#and Player came from another world like Agrabah or something lol
cq-studios · 1 year
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(For This)
Okay, I figured someone would ask about this one lol
So before I get into it, for context, this year I was working on the local production of the Mean Girls musical, and I was the director’s/choreographer’s assistant and the lights and sound director. All this to say I was there like every practice, and I’d seen the show about 100 times over, and sometimes I’d get bored and be like ‘huh but what if I were to swap out the actual characters with the KHUX characters? How would that change things (dynamics, storybeats, and whatnot)?”.
So, uh, this one is definitely very self indulgent, kind of a joke, and probably doesn’t make much sense for the characters. I did it because I was bored then continued to play with the idea after the show was over because it was fun. Even when I write something for it (it’s just a long list of notes rn), it’ll probably end up staying in my doc forever (and it’ll probably also just be a edit of the musical script) lol
(Also disclaimer: I’ve only seen the musical and not the movie so it’s based off the former)
So this AU follows the larger Mean Girls plot, that being ‘previously homeschooled character infiltrates group of popular girls to ruin their leader from the inside’. The roles each character (loosely) plays in the story are as follows
Regina George - Lauriam
Gretchen Weiners - Elrena
Karen Smith - Ven (very very loosely)
Janis Sarkisian and Damian (I forget his last name lol) - Ephemer and Skuld (interchangeably)
Candy Heron - Player
Aaron Samuels - Strelitzia (also very very very loosely, her plot changes the most from the show)
Kevin G - Brain
Mrs Norebury - Ava
So in this Lauriam and Elrena are much more similar to Marluxia and Larxene in the sense of their meanness. Ven the Karen of the group because he’s only being mean because of the others and doesn’t really see what’s wrong about it. Ven and Lauriam used to be friends with Ephemer and Skuld, but they started getting meaner after hanging out with Elrena and eventually ditched them. That would be why Ephemer and Skuld want their revenge.
So, when Player shows up and Lauriam shows interest in recruiting them, the duo takes the opportunity. Player is a bit reluctant at first be eventually goes along with it after seeing how mean they can be.
In the background Strelitzia is doing her whole crush thing on Player, which is why Lauriam shows any interest in them in the first place. But once he realizes that Player might be trying to take him down and using his sister to do it he tries to shut her down by telling lies about Player to her.
Bla bla bla plot of Mean Girls. Player changes who they are to fit in, ousts Lauriam, throws a party that Strelitzia goes to, they have a moment where they talk but at the end Strelitzia’s like ‘Lauriam was right about you actaully’, does some pretty trashy things to Ephemer and Skuld so they have a falling out, Lauriam does the whole “World Burn” thing, Player gets blamed for it, they have the whole thing in the gym, Lauriam gets hit by a some big explosion spell (did I mention there’s still Keyblades and stuff in this? I don’t think I did), and Player gets in all sorts of trouble.
Aaaaand because of that trouble they get in they have to do a math competition with Brain, a much more bored version of Kevin G lol. Strelitzia’s there handing out water and her and Player kind of make up since Player’s gone back to being themself. Then, after the competition, they apologize to Ephemer and Skuld and they make up too.
School dance thing happens and whoop story over.
But yeah that’s kind of the gist of it.
Again, very self indulgent. Just a random thing I did while sitting in the sound booth and I’ll finish once I get my hands back on a script (we photocopied them like the criminals we are lol)
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