#big sister skuld au
nicolefirekitty · 3 months
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small comic i've been working on and off on of an au of subjectx!skuld that i call "big sister skuld"
the basic premise is that when she escapes she's dropped off on destiny islands to then be eventually found by small sora, get adopted by his mom, and become his big sister :)
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cq-studios · 1 year
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(For This)
Okay, I figured someone would ask about this one lol
So before I get into it, for context, this year I was working on the local production of the Mean Girls musical, and I was the director’s/choreographer’s assistant and the lights and sound director. All this to say I was there like every practice, and I’d seen the show about 100 times over, and sometimes I’d get bored and be like ‘huh but what if I were to swap out the actual characters with the KHUX characters? How would that change things (dynamics, storybeats, and whatnot)?”.
So, uh, this one is definitely very self indulgent, kind of a joke, and probably doesn’t make much sense for the characters. I did it because I was bored then continued to play with the idea after the show was over because it was fun. Even when I write something for it (it’s just a long list of notes rn), it’ll probably end up staying in my doc forever (and it’ll probably also just be a edit of the musical script) lol
(Also disclaimer: I’ve only seen the musical and not the movie so it’s based off the former)
So this AU follows the larger Mean Girls plot, that being ‘previously homeschooled character infiltrates group of popular girls to ruin their leader from the inside’. The roles each character (loosely) plays in the story are as follows
Regina George - Lauriam
Gretchen Weiners - Elrena
Karen Smith - Ven (very very loosely)
Janis Sarkisian and Damian (I forget his last name lol) - Ephemer and Skuld (interchangeably)
Candy Heron - Player
Aaron Samuels - Strelitzia (also very very very loosely, her plot changes the most from the show)
Kevin G - Brain
Mrs Norebury - Ava
So in this Lauriam and Elrena are much more similar to Marluxia and Larxene in the sense of their meanness. Ven the Karen of the group because he’s only being mean because of the others and doesn’t really see what’s wrong about it. Ven and Lauriam used to be friends with Ephemer and Skuld, but they started getting meaner after hanging out with Elrena and eventually ditched them. That would be why Ephemer and Skuld want their revenge.
So, when Player shows up and Lauriam shows interest in recruiting them, the duo takes the opportunity. Player is a bit reluctant at first be eventually goes along with it after seeing how mean they can be.
In the background Strelitzia is doing her whole crush thing on Player, which is why Lauriam shows any interest in them in the first place. But once he realizes that Player might be trying to take him down and using his sister to do it he tries to shut her down by telling lies about Player to her.
Bla bla bla plot of Mean Girls. Player changes who they are to fit in, ousts Lauriam, throws a party that Strelitzia goes to, they have a moment where they talk but at the end Strelitzia’s like ‘Lauriam was right about you actaully’, does some pretty trashy things to Ephemer and Skuld so they have a falling out, Lauriam does the whole “World Burn” thing, Player gets blamed for it, they have the whole thing in the gym, Lauriam gets hit by a some big explosion spell (did I mention there’s still Keyblades and stuff in this? I don’t think I did), and Player gets in all sorts of trouble.
Aaaaand because of that trouble they get in they have to do a math competition with Brain, a much more bored version of Kevin G lol. Strelitzia’s there handing out water and her and Player kind of make up since Player’s gone back to being themself. Then, after the competition, they apologize to Ephemer and Skuld and they make up too.
School dance thing happens and whoop story over.
But yeah that’s kind of the gist of it.
Again, very self indulgent. Just a random thing I did while sitting in the sound booth and I’ll finish once I get my hands back on a script (we photocopied them like the criminals we are lol)
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Four Unions worth of keykids have been fully designed, and I'm working on names for them all.
However, the unions for canon characters are also decided! They are as follows:
Ephemer: Ursus. Instead of investigating the Book, he's trying to figure out why Wielders keep disappearing.
Skuld: Also Ursus. One of the top solo wielders in the Union, and the leader of Ephemer's party to cover his tracks.
Lauriam: Anguis. Tends the local gardens, which nobody else wants to do.
Blaine: Unicornis. Nobody quite knows why he's there, but it's assumed that he likes the numerous libraries that the rest of the Union funds.
Ventus: Vulpes. Ava is like a big sister to him. He actually knows when it's not Ava in this AU.
Strelitzia: Leopardos. The Wielder she follows with such fervor is Ryunami, though she's not entirely sure if she wants to befriend her or not.
Elrena: Leopardos. She's only in Strelitzia's party for the sake of Lux boosts, and is the main reason their party gets decent rewards every week.
Side character blurbs will be up for mobile viewers by the end of the weekend.
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awholelotofladybug · 2 years
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(Stammering Adrien AU) Lila, Katrina and Georgette got akumatized into Norn Sisters. Lila is Skuld, Katrina is Verdandi and Georgette is Urd
Hawkmoth: Norn Sisters. Katrina: Huh? Georgette: What? Lila: You again? Hawkmoth: Yes, and I have a proposition for you. I will give you the power over fate itself. You will know the past, present, and future, and in return... Lila: We know what you want, Hawkmoth, and we’re in.
Katrina: Whatever gives me a chance to one up Bourgeois. I’ll take it.
Georgette: Well, if you two are in, I guess so am I.
*The three of them turn in to pale-violet skinned women in black cloaks, big, black bird wings, and glowing, yellow eyes.*
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fisherrprince · 4 years
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*rings bell* hot off the presses, more horrorwolves, now delving into how magic works and namine’s here now!! 
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kessielrg · 3 years
[Kingdom Hearts] Thoughtful Rejects
Summary: By far, Ven’s got the most boring job at the flower shop; the cashier. Sitting day in and day out for someone to browse along the rows of flowers and gardening tools, then probably walk right out again. Sometimes an interesting thing would happen- but they were few and far between. [flower shop AU focused on UX kids][Part 13 in a series of oneshots][VenxOC][EphemerxOC/F!Player]
Rating: K
Word count: 1,525 words
If you liked this story, please reblog!
The Valentine’s Day rush started the second week of February. The smart customers had reserved their order well in advance. As for the others…? They were proving to be some of Ven’s least favorite people. How dare anyone request a 20 rose bouquet for their loved one the day before. Didn’t they know that they’re not the only ones who want roses? Don’t they know that their little attached greenhouse could only grow so many flowers before they had to outsource? And outsourcing only made the order more expensive. It wasn’t his fault, just basic economics.
In between the madness, Ventus was trying to assemble a special gift of his own with the bits they couldn’t use. It wouldn’t be as big as the real arrangements- that much was already a given. He just needed a little gesture anyway.
“Well,” Brain chortled. “I know someone who’s having an affair.”
Ven looked over at his coworker with mild disinterest. Skuld had assigned them both (well, nearly everyone, really) to arrangement duty in the backroom. Brain sat at a workstation all his own, while Ven had his.
“How can you tell?” Ven idly wondered before placing a tulip in the arrangement he was working on. There wouldn’t be any tulips in his personal arrangement. Not no way, not no how.
Brain gave him a delightful chortle in return. He adjusted his hat a bit before holding up two printed notecards.
“This card is addressed to a woman with the same last name. Standard gift basket set too. But this one is addressed to a man with a fully personalized -and kinda raunchy- message and far more expensive filigree.”
“How do you know the woman isn’t a sister?”
“Because it explicitly mentions being happily married and having beautiful children.”
Ven’s cheeks flushed with second hand embarrassment. “Oh.”
“Just for fun, I should mix up the cards. What do you think? We might be able to spark a murder mystery.”
“Don’t you dare!” Skuld hollered from her own workstation. Brain turned to her for a moment just to cheekily tip his fedora. It earned him an annoyed scoff.
“I think you and Sabrina can never deny being related.” Ven decided as Brain got comfortable again.
“You know, she told me something like that the other day too. Funny how that works.”
“And you know what’s not funny?” Skuld said. “Having late orders.”
“Of course, ma’am.” Brain pleasantly agreed with another tip of his hat. “Zipping the lip now.”
Skuld gave a disgruntled huff in reply.
After that, Brain held true to his word and kept his mouth closed as the group continued to work. Order after order, they made decent headway on the arrangements before someone took them to a fridge or the delivery van. Ven had the dim thought that all the work was becoming monotonous. He just wanted these to be done so he could work on his own project. Didn’t anyone know how hard it was to try to flirt with a girl when she would both laugh and smack the living daylights out of anyone that so much looked at her funny? Time was of the essence!
“Oh!” Brain declared some time later. His sudden discovery made Ven jump a good foot in his spot. “This guy thinks he’s being clever! Hear this; my love for you will last until the last flower falls.”
“That’s… not a good thing.” Ven mumbled- more upset that Brain had broken the productive silence than anything else.
“One of the flowers is artificial.”
Ven actually looked over at Brain now. His look of confusion was pure, and slightly irritated besides. Lauriam, who was sitting at a station across from Ven’s, noticed the look and laughed a little at it.
“He’s saying that his love will never die.” Lauriam informed Ven. A small grin etched on his lips. “It’s a rather nice sentiment. Sounds a lot like something Ephemer would do.”
“What’s something Ephemer would do?” said young man asked as he came into the backroom. In his arms was another crate of flowers. Possibly roses- they were starting to run a bit low. He set them down by Brain’s station for a moment.
“Brain is constantly judging other people’s personal messages.” Lauriam bluntly informed him. Brain let out an offended scoff as he held the offending message out so Ephemer could read it. Ephemer laughed as he looked the card over.
“Nope. That’s not me.” he said, handing the card back to Brain. “But I might steal that. That’s good.”
“Sap.” Brain smirked.
“Only the sweetest!” he grinned in return. He picked up his crate again with a small grunt before actually taking it over to where Skuld was. The two had a quick chat on other flowers Ephemer needed to bring out of the fridge, and then he was off again. Everyone on arrangement duty went back to work as well.
Instead of focusing entirely on the order, Ven’s mind instead drifted to the super cheesy idea of slipping a fake flower in with the real ones. As much as he wanted to deny it, the idea was pretty good. But was it good enough to impress Sabrina? Probably not. She’d laugh at it and throw away the artificial flower without a second thought. ‘Buy me potpourri next time,’ she’d say, ‘At least it would be useful for something else.’
For a moment, Ven wasn’t sure if he was impressed or scared that he could hear her in his thoughts now.
The day continued to drudge on. Ven was starting to notice more cuts on his wrists and fingers than he started the day with. Weren’t these roses supposed to have their thorns trimmed? They didn’t have enough bandaids in the first aid kit to treat all these nicks. They were going to sting later to- he could almost bet on it.
“I’m off for the day.” Ephemer announced not long after sunset. “Has anyone been collecting the scraps? There were so many orders this year that I didn’t put one in for my beloved.”
“I have some here.” Ven admitted, rather sheepishly, as he held up his grocery bag filled with greenery. There were more than enough roses with incredibly short stems in it, but also lilies, carnations, baby’s breath, and a few general stalks for filler.
“Man, this is a lot.” Ephemer noted as he looked over the selection. “You makin’ something special there, Ven?”
Ven shrunk a bit before sheepishly admitting, “Something like that…”
Ephemer gave Ven a curious, teasing look before continuing to rifle through the shopping bag. He ended up pulling out a single blue tulip from the bunch.
“Thanks a lot, Ven!” Ephemer graciously thanked. “Off to impress the love of my life! I hope you get to impress yours too! See you later!”
Ven didn’t have time to respond because he was trying to hide his flushing face. There were still a few straggling orders to work on, after all. Better to think of those right now than ‘the love of his life.’ Unfortunately, as he finished the last order for his shift, exhaustion came over his body like a freight train. As he gathered his things to leave, he almost didn’t notice that Brain was doing the same. 
That was when it dawned on him that he had nothing to give.
Scrambling to think of something, Ven looked at the grocery bag of rejects. More short stemmed flowers filled the bag now. There was a weird kind of beauty to it, just looking at them all mixed in like that. Without a second consideration of what he was going to do, Ven walked right over to Brain and presented his coworker with the bag.
“Give this to Sabrina for me.” he said, almost in a plea. “Tell her I meant to make an actual bouquet, but didn’t have the time and-”
He jumped when Brain placed a hand on his shoulder.
“Don’t worry about it.” he said. He started to gently take the bag from Ven before replacing his hand on his shoulder. “This’ll mean more to her than a silly bouquet anyway.”
Ven immediately looked up. “Really?”
Brain gave him a devious grin and a wink as a reply. It did not ease the fear Ven had in his heart.
“Can you give her my number too?” the poor boy even blurted out. That got Brain cackling.
“Sure.” he continued to laugh. “Got a piece of paper on you?”
No need to tell a beggar twice. In record time Ven got some scrap paper by the front desk, hastily scribbled his phone number down, and forced it into Brain’s hands. With everything secured, Brain tipped his hat at Ven as a nod for good luck, then left the flower shop for the night. Ven remained where he was. Adrenaline was starting to shift into absolute terror. He just did that. He literally just passed his number off to a girl- using her brother as a proxy. A brother, mind you, that was his very own coworker.
When Ven opened his mouth, all that came out was an excited scream.
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okay so I’ve spent literal days thinking about a Wicked AU starring Blaine and Ephemera because I’m insane and greatly enjoy things and I think it’s about time I shared it. It’s by no means perfect but I think it could be pretty fun to think about
Blaine as Elphaba
Ephemera as Glinda
Lauriam as Fiyero
Strelitzia as Nessa
Player as Boq
The MoM as The Wizard
Ava as Morrible
Luxu as Dr. Dillamond
Blaine’s Chirithy as Chistery
Various spirit pets as Flying Monkeys; Lion cub
Skuld as Dorothy
Ven as Avaric
yes some character assassination has to happen to make this work okay? But I’m trying my best to help you see the vision ;~;
firstly I want to say I’m sorry about Skuld, I tried to give her a solid role but really the only one left was Dorothy. Which I suppose isn’t too bad if you think about it
I’m more sorry about Ava, who herself is nothing like Morrible, but actively shapes the fates of all the dandelions, so it stands to reason that she fits the role of the person who controls what happens with all the main Wicked characters too. Whatever, I’ll let her cook. Villain Ava!
So this whole AU basically started with the similarities I noticed between “For Good” and Elphaba handing over the Grimmerie to Glinda, and Blaine handing over the Book of Prophecies to Ephemera. My brain cells continued to haphazardly collide from there
Blaine has a black hat, Eph has curly hair. Need I say more. Perhaps I will
Blaine being the unsung hero and Eph ending up becoming the famous figurehead, a la Wicked parallels gives me Emotions
The Emerald City = Scala and how the two of them leave an impact on the city, for better or for worse…….
imagine how goddamn funny it would be for Ephemera to change his name to Ephemer like how Galinda became Glinda. This alone is worth the entire AU imo
so you might be wondering, what can you ship in this AU? The answer may surprise you
yes Blaine and Lauriam have a sensual duet in the woods. yes Blaine and Eph have a duet about how they’ve changed each other for the better. yes Lauriam and Eph have a college romance
I feel like Strelitzia’s role speaks for herself, from being a younger sister (albeit to a different character lol), to being infatuated with a person...to dying tragically as a part of someone else’s big plans
Luxu is Dr. Dillamond mostly because of his ‘mentor’-esque relationship to Blaine...also because of the goat parallel
I have this post to thank for The MoM in the role of The Wizard
I feel like everything else is kind of self-explanatory but of course if there are any questions, y’all can shoot an ask. I’ll probably add to this post if I think of more stuff down the road
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lisinfleur · 5 years
After All
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Author’s Notes | Surprise, surprise!!! Universe | Vikings Pairing | Ubbe x Wife! Reader Info | Viking Age AU, requested by @lol-haha-joke​ for 5CW4; part II for Innocent Words | 1099 ⁑ Warnings: Sweetness, fluffy.
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It was still strange not answering to that childish voice screaming something that, for years, he was so used to hear as if it was his own name.
However, it wasn't his turn to answer this word anymore.
"Einar, stop bothering your sister."
Neither was his turn to watch over for the children not to hurt each other in their childish plays - a fast rhythm he didn't have anymore.
Instead, Ubbe was sitting peacefully in a comfortable chair at the balcony of his house. The beautiful yard unfolding in lands he couldn't get tired of observing. Running from one side to another, his grandchildren were occupying the place that once belonged to the two grown men sitting at the steps of his stairs. The elders among the almost eight sons and three daughters you gave to him, all reunited in his house that day for the midsummer festivals. Almost eight. Because the gods decided to take one of them in battle and the other two, the younger ones, were traveling alongside his brother Hvitserk, to explore more of the lands his brother Björn discovered beyond the Mediterranean.
The other five were there. Two of them sitting at the stairs, sharing the tobacco with him. The other three hunting for the dinner with his sons-in-law while the girls were inside, alongside his daughters in law, preparing the dinner and some snacks you brought to serve them, taking a seat beside his chair.
The children coming to pick some of the fried fish-balls your daughters prepared, causing you to smile, despite your elder son was trying to organize them in a proper queue.
"Two for each one! Not more than that! Be careful with your grandma's legs, boy!" he said, playing with the younger of the boys, already chewing a fish-ball even before picking up the second one.
You served a separated bowl to your husband, so the two of you could share the food without the kids trying to steal from your plate.
Ubbe placed on the side table by his side the pipe he was sharing with his sons, picking up the half of the fish-ball you parted to him, tenderly caressing your hand.
"Thank you, wife," he said, eating his part as you were slowly parting your own. "Look. The smell of the food brought our hunters back," he pointed the woods from where the rest of the men were coming back, carrying a pair of big elks and some hares in their shoulders.
You prepared yourself to get up but one of your daughters in law touched your shoulders.
"Sit down, mother. We'll prepare the dinner tonight," she said, gently.
You armed yourself to answer her you liked to be involved, but Ubbe's hand landed over yours and you saw a smile in his face asking you to stay and share some time with him.
So, you just smiled at your elder son's wife and let them go to put the children to bath while your sons and sons-in-law were cleaning the meat so they could prepare dinner for the whole family.
As they left with the children, your balcony became a peaceful space once again and you picked up some more of the fish-balls that left, parting them to share with your husband.
"So silent, husband," you said, delivering him half of the fish-ball in your hand.
"Wondering," he answered, smiling at you, "Wondering if someday my father has ever felt like I do now. Craving for a peaceful end to his life, like the Christians do."
"I think any of us has already thought about this, Ubbe. It is not a crime to want a good life. Some peaceful place to end your days. You did great in your life. I'm sure you assured your position beside your father," you said, smiling.
And so, he smiled back at you.
"My sweet wife... Always by my side for the bad and for the good... I put you through so much, didn't I?" You smiled at him.
He was older than the charming prince you knew years ago. Yet, not that old that you couldn't think he was still as charming as before.
You caressed his beard, and leaned, softly kissing his lips for a long moment, passionately.
Then, you touched your forehead on his and smiled against his mouth.
"You did, Ubbe. And I would have lived all these things by your side once again if I had the chance. Every battle, every wound, every labor and son or daughter you put into me... I would have lived every moment by your side one more time."
He pulled you from your chair to his lap and you leaned your body, comfortably laying your head against his shoulder, breathing his scent while he was caressing your back.
"You made me a happy man, Y/N. I may have my position beside my father in the hall of the gods, but to be honest, I don't crave for our meeting. I found my own piece of Valhalla by your side. And I'm happy this way..." he mumbled, causing you to smile and kiss his neck softly.
"I understand you, husband. You made me a happy woman as well. After everything we did together, I can only thank the gods for accepting your hand and coming with you in the day you decided to take me from York into your boats."
Ubbe smiled, and a female voice called both of your attention coming from the door.
"Faðir, Mor, come inside. Selvik lit the fireplace. It will be warmer for the two of you, come." your elder daughter smiled at you from the door and Ubbe smiled back at her, satisfied.
"We're going, Freya," he said, helping you to get up from his lap and softly embracing your waist before caressing your face. "From all the decisions I made in life, to take Freya and you with me was surely the best."
You smiled at him, straightening the collar of his cloak and following him inside before he locked the door with your family in.
If you stopped to think you could still remember the cold sensation you felt in your belly when he first got into your old house in York, holding that little crying thing, trying to calm Freya down in his arms.
You could still remember everything. And it was good...
After all, the years had passed and you had nothing to regret deciding to be by his side. Ubbe was your best choice, his world became your world and you could only thank lady Skuld for writing all of you such a beautiful fate.
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moonsgentlegaze · 6 years
AU where Strelitzia is alive.
A.K.A The AU where the Dandelions have to witness the daily sibling banter between her and Lauriam. I would die for this to be real but Tetsuya Nomura is mean and I can't oppose the man or else he throws me in a virtual reality and I die there. Also I'll just add in both of the potential murderers because I Like It Peaceful™.
As soon as Strelitzia walked to the meeting spot, the first words she spouts are "Why are YOU here?" and begins hurrying to get a clearer look. The pink haired man is as surprised, more pleasantly though, as he bursts laughing. The last one he'd expect to be a Dandelion is his timid, shy sister, but he couldn't be happier.
As soon as the two clear up the confusion between them, they shuffle back to the Dandelions, and Strelitzia begins introducing herself.
"My name is Strelitzia, it's a pleasure to meet you all. Lauriam is my big brother."
As soon as they introduced themselves to each other, they began their work as Dandelions. Though things are heavy, the air always feels light with those two around.
While Ephemer tries to discuss some things in the book with Strelitzia in the Foretellers' Chamber, she seems to be at a loss for words, as she doesn't understand a number of things the book mentioned. Lauriam, overhearing the conversation, would walk up to him and ask about which topic he's talking about, only to kneel next to his sister, with his book in his hands, he begins to explain to her, whilst familiarizing some things to trivial topics they know about.
"Like in that one story you read, the Keyblade War would be a grim end. We're here for what's to come afterwards." "So we're the flowers to bloom after the storm!" "Exactly."
While Skuld didn't think much of Lauriam, the two would occasionally talk about everyday life, and things they find interesting. Strelitzia would often join, though most of the time she'd be listening and nodding to them, and when she talks, she talks about simple things, and sometimes about the friend she had finally made. But when she's comfortable enough, she would talk about things she's usually too stiff to talk about with new people, and that includes a lot of family moments. Whenever she talks about Lauriam, he's always either too late to stop her or oblivious to the story.
"I was sick once, and Lauriam left with his Chirithy to bring me some herbs. He did bring the herbs and everything, but he hadn't realized that the Chirithy he left with was mine." "Yeah, I remember that- wait, really?" "Yep! Your Chirithy was panicking by my side. After I reunited with mine, it told me you are waay more gentler than you let on." "I mean, that's nicer than your previous story... but also still kind of mean." "I still have more to tell, you know!"
Ventus began a conversation with Strelitzia and Lauriam, starting with an excited "Strelitzia is a flower!" and they dove into the topic. Strelitzia only thought it's a beautiful name and how she wished to plant it one day, but Lauriam being a flower enthusiast, talked about the flower, and brought up the fact that he may be the reason for her name, as Strelitzias were Lauriam's favorite kind as a child, and also worked as a beautiful name. Continuing the conversation, Strelitzia began,
"Ventus means wind, right?" "Yep, I think it's a bland name... It doesn't feel as interesting as yours." "Well! Maybe one day, you'll meet people who'd give more meaning to your name." "Yeah... hopefully."
With Blaine starting the Dandelions' work with creating a Dream Eater akin to Chirithy, Lauriam stayed behind with him while Strelitzia and the rest ran off to bring the needed ingredients. Strelitzia would keep coming back though with obviously wrong ingredients, and it eventually gets on Lauriam's nerves.
"Strelitzia, how on earth did you think this is Luminous Moss?" "Well, sorry for not being an expert on Luminous Moss..." "Strelitzia, honey, it doesn't take an EXPERT to know this is a frog." "They're both green!" "Yes, both green, but one is a LIVING BEING! Please, return the poor guy home." "Geez, fine..."
Sometimes other Dandelion members come back into the chamber midst their little fight, but he eventually shows her the ingredient in her book, and reminds her to look in it to compare what she found to the ingredient, but accompanies her when she finds something similar, but hard to reach.
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nicolefirekitty · 3 months
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the gang but not blurry
and because i posted this in my friends' server before i finished the comic, one of them got a hold of it to make this
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fisherrprince · 4 years
So in this werewolf au who is and is not a werewolf?
CLAPS originally i was like “ha ha , darkness is werewolfism” and then the au spiraled out of my control so a lot of people are dogs
Terra, Isa, and Riku are completely natural werewolves. They grew up around them. Isa doesn’t show up v often in the au. Aqua is super interested in Magic Science and Stuff, she was turned in high school. So she’s also here.
Ventus, Vanitas, Ephemer, Skuld, Strelitzia, Roxas, Xion, and a handful of unnamed kids are artificial werewolves, which means not infected “correctly”, more like “here’s some magic lycanthropy juice from its source code, don’t die when you turn the first time ok”. And Xion is technically Roxas’ copy! (at first. lea’s like hey what do u want me to call you? and she’s like im going to trans my gender now). Ephemer & Strel don’t survive, Skuld is......... somewhere
Lea is not. (yet). Xigbar is not, none of the antagonist scientists are. Sora’s.... technically??????? turned??? by riku?? there’s a totally unfinished/un-thought-through bit with sora ill figure it out
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kessielrg · 3 years
[Kingdom Hearts] The Heart of a Dandelion
Summary: By far, Ven’s got the most boring job at the flower shop; the cashier. Sitting day in and day out for someone to browse along the rows of flowers and gardening tools, then probably walk right out again. Sometimes an interesting thing would happen- but they were few and far between. [flower shop AU focused on UX kids][Part 5 in a series of oneshots][VenxOC][EphemerxOC/F!Player]
Rating: K
Word Count: 1,725 words
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“Strelitzia needs a different job.”
Ventus gave a rather annoyed eye up at Elrena. Finals were coming up soon, and he was using this time to study. Of course, Elrena wasn't talking to him, she was talking to Lauriam. The older man was gently spritzing some flowers with a glycerin mixture. Elrena felt the need to lean against the front counter and shout at him from across the store. It was really starting to get on Ven's nerves.
“Why are you telling me this?” Lauriam gently asked as he looked over one flower, gave it a small tilt of his head, before giving its petals two sprays of glycerin. “Strelitzia's shift ended ten minutes ago. If you wanted to tell her this, you could have done it before she left.”
“She wouldn't, and didn't.” Ven retorted as he wrote down a math formula to memorize later. “Strelitzia makes her feel emotions. It scares her.”
“Shut up Roxas.” Elrena demanded as she reached over to slam his book closed. Ven blinked for a moment before looking at Elrena with a rather dark glare.
“You know my name is Ven.” he informed her, opening his book back up.
“See if I care.” came the nasty retort.
“Elrena, don't be rude to Ven just because you're worried.” Lauriam idly noted as he inspected another flower. He frowned in finding that it was wilting a bit.
“I'm not worried!” she immediately spat back. “I just… I just hate when she gets hurt.”
“No wonder you're always in a bad mood.” Ven remarked without thinking about it. Elrena flashed him a glare so dark, Ven physically recoiled from it.
“It is nice to know she's cares, isn't it?” Lauriam just as easily laughed. Elrena gave him a dark glare as well, but he simply shrugged it off. Instead, he picked up the wilting flower and brought it up to the front counter.
“In any event,” he said, taking the flower out of the ceramic vase. “You and I both know that Strelitzia's not going to change jobs anytime soon. She loves it here.”
“Must be a stupid masochist then.” Elrena huffed, even folding her arms in defiance. “Not a day goes by that she comes home with some new cut, or bruise, or headache from all these stupid plants...”
“Pretty sure everyone in our family has a high tolerance for pollen.” Lauriam laughed. “I think it just depends on your perspective.”
That earned him a peeved eye roll, along with another huff. Lauriam was definitely not paying her any mind while he laid the flowers in a single row. He placed the vase close to Ven- a hint that the younger needed to dump out the water. Ven made a mental note of it; he was still studying, after all. He did hand Lauriam some loose newspaper when he asked for it, though. Apparently Lauriam was going to dry the flowers out later.
“Our parents started Dandelion's you know.” he then thoughtfully said. “It was right after they got married.”
“I know that.” Elrena grumbled.
“You do, but Ven doesn't.”
Elrena let out an undignified huff. Lauriam offered a small chuckle in response before properly turning his attention to Ventus.
“They used flowers from their own garden. Mother handled the arrangements, and Father actually went to do minor landscaping work around town. Hence the dual 'Floristry and Gardening' bit on the full business name. It's not just because we sell gardening supplies year round.”
Ven gave a small, rather uninterested nod. By now he'd gathered that Lauriam wasn't really related this story to him, he was reminding Elrena. There was a reason why Strelitzia loved working here.
“Strelitzia was the one who brought up the idea of placing the shop here in the outlets. She was about 16 then, and the four of us decided to go out shopping for Mother's birthday. The moment she saw the store front, she knew the store had to be here.” Lauriam let out a soft snort before going on to say, “She had pretty good tastes, honestly, with it being a corner lot and all. Makes it easier to get big deliveries in and out.”
“Hmmph.” Elrena grumbled. “She only wanted it here because Ephemer's sylph worked at the antique store three shops down.”
“I thought she met Strelitzia when Ephemer started working here.” Ven cut in, now a bit confused.
“Anora and Strelitzia dated for a year and a half.” Lauriam gently agreed. “But Anora started working at the antique store when she was 17. Strelitzia was 18 then.” Lauriam offered Ven a kind smile. “You might be thinking of Anora and Brain. They met when Ephemer started working here, and hit it off pretty well from what I understand.”
At this, Elrena laughed in a rather obnoxious pitch. “More like hit on each other!” she cackled. “Those three were threewaying so often, that brat of theirs would have needed a paternity test if he didn't end up with Ephemer's hair!”
Lauriam frowned. “Elrena, you don't know that.”
“I bet they still go at it every now and again.” she went on, absolutely reveling at the thought. “Betcha in the next five years (maybe even sooner if you catch my drift), she's gonna pop another and it'll have hair as black as sin!”
“Elrena!” Lauriam finally demanded. “That's enough!”
Elrena immediately reined herself back in. Even Ven shrunk a bit at Lauriam's tone. Seeing Lauriam angry was possibly one of the most scariest things about him. Assuming he even let that anger show, of course.
“Back to the original topic at hand,” the oldest between the three of them said before slowly returning to a more relaxed demeanor. “It's because of Strelitzia that we were able to understand what Dandelion's meant to the community. Our parents had to raise the money to rent out this property at first. Once the whole town caught wind of it, we were able to meet the goal in a month.”
“That's pretty impressive.” Ven noted. His voice didn't sound as enthused though. Lauriam smiled at the acknowledgment, regardless.
“It was quite the shock.” he agreed. “Our parents were old souls- gentle, and fair too humble for their own good. Moving Dandelion's to the outdoor mall became a rather big affair. At the head of it was Strelitzia. Before Skuld was brought on to be our bona fide manager, it was Strelitzia.”
“Strelitzia's the one in charge of hiring new people too, right?” Ven asked. The thought had came to him suddenly. He could faintly remember his initial interview two or so years ago. Tired of being cooped up at home while Terra and Aqua worked at their respective jobs, Ven had been wandering around the outdoor mall for something to do. He walked by Dandelion's Floristry and Gardening, noticed the 'Now Hiring!' sign taped to the window, and immediately made a choice. Ephemer was the first person he got to know that worked here. Strelitzia became the second.
“She is.” Lauriam agreed with a smile and happy nod. “She has a natural intuition toward other people. We don't hire anyone without her say so.”
Elrena grunted. For a moment, Ven had to wonder why. Had Elrena tried to work here before?
“Point is,” Lauriam went on, “You can't separate this store from Strelitzia, or vice versa. Our parents might have started it, but she is Dandelion's Floristry and Gardening.”
Elrena was silent. The words settled around them as she thought long and hard over the idea. She knew he had a point, and she hated it.
“She's going to kill herself here.” she finally decided, looking up at Lauriam with a steely gaze. “How can she be happy when all she does is hurt herself?”
“Maybe you could ask her yourself.” Lauriam suggested with a sly grin. He then gave a rather bemused chuckle before taking the flowers to the backroom.
Elrena waited for when he was out of earshot just to mimic in a whining voice, “Maybe you could ask her yourself.” She huffed, folding her arms once again, then proceeded to act rather indignant. Ven didn't know why she was still in the store at this point.
He raised an eyebrow at her before questioning, “If you like Strelitzia so much, why don't you just tell her?”
“If you like that tramp Brain calls a sister so much, why don't you just tell her?” Elrena shot back, her voice still obnoxiously high. She let out a frustrated sigh before snapping at him, “It's not that simple, Roxas.”
Ven looked at her. Any thoughts about studying now were thrown out the window. If she wanted to go for the throat, then he was more than willing to fight back too.
“First of all,” he said, “My name is Ventus; Ven if you bothered to be nice for all of five seconds. Second, Strelitzia actually listens if you asked her to. And third, at least I'm trying.”
Elrena stood up a bit straighter at his assertion. A look of bewilderment crossed her face before being replaced with a snide smirk.
“Look at you, growing a spine.” Elrena marveled. Her voice was still chilly, though. “Keep that attitude up and you might just lose your virginity before graduation.”
It took Ven a solid three seconds for what she said to click. His face then started to flush a rather deep shade of red as he tried to return to his schoolwork. Elrena just snorted at him.
“Pathetic.” she mumbled under her breath. Then, without any warning, she shouted at the top of her lungs, “Well, if you're done talking to me, Lauriam, then I guess I'm out of here.”
Lauriam came out of the backroom just to wave her out.
“Have a safe trip home.” he told her. Elrena gave him a half hearted wave as she went on out. Ven, for one, was glad she was gone now. His joy at her departure did not go unnoticed. Lauriam looked over at him in thought for a moment.
“You're a lot braver than her, Ven.” Lauriam noted. “Just… next time? Be easier on her. She's not out of the closet yet.”
Admittedly, it took Ven a moment to realize what Lauriam said. When he turned around to give his coworker a funny glance, he was already gone.
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fisherrprince · 4 years
Your tedtalk made me think about skuld in your werewolves au and I care her so much, do you have any tidbits to share?
thank u for coming to my ted talk welcome to ted talk 2, where, where it’s just werewolves now
I HAVE A COUPLE! first of all, here take this it’s old but it’s a preface to the tidbit
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she was very adamant that they keep learning regular human stuff. so as a result ven and vanitas know just, a lot of random facts about world history and how to do long division and stuff?? Skuld really liked her history classes, but some of the dates might be wrong. 
She has a huge big sister streak for them. it persists, they look up to her a LOT
here’s an extra fun tidbit. for you. as testing continued she started forgetting dates and places and timelines because your memories are fair game in the fusion pool. sometimes they’d have conversations about it, to remind her, if they were the ones doing it, but a lot of this stuff she used to know is new to her now. she would have cared had it not been way too long ago
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lisinfleur · 5 years
Things Change
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Author’s Notes | I hope you enjoy, sweet sister! Thank you for one more amazing request! Love ya! Universe | Vikings Pairing | Ubbe x Wife! Reader Info | Viking Age AU, requested by @queen-see-ya-in-valhalla for 5CW4 Words | 2068 ⁑ Warnings: ANGST, fluffy, romance.
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First, it was to avenge his father.
At that moment, the two of you weren't together yet, but you were already in love with the beautiful prince that would become your everything and you could still remember how anguished you became when you saw the terrible wound he had in his face when he came back from those boats. You thought his wife would care for that, but his wife was slowly going crazy and you saw his marriage sinking bit by bit in front of your eyes.
Then, the war against his brothers. There he was, going into battle once again, coming back with scratches and wounds you offered yourself to care for since his wife had gone completely mad and he was now all alone.
The battle brought the two of you into each other's lives. The time slowly made him yours.
And then, that awful time.
The time when he went in the name of King Alfred to deal with the Danes...
You never felt so much fear in your whole life. Not even when, some years later, the doors of the Great Hall of Kattegat - now under your husband's rule - opened again to receive his brothers in his successful attempt to create a peaceful alliance in his family after Björn's decease; and the so feared Ivar the Boneless got into your hall, standing in front of you one more time. Not even when this happened you felt as full of fear as when you saw Ubbe coming back on that chariot, being carried for he wasn't even able to walk.
His face was entirely marked by terrible wounds and parts of his skin were missing, violently ripped by punches and strikes of a horrible battle.
The gods brought him back to you that day and you were sure of it was their hands who protected and guided your beloved Ubbe back into your arms. So sure, that you readily expelled those Christian nuns from your room and cared yourself for his wounds, consecrating your tools and your hands in a small voice to Freya and Eir, begging the goddesses for their favor even in those forgotten lands. Even over Ubbe's crime of rejection – for you knew he did all that theatre of a baptism to Alfred’s god just because of the lands he wanted to his people, sacrificing himself for the common good as any good king would do.
After that, things changed...
The settlement was given to him, but Ubbe changed. He settled the Danes and asked you to come home with him. He asked you to become his wife and guide him back to his people's gods.
That's was what you did.
You helped him to find his way back to the gods. You became his wife and after this, his queen. You stood by his side when his big brother died defending his people and the interests of Kattegat from a bigger enemy. You stood by his side when he decided to finish the conflicts against his brothers. You were always by his side.
Except for this moment…
The settlement in England was under attack. Forces against Alfred's decision were trying to retrieve the lands the English king decided to share with your people and the Danes were requiring their third King to come with his men, so they could face the invaders and expel them from the lands. Alfred sent men to help, but he wasn't with his army: Wessex demanded his presence, and so, a commander was sent in his name.
However, Ubbe was preparing to leave. To stand beside the men that once sent him that horrid way back into your hands.
Your heart was racing into your chest seeing anything about that departure. The sight of the boats was frightening you and you asked your husband's armor, embroidering it with runes sewed with a line wetted in the tears you cried begging the gods any reason to keep him with you.
You knew he was supposed to face his enemies. You knew Valhalla was waiting for him as much as it was waiting for all the great warriors like your husband. But something in your heart was begging Lord Odin to wait a little more... He already had with him the Great Ragnar, dear Queen Aslaug, the fierce Lagertha and your brother in law, the Ironside. Not your beloved husband...
Not yet!
You cried every night since that Dane messenger came, biting your lower lip so your husband wouldn't hear your sobs. But Ubbe didn't let pass your agony and his hands embraced yours when you were painting the runes of protection in his shield a few days before the date he settled to leave with his men.
Your murmurs ceased, trying not to get him worried, but yet, he kissed your knuckles and caressed your face.
"I know you're afraid. I can hear your sobs at night and your prayers in a small voice, wife."
You lowered your face and he lifted your chin, seeing the tears in your eyes.
"I don't wanna see you that way once again," you mumbled, sliding your fingers through the side of his face where a scar left in his temple remembering the awful wounds he got from that battle. "I don't wanna lose you either, Ubbe. I remember how hard it was and I don't wanna see you in so much pain one more time!"
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"I won't, my dove. Everything will be..."
"Don't say it!" you squealed, cutting his voice and surprising your husband with such an emotional reaction, "You said everything would be alright last time! And last time you came back carried in a damn chariot! Last time you were on a bed for a month! Last time... Last time I almost lost you!"
"Y/N!" he called, unable to hold you back when you started running away from your house, away from the town, into the woods.
Your tears wetting your face while you were running until you found the hidden beach where you and Ubbe got married. You fell on your knees on the sand, crying. Your hands touched the sea where the water was reaching the sand so calm and so softly as Ubbe's fingers caressing your face.
Your marriage was something so special... Your love for him was unique and so was the love he had for you. Once again, you closed your eyes in prayers, begging the gods for something that could prevent Ubbe to leave to this battle you were feeling would be the end of him.
And so, a very known voice resounded in your ears, scaring you for a moment.
"The reason you seek, you already have, child."
You looked around, seeing the seer standing at the sand, looking to the sea. You were sure you were alone and you would be able to hear if he had walked from behind you, but you didn't care anyway: it wasn't important from where the Wise One came. He had the answers. He always had the answers.
"What do you mean, dear Great and Wise?" you asked, trying to hold back your tears.
And he turned his face towards you, causing that strange sensation his face without eyes was looking into your soul.
"I mean what I said and I said what I mean," he said, enigmatic, walking towards you with his big staff supporting his slow steps.
You got up to look at him and his hand landed on your stomach.
"Lord Odin agrees is too soon for the second son of Ragnar to join his father. And Skuld wrote in your fate. Now go, child. And tell him the reason why he has to stay".
Your teary eyes gave place to surprise when the Seer's hand slid to your lower belly.
It was obvious now...
Your unstable emotions, your overreacting, the absence of your bleeding this month... You thought everything was happening for Ubbe's departure was close. But there was something more.
Such a beautiful thing more.
You nodded in gratitude to the Ancient One and left back to the Hall, where Ubbe was already gathering some men to go after you.
He came towards you as soon as you crossed the door, cupping your face, worried.
"Y/N... Thank the gods you're here! Where did you go? You scared me to the bones!" he said, kissing your lips and noticing you were cold, taking off his cloak to cover your shoulders "You spent the whole day outside! You're freezing!"
His words surprised you and only then you noticed the sky was already dark. For you, only a moment had passed since you found the Seer at the beach, but the whole day went before you came back to your husband's worried arms.
Ubbe took you to your room, dismissing the men that were already reunited, ordering the slaves to lit the fireplace so the room would be warm enough for the two of us to talk.
But when he was ordering the slave to bring you some tea, you stopped him, refusing the offer.
"Love, you're freezing. You need to get warm," he insisted and you softly touched his hand with one of your hands and caressing his bearded face with the other.
"Not this way," you said, causing him to look at you confused.
"Y/N," he tried to start again and you placed his hand softly over your lower belly, silencing his voice with a question in his eyes.
"That's why you can't leave, Ubbe," you said, with a tender voice, "That's why I'll have to find another way to warm myself up and that's the reason why you have to stay. Wessex demands King Alfred's presence. And your first child demands yours, my king."
He was ready to give you an answer, but your words silenced his mouth and you felt his hand softly relaxing over your belly, adapting to the lightly rounded shape of your lower belly, not really protuberant yet, but already firm.
"You're telling me..."
"I'm with your child, husband," you affirmed, leaning your face to look into his eyes. "The Seer confirmed. He told me. I'm with your child".
"Slave," he called the girl to who he was ordering the tea, "Call me a pair of messengers. Now."
The slave girl left and Ubbe looked straight into your eyes. His fingers caressing your lower belly softly.
"You make me a happy man, wife. A man blessed by the gods, my love."
He kissed you softly and kept your body softly against his. And when the messengers arrived not far from his call, his words settled the relief into your heart.
"One of you go after Hvitserk. The other, go after Ivar. Tell my brothers there is a war for our settlement in England. A war I cannot fight. I leave the glory of the battlefield for them if they want to join my men and go in my name. If they don't, a commander shall be elected in between my men to guide the army for my firstborn child is to come and I shall not leave my family for now. I'm sure it won't be necessary for Ivar and Hvitserk shall want the pleasure of crossing their swords in England once again, but even then, take my words to them and make it be heard as soon as you can. Now go."
"Yes, my king."
The two messengers left your chambers and you felt Ubbe's arms around you, softly.
"I'll stay for I want to see my child's face. I want to see your belly growing with the life we created together, my love. I craved this moment for too long to let it pass. I'll stay with you, my love. With both of you."
His hand caressed your lower belly one more time and you rested your head in his shoulder, mutely thanking the gods for the weight taken away from your heart. You knew sooner or later the gods would call your husband for the place in his father's table alongside his brothers at the Valhalla was his by right. But not now. Not so soon.
Now it was time to treasure his seed in your womb and build his legacy so when the time has come for him to meet the gods, his name would remain in this earth, living through the sons you would bear for him.
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