#bet u could do lots of fun choreography with that
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blended-ice · 5 months ago
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What if they made it a pair skate?
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The Beginning.
The beginning of the fanfic with no name. 
No warnings here. It is, after all, just the beginning!
Word Count: 1,276 (I told you this series would be long)
Mornings suck. We can all agree on that. However, we can probably also agree that mornings suck even harder after sleepless nights. You’ve been having a lot of those recently. Do you remember the feeling of anticipation right before a big vacation as a child? Or Christmas? Christmas Eve is the most difficult time to sleep. You used to lie in bed counting the hours in your head. 
If I go to sleep now, do I think Mom and Dad will let me wake them up in 5 hours and start the festivities?! 
The past week worth of nights have felt like that. That feeling when you are 100% assured something big and exciting in the morning, when the sleep, for a change, isn’t relaxing, but an obstacle keeping you from the true prize. You’d honestly like to give a shoutout to coffee for keeping you coherent recently. It’s through the grace of God and Arabica that you even made it to this dreary Monday morning. Which, as you hope we can all agree on again, is the worst kind of Morning. But today, you don’t even care. you’re awake, and it is Christmas morning, time to depart on your much awaited vacation, the day you win the lottery...whatever you want to call it. Either way, you’re done with the anticipatory sleepless nights today.
Even mornings here are warm. When your alarm clock goes off, that’s the first thing you notice, rolling over. Well, shifting over. This tiny twin bed doesn’t allow for a glamorous amount of room. Your body seems to be radiating heat already. The feeling of the humid air is what finally causes you to snap out of your sleepy stupor. You sit up in bed, wiping an embarrassing amount of drool off my chin. With a generous stretch, you swing my legs over the bed and sigh. The walk to the tiny bathroom in your tiny apartment is, if you can believe it, short. Once the shower begins to run, the small space is even more sweltering than your bed. Perhaps some people would take a cold shower to even out the weather, rather than complaining about the temperature as they make it worse, but not you. If anyone ever catches you taking a cold shower, send the ambulance. After all, this is a very important shower. It’s a big day, and you want to make a good first impression. When you work this closely and hands-on with people, shaving your legs becomes a pretty high priority. With such a lengthy shower, you had certainly cooled off by the end. Hey, guess that means the size of the water heater compliments the rest of the loft! You towel off quickly, brush your teeth, and run a comb and some product through your hair and leave it to dry of its own accord. When the air is this thick, there’s no sense in trying to tame the curly mane. While the Atlanta air saves you time on your hair, it’s the lengthy work day that cuts down the makeup time. A quick swipe of mascara and concealer will do, getting you out the door quicker too. Which is good, cause you’re already running late and, as previously mentioned, first impressions are everything. 
Regardless of how late you am, you cannot skip coffee. So you throw on a pair of black leggings and a tank top, and race out the door. Starbucks, here you come. One trenta caramel macchiato later, and you’re feeling much more ready to face the day. We can pretend it was the block you jogged to the cafe and back, but we all know it was the unhealthy amount of caffeine. Trying to avoid rush hour traffic at this ungodly early hour, you begin my trek to the studio. Since it’s the beginning of production, today will be one of the easiest for you. It’ll begin with a script read through which, with the projected runtime of this film, will take a good bit, and then, after lunch, begin to work on some costuming, makeup, and fight choreography. You could not be more grateful for the scenery today. Though it is very fun to be on location, the air conditioning in the studio feels like kisses from heaven on this scorcher of a day.
People are already bustling around when you walk in the door. 
Maybe I got the call times wrong.
You fret. Luckily, a quick swipe through your email assuages my fears. All these PAs must be eager to impress. Weaving through the masses, you make it to a much calmer room. It’s fairly plain, just tables, chairs and scripts, but then you notice the bagel spread against the wall. You love a good bagel. So, you grab yourself breakfast and take your seat, facing the open “U” the tables create. Only a few of the talent are here yet, sitting calmly in front of their nameplates, quietly reading through their scripts for what you are sure is the millionth time. By the time production makes it to this stage, most actors have their lines almost completely memorized. And with the quality of actors on this film, you’d be willing to bet your tiny apartment, for all it’s worth, that most of them would only use their printed scripts to make notes, not to read.
Though you’ve never worked with this cast before, a quick scan of the room confirms that those present are who you would assume the usual “early birds” are. Anthony Mackie sits calmly, although he isn’t reading his script like the others. Just staring at his phone. From the looks of his finger swiping...playing Tetris? Scarlett Johannson, however, is trained on her lines, her lips moving slightly as she runs through them. A laugh draws your eyes to the last two people at the tables. Mark Ruffalo smiles, script forgotten as his costar tells him what you have to surmise is a hilarious story. His eyes meet yours and he offers a slight wave of his hand. You smile and wave your fingers back. Chris Evans, his conversation partner, turns over his shoulder to meet your eyes as well, a smile lifting the corner of his lips.
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You smile at him as well, with, you’ll admit it, a bit more heat on your cheeks than could be attributed to the Georgia humidity outside. Because, come on, we’ve all seen the man! He shifts back around, continuing his chat with Mark. You turn to your phone, people filtering into the room steadily now, deciding to spend the next few minutes responding to emails. When you look up next, the table is full, Robert Downey Jr, Sebastian Stan, Chris Hemsworth, and Jeremy Renner having joined the fray. Clearly, with a Marvel project, it’s nearly impossible to have the entire universe in the same room, so this script read will only feature the original six, plus Mackie and Sebastian, of course. The rest of the parts will be read by production staff. As the last stragglers file into the reading, Anthony Russo stands to address the room. With some passing comments about how important this film is to bring the MCU’s Phase 3 to a head, and jokes about the professionalism of his beloved cast, You settle into your seat as Russo begins by reading the movie’s title, “Avengers: Infinity War”. 
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oneletterelliot · 4 years ago
1 of 1 (SHINee) - liveblog reaction
I am once again liveblogging my reaction to a SHINee album: 1 of 1, as recommended by @subtextread (MONTHS ago at this point, my bad). I haven’t heard any of these songs before.
Prism - Kind of a smooth opening. I like this percussion coming in. Nice mixing on the vocals. Interesting rhythm. This song is fine (I don’t dislike it) but it’s not really holding my attention. Interesting to think that this is a 2016 release, so coming out around the same time as NCT’s debut. Very different sounds. It must be so interesting to be inside the SM creative direction meetings or whatever they’d be called. I like this piano not-exactly-a-break at 2:20.
1 of 1 - So this has to be the title track, based off the title lol. Kind of an old school vibe. I like the drums, and this (there is some guitar sound description term beginning with C that escapes me, I’m sorry, I’m so out of musical practice) bass? synth. Digging the harmonies on the chorus. I like this section at 1:16. Who is it? (Edit: it’s Minho! Is this the first time I’ve had a reaction to one of his sections? I think so.) I like this more than “Prism,” but it still doesn’t hugely hold my attention. I think I’m just really into dance beats these days.
Feel Good - I like this instrumental opening. I like the build. It sounds like it’ll be interesting. Oh, the vocals are much slower/softer than I expected haha. Once again, I like the percussion: the low kick with the claps sound good with vocals. This is a slow song, not really a dance beat, but I am still liking it. Oh, it’s picking up a little. I do like this. The beat is still pretty driving. Whoever sings the “it’s you-ooh-ooh... it’s true-ooh-ooh” bit at 1:35, I like your voice. (Edit: it’s Onew.) Yeah, the chorus makes me want to jam out. My shoulders are bouncing. I like the contrast of the long notes vocals and the more spoken / shouty “I can make you feel good.”
Don’t Let Me Go - Oh, those vintage crackles. These vocals are all quite lovely. I like the harmony. I don’t have strong feelings on this song, but I’m enjoying it. It’s kind of easy-listening. Voice at 1:34 is especially nice, I think. (Edit: Jonghyun.) I like when they add some backing vocals that almost harmonize with small sections of the rap. I like the piano in the instrumental. Ooh, I really like this rain sound effect at the end.
Lipstick - You know, so far, all of the songs have felt very thematically cohesive, like, genre-wise. Like sometimes, kpop albums feel like they have a wide range in the way the songs sound, but this one all really feels like the songs are from the same era / genre. In this case, it’s this smooth sort old school vibe. Warm colors. Gosh, I always love SHINee’s harmonies. This rap in the lower register is nice, very different from the style of rap you get with NCT songs and I’m liking it. 
Don’t Stop - This is a promising instrumental opening. Is this Taemin singing the first lines? I like this style of synth a lot. “Don’t stop, baby, don’t stop.” It could just be my headphones, but I feel like the vocals are mixed too loud on the chorus and really drown out the instrumental. Hello, the voice at 1:33 – very enjoyable. (Edit: Key.) I hope the bridge is really different sounding, because this song is getting a little boring. Huh, the bridge wasn’t as different / attention-catching as I was hoping, but I do think it’s interesting (and makes sense) that they went for a rap bridge given how vocals-full this song is. I don’t love how the synth changes right before the end. It’s a little too harsh for my ears.
SHIFT - Arpeggios, my beloveds. Whoa, hey, it’s a dance beat. I genuinely wasn’t expecting on this album haha. The beat and instrumental has a kind of techno feeling to it, and I have a huge soft spot for techno so I’m into it. The vocals sound so good, all of them – especially the begging vocals I think. I like this bridge with the harmonies and a sort of backing off of the instrumental. My neck is very sore and I am rolling it around to this beat and feelin’ it (in a good way haha). I liked this one a lot!
U Need Me - Okay, I’m expecting ballad from this title. Okay, this is not a ballad instrumental. This is so interesting. 30 seconds in, I’m diagnosing this song with “the more times I listen to it, the more I’ll fall in love with it.” This vocal style is really interesting; the quick delivery then sustained notes is simply interesting for the ear to listen to. I’m sorry for how many times I’ve used the word “interesting” to describe this song, but it’s the word that best fits my feelings on it! Smoother bridge, yeah that checks out. Okay, rap section, I hear  you and I respect you. I love the variety throughout this song.
So Amazing - The flow of the vocals is very boy band. “One step, one step. Two steps, two steps.” This is a fun song. No strong feelings on it thus far. Actually, I feel like it’d be really interesting to hear just the instrumental of this song; there’s a lot of little pieces to it. The vocals are great too, very strong. Digging the instrumental break at 2:33. Did they ever perform this song live? If so, I bet they did something fun with the choreography in this spot. I like the acapella ending notes.
Tell Me What To Do - This song is off the repackage, which Mishal did not recommend, but she did suggest listening to this song off of it, so here we are. Oh, this is a very different sound from the other songs. I love the way the instrumental notes hit then get a little stronger instead of fading. Idk the technical term for that. It adds such a lovely feeling of building. I like this! It has a kind of a coming-of-age movie soundtrack vibe, which can be hit or miss for me, but it’s definitely hitting with this song. Wow, the vocals are so powerful on the chorus. This isn’t my favorite rap, but I will look past it because of how much I’m enjoying the rest of the song. Something about the rhythm of the, like, pre-chorus (idk maybe it’s a part of the chorus) vocal delivery feels very SHINee to me.
Favorite Songs: “SHIFT,” “Feel Good,” and “Tell Me What To Do.”
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tinngucci · 4 years ago
I only started listening to Blackpink this year, July. In short, I’m a baby Blink, but I’ve caught up with everything. I even learned 11 of their choreographies. I love all of them, but my Bias is Lisa. I love her so much.
Disclaimer: I didn’t include the remixes, the So Hot cover. There’s no point. But I included Jennie’s song just ‘cause I learned the choreo. AND don’t come for me if your favorite songs didn’t rank high or what. This is my personal preference. We all have different tastes. Anyway, let’s get to it.
1. LOVESICK GIRLS - Okay, so Playing With Fire used to be my favorite BP song, but when this came out last Friday, I fell in love. It easily beat out PWF just like that. I love the sound of it. I love the synths. It’s got a beautiful chorus. I can dance to it, I can relate to it. I just love everything about it. 10/10. Hopefully, they make more songs like this in the future.
2. PLAYING WITH FIRE - I’m sorry you had to go down to number 2, you beautiful queen. Ah, what an underrated song. It’s ahead of its time, really. People be sleeping on this song when this song actually is a BOP. The choreography is everything.
3. AS IF IT’S YOUR LAST - I don’t trust anyone that hates this song. The chorus is everything!!! It puts me in a good mood every time I listen to this song.
4. LOVE TO HATE ME - I know a lot of people don’t like this song. WEIRD. It’s so catchy! I don’t know why but when I heard the “Negative days, negative nights...” line, I thought of Panic! At The Disco. I felt like that line is something Brendon would sing. Anyway, that doesn’t make sense, I know. Now, let’s talk about Lisa’s rap in this because it’s AMAZING. Blew me out of my existence. Her best rap, for sure.
5. KICK IT - Okay, I feel like I have to explain this ‘cause not a lot of people like this song. When I first heard it, I didn’t like it. It was a skip at the time. But when I watched videos of it live, it sounded amazing. And when I listened to it again, something hit me. It’s actually a BOP. Rose’s part, “And I’m letting it all out...” I die every time I hear it. There’s something about this song that makes me think of my friends and our happy times together. Maybe it’s just me. Stop sleeping on this song!
6. FOREVER YOUNG - One of my favorite choreographies! It’s up there with PWF, AIIYL and Whistle. It’s just as happy-ass song. I love that. A bop. And I could imagine myself watching it live and just letting loose, having fun, and dancing of course.
7. PRETTY SAVAGE - This song grew on me. I didn’t like it at first. I thought it was generic. But then after a few listens, I realized how powerful the song is. I can see myself dancing to it. The song itself is pretty savage.
8. WHISTLE - If you looked at my old list, Whistle ranked low. I couldn’t give a crap about this song before. But when I learned the choreo, I appreciated it more. I live for it now. A total queen!
9. KISS AND MAKEUP - Obviously, this is my favorite collab. I love Dua Lipa. She’s my girl. Maybe that’s why I love it. It’s pretty generic, yes, but I love how feel-good it is. My inner hoe comes out when I’m listening to this. And it’s sad that we didn’t get a music video. That wouldn’t been epic.
10. SOUR CANDY - Another song I didn’t appreciate enough before. Queens singing together. I wish it was longer though. And where is the music video!!!
11. YOU NEVER KNOW - Beautiful. Just beautiful. Jisoo went off. Stay’s got nothing on this. Although it’s not that slow of song, it’s the kind of song that I like. I really want to see them sing this live. It’d be emotional for sure.
12. DDU-DU DDU-DU - Definitely the superior one out of its sisters, KTL and HYLT. I love to dance to it, but it’s not necessarily something that I would listen to on a regular basis. But it’s such an iconic song for them. I don’t want to disrespect a queen that broke records.
13. BOOMBAYAH - The queen that started it all! This song just makes you wanna dance and party. But again, it’s not something that I would listen to on a regular basis.
14. HOW YOU LIKE THAT - The era that made me a Blink. This was on my Top 5 before! I just got tired of listening to it over and over. I realized that the only thing I like about it is the beat drop, the chorus. The verses are not really strong. Lisa’s rap is refreshing though. *I’m not being biased.*
15. KILL THIS LOVE - Honestly, I couldn’t decide between this and HYLT. The only edge of HYLT is that it’s more on the hip-hop side, which I like. But Kill This Love is such a powerful-ass song, but I got tired of it too. They should move on from this formula and start singing full choruses more and not rely on beat drops and outro dance breaks,
16. REALLY - It’s just a really cute song. That’s about it. Nothing special.
17. CRAZY OVER YOU - Okay, I hated this when I first listened to it. What was that intro??? But you know what, maybe I’ll like it more once they start performing it live. That outro is fire!!! I have a feeling this song would grow on me soon. We’ll see.
18. BET YOU WANNA - I thought this was gonna rank higher. I loved it when I first heard it. I thought it was amazing. The part that goes “Something 'bout me's taking you higher” is honestly the best part of the song. Rose’s high notes. Girl gave me a heart attack. But that’s about it. The rest of the song is weak. Cardi B’s part, I’m not about it. A miss for me. This should’ve been more iconic. They should’ve included a rap battle! UGH!
19. SEE U LATER - I wish this song had a different chorus. It just didn’t match the vibe of the song. That intro is amazing! What happened there? Oh, the chorus happened...
20. SOLO - It’s a good song. It’s just whatever, you know? But Jennie be killing me sometimes. Excuse me, ma’am, you are HOT. 
21. STAY - Don’t get me wrong, it’s a beautiful song. I just don’t connect to it, that’s all.
22. ICE CREAM - I don’t like this song that much. Yes, it’s cute and all, but it’s not for me. The only edge it has is the “na-na-na-na-na” part at the end because it’s cute af! And the choreo is cute too. It was harder than I expected. A+ rapping for my girl, though.
23. DON’T KNOW WHAT TO DO - This song used to rank higher on my previous list. It has no edge whatsoever. The chorus is messy in my opinion. The choreo is hard af though, especially the chorus.
24. HOPE NOT - Aw! I didn’t want to put this last because it’s a beautiful song, but I just prefer the more upbeat songs. And it’s forgettable.
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revisionaryhistory · 4 years ago
Three Days ~ 73
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The group of us walked the edge of the room to the stairs. Bar tables were in a line and following the other's lead I helped push them against the wall, leaving an open area for us to stand. Emma led me to stand up front with Angie right as the house lights went out. Kirk came running and I moved behind Emma to give him room. Put me in a better position to feel up Emma anyway.
A bank of speakers over the stage was on the level and aimed right at us. My ears would be ringing all night. Nothing would beat the acoustic living room show from a few weeks ago. Still, the music and energy were fun. I was sucked in, like everyone else. Unlike with volleyball, Emma didn't ignore me. While I was behind her I ran an occasional hand over her hip. Each time Emma would do something: reach behind to lay a hand on my leg, turn her head to kiss me, or lean back into me. Several songs in the music slowed. I invaded Emma's personal space, moving up on her, and wrapping an arm around her my hand was seated on her ribcage, my thumb stroking the underside of her breast. My other hand held onto her hip, keeping her close where the pressure from her relieved a little of the ache in my jeans. She cupped the back of my head and turned to nuzzle against my neck. We stayed close and moved to the beat. The feel and smell of her did things to me.
When the tempo picked up again Emma turned to the side and pulled me between her and Angie. I stayed a half step back so they could talk and react together, but I was included. There were songs they had choreography too. Not the band, Emma, Angie, and Kirk. I played along as best I could, more than once we fell together laughing. The shot of tequila layered with the edible had me happily baked. Not enough tequila to be drunk or knock down the high. This was a good buzz I wanted to maintain. I drank half of Emma’s tequila, afraid her lower body mass would make it too much and she'd get sleepy. I'm sure she has experience with what she can mix, but I'm confident my knowledge is better.
By the end, I felt like I was herding cats. Emma, Angie and Kirk being the cats. Nobody was functioning optimally, but at least I didn’t have the same level of emotional attachment to the stage. My attachment was next to me and I kept the three in front of me. We screamed the loudest when Eli’s part was over.
I leaned close to Emma’s ear to ask what happened next. She led me to the edge closest to stage and pointed. “Everyone will pack up their shit fast as they can and stow it in the corner, then head to the dressing room to cool down, wipe the sweat away, and likely have another joint while Keaton sets up. When the lights go down Eli and all will join us up here. Angie and Kirk will go backstage to meet their husbands."
I raised my eyebrows, "Are we?"
"We can or we can stay up here where it's relatively empty."
I looked around at all the people, "Lots up here."
She scrunched up her nose and shook her head no, "Not on our side. I’d rather stay here. Unless you need a hit."
I shook my head, “I'm good.” I lowered my head and got close "You ok. I don't know how long it’s been or your tolerance. You level?"
Her head bobbed, "I gotta tell you, these nights with just friends and the music. This is when I want cocaine. The boost it gives."
"I bet Keaton has some in his little bag." I snickered. I was sure he did.
"I don't think so. I don't want the crash tomorrow. I'd rather see what we get into." She met my eyes, "You being horny and all.”
She really had no idea what was going on with me right now. Very very bad thoughts that covered everything and I mean everything. I have no idea where I’m going to land. Aggressive, romantic, pleading. Any combination and anywhere in between.  "Coke makes me loud and overly friendly. Worst of all it makes me sweat. Look at pics and you can tell when I’m doing coke. So I don't. Rarely. Special occasions."
True to what Emma had said, Kirk and Angie took off as soon as the crowd noise died down a little. They would have had to fight through the sea of people if they left before the music ended. Everyone with Keaton’s group left too.  I looked around us and found, um, no one. Talk about feeling exposed. We were in a roped off side of a U. Alone, but the other three sides were crowded. Being high doesn’t generally make me paranoid, but the two of us standing in an open pasture was making my Spidey senses tingle. I pushed her back closer to the wall, using my body to block her. If anyone was paying attention to us all they’d see was my back. I was banking on being far enough in the shadows. I was pretty sure this good idea wouldn’t seem so good tomorrow when I was sober, but right now it was brilliant.
Emma sat her hands on my hips. I could barely feel them. I like that. I like the way her touch can be this barely there pressure. My body seems to register it differently. The light touch makes more nerves fire. There’s more of a psychological part. It’s intimate. Her hands on me are the only part of us touching. I can’t touch her. I want to, but I can’t. I’m not in control.
While everyone who saw her in this dress knew her every curve, my knowledge was more detailed. I risked giving myself a taste and bent to kiss her bare shoulder. “What’s Keaton’s band like?”
Her thumb moved on my side. “They’re more eclectic. They’ve been together a long time and their sound has evolved. They opened for some big names on big tours and made the jump to headliner. Things fell apart while they were doing their next CD. The concessions the record company wanted were too much. Keaton wouldn’t give up the control. They decided they’d rather stay doing their music their way. They tour a lot and have a very devoted fan base. There’s a mix of rock and indie stuff. Keaton’s lyrics are amazing and he is crazy passionate. He writes him. It’s all personal. And a big chunk is Mia.”
I nodded, still trying to ignore her thumb. “I like him. Before the show . . . there’s something about him.”
“He’s a good guy.”
Jealousy flared. Not real, the fake bullshit kind.
Emma laughed, “Don’t do that.”
“Do what?” I laughed too. No idea what about.
“That pretend jealous look on your face. Don’t make me prove why you’re a good guy. It’ll start with words and end up my hand in your pants.”
“Ooof.” I looked behind us, just to check that there were people around. Dammit. I laid my forehead against hers. “You realize this is the first time we’ve been alone since we got here and you went shopping. We haven’t been alone since we left your place almost twelve hours ago.” That sounded much more desperate when said out loud than it had in my head.
She giggled at me.  I deserved it. “I wouldn’t say we’re alone, Bastian.”
“More or less. I need to talk to you about something important.” I tried my best to keep a straight face. Unclear if I succeeded. “Your dress.”
Emma pressed her shoulders into the wall, pushing her hips forward. “Is this not the one you wanted me to wear?”
“It most certainly is the one I wanted you to wear.” I didn’t move, my hips keeping her from stretching out more. “It’s better than imagined. But I have problems.”
“I can tell.”
I bet she could with her hips pressed into mine. “You look amazing. Every time I look at you I can’t help but think about all the things no one but me can see.” Her eyebrow lifted and her head tilted a little.
"Even when you're not smiling, I can see the dimple in your left cheek." Almost instantly she smiled. I kissed her dimple. "Right there.” I looked down at her breasts, “The black hides them, but I can see your nipples perfectly." I touched her side under her ribs. "Three freckles here and one under the curve of your ass. From the pool picture I know your twin doesn't have one, so I'll always be able to tell you apart. Don't get me started about what you hide between your legs." I traced the collar of fabric at her neck. "This is what I knew would drive me crazy all night, because this is the only place I could get away with kissing. I love kissing your neck as much as you do. How easy is it to get off?"
"Two buttons with elastic loops."
Sounded like more fine motor control than I was likely to have. "Can I rip it?"
Her eyes went wide, "No!" She started laughing and hugged me. Her laughter went on and became contagious, infecting me. Emma pushed my shoulders, looked at my face, and kept on laughing. My seduction was not going as planned. Emma patted my face, "Sebastian, I love you and want you more than anything. But right now, I'm too stoned for that seriousness."
I yelled, "Fuck!" and we started laughing again. "I worked really really hard." I buried my face against her neck, pulling at the collar with my teeth, then running my tongue around the shell of her ear. Emma squirmed away laughing. I glared at her playfully and huffed out a breath, "Horny."
"My poor baby." Emma whispered against my mouth, "Don't worry. You'll get laid tonight." She kissed me before sucking on my bottom lip.
I said, "Yay." Best as I could with her attached to my lip. I wonder if it’s too soon to leave? It is. I know it is. I don’t really want to leave. I’m having too much fun.
We stayed pressed against the wall laughing and kissing until Eli was beside us, his arms went around both of us. "Are you having sex?" He looked down between our bodies.
I blew a raspberry, "No ", and pulled my hips back to prove it. We most definitely were not connected.
"Because it looks like you're having sex against the wall."
The three of us started laughing. I looked at Eli with a smug expression, "This is your show. Do you really think I would fuck your best friend into the wall at your show?"
Emma punched the hell out of my arm.
"Ouch, Why did you... oh shit." I'd said the four letter word that begins with W.
Luckily Eli was looking at me, his eyes narrowed. "Yes. I think you would if you were pretty sure you wouldn't get caught."
My face went blank, "You're not wrong."
Mia came zipping by and grabbed Emma's arm, "Come with me." Angie was with her and the three women moved to the railing.
Eli and I watched them go then turned to each other with a shrug. We'd been deserted. I hugged him, "I like you, Eli. You're right about a lot of things." I kept my arm around him. “You were right about the wall thing tonight. You were right about her parents being asses."
Eli put his hand on my shoulder and his face was serious, "My friend, I would not lie about her parents. They do not have Emma's best interests. We... you, me, and Ed. Don't trust them." He poked me in my chest. "Protect her."
I put my hand over his mouth, "No more words. Last time we were drunk together we got in trouble."
Eli laughed, "No shit. You went and told her everything."
"Was it a test?" That had crossed my mind many times. Had Eli told me to keep a secret from Emma to see if I would?
"You're giving me too much credit. I was drunk and talking out of my ass." He held up a finger, "Had it been a test, you would have passed."
We've entered the "I love you, man." part of the night. "You're a good friend, Eli."
He inclined his head, "And you're a good boyfriend, Seb."
The house lights went down and the music started. Watching Emma, Mia, and Angie hang onto each other was what I imagined partners at a concert being like. They'd been on tour together and been through good and bad times together. I felt that connection with other actors on set, but this was different. This was the behind the scenes support system. Not just support to their “famous” partner, but support to each other. I didn't know this, but I wanted it. I wanted Emma on a set or an event with me, there for me but also with friends behind the scenes. This felt like family.
Eli and I pulled a table from the wall and sat. Boone, Travis, and Dan joined us. Kirk went up with the  support group. I felt part of the group, not an outsider. They'd taken me in as they'd taken in Emma years ago. I wanted this.
I didn't understand Emma's explanation of the differences between Keaton and Eli’s music. Maybe she wasn't clear and maybe I just didn't understand. A couple of songs in I did. At the party, I'd been blown away by Eli’s voice and expression. He could sing anything. Tonight, had been mostly original music, and while good, it lacked the emotional connection for me. The most honest reason would be the songwriting wasn't consistently as strong. They were good, but lacking that something that made them great.
Keaton was great. He had the confidence, command of the stage, and over the audience that Eli just didn’t have. Music and lyrics were next level too. I don’t know the words to explain. It was the difference between an A and B list actor. There’s something more than just talent that feeds the higher level. Keaton had it. He should be out there in stadiums and the top ten on Spotify. I understand how he didn't want to sell himself to get to the next level. I'm not sure if I'm willing to do that either.
Remembering what Emma said about Keaton writing his life and a lot of Mia, I paid close attention to lyrics. I loved them too. I could see what he was writing, feel it. After the song about her dad telling him stay away, I crept up behind Emma, hugging her from behind and kissing her shoulder to get her attention. I didn’t think Ed would try to chase me off, but the song had resonated  because she has a protective dad. When Emma turned her head toward me, I kissed her and made sure she was watching when I mouthed, "I love you." She did the same. We kissed again and I went back to the table.
For the encore, I returned to Emma. I stayed just behind her with a hand on her ass. I'd heard the final song, a strong guitar driven song about sex at the end of the world. Pretty sure I had it on a playlist somewhere. It wasn’t over when Mia grabbed my hand and I grabbed Emma. Mia led us to the backstage area. Not surprisingly she knew exactly when to leave to beat Keaton backstage. Can't say I wasn't happy to avoid going in the opposite direction of the crowd.
Keaton was the first one through the door. He immediately went to Mia for a short and breathless kiss before leading her to the couch. Mia sat at the end, Keaton laid down with his head in her lap, and Mia combed her fingers through his hair. He looked tired, but with her touch, he relaxed. I smiled and nodded in their direction, "What's the story there?"
Kevin had heard, "Aftershow ritual since they were sixteen."
"They've been together since they were sixteen?"
Kevin said, "Yes."
Keaton yelled, "No."
I cut my eyes toward the couch then back to Kevin. He shrugged, heading to the other side of the room. I pulled Emma with me to the couch where I could see the couple.
Keaton opened one eye, "Not really."
"It's a binary choice."
The rest of the room laughed.
Emma moved to the far end of the couch and pushed Keaton's feet off. "I told him you like to tell your story."
Keaton smiled, "I do."
I sat where he pointed and, happily, Emma sat in my lap with her arm around my shoulder, playing in my hair. The rest of the room started talking amongst themselves. They'd heard the story.
"We met in kindergarten. I tried to scare her with a worm."
Mia laughed, "I kick him in the shin and put the worm under a bush."
They traded off telling their story with smiles and laughter.
While they went through school together, they weren’t friends until middle school when Mia tutored his brother in math. Keaton was playing guitar in his room and Mia went to listen. From that night on they were inseparable. They would meet up after cheerleading and guitar practice. His band’s first concert was a New Year’s party in her basement. Keaton taught her to kiss before her first real date and beat the guy up when he was mean to her. Both stuck to the story they weren't a couple even after they chose to lose their virginity together at their prom. They lost touch when Mia went away to college and Keaton stayed in New York to tour and make music. Mia became an architect and was over restoration in her father's firm. They didn't see each other until almost eight years later when Mia's mother died. Keaton helped her pack up her mother's house in the neighborhood in which his parents still lived. After dinner they went to the country club where they spent their summers. Both had been married and divorced. They'd wanted so much more for each other. Neither wanted this new start to end and they exchanged phone numbers. Keaton walked her to the house and what started as a hug lacing many years together turned into a kiss. One they discussed days later and decided to move past.
They kept in touch, talking or texting daily. Keaton had been signed and was touring new music. He had insisted on two nights in Savannah where Mia lived. They stayed with her in the home she’d restored. The boy who haunted her house hadn’t been as accepting of the new people, running the halls, slamming doors, moving things, and turning out lights. After the show, Keaton liked to hang out and meet fans. Mia came over, only to be surprised by her ex-husband and his new wife. Mia had taken Keaton’s hand, hoping he'd follow along. He had and when the ex called her a groupie Keaton explained they’d know each other since elementary school. He took her out on the dance floor, positioning them to make sure he'd see Keaton kissing her like a lover.
They still said they were just friends. When Mia joined them on tour, they’d get drunk after the show and find any reason to make out and make up every reason why it meant nothing. On the last night of a break in Aspen, Mia had emergency surgery. Keaton stayed with her. Something changed in the single room they shared. Mia slept, Keaton played, and when Mia woke Keaton would care for her. Over the years they'd shared many beds, but not like this. This wasn't drunk collapse after a show. This was tender and Mia being safe in his arms with Keaton waking up to her face, laying together talking in a quiet morning.
Keaton went back to tour and wrote a song about falling in love with your best friend. Mia wouldn’t hear it until their ten year high school reunion. When Keaton wasn’t on stage he was with Mia pushing the boundaries of their friendship and testing the waters for more. He held too many scars to make the first step. Mia could. They crossed the friendship line for the last time.
Keaton kissed Mia's engagement and wedding ring, "Six months later we compulsively married after not dating for about twenty years.”
While we'd been talking another joint had made its way around the room. I was feeling giddy. I let out a happy sigh, "That's a fantastic story and a fairytale ending.”  I looked at Emma then back to Keaton, “I think I’m in love."
Keaton smiled, "With more than just Emma?"
"Not more than Emma, but I love your story and the soundtrack you wrote for it. You should get a writer to put it down and sell the movie rights. Hard to beat a good, friends to lover’ story. I’ve started writing. I'll write it. You'll help and do the music."
Emma joined in, smiling at Keaton, "You've left out the best bit."
Keaton's knowing smile asked, "What part would that be, Ms. Vedder."
Emma grinned, "The first song Mia ever heard you play. The one that started it all.”
Mia took Emma's hand, "Pearl Jam, Black."
Keaton starting laughing, "I will never forget the first time I met you."
I clapped my hands, rubbing them together in front of Emma, "Alright, let's hear this!"
Emma stood up, "I'm going over there." She pointed somewhere I couldn't see and walked away.
I watched her walk away with a smile on my face before turning my attention back to Keaton. "Where were we?"
The three of us laughed. Keaton remembered. "We were playing a club in Seattle and Ed came to check us out for the opening gig job. I was so anxious I was afraid I wouldn't be able to sing. I was expecting Eddie fucking Vedder. Larger than life rock god."  He put his hand on his chest while he laughed. “Then this dad guy showed up with Emma. I thought I was going to have to call child protection services. He never took his arm from around her and she looked terrified"
"How long had she been in Seattle?" I was assuming they knew at least that part of the story. Since they were kind of there and Ed had trust Keaton with her.
Mia made a face, "Maybe two days.”
Keaton picked back up, "Thank fuck he introduced her as his daughter and I didn't have to report him for child trafficking. She was sixteen, but looked like a homeless thirteen-year-old."
That got me laughing, "I looked like a homeless drug addict when we met."
Mia snorted, "I doubt it, but ok."
I didn't want to talk about me. I waved Keaton on. He smiled, "She was a completely different girl the next summer. Confident. Beautiful." He cringed, "Seventeen."
I winced, "Best not to think about."
He nodded, "That whole tour Ed didn't let her out of his sight."
Mia shoved her husband, "Because of pervs like you looking at his almost eighteen-year-old daughter. It was sweet. Ed was very sweet with her." She got off the couch and headed over to where my Emma was.
Keaton yelled after her, "I was a perv when you fell in love with me.”
Mia spoke over her shoulder, "I have questionable taste in men."
Kevin dropped onto the space Mia had left, "She's right." Keaton shoved him over onto me. "Just because you shove me doesn't make me wrong. Who are you perving on?"
Keaton rolled his eyes, "No one."
I shoved Kevin off me, "We were avoiding perving on my girlfriend"
"Why?" Kevin pointed to her, "Look at her."
"The night we met her," Keaton said in a dead tone.
Kevin hissed in a breath through clenched teeth, "Oh, no. She looked like she'd just gotten out of rehab."
I snickered, "Because she had just gotten out of rehab."
"There is that."
We sat talking and laughing until my face and sides ached, reaching the point where we switched from laughter to leftover quiet snickering. I looked around to find Emma. I felt my eyes crinkle as my head tilted to the side.
The other two said, "What?" simultaneously.
I pursed my lips and held a finger out," Do either of you see panty lines?" I didn’t wait for an answer, "I don't think she has on panties."
"Surely," Keaton began, "this isn't a new experience for you."
"No, but I'm very high and very horny."
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soobiniebaby · 5 years ago
Angels & Devils Part VII : Green Light
Tomorrow x Together Fanfiction
~ p a r t s : main post || prologue || part 1 || part 2 || part 3 || part 4 || part 5 || part 6 || part 7 || part 8 || part 9 || part 10 || part 11 || part 12 || part 13 || part 14 || part 15 || part 16 || part 17 ~ p a i r i n g : love triangle involving choi soobin and choi yeonjun ~ g e n r e : high school au | some social media au | some fluff & angst | childhood friends | love triangle ~ l a n g u a g e : English ~ w a r n i n g : contains swearing, alcohol, kissing (?) and may contain mature themes (angst, etc.) ~ a / n : This will be my first fanfic (go easy on me pls) and i’m just writing this as I go along, so bear with me juseyo The setting (place/country) of the story is up to the reader’s interpretation ~ s u m m a r y : What should she choose? Han Baby: the new girl with a troubled past MO Academy: her new high school Choi Soobin: student council president, member of the Ecosave club, volunteer at the Humane Treatment of Animals, member of the Honor Society, a vocalist in the Jazzed club, the school’s all around golden boy Choi Yeonjun: leader of the Dance club, star of the Jazzed club, the school’s it boy with a bad rep 5 best friends, 1 new girl, 1 childhood friendship, 1 epic love triangle? What will this school year bring?
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“No?” Yeonjun asks.
B nods her head. “No.”
He raises a brow at her. “But you just nodded.”
“Yeah, I was saying ‘yes’ to your ‘no?’.” B explains.
“Wait, so you’re saying yes?”
B lets out a huff. “Yeonjun, seriously—”
The blue-haired boy laughs. “Baby, I’m kidding. Don’t worry, I understand. May I ask why, though?” He was genuinely curious. Was he expecting to get shot down? Not really. But was he expecting her to say yes? Kind of. When Choi Yeonjun asks someone out, he almost always gets a yes on the first try.
“We’re friends, you and I.” B starts, her eyes starting to dart around the shed as she continues. “And my best friend is one of your best friends. I don’t want to mess up our friendship group’s dynamic by going out with you and then being dumped by you and then having everything crash and burn afterwards.”
“What ‘group dynamic?’ What ‘being dumped?’ What ‘having everything crash and burn?’ How are you so sure that all that is gonna happen?” Yeonjun asks. He had to keep himself from chuckling and maintain a straight face, because as ridiculous as it all sounded to him, he knew that she was serious and he wanted to treat it seriously.
“If I go out with you and you and I don’t work out, everything between us will get awkward. I know Ningning’s my best friend, but the boys will definitely pick your side, so I’ll probably have to find a new group of friends to hang out with.” B explains.
“Baby, I promise you, we won’t end up like that. If you agree to go out with me, nothing will change. We’ll all still be friends. You won’t lose us.” Yeonjun says reassuringly.
“And how would you know? Have you ever dated someone from your circle of friends before?” B asks, raising a brow.
“God no. As attractive as my friends are, I don’t think I could ever see myself going out with any of them. I mean, Hyuka’s like a baby brother to me, Taehyun is too perfect it’s kinda intimidating, and Beomgyu just isn’t my type. I mean, I think Soobin and I could work if we gave it a shot, but I don’t think he’d be interested.” Yeonjun says jokingly.
“Yeonjun, come on. You know what I mean.” B says, letting out a small laugh.
“Okay, I haven’t. But look at Gyu and Ryujin for example. Sure, they weren’t in the same friend group, but they were friends and they dated, and then they went back to being friends. Friendships don’t have to crash and burn just because of a few dates.” Yeonjun says defensively.
“Yeah, okay, Gyu and Ryu managed to stay friends. But if things don’t work out between you and I—” B starts, until Yeonjun interrupts her.
“But what if they do...” he says quietly.
“What?” B says, unable to hear him properly.
“But what if they do? What if we do? What if things between us work out?” Yeonjun asks.
B’s quiet for a moment before slowly starting again. “It’s not just our friendship I’m worried about, you know. I just moved here, I’m going through a big adjustment period in my life right now, and I’m just starting to make friends and establish a routine, and I like that you’re a part of it. I like seeing you everyday, I like that we’re classmates for at least 1 period and that I get to hang out with you and eat lunch with you and the rest of the boys.” she says, and as positive as it all sounded, Yeonjun had a feeling he knew what she’d say next. “But I’m not ready to change any of it. I like you, Yeonjun, enough to at least enjoy seeing you everyday. But I’m not ready to do anything that could change how things in my life are right now.”
Yeonjun nods. “It’s alright, Baby. I understand.” he says sincerely, looking right at her eyes. She really did look sorry, but at the same time her eyes kept darting back and forth between his and the ground. He could tell she was being sincere, but it looked like there was something more that she didn’t want to say. She was fairly easy to read, but he couldn’t decipher what else could possibly be on her mind.
“So that’s why I’m saying no. I’m really sorry, Yeonjun. I like our friendship too much right now to let anything get in the way of it.” she says, her eyes meeting his.
“You like our friendship too much right now? What about, say, in 2 weeks? Do you think you’d feel differently about our friendship then?” Yeonjun asks innocently.
“Yeah, if you suddenly become unbearably annoying in the next 2 weeks, that could definitely change.” B says sarcastically. “I don’t know, Yeonjun. It’s not like I can see into the future or anything, but I don’t think anything could change how I feel about us in a span of 2 weeks.”
“Oh, I don’t know, Baby. Everything can change in 2 weeks.” Yeonjun says mysteriously. When B raises a brow at him, he just smiles at her with a glint in his eye. “You’ll see. Now c’mon, let’s get back in there before they come looking for us.” he says, opening the door and leading her out of the shed.
It had only been 2 hours since she turned Yeonjun down, but looking at him now, B was starting to regret it just a tiny bit.
The boys had been rehearsing in Soobin’s house for an hour now. They hadn’t really been singing or rapping as Taehyun hinted they would be. They were working on the choreography and mostly polishing their positions and transitions, and as impressively sharp and coordinated as they all were, she had to admit that she couldn’t keep her eyes off of Yeonjun.
The blue haired boy could dance.
Simply the way he moved made him stand out. His movements were completely controlled yet so effortlessly executed, as if dance were a language and his body was highly fluent. She could see now why girls would go crazy when they see him perform, and a small part of her was starting to regret turning him down, even though she knew it was silly. Him being an amazing dancer shouldn’t be a factor to take into consideration when deciding whether not she would date him.
But still. She caught herself staring at him more than she’d like to admit. It was only when Kai threw himself onto the carpeted floor and yelled “Water break!” when she snapped out of it and stood up with a jolt.
“I’ll get you guys water, consider me as your unofficial water girl. That’ll be 5 water bottles, right?” B says, volunteering. “Uh, I guess I’ll get them from the fridge…?” she says, trailing off.
Soobin laughs, wiping sweat from his forehead before saying “Alright, I’ll show you where they are. Come on.”
B nods as she follows Soobin out of the room and downstairs towards the kitchen.
“So what do you think of our performance so far?” Soobin asks. “I know I’m not the best dancer, so it’s okay, you can be as brutally honest as you want.”
“Soobin, you guys are amazing. If the choreography looked that good, I can’t wait to see what the singing and rapping will sound like! And shut up, you’re a great dancer.” B says, playfully shoving his arm.
Soobin smiles, a bit embarrassed. “Thanks. You’ll only have to wait 2 more days until you see the whole thing, so I hope you look forward to it.”
“You bet I am! I didn’t know Ningning could dance either. Growing up, he was very interested in singing and playing different instruments, but I never knew he could rap and dance as well.” B says, amazed.
Soobin nods. “The Jazzed club helped a lot of us with honing in skills that we didn’t even know we had. It definitely helped me a lot with feeling more confident about myself. I used to be insanely shy until Yeonjun convinced me to join Jazzed club. Since then, I’ve even had the courage to take on the responsibility of being Student Council President, which is something I never thought I’d see myself doing.” he says bashfully.
“Wow Soobin, were you really that shy? I’m glad you’ve come out of your shell then, you’re doing great as far as I can tell. I guess being in Jazzed club helped you a lot then.” B says, smiling at him.
“You wouldn’t believe how shy I was.” Soobin laughs. “And yeah, it really has. Are you interested in joining? I think you’d like it.”
B thinks about it for a moment. “It looks like a lot of fun, and you guys make it seem so amazing. But I have to admit that I’ve never really been musically inclined? Don’t get me wrong, I tried really hard to learn how to play instruments when I was younger. Ningning tried to teach me how to play the piano, but I just couldn’t ever get it right. The most musical thing I can do is sing, but I don’t think I’m very good at that either, and besides, anyone can sing if they try hard enough.”
“I’m not great at instruments either, but I sang a lot while I was growing up and it was something I enjoyed doing. Never in my whole life did I ever think I’d be dancing on a stage in front of an audience though, but that also changed when I joined the club.” Soobin admitted.
“I really can’t wait to see you perform. I’ll get a front row seat, and I’ll be the one screaming my lungs out.” B says, laughing.
“If that’s the case then I’ll make sure to dance my heart out. I mean, if you’re gonna be giving it all with your lungs, might as well give it my best with all my heart as well.” Soobin says.
“Looking forward to seeing it.” B says, smiling up at him just as they reach the kitchen. “Oh, by the way, we should probably post stuff for our creative writing project too.”
“Oh, sure. Got any good pics from last night? I think I might have one.” Soobin says, whipping his phone out.
“I should probably be the one to post something though, since you posted something first.” B says, also taking out her phone. “We should each have at least one post every week.”
Soobin nods in agreement.
The two continue to look through their camera rolls until B exclaims “Ooh, I’ve got one!”
“Alright, I wanna see it.” Soobin says, attempting to look over B’s shoulder to peak at her phone.
“No way, you’ll see it when you post it! Let me just think of a caption.” B says, shielding her phone from Soobin’s curious eyes as she types out a caption.
Soobin’s phone pings with a notification, and he checks it.
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“Oh wow, I knew we took selfies together but who took this photo?” Soobin asks, transfixed. Were they really that close together last night? He had to admit that he wasn’t completely sober so the night was a bit fuzzy, but he didn’t realize that he had ever been in such proximity with B. Other than the moment she whipped cake off his face, of course. At the memory of that, he felt his cheeks start to warm up again.
“I think Yuna or Ryujin did? I’m sure it was one of them. We all airdropped each other all the photos we took from last night. There are a lot stolen photos, and most of them were highly unflattering, but this one seemed alright.” B says.
“Yeah, it seems alright.” Soobin says as he looks at the post again, noting how their faces were side by side, he could’ve rested his chin on her shoulder.
“Alright, now show me where the water bottles are.” B says, pocketing her phone.
“The what?” Soobin asks, his mind still on the post.
“The water bottles? I need to bring at least 5, which I probably couldn’t have carried all on my own, so it’s actually really good that you’re here. Now, where are they?” B asks.
“Ah, right. They’re here in the fridge.” Soobin says, walking over to the fridge and grabbing as much bottles as he could. “We’re gonna need way more than 5 by the way, so let’s just take as much as we can for now.”
“Alright, let’s go.” B says, cradling 4 bottles in her arms as Soobin pushes the refrigerator door close with his foot, his arms full of water bottles.
“Let’s go.” Soobin says, and the 2 of them head back to the designated practice room.
On Monday morning, B had to walk to school alone.
It was club recruitment day, and Taehyun had told her beforehand that he’d be going to school an hour earlier that usual in order to prepare for the busy day, especially since he was the vice president of the student council.
“Do you still wanna walk together, though? Or would you rather sleep in for an extra hour?” Taehyun had asked her through text the night before.
Of course, she chose sleep. As much as she loved walking with Taehyun to school everyday, she did not want to get up an hour earlier than she had to.
“Nah, it’s fine. I can walk alone. I’m sure it’ll be a busy day for you anyway, so don’t worry about me.” she responded.
Now, here she was, entering the campus alone.
She was surprised by how busy it was. Along the school grounds, several booths were set up, each with at least 3 people, calling people over, handing out flyers, holding up signup sheets. Most booths had small exhibits, music playing out of portable speakers, and some booths were even giving away snacks or candies to attract more people.
She was so amazed and overwhelmed by the scene in front of her that she almost didn’t notice Beomgyu approaching her with a polaroid camera and taking a quick picture of her.
“Ha! Gotcha, B!” Beomgyu says, laughing as he cradles his camera, waiting for the picture he just took to develop. Once it was done, he flapped it around for a bit before laughing and pocketing the picture. “That was a good one.”
“Gyu! Oh god, you surprised me. Didn’t see you coming. And what’s with the picture? Can I see it?” B says, a fist clutched to her chest. “Wow, so this is what club recruitment day is like?” she asks, looking around in amazement.
Beomgyu stands beside her and nods. “Nah, I think I’ll keep the picture to myself for now. And yup, pretty much. It can be pretty intimidating for freshmen and new students, but it’s all really fun.” he says. “In the morning we have the booths wherein people can check out what clubs are around, in the afternoon there’s the visitations so people can visit the rooms to check out what the clubs are like, then from 3PM onwards there’s the showcase in the auditorium wherein each club can put together a skit or performance to show off what they’ve got.” he explains.
B nods. “Wow, it seems so exciting.”
“It’s one of the busiest days of the school year, and it’s one of the hardest events to plan since it’s at the very start of the school year, so we were working on it even during the summer before classes started.” Beomgyu admits. “I’m part of 4 clubs, not including the student council, so it was a lot of work for me too. Especially since I’m the head of the Journalism club and in charge of the school paper.” he pouts.
“Aw, Gyu, it all looks great. You’ve done a great job.” B says, giving the boy a pat on the back. “Is that why you’re going around with a camera, by the way? For the school paper?”
Beomgyu nods. “Nah, these pictures are for my personal documentation though if I get any interesting pictures, I could use them for the paper. I do have a documentation team going around with cameras as well, but I like being behind the lens. Say cheese.” he says before quickly capturing a stolen photo of B once again.
“Gyu!” B screeches, caught off guard. “I better not see my face in any pictures on the school paper this month.”
“Don’t worry, I get to do final approvals for everything before each edition gets published.” Beomgyu says reassuringly. He smiles as the picture finishes printing and tucks it away in his pocket once again. “By the way, you interested?” he asks.
“In the school paper?” B asks. “Maybe. I write but I’m not sure if I’m any good at it, and I’m no pro at cameras either. I actually don’t know what clubs I might join.” B admits.
“Oh, maybe I can help you with that. I can walk with you for a bit, show you around the booths, try to see if anything interests you.” Beomgyu offers, which B gladly accepts.
“Are you interested in anything in particular? Got any hobbies?” Beomgyu asks as they begin walking around.
“Hm, I’m not sure. Got any clubs about reading? Or anything about animals?” B asks hopefully.
“For reading? I think there’s the literature club. That’ll be nice if you’re a fan of books and poetry and stuff. And if you’re an animal lover, you should definitely check out the HTA. That’s the Humane Treatment of Animals club. They’ve set up an animal shelter within the school and do a lot of volunteer work with animal rescue and stuff.” Beomgyu says.
“Okay, now those sound very interesting to me.” B says. “Do you know where their booths are? Can you show me?”
Beomgyu nods. “The council was highly involved in planning for today’s activities, and we had to approve of the booth layouts, so I think I remember where the booths are positioned. This way.” he says, leading them through rows of booths.
B could see then how much of a big deal extracurricular activities were at MOA. All the students seemed to be pumping with energy. She’d lost count of the number of times she had been offered flyers for different clubs by the time they reached the booth for the literature club.
The students managing the booth engaged her in a quick introduction about the club and their activities and had given her a flyer as well. Included in the flyer was the location of the club’s room and the schedule for the day. She gladly accepted it and put her name into the signup sheet.
“Alright, that’s good. Your first signup! Next stop, the HTA. I believe their booth is this way, right next to the—” Beomgyu begins, but he’s cut off by a shrill shriek.
“Baba! Baba!” Kai squeals as Beomgyu and B walk past the Art Club’s booth.
“—Art Club.” Beomgyu finishes, as Kai runs over from inside the booth, right to where they were standing.
Kai gives B a big hug as he joins her side. “Baba! Come check out the Art Club!” Kai says excitedly.
“Ningning, hey!” B says, surprised to see him.
“Wait you two, say cheese real quick.” Beomgyu says, pointing his polaroid camera at them. The 2 happily oblige and instantly pose, with Kai wrapping an arm around B’s waist and B lifting an arm up all the way to the top of Kai’s head in a peace sign, and Beomgyu pockets the picture once it’s done.
“Are you here to check out the Art Club?” Kai says excitedly.
“Ah, the Art Club. Of course.” she says, eyeing the booth. “I almost forgot that you were the president.”
“Of course I’m the president. My club’s the best club on the campus. Here, take a flyer.” Kai says, practically shoving one into her hands. “You too, Gyu.” he says, as he shoves one in the boy’s face. “By the way, what are you doing with Baba? I thought you were supposed to be manning the Journalism Club’s booth.” he asks suspiciously.
“Psh, just ‘cause I’m club president doesn’t mean I should be stuck watching over the booth. It’s all a matter of delegation.” Beomgyu says smugly. “Besides, I’d rather be walking around and capturing all the action than be stuck behind a booth all morning.”
Kai looks torn for a moment, like he wanted to abandon his booth and join Beomgyu and B, but he just shakes his head. “As much as I’d love to join you guys, I can’t abandon my booth. Not at the last minute, at least.” he says, pouting.
B laughs at the boy. “C’mon, Ningning, you’re doing great. Look, your signup sheet’s all full already!” she says, noticing the clipboard on the table.
“Don’t worry, we always have room for more. Here.” Kai says, taking the clipboard and flipping the sheet over to reveal another page full of free space. “Sign up, Baba! It won’t automatically mean you’re signing up to be a member, but it saves you a spot for the room visits this afternoon.” he adds, noting how hesitant B looked.
“Alright, I guess it wouldn’t hurt.” B says, signing her name on the sheet. She had no intentions of joining the art club since she was never talented at any form of art, but she figured it wouldn’t hurt to check it out, especially since her best friend was the president of the club.
“Yay, thanks Baba! See you later!” Kai says excitedly. “Where are you guys headed, anyway? Signed up for any other clubs yet?” he asks.
“We were headed to the HTA booth.” Beomgyu answers.
“Ah yeah, I almost forgot how much of an animal lover you are.” Kai says. “Their booth is right next door.”
“Yeah, I’m actually thinking of getting a pet soon, since I have my own apartment now.” B says. “Alright, we’ll check out the booth now. Later, Ningning!” she says, waving at her best friend as she and Beomgyu walk away.
“Are you really thinking of getting a pet for your apartment?” Beomgyu asks curiously. “What kind of pet would you want?”
“I like a lot of animals, I find them all really adorable.” B admits. “But I think I’d really want to get a cat, or maybe a couple of bunnies.”
“Oh, are those your favorite animals?” Beomgyu asks. “I’ve got a pet parrot, his name is Toto. You should meet him someday, he’s really sweet.” he says fondly.
Just then, they see Soobin standing outside the HTA booth, handing out flyers to people passing by. There was just one detail about him that caused Beomgyu and B to burst out laughing instantly.
He was wearing bunny ears made out of balloons on his head.
Beomgyu quickly snapped a picture with his polaroid camera while B quickly whipped her phone out to take pictures as well.
The sound of their laughter and the flash from Beomgyu’s camera caused Soobin to notice them, and his face instantly went red as he did.
“Gyu! B! What are you doing?” he wails, covering his face and turning away from them.
“Soobin! You look adorable!” B manages to say in between bursts of laughter.
“So this is how the HTA manages to get so many recruits every year.” Beomgyu says, amused. “Now I’m not surprised. Using you as a mascot is genius. No one can resist you, Soobinie.” he says teasingly.
“Oh, shut up.” Soobin says, his face still red. “What are you guys even doing here?”
“I was just helping B find clubs that she might be interested in.” Beomgyu says, casually draping an arm over her shoulders. “She says she’s an animal lover, so I figured she’d wanna check out the HTA, and now here we are. And here you are.”
B nods. “Yeah, Gyu told me that the club do a lot of volunteer work and even set up an animal shelter within the school, and I was instantly hooked. I really love animals.” she says with a twinkle in her eye.
Soobin smiles. “You’ve come to the right place, then. Here, have a flyer.” he says, offering her a flyer, which she gladly accepts.
She reads through the flyer then, her excitement to join the club growing by the minute. “Oh wow, now this is my kinda club.” she says. “Are you the club president, Soobin?”
“Yup. You interested? Wanna sign up?” he asks hopefully.
“Definitely! I’m already looking forward to joining.” B says, as Soobin hands her the clipboard with the signup sheet, which she gamely signs.
“Great! I guess we’ll be expecting you to drop by the club sometime after lunch for the visitations? The club’s location is on the flyer, so try your best not to lose it.” Soobin says.
“Sure thing. See you then.” B says excitedly.
“Hey, you two, say cheese!” Beomgyu says, pointing his polaroid camera at them. Soobin and B stand side by side and smile, but Beomgyu lowers his camera as he looks at them. “Okay, maybe pose a bit and say cheese? Come on, don’t just stand there.” he whines.
Soobin gives Beomgyu a look and B just rolls her eyes. She holds her arms out to Soobin and slowly steps closer towards him until her arms surrounded his body, and she closed them around him. He lets out a surprised laugh and decides to go along with it as he wraps his arms around her too. Slightly embarrassed, she squeezes her eyes shut and smiles. Just then, Beomgyu snaps a picture.
“Okay, that was a pretty good shot.” he says. He holds it up once its done developing, examining it one more time, before pocketing it.
“You know, that’s like the 4th picture you’ve taken of me this morning, yet I haven’t seen a single one of them.” B says as she steps away from Soobin. “Can I have at least one of them?” she asks.
“Nope, I keep all of the polaroids that I take. I’ve got a whole collection of them. I can print you out some copies if you want, though.” Beomgyu offers,
“Yes please, I’d really like that.” B says. “I’d also like to see your collection someday. Seems interesting.”
“Don’t worry, I’ll make sure to show you if you ever stop by my place.” Beomgyu says. “Well, that’s all the club you wanted to check out, right? Anything else you wanna do before lunch? Wanna check out other booths? I think Tyun’s managing the Debate Club’s booth, and Yeonjun’s probably at the Dance Club’s booth. We can stop by the Journalism club’s booth too so I can see how things are going.” Beomgyu offers.
“Sure thing, whatever you wanna do, Gyu. Lead the way.” B says.
“Alright, let’s go! See you later, Soobin.” Beomgyu says to the boy with the bunny ears.
“See you later.” Soobin responds.
“I’ll be sure to drop by the HTA later. See you then!” B says, giving a small wave before Beomgyu drags her along with him and they disappear into the booths once again.
“Hold still.”
“I’m trying.”
“Try harder, just hold still.”
“I literally haven’t moved since you started.”
“I said hold still, Baba!” Kai exclaims, trying his best to sketch her as accurately as possible.
“I am!” B says, smiling through her teeth. It was already after lunch, and visitations had already started. Her first stop was at the Literature Club, and it seemed interesting enough. They presented more information about the club and what activities they’d be offering for the school year. She was on her way to the HTA when she ran into Kai, who all but kidnapped her and dragged her into the Art Club.
She figured spending a few minutes in the art club wouldn’t hurt, especially since Kai had been so excited to pull her into the room. But then he insisted that she let him do a quick sketch of her, and B realized a little too late that it meant she’d have to stick around a little bit longer than she had planned.
It’s been 15 minutes since Kai had first told her to hold still, and she was starting to lose patience. When her phone alarmed with a notification, she was relieved to have an excuse to move. She sees that it’s a message from Soobin and she replies as quick as she can.
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B locked her phone and put it back in her pocket, feeling much more better than she did a minute ago. She told herself that she only had to hold still for 5 more minutes, and she hoped that Kai would let her go once Soobin arrived.
Sure enough, after 5 more minutes of holding still, B heard one of the art club members exclaim “President Choi! What are you doing here? Are you looking for Hueningkai?”
Kai’s head snaps up from his work upon hearing his name. “Younghoon, who are you talking to? Is that Soobin?”
The art club member, Younghoon, answers “Yes, he says he’s looking for someone.”
“Alright, welcome him in.” Kai says, putting his work down. B sighed in relief as Soobin walked into the room. When his eyes met hers, he gave her a quick wink, knowing that he was doing her a favor.
“Hyuka, hey! How’s the president of the art club doing?” Soobin says, walking over to Kai and giving his shoulders a squeeze.
“I’m doing good, we got a lot of signups today and the visits have been going really well.” Kai responds. “And how’s the president of the HTA doing?”
“Stressing out a bit, that’s actually why I’m here. I need  help with tracking down one of the campus cats. We were hoping to introduce all the campus animals during recruitment day but there’s one cat that we haven’t seen around in days. All my members have their hands full with the signups and visitors, so I was hoping I could find an extra pair of helpful hands here?” Soobin says, looking pointedly at B.
“Oh, I don’t know, Soobin. The art club’s pretty busy right now, too. I could ask some of my officers if they could help you?” Kai offers.
“Nonsense, your officers should stay here. I’ll go, I’m not I’m not needed here anyway. And I already had plans to stop by the HTA, so I think it would be nice if I could help out.” B insists.
Kai lets out a sigh. “Alright, I guess I’ll finish your portrait some other time.” he says.
“You sure you won’t mind? You can stay here if you want, I can try checking out the debate club if Taehyun can help.” Soobin asks innocently. Wow, he was good at this.
B smiles. “No need for that, I’m happy to help. I love cats anyway, I’m sure it’ll be fun.”
Kai waves the two of them goodbye, and they leave the art club together.
“Is there really a missing cat around the campus?” B asks, concerned.
Soobin shakes his head. “Nope. I just made it up. The cats and dogs in campus never wander far, so it’s easy to keep track of them all.”
“Wow you’re surprisingly good at lying then.” B says, impressed. “Oh, I can’t wait to meet them all! How many animals are there in the campus.”
Soobin just gives her a smile and says “You’ll see.” as they continue to make their way across the campus until they reach the edge of the school grounds, where a small cabin was located surrounded by a garden.
“This is another part of the campus that I haven’t been to yet.” B says. “Now, I’m really glad that you came, cause I don’t think I would’ve been able to find this place on my own.”
Soobin laughs and says “You’re very welcome, then.” as they step into the threshold of the garden. “B, welcome to the Humane Treatment of Animals, or the HTA in short. The club was established a few years ago when some animal-loving students noticed just how many cats and dogs were freely roaming the campus. They decided to assemble interested members, and with the permission of the school board, they were able to have this small area built within the campus grounds as a donation.”
“That sounds pretty impressive, it’s a good thing that those students took the initiative to do all this.” B says, staring at the establishment in wonder. Soobin leads her to the small cabin and opens the door for her.
As they step into the room, they’re met with the other members and officers of the club welcoming the other students who have signed up. And also, B couldn’t help but let out a little squeal as she saw cats and dogs all around the place, some were peacefully sleeping in random spots, some were rubbing up against the students and asking for attention, and there was one white cat that was right by the door as they walked in, and gave them a little meow.
“Oh my god, who is this cutie?” B says, instantly crouching down to examine the cat, who was rubbing itself against her feet. She offers a hand in front of the cat’s face, and the cat starts to nuzzle its face into her hand, which instantly makes her melt.
“Ah, that little guy’s name is Tobin. He’s the one in the picture I sent you earlier, one of my favorites. He’s very friendly, he loves to get pets and cuddles, but he’ll beg incessantly for food once he gets a whiff of anything that smells delicious to him.” Soobin says, joining B and Tobin on the floor as he crouches down as well.
“So if I join this club, I get to hang out with Tobin and all these animals every Friday?” B asks. “Count me in.”
Soobin grins at her then. “Alright, I’ll get you a copy of the official membership form. Have it filled in before the end of the day. All forms will be collected after the showcase this afternoon, so it gives everyone enough time to finalize which clubs they want to join.”
B shakes her head. “I have zero doubts in my mind that this is the club for me. If you give me the form now, I’ll fill it up and submit it right here, on the spot.”
And so he does.
B spent the rest of the time for club visitations at the HTA, getting to know the other members and cuddling up with all the animals under the club’s care. When Soobin announced that he had to go to the auditorium to do final preparations for the showcase, B asks him if she could tag along.
“I wanna make sure to get good seats, front row, right in the center.” she says, so Soobin allows it. Once they reached the auditorium, he went backstage with the rest of the organizers and performers, and she secured 3 seats in the front row, texting Yuna and Ryujin to come join her. The auditorium was already fairly full despite there being 30 minutes before the showcase started, and soon enough Yuna and Ryujin walked in and joined her.
The three girls start catching up, talking about everything that had transpired over the weekend, from Hueningkai’s surprise party all the way up to club recruitment day, which Ryujin and Yuna didn’t have much to do with since they had already joined clubs since they freshmen year.
They were so caught up in talking that they didn’t notice how full and busy the auditorium was, and it was only when someone from backstage announced “Please settle down, the showcase will begin in 5 minutes” did they notice how much time had passed since they started talking.
“Wait, there is one thing I’ve been dying to know all weekend.” Yuna asks with a glint in her eye.
“Oh, me too. I think I know what you’re talking about.” Ryujin says, looking at Yuna knowingly.
B looks back and forth to her left and right at the 2 girls. “Well, don’t just look at each other like that, what is it?”
The 2 girls give each other sly smiles before turning to B, who was sitting in the middle of them. “What did you and Yeonjun do during your 7 minutes in heaven?”
B could feel her cheeks heat up, remembering once again what she had been trying to push out of her mind the whole weekend. “Nothing much, we just talked, played 20 questions to pass the time. He was really nice.” she tries to say as casually as possible.
“Come on, you’re blushing like crazy!” Yuna says, laughing at how red B’s face was.
“Spill it!” Ryujin exclaims, poking B’s sides until she finally caved.
“Alright, fine, but promise me you won’t tell a single soul about this. I haven’t told anyone about this, not even Hueningkai, so if this information somehow circulates, I know it’ll be because of you two.” B says reluctantly.
“You know we wouldn’t do that to you.” Ryujin says. “We promise we won’t tell anyone, now spill it.”
B takes a deep breath and lets out a sigh before saying “Yeonjun asked me out.”
Yuna squeals in delight while Ryujin just smirks. “Why am I not surprised.” she says smugly. “So what happened? How was it? Are you two secretly dating now?”
“No no, nothing happened. I turned him down.” B admits, and that’s when Yuna and Ryujin actually looked surprised.
“What? You turned him down? Why?!” Yuna asks, completely baffled.
“He’s my friend, and he’s one of my best friend’s best friends, I don’t wanna mess anything up. Imagine how awkward the group dynamic would be.” B says defensively.
“But it’s Choi Yeonjun!” Yuna exclaims. “Oh gosh, I know I’ve had the biggest crush on Kai in like forever, but if Choi Yeonjun asked me out, I would’ve said yes in a heartbeat.”
“It’s complicated, I just don’t want to complicate things, is all.” B says.
“Yuna, hush, we have to respect B’s decision.” Ryujin says, patting the girl on her knee. “B, how did Yeonjun take it? Are things okay between you two or are they weird?”
“He seemed fine with it, he said he understood, and I don’t sense any awkwardness so far. I told him I liked our friendship too much to risk complicating things, then he said something about our friendship changing in 2 weeks, which I don’t really understand but I laughed it off anyway. I’m hoping that’ll be the end of that and that we’ll be able to move past it without it affecting our friendship.” B explains.
“Wait, what about 2 weeks? What did he say exactly?” Ryujin asks.
“Sounds like he’s got something planned for the next 2 weeks? Is that it?” Yuna asks, intrigued.
“No I don’t think it’s like that. I didn’t really understand, but he said—” B starts, but she gets cut off when the lights in the auditorium suddenly go out and music starts blaring as everyone’s eyes focus on the stage, the showcase starting.
The showcase was interesting and entertaining enough. Each club had an allotted time to present whatever they wanted to. The different sports teams held a short fashion show that showcased each team’s uniforms with each team captain making a short speech to announce tryouts, which earned cheers and cheers from the audience when Yeonjun, Soobin and Hueningkai were spotted strutting on stage wearing their basketball jerseys. The film club presented one of their latest projects. The photography club showed a slideshow of pictures taken earlier that day and the film club put together a video as a sort of highlight reel from the club recruitment day. B had lost count of how many clubs had showed their presentations when the announcer finally said:
“And now, the moment you’ve all been waiting for, an exclusive performance from the Jazzed Club, starring MO Academy’s very own Student Council! Debuting the club’s latest composition entitled ‘Boy In Luv,’ please put your hands together for Jazzed!”
The screams were deafening as the 5 members of the student council appeared on stage, wearing their school uniforms stylized in different ways.
B had seen them rehearse the choreography at Soobin’s house, but nothing prepared her for their performance.
Kai opened the performance, which immediately got the audience screaming. Next, Beomgyu’s deep vocals dominated the auditorium, and Soobin’s rapping was heard for the very first time, and everyone seemed surprised by how good he was at it, judging by the escalating cheers from the audience when he started.
But nothing surprised B more than when it was Yeonjun’s turn to sing as he was front and center on stage, dancing and expertly making eye contact with the audience. It was no surprise that he was an amazing performer, but what got B’s jaw to drop was when his found somehow found hers in the audience as he rapped the words “But, I’m going to flip the situation, from friends to lovers” and winked right at her before Taehyun took his turn.
When that happened, B felt her heart pound as Ryujin and Yuna each grabbed her arms and started screaming incoherently. She tried her best to focus on the rest of the performance, but all she could think of was Yeonjun and what he just did.
As the performance ended and the 5 boys bowed onstage before waving at the audience once more, B could still feel her heart pounding as she cheered along with the audience.
Kai and Soobin found her face in the crowd and started jumping up and down, waving their arms in the air with excitement. She waved back, cheering as loud as she could, and she could feel her heartbeat start to slow back to normal.
Just then, Yeonjun’s eyes met hers once again, and he gave her a small wave and a bright smile before winking at her once again. And just like that, her heart started to pound again.
“Looks like Choi Yeonjun’s got his eye on you.” Ryujin says in B’s ear.
B puts a hand on her chest, feeling how fast it was beating, and wondering what exactly it meant.
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taehyungiestummy · 5 years ago
Stuck -- Chapter Thirteen
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Word Count: 4000
           “Good, good,” Mr. Son nods a few times as I walk over to grab my water bottle.
           “Thanks,” I sputter out, chugging water in the next second. I came to the studio with Taehyung as the sun was rising, and it’s well passed lunch now. The boys and I were able to stretch together before I was rushed off to do my training. A small lunch break was allowed with the boys, but then it was right back to work once the food was gone. Now, my legs are sore, my body is sweaty, and my brain is low in the tank. I’ve been practicing my dance almost nonstop, and I understand the boys a lot better because of it.
           “The boys will be impressed with this,” Mr. Son speaks up. “I think just a few more days, and you will be ready to show off your skill.”
           “Already?” I cough as I choke on some water. “It seems like I just started learning it.”
           “It’s been about a month,” he runs a hand over his beard. “You’ve worked hard, and that last run was almost flawless.”
           “The stumble was because my brain is firing on the last cylinder. I’ve never worked like this, and any work out has never lasted this long. It’s hard.”
           “You are doing great, and it’s no doubt that you are tired. It’s getting late. IN fact, I’m sure it’s dark out. Do some stretches and I’ll go get Taehyung.”
           “Oh, I’m sorry, if I sounded like I was complaining. I can go again if you want me to. I’m not out of energy just yet.”
           Mr. Son chuckles, “I’m sure you do, but you’ve been here all day. You need to go home, take a bath, eat dinner, and cuddle with your dogs and boyfriend.”
           I giggle, “That does sound nice.”
           “Stretch and Taehyung will be in to take you home,” he nods before exiting the room.
           I sigh, sinking down onto the floor and wiping my forehead with a towel. The effects of the day finally hitting me, and I’m glad that I get to go home.
           “Hey jagiya,” Taehyung enters the room, a tender smile on his face. “You look tired. I’ll have to carry you out to the car.”
           “What? No, you’re tired to,” I struggle to stand back up. “Gah, my legs,” I bend down and snatch up my water bottle.
           “I don’t think you can walk,” he smirks. “Come on, I’ll give you a piggy back ride, and we can pan what to do when we get home.”
           I sigh, allowing Taehyung to help me climb onto his back. “It’s a good thing all I brought was my water bottle.”
           Taehyung gives my thighs a squeeze, bouncing me a few times. “I have arm muscles. I can carry a lot so don’t you worry. And, you are light.”
           I giggle, giving Taehyung a kiss on the cheek. “You are very sweet.”
           “A man is supposed to take care of his girl,” he gets us through the door of the practice room, heading for the elevator.
           “Don’t you have anything?”
           “Jungkook is bringing my stuff down,” Taehyung steps inside the elevator, pushing the button to get to the bottom level.
           “Nice of him. Is anyone else leaving now?”
           “A few of them, yes. I was thinking that some days, like Jimin and Jungkook could come over after practice. Stay the night. If you were okay with it.”
           “Of course, I’d be okay with it. Just not tonight.”
           The elevator hits the ground, and the doors open shortly after. Taehyung steps, walking for the front door. When we get outside, the cold air hits me, and I’m not shocked the stars are out.
           “It’s so pretty out,” I yawn, taking in the stars.
           “What do you want to do when we get home?” Taehyung begins his way to our car.
           “Take a bath while you make me dinner,” I wiggle my fingers at Jungkook standing by our care.
           “Anything you are craving?” Taehyung unlocks the car, scaring Jungkook.
           “Kookie, are yo alright?” I carefully slide off Taehyung’s back, leaning on the passenger side door. “And no, Tae. Make me whatever you feel like.”
           “I’m okay, adorable girl,” Jungkook flashes me a big smile. “Here, hyung,” he hands Taehyung a backpack.
           “Thanks man,” Taehyung pats the younger boy’s shoulder. “I need to get my princess home to rest.”
           “Of course,” Jungkook steps up to me. “Did you work hard today, Amber?”
           I puff my cheeks out a bit, nodding a few times.
           “I get to make her dinner, and she’s taking a bath,” Taehyung has a boxy smile on his face.
           “Sounds nice,” Jungkook pokes my cheek to force the air out. “Good way to relax. When we come over next time, video games will be our way to relax.”
           “I bet,” I yawn, opening the car door. “Tae, let’s go, please,” I pout. “Kookie, I love you, and I’ll see you bright and early tomorrow. Send my love to the others.”
           “Love you too,” Jungkook pats my head. “Go get some rest, and I’ll let the boys know.”
           I climb into the car, shutting the door behind me.
           Taehyung and Jungkook talk quietly between themselves for a few minutes. Then Jungkook walks off, and Taehyung climbs into the driver seat.
           “What was that about?” I yawn, looking at my boyfriend with hooded eyes.
           “Just boy talk,” he places a hand on my thigh. “Nothing to worry about. You just need to focus on the relaxing bath you will get when we get home. One day, we’ll take one together.”
           I smile, feeling my cheeks heat up, “Sure, we can do that some other time. Just, take us home. I’ve missed you, and want to spend the few hours before bed with you.”
           “Your wish is my command, princess.”
           “Little one, are you performing for us today?” Yoongi comes up behind me, massaging my shoulders.
           I melt into the boy’s piano fingers; the knots in my shoulders unraveling in a moment. “I am. I’ve practiced hard, and I’m ready to show you all.”
           After two more days of intense dance practice, Mr. Son and I decided it was time to show the boys what I learned. It was also the perfect time because we leave for Japan in a couple days.
           “I look forward to it,” Yoongi kisses my cheek, rubbing the tension out of my back before walking away.
           “There’s my cute jagiya,” Taehyung beams as he walks into the room with the rest of the boys.
           “Here I am,” I raise my hands, nervously giggling.
           “You sound nervous,” Namjoon shakes his head. “How many times do I have to tell you that we love and accept you for you?”
           “More, because I can’t seem to trust it,” I make sure my ponytail is tight and in place. “But, it is working. If slowly.”
           “You’ve grown a lot, kid,” Hoseok smiles as the boys begin taking seats on the floor. “Just, keep it up. We’ll keep helping as much as we can.”
           “Okay Amber, are you ready?” Mr. Son speaks up.
           “Ready,” I nod, moving to the center of the room. “I see Jimin and Seokjin are on recording duty.”
           “Of course,” Jimin and Seokjin lower their phones slightly.
           “We need to have this moment recorded for future viewing,” Jimin gives me a wink. “I’m sure it’s going to be amazing.”
           “Quiet please, boys,” Mr. Son says. “Amber, let’s go.”
           The music starts up, and I take on my dancing person. ‘Miss Right’ is what starts out the routine. I strut around, swinging my hips and blowing kisses to the boys. Then Namjoon’s rap starts up. I point at my temple when he says mind, and run my hands over my sides when he says body.
           The boys whistle at my actions, cheering me on. Taehyung’s cheeks even have a light pink tint to them.
           As the rap continues, I do body rolls at the more suggestive lyrics. Everything else is a lewd ballot-type dance. Then, before the chorus can start, it switches songs. As the first born singer is sung out, I put my hand up in a stop gesture. Then the fun begins. I let the chorus run it’s course, turning my hand and doing a come hither motion with my index finger. A laugh escapes my lips before I can stop the action. Yoongi’s rap begins, and that’s when I start dancing the chorus bits from BTS’s songs. ‘No More Dream’ melts into ‘N.O.’ and then ‘War of Hormone melts into ‘Danger.’ This is followed by ‘I Need U,’ ‘Dope,’ ‘Run,’ and lastly ‘Baepsae.’ I may have learned a lot of choreography of the boys, but those were my favorites.
           The end segment truly is a mash-up of ‘Born Singer’ and ‘Miss Right.’ I run my hands over my sides, body rolling once again. Some cute moves thrown in there. Then, as the song is coming to an end, I do the jump I’ve worked hard to perfect. I push off my right foot, and as my body stays parallel to the ground, I spin over, landing on my left foot. With a small twist, I am facing the boys, my hand reaching out for them. The song cuts out, and the boys burst into cheering. Claps, voiced praises, and big smiles.
           It’s then that I notice the huge smile spread on my face. Makes it easier to breathe as my mouth is open.
           Yoongi took his phone out at some point, and looks to be taking pictures. That gummy smile I love on his face.
           My gaze flickers to my boyfriend. His face more serious than I imagined it would be, but with a smirk on his lips. There’s an intensity in his eyes I’ve never seen before and can’t identify. He is up and striding over to me in the next second. A man on a mission to do something to me as the boys call out to him.
           “Tae?” I whisper.
           His hands raise up to cup my face; the palm of his hand on my cheeks, thumbs by my nose, and his four other fingers stretching into my hair. Then his lisp crash onto mine. The boys whistle as Taehyung presses his body closer to mine. My hands gripping his shoulders, so I don’t fall. He runs his tongue over my lips, but pulls away before he loses control, resting his forehead on mine and rubbing his nose across mine. “I love you so much. My god, I love you so very much. I knew, but seeing you do what I love so much right now, it like really set in. I’m beyond happy right now. Words can’t describe what I am feeling. So much love for you.”
           I giggle, pressing my lips to his for a quick second. “I love you too, Tae. So very much. Telling each other always makes me feel so happy. I love you.
           “I love you,” he lovingly smiles.
           “I love them and hate them,” Jimin groans.
           “But, they’re both so happy,” Seokjin replies. “Just be happy for them.”
           “We’re happy for them,” Jungkook sighs. “Sad for ourselves.”
           “Mr. Son,” Taehyung brings his face away from mine, looking over my head. “Can you make a dance for my jagi and me?”
           “Well,” Mr. Son chuckles. “I could. I’ll think about it.”
           “Hear that?” Taehyung wraps his arms around my middle, lifting me up to spin me around. “We might dance together. For real.”
           I burst into laughter, “I heard, Tae. Please, put me down. You have to practice.”            He wiggles me a bit before setting me down. “You’ll be staying here today, right?”
           “Yes,” I run my hand through his hair. “Now, get your ass in gear. I don’t want to be here all day.”
           He chuckles, pressing a kiss to my lips. “Okay, let’s get our asses in gear then.”
           “It’s amazing that we are going to Japan,” I giggle, leaning into Taehyung. “Plane rides are fun when I’m with my favorite person,” I look up to see him looking down at me. “I love you.”
           Taehyung goofily smiles, causing me to do the same. “I love you, princess.” He taps my nose, “Why are you so cute and energetic? Not that I mind. It warms my heart.”
           “I don’t know,” I poke his tummy a few times. “Maybe it’s because of what you said after my dance. It’s made me so happy. I want to me more like you. Giddy a lot.”
           “I like it,” he kisses my forehead. “Sleepy, ready for pillow talk is also one of my favorites.”
           “I like you all the time. But not when you are angry,” I pout.
           “Aw, baby, I try not to get angry,” he runs his thumb over my pushed out bottom lip. “I’ve been pretty annoyed at times, and acted like a child, that is for sure.”
           I make an attempt to bite his thumb, but he’s too fast. “I’ll try not to annoy you then.”
           “You’d have to do a lot to get on my nerves,” he gives me a quick kiss.
           “Well, I can get pretty can’t-stop-talking rambles sometimes. I’m sure you’ll get annoyed at me one day.”
           “Jagiya, don’t think that way. You just have to be careful when I’m tired, but we are usually tired at the same time, so no need to worry.”
           “I guess,” I fix my glasses, so they don’t slide off my face. “It’s so nice flying first class this year. It is so nice up here.”
           “Only the best for my princess,” he giggles, pressing another kiss to my lips. “And we make more money now since we are a lot more popular. So we get to do more and travel in better style.”
           “That makes sense,” I nod a few times. “Say, can we do a Hangul lesson?”
           “Ah,” Taehyung’s face lights up with a big smile. “Yes. Get your notebook out, and we will get a few lessons in on this ride.”
           “Sweet,” I sit up, reaching under my chair to get my backpack.
           “Too bad you can’t sit on my lap,” he runs his tongue over his lips. “It’s easier for me to help with the symbols.”
           “And you are a pervert,” I slap his arm.
           “You like it too,” He’s leaned into me, lips brushing against my ear as he whispers. “You like being that close to me. One day we’ll be as close as two people can be.”
           My face is on fire, and I can feel the tips of my ears heating up. “Oppa,” I whine. “Tae, please, my face is so hot.”
           “Sorry,” he kisses my cheek, ruffling my hair. “I’ll keeps those comments to alone time. When you are on my lap.”
           I shove my boyfriend, pulling the notebook I use for Hangul out of my backpack along with two pencils. “You are terrible.”
           “Terribly lovable,” he grabs a pencil. “Does that work?”
           “You are lovable,” I open up my notebook to a blank page. “So very loveable.”
           “I’ll show you all the love I have for you one day. Hopefully sooner than later.”
           “Tae,” I groan, rolling my eyes. “I said no more.”
           “Come on, you must think about us like that sometimes.”
           “Really? Well, I mean, I, I,” I cough to clear my throat of nothing. “Tae, this is embarrassing.”
           “You know I do,” he pinches my cheek. “It’s okay. Natural even.”
           “I am an ARMY, I see things, and I know I can get it if I want. But, it’s too soon.”
           “You are beating around the bush,” he messes with my glasses. “Do you or don’t you?”
           “I’m not talking about this,” I look down at my notebook.
           “You have,” he gasps. “Princess, I knew you could be naughty.”
           “What is the symbol for rain?”
           “Excuse me?”
           “You were giving me a lesson. I can just play video games if you don’t want to teach me.”
           “Here, this is rain,” he leans over, slowly writing out the symbol.
           “I think about you all the time. Sometimes cute, sometimes fighting, and yes, even sometimes as  intimate as two people can be. Now drop it for the time being.”
           “After a kiss,” Taehyung grabs my chin, turning me face towards him. “Not so innocent princess.” His lips mold with mine.
           I pull away after a moment. “Let’s kiss after some more progress with Hangul.”
           “Of course, jagi,” he pecks my nose. “Now, do rain a few times for me.”
           “There’s something about shopping with you guys that makes me enjoy it,” I boxy smile around at all the boys.
           The eight of us are walking down the street of a shop-packed street. Seokjin, Hoseok, and Namjoon are leading the pack. The three of them glance back at me before going back to their conversation. Jungkook and Jimin are coming up the back, poking my sides when I look back at them. Then, I have my left arm linked with Yoongi, and Taehyung is pressed up against my right side.
           “You are spending too much time with Tae,’ Yoongi shakes his head. “Your smile is looking like his. Rectangle and big.”
           “Isn’t it the cutest?” Taehyung giggles. “She tries to smile like me, and I just melt inside.” He adjusts the bags in his hands.
           We’ve been out shopping for a good part of the day. It feels like we’ve been in hundreds of stores, and dinner is approaching fast. I’ve bought a good amount of things; all being held by Taehyung. New clothes, plushies, jewelry for Emily and Nari, video games, manga’s, and notebooks. Everyone has a few bags with similar things, and will end up with a few more before shopping ends.
           “Amber is always adorable,” Jungkook speaks up.
           “Little ones, you have to mimic me somehow,” Yoongi pinches my arm.
           “Aw, Yoongi-oppa, are you jealous?” I chuckle.
           “Cutie, that’s brave,” Jimin says.
           “When I sleep, I curl up into a ball, just like you,” I rest my head on Yoongi’s shoulder. “I rap, like you.”
           “You both wear glasses,” Namjoon breaks into the conversation.
           “All of us that need glasses are wearing our glasses today,” I smile. “Tae, Yoongi, Jin, and me. I like it. Glasses are cool.”
           “If you say so,” Seokjin chuckles.
           “I’m getting more used to them,” Taehyung sighs. “Thank you princess, for all the compliments when I wear them.”
           “You’re welcome babe,” I lean over and rest my head on Taehyung’s arm. “We all deserve to be confident wearing whatever we choose.”
           “That’s the same reason we praise you, kid,” Hoseok glances back at me. “It’s all true, but how often we voice our thoughts is more to you.”
           “And I will be grateful for the rest of my life thanks to you guys.”
           “We love you,” Jimin speaks up. “And you love us.”
           “I do, that’s true,” I smile, pointing up at the sky for a few seconds. “Yet, only three of you have ever told me that you love me directly. Tae, Yoongi, and Kookie. Do you other four really love me?”
           “Of course,” Hoseok looks back at me, a big smile on his face. I love you, kid. Like another sister, just younger.”
           “I love you like a sister too,” Seokjin says. “As I should since Nari thinks of you as a little sister. One day, I’ll marry her, and then you’ll really be my little sister.”
           “Ah,” I squeal, standing up straighter. “You think about marrying Nari? That’s cute and the best.”
           Seokjin laughs, “Well, we are living together now, so the next step would be marriage, in a weird out of order kind of way. Same for you and Tae.”
           “One day,” I giggle as Taehyung kisses my temple.
           “I love you too, Amber,” Namjoon nods. “In the same way that Emily does.”
           “And I love you too,” Jimin whines. “I just didn’t want to say anything because of Tae.”
           “Because of Tae what?” Taehyung glares back at the boy.
           “Babe,” I run my free hand up his arm.
           “Well, you get jealous and I didn’t want you to hate me or something,” Jimin replies. “Last year you hated Amber complimenting me and me her. I didn’t want to seem like I was trying to take her.”
           “See Taehyung, everyone respects our relationship,” I poke my boyfriend in the side. “I love all of you too.”
           “I’m mature not,” Taehyung puffs out his chest. “I know that my jagi loves me, and I love her. And it’s a love that’s different than all of you. We get to kiss, and sleep together, and be close in any clothing.”
           “Such a dork,” Yoongi sighs, rolling his eyes. “I love you, little one, as the sister I wanted. The younger sibling I can protect.”
           “I love you,” Jungkook stammers out. “Like, a friend would. I don’t see you as a sister.”
           “And I don’t see you as a big brother,” I shrug. “So, it works itself out.”
           “Where are we going?” Taehyung asks.
           “I was going to ask you all where we should go,” Namjoon says.
           “One last store,” I yawn. “We’ve been out all day, and my feet are starting to kill me.”
           “I’ll carry you,” Jungkook blurts out.
           “No, Kookie, you won’t do that,” Seokjin sighs.
           “Yeah, I should carry her,” Jimin chuckles.
           “No,” I laugh, shaking my head. “No one is carrying me. Now, Namjoon, I think our last stop should be a music store.”
           “I agree,” Yoongi tugs me closer to him. “Music to end the day.”
           The conversation between the group lulls, and I am left to my thoughts. All the people rushing around the boys as they surround me. The eight of us look a bit out of place, but we don’t really care. We just want to have fun on one of our only days to go out and enjoy ourselves.
           I’m snapped out of my thoughts as Yoongi tugs me into a store that looks to specialize in music. The group splits up, and I find myself alone with Taehyung for the first time all day.
           “I can hold some bags, Tae,” I reach for the many bags in my boyfriend’s hands. “Oppa, don’t be so stubborn.”
           “A man carries his lady’s bags,” Taehyung smiles down at me. “Don’t worry, I’m strong.”
           “How come you keep referring to me as a lady?” I begin looking through albums.
           “Does it bother you?”
           “Makes me feel old,” I shrug. “I like the other pet names you have given me.”
           “Aw, then I’m sorry princess. I’ll stop calling you lady. Maybe I will start to call you wifey.”
           I awkwardly giggle. “Sorry, I just got embarrassed.”
           “Aw, no worries, jagi. It was cute. Your cheeks are a bit red. I can’t believe the effect I still have on you. I always want to have this effect on you.”
           “I’m sure you will,” I pull an album out to cheek it out. “Everyday my heart races a little bit when I first see you in the morning. Then, I calm down, realizing that we are together. You compliments just make my mind stutter because I don’t think I’ll ever get used to it.”
           “It’ll be worse when we are closer. Once we’ve gone all the way. I’m becoming more confident with each day I am with you.”
           “Yeah, now my ears feel hot. Thanks,” I stick my tongue out at him.
           “You’re welcome,” he smirks, touching his tongue to mine for a second.
           “Tae,” I slap his arm.
           “What? It’s just like French kissing.”
           I roll my eyes, going back to the albums. “Still.”
           “You liked it,” he chuckles. “Find the albums you want, and then we can join up with the others. I want to get back to the hotel to cuddle with you for a bit.”
           I smile, “That sounds nice. I’ll hurry up, so that we can get to cuddling sooner.”
Hope you enjoyed reading! I debated if I should make this a long chapter, or just move the last scene to the next chapter, but I thought, better to go long than short. :D
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camillesfm · 5 years ago
。· . ˙ ⌈ alva bratt + cis female + she / her + the  intangible concept ⌋  yo ,  have  you  meet  that  KOOK  ,  camille 'cj' petersen ,  yet ?  — no ?  well ,  to  give  you  a  little  heads  up  before  you  do  ,  they’re  a  TWENTY   year  old ,  PRE-LAW STUDENT  ,  and  have  been  living  in  coston  for  TWENTY . since  i’ve  known  them  ,  they’ve  reminded  me  of PALE PINK POINTE SHOES , CHAINS MADE OF WHITE CLOVERS , A PURPLE SKY JUST BEFORE SUNRISE , STEADY WAVES CRASHING AT LOW TIDE , AND SHATTERED & SCATTERED GLASS . usually  they’re  quite  LEVELHEADED  &  THOUGHTFUL  but  just  make  sure  you  keep  an  eye  out  for  them  around  town  because  i  heard  can  be  quite  RETICENT  &  ALOOF  as  well  so  here’s  hoping  they  aren’t  the  ones  to  undo  this  whole  peace  pact  they  have  going  on  this  summer .  but  just  between  you  &  me ,  i  kinda  hope it  all  falls  apart .  the  rivalry  keeps  this  whole  boring  town  interesting . –– this is cj . . . let’s just . . . dive into this mess ! 
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𝐁 𝐀 𝐂 𝐊 𝐆 𝐑 𝐎 𝐔 𝐍 𝐃 .
scarlett petersen is a name known statewide, as she’s the best corporate lawyer on the east coast, clever as the devil and twice as pretty with long blonde hair often pinned into a sleek ponytail. david petersen got his degree at vanderbilt university, moving on to get his phd at unc chapel hill where he could never quite shake that carolina blue. he’s been sitting chancellor for the past six years in tandem with a long term sports-medicine, neuroscience research project that studies the long term affects of brain damage in athletes in contact sports. they both hail from old money families, and long lines of success are continued in two people who hold appearance and accomplishment far above humility or even . . . . humanity lol. they’re good people, really . . . just not really the parenting type.
which is unfortunate! as.  well into their marriage, they had twins, caleb, first, and camille, ten minutes later. bright eyed and blonde haired, the perfect petersen babies were angels in their infancy, and it was easy to parent them . . . especially when they were paying someone else to do it.
caleb and camille grew up under the watchful eye of a rosy-cheeked nanny. think julie andrews as nanny in eloise. they were happy, but lonely, though you’d never guess it by their wide smiles in cuddled family portrait christmas cards. for all anyone else knew, scarlett and david were perfect parents, raising two beautiful children who they loved more than anything . . . but behind that iron gated entryway to a house on the coast was another story.
they liked their kids, sure, but whether or not they loved them was another question entirely. camille, growing up to be the spitting image of scarlett, was liked in the way a rare porcelain artifact was. she was a beautiful thing to behold; seen, not spoken to. shown off, not interacted with in anyway. held with delicate hands and passed around as a humble brag: look at this precious thing i’ve brought into the world. i bet mine’s better than yours. 
but as time passed, the novelty of having children seemed to wear off, and they were moving to the next big thing, the next big step in their careers. they weren’t around when camille began going by cj because it was easier for little voices to say. they weren’t around when blonde ringlets relaxed and grew darker. they weren’t around when she started to develop a personality of her own, interests of her own, talents of her own. christmas cards would go out, but rarely were they all together on christmas morning. thanksgivings were often spent with grandparents, as their parents worked through the holiday. they spent more and more time away from coston, leaving cj and caleb in nanny’s capable hands.
but life goes on, and sometimes it was easy to forget that it was abnormal not to have your parents around. as a youngin, cj was interested in everything. she took a liking to soccer and lacrosse, painting and drawing, piano and guitar . . . but somewhere in between a blue mat and pale pink pointe shoes, she found her thing.
it was obvious, from an early age, that cj was one hell of a dancer. disciplined and precise when she needed to be. creative and passionate when it called for it. gymnastics trained her strength, ballet trained her patience, contemporary pushed her limits with creativity, partner work taught her teamwork. dance was very clearly her best thing and her favorite thing.
her parents only ever attended recitals when it didn’t conflict with anything else on their schedules and when it was classical ballet. dance was a frivolous thing for them, but for cj it was everything. being a naturally shy kid, naturally timid in the shadow of her last name, she became a completely different person on stage who dominated a spotlight . . . without even needed a literal spotlight. ultimately, this is what she spent her life doing. monday through thursday evenings, dance. competitions and performances on the weekends. if neither were happening, you’d catch her teaching classes at coston’s local studio.
it’s what truly made her happy, but that wasn’t something her parents understood. caleb and nanny did, sure, but her parents? not one bit. someone would ask what she wanted to be when she grew up, and if dance was mentioned, she’d be cut off mid-sentence. they didn’t want to hear about it because it wasn’t logical. you can’t make a career out of it. it didn’t help much that her brother was the ideal child in that realm, charming and on a path to success in the medical field. they still had questionable motives, but they favored nonetheless.
sometimes it was a blessing; sometimes it was a curse. when she could slip under the radar, she was grateful, but it seemed that her parents had a keen eye for her screwups. any chance they had, they’d use to scold her or nudge her away from the pointe shoes.
so cj spent a lot of time being pristine in the way that was expected of her, never letting anyone know too much about her, only keeping a few friends close enough to really know her. she stayed out of trouble, kept up exceptional grades, smiled and nodded when necessary, and began catering to the idea that she’d go to law school, a fate pre-determined by her mother no doubt. 
nowadays, she attends brown university, pre-law. she’s a picturesque ivy league gal with a dark academia aesthetic when at school, but there’s a restlessness lingering under the surface. even she’s doing what her parents require of her, she never seems to live up to their unrealistic expectations. we rly do be . . . . waiting for her to have a complete breakdown . . . . aklsdfjha
𝐏 𝐄 𝐑 𝐒 𝐎 𝐍 𝐀 𝐋 𝐈 𝐓 𝐘 .
miss camille . . . better known around town as cj . . . is, above all else, the picture of serenity. she’s levelheaded and calm, and patient as all get out which is probably why she’s so damned accustomed to just going with what her parents thought of her. she’s really great to have in a crisis because very few things cause that steady nature of hers to crumble, and because she’s honestly. . . quietly very maternal. putting the needs of others before her own comes naturally.
she’s quiet and shy, yes, but just because she doesn’t speak doesn’t mean she doesn’t listen. she listens and sees and is . . . quite observant. there’s a way about her that notices the little things, which makes her quite thoughtful when it comes to the people she loves. if you’re lucky enough to be close to her, you can bet she quietly takes notes of little habits and favorites and carefully uses them to idk love ya better ya feel??
reticent comes from the fact that she doesn’t often let people get close to her. the way her parents treated her and caleb growing up has taken. .. . a toll for sure because honestly she’s terrified of disappointing people by shattering the mirror of perfection and revealing too much about herself that’s unexpected
aloof comes from the way she’s calm and quiet . . . and how that sometimes translates as apathy . . . on top of that she’s very daydreamy like she is That Bitch who is staring out of the window producing a whole move in her head which sometimes causes her to not hear when people are talking to her . . . cue the ‘hm? what?’ tuning back in
when i say cj is a different person when she’s dancing . . . . i mean it. like i REALLY mean it. she’s confident and expressive. her choreography tests the limits of tradition. she pushes boundaries when it comes to the physicality of performances. like u rly look at her being quiet and to herself in the corner at a country club event and then see her performing like she invented contemporary and ur like . .. . are u SURE that’s the same girl
people who know her most know her as warm. when she opens up, getting past the shy, she can be a little goofy, definitely has avery creative way about her, wants to know that you’re okay and if you’re not, how can she help ya know!! 
has a black cat named lucky because ya know . . . black cats are bad luck . . . ha ha ha ha . . . get it
the ‘j’ in cj is for her middle name . . . but no one really knows what her middle name is . . . except family and close, close friends 
absolutely hates the energy of the pogue/kook rivalry and thinks violence is most cERTAINLY not the way to go
often times found by the shoreline at night, just a little ways off from the petersen estate because she likes the way the waves sound as they roll in. it helps her think
is trying to make the best of law school by studying to become a defense attorney and she likes it! sort of! really, she just wants to dance for as long as she can and ultimately open up her own studio
definitely believes in wishing stars
bad case of insomnia
has a finsta dedicated to lucky
has a dance insta too . . . . but that’s lowkey bc her parents can’t know about it
please for the love of god watch this because charity and cj have the same energy
this also has cj energy
so does this . . . classical is fun when it’s telling a story and she loves a good pas de deaux but otherwise meh
my girl is physically . .. QUITE strong
says sorry WAY too often
incessant need to prove herself, prove her worth, since her parents never seem to find it
loves caleb sfm but will thump him in the forehead for mentioning he’s older
overachiever . . . . yikes
ABSOLUTELY burns the candle at both ends
idk if y’all watched high school musical the musical the series but gina . . . . . ..  minus the ‘mean girl’ plot they tried . . .. is v cj and bitch i hate to say it but neville longbottom??? also a cj mood LMAO
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rudeinterrupti0ns · 6 years ago
Amazon Prime Concert
ok here are all my thoughts about the gig. i've already posted a few thoughts such as how brilliant the audience were before taylor even came on, chanting her name and then screaming to high hell when appeared, and a few other things, but i've sort of decided to live post a bit in one post to be less annoying. so here is my terrible stream of consciousness, live from my bed and thanks to a total lack of sleep!
omg she's starting with me! yay!- i loved that she played this first. her first song released which is, at the end of the day, owned by her and it's so happy and cheery and it's such a positive start to this era. love it. also the video is unbeatable. suddenly thinking about benjamin. been distracted brb.
blank space - hell yeah after the last few weeks taylor's gonna play blank space! another great big fuck you to the media's opinion of her. god i love this song. she so smort. this song will never age because the media will always be this dumb. this is why taylor's timeless.
owh she's giving a speech about everyone already being the most supportive crowd. good work gang. that's what we were aiming for tonight.
ikywt - i felt it was really interesting she played ikywt, especially given that it's one of the few songs sc**ter changed on apple music. to me it felt like she was reminding everyone that it was HER song, no matter what he did with it. ooh a slightly funky ending! ooh taylor yeah mix it up!
'I wrote all of it'' YES TAYLOR! fucking tell em! we will never forget this. and i love that this is how she's dealing with it. cause she's right. tbh it's not like she needs the money from them and although i'm sure it fucking HURTS to a) be backstabbed by someone so close to her and b) have her musical children in the hands of someone else, she knows that in the world's eyes and in the fans' eyes and especially in her eyes the music is hers. and that's so important. we're not under any pretences that entire albums were ghostwritten like some singers do. we know that taylor's work is her own and so we accredit it to her. so i'm glad she's reminding everyone publicly again who wrote those somgs because she deserves to reiterate that no matter whose hands those songs are in...that she wrote them. good for you taylor.
love story yay!! - i cried during the intro lmao happens every time. and oh my god. there's a guy in the backwards cap during the first verse and he is so intensely singing the words and staring at taylor and it is amazing someone please find him. and oh my god PAUL SIDOTI YES BB show him the love he deserves.
"A little me and you time one on one on the guitar" YES PLEASE AND NEW YORK CITY HOOOOOLD UP WHAT YOU SAYING-
"I get inspired by lots of things in life, not just my own life but books and relationships between characters... but then there's being inspired by a place. That definitely happened to me when i spent a lot of time in new york city... this is the FIRST song that I wrote which was inspired by new york city" OK GUYS SHE HAD A MAJOR INFLECTION ON THE WORD "FIRST" I BET THERE'LL BE ANOTHER IN LOVER!!!!!!
ok side note i've just noticed yellow stars on the frets of taylor's guitar WHAT IS THE STAR THING?? so many easter eggs, so few brain cells.
AND YOU CAN WANT WHO YOU WANT BOYS AND BOYS GIRLS AND GIRLS yes taylor you show them that yntcd isnt queerbaiting you've been publicly supporting lgbtqa+ for yonks give them the receipts!! also this has got to be a shout out to the us womens soccer team. so cute. so deserving.
well that was bloody beautiful taylor. what a lovely version of that song. we have been blessed.
DELICATE 123 LGB!!! her face when everyone screamed it oh my god. she loves it. she fucking gets it. i love that amazon didn't censor it in time lmao, they weren't stan enough to know it was coming. i bet there was at least 1 swiftie working there keeping their mouth shut just so we could get an hq version of 123lgb lmao. brilliant.
also isn't delicate just so fucking good? ahhhhh the switch from acoustic to the backing track! love that. the kick into the 2nd verse is my favourite bit. great stuff.
STYLE. i s2g i hear the tiniest part of the beginning of the backing track and my whole body lights on fire. there really is no song like style. it is a pop masterpiece.
she's talking about lover!! - a love letter to love itself AHHHHHHHHHHHH!! love is complexity, struggle, pain, joy, hope... love is EQUALITY YEEEEEEEEET god she's such a good precious lil bean!!!! so much support for the queer community this era i am so here for it.
"would it be ok if for the first time ever we play yntcd live?" lmao taylor WHAT DO YOU THINK? hooooly shit. i love it.
ahh she's dancing! aha omg the little boxing motions taylor u geek. owh her lil choreography ugh, soft bean. MUST HAVE TAKEN ALL NIGHT lmaoooo her face. CAUSE SHADE NEVER MADE ANYBODY LESS GAY yes the crowd went IN! well done bbs. and omg why does amazon keep cutting to people standing there being miserable??? they've done it the whole show like what are these camera people doing?!?! maybe focus on people actually obviously having fun lmao. um also i see the beachballs in the background video... is that a wango tango reference? who knows maybe she's somehow made it another easter egg, incredible work.
last song?? noooo! but SHAKE IT OFF yes!! you literally feel the vibe in the room change. there's something about that song man. you literally cannot help but dance. god i wished i lived in nyc. for so many reasons. but also so i could have attended this. so much fun!!
LIARS AND DIRTY DIRTY CHEATS OF THE WORLD yes taylor fucking TELL THEM. these are your words!!! and you own them and you can apply them to whoever you want. because you are the rich man!! you are so strong and powerful and don't you forget it!
also whenever i see the shake it off rainbow confetti i just die. the love in that room.
oh she's going around holding everyone's hand!! TAYLOR!!!!!!
ok that was so much fun. now just 2 more days til july 13th 👀 and 4 days til my birthday, what a life we lead. hope you enjoyed my stream of connsciousness it probably reads terribly but i'm very excited and underslept. CONGRATS @taylorswift you KILLED it as usual!! @taylornation
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kpoprambles00-blog · 6 years ago
MAMAMOO (마마무) - White Wind (9th Mini Album) [COMEBACK REVIEW]
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[NOTE: I couldn’t fit in all the videos due to the video limit, so click/press the name of each song to go to YouTube and listen to it!]
There's a very well known saying that we often save the best for last. And yeah, that might not always be true, and I'm not trying to spoil my opinion right away, but... MAMAMOO took that saying to heart. HARD. I've loved the vast majority of what they've given us with the '4 seasons, 4 concepts' thing they've been doing for the last year or so - with their last album, Blue;S, admittedly being my least favourite, and Red Moon being my favourite. Yellow Flower was alright, with a few great songs here and there.
But White Wind? White Wind is THAT BITCH. AND I MEAN IT.
At this point this blog is basically composed of hyperbole and nothing else, but... holy fuck, this album. THIS FUCKING ALBUM. These sorts of releases are the reason I started this blog and these comeback reviews - every now and again we'll get to see something really special get released, and White Wind is one of those occasions. It's... the best thing MAMAMOO have ever done, period. And it absolutely shows why these girls are so damn popular. This is one of those albums that's making me proud to be a Moomoo since "Mr. Ambiguous". This is THEIR album. This is MAMAMOO's evolution if you ask me - this is where they go from a great group to a downright phenomenal one.
So I could wax on all day about how phenomenal this project is, or I could actually SHOW you why. And hey, that's what this blog is for, so buckle the fuckle up and get ready to have your wig fly to Mars.
I mean it. Get some glue for that shit, you're gonna need it.
Any time I'm listening to a MAMAMOO song, and I hear Solar say this at the beginning:
🌟🌙✨C O S M I C ✨🌙🌟
Cosmic Girl (formerly Lucy from RaNia) and Cosmic Sound have worked with MAMAMOO as composers and lyricists for quite a while now. But I'm now at the point where I'm convinced - CONVINCED, I TELL YA - that they cannot make a bad song for the girls. And "Where R U" serves to continue that trend!
It honestly fits the title of the album really well; there's some plucked strings and marimba-like notes in the instrumental that feel so damn breezy and relaxing. As well as this, the song's tempo is slow, but not slow enough that you're bored with it. "Where R U" is a very bright, smile-inducing song if I'm being honest. I was grinning like the Cheshire Cat the first time I listened to it, it's just damn delightful. It also helps that all four members sound like honest-to-god angels here. And hey, any song where Moonbyul sings more is a good song in my book!
The lyrics carry this very light-hearted feel to them, as well - they match the song perfectly. They're very sweet and heartfelt, but with emphasis on a lot of minute details that are super charming. It's not often that MAMAMOO actually do a lovey-dovey song like this, but when it's done right, it's very effective. And yeah, that's absolutely the case here! I like the lyrics a lot.
Do you want to eat and watch a movie? Just the two of us? The corners of my lips are curling up just thinking about it
All in all, I don't have a single bad thing to say about this song. It serves as a great introduction to the album, since it's slow and breezy yet pleasant at the same time. It's the perfect sort of song for a really summery day, to be honest - not the sort of sound I thought MAMAMOO would nail like they did here, but damn! I'm impressed. And that's just the start of this album. Oh boy.
2. GOGOBEBE (고고베베) [TITLE]
Not gonna lie, leading up to this song's release, I actually listened to all of the teasers - which is something I very rarely do - and I got hyped. It all sounded a bit more hip-hop inspired than most of MAMAMOO's title tracks, and the vocals sounded out of this world (as per normal). So when the song actually came out, and it was THIS good? Yeah, I was floored from the word "go".
I remember reading an interview where the girls themselves said "Gogobebe" is "a term that means everyone should just play, go, and enjoy themselves". And yeah, that certainly comes across here! There's playful acoustic guitars scattered around the instrumental, some really bouncy synths, a STRONG bassline, and choruses that just fucking explode towards the end of the song. Seriously, this is the sort of song you'd blast at a party at 2am, and the entire room would start singing along - think "Mr. Brightside", but not on the same level of recognition, obviously. That shouty "뻔뻔하게 놀아 미친 듯이 즐겨" section in the choruses is AWESOME.
I feel like this is the first title track we've had where MAMAMOO get to show off their personalities a bit more, too? Like, we all know how upbeat and playful these lovable idiots are, but that's mainly shown off in their side tracks - like "Taller Than You" or "Sleep in the Car". But here, their personalities are on clear display. This is a song they can have fun with, and that absolutely comes across in both the MV and the live stages. And when the song is this contagious, it catches on fast - just listening to "Gogobebe" puts me in a really good mood!
The playful/party theme of the song is carried over really well into the lyrics, which are also about just enjoying yourself and not caring about what comes tomorrow. There are a few stellar lines in there though, especially in Wheein's introduction and Moonbyul's second rap - apparently Solar and Moonbyul both helped write the lyrics, and if that's the case, consider me very impressed! They're a really fun and uplifting. (Also "너와 나의 mix and match" is A DAMN GREAT LINE. Thank you very much.)
The people who talk too much Always die first in the movies So raise up your self-love
So the song and lyrics are great, but what about the choreography? Honestly, I feel like MAMAMOO haven't had that many stellar choreographies; they're more focused on their songs and performances. Which is completely fine, that's just their style - but I'll be damned if they didn't knock it out of the park for "Gogobebe".
NOTE: The choreography in the video below is mirrored, so it's actually the wrong way around! There isn't an official dance practice for this song, so this is the best I could find.
That's mainly because they got Mina Myoung from 1MILLION dance studio to do the choreography here; and her skill in choreographing shows massively. There's a lot of pretty complex footwork and fast movements here, and yet the girls look flawless doing it! My favourite part is honestly the "9 slash 6" section after that second chorus - MAMAMOO go OFF and I am living for it. There's just a lot of complex details and touches here that make the routine so fun and pleasing to watch - they all make it look so easy, too, which, hoo boi that's not the case once you learn it. It's tough, but in the way that I love!
And hey, the girls even visited the studio to perform it with Mina when she taught it for a class. That's adorable. 😄 (Also HOLY SHIT WHEEIN. GO OFF GIRL. MAIN DANCER COMING THROUGH.)
Yeah, "Gogobebe" was fucking amazing. It's definitely up there with MAMAMOO's best title tracks, if you ask me - it's got the right blend of charm and charisma yet some silliness as well, and if that doesn't sum up the girls I don't know what will. I really hope they keep this momentum going, cause goddamn, I'll be a proud Moomoo if they do. :,)
3. WAGGY (쟤가 걔야)
Not gonna lie, when I saw the title of this song for the first time, I immediately thought "CHOO CHOO JOKE SONG TERRITORY HERE WE COME". And while that isn't completely false, it's definitely not completely true either. The jokiness of this song comes across more in the live stages than the actual song itself, since "Waggy" is actually an adorable little love song! And when I say adorable, I mean ADORABLE. This shit nearly gave me a goddamn cavity.
Let me be clear when I say that cutesy songs like this normally aren't my thing - I often find that unless they do something unique with their cuteness, I'll be bored with them veeeeeery quickly. But thankfully, describing your crush like a little puppy who follows you everywhere is JUST the sort of unique charm I look for in these sorts of songs. It's a memorable metaphor, and IT'S JUST TOO DAMN CUTE, MAN.
There's also the fact that the song itself is infernally catchy; the drum beat matches how my head was bopping along when I listened to it for the first time! It's honestly very reminiscent of Animal Crossing for me, since the soundtrack in those games is very similar to "Waggy"; full of acoustic guitars, simple rhythms and nice little songs you hum the melody to every now and again. I'm... honestly quite disappointed that this didn't blow up amongst young kids like iKON's "Love Scenario" did - it's adorable, and not that complicated either! There's also the fact that when the girls try to be cute, it either works, or ends up being hilarious (for example: Solar's little animal impressions in that bridge. I was ROLLING).
The lyrics are certainly another one of this song's assets, if you ask me. This is already "Puppy Love: The Song", and the lyrics definitely fit that theme! I'd love to know if the girls were able to keep straight faces whilst recording this, because I feel like there would've been a few laughter fits here and there... But like I mentioned before, that comparison of your crush to a puppy is the best part of this song. Hands down. My heart has melted and I'm surprisingly okay with it. ALSO HWASA SINGING IN FRENCH HOLY FUCK.
Woof woof woof, follow me upstairs, puppy When you follow me around You're seriously so cute
Y'know what the cherry on top for this song is, though? The live performances. Go watch them and then try to tell me that MAMAMOO are a deadly serious group. Hwasa looks like the friend that got dragged into everything because she lost a bet, and it's hilarious. 😂
But I don't think there's much else I can say about "Waggy"! It's got the perfect mix of jokiness and cuteness to be memorable, and it's irresistibly fun to boot. And catchy. Seriously, I've had this stuck in my head for weeks. Help.
All I can say is: IT'S ABOUT DAMN TIME.
A lot of Moomoos caught on quite quickly that each member would get one solo per album; Hwasa had a solo on Yellow Flower, Moonbyul had hers on Red Moon, and Solar had hers on Blue;S. BUT NOW IT'S WHEEIN'S TURN. If you ask me she's the most underappreciated member in MAMAMOO! And yet, while this doesn't live up to "Moderato", her other solo - but let's be real, what can - it's still a pretty solid track that acts as a nice interval to the album itself. And hey, Hash Swan isn't in this, so that already makes me happy! (Seriously, that guy's voice is insufferable... couldn't RBW have picked someone else???)
Similarly to "Where R U", "25" has a very chill, relaxed vibe going for it, with some atmospheric guitars and echoing vocals in the instrumental. I really like the triplet/sped-up rhythm of the lyrics in the verses, too - they give the song a nice bit of flavour where it's needed most. And obviously, the star here is Wheein; her vocals are no joke, she's the best vocalist in MAMAMOO in my opinion. But I do unfortunately feel like the song runs a bit short? It feels like she was hampered a bit, and I don't like that very much. She deserves her time to shine, too. But either way, she's still got a gorgeous voice, and she does get her chance to at least show that.
But aside from Wheein's voice, the lyrics to this song are my favourite thing about it. I never expected Wheein to take such a mature angle! And yes, she helped write the lyrics for this, go figure. Wheein actually talks about the topic of growing up, and trying not to lose your innocence and curiosity as you become an adult. She fully admits that growing up is, at times, not something she wants to do - she just wants to curl into a ball and not have to face adulthood. But eventually you get used to it - you adjust, you adapt, and you become more comfortable with the person you are (as well as who you'll be in the future). It's... surprisingly deep? Yet really, REALLY beautiful at the same time. They really changed my opinion on the song, actually! I went from being lukewarm on it to really, really liking it.
At times, I don't want to grow up Like the natural days I want to talk about it myself, but it's hard
"25" ultimately ended up being a song I really enjoyed - and yes, that's largely because of both Wheein's vocals and those amazing lyrics. The song itself does run a bit short, and I do still think it had a lot more room to develop, but what we got in the end is of an insane quality. Wheein should really try her hand at songwriting more, because if this is the sort of thing she's going to write, I'd love to hear what else she can come up with. 👌
Ohhhhhh man, now we're getting into the part of this review where I just start to gush.
Everything we've had so far is either insanely high-quality, or memorable enough to become one of my favourite MAMAMOO songs - but now we're going into ballad territory. And THAT is where MAMAMOO apparently decided to step things up a notch, and turn this album from a good one into a great one.
All I can really say about "Bad Bye" is this: if you haven't done so already, listen to it. Just... listen. Sit there, listen to it in its entirety with no interruptions and preferrably a good pair of headphones, and just take it in. I can 100% GUARANTEE you that you will cry. Even if you've never been through a breakup, even if you can't understand the lyrics - that doesn't matter. I promise you, this song will leave you bawling. If you're not crying by the end, you'll certainly be close to it. And yes, that's largely because of the song itself and its execution, but what really put me over the edge was THE MOTHERFUCKING VOCALS.
People always categorise MAMAMOO as a "vocal group", right? Because of their power and technique, and the fact that pretty much all of the members can sing? I've always felt that title was fitting - but holy SHIT, this is taking it to a new level. Not only are Moonbyul's raps full of anger and raw emotion, Hwasa, Solar and Wheein fucking nail it vocally - THOSE ADLIBS, MAN. THOSE ADLIBS. They legitimately left me in tears here.
I cannot wait to see clips of this from their upcoming concerts, because if they sing this live? ...I may just collapse to be honest. "Bad bye" is so beautifully done, and so emotionally performed on the girls' part that it's breathtaking. And really, really damn heartbreaking, too. It's one hell of a sincere ballad. The instrumental has a part to play there too, because even though there are very skittery trap snares throughout, they never overpower the really emotional piano line - they never feel like a distraction, and they actually end up giving the song a good rhythmic base. But yeah, they're nothing but background to the girls' vocals, which are honestly some of the best in the industry. Fight me.
But if your heart wasn't broken from just listening to the song, don't worry! There's lyrics to help with that! Moonbyul once again helped on the writing here, and the lyrics end up being just as emotionally charged as the song and vocals. It's like the icing on top of a really depressing cake - but in a good way. There isn't a dull moment in them, they're as descriptive and heart-wrenching at the end as they were at the start.
Stop trying to comfort me now, I'm holding back tears I'm afraid of it being the end if I turn my back I can't go, I can't do it - tell me this isn't it
I could go on forever about "Bad bye", honestly. It's just... perfect in the saddest way possible. THIS is the sort of magic I look for in ballads; this has so much legitimate feeling and so many emotions to it that it makes you emotional regardless of whether or not you understand the words. I really didn't think they'd blow me away this much late into the album, but... man, was I wrong. As I'm typing this, their concert is taking place tonight (April 19th) - and I know I said it earlier, but I'm saying it again. I DESPERATELY need to see a live performance of this song. Please. 😭
Y'know what else I need a live performance of, though?
Hooooooooo man.
This song made me FEEL things, y'all. IT STILL DOES.
Again, once we were blessed with that "Cosmic" namecall at the beginning, I was excited. Really, really excited. I know Cosmic Girl & Sound make phenomenal MAMAMOO songs, so this was going to be great, right?
We're only four months into the year. FOUR. MONTHS. And I may have found my side track of the year. Because "My star" is fucking insane. It, once again, left me in tears - but not because the song was emotional. I was in tears from how fucking shook I was whilst listening to this. This song goes haaaaaaaaaard. The bass and drumline in this song is SO damn powerful, the really creepy synths are right up my alley, the hand claps are hype as fuck, and THEM VOCALS. LET ME FUCKING TALK ABOUT THEM VOCALS. Because the girls all sound jaw-droppingly good, but... I need to call someone out real quick.
Did y'all even HEAR that fucking F6?! LIKE. FOR REAL?! KE$HA IS (majestically, like the queen she is) QUAKING.
Those adlibs... that was a fucking spiritual experience. My soul has left this plane of existence because of those high notes. Looks like she heard that I thought Wheein was the best vocalist in MAMAMOO and decided to fucking change my mind, good LORD.
Another huge thing for me is that this song has sustained my hype for it SO DAMN MUCH. Often, I'll love a song to death once I first hear it, but then it'll wear off over time. But "My star" is so good that that hasn't happened!! It is not only one of the best Cosmic tracks the girls have, but THE BEST B-side MAMAMOO have done. Period. It rivals "Midnight Summer Dream" from Red Moon for me.
And hey, speaking of "Midnight Summer Dream", this song also carries a creepy vibe! Now, unlike "Midnight Summer Dream", I don't think that creepy vibe is intended on "My star". But goddammit, read this song's lyrics and listen to those distorted/reversed synths during Solar's first verse, and tell me you don't immediately think 'stalker girlfriend'. This is a yandere anthem and y'all can't change my mind. IT'S CREEPY AND I LOVE IT. I really want to see a yandere MV for this. PLEASE, RBW. MAKE MY DREAMS COME TRUE.
But every time I breathe, [and] my heart is beating I can't feel it through you I wanna be your love
So don't mind me. I'm just going to go listen to this song for the millionth time and cry over how good it is. And also Solar's falsetto.
UPDATE [21/04/2019]:
The best video I can find of it right now is this Wheein fancam but I DON'T CARE. THEY ACTUALLY DID IT.
...you know an outro is good when I want it to be a full song.
And that NEVER happens with me. I very rarely listen to intros/outros and go "huh, this would be nice as a full song". But that happened with "4season"! It's so nice and chill, literally perfect for listening to in a coffee shop of some sort. It's very short, of course, but the blaring synths and the trap snares actually make a really cool, atmospheric outro. And, as always, all four girls sound phenomenal. It's MAMAMOO, is that really surprising to you at this point?
Since the song is so short, the lyrics are going to be quite minimal as well. But the lyrics here remind me a lot of "Daydream" from Dreamcatcher's recent album - they seem to be a thank-you of sorts to the Moomoos. And I love stuff like that - it's super heartwarming when an idol/group does it, to be honest. If you're a Moomoo, you know how much MAMAMOO really do care for their fans, and that just makes this all the sweeter. :,)
One by one, build up [the] good memories and walk Walk together You and me
"4season" ultimately serves as both a great outro to "White Wind" as an album, and the '4 seasons, 4 colours" project as a whole! And godDAMN, what a way to end it. I wasn't kidding when I said this album is the best of the 4. It's skyrocketed its way to my list of favourite MAMAMOO albums, and I can't wait to own this physically. It's 100% worth it. 😊
ALL THE SOURCES FOR THE ENGLISH LYRICS I USED IN THIS REVIEW: Where R U Gogobebe (고고베베) Waggy (쟤가 걔야) 25 (Wheein Solo) Bad bye My star 4season (Outro)
COVER IMAGE CREDITS: Wind transparent background by KissPNG
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babywhereyougone · 6 years ago
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[Translation] The Television 2019-02 (original scan: nsnsns_mmm@twitter)
Takahashi to Inoue: I have an image of you having more defined muscles before, but you seem more soft lately…? My apologies if I’ve mistaken, have you been slacking off (lol). Inoue to Takahashi: You’re so good at talking. Always a big help for us. I would like you to practice your dancing a bit more (lol). As the oldest, please keep leading us forward!
Igari to Hashimoto: In 2018, the two of us were the jokesters causing Yuto stress (lol). Especially during the summer concerts MC, we were such fools. Let’s be even crazier in 2019! Hashimoto to Igari: Please keep working hard on your rapping. Go for a blond, fur costumes, rough around the edges kind of feel. Let’s work hard to have a concert at a huge venue one day.
Hashimoto to Sakuma: Please give me some of your height! I’m the tallest in the Hashimoto family, but I want to be even taller so Saku-chan, could you please give me some of yours? I want to keep up! Sakuma to Hashimoto: It’s gotten colder, but you’re still wearing sandals? And you keep saying it’s cold, it’s cold—please explain!? (lol) You’re gonna catch a cold?
Takahashi to Igari: Your hair is so long now. I think it looks really good! You dyed your hair purple, but it looks kinda red too—it’s really well done. Igari to Takahashi: Yuto and I MC’d together, and that was when Yuto transforms! You start up the conversation with the members, and the five of us in a rhythm.
Sakuma to Igari: We’re the same age, but it does’t feel like that at all. Thank you for always having an idea when I’m at a loss—in both work and in private. Igari to Sakuma: It feels like we’re always together—we go shopping together, we go out to eat together, we go to Disneyland together. The two of us had so much going wild at Disneyland from morning to evening.
Hashimoto to Inoue: Realized we only have a few more months left of high school! Although it was tough balancing school and work, we had a lot of fun when I look back on it. Let’s go all out and have the best time during our graduation ceremony! Inoue to Hashimoto: It’s almost our graduation. The always cheery mood maker Hashimoto was there at school so it always a good time. Looking forward to working with you graduation onwards, too!
Takahashi to Hashimoto: Everyone changed their hairstyles in 2018, but Hashimoto-kun went the above and beyond. I worry about your scalp, but I look forward to even more of your unique hairstyles! Hashimoto to Takahashi: You have to give a serious comment at press conferences, so thank you for being the ones who makes the statement. Because you take on that responsibility, I am free to say whatever I like so you’re a big help!
Igari to Inoue: We don’t really go shopping together, but we often discuss each other’s fashion. I trust Mizuki-kun’s point of view since he gives objective opinions. Inoue to Igari: Thank you for writing the rap. Thank you for creating the choreography. Thank you for everything you did for our concert. Never lose your unique style!
Inoue to Sakuma: Saku-chan’s jokes are pretty boring, but when it’s really bad, it’s kind of soothing. You always have that kind of humor. Also, how tall are you now? You’re freaking huge (lol). Sakuma to Inoue: You were drinking vegetable juice a lot during this summer; have you been skipping it lately? You actually don’t like vegetable juice, right? How do you really feel about it?
Takahashi to Sakuma: There were a lot of days where you would call me, “Let’s go have yakiniku!,” and we’d go and eat so much. Let’s do it again. Also, Saku-chan, you snore pretty loudly when you’re tired (lol). Sakuma to Takahashi: Your music selection timing is so not courteous! When everyone is exhausted, you play hardcore rock music and it’s like… what the heck, now!? Your energy level doesn’t line up with everyone else (lol).
- - - - - - - - - -
My Lucky Item:
Hashimoto: I love sunglasses, and I have more than 20 pairs of them. I’m currently into the 100% UV polarized ones.
Inoue: A good luck charm from Kurumazaki Shrine. My grandpa and grandma bought it for me when I was in my third year of junior high. It’s always in the pocket of my bag.
Takahashi: White wristwatch. To celebrate my entrance to university, my parents bought it for me. I got to pick out the one I liked.
Igari: I’ve only worn it for about six months, but my heart charm necklace. It’s like a good luck charm to get through anything.
Sakuma: Cafe IC card. Had to queue up to buy it so it’s rare and memorable.
- - - - - - - - - -
From concerts to stage plays, HiHi Jets had an incredibly busy year. Takahashi: During the summer, we had our first solo concert at Tokyo EX Theatre which was a huge deal. Up until then, we were backups to our senpai so this was the first time only the five of us were the main acts for the entire show. Being able to meet that challenge has given us confidence. Inoue: Yeah. What we wanted to do became clear, and we were able to show the color (essence/character). Igari: It was a busy year~ Hashimoto: Yeah. A really fulfilling year! Sakuma: We learned a lot when we did “DREAM BOYS” together with Kis-My-Ft2. Inoue: Especially the comedy “time.” Igari: Mizuki-kun, Hashimocchan, and Saku-chan took on the challenge of comedy skits. Sakuma: Yeah. There was a scene in the play where we had to do comedy skits… it was so hard. Hashimoto: It really was~ Was able to do my best with detailed guidance from Senga (Kento)-kun. Sakuma: Senga-kun was watching us from the wings everyday. Hashimoto: We tried harder to make Senga-kun laugh more than we did the audience (lol). Takahashi: Senga-kun laughed so much. Whatever the skit was for the audience, he’d burst out in laughter. Inoue: Getting Senga-kun to laugh is enough! Igari: The success rate of the audience laughing was like 1 out of 33. Hashimoto: When was that one time!? (lol) Igari: The last one with the cockroach. That one where Mizuki-kun freaked out got the laughs. Sakuma: Yeah, that one had the audience rolling. Hashimoto: So, the other ones where all fails? (lol) Inoue: They were all winners to Senga-kun so we good.
Who is the MVP of 2018? Hashimoto: Everyone! Everyone was amazing! Everyone: Yaaay! (high fives) Takahashi: So, how about we go clockwise (around the table) and say one amazing thing about each person. Up first, Mizuki-kun. Your solo performance of “Think u x.” was perfectly done and amazing ne. Inoue: Amazing ne. So next up is “ne”? Takahashi: We’re not playing shiritori here! (lol) Inoue: (Ignores Takahashi) Ne… Ne-oki ga ikemen (The person who looks most handsome right out of bed), Hashimochan! N? Hashimoto: You ended the shiritori game! (lol). Well, whatever. Gari-san’s rap is the best. Igari: Saku-chan got taller! Sakuma: That’s what you’re commenting on!? Takahashi: This veered off real quick (lol). Igari: No, I’m serious. His height really accentuates his dancing. Sakuma: Hehehe (happy). So, last one is Yuto. 2018 brought us all together. We’re an immature bunch, and if Yuto wasn’t here… Hashimoto: If he wasn’t here, we’d be killing it. Inoue: Yes, this is work after all. Takahashi: Hey!! (lol) Igari: Anyway, but really, we have a lot of fun because Yuto is here with us. And so, I hope 2019 also treats us well!
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Top Recs of 2018! J Concerts & Stage Shows
Hashimoto: Kis-My-Ft2’s concert at MetLife Dome had so many fireworks—they way they went off was insanely intense.
Inoue: Johnny’s Jr. Matsuri. I was impressed by SixTONES’ remix medley of their original songs. So invigorating.
Takahashi: At Johnny’s Jr. Matsuri, the way all the groups had their own ways of engaging the audience—from dancing, band instruments, etc.—gave me goosebumps.
Igari: Kisumai’s concert. The huge venue was something I hadn’t seem before, and I was envious. I bet roller skating on the huge stage would be really fun!
Sakuma: Natsu Matsuri! Hadaka no Shōnen (Sexy Bishōnen’s show). The day I saw it was Taisho’s birthday. They celebrated it together with the fans during MC, and it was a lot of fun.
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merrrrrrrrry · 2 years ago
hiiiii 💗🫶🏻✨
those colors are so pretty!!!! honestly i think u did a great job applying the polish<3 plus even if it’s a little messy eventually after you wash your hands/shower once or twice the messy bits on your skin come off so it works out in the end 🤷🏼‍♀️
the best part of window shopping, especially when it’s at a place that’s expensive, is nitpicking the stuff you don’t like djshsj also that’s valid! it’s nice to take stuff in instead of constantly taking pictures
thank you for sharing your photos 🫶🏻🫶🏻 i enjoyed them and im living for the cat picture ✨
i can help you find a recipe if you would like!! is there any specific kind of chicken and pasta dish you’re looking for? also kudos to you for (potentially) making pasta from scratch! i’ve never done it before so i don’t have any tips but hopefully it goes well if you do end up making it<3
it’s nice that you got to spend time with your family 🥹✨ sucks that your train was 12 hours late though omg ☠️
i made homemade pizza tonight for dinner!! it was the first time i’ve made pizza dough from scratch and it turned out great and my mom and sister enjoyed it as well so im super happy about that ✨
bless your keyboard and you 💗✨ i hope your week is going well so far, sending you lots of love 🫶🏻
-✨holiday pal✨
That is absolutely true and the one thing that saves my ass but other than that my execution is pretty bad🤣 but i don't mind, i just think it's fun to see colours on my nails
Did you see that potato i posted in your tag? It's so cute.
I was thinking of like an Alfredo sauce type of thing but with chicken in it. I've found seperate recipes for Alfredo sauce and for different kind of chicken dishes but not a good one for chicken alfredo
That's so so amazing!! I wish I could try your pizza, i bet it was amazing
My week has been going well and that remember I told you I had to write a review for a book on arbitration law i was struggling to get through, i finally completed it! It's obviously not very advanced at all because I've only just completed my first semester so i don't know a lot but im still so happy i got it done
As a reward, I've been binge watching dance videos. This is something about me, i don't know.if you've noticed but i have a 'movement' tag in my blog. Some of it is jokey but it's basically my dedication to dance. I love dance and dancing and choreography and dance concepts and everything. I discovered Aidan Carberry today watching steezy videos and oh my god, i can't believe I didn't know he existed. If you're not that into dance, i still think you'd just get stuck in watching his first dance with his wife Elizabeth. I learned bharatnatyam for like 8 years or so and have the first certificate in it as well. I always wanted to and still want to learn other forms as well but that's not an affordable option. I hope i can get to do it when i earn myself
What's something you like that you haven't told me about that you'd be comfortable sharing??
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tmtxtf · 4 years ago
Hi Tay 🐈💛
So sorry for the late reply ;w; (Was just a bit busy with work)
Ouu !! I haven't watched it yet this year , but I liked watching rhythmic gymnastics before , especially the ribbon one . So nice to watch ^^ Which ones do you like to watch the most ? Sameee !
I post some of them on Wattpad ! Ohhh nice !! Hmm , I haven't read many works on Tumblr bc I think most of them are fanfiction ? And the 1st fanfic I read was so incredibly sad 😭😭 I ended up being too scared to read more fanfiction loool
Right back at you hehe 🥰 I agree ! I'm looking forward to the reveal but I also feel like the anon thing makes it more fun somehow :0 (I want to say more about what I post on my blog , but I think I already gave away a hint by telling you my name starts with K , even though I saw that other people have just been going by 'carat anon' . Whoops ! My bad lol :P)
Ohh , I'm glad you like Canada hehe ^^ I live near Toronto ! Most people here don't speak French . I only learned it bc here , it rly helps you get a teaching job ! My city's kinda boring and empty haha , but it's nice that it's close to Toronto bc I can go there and it's full of multicultural restaurants and little pretty shops ! I also visited Mexico a few years ago ! It's so beautiful there ;w; Lately I've been dreaming of going back haha
Oh that's so cool !! Are there any countries where you'd want to work (or visit) ? I wish you the best of luck in your program too !!! <33 You've got this !!
Oh truee !!! I love how casual and laid-back the ttt episodes are . It's nice seeing them just be themselves and hang out as friends <3
Ouu you're into mbti ! I'm an infj ! My guess for you , hmmm , are you an infp , infj , or isfj ? (Sorry , I'm kind of an mbti nerd haha)
My fav Japanese single is Fallin Flower ! The song and mv are so beautiful and aesthetic ! I also really appreciate how svt puts equal effort into their Japanese releases ! Hbu ??
Adiós mi amor 💖
- K 🌸
(I also have written way too much haha , but I'm enjoying getting to know you ^^)
hola mi querida k 🌸🥰!!
oh, don’t worry! I hope you’re not too overwhelmed with work and if you’re then I wish you the best luck and I hope you finish soon with all you have to do!
I also enjoy gymnastics, but I’m more drown to archery and swimming/diving competitions!!
I used to use Wattpad a while ago but ever since they added ads I stopped using it, I hope I can read your work once the reveal is done! (I bet you’re a really good writer and I’m really interested on your works because of the genre!!) I always wanted to have an artistic friend and now I have a writer friend! this is so cool ^-^
oh!! ikr but I’m just curious on what you post / reblog, anyways I don’t even have an small clue of who you might be because I don’t follow too many carats here on tumblr but I already like and appreciate you a lot<3.
are you’re fluent? i studied french for five semesters but i still feel kinda awkward to speak it bc I don’t have a good pronunciation and I don’t have anyone to practice with but i really liked it! do you plan on living all your life in canada or would you like to live somewhere else? (just for a few years or in a long term plan) oh!! you’re always welcomed here in mexico!! i also would love to go again to canada 🥰
thank u dear! actually i would really like to live abroad, somewhere in south asia for a few years would be really nice (singapur, kuala lumpur or taipei are great options for me, i also really like chinese and japanese cities 🥰) wbu??
yes i am!! haha, oh you’re infj! that totally suits you because you’re a writer!! and also i get the vibes that you’re a creative and passionate person ^^, actually i’m isfp!
fallin’ flower is also my favorite jp track!! everything in the mv is so pretty and so aesthetically pleasing to me, i also love the choreography <3.
i don’t know if we should keep talking about svt or personal questions to get to know us better?? haha i’ll mix them and ask both:
- what’s your favorite jun / hoshi / hao era?
- what’s your favorite movie and book?
- if you could choose only three members to go out for drinks on a night, who would u choose and why??
bye bye dear k! 🌸💙
0 notes
jae-bummer · 8 years ago
Windows and Fire Escapes
Request: Could you.... If u have time, write number 20 with BTS Jimin?~(thank u very much)
20) Your bias takes care of you as a trainee. 
Prompt list can be found HERE. 
Member: BTS Jimin x Y/N
Type: fluff/angst
You had never felt as heavy as you did in this moment. All of your extremities felt as if they had been coated in cement, barring you from being capable of lifting even a finger. You groaned as you attempted to shift to your side, but even your best efforts couldn’t get you there. 
“I think I did it this time,” you croaked. “I think I broke every bone in my body.” 
“Drama alert,” your fellow trainee chuckled, wincing as well. “Okay, maybe I broke all of my bones too. Why does everything hurt?” 
“It means you had a good practice,” a cheerful voice floated through the door. You sat up, your gaze immediately meeting a pair of kind eyes, turned upwards with his smile.
“Oh, Jimin!” another trainee gasped, launching up from their position on the floor. “We thought you were touring!” 
“We just got back,” he nodded. “I thought I would see how my favorite trainees were doing.”
You felt your face grow hot as you caught his attention again, this time causing him to smirk. You immediately looked  down to your hands, clasped in front of you. They were much less intimidating to look at than he was. 
Which oddly enough, in any ordinary situation, he wouldn’t be intimidating. Jimin had always been incredibly kind and talented in any situation you had encountered him in. He was conversational and easy going. He always offered advice and was willing to even jump into choreographies when necessary. He was one of the busiest people you knew, but he still remained humble and always made time. 
But at the end of the day, he was still Park Jimin. THE Park Jimin. And you couldn’t ignore that no matter how hard you tried. Although he wasn’t much older than you, he had done so much more living than you had. You felt as if you had been training from the dawn of time, hopping from one agency to another, until you landed at BigHit. They were just beginning to accept trainees again after the great success that BTS had brought to the company. As a trainee, you constantly trailed behind their accomplishments, living in the shadow of what these young men had accomplished. You were proud of your label mates, but they set an intimidating precedent. You had to work as hard as BTS in order to be as prosperous as they were. You had to train twice as many hours to be as influential. You wanted to make an impact and share your voice.
Saying it wasn’t easy was an understatement. Much like you did now, you ached constantly. You were almost always hungry because you were practicing too many hours to be able to work and feed yourself. You slept around three hours at most every night and you missed your family like crazy. The work behind becoming an idol was not admirable. 
“What do you say, Y/N?” a voice questioned, breaking through your thoughts. You shook your head, looking up as your concerns retreated to the corners of your mind. 
“I’m sorry...what?” you asked. 
Jimin crossed his arms and smiled down at you kindly. 
“Jimin said he wanted to take us to dinner,” one of the trainees hummed, nodding in excitement. “Are you coming?” 
“Oh,” you whispered, your eyes growing wide. “I...um...I really shouldn’t. I need to practice.”
“We just practiced for like...six hours,” another trainee grinned. “Come on! Please?”
“No, no,” you sighed. “You guys go ahead.”
Jimin chewed thoughtfully on his lip, tilting his head as he looked at you. “Are you sure?” 
“Positive,” you nodded shortly, still avoiding actually having to look at him. Looking at him was similar to looking at the sun. 
“Fine, have fun...practicing,” one of the trainees scoffed, rolling their eyes. You took a deep breath, only allowing yourself to continue to nod as your fellow label mates filed out of the room after Jimin. Just as you heard the last footstep echo down the hallway, you groaned, falling backwards onto your back again. 
“I’ll keep practicing,” you whispered to yourself. “And I’ll be just a little better at the monthly assessments. And I’ll debut just a little bit sooner.” 
You let out a small whimper as your stomach growled, signaling you were once again running on empty. 
“My passion has to feed me this time,” you grumbled, slowly pulling yourself up to your feet. 
You stumbled across the hardwood of the dorm, weak with hunger, as you tried to towel out your hair. You felt the water droplets fall from your shoulders and legs as you struggled along, keeping another towel wrapped tightly around your body. Your limbs felt like they would snap as you balanced on top of them. With unsteady motions, you managed to navigate to your room. 
As soon as you hit the door frame, you leaned against it and sighed. You shut your eyes for a moment as you rested your cheek against the trim. You weren’t sure how much longer you could push your body in this way and still accomplish any sort of growth. You opened your eyes again as a fresh scent breezed beneath your nose. It smelled as if another one of the trainees had left a window open again, allowing the barbecue restaurant across the street to waft into the apartment. 
“Better than nothing,” you grumbled, shuffling to your bed and plopping down. You examined the bunks around you, noting that none of the trainees you were with earlier had turned in for the night. Maybe they had gone back to the BigHit building for a few extra hours in the practice room. Or maybe they were lounging around the living area. 
Either way, you didn’t have the energy to meet up with them if you had wanted to. 
Just as you allowed your body the comfort of your mattress you heard the pop of something distinctly styrofoam. You furrowed your brows as you leaned up again and looked around. You began to rustle your blankets and shifted your pillow to the side, unearthing several plastic containers. 
“You fought hard today.” A small note stuck to the top of one read. “Take care of yourself. xx”
You blinked slowly, trying to understand the sight in front of you. With trembling hands, you moved the note to the side and popped open the take out container. You were nearly knocked out by the scent you had originally assumed floated in through the window. An entire container of barbecued meet stared back at you. You looked to the next container, spotting sides of noodles and other dishes. Your hands immediately retreated from their hovering position and covered your mouth, trying to keep a cry from escaping your lips. 
You were not going to cry over food. You wouldn’t allow yourself. 
Even if it was such a beautiful sight. 
“You have to be smart about this,” you whispered. “You’ll make yourself sick if you eat it all. You have to save some for later.” 
“Are you talking to yourself?” the familiar voice of your roommate chuckled from the doorway. 
“Guilty,” you grumbled. “Did you bring me back takeout?” 
“Technically, yes,” she nodded. “Did I pay for it? No.” 
“Wait...what?” you asked, furrowing your brows. “Then...”
“Ding ding ding,” she grinned. “We have a winner. Jimin ordered it. He even asked for a spare bit of paper to leave you a note. He’s got a good heart.” 
You nodded in silence, completely taken aback by the small act. Jimin didn’t have to take care of you, but he did anyway. 
“He was pretty bummed that you didn’t tag along,” your roommate sighed, entering the room and plopping on the opposite bunk. “He seems pretty fond of you.” 
“I don’t know why,” you sighed, separating your to-go chopsticks and picking gingerly at a piece of bulgogi. “I think I’ve only had one real conversation with him.” 
“Apparently whatever you said must have stuck,” she grinned. “You know, I heard when we’re at the dorms, he practices choreo on the rooftop at night.” 
“How do you just hear something like that?” you chuckled, savoring the taste of the food in your mouth. You weren’t sure if it was because you were so hungry or if it was because the food was just that good, but you had never tasted anything like it. 
“Okay, so maybe someone saw him going up the staircase the other night and assumed,” she giggled. “Either way, I bet he would appreciate you telling him thank you.” 
“I’m sure he would,” you nodded. “But I’m also sure he would understand if I waited. We have a curfew around here.” 
“Curfew?” she grumbled. “I’ve also heard that there’s a loophole to curfews.”
“Oh?” you muttered, rolling your eyes. At this point she was only inhibiting you from being able to put more food in your mouth. “And what’s that?” 
“Windows and fire escapes.”
You cursed quietly as you glared at your roommate. One of your legs was hanging vicariously from the window in a desperate attempt to make contact with the iron fire escape. 
“I can’t feel the platform,” you hissed, flailing your foot through the night air. 
“Scoot down more,” she muttered, readjusting to hold the heavy glass threatening to slam on top of your shoulder. “And move a little quicker.” 
“This was all your stupid idea,” you groaned. “And I’m sore from practice, I’m moving as quickly as I can.” 
“I’m hearing a lot of whining and not seeing enough movement,” she grumbled. 
“Alright!” you whined, your foot finally finding the metal platform. “I’m going.” 
You hummed nervously to yourself as you shimmied out of the window and started the precarious climb up the flimsy fire escape. For once in the entirety of living in your dorm, you were satisfied with how many levels up your room was. You only had to climb for a few moments before reaching the roof. Just as you swung your leg over the ledge, the thought occurred to you. 
What if Jimin wasn’t up here at all? 
Or even worse, what if he was and thought you were a complete idiot? 
“So I’m not the only person around here to utilize the fire escapes,” a smooth voice chirped. You finished scrambling over the edge of the building and landed with a thud onto the cement roof. You looked across the expanse to see Jimin lounging against the door that lead to the stairs. 
“So your familiar with the curfew loophole?” you grumbled, slightly out of breath. 
“Windows and fire escapes,” he grinned. “Of course I can’t lie though. Taehyungie probably has used them much more than I have. He likes his evening strolls.” 
“This doesn’t qualify as an evening stroll?” you sighed, pulling yourself up and shuffling toward him. Your bones were still sore from the day of work you had put in, so you were anxious to sit down again. 
“Mmm, I guess it does,” he nodded, sliding down the door to sit beside you. “But I’m dying to know, what brings you up here?” 
You looked over as Jimin sat beside you. He was so close that your knees nearly touched. The idea of any sort of physical contact was almost enough to make you pass out. “Well...you?” 
“Me? I brought you up here?” he smiled, scooting over slightly to be able to look at your face more properly. 
The moonlight played beautifully across his skin, casting natural shadows in all the places you were used to seeing makeup contour. You blinked heavily a few times, trying to bring your thoughts back to some sort of clarity. 
“Yeah,” you said softly. “I...I wasn’t sure when the next time I saw you would be...and I had to thank you.” 
Jimin’s face grew solemn for a moment as he bit his lip. “You don’t have anything to thank me for.”
“You fought hard today,” you hummed, recalling his note. “Take care of yourself.” 
“How’d you know it was me?” he whispered, his face growing flush in the dim lighting. 
“A little birdie told me,” you chuckled. 
“I’m never taking trainees out for dinner again,” he groaned, looking away from you. 
“That’s a lie,” you grinned. “You’re too nice.” 
“Nice to a fault,” he nodded, looking back at you with a smirk. “So I guess if you have to say thank you, then I’ll have to say that no thank you is necessary.” 
“But it is,” you argued. “That was more than just dinner Jimin...”
“It was a morale boost,” he interrupted. “I know exactly what it was, Y/N. I was in the same place as you not so long ago. Remember?” 
“I know,” you whispered. 
“I know you haven’t been eating as much as you should,” he sighed. “None of you do. I remember being so hungry that I was certain that I would die...if the other members didn’t eat me first.” 
“They would’ve ate Jungkook,” you hummed. “He was the youngest. You were too much muscle.” 
“Oh?” Jimin laughed, his eyebrows raised. “So I wouldn’t make for a good meal then?” 
“Oh, you’d make a wonderful meal,” you countered, the words coming out of your mouth before you had a chance to stop them. Your hand flew to cover your lips as you felt heat rise to your cheeks. 
JImin dissolved into a fit of giggles beside you. After a moment, he reached over and placed his hand atop yours, removing it from your mouth. He sat your hand on his knee, where he began to play with your fingers nervously. 
“You know you can always come to me,” he whispered, his face serious again. “I’m not just a label mate. I can help take care of you when you can’t take care of yourself.” 
“I appreciate that,” you nodded, not able to look directly at him. This all felt like a dream sequence, not suitable for reality. It was too ideal. “But I have to make my own way, Jimin. Just like you did.” 
“Stubborn,” he smiled. “I like that.” 
“I...I should be going back to bed,” you stuttered nervously. “I don’t want to get caught breaking curfew.”
“Of course,” he nodded, letting a small smirk tug at the corner of his lips. “But...if you find some random food containers in your dorm room...I have no idea where they came from.” 
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joshpup · 8 years ago
Beginners Guide to Memeteen
No one asked for this, but i made it anyways
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General Info:
So the memeteen group signed under Pledis which also has Pristin, Nu’est, Orange Caramel and After School (Everyone has issues with Pledis don’t even get us started about them). 
Group name Seventeen with 13 members because 13 members, 3 units and 1 team equals 13 (also originally they had 17 members but this works too). 
They finally debuted on May 26, 2015 after being pushed back for far to long 
debuted with the amazing song Adore U, and so far have had 8 comebacks: Mansae, Pretty U, Very Nice, Boom Boom,  Don’t Want to Cry, Clap, Thanks, Oh My!
They also have an mv for their song Healing, Love Letter, Shining Diamond, Smile Flower, and Q&A (just scoups, woozi and vernon), Change Up (scoups, woozi, and hoshi)
Have 9 amazing albums: 17 Carat, Boys Be, Love & Letter (Repackaged), Going Seventeen, A|1, Teen,Age, Director’s Cut , and You Make My Day (buy the albums tho) 
They made their Japanese debut on May 16, 2018 with Call Call Call! and released an album called We Make You
Hip-Hop Unit:
Scoups (leader), Wonwoo, Mingyu, Vernon
-created the masterpiece that is Check-In
Mansae Hip Hop Ver.
Trauma MV
Vocal Unit:
Woozi (leader), Jeonghan, Joshua, Dk, Seungkwan
-created the masterpiece that is Chocolate
Adore U Acoustic Ver.
Very Nice Acoustic Ver.
Pinwheel MV
Performance Unit:
Hoshi (leader), Jun, The8, Dino
Adore U Perf Ver.
Mansae Perf Ver.
-created the masterpiece that is Highlight rip carats
Lilili Yabbay MV
Hoshi, DK, Seungkwan
Just Do It
Just Do It Dance Practice
Scoups/Seungcheol {info} aka the dad 
-So he’s the leader of memeteen, #1 dad lets be real, longest trainee in svt, someone please give this boy a puppy he just needs a dog in his life okay. super sweet and caring, best leader ever honestly no one else could handle those other 12 boys. 
-appeard in Nu’est Face MV, After School Blue’s ‘Wonder Boy’ MV, Happy Pledis ‘Love Letter’ MV (pledis boys ver)
Jeonghan {info} aka the mom
-one of his nicknames in angel, but don’t let that fool you, he’s a swindler. Will not hesitate to cheat watch out for this one. sleeps everywhere possible anytime possible. each comeback his hair gets shorter, lets just hope he doesn’t go bald. Exo’s Sehuns worst nightmare.
Joshua/Jisoo {info} aka the church boy
-Oh shua, our beloved meme and church oppa this is a very dead joke now plz dont use it but if you see it thats shua. 1/2 of american line. Seems quiet and normal but the longer you know him the weirder you realise he truely is. Has a weird obsession with aliens (1,2) Stan talent, stan pindropping shua. huge anime lover. He has also had pink and purple hair and every carat cried 
-beautifully covered Overcome  with Nu’est’s Minhyun
-The jokes that never die: Drink water, not Alcohol, when in doubt, sings Sunday Morning, and his crappy beautiful rapping
Jun/Junhui {info} aka the real mom of the group
-Crazy for you cover
-1/2 of china line. Best eye rolls the world will ever know. people call him greasy, hes not reall but whatever. very sassy. his legendary part in Mansae that makes him look like the McDonalds logo. Also the time he dressed up in an actually carrot costume. 
Films: The Pye-Dog {pt.1 pt.2} (sorry i couldn’t find it in one part), Ip Man: The Legend Is Born, Intouchable (a series)
Hoshi/Soonyoung {info} aka naega hosh
-Okay so choreographs all their dances goals so naturally, best dancer ever. LOUD. Also shinee’s biggest fanboy, if you thought that you were shinees biggest fan ur wrong its Hosh proof: 1, 2, 3. a cute little hamster i die everyday. 10 hours 10 minutes. Black belt in Taekwondo... why dont we ever get to see anything ??
-appered in Nu’est Face MV, and Hello Venus Venus MV
Wonwoo {info} aka rbf master
-was originally a singer, but switched to rapping before debuting, so not only does wonu have an amazing voice but can rap suuuuuper well, and can easily switch between the two its stunning. always calm and usually has an rbf but hes actaully really fun love our emo wonwoo. kinda reminds me of a sloth but i love him even more becasue of that lol
-appered in Nu’est Face MV, and Hello Venus Venus MV
Woozi/Jihoon {info} aka smol fairy devil
-fear him. He may look tiny and soft but he will crush you. Composes almost all of svt’s songs. Super cute and hes coming to except this as time goes on lmao. shortest member. one of the big reasons svt became a self producing group
- first to get a solo in svt called Simple
-appered in Nu’est Face MV, and Hello Venus Venus MV
Dk/Seokmin {info} aka literal sunshine
the sunshine of svt, always smiling. i saw a video of him crying once and my world shattered. LOUD pt2. super funny i love him. one of the most stable vocals in svt. can hit those high notes like nobody else. 
-has this beautiful cover
Mingyu {info} aka gaint germ
-walking puppy? yes actually he is. also a gaint germ (1,2) so get ready. sneezes everywhere then touches everything. can go from cute to sexy with no time in between its insane. If he’s not your bias he’s your bias wrecker. Wild orange hair durning Check In era end everyone made fun of him or loved it no in between.
-Svt’s personal hairstylist  
-appered in Nu’est Face MV, and Hello Venus Venus MV
The8/Minghao {info} aka arthao
-Literally has become the biggest artist in the world what an icon
-other half of chine line. last member to join the group. He did b-boying in china for like 6 years. here is baby hao b-boying at age 12 (he’s the tallest skinny guy and also the leader). crazy good Martial arts skills.  comes off super cute a fluffy and sweet with that voice and all but a serious thug tho like 1, 2, 3 
Seungkwan {info} aka future mc 
Boo Seungkwan our sassy little guy that i love more than life itself. LOUD pt3. gonna star in the next hollywood film because of his flawless acting. Also one of the most stable vocals in svt. hits high notes so easily its not fair (like in pretty u i died). a cutie from jeju. Koreas next best MC watch out world Seungkwan is coming. pretty much helps set the happy fun tone in svt
-covered Beautiful Tomorrow perfectly
Vernon/Hansol {info} aka the living meme
oh vernon. other half of american line. best friends with Seungkwan. literally a walking meme. anything he does is dumb and i love it. example: his weird dance from Boom Boom. lots of Hotline Bling. His iconic: “mom, i won this.” terrible hair durning mansae era 
-was on “Kids Explore Life” when he was little. Also a contestant on ‘JTBC Made in U’ .... headlines headlines ....
-appeared on one of Eric Nams Can’t Help Myself stages and Hello Venus ‘Venus’ MV, Sickness ft. Eunwoo of Pristin
Dino/Chan {info} aka the baby
The baby of the group. Once a baby always a baby. Dino, nugu aegi? tragic hair durning mansae era as well. best glow up of the world let me tell you i called this. Like if you think jungkook of bts had a glow up time to meet Lee Chan because his was more intense and if not faster. Fresh out of High school and living life large lol
-This amazing fancam
-his song Zero (here is the performance) and you can bet i cried when i heard this. He grew up so fast T.T
Active Twitter Fansites
Seventeen’s One Fine Day: Season 1: {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}, Season 2  
Best Stages
Girl Group Medley / Relay 
Sorry Sorry cover
Tell Me (Immortal Songs)
Boy Group Remix
Bindaetteok Gentleman
My Ears Candy (Jun and Mingyu)
My Ears Candy (Seungkwan and DK)
Who (performance unit) oddly enough this song isn’t talked about much, i think it killed every carat cause it killed me
and some of my personal faves: Show Me Your Love, Honey + Very Nice (Remix), 2016 Melon awards: Very Nice
Dance Practices/Part Switches
Adore U: Fixed Ver, Follow Ver, Part Switch Ver
Mansae: Hide Ver, Seek Ver, Follow Me Ver, Part Switch Ver
Pretty U: Love Ver, Letter Ver, Dear Carat Ver
Very Nice: Roof Top Ver, Dance Practice Ver, Part Switch Ver
Boom Boom: Front Ver, Review Ver, Santa Ver 
Don’t Wanna Cry: Front Ver, Review Ver, Part Switch Ver
Clap: Practice
Thanks: Choreography Video
Other Video worth mentioning: Highlight (13 Member Ver), No. 1 Cover, Without You
Offical Links:
Offical Website // Youtube // V App // Twitter // Instagram // Weibo // Soundcloud //Facebook
Seventeen TV
Boys Wish Kindergarten Skit    
Bongbong gyus precious child (a few of the many insta posts: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, also bongbongie has no gender so stan talent)
the famous English Time w/ Svt
the memeteen diaries (ive never laughed so hard tbh)
ISAC aerobics - inspired by Transformers 
ISAC 400m Dash
ISAC warm up dance created by our boys (ft dokyeoms singing)
Seventeen and Monsta x interactions (they’re debut buddies if you don’t die everytime they interact with each other you are doing something wrong)
Seventeen x Nu’est stage Heaven (aka the best crossover the world has yet to see)
so yah stan talent stan my memes Seventeen
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legos-lass · 8 years ago
2, 8, 12, 31 and 26 for the ask thing?
thank you!!! (spoilers incoming obviously)
2. Best Act 1 ending.
oh definitely one day more from les mis. the way it ties everything together along with the vocals and instrumentals that still give me chills every time makes it just by far my favorite act one scene. i adore the song theres a fine fine line from avenue q (its my fave from the musical), but it isnt exactly the strongest act 1 ending imo because it is just kate monster.
8. Favorite set design EVER.
god please dont do this to me...im gonna say that movies count and go with the mamma mia movie because that whole island is so beautiful especially the WATER during our last summer and the giant path with lights for sophies wedding (i actually wanna replicate that for mine hopefully)
12. Best tap number.
26. I really like these ones so: make 2 musical related confessions.
oof here goes. 1. i. dont really like hamilton...like at all except for schuyler sisters and burn (i deleted the rest of the soundtrack from my phone even...). people are always like ooo i bet you love hamilton its historical and sad like les mis but i just really dont like hip hop/rap at all and the choreography is not my fave. i will say the costumes are amazing though. i actually prefer lins other musical in the heights which is also a lot of hip hop/rap but also fun latin music. 2. i adore everyone from the obc for avenue q but i prefer danielle thomas (current gary coleman) over natalie venetia belcon (obc gary coleman). i dont really have anything to add to that i just like that danielles voice is more like. full-sounding if that makes sense.
31. 2 solos you’d love to perform.
hoo boy okay ive thought about this extensively. #1 is definitely on my own from les mis god that has been my favorite musical song and one of my fave songs of all time since the second after it ended when i saw the movie in theatres (fun fact samantha barks was my first Gay). next...okay im gonna do three solos cuz i cant choose. tied for #2 would be st. jimmy from american idiot and thank you for the music from mamma mia. st. jimmy is just such a fun song and it is actually in my range and i actually prefer the idea of st. jimmy as a girl like melissa etheridges portrayal (billie was still the best tho). meanwhile thank you for the music was my first like Favorite Song and the first song i ever memorized like as soon as i could talk i literally grew up with the original cast recording album playing constantly.
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