#bestie my beloved<3333
tapipolouzer · 1 year
I RAISE YOU! what is sci's brother to him? do you have any thoughts about them? is he as prominent as sci's gaster? does he even exist yet? what does he think of sci's work or friends?
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mafuyuh · 1 year
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reonagi ♡ なぎれお
happy birthday Angie! @okkottsus
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magicaldreamfox1 · 2 years
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“When I was little, I used to watch superhero movies with my friends. We fought to be this and that hero. Then I grew up and found out that there are no heroes nor villains in this world.”
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Ghoul boi, ghoul goyle..
✦ Tadaa!!! Here’s Ghoul, aka JayJay’s sona in WOF !
✦ He’s a Silk/Rain hybrid <3
✦ Credits !
Wings of Fire belongs to Tui T. Sutherland !
Ghoul belongs to @jayssillycreativitybox
✦ Info !
- Constantly grey…
- Has bandages on body but too lazy to draw em-
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fuckmeyer · 1 year
I saw a post about racist Jasper stans bitching bc they’re not able to enjoy shitty J*sper content bc of tags or whatever lol and someone said: “What is there even to enjoy?”. I had to laugh and I thought if you bc it’s so true. Most Jasper content isn’t even that enjoyable. It’s mostly the same boring white-supremacist garbage that I’ve seen before; even the jalice stuff is played out.
The only J*sper content I enjoy is content where he is worshipping Maria, thinking about Maria, talking about Maria, loving Maria, doing anything for Maria tbh. Is that bad? XD I owe it to you and your writing! idk something about a 19/20 year old dumbass confederate falling madly in love with a native brown woman and literally seeing her as a god-like figure as she’s basically handing him his karma for his racist crimes sends me. Ppl act like he was this awesome person before Maria and that it’s her fault he’s gutter trash now with the C*llens but he was gutter trash BEFORE he met Maria. She honestly made him so much better, stronger and MUCH more interesting. She literally created the man these stans thirst over so much. She is the blueprint.
the thing anti-María Jalice stans don't get is, without María, you do not have Jasper. for everything Jasper is, María is the catalyst ❤️
canonically, all we know about Jasper Hale pre-change is 1) he was born in Texas, 2) faked his age to join the Confederate Army* where he became the youngest major in Texas, & 3) was persuasive
beyond that, María made Jasper into the man the fandom adores. you like that he's an empath? guess whose venom made him one. you like that he's a warmonger? guess whose war he fought for. you like that he has a troubled past? guess who put the trouble in it. you like that he's "soft" "empath" "baby" (tbh i don't see it but ok)? guess who made him want to be that way. you like that he's submissive to Alice? guess who broke him in first.
you want Jasper with Alice but wish the María era didn't exist? lol just say you want the hot faceless Confederate to get with the psychic Mississippian & go
here we have a woman who has suffered all her life at the hands of colonizers. born "1800s or earlier," we can suppose she has firsthand experience with colonization (at least Napoleon's invasion) & lived through Mexico's War of Independence. i.e., she has a deep familiarity with what it means to have your way of life ripped from you by invaders. PLUS she was a victim of Benito's army in the Southern Vampire Wars; her entire coven including her mate was killed.
& despite her losses, she rallied to take back her land & drive out her oppressors. baseline, she is a strong, cunning, powerful indigenous woman with a deep love for her community and her people. HOT
now let's look at Jasper, a bright leader in the Civil War who suffered defeat at the hands of the Union army. yes, María changed him. but did she force him to stay? to go to war? the newborn vamp with the strength & speed to overcome a "grown" vamp chose not to do so. the empath with the power to make anyone disregard him chose not to use it. some say María was "abusive" & "manipulative," but few acknowledge that Jasper had a choice.
why didn't Jasper leave? because he's submissive to anyone more powerful than him. because he was a loser. because the Southern Vampire Wars gave him a second chance at victory. because "empath" or no, he wanted to play war & win.
that's what's compelling about Jasper/María. as wrong as Jasper was for fighting for the Confederacy, he believed he was fighting for the same thing as she. he saw his way of life destroyed by "invaders" & fought back. it's a sick & twisted parallel between oppressor & oppressed that becomes subverted as their relationship goes on... & one that can heal them both.
María's experience with colonizers gives her a visceral picture of what it means to be oppressed... but her relationship with Jasper gives her the victory & emotional reflection she needs to move on. Jasper's military training gives him the hunger & knowledge for war... but his "curse" of empathy provides him with the tools he needs to recognize & address the horrors of his problematic past & move on.
tbh, i find Jasper & María are perfectly suited for a delicious character-driven narrative. Maria's story is that of a traumatized indigenous woman on a path from colonization to decolonization, & the sacrifices & destruction she endures realize that vision. Jasper's story is that of a troubled man on the path from self-hate to self-love, & what it means to undo the societal teachings/traumas & forge a life of empathy & forgiveness.
& that is something Alice alone can never give Jasper.
tl;dr all hail Queen María
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p1harmonie · 7 months
when good things happen to good people 💓💞💗💕💓💗💞💗💗💕💞💞💞
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legacyofwalpurgis22 · 5 months
a wrong, try again! update on the same day as a careless to let it fall update I WONNNNN
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aq2003 · 1 year
hello in case you couldn't tell i finished acofaf
YAYYYYYYYYYYYYY <- me seeing a flood of notifs from aspen
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gregmarriage · 9 months
always kinda sucks that people who really, truly get me live a million miles away from me
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heichoussy · 1 year
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you’re so real for this. “so i could look at his tits” thank you for providing for the needs of all of us 🫡
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Psychic Ezra au!! How does Tammy feel about all this? Is she grateful to see her girlfriend best friend, or does she not believe it’s real at first, or maybe she hates it? How willing is she to accept that Jane is Penny? Tell me everything
So, the thing is, nobody knows Jane is Penny until they find her head. Ezra has no idea, Tammy has no idea, Jane has no idea.
Jane likes to just stare at Tammy, not knowing who she is or why she feels so strongly about her. Ezra finds it endearing. Like, Tammy will walk by or say something to Ezra in passing, and Jane will just be staring at her, even after Tammy walks away.
Jane feels almost as much of a connection to Tammy as she does Ezra, and likes to follow her around like a duckling sometimes, too. Of course, Tammy doesn't know that. Ezra just kind of thinks it's Jane's peculiar way of trying to make a friend.
There's a moment where Jane holds Tammy's hands, and Tammy's hands (which are usually warm and sweaty) turn ice cold. She feels an old scar press into the palm of her hand, something familiar that Penny used to have.
Tammy is helping Ezra look for Penny for the duration of the au, she's with him when they find her head. When Ezra tells her it's Penny, she doesn't believe it at first. It's ridiculous. Some part of her still believes or wants to believe that her Penny is still alive, that this is just some gruesome prop for one of Ezra's more extreme pranks. Then she thinks, of course. The cross necklace. The animal facts. The connection Jane had to Ezra and her. She weeps for days when she realizes the truth. Her beloved is dead, and she never got to say goodbye. She can't even see her in her ghost form.
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socksandbuttons · 2 years
will i finish this papyrus week maybe am i shamelessly using some of my boys yes will i explain Never
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aceofvernons · 1 year
Henlo beloved hope u had/keep having a wonderful birthday!!!
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STOP YOU'RE LITERALLY TOO NICE TO ME..............................................
i love you so much <3 and i had a pretty good day!!! i will now spend the rest of the day doing work for my final tomorrow and taking notes on your new hoshi fic <3 i just got home though so i'm a little tired but!! reading something you made is a fantastic way to end it off <333 ilysm <33333333 i hope you've had a good day too <33333333
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alto-tenure · 2 years
I refuse to apologize for really liking Darklaw she’s genuinely one of my favorite AA prosecutors. they could’ve made her the main antagonist but they chose to make her complicated and plvpw is better for it.
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hearts-hunger · 1 year
i love danny and sunny so so much i have no words. he's so in love w her and she's obviously so in love with him and they're precious angels that deserve so much happiness and danny really is the moon and the ocean he is and the strawberry kiss??? I'm in shambles and when he kissed her tear away??? please literally stab me it would hurt less I'm so emotional over them
TAL WHEN I TELL YOU I WAS GIGGLING LIKE AN IDIOT READING THIS i love you so much and i'm so glad you liked it and while i was writing the strawberry kiss thing i was literally thinking "oh i hope tal thinks this is cute" so i'm VERY glad you did think it was cute and yeah him kissing her tear away was a gut punch for me and i wrote the shit lmao!!!! anyways my love i'm SO happy you liked it <333
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multi-lefaiye · 2 years
27 for the spotify wrapped ask? :3c
youuuuu got cross my heart by marianas trench!!! :D
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