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geomecrazy · 25 days ago
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transparentgentlemenmarker · 8 months ago
En 1930, un inventeur hongrois nommé László Jozsef Biro observa des enfants jouant avec des billes dans une flaque d'eau. Il remarqua que les billes laissaient une traînée d'eau derrière elles et se demanda si une bille métallique pourrait être utilisée pour écrire. Cette observation fut le point de départ de l'invention du stylo à bille. László partagea son idée avec son frère György, un chimiste, et ensemble ils entreprirent des recherches pour créer un nouveau type de stylo. Après de nombreuses expériences, ils trouvèrent la combinaison idéale : une encre visqueuse associée à une pointe dotée d'une petite bille tournante, ce qui permettait de contrôler le débit de l'encre et d'empêcher son séchage. En 1931, ils présentèrent leur invention à la Foire internationale de Budapest et obtinrent un brevet en 1938. Cependant, la commercialisation ne suivit pas immédiatement. Avec le début de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, les frères émigrèrent en Argentine où ils fondèrent une entreprise dans un garage. Malgré un premier échec dû au coût élevé du produit, ils parvinrent à décrocher un contrat avec l'armée de l'air britannique, ce qui augmenta leur notoriété. En 1943, ils vendirent une licence à Eversharp Faber aux États-Unis pour 2 millions de dollars. En 1950, Marcel Bich acquit les droits et, sur les conseils d'un expert en publicité, supprima le « h » de son nom de famille pour fonder la société BIC. La même année, ils lancèrent le premier BIC Cristal, un design devenu emblématique et dont plus de 20 millions d'exemplaires sont vendus chaque jour dans le monde. Depuis 1953, plus de 100 milliards de BICCristal ont été écoulés à travers le globe.
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allaboutmarketing4you · 10 months ago
How This Pen Changed The World
" Have you ever wondered how a simple pen could revolutionize the world of writing? In this video, we delve into the incredible story behind the BIC Cristal, possibly the most successful product ever made. From its innovative design to the clever use of physics, discover how this iconic pen became a global phenomenon, selling over 100 billion units worldwide and significantly impacting literacy rates.
Short on time? Feel free to skip ahead in this video using the chapter links below.
00:00 The Pen That Changed the World 01:07 The History of the Pen 02:42 Capillary Action in Ballpoint Pens 05:05 Developing the BIC Cristal 06:17 BIC Cristal Pen Design 07:47 How BIC Cristal Changed the World
Written and edited by Ewan Cunningham (/ ewan_cee ) 3D Modeler: Orkun Zengin
Music used in this video:
Melting Glass - Eden Avery To Loom Is To Love - The Mini Vandals San Pedro - Sugoi Updstate - Track Tribe Sunset Trails - DJ Williams Key To Your Heart - The Mini Vandals "
Source: Primal Space
#bic #biccristal #bicpen
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Thank you for following All about Marketing 4 You
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mathiasdraws · 3 years ago
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a wolf with a Bic pen. #Illustration #drawing #sketch #art #sketchbook #notebook #mathiasdraws #wasp #bicillustration #bicpenart #bic #biccristal #moleskine @galen_leather (at Dee Why Beach) https://www.instagram.com/p/CiWF0l7hZz-/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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livinedart · 3 years ago
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Vivid dreams. Drawn with @bic_group #biccristal pen . @mybicpenng @bicmarking @bicstationeryfr @bicstationeryeu @bicpapeleriamx @bic_incorpration #bicart #bicpen #biccristal #bic #bicartist #bicartmaster2019 #madewithbic #bicpenart #bicpens #bicpendrawing #bicpensketch #bicpenartist #bicpenartwork #bicpenartists (at Kerala, India) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cgn3G6khIs6/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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brunowoof · 4 years ago
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Seu corpo e uma semente e acho que plantou maldade na minha mente!!! . @neonrosaneon @djongador . . #sketch #sketchbook #sketchtime #drawforlife #draw #rabisco #canetas #bic #canetaesferografica #canetabic #biccristal https://www.instagram.com/p/CQ0iDWxt0Sw/?utm_medium=tumblr
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ourbcasrlove · 4 years ago
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pinupshowfiguresketch · 5 years ago
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Some figure drawings from reference courtesy of @double.r_art drawn awhile back. I see there’s a fun live zoom session going on with San Francisco based @sketchboardcommunity #figuredrawing #ballpointpenart #biccristal #linesonpaper https://www.instagram.com/p/CE46Lqkja2P/?igshid=tjmyl1xib763
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neverovaoriginals · 6 years ago
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Baby got #bic ❗❕❗ I love BIC pens and I cannot lie. All you other artists can't deny... when you hold that pen in your litty bitty hand, and a ball point in your face... You Get Sprung‼‼ - #neverovaoriginals ❗ AKA - Ms. Writes A Lot ✌🤣😜🤓👍 . . Just having some fun on this dreary weary day, remixing #sirmixalot baby's got back with my own passion... which are #pens 🤘😎👍 . . Hope u enjoy this as much as I enjoyed thinking of the wording. This all came about because I was cleaning and organizing all my bags and found all my missing pens that I blamed my hubby for loosing... oops 😋... . . Never realized how much a love @biccristaloficial pens 🤷‍♀️... until today‼✌😁👍 . . . . On my @rhodianotebooks /@rhodiapads #dottedpad 💓 . . . . . . #monolinelettering #bicpen #bicpens #bicpenart #letteringcommunity #handletteringcommunity #fauxcalligraphy #modernscript #funnylettering #babygotbackremix #neverovaoriginals #penpassion #biccristal #biccristalstory #letteringdaily #letteringoftheday #letteringoninstagram #rhodiadotpad #letteringsketchbook #letteringforfun #funlettering #theletteringtribe #lyricalgenius #funwithlyrics #lyrics (at Bronx, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/By8FLhVnJ_h/?igshid=fq1cs1tq2p3c
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celesterdzc18 · 6 years ago
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Publicando tarde de la hora pero al fin lo hice. El mes de mayo dio el color naranja, me gusto la perspectiva y la distribución de colores, lo malo es que lo hice en una hoja doblada. #challengecolorartsupply #artsupplieschallenge #orangeartsupplies #orangeartsupplychallenge #bicmarking #biccristal #crayola #fabercastell #daleyrowney #prismacolorpremier #staffordazor https://www.instagram.com/p/ByJ02YqJc6f/?igshid=xsxzkkykj4t5
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aceletter-blog · 6 years ago
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Hi! I did this note yesterday in class 🥠. I hope you like it! 🍩💗
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boontucket · 6 years ago
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I drew this - - - #tiredoftypinghashtags #instagramsucks #idrewthis #artwork_daily #plantart #foliage #sketchbook #sketchdaily #dailysketch #drawingoftheday #bic #biccristal #cristal #ballpoint #ballpointpen #ballpointpendrawing #pendrawing #penart #pensketch #pens #redandblack #ballpen #bicpen #doodlebook (at Manchester, Connecticut) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bu60MAehyRX/?igshid=7ldui2lbs8lf
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mathiasdraws · 3 years ago
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a wasp with a Bic pen. #Illustration #drawing #sketch #art #sketchbook #notebook #mathiasdraws #wasp #bicillustration #bicpenart #bic #biccristal #moleskine (at Dee Why) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ch87YkILsOu/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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lpliketherecord · 7 years ago
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What do you mean, an excessive amount of pens? 😂 #nofilter #bic #biccristal #pen #journaling
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brunowoof · 4 years ago
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#floresastrais . . #sketch #sketchbook #sketchtime #drawforlife #draw #rabiscodatarde #flowers #astralflowers #rosetattoo #canetabic #biccristal #arte #art #posca https://www.instagram.com/p/CQwMu5wtO6O/?utm_medium=tumblr
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jenniferlinderman · 4 years ago
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This morning’s private portrait party in Bic ballpoint pen. Enjoy your day! 💚 . . . . @thepaperboatden #portraitdrawing #bic #bicballpointpen #biccristal #pendrawing #jenniferlindermanart #oaklandartist #femaleartist #followlove #create #makeart #learn #sktchyinspired https://www.instagram.com/p/CO0U_pQh5c7/?igshid=16a09bf6gfuqc
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