#bf: gallifrey
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adelledewitts · 2 months ago
Thank you @galliversary !! I've just got my copy of the zine 💞💞 :D
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stillthesunkenstars · 11 days ago
Gallifrey One Brax Crumbs from Miles Richardson
Most things are paraphrased! If something is a direct quote I’ll put it in quotation marks. This only what I Heard and remembered so feel free to add on to me in a reblog or another post.
My Q: I felt that the element of ‘performance’ is very present in brax, he performs the role of a villain in the late collection era, he performs to be a symbol in the Deindum war, and he performs masculinity to present as a man in general, how would you connect brax with the element of ‘performance’ in his identity?
MR: I see Brax as someone who is both and in between, someone who is ‘androgynous and asexual’, more fueled by the want of power (for the general greater good) than anything else. He is a pragmatist who sees sex as something that is unnecessary to him, and also very fond of women in the ‘purely honorific’ way. I also tried to play Brax with an ‘air of camp’, and Scott Handcock once described me as the ‘gayest heterosexual’ he’s ever seen.
My Q: Are there chances of Brax returning in future BF audios?
MR: Lisa Bowerman told me on David Warner’s Funeral that I can ‘look forward to working with her again soon’ so I hope I can return to the audios. (He also talked about how David Warner suffered severe vertigo in the last few years and was unable to do regular acting, and was grateful for the opportunity that BF had given him to work in audio.)
My Q: Which Shakespeare plays do you think Brax would like?
MR: Braxiatel’s favorite Shakespeare plays would be Coriolanus and Titus Andronicus, there’s something really ‘braxiatelian’ about how gory the latter is.
My Q: (follow up from a bit later) Can you elaborate on why you chose these two plays for Brax?
MR: I chose Coriolanus because it's about a man who desired control but is slowly losing it, and Titus ‘because it's a revenge play, and brax can be very vengeful at times.’
My Q: Did you know Brax was a professor of Theatre before he moved his collection to KS-159?
MR: I didn’t know!
Scott Handcock: Yeah that’s why we cast you.
MR: I took a post-grad course on teaching Shakespeare!
My Q: Justin Richards said he named Brax ‘Irving’ because it was a theatrical name, do you know what did he mean by that?
MR: It must be after Henry Irving, who was a very famous actor in the 1800s.
My Q: What are your favorite episodes to have acted in in the Benny series?
MR: Glory Days and Tub full of Cats, the former because I get to do a lot of different Brax voices, and the latter because of how ‘wacky’ it is.
When Brax proposed to Romana in Gallifrey 401 MR tried his best to sound ‘sexy and appealing’.
MR thinks a lot of Brax fans draw Brax based of his looks
MR likes the ‘Benny breakfast’ from Denny’s a lot! (I went to Denny’s the next morning and tried it, it’s called ‘Classic Benny Breakfast’ and don’t flame me for it but I think it’s kinda bad 🫢)
Before the con he went to Griffith Observatory with Seán Carlsen
He came to the con wearing formal suits because it would seem more in character for Brax fans
This is personal but I gave him two brax photocards and a Brax Charm, and he says he remembers my artstyle from when Kenny Smith passed two of the same photocards to him after the Gally in 2023! He also said he has those in his office near his laptop 😭😭
Also personal but I showed him my new itabag with Benny photocards and he pointed to the Brax one and went ‘Oh that’s me! I look so handsome in there’ 🥺
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corallapis · 1 year ago
do love stuff that demonstrates that the master is waaay more in line with the whole gallifreyan ethos than the doctor. he like, just fits on gallifrey, you know? even his desire for control, his love of pomp and ceremony, his ambivalence edging to cruelty towards the suffering of lesser species, his conviction that things are owed to him through birthright — aren't those all just aspects of a good time lord? i like to think he could've easily stayed on gallifrey, had a truly successful and lauded life there, if something hadn't happened. and, yes, as a child, he dreamed of escape with the doctor, of seeing every star in the universe together — but was that really about leaving gallifrey to him, or being by the doctor's side? in a reality where the doctor never left gallifrey, the master wouldn't have. in a way, he sacrificed his whole rightful life for the doctor.
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gallifrey-fanzine · 1 year ago
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Fantastic Miles Richardson with our zine ✨
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ellariasand · 2 months ago
important question for a very specific corner of the internet: what colors should i use for a narvin friendship bracelet
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fiotrethewey · 9 months ago
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I had a wonderful time at Big Finish Day in London yesterday celebrating 25 years of Big Finish! After a great day of catching up with wonderful people I was able to stand on stage as one of their collaborators and be part of a big team photo.
I really am so proud to be part of the Big Finish Productions family! Thank you all for such a wonderful day! ✨
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pwhlboston21 · 11 months ago
Happy Anniversary to the Gallifrey audio series! The one part of Doctor Who media I think EVERYBODY should consume at some point in their life (whether they are a Who fan or not) because it is crafted so well by everyone involved and it is truly life changing!
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hezenkoss · 3 months ago
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allgtr · 10 months ago
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the collection provides different kinds of entertainment
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lerios · 5 months ago
re: narvin and andred/torvald–of course more explicit gay content is always welcome but narvin's line "torvald was a fool. but he was my fool" sounds so suggestive that I really thought they meant to imply they had an affair. especially because it's the closest thing to affection to anyone we get from narvin in the first two series at least
lmao yeah fair enough, honestly i assumed that was just narvin being A Lot and Weird, as he seems inclined towards being. like he's proper and put-together (at that point in cannon) but he's also got that gallifreyan brainrot to such a high degree that it's surprisingly feasible that he would say practically anything, if it could be conceivably justified as being in service of gallifrey. he'd call it care between brothers in arms or something
but GOD, the idea of narvin having absolutely no warmth or vulnerability in his life in season 1/2 and that causing his temptation towards an affair with torvald is my favourite thing. "it's just CIA tradition, it's just stress relief" he tells himself as he finds himself wildly biased towards his 2nd in command who, entirely coincidentally, is the only person who's touched him in a calendar year
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arkytior-lungbarrow · 1 year ago
I've had a serious bout of Narvinitus for the past few days. If Narvin isn't in the next War Room box set, I will literally go insane (and probably cry...a lot).
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adelledewitts · 2 years ago
"We can't just dematerialize with no outer plastic shell to shield us from the time vortex"
- Hallan ('Fractures')
Sometimes I relisten my fave scenes in Gallifrey and I just realized that here Hallan implies that plastic is so powerful it can protect from the time-vortex and it's just so hilarious I can't omg
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stillthesunkenstars · 11 days ago
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Gallifrey One pics… Last pic with DJ, @vivvision and Mod Kat of @77yearsteam!!
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ofthetardis-a · 1 year ago
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𝐎𝐎𝐂 ;; Now I'm listening to the second story in Gallifrey: War Room - Vol 1 and...oh boy, I'm really starting to find it boring. The only familiar characters in this are Leela and (somewhat) the General. And their dynamic with Leela having trained under him as he took her under his wing and the General defending Leela is the ONLY thing I like from this. Other than that, I really don't care about any of the other characters, and I really want Rassilon back. I also still want Romana, Braxiatel and Narvin back too. Again I'm left wondering: WHAT THE HECK Big Finish? What was the point in making this? If Leela doesn't free Romana or do something to bring back her friends or save Gallifrey herself, I'm gonna consider this a wasted boxset.
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gallifrey-fanzine · 2 years ago
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The best two pictures you're gonna see today!
It's been.. a while, but it feels like we only printed it yesterday! We're so excited to see our zine reaching the people behind Gallifrey ahhhh
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pl9090 · 2 months ago
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The Nine Gallifreys, My Interpretation. As always constructive criticism is welcome. Thanks go to both Marnal Gate and the Canonwelding section of the Dr Who Discord for: inspiring, helping me develop, and stress test this.
The Nine Gallifrey's concept is one of the most interesting and confusing ideas that emerged during the Wilderness Years. This is not intended to be the definitive answer rather a canonwelding enabling one that fits all of the available information. A, (crude) visual version of this information will be posted later which will hopefully make this easier to understand, (I'sd like to get this drawn up as a proper infographic series eventually but it;s beyond my ability).
Dating convention: War relative time is used in .B.T.W./.D.T.W. format instead of -.W.R.T./.W.R.T. for ease of understanding. Ardethe is not currently counted as it's a ghost world that used to be/resembles? Gallifrey. Clarity on this would be most welcome. Add Flaxian 14th note here once found wiki article.
Gallifreys 1 War King 2 Romana II 3 Flexian III 4 ? 5 ? 6 Ruling Council. 7 Faction Elysian. Starts at some point between 48,000.B.C. and 0.A.D.. 8 ? 9 Celestial Preservation Authority. 10 ? 11 ? 12 ? BF Big Finish.
Timeline 150.B.T.W. to 95.B.T.W. The Primary cloneworlds are completed and unveiled, (.F.P. The Book of the War). The Primary cloneworlds created their own eight secondary cloneworlds, (.E.D.A. Ancestor Cell and .F.P. The Book of the War). 1 secretly swaps it's physical location with 2, (.F.P. Book of the War/Crimes against History and Speculation). 9 establishes itself as a museum and technology/cache, (.E.D.A. The Taking of Planet 5 and .B.F. Omega). BF somehow coexists in the same time and place as 2, (.B.F. Neverland onwards).
.O.B.T.W./Eve of the War/After Last Contact 4 and it's secondary cloneworlds are destroyed by 1 or 2 to prevent Varnax controlling them, (.E.D.A. The Gallifrey Chronicles). 10 is created by 1 to compensate for the loss of 4, (Speculation). 5 ruined by the Cybermen, (Web/.B.F. Real Time). 2's secondary cloneworlds are unwritten by Mother Mathara's/Alt 8th Doctor's Faction Paradox cell, (.E.D.A. Ancestor Cell). 2 is destroyed by the 8th Doctor, (.E.D.A. The Ancestor Cell). 1 defeats an all out Enemy attack but high end technology is erased from it’s noosphere, (.F.P. The Book of the War). BF somehow remains out of the war despite being in Kasterborous, (.B.F. audios).
Around the Battle of Mutter's Cluster 9 and it’s secondary cloneworlds are destroyed by the Enemy to prevent any of the others from utilising their high technology cache, (Speculation). Afterwards the remaining Gallifreys unite with 1 as the coordinater, (.F.P. The Book of the War). 11 is created by 1 to compensate for the loss of 5 or 9, (Speculation).
After the Battle of Delphon to the conflict's, "end" (Depends on when .E.D.A. The Taking of Planet occurs). All nine Gallifreys and there cloneworlds were destroyed by the end of the War. (.E.D.A. The Adventuress of Henrietta Street) 12 is created by 1 to compensate for the loss of 9, (Speculation). 1 is maybe destroyed soon after to explain why no Primary cloneworld is created to compensate for the later loss of 8, (Speculation). Primaries: 1,3,10,11, and 12 are destroyed. 6 and 7 are ruined, (Speculation) Secondaries: Those of: 3,5,6,7, and 8 are destroyed, (Speculation).
Afterwards/NuWho 7 becomes New Alexandria Colony. 8 becomes Winkle's Wonderland and is destroyed by Grandfather's Maw. BF is ruined repeatedly then goes onto fight The Third & Last Great Time War. The ruined: 5,7, and 8 are all destroyed by the Gradfather's Maw around 60,000,000,0000. Somepoint after BF creates 8 Secondaries one of which is Cyberrazed by the Master, (.T.V. The Timeless Children). (Must have been a cloneworld as the protocols held and all linear domains survived suggested by Mr Bucher Jones: https://archive.ph/wyW8F).
Destruction count Enemy: 7 Primaries destroyed 2 ruined. 48 Secondaries destroyed. Gallifrey 1 or 2: 1 Primary destroyed. 8 Secondaries destroyed. 8th Doctor: 1 Primary destroyed and recreated from a combination of the saved Matrix and his: thoughts/feelings/prejudices. Grandfather's Maw: 3 Primaries destroyed. Faction Paradox: 8 Secondaries destroyed. Cybermen: 1 Primary ruined.
The Big Finish Gallifrey Problem The three main issues are: 1.Both 2 and BF exist and are location overlapped for at least the better part of two centuries. 2.BF is somehow seperated from the conflict. 3.There has to be a Gallifrey to fight The Third & Last Great Time War despite all of the Gallifreys being destroyed by the end of the conflict, (.E.D.A. The Adventuress of Henrietta Street). Possible answer: The Eighth Doctor rebuilt a Gallifrey from scratch using the Matrix data corrupted by his own thoughts and feelings, (eg: Mr Parkin's theory of why it's Romana II not III) which included a new temporary Law of Time that isolated it's casual nexus and disconnected it from the Protocols of Linearity, peresumeably as a defence mechanism. However this combined him placing it in pre War era Kasterborous, (maybe around 3652?) as a result of him still not thinking clearly/fully and the multi continuity mess that is his timeline caused 2 to be gradually oxbowed until it's destruction which was a fixed point in time effectively placing .B.F. from that point on in the post War era and experiencing their own seperate version of the Arckhetryx Incident, (It happened twice in the same spacetime location )
Notes 9 and it's secondary cloneworlds have to be destroyed after the failed attack on 1 otherwise erasing the high level tech knowledge from 1's noosphere is pointless. The Battle of Delphon is placed after The Battle of Muster's Cluster. 10, 11, and 12 existed as military bases: loomstacks, chronoforges, and training academies. As NuWho Doctor seems to think he's from BF rather then 1 maybe the Tardis quietly rewrites his biodata ao that he is from whichever Gallifrey is in Kasterborous at the time. The fact .B.F. is partially shaped by the Eighth Doctor's thoughts and feelings has some disturbing yet interesting connotations. That just leaves their starting temporal locations to figure out, but that will be a another post.
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