#big eck
barrel-crow-n · 6 months
Kaz is my favourite morally gray character because
He's a horrifying crime lord, but it is solely because he wants to avenge his brother
He did give Wylan his father's empire, but mainly because he hated Van Eck
He won't hurt children, but he will graphically threaten them (not just to adults, but to the child's face)
He gave Jesper a ticket out of the Barrel, but drags him back into criminal activities
He does things that could be argumentally be seen as "improving" the Barrel, but he vehemently against the idea of cleaning it up
He may do things seen as "good", but he always has a second personal and/or criminally inclined reason for it
He would never personally deal with slavers, nor purchase indentures, but he will deal with bawds/pimps
He dropped someone from a lighthouse, but it was because the person was blackmailing a prostitute
He did graphically threaten the family of a child, but he did it as an alternative to killing the kid
He graphically described what he "did" to Pekka's son, to Pekka, but he never actually did it
But also: He didn't actually bury a child alive, but relished making Pekka distressed and terrified
He let Wylan find out about his mother being alive, but he sent him in blind and it resulted in Wylan having a panick attack
He went to rescue Bo-Yul Bayur, but solely for the payout and what he could do with it
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undercover-grisha · 3 months
Jesper: “Yeah, I’d say that I’m the one in charge in our relationship.”
Wylan, holding a spoon: “Eat this.”
Jesper, leaning down and taking it without a second thought: “Mm, what is that?”
Wylan: “Your words.”
Jesper: “…”
Wylan: “…cake batter. I’m making carrot cake.”
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drieddpetals · 9 months
jesper and wylan: *standing under mistletoe*
jesper: "hey wylan" *points up*
wylan: *looks up* "omg mistletoe! did you know mistletoe is actually a parasite? they grow in big bunches up in trees and slowly suck all the nutrients out of their hosts :)"
jesper: "how romantic"
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barrel-crow-s · 7 months
Six of Crows: The Musical
Think about it.
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salemontrial · 1 year
Jesper: Stop looking at me with those eyes
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sukibenders · 8 months
I always find it weird when reading some Kaneji fics, and the pair are living a new life away from the dangers of the Barrel and all that, and yet have little to no contact with Jesper and Wylan. Like those two are framed as being the third person (people?) in their lives who is far removed, but yet Nina is an ever-present figure? Don't get me wrong, I love Nina, but it's so frustrating seeing some people act like Jesper and Wylan weren't/aren't important in Kaz and Inej's lives, that they wouldn't be even after they find peace in a new world. While I'm sure the pair care for Nina deeply, she would not be able to fully replace Jesper and Wylan, nor would she want to.
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Just thought of Wesper kid finding a rogue spider on the loose in the house, and because he knows his Pa doesnt like them, he traps it under a bowl.
But he doesnt know how to get the spider outside without it running off so he just leaves it under the bowl and puts a note on top
The note reads:
Spider - please put outside…
Wylan appreciated the hieroglyphics and left it for Jesper 🤣🤣
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6point5crows · 1 year
This might be a Hot Take for Wylan but:
Wylan still being uncomfortable in the Wesper house as it still once was a place for his trauma, and naturally would still have days where he cannot enter a certain room or he wants to be anywhere else but there. Yes it’s his house, yes Jesper is there to help him, but it’s still the location of his abuse and trauma so naturally he won’t just magically heal from all that.
On that note— stop pushing aside of Wylan’s trauma and abuse and issues and angst by just saying, “Jesper will protect him!” That invalidates Wylan’s trauma and severely reduces Jesper in the Wesper relationship. You can’t just suddenly become healed because of one person— and you also can’t expect one person to just protect another from their trauma. That’s unrealistic and unfair and creates an unbalanced relationship. Yes, Jesper can help and be a source of comfort and a major boost for Wylan, but the way people always talk as if Jesper somehow heals the years of abuse Wylan endured.
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she-posts-nerdy-stuff · 4 months
Grishaverse text posts I made based on things my friends and I have actually said. In real life.
(Part 29, I’m pretty sure, but honestly I lost track)
Jesper: There is nothing funnier than falling down the stairs
Wylan: *unconvinced*
Jesper: It’s so funny! Have you never experienced falling down the stairs?
Wylan: Yeah, remember I broke my foot falling down the stairs!
Jesper, laughing: Well maybe that’s why you have a negative experience of it
Wylan: Yeah, MAYBE!
Jesper: Mm. Well just know that even if you’re deathly injured I’ll laugh if you fall down the stairs
Nina: I’ve decided I’m ignoring the weather and committing to my outfit choices based on what I want the weather to be. The gladiator sandals are coming out!!
Nina, later that same day: I have lost blood circulation to my toes
Nina, later that day when it’s sunny again and she’s discovered her feet are covered in blisters: I can feel my feet again, but at what cost?
(This was me but I stand by my actions bc those sandals are cute as heck)
Jesper: Maybe I could write my thesis on evidence that the Scythians were the original horse girls
Jesper: Time to listen to Take That’s Greatest Hits and hide under a table until my problems go away, I fear
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simplydifficultme · 2 years
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Took it upon myself to explain that mysterious disappearance of their height difference 😊🥰
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six-of-cringe · 1 year
So the "Jesper is Wylan's sugar baby" jokes don't bother me TOO badly, but they irk me slightly because they're pretty much based on the fact that no one knows what an allowance is beyond the context of "spending money a parent gives to their child". An allowance in business is an amount of money given to someone for a specific business-related expense, so the "allowance" mentioned at the end of CK is just the amount of money they budgeted to put into the stock market, which Jesper is in charge of. Because you know, he's smart and also Wylan's business partner, not his incompetent pet. Ok maybe the jokes bother me some
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barrel-crow-n · 10 months
Kaz's petnames for his crows:
Inej: Darling Inej treasure of my heart
Jesper: Jes
Nina: Dear/Love/Darling etc.
Wylan: Merchling
Matthias: Big Fjerdan
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omokel · 8 months
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new blorbo On The Prowl !?
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five-of-cr · 10 months
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caraaaaugh · 4 months
Matthias Helvar is dead and I'm not okay.
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jamesunderwater · 1 year
in other news i'm in love with wylan van eck
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