#bian ge
beyourselfchulanmaria · 4 months
二胡奏者 BIAN GE (ビェンカ) 渡红尘/渡紅塵/ Living in the human world (cover) 網游《蜀山縹緲錄...
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ajaxbell · 8 months
I finished Butterflied Lover which was for me very unexpected all the way through. I went into believing it was simply a sweet romance and was blown away by the first two eps. I mean probably could have read the description of the show and had some idea but I didn't because I almost never do.
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And it was a sweet romance, just not like any I've seen before and with a lot of, ummmm, weird monster magic and moral uncertainty?
It was incredibly short by most cdrama standards, 22 eps about 15 mins long. Which in itself was refreshing. It managed a variety of tone changes and a good amount of tension in that short time. And also a lot of sweet romance. Plus one of the steamier love scenes I've seen in a cdrama.
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The leads and the larger cast were all excellent and succeeded in making the story intensely emotional even in the short time they had to establish everything. The secondary romance was surprisingly moving given the set up for it. Very good character development there. And interesting too, since the main couple's story is mostly is mostly about maintaining who they truly are. The sets and costumes were also excellent. It seems weird but I liked how small the domestic life was compared to most big palace or mansion dramas, and how much of domestic life took place outdoors.
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I really enjoyed this, but I'm not sure what to say about the ending. From a satisfying storytelling perspective it seems like it needs another ep between 21 and 22 to wrap everything up. But we don't get that, and instead it's somewhat nebulous in that I think each watcher can interpret the ending (I read several other people's interpretations that I don't agree with). But I suppose that in itself is satisfying since you can decide what you personally need from the ending.
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Would recommend if you want something quick or you're looking for something a little different. Just be prepared for something of a choose-your-own-adventure ending.
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And I still think the translated title is terrible as I have since this first came on my radar.
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biantianyang · 1 year
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bian tianyang 20230913 weibo update
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accio-victuuri · 10 months
wait.. i’m literally on here or weibo almost 24/7 ( as you can tell lol ) but I feel like i missed something. i’m seeing clowning related to xz’s photos and how it looks like he is a groom and it’s a wedding photoshoot. the place is also famous for wedding shoots ( allegedly, idk. i’m not from there ) so turtles are imagining again. lol. freakin coincidence that wyb’s GRA photoshoot was done at a wedding shop. plus the “wedding outfits” for weibo night. which is all clowning and galaxy braining.🌌
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now, we’re joking around, like where’s yibo? he should be taking photos with his partner.
then i see comments that there is this one song WYB recently listened to. meaning, as recent as when XZ flew to singapore which is called 超人不会飞 (superman can’t fly) by Jay Chou. i know WYB and everyone else is a big fan of Jay Chou but the clowning comes from the timing of when he listened to it. let me get to that first.
here is the song if you wanna listen to it. 🎶
turtles are interpreting it as WYB longing to “fly” to where XZ is and be with him but he can’t because of all his work commitments. he wants to take a breather. thinking about what his life is and the constraints, and at times like this, when they spent days in Beijing, but now they have to be apart, it affects him even more.
however when i read the lyrics, it could also be because he can relate to what jay chou is singing about. here’s the english translation i found here. i have bolded the ones i felt like WYB relates too. literally no need for explanation. just read it. It fits with his status in life so much that it’s almost scary.
ma ma shuo heng duo shi bie tai ji jiao
Mum said one should not be too fussy over most matters
只是使命感找到了我 我睡不着
zhi shi shi ming gan zhao dao le wo wo shui bu zhao
But my sense of mission found me and i can't sleep over it
ru guo shuo ma ren yao you diao ji qiao
If scolding someone requires some skills
我会加点旋律你会觉得 超屌
wo hui jia diao xuan lu ni hui jue de chao diao
I will add a tune and you will feel it's very cool (diao)
wo de qiang bu hui zhuang dan yao (dan yao)
My gun is not loaded with ammunition
suo yi fang xin bu hui you ren dao (ren dao)
So don't worry, nobody will collapse
我拍青蜂侠不需要替身 因为自信是我绘画的颜料
wo pai qing feng xia bu xu yao ti sheng yin wei zi xin shi wo hui hua de yan liao
I don't need a double for The Green Hornet because confidence is the coloring for my painting
wo zuo heng duo shi bei hou de yi yi yuan bi ni men xiang xiang
The meaning behind the things I did is far beyond your imagination
pai le dian shi ju wei le you qing yu shi nian qian de meng xiang
Filming a tv drama is for friendship and a dream 10 years ago
shou shi lv zai gao ye nan kang heng wo de wei da li xiang
No matter how high the rating is, it can't match my noble ideal
yin wei wo de ren sheng wo xu zai duo yi bi na jiang xiang
Because my life do not need another award
wo bu zhi dao he shi bian cheng le se hui de na bang yang
I don't know when I have become a society's role model
bei gou zai pai bu neng bi zhong zhi yao da qi de mo yang (zen yang)
Can't show the paparazzi the finger and have to put on a magnanimous front
wo chang de ge ci yao you dian wen hua
The lyrics I sing must have some degree of literacy
yin wei sui shi hui bei dan jiao cai
Because it might become teaching material anytime
CNN neng bu neng deng ying wen hao yi dian zai fang
Can CNN interview me when my English gets a little better
shi dai za zhi feng mian neng bu neng chong pai
Can i reshoot the Time magazine cover
sui shi sui di zhu yi xin xiang
I must take care of my image at all times
yao kong zhi yin shi bu ran jiu gen du sha fu ren la xiang de wo bu xiang (ben lai jiu bu xiang)
I must control my diet or i won't look like the "me" in Madame Tussauds (it doesn't look like me in the first place)
hao lai wu de zhong guo xi yuan di shang you heng duo shou yin jiao yin
There are many handprints and footprints at Grauman's Chinese Theatre
he shi cai neng kan jian wo de zhang
When will mine be seen there?
如果超人会飞 那就让我在空中停一停歇
ru guo chao ren hui fei na jiu rang wo zai kong zhong ti yi ti xie
If Superman can fly then let me take a breather in the sky
再次俯瞰这个世界 会让我觉得好一些
zai ci fu kan zhe ge shi jie hui ran wo jue de hao yi xie
Overlooking this world again will let me feel better
拯救地球好累 虽然有些疲惫但我还是会
zheng jiu di qiu hao lei sui ran you xie pi bei dan wo hai shi hui
Saving the world is tiring, though I am a little tired, I still will
bu yao wen wo ku guo le mei
Don't ask me if I have cried
yin wei chao ren bu neng liu yan lei
Because Superman can't cry
chang ge yao na zui jia nan ge shou
(You) must get best male singer award as a singer
pai dian yin ye bu neng zhi na ge zui jia xin ren
A newcomer award is not enough if you act
ni bu can jia ban jiang dian li jiu shi mei li mao
Not attending award ceremonies is considered rude
ni qu can jia jiu shi dai biao ni heng zai hu
And if you do, it means you are over-concerned about it
de jia shi ni gan dong luo lei (luo lei) ren jia jiu hui jue de ni kuang zhang zuo zuo
When you won an award and teared, people will think you are fake and exaggerating
ni mei biao qing bie ren jiu hui shuo tai xiao zhang
When you have no expression, others will say you are too arrogant
如果你天生这个表情 那些人甚至会怪你妈妈(妈妈)
ru guo ni tian sheng zhe ge biao qing na xie ren sheng zhi hui guai ni ma ma (ma ma)
And if you are born with that expression, they will even blame your mum
结果最后是别人在得奖 你也要给予充分的掌声与微笑
jie guo zui hou shi bie ren zai de jiang ni ye yao ge yu chong fen de zhang sheng yu wei xiao
In the end someone else gets the award, you also have to give ample applause and smile
开的车不能太好 住的楼不能太高
kai de che bu neng tai hao zhu de lou bu neng tai gao
The car you drive can't be too luxurious nor can you live too high up
我到底是一个创作歌手 还是好人好事代表
wo dao di shi yi ge chuang zuo ge shou hai shi hao ren hao shi dai biao
Am I a singer-songwriter or a representative of good men and good deeds?
zhuan ji yi chu jiu bi xu shi guan jun
My album must be ranked top once released
pai le dian yin jiu bi xu yao da mai
My movie must sell well
zhi neng shuo dan chao ren zhen de hao nan
I can only say, being a Superman is difficult
ru guo chao ren hui fei (chao ren hui fei) na jiu rang wo zai kong zhong ti yi ti xie (ti yi ti xie)
If Superman can fly then let me take a breather in the sky
再次俯瞰这个世界 会让我觉得好一些
zai ci fu kan zhe ge shi jie hui ran wo jue de hao yi xie
Overlooking this world again will let me feel better
zheng jiu di qiu hao lei (di qiu hao lei) sui ran you xie pi bei dan wo hai shi hui (wo hai shi hui)
Saving the world is tiring, though I am a little tired, I still will
bu yao wen wo ku guo le mei
Don't ask me if I have cried
yin wei chao ren bu neng liu yan lei
Because Superman can't cry
I don’t think there is anything wrong with how cpfs are relating this to cpn cause that’s just how it is. But sometimes, there are other reasons why they do what they do.
SO MY CONFUSION COMES FROM HOW THE HELL DO PEOPLE KNOW WHAT HE RECENTLY LISTENED TO. I can’t seem to dig up how or maybe it’s something we don’t talk about. I have never experienced this kind of tidbit related to them before so I wanna know the source. Or is this like the gaming cpn where certain people know and they will not divulge the boy’s account for privacy? if anyone knows, feel free to comment. If i find out in the future, I will share.
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nemainofthewater · 8 months
Welcome to the 'Best Character with [X] surname' polls!
This is where I take several characters from different Chinese media (mostly cnovels and cdrama) and run a poll on which one is the 'best'. What does best mean? It's up to you! Whether you love them, are intrigued by their characters, love to hate them, or they're your '2 second blorbos whose personality you made up wholesale', these are all reasons for you to vote for your favs!
NB: the surnames are not exactly the same in all the cases, as often they will be a different character. I am, however, grouping them all together otherwise things got more complicated.
If you can't find a surname, it's because I couldn't find enough candidates (at least 3 from 3 distinct medias) to compete. Feel free to submit candidates!
I will be posting several polls at a time, so do come back and check this masterpost to remember which polls are ongoing, who the winners are, and who's coming up next!
Finished polls: Xing/Rong/Nan/Ren/Pan/Qu/Fu/Sui/Tan/You/Sima/Xuan/Chang/Xun/Shangguan/Jian/Qian/Shu/Xi/Yuwen/Cai/Sha/Yin/Ceng/Helian/Zeng/Lou/Mi/Ji/Ping/Tong/Tuoba/Ge/Murong/Hei/Niu/Tao/Si/Pang/Zi/Gongsun/Mao/Qing/Lian
There's only a certain number of hyperlinks that can be added per post, so the rest of the completed polls can now be found here
All the details of the individual polls under the readmore
An - posted 15/03/24 WINNER An Zhe
Bai - posted 28/02/24 WINNER Bai Fengxi
Baili - posted 22/03/24 WINNER Baili Qingmiao
Bao - posted 1/05/24 WINNER Bao Rongxing
Bi - posted 26/03/24 WINNER Bi Changfeng
Bian - posted 1/05/14 WINNER Bian Cheng
Cai - posted 7/04/24 WINNER Cai Quan
Cang - posted 23/04/24 WINNER Cang Jiumin
Cao - posted 8/02/24. WINNER - Cao Weining
Cen - posted 7/05/24 WINNEER Cen Xiao
Ceng - posted 8/04/24 WINNER Ceng Aiyu
Chang - posted 3/04/24 WINNER Chang Geng
Chao - posted 21/04/24 WINNER Chao Zi
Chen - posted 9/02/24 WINNER Chen Qingxu
Cheng - posted 10/03/24 WINNER Cheng Shaoshang
Chi - posted 19/04/24 WINNERS Chi Zhanggui and Chi Xiaochi
Chong - posted 25/04/24 WINNER Chong Ming
Chu - posted 12/03/24 WINNER Chu Wanning
Chun - posted 28/04/24 WINNER Chun Shen
Cui - posted 11/03/24 WINNER Madam Cui
Dai - posted 30/04/24 WINNER Dai Mubai
Dao - posted 20/04/24 WINNER Dao Mingsi
Deng - posted 27/04/24 WINNER Deng Kuan
Di - posted 16/02/24 WINNER Di Feisheng
Ding - posted 7/03/24 WINNER Ding Rong
Dong - posted 21/03/24 WINNER Dong Yi
Dongfang - posted 25/03/24 WINNER Dongfang Qingcang
Dou - posted 7/05/24 WINNER Dou Cheng
Du - posted 26/03/24 WINNER Du Cheng
Duan - posted 23/03/24 WINNER Duan Baiyue
Fan - posted 27/02/24 WINNER Fan Xian
Fang - posted 24/02/24 WINNER Fang Duobing
Fei - posted 20/03/24 WINNER Fei Du
Feng - posted 28/02/24 WINNER 'Other'
Fu - posted 31/03/24 WINNER Fu Yao
Gao - posted 13/02/24 WINNER Gao Xiaolian
Ge - posted 13/04/24 WINNER Ge Chen
Gong - posted 30/04/24 WINNER Gong Yu
Gongsun - posted 17/04/24 WINNER Gongsun Heng
Gu - posted 7/03/24 WINNER Gu Xiang
Guan - posted 17/03/24 WINNER Guan Hemeng
Gui - posted 29/04/24 WINNERS Gui Wen, Gui Yang, Gui Bai and 'Other'
Guo - posted 9/02/24 WINNER Guo Changcheng
Hai - posted 26/04/24 WINNER Hai Lanshi
Han - posted 17/03/24 WINNER Han Ying
Hao - posted 16/03/24 WINNER Hao Du
He - posted 22/03/24 WINNER He Xuan
Hei - posted 14/04/24 WINNER Hei Xiazi
Helian - posted 9/04/24 wINNER Helian Yi
Hong - posted 8/03/24 WINNER Hong Qigong
Hou - posted 3/05/24 WINNER Hou Bin
Hu - posted 6/03/24 WINNER Hu Tianying
Hua - posted 21/02/24 WINNER Hua Cheng
Huan - posted 6/05/24 WINNER Huan Xiaoyan
Huang - posted 20/03/24 WINNER Huang Shaotian
Huo - posted 25/02/24 WINNER Huo Xiuxiu
Ji - posted 11/04/24 WINNER Ji Xue
Jia - posted 18/03/24 WINNER Jia Kui
Jian - posted 4/04/24 WINNER Jian Buzhi
Jiang - posted 12/02/24 WINNER Jiang Cheng
Jiao - posted 27/03/24 WINNER Jiao Liqiao
Jin - posted 29/02/24 WINNER Jin Ling
Jing - posted 14/03/24 WINNER Jing Beiyuan
Jun - posted 28/04/24 WINNER 'Other"
Kan - posted 3/05/24 WINNER Kan Jian
Kang - posted 27/04/24 WINNER 'Other'
Kong - posted 26/04/24 WINNERS Kong Xiu and Alexis Kong
Kou - posted 4/05/24 WINNER Kou Baimen
Lai - posted 5/05/24 WINNER Lai Zhongshu
Lan - posted 23/02/24 WINNER Lan Wangji
Lei - posted 12/03/24 WINNER Lei Wujie
Leng - posted 2/05/24 WINNER Leng Yue
Li - posted 18/02/24 WINNER Li Lianhua
Lian - posted 18/04/24 WINNERS Lian Yufan and Lian Qiao
Liang - posted 13/03/24 WINNER 'Other'
Lin - posted 14/02/24 WINNER Lin Chen
Ling - posted 6/03/24 WINNER Ling Wen
Liu - posted 16/02/24 WINNER Liu Qingge
Long - posted 23/03/24 WINNER Long Zhi
Lou - posted 10/04/24 WINNER Lou Yao
Lu - posted 5/03/24 WINNER Lu Guang
Luo - posted 24/02/24 WINNER Luo Binghe
Ma - posted 13/03/24 WINNER Ma Xiuying
Mao - posted 17/04/24 WINNER Mao Panfeng
Mei - posted 14/02/24 WINNER Mei Changsu
Meng - posted 29/02/24 WINNER Meng Zhi
Mi - posted 10/04/24 WINER Mi Chong
Miao - posted 23/04/24 WINNER Miao Renfeng
Min - posted 6/05/24 WINNER Min Yunzhong
Ming - posted 26/02/24 WINNER Ming Yi
Misc - posted 7/05/24 WINNER Gongyi Xiao
Mo - posted 18/02/24 WINNER Mo Xuanyu
Mu - posted 22/02/24 WINNER Mu Nihuang
Murong - posted 13/04/24 WINNER Other
Nan - posted 29/03/24 WINNER Nan Feng
Nangong - posted 25/04/24 WINNER Nangong Si
Nie - posted 15/03/24 WINNER Nie Huaisang
Ning - posted 19/03/24 WINNER Ning Yingying
Niu - posted 14/04/24 WINNER Niu Chunmiao
Ouyang - posted 5/03/24 WINNER Ouyang Zizhen
Pan - posted 30/03/24 WINNER Pan Zi
Pang - posted 16/04/24 WINNER Pang Yizhi
Pei - posted 20/02/24 WINNER Pei Ming
Peng - posted 29/04/24 wINNER Peng Sanbian
Ping - posted 11/04/24 WINNER Ping An
Qi - posted 22/02/24 WINNER 'Other'
Qian - posted 5/04/24 WINNER Qian Jin
Qiao - posted 10/02/24 WINNER Qiao Wanmian
Qin - posted 16/03/24 WINNER Qin Banruo
Qing - posted 18/04/24 WINNER Qing Ge
Qiu - posted 25/03/24 WINNER Qiu Congxue
Qu - posted 30/03/24 WINNER Qu Lingfeng
Ran - posted 22/04/24 WINNERS Ran Lin and Ran Yun
Ren - posted 29/03/24 WINNER Ren Ruyi
Rong - posted 28/03/24 WINNER Rong Changqing
Ruan - posted 21/03/24 WINNER Ruan Nanzhu
Sang - posted 22/04/24 WINNER Sang Zan
Sha - posted 7/04/24 WINNER Sha Hualing
Shan - posted 19/04/24 WINNER Shan Gudao
Shang - posted 3/03/24 WINNER Shang Qinghua
Shangguan - posted 4/04/24 WINNER Shangguan Qin
Shao - posted 4/05/24 WINNER Shao Lin
Shen - posted 23/02/24 WINNER Shen Wei
Sheng - posted 4/03/24 WINNER Sheng Minglan
Sima - posted 2/04/24 WINNER Sima Yi
Shi - posted 8/03/24 WINNER Shi Qingxuan
Shu - posted 5/04/24 WINNER Shu Yanyan
Si - posted 15/04/24 WINNER Si Yilin
Song - posted 19/02/24 WINNER Song Lan
Su - posted 13/02/24 WINNER Su Zhe
Sun - posted 15/02/24 WINNER Sun Wukong
Sui - posted 31/03/24 WINNER Sui Zhou
Tan - posted 1/04/24 WINNER 'Other'
Tang - posted 12/02/24 WINNER Tang Fan
Tao - posted 15/04/24 WINNER Tao Ran
Tian - posted 20/04/24 WINNER Tian Qi
Tie - posted 5/05/24 WINNERS Tie Yinyi and Tie Miansheng
Tong - posted 12/04/24 WINNER Tong Lu
Tuoba - posted 12/04/24 WINNER Tuoba Yan
Wan - posted 24/03/24 WINNER Consort Wan
Wang - posted 26/02/24 WINNER Wang Pangzi
Wei - posted 8/02/24 WINNER Wei Wuxian
Wen - posted 2/03/24 WINNER Wen Kexing
Wu - posted 15/02/24 WINNER Wu Xie
Xi - posted 6/04/24 WINNER Xi Ping
Xia - posted 11/03/24 WINNER Xia Dong
Xian - posted 2/05/24 WINNERS Xian Ge and Xian Qing
Xiang - posted 19/03/24 WINNER Xiang Liu and Xiang Nanfang
Xiao - posted 20/02/24 WINNER Xiao Jingyan
Xie - posted 21/02/24 WINNER Xie Lian
Xin - posted 21/04/24 WINNER Xin Ziyuan
Xing - posted 28/03/24 WINNER Xing Zhi
Xiong - posted 7/05/24 WINNERS Xiong yipei and Xiong Chumo
Xu - posted 25/02/24 WINNER Xu Da
Xun - posted 3/04/24 WINNER Xun Feizhan
Xuan - posted 2/04/24 WINNER Xuan Shen'an | The Empress
Xue -posted 11/02/24 WINNER Xue Yang
Yan - posted 19/02/24 WINNER Yan Wushi
Yang - posted 3/03/24 WINNER Yang Wuxie
Yao - posted 24/04/24 WINNER Yao Zhen
Ye - posted 10/02/24 WINNER Ye Baiyi
Yi - posted 9/03/24 WINNER Yi Bichen
Yin - posted 8/04/24 WINNER Yin Yu
Ying - posted 17/02/24 WINNER Ying Hecong
You - posted 1/04/24 WINNER You Huo
Yu - posted 11/02/23 WINNER Yu Ziyuan
Yun - posted 1/03/24 WINNER Yun Biqiu
Yuan - posted 27/02/24 WINNER Yuan Boya
Yue - posted 4/03/24 WINNER Yue Qingyuan
Yuwen - posted 6/04/24 WINNER Yuwen Xuan
Zang - posted 24/02/24 WINNER Zang Ming
Zeng - posted 9/04/24 WINNER Zeng Xiangdong
Zhan - posted 10/03/24 WINNER Zhan Yunfei
Zhang - posted 17/02/24 WINNER Zhang Qiling
Zhao - posted 1/03/24 WINNER Zhao Yunlan
Zhen - posted 24/03/24 WINNER Zhen Ping
Zhi - posted 14/03/24 WINNER Zhi Xiu
Zhong - posted 27/03/24 WINNER Zhong Li
Zhou - posted 2/02/24 WINNER Zhou Zishu
Zhu - posted 9/03/24 Winner Zhu Hong
Zhuge - posted 18/03/24 WINNER Zhuge Liang
Zi - posted 16/04/24 WINNER 'Other'
Zuo - posted 5/05/24 WINNER Zuo Ran
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timextoxhajima · 4 months
Sonder: Part I
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Parts: I II III IV V
member: enhypen heeseung! x oc! woo ki yeom [3rd person pov]
genre: coming of age, slice of life, angst, romance
w/c: 5k
warnings: topics on religion, distressed relationships, mental health (I want to leave an a/n here that I grew up with my maternal family being Buddhists so what I've written is based off what I researched online and the way her family practised Buddhism. I'm personally a free-tinker and this narrative is not in any way meant to offend nor support any particular religion.)
synopsis: after being kicked out of her home, Woo Ki Yeom is forced to live life on her own. struggling to find herself in the midst of her chaotic life, she meets lee heeseung, who, like her, can't give any more fucks to life than she does.
"n. the realization that each random passerby is living a life as vivid and complex as your own."
That word. That keeps coming out on Instagram pages and TikTok videos.
It's a strange feeling to know that everybody else in here was living their own lives. Maybe they were going through a breakup, or someone in their family had just passed away. Perhaps their pet ran from home or a trip just got cancelled because their travel buddy fell sick.
It's fascinating at first - but you get bored by it after some time. And even if you didn't, Woo Ki Yeom did.
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It's not like it was difficult to figure out how to vacuum your room or do your own hair. Nor was it difficult to figure out how this washing machine operated, though Ki Yeom must admit that it took her a couple of minutes to get it down. But now, all she does is give it a good smack to the side when it doesn't start up.
"wo gen ni jiang (I'm telling you), one day you're going to smack it until it's spoilt!" The owner of the laundromat nags from the payment counter. He's a man in his 50s - Ki Yeom likes to think Mr Hsien is an alternate-dimension version of Eve from the film, Everything, Everywhere, All At Once. He clearly hates this life, and the only time Ki Yeom has seen his wife was when he was sick and couldn't run the place himself.
Mrs Hsien is just about ten times sweeter than he is - which Ki Yeom recalls - she didn't respond that well to.
She must think Ki Yeom is an asshole.
Then again, Ki Yeom knows for a fact that she is one.
"Then you'll finally come around to your senses and get it changed. I just found a coin from the 1930s the other day in my load."
"Do you know change washing machine how expensive?" Mr Hsien rambles on, looking through his glasses that were so far down his nose bridge, Ki Yeom thinks it might just slide right off. In his hands were dollar bills. "shi yi ge yue de qian (It's a month's worth of money)! From everybody that comes here."
She doesn't bother responding - no need to, unless she wants to start a debate.
"All day gloomy," Mr Hsien mumbles under his breath. She dumps herself in the row of chairs right out the door as he aligns the dollar bills and goes to unlock the door. "My wife say gloomy not good. tai duo yin (too much yin)."
His voice is slightly muffled, since his entire body is hidden behind the counter as he hides his money. After a few moments, his hand comes to grip the edge of the counter as he pulls himself up to stand, then he takes a deep breath and sighs as if it took him a bountiful amount of energy to get up. But he looks outwards at Ki Yeom and wiggles a finger at her.
"Are you listening to me?" He shakes his head, processing Ki Yeom just looking down at her phone.
"You know, Chinese people always think young people who don't respond are very rude. If you were my daughter, wo yi jing hui ma si ni ah (I would've already scolded you to death)."
He grumbles as he pushes himself out the little door by his counter and waddles for the storage door.
"You shout for me if anything weird happen outside. I'm going to da bian (poop)."
Ki Yeom connects the bluetooth headphones to her phone and adjusts it over her head as the door swings shut.
It was a quiet Wednesday night.
Ki Yeom liked to do her laundry in the middle of the week because there aren't many people around, and she didn't have to wait for strangers to come clear the washing machines before she could use them. She didn't have to talk to strangers - which came as a surprise to her when she first moved here. She never understood why people would just randomly strike up conversations.
What was the point of knowing so much about someone's life when you're probably never going to see this person again?
But it's ironic that Ki Yeom has found comfort in a familiar place, enough to fall asleep. Even if Mr Hsien were to walk right out that storage door and finds her nodding off in her awkward sitting upright position, she knew he wouldn't wake her up. She knows, because it's not the first time she's passed out from a day's work.
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Sometimes, Ki Yeom gets her inspiration from her dreams. One would be surprised how much she dreamt - because that meant that she could wake up feeling like she never slept. At some point, Ki Yeom was convinced that she was part of a cult by blood, because strange symbols, shapes, and creatures kept appearing in her dreams. She would draw them out and then go to the library to find anything on them, but to no avail.
Sometimes she blames this on her family.
But this 'gift' does her well at work, especially when the clientele of the tattoo parlour she works at are avid fans of the rare and uncommon.
Because of the number of clients who have grown fond of her artistry, she's been requested more than the average tattoo artist at the parlour she works at. Ki Yeom had been advised not to bite off more than she can chew, but it's not like she has any financial help or alot of money in the first place, so why not?
At least, not after she was kicked out of her own home.
In her busiest week, she spent four nights sleeping in the parlour, and had licorice and coffee for breakfast, a chicken salad for lunch and instant noodles for dinner on one of those days. And that wasn't even the worst meal combination she's had.
Some of her colleagues are kind - the ones who leave her blankets and buy her coffee and bread in the morning when they clock in. Others? Not so much.
"Too young." "Inexperienced." "Greedy." "Hard-up."
She's heard those too many times to feel a thing. It's also because she knows they're true. But it's not her fault she's greedy.
What's wrong with it?
Greed usually comes hand-in-hand with desperation, even if it weren't for a good cause. Greed comes with knowing how it feels when you lack something. Ki Yeom's greed stems from her lack of money, and is that her fault?
She finally jerks awake from her evening nap when a loud thud manages to get past her headphones. Blurry vision still taking some time to clear, she's able to make out Mr Hsien frantically grabbing a rag and cleaning off the counter top. Tea was dripping off the edge.
Just by the movement of his mouth, she can tell he's rambling off about being such a clumsy old man.
She sits up and stretches her neck, feeling the ache when she pulls it the opposite way she was dosing off in. A slight frown, and then in the corner of her eye, she notices someone had taken a seat on the other end of the five-seater row of seats.
It was someone probably her age, maybe younger. But she returns her attention to Mr Hsien finishing the rest of his tea and walking round the counter, grabbing some dry tissues to clean up the remaining on the floor.
Then she catches the stranger glancing in her direction, as if wanting to say something - and then she realises that her music isn't playing. 
She fumbles her lap for her phone, then finds it on the floor right under the seat. The stranger seems to sit with ease now that she's picked it up. She almost finds it embarrassing when she tries to reconnect her bluetooth, but is interrupted by the washing machine she was using finally beeping to indicate that it was done. 
Ki Yeom clears her throat and gets up to the washing machine, yanking the worn-out door open. Gathering the damp clothes in her arms she tosses it into a dryer. She instinctively feels around her pockets to find the token she had paid in exchange for it, but her mood is slightly ruined when she can't find it. 
Mr Hsien is no longer in the counter, so she assumes he had gone to the back, berating himself for being clumsy, so she looks around the floor. Perhaps she might find a stray one sitting somewhere. 
She returns to the dryer, defeated. No, actually, she's too tired to be annoyed. Sliding the headphones off her head, Ki Yeom sighs to herself and rolls her eyes. 
But a soft 'tick' rings quickly across the surface of the dryer, and she looks up to see the stranger turning his back on her. The token sits on the white-turned-grey surface of the dryer next to the one she was throwing her mental tantrum at. 
Ki Yeom builds up the care to speak.
"It's fine but I'll just wait for him to come back out." 
He sits anyway, leaning back coyly and looking at her with a lack of expression. "I'm trying to collect karma points, so don't take it personally. Maybe another day if we see each other."
As if I'm going to see you another day. 
But Ki Yeom is not someone who rejects something when she needs it. 
"Thanks," The word is almost reluctant to come out. Without hesitation, she chucks it into the coin slit of the dryer and it tumbles down into a bed of tokens. She hunches over the dryer and jabs the buttons - sometimes they don't work very well either.
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Ki Yeom hadn't always been like this. In fact, she was one of those kids who could plug in her earpieces over dinner and watch her favourite shows and her parents wouldn't say anything about it, because she knew to take them out when the food came.
Sometimes, her parents would join in on the fun of watching whatever show it was she was watching.
But what truly set her family apart from the average family was that her parents were devoted Buddhists. Karma, Liberation, Meditation... Honestly, Ki Yeom never understood what it truly meant until she hit her teenage years, and even then, her understanding of it didn't last very long.
It was a unique, and an admittable forceful, way of which Ki Yeom fell out with her family. As individuals who believed so much in karma, they had the tradition of donating large sums of money to the temple they frequented. They went vegetarian, prayed, kept a kind heart to whomever it was they met - and then her father was left jobless when the company he was working for got involved in an embezzling scandal.
Ki Yeom, at the age of sixteen, had witnessed her father go from the proud family man he was, to someone who stayed in bed all day, afraid to go out, in fear that he would have to open his empty wallet.
The anxiety became crippling and her father had developed depression upon the rippling news that he couldn't be accepted into other jobs because of his niche and limited experience and that he was too old.
At sixteen, when you've spent most of your life trying to understand and believe the ways of which your family has led their lives by, you'd be confused. Why was this happening? Have we not done enough?
What was once a home filled with laughter, comfort and encouragement, turned into a home that scrimped and saved every penny - even spending some nights without any electricity and relying purely on candles.
There was a gradual build-up of resentment on Ki Yeom's heart.
She had gone three years living off the meagre five dollars a day - and when you're in school with friends who find going to Starbucks and getting bubble tea an enjoyable past time, it's difficult. Even if they were understanding and chose not to go to either of those options, it was inevitable that Ki Yeom felt like it was her fault they couldn't go.
Just where in the world did all that money go? All the good karma points they were trying to accumulate? What happened to my God?
Ki Yeom had just graduated from pre-u. She wonders how she even managed to graduate, in the midst of all that falling apart at home, when it happened.
She had reached home after a day's work at the restaurant. As a waitress, she's grown numb to all the ridiculous comments and issues that customers bring up to her, if she were even paying attention.
So, all Ki Yeom wished was for a quiet dinner, a quiet evening and a quiet night to herself. She could crawl in bed and hug her pillows and scroll on her phone until she passed out, and then her day would start from scratch again.
But upon reaching home, she's not given enough time to respond - Especially when the things in her room seemed to be in the midst of removal. By strangers.
"What's going on?"
Her mother follows them out of the room as the movers trudge past her - and out of the house. "Ki, I'm sorry, we'll have to make do-"
"With... what? The floor?"
"You know how hard it's been, we just had to do this for the extra cash."
"How long is this 'cash' going to last us?" Ki Yeom puts her tote down, pushing past her mother and looking into the room. What used to be a cozy room with a bed, a desk, a standing lamp and even a beanbag was now a mattress, a makeshift table and a table lamp.
Ki Yeom turns around, at a complete loss of words. "You literally sold my room."
The elder stands, facing the door because she cannot face her daughter.
Ki Yeom gulps, feeling this intense heat coming up from within her. It feels like she's about to cry, but also wants to vomit and scream at the same time. "How much is selling my room going to make?"
"How. Much?"
A pause. There's some knocking and rustling outside as they wrap the furniture in bubble wrap. Someone yells at someone else to hand her the money.
"Enough for a couple of weeks."
Ki Yeom sighs heavily, not knowing she was even holding her breath. Then, she coughs and almost hyperventilates. A scoff. Then, a strangled growl, like she was about to throw herself out the window, and the tears start to clog her eyesight.
She watches as her mother receives the thin stack of fifty dollar bills, and the man doesn't give them one last look before leaving.
There's a painful silence in the house when Ki Yeom squats. And when her feet become numb, she drops to the floor with her back hitting the wall.
"I'm sorry, Ki," Her mother turns and sniffles, shoving the fifty dollar bills into her backpocket. She squats, trying to look at Ki Yeom. But her daughter's head is hung low, for she has taken her final sanctuary.
"I don't understand... how this was an option. I'm working. And aren't you and dad trying to find jobs? Aren't you working?"
"I know... and we are... we just... we have nothing."
"What about grandpa? Hasn't he offered to help? At this stage... you want me to believe he hasn't offered any type of help?"
Her mother goes quiet, only taking a deep breath and sitting on her rear as well.
"What? What does that mean?" Ki Yeom frowns, tears finally dribbling down her cheeks as she struggles to understand. "Is he so heartless... that he cannot give us some to get by until something... better comes along?"
"Ki, we've been like this for years..."
"Which makes me wonder why he hasn't helped?"
Ki Yeom frowns. "Does he even know?"
Her mother looks up at her through disheveled hair.
"How could he not know?"
"Ki, he knows. We just... you know the rules we live by."
Ki Yeom audibly gasps and chokes in horror. Her stomach drops in disbelief. "Rules? We are sleeping on the floor, our lights are candles and the table lamps are on the floor... we eat instant food two out of three meals and you're telling me... that out of filial piety... you did not accept his help?!"
There's an eerie quietness in the home. Of course, atop the screaming in Ki Yeom's head and the traffic outside her home. Her vision is blurring from the tears, but she looks around her dark home, once brightly lit, and her vision ends on the orange-red glow eminating from the altar right next to the front door of her house. It's wide open, so the wind coming through was making the little flames on the candles flicker.
It's been untouched, only routinely cleaned and the oils thrown and replaced. Ki Yeom clenches her jaw, trying for a moment to resist the urge.
But to everyone's devastating shock and surprice, Ki Yeom harshly swipes her entire arm across the reachable counter top, spilling the cups of oil holding the candles and the incense sticks out of their packets.
Her mother quite literally screams and rushes over, yanking her away from the mess.
The ringing is sharp in Ki Yeom's right ear as she processses the sting on her cheek, jaw and head. In the corner of her eye, she can see her mother is more surprised than she was. But this surprise is quickly replaced with anger and intense disapproval, so much to the point that her mother pushes past her and squats to pick up the items.
Ki Yeom's heart shatters.
She gulps, thinking if she should help. But her mother shoves her off, as if scared to be touched by her.
The clatter on the floor is gentle and quiet, and her mother is careful not to touch any of the shattered glass. Ki Yeom grimly squats by her and reaches for it, but rejection shoves her backwards on her rear when her mother pushes her away. She loses her balance and falls backwards, hands on the floor and her tears dribbling down her cheek.
Her mother's face is like rock - expressionless, tired. Helpless. Speechless.
Ki Yeom's face was starting to burn up.
"Get out," She stops her cleaning and stares at the floor.
"You want so badly to do things your own way... and cannot agree with what we believe in... so pack your things and get out."
She resumes her cleaning up, taking the smaller, shattered pieces and placing them on the altar. While Ki Yeom remains on the floor, her mother squats, picks up whatever her hands can carry, and returns them to the altar. Again, and again.
"Mom, I- Please. How can you live like this?!"
The weight in Ki Yeom's knees start to shake her thighs when she kneels, dragging herself to her mother's feet. She hangs her head low, vision blurry and her head in a whirl. "We prayed to a God for years... my entire life... and we believed in everything we studied... Why were we not returned with the karma we always thought we've been collecting? Why did we pray and pray and yet nothing came along to help?"
Ki Yeom looks up, hair in her mouth and in her eyes as she manages to make out her mother placing the shattered cups back into position.
"Do not speak of Him that way," She whispers under her breath, opening a drawer and pulling out a lighter for the incense sticks. "He is always watching us... and He will help when the time is right."
Ki Yeom finally breaks apart in her own demeanour, sobbing and releasing her mother's clothes.
How can she choose a God, a deity... over her own daughter?
Her mother bows thrice, and sticks the incense stick in the incense pot. "I didn't sell your luggage. You can use that."
Ki Yeom looks up from the floor again, in disbelief those exact words came out of her mouth.
"I expect you gone by tomorrow morning," She turns and walks away, but stops and turns around for a second. "Nobody in my house will disrespect Him."
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Ki Yeom had completely blocked out whatever her client was talking about - something to do with work. Her colleagues. Ki Yeom couldn't give any more fucks.
But she sits up to stretch her neck and back and notices in the reflection in one of the mirrors in her workspace a familiar back and a bald head.
She finishes up quickly, not bothering to acknowledge anything that her client has said. "Jun Yeol, can you help me tape her? I- yeah."
Instantly, the pink-haired boy turns around to look out the window. "Go. I got it from here."
"Chargeable list is on my desk. Thanks."
The bell on the door rings as she pushes her way out. She sucks in a deep breath, thinking of what to say again when their eyes finally meet. But out comes a rude and unnecessary: "What are you doing here? I told you not to look for me here."
For a moment, she feels bad. But her grandfather's retort is a reminder that she inherited her attitude from someone.
"I go wherever I want to!" He struggles to get up from the chair they've placed outside the tattoo shop for when there was a queue.
"Sit down!" Ki Yeom rushes over and pushes him back down by his shoulders, making sure to take a seat next to him so he didn't need to stand up again.
"I figured out how to make your mum's soup. The melon wolfberry one."
Ki Yeom looks down as he hands her the cotton bag that perfectly fits a thermal flask.
"You don't like cooking."
"I don't. It gets everywhere and there's a ton of pots and bowls and spoons to wash."
He shoves it into her lap, and huffs while wiping the sweat off his forehead.
"Let me call you a cab."
"Cabs are expensive, don't you dare."
"I'd rather have someone send you home safe than have you pass out on the way back."
"And if I'm destined to die today, I will pass out anyway, won't I?"
The harshness and brutality of his words summon a glare from her. She wants to berate him for being so careless with his thoughts - afterall, she did grow up around the theory of manifestation of karma. And she knows for a fact her grumpy old grandfather might not have that much good karma left.
"Are you earning enough? For yourself? For your rent?"
She sighs and hugs the thermal flask to her stomach. The doorbell rings and her client walks out, turning to say thanks and goodbye.
"I'm fine. Don't worry about me."
"Is it safe? Where you're staying?"
"We've been through this. There's a security guard on the first floor and you can't go up without a keycard."
"People out there nowadays are terrifying, have you seen? All these gadgets and hidden cameras!"
"I know, I know, but the estate is safe. Don't worry about me," Ki Yeom rubs her eye. Both of them go quiet for a minute. She's listening to the grumble of the asphalt as the cars go by, and she knows her grandfather is thinking about the other questions he had prepared before coming out to meet her. 
"If you're wondering whether they've reached out... they haven't. And I'm not planning on doing it first."
"I didn't ask you to, and I know you wouldn't."
They go silent once more, but the silence is broken by the bell hanging on the front door of the tattoo parlour. 
"Ki, a client called and said she's on the way but she's early for an appointment."
She looks down at her phone for the time. "Yeah, she's supposed come in at 4pm."
"Aight, call me if you need anything," Soo Min smiles at the elderly man, who seems awkward when he tries to return the acknowledgement. The bell rings again when she returns back into the parlour.
"Thanks," Ki Yeom waits for her to go back in before she smiles to herself. "You can just say 'hi'. She's a nice person."
"Her short hair scares me abit. Reminds me of the gangsters and hooligans that run around on the street and in back alleys back in my time," He pauses, realising Ki Yeom's disapproving looks. He clears his throat. "Do the people here treat you well? The last time you told me some of them aren't fond of you."
"Well, it's still the same. It's not like I'm going to try and change their minds about me. I earn my share and they earn theirs."
Grandfather nods and hums in acknowledgement. "You know... sometimes I think you're meant to come out and live your life on your own. I believe you were made for the streets - in a good way - and that you learn and meet so many new people outside of a comfort zone. It's something that the rich and wealthy don't get to have."
There's a gentle gush of wind that rushes through the corridor. The rows of shop along this road were in their not-so-busy afternoon period, but Ki Yeom could still make out that barista who got her order wrong a couple of days ago cleaning up the table along the corridor. And that hair stylist who supposedly cut someone's hair too short and almost got sued.
"Right," She responds first. "But I wasn't given a choice. Would've loved to have one."
Ki Yeom turns back to look at her grandfather. His wrinkles have gotten deeper, longer. She knows he won't be around much longer to be the parent that she lost. Unlocking her phone, she opens the taxi cab.
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Since her 4pm client had come early and Ki Yeom had gotten the job done early, she'd decided that she no longer had the mental capacity to stay anymore - besides, she works on appointment-only basis now anyway.
So amidst all the skanky, judgy looks she gets from the other tattoo artists who don't get as many requests as she does, she bids Jun Yeol and Soo Min goodbye. The evening sun greets her as the evening crowd begins to fill the surrounding cafes, coffee shops and other places that people go to.
She walks by the coffee cafe, and catches the eye of that barista who fucked up her order. She waves.
The barista, of course.
But Ki Yeom feels obligated to at least offer a smile, so she does, and proceeds on her way.
Finally in the comfort of her home, she drops her bag and opens her fridge, eyeing the half-eaten packet of frozen dumplings, miso paste and frozen udon. Ever since she's moved out, she had the freedom to test out whatever stupid recipes TikTok and Instagram had to offer that required three ingredients.
Well, provided she had the equipment - which was a pot, a pan, a mini rice cooker and an air-fryer that the tattoo parlour wanted to get rid of. Honestly, she hasn't used it because she's been afraid it would explode if she did, but it just seemed like a waste if she let them throw it away.
She prepares the miso soup while waiting for the dumplings and udon to defrost first - then the unusual happens.
Knock knock.
Ki Yeom frowns to herself, and mentally checks through all the bills and finances she has to settle. Rent? Not due in another three weeks. Credit card? Haven't touched it. Delivery? Haven't ordered anything.
Knock knock knock.
She turns the stove off and goes for the door, looking through the peephole.
It's the kid from the laundromat.
Perhaps he came to even out the debt.
Ki Yeom opens the door.
"Oh," He seems surprised. "It's you."
"If you're here for the token, I don't have any extra to return. I can pay you a couple of cents or a dollar for it if you're insistent."
"Uh," Gently shaking his head, he simply lifts a hand, and in it, there was an envelope. "This came in my mail. I think they wrote the address wrongly."
She looks at the envelope, and sees her name but with the unit 07-33 instead of hers, 07-38.
"I figured eight just seemed the most similar to three, so. Are you... Woo Ki Yeom?"
"Yeah, thanks," She blinks and reaches out for it.
"Mail's not that common nowadays," He nods towards the envelope. "They don't have your number or email?"
There's an attempt to chuckle, or make a joke. But Ki Yeom doesn't bother responding, only tearing it open and pulling the letter out.
"Yeah, they don't have my number or my email."
The boy clears his throat out of awkwardness. "Oh."
Ki Yeom straightens out the letter right infront of him. As much as she wants to forget that her parents ever existed, she knows she can't. She's been trying - which is why she changed her emails, her phone number, and didn't provide their names to the building's management for "allowed visitors".
Futile efforts - that's what they were. She might be able to change the way she thought but her heart can't forget. Her father used to tell her that the heart always knows what's right, but what he didn't tell her was how to deal with it when she doesn't want to.
Dear Ki,
I'm writing to share that I've gotten a job.
Instantly, she folds the letter back up and shoves it back in the envelope. Her blood boils.
Why did it matter if her father got a job now? It doesn't change what her mother said to her or what happened. It doesn't change-
"Um. You... alright?"
Ki Yeom looks up, remembering that this stranger was still infront of her. Vision blur, she clears her throat and shoves the letter back in his hands.
"It's not mine."
He looks down at the shredded envelope and haphazardly-returned letter. Her eyes are red, so he's not dumb enough to believe it's not hers.
"Are... you sure?"
"Yeah, I'm sure," Ki Yeom closes her eyes and rubs them over her lids. "Sorry, I was just busy making dinner. I have to go."
"Right," He clutches the envelope to his side and nods subtly.
With pursed lips, she looks at him one more time for acknowledgement. He's quiet, and careful, as he takes a step back and turns to leave. Ki Yeom gently swings the door shut, feeling her nose sour all over again.
Sucking in a deep breath, she looks over in her mini kitchen and stares at the slightly-cooled soup sittin on the stove. Then her eyes travel over to where she had dumped her bag, and remembers the thermal flask.
She walks over to it and picks it up, opening it and carefully sipping the warm soup.
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[Art] Every sunrise and moonset, with you
Artist: 路边一个圆 (lu bian ye ge yuan)
Source: ♡ || Permission: ♡ || Sub master-list
⌚ Please do not repost ⌚
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shookethdev · 2 years
a o e i i er ai ei ao ou an en ang eng ong i ia iao ie iu ian in iang ing iong u ua uo uai ui uan un uang ueng ü üe üan ün a o e er ai ao ou an en ang eng yi ya yao ye you yan yin yang ying yong wu wa wo wai wei wan wen wang weng yu yue yuan yun b ba bo bai bei bao ban ben bang beng bi biao bie bian bin bing bu p pa po pai pei pao pou pan pen pang peng pi piao pie pian pin ping pu m ma mo me mai mei mao mou man men mang meng mi miao mie miu mian min ming mu f fa fo fei fou fan fen fang feng fu d da de dai dei dao dou dan den dang deng dong di diao die diu dian ding du duo dui duan dun t ta te tai tei tao tou tan tang teng tong ti tiao tie tian ting tu tuo tui tuan tun n na ne nai nei nao nou nan nen nang neng nong ni niao nie niu nian nin niang ning nu nuo nuan nü nüe l la le lai lei lao lou lan lang leng long li lia liao lie liu lian lin liang ling lu luo luan lun lü lüe g ga ge gai gei gao gou gan gen gang geng gong gu gua guo guai gui guan gun guang k ka ke kai kei kao kou kan ken kang keng kong ku kua kuo kuai kui kuan kun kuang h ha he hai hei hao hou han hen hang heng hong hu hua huo huai hui huan hun huang z za ze zi zai zei zao zou zan zen zang zeng zong zu zuo zui zuan zun c ca ce ci cai cao cou can cen cang ceng cong cu cuo cui cuan cun s sa se si sai sao sou san sen sang seng song su suo sui suan sun zh zha zhe zhi zhai zhei zhao zhou zhan zhen zhang zheng zhong zhu zhua zhuo zhuai zhui zhuan zhun zhuang ch cha che chi chai chao chou chan chen chang cheng chong chu chua chuo chuai chui chuan chun chuang sh sha she shi shai shei shao shou shan shen shang sheng shu shua shuo shuai shui shuan shun shuang r re ri rao rou ran ren rang reng rong ru rua ruo rui ruan run j ji jia jiao jie jiu jian jin jiang jing jiong ju jue juan jun q qi qia qiao qie qiu qian qin qiang qing qiong qu que quan qun x xi xia xiao xie xiu xian xin xiang xing xiong xu xue xuan xun
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444namesplus · 9 months
Ba Ban Bang Be Ben Beng Bi Bia Bian Biang Bie Bien Bieng Bing Bio Bion Biong Biu Biun Biung Bo Bon Bong Bu Bun Bung Cia Cian Ciang Cie Cieng Cii Ciia Ciian Ciiang Ciie Ciien Ciieng Ciin Ciing Ciio Ciion Ciiong Ciiu Ciiun Ciiung Cio Cion Ciong Ciu Ciun Da Dan Dang De Deng Di Dia Dian Die Dien Dieng Din Ding Dio Dion Diong Diu Diun Diung Do Don Dong Du Dung Fa Fan Fang Fe Fen Fi Fia Fian Fiang Fie Fien Fieng Fin Fing Fio Fion Fiong Fiu Fiun Fiung Fo Fon Fong Fu Fung Ga Gan Gang Ge Gen Gi Gia Gian Giang Gie Gien Gin Ging Gio Gion Giong Giu Giun Giung Go Gong Gu Gun Ha Han Hang He Hen Heng Hi Hia Hian Hiang Hie Hien Hieng Hin Hing Hio Hion Hiong Hiu Hiun Ho Hon Hu Hun Jia Jiang Jie Jien Jii Jiia Jiiang Jiie Jiien Jiieng Jiin Jiing Jiio Jiion Jiiong Jiiu Jiiun Jio Jion Jiu Jiung Ka Kan Kang Ken Keng Ki Kia Kian Kiang Kie Kien Kieng Kin Kio Kiong Kiu Kiun Kiung Ko Kon Kong Ku Kun Kung La Lan Le Len Li Lia Lian Liang Lie Lien Lieng Lin Ling Lio Lion Liong Liu Liun Lo Lon Long Lu Lun Lung Ma Me Men Meng Mi Mia Miang Mie Mieng Min Ming Mio Mion Miong Miu Miung Mo Mon Mong Mu Mun Mung Na Nan Nang Ne Neng Ni Nia Niang Nieng Nin Ning Nio Nion Niu Niung No Non Nong Nu Nung Pa Pan Pang Pe Pen Peng Pi Pia Pian Piang Pie Pien Pieng Pin Ping Pio Pion Piong Piu Piun Piung Pon Pu Pun Pung Qa Qang Qe Qen Qeng Qi Qia Qian Qiang Qie Qien Qieng Qin Qing Qio Qion Qiong Qiu Qiun Qiung Qo Qon Qong Qu Qun Qung Ra Ran Rang Re Ren Reng Ri Ria Rian Riang Rie Rien Rieng Rin Ring Rio Rion Riu Riun Ro Ron Rong Ru Run Rung Sa San Sang Se Si Sia Sian Siang Sie Sien Sieng Sin Sing Sio Sion Siong Siu Siun Siung So Son Song Su Sun Sung Ta Te Ten Teng Ti Tia Tian Tiang Tie Tien Tieng Tin Ting Tio Tion Tiong Tiu Tiun To Ton Tong Tu Tun Tung Wa Wang Wen Wi Wia Wian Wiang Wie Wieng Win Wing Wio Wion Wiong Wiu Wiun Wo Won Wong Wu Wun Wung Xia Xian Xiang Xie Xien Xieng Xii Xiia Xiian Xiiang Xiie Xiieng Xiin Xiing Xiio Xiiong Xiiu Xiiun Xio Xion Xiong Xiu Xiung Za Zan Zang Ze Zeng Zi Zia Zian Ziang Zie Zieng Zin Zing Zio Zion Ziong Ziu Ziun Ziung Zo Zon Zu Zung
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eyenaku · 2 years
Ji ji fu ji ji
a o e i i er ai ei ao ou an en ang eng ong i ia iao ie iu ian in iang ing iong u ua uo uai ui uan un uang ueng ü üe üan ün a o e er ai ao ou an en ang eng yi ya yao ye you yan yin yang ying yong wu wa wo wai wei wan wen wang weng yu yue yuan yun b ba bo bai bei bao ban ben bang beng bi biao bie bian bin bing bu p pa po pai pei pao pou pan pen pang peng pi piao pie pian pin ping pu m ma mo me mai mei mao mou man men mang meng mi miao mie miu mian min ming mu f fa fo fei fou fan fen fang feng fu d da de dai dei dao dou dan den dang deng dong di diao die diu dian ding du duo dui duan dun t ta te tai tei tao tou tan tang teng tong ti tiao tie tian ting tu tuo tui tuan tun n na ne nai nei nao nou nan nen nang neng nong ni niao nie niu nian nin niang ning nu nuo nuan nü nüe l la le lai lei lao lou lan lang leng long li lia liao lie liu lian lin liang ling lu luo luan lun lü lüe g ga ge gai gei gao gou gan gen gang geng gong gu gua guo guai gui guan gun guang k ka ke kai kei kao kou kan ken kang keng kong ku kua kuo kuai kui kuan kun kuang h ha he hai hei hao hou han hen hang heng hong hu hua huo huai hui huan hun huang z za ze zi zai zei zao zou zan zen zang zeng zong zu zuo zui zuan zun c ca ce ci cai cao cou can cen cang ceng cong cu cuo cui cuan cun s sa se si sai sao sou san sen sang seng song su suo sui suan sun zh zha zhe zhi zhai zhei zhao zhou zhan zhen zhang zheng zhong zhu zhua zhuo zhuai zhui zhuan zhun zhuang ch cha che chi chai chao chou chan chen chang cheng chong chu chua chuo chuai chui chuan chun chuang sh sha she shi shai shei shao shou shan shen shang sheng shu shua shuo shuai shui shuan shun shuang r re ri rao rou ran ren rang reng rong ru rua ruo rui ruan run j ji jia jiao jie jiu jian jin jiang jing jiong ju jue juan jun q qi qia qiao qie qiu qian qin qiang qing qiong qu que quan qun x xi xia xiao xie xiu xian xin xiang xing xiong xu xue xuan xun
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biantianyang · 1 year
bian tianyang 20230906 douyin update
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lyrics365 · 6 days
Utopia (Feat. HENDERY of WayV) (Chinese Ver.)
My passion My passion zheng kai le shuang yan jing zhi de shi jie kong qi dou bei ding ge zai zhe yi shun jian jing zi de dui li mian mo sheng you shu xi de lian yao ru he gai bian cai neng gou bei kan jian shui zai deng dai li ming de lai lin shui yi jiu zai hei an zhong chuan xi qi ji zhong xun zhao zhen li bu ting bu ting qu ding yi zi ji shi shen me rang ni huai yi ceng yi shi de zi ji Uh uh…
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I think I’ve finally found the answer to why I’m able to binge Ren Jialun’s dramas despite some were satisfactory.
It was the characters he took up from these dramas that kind of differentiate him from other actors.
Firstly, the characters he did were of various backgrounds and settings. Emperor, general, a guard, a chemistry professor, an architect, crown Prince, scriptwriter etc…
And most of his characters he chose more towards 虐 compared to those brighter characters he did. I rmbr he said the more 虐 it’s more memorable. Even his currently filming drama, is too 虐 for me too handle.
And from what I’ve seen, he got a good understanding of his characters he did, even those that we thought wasn’t but indeed was (recalled he said modern Zhousheng Chen is more 虐 than ancient one)
And his face grew on me with each drama. But to say I’m his fan, not yet. Or perhaps, I’m a fan of his characters than the actor himself.
It just that I felt it’s weird that as I go back to his older dramas, he was much better and more in control compared to now (Burning Flames, I’m looking at you.)
Im looking forward to more stable acting from him and Chao ge, I know you’re busy but when you have time, go and practise your line dubbing. Go and learn under Bian Jiang.
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truckreincarnation · 1 year
A Stab in the Dark || Perry || Trial 1-3 || RE: 19, Frank, Nao, Theophania, Germain || ATTN: Bian, 19, Mascots
Hrmrmrm... Well, Perry had had thoughts, and at multiple different moments, clearly opened her mouth to speak. Before she could get a word out, though, someone else would speak up. Perhaps it was for the better, when she wasn't as good at these things in general. Still...
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"... Ou' o' fairness, ay thenk et's a good aidea ta poin' ou' tha' nobody's paid attention ta tha fac' tha' Bibi's pre''y suspicious too. She was tha las' one en that trainin' hall, an' was comple'ly alone fer a pre''y lon' taime, so... Dinnae, she's jus' been ta both plaeces tha' are emportan', an' there was only laike... hwa', ten minu'es between hwen Francis was found an' hwen she was kelled? Tha taimin's real tigh' ta ge' ou' o' tha scene."
Granted, she did trail off after Frank spoke, a few different thoughts formulating together. Hm. Well. What to say, what to say. It wasn't like Perry should ignore the 19 accusations entirely, either, even if she wanted to point out the missed alternative.
"Oh, uh, sorry ta desappoin', Germa, bu' 19 was pre''y quie' hwen she caeme en. Ay dednnae hear her at all, an' ay'm no' a particularly heavy sleeper... No' tha' ay'm a ligh' sleeper, either. Bu', ay ded ask 19 hwa' taime she caeme en jus' ta check. Oy, 19, hwen ay asked hwen ya go' back ento tha room enetially, ya said 11:15, ay thenk. Bu' sence then ya've changed yer claim ta 11, aye? E'en ef we were ta sae ya lef' a wee bi' before Bibi go' there, Leavin' at laike 10:30 or so an' 11:15 es a pre''y beg taime defference, too."
Well. Not that that would mean much there if 19 just couldn't read a clock at all (which Perry surprisingly believed, actually).
"An' et seems laike people are on tha saeme page, bu' we're all agreein' tha' Francis se' up tha traps herself, aye? Nobody's jus' said tha' upfron' so ay wan'ed ta maeke sure we're on tha saeme page there. No' sayin' she's tha one hwo se' et off, bu' jus' sayin'."
Perry scratched her chin for a moment, thinking further, pushing that singular braincell she had like a workhorse. A lot of this was beyond her capabilities for logic. Who had actually spent this much time solving murders? Or... any time at all, actually. No one here was secretly a detective, right? She massaged the sides of her temples.
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"Ah, Theophania, ya said tha' Francis's domain was order, aye? Ay dednnae know tha' ay'll be hones'. Bu' hwa' ef her domain worked defferen'ly? Hwa' ef she had ta do hwate'er people told her ta do? Laike... Followin' other people's orders enstead? An' ef somebody told her ta jus'.... stand under et hwile they triggered tha trap enstead? Et would explain hwy there wasnnae a struggle, too. Unless one o' our hos's wan's ta clarify."
Frankly, Perry didn't even know Francis's name before she was the food king. That was a stab in the dark, really. Ah... perhaps that was a bad turn of phrase to think of.
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cantalooprat · 1 year
Reborn as the Villain President's Cat & Dog
What I Liked
i love love love the way lin ang si writes emotional lines. si junduo's absolute unconditional love, his willingness to always take a step back to give a way out to wen mingyi "in case he regrets being in a relationship with me", this is exactly why older gong is so delicious!!! i love having a sweet caring older gong who cherishes the shou so much that he becomes overly cautious, and how the shou is also so utterly devoted and won't regret anything. special mention to when wen mingyi cried on si junduo's lap when he found out that his ge was trying to distance himself so that it won't hurt so bad when wen mingyi inevitably leaves a second time if he ever falls in love. and also when si junduo realized he's fallen so hard for wen mingyi but he's the only person he can't fall for precisely bc he cherishes him too much. tbh all lin ang si novels have such powerful emotional lines, rly it hits all the right sweet and sour notes.
five stars for si junduo first-rate gong he makes my heart melt he's so so so good
wen mingyi is pretty interesting. like he's not super good, i actually find him kind of annoying sometimes. but that's kind of why he's interesting? his whole motivation is 1. to get his parents' attention 2. survive and live well with si junduo. he doesn't rly care for much else. tbh if jiang zimo wasn't so greedy, he wouldn't have ended up so wretched. wen mingyi didn't even really want revenge after he regressed. he just wanted jiang zimo to go away. and even with years of his parents' neglect he actually forgave them pretty quickly? he's quite softhearted. so like. idk. as annoying as he is, he's rly a pretty good kid at heart.
zheng feng is so dumbcute lmao i kind of shipped him with song he
i also like li yuanqing's love line with song shuhan, i wish they got their own extra bc their meeting was cute and the way li yuanqing helped song shuhan later at uni must've been so precious
bian jinyuan secretly smiling when he saw wen mingyi not answering his absent dad's phone calls lmao he prob also Felt That
What I Disliked
much like its sister novel tmall genie, the animal transformation and the subsequent reduction of said transformation were never explored and/or elaborated upon, glossed over as "u r like cinderella" and then it just...magically went away. slightly more "believable" here bc wen mingyi did regress in comparison to lu yunfei who was just like "i am a tmall genie i guess" in a novel that has no other fantasy elements
with that said. yknow. cat/dog ears and tail make such a good papapa kink time. like in actor's cat, where the ml got even hornier when he sees mc w cat eats. but the transformation disappeared before they even got to papapa :( i wanna see si junduo be degenerate :(
lowkey felt like it was too much when wen mingyi won both best newcomer and best actor esp bc the filming process wasn't rly detailed
i love lin ang si's novels so much
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[Art] At the end of the lights
Artist: 路边一个圆 (lu bian ye ge yuan)
Source: ♡ || Permission: ♡ || Sub master-list
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“Victor, are you also scared?”
“Mm, scared. But it’s not the fear that I might forget you. I’m scared that you will have to face everything all on your own.”
— “Be courageous and continue moving forward, even if I’m not at your side.”
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