#bickering squabbling etc
scoobydoodean · 8 months
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For @monstermoviedean <3
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novelbear · 2 months
some more silly squabbles and arguments for your otp to get into
a prompt list by @novelbear ᵔᴥᵔ
"i didn't buy these coasters for nothing! use them."
getting annoyed when they decide to wash dishes right when the other gets in the shower, making their water cold unexpectedly
"do we seriously need all these lights on?" "uhhh, yeah."
"turn your music down. i can hear it blasting through your headphones, that's dangerous." "oh, it'll be fine..."
arguments over the way the heater/air conditioning temp is set
when they figure out they do laundry veryy differently (like whether or not they separate colors/whites, how they fold, how often laundry is done, etc.)
one setting off the smoke alarm somehow everytime they cook something (this actually happens in my house save me)
^ "it's got to be something you're doing! because when i cook, this doesn't happen!" "i'm telling you, it's sensitive! broken! something!"
"don't set the air conditioning too cool. you just got out of the shower, you're going to make yourself sick." "oh my god i'll be fine."
^ then they argue and bicker more so when they do end up getting sick like their partner said.
"where did you put all the spoons?" "in the drawer to the left." "why would you do that."
one taking too hot of showers, leaving the bathroom steamy and little to no hot water left.
"do you realize you slam like every door that you close?"
being shocked that they eat something in a peculiar way (like the whole how to eat a kitkat debate)
"oh my god, please don't take another water bottle out until you finish the last. i'm finding them everywhere."
"look, i don't know what you're doing and i don't think i want to, but clean the mirrors."
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In defence of Steve Randle
Listen guys, Steve Randle gets a lot of hate in this fandom and as much as it pains me, it's valid. Everyone has their own interpretation of the source material, and fandom is supposed to be fun, so it is absolutely valid and ok to hate or love any character you want. You can hate Steve for many reasons or for no reason at all! This is fandom! That's ok! The story is for you interpret and love and play with and hate on to your hearts content. HOWEVER, to say that Steve Randle isn't an important character to the novel is simply not true, and to say that he hates Ponyboy requires ignoring or downplaying some pretty key moments of the book. This is especially true for those of you who love Dally but hate Steve, because Steve gets a lot of hate for being kind of a dickhead (which lbr, a lot of seventeen years old are, especially to their friend's little siblings) while Dally gets less for doing a lot worse (harassing Cherry, jumping kids, etc). This isn't to say that either character is better- they're both great, nuanced characters who have done bad things, but the fandoms attitudes towards them when they share a lot of characteristics is really telling. Even Ponyboy's narration about them is pretty similar- Pony doesn't particularly like Steve, and he was canonically scared of Dally, but they're both members of his gang and he doesn't hate either of them. You don't have to like Steve as a character, just like you don't have to like Dally or Darry or Tim Shepard or even Ponyboy, but he is important- and he doesn't hate Ponyboy, nor does Ponyboy hate him.
A really important moment in the book is when Ponyboy and Johnny defend Dally after he harasses Cherry and Marcia.
"Dally's okay," Johnny said defensively, and I nodded. You take up for your buddies, no matter what they do. When you're a gang, you stick up for the members. If you don't stickup for them, stick together, make like brothers, it isn't a gang any more. It's a pack. A snarling, distrustful, bickering pack like the Socs in their social clubs or the street gangs in New York or the wolves in the timber."
This line here is super important. Pony and Johnny were willing to defend Dally after he sexually harrassed Cherry and Marcia- soc girls who they clearly liked and were intimidated by- in the name of being a good friend, because that is what's important to them and their gang. If they're willing to do it in this context for Dally, you'd best believe they'd do the same for Steve, and him for them. Steve can and will rag on Ponyboy within the gang, but he'd never dream of bad mouthing him to anyone else. Dependability is important to the gang, and Steve would never publicly shit talk Pony, and vice verca. Regardless of their squabbles within the gang, at the end of the day they've got each others backs. They're buddies. We see evidence of this at the end of the book, when Pony grabs the bottle and threatens the socs with it.
"You really would have used that bottle, wouldn't you?" Two-Bit had been watching from the storedoorway. "Steve and me were backing you, but I guess we didn't need to. You'd have really cut them up, huh?"
The important thing here is that along with Two-bit, Steve was backing Ponyboy, no questions asked. Sure most of it boils down to Pony being a member of the gang and that deep rooted loyalty to one another, but the context for this scene is that Ponyboy was sitting on Steve's car waiting for Steve and Two to stop flirting with some girls. The three of them were hanging out- without Darry, without Sodapop. It's their school lunch break. We know Ponyboy has middle class friend's at school, or that he could've spent time in the school library. It was a deliberate choice to hang out with Two and Steve. He wasn't forced into it. Canonically, Steve and Ponyboy hang out. Never alone, but they're decent enough friends to hang out together in a group. Doesn't everyone have friends like that? I do. This isn't the only textual instance either where they hang out without the entire gang being present. Early on, Pony offhandedly mentions that sometimes Steve and Soda will buy him pop and teach him about cars if he hangs around the DX.
"I had walked down to the DX station to get a bottle of pop and to see Steve and Soda, because they'll always buy me a couple of bottles and let me help work on the cars."
He could've just said Soda's name here but he didn't. Steve buys Pony pepsi and teaches him about cars, even though he gets annoyed with him when Soda invites him to hang around with them too often. And honestly, who wouldn't? I'd be annoyed if my best friend always invited her little brother along with us, even if I liked the kid. Wouldn't you?
Now, we do need to address the elephant in the room. I'm talking of course, about this quote;
"I'd never tell Soda, because he really likes Steve a lot, but sometimes I can't stand Steve Randle. I mean it. Sometimes I hate him."
I feel like very often people forget the context this quote comes from, and so it's magnitude is blown way out of proportion. Ponyboy has just been jumped and then immediately scolded by his brother who constantly makes him feel foolish and unwanted. He's already scared, embarassed, and defensive and then Steve goes and makes him feel even more unwanted. Of course he wants to lash out. Of COURSE he feels like he hates Steve in that moment. I did even reading it. But Ponyboy doesn't truly hate Steve. This moment is PEAK fourteen year old having a rough night energy, it's not truly representative of Steve as a character or of Ponyboy's feelings towards him. In truth, Steve actually kind of likes Ponyboy and is at very least protective over him. This is evidence by the previous quotes, but also when Ponyboy comes back from Windrixville, and is worried about the state placing him in foster care;
"'No, [Ponyboy said] 'they ain't goin' to put us in a boys' home.' 'Don't worry about it,' Steve said, cocksure that he and Sodapop could handle anything that came up. 'They don't do things like that to heroes.'"
It's subtle, and not immediately obvious to the traumatized fourteen year old who is used to Steve's cocky nature, but this is both a reassurance and a very bold claim. Not only is Steve trying to look out for Ponyboy the way the rest of the gang models- by treating him like a kid, letting the 'adults' worry about grown up issues in a misguided attempt to protect Pony- he is also throwing in his lot to make sure nothing does happen. Based on this quote and the rest of Steve's characterization throughout the book its not hard to infer that Steve would fight tooth and nail to make sure Ponyboy stays safe with his family. Sure, part of it is gang loyalty, part of it is his devotion to soda, but part of it is because he and Ponyboy are buddies in their own right, no matter how much they fight. They are friends- and Steve is an incredibly important character for many reasons, but particularly to add depth to Pony's character, to the bond between the Curtis gang, and to highlight how the Curtis gang differs from the other gangs in Tulsa. Steve is just as much an outsider as the rest of the gang, and it's disingenuous to say otherwise no matter how much you may hate him as a character.
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sugawhaaa · 5 months
The idea of seeing Jun Han act fully comfortable with you… he seems so shy and sweet but he’s actually just a silly goofy freak and I love him
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Warnings:: none 🥰
Genre::fluff, gender neutral reader
A//N:: YOU HEARD CORRECTLY 😍😍😍 sorry if this isn't what you wanted but I wasn't 100% sure what exactly you wanted so here we go
When in public Junhan still keeps his quiet energy, he isn't afraid to be intimate with you in public though. Kisses, holding hands, wearing matching jewelry he doesn't really mind
When at home, just you and him, he's just a silly little goober
He likes to rant about things he's interested in, animes, books, movies, bands, etc
He likes to mess around a lot, just childish little squabbles
He likes to play chess and board games with you, he pretends to get overly competitive but eventually it becomes seriously competitive
Don't ask me why but he'd love to brush and style your hair and do your nails
In the mornings you both brush your teeth together
Whenever doing the dishes or around anything with water he'd do the thing where he flicks the water at you from his hands
He hogs the blanket at night, you often bicker about it
He steals your jewelry secretly
You steal his sweaters and shirts
He loves to hold you close to him, putting his forehead on yours between soft kisses
You share airpods very often
He plays little songs on guitar for you and sometimes bullies you in them
"I hate it when you snore~🎶 your very annoying when you're hungry~🎶 but in the end I'll always adore you~🎶"
Inside jokes 🤝
Sends dumb photos to you
Would take a photo of you and ask "you wanna see it?" Then he'd show you a photo of rat from ratatouille or something
Matching Halloween costumes (if you celebrate it)
Reads books to you at night to help you sleep
You watch asmr together even though people say it's weird
Tickle fights. He isn't ticklish but loves to tease you
Feeding you is embarrassing for you but he adores it
He would be honest when you ask for his opinion on something but instead of just being like that's ugly he gives you advice. "Do you think this shirt looks good with this cardigan?" "Not really, but I think this one would look nice on you,"
Snuggle bug most of the time
𐙚˙⋆.˚ ᡣ𐭩𐙚˙⋆.˚ ᡣ𐭩𐙚˙⋆.˚ ᡣ𐭩𐙚˙⋆.˚ ᡣ𐭩𐙚˙⋆.˚ ᡣ𐭩𐙚˙⋆.˚ ᡣ𐭩𐙚˙⋆.˚ ᡣ𐭩𐙚
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novembermorgon · 5 months
hihi not sure how fond myrielle and aerion are of each other (would love to know more about their dynamic if you are willing to share <3) but they remind me of the “who tf is burning down my kitchen” “making breakfast for my beautiful wife” twitter meme
anon ... i giggled .
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as for marriage dynamics well .. i feel like by default any relationship with a guy everyone hates for good reason is going to be a bit strained . but somehow they're both kind of deranged enough to make it work (er.. well... somewhat...).
ive talked very briefly about it in my little myrielle post already but it kind of had to grow into anything beyond hating each other . right when myrielle gets to court she holds a lot of resentment toward him, mainly because he's the second son of a fourth son - not really heir to anything, and even when she's young she wants to aim higher than that with her betrothal. she spends a lot of time pining after the concept of another man that she deems 'better' (valarr, matarys, even daeron etc - the actual people matter less than the fact that they're further up in the succession than aerion) just because she's decided to herself that she deserves more. a little girl playing into the idea of being a wife and centering her whole worldview about that ala really twisted westerosi expectations and societal structures
it's kind of what you'd expect from two very willful very spoiled preteens; a lot of petty squabbles and little disagreements that have them bickering and squabbling and it's a bit of a mess . in time though it breezes over kind of because they both grow up and 'mature' in the sense that they aren't calling each other stupid and pushing each other over in the yard anymore LOL
by the time they're married ... well . it's .... . myrielle is fond of him and finds him handsome and dashing while they're in public and in private he at least treats her well a couple days a week which is enough . i think it's very shallow in the sense that ... i'm not sure if they ever truly know each other fully . myrielle projects her ambitions onto him and steadily heads down her path to making sure he becomes king (after the tourney at ashford meadow and the great spring sickness when things get a little crazy in how many targs are dying off) and aerion projects some idea of the wife he'd imagined himself to want onto her . in my mind he's kind of giving targ man too caught up in the idea of his ancestry and his family traditions given his whole deal with the dragon delusions etc so its lots of hey what if you pretend like you're (targ woman of his choosing) and ill be (her evil husband) and then we'll be a Proper Couple instead of a Fake Arrangement between me (perfect prince) and a lesser non-targ woman . you can see that there might be some issues here .
definitely not good . they hold resentment for each other mutually for a variety of reasons but theres also some deep seated dedication there especially from myrielle . she gets so deep into the thought of the both of them rising further than they're expected to that she in turn essentially drops everything for him and makes a lot of questionable choices and does a lot of questionable things to keep him happy and to assist him in whatever way she thinks he needs . i feel like she gets very caught up in the idea of really feeding into the idea aerion has of their marriage . tries to play into the thought of being more of a targaryen and tries to shift and change herself which never really works because she does treasure her own family and her identity but also because things just don't go the way she wants .
errr. ride or die i guess but it's weirrddddddd . which is funny to say because in practice they both cheat on each other and lie to each other and fight and bicker but they keep going back for more . why...? well.. maybe duty maybe genuine care maybe a third more evil option. me when i go out and cheat on my wife but its okay because i come back and bring her nice gifts and we do our historical targ roleplay which isn't weird at all guys i promise please guys listen its not weird its not w
rubs my chin. a lot of thoughts but i'm bad at putting them into words. i hope this is anything . probably not. one day you'll get something better from me .... .... <3
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It been pointed out that the new hotel appear to have space that Lucifer will be staying at. The apple penthouse on one side of the building. I don't know if its a permanent residence, but definitely a place he can stay whenever he feels like it.
They be constantly looking like above picture when someone interrupts them squabbling
I can't wait for the inevitable Lucifer and Alastor clashes. They would constantly bicker whenever they are in the same room. Then complain loudly about each other when they weren't. Essentially back talking about each other while knowningly the other in earshot
Can you imagine breakfast be like. Alastor cooking everyone eggs and bacon. Lucifer barges in "Good moooorning everyone. Not you tho." Pointingly glares at Alastor.
"HA HA! Fuck you too. Should I go fetch a phonebook so you can see over the table this morning?" Alastor purposely serving Lucifer the mess up of his cooking. The broken yolk eggs when cooking sunny side up. The extra crispy burn bacon. etc. Or maybe he plates artfully like a barista makes foam art, and he plates a disturbing image of him stabbing Lucifer.
Charlie immediately intervenes "oooookay! Glad everyone is here, today I would like to...."
Alastor already irritated with Lucifer being at the hotel can you imagine how much he seething he would try to keep in control if Lucifer lived there?
Season one, Alastor main use was to be the powerful one there. For security and his use of magic to keep the building in order. Not to mention his own personal goals and relationship with Charlie. With Lucifer there, Alastor has no real purpose there. (Beside his speculated commanded of his master and Charlie being all "don't go, your're (found) family!")
Not to mention, Alastor will be sitting at the shared communal table with Lucifer. Sitting on the frustrating humbling knowledge that Lucifer is the man who destroyed/toy the man that nearly completely annihilated Alastor. Alastor is living in the hotel that Lucifer help built while Alastor was...occupied with the after events of the fight with Adam. Lucifer hotel being FAR superior then what Alastor managed to upkeep in the last one.
Their mutual raging hatred topped with Alastor being knocked down several pegs (and possible weaken from his fight-I hope so) While Lucifer is raised a few more pegs. That dynamic with the two already have, topped with such an obvious large gap of superiority and power over one that not accustomed to it.... will be so delishes to eat up.
You know they will constantly pranking each other. Not for their own amusement, but that is a nice bonus. They do it just to piss the other off and get under their skin more.
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seahagart · 8 months
More Ulfur Content!!!!
I love him, sweet wolf!!! What class is he?!? Does he fight?!??? What does he look like compared to his mom???
Is he a half HALF orc?!?!?
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He is a ranger! He used the tracking skills his mom taught him and expanded on it, being able to make his way back near the mountain they used to live on. He eventually gets a wolf companion. He uses a long bow and is an excellent, silent, hunter/tracker.
He sure wants to fight! He’s kinda hasty but also baby. He hardens his heart in the time he’s separated to his mom, from age 8-12, trying to be strong so he can find her, so when they’re reunited he has like 4 years of emotions to process, and many many many tears to cry. He likes to act tough, but he is a mamas boy and runs to her when he’s spooked/hurt himself by tripping etc.
I’m workring on a full color piece of Úlfur as we speak :)
Is he half half orc…. Hmmm… I kinda thought his dad would be another half orc, but tbh now that you mention it I should figure out who his dad was. He was probably big, bearded, also bear like, used to throwing his weight around, perhaps a bit cocky/over confident which resulted in him getting stuck at the top of the mountain and that’s how he met Drífa. The two had been aware of each other, she kept and eye on him and disliked his presence, he probably tried to sneak up on her, thinking she stealing his kills, only for her to stand up and tower over him and be like ‘You think I need this excuse of a meal?’ And they got into a brief squabble before she told him to leave and he didn’t, he got stuck, and then almost froze, only for her to stumble upon him, and kinda was like ‘this is what you get for disrespecting the mountain…’ and gave him what she caught befor nodding for him to get out, only for him to follow her tracks with his tail between his legs begging for shelter. It was… a situation. Tempers flared, he learned humility, she learned how to share and not distrust people, they bickered and fought, also had nice moments, eventually there was a blizzard even though it was meant to be almost spring, it was cold, he went out to chop the wood so she wouldn’t have to, then snuggled together to keep warm, probably argued more, and…. When spring thawed he thanked her, and went on his way, swearing he’d never go up a frozen mountain again. That was that! Úlfur was born that winter, and Drífa was very happy.
He’s not relevant, I doubt they’d even meet again etc. in my mind Úlfur never quite gets to the size of Drífa, he’s a lil leaner and shorter, but is still bulky. Drífa tries to best to fatten him up.
Time to figure out what dad looks like 🤔
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yeona-blackpink · 1 year
_________ ׂׂૢ་༘࿐_________ ׂׂ⋆.ೃ࿔*:・.**
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•Istg Jisoo cares soo much for her
○Jisoo's favorite child
●Is always trying to avoid scolding her
○Literally made to Be a Mother lol
●Dalgom's favorite too
Yeona's contact name : 아기 👶 (baby 👶)
Jisoo's contact name : 어머니 지수 💕 (Mother Jisoo 💕)
┊┊❁ཻུ۪۪♡ ͎. 。˚   °┊┊❁ཻུ۪۪♡ ͎. 。˚   °⋆.ೃ
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○Always bickering but it's their love language
●Hated each other at first
○During Jennie's solo mv shooting, she was there to look after her and cheer her.
●No matter how bad they squabble they know how bad they love each other
○both are labeled as savages of the group
Yeona's contact name : 아기년✨️🥰 (Baby bitch✨️🥰)
Jennie's contact name : 언니 개년아😈🥺 (unnie bitch 😈🥺)
_________ ׂׂૢ་༘࿐_________ ׂׂૢ་༘࿐✧・゚:
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●The foodies share clothes
○Often argues about petty stuff (like you can see them arguing at 3 am over who gets the last spoon of ice cream they were sneak-eating)
●For some unknown reason Yeona always find some way to tickle the living life out of her
○You can randomly hear them singing (scarily)
●They have a lot of late night deep talks
Yeona's contact name : 내 영혼 누나❤️‍🩹 (My soul sis ❤️‍🩹)
Rosé's contact name : 내 영혼의 자매💖 (My soul sister 💖)
┊┊❁ཻུ۪۪♡ ͎. 。˚   °┊┊❁ཻུ۪۪♡ ͎. 。˚   °┊┊
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○Literally attached at the hip
●Often scream randomly (they say it's stress relieving)
○Always sending memes, edits etc to each other
●Twin Dance covers [chef's kiss]
○Ice cream dates & alcohol parties
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
Yeona's contact name : The Criminal 🖕🏻💕😘
Lisa's contact name : Partner in crime 🖕🏻🤡❤😍
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pokecare · 1 year
youre in paldea? does that mean you have experience with the deino line?
i have a deino who i think is getting close to evolving, but ive only just worked out how to properly take care of her even with just One head... do you have any advice for looking after a zweilous, for when she evolves?
dragon types are a lot to handle! whenever i see one at my daycare i know i'm in for a full day.
Zweilous is quite a handful - the two heads will squabble a lot, especially over food, so it's important that both heads feel equally paid attention to. feed with two bowls, water with two bowls, play with two toys at a time, etc. it will not be happy to share.
tennis balls or chewy toys are good for them since each head will focus on biting its toy instead of bickering with its other head. playing with zweilous will help, as will LOTS of exercise, because they'll be much less likely to fight once they're all tired out.
it may feel like the pokemon you got to know as a deino will be gone, but even though zweilous fights with itself, the pokemon as a whole still loves you. the good news is once she evolves into hydreigon, she'll return to being more like the deino you're used to since everything will unify and your pokemon will return to having one brain.
the deino line is particularly prone to aggression issues (which is why so many of its pokedex entries talk about how it only thinks about fighting and destruction) so it's very important to give the line proper training as well as an outlet for all its energy. you can give it big things like spare tires to chew on and toss around! a tired dragon is a happy dragon.
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alazyparallelworld · 2 years
saw a post and it made me think. so. intake of games via LPs and commentary is valuable
impersonal analysis is not a perfect substitute to hands-on playing. and this is fine, actually
vidya games are an interactive art form. if you are disconnected from direct interaction, there will always be a literary disconnect to its - gameplay, story, etc. by this impersonal nature, you cannot influence the game.
if the player misses out on a side mission or such - you, the viewer, misses out. if the player interprets something differently, you will hear that interpretation before developing your own.
whether you play or watch, your thoughts on and your journey with the game itself is special. but they are not equals, and there is a problem with - "did we play the same game?"
- kinda every community squabbles over this. a lot of secondhand accounts of games, whether through LPs, fanfic only, or general osmosis. but bringing this up, "you didn't play the game," taints the problem. it sounds like superiority! "playing is better!" instead of, "i think you don't have the full picture" ... or, even, "you're regurgitating whatever YT-er you watched, versus forming your own thoughts" @@;;
and there are some insights that can. ONLY. be taken thru an impersonal lens. everyone has to step outside their bubble, i think, to have a True and Fully Realized idea of such and such video game.
it's!! complicated!!! but saying "it's the same, it's enjoyment of the game still," is WAY too simplistic and missing WHY people bicker over this!!!!!!
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scoobydoodean · 7 months
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5.15 Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid
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Evil Dead Rise
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Director: Lee Cronin
Cast: Lily Sullivan, Alyssa Sutherland, Morgan Davies, Gabrielle Echols, Nell Fisher
Premise: After an earthquake opens a passage to an abandoned vault underneath Ellie's and her kid's apartment building, Ellie's son Danny uncovers an ancient book. At this same time Ellie's estranged sister Beth makes a surprise appearance and attempts to reconnect. Danny's curiosity get the better of him and he opens the ancient book. Now the family have to survive a night in hell.
Review: The Evil Dead franchise is one of the most iconic in horror cinema, the original trilogy revolved primarily around Ash Williams (Bruce Campbell) and his journey form everyman to hero, the necronomicon and the deadites served mainly to aid his journey, whilst they still made compelling antagonists they were firmly planted in the camp side of things. The 2013 reboot took things in an interesting direction, whilst keeping the plot and set-up mostly the same but with a new cast of characters, there was much bigger focus on the malicious evil of the forces that slowly possess the characters, whilst still taunting and mocking other characters they were instead far more malicious and upsetting.
This new focus is carried over perfectly into Evil Dead Rise, changing the primary location from a lonely cabin in the woods to a high rise city apartment was a curious choice that I initially met with doubt, but after seeing the film I now believe this was an absolutely inspired choice. As an audience, the franchise has already exhausted the creative possibilities of the lonely cabin so this change gives the filmmakers a whole new toy chest to play with. Every part of the location is used effectively throughout the story, everything from peepholes to ventilation systems.
The Evil Dead films are renowned for their blood and gore and this film is no different, whilst the gore and violence in Evil Dead 2013 is probably more gruesome I think the characters do an excellent job in making the violence far more impactful. Other than Ash (and to a lesser extent 2013's Mia) the series has never done a great job with creating interesting characters, essentially most of our casts have been college friends or acquaintances...or in Evil Dead 2's case paranormal researchers. The focus this time around on a family unit makes every scenario far more threatening, absolutely no characters feel like they're off limits to be torn to shreds. This violence doesn't feel gratuitous for the sake of it, these moments are well earned from the time spent with the family early on. Seeing them look out for each other, interact, bicker, squabble etc only makes the fateful moment Ellie (Alyssa Sutherland) gets possessed far more horrific.
On the topic of Ellie, Alyssa Sutherland's all out performance as the possessed mother is one of the best in the series. Capable of comedy and outright terror within a split second, she is absolutely the stand out performance. All of the performances are strong, especially those of the younger performances as some of the material they have to work with would be extremely challenging and they deliver it flawlessly.
The film also looks outstanding, the effects are beautifully implemented. Despite taking place in a small apartment building the film makes excellent use of the space provided, this is without even mentioning the films short prologue which does utilise some of the series more traditional woodland imagery and also delivers one of the best title drops I have ever seen.
This film is absolutely worth watching in a theatre, it's a tight 90 minutes and is absolutely cathartic, thrilling, horrifying, compelling and exciting. Obviously folks who don't deal well with horror, gore and malicious content should stay away, but for anyone else this is a must watch.
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misswoozi · 2 years
Funny mental image: Lisa and Yuta (jokingly) arguing over who gets Rosé on weekends 🎮
I kinda like the idea of Lisa and Yuta being the type of friends who argue/bicker over everything lmao what food they order, what shows they watch, etc. Just a little good ol fashioned Aries vs. Scorpio squabbles constantly 😂
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presidential alert!! the bros have come to flex at the local starbucks!
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astaroth1357 · 3 years
The Brothers Have Been Multiplied!!!
Look. In his day-to-day life, Lucifer has always had to struggle with being one of, if not the only, capable person in the room. His brothers don't always try to help him and even if they do their help may just make things worse…
So this should be a dream come true right? Not only does he have competent help, they'll all also himself! Who better to trust his more difficult tasks to, right? Right??
Well… wrong. Unfortunately for as much as Lucifer is, there is one thing Lucifer and his clones just aren't… Good minions.
Complain as he might about his brothers, they know who's in charge. As it turns out five Lucifers in a room can only screw in a lightbulb after they agree on who's giving the orders and being the "original" means nothing at all!
Poor MC gets saddled with mediating the most confusing squabbles in their life between Lucifer, Lucifer, Lucifer, Lucifer, and OG Lucifer (the name dubbed to him by Levi)
So aside from this being a trainwreck for anyone not named Diavolo (who's thrilled to have so many Lucifers to talk to!), it's also a headache for himself too!
The next week is spent with Lucifer literally arguing with himself over who's doing what while the brothers all cower in their rooms to keep from incurring their wrath… Five angry Lucifers is a sentence for certain death, somebody hide Mammon…
Lucifer's worst nightmare has been realized… Not only does he live in a world with one Mammon, now there's five! Five!!! Five Mammons!! The world isn't ready for this, no one is!
Of course, a pack of Mammons absolutely get into as much trouble as you think they would. The moment he realized there was more of him, the secondborn was already scheming up what kind of ploys he could pull off with five of himself...
Barbatos is upping the Castle security as we speak...
To his credit, you can't say that the Mammon-squad doesn't have hustle either. It may be either a blessing or a curse to go to five different stores and see a Mammon working there all at the same time, depending on your preference.
(Unfortunately for the brother and anyone with pickpocket-able wallets, it's mostly a curse).
Honestly, the biggest downside for poor MC is that they're all. so. clingy!!
If the MC wants even a minute to themselves, they'll be swatting away Mammon's like a swarm of mosquitos! Better learn an invisibility spell quick, or else their greedy companions will never, ever leave…
Holy cow, it's a gamer's dream come true!! Screw underwhelming AI and goodbye unreliable party members, he has all the team he needs right here!! They should go national or even pro!!!
Ah yes, Levi was truly elated for like, a couple days over this development. Why shouldn't he be? Having a whole herd of himself was a blast!
They're all great at gaming, they like the same things, they dislike the same stuff, and (most importantly) he's not any better or worse than any one of them! There’s nothing to get jealous over, right?
Well slap a big fat wrong on that because there's one thing to always get jealous over and their name is MC!
MC could come home from class one day to find five Levi's all wanting them to do five different things and NO THEY'RE NOT SHARING-
Unfortunately for Levi, the poor guy is so prone to jealousy that he can't even cope with it when he's jealous of himself…
It is at least a little entertaining to watch a pile of otakus fight themselves, it's kind of like watching a deadly game of high-stakes LARP-ing. Just less imaginary spells and more giant sea monsters popping out of nowhere… Someone grab some sponges…
Which is more likely to rule the world, one Solomon or five Satans...?
Having five Satans around is kind of terrifying… Just one can scheme up a storm and cause a lot of damage so add on four others and you got a recipe for a bad time… 
If you're Lucifer, anyway.
In truth, the band of Satans are all about as independent as their original counterpart, so they don't often do things together as a group.
This can create a lot of deja vu scenarios where the MC will swear they've already passed by a Satan in the hallway… like three times.
Unfortunately they also get the urge for affection around the same time, so the MC may go a whole day without seeing them then suddenly get surrounded by needy and bickering Satans at all sides...
When the pack does work together, however, they're a well-oiled machine. Capable, logical, practical: basically everything the Lucfier-squad wish they could be without all the pesky pride in the way!
… until someone ticks them off and they become their own angry mob, but hey, still better than a pack of Mammons.
… We all know an orgy is happening right? Like, it may not be the first thing he thinks of, but it's on the list. He'd never pass up the chance to selfcest when possible. Never.
That being said, the Asmos actually get sick of each other surprisingly quickly… Only a few days in and they'll be squabbling like crazy!
Why you might ask? Well not for any particular character flaw or anything - it actually boils down to the clothes… and makeup… and face… and attitude... and-
Basically, how in Diavolo's Hell is he supposed to stand out as the world's most singularly beautiful creature if there are FOUR OTHERS that keep stealing his style?? It's a nightmare!!
It didn't take long for the Asmos to start trying to find their own, completely distinct identities like Goth Asmo, Sporty Asmo, Hipster Asmo, etc… All claiming to be WAY better than the original, of course.
As entertaining as it may be to see a bunch of Asmos go through an identity crisis, he wants them GONE and he wants them gone NOW!! He's blowing up Solomon's phone every hour of the day until it gets fixed so better sit tight for a while…
You know, this is actually one of those, "Worst Case Scenarios" that Lucifer and Dia drew up shortly after they had their Fall: what does one do with five Beels exactly...?
You can't possibly feed them all, at least not all at once… and letting any one get too hungry is asking for trouble.
Do you let them run through the city streets and chomp up its citizens like a game of Pacman? Scatter them to other realms and hope that they don't do a ton of damage? Pit them against each other in "There-Can-Only-Be-One"-style gladiatorial combat?? 
Well… there isn't really a good solution. Food is still a finite resource but the Beels TRY to be understanding and TRY not to push their luck at mealtime...
It has varying degrees of success, but hey, it's sweet that they're even trying...
Aside from the ever-present threat of being eaten out of House and realm, everybody kind of likes having so many Beels around. They're easy-going and helpful, which generally makes life easier for everyone and like… it's Beel. Who doesn't like hanging out with Beel?
The Beels even get along with each other so they regularly go to the gym and games together. Though it’s not super sportsmanly to switch out Beels between quarters in fangol, it's not technically against any rules either so the past few games have gone very well! (It's he'll, who even reads the rulebook anyway?)
It actually took a little while to notice that there were even two Belphies, let alone five…
MC would walk into a room and see a Belphie sleeping on the couch. Perfectly normal.
Then, they'd go into another a few minutes later to see Belphie napping a chair… A little off, but still okay.
Well sure, but in the next room he's also apparently on the floor too and….
Wait a minute.
Turns out five Belphies is either a breeze to deal with or absolute hell and there's no in between.
If they're all asleep, things are fine. Just artfully pile them on top of each other like dead bodies in a stealth game and move on.
If they're awake, then there's just way too much Belphie! And they play off each other in just the worse ways… The Anti-Lucifer League has never been so active, much to his brother's dismay...
This can be mitigated slightly by pawning a few off on Beel (who is more than happy to mind his duplicated twin) but that solution doesn't work forever… 
Moreover, the MC can't sleep anywhere without them all gravitating towards them so even the shortest nap results in waking up under a dogpile of cow-men… It's a wonder they don't suffocate...
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movedtodykedvonte · 3 years
With Ethan mediating, do the Lords start getting along better? Not fighting as much, not berating each other over nothing all the time, etc?
They for sure get better.
I feel like Ethan really doesn’t like arguing or petty squabbles as he and Mia fought/fight pretty often and some petty arguments cost him limbs. I also imagine that’s kinda why he does “family” nights. It’s less “fun with my new mold children” and more “I’m trying to get them to be able to disagree or compete with out someone getting stabbed” at least at the beginning.
The lords also pick up on this and start fake acting like a loving family. It’s forced and awfully awkward at the beginning but Ethan prefers it to the bickering. Eventually it all becomes genuine though, as they realize it’s much better to be decent to each other than aggressive. Here are things they start doing once things get better:
Karl starts making walk ways with his metal abilities so Alcina’s girls can go out the house (like around the property)
Karl starts using Alcina’s title as he knows it is very important to her (he still says it’s stupid)
Donna tries to talk to and visit the other lords more rather than they stop by to her.
Angie is nicer, wrecks less things when visiting people and even uses her tea time manners more
Alcina complement the other lords more. It’s all comparisons to herself or her daughters bing great but it’s the thought!
Moreau was never really mean but he’s a lot more assertive. Speaks up in cases one of the other lords is picking on each other too often
Everyone is more protective of each other, like they can bully each other but if someone else tries to they are catch 2 hands, 2 claws, acid bile and metal trait to the face.
Random gifts like “I heard you are fond of these types of films Salvatore, no don’t hug me you’ll ruin my dress.” or “You’re dolls would be more sturdy if you used this type of wire for your dolls, Angie I don’t want a grimy tea cake.”
They are all better. They are siblings who only fist fight once a week.
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