years
is week four the last week?
Hi there! Week Four was the last full week of submissions. We have one more bonus mini-round coming next week along with the wrap-up and master post, so stay tuned!
Wolfstar Big Bang AO3 Collection
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ahhh!! i just read your renaissance au and literally two weeks ago i also had an idea for a ren au based on savonarola where r/s meet in a monastery and i definitely think that when you’re done with your exams and i’m done with big bang we should cheer each other on and write the things!
!!!! we totally should, that sounds awesome I’m dying to read it! 
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writcraft · 5 years
Author Asks
I was tagged by @gracerene09 @candybarrnerd and @bigblckdog to answer this, thank you for the tags lovelies!!! I’ll also just take a minute to say my notifications re: tagging have not been consistently working so feel free to poke me if I’ve been tagged in anything and seem to be ignoring it.
Author Name: writcraft
Fandoms You Write For: Harry Potter, One Direction, Radio One RPF and Good Omens are the main ones at the moment. Although I currently only have one Good Omens fic, there will be more. Less consistently I have written in Sherlock, Supernatural, Doctor Who, Torchwood, Buffy The Vampire Slayer and Twin Peaks.
Where You Post: These days on AO3. I have some fics on LiveJournal and InsaneJournal that never made it onto AO3 and some small ficlets that I posted as tumblr only, but the majority of my stuff now goes on AO3. 
Most Popular One-Shot: Dreaming of Harry (Drarry, Explicit, 11k).
Most Popular Multi-Chapter Story: My two Tomlinshaw fics Little Lion Man (Nick Grimshaw/Louis Tomlinson, Explicit, 123k) and Kissing in the Rain (Nick Grimshaw/Louis Tomlinson, Explicit, 93k) are the only two I’ve posted on a chapter by chapter basis. Of the two, Kissing in the Rain is the more popular by comments/kudos.
Favourite Story You Wrote: I change my mind about this a lot to be honest. There are stories I like for different reasons and it often depends on my mood. I would say that Little Compton Street (One Rainy Night in Soho) (Drarry, Explicit, 65k) and the whole Little Compton Street universe has a very special place in my heart, not just as a piece of writing, but because I’ve been able to explore periods of recent queer history that are important to me, music and a whole wide range of characters, ships and differing queer experiences through that ‘verse. I still have plans to conclude the series with a Ginny/Millicent fic over time, most likely next year now. I’m also really proud of How We Were Warriors (Snarry, Explicit, 51k) for similar reasons.
Story You Were Nervous to Post: I don’t think I’ve ever written a story that I haven’t been nervous to post! When you pour your heart into something and live and breathe a story for a long time, there’s always a nervous energy/excitement that comes with putting it out there in public. I was nervous about Independent Love Song (Ginny/Millicent, Explicit, 6k) because it was my first femslash for a while and I was thrilled with the response to it. I am also always nervous posting for the first time in a new fandom, so my first Good Omens fic, Like Lovers Do (Aziraphale/Crowley, Explicit, 3.6k) was super nerve-wracking.
How Do You Choose Your Titles: UGH I HATE. Some of my titles are so stupid, LOL. They’re often inspired by quotes, poems and song titles/lyrics. I always wobble over titles and they get changed a number of times over the course of writing a story.
Do You Outline: Sometimes, it totally depends. I often have a rough sketch in my head, but I don’t often do super detailed outlines unless I’m writing something really plotty. My most comprehensive outline was for Little Lion Man (Nick Grimshaw/Louis Tomlinson, Explicit, 123k) because I had plot points I  wanted to foreshadow or hit in different chapters and I wanted the chapters to be similar lengths, so I worked hard planning the story, to get the pacing right, to figure out ages of the characters, the magic forces at play, things like peoples boggarts, houses, wand cores and so on. A number of my longer fics have been planned to a point with key scenes set out, but I also sometimes just write and see where I end up...
Complete: 167 on AO3 but I’ve written more than that because I still have stuff I haven’t crossposted from the journals, so I’d say I’ve probably written closer to 200 fics.
In-Progress: Lots of WIPs that haven’t started posting yet, no incomplete fics on AO3, but some series’ (Losing His Religion (Drarry) and Little Compton Street (Various)) that I plan to update in due course.
Coming Soon/Not Yet Started: My @hd-erised is well underway but I can’t say anything about it unfortunately. I’m also writing for Secret Snarry Swap and @tomlinshawexchange so I have works in progress for both of those, but again I can’t say what. I’m toying with writing something Halloween-y or autumnal but I’m not sure what yet and I have looooooads of ideas I haven’t really started writing yet, including another Good Omens fic.
Do You Accept Prompts: I’m always happy to receive prompts and sometimes put calls out for them but I can never guarantee whether I’m going to write them or not. I’m really not great with super specific and detailed prompts, and work better with really broad brush ideas like word, song lyrics, themes and so on that I can use as a jumping off point.
Upcoming Story You Are Most Excited to Write: I’m REALLY excited / nervous about my @hd-erised. I’m dying to say more but I will be good and resist. I’m loving writing it and feel really happy with the way it’s taking shape so far.
That was fun!!! I think a lot of people have been tagged in this already so if you care to do it, please consider yourself tagged and tag me in your reply so I can check it out <3
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WOOHOO! My milestone Q&A is finally here *dies*. I’m getting used to a new editing program so bear with me. It was super fun to edit down though. IF I didn’t get to your question i’m so sorry, it’s not your fault, it’s because past 15 mins I was tired of hearing myself talk XD
A few people mentioned in the vid:
@muggle-on-main @bookworm3741 @siriussly-serious @siriusfirstchocolatesecond @asktheboywholived @olivandersdaughter @jenlizrose @actinganimagus​ @astroboletos​ @sirussly​ @metamorph-magus
@seriouslyprongs @tired-lupin @mymischiefisnevermanaged
@maraudererasmut @bigblckdog
@art-of-ame @upthehillart @wizardnem @smelslikeart @wingedcorgi @blvnk-art
Since I’ve filmed this i’ve made so many more friends and seen blogs that I admire so pleasedon’thateme I couldn’t mention everyone T^T
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shoulderpadfoot · 5 years
Which 5 books would someone need to put in a pentagram to summon me?
Thank you, @bigblckdog, for tagging me!
I’m thinking of this as...which books have lingered with me/whose language often bubbles up in my brain/I’m actually partially made up of these books/these books teach me to be human. 
The Gastronomical Me M. F. K. Fisher
Beloved Toni Morrison
East of Eden John Steinbeck
Kingdom Animalia Aracelis Girmay
The Argonauts Maggie Nelson
This was hard/I always say too much, so...
Honorable Mention: Charlotte’s Web E.B. White, The Fire Next Time James Baldwin, Leaves of Grass Walt Whitman, Animal, Vegetable Miracle Barbara Kingsolver
Tagging @chromat1cs and @kattlupin if you want to think about books that have made you. :)
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pictured: eight pictures from my camera roll that describe me
a doodle E and I did together at longboi 
illustration of a very phallic drinking vessel 
a Heineken tall boy & the long shadows of an after hours hang
stoa of attalos under construction in 1956
notes from when I went to see Grenades?! play in Dayton
a horse w/ hella adornments (disclaimer: I am not a horse girl, was just researching horse adornments for the museum)
the best selfie I have of me&macy
cute car-preventing pole that doubles as signage 
thanks to @ebp-brain & @bigblckdog for tagging me :)
@mrmolite @comeswithclaws and @dearmrsawyer I'd love to see yours, if you’re so inclined 
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evax3 · 5 years
my otp
He is a dark-haired guy with a twisted sense of humour, and many emphasize his good looking. The cocky smirk is something he perfected. But he got a lot of self-issues, he hardly comes to terms with, and his family situation, to put it simply, is complicated.
And he is head over heels in love with this other guy, with lighter hair and beautiful curls. This one is his moral compass and brings him back to the light when it's darkest.
The two have known each other since their childhood and their relationship has not always been easy, mainly due to their difficult live circumstances.
So, alone they struggle, but when they finally admit their feelings to each other, they become strong and grow to full size.
They match.
Realizing, that all the stories I love the most in fandom focus on this typical pairing, I wanted to take the opportunity, to honour my absolute favourite stories:
1. wolfstar (Sirius Black/Remus Lupin)
Fandom: Harry Potter - JK Rowling
In the Bed by @bigblckdog
It was my first fic with this pairing but ever since I read this, I come back to it, every two to three months. This story is pure poetry and yet still so much more. I can lose myself in those words, over and over again, and in the beautiful paintings, bigblackdog describes so incredibly well, just like Sirius and Remus. Also, Sirius' fears and affection for Remus are perfectly portrayed and yet the narrative retains its soft sound, which still fascinates me. Everything that makes up the core of their relationship is united in this story.
2. snowbaz (Tyrannus Basilton "Baz" Pitch/Simon Snow)
Fandom: Carry On - Rainbow Rowell
A Pair of Splendid Morons by @thehoneyedhufflepuff
The way and white she chooses the words; I was deep down with Simon and Baz from the first line I read. Smiled at Baz's sarcastic comments and rolled my eyes whenever Simon got lost in his thoughts again. And my heart almost jumped out of my chest, when they finally had their first time. I remember I couldn’t stop grinning for a whole day. Everything just felt so real and I've never had a story where I felt so strongly connected to the characters. The way she writes is truly a gift. Which is why I inhaled her other stories as well, but this one is my absolute favourite.
3. throbb (Theon Greyjoy/Robb Stark)
Fandom: Game of Thrones/A song of ice and fire - George R. R. Martin
Something Borrowed by @bloggish
I am still kind of new in this fandom, loved this pair since I read the books years ago, but was always more of a quiet shipper. But after the series finale, I knew this couldn't be the end for me. With this story though, I think I've read it 10 times since I first discovered it 3 weeks ago, because it includes everything, really everything, I love about these two. Theon's arrogance, his inner conflicts, Robb's honour and his romantic nature. Of all the scenarios I've imagined over the years, how they found each other, this is the best.
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wolfstarwarehouse · 6 years
if june is for joy is august for angst?
lololol I hadn’t thought that far ahead, but now that you say that….
31 days of angst… I usually don’t read too much of it, but I do have a lot of angst fics bookmarked. I guess it would depend on if I can find enough angst fics that I really like in the next few months, and if my followers really wanted it. If you guys want an angst fest, speak now or forever hold your peace lol. 
(Seriously though, message, comment, or contact me in some way so I know if there would be enough interest in an angst-centered fest.)
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ebp-brain · 5 years
harry/draco. a hogsmeade afternoon.
(I’m not really a drarry shipper, but I missed @bigblckdog today and wanted to give her a cozy little holiday ficlet. this is for you, my dear! <3)
Steam forms on Harry’s glasses the moment he steps into the Three Broomsticks. The door swings shut behind him with a gust of cold air and the cheery tinkle of the bell. He wipes his glasses on his robes, gazing with blurry vision at the bright shapes and colors crowding the pub.
“Harry!” He restores his glasses and turns to see Madame Rosmerta smiling at him from the ivy-decked bar. Smiling back, he makes his way towards her through the tables full of cheerful customers. “Or should I say, Professor Potter?” she amends as he takes a seat. “Enough Hogwarts students in here today I’m worried about running out of butterbeer. Always enough left for you, though—unless you’d like something stronger?”
She’s right; the pub is crowded with students. A couple of them wave at him as he surveys the tinsel-covered room. He waves back.
Someone behind the pair of friendly third-years mistakes the wave as a hello to him. The person’s eyes grow wide, then dart back and forth. Then a tiny little smile tugs at the corner of his mouth, and he lifts a tentative hand in greeting.
“Something stronger,” Harry says immediately, turning back to Madame Rosmerta. “Double Firewhiskey, please, neat. I’ll…be over there.”
Her eyes follow his gaze and she makes a surprised little noise which she masks with a cough. “All right then, love. I’ll bring it to you as soon as I have a moment.”
Draco Malfoy blinks, startled, as he sees Harry approaching. He’s wearing impeccable black robes and a carefully neutral gray scarf. No green and silver for him, not these days. His pale hair is as long as Harry has ever seen it—not long like his father’s used to be, but chin-length and soft. Well. It looks soft. Harry doesn’t know what it feels like. Harry can barely admit to himself that he wishes he did.
“Happy Christmas,” he says to Draco.
A hesitant smile. “Happy Christmas.”
The first year or so after the war, they’d run into each other a handful of times, usually in Diagon Alley, where Draco was carrying out his community service by restoring shops smashed by Death Eaters in the riots following Voldemort’s downfall. Harry had expected contempt and the usual antagonism, but Malfoy had only avoided his eyes. And then on the second anniversary of the Battle of Hogwarts, he had received a long letter from him full of unprecedented humility, apologizing for—well, it was quite a long list, really. After that, whenever they’d seen each other, they spoke to each other, tentatively but genuinely. Eventually it became clear to Harry that Draco was surprisingly…well. Intelligent. Witty. And handsome.
“Chaperoning the holiday Hogsmeade weekend?” Draco asks, gesturing at the room full of students.
“Ah, no,” says Harry. “Not officially. But it’s good to be around, just in case.”
“Just in case?”
“Well. You know what Hogwarts students can get up to when they’re in high spirits.”
“Just about as well as you, I’d imagine.”
They smile at each other and there’s an odd moment of silence. It’s new, these casual references to their time at school, as if those years are a shared memory. Draco even made a joke about wandering the Forbidden Forest together once. Hogwarts, the safest place on earth, he’d said dryly. If you don’t count the forest filled with deadly creatures that eleven-year-old students are sent into for detention.
Now, in the Three Broomsticks, they both start to talk at the same time. They go quiet, Draco with a little laugh and Harry with a faint flush.
But then Madame Rosmerta arrives with Harry’s Firewhiskey. “Anything else for you, Mr. Malfoy?”
“No, thank you, Madame Rosmerta. Still, er. Finishing up the cider.”
She smiles, eyes moving speculatively between them, and Harry’s blush deepens. He takes a long sip of Firewhiskey. It burns his throat and sends courage-inducing warmth into his stomach.
“Spend the day with me,” he says abruptly. “The afternoon.”
Draco’s eyes widen. “I—you mean, now? In Hogsmeade?”
“Yes,” says Harry, cheeks pink, but ploughing on determinedly. “Come to Honeydukes. And Zonko’s, and Scrivenshaft’s. All the shops.”
“Zonko’s?” Draco asks, mouth curling up in amusement. “You want to go to a joke shop?”
“Yes,” says Harry. “Yes. I—” He takes another sip of whiskey, then continues. “I want to go to all the places we’d have gone together if—if we’d been friends at Hogwarts.”
Draco’s ironic smile fades. He looks down at the table, then back up at Harry. “I…”
“Yes?” Harry asks, heart finding its way into his mouth.
“Friends?” Draco asks quietly.
Harry looks at him. His eyes are grey and troubled, with lines at the edges despite his young age. Harry’s got lines around his eyes, too.
“Well,” Harry says. “Friends, or…”
Draco reaches out a hand and swiftly cups Harry’s cheek, running his finger along Harry’s skin. Then he drops it, quickly, back into his lap. They stare at each other.
“Yeah,” says Harry. “Yeah, so, er…” He glances around. “Do you maybe want to go somewhere the entire student body of Hogwarts won’t witness our first kiss?”
Draco lets out a startled laugh. He pushes his chair back and stands. “But I know how much you love being the center of attention,” he says, collecting his hat and leaving a Sickle on the table. “Wouldn’t want to deprive you of that chance.”
“Shut it, Malfoy,” Harry says with a grin, warmth bubbling up in his stomach that has nothing to do with the Firewhiskey. He downs the rest of the drink, then grabs Draco by the hand. “Merlin, your fingers are cold.”
“Then warm them up for me, Potter,” Draco says, with a hint of his old waspishness.
“Maybe I will.”
They make their way out of the Three Broomsticks, and if Madame Rosmerta notices them moving rather faster than usual, well, she’s not going to say anything. Not yet, anyway.
Best to save that juicy piece of gossip for Christmas day.
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mythfunction · 5 years
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thank u @bigblckdog for tagging me! these came out oddly color-coordinated which was not intended (although the placement of the blue ones was...i yam who i yam)
i couldn't decide who to tag (never can) so if you see this and you want to do it consider yourself tagged?
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dogwooddivinity · 5 years
for the poem perusing: sex
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I have simple wishes
I just want someone
to gently slam dunk me into bed
and I hope nobody gives me a jewel
because I will have to keep it
and that makes me sick
- Kimmy Walters in Uptalk
@bigblckdog, so many directions to go with this prompt, but I have loved this book by Kimmy Walters with my whole heart since it came out in 2015, and it felt a shame not to take the chance to talk about it.
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