#bg3 character development meme
commander-krios · 11 months
For Aly 4, 15, 2, 18, 27, 28
My girlllll I think this is the first ask for her so yay!
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4: If your Tav was a companion, where would they be found?
This is difficult because she'd probably still be in Baldur's Gate with her father, but for the purposes of the game, I'll say the Underdark, trying to help the Gnomes escape from the clutches of the Absolute. She would definitely make it her mission to save them and protect them.
15: What NPC's do they like? Which one's do they dislike?
Alyril'fryn is accepting of a lot of people, she knows how difficult life can be and the things you might end up doing if you feel you have no other choice. In particular, she did enjoy speaking with Dammon. She has a soft spot for Arabella and Mol. Barcus Wroot, of course, has become a dear friend. Withers has grown on her over the course of the game. She says this with gritted teeth, but Raphael, mostly for the entertainment. Dislike, I'd say she wasn't a fan of Nere, Minthara (for personal reasons), Mizora, Kagha, and Anders come to mind.
2. What is your character's alignment?
Neutral Good. She tries to keep an open perspective on the things going on around her, like with Ketheric and his issues. But sometimes, she can't help but feeling seething angry at the atrocities she sees.
18: What would your Tav be doing if they weren't kidnapped on the Nautiloid?
Probably taking care of her father, like she'd been doing before. She was in the middle of an assassination contract when she was nabbed, and she really wants to get home to Baldur's Gate to make sure he's still ok.
27: What was their life like before the events of BG3?
Aly was taking contracts to assassinate some of the most heinous people in BG. All to help her father with coin but also, why not take out some shitty people in the meantime?
28: Is your character the de facto leader of the party? Or do they consider someone else to be the leader?
She is the de facto leader, definitely, although she likes guidance at times from Lae'zel, Wyll, and Gale.
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rossy-mossy · 1 month
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It’s called character development darling~
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gunpowdercarousel · 1 year
Group Smash Bros Picks
Karlach: Bowser/Captain Falcon Shadowheart: Sheik/Zelda Astarion: Bayonetta/Jigglypuff Gale: Luigi/Mewtwo Wyll: Marth/Falco Lae'zel: Ridley/Charizard Halsin: Villager/Yoshi Minthara: Wolf/Ganondorf Jaheira: Wii Fit Trainer/Isabelle Minsc: Pikachu/Pichu
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tilthedayidice · 5 months
Hey welcome back to my BG3 Hot Takes
While I have your attention, here's a cool site to help Palestine, all you gotta do is click it daily.
This session was inspired by @lipsie, gettin me ttalkin way too much. Yes I am aware that the tadpole changes things, and they have to make it balanced for the game blah blah blah- let a bitch complain.
Screenshots sourced from the Baldur's Gate 3 Wiki
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Gale is the only character I feel is spec'd correctly, He's smart but fiuckin stupid, he has autism rizz, mam could not lift any box you asked him to, the only reason his constitution is 13 is because he's been dealing with the Orb and he's used to it by now.
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Karlach should start with 20 strength and you CANNOT convince me otherwise, her charisma should be higher also, she's a ball of sunshine and could put the fear of god into anyone, and the line "Gods I wanna ride you til you see stars" will never leave my brain. Give this bitch a 15. She do be a little dumb I'll give you that.
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Shadowheart is just funny to me, How can her wisdom be a 17 when she's been cloistered away for so long? Her wisdom is only a 17 in ONE SPECIFIC SUBJECT, a subject where she's forced to give up her memories. Memories are where we get our wisdom. Wisdom is gained through lived experiences, I'd give you the 17 for endgame Shart, but not start of game Shart. I'll take the 8 CHA cause she's a bitch (said with love, me too babe) but she knows enough to get what and where she wants so I think we should nudge it up to like 10.
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Lae'zel.... I think it's unfair to put Lae'zel's intelligence at 10. Her wisdom being low, yeah i get that she's been cloistered away in a society that believes its the only way, it's all she knows. But intelligence? No. She might know much about Faeruns culture and people, but she knows EVERYTHING about the stars. And there's far more of that than there will ever be of Faerun. She's the funniest person we know, give her 9 CHA.
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Wyll my beloved, do you airbrush those abs on? Do you wake up every morning and contour them? I DON'T BELIEVE YOU DO!!!!!!!!! SO WHO'S THE ASS WHO DECIDED YOUR STRENGHT WAS A FUCKIN 8??????? THE BLADE OF FRONTIERS SHOULD HAVE AT LEAST A 13. He deserve a 15 but I know they won't give it to him. Lipsie and I were talking about him and they're right, WHEN WE DUMP THE BITCH HE SHOULD RESPEC INTO BARD.
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Astarion..... oh Astarion.... you're such a disaster. Such a wet cat of a man. Such a pathetic little mew mew. I shit on him a lot, but I do really love his character and development lol. LESS STR MAKE HIM WEAK, he has been starved and living off rats and shame, he can have his measly 8 AFTER he drinks... uh "Thinking" Blood. His CHA being 10 is perfect actually no notes. I personally think his actual INT should be lower, not too much lower, maybe 11/12, I knooooow he was a magistrate, but you can't tell me he's not giving himbo... no what was that word on the meme graph? Himbim? Himbim.
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Halsin.......... 10 STR? 10?!?!?!?! You built him LIKE THAT and give him 10 STR?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!? What in the nine hells...... Weaker than Karlach of course, but 10????? Give that man 15 at least 8 INT???????????? 8???????? LARIAN WHY DO YOU HATE HIM???? Is it because he isn't Gale? Mans has been studying the mindflayers on his own, he's been studying the shadow curse... on his own. HE'S A MASTER HEALER?!?!?! AN ARCHDRUID?!?!?!?!?!?!? That takes time, study, and dedication. You wanna assign him himbo so bad. He's just a whole well rounded man with autism,. (Not a dig on himbos, quite literally my favorite genre of Man). This is just 'cause he fucks isn't it.
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Minthara she's so much smarter than Larian gives her credit for. While I agree with the WIS, that's more a product of being so closed off, Her INT is much higher. I'd give her a 14? She cunning, just because it's used for Evil deeds doesn't mean she hasn't been she hasn't put a lot of thought into her work. She lived in Menzoberranzan for Gods' sake. She had to be smart or be killed?!? She's said so on multiple occasions! Just because she's Evil aligned doesn't mean she not smart. (She's just as smart as our average Bear according to Larian)
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Minsc...... First off let me say that I love that they chose this image. A Bad Bitch. Anyways, anyone who doesn't find that dumb happy face charming is either lying or literally has a stick up their ass.... 12 CHA. Also why is he so weak? I know he isn't like actually weak... but mans chunked that mimic? Let him have 14.
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Jaheira I'll give you the 10 STR, she's complained about her knees like three times in my most recent session. 8 INT? So what I'm getting here.... is anyone not an origin character is just baseline 8? Lazy. Especially considering she was ALREADY GIVEN STATS IN TWO PREVIOUS GAMES. In both BG1 and BG2 she has an intelligence of 10, and if anything she's only gotten smarter over time. I wasn't gonna do this... but left is 1 right is 2.
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15, 14, 17, 10, 14, 15, and 15, 17, 17, 10, 14, 15
Make it make sense. I know she's old at this point, but in my game she killed Sarevok again so idk man.
Rip me apart in the notes ;)
But do it nicely...
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miidnighters · 9 months
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I came back to RP in October of this year and I honestly have just been blown away by the community that's still here - I'm so lucky to have connected with this community of people who not only write excellent things with me, but put other excellent things on my dash for me to devour.
I just wanted to say a little thank you and shoutout for making re-entry so easy and enjoyable <3 I love you all and I cannot wait to have a million threads apiece with each of you because I'm so greedy and I'm just looking at you all with little grabby hands. I want to like every starter call you ever post and send in every meme but also. Don't want to be a lunatic you know.
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Writing with you makes me so happy! I really enjoy each of your characters and this interwoven storyline they all have together - how you can reference other characters and have them drop in and out and still be 'canon'. Love it.
@briillicnt / @grcveyacd
I love the dynamic we've created with Tristan and Hartley - I really enjoy writing with you and exploring all the little facets of their relationship. I can't wait to do more, especially exploring all the characters on your multi!
@exquisitexagony / @cursedvessels / @distantsongsofjoy
Sami has my whole heart and you know this. I love their characterisation and whichever of my characters they get paired with is absolutely chefs kiss because each pairing has such a unique dynamic that I love playing with. PLUS all the characters on your multi?? All of your characters are exquisite and I love them.
What can I say about Eve - even before you were writing with me I was reading your other threads and thinking about how cool you were so the fact that we've crafted this relationship between Bella and Eve? It's amazing to me and I love exploring not only their relationship but also the wider universe.
@laidbear / @92328 / @svetlna
I have mentioned before but I'll say it again, each of your characters is so fascinating to me and I love them so much. I am always blown away by the depth and facets of your characters, and the way they interact with mine. Amazing - I could live in your blogs for the next 100 years and never get bored.
@cxldblxxded / @yxkanna
Another set of amazing, multifaceted characters. I think your development and wider thinking about your characters is so interesting and I love reading all of the extra tidbits because it makes all of your characters feel that much more real. Looking forward to hopefully more interactions with Cad & K.
Aaah honestly all of your characters are so good and I love that you think about them not only in a BG3 sense but also in a wider fantasy sense which makes them so fascinating to me. Also, the fact that you will occasionally use real dice rolls to decide what happens in-reply? Iconic.
I love you, I love your characters, I love all the things we've talked about for Flynn and Jamie, and the things we've started putting together for Isaac and Callisto. Writing with you is so fun and I can't wait to explore some of your other characters.
I am loving what we're starting to build between our girls. Your characters and your threads are so interesting to me - like, how do you come up with these concepts? I also love seeing all of the supplemental content you post like moodboards and other things - just the way you think about your characters? Amazing.
August is my child now I'm sorry I don't make the rules. i think it's so interesting how you've managed to take a character that by virtue of being young would be undesirable to a lot of writers and make him so loveable. I can't wait to write more with him.
What a woman. What a concept. Such interesting (and well done) writing. I would kind of like to set up shop in your blog and never leave? Also, your goodnight posts about whatever way Rainer's fallen asleep/done herself in that day make my whole afternoon.
These characters are ridiculous and I say that with all the love in my heart. I love the concept of the dual-muse reply where both Ruth and Funke feature and I think that both of them individually are really well-crafted, interesting characters to read and write with. ETA: Aaah I didn't have time to get on my computer and fix this after my Moment this morning but Conrad should also be tagged here not down below 😳😳😳
@littledevilinside / @notladylikes
Okay so I know we only started writing recently but we went absolutely 0-100 with threads and I already love what we have going on with Isaac and Lorelei. Such a good, wholesome dynamic - Lorelei as a character is so interesting and I can't wait to dig a little deeper with her and the others on your multi.
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Here are some people I don't write with (as much yet)/am still in the planning-plotting stages with/just plain admire and devour their threads/OC meta every time they're on my dash
@byanyan | @recitedemise | @kxllerblond / @multiimistakes | @ohshadow | @radicalrascals | @tewwor | @nightiingaled | @sorrowsick | @fuckedcowboy | @draconisa | @kurjaks | @hungryyheart | @penddraig | @praybird | @mvnces | @moonromantic
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wetcatspellcaster · 3 months
Same BG3-> dragon age anon: you said you liked to talk about it last time so please give me your full opinion if you are passionate🫶🏽 many thanks
hello anon!
this is a very open-ended, and dangerous question! to be honest, there is a lot to dismantle and unpick about Dragon Age until there's nothing left to enjoy (I actually love critiquing it though, jokes on them I love to be a hater). But! If I'm focusing on the positives!
What Dragon Age is to me, is 'what I wanted skyrim to be when I played it'. This is no shade on Skyrim, it's just that that was the first fantasy rpg I ever tried, and I'm just not a sandbox girlie. I got increasingly frustrated with Skyrim, claiming I wanted to feel like I'd impacted the world and that my decisions had consequences. What I wanted, in hindsight, was D&D, but my friend turned to me and said 'have you played dragon age?' and thus a mental illness was born.
I honestly think BG3 knowingly borrowed many of the things Dragon Age is still loved by its fandom for. I also think it did a lot of them better, simply through the grace of being 10 years newer than Inquisition (and not being owned by EA!) But for me, the split between 'adventuring' and 'home space cutscenes', the focus on companion quests, relationships based in approval, and romances are all things that are done in a clear understanding of what made Dragon Age so popular. BG3's endings for each companion are more starkly contrasted and nuanced, but I liked playing Dragon Age and seeing my games altered depending on my choices. Again, here I'm not saying Dragon Age is perfect! I think the BG3 romances are more solid across the board compared to Dragon Age, and the only game that I think has a comparative '100% hot' rate is Dragon Age Origins. But the reason there's such a huge crossover in the fan bases is bc Dragon Age did a lot of it first! Bioware as a developer is heralded in academic video game criticism for being one of the first studios to encourage parasocial relationships with its fictional characters, and to use affective relationships with these figures as a way of deepening your immersion and the perceived 'realism' of a videogame world.
My other favourite thing about Dragon Age is it's buckwild wizard politics! Mages (in the first three games) are placed in 'circles', which are essentially magic school prisons bc mages are too dangerous to be out in society. The tensions surrounding 'mage rights' are the subject to many memes in the fandom, but I think it's genuinely one of the most interesting parts of the world that runs through all 3 games. The concept of the Circles really appeals to the part of me that occasionally falls prey to Dark Academia (and one of my fave authors NK Jemisin agrees with me, she used them as one of her inspirations for her award winning series The Broken Earth!)
I think the reason I write fanfic primarily for videogames is because the nature of gaming code and the way videogames work as texts means there is always gaps left by the slightly utilitarian approach to storytelling (dialogue options you wish you could change, choices you wish you could make, parts of the world you wish you could explore more directly). My first fic ever (!) was a Dragon Age fic about the Rite of Tranquility, an aspect of the world that is often quite plot relevant but then never really dug into bc of who the protagonists of each game are, where mages are cut off from the dream realm that gives them their magic forcibly, like a cauterised wound. I really loved this element of the story as a fantasy device, and I daydreamed about how that experience would impact an individual... 3 years later, covid hit, and a fic was born!
so yeah! I just think dragon age is neat! and in typical-me fashion, I like the way its wizards work :)
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lutethebodies · 5 months
LTB Tav Tuesdays: Cannor Coth, the Lost Singer (Part 1)
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Let's kick this off with my first Tav, based on the first character I made when jumping back into 5e after a ~30 year layoff from D&D. His name is a very loose translation of the Welsh canwr ar goll ("singer lost") or canwr cudd ("singer hidden"). I've spent more time with him than any of my other characters, so I'll try to keep this entry from running long and flesh out bio/backstory details in other posts this week, using the many surveys/memes/prompts on here. His short bio (stripped of all names/places) goes like this:
The bastard son of a disgraced army medic and a wayward noble lady, Cannor was raised in a rebel military camp far from his parents' native land. When his family was broken by that exile army's defeat, Cannor slowly clawed his way from obscurity to infamy, becoming a skilled singer and storyteller who dabbles in diplomacy when the money’s good and his ego is starved. Slightly over the hill but still antsy to be remembered, Cannor’s happiest when creating. Whether blowing blarney, keeping cool, or anything in between, he’s equally at home in lordly courts and tumbledown taverns. Cannor is a cultural sponge with nearly four decades’ worth of travel, soaking up language, accents, impressions, geography, history, and lore. As a younger man, he cultivated community wherever he went and made the world his home, but after being banished from his adopted home city years ago, he’s developed a deep desire for stability.
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In 5e, I created Cannor circa late 2019 for my brother's homebrew campaign "Worlds of Aeos," a sailing/islands-based setting that eventually expanded well beyond that. Cannor was originally a College of Whispers bard, armed with a whip and dagger to finesse rather than fight, but as the campaign quickly became more violent and dangerous, I switched him to College of Swords. For a party that began as literally an "oops all bards" power trio (everyone, including the DM, had been in college bands), surviving to level 16 was no small feat. Cannor was effectively the frontman, a saber-wielding singer/storyteller and aspiring envoy who never got beyond the "spying and dirty tricks" bits of diplomacy school.
In BG3, I've run about five playthroughs with him: a FAFO original, a second to refine my playstyle, a third to be as completist as possible, a fourth with my other favorite Tavs as his hirelings, and a fifth that finally graduated from Explorer to Balanced. In each one he balances fights with finesse, taking full advantage of what a human swords bard can do and equip. BG3 rules allow him to be much less fragile than 5e, but I still sort of nerf him by sticking with light armor (the stylish +1/+2 studded leather, dyed black and summer green) and d6 scimitars instead of d8 rapiers/longswords (I wish there were whips in this game). He always romances Minthara, both because she's my favorite companion and because it actually works well with his old backstory (which I'll get into with another post).
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For better and worse Cannor is my self-insert/running commentary on how poorly bards have been stereotyped by popular culture, because I hate the "useless fop" and "lecherous swine" bard tropes and I always have. I tried to subvert that a bit by creating a sort-of "spy who sings and strums" character—who leans more on "master of none" than "jack of all trades"—someone who's not utterly useless in a fight, but also not as combat-focused as, say, Gurney Halleck from Dune. It's probably not as original as I'd first thought, but it works for me and that's what matters.
In my own homebrew "Nua" campaign, Cannor was the DM-NPC and lore-dispenser (like Volo, but much less clichéd and much more able to defend himself) who accompanied my players' PCs through one region of the world I made. That worldbuilding was so compelling that I created my own cartography for it, and in 2022 self-published it as an atlas. In 2023 I used Cannor (and his career-killing habit of composing/performing original songs) as a frame for my own longtime music/lyric hobby, writing and recording seven of "his" songs using a mandocello. Thankfully I finished that project before BG3 ate my brain.
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Anyway, since this post was much less about the character himself than what I've done with him, I'll add a much longer, story-like follow-up post soon, and I promise future Tav posts won't be so convoluted. But like I said, Cannor's my guy, so he gets special treatment. Part 2 is here.
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ferinehuntress · 6 months
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◈ NAME  ⋯  Panda, Panda Bear, Nessie
◈ PRONOUNS  ⋯  she/her
◈ MOST ACTIVE MUSE(S)?  ⋯  Caitlyn, Vi, Karlach, and Aylin. I only keep active muses ^^
◈ RP PET PEEVES?  ⋯  Hmmm, so one would be one way roleplays. When someone doesn't help push the story along. I don't want to sit here, debating on how I can encourage some reactions or what not. So I always try to give something to reply to whether its by an action, a question, a response that can be added to, etc... I also don't like when I reply with several paragraphs and someone only gives me 1-4 sentences. I do not expect mirror reflections of my post, but I do like quality. Quality does not equal quantity, but can still give absolutely plenty with a couple of paragraphs. And lastly, not communicating. I know sometimes it can be hard, some days your mind literally has no ideas or process. or if your distracted (I know a few people have that with me right now cause I'm playing BG3 XDD) but when you just, don't communicate, how can you write with each other? Its why I always try to send out welcome messages and encouarge the first step of communication.
◈ EXPERIENCE / HOW MANY YEARS  ⋯  I started roleplaying when I was 11 on a site called Avidgamers. So its been a good.....24 years ish?
◈ FLUFF, ANGST, OR SMUT  ⋯  Hands down, Angst is my go to. I will, without a doubt, love angst. Its never too much for me, i could have a bunch of angst going and it doesn't wear me down or anything. That being said, I don't like certain kinds of angst, like person versus person (example, my character and your character getting into an arguing and hating each other, or break ups or things like that). My kind of angst tends to be two people versus a situation, or where one is trying to save the other cause they are cursed, or trapped, being tortured, etc....Angst comfort too is good. I do like smut, but I tend to like to write it with people I talk to often and we have a good dynamic between our characters. Fluff is a bit harder for me, I can't do domestic cutesy things as I tend to get a little bored after awhile.
◈ PLOTS OR MEMES  ⋯  I prefer plotting, plotting helps get a dynamic down (as I do not write first meetings or encounters) so this allows me to get a development of what are muses are like together. Its also a nice little platform of security to know what is going to happen in a thread. It isn't step by step plotting, but just enough of like 'okay, tehy are going to this place, its probably going to have a fight, and this is their objective'. Really simple plotting that allows for the comfort of stability while still allowing the flexibility of a character to control teh flow of the scene. Memes I tend to use after we've done  some plotting because I understand dynamics better and I know what to write or ideas to creat.
◈ LONG OR SHORT REPLIES  ⋯  I'll never give short replies. the shortest you'll get from me is about 2 paragraphs. I don't like gives just a skeleton writing and I tend not to follow people who do one liners or small less then 5 sentences writing. I'm in this for the long haul, I want stories and adventures and fun paragraph form writing.
◈ TIME TO WRITE  ⋯  While I'm online almost all day, its more then likely you see me writing about 10-11pm CST. Writing at night is a lot easier then it is writing during the day. Don't know why, I'm a weird little night owl XD.
◈ ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S)  ⋯  I tend to write characters I associate with in some form or manner. Karlach for example, her absolute love of animals, and Caitlyn's more reclusive nature, or Vi's heart on her sleeve, and Aylin's protectiveness. I like to think I am in some way like them which allows me to bring them to life even more through this connection.
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❥ 𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐆𝐄𝐃 𝐁𝐘  ⋯  @apalestar, @c-leric, and others who said 'steal this' XD ❥ 𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐆  ⋯ @shimmerbeasts, @jynxd, @necrophcge, @never-surrender, @bubblybabins, @bakrahispul, @clara-eternal, @zaunseye, @lunarrepel, @lunawish, @lordliing, @hellscaress, @goldenfists, @governoir, @gauntlets-shot, @fereldensheroes, @dalishflame, @shldmaidns, @sanguisarcana, @starbvund, @arcanecast, @piltover-sharpshooter, @playgroundmonsters, @undercity-merc, @ruinouss, @runes-menagerie, @warwaited, and anyone else who wants to.
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tryckthebard · 1 month
🚢 😎
@neverhangd this is applicable to both pirate!verse and bg3!verse
Bold = Yes Italic = Maybe Strike through = No/NA
do i ship our characters together?: yes | no | not yet but maybe soon
would i like to ship with you?: yes | maybe, i'm willing to try | no
type of relationship i could see: childhood or high school sweethearts | exes | engaged | married | long-term relationship | crushes | unrequited love | fling | long distance | online relationship | just dating | new relationship | toxic lovers | friends with benefits
tropes i'd enjoy writing for them: friends to lovers | enemies to lovers | exes to lovers | fake relationship / dating | forbidden love | grumpy and sunshine | star-crossed lovers | surprise pregnancy | second chance | soulmates | amnesia / mistaken identity | forced proximity | secret relationship | slow burn relationship
would i rather plot first or jump right in and see where it goes?: develop their relationship first | jump right in | something in between
what now?: let's plot something | send me shippy memes | i'll send you shippy memes | write me a random starter | i'll write you a random starter
anything else i want you to know about me / my character / my shipping habits: tryck just wants to give the grumpy pirate lady the love and affection she deserve
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masckarlach · 11 months
OC questions tag meme!
i will be doing only wren bc ill be so honest theyre the only bitch ive developed
under cut :3
wren!! chose virtue name harmony but doesnt use it bc she thinks its cringe (subject to change throughout game, not Quite sure)
tavernkeeps tend to call them birdie or little bird :p other than that, their older sister calls them spots a lot (due to her little boney growths along their forehead and cheeks)
wren doesnt think about gender much other than their chest is a nuisance. they dont think abt it in the sense that being a woman isnt something they necessarily like. see themself as similarly with being a man itslike. nonbinary by virtue of genuinely just not percieving themself and not wnating to
Star sign:
copypasting frays explanation here!! im not so good at lore stuff so my answer will be... off!
this is a little difficult because realms lore has changed on this a lot, if i'm correct in my information. from people being blessed by stars or entire consellations to each month actually having a sign in more recent lore. here is a link anyone doing this for realms ocs (like bg3 ocs) can use to figure this out! the lore on stars and consellations in the realms is spotty at best, but this could be helpful if you wanna go that route!
wren was born at the end of marpenoth, a few days from the start of uktar :3 their sign is praying mantis but i dont know what this means
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just wanted to show wrenlach height giff :3
wren themself isnt too sure of this. theyre pretty sure theyre not into men but they like... havent really explored much outside of flirting with everyone they meet. they dont know but i do. trheyre a nonbinary lesbian.
wrens an Unspecified Tiefling with a human mother born and raised and living pre Worm Abduction in the lower city of baldurs gate
Favourite fruit:
wren likes apples and pears :3 they think they taste like sand but they like the taste of sand
Favourite season:
wren likes whenever its not too hot and not too cold and not too windy and not too polleny. consitution (8) of a sheltered victorian noble child
Favourite flower:
wren likes potato flowers :3 theyve always been more of a herb person than a flower person truth be told
Favourite scent:
freshly baked bread. when its still soft. a little luxury she afforded herself once in a while whilst in baldurs gate, occasionally given as payment for a days work. wren likes the smell of bread.
Coffee, tea, or hot chocolate:
given the lack of monster energies in faerun lets go coffee. she thinks it tastes like pee pee and poo poo but shotguns it bc it makes her buzz
Average hours of sleep:
anywhere between 1 and 24 hours. roll a dice baby.
Dog or cat person:
wrens an equal opportunities animal enjoyer. dogs maybe. bc wren likes birds and cats keep killing her friends
Dream trip:
wren would like to stay home tbh. adventuring has made them grow as a person bc if they had their way theydve stayed curled up with the artifact in an abandoned house theyd found
Favourite fictional character:
the mermaid from the mermaid smut book wyll, wylls dad and shart have read.
Number of blankets they sleep with:
ideally every blanket in existence. they can make do with 1, maybe even none but they will complain abt being cold and the lack of pressure
Random fact:
wren bites their fingers so her hands are always chapped and bleeding
@bigfatlesbian @oyyokat @orkbutch @lesbianshadowheart @atomicbouquet-heart and anyone else who wants 2 :p
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commander-krios · 11 months
For juniper 13, 15, 21, 27, 6, 12
Little tiefling love, thank you!
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13: What are their thoughts on killing? Is it a necessary evil or do they enjoy it?
She doesn't enjoy it particularly. She likes to help people, not hurt them. But unfortunately, she usually doesn't have much choice in the matter. It's a common issue, too, with her being a tiefling. Many people automatically are on edge around her, but she can calm a crowd most days.
15: What NPC's do they like? Which one's do they dislike?
The tieflings, of course, in particular she's fond of Alfira, Rolan, Cal, and Lia. And the children: Mol, Matthis, Arabella, etc. Zevlor reminds her of her father a lot though he's been dead for years. She has a familial attachment to him, Dammon as well. They get on well enough and she enjoys learning about blacksmithing from him. Juniper doesn't let dislike of someone affect how she treats them, but she really doesn't like Kagha. She's also not a fan of those who condone slavery or forced labor. Nere really got under her skin.
21: What is your Tav's favorite spell?
Mage Hand, Cure Wounds, Speak with Animals. If she'd grown up differently, there was a chance she'd be a Druid healer.
27: What was their life like before the events of BG3?
She was a wanderer, sometimes with a troupe, sometimes on her own. She was in Baldur's Gate when she got snatched, looking for work to keep her afloat. Her mother passed when she was young, killed when they escaped Avernus. Her father raised her on his own until he too was killed, but by slavers when they tried to take him and Juniper. Juniper managed to escape, but was left along for a lot of her young life.
6: What companion are you platonically close with?
Hmmm, not entirely sure yet where she will land with the companions, but I feel like Halsin would meet her with a good energy and a general love of life. I also see her and Gale bonding over love of magic and books.
12: What is their orientation?
Juniper is inexperienced at romance, although she does write a good ballad about one. I want to say romantically, she wouldn't be particular about gender of who she likes, all are welcome, but sexually, I feel like she leans more towards men.
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deaddoveadventures · 6 months
⋆ NAME?: Dove / Ev
⋆ PRONOUNS?: he/him but I'm not outed irl.
⋆ MOST ACTIVE MUSE(S)?: Curumë but tbh also Raistlin but I am too nervous about getting him wrong and thus shy away from writing more for him
⋆ RP PET PEEVES?: Roleplay Answers that don't have any hooks in them and thus don't drive the story forward. Give me something active to work with, there are only so many times I can come up with everything on my own. Don't just make your character react, make them act! (Or add Environmental and Atmospheric cues that my Character can react to)
⋆ EXPERIENCE / HOW MANY YEARS?: I lost count. I've been rping since I was 11 and I am now over 30.
⋆ FLUFF, ANGST, OR SMUT?: I am an Angst whore! But I want Fluff in between to make the Angst hit harder and to actually build character relationships. Depends on the muse, however. I also love Whump. I don't care much about smut, and I suck at writing it. But if it fits into the story I will write it.
⋆ PLOTS OR MEMES?: Both! Sometimes Memes can be really good Ice breakers. And plot can come second to see where it should go! Or sometimes you want / need to plot first because else interaction might be difficult. I guess the mix does it.
⋆ LONG OR SHORT REPLIES?: Length is not as important as content. You can give me 3 pages of just describing one single object and it will do less than 2 paragraphs of describing what your character does, says, feels, and what the mood of the room is, and then I can actually work with it! My own replies vary as well. I suffer from always feeling like I need to match my partner or feeling that I write too little, though, for myself.
⋆ TIME TO WRITE?: The night, after midnight. Sadly I can't always do it because of work.
⋆ ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S)?: So in all honesty, yes and no. For both of them. Curumë specifically actually incorporates a lot of my personality traits and traumas. He (originally) was based on my Tav in BG3. BG3 was my coping game while dealing with the aftermath of an extremely toxic relationship and breakup. BG3 turned out to be about the abuse cycle in its essence and thus made me obsessed. And I put a lot of needs and wants and wishes of what I should have done into Curumë. The theme of Freedom and the fight against being controlled is a huge part that both haunt/ed me (and him). It also made me vibe hardcore with Astarion, but I shy away from writing him because it feels like a competition. And also Curumë is more personal, more catered to what I personally experienced.
I write him like an Asshole because that is the part that is the opposite of me. But it is - sometimes - what I wish I had done, instead of people pleasing and being a "I can Fix him" person. Anyway, this got a bit personal I am sorry.
As for Raistlin sadly he is also a lot like me. But also not. I actually want to rp and write for him because he is so relatable. I started out reading the books dealing with his character development specifically and it was scary how someone could put some of my own experiences as a (constantly rejected) disabled person with a nondisabled sibling into one character so well. I'd say Raistlin is someone I could have become if I hadn't gone to therapy and decided to deal with my inner demons. The biggest difference between him and me though is the hunger for power, because I don't have that. I do have a need for adoration though, ngl.
Tagged by: @windwithinmyveins thank you so much!
Tagging: @astralfox0893 @springvaletales
Bonus, my desk:
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As you can see, I suck at keeping my place tidy. Also, yes, the wig is there because I am working on a Raistlin Cosplay irl.
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big-cheesy-productions · 10 months
Tav asks for Rhoswen: 7, 15, 24, 52, 83, 93, 104
Thank you for the ask!
From the BG3 Tav Ask List!
Many spoilers ahead! You have been warned:
7. Does your Tav have connections to other characters (I.e.: NPCs)?
She doesn't have any connections backstory-wise, but she becomes close with Dammon and Omeluum, as well as all the tieflings just as a tiefling herself.
15. Does your Tav use their Arcana knowledge to free Shadowheart or do they use the rune found in the next room?
Rhoz definitely used the rune. She's got like a -1 intelligence lol. But she wasn't going to leave someone behind if she could help it.
24. How does your Tav feel about Mol and her friends?
Rhoz loves those kids so friggin much. It's literally the "if anything happen to them, I'd kill everyone in this room, and then myself" meme. She wishes they could have normal lives and act like kids, and not have had to grow up so fast to survive.
52. What does your Tav think of Dame Aylin?
Rhoz short circuited when she first met Dame Aylin. She already knew she's pan, but Dame Aylin still made her question everything. Big, buff, angry, righteous women are just her type, I guess, lol.
83. Does your Tav reunite with Mayrina? Do they fight Auntie Ethel? Do they save Vanra?
Yes, yes, and yes. The first time Rhoz and company fought Auntie Ethel in Baldur's Gate, I messed up and killed her without saving Vanra, just because I misunderstood the mechanic. I reloaded and beat her again so I could save Vanra.
93. What do you think happens to the party, afterwards? Do they go for drinks? Do they go their separate ways?
In my perfect ending, Rhoz, Wyll, and Karlach go to Avernus together to take on the hells and find a solution for Karlach... but that's not how things turned out. Rhoz parted ways with Mindflayer!Karlach. Rhoz knew that that wasn't the woman she loved anymore and it broke Rhozwen to do so (and me 😭). I think Rhoz would still accompany Wyll and they would stay close. She would also help Astarion establish the vampires in the Underdark. I don't think her and Gale or Halsin stay close. She just never really clicked with either of them. She'd definitely visit Jaheira in Baldur's Gate all the time. I don't know if she'd be able to keep in touch with Lae'zel, but she'd really want to. That's her home girl fighting up in the stars.
104. Who did your Tav romance? How did this romance develop throughout the game? What happened at the end?
Oh gosh, what can I say about Rhoz and Karlach? And how can I condense it into an ask? Rhoz obviously romanced Karlach. That was such a given from the moment we met her. Their relationship at the start was (excuse the pun) hot, with the only thing being on either of their minds "fix Karlach so we can smooch." After that is when they started to fall in love. Their relationship struggled when it came to Karlach dying or returning to Avernus. Rhoz desperately wanted her to go back to the hells, buy time, but Karlach is, well, Karlach. The arguments almost ended their relationship, but Rhoz finally accepted Karlach's wishes. They were going to live as much and as good as they could with the time Karlach had left. And then the Mind Flayer decision happened. Rhoz hated the idea, but again accepted what Karlach wanted, and was hopeful that the Karlach she knew would remain. It quickly became clear though, that once Karlach became a Mind Flayer, that the woman she loved was gone. Rhoz ended their relationship after the final battle, though in her mind, their relationship ended when Karlach accepted the tadpole. It was... not at all what I was hoping for. I'm honestly really upset that this is considered the "best" ending for Karlach. They really couldn't dream up anything else for her? I can imagine Rhoz turning to Dammon, as someone who also knew Karlach and their situation, and them becoming close in the aftermath. Whether it's romantic or not, time will tell.
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dragonsfell · 8 months
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Sideblog to @forgottenwyrm // follows, asks, and likes come from @forgottenwyrm
MEMES / PROMPTS (x) // Ask box is open
ALL HEADCANONS (x) // All headcanons for all muses
optional: [ interaction / interest google form ]
optional: [ muse dynamic development google forms ]
Note; does not adhere to strict forgotten realms lore
MUSE LIST is under the read more
[Sexuality / gender / shippablity info]
[ All verse info for Baldur's Gate 3 ]
[ Character Ages & Life expectancies ]
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Yassarra // Yuan-ti Warlock PC from Rime of the Frostmaiden // one of the seven merchant princes of Port Nyanzaru in Chult, bringing order and Chultan unity, has a Harper alliance. Has a ride along in her mind and body Nass the wizard. // [ bio link ] // [ bg3 verse info ] // bg3 au ally in act three
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Eli Stomweld // Aasimar Monk PC from Curse of Strahd // the unwilling Chosen one, once hero of Barovia, given divinity, lost angel seeking the purpose to immortality // [ bio link ] // bg3 au ally in act two and three
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Cora'kesh // Kalashtar Sorcerer/Druid // two shining souls acting as stalwart protectors for Eberon's refugees; a lightbringer, intent on doing good wherever they go // [ bio link ] // [ bg3 verse info ] // bg3 au companion
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Shadowheart // Cleric of Shar Selûne // post BG3, she is an enemy of Shar and a wandering cleric, connecting to her Selûnite roots, occasionally accompanied by an armored Owlbear she calls Fluffy
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Lae'zel // Vlaakith's Warrior Githyanki Liberator // post BG3 canon, she returns to the Astral plane as a warrior of the comet to lead the charge of overthrowing Vlaakith and freeing all of gith kind
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Wyll Ravengard // Blade of Frontiers Avernus // post BG3 canon, having freed himself of his warlock pact; he is now a ranger going by the title Blade of Avernus, traveling between Faerun and the Nine Hells, taking on devil and demon alike, aiding those in need, and fighting evil above all
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Jaheira // High Harper of Baldur's Gate // post BG3 canon, the druid can be found in Baldur's Gate assisting in the rebuilding of the city, the reforming of the Harpers, and letting herself put her roots down and spend time with her children
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CALEDONIA MOVED TO @forgottenwyrm
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ryttu3k · 8 months
Ship it meme, Crossover Edition: Astarion/Beckett.
[ship meme]
Ohoho, interesting! Let's go with this AU for it, where Astarion is a Lasombra Embraced around the 1290s, who got involved with the Anarch Revolt and later rejected the Sabbat to stay with his coterie of fellow autarkis.
How would Beckett meet him? Well, there's some interesting figures in their coterie. I think he'd be pretty fascinated in particular by Halsin (a Gangrel who's also a Gurahl kinfolk; a) it's unusual for kinfolk who are Embraced to stay in contact with their packs, but Halsin has, and b) Gurahl are thought to be extinct), Shadowheart (also kinfolk, was part of an Abyss cult), Wyll and Karlach (involuntarily involved in infernalism), and, if he knew about them, Aylin (Salubri. Just… Salubri). Astarion might get some attention due to Cazador's attempts at infernalism, especially if he actually is Azanaeli/Angellis Ater.
So, that's how they could meet in the first place! From there…
Don't Ship It
1. Why don't you ship it?
I feel there'd be some irreconcilable differences in opinion. Beckett, for instance, is very open to using seduction as a manipulative tactic. See: the Dracula thing, where he specifically seduced Dracula to get information and access to his library. I feel that would rub Astarion the wrong way in a bad way, because even if it's been five centuries since then, I don't think he'd be able to just disregard the prior two centuries of Cazador using him for the same purpose. I could see Astarion being a little disgusted by Beckett's tactics just because it is something he used to be all for.
Like I don't feel it's just casual sex that Astarion has an issue with. So long as everyone is consenting and not trying to control him, yeah, he might be fine with that. It'd specifically be the seduction for an ulterior motive thing that would make him go, "…no thank you."
Other than that, they just really don't have a lot of interests in common. Beckett is obsessed with uncovering The Truth and knowledge in general and routinely throws himself into peril for it, Astarion wants to live a comfortable, safe life. His top priority is not being controlled or manipulated, and Beckett has got himself in multiple situations where he's being messed with due to his thirst for knowledge. Astarion would just be. Ah. No. You go throw yourself into the lion's den, I'll stand back here, thank you very much.
If I was to ship Beckett with any of the BG3 characters? It'd be Gale. Both seekers of knowledge, whatever the cost. Of Beckett's coterie, I feel Astarion would be most drawn to his clanmate Lucita. A certain level of sophistication + badassery + willingness for bloodshed + has relatable sire-related trauma. They could sit at the back of the room and snark about the others.
2. What would have made you like it?
I feel if Beckett made it very clear he was into Astarion because he was very attracted to him, and that any sex would be solely due to that and not to Get Something Out Of It, Astarion would be more into the idea? Like so long as it's not transactionary, it'd be much more palatable. I can't see an actual romantic relationship developing, but friendship / maybe FWB could work.
3. Despite not shipping it, do you have anything positive to say about it?
If Astarion could be persuaded to go on an adventure, the sheer amount of Chaos these two could get into would be incredible :D Their alignments at this point would just be. Chaotic. Yes, I know True Chaotic doesn't exist but it does now. (No but really I feel Astarion starts out Chaotic Evil due to sheer... lack of knowing how to People otherwise, but is much more Chaotic Neutral by the end of the game. Beckett I see as Chaotic Neutral-Good. So even if their interests and personalities clash, their alignments aren't too far off, at least.)
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optiwashere · 9 months
K, O, R - for the ask meme 🐸
Thank you so much for asking about these 💜
K. What character has your favorite development arc/the best development arc?
My favorite development arc in all of BG3 is very clearly Shadowheart. I don't really like using "best" but her journey is extremely touching on one route and horrendously tragic on the other. I prefer the former, but the latter is interesting as well. Trying to break from a cult that's brainwashed her for forty years, attempting to justify her own self-described beliefs to herself, and learning to take control of her own life and live it her way? Yeah, that's Me Food.
O. Choose a song at random. Which ship or character does it remind you of?
I hit random in my ~7,500 song library full of various genres, so this ought to go well...
"Deathmask Divine" by The Black Dahlia Murder. Reminds me of an Embrace Durge in BG3. But at the same time, it also gives me Cam Cam vibes from Pathfinder WOTR.
R. Which friendship/platonic relationship is your favorite in fandom?
I really enjoy the sheer cunty cattiness of Shadowheart and Astarion as friends. Wyll and Lae'zel have a genuinely hilarious... whatever they've got going on.
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