#best of luck parker
lesbianralzarek · 1 month
sometimes a friendship of 3 months ends in explosions, and sometimes your best friend who youve known for 10 years walks away and its just... "well, i suppose thats it"
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yeah-yeah-beebiss-1 · 1 month
in case you were wondering how things went down at the pokemon world championships this weekend:
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-during the top 8 of the TCG masters division, chilean player fernando cifuentes was running a gimmick deck that consisted exclusively of four iron thorns ex and a whole ton of control-focused trainer cards in a strategy that either completely shuts down opponents or shits the bed entirely
-through skillful play and some good luck, fernando made it through 2 days in a tournament with over 1100 players to get to the quarterfinals
-fernando lost 2-0 to ian robb, who was running regidrago vstar (widely considered one of the best decks in the current format)
-in an overexuberant victory celebration, ian did what can only be described as a jacking-off gesture, on a stream with tens of thousands of viewers run by a company with very firm player conduct expectations
-the judges determined that this warranted a penalty of game loss, but for some reason, rather than applying it to ian’s next game in the semifinals, they applied it to the one he had just won in the top 8
-(it should be noted that the prize money for making top 8 is $15k while top 4 is $20k, so this jerking gesture cost ian robb $5,000)
-nearly an hour after fernando came to terms with his loss and the end of an impressive run, he was told that he was to get back on stream because he’s now playing in the semifinals due to winning by default
-the player he was up against in the semifinals was playing a deck (miraidon) that happens to get shut down hard by iron thorns’s gimmick, so fernando wins the semifinals
-said player, jesse parker, had notably had an undefeated run throughout the whole tournament up to this point, and likely would have continued that streak had his intended semifinal opponent not gotten a game loss penalty for miming a lewd act on stream
-meanwhile, the other semifinal winner is japan’s seinosuke shiokawa, running a deck (roaring moon) that players had largely written off as underwhelming months ago
-the grand finals are on the following day, so saturday evening was abuzz with a lot of people baffled by the absurdity of the situation
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-come sunday afternoon, the grand finals are set to begin, with fernando cifuentes running iron thorns and seinosuke shiokawa running roaring moon
-it should be noted here that the roaring moon deck doesn’t rely very much on abilities, so iron thorns’s gimmick has very little effect - this is basically an even matchup
-fernando wins the first game of the set, and seinosuke wins the second
-the third and final game of the set is a bonafide cheek-clencher, with both players reaching a state where a single KO will win the game, but fernando manages to clinch it at the last minute
-and that’s the story of how a guy pretending to jork it led to the first instance of a pokemon world champion who also lost the quarterfinals
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fornalhaut · 26 days
peter struggling to make ends meet while being literal spider-man has NEVER sat right with my spirit... heroes should not have to suffer endlessly to balance their heroism actually
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deadsetobsessions · 9 months
AU List
Hello! Welcome! This is my attempt at keeping the AU's boiuncing around in my head in order. They should be mostly in chronological order.
Some of them are getting turned into full length fics! The list (and it's open to suggestions) can be found here: Fic List
A couple of things:
Please feel free to write your own fics based on any of these! No need to ask, simply link it so I can also read it <3
If you have any specific scenarios you have an idea for and would like me to write- my asks/prompts are always open! I can't guarantee quality as I do most of my writing at like, 3 AM but I'll try my best!
I don't condone racism, bigotry, homophobia, etc.. I do not welcome it here. I acknowledge that I have biases that I've yet to unlearn. If there's something that makes you feel unwelcome in the things I write, please let me know and I will fix it ASAP.
I write these mostly on little to no sleep (that’s when I get creative I guess?) so good luck.
Update: Apparently you can have too many links on one post (which was news to me) so the links are in the titles lol
Squatter!Danny Phantom Raises Tim
Tim 'self-preservation instinct of a wet paper bag' finds Danny Phantom squatting in his house as an injured vigilante and they immediately adopt each other.
Ghost King and the Justice League
Different scenarios where the Justice League (and extensions) deal with a Ghost King Danny Phantom, who generally just wants to get some sleep and avoid his paperwork like he avoids his problems- actively and indiscriminately.
Alcoholic! Danny Adopts Jason Todd (Fic)
Danny Phantom, a struggling alcoholic, finds his way into Gotham where he adopts a young Jason Todd... after accidentally making a name for himself, again.
Spider in Gotham (Fic)
Peter Parker found himself unceremoniously dumped into Gotham and merged with his younger, formerly dead, alternate self.
Gotham! Danny and His Bats
Different scenarios wherein which Danny Phantom is Gotham's city spirit and the task of wrangling Gotham's vigilante and villainous population is laid at his feet.
Danny in Gotham
Somehow, somewhen, Danny finds himself moving to Gotham. Other than the aesthetics, Danny finds it to be pretty similar to Amity Park's insanity.
Sea Cryptic!Danny Phantom
Danny Phantom cleans beaches in his off time. One day, he has to pick Batman (and his plane that was littered all over the ocean floor) out of the sea.
Danny Gets Yeeted (Yoted?) Into Gotham
Danny Phantom dented the Batmobile and got an adoption, vigilante siblings, and a gang of kids following him for his troubles/
Danielle "Dani/Ellie" Phantom
Danielle Phantom travelled to Gotham. Gotham encounters a wild Danny amidst its tall towers.
Timothy Drake-Centric
When Tim Drake is set on something, very little can stop him, With sub catergories : Reincarnated as Gamer! Timmy Drake (fem Tim)(Fic) and New Tim-line, Who Dis?
Reincarnated as Damian Wayne's Older Sister
Based on a nightmare, an OC finds themself reincarnated as Damian Wayne's older sister. She does not have a good time.
Prompts Found
A collection of prompts found and filled. Includes Triplet Tim and Reverse Trope Prompt.
Misc. ficlets and thoughts
My brain vs. whatever errant thoughts and ideas that decided to pop up when I'm trying to sleep.
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The Spiders Sister - Chapter 1
Summary: Reader gets caught hiding out in the avengers tower. In the end it turns out for the best.
TW: non-sexual nudity, illness, fainting, swearing
Words: 4.1K
A/n: Super long first chapter
маленький паук – Little Spider
It defiantly wasn’t part of your life plan to be living with your bother again in your adulthood.
You had spent an excellent few months on your own having finally moved out of May Parker’s apartment, it had been perfect. Well … as perfect as life could be for a parker.
Then … you guessed it … parker luck struck again. There was a huge fight, one you had been itching to join but your brother, peter parker, had it covered. And since nobody knew that you sometimes wore the spider-man suit when peter wasn’t able to, it would all be over if two Spider-Man’s ended up fighting some of the weird aliens that had invaded New York.
You see, you and your brother had more in common than most siblings did. Peter parker had been bitten by a radioactive spider on a school trip as was known to a few people. But, at the same time, you had been eighteen and chaperoning the field trip.
When peter had snuck off to the side you had gone after him. When he was bitten, so were you.
But for now, you had decided to try and stay away from the superhero lifestyle. But when the itch came, peter lent you his suit so you could scratch it.
You had helped him refine his web-fluid and had your own web shooters as well as one of his old suits just in case. May knew about you and peter after finding out a while ago. However, peter and you had kept everything about your existence from the avengers so you could live a semi-normal life. At least for now.
But the day the avengers were fighting off the aliens, New York had taken some heavy damage. You had been running a small illustration business out of your apartment in queens. Your apartment … which was now levelled in the fight was gone. Along with your business.
Since you had moved out young, May only had one spare bedroom in her apartment which peter was occupying. Leaving the Parker’s with one option.
As peter had a room in the avenger's tower, you could stay there or with aunt may. Peter being Peter didn’t want to ask tony if he could stay in the tower for the unforeseeable future without arousing questions. So, you had been secretly living in the tower for about three days now.
Peter brought you food and had bribed Jarvis to keep your existence a secret. You had his old suit if you wanted to leave the tower, you could swing away instead of walking through the building and getting caught.
It was a pretty solid plan and it had been working pretty well. Until the day you got sick.
Peters' bedroom in the tower was on the floor with the other avengers, meaning you had to be somewhat quiet so Natasha, clint or the others didn’t find you. But it had begun to get colder out, and Peters old suit didn’t have a heater. It had been made before tony had found out spiders, including peter and yourself, can't thermoregulate. And swinging around New York without a heater in the nippy winter air had left you with a pretty nasty cold.
Unlike peter your powers didn’t give you super healing. In fact, your powers differed from peters in more ways than one. For one thing you had small fangs which you could retract, they didn’t do much, but they were cool, and peter was mildly jealous. Another thing was you had taken on aspects of jumping spiders as you could jump higher due to your super strength and some weird spider quality peter lacked.
Like peter the bit had given your excellent eyesight, increased metabolism, a lack of thermoregulation, the weird sticky thing, the spider sense and super strength and the allergy to peppermint. But due to sharing the suit anytime you went out as “Spider-Man” you had to refrain from using your own unique powers, so you didn’t give anything away.
The thermoregulating thing may have finally come back to bite you now that you were in peters old suit. After taking one of his patrols for him so he could finish his assignment and you could get out of his room in the tower, the cold had made you sick. Heres the thing about having a high metabolism when you don’t have an increased healing factor. It went one of two ways. Either you had flash colds which were taken care of quickly and at a much faster rate than the average human, or if it was stronger than your immune system, it was quickly made into a bigger problem than it should have been due to your body processing things faster and speeding up its strength.
Anytime this had happened in the past, due to not being able to go to a regular hospital, you had thanked the gods for May choosing a career in nursing. Though she had been able to treat you superficially with regular medicine and not anything made for super soldiers or spiders as that was a Bruce banner specialty that was unique to the tower's med bay. So, you often just had to ride it out and if things got really bad, peter would try and smuggle you some of his medicine out of the tower for you.
So, this is where you ended up. Curled up in Peters bed in the tower, stifling rough sounding coughs into his pillow and making a mental note to wash his sheets soon. You were doing your best to remain quiet and not alert either of the super spies to your presence or any of the other avengers. You thanked Thor that only you and peter had super hearing which meant you could usually tell if someone was in the halls.
Feeling miserable you buried yourself further into the sheets and shivered, it was so cold but in reality, you probably had a high fever. Your lungs let out a wheezing noise whenever you exhaled, and you were beginning to think maybe your asthma was back. Unlike peter you had not been so lucky as to have had it cured by the bite.
Your asthma puffer was one of the few things that survived your apartment being destroyed. As you laid in bed feeling awful you thought back to that day.
You thanked the gods you had been out at the time. You had gone to a coffee shop downtown with your sketchbook, laptop and usual things you took out, including a range of art supplies and of course your emergency puffer which peter had managed to smuggle out which had doses that worked with your metabolism.
You were broken from your daydreams as another harsh coughing fit wracked your body. From what you could hear nobody was in the halls, but you did your best to keep quiet regardless. The wheezing that trailed after each breath was getting worse and your lungs were feeling tight.
You had been trying to use the puffer sparingly so it didn’t run out because you didn’t know if and or when peter could get you another. But as drawing breath grew harder you made the executive call to use it. You rolled over in the bed and threw an arm down to fish around for your red backpack. Finding it you fiddled with the zip before your fingers wrapped around the cool plastic of the device. Tony being tony had insisted it have a Spiderman case thinking it was peters which ended up being rather ironic as it was fitting for you too.
You tried fruitlessly one last time to draw breath before achieving nothing but a crackling wheeze. Screw it. You uncapped the red lid and held it to your lips, propping yourself up on an elbow in an attempt to sit u straight to take it.
You exhaled and inhaled repeating it once more before drawing in a lungful of the super-medicine. Almost straight away you began to feel better. Your fast metabolism speeding up the medicines process.
Feeling like you could breathe again you replaced the cap and put it on the nightstand before curling up in the sheets again feeling cold still but also slightly damp from the thin layer of sweat that had been forming all morning.
You were dressed in spider-man pjs which had a thin t-shirt and long pants. You had considered getting up to grab one of peters hoodies to get warm or another blanket but the idea of standing up made your head spin.
You nestled back into the sheets and let your eyes fall shut despite it being almost midday. The curtains were drawn and so it didn’t bother you too much. You began to drift off into a semi-peaceful sleep broken by harsh coughing fits which were becoming harder to stifle in your half asleep and fevered state.
Meanwhile the avengers had just finished their morning training session, one which Peter had joined for once. Peter being Peter had barely broken a sweat and as a result had opted to hang out on the communal floor while everyone went o freshen up.
Stark had designed the tower well. With Peter’s bedroom being on the same floor as Natasha’s who was rather protective of her younger spider counterpart as well as Wanda’s, Yelena’s, Kate’s and a few spares. The rest of the avengers were a floor above.
At first peter had been a bit miffed about being on a floor of just girls but he ended up liking it a lot. And he had a second bedroom in the master suite with tony and Pepper which he proffered anyway. The one on the avenger's floor was more for if Tony and Pepper were away, and he wanted to be around the others.
Natasha was headed for her room after waving goodbye to peter who had settled down to watch more star-wars, when she paused in the hallway.
Retracing her steps she found herself stood outside peters bedroom door. Frowning she pressed an ear to the door and froze. Someone was inside and coughing. Knowing it wasn’t peter, nat carefully twisted the door handle.
Peter being peter had prepared for almost anything. As soon as Natasha had set foot inside peters room Jarvis had alerted peter of her presence.
Meanwhile Natasha peered into the dimly lit room. The lump in the bed was wriggling around and coughing. Nat was on high alert by now. She realised this person was ill but how had they managed to get in without Jarvis knowing? And why were they in peters bed?
She crossed the threshold and walked over to the bed. Taking note of the backpack on the floor and puffer on the bedside table as well as your spider-man pjs which had been a gag gift from Peter last Christmas.
Nat stood and observed for a second. Looking down at your flushed face which was burning with fever and the harsh coughs that were wracking your weak form.
Nat watched helplessly for a second unsure of how to deal with a sick intruder.
She hesitated before extending a hand to your forehead and feeling a very high fever. She sucked a breath. Despite being an intruder she had some ideas as to why you may have been here. Your likeness to peter wasn’t hard to spot. Yet. She was unsure.
Peeling of the blankets to get a better look at you, as she did you made a small noise of discontent and curled into a shaking ball still fever addled and half asleep.
Before she could continue the door opened and peter looked in.
“Uhh M-Ms Romanoff…” Peter said looking guilty as he stepped in and closed the door again.
“Peter, do you know who this is?” Natasha asked getting straight to the point. Peter hesitated and rubbed the back of his neck.
“Y-yes.” He said looking at your sick form with a frown.
“Peter.” She said crossing her arms. “Care to share whats going on?” Nat said as she headed for Peter’s bathroom.
“Um… She … she’s,, my sister.” Peter said unsurely. Natasha returned after a second and nodded. Now holding the first aid kit from peters bathroom in her arms.
“Anything else i should know?” She asked walking over to the bed and sitting down to rifle through the first aid kit.
“Petey?” You mumbled hearing his voice.
Peter seemed to break out of his trance and came to your side. “I’m here Y/n.” He said.
“‘S cold.” You mumbled making peter frown.
“Actually, I think she has a fever.” Nat said as she found what she was looking for, pulling out a thermometer from the kit.
Nat gently placed the thermometer under your tongue and turned to look at peter.
“Pete, you’re not in trouble but i need some more information.” Natasha said.
“This is Y/n. She’s, my sister. Her apartment was levelled in the last attack and so she’s been staying here ever since. She’s not a threat I promise.” Peter said almost tripping over his words in order to explain.
Before Nat could respond the thermometer beeped and she removed it to look at the small screen, drawing another round of coughs from you. Natasha rubbed your back with one hand while frowning at the screen.
“Peter… she should be dead. This says 106. There’s more isn’t there.” Nat said with some urgency as she began peeling the rest of the blankets off you in an attempt to cool you down.
“Ahh … yes. She had powers. Like mine. She … she wears the suit sometimes.” Peter said standing nearby and watching with a worried expression.
“Ok. So, she has spider powers? High metabolism, super strength, etc.” Nat said and Peter nodded. “Why hasn’t her healing fixed this?” Nat said feeling your forehead again.
“She doesn’t have it. Her powers differ slightly.” Peter explained as Nat cursed softly in Russian.
“Her fever’s still rising.” Nat said making a decision. “We need to cool her down fast before she gets too hot for her own good. Jarvis?” Natasha said and peter looked panicked for a second worried about more people finding out about you.
“Ms Romanoff-“ he started.
“Pete, we need to cool her down stat. I need some help.” She said and peter nodded still looking nervous. “Jarvis call wanda to Peter’s bedroom.” Nat said and peter relaxed slightly. Wanda was ok. She would be good for the situation.
“What are you going to do?” Peter asked.
“She needs a bath and I doubt you want to do that.” She said with a small smirk and Peter flushed for a second.
“Defiantly not.” He said shaking his head.
“Is there someone we can call? Someone who she’d be ok with dressing her once we cool her down. She may be sick but i don’t want to invade her privacy.” Nat said as she scooped you up from the bed and into her lap while they waited for wanda to arrive. You cough harshly again and wheezed making nat frown and look to peter.
“Asthma.” He said.
“Runs in the family huh?” She joked reaching over for the puffer on the bedside table.
“Uh… about that.” Peter said looking guilty. “Mine was cured by the bite. I need the puffers for her.” He said looking sheepish. Expecting Nat to be mad she grinned.
“You’re a good brother.” She said as she uncapped the device and pressed it to your lips.
“Exhale.” She instructed and by some small miracle you complied. When you went to inhale, she administered the medicine and told you to hold.
Recapping the device, she rubbed a hand up and down your arm. “Good job sweetie.” She said and felt you relax into her arms some more as you let out a breath.
The two sat in silence for another second before the door opened again and wanda slipped inside.
She was freshly showered, her hair damp and she smelt like jasmine and honey. She was dressed in a simple faded black t-shirt and grey track pants.
“Whats-“ she began before pausing, her eyes caught on you laid in Natashas lap half asleep.
“Wanda,” Nat said. “Meet Y/n. Peter’s older sister.” She said.
“Okay…” Wanda said looking lost before her expression morphed to concern as you coughed. “Is she ok?” Wanda asked.
“No. That’s why you’re here. Long story short, peter smuggled her into the tower, and she has spider powers and her fever is really high. We need to cool her down.” Nat said and wanda swallowed and nodded. “Peter?” Nat said turning to the younger parker.
“Yes?” He said looking up from where he had been studying his shoes closely.
“You never answered my question. Is there someone we can call to come and get her dressed after wanda and i bathe her?” Nat asked and peter blushed again and nodded.
“I can call May. It’s her day off.” He said and Nat nodded.
“You do that. Wanda and I will look after Y/n. We promise not to go further than her outer clothes.” She said and scooped you up into her arms. She headed for Peter’s bathroom with wanda trailing behind. You remained limp in her arms snuggled into her chest in an unconscious need for companionship.
Once the two redheads had you in the bathroom wanda looked at nat. “Now what?” She asked and Natasha smirked.
“Now we take her clothes off.” She said and gently she lifted your arms from where you were laid on the floor in her lap and pulled the spider-man t-shirt off over your head. Wanda blushed slightly at the sight of your red sports bra despite having seen Nat and herself train in about the same if not less clothes.
“You wanna help?” Nat asked with a grin that only served to make Wanda’s blush deepen. You squirmed slighting in Nat’s lap but stopped when she gently rubbed your arm after you buried your warm face into her stomach.
Wanda rolled her eyes in an attempt to feign nonchalance despite being way past that point.
She lifted her hands, and the familiar red glow of magic surrounded her hands. Her magic lifted your hips so Nat could slide off your pants. Wanda blushed again at the sight of your Black Widow boxers. Natasha however grinned at them finding it both adorable and very cute.
After a beat Wanda met Nat’s eyes again. “Now what?”
“We get her in the bath. She needs to be cooled down Asap.” Nat said hoisting you into her arms again as you wriggled, turning and grumbling into her chest.
“Not gonna lie she’s pretty cute.” Nat said and Wanda avoided her eyes as she used her magic to fill the bath with tepid water.
Natasha gently lowered you into the tub ignoring your whining protests and running her hands through your hair which seemed to calm you down as you relaxed again.
“So … now we wait?” Wanda guessed and Natasha nodded.
“Yep. Unless you really want to steal May’s job of getting her dressed again.” Nat teased making Wanda splutter slightly. “Im kidding.” Nat said. “I know what hot women do to your brain.” She winked and wanda slouched slightly.
After a second you grumbled and blearily opened your eyes, squinting at the two women.
“Peter is so dead.” You mumbled before letting your eyes drift shut again. There was a pause before wanda and nat both started laughing.
You groaned. “Peter!” You yelled before coughing again making Wanda and Nat frown. But before they could do anything the door opened to show a beat red peter with his hands covering his eyes.
“Yes?” He said in a small voice.
“When I get out of here, you’re dead.” You mumbled with a foggy glare sent in his direction.
“Hey. Peter did the right thing.” Another voice said from behind Peter.
“May?” You called. “Oh, wtf is going on right now.” You mumbled.
“Whats going on kiddo is that, once again, you failed to ask for help which landed you here.” May said entering the bathroom with a change of clothes.
“Nice to see you Ms Parker.” Nat said and wanda echoed.
“Please. Call me May. And thank you for looking after her.” May said and you groaned.
“I hate all of you.” You said hiding your face in your hands.
“Uh huh. Sure, you do.” May teased.
“It was no problem. Ms- May.” Wanda said. “We’ll wait in peters bedroom while you… yeah.” Wanda said before making a hasty retreat. Nat laughed and followed her out.
May gave you a disappointed frown once she had shut the door and turned back to you with a sigh.
“Honey.” She said.
“I know… I know.” You said still feeling like death but slightly less so. “Did the black widow and scarlet witch just really see me in my underpants?” You asked.
“Yes, and I serves you right for hiding illness … again!” She said as she came over, rolling up her sleeves and helping you out, practically holding all your weight for you as your head spun.
May frowned and guided you over to the covered toilet seat to dress you again.
Gently she began to towel you off and change you into fresh clothes.
“I can do it myself.” You whined but May shot you a look and you knew better than to challenge the angry Parker and you and peter had called her as kids when she was upset at you for something.
“Now, once you’re dressed you are going to thank those two for their kindness and your coming home with me.” May said.
“But-“ you began.
“No buts.” She said and helped you up, now fully dressed.
She helped you over to the door opening it despite still holding you up. The two of you shuffled into the room where Peter, Nat and Wanda were sat on Peter’s bed talking in hushed voices.
“Pete. I love you but I can hear everything you’re saying dumbass.” You said rolling your eyes and May lightly hit your arm.
“Right.” He said rubbing his neck. “Super hearing.” He nodded.
“I’ll add it to the list.” Nat grinned and you groaned before May jabbed you in the side and looked at the two girls.
You coughed at her actions making her frown but quickly got it under control for the sake of your already fragile image.
“Thank you, Wanda and Natasha, for helping me.” You said still leaning heavily on May. Now you had been standing for a bit the room began to spin. Your face went a shade paler making Natasha frown and stand. It was a split second before you stumbled, almost bringing May down with you in the process. Luckily strong arms wrapped around you, and you looked up into Nat’s pale green and worried eyes.
“Y/n?” You finally registered she was talking to you. “Y/n?” She asked again a little louder.
You let out a soft groan and she huffed. “Right. Up we go.” She said hoisting you into your arms and making the room spin again as you buried your face in her arm.
You felt her gently set you down on the bed and feel your forehead.
Distantly you heard May saying something along the lines of taking you home and the sound of Natasha arguing they were better equipped to help with your powers and sickness. May relented and you went back to dozing.
“What happened?” Peter asked from where he was stood by the door.
“Probably got too dizzy from standing up. Her body’s already trying to fight off sickness.” Natasha said and Wanda nodded.
“Peter? Don’t you have a super high metabolism?” Wanda asked.
“Yeah?” He said looking lost as May seemed to catch on.
“Y/n when did you last eat?” May asked and you groaned and buried your face in the pillow. “Well, that answers that.” May said rolling her eyes.
“Peter, do you have any of those energy bars that steve uses?” Wanda asked and peter nodded and headed for his bedside drawer.
He fished around and pulled out one of them and passed it to nat. She unwrapped it and shoved it into your hands.
“Eat.” She said and you made a groan of protest. “It’ll help.” She said in a softer tone.
“Fine.” You said sitting up against the headboard and nibbling on it slowly.
“Better.” Nat said and you frowned.
“You know you’re cute when you’re mad.” Wanda said looking surprised by her own words and blushing at Natasha’s knowing gaze.
“Get some rest маленький паук” Nat said once you had finished eating, and she begun to shepherd everyone out of the room.
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lunaritex · 18 hours
CHASING REDEMPTION. . .ᐟ — kinich.
—✩ content: modern+spiderman au, established relationship, reader is gender-neutral, both reader and kinich are in college, reader knows kinich’s true identity, angst with comfort, character death.
—✩ author's note: ever since i saw this one edit of peter parker jumping down to save gwen… i knew what i had to do, except there is a small twist at the end. @kazuhaiku
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Kinich swore he had planned the entire process in his mind. Everything was in place and all he needed was to be mentally and physically prepared to tell you the truth. But no matter how many plans he came up with, he did not take into account how a sudden robbery happened, resulting in him having to leap into action. He did not take into account how the robbery was not what it seems, with the robbers more than prepared to stand their grounds. They were armed with dangerous weapons that one could only obtain through illegal means. 
One thing led to another and he ended up arriving hours later than the agreed time. Kinich arrived at the agreed venue for your date and he was not surprised to spot no sign of you. He pointedly ignored the pitiful look the staff threw his way when he left in a hurry. Not wanting to waste anymore time, he used his spiderwebs to zip across the sky, turning a blind eye to how some people stopped to glance at him. 
It took him exactly five minutes to arrive at the balcony of your apartment. He nimbly landed on his feet, peering through the windows as his eyes furiously scanned your room. He swore his heart shattered when he saw a lump laying on the bed, covered with a blanket from head to toe. 
Knock knock. Knock knock. 
You raised your head when you heard someone knocking on your window, revealing your swollen eyes and tearstained face. You frowned when you realized it was your boyfriend. A part of you wants to leave him outside but you knew he was too stubborn for his own good. Surrendering, you unreluctantly crawled out of bed and moved to the window stand, unlocking the lock and slid it open. Shivers ran down your spine when the freezing wind grazed your skin. 
“What are you doing here? Aren’t you supposed to be busy saving the city or something?” You asked, the sarcasm dripping in your tone made Kinich winced. 
Normally, you would have felt remorse at how you snapped at him but you have had enough. Clenching and unclenching your fists, you looked at him with narrowed eyes. “Look, I’m not in the mood to talk to you right now. You can come back another time-”
“No, I know you’re mad at me and I want to talk about it now,” he interrupted.
And that was the final straw. 
“It’s always all about you, you, you! When have you ever thought about me!? I bet the thought of me sitting in a cafe or restaurant, waiting for my boyfriend for hours, only for him to never turn up has never crossed your mind! Do you know how downright humiliating it is for me to leave and how I have to tolerate the sympathy glances thrown my way, as I walk out of the place? I know you’re doing a good deed by saving the city but sometimes, I wish you could set aside some time for me.” 
Your voice cracked like a whip, startling Kinich into silence. The fire in your eyes was undeniable, a mix of betrayal and exasperation. He tried to respond but you didn’t let him. 
“I don’t know how much longer I can do this. It feels like you don’t even care about me anymore and this relationship is starting to feel one-sided,” your voice grew a notch softer, exhaustion evident in your voice; as if you had already given up trying to fight for something that was no longer there anymore. 
“If you’re not going to say anything, then I think it’s best to end this. Goodbye Kinich and I wish you the best of luck,” you forced a teary-eyed smile at him, sliding the door closed and pulling the curtains, not wanting to see him a second longer. 
Kinich on the other hand, was rendered speechless. He wanted to talk to you again but since it was clear you had cut the line, he had no choice but to respect your decision. After sparing your window one more glance, he zips away into the dark sky. 
The next three weeks passed slowly. Both of you were busy preparing for your final exams of the semester. No matter how hard you try to focus on your studies, you just cannot seem to stop thinking about Kinich. Random thoughts like ‘is he doing fine?’, ‘has he eaten?’ and sometimes ‘I hope he’s not hurt again…’. You have not consulted your group of friends about your relationship but judging from how he was not constantly by your side, they already knew what happened. 
Currently, you are heading home after spending hours cramped in the campus library. You were too exhausted to be mindful of your surroundings. You had no idea that you were being followed, until it was too late. 
Your startled shout was instantly muffled when a gloved hand covered your mouth. Your sight turned blurry after you accidentally inhaled something. The last thing you heard was a man saying something along the lines of using you as bait for Spiderman, before everything turned black. 
When you regained consciousness, it took all of your willpower to not scream at how you were dangerously dangling in the air. The only thing supporting you was the rope tightly tied around your waist. Your wrists were tied and held behind your back. You didn’t dare try to move about, not wanting the rope to snap into half. You looked around, squinting your eyes as you tried to make sense of where you were through the darkness. 
All you could see was long and rectangular-shaped steel bars and you knew you were on a construction site. The pockets of your jeans were empty, meaning your kidnappers must have taken your phone after you were knocked out. There was nothing much you could do, except to play the role of a waiting duck. You sighed, lowering your head to look down at the ground and for a split moment, the thought of death flew through your mind. 
“Look who’s awake? Are you getting anxious that Spiderman isn’t here yet?” A sinister voice pierced through the silence. 
You raised your head to see two armed and masked men approaching you, coming to a stop at the edge. One man has a muscular build while the other man was as thin as a branch. Not wanting them to know they have the upperhand, you merely remained silent and looked at them with a bored expression. 
“I won’t rely on him that much if I were you. I doubt he knows that you guys are waiting for him,” you replied. 
The muscular man laughed. “Hah! Nice try, kid. But we’ve managed to drop him a nice little text using your phone, telling him to meet us here at nine sharp. And if he doesn’t, then I guess you can say bye to that boyfriend of yours.” 
Your blood ran cold at his words. 
“I’m here now, let them go.” 
A familiar voice interrupted your brief conversation. The two men turned around and there he was; Spiderman in his glory. You knew Kinich was seething with rage, judging from how his fists were clenched tightly the moment he was informed that you were held hostage. The men smirked in triumph as they slowly approached him, leaving you there to observe the scene unfold by itself. 
“About time you show up. It’s time for revenge for what you did to my face,” the muscular man said, pointing at his masked face with his thumb as he pulled out a gun. You gulped when you saw how dangerous they looked. 
“I don’t remember doing such a thing to you, but perhaps it might be a good thing for you,” your ex(?) replied, and you would have snickered if not for your current situation. 
“How dare you! I should have killed you when I had the chance!” He roared, enraged and started running full speed at Kinich, with his fellow partner-in-crime hot on his heels. 
From your vantage point, you watched with bated breath, heart racing as Kinich faced off against the two heavily-armed men. The tension crackled in the air, thick and electric. Kinich moved with a mix of agility and determination, dodging a flurry of blows while keeping his focus sharp. You could see the muscles in his jaw tighten as he assessed the situation, calculating his next move.
Each clash of steel rang out, echoing in the stillness around them. The men were imposing, their weapons gleaming menacingly in the light, but Kinich stood his ground, a fierce intensity in his eyes. With every punch and counter, you felt your own pulse quicken. You could only watch, willing him to outsmart his opponents and to emerge from the intense battle unscathed. Just when the fight was about to hit the climax and the two men were on the verge of being defeated, the skinny man turned to you. 
You watched in pure horror as he raised his weapon, aiming at the rope and fired. Whatever happened next was in slow motion. Your vision made an abrupt turn to the right, as gravity took over your body and pulled you down. The high-pitched scream you let out was not enough to describe the pure fear pumping through your veins. You made eye contact with Kinich and you could imagine the look of disbelief mixed with horror behind the mask. 
You screamed his name at the top of your lungs as your body began its descent to the hard concrete ground at lightning speed. Kinich forced himself to move, dodging the poor attempts of the men trying to stop him. Just for good measure, he shot a few webs aimed at their limbs to prevent them from moving. He jumped off the edge without hesitation, reaching out his hand as he tried to grab you. 
“Hold on, I’m coming!” He shouted, pure desperation heard in his voice. 
With a swift, fluid motion, he shot his web toward you, the silken strands glistening in the air before they wrapped securely around your stomach. Before you could even react, he yanked you towards him, the world spinning as you felt the force of his pull. Just as you landed against him, he swung into the air, the rush of wind whipping past you. Your heart raced as he propelled you both over the danger, each swing taking you away from the chaos below.
He landed gracefully in a safe area, setting you down gently. Your breath caught in your throat as you met his gaze—eyes fierce yet filled with concern. 
“Are you okay?” he asked, urgency in his voice, the adrenaline still coursing through him. You nodded, shaken but alive, gratitude swelling within you.
Your entire body was trembling like a fallen leaf. Kinich gently placed you on the ground, still holding you as your legs gave way. You remained still, the adrenaline and fear of experiencing close death still pumping through your veins as he removed the web from your frame, wincing at how some were still stuck on your clothes. None of you said a word after that, unsure of what to say to break the silence. 
He wanted to speak, but you threw yourself at him, hugging him with a vice-like grip as you buried your face in the crook of his neck. Kinich fumbled about due to your combined weight but he managed to catch himself before he could hit his head against the ground. He removed the gloves and pulled the mask off, placing them on the side as he returned the embrace. Your sniffles and sobs were the only thing occupying the silence and Kinich knew you were beyond terrified of what you had just gone through. 
“Hey, it’s fine now. You’re safe, don’t worry, I got you,” he murmured, speaking in a soft and gentle tone as he reassures you. He ran his hand through your hair; an action he knows you love by heart. 
“I was so scared… I thought I was going to die…” You whimpered through your tears as you moved away from him, resting your hands on his shoulders. 
“Kinich, I’m sorry for snapping at you. That wasn’t nice of me, especially when you are doing something good which is saving the city and people,” you apologized, but he shook his head. 
“You don’t have to apologize. You weren’t in the wrong, in fact, it should be me. I shouldn’t have neglected you to the point where you felt like the relationship had become one-sided. I promise you that from now on, I will give you more of my time,” he gave you a small smile, reaching out to wipe away the stray teardrop on your cheek. 
“But, I don’t want to get in the way of your duty,” you protested. 
He merely shrugged his shoulders. “I’m sure the police can handle the troubles themselves for a day or more.” 
You chuckled and his features softened when he heard your laugh. You flinched when he suddenly carried you bridal-style in his arms after he stuffed his gloves and mask into his pocket. 
“Now that we’re done here, it’s time to go home, shall we?” He asked, looking down at you with a loving smile. 
“Indeed, we shall, Spiderman.”
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webslingingslasher · 2 years
I Swear I Don't Know Who That Man Is
Pairing: Peter Parker x Reader
Genre: fluff/angst
Word Count: 5K
Summary: you got wasted and called peter to pick you up, you also don't realize it's him right away.
Peter Parker hates parties. 
But, he loves you. That’s why he’s currently allowing his eardrums to burst apart and have his shoulders constantly being checked from the other bodies surrounding him. It’s giving him the type of overstimulation where he wants to throw everyone to the side and scream at everybody to shut the fuck up. Instead he pushes through the crowd and tries his best to find you as quickly as he could. 
“Yo Parker! Is that you?” 
Peter wants to roll his eyes, how is Tarrent going to look directly at him, use his name even and then follow it up with asking if it is in fact, who he thought. Peter thinks about ignoring him until Tarrents hand claps him on the shoulder and digs his fingers in as he drags him to the kitchen island. 
“Parker’s here, pour 'em up!” Tarrent waves his hand at his friend with the bottle, he shrugs and follows instructions. Peter is busy looking around for you. 
“Thought you weren’t the party type, Parker.” 
Peter grabs the shot from Dalton, the one with the bottle, who poured them at the request of his frat president. 
“I’m not really, I’m on boyfriend duty right now.” 
Tarrent rips a nearly empty beer can from his lips, foam spilling out and his fingers slightly dented the can in his hold. “Where’s she at? Should I get D to pour a shot?” Peter’s always been confused by Tarrent, he was kind of a dick. Not the intentional type of dick, but the overall stupid dick. He’s always been a fan of Peters, he never let anyone pick on him and always was his buddy when he was in the room. 
Peter eyes the shot in his hand, he doesn’t want to do this. 
He doesn’t get drunk, unless he drinks an abnormal amount. Instead he just gets to taste all the burn with none of the fun side effects. 
“Not sure, she was supposed to get a ride home with Linzey, but then she called me up here.” 
Tarrent nods, “Linzey with the tits? They’re honkin dude, you should see ‘em.” 
Peter blinks at him, “Yeah, she has boobs alright.” 
Tarrent raises his shot glass, “To tits!” 
Peter raises his own shot glass, “To tits!” He tries to forget that you would pinch his arm if you heard him say that. Then taps the glass on the counter twice in unison with his friend before throwing it back. 
His nose wrinkles slightly, warm vodka was absolutely terrible. 
“So, Parker. Wanna play a round of pong?” 
Peter thinks he doesn’t know his first name, he’s never once called him it. 
“I would but I’ve never played and I have a girlfriend to find.” 
Tarrent claps his hands, “Tell you what, you play a round with me and I’ll send D to get your girl. Sound good?” 
Peter thinks about it, he really, really doesn’t want to be here but he’s feeling slightly pressured. Not to mention Tarrent’s done a lot for Peter, he’s pulled a lot of cards for him. He’s helped him get into the library after hours, and he even let Peter use his car for a date. 
Peter sighs, “Just one round?” 
Tarrent waves Dalton off and raises his fists and shakes them, “This is gonna be so lit dude, something tells me you’re gonna win us this round.” 
Peter laughs, “I’ve never played.” 
Tarrent punches his shoulder, “Beginners luck, man.” 
Peter watches Tarrent push away a kid on the cups, even in the middle of a game they both stopped just because Tarrent wanted to play. “Rerack ‘em, Charlie. Parker’s gonna kick ass.” 
Tarrent explains the game to Peter quickly, “You shoot a ball and I do, you wanna get them in the cup. You get it in the cup, they drink it and remove it from the triangle. If we both get one in then we get balls back and can reshoot, if we land it in the same cup then they take an extra cup off. You can’t have your elbow go over the edge of the table, however you can bounce the ball and if it lands they’ll take an extra cup, but they can also swat it off the table. If they land a cup and the ball swirls around the cup you can ‘finger it out’, basically how you do your chick, last rule is a redemption, if we win they get an extra shot. If they miss, they lose, if they hit it, our win is canceled out but the game isn’t over.” 
Peter nods slowly, “So I just make it in the cup?” 
Tarrent smiles, “Exactly, Parker.” 
Charlie finishes the rerack, both sides have ten, red plastic cups lined up in a triangle. He looks up to see his opponents, Tom and Terry, twins in Tarrent’s frat. Tarrent holds out his hands, a fist in one palm, Tom copies his move and they start slamming their fists down. “Rock, paper, scissors. Let’s fuckin go, Parker! Watch me.” Tarrent cheers when he wins the game, picking up the white ball he blows on it for good luck and shoots it, it hits in the middle and bounces around the rim before falling off. 
“Fuck! You got this, Parker. Win it for your lady!” Tarrent slaps Peter’s chest, the force knocking him off balance for a second.
Peter can’t think of one thing you’d be less impressed with. 
Tarrent is a good guy, dumb and sexist and misogynistic but a good guy. He didn’t realize what he was saying was wrong and usually when Peter gently corrected him he took note immediately and changed his language. 
Peter decides he’ll give the win to Tarrent. He can easily win this game, no matter how good his opponents are, they don’t have Spidey skills. 
He clears his throat and picks up a ball, he focuses on the first one and shoots. It’s a perfect shot. 
Tarrent jumps up and howls, “That’s my fuckin guy! Fuck you Tom! Fuck you Terry!” 
The game goes back and forth for a minute, Peter choosing to miss some shots to slow the game a little. Otherwise it would be finished in five minutes. Halfway through the pressure gets to Terry, “You can’t hit this, Parker. Just like your girlfriend, you know you always leave her begging for more.” 
Peter blinks and tilts his head, “Is that supposed to be trash talk?” He sails the ball into a cup, Tom slaps his brother's head and chugs the now lukewarm beer. Terry’s words made him think, where were you? Dalton was sent to search almost fifteen minutes ago. 
Dalton comes running up panting, “So I’m looking all around for you man and I gotta be honest, I have no fucking clue what she looks like. I tried asking every girl if Parker was their boyfriend but there’s too many.” 
Peter looks over to Tarrent, he’s heard his pledge and made pleading eyes at Peter. 
“C’mon, man. You can’t bolt now, we’re about to win!” 
He’s right. With a sigh Peter unlocks his phone and shows Dalton your picture. He examines and nods, “Be right back!” Then turns to break into a half jog, he stops to turn a girl around, that looks absolutely nothing like you, before shaking his head and running back into the house. 
He has very little hope. 
They won the game with very little surprise on Peter’s end. He nearly got talked into a second game but he was more desperate to find you so he could get midnight mcdonalds and a cuddle. “You sure you can’t do one more?” Peter winces, “Sorry, dude. I gotta find Y/N, she’s probably pissed by now.” Tarrent nods gulping down a beer, “I know how chicks are, I’ll see you Tuesday, Parker.” 
Peter smiled and nods his head, “Good game, man. Glad I could get you that win.” 
Tarrent gives him a grin back, he’s a little sloshed for sure. He hooks an arm around Peter’s neck, his beer splashed on his sweater on the shoulder. “You know, I really do consider you a good friend, Parker. You’re a good guy.” Peter taps his arm, “Thanks, man. You too.” 
Tarrent shoves him away and slaps his ass, “Go find your chick, I’m sure she’s missing you.” 
Peter now realizes why it’s taken Dalton so long to find you, he’s not looking. 
He estimates Dalton made it three steps in when he spotted a wasted blonde and was busy chatting her up, he made eye contact with Peter and his eyes widened, “Listen man, I’m sorry, okay? I just saw the prettiest girl in my life and I had to talk with her. Also can you please not tell Tarrent? He’ll knock me back four points and Franklin can’t beat me, I have a thousand bucks I don’t have on pledging.” 
Peter watches the girl swing her head back and hit the wall, she giggles and sips her drink. He just points at her and looks at Dalton, “She’s wasted. Get her a water and get her home safely. I promise she’ll call you, do the right thing.” Dalton grins and shows Peter his phone, an Uber already ordered. “Like Tarrent says, rule three of Alpha Beta Delta, W.W.P.D. What would Parker Do?” 
“Tarrent has a rule dedicated to me?” 
“Dude he has a whole fucking powerpoint on it.” 
Peter nods his head impressed, turns out he can make an impact outside of the suit. 
He pulls out his phone to check the time and sees two missed calls and seven texts, each one getting progressively sadder when you ask where he was. Peter looks up at Dalton and motions to his phone, he understands and waves him off. Peter’s quick to send you a text. 
‘I’m here, where are you?’
You read it, your chat bubble appears, then disappears, and then sends nothing. 
Peter doesn’t know if you’re in trouble or just mad he was an hour late to get you and ghosted you. 
‘baby please tell me where you are, i want to go home.’
You have the same pattern, then a text appears. 
‘So did I. An hour ago.’
Peter groans, no one could ever prepare him for a not only drunk, but a pissed off, drunk girlfriend. 
He tries to think of where you might’ve gone. Peter checks the upstairs bathrooms first, then Tarrents room. When he comes up empty he tries outside, both the front and back. Nothing, he’s worried you might’ve left him as a punishment. When he circled the living room for the third time he was hopeless and texted you with no response, he was about to scream until he saw Lindzey. He nearly bolted to her, “Where’s my girlfriend?” 
She narrowed her eyes then smiled when she recognized him, “The basement. She’s pretty gone, she said Jarred was giving her the creeps so I came to get her some water.” 
“Where is she now?” 
Lindzey looks at him funny, “The basement?” 
“You left my girlfriend, your friend, alone in a basement with a guy that was giving her the creeps while she’s inebriated?” Peter decided he would never trust her around you again. 
She tried to speak but Peter held up a hand and passed by her, quick to get down the stairs, he didn’t even know there was a basement. He was able to breathe easier when he saw you sitting in a chair in the corner swirling a straw in your cup, your feet tapping to the beat of the song. 
You looked drop dead gorgeous. 
Peter approached you, you didn’t look up at him. You sucked on your straw and chewed at the end, he smiled down on you. 
“Hey, trouble.” 
In a swift movement you moved to hit the side of your shoe against his, “Out.” You spoke around your straw and kept staring at a poster on the wall. “Huh?” Peter was confused, did you want him out of the room, or the house? 
You sighed and kicked again, “I said out!” 
Peter couldn’t help but laugh, you were trashed. “Out of where, baby?” 
You ripped the straw from your mouth, the ice danced in the cup, at last you snapped your head to look at his face “Listen here, prick.” Your voice was venom, Peter’s eyes widened, he looked around for a second and shuffled closer. In turn you threw yourself back in your chair, “Out means out. Out of my way, out of my space, out of my fucking life.” 
You’ve never been this harsh before, he didn’t realize you were this pissed. 
He sighs, “Trouble, I’m sorry I-” 
You cut him off quickly, “Don’t call me that, ever. My boyfriend calls me that, that’s his word for me. Not yours.” 
He can’t help but grin in relief, you didn’t know it was him. 
“I don’t see a boyfriend.” 
You scoff, “Yeah well if you don’t see a bear shit in the woods doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen. He’s on his way, he’s picking me up.” 
“How about I take you home sweetheart?” 
As serious as you could muster at the moment. You looked dead in his eyes and threatened him, “My boyfriend is gonna beat the absolute shit out of you.” Peter raised his eyebrows, “Oh is he now?” You nod fiercely, “If I ask, he’s so whipped for me he would do anything I want.” 
Peter’s offended. He knows it’s true, but damn. 
“He’s whipped but left you here alone?” 
You nearly clawed his eyes out, “I have no fucking idea why you’re acting like you know anything about him. He’s my boyfriend and he’s picking me up, and I promise you don’t want to be here when he does.” 
Peter feels a sense of pride that you’re dropping his name, he made you feel so safe and comfortable that you knew he would drop kick anyone you deemed deserving. 
“Okay, sweetheart. Want me to bring you to your boyfriend?” 
You scoff and sip your drink, “I don’t think he would want me to leave my spot.” 
He wants to give you an atta girl, he’s trained you well enough that when you’re drinking and waiting on him you hunker down until he finds you. He will be looking forever if you’re constantly moving around. 
“What if I told you I was told to come get you?” 
You look him over with shifty eyes, you don’t trust this man. 
“What’s his name then?”
He ignores your question and reaches for the cup you're drinking from, he thinks it’s time you stop. You slap his hand, hard, “Don’t, ever, touch something I’m drinking, okay? Mommy never taught you to keep your hands to yourself, huh?” 
Peter rubs at his red hand, “I-“ 
You dryly laugh in his face, “How fucking entitled to you think you are? I mean really, not to mention you have no fucking clue how to read a room. I’m not interested, you dolt, I have a boyfriend that is gonna come grab me at any second.” 
Peter squats so he’s more eye level. He notices the issue, you couldn’t see him. He was backed against the wall and it was shadowed, the second he bent down the window lit up his face. 
“Hey, trouble. I am your boyfriend, wanna get home?” 
Your eyes lit up with recognition, the moment you saw who you were berating your lower lip trembles. Fat tears pooling in your eyes had Peter panicking, did you still not understand who he was? Has he scared you? 
“You’re okay, baby. It’s just me.” He smiles to be non threatening, it doesn’t work. You blink and tears fall, Peter frowns and reaches forward to cup your face, you shrink back further into the seat. The drink clutched to your chest spilled out over your shirt, you ignored it and looked at Peter, shaking your bottom lip at him to hold off sobs.
Peter starts to look around, before placing a palm on your chest trying to sop up the extra liquid into his sweater. You shove his hand back quickly, then raise your knees to hide your chest, wrapping your hands around your legs and cry into your knees. 
He’s at a loss for words, he really doesn’t know what’s going on. Are you truly lost and think he’s taking advantage of you? It seemed like you recognized him the second you saw his face. He puts his hand on a knee, you move your leg so his hand falls off, he’s lost. 
Peter thinks he needs to find Lindzey, he doesn’t like the idea of leaving you here alone upset, but he can’t seem to figure you out. If you can see your friend and have her willingly say that you are safe and this is your boyfriend then everything should be fine, right? 
You have your face hidden from him, he had taken your cup away when it landed all over your front. Peter rests the plastic on the ground, the remnants of ice click. With a sigh he stands, he turns to look up the stairs hoping Lindzey would be coming down any second, if he has a guess though, she’s in Tarrents room watching the ceiling fan. 
Peter takes one step and you grab his wrist tightly. 
“You’re not leaving me right?” 
“Hey!” He gives you a warm smile, like the kind of greeting you get from coming out of your room after a few hours. “What’s got you crying?” 
You repeat your words, “You’re not leaving me, right?” You emphasize the right, because you don’t think Peter would do that but you’re not too sure the way you’ve been talking to him. 
“I was gonna find Lindzey, are you-“ 
You jump up instantly using the hand you have on Peter for stability. You’re so close to Peter you almost step on his toes, he’s quick to back up. You take in his movements and start to cry, you shake your head quickly. 
“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry, please don’t leave me. I’m sorry, I’ll never do it again, I promise. Don’t break up with me, don’t leave me.” 
Peter’s face scrunches in confusion, you take it as rejection. You cry harder, you sob so hard people are starting to turn and look. “Hey, c’mere.” He wraps an arm around your shoulder to pull you out of the basement but you stick your feet to the ground and shake your head violently. “No! Don’t do this, Peter. I’m sorry! Please don’t!” 
He really wants to get you the fuck out of here. It’s dark, cold, loud and crowded. You’re also a nervous wreck that’s not only sobbing but also screaming at him stuck to his side but refusing him to touch you back. You’re also making it sound like he’s about to take you out back and teach you a lesson, he’s trying to think of the nicest way possible to get you to shut the fuck up. 
You sniffle and take a deep inhale, then pout at Peter who takes your silence as an opportunity and leans in to talk directly in your ear. 
“Calm down, Y/N. Follow me, understand?” 
You nod but when he tries to move you stay attached to the ground again, “I said I was sorry, I didn’t mean to, I promise.” 
Peter can’t think of a time you’ve been more hammered. 
He needs to get you out of here, he tries one last time before he’d be forced to throw you over his shoulder. Peter leans to talk into your ear once more, not mean but stern. “I’m not mad, but I will be if you don’t follow me.” You wipe away any extra tears that had fallen before nodding slowly, you’re trying to not make him mad. He doesn’t know why you think he’s so upset at you. 
Peter tries to grab your hand but you cross your arms and sniffle as you follow him up the stairs, he keeps turning every few seconds to make sure you’re still with him. He knows the second he’s able to get you away from the house you’d be able to explain why you were so upset. He’s just so tired and is more than ready to get home so he could sleep next to you, and he’s been so patient with you so far. 
It’s rare you make him aggravated. So when you bolt from behind him to hide behind Tarrent he has to take a few deep breaths before he follows you. He doesn’t know why you’re scared of him, he doesn’t know why you were crying, he doesn’t know why you want to hide behind Tarrent. He does know he wants to get the fuck out of here. Peter takes a second for his annoyance to leave, he’s half tempted to pull your arm like a toddler out the door. Kicking and screaming and all. 
When Peter finally walks over he’s blocked by Tarrent’s hand. 
“What’s going on, Parker?” His tone is accusatory, his side chosen with the teary eyed sniffling girl. 
Peter sighs, “Honestly, no fucking clue.” When he looked over at you, you immediately threw your head down to look at your shoes. He leaned in a little closer to Tarrent to speak softly, trying not to set you off again,  “I tried to get her to leave but she started crying and freaking out.” 
“She doesn’t want to leave with you.” 
Peter blinked. Tarrent was supposed to be his friend, why was he taking your side out of nowhere. 
“She had me spooked too. I promise everything is okay.” He smiled and went to move around Tarrent to grab his girlfriend, this time Tarrent was more aggressive. “She said she doesn’t want to leave with you, Parker. I won’t make a lady do anything they don’t want.” 
Peter is so ready to say fuck it to everything.
He pinches the bridge of his nose. “Okay, great. Are you going to be getting my girlfriend home safely or will one of your pledges that can barely tie their own shoes be instructed to do so?” Tarrent’s face hardens, “Why don’t you go take a walk, Parker?” 
He throws his hands in the air, “Awesome.” He points to Tarrent, “You can take care of it from here.” Then Peter stands near you, you still haven’t said a word or moved an inch. “Have a goodnight, Y/N. I’ll talk to you whenever.” 
Finally you speak, it’s a worried tone. 
“You’re leaving?” 
Peter can’t help himself, he gives a laugh, like he’s the crazy one. Exasperated, he looks at you, “Yeah, baby, I am.” You look him up and down, “Why?” He takes a second to look around the room, he’s expecting cameras to come out. 
He doesn’t want to fight but his tone said otherwise. 
“Because, Y/N. You called me here to pick you up, then you were mad I was late. Then you wouldn’t tell me where you were because you thought a game of hide and seek would be cute, then when I found you, you started crying and screaming at me. Now you’re hiding behind my friend and he’s telling me you want me to leave. You want me to leave but you want me to stay, which is it?” 
Tarrent looks like he’s ready to break up the fight at any second. 
You go back to blinking at your shoes, he nods his head with a mumbled ‘fucking awesome’ and started to walk away. Your quivered voice made him stop, you were panicked and upset. He didn’t get why until now. 
“So you’re breaking up with me?” 
Tarrent looks at him like ‘well, are you?’
Peter can’t stop himself, the confusion spills out. 
“You’re breaking up with me?” 
When he walks closer Tarrent spreads out slowly, he’s trying to let Peter have a chance to talk to you. 
“Baby, why would I break up with you?” 
You look at him and he sees how sad you look, you can’t help the bubbling cry that pulls through. 
“Because I was mean to you.” 
You thought he was mad because of what you said to him in the basement. You thought you had fucked it up by hitting and berating him. You thought he was trying to get you out of the house so he could swiftly dump your ass and leave with a nicer, prettier girl. 
“Oh shit.” He breathes out the words and in an instant Tarrent knows this isn’t as accurate as you claimed it was, even if you were plastered he was ready to have your side first. And not that he even really knows you, but he considers Parker a good friend and if there was a chance he was about to fuck up and end it with you he had to middleman it. Tarrent knows Parker deserves you. 
He slowly pushed himself away until he was no longer in between you two. Peter appreciated the space and pushed his toes into yours, he was going nowhere. 
“I’m not mad about that! You didn’t know it was me!” 
Peter is so happy this was about nothing. 
You won’t hear it, you’re drunk and extremely apologetic. 
You hiccup, “No, cause I was so fucking mean to you, Petey. I should’ve never said that, I was so so mean. I wasn’t being a good girlfriend.” 
He wants to laugh but he thinks it would upset you more. 
“Baby, really. It’s okay, you didn’t know it was me. I’m not mad at all, I promise.” 
You shake your head, “I was so mean to you though. I called you like, so many bad names.” You gasp when you remember what else you had done, you grab his hand to look at it. Peter tries to pull it away before it causes you to spiral more but you somehow have an iron grip on his wrist. 
“And I hit you! Oh my god, Petey. I am so sorry, I didn’t mean it I swear.” 
Peter places his free hand against your cheek, “I know you didn’t.” You place a soft kiss to the red mark, he knows you feel insanely guilty. 
‘Hey,” He taps your cheek with a finger to get you to look at him. “You trust me, right?” You nod. “Good, now believe me when I say I’m not mad. You stuck up for yourself, trouble. You didn’t see it was me and I realized that, okay?” 
You sniffle. “So you’re not mad at me?” 
He laughs, “No, trouble. I’m not mad at you.” 
You look at his hand and frown, you kiss it again. “And you won’t break up with me?” 
Peter smiles sadly, “Don’t think you can get rid of me that easy, sorry.” 
He looks at you, then the room, “Here?” 
“If you’re not breaking up with me then prove it.” 
Peter wants to tell you he could kiss you then dump you but you wouldn’t get that he was joking and it would collapse everything. 
He follows your wish and pulls you in, he’s not much for outstanding PDA but he thinks you deserve a little more than a peck tonight. You did just gaslight yourself into thinking he was breaking up with you. 
Peter pulled back and watched you grumpily blink your eyes open. 
“Why stop?” 
“Are you asking for another?” 
You nod quickly and look over his shoulder, “Now! Before Casey Shauna sees you and tries to come over.” Before he can say a word you fly up to meet his mouth, it was sloppy and you basically headbutted him with your mouth so his teeth hurt. He gently pushes you away and rubs his upper lip. 
Your eyes widened, “Oh no, I did it again. I hurt you, right?” 
Peter was not about to fall back into this rabbit hole, not when he just found his way out of it. 
“Not at all, trouble. Had some lip gloss, that’s all.” 
You pout and shake your head solemnly, “I’m not wearing lip gloss.” 
“How bout this, I get you home and I’ll give you all the kisses you want. How’s that sound?” 
Like a puppy you’ve forgotten why you were upset, excited you hold on tight to his arm as he guides you through the crowded room until you reach the front door. You ask him how firm he is on the kisses offer, he gives you three the second you exit the house. 
“I also want sex.” 
Peter laughs, “That’s funny, cause I want a mcchicken.” 
You ‘oo’ at him and slap his arm in excited agreement. “I want one too, but with cheese. And maybe some fries. Oh, Peter! I want a super large coke too, they have the best coke!” 
By the time you’ve hit up Mcdonald’s and had Peter’s wallet buy you whatever you wanted, (even when you asked him for another mcchicken and a refill,) you were too tired to do anything but pass out on the couch. 
Peter humphs at you while he watches you snore with the TV playing in the background. 
“The sex to Mcdonalds pipeline never fails.” 
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lovewithmary · 11 months
(not) moving on — a max verstappen x stark!oc x charles leclerc series
★ fc: madison beer ☆ summary: evangeline "evie" stark is in love with her best friend, max verstappen, but he tries his best to keep her at arm's length. but what happens when she starts to get close to his fellow drivers in the paddock? ★ note: idek why i like creating stark ocs, but it’s fun. This is purely for my own entertainment but I don't know if I'll continue it. It depends if people actually want to see more of this. (realistically, I might continue it because I want to see it lol) btw how do people do the subtitles?? like I'm so curious I want to do those
schat = darling in dutch
next series masterlist
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liked by landonorris, charles_leclerc, and 20,492,182 others
eviestark: life lately 💜
user2: she’s actually living the life rn
user3: SCHAT??? ANG???
user4: the random tony stark jumpscare in the photo dump LMAOOOO
user5: who is the guy with tony stark in the 7th photo?? ↳ user6: i’m pretty sure that’s peter parker, an employee of stark industries??? he’s started out as an intern in high school but he’s rumored to be the COO once evie becomes CEO of stark industries
user8: not the single guys from the f1 grid in her likes 😭😭
user10: the first and second picture giving me 'boyfriend took these for me' vibes
user11: she looks so pretty and happy in the 4th picture <3
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"You're playing with fire by posting our text messages, Ang," Max said, his voice shushed as he walked around the paddock.
"It's fine, Maxie. They'll probably connect me to a random famous person who is Dutch and then it'll blow over in a week," Evie dismissed.
"It doesn't really help that the guys are in your likes constantly," Max grumbled, and he heard Evie laugh.
"Some of them are pretty cute, and I think some even tried messaging me but I never saw them until it was late," she responded.
"Aww, Maxie, are you jealous?" Evie cooed, her tone sweet yet mocking at the same time.
"No... I just never expected them to be brave enough to message you," Max said.
"If you must know, I think it was Charles and Lando who tried. There are probably others, but I haven't seen them,"
"Did you respond to any of them?"
"Of course not, I'm loyal to you and only you,"
"I know, I know, you wouldn't touch me with a ten-foot pole like that," Max could practically hear her rolling her eyes.
"You know we're just best friends, right?"
"And I'm saying I'm loyal to you and only you as a best friend."
"Are you doing anything soon?" Max was quick to change the subject, feeling as if he didn't, awkwardness would settle in and he hates it whenever Evie doesn't speak since he's fully aware that he loves hearing her talk considering how passionate she gets about things.
"Stark Industries' Gala is happening and Pepper's making me get a date for the event,"
"Why's she making you?"
"Something along the lines of I have to be seen with someone that isn't MJ, Peter, Ned, and Shuri," Evie sighed.
Max laughed at her situation, knowing that while Evie knew a lot of people, there were only a few that she could trust completely. And luckily for him, he was one of them. He was probably the first, considering they've known each other since she was 6 and he was 8.
"Good luck trying to find someone,"
"It's not even trying to find someone I'm struggling with. It's trying to find someone that's decent enough to spend my night with,"
"Who were you going to ask?"
"Well, I was going to ask you, but since we're best friends I don't think me bringing you as my date to the SI event would be something best friends do,"
"I'll go," Max said, shrugging.
"Wait, seriously? Like you going means you actually have to dress up,"
"I know,"
"The dress code is black tie. That means you can't wear your Redbull uniform like you're a walking billboard,"
"Do I really wear it that much? I saw people that were shocked when I wore a white t-shirt,"
"You're a millionaire who wears the same thing every day. So basically, every millionaire man,"
"I'm going to wear Redbull head to toe to the Gala now that you said that,"
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wandamaximoffsbadgirl · 3 months
What would happen if bumble accidentally bit Wanda or Natasha like at the vet or something ( I love your stories)
Who's Afraid of Little Old Me?
I'm Not A Violent Dog
Wandanat x human pet!fem!reader
Summary: Wanda and Natasha have been looking for a pet for some time, but they've had no luck until they meet you, will you be a good fit for their lives?
Word Count: 594
Warnings: 18+ due to themes, MDNI, heavy pet play, human pets, abuse, violence, hurt/comfort
Authors Note: My poor little baby has been traumatized
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The day had arrived for your first vet check-up since being adopted by Wanda and Natasha. They had made the appointment with the best vet in town, determined to ensure you were healthy and well-cared for. The trip to the vet's office was filled with soothing words and gentle pets, but despite their efforts, you couldn't shake the feeling of dread that had settled in your stomach.
As you entered the clinic, the sterile smell and unfamiliar sounds heightened your anxiety. Wanda held your leash, offering reassuring words, while Natasha stood close by, her presence a steadying force. You tried to focus on their voices, but the environment brought back memories of harsh treatment and fear.
Once in the examination room, the vet, a kind-looking woman named Dr. Parker, greeted you warmly. "Hello there, Bumble. Let's see how you're doing today."
The examination started smoothly enough. Wanda kept a hand on your back, her touch grounding you. But as Dr. Parker began to examine your teeth, the flashbacks hit hard. The cold touch of instruments, the unfamiliar hands, it all became too much. Panic surged through you, and without thinking, you snapped, your teeth catching Wanda's hand.
Wanda winced but didn't pull away immediately. Natasha quickly stepped in, her voice firm yet calm. "Bumble, it's okay. We're here. You're safe."
Dr. Parker stepped back, concern evident on her face. "I'm sorry, but this level of aggression is concerning. Is this a common behavior for her?"
Natasha straightened, her protective instincts flaring. "No, it's not. She's had a rough past. Bad owners who didn't treat her well. She isn't a bad pet. She's had a bad life until us."
Wanda, cradling her hand, nodded in agreement. "She's still learning to trust, to feel safe. Please understand, she's not aggressive by nature."
Dr. Parker's expression softened as she listened. "I understand. Trauma can have lasting effects. We'll take things slow and try to make this as comfortable as possible for her."
Wanda gently stroked your back, her touch soothing your frayed nerves. "Bumble, it's okay. We're right here with you."
With a more cautious approach, Dr. Parker resumed the exam, keeping her movements slow and deliberate. Natasha stayed close, her calm presence a constant reassurance. Wanda continued to speak softly to you, her voice a comforting melody.
As the exam progressed, you began to relax slightly. The familiar touches and voices of your owners helped ground you, and you focused on their presence rather than the fear that had gripped you.
Once the exam was finally over, Dr. Peterson spoke gently. "Bumble is in good health, all things considered. With time and patience, I believe she'll continue to improve. Just keep providing her with the love and stability she needs."
Wanda and Natasha thanked the vet, their gratitude evident. As you left the clinic, they both showered you with praise and affection, reassuring you that you had done well despite the scare.
In the car ride home, you nestled close to Wanda, feeling the warmth of her body and the safety of her presence. Natasha reached back to stroke your head, her touch a reminder that you were loved and protected.
"You did great, Bumble," Wanda whispered, her voice filled with love. "We're so proud of you."
And in that moment, despite the lingering fear and the memories of the past, you felt a glimmer of hope. You were with people who understood and cared for you, who were willing to fight for you.
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scoonsalicious · 5 months
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1.2 Bucky
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Fem!Reader
Summary: Lily McIntire, trainer for new SHIELD recruits at the Avengers Tower, has been in love with her best friend, Bucky Barnes, from the moment she met him. She's been content with her role of the #1 girl in Bucky's life, even if it means she has to sabotage a romantic relationship or two. It'll be worth it when he realizes that they're meant for each other, right? There's just one small problem: Lily McIntire never expected Bucky Barnes to fall for You.
Warnings: (For this part only; see Story Masterlist for general Warnings) Language, mentions of alcohol consumption, some mild derogatory language against women, by women.
Word Count: 960
Previously On...: Natasha Romanoff invited you out to meet her single Avenger teammates. There's only one she warned you to stay away from...
A/N: For Bucky and Lily's POV sections, Major is referred to by name, and without use of you/your. It just made my life easier, lol.
NOTE! The tag list is a fickle bitch, so I'm not really going to be dealing with it anymore. If you want to be notified when new story parts drop, please follow @scoonsaliciousupdates
Thank you to all those who have been reading; if you like what you've read, likes, comments, and reblogs give me life, and I truly appreciate them, and you!
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He clocked her the minute she walked through the door of the bar. How could he not? She was stunning, what with the way she carried herself as she moved through the room, the way her hips swayed as she walked. Bucky liked to think of himself as a gentleman, but just the sight of the unknown woman in front of him was inspiring decidedly ungentlemanly thoughts. 
He couldn’t believe his luck when she walked right up to Natasha, giving her a hug and joining her and Wanda at their table. His mind had been running, trying to come up with an excuse to approach her; he couldn’t believe he’d ended up with such an easy in. 
“Remember how we talked about staring, Tin Man?” Sam said, coming up alongside Bucky and noticing his distraction. “How some girls might find it downright creepy?”
Bucky ignored his friend’s jab at his expense. “Who’s that?” he asked, jutting his chin toward where the woman sat with his teammates.
Sam cocked his head, considering the girl who had captured his friend’s attention. “I think that’s Nat’s friend… (Y/N)--something. Nat said she might be joining us. Heard the girl was pretty, but damn!”
Bucky turned to look at his friend. “What do you mean, you ‘heard she was pretty’?” 
Sam shrugged. “Nothing. Just that Nat said she was inviting her pretty, single friend out with us tonight and maybe those of us without girlfriends might want to consider putting a little extra care into our appearance.”
Bucky glanced around at his friends– they did seem a bit more put together than usual, even Parker. But then he frowned. “How come Nat didn’t say anything about her to me?” He couldn’t help but feel slightly offended at being left out. Did Natasha not think he was good enough for her friend?
“Come on, man,” Sam said good naturedly, slapping Bucky on the back. “You may not have a girlfriend, but you sure as shit ain’t single!” 
Sam started laughing, but Bucky wasn’t sure he understood the joke. That happened a lot, unfortunately. There was so much about this time he just didn’t get, and he often found himself too embarrassed to ask for clarification. 
“What’s so funny, boys?” Bucky felt a small arm slink itself around his waist, and Lily was pressing herself into his side. He smiled down at her, wrapping an arm around her shoulders and squeezing her gently. He was never too embarrassed to ask Lily to explain the crazy ways of this modern world to him; she always approached his time-dysphoria, as they’d come to call it, with compassion and understanding. He was infinitely grateful to have her as a friend. One of his best.
“Exhibit A,” Sam said pointedly to Bucky. He turned to Lily. “Buck’s just curious about Nat’s new friend,” Sam said, a sly grin taking over his features. “What do you think, Lil? She’s hot, right?”
Bucky felt Lily stiffen beside him. “She’s alright, I guess,” Lily said after a minute of looking the woman over. “If you’re into that basic, skanky look.”
Bucky watched as Nat’s friend took off her leather jacket and draped it behind her chair. God, the skin of her back and shoulders looked so soft, he caught himself wondering what it would be like to run his fingers across it. “I think she’s gorgeous,” he found himself saying.
Lily looked up at him in surprise. “Really, Jamie? I have to admit, I’m surprised. I thought you had more refined taste than that.” She gave him a disgusted look before disengaging herself from his hold and walked back toward the pool table to line up her next shot.
“Yeah, Jamie,” Sam mocked once Lily had moved beyond earshot. “How dare you find the attractive girl attractive, you asshole!”
“Knock it off, Sam,” Bucky said, trying to ascertain why Lily would seem to have a problem with the way the woman looked. He thought she looked amazing. Easily one of the most beautiful women he’d ever seen, in this, or any of his decades.
Sam chortled. “Man, you hate being called ‘Jamie.’ Why haven’t you asked her to knock it the fuck off by now?”
Bucky shrugged, putting thoughts of Lily’s words aside as he glanced at the woman sitting with Nat and Wanda again. “I dunno; she likes it, and it’s been four years already. Feels kinda weird correcting her on it, now.”
Sam rolled his eyes. “Yeah, cause God forbid your friends actually call you what you want to be called.”
When he didn’t respond right away, Sam looked over and caught Bucky staring at you. “Hello,” he said, waving a hand in front of Bucky’s face. “Earth to Barnes? You okay over there?”
“Yeah,” said Bucky, blushing at being called out. “It’s just… she’s really pretty, you know?”
Sam sighed. “Alright. Now, I was gonna make my own play, but seeing as it’s been a dog’s age since you got any action, I’m gonna be a good friend and be your wingman on this one.”
Bucky smiled and turned back to the high top, delighted to see the woman looking back at him, this time, the sweetest smile playing across her lips. “Thanks, Sam,” he said. 
Sam gently nudged him with his elbow. “Don’t mention it, pal. You know I can never say ‘no’ to a charity case.”
“Guys,” Lily called over to the two of them. “We’re starting a new game, come on.”
Bucky looked back, giving the pretty girl one more glance. Were her lips as kissable as they looked? He wondered. Get it together, Barnes, he chastised himself. You’re 106-years old, not a fucking teenager. 
But damn if she wasn’t making him feel like one tonight.
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moonlit-imagines · 4 months
Broken Curse
Peter Parker x reader
a/n: idk this was supposed to be an entirely different fic when i started but now its very different
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Peter always held himself back. Everyone could see it. Everyone except him.
All those wasted opportunities because of those powers, but that’s all he thought he was good for now. He could have been so much more if he didn’t dedicate himself to Spider-Man. Right now he could be in college or working a job ehere he could make a real difference. But instead, he was living all on his lonesome in some run-down apartment, a ghost of his former self.
So now no one saw him. No one saw how much he held himself back because no one ever noticed him. In his new life, he kept to himself. No people to disappoint with his lost potential, no one noticed him anymore and maybe that was for the best.
You were in his thoughts, though. Mourned daily and nightly in regret of his mistakes. He sat there connecting all those things that went wrong. From becoming Spider-Man to an Avenger, trusting people he shouldn’t have, taking shortcuts and wasting precious time. He lost you and everyone he ever loved.
What hurt him most was seeing you from time to time, but as luck would have it, you’d managed to move into his building. A fate worse than death for Peter.
“Y/N?” He asked in the hallway without realizing. A stranger had just called to you.
“I…I’m sorry, do I know you?” You chuckled, which Peter knew was a nervous habit and you were a bit uncomfortable.
“N-No. Sorry.” He paused. “I was guessing. Not guessing your name, that’d be weird. The landlord told me about a new neighbor, I haven’t seen you yet so I was assuming that was you. Y/N, right?” Peter rambled out a reasonable lie to convince you he wasn’t a stalker. Maybe he was, he didn’t know if it counted when magic spells were involved.
“Oh. I guess that makes more sense.” You shrugged. “Yes, I’m y/n…and you are..?”
“Peter. Peter Parker.” He gave an awkward introduction. “Apartment 20.”
“It’s nice to meet you, Peter.” You told him. “I hate to cut this short, but I have to do some unpacking.” You began to walk away, but Peter was desperate to keep this going. He hadn’t spoken to you in months, and although you may not know who he is in this moment, he was the boy you fell in love with and he still loved you with all his heart.
“If, uh, you need some help moving anything, I’ll be here.” He timidly offered. You stopped in your tracks and took a moment to think.
“Actually, I could use some help with some furniture. The movers just left everything in my living room.” You explained and he smiled. “What?”
“You have a living room?” He laughed and you joined in, catching that his apartment was probably a bit smaller than your own. “I can definitely help you with all that, lead the way.” He was a bit disappointed you’d accept help from a stranger so easily, but he didn’t know that something felt familiar about him. You just felt he was trustworthy and genuine. That was it.
You’d initiated some small talk while moving the couch to the correct wall, the bed frame and mattress to the bedroom, and some shelves and tables wherever they might go, maneuvering around heaps of boxes labeled with all sorts of goofy writing. He liked the “BEDROOM BULLSHIT” box the most. But as he moved around your relatively nicer apartment, he noticed a stuffed animal that had fallen on the floor. A stuffed animal he had actually gotten for you several years ago. “Hey,” he picked the little bear up, “this was just laying on the floor. Cute.” Peter commented in some unsuspecting way.
“Oh, yeah, I can’t even remember where I got that thing. I’ve had it forever, can’t bring myself to get rid of it. It’s too cute to get rid of anyways, look at him.” You reached for the bear in his hand and when your hand connected with its soft fur, you felt an overwhelming sensation, this sickness inside as your head began spinning.
“Are you okay? Y/N?” Peter urgently asked, hesitant to make any startling movements. Your gaze jolted back to him and there was a much different look in your eyes than in the moments before. Softer.
“This can’t be real.” You mumbled. “It was you all along.”
“What?” He had no idea how to respond.
“Peter Benjamin Parker.” You spoke his full name. “I love you.”
taglist: @alwaysananglophile // @locke-writes // @sweetheartlizzie07 // @queen-destenie // @johnmurphyisqueer // @captainshazamerica // @ravenmoore14 // @canarypoint // @procrastinatingsapphictrash // @swanimagines // @randomfandomimagine // @petersgroupie // @summersimmerus // @scarthefangirl // @bad4amficideas // @sheridans-dynamos // @simsrecs // @prettysbliss // @skdkdkckfk // @simp-legend // @wild-rose-35 // @nekoannie-chan // @evilcr0ne // @v0idl1nq // @ruvaakke // @thedarkqueenofavalon // @amirahiddleston // @beth-gallagher22 // @brutal-out-here // @rqmanoff // @elenavampire21 // @mymelodymia // @pheonixfire777 // @deanzboyfriend //
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literaila · 1 year
verity what would you think about writing another peter x reader in which peter becomes a photographer and has to take pictures of reader and he develops a thing for her and he thinks that reader just flirts with him for fun and he's totally okay with that because he's a fool for her but after teasing peter and messing with him for a good amount of time she asks him out ? maybe inspired by "suck it and see" by arctic monkeys? thank you !!
tasm!peter x fem!reader
a/n: the science jokes are real with this one
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peter needed to get over himself. that much was clear.
honestly, he had the ability to rip out his eyes and throw them down the garbage disposal, and it was becoming increasingly obvious that he might have to. just to get some sanity back.
it wasn’t really his fault he was staring at you. no, it wasn’t his fault at all.
he was getting paid to stare at you. you had hired him to do this. to take pictures of you when you looked like this—partially glowing from the light, wearing a devious smile like you might be trying to crack his lens—and not get called a pervert for it.
his movements were automatic now. he’d done this enough—admired strangers and tried to pull the best out of them—but it was never quite like this. with every click of a button, and the perfectly adjusted flash, peter felt himself getting a bit hazy.
it would be his luck to faint while taking pictures of a pretty girl.
a pretty girl who’s head was tilted at him, eyes questioning, because she’d just said something and he was too busy scolding himself to notice
get yourself together.
“hmm?” peter asked, moving a step closer to you. “sorry i missed it.”
you smile like he’s said something funny. “should i try something else?” you say, “i’m not used to posing.”
“you’re doing great. you’re a natural.”
maybe a little too great. you blink at him, eyes darting away and sigh. even then, if peter took a photo, he’s sure it would come out perfectly. he probably wouldn’t need to edit any of these, even.
but he also probably would. just to stare at you some more.
“well, you’re the expert.”
but peter frowns. “are you feeling uncomfortable?”
“just—“ you shake your head. “will you tell me a joke, or something? i feel… awkward. i have no idea what i’m doing.”
“tell you a joke?” peter repeats, slightly amused.
“or just talk to me. anything.”
“sure,” he says, easily, nodding his head a bit too much. maybe it’s because you sort of whispered it, and peter sort of felt it on every single on of his nerve endings. “i, um,” he raises his brows. “i think i just forgot every joke i’ve ever heard.”
you laugh with your head tilted back and he snaps a shot. “just tell me about you, then.”
“yes, peter parker, the photographer… and? part time comedian? full time alcoholic? father of six?”
peter frowns. “how old do you think i am?“
“old enough to be a professional photographer.”
“i don’t know if i would call myself a professional…” he winces, smiling a bit and feeling embarrassed for himself. flushed and completely ashamed because he’s usually better at this.
he can calm a clients nerves in five minutes. he can make people laugh and get the candid shot that he knows they’re looking for. he can turn an awkward social interaction into getting drinks after a shoot.
but there’s something about you and your smile, and the easy way you talk, like the words just fall out of your mouth and into place.
“i saw your prints,” you correct, shaking your head at him, “why do you think i hired you?”
“free eye candy?”
and then you actually laugh, chest releasing, and peter watches as your eyes squint at him like you’ve finally realized who you’re talking to.
it’s second nature when he presses the button.
“oh, yeah. i just googled ‘hottest male photographer in queens’ and yours was the first that came up.”
“i knew that ad would pay off eventually.”
“really, though. i’ve only got you for another twenty minutes so you’ve gotta tell me something good.”
peter frowns and moves to your left, changing the zoom on his camera and dimming the light. “i didn’t know you were paying for a gossip session.”
“okay, so you don’t like to talk about yourself. what else?”
he catches you as you adjust your hair, the light shining on the side of your face, gleaming off of you like something out of a sci-fi film.
peter shakes his head—his head is feeling a bit off. “um… i want to get a cat.”
you smile, completely darling and enough to knock a breath out of his chest. “i’ll add caring to the list. why haven’t you?”
“well, my apartment doesn’t really allow it…” he pauses for a moment playing with some settings. the two of you are dancing in circles, like a pendulum, when you move, he moves. “and also i’m not sure that i’d remember to feed it.”
“most animals make sure you remember. when i was a kid my dog would jump on whoever was closest when it was time for dinner.”
peter almost winces, and then catches himself. “i also think i’d poison it with my energy. it’d forget how to move its tail.”
“well, i’ve been around you for almost an hour and a half now and i can safely say that i still have control over all of my limbs.”
“good to know…” peter mutters while frowning at his screen. there’s nothing wrong with his camera, or with you, just with his hands. and his heart.
“everything okay?”
he shakes his head, then nods, clearing his throat. “yeah—yeah. i’m just messing with the settings.”
“are you getting anything good? useable?”
“they’re all good,” he says—to himself and out loud like a complete idiot. and then he looks up, awkwardly laughing. “like i said, you’re a natural.”
“even if you’re lying,” you tease, undeterred by his awkwardness, “i’m sure you’ll fix it all before i see.”
“i’m not lying, but yeah.”
when you smile, he smiles back.
“okay,” you say, moving. “what else? got any friends or family? any plans after this?”
“which question am i supposed to answer?”
“all of them, peter.”
he chuckles. “it’s mostly just me and my aunt. and a couple of long lost cousins. as for friends, i’ve kept in touch with some people from college. oh, and me and the john down the street who makes me a sandwich everyday are close.”
you lift your head, revealing the skin of your neck and jaw to peter. and a fetish he didn’t know he had. “and after this?”
“i’ll probably just go home and edit these, actually.”
“it’s friday.”
he shrugs. squinting at you before the next shot. he’s not even really looking.
“nothing fun?” you ask him. “surely you’ll be sick of my face after this.”
“that’d be hard.”
he watches a sheepish smile reveal itself on your face before it’s gone. you look away. “you’re young, peter. you should be having fun.”
“what are you doing after this?” peter asks, as a challenge.
your brows lift. “this seems like a line.”
he laughs. “not like that.”
you shrug and blink when the flash goes off. “i’ll figure out something. are there any good bars nearby?”
peter pauses, dropping his camera. “are we back to the alcoholic thing.”
“no,” you laugh, “we’re way past that. i just think that your flash is giving me a bit of an adrenaline rush. i could use a calm me down.”
“you okay?”
“i’m kidding, peter. keep going, you’re almost a free man.”
so he does.
you continue to prod him with personal questions, attacking him with your smile and your unsurprisingly sharp wit. you throw his words right back to him, and peter knows, in his deepest of thoughts, that he’s going to be hearing your voice later on.
that when he’s looking back on these pictures, he’s going to see a timeline of your allure, and of his own demise.
he’s already loving and dreading it.
he finishes up by making you laugh from your nose, loud and unprecedented, and so genuinely rewarding that peter has to refrain from clapping himself on the back.
you smile at him as you slip on your jacket, still talking to him, acting too smooth to be just polite.
peter also has to refrain himself from trying to shake your head as he walks you to the door. he tries not to stare any longer, knowing what kind of night he has in store.
“when should i be seeing the pictures?” you ask him, lingering when you finally get to the door.
“sometime next week. i’ll email you a preview with a few different editing styles that you can pick from and then i’ll finish the album.”
he scoffs, opening the door for you. “i’ll have you know that not everyone is as young and hip as you. do you know how many grandparents want photos with their family?”
“it just doesn’t seem like you, peter. i’d thought you’d train a carrier pigeon.”
he shakes his head at you, trying to hide his smile.
“but, seriously, thank you so much,” you say to him, voice full and easy, and honest. he can feel your heart and smell your perfume. “i know i’m a lot. especially when i’m nervous.”
“i’m just glad you didn’t ask me about my social security number.”
you reflectively smack yourself on the forehead. “i knew i forgot something.”
peter laughs, letting you slip past him trying to avoid your touch. he doesn’t, and if benjamin franklin was there, he might’ve discovered a whole different type of electricity.
“i’ll talk to you soon,” peter says, and your close enough that it’s almost a whisper. “just let me know if there’s any issues with the pictures, or you have any questions. you’ve got my number.”
“i do.”
his body feels physically repelled from inside the studio, but he forces himself to take a step in anyway. “have a good weekend.”
“you too.”
and then you turn to go, and peter can’t help but stare. he hopes that the tint on the shop windows is enough to keep you from noticing.
but before he can close the door—and mind that it took him an outrageously stupid amount of time—you’re turning back around.
“wait, peter,” you say, voice breathless and jagged. like peters hands as they rush to push open the door again.
it’s embarrassing how quickly he manages to do it.
you smile, like you know exactly what he’s thinking. peter will have that smile branded into his brain.
“do you wanna come with me to get that drink?” you ask him, softly, and wide, with a smile that bursts blood vessels.
peter really needs to get over himself.
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redninjaoutfit · 24 days
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My Bully OC - Colt De Luca
(template by @jimothy-hopkins)
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In-game appearance ^
As you can probably guess by his last name, Colt is the younger brother of Lucky De Luca.
I recently rewatched The Outsiders and couldn't help but feel inspired to create an OC based off of Ponyboy. Since Lucky bears such a striking resemblence to Darry in terms of personality I made Colt Lucky's brother.
Some facts about Colt:
"Little brother" of the Greasers (hates the title and their over-protectiveness)
Sensitive, doesn't like fighting but definitely won't back down from it if the can't talk his way out of trouble
Hero complex with no sense of self-preservation, would lose a limb for a stranger
Artistically gifted, loves painting even if it makes him look nerdy
Best friends with Lefty since childhood
Great friends with Parker and almost considered a friend by Bif (whom he admires) unbeknownst to his own clique. Doesn't want to be seen as a traitor but hates the rivalry between the Preps and the Greasers
Despises the Jocks
Some quotes cause I like imagining him in the game!!
"Wanna hang out later? I think I've got some spare canvases." "We don't gotta fight big man, we're better than that!" "That sunset yesterday was beautiful, wish I'd captured it but oh well." "If I spill paint in my pocket one more time bro's gonna have my head." "Why won't Luck lay off me? It was just one cigarette!" "I heard the new kid's trying to unite the cliques. About damn time, I'm tired of having to sneak into Harrington House." "Those roid monkeys make me sick, one day they'll pay for what they've done to me."
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leclerc-s · 11 months
paint the town red - part three
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series masterlist
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peter parker added 8 people
peter parker anyone have oscar piastri's number? this is for research. ALSO, CAN WE BRING BACK THE BLACK FIRE PROOFS??
carlos sainz you're a strange child.
harley keener that's what i've been saying since we met.
bianca stark-potts peter, let it go.
tony stark i don't know if it's still a joke or if you're being serious about it.
peter parker it isn't for me, it's for ned.
bianca stark-potts BULLSHIT!!
peter parker i'm in love with him, mj understands (i think)
arthur leclerc i too am in love with oscar piastri, we kissed one time. charles leclerc it was for a video, and you didn't actually kiss. arthur leclerc but i wanted too.
peter parker but think about it, i get oscar to fall madly in love with me, i take the competition out at the same time.
carlos sainz you think oscar is the only competition we have?
peter parker well no, i can send the avengers after the rest. like what’s max verstappen gonna do against black widow? or lewis hamilton against bucky barnes?
ollie bearman right i forget you people know the avengers
tony stark i am the avengers
arthur leclerc no, you’re iron man. the avengers are the entire team.
peter parker realistically speaking the only one able to take an avenger on would be toto, and i think he could only take on rocket or groot.
arthur leclerc the fucking raccoon?
peter parker he gets defensive when you call him a raccoon.
bianca stark-potts right, who gave him coffee? he only brings this type of shit up when he's had sugar.
charles leclerc it was an accident…i did not know he would get like this. and he made those eyes!
tony stark he does that a lot.
arthur leclerc one could say it was an inchident?
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harley keener fucking snitch, parker
bianca stark-potts peter had coffee, well if what charles drinks is even coffee. it's pure sugar.
harley keener facts.
natasha romanoff again, aren't you people supposed to be working?
harley keener considering seb and tony are busy scolding peter and charles for the coffee thing, we're good for now. also, carlos left to pick up our lunch it was his turn today.
steve rogers peter drank coffee? i thought that was banned at the paddock??
bianca stark-potts it was, but charles wasn't here the day of the wall-climbing incident. therefore he didn’t know what would happen
bucky barnes did he not know peter was spider-man?
harley keener he did because we told him, carlos, and seb first. however, we never went over the rules
sam wilson i guess it’s time to break out the peter parker handbook again
tony stark aren't you two supposed to be working? focusing on the upcoming race?
bianca stark-potts i'm trying to mass send the peter parker handbook to everyone.
harley keener i'm currently watching old C2 videos.
sam wilson lord help all the fans who are counting on you two idiots to deliver a decent car
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tagged: charles_leclerc, carlossainz55, lewishamilton
view all comments
↳ username NEVER GIVE UP!!
harleykeener LET'S FUCKING GO!!
↳ samwilson i never doubted you guys for a second
↳ biancastark_potts lies. slander. you said we couldn't do it.
↳ username you guys got luck max had a breaking issue. he ended up in 4th but next week is our week.
↳ username as a longtime tifosi, i've heard that one before
↳ username however, wishing you guys the best of luck next week.
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biancastark_potts and harleykeener posted new stories
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ferrari 1-2 here in bahrain! ferrari is back baby!
the only way to kick off a season is with a 1-2!
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taglist: @celesteblack08 @be-your-coffee-pot @evans-dejong @elliegrey2803 @bingewatche @arkhammaid @sunflower-golden-vol6 @lorarri @melanier7 @ironspdy @mypage-myfandoms @vellicora @you-bleed-just-toknowyouarealive @enchantedthoughts @stopeatread @hobiismyhopeu @lilsiz @alessioayla @niniluvsainz @au-ghosttype @fulla02 @cowboylikemets1989 @six-call @embrosegraves @justtprachisblog
strikethrough means i couldn't tag you
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¡leclerc-s speaks! this is what i wish the 2024 season would look like for ferrari but who knows if we'll ever get that. on the brightside only two more races left with the sf-23 and then we can finally throw that shitbox in the trash can, where it belongs. (note: the drivers on the top tweet are as follows: lando, esteban, max, and george.)
¡disclaimer! this is in no way making assumptions about the people involved in this story, this is all fake. it is a fanfiction please don't take any of what is said seriously. this is all for entertainment purposes and as a creative outlet for me. enjoy!
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batbabydamian · 16 days
DC November 2024 Solicitations - Comics Featuring Damian! 🦇
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Written by Morgan Evans
Art and Cover by Jon Mikel
Variant Cover by Patrick Ballesteros
Taking place after the events of “Merry Little Batman,” Gotham City finds itself reeling from the Joker’s attack, and Damian Wayne (a.k.a. Little Batman) is eager to get back into the fight. That’s going to be harder than it sounds, as Bruce now wants Damian to put the cowl aside and embrace the value of his secret identity. After a suspicious guest is found lurking around the Wayne New Year’s Eve Party, it’s up to Damian to find the balance between both of his personas and save the day yet again. See Little Batman in a new adventure from the film’s screenwriter, Morgan Evans, after catching the rerelease of the breakout movie in theaters this winter.
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Written by Phillip Kennedy Johnson
Art and Cover by Javier Fernandez
Variant Covers: Simone Di Meo, Ashley Wood (1:25), Aaron Bartling, and Guillem March (Creature Commandos Variant)
What should have been a run-of-the-mill charity banquet for Bruce and Damian has, quite literally, gone up in flames—and now, without access to their costumes and gadgets, father and son find themselves fighting for their lives at the hands of the mysterious specter known only as Memento. But who is this new villain who set the blaze that threatens to disintegrate the Dynamic Duo, why does it replicate an infamous, century-old tragedy from Gotham’s history, and what is Memento’s connection to the Dark Knight’s past? Nothing can prepare you for the answers to these questions, so join us and bear witness to “Memento,” part two.
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Written by Matthew Rosenburg and Matthew Manning
Art by Otto Schmidt and Acky Bright
Cover by Otto Schmidt
Variant Covers: by Stephen Segovia and Homare
Gorilla Grodd and Aquaman have had little luck capturing the elusive Damian Wayne, but a mysterious figure arrives bearing a whispered prophecy that could turn the tide of war in their favor. Elsewhere, John Constantine might well be the human resistance’s last hope…just a shame he can’t remember what it was he was meant to be doing. Enter The Spectre to help guide his way! And in the shadows, a new Batman lurks…but what’s his connection to Bruce Wayne?
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Written by Jeff Parker
Art by Lukas Ketner
Cover by Bernard Chang
Variant Covers: Dan Mora, Dan Hipp (DC Holiday Surprise Rub & Sniff variant), Kevin Wada (1:25), Erica Henderson (1:50)
Horrors haunt the Christmas season as life-drained bodies litter the countryside, each marked with a strange symbol. The Justice League responds—but it’s a trap! The heroes are pulled from our world, but not before Batman helps Robin escape. Now Damian Wayne must seek out Zatanna and the one and only Santa Claus if there’s any hope of saving their friends and family. Santa comes to the aid of the DCU heroes in the crossover-event sequel you wished for! And you must have been extra good because a wintry mix of DC’s wildest characters arrive this time to face a powerful foe… the Silent Knight!
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*Clayton Henry Main Cover appearance
Written by Mark Waid and Mariko Tamaki
Art by Clayton Henry, Michael Shelfer, and Meghan Hetrick
Death to the Phantom Zone! Superman and Mon-El are reunited at last, but are our heroes too late to stop the impossible threat of Aethyr?! The mad wizard has breached the realm and begun decimating planet Earth…the Super-Family and the Justice League are holding on as best they can, but this sounds like a job for Superman! Plus, can Kara put her feelings aside and carry out the mission Superman gave her?
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phsychobanana · 9 months
Hi!! I really like your writing 💖💖 and I was wondering if you could write a fic about Peter and his s/o that always bickers with him?
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Shut her up with a kiss
Summary: When Y/n won't stop arguing with her boyfriend, Peter, he has an idea on how to get her to stop.
Word count: 839
A/n~ Hiiiiii! Thank you, I try my best to write good fics for my followers and random internet geeks! I love this request but I wasn't sure if you meant Parker or Pevensie. I'm assuming Pevensie? Correct me if I'm wrong and I'll make you a new fic! I'm sorry if this isn't what you had in mind, I genuinely have no idea how a couple would bicker seeing as I've been single since I came out the womb.
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"Hey, Ed." Peter nods to Edmund as they pass each other, Edmund on his way to train and Peter on his way to the library.
Edmund nods back to him and continues on his way, but before he can get too far, he remembers something. "Oh! Y/n's looking for you, Peter... Good luck." With that, Edmund runs off to train, his evil giggles filling the halls.
"PETER!!!" Y/n's yell echoes through the halls as she turns the corner, looking for the blonde king. "There you are!" She walks up to him angrily, every step she takes makes Peter feel as though he's shrinking.
"What?" Peter looks at her confused as he tries to hold in any fear he feels at the angry look in Y/n's eyes.
"What? Did you just say what?" Her skin grows hot as her annoyance rises. "You ate all of my chocolate and you have the nerve to say 'what'?"
"I didn't even eat you chocolate!" Peter tries to defend himself.
"Then who did?!" Y/n pokes at Peter's chest just as Lucy, mouth dirtied with melted chocolate bits, passes behind Y/n. Peter aggressively points his finger to Lucy but Y/n turns too late, Lucy and his freedom gone.
"Don't try to distract me, Pevensie."
Last name basis? It was nice knowing you Peter...
Y/n grabs him by his shirt collar and pushes him against the wall they were next to.
"Why did you eat it?" Y/n asks almost boredly.
"I-I didn't!" Peter struggles to speak clearly, his and Y/n's faces so close that he can't focus properly. His eyes drop to her lips and she notices, a smirk playing on her lips.
"You want a kiss?" She asks and Peter nods immediately and almost too enthusiastically.
Y/n leans in slowly and Peter can feel her breath against his lips. Y/n's lips just barely graze over Peter's before she pulls away with a small laugh. Peter lets out a whine of protest as he tries to find her lips again, the short brush of their lips not enough for him.
"Too bad. If you hadn't eaten my chocolate, I might have considered." Y/n lets go of him and walks off as Peter stares after her, slightly upset.
"Ah shit, what now?"
"You didn't cuddle me last night! How could you?" Y/n pouts and crosses her arms over her chest.
"That's seriously what this is about? I'm in the middle of a meeting." Peter jesters to all of the fellow "important people" in the room.
Y/n waves to them with an awkward smile and then turns back to Peter. "These old dudes don't care-"
"I'm only 26-"
"Shhhh, no one cares. Anywho, you owe me Pete. I'm not okay with this."
"Yeah, yeah. See you later, alright?"
Y/n nods and walks out of the room, still the slightest bit annoyed with her boyfriend.
"I'm boredddd." Y/n whines as she tugs at her boyfriend's sleeve.
"I'm working, I should be the bored one." Peter smiles softly at his girlfriend's antics.
"I'm working nyeh nyeh nyeh." Y/n mumbles under her breath, mocking Peter.
"What was that?" Peter leans his ear closer to her.
"What was that?" Y/n does the same.
"Stop that." Peter rolls his eyes.
"Stop that." Y/n says back, deepening her voice.
"...Peter Pevensie is hot."
"Oh come on!"
"Oh come on!"
"Stop it, seriously." Peter looks at Y/n sternly.
"You're no fun." Y/n huffs and plops back into her chair.
"I'm very fun. Wanna see how fun I can be?" Peter looks at Y/n with a mischievous glint in his eyes.
"Don't act like that. Come onnnnn." It's Peter's turn to whine and tugs on her arm.
"No. You ate my chocolate, didn't cuddle me, you've been spending more time with those stupid pieces of paper than you have with me, and you aren't entertaining me while I'm bored! Where's the receipt, I'm returning you." Y/n starts rummaging through her pockets as Peter rolls his eyes at her with a fond smile on his face.
"You siriusly want a kiss?" Y/n asks in disbelief.
Peter nods, not having been able to kiss his girlfriend for two weeks because of her attitude lately.
"Well I don't. I'm still sad about my ch-"
"Oh shut up already." Peter says before he smashes his lips on hers.
The kiss is everything that Peter had been longing for as he places his hands on Y/n's waist. Y/n Is quite tense as first, not wanting to kiss him out of stubbornness, but she slowly begins to melt into it when he places his hands on her waist.
The both pull apart for air after a moment, resting their foreheads against each other's.
"I'm sorry if I've upset you lately." Peter says, his lips brushing Y/n's as he speaks.
"It's okay." Y/n says quickly before going in for another kiss.
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