#best part is that this immediately follows ‘Then I pinned one of her teammates to the wall bc he was annoyingl’
newtsoftheworldunite · 2 months
Murderbot, in what is later revealed to be a long message to Doctor Mensah: I’m going to hack Doctor Mensah’s records to say what a great leader she is 🥰🥰🥰🥰
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partlystiles · 3 years
Thank God For Quidditch - James Potter
Thank God For Quidditch - James Potter
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james potter x fem!reader (smut)
summary: After Gryffindor fails to win a Quidditch Match, the other team’s captain’s teasing causes something in James to snap and the next thing he knows, he has her falling apart in his grasp.
word count: 4,795
warnings: NSFW, thigh riding, unprotected sex, praise, choking, hair pulling, swearing.
Nothing inflates someone’s ego like praise. Y/N L/N knew that all too well, spending her days basking in every single compliment thrown her way for whatever she did whether it be someone liking her outfit or talking about the Quidditch game she had won the previous week. Whatever it was, Y/N thrived off of it all and the only thing more buzzing than an actual Quidditch match was the aftermath where people talked about it for hours on end and asked the team captain, Y/N, for a full recount of the match.
The biggest match was the one at the end of the year between the two houses in the finals. Also known as the one that her team had just won, their seeker catching the snitch in her hands with a loud laugh as the crowd erupted with noise and the commentator screamed about her skills. It was always the crowd that spurred Y/N on, their screaming smile and happy shouting making her feel proud of her team and her skills whilst she zoomed after the small little ball in the air.
“Yes, Y/N!” The team yelled in different variations as she flew down to the ground with the snitch still in her hand as the crowd raced each others out of the stands to come down to the field. She dismounted her broom and left it in the pitch before she raced over to her friends and threw herself into the Keeper’s arms and he twirled her around.
The cheering became louder as he lowered her and their heads snapped over to every tower where students were filtering out and running behind Madam Hooch who was approaching with the Quidditch cup in her hands. Other teammates patted her back in congratulations as she took the cup in her hands from Madam Hooch with glinting eyes at her accomplishment.
“Woah!” She exclaimed as the two beaters lifted her onto their shoulders and she was lifted above the shouting crowd with the cup in her hands. Even people supporting Gryffindor in the match were crowding around them and shouting congratulations, cheering with their friends banners instead of their red ones.
There was another sea of red further away from the ones in the crowd and Y/N’s eyes zeroed in on the large number 7 printed on the back of the Gryffindor Captain’s uniform as he walked not-so-calmly towards the changing rooms. He looked on the verge of a temper tantrum and Y/N smirked at the memory of his earlier words.
“Enjoy the pity party after the match, L/N.” James Potter had said, glaring as the two of them shook hands in the centre of the pitch. The grip was tight, both of them seeming like they were trying to cut off one another's circulation so the Chaser couldn’t carry the Quaffle and the Seeker couldn’t grasp the snitch.
“I’m sure you’ll throw it great, I’ll be at the actual party with the rest of my winning team.” She replied, a bitter smile on her lips as her crescent nails scraped over the material of his glove in the tight grip.
“It’s nice to have dreams, even if they are pathetically unrealistic.” He shrugged his shoulders as they let go of each others hands on Madam Hooch’s orders and walked away from each other to mount their brooms and fly up to their starting positions.
She had vowed to make him eat his words which thanks to her wonderful Quidditch skills, he had and now he was storming back to the changing rooms one second away from snapping his beloved broomstick in anger. Sirius Black was walking close to him and the other members of the team were walking back up to the castle instead of the changing rooms. 
“Put me down, put me down.” Y/N laughed as she tapped one the heads of the two team members holding her up in the air; they let her down with a laugh and being up there was definitely better than being down on the floor where people were still cheering. “I’m gonna go rub it in Potter’s face.”
“Have fun.” Cory Michaels, one of the Beaters who had held her up, leaned down in excitement to kiss her cheek before he pushed her away and she started to worm her way through the crowd.
The praise followed her out of the clump and she soaked it all in with a smile whilst squeezing through the gaps between people  who milled around the edge of the large ground, someone yelled and she glanced back with a scoff to see Cory being held in the air with cup that she had given to Cressida Bridge in his hands. 
Jacob Jones was one of the last people who complimented the game on her way out of the circle, after she had passed him she broke into a small jog to get to her destination. The changing rooms weren’t that far away from the centre of the pitch but it was a fair distance, Y/N would do her bragging then return to her common room for the afterparty...there was always something inside her that itched to make James angry especially after Quidditch matches. 
It was the way his eyebrows scrunched in irritation or the way that his cheeks flushed a bright red from the effort and sweat glistened on his skin from flying around the pitch and tossing the Quaffle around. Y/N was sweaty too, slipping the gloves off of her hands as she walked so they were free of their confines and the breeze hit them almost immediately because of her jogging.
Slowing down into a walk as she got closer to the changing room, she took off her shin guards and held them with her gloves. She was half-tempted to take her ponytail out but decided against it until she was having her shower and could cool herself down. 
A few metres in front of her, the doors to the changing rooms opened and Sirius Black came out with pursed lips as he shut the door behind him and went to start walking but he froze at the sight of the opposite teams captain walking towards him. She had a smirk on her face, her eyes glinting with mischief as she stared at Sirius and he shook his head slowly towards her, his own smile peeking up.
“Not a good idea, beautiful.” He said as she got closer but all she did was smile at him and give him a small chuckle as she passed and he started walking with a smile. “Your funeral.”
Disregarding his comment, Y/N slowly pushed open the door to the changing room and saw Potter tugging a shirt on with his back to her. It was a simple white t-shirt and black jeans but he tugged the top on so aggressively that she wanted to laugh but just settled on closing the door and leaning against it before throwing her gloves and shin guards down onto the nearest bench with a clatter.
“I don’t want to hear it, Padfoot, you made your point.” He grumbled as he grabbed a bottle from his bag and put it up his shirt, spraying it in the direction of his armpits and Y/N wrinkled her nose up in disgust. “I’m overreacting.”
“I don’t know what a padfoot is-” She began to say and James jumped out of his skin as he whirled around and nearly stumbled whilst putting the cap back on his aftershave. “- but I’m not it.”
His expression turned sour as he stared at her and he turned back to his belongings to start packing his uniform in his Quidditch bag quickly, more aggressive now that she was in the room. “Come to gloat?”
“Yes, actually.” Y/N nodded with a smile and pushed herself off of the wall, walking closer to where James was packing his stuff up and she leaned against the wall beside that instead, meeting James’ eyes as he glanced at her. “What happened out there? You’re bad anyway, but today you were horrible.”
“Shut up.” He scowled, grabbing his red jersey and stuffing it into the bag on top of the Quidditch sweats they were all made to wear. Y/N only smirked slightly wide as she saw that she was affecting him.
“I mean, the Finbourgh Flick was a good tactic.” She continued casually as the rustling of the clothes got louder and James breathed more heavily in anger. “Too bad it didn’t work.”
“Quit it, will you?” He snapped at her, eyes flaring as the eye contact was made but he looked away with a rising and falling chest. 
“The reverse pass was good on your part as a Chaser.” Y/N continued and James’ hands fumbled with his stuff whilst his face heated up with the humiliation and the anger. He glared heatedly her had the urge to just...push her into a wall and kiss her right on the mouth so she would shut up.
What?! He blinked for a second, erasing the thought from his mind with a shake of his head...the thought of kissing her should disgust him but through his angry haze he didn’t seem to be bothered whilst looking away from her features that glowed and glistened with a thin layer of sweat that looked disgustingly enticing in that moment.
“But that failed too...” She frowned mockingly and he glanced back up, eyebrows furrowing in anger and his hands itched to press her shoulders against the wall she was leaning on. Rendering her speechless. So he could have a moment of peace. “Your chasing skills were okay but same couldn’t be said for your captaincy...should’ve brushed them all up on their passes. That’s on you.”
He snapped, jerking away from his bag and towards her, his hands reaching to her arms as he slammed her back against the wall she was leaning on in anger and shoved his lips against hers to shut her up. She jolted slightly at the impact but she accepted the kiss as he stood an inch apart from her, hands gripping at her arms and eyes closing but still full with anger at the sight of her though they softened slightly behind is eyelids when he realised he had just pinned someone against the wall, kissed them roughly and let his anger get the best of him.
He pulled away just as roughly, panting whilst his eyes searched every detail on her face in fear he had made her uncomfortable in any way; it hadn’t been his intention but she just made him so mad. “I’m, uh, sorry.”
She panted just as heavily as him, her breath having been stolen by the way he slammed her against the wall and then his lips had pressed against hers with vigour. Though as his blazing eyes searched her face, he found no sign of uncomfortableness or disgust, instead he saw the smirk twitch at her lips again.
“Don’t apologise.” She breathlessly told him, licking her lips and James eyed the wetness that now covered them as he gulped at the sight and his eyes flicked back up to hers again. “Do it again if you’d like.”
Then she winked at him and James swore he went into cardiac arrest for a moment but he regained himself quickly before looking at the wetness on her lips and diving in again, pressing his lips roughly against hers before pulling back and doing it again and again and again. Like he was addicted. But he was still angry which he didn’t understand...James’ grip tightened on her arms slightly as he took a step closer so their noses nearly touched and he kissed her on the lips again.
Y/N responded as best she could, but the kisses he delivered were short and rough, not ones were she could give him the pleasure of kissing back. So she just let him attack her lips with his, feeling them bruise with every bit of pressure was put onto them with his endless kisses that came again and again and again. Every kiss got him more worked up it seemed and for one of them, he planted his lips onto hers and just pressed them there for longer, letting the feeling consume him.
She had no problem with it, just wished he would do something else to stimulate her building arousal. James grunted at one point and she prepared herself for his touch, his tongue pressed against her lips and she opened them immediately, welcoming him inside with a small, escaped breath. His tongue circled around hers, moving around her mouth as they groaned in unison. 
Y/N desperately wanted to touch him somehow, but he still had her arms in his tight grip despite the fact that he was almost pressed against her completely and there wasn’t even any way she would want to leave now. She moved her tongue too and he grunted again, finally moving his hands from her arms to her his but still keeping her pressed against the wall.
She moved her arms out to wrap around his neck, pulling him impossibly closer to her and letting her hands play with his hair, tugging at it slightly and making him groan as his hands travelled slightly higher but he stopped when he realised she was more or less still in her full Quidditch Uniform
He disregarded that fact for a minute and let his lips travel down across her jaw to her neck where he ducked his head down and she leant hers back to give him more access, his lips sucked gently at the skin as he kissed her neck and gave the occasional blow which caused a shiver down her back and the slightest arch.
James chuckled lowly at her back arching slightly and she groaned slightly at the sound and the breath on her neck, his kisses went further up her neck until he was dangerously close to her and she felt them skim her earlobe before his voice invaded her hearing. “I knew you liked me.”
She could practically hear the cocky smirk through the small laugh as he nipped gently at her earlobe before travelling his kisses back down to her neck. Y/N rolled her eyes and used her hands to grab James’ face before bringing him to face her. Both of them were breathing heavily and James quirked his eyebrows up at her as she made them meet eyes.
“Shut up.” She said to him breathlessly, pulling him back in to connect their lips and he smiled into the kiss they shared before he went serious again and stuck his tongue into her mouth again. 
And again she welcomed it eagerly, the muscles circling around each other as they engaged themselves in a rough and passionate make out. James grabbed at her waist and pulled her right up against him, off of the wall so he could unzip the back of the jersey and push it off of her. He didn’t bother to unbutton the cape that attached at the bottom of the jersey so he just let it fall with it. 
So now she was just in her long-sleeved black shirt, her black joggers and her boots. Y/N quickly discarded of her shoes, throwing them to the side and letting her sock-covered feet land on the hard wooden floor below her before she pulled her socks off too.
 James didn’t waste any time in grabbing her by the back of her thighs and using his remarkable strength to hike her up so her legs wrapped around his waist and they engaged back in a heated kiss with his hands squeezing at her thighs and her hands running through his already messy hair.
He moved backwards as they kissed, both of their lips surely bruised by now from the roughness of their kissing. The feeling of her body against his was intoxicating and she craved so much more. James lowered himself onto one of the benches so she was now straddling him and they kept kissing one another, their heavy breathing loud amongst the thickening air of the changing rooms. 
Caught up in the moment, Y/N grinded against James who groaned into their kiss and put his hands on her ass, squeezing as she grinded again and their tongues found solace touching the other. Soft breathy moans from Y/N and small groans from James filled the changing room and she felt thankful for the rest of the team deciding to shower back up at the castle instead of in the changing rooms.
James started to kiss at the skin on her neck, sucking and pecking it as Y/N continued to grind on him with her small moans. “Want you to ride my thigh.”
“What?” She breathed out, breath catching in her throat as he started sucking in the same spot for a while, surely leaving a mark. 
“I want you...” He smoothed his tongue over the spot where he’d been sucking and Y/N exhaled shakily, bucking her hips. “to ride” He peppered kisses across the extra expanse of skin until his mouth had trailed up to her ear and he lowered his voice down to a whisper. “my thigh.”
“Okay.” Y/N moaned out softly and moved from straddling both of his thighs to straddling only one and looking at him to make eye contact, his eyes were alight yet dark with lust as he looked at her and before she started moving, his fingers ghosted over the hem of her shirt.
He pulled it off of her and she raised her arms so it slipped off easily and he threw it across the changing rooms without looking for an exact place to throw it. He then pulled his own shirt off and threw it away too. 
His eyes were too busy travelling over the sight of her bra-covered chest and marvelling at the way it perfectly pushed up her breasts to where he could bury his face in them and kiss at the skin which made her moan out again as his hands groped at them hungrily. She tilted her head back as she felt his thumbs trace over the material of the cups and her nipples began to harden in arousal.
His fingers travelled around to her back and he unhooked her bra, pulling it off of her shoulders and throwing it in the direction of her shirt. He put his hands on her breasts again, groping at them and kissing them too, his hands just felt better now that it was skin on skin. 
“Move, baby.” He whispered against her skin and she breathed softly as she began to drag herself along his thigh, feeling the faint stimulation as the joggers pressed against her knickers and her knickers pressed against her vagina.
A shiver went up her spine as she continued to move against him, breathing shakily and getting faster with every rut. He flexed his thigh from underneath her and moved his hands away from her breasts towards her ass to move her faster against his thigh which had her gasping and gripping his shoulders and moaning whilst the stimulation against her clit got faster and rougher and his hands were squeezing her ass harshly. 
He groaned as she bucked faster, moaning whilst her fingers pressed into his skin and muscle. James even started to bounce his thigh which sent sparks of pleasure through her as her tits started to bounce on her chest and James watched them hungrily whilst they went up and down over and over and over again until she was a moaning mess on his body.
“I’m gonna-” She cut herself off with a loud moan, rutting faster in chase of her release as James leaned forward and stuffed his face into her neck, kissing and sucking and even nipping slightly at the skin there as he continued to bounce his hip. “I’m gonna cum.”
“Cum for me, L/N.” He whispered roughly into her ear, squeezing her ass hard enough to leave a bruise as he bounced quicker and listened to the pretty noises that she let loose. “Do it for me.”
“For you,” She breathed out in a moan, tilting her head back whilst she thrusted faster and the lewd noises escaped her with no hesitation. “All for you.”
“All for me.” James chuckled into her ear and with one last loud cry of pleasure, Y/N released and continued to shake and stutter in her rhythm as she rode out of her high and James softly kissed her through it. “Well done, my girl.”
Y/N let her hands loosen their tight grip on him as she panted after her orgasm, letting her palms massage his shoulders instead of gripping them tight. James rubbed her ass before moving his hands up her back to smooth over the skin of her back whilst she calmed down.
“We’re not done yet.” He whispered into her ear and she moaned softly again at the declaration. James began to stand, making Y/N stand too and he slowly lowered his hands to pluck at the waistband of her joggers. 
He crouched slowly, bringing the joggers down with him until they were pooled at her feet and she stepped out of them. His fingers travelled back up to get the waistband of her knickers and he pulled them down next, smiling cockily at the sight of the glistening wetness inside of it. She stepped out of those too and James stood back up with them still in his hand, her grabbed her face in his hand and showed them to her as her cheeks squished in his hold.
“Made such a mess.” He tutted, moving his hand that held her face so she was shaking her head. The confidence and dominance radiated off of him like he was a raging fire spreading smoke up into the air, Y/N loved it and the way he held her face in one hand made her go crazy. 
James threw her knickers away too and she was left naked in front of her half-naked Quidditch nemesis. Who knew that this is where they would end up? Y/N moved her hand, getting the urge to make him feel good and she reached out towards his joggers, wanting to touch the bulge that had grown there but James grasped her hand before she could touch it and tutted again.
“I wanna make you feel as good as you made me.” She told him, words muffled by his hand squishing her cheeks but he understood her anyway by the way he smirked at her.
“You will make me feel good.” He released her cheeks and grabbed her hips instead, pulling her against him so her breasts pressed against his bare chest and she groaned slightly at the feeling. “By letting me fuck you until you can’t remember your own name.”
Y/N moaned at the thought, trying to pull him down for a kiss but James pulled away which made her whine slightly. He chuckled at her noise as he began to walk them back against the wall and she shivered once her back pressed against the cold tiles and James towered over her with an aura of dominance. The rustling of his pants made her look down to where he was pushing both his joggers and his boxers down his legs before stepping out of them.
Y/N’s eyes trained to his erection and she licked her lips at the sight before looking up to James who smirked at the look in her eyes before wrapping his own hand around his dick and pumping it just to tease her because he said she couldn’t do it before. He let go of his dick, crouched and looped his arms underneath her thighs, guiding her legs to wrap around his waist like they had before as her weight was supported against the wall.
She moaned slightly as her pussy touched his bare body and he just smirked at her before pushing his hard dick into her with no prior prepping and enjoying the way her head tilted back against the wall with a large moan scraping at her throat. He went in slowly, watching her mouth fall agape further as one of her hands pressed against the wall behind her another grappled at his shoulder, with every inch that went in, the wider her mouth fell with the pleasurable pain he was delivering.
James bottomed out and held himself in there for a couple of seconds, kissing at her neck and sucking another mark whilst she got comfortable. His other one he had made stood out as a bright red blotch on the side of her neck and James kissed at that again, Y/N whimpering at the touch.
He began to pull out in a slow pace before taking his time pushing back in, he continued the slow pace as he let her get used to it. The feeling was remarkable and Y/N moaned softly as he slid in and out of her agonisingly slow.
“Faster.” She panted, her chest heaving and James stopped altogether, bringing her to whimper but then his mouth was against her ear again.
“As you wish.” He said, his raspy voice heavenly in her ears and she allowed herself to revel in it for a moment before her peace was interrupted by James’ hips slamming into her and causing a loud moan to pour out of her lips as he kept thrusting into her whilst she balanced herself against the wall.
His thrusts were relentless, in and out over and over. He spoke through gritted teeth whilst slamming and thrusting into Y/N. Moans were spilling from her lips with no mercy and her tits were bouncing up and down over and over as James   kept up his rough pace. He pulled out all the way and then slammed back in over and over and over again with praise and profanities spilling shamelessly from him. 
“Yeah, my good girl, fuck yeah.”
At his words, she let out moans which were met with groans from James as he thrusted in and out with his eyes on his girlfriends breasts which were bouncing for his view and Y/N attempted to bounce herself back on his dick with a screwed up face from the pleasure whilst her eyes tried to peak down at where James was thrusting into her but he reached back and pulled their hair so they were looking up at the ceiling of the changing rooms.
“James-” She cut herself off, their eyes rolling back in their head as James put a hand around her throat and laughed at their fucked out expression and went impossibly faster into her. The moan that she wanted to let out was blocked by his hand gripping her neck tightly, his fingers pressing into the skin whilst the sound of skin slapping echoed around the rooms.
“You like my hand around your pretty neck?” He grunted and she nodded, her hand on his shoulder going to touch his arms as a whimper made its way out and James laughed lowly. “Use your words, sweetheart.”
“Y-Yes.” She choked out, moaning as James loosened his grip slightly when he felt his orgasm approaching. Y/N could feel her own, the coil slowly tightening in the pits of her stomach as her eyes rolled back again and James groaned louder. “James, fuck me.”
“Come on, baby.” He moaned, going faster and Y/N whimpered repetitively as his dick brushed against her g-spot and it prodded at the pressure point repeatedly. “Come on. Cum all over me, my good girl, cum on my dick.”
His words sent multiple shivers down her spine and finally, with motivation from James’ thrusts against her g-spot and his hand tightening on her neck again at the chase for his own release, Y/N let go and had her second orgasm all over James’ dick that was still pounding into her but starting to stutter in it’s rhythm. She clenched around him and it took a lot of self-control for James to pull out and let his own cum squirt up all over her torso.
Once both of their orgasms had mulled over, Y/N leaned her head forward and rested her forehead on James’ as they both panted and their chests went up and down in unison. James tilted his head so his lips could catch hers and Y/N responded softly, the kiss softer than their rough ones which had started the whole thing off.
“Thank god for Quidditch, huh?” Y/N muttered against his lips and he managed a chuckle, the two of them naked and sweaty but still laughing with each other after a failed match for one of them.
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deceitfuldevil · 3 years
Do I Wanna Know?
Pietro Maximoff X Reader
Summary: You and Pietro’s friendship could best be described as a relationship that never was, it was constant flirting that you both brushed off as just a very close friendship. A friendship so close that sometimes you flirt with others, so when feelings get hurt; dynamics are crushed. But those who are meant for each other will always come crawling back. Vaguely based off the song “Do I Wanna Know?” by the Arctic Monkeys.
Warnings: Slight angst, kissing, fluff, all that :)
Word Count: 2.3K
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It all started when you first joined the avengers, a few months after the battle of Sokovia. Tony had a last minute thing with Pepper and assigned Pietro Maximoff to show you around the compound, which he initially whined over. Not wanting to do anything more than stay in bed on his day off, he begged Wanda to take over for him. She agreed under the circumstance that he’d make dinner for a week.
Sitting on the couch watching whatever was on TV at the moment, Pietro munched on some chips, enjoying his day off to its fullest extent. He heard some chattering behind him and turned his head to see his sister Wanda and another woman with her head turned the other way, who he could only assume was the newest member to the team. Waving a small hello to his sister he turned back around and continued his program, but of course Wanda wouldn’t let him off that easy.
“Ahem,” Wanda said, clearing her throat as she now stood next to the couch Pietro sat on with the newest recruit, you.
“Y/n, this is my brother Pietro. Pietro, this is the newest addition to the Avengers, Y/n.” she said with a smile, mentally slapping her brother for being so lazy. Pietro gave you and Wanda a half-assed glance ready to wave you off, but he did a double take when he saw you. Choking slightly on his chips he stood up abruptly and brushed himself off, extending his hand out to yours.
You started to feel hot under his gaze as you gladly accepted his hand and shook it; he had a firm grasp that made you want to melt into the ground.
“So, what’s your thing printcessa?” He asked smoothly, slipping his hand out of yours, making you frown slightly as the loss of contact. But then you quirked your head to the side, not understanding his question.
“He means, what powers do you have?” Wanda interjected, clarifying his question.
“Oh you know, telekinesis, super strength, some healing abilities, the usual.” you joked
“Hey we could’ve really used you a few months ago during the battle of Sokovia. This asshole nearly got himself killed!” Wanda said, raising her eyebrows at her brother.
“Ahh sister you worry too much, I was fine!” Pietro insisted, waving her off.
“Sure you were. . . we’re going to finish this tour now okay?” Wanda said, turning around and getting ready to show you the rest of the compound. But of course Pietro had something to say about that.
“And take this gorgeous new Avenger away from me? You know Tony assigned me to show her around, right? So rude of you to just steal her away like that. . .” Pietro said, rushing to your side and taking your hand, pulling you along.
“I thought you wanted to-”
“Sorry! TV is too loud, I can’t hear you!” Pietro said running off with you, making you giggle.
The rest of the tour Pietro slipped in little compliments and flirty touches; in fact, the rest of your time there was practically the same. You had an innate attraction to Pietro, and he was drawn to you from the moment he laid eyes on you. But yet, nothing ever actually happened between the two of you, which quite frankly annoyed the hell out of the team. Having to constantly watch you two flirt and cuddle as if it was nothing was borderline ridiculous.
It’s been four months since you’ve joined the avengers and your tension with Pietro was higher than ever, and with another successful mission down Tony decided to host another one of his famous parties. You saw this as the perfect opportunity to look irresistible for Pietro, but when you walked out onto the dance floor in your sexiest dress and saw Pietro at the bar with some blonde bimbo caressing his muscles, and you damn near lost it.
Rationally, you had no right to be angry at all. You and Pietro weren’t an item, you never were. But seeing him in such close proximity to some girl who's name he probably didn’t even know practically made steam come out of your ears. You disregarded your fellow teammates saying hello to you as you entered the party and the compliments thrown your way as you made your way towards Pietro, ready to give him a piece of your mind.
But you were too late, no more than 10 feet away from Pietro the nasty blonde he was with pulled him in for a sloppy kiss. You watched in horror and pain as you felt your heart break into a million and one pieces. You rushed off to your room before any tears could spill from your eyes, staying there for the rest of the night as the party raged on, only imagining the worst in your head about Pietro and that bitch he was with.
What you didn’t see was Pietro promptly pushing the blonde away from him, and Wanda finding her brother soon after slapping him across the face.
“What the hell, Pietro?!” Wanda shouted at her brother, drawing attention from the others at the party.
“Suka! What was that for?!” He exclaimed, holding the left side of his face in pain.
“That was for kissing that girl when you know Y/n’s been pinning after you for months!” She yelled, not caring about the excess attention from the others.
“She doesn’t feel that way about me. We've been over this a thousand times Wanda!” He fired back, anger and hurt lacing his voice.
“Yes she does! Did you forget I can read minds?” She said rolling her eyes, a little red glowing in them. Pietro got quiet and turned away from his sister.
“You better go and apologize to her and tell her how you really feel before she changes her mind after what she just saw!” Wanda pointed out, causing her brother to rush off, leaving streaks of blue in his place.
You sat with your back pressed to your door as you sobbed quietly, jumping when you heard a knock behind you.
“Y/n?” You heard Pietro call out. You sighed and rolled your eyes.
“I don’t have any condoms Pietro, go ask Sam.” You said bitterly.
Standing on the other side of the door your words were like knives in Pietro’s chest; he wanted to respond and tell you how he really felt, but after your harsh comment he turned away and went back to his room. Wanda visited him when the party was over and he gave her the same bitter attitude you had given him hours ago.
“I don’t know what part of her head you looked into but she definitely doesn’t feel the same way, so thanks a lot.” Pietro said harshly, making Wanda leave without another word.
Things were a lot different in the compound after that night. You and Pietro were no longer lovey-dovey, now holding nothing but contempt towards one another. It changed the whole dynamic of the team, none of them knowing how to act around you two now, or even what happened.
It had been about three weeks since you and Pietro last spoke to each other, and here you were at 3am sitting on the couch crying while you ate ice straight out of the carton. You sat silently as the tears streamed down your face, jumping when you felt a hand on your shoulder. Turning around you saw a very tired looking Wanda.
“I’m sorry, did I wake you?” You asked quietly.
“No, but your thoughts did. I never knew someone’s thoughts could be so loud when they’re heartbroken.” Wanda said, sitting down next to you.
“Pfshh, I’m not heartbroken! What in God's name are you talking about?” You said casually, pushing your emotions back down as you set the container of ice cream down on the table in front of you.
“You know, he’s torn up too.” Wanda said, turning to face you.
“And you expect me to believe that why?” You asked, neither of you noticing the new presence that stood in the kitchen.
“Did both of you magically forget I can read minds?” She asked with a laugh, making you feel small.
“Okay well even if he did have feelings for me at one point there’s no way he still feels that way. If he did he wouldn’t have let that girl kiss him at the party,” you said bitterly.
“You have no idea how much he regrets that, and for the record that blonde kissed him. He pushed her off after you ran away.” Wanda explained, putting more hope than you’d cared to admit in your heart.
“He’ll come crawling back to you soon enough, I promise.” she said with a small laugh, patting your back as she got up and left you alone on the couch. Wondering if your feelings for Pietro flowed both ways.
A little more than a week had passed since that night as you were constantly tormented by the question, “Do I wanna know?” because if Pietro did feel the same way towards you at one point, how would the recent events change how he feels for you now?
However now was not the time to dwell on the question racking your head; now you were on a mission with the rest of the team getting some much needed intel from what you thought was an abandoned HYDRA base. But when gunfire erupted you immediately took cover and soon followed Steve’s orders to fall back and head to the quinjet. Running back you tripped and fell face first into the dirt. Getting up you winced as you looked around and saw the last person you’d want hurt.
“Pietro’s shot!” You scream into your comms as you crawled next to him as he laid up against a tree, falling in and out of consciousness. You started to cry worrying your powers wouldn’t be enough as you placed your hands over his wounds, mustering all of the power you could. You thought all hope was lost until you heard a loud gasp as Pietro grabbed onto you and held you close to his chest.
“It’s okay Pietro, I’m here, you’re alright,” you whispered as you started to feel very tired. He ran his fingers through your hair as he stared down at you, in awe of your abilities. You looked back at him with tired eyes.
“I’ll always come crawling back to you,” you said as sleep took over your body. Pietro took it upon himself to speed your sleeping figure back to the quinjet, setting you down as you snored softly. He admired you, but only for a minute as Wanda embraced him in a big hug from behind.
“You have got to stop making the sacrifice play, brother.” she said, more than relieved that he was okay.
“Now I just might. I wouldn’t want to put this beauty under so much stress again right?” He joked, motioning to your sleeping figure. Wanda smiled brightly at him.
“You better not mess this up again, otherwise I’m finding her a more suitable partner.” Wanda joked, punching her brother in the arm playfully.
“No one is more perfect for her than I.” Pietro said with a cocky tone. Wanda only sighed in response, not wanting to admit that he was right.
You woke up slowly in a dimly lit room; looking around you saw a familiar man with silver hair asleep in the corner of what you now recognized as the compound’s recovery room. You smiled contently as you used your telekinesis to bring the chair he slept in next to your bed. You reached out for his hand and gently ran your fingers over his knuckles, sighing tranquilly
Pietro slowly awoke as you just stared shamelessly at him.
“Dragosté!” Pietro exclaimed, now fully awake, jumping up and embracing you in a tight hug. He pulled away but kept his close distance, his hot breath fanning over your face as your eyes flickered from his eyes to his lips. A few more stolen moments passed by before Pietro closed the space in-between you two and pressed his soft lips to yours. Moving lazily against each other he slowly pulled away and rested his forehead on yours.
“I’m so sorry for everything, I should’ve seen it sooner.” he said sweetly, pressing another kiss to your cheek as you smiled.
“It’s okay, you’re here now and that’s all that matters.” you said, bringing your hand up to the side of his face, admiring his cobalt blue eyes. His eyes filled with the most love-struck look you’d ever seen as he pressed his lips back on yours, grinning from ear to ear.
You’d have some explaining to do to your other teammates in the morning when they’d inevitably find you both sleeping together in the cramped hospital bed though.
Hi all!! I hope this short imagine was fun for you all to read! Some of my more recent one-shots have been getting a lot of attention lately and it makes me so happy! I am over the moon that I’m not only writing again but gaining some traction. Thank you all so much! Don’t forget that my requests are open and feedback is encouraged! Also I just hit 100 followers and I know it’s not much but I’ll be starting a sleepover tomorrow!
Much Love,
237 notes · View notes
jinkicake · 4 years
You Call Him Daddy?!
You accidentally call them daddy in front of the team.
Akaashi Keiji x Reader
Kozume Kenma x Reader
Anon, this might be a tad bit ooc in some parts.... Sometimes I picture the different ways these characters act when they aren’t seen and I like to write it like that LOL You know experiment and shit,,, Also I feel like I’m the only bitch who likes Nohebi HAHAH 
WC- 2,213
Akaashi Keiji
First let me say, wow Akaashi is so pretty and done.
I feel like if you accidentally call him daddy in front of the team it’ll be such a big mess 
All the third years, except Bokuto, are going to be silent, while their captain is like ‘yo toss for me’ like the whole ‘daddy’ thing would go over Bokuto’s head. Sweet Bokuto does not kink shame, okay. The managers would be squealing and gasping in shock, sending you suggestive looks before dragging you off somewhere to beg for details HAHAH
“Keiji! I’m so happy to see you!” You exclaim softly before wrapping your arms around him, you’re at the representative playoffs and you finally get to see your boyfriend once again after the few weeks of separation
Despite living relatively close to one another, you and Akaashi were both very busy preparing for these games. While he was practicing with his own team, you were managing for yours (which always proved to be a challenge, even now)
“Oh, how is your girlfriend doing by the way?” Kuroo sneers behind you and you glance to see your own captain squaring up with the pesky cat 
“Ah, excuse me Keiji,” You pout and apologize, Akaashi gently smiles and kisses the pout off your lips before unwrapping his arms to let you go control your petty team
“Daishou!” You scold and wrap your hand around said boy’s bicep, pulling him behind you to get in front of Kuroo, you give the Nekoma captain a fake smile before turning around to face your friend “I’m trying to see my boyfriend and I can’t do that if you keep starting shit!” You whisper-yell and Daishou rolls his eyes
“I didn’t start anything-“ He lies and you narrow your eyes up at him
“Daishou stay away from them and they’ll stay away from you, okay? Save your energy for the court.” You pat his chest and gently let go of the grip you have on him,
You’re about halfway back to Akaashi before you hear the damn snake speak up again
“I broke up with her!” Your eye twitches because you know damn well Yamaka broke up with him, you send Akaashi another sympathetic smile before walking back to your teammate
The grip you have on Daishou’s collar makes him choke and you practically toss him into the wall and get in-between him and Kuroo once more, glaring at anyone who looks at you
“I am trying to talk to my boyfriend who I have not seen in a few weeks so if you both could kindly stay away from each other I would appreciate it,” You smile sweetly and Daishou scrunches his nose before opening his mouth once more 
“See you in the finals” He sneers and you quite literally pick him up by his hair
“Daishou if you don’t shut the fuck up, you’re not going to see the finals. All I want is to have a peaceful day and then go home and give my boyfriend that gawk gawk 3000 and call him daddy so if you could please help me just this once and be quiet.” You growl and drag him away from Nekoma, smiling softly at Akaashi when you pass him, you bring your captain all the way to where your team is in the bleachers and sit him down on the bench “okay, now then-“
“You call him daddy?” Daishou snickers and you narrow your eyes at him
“What the hell are you talking about?” You ask and Daishou laughs so loudly it sounds like a cackle 
“You said, and I quote,” Daishou clears his throat before speaking again, purposely altering the pitch of his tone to reference yours “give my boyfriend that gawk gawk 3000 and call him daddy so if you could please-“ 
Daishou shuts up when you sit down next to him dejectedly
“I said that in front of you and the entire Nekoma team and Fukuroudani?” You whisper and the captain throws his arm around your shoulder
“Don’t worry (Y/N)! At least you didn’t say it in front of our team…. Oh wait,” He snickers and you awkwardly face the rest of your players and coach
“Ah, Daishou, I’m going to quit” You cry and he immediately tries to calm you down 
“Wait, (Y/N), no you can’t!” 
“So, you like being called daddy?” Kuroo asks after he bumps into Akaashi. Your boyfriend can only sigh in shame and shake his head, “I-is that a yes or a no?”
“That’s a shut the fuck up Kuroo” Kenma bites and defends his other friend, trying to drag the middle blocker away from the setter
Konohana, Komi, and Sarukui simply blink before walking away, dragging Bokuto along with them so their setter can face the shame in peace 
“Oh, Keiji!” You squeak and tightly grip the bed sheets on either side of you, you want to so badly grip his silky hair but, Akaashi has rules. The dark-haired boy flicks your thigh as a warning and you can’t help the pout that appears on your face. Akaashi not allowing you to touch him is a big punishment and, needless to say, you aren’t happy about it. Akaashi continues to stare up at you from in-between your thighs, his lips have captured your clit as he sucks dutifully on the swollen bud. 
“Daddy,” The pitiful whimper slips past your lips and Akaashi smirks against your soaking cunt, his tongue flicks your clit. His warm mouth is welcoming as he continues the harassment on the delicate pearl. “I-I love you.” The endearing phrase flies past your lips and Akaashi feels his resolve soften, he can never stay harsh with you for long. 
Though, he will try.
Akaashi removes his mouth and slaps your clit with four fingers, watching as you squirm and cry at the impact. He can tell how badly you want to grip his hair and he mentally reminds himself to reward you for staying so still, well as still as you can be. He continues to tap the sensitive bundle of nerves, ranging from light taps to slaps that sound throughout the room. 
“Daddy, please,” You cry and Akaashi takes pity on you, he leans forward and licks soothing strips up against your clit. He wants to kiss the sting away because he truly cares too much about his baby and wants you to feel nothing but pleasure.
“Daddy loves you too sweet girl, I love you so much.” Akaashi coos as he kisses along your thigh, he glances up and sees you staring at him with a deep pout on your face. He just wants to kiss it off. “Don’t look at me like that.” He tries to scold but his words come out weak, your pitiful eyes play numbers on him that he will never understand. “Patience, you’ll get what you want, hold out for Daddy."
Kozume Kenma
I 99.9% believe that Kenma getting called daddy in front of the team is Kuroo’s fault ,,, LOL 
Like Kuroo knows shit and it accidentally slips and everyone is like … ‘kuroo wtf’ because nobody believes him much to Kenma’s relief HAHAH
It isn’t often that you can convince Kenma to stay after at a joint practice but when you do, you nearly regret it every time
“And then she wanted to call me daddy,” Kuroo gasps loudly like the gossiper he is and you have to refrain from rolling your eyes at the way Bokuto is hanging onto his every word “shit honestly though, it was pretty hot”
The one time…. One time you convince Kenma to stay after practice to spend time with his friends and these are the conversations you get 
“Oh, I totally believe you Kuroo” You click your tongue mockingly and the tall captain gently pushes the side of your head 
“It’s true, don’t be jealous you weren’t her (Y/N)” Kuroo throws back and you flick him off, internally smiling at the way Kenma pulls you closer to his chest and tightens his arms around your shoulders 
“Kuroo you’re literally the biggest nerd on the planet, you really expect me to believe you get pussy, much less get someone to call you daddy?” At your words Bokuto gasps and Akaashi covers the ace’s gaping mouth with his own hand
“Ask Kenma he was there!” Kuroo flicks your forehead and you turn around to your boyfriend with your hand already bunched up in his dyed hair 
“I was not there,” Kenma confirms and had it not been for his arms wrapped around your waist, you would have lunged at Kuroo
“I don’t know why it’s so hard to believe, it’s not like you don’t call Kenma ‘daddy’” Kuroo spills, stating it so simply like he’s talking about the weather. You start to mentally plan his death as Akaashi shakes his head and Bokuto begins laughs loudly
You know Kenma hates being put in the spotlight but you simply could not help yourself
“You’re telling me if you had this mf fucking you every night, you wouldn’t call him daddy?” You snap at Kuroo and Kenma tenses behind you before squeezing your hips so hard you nearly yelp, Kuroo leans back on his forearms and looks around proudly like what did I say? 
“Yeah, okay,” Bokuto wheezes and falls back on the gym floor 
“What?” You and Kuroo both snap and Bokuto laughs even harder, clutching his sides and trying to cover his loud voice with Akaashi’s jacket
“Those two virgins? Yeah right-AH” Bokuto points at you and Kenma before Akaashi shuts him up by covering his mouth once again
“How would you even know that Kuroo?” Akaashi asks while placing his other hand on Boktuo’s shoulder to keep him pinned to the floor 
“Best friends don’t overshare their sex lives?” Kuroo asks and Akaashi shakes his head quietly, Kuroo does not miss a beat with his follow-up response “Oh, I forgot you two do each other so there isn’t much to share” 
Now it’s your turn to gasp and Kenma tries to hide the audible hitch in your breath with his hand. The gym is now silent and you eagerly glance between Kuroo, Akaashi, and Bokuto while waiting for someone to confirm or deny the statement
“Come on Kuroo it was one time!” Bokuto finally gets out of Akaashi’s grasp and Kuroo gives him a pointed look, “Fine. Five times” Another moment of silence passes before “Okay, it has become a regularly occurring thing” 
“Wow,” You simply nod in amazement before sending Akaashi a proud thumbs-up, one that Kenma swats down quickly 
“So we all probably have daddy kinks…” You trail off and look around the gym suspiciously, taking in the small noticeable nods you receive while trying to subtly hide the shocked look on your face
“Well, wasn't this fun, we all learned something new about each other!” Kuroo claps amusedly and Kenma buries his head into your shoulder 
“Yeah, too much,” He mutters before nudging your nose with his ear “can we leave now?”
Of course, Kuroo happened to overhear that
Kenma kneels behind you and he oozes disinterest as his eyes run all over your bent figure. The way he has you tied up has your face shoved into the mattress while your ass is high in the air. Kenma leans forward, hovering over you as he playfully snaps your blindfold between his fingers. 
“You’re so irritating,” He sighs and tugs on your hair roughly, forcing you to arch your back even more. It doesn’t matter how much shit he talks because you can still feel the hard heat digging into the back of your thighs. “you really wanted everyone to know your little secret.” 
Kenma trails one of his hands between your thighs, running his fingers along your slit and the gag in your mouth muffles your moans. 
“Kuroo acts like he knows everything we do behind closed doors but truthfully, he doesn’t even know the half of it.” Kenma softly rubs his palm against your ass, smoothing it over to the bottom of your spine. “Isn’t that right?” He asks and you can’t help the way you push your ass harder up against him. 
A harsh slap resonates around the room, the entire impact of it all makes your body lunge forward. Had it not been for the restraints, you would have bucked your head into the wooden headboard. Kenma quietly laughs before doing it again, letting his slim hand smack your ass once more. He watches with an amused expression at how your thighs have slightly spread for him so that he can see your drenched cunt perfectly.
“You’re enjoying this,” Kenma voices his thoughts and you nod your head, Kenma has to hold back from rolling his eyes and he leans over to release the gag from your mouth.
“Yes Daddy, I want more. Please,” You softly moan, your voice coming out hoarse due to the strain in your jaw and the dryness of your throat. Your boyfriend almost regrets taking the gag off your loudmouth. Regardless, he finds himself playing right into your game and the tightness in his pants increases tenfold. He does this all for you, Kenma lies to himself. It isn’t all entirely just for you.
“How many more do you want? How many more can you take from me?”
~ Taglist.
@yams046 @why-am-i-sad-and-sleepy @xhanjisungiex @xxashshs @chaosamu @angelkogane @augustdearly @kunimwuah  @lovellucy @osamuonigiri @pearzuko @darksxder
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fuckinuchihas · 4 years
🌹 - Neji
Sorry this is so late I haven’t had wifi for like a month so thanks for being so patient <3  Also side note I really enjoyed writing this so I hope it’s okay!! 
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Neji insists that he doesn’t need to get married. He can lead the clan without distraction if he stays unattached and unencumbered by the weight of those kinds of things. It's a little easier to imagine having a child now that the main branch of the family has grown in a variety of ways. However, he isn’t about to let down his guard just because the peace they reached after the war, seems to be holding up fairly well. 
His uncle is not pleased with this revelation. 
As he is still the head of their clan, Neji does have some obligation to meet his demands but after the first, second, and third attempts of ‘urgent meetings’ that quickly devolve into arranged marriage contract negotiations, he’s at his limit. 
He finally turns to Hinata for assistance but with her being married to the man she’s been in love with since she could barely walk, it’s not exactly helpful.
Neji doesn’t have a Naruto. 
There’s no one that has drawn him in or piqued his interest in the slightest. 
He really wishes his uncle would just stay out of it. 
That is until Hinata tells him about an upcoming ceremony where an ambassador from the village hidden in the waterfalls is meeting with all the local clan leaders to discuss a political marriage for their next in command. 
Marrying for money or privilege has never appealed to him, nor is he idealistic enough to put his faith in a cosmic power; be it fate, soulmates, or even something as abstract as love.
However, since the war, the land hidden in the waterfalls has rightfully felt cut off from the rest of the Land of Fire despite being centered between The Hidden Leaf Village and The Hidden Stone Village.
To have something to bond those in power wouldn’t be a terrible idea…
“Who all will be present?” Neji asks, almost surprising himself that he’s actually showing an interest. 
“Unfortunately there’s not many clans with unmarried heirs. The Nara clan is sending their third in line, Shino has requested that he not be included, but he’ll probably have to make an appearance anyway, and...and the Fuma clan will be sending someone, though I’m not sure who.” she says, showing quite a bit of worry. 
The Fuma clan is known for their aggression but none more than the most recently appointed heir. If not for how well things were already running, mostly due to Naruto’s heart and Shikmaru’s untouchable mind…
Well, to allow that man more power doesn’t sit right in his gut. 
“Tell Uncle I’ll be in attendance,” he says, ignoring the way Hinata’s eyes widen in surprise. “It can never hurt to keep an eye on the Fuma clan.” 
“I’ll let him know.” 
Neji gently bows his head to her and takes off in another direction. 
He has some research to do. 
The night of the ceremony he’s dressed in his formal wear despite the discomfort that comes from it, and his hair has been neatly straightened and pinned. There’s a prickle of nervousness at his fingertips but he ignores it in favor of arriving just a few minutes before the other guests. 
His uncle is giving him the most enthusiastic smile he’s seen from the man in years and it almost immediately makes him flinch back and turn around. 
No...this was his plan he’ll see it through.
It will be fine if you take up with the Nara clan member or even Shino he supposes but if it looks as if the Fuma clan have the upperhand, he’ll step in.
He isn’t full of himself, knows it’s nothing to do with who he is, his hopes, dreams, desires, but his clan is well known throughout all the villages and he has been appointed to be their heir as soon as his Uncle wishes to step down. 
Some nagging voice in the back of his mind is telling him that the old man is just waiting to marry him off before doing it.
Still, a contract with him is far superior to a contract with the Fuma clan and Neji understands the power of his position if nothing else. 
When you arrive, your face is hidden entirely under a thick veil, he bows his head to you politely and you return the motion, the same for your father. 
His uncle then proceeds to ‘keep casual conversation’ which in political rooms means something entirely different, as the four of you wait for the others to show up.
Shino is first, he stays humble and polite for a few moments but is suspiciously called to the school no more than five minutes after the introductions are over. 
Neji tries not to envy him. 
You’re soft spoken and quiet, Neji isn’t sure if that’s actually who you are or who you are in moments like this but he’s at least glad that you’re speaking on some topics as the conversation loops from one thing to another. 
The young man from the Nara clan...well he can hardly be called a man. He’s probably only barely old enough to be married at all, is nervous and awkward which is slightly amusing to him, but clearly not a viable candidate. 
Honestly, if you can just get things sewn up before Fuma gets he-
As if right on cue, the ceremonial curtain that was hung at the entrance of the room is loudly pulled away and in walks the overly entitled cesspool of DNA known as Fuma Ichizoku.
Servants follow him into the room despite the fact that marriage negotiations are meant to be private with only one advisor per each interested party. 
“Hey there, why don’t you take all that off and let me get a look at your pretty face,” he says, then he steps toward you and you subtly back away from the advance. It’s just a small movement really, the curve of your back arching just a little.
It’s enough for him. 
Neji wastes no time, he stands, politely bows to you and then meets Ichizoku head on. 
“I’m afraid you’re no longer welcome in these talks. Bringing uninvited guests into a treaty signing is not allowed,” he says cooly, ignoring the gasp from his cohorts. “I would advise that you read up on the formalities of contract negotiations before entering into one.” 
“Do you know who I am?” he asks, his words slurring a bit as the stink of alcohol invadesNeji’s air. 
“A previous guest who has been uninvited, now please see your way out,” Neji answers, looking to his people. It is in vain because they are clearly too intimidated to do anything about his disruptive behavior. 
In one quick, precise movement, Neji thumps his hand against the side of Ichizoku’s neck and he barely has time to start his complaint before crumpling to the floor.
He turns to you, eyes pale and gorgeous and he asks if you’d like to file a formal complaint. You quickly shake your head no before he turns back to the group that came in with him. “See to it that he gets home safely,” he says, but he makes a mental note to discuss this with Ichizoku’s father. If he can’t do better than this, he’s not fit to lead a clan of any kind, not even theirs. 
They quickly carry him out of the room and Neji returns to his seat. 
Your father scratches his chin with stoic features for a few beats before Neji watches the small uptick at the corner of his mouth and he feels a flood of something warm through him. 
“I’ve heard rumors you were reluctant to marry…” he says, and Neji slowly bows and nods his head. 
“That’s true yes...I had no altruistic intentions of marrying and having a family. I think-I thought it would be easier to lead my clan if I wasn’t concerned about a partner or children or returning home every night,” he says, but he looks to you, bows his head again, “But if I can be of use to my clan, to the people in my village, to the Allied Nations I want to do that. I want people in every hidden village to feel included in the peace that we’ve fought so hard to get,” he says, and he doesn’t think he’s talked this much in a while but it still doesn’t feel like enough. 
“So not for money or love, but political marriage interests you?” 
“It’s not that, sir. I just think that when you’re part of something greater than yourself or your clan, it gives you a sense of purpose and I believe anyone who experiences that is more invested in maintaining those ideals and feelings,” he says, and you find yourself smiling under the veil. 
“And you think you can share that feeling with our people?” he asks, and Neji goes quiet, lost in his thoughts for a moment.
Hiashi tries to cover the silence but your father just waits for him, observes him and waits. 
“To be honest sir, I’m not entirely sure I’m the best person for that. Until recently I was blind to most of the world outside the Hyuga compound,” he says, pausing to take a breath. “Perhaps you could find a better match elsewhere. Someone more open and kind. You see, I’m not very personable. Even my teammates and closest friends find me difficult…”
“Well I certainly didn’t expect quite that much honesty,” your father says, a hearty laugh bubbling out of his chest. 
“You’ll do fine, young Hyuga. You’ll do just fine.” 
“I’m not sure I understand…”
“The contracts can be amended if you find something to your dislike but read over them and make your decision. I know we’re eager to officially join in the peace treaty and have such respectful and honest allies at our backs.” 
Neji looks to you like he’s expecting you to stop him or something but you just nod your head in agreement and let him look over the pages, your skin tingling with anticipation.
You wait, breath feeling trapped in your throat as his eyes skim over the document when his signature is finalized across the bottom, you feel yourself smiling.
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loving-all-for-loki · 3 years
Voiceless Love Chapter 7: Missing You
Loki x reader, Bucky x reader
Word count: 2166
Warnings: swearing, sad reader, Bucky fluff
A/N: Okay, so for anyone who’s reading this as their introduction to this series, Loki is not in this a ton. I have a little, but if you didn’t read chapter 6, this is going to be very confusing. As for the series, this is the last “base” chapter meaning there are going to be two different options: the Bucky route and the Loki route. There may be three to four more chapters on each route until the end, I’m not entirely sure, but the choose your own part of the series starts after this chapter. I will be posting the next chapter for each route at the same time so the schedule is still continuous. Also for my tag lists, I will be tagging you in both. If you’d rather not be tagged in both and just one, please let me know. <3 Other than that, thank you for all the support. Remember the tag list is still open if you want to get tagged in the upcoming chapters. Back to the heart wrenching story.
Tag List: @caffeineoverloadandstudying @zizzlekwum @daddysfavoritesexkitten @buckylokisimp @magicalpieex @lokiyoulittle
You’re not sure how long it’s been since Loki was taken back to Asgard. Someone could tell you it’s been an hour or two months, but it wouldn’t make a difference. The outside light has not seen your room since. Your heart has not felt joy. The Avengers have not been blessed with your presence. 
Bucky started to get really concerned for you days ago. They haven’t seen you come out of your room for food or even the bathroom. Tony teased the thought of you being dead, but nobody found it funny. Bucky even yelled at him for the insults about Loki still, knowing if you were to hear them by any chance, you’d go ape shit.
He’s tried to make contact with you, but he fails every time. Leaving food by your door, sliding notes underneath, even knocking and begging you to talk to him, but he’s always faced with deafening silence. His heart has not been the same since you locked yourself away. Steve complains about him no longer being a good spar partner and replacing him with Sam. He’s been left out of two missions for not being focused enough or being too chaotic. One time our of pure anger, Bucky ignored Cap’s orders and almost got himself killed.
“Bucky this isn’t the time to play around. We need you in the game. Don’t screw up again.”
“I’m sorry, Steve, but I-” “There are no buts in war and I think you’d know that. I understand your concern for Y/N, but you need to let it go. She’s not coming out. Leave her be. Focus on the missions or else I’m going to have to bench you.”
Bucky knows Steve is right, but there’s nothing he can do to stop his brain from thinking about you all day long. Every time he passes the library, he longs for the time where you would spend all day there reading stories about love and adventure. He longs for when you’d sneak into his room and spend all day in bed with him, asking him to read to you. He longs for your writings on his skin again. He feels so empty and boring without your scribbles all along his arm.
He sits around the living area ll day, drinking coffee and staring out of the window. The tower feels so quiet without you and Loki running around giggling, baking, reading, etc. It doesn’t feel like home even if home involves Bucky watching someone he loves love someone else. He misses your touches and glances. The way you’d offer for him to join you or taste the cookies you made. He even misses the occasional times Loki put too much salt in the cookies and made him eat them. 
Bucky walks over to the door to your bedroom solemnly. He slides down the door and sits there with his long legs blocking the whole floor of the hall. He slowly rolls his knuckles on the door, knocking and hoping to get your attention yet he gets no response.
You’ve been under your blankets crying for so long, you don’t know how time works. The only thing reminding you that you’re alive is the times when Bucky comes and tries to talk to you. You have no energy to get out of bed due to the consistent crying you’ve been doing. You feel like you’re getting weaker every day. It’s the same feeling as when you healed Bucky from almost dying. Moving becomes a chore and you can’t fathom doing anything. No one is really sure how you haven’t eaten or peed for this long, even you. Sometimes you like to think it’s Loki’s magic allowing you to mourn the loss of him working. There are moments where you feel him around you.
You miss his cold touches, sending chills down your spine. His bedroom has become a place of pain and you refuse to go near it. Because he isn’t around to pick you up, you haven’t drank or taken a bath either. You completely ignore taking care of yourself. There’s no point in taking care of yourself if there’s no one to admire you. 
Bucky comes up to your door again and starts knocking. You see his body block some of the light coming from under your door, showing that he’s sitting there. The sound surrounds you in the quiet room and drowns out your sobs. 
“Y/N, please talk to me. We’re all concerned for you and want to help you.”
You ignore his voice, turning over to look at the wall opposite of it. Pulling the blankets over your head, you try to fall asleep but Bucky keeps talking to you through the door.
“I remember when I fell off the train back in… actually, I don’t remember when, but I woke up and was surrounded by Hydra. For years, I felt alone. I would black out at times when they controlled me and I didn’t know what was happening. Then Steve found me and told me he knew me. I was confused and scared. I was a soldier with no memory. For months, I was with someone who knew me, but I felt so alone. There was so much I was missing and didn’t know. Everything terrified me and made me alarmed. I was on the edge of my seat all the time. What I’m trying to say is I know how you feel. You miss someone you care for and I missed a whole part of my life I longed for again. I felt the loneliness you’re going through and I isolated myself, too. It was a terrible time and I want to help you. I don’t want you to deal with the feelings because I remember how it felt. Please, let me help you.”
At the end of his long speech, you felt yourself get up off of bed, still covered in your blankets. You open the door and look down at Bucky sitting with his legs out. He looks up to you with a pity smile as you stare down, still with tears running down your face. Bucky stands up and pulls you into him, holding you in a tight embrace. 
“I know I said some… unkind things and I’m sorry. I’m also sorry you don’t have Loki here. We’ll get him back.”
You don’t believe him when he says they’ll get him back. You’re aware he’s only saying this to make you feel better, but your heart hopes his words are true and honest. The warmth of his body against yours makes you miss Loki even more, wishing it were his body. You squeeze tighter, imagining Loki in your head with his long hair, blue eyes, and strong hands. Bucky squeezes back, rubbing his hand up and down on your waist. 
“You’ll be okay, doll.”
You back up from Bucky’s hug and adjust your blanket. He takes your hand and leads you down the hallways to the living are where Nat, Sam, and Steve are sitting. They quiet down their conversation as you walk in. Nobody looks your way or makes any comment about you leaving your room. Bucky has you sit down at the kitchen counter as he scrummages through the fridge.
“I’m sure you’re hungry. Do want anything specific?”
You shake your head and the way you don’t speak doesn’t go unmissed. Bucky nods, knowing the progress with you talking has gone away and you’re back to square one. He pulls out some leftovers and give them to you. You pick up a spoon timidly and start eating, but Bucky thinks you look weak. Your hand is shaking as you bring it to your mouth. It’s as if you had healed him again. 
“Are you feeling okay?”
You shake your head no which alerts him. Bucky immediately takes the food from you and picks up you bridal style.
“Bucky, what ARE you doing?” Nat asks.
“She’s not well, I’m taking her to med bay.”
Steve gets up and follows Bucky and you. He watches as you keep dropping your head and waking up as if you can’t stay awake. Steve then looks up to his best friend and sees how tired he looks as well. Everyone’s aware of Bucky’s feelings about you and he knows nothing will change that, even your own love for Loki. Sometimes Bucky’s obsession and attachment to you scares him. He’s worried he’ll lose Buck in his pinning for you, his longing, his jealousy. He’s seen Buck in hard times, but sparring with him for the last two months while you were with Loki was rough to watch. Bucky was rough, sporadic. He was irresponsible during missions, reckless. It was like he had a death wish. 
“Buck,” Steve says once he sees you fall asleep, “we need to talk.”
“Not until she’s being taken care of.”
“That’s the thing. Your attachment to her is unhealthy.”
“Steve, I know you lost your love years ago and I’m sorry, but my love is here in my arms and she doesn’t even know who she is to me. If I can do something, I will.”
“I have nothing against you helping her, but you need to detach from her a little bit. I’m scared for you.
“I’m fine.”
“No, you’re not. You’re going to get yourself killed if you stop stressing over her all the time.”
Bucky doesn’t say anything, knowing that Steve is right. He doesn’t dare to argue against him because a) he doesn’t want to wake you and b) he knows nothing he says will change Steve’s concern for him. He’s right, though. He had been reckless, almost dying even after the first time. He’s hid his injuries from the other teammates, but looking down at you, he can’t help but think how it’s worth it. If he doesn’t have you, he has nothing. As long as you’re around, even if you’re not his, he’s happy.
“She’s all that matter to me now.”
“I understand that.”
They arrive at the Medbay and keep you there. 
Weeks go by and you finally return to the team. Everyone welcomes you back with some drinks and games, trying to get you to warm back up to them. You appreciate the sweet gesture, give into their advances, and stay out there with them. Bucky’s heart jumps with joy seeing you smile and enjoy your time with the Avengers. A couple drinks in and Tony decides to play truth or dare with everyone which makes you roll your eyes.
“Really?” Clint complains.
“What? It’s fun!” “It’s childish, Tony.”
“Yeah, seriously, can’t we play something else?” Steve complains, too.
“How about drink or dare?” Nat offers.
“I like how you think, Ksenia Onatupp.”
Confused, Nat looks to Steve who is equally confused and shrugs. Tony grabs a large bottle of Vodka from the kitchen and sets it on the table.
“Alright, since he made fun of me, I say Legolas goes first.”
“This is so dumb.”
A couple rounds go by and everyone is a little tipsy. You end up sitting on Bucky's lap with your legs across him. He keeps a protective arm around your waist as his metal arm rests on your thigh, rubbing his thumb up and down. Steve keeps looking over to see you two cuddling, disapproving the way Bucky has been ignoring his advice and keeping some distance. He visited you every day while you were recovering from everything.
“Y/N, I dare you to dance.”
You furrow your eyebrows at the lack of music and direction. Tony looks incredibly proud, but as a more sober person, you know how dumb that dare is so you take a drink. Tony groans at you, but everyone else is just drunk enough (beside Thor who could chug three whole bottles of Vodka and feel nothing, lucky duck) to not care. You turn to Bucky and yawn, which is his signal to pick you up and carry you to your room.
You wander to the bathroom in your room to chance while Bucky waits in your room. He looks around at all the new things on your bookshelf. There’s a little stuffed snake which he’s sure Loki got for you as well as a lot of photos of you and him in frames. There’s one of you two during a movie night, you on his lap, and one of him kissing you while dancing. The smile on your face is wider than Bucky has ever seen. He knew you were happy with Loki, he just refused it.
Bucky walks back to your bed when you stroll in. You lay down as he tucks you in and kisses you on the forehead. Before he walks away, you grab his arm and dig through the table next to your bed. You grab your pen which you haven’t used in awhile and write ‘thank you’ on his arm.
“Of course, doll. I’ll see you in the morning.”
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soranihimawari · 3 years
Hibiscus Teas & Railways
Consider this story as filled with spoilers (for the final chapter) of the manga series if you are still waiting to read it & support Furudate-sensei.
Original concept for this series is to provide soulmates in this world do suffer at some point with Hanahaki disease until they first meet their partner via matching blooms. As luck would have it, when Oikawa was turned down in high school by his crush at the time, she truly mentioned she would set him free. Iwazumi thankfully was there & the pair learned to traverse forward after graduation day. Now in a new country with new teammates, Oikawa is both a free player during the off season & on one occasion, finds himself leaving his contact info for his emergency contact: Yena.
Welcome to the sequel piece to the If I like You mini-series. This one will focus more on the aftermath of what happens post-grad with Oikawa Tooru & Yena (y/n)-chan.
Word count: 3.4 k
Rating: OTA->OTF (oikawa tooru angst to fluff)// this is a different “yn” from Aoba Josai just to make it clear
Suggested audience: 17+ (for strong language & body horror)
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this scowl and that pout get me weak in the knees, lol
Oikawa was a practical man. He had dribbled the volleyball once, twice, and one last time before he made one final serve as a promise to continue to put in the work to be great. He doesn’t hear Iwazumi call out to him and his best friend’s new soul-partner knocking on the gym doors. Mentioning something or other about the graduate party later tonight by Oikawa’s mom and elder sister seemed to have grounded the former captain.
Iwazumi watches his best friend and he nods to his yn, not Oikawa’s. The mock orange blossom scent wafts through the air and Oikawa, though both angry and annoyed about the whole hanahaki curse mix up, was able to more or less move past the volleyball season. He left feeling ordinary on the court the last time he and his knights fought against a murderous flock, but he is immediately reminded of the audacity of Ushijima’s cold words. It plays in a loop in the darkest parts of his mind.
“Oikawa, that’s enough for now,” Iwazumi states.
The relationship between the friends, as yn came to find out, is something more brother-like than anything. Iwazumi asked yn at one point in their final weeks of third year what her plans were.
“I looked into schools in the States,” she said with a small smile. Her own acceptance letter for a different university on the Eastern Coast, the emblem for New York University stamped upon it, sat in her school bag. The words congratulations made her eyes water the night before, yn blamed the springtime allergies coming around.
“Why would you do that?” Iwazumi was perplexed. He had his acceptance letter for UCIrvine in his blazer pocket. His graduate pin was flirting with the opened envelope.
“Because,” the girl wheezes a bit. The mock orange blossom clips in her hair Iwazumi bought her for Christmas adorned her newly trimmed bangs. After confirming you were alright, Iwazumi glances at you for a moment. In the past, when word spread that the stubborn ace and the infamous girl who had smelled of mock citrus blossoms were truly more than friends, they would not be separated for long. If either of them were, Hanamaki and Mattsukawa would rejoin them in the long term. Oikawa eventually came around and was back to his chipper self at Seijoh.
“Haji,” yn continued after clearing her throat. “I’d hope you know I’ll follow eventually.”
Iwazumi reaches to grab her hand and she agrees.
Presently, their friend and metaphoric king of the court, was currently hurting. What Iwazumi and yn had picked up on was how the particular king who loved milk bread began harboring a new love for hibiscus tea. Oikawa knew why, or at least when he’d talk to Iwazumi and you one on one last night at his back patio. The graduation party hosted by his mother and Iwazumi’s parents for the five of you created an ambient sound.
Oikawa runs a hand through his hair and he sighs heavily when he drags his serving hand down to cover his eyes. The aroma of the chilled tea of Oikawa’s choice mixed with lemon lime soda stayed motionless in his hands.
“Ru-kun,” yn begins gently, her hands cupping his forlorn face, forcing him to look at her. “Go find ‘er and don’t stop searching until you do.”
Iwazumi ‘s shadow blocks the porch light from her eyes. Out of the five of them, yn had a move in date early next month, followed by Iwazumi six weeks later, with Oikawa leaving in between. The nickname came about to calm both of the boys down when she lingered at the gym doors post the loss to Shiratorizawa and followed by the disappointing loss against Karasuno.
Oikawa scoffs like a foolish man. “And tell her (or him) what? I’ve been hankering for hibiscus flower tea while you’re probably dying?”
Yn drops her hand and exhales sharply, Iwazumi nearly punches the sardonic mouth of his friend, but instead he chooses to raise his shaking fist at his friend.
“Watch it Oikawa,” Iwazumi warns. “The flights aren’t as long from her side of America to yours in Argentina.”
Yn laughs mirthfully and her eyes dance between the two boys. She shakes her head muttering how her first love was quite a hopeless romantic, yet as Oikawa scowls slightly, she picks up on his nervous habit of biting the edges of his iced drink cup. The next seven words catch both yn and Iwazumi off guard:
“And what if she doesn’t want me?”
“Then you move forward until you find her Oikawa,” yn answers. Takeru opens the door and asks for some help with the trash and yn mentions she’ll go inside first. She gives Oikawa’s left shoulder a soft squeeze and an endearing smile. It was the same one she gave him the afternoon he decided he thought he was the one for her. However, as Iwazumi began smelling of the same citrus flowers, Oikawa made Iwazumi tell him what happened in the aftermath of the pre-season practice on the way home. Oikawa was both mystified and scared out of his wits when the first tree he passed in October was a hibiscus tree at the neighborhood park.
Brazil, 2018 JULY
“As the white witch looked into the eyes of her newly found son, she smiled. The day was filled with questions that were answered. Now, as the sun slowly sank into the sky, the air was filled with the aroma of mint tea. The sorceress placed the two ruby colored cups on the table where her son looked up with anticipation,” the volunteer worker read aloud. There were gasps from the children sitting in the middle of the cafe. It was just beginning to snow once more because in this side of the city slums, an older woman who brewed tea from her aunt’s garden dared to dream of owning a tea parlour and was just ending her shift at the library.
The inner city of São Paulo was abuzz with local tourists and guides of different athletes competing for the World Cup medals. Winter was a fine time for Yena, yet recently since her aunt had passed away in the slums, she was able to barely make ends meet in the suburbs. It’s the second year she completely removed herself from the city and chose to live in her relative’s home. She tends to the local garden where she received advice from a sage old man who tells her why she cannot breathe well. He tells her on the night of her twenty-seventh birthday that the flower petals she keeps in a jar in her bedroom smeared in blood and devoid of her saliva was because her one true match is hurt: “The more pain either if you experience will bring you together.”
Yena coughs a little while after and she bids the old man good day. Their conversation was about three years removed from today’s date, but the young lady remembers it because he was the first friend she made after her aunt had passed on. While piling on the tea cups and taking care of trash for the small humble fountain lot that consisted of cupcake wrappers and mostly warm beverages cups f9r the children.
Tonight at the city square in the slums, the kids currently whine that the story is almost done. Hence why the volunteer reminds them to come back at lunch time and he’d finish the story then. However, there was another surprise when Yena caught the eye of a passerby clad in Argentine blue. For a moment, the stranger does a double take hyperfixating on the partner for the volunteer reader who stifles a yawn.
Yena waves good evening and good bye to a mix of the children and their parents or guardians until the volunteer points out the very well known volleyball setter from Argentina. Oikawa and Yena had met once before on the train platform when both were traveling part of the way back north by northeast of the continent. Apparently the compartments were close by, considering that little Miss Yena was nearly penniless. The only reason she wasn’t kicked off at the next stop was because of one big lie outside the bathroom facilities connecting working class cars and first class together.
“Ticket ma’am,” the transport officer asked. Oikawa was walking around to gain some blood flow to his legs and he couldn’t help but overhear Yena’s annoyed voice. The girl wore her best clean set of jeans and a faded blouse. Her shoes were simple sneakers clearly held together by a thread at this point, but her face was coy. She kept her cool until Oikawa’s footsteps paused from her. He didn’t want to intervene, but the light aroma of hibiscuses surrounded her and before he knew it, Oikawa was there to charm the socks off the ticket man.
“¡Ah! ¡Señor Oikawa! Welcome back,” the officer greeted. Yena arched an eyebrow between the two, yet she didn’t stop the transport ticket man from gushing about the volleyball star behind her. “Is she with you?”
“As a matter of fact,” Oikawa pats the back of his neck sheepishly. Yena knew the scent of hibiscus tea anywhere for it was her dead aunt’s favorite, but when she smelled the calming aroma, she almost locked herself in the restroom to sob in peace. “She is. Her phone died and her ticket was already paid for by her family. She’s an old friend of mine visiting me for a week during the post season.”
“My apologies. Any friend of the great Oikawa Tooru for the San Juan team is a friend of mine. Don’t be a stranger now Señorita…”
“Yena, señor, LN, Yena.”
Oikawa and you sigh a thank you and you’re welcome to each other when the man leaves. He invites Yena to sit in the dining car and that is where their love story plants it’s seeds. Over the course of the next series of years up until they turned twenty-six, neither of them wanted to harp upon the fact that their separate cases of Hanahaki disease never fully healed. On the phone late one night, Oikawa calls an old friend from high school.
“Go for Iwa—Ru?!… hold on…Yeah he’s here. Hold on,” yn’s voice is kind. The ring on her finger is stunning considering it’s been almost five years since she moved back home to Japan. Iwazumi hears his name being called and when his fiancé hands him his phone, he recognizes the name and chuckles. Oikawa spills his soul into what he tells Iwazumi about the handsome fan and the girl who had a fading, but loving scent of hibiscus.
“Five years ago?! Seriously you idiot, you need to tell Yena,” Iwa grumbles. It comes to little or no surprise that Yena had already met Iwazumi via FaceTime calls in the past, but it was a different story when Yena crossed paths with an exchange student from New York who did an expose in flower teas in Brazil.
“I know, but how do I tell one of my best friends that I breathe eie4 when she’s close by?” Oikawa asks in earnest. “Every time I see her at the railway station, I feel like I’m floating. Is that what you felt when you hit the realization with yn?”
Iwazumi imparts some sage words of wisdom echoing what his fiancé said to Oikawa the night of their graduation party; the old friends say goodbye with a reminder that in a few months, everyone will be back to celebrate nuptials. Oikawa’s phone buzzes again with a message from Hanamaki and Mattsukawa.
‘We went to the mall today and look!’ Hanamaki sends a photo of himself wearing a team Argentina shirt with Oikawa’s name on the back.
‘Bought this Lil guy too,’ Mattsukawa holds a plushie figure of Oikawa. The boys laugh at the impish grin their former captain gives them to finally come into his own. Their talks over the last couple of years leads them to discuss the people they had met along the way; funnily enough, Hanamaki and Mattsukawa had met their respective partners a year after their first “boys trip” to the Southern Hemisphere. That story is for a different time.
However, in the here and now, Yena currently speaks with the volunteer and thanks them for their time since she saw Oikawa at the back of the marketplace. Her volunteering friend nods and tells her to go. Since her aunt’s death, Yena looked forward to the turn of the sports seasons because she knows that Oikawa would try to come visit everyone when his coaches would approve his vacation time to São Paulo. This time, his off season entered the tail end of the winter season, but with it being his birthday sabbatical away from the skyscrapers of metropolitan Buenos Aires, he was grateful to see Yena doing well.
“Tooru?!” Yena waves, she jumps up waving an arm. Her grin is infectious, it’s almost blinding. Oikawa smiles back and as he walks up to her, he wraps his arms around her waist and lifts. He spins her once, laughing together at the foolish humor that brought them together in the first place. Their embrace is cut short by an amused crowd of kids who whisper rumors of fairy magic and nobility.
“‘Eyy Oikawa,” Yena says. “I’ve missed you.”
“Me too,” he says, placing her feet back down on the ground. He still holds her at arms length. He caresses her face and she finds herself relaxing her cheek in his palm. Time is kind to both of them and finally Yena sees through the kaleidoscope of his amber gaze. Memories of inside jokes and midnight runs to the local bodega for tacos al pastor and even on occasion, when she finds herself in the same city as Oikawa, the time seems to slow down. They never really thought about dating, but when it comes time for either to depart, the railway platform they first met on is always on time. Oikawa has half a mind to kiss her affectionately and prays to every star in the universe she doesn’t push him away.
Yena tells her volunteer staff at the square to take turns to go on break while deciding to cut out early. The old man sitting next to his tea cup shakes his head when he sees the hibiscuses in full bloom flow in the breeze. He watches Oikawa and his younger tea apprentice disappear into the night; the old geezer thought of all the nights the older relative of Yena seemed to have a natural talent for concocting herbal teas for the elderly (and other ages) rambled on about the Asiatic curse if hanahaki and how it had afflicted her niece at age six, lying dormant; until the final reoccurrence (the worst of it) all throughout high school.
“Where are we going Oikawa? Do you have time for me to stop at my old flat and pick up a coat?” Yena asks as they round the corner at the end of the cul de sac.
Oikawa shrugs his shoulders and causally holds her hand in his.
“I don’t think that will be necessary mi corazon,” Oikawa whispers, bringing her hand to his lips. It is bold, but it doesn’t seem to bother Yena at all. They were friends and nine times out of ten, casual lovers to the outside world. Oikawa pulls her underneath his arm and they continue to walk down the glistening promenade back to his side of the city. The hotel room is a humble size surely, but it’s charm is part of the reasons why Oikawa and Yena love places like this. This is reminiscent of the sand in the warmer months in the beach court where they played a good game against Shoyo and his beach court teammate last spring.
Yena laughs at a joke Oikawa told her about earlier while pressing on for more details about Iwazumi’s wedding day. She loves Oikawa, the charming devil from across the world. To her, he is her pretty setter, without the fanfare. She knows about his nervous habit of biting paper cup lips and his affinity for milk bread to the point where she taught herself to make some at home and send some his way when they ran into each other on the third trip to Buenos Aires. Yena has met the illustriously frustrating ginger known as “Ninja” Shoyo several times scattered throughout her kinship with Oikawa. He wraps an arm around her waist as she loops her arms around the nape of his neck.
“Yen-chan, you didn’t write to me,” Oikawa pouts. “Did I make you wait for too long my darling girl?”
“No,” her voice is hoarse from the illness that plagues her lungs. “That’s not it. Liste—”
She fought mercilessly against swallowing the buds creeping its way to the back of her throat. Oikawa asks if she is ok, but in the middle of dismissing him with her casual “I’m ok” glance, he is horrified when her cough turns into a fit. She covers her mouth immediately, not wanting the Olympic athlete to worry so much over her. It’s just her love for flowers and his knack for the tea made from flowers in her chest that bloom much quicker when she is around him. He holds her still asking what’s wrong. He doesn't understand why now and why was it you?
It is a harsh realization as she struggles to breathe.
“Yen, hold on to me ok?”
He runs a soothing hand through her hair and he freezes the moment the hibiscus petals spew in short waves to his floor.
“Shh, I got you, baby,” Oikawa whispered. His grip tightened slightly on her waist, try8ng to make her stand up properly. “I got you.” He doesn’t want to excite panic for her sake, but it did warrant enough instinct to protect her until her coughing fits subsided.
The petals are glistening with spots of a harsh red. Yena is crying from the pain and she repeats “why now,” and “I’m sorry,” and it pushes Oikawa to hold her steady against his chest. She breathes in time with him and he quiets her fears, continuing to comfort her as though she were a child. She coughs herself into a headache and she wheezes one final petal to the floor.
“Hush now. It’s ok,” Oikawa hears himself for the first time in a long time. His left hand dries her tear stained cheeks he hears her sob repeating how much it hurts to breathe and her lungs feel like they are on fire.He kisses the top of her head and soon enough her hiccups and severe coughing ceases.It’s when she breathes normally does he calm down. He caused this, he is sure. Her hand clutches his shirt and loosens her grip a bit. Oikawa lifts her up properly as he straightens himself out to sit comfortably on the floor. Yena slips in and out of sleep shortly adjusting her position on her friend’s lap, using his heartbeat as ambient noise to settle the hibiscus branches in her lungs to wither.
Oikawa Tooru is a patient man. He puts his whole heart, mind, and body through the test when he either loves someone or something. Now with Yena resting against his chest, he never considered the possibility of hanahaki disease from home following him to this part of the world.
For so long, he had loved hibiscus teas since his sister introduced it when she was expecting; the Oikawa matriarchs always had a hunkering for teas when they became expectant mothers. When news broke that his sister was going to have some company, their mother craved rose lemon teas which turned into an affinity for hibiscus flower teas. When speaking with Iwazumi and yn earlier that week, Oikawa mentioned that he wanted to properly ask Yena to be his. He loved her like the sun’s rays loved the moon, presently as she is smooshed against his shirt. She seemed comfortable enough, like she belongs there napping in his embrace; Oikawa studies her features in the night city neon lights.
“I can hear you asking me if it’s ok to kiss me,” Yena dreamily says. Her stirring in her sleep makes her sit up straight, her nose grazes his jawline. Oikawa chuckles at her teasing touch.
“Say less,” Oikawa muses. His hands cup her face again and he pulls her lips to his. Careful innocent kisses via lidded eyes ignites them to cross the trial by fire. Yena hums against her lover’s lips until her hands travel higher to card through his hair. Oikawa smiles into more kisses because once he tasted the hibiscus remnants on her lips, they knew they found the love they eagerly searched for
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elwenyere · 4 years
Deck the Halls
(Steve/Tony fluff, in which the Avengers make their own holiday decorations, and it goes about as well as you would expect)
Also on AO3
“Okay,” Tony said, “I am willing to admit that putting repulsors on the Iron Man ornaments was not my best idea.”
He paused to duck as a pillow, half a molasses crinkle, and what looked suspiciously like a tranquilizer dart flew at him from three different locations in the Avengers common room.
“But I maintain,” he continued from behind the couch, “that the underlying principle of the design is both technologically sound and aesthetically adorable. Also, refs, can I get a rule check on ‘no using knock-out techniques on your teammates’?”
“If I wanted you knocked out, you’d be dreaming of sugar plums right now,” Natasha called out from somewhere behind a makeshift barricade of packages and wrapping-paper rolls. One of the tiny Iron Men buzzed over her head, sending a barrage of dime-sized repulsor blasts at a Rudolph gift bag, and Natasha shot the ornament out of the air with her Widow’s Bites.
“Also, calling in the refs is a pretty bold move,” Bruce added, “considering that the miniature murder bots guarding our Christmas tree are in flagrant violation of rules ten through fifteen.”
Bruce’s voice was slightly distorted by the walls of his blanket fort, which Steve had suggested building as an anti-Hulking measure when the first wave of ornaments flew off their branches and into attack formation. So far the strategy had proved successful, with only one close call after Thor almost collided with the fort during an enthusiastic mid-air tackle.
“Remind me never to do holiday dinners with you guys again,” Rhodey groaned. He was crouched next to Tony behind the couch opposite Steve’s, and Steve could hear the faint whir of the War Machine gauntlet as he scanned the room. “I could be falling asleep on my couch to the Vince Guaraldi Trio, and instead I’m hiding from an army of weaponized Christmas figurines.”
“When you’re subpoenaed for the inevitable senate hearing about this, just remember: it was all Steve’s fault,” Tony advised.
“Thanks, sweetheart,” Steve replied, adding an eye roll that he knew Tony would hear in his voice.
It was true that Steve had been the one to suggest that they make their own decorations for the Tower this year. But it was also true that Steve’s contribution (a hand-drawn series of family holiday cards to hang on the fridge) had been the only one that hadn’t tended to produce chaos. Thor and Natasha’s idea to braid garlands had started out innocently enough. But then they’d decided to add “motivational mead” to the creative process. Ten hours later, they’d produced so many strings of spruce, holly, and taffeta that the garlands had to be looped around every available surface, twisting around lamps and chair legs until the common room looked like it was being slowly strangled to death by a festive boa constrictor. Bruce – in a complete failure to learn from the previous Halloween’s Saltwater Taffy Incident – had concocted a spiced eggnog so addictively good that each new batch he made disappeared almost immediately – setting off a cycle of recrimination and dairy-based hoarding. And Clint had stayed true to form by making an extremely explicit, themed pin-up calendar of himself, which had been quickly banned from all common areas by a 4-2 vote (“I think these poses are courageous,” Thor had explained, “considering your very small human sizes”).
“Blame is assigned by the survivors, Stark,” Natasha said evenly. Her face darted into view at one end of her barricade, next to a box wrapped in “Hulk Smash!” paper. “And if we don’t get these ornaments contained before Bruce’s chocolate pecan pie has to come out of the oven, I can’t guarantee that anyone in this room will qualify.”
“How many left, JARVIS?” Tony asked.
“Just three, sir,” the crisp voice replied. “And my sensors indicate they are all locked in a standoff with the large stuffed hedgehog on the lower floor.”
“Do I have to ask?” Rhodey muttered.
“It’s for Pepper,” Tony explained, “a running gag: she thinks it’s hilarious.”
“We should set a trap to draw out the remaining ornaments,” Steve decided. “I want eyes on the perimeter – where the hell is Clint anyway?”
As if on cue, a grappling arrow shot across the room and latched onto the side of a container of eggnog. The metal wire attached to the hook pulled taut and then retracted with a sharp twang, yanking the eggnog over their heads and back into the air vent.
“You have a problem, man!” Rhodey yelled after Clint’s feet as they slithered away from the opening in the ducts. “Get help!”
“Ah that gives me an idea!” Thor exclaimed. He popped his head up from behind the kitchen counter, where he had apparently been braiding one of the garlands into his hair. “The tiny Iron Soldiers seem determined to guard the spirit of the holidays. Perhaps we can use that to our advantage.”
“Right,” Tony agreed, “cover me.”
He stood up and strode toward the Christmas tree, gauntlet charging.
“Come out, my tiny, murderous robot sons,” Tony called, “or I’m going to turn your favorite tree into a pile of toothpicks.”
“Did you actually equip them with audio sensors? Or are you just grandstanding?” Rhodey asked.
“Kind of stepping on my moment here, Gumdrop,” Tony replied.
And whether it was because the ornaments had somehow sensed a threat to the tree or because they had successfully subdued all the stuffed animals in the vicinity, Steve’s ears suddenly picked up the low whine that meant hostile décor was incoming. As Tony held his position, Steve saw Natasha, Rhodey, and Thor leap out from cover and take aim at the three diminutive Iron Men that were shooting toward their creator’s head.
“Tony!” Steve yelled, and Tony let out a small yelp of surprise as Steve tackled him sideways onto the couch. Steve curled his body protectively around Tony’s, and he threw up his shield just in time to shelter them from the disintegrated ornaments, which fell like a shower of harmless glitter into a halo around their heads.
Steve cleared his throat, feeling his cheeks flush slightly as a chunk of armor the size of a pea pattered onto the couch next to them with a barely audible fizzle.
“My hero,” Tony smirked.
“A bit overdramatic, Rogers,” Thor observed.
“Ooooooh, Captain America!” Clint called in a high-pitched voice from a nearby vent. “You’re so dreamy. Will you sign my chest?”
A chorus of boos and a smattering of tossed cookies followed Clint’s laughing retreat back through the ducts.
“So I’m thinking the Mark II ornaments should come with a fail-safe button,” Tony mused, looking up at Steve with his head still resting in the crook of Steve’s arm.
“Tony,” Steve sighed.
“What?” Tony asked with exaggerated innocence. “I have models for the whole team. There’s even a little Cap ornament with magnets for the hug and fly.”
Steve chewed his bottom lip.
“Are you trying not to smile?” Tony asked.
“I’m trying to contain my disapproval,” Steve replied.
“You’re trying not to smile,” Tony confirmed. “Let it out, Steve. I’m objectively delightful.”
“You’re objectively a threat to national security,” Steve retorted.
“Yeah, and you love it,” Tony nodded. “That’s like…your number one turn on.”
Steve finally allowed a smile to spread across his face. In the part of his mind that was always scanning his periphery, he was aware of Natasha helping Bruce out of his blanket fort and picking a piece of lint out of his hair – her hand lingering a little longer than necessary as Bruce assured her he had a backup pie in the fridge. Rhodey and Thor were loudly concocting plans to smoke Clint out (and pointedly ignoring Clint’s own contributions from the vent above them). And in the center, as always, was Tony, who was grinning victoriously as he took in Steve’s expression.
“You’re right,” Steve told him. “I do love you.”
Tony's smile froze in momentary surprise and then softened.
“This is how you want to say that for the first time?” he asked teasingly, his hands coming up to brush at Steve’s sides just above the hem of his jeans. “On the couch, surrounded by our catcalling friends and the scorched remains of the homicidal holiday ornaments I created?”
“Yep,” Steve answered, leaning down to kiss Tony’s forehead. “I love that you make messes,” a kiss on the right cheek, “I love that you invite messes to move in,” a kiss on the left cheek, “I love that since I met you, you’ve made every mess of mine your mess too,” a final kiss – as gentle as Steve could make it – on Tony’s lips. “I love you, Tony.”
He pulled back so he could look into Tony’s eyes and watch the rapid play of emotion across his face – always too fast to track.
“I love you too, you big sap,” Tony replied, and as the team whooped and set off a round of Christmas crackers, he pulled Steve back down by the front of his Iron Man sweater.
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Wrote a fic that was a byproduct of me trying to figure out how Kaidan and Karina Shepard had their first kiss. It got a little spicier than I originally intended. This takes place before the rest of my “Soft Place to Land” fics. Anyway, hope you enjoy.~
Shepard cursed to herself as her eyes darted from screen to screen on her omnitool, trying to find a solution. Nothing seemed to be physically wrong with Mako, but the vehicle had lost all communications. Even the sensors were failing her, and she was beginning to lose her patience. Kaidan laid outside the Mako, almost entirely under the vehicle, trying to look for any possible damage underneath. He’d never say it out loud, but with the way Shepard drove this thing, he was half expecting to find a large rock lodged in the vehicle, but there was nothing. He grumbled to himself before pulling himself up, and leaning against the Mako as he poked his head through the doorway, towards Shepard. “It’s all fine down here. I don’t know what happened.” He paused for a moment, kicking the dirt slightly as he watched the growing winds whisk away the dust cloud that formed at his feet. “Wish Tali was here. She’d probably know what to do.”
Shepard looked up at the ceiling of the Mako to stretch her aching neck, they’ve been at this for nearly an hour with no luck. “Same, but we couldn’t risk it with the suit rupture.” It was just a pin prick moments before departure, but Shepard sent her to the medbay immediately before she got a severe infection. Shepard considered asking another teammate to come, but it was such a minor task and she didn’t want to postpone scanning the planet for necessary resources any further. She knew the two of them would be fine. They were supposed to be fine. But now she definitely missed the Quarian’s expertise.
Shepard smacked the dashboard of the Mako in equal parts irritation and last ditch effort to try anything. Kaidan jumped slightly at the sudden sound. Shepard was always quiet, sometimes almost unnervingly so at times that he half expected the motion to not make a noise. But, to both of their surprise, the dashboard came to life, bathing her in its golden glow.
“Are you reading me, commander?” Joker's voice was nearly inaudible against the overwhelming amount of interference. It sounded like he's been trying to contact them for a while now. From what she could make out, his voice sounded strained with desperation. He needed a sign that they were okay.
“Barely, we’re having some trouble with the Mako.” Shepard grumbled into the microphone, trying to use her omnitool to sharpen the signal, but it didn’t help much.
“There’s a storm coming. A bad one. We won’t be able to pick you up in the middle of it. You’ll need to sit tight until it’s over.” The irritation was evident in Joker’s voice. If they had a window for rescue, it seemed that it had long since passed.
Shepard gave Kaidan a look, seeing the wind whipping the stray hairs that fell down to his brow. She tried to hide the sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach. There was near pitch black darkness on the horizon that blocked out the setting sun, and it was approaching at an alarming speed. Kaidan gave her a nod in understanding, they needed to move quickly. “There’s a cave not far from here. We can park the Mako there for shelter. “
Shepard nodded as Kaidan hopped into the passenger seat without hesitation, providing directions. She could feel the wind trying to rip control of the Mako from her grip. She found herself constantly having to overcorrect the wheel just to keep the vehicle moving straight. She kept her fingers off the boosters, for fear of flipping the vehicle. Her knuckles were white and her hands were shaking by the time they were in the cave.
The vehicle lurched in protest as she hit the brakes a bit too hard, too eager to take her hands off the wheel. Shepard craned her neck to get a look at the cave’s ceiling, wondering how much she trusted it’s stability. It felt weirdly claustrophobic having such a big machine nestled in a cavern this size. It was a tight squeeze. They'd have difficulty getting out on either side, but they were free from the wind and what sounded like hail.
Shepard looked to Kaidan with a somewhat sheepish grin, feeling somewhat responsible for their predicament. She found herself mentally going back through the calculations and reports in her mind, trying to find out where she went wrong. This wasn’t in her reports of the planet.
“Well, I guess we better get comfortable.” There was a sigh in her voice as she took off her helmet and untied her hair. She let her hair fall naturally with a slight shake of her head.
She met Kaidan’s eyes and she couldn’t tell over the darkness of the cave, but she could’ve sworn she saw him blush. He cleared his throat and looked away for a moment before pulling up a box that rested by his feet onto his lap.
Shepard saw the shine of the dashboard against his teeth as he gave her a slight smile before reaching in and handing her something. She took the item, unsure of what was in her hands for a moment, before realizing it was a sandwich. “I, uh, noticed you didn’t get a chance to eat before we left..” he seemed unusually bashful as he placed a hand on his neck.
She looked at the sandwich, and again at Kaidan. She tried to figure out when he had the time to do all this. She completely forgot to eat today. She didn’t have the time to have more than a cup of instant coffee, and even then it went cold before she took her first sip. It felt like the work Hackett sent her was never ending.
She gave Kaidan a nervous smile as a silent thanks, finding herself at a loss of words as heat rose on her ears and neck. Kaidan continued to pull out two beer bottles before untwisting a top and passing one to her. “Before you say anything, technically our shift ended an hour ago.” He gave her a sly grin that she couldn’t help but match as she took a bottle.
“Well, we might be stuck here for the night...” Her voice was wary as she pressed the cold glass bottle to her lips. She was never one to lax on regulations, but after today she needed a drink. Despite nothing going right today, she couldn’t help but be thankful for the choice in company.
She took a bite of her sandwich, unable to remember the last time she had something that wasn’t prepackaged and in the form of an energy bar. With her hunger finally catching up to her, in this moment it was the best thing she’d ever eaten. She looked at Kaidan, seeing the golden light of the dashboard reflect the warm, bronze flecks in his eyes. “Thank you…” She looked away quickly afraid she’d get lost in the depths of his eyes.
Kaidan held back a smile, as he pulled out a sandwich for himself. He noticed how her features softened as she ate. She finally stopped clenching her jaw as she took a moment to accept their new situation. This was about as relaxed as he’s ever seen her, on or off duty. He felt like these were the moments when he got to see the real Shepard. She was so sure of herself on the battlefield, but in moments like this she let herself be vulnerable. It was a word he never would’ve normally associated with the great Commander Shepard before getting to know her.
Shepard expected to feel a nervous tension rising in her chest. It’s only been two days since they both admitted to maybe feeling something for one another, though neither were quite sure what it was yet. Kaidan suggested seeing where things would go if they went out during shore leave. Despite these mutual feelings, she still found Kaidan easy to be around. Shepard struggled to open up and connect with others at times, being as painfully introverted as she was, but Kaidan never forced herself to be someone she wasn’t. He was content to be near her, even if she didn’t have anything to say at the moment. She never felt pressured by his presence to put on her usual facade of commander.
After finishing her sandwich, her hunger sated. She felt her mind shift to other needs. Shepard shivered violently, feeling the storm’s chill enter her bones. The nights on this planet often dipped below freezing. She heard the rattle of her armor, feeling another violent wave fill her body. She noticed Kaidan was rubbing his hands together for warmth. “Cold?” She asked, already knowing the answer. She paused for a moment as she climbed into the back of the Mako. There was an emergency blanket, but only one. She held it up for him to see. It felt thin, but it was better than nothing. “We’ll have to share.”
Kaidan quietly followed her to the backseat, trying to hold back his grin. There was more leg room here, without any bulky tech to get in the way. They both stripped themselves of their outer armor, letting their chest plates and gauntlets litter the floor, leaving on the more comfortable inner layer.
Kaidan was the first to sit, finally feeling the strain of the day cause his muscles to ache. He stretched his legs as he slouched to get comfortable. He rested an arm on the back of the seat, inviting Shepard to sit next to him. She first took a cautious seat before curling up beside him, realizing that they’ve never touched like this before. Was he always this warm?
Besides the time she pulled him away from the beacon, she’s never touched him at all. But even in that moment she only thought about his safety, not how it felt to be curled up next to him. She found that her desire for warmth overcame her sense of modesty as Kaidan wrapped them both in the blanket.
She twisted herself closer as she felt her body shiver violently. She rested her legs on top of his as Kaidan wrapped his arms around her. His warmth quickly filled her body as she leaned in his direction, pressing their bodies flush. She tried to tell herself that this was solely for warmth, and it was, but she so desperately wanted to explore his body with her hands.
She tried to speak, about anything to pull her thoughts away from the body pressed against her own, but any and all words were trapped in her throat as a flush rose on her face. She tried to wash down the heat in her face with what remained on the beer. Kaidan was usually the one to speak, and Shepard would listen, but he too was silent in this moment as he watched her trying to gauge her reaction to their close contact.
Shepard met his eyes, nearly black in the darkness, but still warm nonetheless. Her eyes trailed down to his lips, wanting desperately to know what they felt like, before her eyes yet again met his. She didn't want to yearn for him like this, reminding herself that he was her staff lieutenant. Her pulse quickened as she reached for his face, nervous she was taking things too far. Her hand softly grazed his stubble and rested at his jaw. In the near pitch dark she caught herself focusing on the softness of his skin.
Kaidan’s eyes widened, but so did his smile. He let a hand gently trail up her neck, resting at the base of her skull. He applied the slightest gentle pressure as he stroked her scalp, without pulling her in, as he invited her to come closer if she wanted. He was fully prepared for rejection, they were after all in an emergency situation.
Before Kaidan even realized it, her lips locked with his own. There was a moment of tender uncertainty as they tried to find one another’s rhythm. They settled for a slow pace, as they gently explored the expanse of one another’s lips. Shepard liked the way Kaidan’s lips felt on her own, tasting the beer on his breath. He felt almost electric as she gently bit down on his lower lip. The smell of element zero filled her lungs and made her head feel fuzzy. It was unfamiliar to her, but pleasant nonetheless.
Shepard let her free hand dance on Kaidan’s torso, before resting behind a shoulder blade, trying to pull him in closer than their bodies allowed, as their kiss deepened as Kaidan’s tongue momentarily slipped into her mouth. Kaidan propped up his legs to pull Shepard closer. She readjusted herself so she could straddle his lap without breaking the kiss. He let his tongue explore her lips, memorizing their shape, while his hands gripped her waist. His tongue traced the scar that marked both lips and trailed upward.
Shepard pulled away to catch her breath, not realizing how long she was holding it. She pressed her forehead against his shoulder as she bit her lip, holding back a smile. Kaidan in turn let his head drop back against the seat as he also tried to steady himself, with Shepard still straddling his lap.
Shepard cursed to herself, quietly but against Kaidan’s ear. He turned to her direction, “I wasn’t that bad, was I?”
Shepard held back a laugh, “No, that’s not it…” She paused as she groaned again in frustration. “I shouldn’t want this.” She poked his chest gingerly. “Ishouldn’t be taking advantage of you like this. I sh-“ her voice trailed off as she again tapped her forehead against Kaidan’s shoulder in frustration.
Kaidan took a deep breath, “You aren’t taking advantage of me if I also want this, Shepard.” She met his gaze as he ran a finger across her forehead, tucking a stubborn strand of hair behind her ear.
They looked at one another for a long while before Shepard finally spoke up, “Karina.”
Kaidan gave her a raised eyebrow.
“Call me Karina.” She felt her pulse in her throat. He just kissed her senseless, why did this somehow feel more intimate? “Any fraternization rules are pretty much out the window now. At least when we’re alone.”
Karina could hear the smile in his tone. “Then you should call me Kaidan.”
“Alright, fair enough Kaidan.” She laughed, feeling another wave of blush rise in her face, but she didn’t make an effort to hide it this time.
Kaidan felt his stomach flip. Something about the way her accent made the syllables roll so softly from her tongue. He really liked hearing his name in her voice and couldn’t wait to hear it again.
Hope you liked it.
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mint-yooxgi · 4 years
{5} - Obsession
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Yandere AU - Part of the EXO Obsession Series
Genre: Mature, Horror, Angst
Pairing: EXO OT9 X Reader (with a particular focus on X-EXO)
Words: 3,250
Warnings: This is a Yandere story, it will contain themes such as stalking, violence, obsession, possessive natures, and just general overall creepiness and swearing. You have been warned.
A/n: The next part is here! Yay! Thank you all for being so patient with me while I got this part out, so I really hope it lives up to your expectations! Shits gonna be going down soon~ heheh, anyways! As always, I hope you enjoy, and feedback is always appreciated!
Previous ~ Next
Storming down the hall and past the small crowd that has gathered outside your office, you barely register the sound of your own footsteps, or the ones following you over the blood pounding in your ears. You make a sharp right hand turn down a specific hallway, the rest of your team close behind you as you reach the main doors to the interrogation area. Scanning the rooms, you spot the one with the lights on, two guards standing on watch just outside of the door.
“(Y/n), I’m afraid you can’t enter at this time,” one of them raises a hand out to stop you.
“Roger, if you don’t step aside this very moment, I am not afraid to kick your ass,” you snap, a fire having been ignited behind your eyes that’s burning for answers. “It’s important.”
The two of you stare at each other for a moment before he nods once in understanding. You let out a small breath in relief as the other guard looks warily at Roger.
“It’s fine, it’s her teammates anyways,” Roger nods, and the both of them take a step to the side to let you enter the room.
“Thanks,” you say lowly, with a nod.
Stepping forwards, you grasp the handle in your hand, flinging the door to the room open in the next moment. A loud bang resounds as you step through the threshold, immediately locking eyes with Jongdae who sits beside Jongin at the steel table. Dahyun, the head of security stands up once she sees you enter the room.
“(Y/n), what’s wrong?” Her brow furrows, seeing the glare you send Jongdae.
Without saying a word, you step towards him, grabbing him out of his chair by his shirt and pushing him against the wall, pinning him there with your forearm. Jongin jumps up, moving to hold you back and pull you off of Jongdae. You stare into Jongdae’s wide eyes, him staring at you in shock as his whole body tenses beneath you.
“Tell me,” you seethe, “what in the hell would your clone want with my ring?”
“Wait, what?” Jongin’s brow furrows as he stops his attempts to pull you off of Jongdae.
“Equipment wasn’t the only thing stolen last night,” you respond, pushing harder against Jongdae as he continues to stare at you, dumbfounded. “Now, why the fuck would they break into my office and steal my ring?”
“What ring?” Dahyun asks, not aware anything was taken from your office despite the fact that it was broken into.
“My grandmother’s ring,” you tell her over your shoulder. “It was given to me as a family heirloom when I was young, and it’s the last thing I have of her. It means a great deal to me; it’s priceless.” You turn back to lock eyes with Jongdae, “and he’s the only other person besides Kyungsoo who knows about it.”
“(Y/n),” Kyungsoo’s stern voice is heard. It seems as if he’s the only other one who’s entered the interrogation room with you, the others waiting outside impatiently.
“I’m not going to ask again,” you press, tilting your head slightly as you continue to stare at him, “what would your clone want with my ring?”
“Dahyun, do you think you could give us a minute?” Kyungsoo turns to her, seeing as you’re not going to relent any time soon.
“I don’t think-“
“We’ll wait outside,” she nods, cutting Jongin’s protests off before he can even start.
Escorting Jongin out of the room, Dahyun shuts the door behind the two of them, and you fail to see the curious and concerned faces of the rest of your squad on the other side. You hear Kyungsoo sigh.
The ring in question was indeed your grandmother’s ring, which was given to her when she was a young girl. That ring is to be given to the person you wish to spend the rest of your life with, as was your grandmother’s case, and her grandmother’s before her. It’s a tradition within your family for the women to pass down this ring every second generation to show a sign of friendship, trust, but most importantly, love and loyalty.
A fact of which you drunkenly confessed to Jongdae one night after celebrating a successful mission. However, he’s not about to confess to you that he’s hoping that he’ll be the one you gift that ring to, meaning you want to spend the rest of your life with him. He has a feeling that’s exactly why his clone took it, because he knows how much it means to you, and also what it’s significance means to you.
He remembers that night all too well, and how cute you looked resting your head on his shoulder after one too many drinks. You kept giggling, too, and it was like music to his ears. Needless to say he was disappointed when it was over, but he wouldn’t have traded it for anything. To know that you, in your drunken state, trusted him enough to tell him about that ring made his heart race, and then remembering enough the next day to show him where it was when he asked, made him happy beyond belief.
Now, he stares back into your eyes, worry crossing his features, which does not go unnoticed by you. He opens his mouth to answer, but his voice fails him, for he doesn’t know what to tell you. Luckily, Kyungsoo swoops in to save his ass for him.
“Look, given that the three of us are the only ones who know about that ring, and given how you’re reacting now, that’s probably why his clone took it in the first place. For leverage,” he sighs once more. “Look how tense and upset you are. If I were in that clone’s position and wanted to ensure your motivation, I would have done the exact same thing.”
You shoot a glance at Kyungsoo over your shoulder who has taken to leaning against the ledge of the two-way mirror. His arms are crossed in front of his chest as he looks at you expectantly with a brow quirked.
You let out a long breath, closing your eyes momentarily as you will yourself to calm down. Releasing your hold on Jongdae, you step back, “you’re right.”
Jongdae manages to breathe a slight sigh of relief, shoulders relaxing a bit as you back off of him. At least he can keep those particular feelings from you a secret for a little while longer, though from the way Kyungsoo is eyeing him suspiciously, he has a feeling that the tech is on to him.
“Your clone won’t do anything to that ring, will he?” You narrow your eyes at Jongdae who tenses once more under your gaze.
“He shouldn’t,” comes his response. “Given how much it means to you, and that he wants you in particular, it wouldn’t be very beneficial for him if he did. Like Kyungsoo said, it’s leverage.”
“Okay,” you nod, “okay, good. Doesn’t make me feel any better, but I trust you when you say he won’t do anything to it.”
“Well, at least we know one thing’s for sure,” Kyungsoo says, pushing himself off of the ledge and heading towards the door of the room, “they’re gonna start tracking you now.”
“I’d like to see them try,” you smirk, crossing your arms in front of your chest as Kyungsoo opens the door.
As soon as the door is opened, both Chanyeol and Junmyeon come bursting into the room.
“What happened?” Junmyeon’s brow is furrowed in slight worry, but the confusion in his voice is more prominent.
“What’s going on?” Chanyeol echoes, looking from you, to Jongdae, to Kyungsoo, then back to you, hoping for an explanation.
Before you can answer, Dahyun is stepping back into the room.
“I hope you all don’t mind, but I have an investigation to continue,” she smiles while tilting her head and you nod in understanding. You can tell she can only put on a sweet facade for so long when she doesn’t have all the answers, it’s probably what makes her so good at her job. Without further hesitation, you usher the three boys out of the room, watching as Jongin reenters and takes his seat once more beside Jongdae who has already resumed his seated position.
“I’ll explain in the briefing room,” you say, not bothering to spare your team a second glance as you walk past, Kyungsoo falling into step right beside you.
Once they’re all seated around the room a few minutes later, you let out a sigh.
“I’m sure you’re all wondering what was in that box,” you begin.
“Clearly it was important to you, otherwise you wouldn’t have stormed out of your office like that on a hunt for Jongdae,” Sehun observes with a questioning glance towards you, leaning back in his seat.
“Though we’re curious to know why he’s the only one who knew about it,” Junmyeon says, doing his best to hide the bitter jealousy he feels from seeping into his voice. Do you not trust him enough?
“He’s not the only one who knows about it,” you reply, seeing both Baekhyun and Junmyeon quirk a brow at you in question, “Kyungsoo does, too.”
“And what was so important that you couldn’t tell the rest of your team about?” Baekhyun inquires, looking at you expectantly.
“It just never came up,” you lock gazes with him, your eyes slightly narrowed at his expectant tone. “I don’t talk about it often because I’ve always wanted to separate my personal life from work.”
“You always talk about your family, though,” Chanyeol’s brow furrows in confusion.
“I don’t think that’s what she means,” Minseok chimes in.
You let out a sigh, running a hand through your hair as you lock eyes briefly with Kyungsoo, “when have you guys ever heard me talk about my love life? Or any dates I’ve been on for that matter?”
At your words, Chanyeol, Sehun, and Baekhyun all stiffen, while Junmyeon seemingly stops breathing.
“You don’t,” Yixing replies. “At least, not often.”
“Exactly,” you confirm. “Why do you think that is?”
“Wait, (Y/n), are you-“ Chanyeol pauses, “are you married?”
“What?” You furrow your brow. “No, I’m not married.” The four of them seemingly breathe a sigh of relief. “I don’t talk about my love life because, as I said, I don’t like mixing my personal life with work. There are many enemies who would have a field day if they found out that I had a significant other, not to mention it’s hard to have one when they know I work around nine attractive males all day who could easily kick their ass if they so wanted. I haven’t really been in the market, either.”
Baekhyun quirks a brow while the others simply stare at you in slight shock. You think they’re attractive? Junmyeon smiles to himself, while Sehun’s heart races in his chest. Baekhyun can’t help but feel smug, while Chanyeol smirks slightly. Minseok, Yixing and Kyungsoo all simply nod for you to continue.
“Anyways, what was in the box-” you sigh, “and I don’t really like telling a lot of people this because of how much it means to me, but what was in the box was a ring.”
“A ring?” Junmyeon repeats, and his mind races. Was it an engagement ring? An ex’s ring? Does he have more competition?
“My grandmother’s ring to be exact,” you explain, and you fail to see Junmyeon’s shoulders slump slightly in relief. “Given to me when I was young. It’s a priceless family heirloom which I am supposed to give to the person whom I want to spend the rest of my life with.” Again, the four of them all stiffen. Oh. “It’s what my grandmother did, and her grandmother before her. I don’t tell people about it for this exact reason, but now you know.”
“Yet Kyungsoo and Jongdae knew,” Sehun somewhat grumbles.
“Yes, they both knew,”
“Why?” Junmyeon cuts in, staring at the wall across from him until he realizes what has just left his mouth, and correcting himself. “I mean, I assume you trust us enough, all things considered, so why not tell us before now? Why were Kyungsoo and Jongdae the only ones to know?”
“To be honest, I’m a little curious, too,” Yixing smiles, somewhat sheepishly, at you.
“Well, out of all of you, Kyungsoo is my closest friend,” you tell them honestly. “Hence why I’m also staying at his place through all of this.”
“Okay, that makes sense,” Minseok nods.
“But then, why Jongdae?” Baekhyun asks, looking up at you from his seated position.
“That happened by accident one night when I was drunk after a mission, but I don’t regret it,” you admit. “Looking back on it now, knowing that he is usually the one who handles strategies with me, if ever there would be an event like this to happen, he would be the first one I would go to. Given the circumstances though, I may have misjudged that.”
“Well, I most certainly did not see this coming,” Chanyeol sighs, leaning back in his seat as he looks up at the ceiling.
“I don’t think any of us did,” Minseok adds.
“So, they’re using this ring of yours as leverage over you now?” Yixing turns to look at you, to which you nod in confirmation.
“Then we need to get it back,” Baekhyun reasons, as if it’s the most obvious thing to do. Also, because he’s secretly hoping you’ll give him this ring of yours once he claims it back for you.
“That’s the plan,” you nod in agreement. “The only problem is, we don’t know where they are right now, and they’ve just stolen our best tracking equipment.”
“I wouldn’t be so sure about that,” Minseok grins, causing you all to look at him questioningly. “I’ve got some better equipment at home, I’ll bring it tomorrow and I should have a proper location on them by tomorrow evening at best.”
“That’s good news,” Kyungsoo says. “I’ll give you a hand, keep my eyes and ears open on every communication point in the city for any movement or word of them around the area.”
“That’d be great,” Minseok nods in thanks.
“Well, if that’s all, then,” Yixing pushes his chair back and goes to stand.
“There’s not much we can do now but play the waiting game,” you agree. “Either we find them first or they find us.”
“They’ve already found us,” Chanyeol states, receiving a small smack on the arm from Baekhyun. “Hey!”
“Meeting adjourned,” you say, looking over your team briefly as they all nod in understanding. They know better than to question certain motives of yours, especially regarding something so personal to you. Besides, none of them want to push their luck considering you still did tell them about the ring, even after everything.
Staring at the wall, you think over everything that’s happened so far today. You hardly register any of them leaving, for you’re in your own little world.
You’re pulled out of your thoughts about getting your ring back by Junmyeon, his voice low, “are you okay?”
“Huh?” You turn to look into his eyes which reflect nothing but concern. “Oh, yeah.”
“I’m sorry they would take something so precious to you,” he goes on to say, reaching his hand out in a comforting motion and placing it on your arm.
“As much as it pains me to say, I understand why they did,” you rub your eyes.
“Are you going to be okay?”
You look into his eyes, “I’m not sure, but the sooner we can figure out how to get rid of these clones, the sooner things can go back to normal.”
“Yeah,” he grimaces slightly, “normal.”
“I think I’m going to head back to Kyungsoo’s for the evening and try and get some rest,” you tell him. “I have a feeling tomorrow’s going to be even crazier than today.”
“Alright,” he says, “but if you ever need anything, anything at all, don’t hesitate to call me.”
“I will,” you smile at him reassuringly. “Thanks, Junmyeon.”
He smiles right back at you, allowing his hand to drop back to his side as he watches you leave the briefing room, eyes staring longingly at your retreating figure until he can no longer see your form.
Reaching the main area of the compound, you spot Kyungsoo already setting up some communication surveillance for overnight. You smirk as you think of his favourite thing to say in regards to these: if they so much as sneeze, he’ll know.
“Hey, I’m going to head back now and see if I can get some rest,” you tell him, leaning slightly over the back of his chair to see what he’s already set up on the monitors.
He grunts in acknowledgment, eyes scanning the screens in front of him, “be safe.”
Giving him a pat on the back in farewell, you push yourself upright and head to the garage. You send a quick wave towards the rest of your team for the evening, noticing that both Jongdae and Jongin seem to still be in interrogation. Dahyun must really be pulling out all of the stops for this, which only makes you chuckle and shake your head. You’ll make sure the two boys are fine tomorrow.
Unlocking your car, you slide into the driver’s seat. Taking a deep breath, you start the engine, wanting to get back home and relax for the evening. You’ve had an emotional day, and all you want to do now is vent your frustrations through training in your personal gym at home.
Pulling out of the compound, you grip the steering wheel tightly in your hands. You still cannot believe that Chen would use your ring as leverage. Well, you can, but it upsets you to no end. If you weren’t pissed off before, you most certainly are now.
The drive home takes you a little less time that usual, considering you drive faster than usual. You’re just lucky you don’t get stopped, then you really might have blown up at someone today.
Stepping out of your car, you let out a breath. Heading towards your front door, you make sure you hear the click of your car locking behind you before stepping into your house.
Tossing your keys aside, you kick off your shoes, making sure to double check the locks on the front door. If they managed to break in to the compound last night, then anything is possible.
Heading to your bedroom, you notice the door to be closed. Furrowing your brow, you cautiously approach your room now, for you specifically remember leaving the door to your room open when you left earlier that day.
Grabbing the hidden blade you keep behind the hallway mirror, you continue your cautious approach towards your bedroom. You quiet your breathing as much as you can, for you have no idea who, or what, might be waiting for you on the other side. Ever so slowly, you push the door open, nothing but the small squeak from the hinges filling the silence of your house.
“Took you long enough,” a low voice calls out from the darkness, which has you flicking on your lights to reveal Suho casually sitting in the chair beside your bed with his legs crossed and a smirk on his lips. “Hello love.”
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samingtonwilson · 5 years
A Bid on Bucky
Summary: You spend thousands of dollars at a bachelor auction for Bucky when you could’ve had him for free this entire time.
Pairing: bucky x reader
a/n: this fic is damning evidence that idiots in love is my favorite genre, your honor. i’ve more likely than not used this gif before but idc because im lov it
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Tony Stark is a humanitarian— a fact you have neither forgotten, nor will he allow you to forget. 
Oftentimes, he’ll remind you verbally and, other times, a visual reminder will be posted on the team’s social media accounts. The pictures of him at the elephant sanctuary he helped found in Thailand are your personal favorites.
If news of his latest cause is not filling the pages of The Times or showing up on CNN’s special segment of Billionaires Who Care with Christiane Amanpour, it’s being distributed via monthly text reminder of reasons to leave Tony’s special coffee alone— last month you were told, “His donations allowed the doors of Planned Parenthood to remain open in developing nations such as Burkina Faso, and all he asks for in return is that his teammates do not finish his goddamn coffee.” 
Of course, because you all live for him sniffing out your mugs at morning meetings to discover the culprit, his reminders only lead to greater coffee theft as it, in turn, increases the redness in his face when he finds the morally corrupt heathenous criminal— who is usually Clint. 
In true Tony Stark fashion, though, his favorite way to remind you all, and the rest of the world, is through a gala. A gala where champagne flows like water, money is no object, extravagance is to be expected, and, as a member of the team, attendance is mandatory. 
At first, you hated the damn things. It’s not like you’ve ever cared about the private island one guest owns which another guest is so obviously jealous of, or if the deal to buy a chunk of land on the light side of the moon before that hippie Elon Musk usurps it all has successfully closed. 
But now? Now that you’ve learned how to direct the money those snots brag ostentatiously about into causes you truly care for with a couple little sly techniques, you fucking love the things. 
You and Natasha have a game, actually. Whose Shameless and Absolutely Disingenuous Flirting Will Lead to More Money Donated to (Insert Tony’s Latest Cause Here)? 
Natasha is the current titleholder as Smelly Von Oil Tycoon’s wife shooed you away before you could close the million dollar deal and Cowboy Hat McFast Food Franchise would have given up his entire company if Natasha kept batting her eyelashes at him. But in the end, just as every other time the two of you have played, you both felt like winners because the almost obscene amount of money was helping fund housing for Rohingya refugees living in Bangladesh. The competitive edge to it is just for entertainment. 
This time, though, seeing as this event is an auction and you are in no mood to flirt with red-faced old men with paper-thin skin, you have taken to auctioneering with Sam. 
Motioning to a projected photograph of a luxurious Paris hotel room with a view of the Eiffel Tower in your best Vanna White impression, you grin as brightly as you can. “And the last item Sam and I will be auctioning off together is a two-night stay at Plaza Athénée in Paris. First class airfare for two is included, as are two tickets to the Louvre. You’ve been to Paris, haven’t you, Sam?” 
“Why, yes, baby girl, I have,” he replies with a grin as broad as yours, the spotlight and his natural charm causing his deep brown eyes to sparkle like diamonds. You think for a second that you can actually hear Bucky scoffing in the audience. “A gentleman doesn’t kiss and tell, but I will say that it is called the City of Love for a reason.” 
“Of course, our unlucky-in-love Sam shared those kisses only with every bit of bread and cheese he came across but you can share it all with someone special.” At that, Sam elbows you gently in the ribs with a fond roll of his eyes. “We’re going to start the bidding at twenty-thousand dollars.”
Immediately, paddles shoot up and Sam begins calling out higher bids and paddle numbers while you lean your hip against the podium and take a long sip of your champagne which has since, unfortunately, gone lukewarm and flat. Your face pinches and you scan the crowd for a wandering waiter. 
Before you can, though, your head tilts just as you spot Bucky, a large button reading “BACHELOR #4” pinned to the lapel of his tux.
He’s laughing. Not openly and loudly like he usually does when the two of you are alone, but his shoulders are shaking and he’s grinning so the skin beside his eyes wrinkles. You think fleetingly that his cheeks might even be dusted in pink as he ducks his head. 
The sight makes you smile, too, and you set your champagne aside. It’s secondary now. 
“Congratulations to Mr. Baldwin and all the other winners of these wonderful vacations,” Sam says once the winner has been announced and ushered backstage. “Sadly, our time is up for the night.”
You nod and pick up your microphone again. “Yes, but you will be seeing Sam again tonight as a part of the Bachelor Auction. Give the crowd a spin, Sam, show them what they could be going on a date with.” 
Sam unbuttons his wine-colored tuxedo and spins slowly, a slight swing in his hips. He’s met with several wolf-whistles, a rose thrown on stage, and a brief retching noise courtesy of Clint, to which Sam replies with a wink and a scoffed, “The glory is too much to handle for the insecure and faint of heart, ain’t it, Barton? We got a doctor on retainer in case you pass out.” 
Sam holds out his elbow to help you down the stairs and you gratefully loop your arm through his, your other hand hoisting the hem of your dress above your ankles. 
You sigh after meeting one of the bid winners, smile falling from your lips the moment you turn away. “I should’ve bid on that Marrakech trip.” 
Sam cocks an eyebrow. He doesn’t seem to mind one bit that you have yet to release him and simply follows you as you head to the bar. “Enjoy it last time?” 
“You mean when I was there to locate stolen Chitauri weapons?” you let out a bark of sarcastic laughter. “Steve didn’t even let me glance in the relative direction of a souq when that was the only reason I volunteered.” 
“So that’s a no?” 
You take the fresh flute of champagne a waiter offers and nod your thanks. “That’s a hell fucking no.” A pathetic pout and, “I deserve to love Morocco.” 
“Makin’ that face at me won’t help your cause. Makin’ that face at Pervert Santa Claus over there,” he points to a man, rosy-cheeked with a white beard and wandering eyes, who you recognize as the winner of the trip. “That’ll get you what you want.”
You make a face, tongue sticking out as you gag, and set your glass atop the bar. “First of all, even the prospect of sex with me will make his heart give out.”
Sam laughs into his tumbler of whiskey and rolls his eyes.
You grimace openly when the eyes of an elderly man— his arm around a woman who looks to be barely in her twenties— linger a bit too long and smile when he visibly shrinks. “And B., I only flirt with them to get donations. I’d sooner never leave this tower again than get with one of these ‘I only donate money to boost my public image’ types.” 
He hums and a slow, lazy smile curves his lips. He nods his head in the direction of something behind you. “Barnes’ got a different ideology.”
As casually as you can, you turn your body to lean your elbows atop the bar and tilt your head ever so slightly to glance where Bucky is standing. 
Standing and laughing. How is he still laughing? 
Arching an eyebrow at the woman he speaks to, you lift your glass to your lips. “Doesn’t look like she fits the bill.” 
“You’re joking,” Sam laughs, shaking his head as he sets his elbows on the bar as well. His shoulder brushes yours and, despite the itchy fabric of his tuxedo, you don’t mind. “That’s Maris Scheufele.” 
Long, chestnut brown hair swept over one shoulder to keep her back bare, her gown is silky, liquid gold. Dripping in wealth.
You purse your lips and turn back to Sam. “Is that supposed to mean something to me?” 
“Chopard heiress.” 
“Chopard like—” with wide eyes, you point at the sapphire and diamond earrings borrowed from Pepper on your ears and the matching ring on your left index finger. “Like Cannes Film Festival Chopard? Like that Chopard?” 
“Yeah, that Chopard.” He has to stop from laughing at the look you offer him. He thinks he might see your skin turn green in a matter of minutes. “She’s more loaded than Cigarette-Breath Du Rideshare-App-CEO from the elephant benefit.” 
You manage a small smile and a quick roll of your eyes, only to have them once again land on Bucky and the Chopard heiress. Maris. 
You aren’t jealous— per se. Jealousy is an ugly emotion, after all. Childish, and inconsiderate, and rooted in insecurity. 
Sure, she’s cuddled up next to someone you’re in the midst of denying feelings for out of fear and the prospect of being undeserving. And, sure, she’s covered in diamonds and you’re usually covered in dried blood, dust, and dirt from HYDRA facilities. But you aren’t jealous. 
You know you’ve wasted your time, his efforts, and your emotions being anything but happy with Bucky. Chances lost never come around again, right? So you’ve made your peace with it. You’ve had to make your peace with it.
With how much you’ve messed up, how many chances you’ve lost. With how perfect she is and how perfect he looks laughing with her. 
So perfect that your teeth grit and the grip you have on your champagne flute tightens.
“He’s gonna bring in the big bucks.” 
You snort. “I thought he had different ideologies.”
“He does. But you know she ain’t gonna let him get auctioned off to anyone else.” A corner of Sam's lips turn up in disgust as he, too, stares at them with little stealth. Nick Fury would be ashamed in you both. “Lookin’ at him like he’s a piece of jerky.” 
“Old, dried up beef.” He then hums in agreement with his own words. “Nasty, hundred-year old beef.” 
With a laugh— a laugh that has the cadence of a sob— you drop your head into your hands. 
You meet Bucky’s eyes when you pick your head up, his head tilted in silent question. Perhaps at your wet, ironic smile, perhaps at the pull of your eyebrows. 
You shake your head in response and it’s when he almost immediately returns to laughing at whatever Maris Scheufele is saying that you straighten with a frown. 
What the hell kind of name is that anyway? Maris.
“What the hell—” you pause to take the glass from Sam’s hands and polish off his whiskey. “What the hell is so funny?” 
The glass is snatched back. “Not you finishing my drink, that’s for sure.” 
Shrugging as you continue to stare at Bucky and Maris, you mumble, “Put the next one on my tab.” 
Sam snorts as he asks for another drink, facing you as he adds, “S’an open bar, you cheap ass.” 
Once you’ve been able to secure a fresh, much stronger drink for yourself, you loop your arm through Sam’s again and set your chin on his shoulder. Your noses nearly bump when he looks at you and you both laugh softly. “I fucked up, didn’t I?” 
“You did.” He yelps and laughs when you pinch his side, lightly knocking his head against yours. Gentle eyes meet yours as he says, “Not tryna be harsh, but you had him and you let him go.” 
“I know.” 
“He spent weeks moping about it, you spent weeks moping about it.” 
“I know.”
“It was miserable comforting both you idiots.” 
“Yeah, you’re the real victim here.” 
Despite your dry tone, he nods in agreement. “You could tell him right now. Get all this bullshit over with and out in the open.”
Just the idea makes your heart rate spike. “He might reject me. Exact revenge for what I did.” 
“Barnes is a lotta things. Greasy, geriatric, testy, fuckin’ annoying as shit—” Sam hisses when you pinch him again, “— but vindictive ain’t one of ‘em.” 
Before Sam can convince you to move even an inch from the part of the bar you’ve dubbed yours for the night, warm fingers wrap around your elbow and tap your arm five times in quick succession. A secret identification code. 
A secret identification code that makes you smile despite yourself. You lift your head from Sam’s shoulder and hope you don’t look too eager as Bucky leans back against the bar, facing you entirely. “Look who it is.” 
He waves vibranium fingers and grins, a bit of that thirties charm you’d heard so much about shining in his blue eyes as he looks at you. “Hi, sweetheart. Wilson,” he adds with a playfully curt nod, chuckling when Sam returns it. “You were great up there. Prettiest MC I’ve ever seen. Almost had me buyin’ the trip to Morocco to make up for the shit Steve put you through.”
You feel Sam shaking in silent laughter and sigh when you hear his whispered, “For fuck’s sake.” 
“Only ‘almost’?” you ask with a pout Bucky grins at and wide eyes that have him swallowing over a dry throat. “What does a girl have to do for you to actually bid?” 
He shakes his head after a moment of simply staring, chuckling. “These poor bastards don’t stand a chance against you, do they? They’d probably sign their entire companies over to you and not think twice about it.”
“Just doing my part to save the Amazon,” you shrug. “Like you’re doing with the Bachelor Auction.” 
“‘Bout that,” he begins as he straightens his jacket and tie— all black. You trace his jaw, sharp and angular, when he glances away for just a second. “How long d’you think it’ll take Stark to put me out of my misery when nobody bids on me?”
“I wouldn’t be so negative. I know of one person who’ll definitely bid on you.”
His lips quirk up on one end, eyes dreamy as his head tilts in indulgence. “Yeah? Who’s that?” 
“Your heiress.” 
Bucky doesn’t seem to notice Sam jabbing his elbow into your ribs and cocks an eyebrow in confusion. “My what?” 
Though you weren’t planning on replying, Tony’s voice over the speakers doesn’t allow Bucky to question you further and you heave a sigh of relief. He calls all the bachelors to the stage and Sam pulls his arm from yours, bumping your shoulders together before he departs just as Tony begins telling a story of his first bachelor auction and how much he went for. 
Bucky remains still, however. Leant against the bar, eyes on you. 
“Bachelor number 4,” you say, pointing at the button he wears. You smile softly. “You’re needed on stage.” 
That seems to jolt him out of whatever stupor he was lost in and he stands straight. He takes a step forward and pauses, so close you can feel the heat radiating from him and smell his subtle cologne. “Bid on me if no one else does.” 
“I won’t need to.” 
Natasha finds you just as the bidding begins and orders herself a drink. She doesn’t say much, simply looking at you as you stare at Bucky standing next to Steve and Sam, and nods to herself. She remains a quiet, comfortable presence until Steve is brought to centerstage and nearly every paddle in the room shoots up. “You tell him yet?” 
“Thought so.” She nods her head to her left and you follow the movement to where Maris sits, back straight as she, too, looks at Bucky— but she’s grinning, paddle poised to be raised. “Scheufele being a cock block?” 
You’re visibly surprised when you turn back to Natasha, her ginger hair falling in loose waves over her shoulders. “How did you— How the hell could you possibly know that?” 
With the crooked curve of blood red lips, she smiles. “I’m just that good. And Sam texted me about it ten minutes ago.”
She continues to watch you as the excited winner of a date with Steve rises from his seat. “He’s next.” 
“I know that.” 
“You gonna bid on him?” 
You snort, though unconvincingly, and shake your head. “And go against an heiress? I’ll save myself the embarrassment.” 
“Stark pays us buckets,” she tells you with a frown, picking a stray piece of lint off her silver dress. “You could afford to go against an heiress.”
Bucky’s eyes are narrowed as he looks over the crowd of people seated at their tables. The light bounces off diamonds and sequins, gold and shiny leather shoes. It stings his eyes, it makes him scowl. 
“And next, ladies and gentlemen, feast your eyes on Bachelor Number 4,” Tony announces, turning a bit to glance at Bucky as he trudges over, not bothering to look a bit more appealing. “James Buchanan Barnes, truly the human equivalent of a cat.” 
Bucky openly glares at Tony now.
“James enjoys silence, brooding, eating like a fuckin’ horse, and telling the same story more than once,” Tony continues, ignoring the roll of Bucky’s eyes. “Cute, cuddly, and a little dangerous, we’ll start the bidding at one-thousand.” 
Three paddles shoot up. One from Maris, and two toward the center of the room. Your shoulders tense, Bucky’s relax.
“Okay, do I see eleven hundred?” 
Two paddles remain lifted until Maris shouts from her seat in a lilting voice, “Three thousand.” 
Your jaw clenches, Bucky grins. 
Tony set his hand on Bucky’s shoulder. “Alright, three thousand going once—” 
“Thirty-one hundred!” 
It feels as if the entire room turns in their seats to gape at you, but you try to pay them no mind. You, wearing your jealousy and determination like armor, stand at the bar with an empty glass in your hand, waiting for Tony to call your bid. But before he can— 
Your eyebrows furrow as you look at Maris. “Thirty-three!” 
“Four thousand!” She’s smiling. A perfectly manicured eyebrow is raised in challenge. 
You see red. “Forty-three hundred.” 
“Six thousand!” 
“Sixty-five hundred!” 
“Seventy-five hundred!”
When you look at the stage in a bit of a panic, Tony grins expectantly at you and Bucky— Well, you don’t think Bucky’s ever looked so shocked in all the time you’ve known him. But when his eyes go from Maris to meet yours, you find yourself yelling, “Ten thousand!” 
The room goes silent, or maybe you’ve just tuned it all out, and Tony is shaking his head in amusement. “Ten thousand going once.” 
You turn toward Maris as she sits and tosses her paddle onto the table. “Ten thousand going twice.”
You face the stage again. Bucky’s expression is unreadable. “Sold to our beautiful teammate in blue.” 
A bright spotlight shines on you and you fight the urge to run from the room, from the Tower, from New York, and give your best smile. 
It’s four in the morning, all the lights on the residential floors of the Tower have been turned off, and the world is peaceful. But your mind continues to race. 
You sit at the kitchen counter, container of Sam’s leftover cheesecake from your lunch out with him open before you. You twirl a fork between your fingers and stare at nothing in particular, your soft breaths the only sound in the room. 
You’d changed out of your dress hours ago, washed off your makeup and taken the pins out of your hair. You could barely meet the eyes of your reflection out of fear of judgement and you didn’t ask FRIDAY to dim the lights or lock your door just in case she laughed at you. 
Tony had yet to talk to you about paying the ten grand you bid on Bucky and you left the ballroom before anyone could so much as snicker. You knew you couldn’t hide forever, you just needed the night to come to terms with your own stupidity. 
Yet as you prop your chin upon your palm and sigh, you think you might need a day or two, too. 
Quiet steps down the hall are made purposefully louder as they grow closer so as to not startle you, the lights dim as bulbs flicker on to about ten-percent of their full brightness. You fear your heartbeat might be audible to everyone in a ten mile radius at the sight of his blue eyes, messy brown hair, and wrinkled black t-shirt, and take a deep breath through parted lips in a futile attempt to calm it down.
He offers you a small smile and walks to the fridge. “You want some water?” 
You shake your head— even though he can’t see you. “No, I’m fine.” 
There’s a beat of silence and you take a breath to steady yourself. “Buck, I think we should talk.” 
He takes out a glass bottle of water for himself and shuts the fridge, leaning against the sink. He’s still smiling. “I know.” 
“I’m not gonna hold you to this thing,” he interjects, rolling the bottle between his hands. He watches as you sit up straight and set your fork down. “I know you made the bid just to donate the money and save me from that married heiress—” 
“Married?” you repeat to yourself. 
“And you’ve made it clear you just want to be friends,” he continues, undeterred. “So it’s okay. Hell, I’ll pay for half of it so I’ll feel like I’ve actually done somethin’ to save the sea turtles.” 
“The Amazon.” 
“Right, the Amazon,” he amends with a quiet laugh. He takes a sip of the water and sets the botte aside. “So whaddya say, huh? We’ll go half and half, help this cause out a little, and you don’t have to go on a date with me.” 
“Bucky, you don’t understand—” 
“No, no, I get it,” he says, walking around the narrow strip of granite separating you to sit on the stool beside yours. Features soft but a little sad, he shrugs as warmth rolls off him in waves. “I told you to bid on me in case no one else did and you saw how much more Steve went for. You tried to raise the bids on me and got stuck since those billionaires didn’t want to shell out more than ten grand on the Winter Soldier. I get it!” 
“That’s not why I did it, Bucky. Not at all.” 
He lowers his eyes to his hands, staring at mismatched palms, and says nothing. 
“Honestly, I—” You stop yourself when it feels as if your heart’s lodged itself in your throat and struggle to swallow over it. “When I saw that Chopard heiress talking to you and laughing with you, and when she bid on you and almost won that date, I— Something happened.” 
He looks at you now, eyebrows pulled together. “What happened?” 
“I— I don’t know. I guess I was a little jealous,” you say with a laugh only to shake your head. There’s a subtle sting behind your eyes, at the tip of your nose, and you pray to every deity you can think of to stop any tears. “No, I was very, very jealous. You two looked so happy and perfect and I wanted to scream, and cry, and— Fuck, all I could think about is how much time, and energy, and emotion I’ve wasted pushing you away so neither one of us ends up heartbroken when I already am.” 
You sigh, unable to meet his gaze as he gapes at you, his mouth hanging open as you laugh mirthlessly. “It probably seems so stupid to you and I know you’ve moved on, but, holy hell, I wish you still had some kind of crush on me because I’m dying here, Buck. I mean I just spent ten thousand dollars to make you go on a date with me.” 
“You did,” he agrees. He’s smiling when you manage to look at him, “You spent ten thousand dollars on me when you could’ve just had me for free this entire time.” 
He grasps your chin between his flesh index finger and thumb and jostles you a little, gaze so adoring. “And what punk ass told you I moved on from you? Huh? That same goof who said it’s just a crush?” 
He leans forward and pauses just before his lips meet yours, as if waiting for you to pull away only for you to close the distance first. 
What starts off as just a light brush of your lips against his quickly turns into a deep, hungry kiss that quiets your mind and forces your heart into overdrive. The warmth of it reaches your toes and every hair follicle, especially as both his hands cup your face while your fingers tangle through his hair, the rasp of his stubbly beard against your soft, sensitive skin stealing your breath even more.
You pull away first and your voice is small, a bit hoarse as you ask, “So you still like me?” 
He sets his forehead against yours and his lips pull into a smile. “I’d say it’s a li’l more than that, sweetheart.” 
It’s hours later when the sun is up, the cheesecake slice is long forgotten, and Bucky’s pulled you onto his stool to straddle his lap, your lips swollen and a little painful, that you groan in embarrassment. 
He immediately leans away from your neck and looks up at you in concern, lips full and cherry red. “What? What’s wrong?” 
“I have to pay Tony ten thousand dollars.” 
Chuckling, he rolls his eyes and presses a kiss to your chin. “I’ll pay it.” 
“Then I’ll owe you ten thousand dollars.” You withhold a moan when he nips at a part of your neck that has your hips rolling into his, the hitching of his breath felt more than heard. “That— that just transfers the problem.”
You feel him smile, arm tightening around you. “I think I know of a way you can pay me back.”
“Sounds like you just discovered the world’s oldest profession.” 
A punishing nip under your jaw and you gasp as he laughs. “I’m still all for going half and half to save the sea turtles.” 
“The Amazon.” 
He sighs and leans back. “Fuckin’ Christ. Someone needs to save the fuckin’ turtles already, then.”
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bridgyrose · 3 years
Infiltration Au. Salem wandering the town with a bunch of hormonal teenagers... Does it feel like a babysitting trip or?
Salem dreaded walking around town with a bunch of… hormonal teenagers. However, at least for now, it seemed to be the only way for her to get closer to Ruby. Which caused problem number one… 
Aro stared at Ruby’s cloak, feeling a mixture of fear and anger from the sight of the red. Not only that, but the accented red on Ruby’s outfit was starting to… cause issues. “You… need to get rid of that cloak.” 
Ruby looked at Aro curiously. “I… dont think I understand.” 
“Get rid of your cloak!” Aro slammed her hand on the table, cracking part of it. 
Yang frowned and got between Ruby and Aro. “Her cloak isnt doing anything wrong. What’s your problem with her anyway?” 
“My problem is that she shouldnt be here!” 
“And for once, I think I found someone I agree with,” Weiss piped up. “...even if she is a faunus.” 
“And what’s wrong with faunus, exactly?” Aro’s gaze went straight to Weiss, ready to fight things out.
Xanthic sighed and pulled Aro back. “Aro and I are going to go take a walk. We’ll meet back up with you all in a bit.” 
Ruby sighed as she watched Aro and Xanthic walk off, starting to feel like this was all a bad idea. “W-well, at least the rest of us can have a bit of fun, right?” 
Sitri nodded, pulling out her scroll and looking at the list of all the sights she wanted to see. “This will be great! Oh, when is team JNPR coming around? I have got to get Pyrrha’s autograph.” 
“They’re bailing on us.” Blake got up and started walking. “Seems like its just our teams that wanted to do this today. And even at that… more like just six of us.” 
“Aro will be fine… I think. Xanthic seems to have her under control. But lets start by heading to the docks.” 
Salem watched for a moment as RWBY and Sitri started walking off, heading towards the docks. She took a moment to make a mental note about Aurora and her dislike towards Ruby’s cloak. Maybe something about the color… she wasnt quite sure. Either way, it seemed like something to keep an eye on. And Xanthic… the way she seemed to always be close to Aro… maybe there was something going on between them. And if that was the case, they’d both be easy to use as pawns. Once a few others have lost their usefulness… 
“Sapphire! You coming?” 
Salem sighed and looked to see Sitri calling out to her. She slowly got up, not looking forward to this. “Yeah, I’ll be right there. Just… wanted to take in a few of the sights.” That’s what these kids were into now, right? Sight seeing and all that. It didnt matter to her, just as long as she could continue passing as a teenager under Ozpin’s nose. She started walking over to her team leader, keeping an eye on Ruby, waiting for any chance to pull her aside. All she needed was one moment… 
Ruby stopped as the group passed a dust shop with a couple cops in front of it. “Seems like another dust robbery. I guess Torchwick is still at it…” 
“Or it could just be the White Fang.” Weiss kept walking past the shop, not really caring much about it. “They’re always acting up and causing trouble.” 
“The White Fang would never do this. Why would they need so much dust? Ruby’s right, it’s probably Torchwick.” 
Salem looked at the dust shop, smirking a bit as she saw the signs of Cinder having been around. Seems like everything was going according to plan so far and better yet, no one was able to pin the robbery on just one person. Seems like her piece was effective after all. “Not much we can do about it, unfortunately. Best to have the cops handle it.” 
“Or… we could have a stake out.” Ruby smirked a bit as she looked around the area. “We can find another dust shop to watch and we can prove if it is or isnt the White Fang and then stop them-” 
“That’s a terrible idea.” Weiss frowned and grabbed Ruby’s cloak to start pulling her. “We’re just students. This is a job for the police.” 
“Not like the police are going to do anything about it. And it’s not the Fang.” Blake stepped up to Weiss, glaring at her. “Ruby’s right, we need to watch one of the shops-” 
“And then what? The White Fang are terrorists!” 
“They’re not terrorists, they’re just misguided.” 
Weiss raised a brow at Blake in disbelief. 
“Okay, very misguided. But they’d never stoop to stealing dust!” 
Sitri hesitated for a moment as she watched Weiss and Blake, still not quite sure what was going on. “Are… are they always like this?” 
“Only recently,” Yang said, starting to sound a bit annoyed. “First it was Weiss yelling at Ruby, now she’s yelling at Blake… I swear she hates everyone here.” 
Salem kept an eye on Weiss, starting to get a bit more intrigued by her. First the glyphs, and now she was tearing a rift in her own team… she was starting to sound a bit more like pawn material. All she needed was a little nudge. “You know, I think Weiss is right. The White Fang is to blame here. Along with the rest of the problems this kingdom is facing.” 
Blake hesitated for a moment before turning to face Salem. “What exactly are you getting at?” 
“All I’m suggesting is that Weiss is right. Think about it, ever since the White Fang became more active with their… violent acts… we’ve seen more grimm attacks. More shops are starting to see break-ins or property damage, especially dust shops. And not to mention all those riots the faunus are causing. If it was me, I’d start looking for a way to take them down.” 
Weiss smirked a bit as she looked at Salem, glad someone was on her side. “See? Sapphire is making sense.” 
“That’s not at all what’s going on!” Blake turned to Weiss, glaring at her. “All we want is to be treated like people, not monsters! And if a little property damage has to be done to send a message, then so be it!” 
Everyone stopped and stared at Blake, not quite sure they were believing what they heard. Salem, on one hand, couldnt believe that all of this was working out in her favor .A rift like this would be hard to mend, splitting the team to allow her a bit more access to Ruby. 
Weiss hesitated as she processed everything Blake had said. “We?” 
Sitri immediately got between Weiss and Blake, shaking a bit. “I’m sure there’s a reasonable explanation and we just need to hear her out. Right Blake?” 
Blake didnt answer, immediately rushing off and using her semblance to make for a quick escape. Everything had gone wrong quickly, all from just a few words. 
Salem smirked, keeping an eye on the rest of the team, looking for other ways to divide them. At this rate, getting to Ruby was going to be easier than she thought. 
Weiss huffed as she watched Blake run off, putting her rapier away and walking the other direction. “Well… good riddance I say. Once White Fang trash, always trash.” 
“That’s no way to talk to our teammate.” Yang started following Weiss, keeping close behind. “We should be going after her and finding out the full story.” 
Xanthic and Aro finally arrived after Yang stormed after Weiss, confused about all the yelling. “Did… we miss something?” 
Sitri looked towards Ruby, who was already feeling a bit dejected after being left by her team. “I’m… still trying to figure out what went on.” 
Salem smiled and started walking back to the dorm, her mission for the day finished. “We just had a chat about the White Fang. Apparently one of Team RWBY was a member. A pity.” 
Aro sighed and looked towards Ruby for a moment, starting to feel a bit conflicted. She still wasnt fond of the fact that she lost to the girl, but having a team split like this… 
Xanthic walked up to Ruby and placed a hand on her shoulder. “You dont think it was the White Fang, do you?” 
Ruby shook her head. “No, I dont.” 
“Want to prove it?” 
“I do.” 
Xanthic nodded and started walking back to Beacon. “Then come with me. I’m sure we can get down to the bottom of this.” 
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rosy-wooyoung · 4 years
shy captain | s. mingi
word count: 3.6k (oof) Genre: fluff, college au (+ attempts to be funny?) Pairing: shy basketball captain! Mingi x college student! reader Requested: yes and thank you!! A/N: oh boy, it’s bad. I don’t know anything about basketball, I really tried my best, I really hope this is what you had in mind. And Mingi is such a sweet bub he’s a tol cutie, thank you for having requested something for him!! :(( Warnings: none (maybe some inconsistencies and not as well written as I hoped but yeet)
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“Are those credits really unavoidable?” you asked your friend as you counted the number of credits you earned for the past two years. “Yeah,” she answered and you huffed. “If you don’t take part in any extracurricular activities, you won’t get enough credits to pass the year. It’s written in the rules.” You nodded and thanked her as you took a sight at the paper in front of you, your head still filled with doubts.
To get your degree, of course, you had to follow academic classes, but you also needed to attend extra activities, an artistic one and a sporty one. The education officer of your college had this mindset that it is essential to keep the students creative and healthy. You would’ve actually enjoyed taking those classes if they weren’t marked with credits. It felt more like a chore than a hobby or a way of destressing from the constant pressure you felt in college.
You still had a year left, but you couldn’t see yourself taking some time for those extra classes next year. You knew that your last year will be hectic, so you didn’t want to add even more pressure. Your friend’s brother was a year above you two and he is taking those extra classes now, but he deeply regrets it. Your hands clenched around the paper they were holding, and you stopped listening to your friend. Earlier in the day, at lunch, you spied the notice board and saw the basketball manager hanging a piece of paper and left as quickly as he came. You immediately rushed to the board and read the paper. They were looking for a new team manager since the former one had graduated at the beginning of this semester. You shrugged and unpinned the paper, bringing it back to your table, where your friend was waiting for you with a frown on her face. You indeed left her without warning her, and she was explaining to you something rather important.
“Is really that piece of paper more valuable than what I was telling you?” she crossed her arms on her chest and you grimaced. “I'm sorry, I just need to find every opportunity to earn those damn credits.” You answered as she took the paper from your hands. “The basketball team?” her eyes widened, “but do you know anything about this sport? I thought you only knew about volleyball.” “I do, but I asked my friend and the place is already taken. And no, I don’t know anything about this sport, but hey, gotta have those credits.” You sighed and looked over your friend’s shoulder. The basketball team’s table. They were all eating and laughing together, minding their own business and not caring about anything else than their jokes. You discreetly observed them and you started to imagine what it would look like to be friends and cooperate with them.
Over there, the boys were having a good time at lunch. They had a pretty big match coming up in the next few weeks and they weren’t trying to think too much about the intense workouts that were impatiently waiting for them.
Mingi, the team captain, noticed his coach pinning a piece of paper but didn’t really pay attention to it. What caught his eye was the silhouette running to the spot where his trainer was moments ago. His heart skipped a beat when he noticed that it was you. You were quickly reading the paper and you looked around you as you took the paper off the board and rushed back to your table without sparing anyone a glance. Mingi focused back on his friends when you were out of sight and Hongjoong was mischievously smirking at him.
“What?” Mingi asked, taking a spoonful of his fruit salad. “Oh nothing,” he said, looking behind Mingi’s shoulder. “Just next time, when you stare at your lovely Y/N, try to keep your mouth closed. You were practically drooling.” Mingi frowned and wiped his mouth out of instinct and Hongjoong shook his head while chuckling. Was he that obvious? 
Here you were at the library with your friends and you decided to stop complaining about those credits. You stood up and walked towards a computer to know the section of a book you needed for an assignment. As you arrived in the aisle, you noticed a tall figure, a finger trailing against the books, as if he was looking for something. It was Mingi, the captain of the basketball team. Because of his soft features and choice of clothes, it was hard to believe, but he was apparently a good captain. You didn't really know how to make yourself noticeable to him, so you decided to clear your throat and greet him. “Hi Mingi,” you whispered, anticipating his fright because he looked deep in thought. This is exactly what happened. Mingi jumped in fright, the book he was about to put back on the shelf escaped from his grip, landing on the floor after bumping on the poor boy’s head. “Ouch! Oh… hi, hi Y/N. What, what are you doing here?” He managed to say before rubbing the spot on his head where the book landed. You smiled and picked up the book, handing it to him. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you.” You apologised, noticing his pink cheeks. “I’m just here because I need to find a book for my assignment.” “Ah, hem, that’s… nice, I suppose.” Mingi mentally slapped himself for being such an awkward person in front of you and tried to smile at you. “It could be better if I were completely honest with you,” you giggled and looked at the bookshelves next to you. Mingi swore his heart skips a beat when he heard your soft giggle and suddenly felt even hotter. He needed to get out of here as quickly as possible to not make a fool of himself even more. As he tried to come up with an excuse to leave, you look at the books’ titles, eyes squinting. 
The young boy took a glimpse of your profile and put the book back on the upper shelf, trying to hide his flushed cheeks. You emitted a little “oh” before grabbing a book, a smile on your face. You hugged the volume to your chest and turned to Mingi, who was still thinking of a way out.  “Do you need—” “Gotta go, it was nice to see you. Bye!” his loud voice surprised you as he paced to the end of the aisle and left, earning side glances from the people who were quietly studying near the two of you. You came back to your friend, confused about his behaviour and you started to gather your things, getting ready to leave.
“I’m going to sign up for this,” you whispered to her as you put your phone in your pocket, trying to be quick to catch Mingi before going to class. “Really? But wh—” “There’s no but, I need to get those credits this year. See you in class.” You sent her a flying kiss and you hurried out of the library, unintentionally slamming the door. You didn’t manage to find Mingi to talk to him about the manager thing, so you went to class, pouting. Once your lecture was over, you hurried to the sports hall, hoping that the entire team would be practising already. And they were. When Hongjoong notices you timidly peeking through the door of the hall, he passed the ball to Mingi to catch his attention and gestured him your presence by a nod towards you. Mingi caught the ball and froze. He ran to his other teammates and started practising his set shots, trying to focus on something else than your presence.
The sound of balls slammed against the hard floor resonating in the hall was quite impressing. Everyone was focusing hard, jumping, blocking, screaming, cheering, it was quite familiar to volleyball but way more intense. Some players started to acknowledge your presence. A few heads turned to Mingi, and some to the coach. A player smaller than the rest of the team walked to the coach and pointed your presence out to him. You awkwardly swung on your feet and you heard the coach whistling, indicating to the players to keep on training.
“Y/N, I didn’t expect to see you here! Can I help you?” You didn't recognise him at first, but you were happy that it was him since he was your former volleyball coach. “Coach? It’s good to see you again! Maybe you can,” you smiled as you shook his hand and started explaining your interest in becoming the manager of the team. Your former coach was nodding at your words as he kept an eye on his team. “I can see that you are still very invested in sports and that’s fantastic to know.” He smiles and blows into his whistle again. “I’ll talk with the team and the other coaches about your application after practice. You can put your application in the mailbox of the sports teams, I'll make sure it's getting picked up before tomorrow. Come back here at the same time and we will talk about it.” He says as the team starts to gather around you. “Do you think I have my chances or—” “I’ll do everything to make it happen." He smiles and gets a bit closer to you. "If I were you, I wouldn’t apply somewhere else.” He grins as you thank him. You waved at the team and leave with a huge smile plastered on your face.
The following day, you were a real dynamo, impatient to be in the afternoon. You made your way to the coach a bit more confidently than yesterday and the entire team smiled and greeted you when you arrived. They were a bit too friendly to your liking, so you started to think that they were trying to make you feel better about not getting the job. Your insecurities disappeared as soon as you see the coach’s huge smile, Mingi walking next to him. He scratched his neck and shyly smiled when the coach laid a hand on his shoulder. “I will let our captain announce you the great news,” the coach said and someone pushed Mingi closer to you. He reluctantly looked into your eyes and redness rose to his cheeks. “Welcome to the team as our new coach?!” He said in one breath and the team cheered. You smiled and clapped with them as you thanked them. “I’ll try my best!” You said with a smile and they clapped even louder.
You were taking your job very seriously. You spent hours in your free time during the past three weeks to learn the rules and the vocabulary, as well as the strategies of this sport. You kept a good eye on the team when they are practising, writing down details and small mistakes that the coach might have missed. They were all extremely good, you didn’t know that Hongjoong, who was the smallest in the team, was such an essential element to the team. If he wasn’t there, the team was a bit uncoordinated, but they still managed to do a great job.
You stood next to the coach, who had a serious look but a bright smile decorating his lips. He chuckled and you turned your head to him. “What’s so funny, coach?” you asked, and he crossed his arms on his chest. “Mingi. He has never been so invested in the practices before,” he explained, and you nodded. “I decided to put him as the captain to make himself stand more in the team and it seems to work.” You noted that information at the back of your head and focused back on the boys. “Or else,” he lingered, “he has someone to impress.” He smiled while looking at you. It takes you only seconds to realise what he was implying. “What? Me? Do you really think he wants to impress me?” You frowned, confused. “I don’t know,” he laughed, “he’s behaving like that since you arrived in the team, so it could be the case. But it's just an impression.” You looked at your coach with suspicious eyes and he joined his hands behind his back, feigning innocence. When you looked back at the boys, your eyes were drawn to Mingi and you start to wonder. Did he really have a crush on you? But why? Maybe this could explain his behaviour at the library and why he can’t look at you straight in the eyes.
Practice ended and you threw bottles of water to the players, each catching it with ease. Mingi almost missed it and it made you smile, but you didn’t let it show. You had to admit that he’s quite endearing when he’s all shy and clumsy around you. Sometimes, he looks at you during practice to see if you look at him back. Okay, most of the times it makes him miss, but he’s super proud of him when he scores or he manages to dodge one of his mates when he knows you're watching. However, when you catch his gaze and encouragingly smile at him, he immediately looks away to hide his red cheeks from you. It makes you laugh, and you tease him by doing so a few times per practice. You can see that he gets frustrated whenever the ball doesn't go through, so he trains harder, and he becomes even better than he already is.
This morning looks and sounds very stressful. The players were stressed, they were practising a bit to warm up and focus because the huge game they’ve been training for so long was finally taking place this afternoon. The reputation of the college was at stake, and it’s like that in every sport. You felt like you were reviving your days back when you were playing volleyball, the pressure was the same and you weren't even playing. You tried to comfort the players the best you could and gave them encouraging words.
The game wasn’t going according to plan. They made quite a lot of small mistakes in the first 20 minutes and you could see that the players, as well as the coach, you and the substitute players, were starting to get nervous and mad. Your coach asked for a time-out and you were quick to deliver smiles, towels and water. The players needed encouragement and sympathy, so you tried your best not to let your worry show on your face.
“Y/N, something to add to the strategy?” Your coach asked, everyone now staring at you. “No,” you shook your head as you grab another water bottle from the cool box, "apart from trying to stay calm and composed. It’s a tough match but you trained for it, it’s not like you to make mistakes during a match. Try to focus as much as you can and work in a team, that’s the most important part. Listen to each other too, you’ll get even better.” "Let’s go boys!” The coach yelled and laid a hand on Hongjoong’s shoulder. You smiled to the boys as you saw the timer of the break running out. 
Mingi stayed a bit behind, patting his forehead dry with a towel and you walked up to him with the bottle of water he asked for during the match. He looked so nervous that you started to feel bad for him. He took the bottle without a word and gulped some water without breathing. “Mingi, look at me,” he stopped drinking and briefly looked at you before staring at the court. You grabbed his arm and settled yourself in front of him, forcing him to look at you. “Mingi, you got this. I know it’s a lot of pressure to be the captain of a team and manage it, but I also know you are capable. Remember, you trained so hard these past few weeks, you did your best and you’re still doing so. Listen to your teammates, do not hesitate to give orders or make yourself stand on the court. You’re a great player, Mingi, I know you can carry your team and make it through the finals, alright?” You squeezed his forearm and he nodded, gulping a last sip of water before shyly smiling at you and handing you his stuff. “Make me proud.” You whispered as the buzzer resonated in the hall and he went back on the court, your last words trotting in his head.
“What did you say to our lovely captain? He looks boosted again.” The coach said as he sat down next to you on the white bench, looking at the time on the huge clock on the wall. “Just some words of encouragement from a captain to another,” you said as you focused on Mingi playing with a soft smile on your face. “Nothing else.” The boys were doing better than before, but you could see that they were giving their best for the last ten minutes. Their opponent team was pretty tough, this college was hard to beat in every sport. Your boys managed to get back up on their feet and were scoring more and more as the time passed by. You nodded to Mingi every time he crossed your gaze and it did nothing but boost his confidence. You really started to believe the coach’s remarks from a few weeks ago; you were Mingi’s motivation. 
The stress was almost unbearable. The time was starting to run out and they still had 4 points to catch up with. Two minutes from the end game, Yunho managed to score, making the scores 131-129 for the other team. “They can’t lose for two points,” you mumbled to yourself through gritted teeth. The coach was nervous too, but he remained stoic. Just like when you were losing during volleyball. He never let his emotions surpass him. “Two points away from going to finals, ten seconds left, it’s impossible,” you watched the opponent team engage and one of the players winked at you with a smirk as he started running, dribbling. You frowned and you felt your body fulminate at his insolence. He was about to shoot from the three-point line but Mingi blocked him, grabbing the ball and throwing it to Yunho near their three-point line and shot. Yunho didn’t move from his spot as everyone watched the ball fly. The time was running, and you were holding your breath, your eyes going from the timer to the ball and vice versa, waiting for the buzz to go off before the ball could even pass the loop. You closed your eyes and heard the buzz indicating the end of the match as you took your head in your hands. However, you flinched when you heard the coach yell and stand up with his arms in the air. You looked at the score.
You joined your coach by screaming in happiness with him, clapping as you watch the boys meet in a hug. You stopped clapping for a second, making eye-contact with the insolent boy from before and you just shrugged. You smiled and cheered for your team as they came to you. You hugged them even if they were drenched in sweat and you congratulated them. “Good job boys! Let's go to the finals!” You yelled and the only thing you could hear was the audience filled with parents and students from your college clap and cheer for your team. After celebrating for a while and shaking hands with the sheepish opponent team, the boys went to shower and you start cleaning while your coach talked to some parents. Mingi and Yunho were the first two to get out of the changing room, freshly showered, dressed in their everyday clothes. Yunho jogged to the coach and hugged the woman, who seemed to be his mom. You watched and smiled at their interaction but someone behind you cleared their throat, making you turn around.
“Mingi,” you said with a smile, correctly putting the lid back on the cool box and locking it. “You played well,” you got closer, your hands awkwardly joined behind your back as you smiled. “It’s… it’s all thanks to you,” he mumbled but you were close enough to catch it. “Me? But I didn’t play, you should be proud of yourself.” “I am but-- I wouldn’t have been able to go back on track without… you a-and your words.” He said, scratching his neck while he stares at the coach behind your shoulder. “You really helped me, y-you gave me energy and… yeah, thank you for that.” You both smiled at each other and stayed like that for a couple of minutes, not really knowing how to keep the conversation going.
“Do you…” Mingi started, “do you happen to be free th-this weekend?” “Hum,” you thought, “not on Sunday, but yeah I’m free on Saturday!” “Will you go on a d-date with me, then?” He says, playing with the strap of his gym bag, looking rather nervous. “I’d love to" you answered, beaming, eyes filled with tenderness. His eyes widened and his mouth slightly stood agape. “Really?” he breathed, his cheeks becoming furiously red as he started to laugh nervously. “Yeah!” you giggled and started to walk out of the gym hall along with Mingi, who wasn’t scared to be this close to you anymore. You bid farewell to your coach and Yunho and you took the opportunity of you and Mingi's hands resting not too far from each other to link your pinky with his, a big smile forming on his lips as he met your eyes.
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msjr0119 · 4 years
Cordonian Wags
Part 27
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In a world full of Professional footballers and their demanding wives- can their football team nicknamed the ‘Cordonian Apples’ succeed? An American female physiotherapist joins the club. Will this cause issues with the footballers wives?
*This series is based on The Royal Romance characters who belong to Pixelberry - AU Plot switch. Other characters belong to me.*
Please do not read if you are under the age of 18. If you do you are consenting that you are over this age. If any of the below warnings affect you, please don’t continue to read.
Warnings: Mention of; sex scandal, drug scandal, prostitution, adultery, death, adultery, murder (past tense). Swearing 🤬
A/N: The first part of this chapter follows on from the previous chapter. Then there is a flash forward (six months). The chapters following on from this one will show certain characters POV’s from the last six months.
Previously: The team all try to piece together the events in Paphos from all those years ago. Drake believes that he has fathered a child after a one night stand after viewing the DNA results- but it’s not as everything seems. Catch up here.
Tags- if you want to be removed/added please let me know 😊: @drakexwillow @plumeriavibes @annekebbphotography @burnsoslow @ladyangel70 @kingliam2019 @bascmve01 @texaskitten30 @nikkis1983 @kimmiedoo5 @walker7519 @lodberg @cmestrella @hopefulmoonobject @axwalker @yukinagato2012 @indiacater @rafasgirl23415 @seriouslybadchoices @rainbowsinthestorm @choices97 @shanzay44 @lovablegranny @gkittylove99
The morning after, everybody arrived at the stadium to prepare for the days match. All feeling the need to cover up the slight hangovers that they had occurred was proving to a difficult task. Adding to their headaches, was the scandal that Drake Walker had caused. A situation that as a group- they was determined to fix. Quickly.
Drake arrived onto the pitch first, needing any excuse to escape his own house. Having another woman stay there made him feel like he was cheating on Riley. Even if she had made it pretty clear that they couldn’t be together. There was an internal battle going off in his mind. How was he was going to inform her about the news that he had received the previous night? Of course he didn’t want the press to find out prior to her, she didn’t deserve that. But then he was wondering how she would react once she knew. Would she completely ghost him? Who knows.
The previous night once she had arrived back at Bastien’s, Riley stayed up the majority of the night researching the Paphos break on google. As a previous WAG herself she knew that events such as these would have been published by the paparazzi. There was no escaping or hiding from them. Her research showed photos of the men arriving at the clubs, hiding their identities as best as they could. But the last article that she stumbled across was based back in Cordonia- or so she believed. The majority of it involved what the Wags were up to whilst their men were away on the ‘lads holiday’ celebrating. Olivia had been for brunch with; Hana, Penelope and Savannah one of the day’s. However, what really caught Riley’s attention was a mystery woman in a nightclub with Madeleine- in Paphos. The two woman were snapped for the majority of the night and seemed pretty close- who was this woman, Riley wondered? If she was a close friend, why wasn’t Madeleine with her the majority of the time now? Zooming into the photo her eyes widened. Amy Amaranth. The name rang a bell for some reason but she couldn’t pin point as to why. It had rattled through her mind all night. Upon her arrival - she noticed Olivier and suddenly a lightbulb struck. Memories flooding back in an instant.
“Hey....” Sounding panic stricken, Olivier looked at her concerned.
“Bonjour belle. Que se passe-t-il?” Hello beautiful. What is the matter? Luckily Riley knew French, not fluently but enough to hold a basic conversation out.
“Amy Amaranth....” Riley didn’t need to elaborate, the look of horror was now painted across the Frenchman’s face.
“That’s a blast from the past...” Olivier hated the woman with a passion - as did most of the footballers. Those that had the sense to not become bewitched by her beauty.
“Sneak away with me for a bit? I need you to help refresh my memory, Olivier.” Nodding, he dropped the ball immediately before making their way off of the pitch. Swiftly.
It was half time. The Apples were beating their opponents- currently they were on a winning streak. Which made Bertrand especially proud. Riley made a beeline for Drake knowing that they only had a short amount of time before the second half kicked off.
“Congratulations, Walker.” Riley had noticed after the two goals that he had scored, he would look in her direction- smile. Then have the need to continue playing with a limited celebration.
“Thanks, Brooks..” Unable to make eye contact with her, he concentrated on wiping his boots.
“How are you?”
“As good as I can be. What about you?”
“Listen, Drake.... there’s something I need to tell you...” Ignoring his prior question, she felt the need to just get to the point.
“Don’t bother, I have an inkling about what it is...” Drake put his boots back on, avoiding looking at his ex girlfriend- he stood up and made his way towards the door. Not really wanting this conversation to continue.
“You do?” Riley questioned, hoping that they were both on the same wavelength. If Drake already knew what she needed to inform him about, it would make the whole situation a lot simpler.
“You’ve begun to see, Berger. Hence why you didn’t want to fight for us.”
“I’m not a slut, Drake!”
“Really? You slept with me when I had a girlfriend. You snuck off with him before. What was it? A quick fuck in the changing rooms? Wishing him good luck?”
“No! About us.... How dare you! It takes two to tango!”
“I don’t want to hear it, Ri. I wanted to marry you. Then you ditch me at the first sign of trouble..”
“Myself and Olivier are friends. We have been for many years. Nothing more, nothing less. You know what? It’s a good job that you never got down on one knee because if I’m so much of a ‘slut’ you’d have regretted it. Don’t bother even talking to me until you can say sorry. I can apologise for apparently ditching you- I wanted for you to have the opportunity to get to know your potential child. You wanted kids. I couldn’t give you that. Why am I even arguing with you? I needed to tell you something important, but you know what- fuck you. When it all ends in tears don’t come crawling back to me.” Barging past him, she decided to not look back. If Drake Walker didn’t want to acknowledge anything that she needed to tell him- there would be no way back for the two of them.
“Ri, wait!”
“Leave her. Drake, what the fuck is up with you?” Liam snapped towards his teammate after overhearing the raised voices. As Riley left, she shook her head and provided a deflated expression. Olivier had explained to Liam about Amy just before the match had officially begun. He was determined to help his friends out- but now was unsure as to how to do that.
“Would you leave Liv if you was in my situation? No, I didn’t think so. The blonde bimbo arrived yesterday with her bags packed. I’m stuck with her. I’ve lost Riley for good even without that outburst.”
“Drake, nobody knows about my true relationship with Olivia. We seem like the ‘Posh and Becks’ of Cordonia. But we have an open relationship. You and Riley are different -that is true love, fate. People are fucking with you both for revenge. Next time she tries to explain something to you, listen to her. Trust me. Trust her.”
Later on that evening, it was like mission impossible avoiding the paparazzi for Liam and Riley. Meeting in secret, Olivier then joined them in a secluded location. Out of the way of prying eyes. Using a rental car, there would be no reason for anybody to follow them. They had one aim- to warn Drake about Amy. The objective, go to the cabin to do this. Debating whether or not to just blurt the information out? Talk in a civil manner? Would Amy still be there too? Whatever was to happen, it needed to be done.
“So you two, did you both prefer it in the UK or here?” Liam asked breaking the silence surrounding the car journey.
“Neither, by the sounds of it Cordonia is as bad as Manchester for the drama. I’m glad I wasn’t here when Xavier was, I’d have killed him for all of what he put you through, Ri. But enough about us, Liam what about you? Would you ever move clubs?”
“Never say never. But at the moment I’m content where I am.”
Shortly after the brief drive, they arrived at Drake’s cabin- but remained in the car for a bit. Rehearsing what exactly they was going to say, creating different scenarios. After a while, they agreed to just be spontaneous. Riley and Olivier walked to the front door, or rather dragged themselves there. Both feeling slightly nervous about seeing the devil again after all of these years. Knocking quietly, they waited.
Drake, please can we talk?... I’m sorry about before, but there’s something you need to know....Drake, I know her. We know her. She’s not what she seems.....Amy can be sweet but she’s a psycho.
Shit. I’ve forgotten what to say.
Hearing the door creak open, Riley’s thoughts were cut short. Initial shock to begin with made her body stiffen and her brain turn to mush- not having the ability to function. That was until she witnessed the woman’s cocky smirk.
“Oh it seems we have the wrong address, Olivier. I must have amnesia- I believed that this home belonged to Drake Walker...”
“Have we been transported back to Manchester in the tardis, Riley? Bonjour, Amy - long time no see. How is your bit on the side, Aleksandr Chernyshevsky? Last I heard from him, he was playing for Arsenal. So why are you here? How is little Jenson?”
“Aleksandr must be missing his son. His son who you accused so many of the premier league players for fathering, Jenson. Including Xavier. My Xavier.”
“How nice to see you both. Again. If I was you, I’d leave now. You think that the last few months or in your case Riley- years, have been a nightmare. If you both carry on interfering it will go from bad to worse...” There was a slight distance between Riley and Olivier- but as Amy threatened this he could sense that his friend was about to do something that she could regret.
“You bit-“ Preventing Riley from continuing
“Leave her. Don’t be silly. You know how her mind works. She’s poison.”
“Oh, Olivier - you do make me laugh. Anyone would think with your words that I’m a snake.” Standing infront of Riley- the footballer had wished that it was Drake who had answered the door.
“Riley, it’s not nice to swear or shout. So...Shhh, Drake is putting his son to bed remember. Goodnight to you both.” Slamming the door behind her, she hoped that Drake hadn’t been earwigging. Sitting comfortable on the sofa, Drake finally came downstairs- pouring himself a drink before joining her.
“He’s fast asleep. This is the last night though, Amy. If that’s your real name.”
“Of course it is. I mean, people call me Amz for short. Why would you even suggest that? You saw the paperwork with both of our details on it.” Drake thought long and hard about the paperwork- to begin with the only information he was interested in was viewing the fathers details. After the initial shock, he had studied it as if it was part of some crime evidence. Something just wasn’t ‘adding up’ - especially with what the young boy had mentioned to him during the bedtime story whilst in a daze.
Mommy is lying about the name. I want to go home.
“I did indeed see the paperwork. Some things just don’t add up- that’s all. Maybe I’m just paranoid?”
“Well, don’t be. I know that you are still heartbroken over, Rachel....” Purposely mentioning the wrong name, she had hoped that this little ‘mistake’ would help with her plan succeeding.
“It’s, Riley! And I don’t want to talk about her with you when you don’t know her...” That’s what you think.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to upset you....” Providing him with an ‘over the top’ hug, she hoped that being affectionate could be the key to his heart. “But I’m always here if you need to talk. We have a son together. Nothing more. Unless you wanted more that is. I’ll leave you to it.”
“Amy... wait!” Pausing for a moment, he knew to trust his own mind. “Do you want a drink with me?” A drunk mind always speaks the truth.
After leaving Drakes, Riley felt like a failure - the men could sense that in the morbidly silent car ride home. Both trying to begin any conversation to get her to respond, with no luck. Olivier had even brought up a story that had always made her laugh. It included how she had tortured him when wasn’t completing his physio correctly. Listening to Spice Girls on a loop.
“Ri, just leave it. Drake isn’t that stupid. He will soon find out the truth. We will bring this bitch down.” Liam said in a determined tone of voice, Olivier agreeing as they arrived at the Rys’s mansion.
“How long will it take us to do that though, Liam?” In all honesty he didn’t know the answer- but felt the need to remain positive for everyone that was involved.
“We’ve all managed between us all to cover up two murders. I promise you, once the truth is out regarding this child - the club will not have anymore scandals. We will remain the best team in Cordonia- and redeem any past mistakes. We’re all in this together.”
“As much as I like Leo...you’d make the better captain, Liam. Thank you for all your help.” Gently kissing him on the cheek, Liam held her tight for a while.
Six months later...
Prison time for Apples player? Can his year become any worse than it’s already been? I’m surprised he is still being chosen to play.
Sex scandal- one of the brunette beauties is apparently pregnant? Who is she pregnant with? She seems to be making her way through the team.
Divorce rumours for one of the Apples ‘golden couples’!
Drug scandal and prostitutes!
Match fixing?
Secret relationship uncovered!
Apples player disappears! Where is he? Why has he gone? What are the Apples going to do now?
Ex WAG dies mysteriously. The third person linked to the team. Who’s next on the ‘hit list’?
What does all of this mean for the Apples? They’ve had a rough six months between them all ever since the love child scandal with Walker. A few of the players are playing in the World Cup friendly between Cordonia and France tonight- I wouldn’t place any money on Cordonia winning which has the majority of the Apples players. It would go down the gutter like the club is.
Bertrand slammed the laptop screen down. Almost smashing it. It was bad enough having the commentators criticism during matches. But now every social media platform was joining in at any opportunity. His team wasn’t the only team to have scandals. In his mind he described it all as ‘tragic’ and ‘unlucky’. For some reason the paparazzi were just attracted to them. Like a bad smell. Focusing his gaze onto his young son, he hoped that Bartie would avoid the footballer lifestyle in the future.
No more scandals. No more shit. Think positive, Bertrand! We’ve had enough of that. No wonder I’m prematurely turning grey. Tonight is going to be a good night.
“Bertrand, are you okay?”
“I’m dandy, Sav. Is the babysitter here?”
“Yes.” Studying her husbands tense body, she really wished that he would and could retire early. The stress that he had was causing issues not only with the team but with his marriage. “You need to calm down, my love. Riley is the same. You’re both panicking but neither of you are involved with the national team. It’s a day off for the two of you.”
“No, but my reputation is. My players who have all caused scandals are playing- minus one because he’s gone awol. Your brother should have done a disappearing act instead! All of this shit happened after his love child scandal. He’s a lia-“ Hearing the familiar voice call for his wife- Bertrand prevented his vicious tongue from continuing. Taking a deep breath- he lead his wife downstairs, where they were greeted by a smiley face. An expression that was cleverly hiding/masking a fusion of mixed feelings.
“Hello, Riley. Sorry to have kept you waiting.”
“I was just going to wait in the car, but I’m desperate for the toilet. May I use it, please?”
“Well I’m not going to allow you to ruin my floor am I? I can order a taxi so you don’t have to drive.”
“Bertrand, I’m fine driving. I’m not drinking and you both know why. So I may as well do it. I’ll be two minutes.” Bertrand began pacing the room, Riley’s ‘two minutes’ seemed to last a lifetime. Eventually she joined the Beaumont’s before making their way towards her car. Riley completely oblivious to the tension between the married couple during the drive spoke positively about the upcoming match. All Bertrand could think about was which person would cause the next possible scandal.
Euphoria echoed around the stadium in central Cordonia. Even with all of the scandals, there was still that slight support from ‘die hard fans’.
In the tunnel, players from both sides were psyching themselves up- it was only a friendly but the French side apart from Olivier were providing snide remarks to their opponents.
“Bonne Chance! Just ignore my brothers. Ce sont des trous.” Olivier said to Drake - hoping that the match would end a draw and finish in a civil manner. Tonight he was playing piggy in the middle- wanting to stay loyal to his national team as well as his current team.
“Whatever, Berger!”
“What he means, is good luck to you too - Olivier. Isn’t that right, Drake?”
“Merci, Captain! I’ll catch up with you after the match...” Watching the French team make their way towards the pitch, Drake turned to his friend as soon as Olivier was out of view.
“Rys! I can speak for myself. I can say what I want. I’d have thought that out of everybody I could trust you to defend me. Not belittle me. These last few months you’ve been practically non existent to me.”
“I’m sorry about that. I’ve been busy dealing with my own shit. Your issues have been self inflicted. Now grow some balls and don’t fuck this match up. Be civil with everyone- including Olivier. He’s done nothing wrong to you. I’m relying on you tonight and so is Bradshaw. You need to redeem yourself. You’ve been given this opportunity to play tonight by our manager- unlike Bertrand who’s kept you benched all of these months.”
“Don’t you think that I feel shit about myself as it is without that wanker punishing me? He may be my brother in law but I hate him. I’ve lost everything. Everyone. I needed you L-“ Before Drake could continue, Maxwell came bounding over. Hyper as always.
“Guys... quick question before we go on to the pitch... Why is Olivier wearing blue and out there with the French team? He’s one of us.”
“Because he’s fucking French you absolute dipstick!” Drake snapped towards a confused Maxwell. Eventually he laughed at himself. At his own stupidity. As Drake was still scowling, and rolling his eyes - Maxwell decided to defend himself. Which was something that he rarely did. “Hey! Don’t take your shit out on me. I forgot. Jesus, Drake. You know I’m not the brightest person. It’s not my fault that you’ve messed your life up. No wonder, Riley doesn’t talk to you anymore. I’m beginning to think about doing the same if you continue to talk to me like I’m a piece of shit!”
“For your information, Beaumont.... Ri has spoken to me. A lot more than any of you have!”
“Oh, really?” Drake gulped as Maxwell asked this in a sarcastic manner. Knowing full well that he was lying with his previous statement regarding Riley- he wished that it was true. That she would talk to him more often. At this moment in time, receiving the odd text from her was better than nothing. Baby steps, he kept reminding himself.
“Yes, she came to visit me in the cell. I didn’t ask her to- but she did. She still loves me, I know deep down that she does.” The two men looked at each other not knowing what to say. Not needing a reason to cause Drake to possibly ‘rage’ again. Maxwell knew that he was already a target for Drake’s mouth to sprout abuse towards- so decided to inform his friend about some home truths.
“When you was arrested... well... she may have come to visit you. To talk to you. But that’s all it was, Drake. Since then, Riley has dealt with a lot. She’s having a good life now- actually dating again. We only know because Savannah let it slip when she was drunk.” Remaining silent, not knowing how to respond- many questions were now floating throughout Drake’s mind. Forcing himself onto the pitch, he looked up into the crowd and immediately spotted Savannah and Riley whispering in each other’s ears. Laughing. Smiling. He couldn’t remember the last time that he had witnessed Riley looking so cheerful. Thinking back to the last words that she had physically spoken to him - he now knew that he needed to get his act together. If not only for his sake, but for everybody.
Forget about the past. Bertrand has tried to sort your shit out. I don’t know if he has succeeded or not. But for now, you need to publicly apologise to the fans as well as the man that you could have potentially killed.
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gospelofme · 3 years
Super Nova
Chapter 5: Well Hello There
“Well, looks like we got ourselves a little Trandoshan stand-off.” Varex quipped amusedly.
“That was stupid.” Sayr felt the need to note, Varex let out a long breath through his nose. The crew of Sidon Ithano had blasters drawn on Varex’s crew, who had their blasters drawn and aiming back. Neither side moved. Sayr reached out with the Force once more, searching for something. Anything. There was a small ping in the Force but it was hard to pinpoint. She accidentally brushed against the consciousness of the man in front of her, who didn’t appreciate that at all.
“Hey! Cut that out!” Kix warned her, keeping Sayr at blaster point. She raised one hand in an apologetic gesture, and then let loose with a blast of energy, shoving the man, Twi’lek, and Captain off their feet. Krev and Varex then opened fire, their targets taking cover behind large boulders. Ithano and his crew soon returned fire, forcing Varex, Krev, and Sayr to take cover as well.
“Should we call for Avi and Darr?” Krev asked, ducking a blast that was too close. Varex took a moment to comm Avi, who was with Darr.
“Avi, Sidon Ithano and some of his crew have us pinned! Check to make sure there aren’t more outside the temple and then come in through the roof!” Varex ordered.
“Where do I find you?” Came Avi’s reply.
“Follow the blaster fire!” Krev yelled into Varex’s comm. From what Sayr remembered, Sidon Ithano had at least 4 members of his crew unaccounted for, and she didn’t know who the man with Ithano and Reveth was. Fresh meat I guess, she mused silently. He was a good shot though, she had to give him that. The man nearly hit her twice, she was just barely able to deflect his bolts with the Force.
On the other side of the room, Reveth commed to Quiggold who had heard the blaster fire erupt from where him and Squeaky stood guard. With comm in one hand and prayer beads in the other, the first mate listened as Reveth relayed that they only see three members of Varex crew, but not the other two.
“Be on the lookout for a Rodian and a Wookiee. We got these three.” She warned, blaster fire could be heard in background.
“A Wookiee, great.” Quiggold replied, not sure how he and Squeaky were supposed to fight off a Wookiee. However, what the peg-legged first mate lacked in height and speed, he made up with in smarts. If Varex was half as smart as he claimed, he would’ve called his teammates for backup. If they’re out here, they may come right across their path. Quickly he and Squeaky hid amongst the large vines that swirled around the temple, blasters at the ready. They’d catch their rivals by surprise.
Avi and Darr had been leaning against a large vine not far from the crevice their comrades had entered. The jungle had been quiet until the sound of blaster fire erupted from within the ruins. Varex’s voice then sounded over Avi’s comm, followed by Krev’s. The two hurried around the ruins, each taking a side so they could catch Ithano’s crew in the middle. However, Avi and Darr only met up again on the other side.
“Maybe they’re not here?” Avi questioned, looking around, his blaster held at the ready. Suddenly a blaster bolt flew from the jungle and grazed Avi’s shoulder. The Rodian cursed and both him and Darr ducked behind some boulders. They would need to take care of the crew members in the jungle first before trying to climb up the side of the temple, as that would leave them pretty exposed.
“We’re taking fire down here! It may be a little bit!” Avi commed back to his boss. The Rodian didn’t know how many pirates were hidden in the jungle, just that the Crimson Corsair usually travelled with at least five other crew members. Varex said some were in the temple ruins, so Avi wasn’t facing five assailants. I’ll just have to assume at least four, he decided going for the highest number possible (even if unlikely) was the best option.
Varex narrowly missed another bolt, this one sending chunks of rock flying. He couldn’t wait for Avi and Darr much longer, and if his two men were facing four others out there, then they’d need back up.
“Nova, go help Avi and Darr and bring them back here!” he yelled to Sayr over the blaster fire. The woman nodded, and left cover. Using the Force, she leapt from the ground to the mouth of the opening above.
“Oh no you don’t.” Kix muttered as he shot a grappling hook at the Force User, the wire twisting around her right leg. He pulled as hard as possible, propping a foot on the boulder he used as cover for leverage. Sayr hadn’t expected the hook, the metal prongs digging into her thick boot sole after swinging around her leg a couple times. The sudden yank ruined her ascent but she was able to grab onto the edge of the opening. Varex immediately fired at the man trying to pull his comrade down. The man was able to duck behind cover, but he still pulled firmly on the line around Sayr’s boot. She tried to pull herself up but the person on the other end was strong. She fought against him, using all the strength she had and a bit of the Force, actually pulling the man off the ground briefly. However, the Temple was fragile and the rock gave way under her, sending her falling back to the ground.
She used the Force to attempt to break her fall, but the floor hadn’t seen this much foot traffic in years, much less a blast of energy. The floor fell away in chunks, a dark chasm opening up between Varex and Krev and Ithano’s crew. Sayr fell right through it, too quickly for Kix to detach the grappling wire from his weapon. Sidon rushed to grab Kix but he wasn’t fast enough and the former clone was yanked forward and dragged right into the abyss with Sayr.
Sayriel attempted to brace herself with the Force once more, but didn’t use as much energy as previously. She still hit the ground hard enough on her back for her diaphragm to spasm and get the wind knocked out of her. As she gasped for air, she narrowly avoided being landed on by the man who’d hooked her. She caught him with the Force, his face inches from hers, and tossed him to the side. She wasn’t too gentle about it. He landed on the stone floor next to her, but was unharmed. She found it impossible to breathe for a moment or two, managing a groaning sound.
“What is it? Are you okay?” The man was suddenly kneeling at her side, looking surprisingly concerned. Sayriel glared at him and shoved him away, and angled her body away from him.
“What are you, like a doctor?” She wheezed once her breathing had returned, she slowly started to stand up. The man tried to help her, but she once again shoved him off.
“Well, I was a field medic….before.” Kix replied, his concern startling him. He had almost forgotten what it was like to act like a medic again. He’d patched up his fellow crew members loads of times, but helping a stranger wasn’t the norm anymore.
“I guess in your past life huh, before you became that.” The woman noted, gesturing at him. He kept his face emotionless when she had mentioned a past life, but it made him anxious inside. He watched as she looked around the empty room, trying to figure out exactly what this area was.
“Well, have fun finding your own way out of here doc.” Sayriel said to Kix, bending her knees and preparing to leap back up into the fray.
When she suddenly felt that ping again, this time much stronger. She looked suddenly in the direction of the feeling, just over the man’s left shoulder. Kix frowned and looked behind him, he didn’t see anything. But he knew that didn’t mean there was nothing there. He watched the Force User shake her head and prepare to jump again, but her head snapped back to that same location.
“What is it?” He asked, she shushed him. He doubted her feeling something was impacted by his speech, he glared at her.
Sayriel walked towards to the location. It was fairly dark here, the light from the hole she’d created only illuminated a small space. But there was an area that looked darker than it’s surroundings; this usually meant there was an opening. Walking past the former-medic-turned-pirate, she edged closer to the opening. She cautiously felt out with her foot and found a step, testing it carefully. She was about to feel out another step when she felt a nudge from the Force. Her Master would’ve instructed her to feel for the next step. She’d have to trust the Force that it was there and she wasn’t going to drop into a deep dark pit of nothing like part of her mind told her. She took a breath and closed her eyes and felt for the next step, and the ones after that.
Kix watched as she found a small set of stairs and began to follow them down. He wasn’t nearly as confident in his footwork as she seemed to be, of course she was a Jedi.
Force user he reminded himself. Keeping one hand on the wall, he followed her down the steps, his eyes slowly adjusting to the tiny bit of light available once he reached a small room where she stood. The room had tiny slivers of light falling through the ceiling where cracks had formed.
“What is this place? A secret room?” He wondered aloud.
“Not necessarily. All temples had a place to store ancient items when they weren’t in use. You didn’t keep an ancient text or a holocron on your desk.” Sayr replied quietly. Her tone implied that he should know this information.
“Yeah, okay then.” Kix shrugged, he really didn’t know what Jedi did. He could hear blaster fire going on still up top, the smoke from the bolts starting to filter down here through the tiny openings above them. He needed to get back to his group, but something had caught this woman’s attention.
Sayriel stood for a moment in the space, her eyes closed despite having someone who was essentially an enemy behind her. She currently didn’t feel much of a threat-like nature emanating from him, but that could change. She kept one hand on her holstered blaster, just in case. Suddenly she felt it again, in the wall, a whispering in the Force. With a wave of her hand, the rocks blocking the area the Force had indicated fell away, and there it was. The small cube, just barely glowing still after all these years. The link this place sits on probably has something to do with it, Sayriel thought to herself. She knelt down and gently picked the cube up, it felt lighter than she thought it would.
“What is it?” The man behind her said, trying to peer around her. Sayriel turned around and tossed the cube up once in her hand.
“Jackpot Doc.” She smirked.
Just then an explosion sounded from somewhere outside the temple, there was absolute silence from everyone. No speaking, no blasters, nothing.
“What the hell was that?!” Varex’s voice sounded over Sayr’s comm.
“I tossed a detonator at the pirates hidden in jungle, but it hit a vine and bounced back.” Avi’s voice came over. As if on cue, the ground and ruins around them started to shake. Bits of rock and dust fell down around Sayr and Kix.
“I’m going to kill that Rodian.” Sayriel muttered.
“Well, I’ll take this so you can go do that.” Kix replied smartly, snatching the holocron from Sayr’s hand and sprinted back up the stairs. Sayriel gave chase, tackling Kix at the top of the stairs. The man was stronger than she gave him credit for and fast. He put a boot on her stomach and, grabbing her wrists, flipped her up and over him. Sayr righted herself quickly and was about to strike at him again when a large rock fell from the surface and landed between them, shattering into smaller pieces on impact. They didn’t have time to fight. Moving quickly she grabbed his upper arm tightly, the man punching her square on the cheek using his free hand. Sayriel took the hit and, using the Force, tossed Kix back up to the level from which they’d fallen. The man gave a startled yell, which gave her some happiness.
“He has the holocron! He can’t get away!” Sayriel commed to Varex, who immediately opened fire on Kix. Reveth returned fire as Ithano pulled his crew member to safety. Sayriel herself then leaped to the next level, teetering on the edge until Krev could grab her shirt and yank her forward. Reveth had already begun to climb the rope they’d lowered earlier to the surface. She pushed Varex’s blaster down.
“We don’t have time anymore, this place is collapsing! We have to move!” Sayriel yelled, grabbing Varex and Force throwing the Zabrak up to the opening in the ceiling. Next she threw Krev out, much to his displeasure, and leapt out herself.
Once out of the ruins, she dodged a blaster bolt from Reveth who was shooting at Varex. Sayriel took ahold of Varex’s shirt and pulled him off the ruins. They didn’t have time to fight right now, that will change once they reach solid ground. She helped Krev away from the crumbling Temple, using the Force to pull him towards her and Varex.
“Stop doing that!” The Chiss exclaimed, shaking his arms and legs as if to rid himself of something unpleasant. Once away from the ruins, Sayriel turned around just in time to see Captain Ithano emerge from the opening. The famed pirate easily leapt down the side of the shifting boulders and landed safely. Kix and Reveth had taken off down the trail back to town, the former clone giving Sayriel a mocking wave as he did so. Glaring at him, she took off and gave chase.
Reveth shoved Kix in front of her, she’d cover him since he had the holocron in his backpack. She fired at Sayr who easily dodged the bolts. Soon they entered the town again, Kix and Reveth dodging crowds and vender stalls. People screamed and hurried out of the way, unsure of what was going on. Part of Kix felt bad when he accidentally bumped into people and they fell, he couldn’t risk stopping to help them up. Reveth just continued to push him forward. They needed to get to the ship. He looked back to see his comrade shove a vender cart in Sayriel’s path, the Force User gracefully leaping over it and continuing her pursuit without missing a beat. He had forgotten how agile those people could be. Soon they were back in the jungle, Kix could feel his face covered in sweat and his legs were starting to hurt. He had worked out fairly regularly since he was found, but he still had a little ways to go until he was back to prime condition. There was a roar and both he and Reveth turned to spot a Wookiee barreling after them behind Sayriel.
“Damn, I forgot she was friends with him.” Reveth said breathlessly as she caught up to Kix. If the Wookiee was close behind them, then the others couldn’t be far away. Reveth hoped her comrades could hold the others off. They rounded a corner and sprinted as fast as possible to put some distance between them and their pursuers. Soon they busted out of the jungle and found themselves back in the clearing. There was only one problem, they had to wait for the rest of the crew. They turned just in time to see Darr enter the clearing behind them, he was sweaty and panting. Darr made a b-line for Kix, who readied his blaster to fire. However just before the Wookiee made it to him, the creature fell down heavily and was being dragged back. Kix looked and spotted Reveth at the controls of one of the large construction cranes, she’d used it’s claw to snag the Wookiee’s leg and hauled the creature up into the air. She locked the controls and left him dangling and roaring angrily. Kix didn’t speak Shyriiwook but he could guess the Wookiee wasn’t wishing him a long and happy life.
That’s when Sayr ran into the clearing. Despite her clothing being soaked with sweat, she kept running full speed, her eyes were locked on Kix. He hadn’t fought a Force User in decades, and then he had multiple brothers backing him up, not just one other comrade. Not that Reveth was useless, far from it actually. It’s just that they may need more back up soon. Using the Force, Sayr shoved Reveth aside, the Twi���lek shooting at her as she tumbled. Sayr dodged those with an easy flip and ducked the ones from Kix’s blaster. Sayr grabbed the man’s blaster and yanked it out of his hands, tossing it aside. He grabbed her wrists and head-butted her in return. Both were visibly dazed by that, Sayr staggering back and blinking. Kix shook his head and blink a few times as well, but held his ground. He hadn’t head-butted anyone without a helmet on in a very long time. Taking advantage of the situation, Kix launched himself into Sayr, who recovered quickly.
“No you don’t.” She mimicked his action from earlier, propelling him up and over her with her foot on his abdomen. The holocron fell out of the backpack and landed between them. The whine of a speeder engine could be heard in the distance. Sayr started to pull the cube into her hand with the Force, Kix scrambling up to intercept it, when suddenly a cord shot out and wrapped around Sayriel’s wrists. She stared at the cord for moment like she didn’t know what it was, her gaze following it to it’s source. Quiggold and Squeaky had arrived on a speeder bike they’d commandeered from the town, they had fired the speeder’s small tow cable at Sayriel. Quiggold then gunned the speeder engines, yanking Sayriel away from Kix and the cube, dragging her across the ground. Captain Ithano appeared from the jungle, followed closely by Varex, Krev, and Avi. Varex fired at Ithano but Reveth covered him as he headed to the ship. They needed to start it up and get out of here. Sayr used the Force to pull on Quiggold’s speeder and was able to get her footing, the first mate fighting back by pushing the speeder forward. Sayr’s boots slid a bit on the ground, but she kept her balance and pulled back with her strength and the Force, focusing on the speeder’s engines. If she could get them to overheat, they’d explode. Kix watched the tug-of-war unfold, grabbing the cube from the ground and securing it back in his backpack. He had almost forgotten what Force Users were capable of. The engines of speeder sparked and little pops started to sound off from the innards of the machine.
“Cut her loose Squeaky!” Quiggold yelled over the screaming speeder engines. The Gamorrean swung a small axe from his belt and severed the cord. The sudden slack on the cord almost knocked Sayr off her feet, but she held the speeder.
Kix needed a way to distract her before she blew up his comrades. Tossing the backpack to Reveth, he ran to the crane that still held up the Wookiee, who struggled against the metal claw enclosed around his leg. Jumping into the operating chair, he unlocked the controls and swung the crane around. The Wookiee was now positioned directly above the woman called Nova. Darr called down to Sayr who glanced up and then over to Kix, who released the Wookiee from the crane. It worked. Sayr released the speeder just in time to catch the Wookiee before he landed on her. Quiggold and Squeaky sped towards the now running ship, jumping off the speeder and running up the ramp. Kix followed closely behind.
As the ship took off, the former clone turned and looked at the Force User, who was still holding the Wookiee up. She looked furious. He smirked and gave her a mocking salute as the ramp retracted and the door closed. Sayriel watched the ship fly away, and the holocron with it. She was exhausted, it had been a while since she’d used the Force to that extent. She gently set Darr on the ground and sat down herself, placing her head between her knees.
“Don’t look so glum.” Varex said, seemingly too cheerful about the fact they lost one of the holocrons. He seemed to read the look on her face easily, pulling out his datapad in response. Sayriel took it and looked at the screen, a small dot beeped with a set of coordinates near it.
“A tracker. You put a tracker on the ship.” She said wearily, Varex nodded and pulled his friend to her feet.
“Since we know where they’re going, we’ll have a bit of an advantage. We can search other possible locations and then retrieve the holocrons they find.” Krev said. The possibility of some sweet revenge made Sayr feel better.
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aesthbaby · 4 years
You’re going to be okay pt. 2
Summary: Reader and Emily meet as ghosts in a hospital after a case
Pairings: Reader x Emily Prentiss (not pronoun specific)
Prompt: Reader and Emily as ghosts haunting the same place (School, hospital, house, whatever). Reader has been dead for a few years and helps Emily deal. They end up liking each other and maybe have ghost fun all over the place. ;)
Warnings: Cursing | sexual references | death 
Word Count: 3k
Part One
"Mmm, I don't think this is the best idea Em."  You hum while chewing on your thumb, a nasty habit you picked up in Elementary school.
"Come on it'll be fun. Let loose a bit Angel." A nickname Emily gave you, it started as more of a joke but over time it stuck. She hardly ever calls you by your actual name. In reality, you're actually okay with the name, it shows that she feels comfortable around you and you think it's flattering.  Its as if your her savior or something, but not in a cult leader-god complex fashion. You took care of her for months while also teaching her everything and anything you can about the spirit world. Emily is suspiciously good at her job, she takes the kids and elderly, you take everything in between. There's something poetic about being good with both elders and babies, the beginning of life, and the end. You're better with teens because you died younger than Emily did and can relate to the trauma of an early, unfinished death. Adults can usually figure it out on their own but it's nice to have a hand to hold as someone to fill in the blanks.
Emily had never seen someone go into the darkness until a few weeks ago; you always managed to keep her away from it. You were making sure a man who sold laced drugs to teens got to the place he was meant to be. At first, he seemed to have a kind heart so when he confessed his crimes you were shocked, to say the least. He'd mix different over the counters and cheap street knockoffs in order to make more for less. Then he would sell them to the local high school kids but use the money to take care of his mom, grandma, and the local community center. Its an ethical gray area, that's for sure, but I guess you could say he meant well. Luckily none of the teens who bought drugs from him died, but that doesn't excuse what he did. During this whole fiasco, Emily was supposed to be taking an older woman to the garden before her transitioning; unknowingly to you she was around the corner listening in. When you were taking him you didn't notice her until he was gone. There was more curiosity on her face than fear so you tried to give her the bare minimum amount of information. The Agent was damn stubborn, she'd never let you off the hook with something unless you gave her information in exchange. Your arrangement was beneficial to both of you, in a way you liked teasing Emily and she liked pulling the information out of you. It reminded her of her work in the FBI. It also kept you from having to tell her everything you knew and kept things interesting between you two. 
"No Emily." You tell her, you hate saying 'no' to her because she looks absolutely adorable when she fakes a pout. 
"Emily Prentiss does not pout." Even while saying that she looks like she's pouting. She defends herself after being told 'no' when she asked you to teach her Thermokinesis. (To control the temperature of the physical world.) Gotta love her.
Though eventually, you did teach her, that is beside the point. Wait no let's go back to that, why didn't anyone warn me about how convincing this woman can be? She can talk me into almost anything and I'd comply happily. If she wasn't so drop-dead gorgeous maybe I could resist her. I bet unsubs were scared shitless of her. Your thoughts are interrupted by a nudge at your side. Oh not this again... "Emily I swear to-" you can't even get the words out through her incessant tickling. "Stop!" you laugh loudly while she continues her ministrations. "Okay- Em- okay we can do it!" She lets you go but you both continue laughing. "Only if you promise not to get carried away."
She puts her hand on her heart and says sincerely, "I promise." Then her seriousness switches back to playfulness. "Now come on," she grabs your hand and starts dragging you to roof. "I understand your reasoning behind not letting me do this very often but I wanted to show you what I've taught myself."
When you get to the roof there’s an empty space with X’s on the everywhere made out of pens and pencils. “I like what you’ve done with the place.”
“As you may know, I’m not very good at Object Manipulation. Yet!” She stands between a blue pen and a red one while you sit on a random electrical box. You immediately jump up when you feel a jilt underneath. Gotta stop sitting near that stuff. I’m the person who helps the dead, not the one that kills them. Emily used to make the mistake of getting too close to patient monitors, making them flat line or speed up. It freaked the new nurses out but they checked on the patients and chopped it up to being outdated. When a ghost is present, nearby electronics tend to act up. I guess Emily didn’t get the memo in Ghost School. To be fair I am not the most qualified teacher. “Are you okay?” she goes to check on you but you wave her off.
“I’m fine, just uncomfortable,” you say while rubbing her backside.
“Come here,” she beacons “I can make it feel better.” Her devious smile comes out to play, easily drawing you towards her. She wraps her arms around your waist and pulls you flush against her. Her hands slowly trail down your back but before they can reach your ass she’s gone. The warmth and tingly feeling is gone. “Miss me already?” you whip around to see her standing on one of the Exes. Her smile is cocky as hell to say the least.“That was impressive, I’ll admit.” you stride to her but she teleports again. “Oh come on Angel, you walked right into that one.” She says from above you. Now she’s standing on top of the entrance, a level above where you’re standing.
“Very amusing Agent,” You flash right in front of her, startling her in the process. You quickly wrap an arm around her so she doesn’t fall. “But I can do better.” She stares into your eyes like she wants to say something.
“Prove it.” She challenges. You lean down to barely graze her lips, before you meet in the middle you flash behind her; gripping her hips possessively.
You lean into her ear, “Who do you answer to?” A light shiver runs down her spine.
She turns around so she can peer into your eyes. She trails an index finger across your bottom lip. “I belong to no one.”
“Not even me?” you ask with a punctuating grip to her hip.
“No.” she whispers while inching closer to your lips. “Not even you, Angel.” You’re so close it feels like you’re breathing in the same air with no regard to anything around you. “Would you like to kiss me?”
You take her to the library, its small but there’s hardly anyone here so it’ll do. When you arrive you have Emily bent over a table with her ass flushed to your front. “I want to see you writhe underneath me.” You pure into her ear.
She flashes so quickly you couldn’t stop her. Now you’re the one bent over a fucking table. “You first.” she growls while pinning your hip down. She leans in so close to your ear you can feel her cool breath. 
 “What are you going to do, Agent?” Calling her by the title has always been a tease, its amazing that in all the time she’s been here you’ve never...you know.
“Whatever I want with you.” You roll your hips back on to her and feel her knead your ass in return. “If I had a strap I’d fuck you with it.” She growls in your ear; her animalistic tone is the biggest turn on. Just the sound of her voice alone makes you squirm underneath her.
But of course you can’t let her win that easily so you focus your energy on the top of the bookshelf. “You can’t always get what you want, Agent.” You’re sitting on top of the wood shelf with your legs crossed; as regal as you were when you were alive. Emily looks baffled but entertained by the empty space in front of her. “Enough of your teasing, we have things to do.” You say as you hop down from the shelf and begin to walk out. You turn to see that she’s not following you so you call out to her. “Come along Prentiss.”
There was once a time where you would call her ‘Princess’ instead of Prentiss because of the way she’d demand to know everything and anything like she was royalty. Her attitude came off as a bit standoffish and bitchy in the beginning but that was just you being territorial. As you both settled into your routine and got to know each other you realized she’s a very closed off person and wouldn’t talk about her life from before. She’s uber smart and remains professional yet empathetic with all of the ghosts she encounters. She’s such a calm person that it shocked you by how upset the nickname made her. She didn’t flat out yell at you but it was evident that it upset her so you reasonably left the situation alone. She felt bad so she explained that one of her teammates used to call her that, she later let it slip that the guy was her partner. You obviously felt bad so now you just call her- “Agent!” You look over your shoulder to see Emily dragging her feet. “Get a move on, we don’t have time!”
“Ghosts always have time.” She mumbles while speeding up. “Can’t we just, I don’t know? Flash there?”
“No.” You slow down to let her catch up. “You need to learn to walk before you run and I don’t need you accidentally flashin’ into the nurse’s lockerooms again.”
She rolls her eyes. “That was one time.”
“And the time you ended up in the kitchen. You need to walk around and see the place for yourself before you keep ‘flashin’ between different places.”
“Right,” she mumbles “Hey where are we going anyway?”
“To meet someone.” You casually say but notice she’s stopped, promptly.
“To meet someone?” she repeats, a little shocked. “Meet who?”  
“Nope,” you pull her by the arm “No stopping, we’re crunched for time.” Before she can stop again or argue, you link your arms.”This is not the time to pout or second doubt me, Emily.”
She scuffs, “I do not pout.”
“Okay, fine, you don’t pout in the traditional children sense. Happy?”
“No. Not until I know where we’re going or who we’re meeting.” She stops again, reeling you back in the process.
You turn to her and say, “A friend.”
“Is this one of your angelic friends?” She asks as you practically drag her along.
“Angelic frie- Never mind we’re here.” You have her standing in the back of the ICU, the quietest of all the wings. “I only know like two, three angels tops.”
She laughs a little at that, “Angel...” she trails “Who is that?”
You turn to where she’s looking and see a beautiful darkened figure with their back to you. “Mazikeen!” You shout with excitement me when she turns around. You run to her and she automatically catches you. Hey sharp fanged smile is just as stunning as the last time you saw it.
“How’s my favorite human?” The brunette asks with her sultry South American accent.
“Good! How’s my favorite demon?” She just smiles even wider at your excitement until her eyes fall on Emily.
“Who’s the hottie?”
“Maze,” You tilt your head in disapproval. “Play nice.” She sets you down and struts over to Emily. Em looks confused yet curious so you don’t interrupt the demon from doing whatever she’s doing. 
“Oh I always play nice with the pretty ones.”
She examines Emily with shear interest, when she moves to touch her hair Emily steps back. “Y/n...is there something you’d care to explain?”
“Emily, meet my friend Mazikeen,”
“But you can call me Maze.” She winks.
“Maze, this is Supervisory Special Agent Emily Prentiss.”
“Is she,” she covers the side of her mouth and points to Em. “Dead?”
You mimic her ridiculous gesture and whisper, “Very.” You walk to them and give your demon another hug. “I missed you, Maze.”
“I missed you too y/n/n. Why didn’t you introduce me to her sooner? We could’ve had a thre-”
“Right...well, mom says hi and I’m not going to be here very long. I just gotta grab a few people and I’ll be out but of course...” She wraps her arms around your waist, “I wanted to stop by and say hi.”
“Hi,” you whisper. “You know I love you but...” You look over to Em.
“You’ve found another...” She strokes your left cheek with the back of her cold hand. “Its okay, I’m not mad. We both knew I was never made for love.” She takes a glance over her shoulder to an intrigued Emily. “She’s pretty, brave, and smart. You’ve outdone yourself little human.” She makes a full 180 to look at the agent. “Take care of Casper for me.”
“Uhm do I look like a friendly ghost to you?” You gesture down to your perfect silhouette.
Maze grins at that before turning back to Em. “Hurt them and there will be hell to pay.” She snarls but Emily doesn’t faultier.
“I’m not the one that left.” She replies and the demon laughs at that.
“Left?” She looks back to me and bursts into a cackle with her fangs out. “Whatever you say. I have work to do anyway, so do you.” She starts to walk down the hall of the ICU and says, “Goodbye human, you still look as good as ever.” She blows a kiss at you before rounding the corner. You’re stuck in your spot because shit that kind of hurt. 
You feel Emily’s hand on your shoulder. “I’m sorry.”
“Its fine.” You turn to her. “She was never meant for relationships anyway.” At her expressionless face you continue. “Maze is a sex demon, we met a little while after I died. I kept seeing her in the hall but only in flashes. At first I thought she was a Wanderer or something but then I confronted her and she reluctantly told me who she was. We used to have fun  together.” She just nods with an understanding expression and really, her silent facial expression speaks volumes. “Ghosts can’t feel a lot of things but sexual gratification is one of the exceptions.” This is where you shed a tear despite what you just said. Emily pulls you in for one of her gentle, yet meaningful hug. “Emily, I’m so sorry.”
She pulls you back to look into your eyes. “Why? You’ve done nothing wrong.”
“I should’ve told you about her sooner. I wanted you two to meet because I thought you were alike in many ways but I wasn’t expecting the jealous attitude. She’s never been like that before.”
‘Maybe its because she sees us having something she can’t have with you. Is what Emily wants to say but instead she says, “You didn’t have to tell me if you didn’t want to. I know I pressure you into revealing a lot of information to me but if I had know it negatively affects you I would-”
You interrupt her rambling with a soft kiss to her lips. You pull back to see her neutral facial expression. Shit. Sensing your internal panic she quickly explains, “No no I’m not upset, just surprised. That’s all.” There’s that wicked smile. “I always thought I’d be the one making the first move.” She takes a big step forward and captures your lip between her’s. Her hand reaches around the back of your head and pulls you closer so you put your arm around her waist and do the same. It felt different that what you and maze used to have, spiritual perception of emotions isn’t the same and humans but that doesn’t mean you’re as numb as people think. And with Emily, you actually feel something for once. Something true. ‘Alive’ isn’t the proper word for it but it feels close enough. It feels so fucking good to the point where you don’t want to come up for air but ultimately you have to. “Breathe.” She laughs.
You press your forehead to her’s, “Why, when all I need is you?”
She laughs at that, something she didn’t do much of when you first met. “You are unbelievably cliche.”
After this movie like exchange you end up laying in the middle of the Green Yard; Emily on the bottom and you wrapped in her arms. Since you can’t exactly ‘nap’ you just lay there and take in the good feeling Emily’s arms provide you. Whenever Francis is around you’ll have to ask him about this feeling because you know good and well ghosts can’t feel love. Then what the hell do I call this wonderful feeling?
“Y/n?” Em looks up from a book I gave her. Its taken her a while to learn how to hold anything over an ounce.
“Hmm?” You turn your attention to her, she looks as beautiful as always.
“What do ghosts feel?”
“What do you mean, Em?” You take a seat across from her.
“Do we have emotions or feelings?”
“Well, what do you feel?” You ask softly.
“I don’t know?”
“Remember the time I banned you from leaving the inpatient wing?”
“Yeah...it completely sucked.” She huffs.
“And how did that make you feel?” You trail.
“Mildly irritated.” She immediately answers without realizing so you politely stare until it finally dawns on her. Her eyes widen and her mouth opens into an o-shape.
You look up at the goddess that’s holding you captive. “Emily?” You call from under her arm.
“What are you feeling?” You ask softly.
“What do you mean, Angel?”
“Emotionally I mean.” You explain with an eerie feeling of deja vu.
“Remember the first time I showed you I could transport? I did it without any help and I surprisingly did it correctly.” She jokes.
“Yeah I remember.”
“And how did that make you feel?”
“Happy.” You smile at the cute memory.
“That’s how I’m feeling right now. As happy as you were that day, if not more.”
You twist so you can look at her. “I really like you Emily Prentiss.” You lean up to give her a chaste kiss on her sharp jawline.
“I like you too y/n.” She presses a dominating kiss to your lips that makes yours look like child’s play.
sorry for any typos. I hate proof reading
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