Hello ✨ Can I ask if I’ll get a yes or no from school A ? Thank you so much 😊 - FF 🦊🔥
Hello there Anonymous. No. I cannot predict the future, nor tell you if you will get an an A! But I did draw you the Eight of Pentacles. Lots of hard work and discipline will get you where you need to go! Good luck with those grades! And remember, no score, test or standard defines who you are! Remember you’re beautiful and strong. : ) Bright Blessings!
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Hello, I'm G.A, Pisces. I'm wondering if you could do a one card draw to tell me how K.H, Leo feels about me? :)
G.A., Pisces, Thanks for writing. This reading was done with the standard Raider Waite-Smith [1910]. Where as Tarot cannot tell you how someone feels about you, that person can. So very appropriately, the Knight of Cups--Reversed came forward.
At first glance, the Knight of Cups is quite a Prince Charming figure. They are astride a white horse (representing purity, not unlike Key 13′s horse). And unlike the other Knights, the Knight of Cups is not charging or in action. Merely, carrying the grail like a dream come true from an Arthurian legend. But the card comes to us in Reversed. The Knight is the Mutable junction of water and air. Have you ever seen a waterspout in a storm upon the ocean? Like anything water, it touches our emotions and it could be volatile. The card suggests that the Knight is out of touch with reality regarding their emotions, or perhaps you are with yours? In addition to that, the cup is reversed, spilling out. Upright, it is a gift, an offering - look at the two of cups, that ideal merging relationship. What I mean to say is, that if you want to know how K.H. Leo feels, ask them. We have to fill, and pass the cup with our emotional currency for anything to be true and real. If they do not respond well, or they seem disconnected from the truth you are seeking, you have the answer you want.
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Hello, I'd like the eclipse reading? If that's still available. I'd like to ask about mine and my friend M's relationship. Atm we aren't talking but where do you see/read our relationship going? Will we talk again? Can you sense when? What can I do? Thanks. - L.A.
I am happy to do a reading for you. This reading is done with the standard Raider Waite-Smith [1910]. Regarding your query, The Wheel of Fortune--Reversed came forward.
The Wheel of Fortune is a Major Arcana card. Generally, this means this is a large or very significant period in your life. Where as minor arcana tend to be more of the day to day things we encounter.
The Description of the card itself holds so many belief systems, it is a literal tapestry of ideologies, mythologies, and beliefs. Yet, one thing about this card stands true: that the wheel turns. As a Druid, I am going to tell you L.A., that everything has its seasons. Even friendship.
In reverse, you are a salmon of old traveling up stream. But it does not mean you will loose or drown because the wheel is turning the wrong way, simply that you will have to invoke that fire element to pass this trial and to get to the top. Similar to the Chinese and Japanese myth of the Koi that swam to the top of a waterfall against all odds. When the fish reached the top, the Koi was rewarded by being turned into a great celestial dragon. Because we are in Mercury retrograde, where Mercury represents communication, travel, etc. This means your path up hill, will be even harder. In this time, treat others as you wish to be treated. Be patient. Renovate, rethink, relax, recharge. Ask yourself what is serving you or not serving you around your friendship? Is it your own attitudes and perceptions? Passively consider the communication between you in the past. What areas can you grow in, to climb up this waterfall, or right the wheel? The grass is always greener where we water it, and asking others to talk to us, from a sincere place because we value them in our lives is always a great beginner to a conversation. Put in some self reflection and perhaps reach out once more, when you have a deeper understanding of some of the core concerns (instead of the conclusions you already have that are not serving you). What goes down, will go up.
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Hi! I was wondering if I could get an eclipse card reading? If so my question is Who or What new things are coming into my life? My initials are SEK and my sun sign is Cancer. Thanks so much for your time!
SEK in Cancer, It is my pleasure to do a reading for you. This reading was done with standard Raider Waite-Smith [1910]. Regarding your query, The High Priestess came forward.
The High Priestess is a Major Arcana card. Generally, this means this is a large or very significant period in your life. Where as minor arcana tend to be more of the day to day things we encounter. Her appearance in a reading can indicate that it is time for you to listen to your intuition rather than prioritizing your intellect and conscious mind. You know, the logical explanations you provide, vs your sense of truth and intuition within. She sits shrouded in blue, the color of deep, esoteric wisdom. To behold her, is to view so many hundreds, and thousands of years of powerful association. She sits between two pillars, one dark and one light. She sits in between, the neutral source of wisdom. The ‘J’ on the right is for ‘Jachin’, which means “He shall establish” and the ‘B’ on the left is for ‘Boaz’ meaning “In it is strength”. There is a Latin cross fixed on her chest and her head is adorned with the crown containing the three phases of the moon, or the three phases of the Maiden, the Mother and the Crone. The pomegranates behind her may relate to Persephone, and/or eternal life. --and it goes on. She is the card of Psychic energy, intuition and wisdom. This may be a new stage of spiritual growth and intuition for you? Or you may meet a new teacher or guru with this affect. It will be a great time of transformation, and deep, inner truths. Since we’re sitting in Cancer, and the Priestess is governed by the moon, it is a good time to meditate or reflect on these energies passively. Bright Blessings!
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hi. I’m wondering if I can still get an eclipse reading. I’m wonder what to expect as far as having children. - a.
Anonymous A., Thank you for writing. Your question hurts my heart, and it goes out to you. I can feel the rawness in that area. Foremost, it must be understand that I am not a medical professional and I cannot advise you in lieu of a doctor. That is illegal. Tarot cannot be a proxy for any medical service. That being said, we can rephrase the query to something more insightful if you are amenable? Some examples are (but not limited to): * What do I need to understand to progress positively in my position? * What steps can I take to be closer to parenthood? * What does parenthood look like for me? (Biological Children, Adopted Children, Rescued four legged children), etc. * What do I need to know to decide on...This can branch into what to do type questions or more literal ones. Let me know and we can certainly do something that will help you have more insight.
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can i please have a one card pull for a message from my guides please thank you
cupidfaerie, Thank you for writing. This reading was done with standard Raider Waite-Smith [1910]. Regarding your query, the Four of Wands came forward.
This card is often called the ‘Lord of Abundance’, representing Venus, in Aries. The background of the card is predominantly yellow - a color associated often with Hope and Prospects. There is celebration here, as you come together in communion. If a deeper relationship with your guides was on your bucket list, cupidfaerie, now is a time to meet them in this sacred place. Wands are a weak foundation compared to the stone structure behind this celebratory scene, which to me, suggests that there is success! But also, there is much work to be done! It is a minor triumph. The connection is there if you see it! And it’s a very warm one. Due to this card being at the juncture of Aries and Venus, I think too, suggests grounding your roots. Luckily we’re in Cancer season which is all about finding our roots, our guides, our sense of home and security.
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May I have a reading about my love life?
isleepwithmymouthopen, Thank you for writing! This reading was drawn with standard Raider Waite-Smith [1910]. Regarding your query, the Three of Wands - Reversed came forward.
This is easily one of my favorite cards, reversed or upright. The abundance of yellow, suggests ample potential, the unbound future--which can be both scary and overwhelming. This card is occasionally referred to as the ‘Lord of Established Strength’, with the full Sun in Aries, and Wands in the element of Fire. On some of versions of this card, the person featured, is holding a globe (not unlike the Emperor that this card Correlates back to via Aries). That globe is your domain, your home, your spirit. The rest? Your future, love life included. It’s within your hands. In the other, is a Wand, one is using for support while pondering the great sea before you, and the adventuring boats dotting the skyline. This tells us something about planning and structure, that even the best of us need support. Are you getting the support you need from a partner? Yourself? Or perhaps, there is a lack of concrete planning? Trust your spirit, and regain a sense of mastery over your domain, and from there, set your boundaries and make your plans. Invest in those that support you. Cast out things you have tried in the past, and did not work for you. Find your truths, and manifest them in your life to turn this card - and your love life into a direction that nourishes and feeds you. The number 3 is the cementing factor of 1 and 2 must go through to get to four, that stable sense of stability that we long for.
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Readings Status - OPEN
Eclipse Readings have closed. I will respond to all of the requests I received! Please stay tuned for those shortly. That being said, readings and door are *always* OPEN. My personal free practice often involves a single card draw. You can choose to have a Totem Card drawn with or after your reading. Totem cards are guides or something to meditate upon to achieve more clarity on your reading. For something larger than a one card draw, please message me directly, or submit an ask. We can choose a larger spread, or I am willing to author one directly for you (example here). There are also several decks, and oracle decks to choose from if you are looking for other options, just let me know and we can explore what works best for you. Bright Blessings!
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I would like a reading. will I find my other half any time soon ? thank you.
Anonymous, Thank you for writing! This reading was conducted with the standard Raider Waite-Smith [1910]. Regarding your query, the Six of Wands came forward.
Before I give you my interpretation I want to you to know Anonymous, that the concept of ‘halves’ is misleading. You are already whole--not a half, and you’re beautiful as the person you are.
The Six of Wands is a positive card. We see a person on a white horse, riding into a group of people, wearing laurels. There seems to be an air of celebration. This card is sometimes called ‘The Lord of Victory’. If you put the hard work into investing into you, yourself, and your self confidence, you will attract what you vibrate. The card suggests that you might even be very proud of the the things you attract-and rightly so! Jupiter can suggest growth and good fortune! It corresponds with the Wheel of Fortune card in the Major Arcana. Anonymous, take heart, every season ends, and comes back around for all of us. In addition, it’s a six. Sixes are all about cooperation, harmony and communication! Shine on Anonymous, it is a good look on you!
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For the eclipse reading, How has the recent eclipse affected my spiritual path? R.S. 🌸
R.S., Apologies for the delay. It would be my pleasure. This reading was done with standard Raider Waite-Smith [1910]. Regarding your query, the Ace of Pentacles, Reversed came forward.
Aces present to us new beginnings. Here, in Reverse, is no different. Much like the recent moon, the Pentacle before us is round and luminescent. Despite the verdant landscape that inverse to us, the sky surprisingly is largely gray. Gray can tell us a lot, and I think therein may something of what you are looking for. Gray is neither black, nor white, it keeps its neutrality. Gray is stable, and achromatic. As a background it means things are uncertain--and certainly unwritten R.C.! It can also mean a deep, esoteric mystery. I am going to go on a limb and say this is not your traditional opportunity lost. But with that being said, just because an opportunity does not come as we expect (aka the hand of God coming through moon or something, saying SUBSCRIBE HERE). Your fate is unwritten. Because this is a pentacle, it is in the material, hardworking vein. Forget not that you are the captain of your fate, R.C. and the beautiful thing about the eclipse, is that it illuminates the possibility of all of the paths before you (examine the Moon Card in the Major Arcana), and with hard work, effort, and study into where you are called, it will be a great blessing and beginning indeed. Bright Blessings.
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There is definitely some resistance and mixed maturity lol. Can I go on an request that second/clarity card? —V.C.
Absolutely, it is my pleasure. Regarding your Totem Card; From The Druid Animal Oracle, by Phillip and Stephanie Carr-Gomm. Illustrated by Bill Worthington.The Water Dragon (Draig-uisge) came forward.
Key words: Passion, Depth, Connection The card shows the Stoor Worm, a great sea-dragon whose “head was like a mountain and his eyes like round lochs, very dark and deep.” Living off the coast of northern Scotland, he could only be appeased with the offering of seven virgins, bound hand and foot and laid on a rock beside the shore each Saturday. A young man called Assipattle killed him by riding a boat into his body and setting fire to his liver. As the dragon died, the crashing of his tongue made the Baltic Sea. As his teeth fell out, they made the Orkneys, the Shetlands, and the Faeroe Islands. Finally, he coiled himself up tightly and crashed into the sea–and old folk say that Iceland is his body, the liver still burning beneath it’s smoldering crust. Like the Moon in Tarot, Draig-uisge is about that which is hidden and bringing it to light. The metaphor of the fish or the whale or in this case, the worm, is ancient. We see it in the Bible with Jonah. It’s a metaphorical vehicle for your subconscious. Water is the realm of the subconscious and emotion. My suggested action is to meditate with your totem, and really search your subconscious here. Find balance, and do not fear the destructive, dark side of the psyche. Ultimately, V.C., I think you know what you know. Remember that.
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For the eclipse card reading: What should I expect to come from my relationship with him? ~~V.C.
V.C., Foremost: Thank you so much for writing! I hope this finds you well. For your reading I drew from Raider Waite-Smith Standard circa [1910]. Regarding your query, the Six of Cups - Reversed, came forward.
We are in the month of Cancer, so feelings are running deep in each of us, as we try to find our inner root and connect to the sense of being ‘home’, that can even be interpreted as our ‘identity’. Because you asked a relationship question, the Cup result feels appropriate. in this case you will notice the cups are overturned. I get the sense that one of you is more mature than the other. There is some resistance to change, and a deep clinging of a feeling of nostalgia. Does he see you, V.C.? Or does he see an ideal, or something nostalgic for him that he wants you to conform to? Are his expectations realistic? Are YOURS? A good questions to ask with this card are: * Are you (or he) clinging to the past?* What changes can you make based on that awareness? Thank you again and I hope you have a safe, and great rest of your week. Enjoy the eclipse!
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Eclipse Card Readings - OPEN
* Free.
* One Card Draw, however You can request a second Totem card (Oracle deck) to help guide you with your initial card.
* Appropriate questions. Leave it open.
About: Druid. Professional Tarot Reader.
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This is very true. Thank you again! Is it okay if I request a second Totem card to be be pulled? I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day. -A.F. 🦇
A. F. It would be my pleasure.
From The Druid Animal Oracle, by Phillip and Stephanie Carr-Gomm. Illustrated by Bill Worthington.
Dan nan Ròn, The song of the Seal came forward.
Keywords: Love, Longing, Dilemma
The card shows a gray Seal on the shore of the sacred island of Iona, once known as Isla Na Druidneach, the isle of Druids. A pale rainbow shines over the Atlantic, and on the horizon we can see the outline of the uninhabited island called Dutchman’s Cap.
The song of the Seal is often upsets and frightens many who hear it. It’s mournful and it hits us right in the heart (apprapos with us being in Cancer, the time of water, home, belonging). Your unconscious depths are calling from the waters of your birth. We fear the call, leat we drown, overwhelmed by your feelings. Do not let your intellect imprison your heart as a human spouse might imprison a Selkie.
Meditating with Ròn, be open to the promptings of your subconscious. Let the waves of the Cancer, Retrograde, Eclipse season wash over you and whisper the truths of your heart, soul and subconscious. The feminine, dreams and longings will bring healing and deep subconscious transformation into your life.
I hope you have a great rest of your day as well!
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May I have a card drawn about whether or not some of my family members are blocking my love life? I been worried about this. My initials are KDS.
Thank you for writing. As previously cited I used the standard RWS [1910]. For your query, the Six of Wands Reversed came forward.

I think this is not specifically what you have asked me, but it is an answer nonetheless.
Upright, the Six of Wands is about Accolades, and Celebration in that communal sense. Because it's reversed, this strikes me as an issue about expectations, and communication. Everyone in your community/sphere has expectations of your life.
Remember KDS, no one can define your life but you. Communicate with your family about their expectations the have upon you, and furthermore, your romantic life.
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Hi, what do I need to release for the eclipse? Thank you. -A.F. 🦇
Thank you for writing. I pulled from standard RWS [1910]. The Ten of Wands Reversed came forward for your query.
You've been working hard, but internally you're finding it difficult to trust, or delegate. Tens are about accomplishments. Remember to take time to celebrate those!
Some potential questions to help open that door:
* What entrenched patterns of over control and responsibility need to be shifted now?
* How can your ability to be responsible, be held in a nurturing way for you and others?
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Eclipse Card Readings - OPEN
* Free.
* One card draw. However, You can request a second Totem card (Oracle deck) to help guide you with your initial card.
* Appropriate questions. Leave it open.
About: Druid. Professional Tarot Reader.
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