#best places to visit in alaska
hiddengemsreal · 5 months
Hey there, adventure seekers! 🌟 Get ready to explore Alaska like never before with me. 🏞 In this video, we'll be unveiling the hidden gems that make Alaska truly special. From breathtaking views to cozy local spots, we'll be diving into the lesser-known treasures of this incredible state. Come join the adventure and let's make your Alaskan trip one for the books! 🚗✨ #HiddenGems #ExploreNature #TravelDiscoveries #ScenicAlaska #WanderlustJourney #LocalFavorites #DiscoverTheWild #trending #usa #usastates #exploremore #viral #trip #adventure #alaskaAdventure #reel #reels
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reasonsforhope · 1 month
"Growing up, Mackenzee Thompson always wanted a deeper connection with her tribe and culture.
The 26-year-old member of the Choctaw Nation said she grew up outside of her tribe’s reservation and wasn’t sure what her place within the Indigenous community would be.
Through a first-of-its-kind program, Thompson said she’s now figured out how she can best serve her people — as a doctor.
Thompson is graduating as part of the inaugural class from Oklahoma State University’s College of Osteopathic Medicine at the Cherokee Nation. It’s the first physician training program on a Native American reservation and in affiliation with a tribal government, according to school and tribal officials.
“I couldn’t even have dreamed this up,” she said. “To be able to serve my people and learn more about my culture is so exciting. I have learned so much already.”
Thompson is one of nine Native graduates, who make up more than 20 percent of the class of 46 students, said Dr. Natasha Bray, the school’s dean. There are an additional 15 Native students graduating from the school’s Tulsa campus.
The OSU-COM graduates include students from 14 different tribes, including Cherokee, Choctaw, Muscogee, Seminole, Chickasaw, Alaska Native, Caddo, and Osage.
Bray said OSU partnered with the Cherokee Nation to open the school in 2020 to help erase the shortage of Indigenous doctors nationwide. There are about 841,000 active physicians practicing in the United States. Of those, nearly 2,500 — or 0.3 percent — are Native American, according to the Association of American Medical Colleges.
When American Indian and Alaska Native people visit Indian Health Service clinics, there aren’t enough doctors or nurses to provide “quality and timely health care,” according to a 2018 report from the Government Accountability Office. On average, a quarter of IHS provider positions — from physicians to nurses and other care positions –are vacant.
“These students here are going to make a generational impact,” Cherokee Nation Principal Chief Chuck Hoskin Jr. told the students days before graduation. “There is such a need in this state and in this region for physicians and this school was created out of a concern about the pipeline of doctors into our health system.”
The Cherokee Nation spent $40 million to build the college in its capital of Tahlequah. The walls of the campus feature artifacts of Cherokee culture as well as paintings to remember important figures from Cherokee history. An oath of commitment on the wall is written in both English and Cherokee.
The physician training program was launched in the first year of the pandemic.
Bray said OSU and Cherokee leadership felt it was important to have the school in the heart of the Cherokee Nation, home to more than 141,000 people, because students would be able to get experience treating Indigenous patients. In Tahlequah, students live and study in a small town about an hour east of Tulsa with a population of less than 24,000 people.
“While many students learn about the problems facing these rural communities,” Bray said. “Our students are getting to see them firsthand and learn from those experiences.”
While students from the college are free to choose where to complete their residency after graduation, an emphasis is placed on serving rural and Indigenous areas of the country.
There’s also a severe lack of physicians in rural America, a shortage that existed before the COVID-19 pandemic. The Association of American Medical Colleges has projected that rural counties could see a shortage between 37,800 and 124,000 physicians by 2034. An additional 180,000 doctors would be needed in rural counties and other underserved populations to make up the difference.
Bray said OSU saw an opportunity to not only help correct the underrepresentation of Native physicians but also fill a workforce need to help serve and improve health care outcomes in rural populations.
“We knew we’d need to identify students who had a desire to serve these communities and also stay in these communities,” she said.
Osteopathic doctors, or DOs, have the same qualifications and training as allopathic doctors, or MDs, but the two types of doctors attend different schools. While MDs learn from traditional programs, DOs take on additional training at osteopathic schools that focus on holistic medicine, like how to reduce patient discomfort by physically manipulating muscles and bones. DOs are more likely to work in primary care and rural areas to help combat the health care shortages in those areas.
As part of the curriculum, the school invited Native elders and healers to help teach students about Indigenous science and practices...
Thompson said she was able to bring those experiences into her appointments. Instead of asking only standard doctor questions, she’s been getting curious and asking about her patient’s diets, and if they are taking any natural remedies.
“It’s our mission to be as culturally competent as we can,” she said. “Learning this is making me not only a better doctor but helping patients trust me more.”
-via PBS NewsHour, May 23, 2024
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25 Best Places to Visit in the USA - Travel Video Places to Visit in New York
25 Best Places to Visit in the USA – Travel Video Places to Visit in New York
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nimbuslich · 2 years
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Sup nerds im in Alaska ✌️
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Today is the first day of Native American Heritage month. And in a little over a week, the SCOTUS is going to hear argument for and against the Indian Child Welfare act. ICWA was passed to stop the cultural genocide of Native American and Alaska Natives.
For hundreds of years, white people tried to destroy Native American and Alaska Native culture. What led to ICWA was a period of time from the 1800s until 1978. Native American, Native Hawaiian, and Alaska Native children were taken from their families and forced into residential skills. Parents who refused could face imprisonment or lose their other kids. There are accounts of tribes hiding their children on days they knew government representatives were coming...so when the govenment caught on, they started unannounced visits. In addition, children would be taken from their families and adopted out to white families.
In schools, children were punished for speaking their own languages. They were forced to dress in anglicized clothes and have anglicized hair cuts. They were physically, emotionally, and sometimes sexually abused. Some died of malnutrition. Some were murdered. And others survived but were traumatized.
For those adopted, experiences differed based on the family, but they were still forcibly assimilated into white culture and still experienced that trauma. Some never saw their birth families again.
ICWA was created to stop this. It allows Native Americans and Alaska Natives to control the foster care and adoption placement of tribal children. Now, it's being challenged.
There are a few white families who say it's racist to not let them adopt Native American and Alaska Native children, and they have taken the case to the same SCOTUS that defied the Constitution and years of precedent by saying tribal land was a territory of the state and that states could charge some cases for crimes committed on tribal land.
So a few things:
This cultural genocide did not happen a long time ago. ICWA was passed less than 50 years ago. There are boarding school survivors and adoption survivors today who are watching this and speaking out against this. Earlier this year, the Department of the Interior found 50 unmarked grave sites at former residential schools. Grave sites, not graves themselves. Each individual site would contain multiple graves. Unmarked. Children who were kidnapped, died, and were buried without a name. And some people think that white people are entitled to adopt Native American and Alaska Native children and that tribes should just move on and trust the government.
The trauma children who were forcibly assimilated faced is well-documented. They grew up not knowing their family or their culture. They are desperate to stop other children from going through that.
Native Americans and Alaska Natives have sovereignty. This is recognized in the Constitution, through the fact treaties were signed with tribes, and through years of judicial precedent. The idea that the SCOTUS decided to hear this case instead of letting the decisions of lower courts stand is alarming. Sovereignty means that Native Americans and Alaska Natives have the right to self-governance and self-determination. They are regarded similarly to a separate country. If the U.S. decided to tell England to hand over its children to be placed with American families, it would be seen as a joke at best and a declaration of war at worst. Because one country cannot just barge in and control another country's government on peaceful terms. But if ICWA is overturned, the SCOTUS will be saying that sovereign nations have no right to control the foster care and adoption placement of their citizens.
So what can you do? Spread awareness of this. Post about it on social media. Write to your representatives. Don't let this case slip from your mind. And if there are protests in your area, join them.
You can ask your state's Native American and Alaska Native tribes what you can do to help. If, like me, you live in a state with no recognized tribe, look into cultural centers run by unrecognized tribes. Or donate to organizations like the Native American Rights Fund.
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phoebepheebsphibs · 3 months
This plot is called “The Island of Doctor Noe”, based on the scrapped episode that the writers hinted to…
In the Bad Timeline Future, Leo tries to get tot Casey to go to bed. He finally gets him to agree if Leo tells him a bedtime story. Leo tells him the story of when he and Raphael were kidnapped by a dentist…
Back before Leo became the leader, he and Raph were out in the woods visiting the puppiest place on earth while Todd was busy in Alaska with his lemonade donations. The two are suddenly attacked and captured by the dentists who take them to Doctor Noe’s personal mansion on an island. Meanwhile, Todd’s puppies tell the squirrels to tell the birds to tell a sewer rat to go find Mikey and Donnie and get them to rescue their brothers. The PBJ duo follow the trail. Raph and Leo wake up inside the mansion where Doctor Noe has prepared an elaborate game for them: they must try to evade and escape him, and he will hunt them down to take Raph’s snaggle tooth. The two fight over what to do at first, and split up. Both plans go wrong because they require a partner to help, and they end up running into each other again. They decide to work together to find a way out. Meanwhile, Mikey and Donnie do their best to evade the tooth fairies, and eventually find a way to break in. However, whilst looking for their brothers they are found by Doctor Noe, who takes them hostage. Raph and Leo get a message that Mikey and Donnie are kidnapped, and the bros decide to go on the offensive and rescue them. They set up a trap and fake the trade-off, rescuing Mikey and Donnie and escaping from the dentists, and in the confusion Doctor Noe gets all his teeth shattered and cries because physical comedy.
The story finished, Leo tucks Casey in. CJ asks where Raph is now, and Leo explains that he’s with Splinter and Karai, watching over them like he always did. Casey asks if he’s with his mom too, and Leo sadly nods. Casey asks if he will ever see Raphael or his mom again, and Leo says “maybe one day”. He leaves Casey for the night, pulls out the picture of April’s graduation, and cries.
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inukag-archive · 8 months
Inuvember 2023 Part 1
In honor of @inuvember InuKag Day, the Archive Mods have put together a 30 item InuKag recommendation list: one InuKag fic per prompt. Since this list is longer than our usual, we've split it into two parts. Enjoy!
Day 1 Inuyasha
I Hate That Fucking Well by @kstewdeux (M)
Post-manga. Inuyasha POV. Inuyasha's inner thoughts and monologues. Rated M for fucking language
Day 2 Kagome
Cinnamon Hearts by @fandomobsessions016 (M)
"So, you may be wondering, what’s this story about anyway? Well, I’ll tell you. It’s about how this queen, almost lost her crown, her throne, but worst of all… it’s about how this queen almost lost her king…
Hindsight, of course, has perfect vision, but at the time I did not. I was a girl becoming a woman who fought bitterly against change that was inevitable. I didn’t want to open my eyes. I didn’t want to see what was right in front of me.
What I wanted more than anything was to keep Inuyasha.
High school forced my eyes open, tested our “unshakable” bond and made me confront my biggest fear. All because…
I caught feelings for my best friend.
I like-liked my king."
Day 3 Sango
Forever Home by KittyKatz (M)
How long had he roamed the earth in a form that was not his? Beaten, dirty and caged, he finds one last bit of fortune when she comes to rescue him from this place. But his road to redemption will not be easy. And he will find, that no matter how the world has changed, his old enemy remains. And this time, they plan to destroy him once and for all.
Day 4 Miroku
Under the Northern Lights by @lostinfantasyworlds (E)
Kagome Higurashi has her dream job, working as a photographer for the internationally well-known Yugen magazine. Her career whisks her all around the world, leaving her feeling lonely sometimes but mostly just incredibly grateful to be doing what she loves. When she gets assigned to Alaska for a month to photograph a series of celestial events, she runs into Inuyasha, a half-demon who lives on his own in the middle of nowhere. A mutual attraction draws them to each other, but Kagome's time there is limited. Will giving in to their desire lead to love or heartbreak?
Day 5 Shippo
Oh, But You're Good To Me by @witchygirl99 (E)
It’s a terrible photo, really. The action figure takes up the entire bottom of the screen and part of both of their faces. Shippo’s giggling though, eyes shut and crinkled in his mirth while Inuyasha looks at him. His expression is clearly fond. It’s the softest Inuyasha has ever, ever seen himself.
This is fatherhood, he thinks a little wildly.
He sends the photo to Kagome.
Inuyasha is a single father. Shippo is his adopted son. Kagome isn't supposed to be in the picture, but somehow, she returns anyways. A story about family, love, and all of its obstacles.
Day 6 Sesshomaru
Whispers in the Wind by @ruddcatha (G)
It has been 500 years since Kagome jumped back down the well to be with Inuyasha. A messenger waits to see her family, and is joined by a surprising guest.
Day 7 Rin
My Life Before You by @len-barboza (E) -- based on a story by Mizune-mei
No English language summary provided. Inuyasha había vivido la mayoría de su vida huyendo, un huérfano medio demonio considerado por la gente una aberración, rechazado por demonios y por humanos, pero quien pensaría que esa era una mejor vida, al menos un propósito lo movía; sobrevivir, que sucede con un hanyo con una vida longeva, en completa soledad.
Day 8 Kikyou
Stolen Soul by Kimberly-A (T)
COMPLETE Kikyo uses a spell to exchange bodies with Kagome, leaving Kagome stuck in the dead shell and Kikyo comfortably human. In the aftermath, Inu-Yasha faces difficult choices. InuKag, not very Kikyo-friendly.
Day 9 Koga
A New Moon, A New Start by @pinestripes (T)
Kouga visits the village near the Sacred Tree. On this particular evening, he finds that a certain half-demon is more on edge than usual.
Day 10 Kagura
The Portal Between Worlds by @neutronstarship (E)
Ten years ago, a portal transported Inuyasha from the demon realm to the human realm. Now a half-demon alone in a world he doesn't understand, he will do anything to get home. When Onigumo brings him a book with all the answers, Inuyasha pushes aside his misgivings and works with the man. He just wants to get home, after all.
Kagome just wants to make an extra buck (and find demons), much to Kikyo’s chagrin. That is why she published Demons Among Us! after all. But strange things start happening when she puts the book online. As if people are using it to open the portals that it hypothesized… When Kagura and Sango join the fray, the stakes grow higher as they try to find the source of the portals.
When Inuyasha encounters Kagome, fate is not what it seems. Not one, but two realms are in danger for their survival. What happens when the final portal opens and an unknowable terror is unleashed? Can the Demon Hunters save the world?
Day 11 Naraku
You Rescued Me by @keizfanfiction (E)
Maybe it was fate that he decided to take the back way home that night, but whatever the reason, Inuyasha was grateful for arriving just in the nick of time to rescue a waif of a woman who had clearly been through hell. He never would have imagined that she would end up rescuing him, too.
Day 12 Band of Seven
Delicate by @akitokihojo (T)
To trust someone, to let them in, what an unsettling ordeal. Kagome is easy and safe, and Inuyasha is difficult and guarded. She can put him at ease with a smile, simultaneously setting him on edge. It was nothing until it was something, creating absolute chaos and uncertainty within the both of them.
Day 13 Jinenji/ Shiori
How Does Your Garden Grow? by @dawnrider (M)
An Ingary-esque AU: Kagome, the newest generation of caretakers of the Higurashi House, finally starts to feel like her garden and business is thriving with the help of her friend Jinenji. Their routine is thrown off by the arrival of an injured visitor who does not want to be found...
Day 14 Toga
Taisho School of Acting: A Quick Guide by @jeremymarsh (G)
“Excuse me, what?” Kagome looked at her best friend with eyes as big as saucers, lips parted, and her mind replaying what he had said a moment before – trying to find a sense but to no avail. “You heard me.” Inuyasha scowled, looking down, arms crossed and lips pouting, just like he did every time he didn’t like the topic at hand. The problem was he had started it this time. “Yeah, I did.” Kagome shook her head and inhaled deeply before she continued. “And that’s why I’m asking you to repeat yourself since I’m having problems believing that certain sentences left your mouth.” “I said,” Inuyasha started through clenched teeth, still not meeting her gaze, “come to my family Christmas dinner this Sunday.” He stopped, ran a hand through his silver mane, closed his eyes, murmured something unintelligible and then added: “As my girlfriend.”
Where Inuyasha tries to fool his parents and miserably fails.
Day 15 Izayoi
The Silence of Daisies by Fierywenchxo (T)
Inuyasha shares with Kagome one of the biggest secrets he's ever kept. One-shot.
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television-overload · 6 months
Done! *passes out*
White Christmas
NCIS Christmas 2023 fic
Read on AO3
Summary: For Christmas 2023, the NCIS family makes their way to Alaska to celebrate all together for the first time in years.
WC: 7,963
Rating: G
"Daddy, Daddy! I can see the glaciers!” Tali announced excitedly, her face pressed up against the small airplane window.
Tony DiNozzo smiled and peeked over her head of wavy brown hair to catch a glimpse of the snow-covered Alaskan wilderness below. “You remember what you learned about glaciers in school?” he prompted.
“Uh-huh! They’re like frozen rivers that move down the mountains!”
“Something like that,” Tony chuckled. “You’d better sit down and buckle up, Tals, we’ll be landing soon.”
The nine-year-old obeyed, sitting back in her seat where her legs didn’t quite touch the ground—though the way she’d been growing lately, it wouldn’t be long.
“Can I have your phone to take pictures?” Tali asked once she was properly buckled, the seatbelt tightened by her father until he deemed it sufficient.
With an exaggerated sigh, Tony fished the device out of his back pocket and handed it over. “Don’t take too many, we need to save some space for pictures of all the other cool stuff we see.”
With his daughter occupied, Tony turned his attention to the woman sitting in the aisle seat beside him.
“Hey, you doing alright?” he asked in a low voice, placing a hand on her knee.
She had been shifting uncomfortably for the last hour or so of their flight, unable to get positioned in a way that took the pressure off her back. They had broken up their journey from Paris with a day’s respite in New York City, where they were able to catch up with some of Tony’s extended family. Tali, in particular, loved seeing the sights and stuffing her face with giant slices of pizza. But still, it put a lot of strain on Ziva’s body.
“I am starting to rethink what a good idea it was to travel so extensively while pregnant,” she spoke with a grimace, rubbing her rounded belly in comforting circles.
Tony hummed in sympathy, his fingers finding her lower back and massaging there as best as he could in such a confined space. She sighed in relief, her head falling against his shoulder and her eyes drooping shut.
“In our defense, when we planned this trip, we didn’t know you’d be five months pregnant,” he said softly with a teasing lilt to his voice.
It was true. They had almost given up on the prospect of having another child, promising that if it didn’t happen before Tali turned ten, they would stop trying. But finally, after years of negative tests, they got their positive, and Tony and Ziva were overjoyed. Tali, too, was looking forward to having a sibling. The high pitched squeal she had emitted when they first broke the news proved to them that she would be the best big sister a kid could ask for, and she had slept with a copy of the ultrasound in a frame beside her bed ever since.
But when they first started planning this trip almost a year ago, they had not planned on an additional passenger in utero, which definitely complicated things a little. After Gibbs visited them in Paris for the holidays the year prior, they knew they wanted to be with family. That had been the first time they’d seen him since Ziva had finally been reunited with Tony and Tali, and there was a lot of joy to go around. Tali had taken to calling him Grampa Gibbs, and in almost no time at all, they were like two peas in a pod.
“I can’t wait to see everyone,” Ziva murmured, a small smile pulling at her lips. “I hear Jimmy is bringing his girlfriend.”
“Agent Knight,” Tony said, remembering hearing about her from McGee on their weekly phone calls. “It will be nice to finally meet her. From what I hear, she's been good for him.”
Although the shape of their makeshift family had changed a lot over the years, love was still at the heart of it, that was the only thing that mattered. It broke their hearts to hear of the loss of Breena Palmer. It wasn't fair. As much as Tony had gone through since leaving NCIS, at least the end result was a happily-ever-after with Ziva. Jimmy wasn't so lucky. But the consensus was that this Jessica Knight was a great match for Jimmy, and Victoria apparently liked her too.
After a few more minutes, a voice came over the speaker instructing passengers to take their seats for landing, and Tony pressed a kiss to Ziva’s temple.
“You hear that?” he said, his lips brushing against her hair, “Only a little bit longer, hon.”
“I can’t see him!” Tali screeched far too loudly for a public place, while Ziva tried to wrestle her mussed-up hair into something presentable. She stood on her tippy toes, trying to look out through the crowd at the pickup lane outside, craning her neck for any sight of him.
“Tali, hold still,” Ziva said, brushing through the tangles, “He is not here yet, we only landed a few minutes ago. Your father is still getting the luggage.”
Tali squirmed, but luckily Ziva was finishing up with her hair, so soon she would be let loose.
“What kind of car do you think he drives?” she asked excitedly.
“I don’t know, probably something with big snow tires to get through all this snow,” Ziva answered.
Just then, Tony strolled up, dragging a cart stacked high with suitcases along with him.
“He here yet?” he asked.
Ziva let out an exasperated sigh.
“You and your daughter,” she said, shaking her head. “She just asked me the same thing.”
Tony lifted his shoulders in a shrug. “What can I say? Impatience must be genetic.”
Of course, in actuality, Tony was one of the most patient people to ever walk the earth, and Tali too. But in things like this—well, it was a good thing Tali’s birthday was in the summer. If she had to wait almost a whole year to open presents, she’d probably explode.
Through the glass doors, a dark pickup truck rolled its front window down and honked twice, drawing the DiNozzo family’s attention.
“There he is!” Tali squealed triumphantly, bounding out the doors to the waiting vehicle ahead of her parents.
“Tali, wait for us!” Ziva tried, before giving up and simply following behind, weighed down by their carry-ons, brush still in hand.
By the time she and Tony stepped out into the freezing weather, Tali was already leaping into the waiting arms of their old boss with a shout of “Grampa Gibbs!” He folded her into his embrace, murmuring his own welcome to her in that conspiratorial, hushed tone that only existed between a grandfather and his granddaughter.
Bringing the luggage trolley to a halt on the curb next to the truck, Tony wiped his palms against his pants before reaching out to shake Gibbs’ hand.
“Thanks for coming to pick us up,” he said, smiling as the older man pulled him in for a one-armed hug and pat on the back.
“That’s what family’s for.” He released his former senior field agent and turned to Ziva, who had finally set down the bags she was carrying. “Ziver.”
“Hello, Gibbs,” Ziva said, beaming at this man she saw as her father as he wrapped his arms around her. While her pregnancy wasn’t noticeable to the eye under the many layers of sweaters and coats she was wearing, it was unmistakable to the touch.
Just as she expected, Gibbs placed his hands on her shoulders and pulled back, his raised eyebrow contributing to the knowing look he sent her way.
“Surprise!” Tony said, looking as proud as could be. “We would have told you on our last call, but decided to save it. What do you think?”
The answering smile was so free and easy, it just showed how much Gibbs had benefited from his new life here in Alaska.
“I’m happy for you guys,” Gibbs said, “you deserve it.”
They stood for a moment longer, just enjoying being in each other’s presence again, before the car behind them honked impatiently.
“Well, hurry up, daylight won’t last much longer,” Gibbs said, grabbing the first of their bags and tossing it into the bed of the truck. “Everyone is waiting for you back at home.”
“It’s cold,” Tali said, her cheeks already pink despite the puffy, fur lined coat and thick woolen mittens she wore.
Gibbs chuckled, handing Tony the next bag.
“Then you’d better get in before you turn into an icicle,” he said, tipping his head in the direction of the truck. With a toothy grin copied and pasted from her father, she bounded up to the open door and hoisted herself into the backseat with her mother’s help, and the two climbed into the vehicle.
The drive from the airport in Fairbanks to Gibbs’ place in an area known as Two Rivers took only about 30 minutes. The entire ride, Tali chattered away about the baby, and the big house out in the French countryside they were thinking of moving to. It looked like Gibbs’ lips were stuck in a permanent contented smile, and just as he had done many times for Tony and Ziva, he did what he did best: listened.
As they passed the occasional display of Christmas lights, Ziva would tap Tali’s shoulder to draw her attention, pointing out the window so she could see. Even though it was only two o’clock in the afternoon, it was already getting dark, a phenomenon that Tony did his best to explain scientifically, giving up when it became clear that he was only confusing Tali more. Gibbs couldn’t help but chuckle at his expense. Little Johnny and Morgan McGee could probably explain it better than he could, but he kept that thought to himself.
At last, they pulled into a long driveway, recently plowed to clear it of snow. As they rounded the curve, the moderately-sized cabin came into view from behind the tall evergreen trees, its warmly-lit windows and snow-covered roof a vision of a picturesque Christmas.
Tony climbed out of the cab first, promptly opening the door behind him to help his pregnant wife out of the vehicle. On the other side of the truck, Tali jumped into Gibbs’ arms with a squeal of glee, and was carefully lowered to the ground.
While they stood gathering their things, they heard the front door open with a creak and snick shut, the motion-activated porch light illuminating with a glow.
“Look who the blizzard blew in,” came the voice of Timothy McGee. Tony turned in the direction of the sound and saw his best friend standing on the porch with a huge grin on his face. McGee immediately shoved his hands in his coat pockets and trotted down the front steps, quickly crossing the short distance to the new arrivals. Not a moment passed before he was enveloping Tony in a hug, patting him on the back to convey just how good it was to see him again.
“It's so good to see you all!” McGee spoke. “How was your flight?”
Tony shared a look with Ziva, and responded. “Better for some of us than others,” he said as he wrapped an arm around Ziva’s shoulders. McGee wasted no time in greeting her with a one-armed hug of his own, careful of the bags she was carrying.
“I saw a glacier!” Tali said excitedly, her arms wrapped around her stuffed dog Kelev.
McGee crouched down so he was on her level, his mouth widened in a smile. “I bet you did. Pretty cool, huh?”
Tali nodded emphatically, and Tim stood back to his full height, walking around to the back of the pickup where Gibbs was standing.
“Come on, let’s get you guys out of this cold,” he said, lending a hand by taking one of their suitcases with him. “The snow’s supposed to pick up in the next few hours. Should be quite a sight.”
They followed behind, carrying all their luggage with them as they approached the rustic-style house. McGee pulled the suitcase he was carrying up a wooden ramp, its wheels gliding smoothly up the incline to the porch.
“Gibbs built this for Delilah,” McGee explained proudly, glancing back at Tony and Ziva. “Got the slope of it right and everything, isn’t that great?”
Tony and Ziva joined in the praise, though it surprised no one that Gibbs had done his due diligence to make everything just right for his guests. Despite the snow, it looked like he’d done the work to make his place accessible for McGee’s wheelchair-using wife, and the craftsmanship was exactly what they’d come to expect from Gibbs’ woodworking projects. It blended seamlessly into the rest of the timber exterior, almost as if it had always been there.
“They’re here!” McGee called out as he pushed the door open with his foot, hefting the bag into the entryway.
Excited shrieks and rapidly approaching footsteps precluded the arrival of little Johnny and Morgan, who energetically hopped up and down right in front of the door, preventing the others from entering.
“Hey, hey—yes, I know we’re excited to see everyone, but—Johnny—Morg—"
“If your name is McGee and you are standing within 5 feet of the door, you need to back away right now and give everyone space,” Delilah spoke in a firm, warning tone as she wheeled into the vaulted entrance hall of the cabin. “Yes, that includes you, Tim,” she added, a glint of amusement betraying the kindness she hid underneath that commanding presence. She always was more effective at getting the twins to fall in line than their father was. As ordered, the two backed up until they were standing against the wall, hardly able to hold still for all the excitement they were feeling.
“Hey!” Tony called out as he entered. “There they are! How old are you now, mini-McGees?”
“SIX!” They answered, and Johnny (after double checking that he had it right) held up six fingers to show his Uncle Tony. Their birthday had been last month, just before Thanksgiving, and they’d spent most of their birthday phone call talking with Tali about all the things they hoped to do and see on their Christmas trip. Now, at last, the time had come. It had been years since the McGees came to visit during the summer holidays, and that was far too long for the little ones to be apart.
Ziva entered next, brushing snowflakes off her coat as she wiped her boots on the welcome mat. Her smile was easy and warm, marked by the introspective awareness of what a blessing this time with family was after everything she had been through. Delilah rolled up beside her and welcomed her with a hug, taking one of her carry-on bags off her hands and setting it in her lap.
“The kids wouldn’t stop talking about seeing Tali again,” she said with fond exasperation. “I hope she’s ready to be smothered by two clingy six-year-olds with a million questions.”
Ziva chuckled and followed Delilah into the house, setting her other bag on a wooden bench in the hallway as she passed. “She has been equally looking forward to it, I’d say,” Ziva answered. “Thankfully we have not yet reached the point where she thinks she is too cool to spend time with her family, though I am certainly not looking forward to that day.”
Delilah waved her hand in disbelief. “Pssh. If any kid could skip that phase, I’m confident it’s her,” she said, shaking her head. “She only just got you back, I’m sure she realizes how fortunate she is to have two parents who love her.”
It was a surprise to Ziva every time how little it hurt to hear things like that, these days. Those years of separation and constant anxiety were now in her past, and she had finally been able to move on. Of course, anxiety wasn’t something that went away for good, but she managed much better now than she had before. And she could talk about what had happened without breaking down, which was a huge step forward. Just another thing to be grateful for.
“TALI!” two twin voices screeched, and when Ziva turned to look at Tony, he had his finger in his ear, wiggling it around as if to test his hearing. She smirked, rolling her eyes a little.
Their daughter had been enveloped by the much shorter McGee twins, just as Delilah had predicted. She could vaguely make out a slew of questions being fired at the eldest child, about their trip to New York, whether she saw any polar bears from the plane, and the stuffed dog she carried. Tali seemed to be taking it in stride, only looking a little overwhelmed at the attention as she tried to make her way further into the house. Tucking Kelev under the crook of her arm, she grabbed Johnny and Morgan’s hands with each of her own, leading them into the next room.
Yes, she would be a good big sister. Ziva smiled as she watched them go off on their own.
“I know what that sound means,” came another voice, as he peeked around the corner into the entryway.
“Hey, Jimbo!” Tony greeted. “I think they broke the sound barrier that time. Probably scared off every wild animal in a 5-mile radius.”
Jimmy Palmer grinned, his eyes crinkling behind his rounded glasses. “Well, can you blame them? I’d be right there with them if it were socially acceptable, I’m so happy you guys could make it!”
Ziva placed a hand on his shoulder and pressed a kiss to his cheek. “We would not want to be anywhere else,” she said truthfully.
Glancing at each of them in turn, Palmer offered, “Can I take your coat? There’s a closet by the back door where the rest of us have ours stashed.”
Ziva sent a questioning glance back at Tony, and he shrugged and gave a tiny nod. It was times like these that their unspoken communication really came in handy.
“Thank you, Jimmy,” Ziva agreed, turning her back to him and allowing him to help her with the thick winter coat. It slipped down her shoulders, and as it did, she watched with great amusement the reactions of each of their friends the moment they noticed her rounded figure.
McGee’s jaw dropped in an awed and excited expression, and he immediately turned to look at his wife, who herself looked rather surprised and pleased.
Ziva turned expectantly to Palmer, who thus far had only seen their reactions and not what caused them.
“What are you—” he began to ask, then his eyes widened in disbelief. “What?! You guys! Finally!” He promptly pulled Ziva into a crushing hug, pulling back to look at her and then to Tony.
He knew how much this meant to his friend, after missing out on this incredible part of his daughter’s life the first time. He’d been something of a confidante to him for years, listening to him over the phone as he lamented all the things he missed as he learned how to be a father. This time, he knew, nothing could keep him from being involved every step of the way. Probably even more than Ziva would like at times, if he had to guess.
“How far along are you? Do you know what you're having?” Jimmy fired away with the questions, and Ziva couldn't help but think this is what she could have had the first time around, if she had chosen differently. A family to share this wonderful news with, and a partner by her side.
“20 weeks,” she answered with a glowing smile. “And–”
She turned to look expectantly at Tony.
“It's a boy,” he announced proudly, looking for all the world happier than he'd ever been. “We found out last week.”
Shouts of congratulations echoed the entryway, and McGee came up to shake his hand, offering him a clap on his back.
“Any thoughts on names?” Delilah asked next.
Ziva nodded, her eyes flicking in the direction of Gibbs before nervously trailing the walls and ceiling. “Actually, we have had one picked out for a while…”
Tony’s arm wrapped around her shoulder, pulling her close.
“Leroy Farragut DiNozzo,” he spoke in a bold voice, waving his hand in an arc in front of him for dramatic effect, which earned a host of politely repressed looks of concern by all their friends.
“Ah, jeez,” Gibbs spoke gruffly, shucking his own coat and hanging it on a nearby coat rack.
McGee, too, looked alarmed. “Oh–that's…”
But before anything else could be said, Tony doubled over laughing, and as much as Ziva tried not to, the corner of her lips quirked up involuntarily at her husband's latest antics. McGee breathed a sigh of relief.
“Okay–okay, I'm kidding, we're not naming him Leroy,” Tony said with a wheeze.
“But,” Ziva said seriously, pulling back on the reins of this conversation, “We are naming him after you, Gibbs.”
The room fell silent, the only sign that Gibbs had heard being the tightening of his jaw and the way his adam’s apple bobbed. He never was an emotional one, their boss. He felt it, but rarely did it show.
“We're calling him A.J.,” Tony began, his voice suddenly thick with emotion.
Ziva nodded. “Anthony Jethro.”
Gibbs didn't hesitate to cross the short distance to Tony and Ziva, wrapping her first into a hug, and then him.
“I'm honored,” he spoke softly, ruffling Tony’s hair before pulling back. “You give me a call when that baby’s born, I want to come meet him.”
“Copy that, boss.”
“Perhaps you can come stay with us,” Ziva said. “We are hoping to have a house outside the city by then.”
Tony's face lit up. “Now there's an idea! NCIS Christmas in France next year, mark your calendars!”
“That sounds absolutely wonderful,” Jimmy said honestly, his eyes alight with joy. “Well, hey, Victoria is in the kitchen with Jess working on some hot cocoa and cider, if you want to come say hi. If you're serious about us coming next year, she'll flip. Vic’s always wanted to see the Eiffel Tower.”
“Well, the details will need to be worked out, but we are very serious,” Ziva spoke, wrapping an arm around Tony’s waist. “And I could use a cup of hot cocoa,” she added, resting her chin on his chest and looking up at him. “Tony?”
“Let's go,” he said. Then louder, “Hey, Tali! Hot cocoa!”
“Where?!” came the answering shout.
“Kitchen. Come on!”
She came running out of the living room at full speed, then proceeded to climb Tony like a tree, whispering something in his ear.
“Yes, you can have marshmallows.”
She grinned.
The kitchen was rustic, but large. Palmer led the way, regaling everyone with the story of the trip he, Jess, and Victoria had taken that morning to stock up on goodies at the only grocer in town. Apparently they had taken Gibbs’ snowmobile, or “snow machine” as they called it here, as it was much faster and probably safer than trying to maneuver a larger vehicle in this terrain.
The result of their labor was all the ingredients for warm drinks, smores, and a hearty Christmas dinner, which everyone was looking forward to.
Jimmy pushed open the door to the kitchen, and inside, Agent Knight turned, a smile on her face as she continued stirring the contents of a steaming pot on the stove. Victoria paused mid-conversation where she sat perched on the counter, her face breaking into a grin at the sight of her friend Tali.
“You're here!” she said excitedly, hopping down from the counter. “Want to come help us? You can put the whipped cream on top!”
Tali looked to her father for permission, then hurried over to Victoria, smiling brightly in return. Not quite a year younger than Tali, the two got along swimmingly. Though, like the rest of their NCIS family, they hadn't spent much time together in person, they kept up via video call as often as they could. Long-distance movie nights had become a regular occurrence–whenever they could get it to work with their different time zones.
“Jess, this is Tony and Ziva,” Jimmy said, standing beside her somewhat awkwardly.
Agent Knight nodded. “Hi! I–uh, I've heard a lot about you!” she spoke, reaching out to shake each of their hands in turn. “I see congratulations are in order,” she added, nodding in Ziva’s direction.
Ziva smiled warmly. “Thank you, it is great to meet you. We've heard good things.”
“How's the cocoa coming along?” Jimmy asked, turning to check on the girls whose faces hovered over the chocolatey concoction, taking turns stirring it.
“Almost ready, Daddy!” Victoria said. She nodded to Tali who held a bag full of mini marshmallows. “Just needs a few finishing touches.”
The cocoa and cider was enjoyed by the entire party, as they gathered around the blazing fireplace in Gibbs’ living room. Those who knew each other enjoyed getting caught up on each other's lives, while new friendships were quickly formed between Jessica and the others.
Agent Torres, Tony learned from Palmer, had unfortunately been unable to come for Christmas, citing some unspecified holiday plans that he was being oddly tight-lipped about. Tim, however, whispered his suspicion that the younger agent may, in fact, know the whereabouts of one Eleanor Bishop, and have gone to meet up with her for the holidays. Tony and Ziva shared a knowing look.
Meanwhile, they'd heard Abby had met up with Ducky in London, spending a nice quiet Christmas with him and some of his extended family in the British Isles. It sounded lovely.
As mugs of cocoa were emptied and marshmallows eaten, the children sprawled out on the floor with an array of board games and cards and a veritable mountain of couch pillows. They got along incredibly well for the most part, which their parents were endlessly thankful for.
With them occupied, Palmer took it upon himself to show Tony and Ziva to their room, assisting them with their luggage up the slightly cramped wooden staircase.
“You'll be up here, in the room next to Jess and I,” he spoke, pushing a heavy oak door open with his shoulder. Inside was a beautiful wooden bedframe that they immediately suspected to be handmade, with a mattress topped in a colorful quilt and matching pillows.
“This is lovely,” Ziva said, surveying the comfortable accommodations.
“Tim and Delilah are downstairs next to the living room, and Gibbs is just next to the kitchen.” Jimmy set their suitcases down in the corner, turning to smile at his two friends. “Get this: Gibbs made bunk beds for the kids. He's got the attic all decked out, I'm talking string lights, shag rugs, and the works. If there's not a blanket fort up there by the end of the week, I'll be shocked.”
Ziva felt tears welling up in the corners of her eyes, courtesy of the pregnancy hormones.
“Would you ever have guessed that one day, our boss would build a dream bedroom for our kid?” Tony asked, reaching out for Ziva's hand and threading his fingers into hers.
Ziva's lip wobbled, and Tony knowingly pulled her into his embrace, rubbing a hand soothingly up and down her back.
“It is pretty incredible, isn't it?” Jimmy agreed, an understanding smile pulling at his lips. “I'll go grab Tali's bag and take it up there. You guys get settled in.”
Tony thanked him, and soon it was just the two of them left breathing in the moment, in awe of all the twists and turns their lives had taken.
The ridiculously early sunset combined with jet-lag meant that the DiNozzos were scarcely able to make it past 19:00. The entire group gathered once more for an easy soup dinner before going their separate ways, either putting their finishing touches on gifts for Christmas day or calling it a night and curling up under warm blankets for some much-needed rest.
“I can't believe she’s still awake,” Ziva mumbled, laying on her side with Tony spooned up behind her.
Up in the attic, loud thumps and high-pitched squealing indicated that none of the children had gone to bed like they had been told to. The last time Tony had popped in to check on them, they had been jumping around into piles of pillows and blankets, and dancing to some music playing on an old radio they'd found, with far too much energy.
His hand splayed across her belly protectively, while he nestled his face into her voluminous hair.
“She's a monster of our own creation,” he murmured back, pulling her tighter. “A night owl like me, and an early bird like you.”
Ziva hummed, too exhausted to laugh.
“If they don't knock it off soon, though, I'm telling them Santa will put coal in their stockings,” Tony added, just as another thud sounded above them.
“They're just having fun,” Ziva said, her voice so soft that she had to be moments away from falling asleep. “S’good for her.”
Tony's lips curled up in a smile. He loved the lazy droll of Ziva's voice when she was half-asleep.
“Yeah,” he agreed. Then, he pressed a kiss to her curl-covered head, and let sleep take him.
Tali's eyes blinked open slowly, only the light from the string lights illuminating the cozy attic hideaway. She rolled over and stretched, cuddling Kelev close before sitting up in the top bunk of the bed. Across from her, Victoria still slept soundly in her flannel pajamas. They had worn themselves out last night playing until Uncle Tim had come to scold them for staying up too late.
Tali inched herself over the edge of the bed and down the ladder, her bare feet cold on the wooden surface. It appeared the twins were still passed out too, and likely would be for a while. She was like her mother, in that way. Always early to rise, although her daddy explained that the baby made Ima sleepier now than she usually was.
As quietly as possible, she pushed open the door at the bottom of the stairs and crept down the hallway, making her way to the first floor.
The sun was still far below the horizon, the sky as dark as ink. Only a few lamps lit the living room, but the smell of bacon and freshly-brewed black coffee wafted from the kitchen, which meant she wasn't the only one awake at the crack of dawn.
She pushed open the swinging door and saw Gibbs seated at the breakfast nook, sipping from an old coffee mug as he read the newspaper.
Tali plopped down across from him at the tableclothed table, wordlessly reaching for a piece of bacon and taking a bite. She leaned her head onto her arm and watched him, her eyes still blinking heavily in the dim light.
After several minutes of comfortable silence, marked only by the flip of a newspaper page or Tali’s munching of bacon, Gibbs asked, “Wanna come help me plow the snow?” His voice was gravelly from disuse, breaking the spell of the stillness of early morning.
Tali's cheeks pulled up in a smile and she nodded, following Gibbs to put on her heavy winter boots and coat over her pajamas.
He led her out to his truck, which was fitted with a plow out front for shoveling snow. “Hop up,” he said, patting his lap once he'd taken his seat in front of the wheel. Tali grinned and climbed up.
“Can I steer?” She asked, glancing back at Grampa Gibbs.
“After I clear the driveway and the road,” he answered, chuckling a little at the young girl's enthusiasm.
He took her around the house, pushing the freshly-fallen snow to the side as they drove. The headlights caused the white-blanketed landscape to sparkle, and it looked almost otherworldly with the mountains in the distance, barely visible. As they passed it, Gibbs pointed out the barn where his dogs lived, promising to bring her there later when it was light out and when her cousins were awake.
True to his word, once he'd cleared a section of the road and the driveway that encircled his house, he let Tali have the wheel while he controlled the pedals, keeping a hand close by in case she started to veer too far one way or the other off the gravel of his driveway. She giggled all the while, focusing intently on doing her job correctly.
“Looks like your old man's awake,” Gibbs said as they pulled back up to the house, catching sight of Tony through the window. He helped Tali down from the truck, setting her in the ankle deep snow. She trudged happily toward the house behind him, stepping only in Gibbs' footsteps for the short walk to the porch.
As they opened the door, her Abba was passing by with a glass of water in hand for Ima.
“Look at you, up an at ‘em,” he said, smirking down at his daughter. “Is Grampa Gibbs putting you to work?”
Tali nodded enthusiastically. “He letted me drive!” she said, earning an impressed look from Tony. 
“Well, in that case maybe you want to bring this up to Ima and give her some snuggles,” he said, handing the glass to Tali. “I'll help Grampa over here with breakfast.”
“Okay!” Tali nodded, and after kicking off her boots, she set off up the wooden staircase.
The occupants of the cabin slowly filtered downstairs, rubbing sleep from their eyes and attempting to smooth their sleep-mussed hair.
Little Johnny's stuck up in all directions as he padded down the steps with his sister in tow.
“Hey, buddy, you sleep well?” McGee asked, setting his cup of coffee down on the table. Johnny climbed onto his father's flannel pajama’d lap and laid his head against his chest, still half asleep.
“She snores,” he mumbled tiredly.
Tim chuckled. “Who does, bud?”
McGee lifted his eyes knowingly to Tony. “Wonder where she gets that from?” he said, his tone jokingly accusing.
“Hey,” Tony said, raising his hands in surrender, “mine has been up since o' five-hundred, if he didn't sleep well, that's on him.”
“How did Ziva sleep?” Tim asked, making conversation.
“Like a very noisy rock,” Tony answered, “So, the usual.”
Tim smiled and took another sip of coffee, careful not to spill on the sleeping boy on his chest.
Once everyone had devoured a hearty breakfast of pancakes, eggs, and fruit salad, the sun finally began to rise on a lovely Christmas Eve day.
“What are your plans for the day?” Jimmy asked Tony and Tim. “Only a few hours of daylight, I'm sure there's plenty you want to see.”
Tony glanced over at Ziva, who was curled up on the couch with a cup of hot tea, chatting quietly with Tali.
“We were gonna go to these hot springs that are nearby, but Ziva can't go with the baby,” he said. “Chena Hot Springs. You should look it up, sounds like the perfect way to spend an hour or two before the snow starts up again.”
“You sure you don't want to go?” Tim asked, his eyebrows furrowing. “I can stay home and keep her company.”
Tony waved him off. “Nah, that's okay. We're gonna take it easy, she still gets this nauseous feeling sometimes, the doctor says just to rest and stay hydrated.”
“If you're sure…” McGee said. “It does sound really nice. Jimmy?”
“I'm in. Jess had something similar in mind, I think.”
The three men turned to see Tali standing in the doorway. She leaned close to Tony, and he instinctively bent down to listen to her.
“Grampa Gibbs said I could go see his puppies,” she whispered.
Tony leaned back to look in her eyes, and gave her a little smile.
“I think that's a great idea,” he said, “I bet Victoria and the twins would like to go too. Why don't you all go get your coats on?”
She ran off, and Tony turned back to the grown-ups.
“I can check in on them every once in a while if you guys want to go.”
McGee and Palmer shared a look, then shrugged.
“Well, I guess it's settled,” Jimmy said.
Tim nodded. “My dad always said never to look a gift horse in the mouth, whatever that means.”
Tony chuckled, pushing his two friends through the doorway. “It means it's time for you two to go get your ladies and get your butts into nature's hot tub.”
“Alright, alright,” Tim laughed. “Thanks, Tony. I owe you one.”
By the time the two couples had left for the hot springs and the children were bundled up for their adventure with Gibbs, Ziva had fallen asleep curled up on the couch in front of the fireplace.
Tony stopped in front of her and knelt down, setting the mug she still held on the side table. He traced a finger over her cheekbone, brushing back a stray strand of hair over her ear.
“Ziva,” he whispered, gently jostling her hand with his own.
“You wanna nap upstairs?”
Her eyes opened a crack and worked on focusing on the man in front of her.
“Where is everyone?” she asked, sitting up just a little. 
“Out making the most of the daylight,” he answered with a small smile.
“I'm sorry.”
She tried to sit up again but he stopped her with a soft touch on her shoulder.
“Hey, no, it's okay. I just wanna spend time with you. When's the last time we had an afternoon to ourselves? No Tali, no baby–” he leaned forward, placing a hand on her rounded belly, eyebrows raised. “–yet.”
She smiled a sleepy smile, covering his hand with one of her own.
“We could watch a movie,” she offered, shifting her feet to make space for him beside her.
“Now you're talking,” he said, flashing that trademark grin she'd fallen in love with so many years ago. 
He scooted onto the couch and pulled her to his side, pressing a kiss to her cheek as he did.
“I love you,” he spoke.
“I love you too.”
“It tickles!” Morgan giggled, the puppy in her arms licking her face relentlessly. Tali set down the one she was holding and picked up another from the bed of straw they had been sleeping in.
They stayed pretty warm in the barn they lived in, insulated by straw and plenty of blankets. Plus, these Alaskan huskies had more than enough thick fur to keep them comfortable through the winter. This was what they were built for, after all, and Gibbs loved looking after them.
“Sled's almost ready,” he spoke, busy tying up a series of ropes. He set the excess equipment aside on his workbench, where his woodworking tools were laid out. The fully grown team of dogs barked and jumped excitedly as they were attached individually to the sled. 
Gibbs opened the large main doors of the barn, propping them open with heavy bricks before returning to the kids.
He'd thought his shot at having any of those was gone with Kelly. How wrong he had been.
“Alright, hop on, all of you sit in the front.”
Morgan gave the puppy she was holding a kiss on the forehead, then set it down to join her brother and friends with Gibbs.
“Can I stand in the back with you?” Tali asked, giving him her best puppy-dog eyes.
“Fine,” he acquiesced, “you gotta hold on tight, though, you hear me?”
Her little hands gripped the handlebar at the back of the sled, and Gibbs stepped on behind her, grabbing ahold of the reins.
With a simple command, the dogs took off over the snow. The kids squealed with glee, the cold wind blowing in their faces as the team of dogs happily pulled them along around the house and the perimeter of Gibbs’ property. 
“Go, go, go!” Johnny cheered, enjoying the ride.
They stayed out there until each of them had had a turn standing in the back with Gibbs.
The hot springs had been as relaxing and beautiful as advertised. And to be child-free for even a few hours during the school holidays was priceless. They really owed Gibbs and DiNozzo a favor.
When they arrived back at the house, it was suspiciously quiet. An old country western movie was playing on the TV in the living room, and both Tony and Ziva were fast asleep, curled up together under a blanket.
McGee smiled and reached for Delilah's hand, squeezing it once. He was so thankful to have Ziva back after all this time. He could only imagine how Tony felt. Every moment of peace he now enjoyed was earned a hundred fold. For both of them.
“Why don't you go check on the kids?” Delilah said quietly, careful not to wake them. Tim nodded and headed toward the stairs, while Delilah wheeled her way into the kitchen with the others.
Up in the attic, Gibbs lay on the floor beneath a ramshackle amalgamation of blankets and pillows. He'd be the last person to admit they'd worn him out between the dog sledding, snowman making, and fort building, but he wouldn't complain if they let him just lay here for a little bit longer. He hadn't taken everything with him when he moved to Alaska, but he did still have some of Kelly's old things, toys that Victoria, Tali, Johnny, and Morgan were now playing with.
“How's everyone doing up here?” Tim's voice called as he made his way up the stairs. “Woah, looks like you all had a fun afternoon.”
“We went on the dog sled!” Morgan announced loudly, her head popping out of the fort. Gibbs pushed one of the blankets aside and inched his way out.
“You good, boss?” Tim asked, an amused smile on his face.
“‘Course,” Gibbs answered with a nod, stretching his knees. “I'll get started on dinner. Steaks okay?”
“Great!” McGee answered. “I’ll come down and help in a bit.”
Dinner consisted of Gibbs’ signature cowboy steaks cooked over a fire. The kids regaled their parents with stories of their afternoon activities, while the adults discussed their hopes of seeing the northern lights that night.
A few hours later, they all stood bundled up on Gibbs’ back porch, disappointedly staring up at the cloudy sky.
“We'll try again tomorrow night,” McGee said, giving Johnny a consoling pat on the back. The clouds would prevent them from getting a view of the aurora tonight, but hopefully another time they would have more luck. Eventually they trudged back inside to warm up around the fire.
“Tateleh, have you set your shoes out for Père Noël?” Ziva asked.
Tali's eyes widened, and she ran off to grab a pair.
“What's she doing that for?” Victoria asked, looking up to her father.
“Père Noël is French for Father Christmas – Santa Claus,” Tony explained. “In France, he leaves presents in shoes instead of stockings."
“Can I leave my shoes out too?” Morgan asked, yanking on her dad's hand.
“Me too!” Johnny said. 
“Go get them,” Delilah spoke, nodding toward the stairs. Victoria followed, excited at the prospect of getting more candy and presents from Santa Claus.
Somewhere, a floorboard squeaked, drawing Tali out of her peaceful sleep. When she opened her eyes, Grampa Gibbs was standing beside the bunk bed wearing a t-shirt and plaid pajama pants.
He held a finger over his lips. 
“Follow me, I've got something to show ya,” he said in a whisper, bending to do the same for Morgan, then Victoria and Johnny. They each rubbed their eyes sleepily, allowing Gibbs to help them down from the bunk beds and into their slippers.
“Where are we going?” Morgan asked, her whisper not quite as soft as she was intending. They padded down the cold wooden stairs, like little ducks in a row as they followed their parents’ old boss.
“You'll see in a minute,” Gibbs promised, leading them through the living room to the back porch door.
Johnny glanced at the Christmas tree as they passed it. “Hey! Santa already came!” he said excitedly, his eyes widening at the sight of so many presents under the tree and filling their stockings and shoes.
“Plenty of time for that later,” Gibbs spoke, handing each of them their coats. “Look outside.”
Tali did, and she gasped at the sight of the sky alight with color. Stripes of green rippled across the black firmament above the Earth, like a flag waving in the wind. Surrounding it was a glittering field of stars, brighter than any Tali or the others had seen, living so close to the cities.
“The clouds cleared!” Victoria said, staring up at the sky in awe. Gibbs opened the door and let them outside, watching their faces instead of the natural wonder taking place above their heads. 
“So cool,” Johnny mouthed, his jaw hanging open. “This is the best Christmas ever.”
Morgan nodded in agreement.
This was pretty special. A moment the children would never forget.
Morning time brought presents and the kind of holiday cheer Ziva never thought she'd be lucky enough to experience again. The kids were delighted at their gifts, giggling at their success at getting chocolates put in their shoes by Santa Claus, just as Tali said would happen.
Victoria received a star projector as one of her presents, and she and Tali were already making plans to try it out in the fort they had built upstairs. Meanwhile, Ziva gave Tony an empty baby book, knowing it would mean the world to him to fill it with pictures and memories as their new baby grew.
Snow was again falling, a picturesque sight out the large cabin windows, especially with the sun beginning to rise over the horizon. Light wisps of pink and yellow mixed with faded blue over the top of the snow-capped mountains. A crystal clear morning.
“Why don't you play for us,” Ziva whispered in Tony's ear, nodding to the piano that sat in the corner of the room, a remnant of the previous tenant, Gibbs had said.
Tony turned and looked down at her, a contented smile playing on his lips. He leaned forward and pressed his lips to hers, holding there for a beat, then unfolded himself from the couch where they sat intertwined.
“Hey!” McGee said excitedly when he noticed where he was headed. The others looked up from their gifts and smiled in anticipation. Tali hopped to her feet and joined her Abba by the piano, her grin matching his.
“What song should I play?” he asked her. One look out the window, and she answered his question in his ear like a secret. “Good idea,” he said.
After testing the keys, making sure they were in working order, his fingers splayed across the instrument, beginning their rhythmic dance. Each chord was played beautifully, a warm sound that matched the feeling of sitting by the fire with family. 
“Sing with me, Tali,” Tony said, locking eyes with his daughter as he finished up his intro. She nodded eagerly and placed a hand on his shoulder, leaning her head against him.
I'm dreaming of a white Christmas,
Just like the ones I used to know.
Where the treetops glisten,
And children listen,
To hear sleigh-bells in the snow.
I'm dreaming of a white Christmas,
With every Christmas card I write.
May your days be merry and bright,
And may all your Christmases,
Be white.
Tag list: @artemisscabin @benedettabeby @earanemith @happygirl-0408 @hopeless-nostalgiac @loudlooks @nicolem194 @putthekettleon @slippery-soapbox @tivafanfic @tonysziva
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The Undecided AU: Red Sun
Made an OC for my Undecided AU Red Sun, the son of SunBlast and Penumbra and Connor' Best Arch Frenemy
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Name: Solano Sombra Solís (nickname: Red, Sol, Triple S -by Conner 😂)
(Note: I thought of this name Solano as it means place exposed to the sun and Sombra means shadow in Spanish I thought it would fit as an eclipse forms a shadow when it gets close to the sun, SunBlast's civilian name which is Saúl Solís,- refer to the image of SunBlast below, and it kinda sounds like Penumbra's civilian name, Penelope Numbra Braxton. Penumbra and SunBlast came up with the name because both of them want their child to enjoy the sun and remember the shadows.)
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Image source: (1) (2)
Powers: Red Sun inherited both of his parents powers and use them separately and at the same time, called solar prominence. Initially he had a difficult time controlling them.
He also glows red in colour which is inspired by solar prominence, powerful explosions from the Sun, which is usually invisible to the naked eye but can be seen during an eclipse, where the moon is blocking the sun and that looks like red death ray blasts coming from the surface of the Sun. This is why his name is Red Sun and his costume is also red.
Source: (1) (2)
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Image Source (3)
Background: After Penumbra managed to find a way to unshrink SunBlast, he became a diplomat and attempted to foster better relationship, understanding and friendship between those who suffer the umbra condition and those who do not in the city of Atreno.
One of his successful acts include convincing the mayor of Atreno to use Penumbra's weather machine some times in a week to make it cloudy so that the Umbra citizens can go outside without worrying about being burnt to a crisp.
Hearing this news, many of the Umbras who moved to Alaska came back to the city of Atreno.
Afterwards, SunBlast proposes to Penumbra which she accepts and they were married with an eclipse style wedding and with both sides attending.
When they talk about kids, Penumbra wants to wait until they are able to develop a cure for the umbra condition because she fears that their child might inherit her condition, and wants the child to enjoy the sunlight, SunBlast agrees.
(This is why Red Sun has no umbra condition and somewhat resembles Penumbra before her umbra condition.)
Later on, with the help of SunBlast, Penumbra was able to find a cure to the umbra condition and both of them were hailed as the heroes of the city.
(Note: Penumbra is able to still use her powers after being cured.)
However despite SunBlast and Penumbra's heroic deeds and SunBlast explaining the real story of what really happened to him after his disappearance, P.E.A.C.E. and the public outside of Atreno still considers Penumbra And SunBlast as villains and also considers Atreno "a villain controlled city".
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P.E.A.C.E. orders Albedo (Jonathan Guerrero), who in the eyes of the public is considered "the first Umbra hero" to take down Penumbra and SunBlast for controlling their city and for spreading "misinformation" about the organisation being corrupt and hiring corrupt heroes.
Albedo, who refuses to give up his fame, fortune and title as a hero of Atreno attempts to do as P.E.A.C.E. says and takes down the couple but always ends up failing...
Albedo is instructed by P.E.A.C.E. the cure Penumbra created as it means supporting the villains, which he believes was "supporting the villains" he thinks it was a small price to pay for being a hero which he agrees.
However, secretly he got the cure for his daughter (who is a teenager at this time).
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(I theorised that that little girl visiting Albedo after getting injured from fighting Penumbra is his daughter)
But also spreads misinformation that whoever uses the cure is "evil" and is "siding with the villains". There were a few umbras who supported P.E.A.C.E. hence refuse to use the cure and would rather be burnt to a crisp by the sun than to be labeled as a villain.
This caused a divide between him and his daughter for telling lies and putting his title as a hero over title as a hero over the umra citizens "who he swore to protect". He argues that his lies are what puts food on the table, a shelter on their heads and enables them to live a life of luxury they can only dream and if he doesn't P.E.A.C.E. would take everything away from them and blacklist him as a villain, making him unable to find a job and be shunned from society.
SunBlast and Penumbra would often fight Albedo who is now both of the Arch-Nemesis, curb all the misinformation by him and P.E.A.C.E. and attempt to stop the remaining umbra's self destructive behaviour over believing such false rumors.
Goals: To clear his parents city's name and clean up the corruption in P.E.A.C.E.
Solano, despite his parents best efforts trying to hide the problems they are facing from their son, he still sees despite being heroes and all the selfless heroic good deeds they have done they are still considered as villains to the general public and he can see this clearly especially when they go out of Atreno. Atreno was also blacklisted by P.E.A.C.E. as a villain run city, ruining the city's reputation and reducing the tourism, business opportunities of the city, which in turn affected its economy.
Hence the young boy made it his life goal to clear his parents and city's name. To do that he has to enroll at P.E.A.C.E. and become the top hero so that he can finally make changes in his system and bring justice to his family and city.
SunBlast and Penumbra tried to dissuade their son, but he already made up his mind and enrolled in the P.E.A.C.E. Academy school of heroes when he was old enough.
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SunBlast called to enlist the help of his old coach, who reconciled and apologised after siding with Miss Heed. (will explain this in a future post), to help train his son.
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The coach was already a personal tutor and teaching The Vigilante (Conner), who was a part time student there and that was the start of their rivalry.
Personality: Red Sun, becomes so focused on his goals grew up to be a very serious and intimidating person, who rarely jokes with people.
Hence his serious expression in the drawing.
Despite his good attention of becoming a hero, he also wants to achieve success for himself at the same time.
He is someone hot tempered and often takes things way too seriously.
Even though his parents tried many times to tell him that he should not take things too seriously and loosen up, and he should not put too much pressure on himself like he has the weight of the world of his shoulders, he won't listen.
Relationship with The Vigilante: He despises Connor because despite, being in the same boat as him: having a villain parent and a hero one (Red Sun considers both of his parents heroes but he knows his mother considers herself a villain) the heroes in the school were more accepting and welcoming to Conner because his father is GoldHeart, that was also another reason he hated him because GoldHeart was a corrupted hero and stood for everything he was against.
(He is a somewhat neutral Flug as he is friends with his mother.)
Meanwhile the students are more suspicious and untrustworthy of him because of his parents and he had to work extremely hard to earn their respect.
Connor is also somewhat more likeable and popular amongst the other students due to his friendly and easygoing personality while people are afraid of him due to his serious and intimidating personality.
He also hates Connor, because despite not taking heroing seriously, and also doing villain activities on the side, he is able to excel hero training through is strategic thinking during team hero missions and leading them to victory.
Hence, he often tries to out due him in everything. As well as make it a point to after him whenever he can while he is doing villainous activities. He is often annoyed at his trolling and crazy hero-villain antics which drive him crazy.
Eventually both of them will get along and balance each other out. Connor will become more serious while Red Sun, will learn to loosen up, making him a better leader
As well as putting his ego aside, for the success of the heroes as a whole, even though he is not the one bringing it (such as being part of of Connor's crazy plans and ideas) and eventually learning that the world was not as black and white as he thought so and needs to adapt to it in order to succeed and achieve his goals.
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mastcrmarksman · 3 months
If you could visit anywhere in the world, where would you go?
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Oh boy! I have quite a little list.
Okay, so my last name is Finnish. That's all I really know, it's a somewhat unique last name as I've never heard it anywhere else. I won't share it publicly, but friends may ask. Lol.
So Finland is a place I'd like to go. Partly because I'd love to know how to correctly say my last name. As well as generally, I want to learn more about Finland since that's where one side of me comes from.
Next would be Scotland and Ireland, I could be without the UK lol. I've heard it's very green there. One of my friends here from tumblr lives in Scotland so see that is why. And then Ireland as my mom's adopted parents, one side comes from Ireland. So that's a geniune curiosity for me.
Geniunely, I would love to visit Alaska and Canada. I know there's some beautiful landscapes and all of that.
Florida is on my list and goal for next year, as my best friend of almost 15 years is moving back to Florida. So I wanna start saving up for trip money so I can go visit and stay with her sometimes. Cause all I really care about is my friends and having time with them. I didn't get to visit her when she first moved to Florida (she moved back to California for a year and realized Florida weather is better for her) so I really want to push to go see her.
I don't travel well unfortunately, but it's something I've challenged myself on. I've only been on a plane twice (to DC and back in 8th grade).
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cheerfullycatholic · 5 months
I sent you the anon before about trips and travel! It’s nice to get different perspectives. The reason I actually did though is because I recently heard something that troubled me quite a bit and it was probably something stupid but every time I have peace idk maybe it’s just because it’s an attack and something makes me feel a certain way or trued to steal the peace but it was someone talking about how the only goal they have is to go to all these places and they don’t wanna die without seeing NY city or Alaskan northern lights and I guess if just makes me feel like the way it’s hyped up like we should be doing all of this otherwise it’s just not worth it even though my first thought was that people shouldn’t want to die without knowing God, without knowing Jesus who died for them but that’s rarely preached in these types of messages. I just don’t want to fall into that trap of forgetting what’s really important and feeling like I need to do other stuff y’know? Sorry if this is a bit all over the place but maybe you could pray or if you wanna throw in your two cents I’d love to listen
I get what you mean. Travel has become an idol to so many people, but that doesn't mean it's inherently a sin. God created this beautiful world and it's okay to want to see new places, meet new people, experience cultures other than our own, and admire the beauty of His creation. I think where a lot of people, especially some Christians, go wrong is that they want to travel without God. So many people these days will go on vacation and leave Him at home. They neglect their prayers, don't go to church, and spend so much money on frivolous things that they don't really need in order to enjoy their time away from home. Traveling can be such a fun, fulfilling experience if people would take God with them. But on the other hand, traveling also isn't necessary in order to admire God's creation, and I hate the idea that you're not living your best life if you don't travel. Wanting to visit New York or see the Northern lights in Alaska, while fun, isn't something people need to experience before they die. That kind of mindset just leads to chasing a material happiness that can never be caught because there will always be something that people they need to see before they die and it's so expensive and dangerous
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madebyrolo · 5 months
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Chapter 6
ᨒ↟ ⋆。° ᨒ↟ ⋆。° ᨒ↟ ⋆。°
☪︎ ִ ࣪𖤐 𐦍 ☾𖤓
Jacob drove them to a pizza place in Port Angeles. They walk in the restaurant and get seated in a booth. They order their drinks and a pepperoni pizza.
“So y/n how was your life back in Chicago” Jacob asked starting up a convo.
“I lived in a neighborhood just outside of the city. Even tho it would get loud I loved being able to walk around everywhere. My neighbors/closet friends, Diego and Amber, we would always walk to 711 or just around the city late at night. Once at a sleepover we got high and just spent hours roaming around the city. We got lost at some point but we ended up finding the best taco truck.” y/n explained.
“How ‘bout you? Tell me about La Push ” She said
“Well the rez is quiet unlike the city. Not much goes around just wolves here and there” he says with a small laugh
“Wait is there wolfs here??” she asked
“Um yea in a way” Jacob said with a nervous grin
“What do you mean?” Y/n asked
Jacob knew he wasn’t allowed to tell her, but something inside felt like he could trust her. He only knew y/n for not even 48 hours but he knew like she would be around forever .It wouldn’t be easy telling someone about humans turning into werewolves.
“Okay, the Quiluetes have some tribal stories where we are descents from Wolfs. We would shift to them when we would feel our enemies presence in our blood. Apparently our body temperature rises to unhumanly highs.” Jacob explained 
They never said he couldn’t tell tribal “stories”
“Wow. Do you know anybody who shifted? Who are your enemies?” She asked him eagerly
“Y/n these are just myths. My dad he’s a council member,they share these stories when we have meetings. No harm just fun little stories.” He said
“Oh, that would be cool tho. Would you want to ‘wolf out’” y/n asked Jacob.
“Um yea it would be nice, but a down side is when you do your clothes are ripped off and you have to always have a pair of clothes hidden somewhere. Also there’s a thing called imprinting- ” but before he could explain what it was the server comes with their food.
“Here’s your pizza, is there anything else I can get you?” He asked y/n. He had mischief in his eyes, pink creeping up on his cheeks and a smirk plastered.
“Um no thanks…” Y/n said giving him a confused yet disgusted look
“Well my name is Will, holler if you need anything.” He said with a wink and walked away.
“Okay I may be young but I know hes trying get in your pants.” Jake said
“Jake! Obviously but I don’t know that’s so embarrassing…” she said
“Oh wait maybe if you flirt back you can get is a free desert!!!” He told her
“Omg should I try it?”
“Yes their lava cakes are soo good you gotta try them!”
“Alright later but let’s dig in.”
Jacob was somewhat relived he didn’t have to finishing explaining what imprinting was to her. It’s a beautiful thing but explaining it to a girl would feel a little awkward.
An hour passed and they successfully walked out with a free desert but unfortunately with a phone number. Y/n threw it in her cup holder and started her car.
“Alright it 4:12, wanna do something els?” Y/n asked Jacob
“Let’s go this bookstore. I’ll give you the directions.” Jacob said
“Okay let’s go, I’ve been meaning to visit the library but too lazy”
Jacob had a plan. He can’t tell her the truth but like they say the truth will always come out.
They soon arrived to the book store. They walked in and started browsing.
“I really wanna get looking for Alaska and Peace like a river” she said while she looks through the fiction section
Jacob goes on his own and looks through the Native American history’s section. He picks up a book about the Quileute history and picks up a random book to making sure his plan works out. After y/n finds her books they both check and leave.
Y/n dropped off Jacob home and she then stopped by the store on her way home. She picked up a few of her favorite snacks for tonights movie marathon. Once she got home she put her new books away did her nightly routine. She got into some comfortable pjs and picked a movie out her family’s DVD collection to finish off the day.
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noaasanctuaries · 2 years
Today is the 50th anniversary of the National Marine Sanctuary System! 🎉
#OnThisDay 50 years ago, a new era of ocean conservation was born by creating a system of national marine sanctuaries. Since then, the National Marine Sanctuary System has grown into a nationwide network of 15 national marine sanctuaries and two marine national monuments that conserve more than 620,000 square miles of spectacular ocean and Great Lakes waters, an area nearly the size of Alaska.
Each national marine sanctuary and marine national monument has its own unique history and purpose. These underwater parks were set aside for both protection and enjoyment, now and in the future—and decisions about how to best manage each of these special places continue to be made using the best available scientific data, as well as extensive public input.
We believe that water is a thread that connects us all. National marine sanctuaries and monuments support coastal communities and drive local economies by providing jobs and opportunities for people to discover, recreate, and form lifelong connections with these spectacular places. The successes throughout the National Marine Sanctuary System show that conservation, economic prosperity, and human well being not only go well together, but they are deeply woven together in our national character.
As we look toward the future, we fully embrace our responsibility to save these spectacular places and ensure the National Marine Sanctuary System remains a source of pride and enjoyment for all. Help us #SaveSpectacular for the next 50 years.
Celebrate our anniversary with us by spreading the word through social media. Share this post or download this animation by visiting https://sanctuaries.noaa.gov/50/toolkit.html and tell us why you feel connected to national marine sanctuaries. Don’t forget to use #SaveSpectacular in your posts and tag @noaasanctuaries on Instagram, @sanctuaries on Twitter, and NOAA Office of National Marine Sanctuaries on Facebook. It’s time to celebrate!
Learn more:
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sexy-sea-basss · 6 months
Alaska Q&A
I figured people were curious about alaska, so i made a list of questions yall can ask me. some are silly and simple, some have a little more depth. I’ve been asked most of these questions by tourists back in my tourism industry days
#28 is a blank question, so if you have a question that isn’t on here, feel free to send it in!!!
update: i’ll be making an educational post for #4. I’ve had a lot of people ask for it. If you want to be tagged when i post it, lmk. If you already asked for it, I’ll tag you.
Are you actually part of the US?
What’s the biggest city?
Do you live in igloos?
Tell me more about the native cultures and tribes
What’s a totem pole?
what’s your favorite thing about alaska?
What wildlife can be commonly seen?
What are some popular outdoor activities?
What is the significance of the Northern Lights? When is the best time to see them?
Are there any notable festivals or events that showcase Alaska's culture?
What’s the capital of Alaska?
Is it true you get paid to live there?
Is your state bird really a mosquito?
Can you drive to Juneau?
What challenges does Alaska face in terms of infrastructure and connectivity?
do you go berry picking? fishing? hunting?
Can you recommend any must-visit places or hidden gems?
What are the unique aspects of Alaska's flora and fauna?
What’s the fishing industry like?
How do Alaskans’s deal with the extended periods of darkness in winter and continuous daylight in summer?
What role does aviation play in connecting Alaska's remote communities, and what are the challenges faced?
All things tourism- best time to visit? Places to go? Things to see? Things to do?
do you have: ____? (insert store, restaurant, candy bar, or anything you’re curious to know if we have)
when did alaska become a state?
what’s your state flag?
isn’t texas bigger?
do you see polar bears?
Your own question!
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Just for hypothetical theory speculation, if Sam were alive after the 3rd movie and was relocated by the government. Where do you think they would put him and his family? My first thought would be that they would put him in a highly populated area like Las Vegas, Florida, or new york, so as to easily hide his location amongst thousands of people. Also they would only entrust his location to few and trusted individuals in the government as to protect his whereabouts from people like the cemetery wind in the 4th movie and the trf in the 5th. As it would be obvious that Sam would be they're go to person to locate the autobots, seeing as he was the closest to them out of any human on earth. Also, it's hard for me to believe that Sam would just be cool about the autobots being hunted by humans and just be willing to stand on the sidelines about it since he was so eager to help in dotm. Unless of coarse it was absolutely imperative that he stay hidden for the sake of his and his family's life.
I do think Sam most likely passed, because I agree there is no way Sam would let the bots be hunted. He would come out of hiding to save them if he knew.
But for the sake of this hypothetical, let's say he is alive. After the 3rd movie Lennox decides Sam has had enough. Sam puts up some resistance, not wanting to leave Bee. But Bee agrees with Lennox. Bee is scared of losing Sam and thinks it is for the best he hides away. Sam is reluctant but agrees, and is placed into hiding with Carly.
Maybe they would be put somewhere with high population, trying to put them in the mix of everyone else so he is not so easily spotted. The ones you listed are definitely high possibilities.
However big popular cities seemed to be the ones getting hit the most, so he might get placed somewhere more recluse and out of the way. Somewhere in Alaska, or Canada, or somewhere in America but a small state hidden away in the middle.
I don't think the bots would be told. Bee wants to know, but I think the government might think Bee would try to visit Sam. So neither Bee, nor any of the bots are told where Sam is hidden.
I do think if Sam were alive and the bots were hunted he would find it hard not to want to do something. He would want to save them, he would want to talk to the government to get them to do something. But he would have to stay away, he can't risk his family getting hurt. It would pain him, but he has to stick by his family and stay away. But I think he would watch and listen to the news everyday hoping to find out if Bee is alive. Usually no news was good news. As long as he didn't hear Bee's name called on the news, then he would stay hidden.
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pillowfriendly · 6 months
14 and 22 for end of the year!😊
14. Favorite book you read this year?
SHADOW OF THE TORTURER I will not shut up about SHADOW OF THE TORTURER it's dense and weird and beautifully written and has raised my standards for genre fiction.
22. Favorite place you visited this year?
Only place I visited this year really, but Alaska!! My best fwend got married and I was so excited to both visit there again and see her after years thousands of miles away🥺and then she took us whale watching and I yarked gratuitously into the ocean because I get terribly seasick. Sticking to aquariums next time...
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