#big ass piece that i put my heart and soul into
zekechirpbeep · 2 years
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Did this BIG ASS piece of art, a total of 25+ hours--
It's a ceiling tile in my favorite teacher's classroom :)
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artificialbreezy · 2 months
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as discussed, here is multiple best friend!Davis thoughts ft thoughts @alloraiona triggered
SFW and NSFW thoughts under the cut ◡̈
best friend Davis absolutely has every one of your orders saved. doesn’t matter where it’s to, has them all saved. and if your order changes based off mood? he’s got those saved too.
he takes you on tour, at first you were just a guest. just helping wherever they needed you at. now they can’t tour without you, they call you tour mom. (you just work with Matt up close and personal)
your bunk is always under his, and he always goes to the bus before he picks you up. he’s gotta have time to get all your snacks and drinks and goodies ready for you.
you guys met at a con, so the nerd in you both is so thrilled. he doesn’t care if you aren’t home, or if you’re in another country. when that new marvel movie comes out bet your ass he has the tickets, your outfits and the time READY
totally have matching bracelets, like those string friendship bracelets we all made back in the day. you’ve worn them since the first time you hung out and you just make copies of them whenever they fall off.
marvel movie binges are often. you’re an avengers gal, he’ll start the timeline beginning to end just so he can watch you fall asleep as soon as age of ultron starts just so he has an excuse to pull you closer to him
he swears you’re just friends
but when the next morning comes and you’re half asleep in the booth with Matt and he walks up with a large coffee just the way you want and a big smile on his face
everyone is putting pieces together
“went to bed late sweets, got you this and a sandwich whenever Matt lets you out of this box.” and he’ll kiss your head and walk away
Matt’s just 👀🤔😏
“we’re just friends!” you’d swear even though your heart definitely picked up the second his lips were on your head
and he’s your phones wallpaper you’re also his
and maybe that’s when little pieces click, is when you leave your phone unlocked on the table by him
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“why’s that your wallpaper?”
“it’s my two favorite boys, duh.”
and now HIS heart is beating really fast and he doesn’t know why. you’re just his bestest friend who he can’t stop thinking about and he wishes he could call when he’s alone and stuck in his hotel room, who also looks so fucking good in his clothes it makes him want to explode
oh my god. he’s attracted to his best friend
that’s when his body move faster than his brain, his lips are on yours in an instant
“can’t just say that shit, sweets.”
and it’s like a breath of fresh air for him when you kiss him back. like a piece of his soul is right where it’s meant to be
“i’d love nothing more than to keep kissing you, but i know the guys are gonna be back any second and i really don’t want them seeing you on my lap getting needy.”
and the second you’re off his lap, and right under his arm in they come
and you both look like you got caught doing something you’re not supposed to
you excuse yourself, too awkward to handle the rest of them right now. hand just sitting on your lips as you walk out.
Davis is QUICK to text you, “promise when we get a hotel room again i’ll do it again and i won’t leave you hanging.”
Matt CACKLES when he realizes how quick Davis’ phone was out.
“did we interrupt something?”
“fuck off Matt.”
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moonlit-jellies · 9 months
jealousy jealousy
this was a request for @sheneyney so thank u so much for encouraging my brainrot
so i turned this into headcanons bc big paragraphs trigger enough anxiety in me to kill a bear so ENJOY!!!! its a bit different from the og prompt but those jealousy themes are still. strong
just wanna. smack him around a lil and kiss his face
18+ readers only pls
tags: eric x reader, fluff, MILD allusions to adult content so 18+ only (saying it again minors get out of here), jealousy, eric kinda being shitty to other people (can expand on this in other pieces just say the word)
established relationship:
ok so i know in my heart and soul that eric gets so fucking jealous HOWEVER. this is not standard "oh they're my partner im protective/possessive over" no no no
this guy is completely fine with you sparring with other people, hanging out, going to parties, all that shit does not phase him even someone else flirting with you (to a certain extent) hes just kind of watching with a smirk bc he knows that a) you would kick their ass if they tried something and b) you wouldnt cheat on him. hes too confident to have that as one of his major worries in your relationships
the thing he gets jealous over is when you have to do anything that requires nonviolent touching or other like. one-on-one things like that
see fear sim training
i can imagine like every once in a while all the dauntless members are required to do their fear sims again just to keep their skills up you know?
and he can't administer your sim bc of some kind rule that bc youre dating its not allowed or whatever
and hes just waiting for you to be done absolutely seething that someone else is in there with you when youre in one of the most vulnerable states you could be in
you come out being like oh yeah it sucked but like whatever and hes ready to pounce bc if he doesnt get his hands on you
immediately he'll like. die probably so he doesnt get jealous a lot but when he does its so fucking obvious and honestly kind of funny bc hes just SEETHING
what if it was reversed????
if YOU are jealous of someone being flirty with him he will see that and immediately be so shitty about
some girl is flirting w him and hes like apathetic towards it you sass him later and hes like mmmm dont do that youve got competition (he wouldnt cheat on you) (you know that)
you roll your eyes but grip him a little harder when youre going to sleep that night
pre relationship:
before you starting dating, when he was 1000% crushing on you, he would get jealous over other people sparring with you and shit like that
at first you couldn't understand why this dude would just. death glare at you while you were doing anything one-on-one with another person and you kind of got used to it
(when you start dating you put two and two together and you hold that over his head for MONTHS)
and like. pre-headcanon-character-development, he definitely would have been like an absolute dick to people who asked you out
youd be stood up by people and not understand why not knowing he either threatened or physically hurt them to prevent them from going on that date (not a good thing and he gets . less shitty about it in the future but lets be real in canon hes a shitty guy) (hes hot tho :3)
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silvyavan · 3 months
New theory time before any leaks drop.
Had this one in the back-burner for a long ass time but now we're sitting down and writing it at last.
Each and every fight between the black bulls and the paladins of sort WILL have a devastating impact on Lucius and chip away at his mental stability and confidence. Each Lucius fight fuck him up mentally like taking the horcrux tally off of voldemort.
We'll start with the first one we know: Magna and Luck.
Chapter 369 Lucius' thoughts are first that from Magna's spell, his magic is split in thirds, then his regeneration being slow from antimagic, that they're chipping away at him and that he "only needs to endure it for a little while" before he can start fighting back.
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The wording implies that Lucius just needs to endure it a little and he'll win. The problem? He doesn't, a clone gets busted up out of the 11 ones they have and the angel homunuclus amount dropped too damn fast. Magna and Luck aren't even done, I'm not sure if it's the panels or not but it looks like they're in the Black Bull Mecha too.
What does this mean? Magna and Luck fucked up his confidence in winning just with his clones so he started the shit early to finish it. Them beating the clone into the ground and at the end of the chapter, Asta saying "So which one of us has the advantage now?" Is telling Lucius that yhe plan is no longer in the position to just keep going with the plan. He can't wait out the clones to fuck them up, so he's panicking and starting the tree spell early.
And the same is gonna follow with everyone else.
Gauche will fuck up his confidence in being a proper elder sibling. Man's has in previous chapters stated that he and his siblings will remake humanity, but later it was shown he's got their bodies in cocoons and using their magic to make clones and homunuclus. Man's essentially walking around saying "this is for the good of the world" while desecrating the corpses of his siblings.
I know in my heart Gauche will call him a piece of shit brother. If dark triad being ..like that due to Lucius tempering with their souls, then it would also put him in shit brother category. It would also add to character development for Gauche, showcasing him becoming more aware of things outside of his sister and caring for other people while also not choosing to be narrow-minded in one thing/person entirely. I'm basing this off of the fact that he's teamed up with Rill, who's also very focused on his art but as a result his interpersonal life is struggling.
Plus Gauche big brotherism vs Lucius negative 2 star big brother behaviors would be hilarious.
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Noelle, Vanessa and Grey together shit would be realising that him being a noble didn't mean shit for talent. He calls himself a prodigy that's able to purify devils, but Noelle didn't start off with even basic magic control, Vanessa was literally shut off from the rest of the world to make a red string of fate by her mother, the Witch Queen, and Grey, assuming her father is also a noble, was harassed for her magic and lack of ability to do anything or stand up for herself.
We know that the Zogratis were a noble family in Spade so it wouldn't be surprising that that added to Lucius' pride, and being a prodigy it would've elevated that he didn't have to worry about power coming to him.
A noble with social anxiety and ptsd, an alcoholic immigrant and a royal with an undiagnosed learning disability beating his ass would show that having a lineage ain't worth shit. None of them were remotely talented because of their lineages, they had gotten to the point where they were through their own efforts and challenging themselves.
Henry vs Lucius would be a disability on disability violence fight. AGAIN, showing that his disability, while it did hold him back, was not a definitive show that he had to do shit on his own. We could get a possible flashback of Lucius being abandoned by his parents, left to fend for his siblings, as a parallel to Henry being left to die in the house he had. The difference is that Henry was found by Yami, who reached out to him, and Henry never stopped hoping to have a family, even if one wasn't bound by blood.
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The Lucius Clones vs Black Bulls quartet would be his realisation that you can get stronger by means that don't require you to be a genuis and he didnt. ALL of them have some form of unorthodox magic that, reasonably, couldn't have worked on the battlefield (ash, sealing, spacial with no offensive traits, cotton/cooking).
Considering Lucius has soul magic, he thought the only way to get magic would be to hijack other people's souls. Vs Finral, Zora, Charmy and Secre who at SEVERAL points in their flashbacks/backstories were alluded to being out down by others for having simple or weak magic types, but didn't give up and instead found to use their magic to help their allies in unorthodox means (traps, food buffs and sheep soldiers, sealing entities/enemies, speed boosting teleportation and likely more).
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Yami, Ichika and Nacht? Something along parents being hoes isn't an excuse to be a sociopath witn a hint of scary magic doesn't define you as person. The fact this is Ichika saving Yami from someone he can't fight against (paralleling Yami protecting her from their dad) and Nacht stopping Morgen from doing something he's gonna regret (paralleling the Faust Devil Summoning Incident) is just chefs kiss.
You could also say that, since both of them were in devil related clans (Yami's being partially mixed with devil hybrids, Nachts family just being the Clover equivalents of Zogratis.), this could challenge Lucius' views that he HAD to fo some devil/forbidden magic shit to become stronger, because that's the type of family he has and that's the only thing his magic can do.
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Gordon will fuck up his confidence in dealing with devils/curses, assuming the disability will also be a curse thing/metaphor/his curse and disability are a hint at comorbidies. The fact that Gordon is teamed up with William AND Charlotte? And being able to absorb their curses, taking off their supposed handicaps?
Gordon is handing this man the L, as well beating up some supposed idea of, since Lucius was cursed, he was shunned. William and Charlotte are both leaders in their respective squads, highly respected and looked up to, Gordon himself is part of the squad and he's cherished as well. The curse is not an excuse to act like an asswipe.
The fact that Noelle, Vanessa and Grey are paired on the same page spread as Gauche and Rill could hint at familial relations frictions, while Nacht and the In-Laws group and Gordon pulling up with the Cursed Captains Crew could allude to friction/trauma in relation to his family history/traditions.
Henry, Magna and Luck could hint at his struggles with managing his disability (Henry is chronically ill, Luck may have a neurological disorder due to ptsd, Magna needs glasses and has severe scarring on his head, likely brain trauma). The Zora, Finral, Charmy and Secre lineup could deal with his issues of being born with a seemingly strange and unorthodox magic and how he'd focus on developing it.
Asta and Yuno? Obviously dealing with his dreams, goals and aspirations as well as mental instability caused by all the aforementioned.
Thank you for coming to my Ted talk.
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rebelwrites · 9 months
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Seventeen: Baby You Ain’t As Anonymous As you Think.
Charles Leclerc x Nova Teller (OC)
Till the wheels fall off masterlist
Small town meets the fast lane. What happens when two souls meet? Will it end in happiness or will they both crash and burn?
As always reblogs and feedback is highly appreciated ❤️ if you want tagging in future parts let me know ❤️
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Standing amongst the crowd I watched Jax and Tig take the makeshift stage that had been built down by the lake. I was still unsure why we needed a stage this big but Jax and Pops were adamant they wanted it, they sure as hell loved theatrics. Tearing my gaze away from Jax I turned to look at Charles, who now had Elenor sitting on his shoulders, she had a proud smirk on her face like she had just walked into a candy store and the store owner told her everything was free.
“Tu vas bien, ma chérie ? Are you all right, darling?” Charles beamed, flashing me a smile.
“I will be,” I hummed, reaching up gently squeezing his arm. After the photos were released on instagram this morning I felt myself holding back from public displays of affection and it was killing me.
“Auntie Nova, can we have a movie night tonight?” Elenor grinned, fluttering her long eyelashes at me, “and can Uncle Charles and Uncle Pierre come as well?”
“I don’t see why not baby,” I beamed back at her before turning to Charles, “you down for movie night with my crazy ass family? There is a high possibility we will be making our way through all of the Cars movies,” I giggled, knowing that Elenor would beg and plead to put all three films on.
“Sunshine, didn’t you know Cars is one of my favorite movies,” he smirked with a wink.
“Alright then, Lightning McQueen.”
“Oh my god!” I exclaimed, covering my face with my hands, trying to hide the snort that escaped my lips, “you did not just Kachow me. God, you are a giant dork!”
Before Charles could respond Jax’s voice echoed around the lake, as if the boy needed a microphone he was loud enough as it was, “I just want to say thank you from the bottom of my heart for everyone turning up today. Before we kick off the annual scavenger hunt I have just been made aware of a few donations that have come in anonymously.”
I found myself cocking my brow at my brother who just smirked at me, throwing me a wink as he pulled a piece of paper out of his back pocket, “I honestly could cry at these donations. Two people have donated 26 thousand dollars between them, with 10 thousand dollars going towards the dementia charity and 16 thousand dollars being given,'' the words were getting caught in his throat, as he covered his eyes with his hand trying to stop the tears, “to the Teller family to help with any future care that JT needs.”
There was nothing stopping the tears from spilling over my lashline, I didn’t even try to stop them. That's when it hit me, everything made perfect sense. Two donations which both happened to be the same numbers as the two dorks standing either side of me drove under. Without saying a word I turned to Pierre pulling him into a tight hug, before turning to Charles reaching my hand up resting it on his cheek with a watery smile on my face.
“Baby, you ain’t as anonymous as you think,” I whispered, feeling him copy my movements but instead of letting his hand sit still against my skin he slowly used his thumb to wipe away my tears.
“I don’t know what you are talking about, Sunshine.”
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The rest of the day went by in one big blur, the scavenger hunt was a success, even if it was the first year where I didn’t win but I didn’t care. My focus was on Charles, I wanted to enjoy the little time we had left together so the afternoon was spent wandering around town, showing Charles the places that held fond memories for me. All whilst keeping an eye out for people that might be trying to leak pictures of the two of us, luckily for us everyone was more focused on the events of the day then me and Charles.
“I just need to finish up here then we can head back to mine,” I hummed, leaning up on my tiptoes pressing my lips against his cheek.
“Take your time Sunshine,” he smiled, picking Elenor up, sitting her on the top of the bar.
I couldn’t help but smile as I walked away from the two of them, slipping into the back I needed to find Jax. I knew where he would be, taking a deep breath I wrapped my fingers around the door handle before slowly pushing it open. I needed to clear the air between us. I hated the fact we had hardly spoken all day.
“Hey,” I said quietly, leaning against the wooden frame.
“Hey, yourself,” he said looking up from the paper that was in his hands, “about earlier,”
“Don’t worry about it,” I said softly, fiddling with the sleeves of Charles hoodie, “my head has been all over the place recently with you know,” I paused, dropping my gaze to my hands, “everything with Pops and the social media post, then you tell me we fucked up with Juice, I just kinda exploded.”
“We do need to talk about it though,” Jax sighed, dropping the paper onto the desk.
“I know,” I whispered, finally looking back up at my brother, “I need to get my head straight first, okay.”
“Okay,” Jax nodded, pushing himself up to his feet, taking a few strides across the small room before he pulled me into a tight hug, “I still love you, don’t worry about that Squirt.”
Resting my cheek against the cool leather, I took another deep breath, “enough mushy shit, Elenor wants a movie night so lock the office up and let's get outta here.”
Jax didn’t take much convincing, I knew that movie nights were his favorite, taking a step back, I started walking back into the main room. The moment I stepped out behind the bar I felt my blood starting to boil at the sight that was in front of me. My fingers twitched as I formed a fist, I was ready to punch a bitch.
She was pushing her fake ass tits up against Charles and fluttering her false eyelashes.
“If you wanna live, I would suggest you walk away whilst you have the chance,” I said through gritted teeth, pausing so I could unclench my fist covering Elenor’s ears, “you fucking skanky ass bitch.”
The smirk that Ima flashed made me want to grab the knife from behind me, the one that we used to cut up the lemon and limes, “well, let's be real, you aren’t the kind of person that Charlie goes for,” she laughed, turning back to Charles, running her fingers across his cheek. I didn’t miss the slight flinch that happened when she made contact with him.
“If you wanna be real, then I can get real,” I growled, placing my palm on the bar, shifting my weight onto my hand. I launched myself over the counter, “I might just start a bonfire out back, throwing your scrawny ass on it, watching you melt in the flames,” before she had a chance to respond, my fingers were tangled in her hair extensions, yanking her head back with so much force I was surprised I didn’t snap her neck.
“Get off me you golddigger,” she screamed, trying to claw at my hands.
“Do you even know who he is?” I asked, cocking my brow.
“Some football player,” she said with so much confidence I couldn’t help but scoff.
“Yeah, such a skilled football player,” I said with a playful tone, locking eyes with Charles, watching as he laughed slightly with a small shrug of his shoulders.
Out of the corner of my eye I spotted Jax, leaning against the back worktop with a smug smirk on his face, “need any help Squirt?” he asked, shoving his hands in the front pocket of his jeans.
“Nah, I’ve got this,” I nodded, tugging harder on Ima’s hair causing her to scream, “the trash just needs taking out, that's all,” I growled, storming out of the bar, dragging Ima behind me.
Ignoring the sound of her cries I didn’t stop until I was standing outside of the building. I didn’t care if I was being over dramatic, this bitch needed to keep her hands off things that didn’t belong to her, like my man.
Shit, I was calling him my man now.
Fuck, I was acting like a jealous girlfriend!
I didn’t even know if I could call myself Charles’ girlfriend, just the thought made my heart skip a beat but I knew that come the end of the summer break he would be back doing what he did best. Racing around tracks at 200 miles an hour, living that playboy life, more than likely forgetting I existed.
Pushing the thoughts down I let my fist collide with Ima’s nose feeling the familiar crunching feeling under my knuckles, “you better stay away from him if you don’t want your whole face reconstructed.”
Loosening my grip on her cheap ass extensions I spun around on the balls of my feet, strolling back into the bar with a proud smirk on my face. The moment I got close enough to Charles, he wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me in between his thighs.
“You getting protective over me now, Sunshine?” he hummed, slipping his hand underneath the hoodie letting his fingers brush against the skin of my lower back, causing sparks to erupt across my skin.
Pulling my bottom lip between my teeth, I shook my head slightly, “nah, I just don’t want you catching an STD or something,” I said calmly.
The smirk on Charles face was enough to cause my knees to wobble, if it wasn’t for his strong arms wrapped around me I was pretty sure they would have given out on me.
“You sure about that, Babygirl,” he purred, leaning closer so his nose brushed against mine.
The two of us were locked in the moment, it was like there was no one else in the room with us, like we were protected by a bubble, until Jax rang the last order bell, causing me to jump at the unexpected sound, “I do not need to see whatever this,” he scoffed, waving his hands in the air, “is gonna lead to.”
“Oh Jackson, leave your sister alone,” Pops scolded, causing me to pull away from Charles slightly, instantly being greeted by a warm smile from Pops, “she’s young and in love, leave her be.”
“Whoa, whoa, whoa!” I exclaimed, narrowing my eyes at my father, “who said anything about love?”
“Oh sunshine,” Charles beamed, reaching up and tucking a strand of hair behind my ear, “you are so in love with me, it’s written all over your beautiful face.”
Instantly I could feel the heat in the room rising, the hairs on the back of my neck standing to attention as Charles slowly moved his fingers across my cheek and I was pretty sure my ears were the same shade of red as his hoodie I was wearing.
“I can uninvite you from family movie night, ya know,” I huffed, pouting at him, “so I’d think carefully about who’s side you take.”
“No you can’t Auntie Nova,” Elenor said loudly, “I invited him so you can’t kick him out.”
“Yeah, Auntie Nova, I’m Elenor’s guest,” he hummed. The smile on Charles' face turned into a smug smirk as he moved his hand into the air so Elenor could fist bump him, “thanks for having my back Ellie-bear,” he grinned, throwing her a wink. I couldn’t believe this, everyone was ganging up on me.
“Sempre zio Charles, sempre,” she grinned.
I couldn’t help but giggle slightly at the expression on Jax’s face as he watched his little girl speak in another language. Yes she didn’t pronounce it perfectly but for her age it was really good.
“And in English?” he asked, letting his eyes dart between me and his daughter.
“She said, always uncle Charles, always,” I beamed, leaning over and ruffling her hair. “in Italian.”
“Princess, where did you learn that?” Jax asked with a proud smile on his face, as he walked around the bar until he was now scooping her up in his arms.
“Pierre told me what uncle was in Italian and I knew what always was,” she giggled.
“I wonder where she learned that from,” Jax said with a playful tone, cocking his brow at me.
“No idea,” I shrugged, wiggling out of Charles arms.
“Yes you do auntie Nov,” Elenor grinned. Was I really about to be called out by my five year old niece? “you are always saying ‘Forza Ferrari, sempre!”
Apparently I was.
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@withmyteeth @chibsytelford @stillbreathin @danzer8705 @keyweegirlie @dragon-of-winterfell @ohthemisssery @a-distantdreamer @sgkophie @angywritesstuff @enchantedbytomandhenry @scribbuluswrites @dangerouspursepeachbear @buendiabebeta @ferrarifwendvale @theplobnrgone @charlesleclercje @queenslife @panicforspec @justme2042 @liv67 @derpinathebrave @clcspeonies @pleasantducktimetravel @raaaaabzzz @mehrmonga @sbgal @fangirl-lb @pitconfirmbutton @oslokij @tall-tanned-tattoo @bigcreatorwombatdreamer @pumpkin-spice-hate @talicat713 @band--psycho @little-diable @i-love-scott-mccall @fourthwallhateclub @theysayitscrazy @rosieposie0624 @choochoo284 @meteora-fc @beeroses @darklydeliciousdesires @the-jer-bear @extraneousred @youflickedtooharddamnit @babypink224221
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chryblossomjjk · 2 years
bts fic recommendations | 01.25.23
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→ hi friends! this is a little segment i do every tuesday (reviewsday get it, aren’t i funny, pls tell me how funny i am) where i read and review two-three fics. as a content creator, i know how big of a role other creators play in your growth, therefore, i want to do my part in making sure everyone gets the recognition they deserve! so with that being said, please check out the amazing fics listed below. make sure to like, reblog, and leave feedback! ♡ #reviewsday #kikirecs
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scent of eager suds - @rkivian (knj x reader | smut, angst, pwp, fluff)
summary: you missed each other, too fucking much. but your head had stayed down in futile hopes of remaining stubborn, forgetting that there is a wedding ring on that tricksy little finger of his for a reason.
so..... genuinely convinced you are the reincarnate of shakespeare babe bc like:
"He would spend a considerably scant amount of time on such a task, yet fulfil it so thoroughly that the constant aching between your legs seemed more equitable than you would like it to be."
LOOK WHAT YOU DO WITH WORDS!!! like everything is so precise. i can tell there's so much thought put into every single word of this piece and woah.. the writing is fucking stellar, seriously. like just the words you use throughout this displays how the reader feels about being vulnerable with joonie: cruel, vengeful, venomous. u put pwp but like you characterized the fuck out of this reader and it's so good...
also... this is thee kim namjoon. like as someone who is v much similar to the reader and self sabotages relationships, ppl who love you enough to recognize that trait and do their best to prove u wrong
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the one where jin is drunk off his face and you get friend-zoned - @indgio (ksj x reader | fluff, crack)
saf everything you write just comforts my soul. it's missing jin hours around these parts and this is exactly want i needed. i don't know how to explain it but this gives me run episode vibes? like... this is legit kim seokjin. I COULD TOTALLY PICTURE HIM DOING SOME SHIT LIKE THIS LMAO WHAT A SWEET BABY!
also love this oc fr. like from the opening paragraph i could already tell she's the most adorable, most precious being, and you proved it throughout the rest :') <3 taking care of ur drunk partner trope will never not get me and you did it so splendidly ugh will definitely be coming back to this when im sad and 3am and missing my seokjin :'( thanks for this ily <3
"tell me more about this girlfriend of yours."
but jin looks at you with a frown, as he downs the water. "no. get your own."
^also for whatever reason this took me tf out lmao
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the one where jungkook will always protect you, even from the fictional - @indgio (jjk x reader | fluff, humor)
bby istg your writing is so... refreshing? like i always think i need these super crazy, convoluted, heavy plots for my fics to be good, but your writing is proof that doesn't have to be the case. your writing is so effortless, yet so beautiful. like once again, genuine comfort content that i don't see too much of anymore. going through your masterlist has really inspired me to take a new avenue, because your fics are just so fucking addicting. i just love the slice of life vibes so much uGh okay enough nutting over u and onto the fic sehfbjsehbdhwb
pov ur saf in my brain BC THE AMOUNT OF TIMES IVE DAYDREAMED ABOUT THIS EXACT SCENARIO IS MENTAL ILLNESS (was just picturing binge watching AOT w him :'))
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this jungkook is such a golden retriever ass boyfriend my heart can't take it. the banter ?? the protectiveness ?? THE BITING THE EAR ??? naur im in love it's settled. adding him to the list of fav jungkook portrayals on tumby. will be thinking about him when im bored in the back of my lecture tomorrow. thank you for daydream fuel &lt;3
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stfu yes it's wednesday get off my back >:'( i posted this early last week and was just trying to even the timing out that's all... im lying. anyways, love u lmao
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thekingofwinterblog · 5 months
Ok so, having seen the Gameplay trailer that Bioware pulled out of their ass in the aftermath of possibly the worst videogame trailer in history, i have to say im not impressed... But i almost am.
Because they ALMOST got it right. Like all the building blocks are there, but it's always just one step off from being great.
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Like the character models dont look anything the like the complete joke that was the fortnite DA trailer... But while you can tell the animators put their heart and soul into the models, they still look awful.
And it's ALL the lighting and coloring's fault.
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The thing is, the models and enviornment doesnt look terrible in a vacuum... but the problem is that it ALL blends together. It's all just a mixmatch of colors and shades that makes the entire thing look like an uncoordinated mess with no rhyme or reason behind it.
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Take this shot of minarathous. It's not just grey, on top of grey, but it sure looks like it. The colors, rather than contrast and embolden everything to make it look striking, instead makes it one, big, sloppy looking mess.
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Here is one, single shot from Inquisition to illustrate the poiny. Notice how everything is very grey here too, but the way the lighting is, you can easily differentiate between everything, every character sticks out so much better and looks infinitly more interesting and memorablr just by virtue of not looking like they're part of the background.
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It's not a coincidence that the only part of this gameplay showcase that looks absolutely stunning is Solas, because he is the only character who actually has the lighting to stand out, both when illuminated by the blue magical energy withouth the purple, white and blue mess that is now how magical energy looks, but also in the shots where he's illuminated by the veil.
I can tell you why it looks like this too.
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The lighting and colorists of the development team was trying so, so very hard to make the concept art lighting translate to 3d models and enviornments... And it just doesnt work.
Maybe there is a way to make these pieces work in 3d, but this sure aint it.
Maybe the enviornments that are set in the daylight will look better, but i can tell you, that with this engine and style, every single nightshot is going to look absolutely atrocious, regardless of wheter the models look better than that horrible fortnite trailer.
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Then there is the dialogue.
Now there are a lot of complaits that a lot of the dialogue is the usual by now terrible Marvel "banter" that the MCU unfortunately popularized.
You know, the quirky, dont take itself too seriously style of writing that almost never works outside the MCU pre Endgame.
But that's actually not my main vomplaint with it.
My complaint is how... Lifeless the voice actors sounds.
I just listened to these lines, and the thing that struck me is not that they're bad, but how i KNOW both Varric and Solas Voice actors are so much better than this.
"People are dying right now! You need to listen!" "People are always dying. It is what they do."
Like... These lines SHOULD work.
I know the common joke is that this is the usual terrible dialogue in the vein of "My face is tired from dealing with you", but the fact is that it's actually good on paper.
Varric here should sound like he's pleading, making one, last, final plea to his old friend Solas, reminding him that people are fucking dying all around them(Though the rest of the scene dont exactly convey that).
A plea to his humanity.
And solas throws back that he knows. He KNOWS people are dying. That's what they always do.
For anyone who knows Solas at all, this is such a good line. You dont need him to go into a spiel about how his entire reason for doing this is so that people no longer have to die all the time, that the entire reason they do die is because of him...
It should work... but it doesnt.
Solas Actor is NOT giving it his A-Game. At all. And neither is Varric's.
He doesnt sound like the emotional Solas we saw in Inquisition, and frankly neither does Varric. Any and all charisma both had are seemingly gone, replaced by two actors who make the characters sound like themselves, but eithouth the emotion that made them work.
Just hearing Solas telling Varric that this story does NOT end with his downfall just makes me think that the actor either didn't give a shit, or was bored... Which was just hammered in further when Solas just gives a pathethic scream of "Noooooo!" When his big plan is foiled.
Maybe it's that the rest of the writing is just so bad that they just gave up, or they had the same level of quality for their voice director that george lucas gave his actors during the prequel triology filming.
Either way, this really just hammered in the point for me of kind of game we're getting here... And i didnt even touch the gameplay in this post.
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limeinaltime · 8 months
Quick Update
Hello. It's me.
So yeah, I, have been going through a weird rut where I draw stuff but don't want to post it, and a lot of fandom-related things (especially for Murder Drones, my god this fandom) have made me hesitant to post the refs and drawings I have done. I also have no had the energy to make a lot of full pieces despite wanting to, and I've mostly been doing sketches alongside working on TAOME's revision as well as the first chapter of Act 6.
Luckily I do want to post more so I'll try to eventually, but for now, TAOME's revisions are coming along nicely. Dialogue has been refined and added, characterization and interactions are still being refined and fleshed out, and I've been picking at all the little typos and errors I've been finding. I do want to try and finish before I take a trip later this month, but if not, at the very latest I do want to finish before the next 4/13, which will mark the second anniversary of this fic being made public! It might probably be that since I want to make this fic as high-quality as possible, but that brings me to the other reason why I've mostly just been reblogging and posting the occasional babble or ask.
I haven't been having fun with my art and writing.
Everything I've been making feels like a pressure I put on myself to get better, and I do want to deal with that before I start being more active on social media. With the influx of AI, studio drama and just everything happening in the world, I have felt both unhappy and unable to really create much of anything without feeling this pit, and being friends with or at least looking up to so many amazing artists, I think that daunting feeling of a skill gap has finally really sunk in. I don't want my work to be just rewarding. I want it to be fun.
So yeah, I will try to post some refs for the characters I have managed to work on as well as some sketches, and as for the fic, well
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I'm really excited to work on Act 6. It's partially what I've been building up to for the past almost-two years, and it is a very big part of the plot. Like, one of the major plot sequences is this entire act. This does admittedly make me nervous, but then again, maybe it shouldn't. This is, at its core, an OC/Canon fic. I am supposed to be having fun with it. I'm allowed to hype it up. This is also the passion project that I have put my heart and soul into for most of my time in college. I don't want it to flop, and yet in a way, I feel like that want has sucked the fun out of making it.
I don't know what I'm going to be doing going forward, and the future isn't a given. The revisions will be posted with the start of Act 6 at some point, I can promise you that, and while I don't have any big pieces to post, I will definitely try to post more refs and the sketches I've done.
Btw I also have a Toyhouse that I've finally started utilizing so if you want to see some of the art and refs I've done, you can head over there too.
That's pretty much it. Remember to do your daily clicks, be healthy, support the oppressed and tell the oppressors to shove it up their asses, and have a good day :)
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crescencestudio · 7 months
after i noticed the enchanted demo release i did a whole ass lap around the house and when i tell you im so close to biting my table every time the scenes change... THE ATMOSPHERE?? THE ART??? THE ENTIRE THINGYS?!?! i wanna bundle this all up and like,. absorb it, eat it even. I played through it straight, no pause no nothin'. im REPLAYING IT even and trying not to run laps around the rooms here. my brain chemistry has been altered. i saw the divine. i am not the same person i was like 2 hours ago. the love, the skill, the gui, the art, the writing the all of it, it's amazing, divine even. like, i want this painted on my ceiling. like im not joking i want this entire game painted on my ceiling.. i remember playing the very first demo and being FLOORED bc hello??? banger plot banger characters whats not to love (the #gayforkayn from like 2 years ago has a whole section in my heart LMAO). and now the enchanted demo is release, and im still so in love no even more in love with the game. seeing the work being done on alaris has been the one of the highlights throughout the time ive been around, and im so happy for you! so a big congrats to this milestone and all the work that has been done to get here! im writing this in a like half awake moment so dunno how much makes sense and also im sorry if this got long i swear it wasnt like this when i started. i be remembering and writing but the enchanted demo gives me the best shakes someone could get. but seriously, i can feel the love that went into this. my heart and soul are happy, and once again a massive congrats to this milestone and every bit of work done to reach it. the entire demo has so much love poured into it and every little piece of the game just makes me get those good shakes in my heart (if that makes sense). (I also did not mean for this to get a little bit long but, im just so proud and happy for you)
KARMA U R ONE OF THE OGS….. i literally remember u still from like the two years that have passed since the first demo. IT MAKES ME SO HAPPY TO KNOW U LIKE THIS VERSION TOO!!!!
revamping everything has honestly been a crazy and Extremely Tiring experience. i never would’ve imagined two years ago i would’ve been able to replace everything i have. the different vfx (snowblossom my beloved), text effects, assets, and just everything took up so much time to replace. a lot of times i wondered if it was even worth it since the changes felt small. but i rly do feel like seeing the end product now, it feels so different from the og and in a way the demo is a reminder of how far i’ve come on my dev journey compared to the og release 😭
so thankful as always for the ppl (new and old) who have watched over alaris’s development. it means a lot to know the ppl who have played the new demo can see how much work has been put into it and like it 💖 i sometimes get self conscious comparing alaris to intertwine since a lot of new ppl came here bc of intertwine. but its def moments like this that remind me how special alaris is to me just by virtue of it being my OG project. like this is literally my child
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cyborg-franky · 2 years
Trade - Blue
After screaming at one another for such a short time we have become chaos haha.
This is my part of our trade @friedbluechicken
Marco x OC SFW
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– How It Started..-
The sea was calm, the gentle breeze carrying the scent of the ocean through the window of the doctor's office, ruffling the papers stacked high on the desk. Marco sat on his chair listening to Ace talking about his last trip out on the striker. Ace leaned on the desk, idly rolling a pen around the desk as he chatted animatedly at Marco.
Marco frowned as he glanced around his desk, opening and closing the drawers the scrutinizing look on his face as he moved around the stacks of papers and medical books. He couldn’t find his favorite pen, the one that Thatch bought him for his last birthday, the golden pen with the peacock feather quill.
“And I was tellin’ Deuce about this one girl at the bar an- Marco, hey Marco, you distracted buddy?” Ace said with a frown, drumming his fingers on the desk, irritated that Marco’s attention seemed far away from their conversation.
“Huh? Oh, sorry Ace, I wanted to work while you talked but I can’t find my pen anywhere yoi.” Marco sighed in reluctant defeat, itching his head as his eyes did another sweep across his workspace.
“Why don’t you just use this one?” Ace suggested as he handed Marco the boring regular pen he’d been messing around with. “Not the same I don’t like the grip.” 
Ace gave him a look and Marco shrugged in response. “Is the pen your looking for gold? Big ass feather?” He nodded and Ace clicked his tongue, a grin spreading across his face, chuckling to himself as Marco sat there with his arms folded giving Ace a look. “Why?”
“Yeah, I saw Tori with it like an hour ago,”
Marco took his glasses off and pinched the bridge of his nose, that girl was going to be the death of him he swore it. Ace leaned back in his seat, the grin twisted into a smirk as Marco slipped his glasses back on and mumbled. “She likes you, birdbrain, she’s got it baaaad.” Ace teased lacing his hands behind his head, basking in Marco’s annoyance. “And how did you work that out yoi.” 
“No way in hell she messes with you this much to not have a crush on you. Don’t you remember when you were younger? To get someone's attention you tease them? Like pull hair, push them in puddles, take their stuff?” Ace could tell from the look on Marco’s face he had never done such a thing nor engaged in such behavior. “Man, I forget your like a thousand… anyway, it’s something that happens with normal people who can’t process their feelings…”
“Is that so?” “Yep”
Marco looked out the window, at the bright blue sky and mulled over Ace’s words, it would suit Tori’s personality, that sort of behavior. She was always playing these little tricks on him, nothing that was mean or harmful, just enough to get his attention. So, Tori had feelings for him? That was a lot to process. He couldn’t say they were one-sided, not at all. He rubbed the stubble on his chin as he put pieces together. Feeling Ace still staring at him with that smug look on his face.
“I think I also got a very clear look into what you were like growing up too, yoi.” Marco teased Ace, seeing the pink hue light up his freckled cheeks.
— Feathers and Claws—
Flying through the night sky always made his heart sing, the feeling of cool air running through feathers and flame. Marco was blessed with the joys of both the sea and the sky as his endless domain, his eternal freedom. It did his soul good to dance among the stars, weave in and out of clouds. 
Marco was always tasked with scouting ahead, to make sure the sea was clear of trouble, not that anyone would be dumb enough to try and take on the Whitebeard Pirates but the less hassle the better. He flapped his mighty wings, slowly beginning his descent as he saw the giant ship he called home in the distance. 
He dipped down in the sky like a shooting star, flaring his wings out like a parachute of feathers, landing gracefully on the deck, those on watch greeting him with cheers and waves. He tucked his wings on either side of him, his beak picking at the loose feathers on his chest, completely unaware he was being stalked.
Tori could never help the feral instincts that flared up within her, still unused to the urges her devil fruit would pump through her. Zoans always had a mind of their own after all. The griffin stalked its prey, watching the golden chains of light that were the tail of the phoenix with great interest, her talons flexed, sharp points digging into the wooden planks as her wings folded neatly, the lions tail swished behind her as she resisted the urge to growl, not wanting to alert her prey to her whereabouts.
The phoenix lifted a wing, preening the flaming blue plumage, feeling safe and at ease, unsuspecting. And that was perhaps Marco's fault, being too relaxed when he knew there was another zoan onboard with certain urges.
Tori flew across the deck, talons outstretched and leaping through the air she pounced on Marco who let out the least dignified squawk, loud into the night causing other crew members to stop and stare as he was pinned on his back, paws pinning his wings as he gawked up at the creature, at Tori.
She grinned, proud of herself for knocking the great Marco the Phoenix on his back. His legs were useless as they stuck up in the air. She leaned down and nuzzled her face against his. The phoenix gave an annoyed grumble, a trill of bird song when Tori’s beak nuzzled his.
“Alright, you got me yoi.” Marco said and wiggled his wings. 
“Yeah I did, you aren’t so tough are you?” She said with a chuckle, turning into a human at the same time as Marco, she straddled him, her hands pinning his arms down still. He gave her a lazy smile in return and didn’t make an effort to move, just allowing himself to be at her mercy, enjoying watching her hair frame her face, lightly jostled by the evening sea breeze.
“I guess not,” He shrugged his shoulders and felt her let go of his arms, placing her hands on his chest, gazing down at him with affection shining in her eyes. Marco reached up and stroked her face. 
“Guys come on, we just had dinner,” Thatch called, causing them both to look over where he was leaning on the railings, smoking a cigarette, a sly smirk on his face and brows quirked at the display.
“Jealous?” She shot at the chef before getting up, offering Marco her hand, he allowed her to pull him into a sitting position, the smile never leaving his face as she went to playfully bicker with Thatch.
Tori hadn’t seen Marco in a few hours, he wasn’t hunched over his desk working like she had expected and he wasn’t in the kitchen sneaking leftovers with Ace. She sighed and flapped her wings behind her back, letting them take her out of the kitchen and out onto the deck.
That was when she heard Ace’s voice and she turned the corner to see Thatch, Marco, and Ace huddled around one of the tables, beers at their sides and a stack of playing cards as Thatch started to shuffle the deck.
“Alright fellas, I’m tired of taking firecracker’s cash, wanna put something else on the line?” Thatch asked, a wicked grin spreading across his face. Ace rolled his eyes and slouched in his seat, sipping his beer and sulking.
Marco raised an eyebrow and looked over at Thatch. “What did you have in mind?” He asked as Thatch started to deal the cards. “Loser has to take one of the nurse's outfits and wear it for a night!” Thatch chuckled and Marco rolled his eyes but chuckled along with his friend.
“I’m not wearing a dress,” Ace mumbled and sat up. “Then suck less boy, come one Fire Fist, wheres your sense of adventure?” Thatch teased.
The competitive streak that ran a mile wide in Tori completely peeked and her wings stopped, letting her drop to the floor the sound of her feet hitting the deck caused Marco to look up, smiling and waving his hand. “Tori!” He called as she stepped over.
“That bet sounds fun, I think Ace’s legs would look great in leopard print, though I think I wanna take down the big bird himself.” She said, smirking as she sauntered over, sitting next to Marco at the table.
“How about it? Wanna deal me in Thatch?” Tori reached over and grabbed Marco’s mug, taking a swig of the booze, eyes meeting Marco’s, a challenge as she finished off his mug of drink with a happy sigh.
“Alright then, let's do this!” Thatch cheered and dealt the newest player her hand.
The game wasn’t hard per say but Thatch and Marco were sneaky, even Ace was pulling out all the stops, not wanting to be the one stuck in the nurse's outfit. Marco peered over his cards, the same sly smile on his lips as always, an amazing poker face. He could tell Ace and Tori were both sweating it.
He could be a good boyfriend and take down Ace, saving Tori from the fate of a tight pink dress and thigh highs but he also very much wanted to see that. He played a card and Tori puffed her chest out, she was determined to win, or at least not lose at this point. Long had given up on trying to put Marco at the bottom now she was doing her best not to be the loser.
Cards slapped on the table, beers brought over here and there. Curses and mumbles, laughs and playful jabs around he table as it came down to the wire. Ace was sweating, shuffling the cards in his hands in some vain attempt to change the outcome, to change the numbers.
“Alright then, how’s this…” Tori proclaimed with a grin staring at Marco as she slapped down her hand. Ace cried out, laughing loudly as he slapped his down. “I beat your ass birdbrain!” He pointed at her and she stared at the cards… stared at Thatch… Marco, the cards.
“Awww fuuuuuck..”
“You look very good in this though yoi.” Marco hummed and tilted his head when Tori came out of the bathroom in the outfit, feeling ridiculous, a blush across her cheeks as Marco watched how she moved in the outfit, trying to pull down the hem of the dress.
“It should be you in this not me… “ She huffed as he walked over, placing hands on her hips. “If you don’t like it that much, we can get you out of them” Marco’s smirk grew as he gave her a hungry half-lidded gaze which caused her cheeks to go brighter pink than the dress.
“S-shut up..”
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panzershrike-pretz · 9 months
top five ocs :3
Lou you like to make me suffer???? It would be easier if this was like. A top 50 ocs 😭😭😭 i can't possibly choose only 5 🥲👍 (i'm lying)
Since I have Too Many Characters(TM), I'll narrow it down to choose between the 92 (oof) that already have ther ref sheets drawn :] and this is in no particular order, it's just numbered to look pretty,,,
1. Pangea Coldwell
She's a fairly recent character I created back in 2022. She's Peggy's handler, and a second world war medic (i was in my biggest WWII era at the time). She's a gentle and kind woman, with a big heart but almost no patience at all; usually seen as smart by her peers and fast-to-act, despite whatever's in he way.
Despite her interest in medicine, she's extremely fond of ice-skating, acting, singing and reading - some of her favorite hobbies that don't include her insane dog.
Her power is that of future-sighting, though it's not nowhere near as strong as Horace's. She sees only bits and pieces based on probability, normally of the immediate future (at most, she sees only a few hours ahead, while Horace can see years in advance).
2. Peggy
The absolute sensation. My baby. THE stupidest thing to ever walk this planet. Precious bean. The devil's child, born to put everything in her mouth (and hopefully eat it before dying). The one and only:
Peggy, the Belgian Mallinois is a medical-rescue war dog owned by Pangea. Don't worry, she's dumb even while at work. She has a magical shield against projectiles, so she's a walking barrier (RIP for everyone who tries to hit her with a shoe while she howls and barks)
Things that she eated included (but are not limited to): frogs, fish, insects, rocks, shoes, bones she found where bones shouldn't be, twigs, a dead starfish, baby turtle, tried to eat a crab but failled, a hat, her own leash at least 3 timess, wood, alcoholic beverages (she's fiiiiiine), a mushroom, triessd to eat a snake, etc.
3. Constance Ezebel
The Goddess of Oceans and Curses. I consider her to be one of the strongest Gods among my characters; she's as ancient as water.
Since she was cursed to stay stuck on a Loop in Tortuga, unable to be free at sea again, she takes her anger in those who choose the waters to be their homes. She controls floods and storms, but also when fishing is good and the seas are calm. The fate of all who chose the sea lie within her hands - and those of her se monsters and creatures, who do her biding.
She's a fucking bitch who never does anything for free and usually only accepts stuff if it's paid with a soul or sacrifice,,, she also throws the best parties so she's forgiven :3 and she's half goat so she's cool
4. Stiggy the Stygimoloch
He was just a joke I turned real. He's extremely OP (the indistructable, extremely agresssives and immortal little dinosaur. Who is VERY little and VERY angry) that I turned canon because I love him so much xD
His first appearance was back in 2019 (you see, he's OLD). His backstory is that all the anger in the universe fuels him and he was created by the Gods as a weapon or something. Anyway the only person who he listens to is Miss Kestrel
He's my fave joke character and i'm very glad I made him canon (even if he lives in a forest in the middle of nowhere without ever being interacted with xD)
5. Athena Crow
Death and Freedom Goddess! One of my mains like Pangea and Peggy! Blithe's iresponsible First Mate and Constance's biggest pain in the ass (Athena cursed her to be forever stuck on land and Constance cursed Athena to forever roam the seas. They are bestfriends but also hate each other's guts)
I have SO MANY thoughts about this woman it's unreal,,,,, I love how much of an annoyance she is in general. Alway here to make a fool of herself and have people questioning why the fuck they follow her
Form this I discovered that: of my favorites the only one who is not a complete and utter imbecile is Pangea. Good for her 🤡👍
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silverwings22 · 2 years
Caught in the Crosshairs: Chapter 47: All Around Me- Flyleaf
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Series warnings: Smut, mind control, canon typical violence, childhood trauma, language, chronic illness
Chapter Warnings: Near death experiences, talk of death, talk of assisted suicide, shadow work, mentions of torture
Translations: ad'ika: little one di'kut: idiot osik: shit su runi: your soul ram'ser: sniper Jai'galaar: shriek-hawk har'chaak: Damn it buir: mother/father vor entye, ner ba'vodu: thank you, my aunt/uncle ner kar'ta: My heart shebs: ass ner ad: my child luubid: enough
Previous Chapter:
Next Chapter:
Naboo stretched warm and comforting to cradle the Havoc Marauder when they landed. Irene and Argais were already waiting for them as Tech maneuvered the ship into the large drying barn. 
"Did you tell them we were coming, Hunter?" Miria stood up from her seat, pausing to hack into her elbow. "Pardon me. The smoke on Kashyyyk didn't do me any favors."
"Easy." Hunter steadied her. "And no, I didn't tell anybody."
"I did." Echo admitted quietly. "I've been… in contact with your aunt and uncle for a couple months."
"Tattling on me. It's rude to make fun of the disabled." She didn't look too upset, smiling faintly as she cleaned the blood off her arm with a bacta wipe. Echo was immediately relieved. 
"Not if it's your sister. Then it's love." He teased.
The ramp opened and Omega trotted headlong into Argais' knees. "I missed you guys!"
"We missed you too, young one. Annalise has been baking up a storm since sunrise for your visit. And I have some new flowers to show you." He pleasantly scooped Omega onto his hip. 
Irene gave Miria a critical glance. "You look like shit, ad'ika."
"Thank you, Aunt Irene." Miria shook her head with a grimace. "I rather feel like it too, but that is why we're here."
"Well come inside. Let's get you cleaned up and we'll talk. You smell like smoke and wookiee." The Mandalorian woman sighed. 
"We did just leave Kashyyyk." 
They got into the house and Hunter sighed, a grin on his face. "Your mom's cooking smells amazing."
Miria nodded. "Mother? It's me, I'm…" Saying she was home didn't quite feel right, but it was close. This place wouldn't be home without the missing piece. "I'm back."
"Miria!" Annalise darted from the kitchen, covered liberally in flour, and wrapped her daughter in a hug. "Oh sweetheart, you're so pale! Let me get you some tea. You don't like caf, but I can make some for the boys. I sent your father to the store to get juice for Omega, but I wasn't sure what she liked so I told him to get-"
"Mother, relax. It's alright." Miria put her hands over her mother's fluttery ones. "Don't stress yourself. We're easy to please."
"That's right. You're like your uncle. Sorry, sorry…" Annalise rubbed her thumbs lightly over Miria's braces. "I just… keep hoping maybe if I can make everything perfect, you won't want to leave again."
"You know why I can't stay, Mother. Not yet." Miria shook her head. 
"Cause she's in love with a di'kut." Aram walked in, dressed in a spectacularly flowy turquoise and gold pair of haram pants and tunic. "Am I allowed to eat the cookies now? She hit me with a spoon earlier, Miri." He started to lean in for a hug and paused. "... go take a shower. All of you. I have clean clothes for you too."
"You didn't have to go to all the trouble-" Miria started.
"Yes I did. Shower. You're not getting the smell of ash and fur into my clothes. Shoo." He scolded. 
Hunter laughed. "Alright, alright. Kashyyyk had its charms, though." 
Miria walked to her room to get her new clothes. The holo-projector on the dresser had new images that rolled through now, flickering from her infancy to her last visit. Currently it was her sitting alone by the pond, the dying sunlight turning her into a silhouette. There was space in the frame for more, for the Batch and her family. For Crosshair and Mayrin. 
She picked up the dress Aram had laid out for her and went to scrub her misadventures off her skin. Plo Koon's voice followed her, an echo of when she'd been a padawan struggling to find her way. 
"If this is the path you wish, padawan mine, then pick yourself up and begin again. Are you ready?"
"Yes Master. I can do it."
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A pink sundress didn't seem like an act of rebellion, even with her freshly washed and dried tac vest over it. Still Miria sat on the porch with a cup of tea, watching the sunrise over the flower fields like a soldier surveying her terrain.
"You smell better. Still look like osik, but it's an improvement." Irene chuckled, sitting down next to her. "You been up all night?"
"Yes. I wanted to… reflect." Miria said quietly. "I'm sure you think I've been stupid and stubborn, to wait until I'm on death's door to consider this."
"A little. But I'm guessing you had a reason."
"I'm afraid." Miria admitted. "All my life I've been told a Jedi doesn't fear, and I've tried to live it."
"They had their good points, and their dumb ones. The Sith are the same." Irene shrugged. "But what scares you?"
"Failure. If I take this step, there's no return. If I accept the… the darkness within me, as you say. If it's not an intruder to fight, but a part of me, then there's only three outcomes. If I succeed, I'll be whole. That's wonderful… more than I ever dared hope for. If I fall, I'll die. I don't fear death, though. The third outcome… It terrifies me."
"And what's that?" Irene knew the answer, she was pretty sure. But Miria needed to say it.
"When I was tortured on Kamino, Darth Vader showed me a vision. The outcome he wanted. In it, I was an Inquisitor. I was cold, hard as durasteel. A machine in which no parts complained, but empty. I… killed Crosshair."
"That's cruel, even for a Sith." Irene shook her head. "But do you really think you're weak enough to fall? You've proven otherwise."
"Have I?" Miria snorted. "I was the weak padawan, who struggled to master anything in the Force. I only kept to the code as long as I did because I knew nothing better. Until the Batch, I was alone. It's easy not to have attachments when nobody wants you."
"The code isn't a testament to strength. Don't look at the body that fails you. Look at su runi, your soul. Why did you join the war?" Irene was unusually gentle now, making her point in a way the younger woman would understand. 
"To protect my students…" Miria frowned. It was hardly as noble in her mind as those who fought for freedom and democracy, but it had been her reason. 
"And why did you stay when it got hard? You'd have been within your rights to return to the Temple, considering your health."
"The Batch. I couldn't abandon them when they wouldn't abandon me."
"And why you haven't come back to the farm to stay? Even if you don't do this, it'd be a more comfortable place to die." Irene's native bluntness returned. "You want something so badly that you'd rather fight to the death than give up on it."
Miria looked dead ahead, brow furrowed. "Yes… Crosshair. I thought I'd… be content with a last goodbye. But I'm not. I want a hello. A beginning, something that can't be snatched away. I want a future. I want Mayrin."
"Mayrin?" Irene raised an eyebrow. 
"Our daughter.” Miria whispered. “I've… seen her in the Force. She said I needed hope. She was right…" 
Irene nodded. "If you die, there won't be a Mayrin. And the rest of the Batch will follow you to your grave shortly. Including your ram'ser."
Miria looked at Irene. "If I don't try, she'll never live. I've been paralyzed by the fear of failure, but… I have to try."
"I've been waiting for you to say that." Irene stood up, offering Miria a hand. "Come on. Your pain ends as it began."
Miria took the Mandalorian’s hand and was hauled to her feet, leaving her still-steaming teacup on the porch. "Where are we going?" She asked as Irene led her to a smaller barn in the back of the property. 
"My ship. The Jai'galaar."
"Shreik-hawk…" Miria whispered. 
"Yup. And you’ve been practicing your Mando’a. The shriek-hawk was the Symbol of Clan Vizla, before a bunch of deranged cultists made us look bad." Irene opened the barn door. There was a forge smelter in the corner and she grabbed something off it before opening the hatch of a sleek black ship. "It was mine when I was Darth Imperia."
Miria stepped aboard, leaning on the wall to catch her breath at the steep ramp. Irene patted her back as she got her bearings. The inside of the ship definitely matched her idea of what a Sith would fly; dark metal studded with glowing red buttons and inscriptions in a language she coldn’t read but gave her a weird feeling. It was a small gunship, designed to be maneuverable. The cargo hold was essentially a closet in the back of the cockpit, with a claustrophobic fresher and bunkroom barely bigger than a closet. The ramp had opened directly into the cockpit, so Miria eased into the co-pilot’s seat beside Irene as the older woman guided the ship out of the barn before the wings unfolded. It was a rapid and surprisingly silent ascent. “I expected the engines to be louder for such an old ship, Aunt Irene.”
“It’s a stealth ship, and I’ve taken care of it and upgraded it over the years. The Jai’galaar will outfly that Omicron of yours, no matter how many modifications Tech and Echo slap on. And it can cloak.” Irene bragged. “That’s been pretty useful getting around the galaxy under the Empire’s nose collecting beskar. I’ve been busy.” 
Miria nodded, rubbing her chest. “Perhaps I should have worn my armor, instead of a dress?” 
“You won’t need it where we’re going.” Irene assured her as they broke the atmosphere of Naboo and hit hyperspace. 
“And where is that?” Miria rubbed the leather of her thigh bag thoughtfully. 
“Thule. There’s more than one Sith Temple there, but the one in the City of Hurom should do just fine.” 
Before Miria could express her misgivings about going to a Sith Temple, there was a squawk and startle from the hold behind them. “A Sith Temple!?”
Irene froze, looking at her niece with faint horror in her eyes. “Is that…”
“Aram?” Miria blinked back at her. “I think so.”
Irene groaned and walked over, opening the hold door. Aram’s lanky figure was crouched inside, where he’d been clearly trying to keep himself from falling over when they started moving. “Har’chaak, Aram! What are you doing on my ship?!”
“Well, I was looking for that holocron I heard you mention the other day. Now I’m apparently going on an adventure.” He shrugged. 
Miria raised an eyebrow at her aunt. “You have a Sith holocron?”
“I have a lot of old relics.” Irene sighed. “Dammit, Aram. I was not planning on taking you for this.” 
“But I’ve always wanted to go on an adventure with you. You won’t let me come on the beskar roundup.” The young man smiled, scooting past her to sit on the floor between the pilot and co-pilot’s seats. 
“You’d better listen to every word I say.” Irene growled. 
“Of course, Buir.” He gave her a cheeky smile. "So why are we taking Miri to Thule? She's kind of…" 
"Dying?" Miria chuckled. "This would be a last ditch effort to save my life. It's why I returned to Naboo."
"Oh good. I'd miss you." He leaned against her leg. Her skin was mottled with bruises and she had to carefully pat his hair to avoid getting her braces tangled in it. 
"I'd miss you too, Aram. I'm not ready to die yet." She paused to cough into her elbow before looking at Irene with watery eyes. "Will you make me a promise? Both of you?"
"Of course." Aram said immediately. Irene nodded. 
"If I fail…" Miria said slowly. "If I am consumed by the Dark Side, you must kill me. I can stand the thought of dying as long as I tried my best. But I can't let myself become something that hurts others. So if it comes to that, I need you to protect them. From me, if you must."
Aram looked horrified. Irene reached over and put a hand on his arm. "You have my word as a Mandalorian."
"How do I thank you in Mando’a? I haven't learned as much as I'd like… Crosshair and I never had the time."
"Vor entye, ner ba'vodu." Aram looked at his mother. "It's 'thank you, my aunt or uncle'."
"Vor entye, ner ba'vodu." Miria repeated. "If I succeed, will you teach me more? I'd like to surprise Crosshair… I think he'd like that."
"When, not if. I'll have you so fluent you blow your troopers mind." Her cousin promised.
"You haven't even met him and you want to play a prank on him?" Miria smiled. 
"He did make you cry. But you love him, so the policy is to confuse instead of abuse." 
"You'll love him too. I'm sure of it." She flexed her hands, looking at the braces. She ached to put her ring back on…
"You look sad again." Aram nudged her. 
"It's alright, Aram." She breathed. 
They sat in silence, Miria watching the lights in hyperspace for a long time. Slowly she smiled and fumbled into a small bag she'd been carrying on her hip, one he saw her with everywhere. It was sturdy leather, decorated with stars and moons. He couldn't resist eying it appreciatively, his love for fashion and accessories shining through. "Where'd you get that?"
Miria chuckled. "It was just a sachel from the Temple… but Crosshair took one of my doodles and traced it into the leather." She rubbed the design gently with her numb fingers. "When I joined the council. We'd just celebrated our first anniversary together… I had to be in meetings for hours, and I guess he got bored. Boredom was dangerous for that man… but sometimes he could use it constructively." She opened it and pulled out a sheet of flims
 "I keep my favorite of his letters and my lightsaber in it when I'm off the Marauder. "
"Letters. That's almost romantic." Irene smirked. 
"He was never good at talking about his feelings. But he could write them." Miria smiled. "Could I share this one with you? I think… I'd like to remember what I'm fighting for. Sometimes it's hard to recall, after Kamino…"
Irene nodded. Aram looked starry-eyed as she pulled the flimsi out and read it aloud.
"Ner kar'ta
We just left your Temple, and you're down in the hold with the others while I'm on watch. Usually you come sit with me, but today you're all fired up over getting to see your creche kids. You took us to meet them, and teach the younglings about the GAR. I never figured I'd be in a kid's classroom again after I graduated basic, but I think I like teaching more than I did being a student. Maybe it's the way you Jedi treat the kids… it's a lot different than how we were treated. 
You looked so good with those kids. You look good anywhere, but with them you looked more in your element than any battlefield. And they loved you. Toddlers crawling in your lap, older kids wanting to hug you and show you everything they were doing… I've never seen you so naturally do anything. You're not just good with kids. You're great. 
I keep thinking about what you said right after the mission on Tattooine. Before I gave you that ring, the first time you mentioned us getting married. I always knew you'd want kids, ever since we met Cut and Suu. But now that it's really official, I run it over in my head constantly. That you're really mine. That you'll be my wife. That we might have our own kids… I know how I am. I know what war made me, and I wonder if I'm kidding myself that it's possible more than one person could ever see more than that in me the way you do. I look at you and see a kid in your arms, and wonder if they'll hate me. 
Then I hear your voice, just like on Tattooine. 'What if they love you?'
Before I met you I thought I liked being alone. I was used to it, because I stayed in trouble as a cadet. I ended up in solitary a lot. 99 tried to bail me out way more often than I deserved. And the guys always waited for me, but I never wanted them to know just how much I hated it in there. I don't like admitting stuff bothers me. You've heard it before, weakness was used against you. But you see through me. You knew I was lonely long before you were mine. And now that you are, and we've got all these plans, I think I get it. I didn't like being alone like I thought. It was just easier. 
I'm not taking the easy way out now. If you think they'll love me, and if they're half of you, then I believe it. Maybe some of what 99 was teaching me sank in. I hope so… and I hope our kid has your eyes. 
As Miria read the letter, something shimmered behind Aram and she glanced up. 
A silver haired toddler with her little thumb in her mouth was smiling at Miria, too-long sleeves pushed up her arms. She was wavery, struggling to hold her form with how weak Miria was, but Mayrin was there and listening. 
He gets his wish, if this works. She has my eyes… Miria thought, looking at the face of her future. Crosshair’s tanned skin and wider nose, her eyes, his hair, her petite figure, his smile…
"What are you staring at?" Aram turned his head, seeing nothing in the spot his cousin was watching so intently. 
"Tomorrow." Miria smiled. 
Mayrin giggled quietly, and Miria knew they couldn't see her. She wished they could, just so she could proudly tell them that this little spirit in the Force was her daughter. That her love for Crosshair made something so beautiful it could transcend birth to bring her hope when she was fading. She wondered if Mayrin would remember these moments when she came into the world, like some dream of the time before her existence. When. Not if. 
Irene watched her face thoughtfully. Whatever her niece was seeing, she loved it. It echoed bright through the Force like a full moon over placid water, reflecting and soft but clear. Miria once told her that the clone she was missing said her Force signature felt like moonlight…. He had a point. 
"Coming up on Thule." She murmured. "Ready, Miri?"
"As I will ever be." Miria straightened her back. "If this works, I will finally have the strength to rescue Crosshair from the Empire."
"What if it doesn't work…?" Aram frowned. 
"Then I don't suppose the Empire will be my problem anymore." Miria murmured. "Either I succeed, I fail and die, or I fall and you two kill me. A 33 percent chance of sucess." Her lips twitched into a slow smile. "As the Bad Batch like to say… I like those odds.
Irene set them down carefully just outside a ghostly empty city, more than half of it consumed by the massive black Temple of Hurom. "Spooky…" Aram frowned. 
"Sith seers used to gather here. They foretold the Clone Wars here, and studied dark side prophecy, before the Rule of Two." Irene explained. "The holocron I've got came from here." She led them out, leaving the blaster on her hip and instead gripping the black hilts of her twin sabers. "Stay close."
Miria left her sachel but took her own saber, clutching the recurved hilt tightly. She'd always chuckled to herself about her design, inspired by the archaic paintings of Nabooian archers she'd seen when she was a youngling. How fitting, she supposed, that she'd fallen in love with a sniper. He'd make a fine archer too, if he ever took an interest. 
She stayed close to Irene's back, Aram right behind her. She wondered if he had any combat experience… he was half Mandalorian, surely Irene had taught him something. The hallways twisted and turned, dark stone and dimly lit and ominous braisers all the light they had to see by. But Irene knew the way, huge as this place was. 
She guided them straight into a massive hall, with a raised dais in the middle of the room. The kind of place to expected to find a helpless virgin tied up as a sacrifice. "Go up the steps, Miria. You'll know what to do. We got your back." Irene murmured. 
Miria nodded, hooking her saber back to her hip. She took a shaking breath, willing every ounce of her fading strength not to fail her now. For Crosshair. For Mayrin. My team, and my family. She mounted the steps. 
It went pitch black. 
Miria went still as a slow light rose behind her, turning slowly. A tiny figure appeared, facing away from her. A child, sobbing bitterly into her hands, was crouched and helpless. The misery, abject despair and loneliness rolling off the tiny figure was suffocating within the Force. "Mayrin?" Miria frowned. 
"No!" The girl's voice was raw, as if she'd been screaming. "You love her but you don't love me! Nobody loves me!"
Miria froze when the child whipped around, tearful eyes lost and terrified. She had black hair with a tuft of white in the cut of a Jedi youngling, dressed in a fur-lined coat and mittens. Those were soaked in blood, fingers poking through and torn open. The child's eyes were lavender. 
She's… me. On Illum…
"Nobody wants me because I'm broken now." Baby Miria sobbed. "Not Aayla. Not my best friend! Nobody! You don't even want me! You forced me away. Pretended I'm not here so you can be a perfect Jedi! That's why you got sick!"
Miria stared at her child self before slowly easing onto her knees. "You… are my fear and sorrow… aren't you, little one?" She murmured. Her fears that she'd shoved down, desperate to prove herself worthy of the Temple. The pain of being left, the fear that no one would ever again value her. It stared back at her with her own eyes, demanding to be recognized. She had been so afraid of being abandoned again that she'd abandoned this part of herself into the darkness she tried to lock away. 
"You didn't want me. Nobody wants me. You tried to kill me so nobody would know." The child whispered. "Are you going to kill me now so you can be a perfect Jedi?"
Miria shook her head. "I was never perfect, little one." She held a hand out, shaking fingers gentle. "But it's not true that nobody wants you."
"W- what?" The girl wiped her tears on her bloody mittens. 
"We meet wonderful people." Miria smiled. "The best friends in the galaxy. And they know we're broken, but they love us anyway. We find a man who sees all of the imperfections, and he still wants us. Come here, please." 
"Why?" The youngling looked suspicious. 
"When we’re together, I can show you all the love I didn't give you before. I'm sorry I hurt you." Miria whispered. "I hurt us both." She held her arms open wide. 
Her fear ran into them and Miria embraced her tightly, squeezing her little body. She saw the path she could have trod, where she could have failed. How many Jedi would have struck down the child inside them if they knew it was their darkness? Before Kashyyyk, she might have. 
The child faded into her chest, and Miria started to stand when she heard a hiss. "How touching."
She looked up, again into her own eyes. This time it wasn't a child, but a grown woman in a solid black Imperial uniform. This version of her looked furious and disgusted instead of afraid. Her anger, the carefully controlled rage she'd always leashed, was snarling at her. Miria stood. "Inquisitor." She murmured politely as she understood the magnitude of the task at hand. 
"Master." The vision huffed sarcastically. "Pathetic. You're weak, you should have died out on Illum and let me lead the way. Instead, you ruined everything! You couldn't even kill Trench yourself. At least Anakin had the guts."
"Anakin became a Sith." Miria said firmly. 
"Anakin was fighting for the power to save the woman he loved. What did you do? You had Crosshair right there on Kamino. And you left him!" Her fury sneered. "He was right, in that training room. You left him. You weren't loyal to him, because your precious morals mattered too much. The jedi that left us for twenty years! You deserve your fate, and I hope it hurts. You sat around thinking you were so great, forgiving everyone. Ventress was the reason 99 died. Aayla abandoned us. And what did you do? Nothing! Because you're pathetic!" She took a looming step towards Miria, eyes burning. "Now the Empire will kill Crosshair, the only good thing we ever really had!"
Miria stood her ground. It would be so easy to attack, to reject her anger and force it to yield. To scream back that she'd had no choice, that she'd had to leave him. But she locked eyes with her mirror image. "We can save him."
"How? By forgiving Vader for maiming us when you rejected his offer?" The vision hissed. "That power could have protected him!"
"We already have the power, if we're whole." Miria murmured. "You're not just my anger. You're doubt as well. But together, we're strong enough to bring him home."
"If you'd had the guts to fight Vader on Kamino, he'd be home."
"We can't change the past. But we can direct the future. Don't you want to see Mayrin?" Miria coaxed. Even this, her darkest impulses, still loved Crosshair. She could feel the desperate desire in the Force, the rage that so much had been snatched away. The second guessing of every decision since Kaller and beyond, her self loathing blaming her for the agony. 
"Of course I do…" For a moment, the Inquisitor's clenched fists relaxed. "I'm selfish. I want them both. I'd burn the galaxy to the ground for them… more than you'd do. You don't care."
"You know I care. Remember Raxus?" Miria smiled softly. 
"... we were angry." Her rage whispered. 
"We snapped at Omega. And regretted it. But… if we worked together, wouldn't it be enough? Couldn't we save him?"
The Inquisitor looked askance. "... will I stop existing?" She whispered. "Will you?"
"We've always been a part of each other. We've just never worked together before. If we've nearly killed ourselves fighting each other, imagine what we could accomplish together?" Miria held her hand out. 
The Inquisitor slowly reached out. "I want to destroy the empire for taking him away…"
"I think destroying them is the right thing to do. For more than one reason." She grasped the gloved hand and yanked her rage into her arms, hugging her tightly. "Come home, so he can too."
The vision hugged her back. "Bitch…"
"Crosshair’s right. It does sound wrong when we swear."
They both laughed, fading into each other until Miria was hugging her arms around herself, giggling helplessly. 
"Miri! Miria!" 
She opened her eyes, startled. She wasn't standing like she thought she was, but laying on her back still hugging herself, on the Sith dais. The voice calling her was high and worried, and a humming sound she didn't immediately recognize filled the air. 
A lightsaber. Aram and Irene! 
She sat bolt upright, spotting her aunt and cousin back to back and surrounded by a thick smoke full of peering eyes. "What the hell is this, Buir?!" Aram sounded both terrified and furious, holding a handful of slender needles he'd pulled from Force knows where. 
Irene had her sabers up, the white light from the purified crystals holding the smoke at bay for now. "Sith spirits." She gritted her teeth. If Miria had fallen, they'd be hard pressed to keep their promise. If her niece was a Sith now, these tormented souls bound to the Force and temple would do her bidding and try to kill them. Irene didn't particularly want to test her meddle against a duelist like Miria with the power of the Dark Side at her command.
Miria stood, walking towards them purposefully and with something unreadable in her eyes too far away for Irene to see the color. Aram swallowed hard. "Miria." 
The little woman looked at her hands a moment, furrowed her brow, before extending her arms. The gathered darkness rumbled with momentary excitement before Miria's voice, stronger than her kin had ever heard and woven with power, thundered out. 
"They are mine!"
A brilliant purple light flashed up, forcing the inky darkness back a step. When Miria descended the steps, her eyes met Irene's. Bright eyes, alive and forceful and lavender as the setting sun.
Miria flexed her hands and snatched, the support columns around the room coming loose under her control. They broke and fell, Miria marching through the screaming shadows as the braisers tipped and the tapestries on the wall caught fire. When she reached Irene and Aram, Miria smiled. "I think it's time for us to go."
Irene nodded, grinning. "Follow me."
They took off at a breakneck pace, Miria keeping pace even with Aram's long legs. When they reached the ship, the temple was burning behind them to the sound of the screams of the damned. Irene slid into the pilots seat and hurriedly yanked them into orbit. "Did you have to set it on fire, Miri?"
The jedi laughed softly. "I'm terribly sorry, Aunt Irene. But it was a dreadful place that had outlived its use."
"Spoken like a Mandalorian." Smiled the woman, punching the coordinates into the navi-computer before turning to face Miria. Her warm, dark eyes softened on the younger woman beside her, who was smiling contentedly. "You did it…"
"Can somebody explain to me what you did?" Aram squawked indignantly. "From where I was standing you flopped over and started twitching, then giggled, and we got attacked by shadow monsters that felt like noxious gas in the Force itself!"
Miria patted his arm. "Sorry, dear. It's…. Rather difficult to describe. I saw myself, first as a frightened child and then as an angry adult. And I made peace with both of them."
"Your dark emotions." Irene mused. "I'd wondered how it would play out. How'd you get through to them?"
"The creche and Omega taught me all about how to tend to frightened younglings." Miria chuckled. "And everything I know about diffusing angry adults, I learned from Crosshair."
"He's good at handling pissed off people?" Aram raised an eyebrow. 
"Oh, Force no. He's good at being, and causing pissed off people." Miria laughed. "My darling is nothing if not intentionally antagonistic when he wants to be… like a tooka, not getting enough attention so it pushes your glass off the table while looking you dead in the eyes. "
Irene laughed so hard she snorted, holding her ribs. "I thought you loved this guy!"
Miria smiled. "I do. Love is the willingness to pick the broken glass off the floor and still pet the tooka afterwards."
Aram smiled. "I'm gonna tell him you said that."
"After all he's put me through since Kaller, he's going to have to deal with that. And I just might keep his Firepuncher." Miria chuckled. She looked at Irene. "Aunt Irene… you spoke earlier like you… knew what was happening."
Irene smiled sheepishly. "Kind of did. That holocron I mentioned… it was about you."
"Me?" Miria’s brows scraped her hairline. "I'm the subject of a Sith holocron?"
Irene nodded and looked at Aram. "Go grab it, since you were so curious earlier that you ended up on this crazy mission. Honestly, Aram. You thought you could fight Sith spirits with your hairpins?"
"They're sebon needles, Mom. And what were your lightsabers going to do? They were glorified glowsticks."
"I'm about to glorify something on your shebs, ner ad." She huffed. 
Miria sighed. "Luubid." 
That startled them enough to look at her. "You sure you need me to teach you Mando’a?"
She smirked. "I will not tell you how I learned that word. Now, that holocron please?"
Aram grumbled and got up to go get it. Irene looked at Miria. "Did you have pants on when you learned that word?"
Miria smirked. "Briefly."
Irene howled with laughter until Aram came back with the Bleecker pyramid shaped holocron and his mother took it. "Alright. Here goes nothing." She pulled a small knife from her thigh and pricked her thumb with it, offering the device a drop of blood. It opened, slow and ominous, and a hissing voice poured out that set everyone's teeth on edge. 
"Upon the dawning of our Era, a broken light will come to the temple seeking to be whole. Never were they truly belonging to the hearts that raised them, but to the blood of an ancient enemy of the Jedi. Love will be the death of duty, and lead the Broken Light to the darkness. They will face a trial, with only three outcomes. If they strike down their inner darkness, death will take them and they trouble us no more. If the darkness wins, a Sith more powerful than any before will be unleashed and create an Empire that will never end. But brethren, if balance should prevail, the temple that has stood for over a thousand years will fall before the end of the Broken Light's lifetime!"
Irene snapped the holocron closed "I've been pondering over that for over thirty years. My master had me steal it when I was young… he was obsessed with prophecy. I didn't realize it was about you until months after you came to Naboo the first time. And I knew if I tried to push it before you were ready, or influence how you took the trial, it could cause you to fail." 
Miria stared at the black pyramid in her hands. "That's why you didn't want anyone to know we were leaving, and why you agreed to kill me so readily. You already knew you might have to."
Irene nodded. "I knew your squad couldn't do it. They love you too much to pull the trigger. Argais too. Annalise and Jet might be physically capable of it, don't let the little farm wife and perfumery aesthetic fool you. She can throw knives and needles, and he's a mechanic with a working battle mech in the shed. But you're their daughter… it had to be me."
  Miria looked consideringly at the top of Irene's bowed head. She'd taken on the burden of Miria’s fate, right alongside her. Even if it meant breaking her own heart or damaging her relationship with the rest of the family… Miria put her hand on her aunt's shoulder. "Thank you." She murmured. 
Aram cocked his head. "Ba'vodu has a mech in the shed? I want to touch it."
"For the love of Manda, stop touching everything!" Irene groaned. "You're worse than your father!"
Aram grinned, happy to needle his mother now that the danger was past. Miria vacated the co-pilots seat for him, going to the hold and sitting quietly on the floor with her legs crossed. She flexed her fingers, rubbing the fabric of her dress. 
I wonder…
Force healing was a rare gift, and one she'd never had the strength to learn. But she always watched Master Che when she was in the halls of healing, the kindly twi'lek patching her up from her most recent misadventure. 
"You can, Mama." A sweet voice cooed, and she turned to look at Mayrin with a smile. 
The girl was a little older now, more than a toddler and dressed in a miniature set of blacks. Miria chuckled at the way she stood, hips cocked and sassy. Just like her father. "Well then. Let's give it a try." She murmured. 
She put her hands together, as if praying, and called out to the Force as respectfully as she knew how. If it would grant her the strength, let her ruined hands feel again so that one day they could reach out and touch her beloved's face once more… 
Please. Let my hands be his to hold. 
It was a faint purplish light, though Miria didn't see it with her eyes squeezed closed. But she felt the cool touch like running water in the desert, blessed and sustaining. And the first thing her hands had truly felt since the agony of Vader's saber had subsided. She opened her eyes and blinked. 
The angry scars persisted, but when she pressed her palms to the floor the texture of the grit there greeted her. She rubbed the tracked-in dirt between her fingers, delighted and overwhelmed tears pricking her eyes. 
"Mayrin…" She whispered. "I'll hold your hand one day, I swear. And your father's…"
"Good, Mama." The girl giggled. "He wants to come home… he's just real stubborn."
"Oh…. I'm certain." Miria smiled, tugging her braces off. They skittered in the metal floor where she'd dropped them, but she ignored the sound in favor of pulling the cord from her neck and bringing her ring out of the pouch. The silver was cool against her skin when she slipped the ring back on. It belonged there, it would warm again. "But I'm stubborn too."
"Good." Mayrin grinned. "You gonna need it."
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youareonlyastory · 2 years
Hey i love you i have a question
Will you be continuing Ties at any point and if so i love you and if not i love you okay byyeeeeee
My Love, My Sweetest Pea, My Heart, My Whole, My Soul...
I utterly aologise for how delayedIam here. I've been thinking for a while on how best to answer this in a way that doesn't want to make me sob in want...
To put it shortly- I will, I do and I hate that I haven't updated in so long! I still think about it from time to time and I'm still utterly plagued by the juicey thoughts that sit on my brain and refuse to leave me.
I love Ties. I love that I get the most vibes for it in the Winter and I love that it is an uncomfortable and questionable relationship to examine Carlesme in.
Alas, I'm meant to be semi studying. I've meant to be doing this for about three years and I couldn't force myself to do. This is my last year, after November I am free and the first thing I plan on doing is jumping on that big ol' bike and writing a fat ass chapter. Or maybe just adding to those half finished pieces.
I still have thoughts.
I still miss it.
And I am dreaming of the day I can allow myself to return.
The fact that you remember it is, for sure, a great privilege to me and I am forever grateful.
I love youuu and i love how kind and thoughtful you are! 💗 I hope that isn't too much of a disappointment!
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fastcardotmp3 · 2 years
When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass it on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love!
oh what a cool thing 😭💛
I've only got 4 fics on ao3 right now but I'll pad it with something from my tumblr ramblings too fjdaskl
METAMORPHOSES - (109k+ wip) Eddie post-Kas possession recovery fic ft. Steddie hurt/comfort slow burn and the Eddie & Nancy friendship of my dreams
I think this is genuinely my favorite thing I've written so far even though it's not done yet. It feels like I've learned a piece of what it's taken to pull this together from every other thing I've written for this fandom and I'm finally finding a cohesive way to put those pieces together. Upside Down twisty turns? Character studies? Motifs and throughlines? you know the drill. I love this Eddie with my entire goddamn soul I'm so grateful to anyone who has taken the time to hang out with me in this little universe
there's blood in my ears (and a fool in the mirror) - (58k) Eddie & Max escape from the UD post S4 ft. Steddie getting to know each other pre S4
my very first ST fic, I just NEEDED to write about Eddie and Max stumbling their way into chosen family-hood and stumbled myself into making Boys Kiss along the way and although it's not as popular as some of my other stuff, I love this little world and I love my first try at playing around with UD logistics and DIY lore.
someone else's favorite song - (120k) Steve centric as he grieves the death of his mother and stumbles through the ups and downs of a FWB relationship with Eddie
This will never not have a special place in my heart, I got so much out of writing this both on a technical writing learning level and just the catharsis that always comes with writing about grief for me. I write for myself to such a degree that it still shocks me every time someone mentions connecting to this story and I am so full of gratitude that my catharsis could be yours too so just <3
that's just wasteland, baby! - (19k) Steve centric post S4 apocalyptic Hawkins ft. life affirming shower sex and buzzcut!Steve
I am always thinking about the immediate aftermath of season 4 and what kind of impact All That would have on the actual town of Hawkins, I mean we are RIFE with opportunity for good apocalyptic romance/ found family and this was my go at it. I'm really proud of managing to do something short and slice-of-life rather than accidentally writing a novel fajdskl and I had a really good time just narrowing my focus and making it a small story in such a Big setting ya know
reprogrammed au - (tumblr meta) after the end of the war with the UD, the people responsible for the NINA Project use that technology to wipe the Party's memories (at least for a little while)
If it's not already clear, I really love playing with the boundaries of what sort of unexplored set-ups exist for cool premises in the canon ST universe and this is just a further extension of that. I would love to write a longer more involved version of this, because there are just SO many avenues to take, especially with such a broad ensemble cast, and I love a good, kind of fucked up introspective moment/ any excuse to mess around with structure and unreliable narration so this is like the gold mine for me.
I have no idea who's already done this so apologies if I send out any repeats! I just haven't been scrolling as much this week because I'm busy getting my ass kicked by situations and circumstances and such woof
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itsrebaby22 · 17 days
As shallow as it sounds, I am willing to admit that I like special treatment. I mean how would I know if you like me, if you treat me the same as everybody else? I know from personal experience know that when I like someone I treat them differently than the general population, y’know? I mean I won’t text a person if I don’t like them, shoot I’ve actually told a few people that I wasn’t interested in even getting to know them because I simply had feelings for someone else. One thing I’m not fixing to do is lead someone on, that’s someone’s son, someone’s future husband, and someone’s father— I want everyone to get to their destination with as many pieces of their heart still intact as possible, but that’s besides the point.
The point is that I find that I am more fulfilled when my man shows me behaviors, energies, vibes, or sides of themselves that is set apart from the outside world. In simpler terms, I want to see you in your authentic form, so that I can feel comfortable enough to show you mine.
I can’t be handled in the same matter that npcs are, ya feel me? I have a BIG spirit, BIG heart, BIG soul. I am a real person and idk my aura radiates, if I am not your treasure, your four leaf clover, your lucky charm, your rabbits foot, your arrow through the heart, then what am I?
When I love someone I cook gourmet meals because that’s how I show I love someone, with good ass food. I’m talking complete recipes, from scratch and you could eat two massive servings and you’d still have left overs! I don’t think I have had any person tell me that my food wasn’t good and that’s on my mama. Ya girl re can throw down in that mf kitchen and I always put my foot in it when I cook bc I cook from the heart. I had a guy I was just starting to see, get to know and whatnot, basically ask me to cook for him. Uhhhm, sir??? Excuse my finest pardon? That is crazy to me. He asked to see pics of my new hair. Now, why in the world would I do that for? On the other side of the coin, I’m taking flix for my man for real! You’re getting daily pics and texts baby!!!! Whether you like it or not lol.
When I love someone I will show you through acts of service.I like to give massages. Full body. Yeah, I know that sounds freaky and yes that is sometimes, nah that is usually what happens lol. Back on topic, I will rub your back to work out kinks and tight muscles, to moisturize your skin. I will loosen your shoulders and all your joints. Your legs will get it too, and yes even your feet. I have clipped finger nails, toe nails, edged up a beard, freshened up a hair cut. I have given someone pretty much a whole shower from washing and conditioning hair, brushing it out, all because he had a horribly hard day at work. My hands are made to love, comfort, and bless others and that’s it. King spa treatment, just because you’re my king and I love you.
When I love someone I am pretty much always down to put it on ya. Like more times often than not. I’m talking passionate, slow, hot, nasty sex w deep methodical tongue kissing, emotional eye contact, and “I love you so much” in between strokes. Rubbing the back of your head, fingers tightening in your hair when your hitting that spot, hiding my head in your neck to lick and suck on the skin of your neck and ears as i moan your name and that its yours when you talk your shit. Giving little kisses that make you realize just how intimate we have become. Y’know the type of sex that blurs the lines between souls, and you collide into one energy. The type of sex you make a silent, or verbal agreement to bring life into this world together. Soul tying love making. I am also talking aggressive sex. Being taken down from the back with merciless blows to the deepest parts of my little body, whimpering because it feels animalistic and I am the prey and you are the strongest beast I have ever had to run from. No control, no mercy, scratches in the skin on your back and my ankles framing your face. Eyes rolling, legs twitching, grip marks being left on my skin to remind me who I really belong to the next day. Sweat dripping, grunts escaping as I climb to the top of your mountain and slide down. Y’know fucking each other like we don’t like each other, like we hate each other. Unleashing unspecified emotions and just absolutely disrespecting each other, that kinda sex.
Realistically, there’s nobody showing that I am any different then the rest, so until then I have reserved myself to bettering myself, until I meet a man who deserves the whole package he doesn’t get a free sample. I know my value, I know it’s expensive and I won’t compromise on it. What I do know is that my husband is in for the best thing that’s ever happened to him.
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Am just curious.. you seem to like a lot of Wei Ying and others. Each to their own, but I wondered if you didn't like Lan Zhan or Wangxian as a couple or something?
ok so there's two issues with me writing wangxian:
1- I have read so many wangxian fics its insane and that means after reading every five or so fics, I'd come up with a new wangxian fic idea and i'd get scenes and perfect dialogue snippets in my head and they will make me salivate over the very brilliant fic I am planning. And then I get lost in planning an the fic stops being a oneshot and becomes a very fucking longfic instead. So i either start collecting bits and pieces of the fic in a seperate doc until I can completely write the fic before i post. Which is hard. WIPs are hard, I get carried away and then I hit a writer's block for a particular fic and its over.
The reason why I dont post multichapters? Because for the last three fandoms I left, I had big dreams and expectations of my very brilliant multichapter fics and my fandom shifts are so abrupt I have no time to finish a fic i've been working on for months and they end up being abandoned because if i end up in a new fandom, I cant go back and write the characters from my previous fandoms the way i wished to. I can no longer do them justice or put my heart and soul in them and my perfectionist ass thinks thats unfair to my readers. So I stop posting. So now I wont ever post a multichapter until its fully written because its better for people to not know what they're missing out on instead of see an abandoned fic and know EXACTLY what all they are missing out on. I've been hurt like this in my first fandom and istg it was bad. It was a slowburn, angsty 100k worded fic and the main pairing hadnt even kissed yet. the MMC was lusting after another chara while the FMC was catching feelings and the fic just...stopped there, with MMC imagining fucking someone else. I cant tell you how badly my mind refused to do anything but hope and wait for that fic to update and it never did. I was in the fandom for a year before I got into a new thing and ig the pain of that never left?
2- Even if I deprive wangxian-ers of a uniquely plotted new fic, they wont miss out much. There's well over a thousand wangxian fics in various settings, using various tropes. But for rarepairs? There's barely enough full-fledged fics or oneshots. A lot of fics tagged with a rarepair have that as a past ship or one sided thing OR a drabble collection which is cool but not what I am looking for if I go in the tag. So I do this for myself mostly, for rarepair readers, there's not many I cant disappoint by writing oneshots, they're just so happy with anything. I'd know, I am one of them.
Bonus reason: most of my wangxian ideas come to me when I CANT write. like 5 minutes before i pass out into a dead sleep or during an exam or when I am in class or basically any time I cant write and by the time I can, I've lost the drive I had and put it in the back burner for 'fics i may write someday'.
I hope that answered your question. I knew this was coming lol so I answered in as much detail as I could. I do hope to write wangxian fics, actually i am surprised my first fic wasnt a wangxian one tbh because i've been planning several of those but oh well.
Have a great rest of the day and thank you for being kind! <3
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