#best mother son duo
one-caffeine-junkie · 4 months
Alright I have so many thoughts. And I'm gonna write an essay about this because OH MY GOD. Spoilers ahead.
All the Collin/Violet scenes in episodes 3 and 4 were sooo good. Like he's such a dork, he thinks he's being so subtle. I can't find enough words to express how much I love the relationship he has with his mother. That he wanted to ask her but still wasn't ready to admit it yet, but she already knew because he's SO BAD at hiding his feelings. He's so obvious about it from the beginning of episode 3 and he thinks he's being so subtle. Like no Sir, you are not being subtle AT ALL. He's less subtle than any character who has ever attempted to be subtle on this show, and that is saying a lot. I'm still wheezing. But the way Violet at the end was like "you must be so proud that Penelope has secured a proposal 😍". WHEEZING.
THE FACT THAT HE SHOWED UP AT THE VERY END OF THE BALL, FUCKED EVERYTHING UP AND LEFT. In and out, mission accomplished, very efficiently. He's so unhinged for this, but Violet is even more unhinged for basically telling him to go cause a scene. I LOVE THAT WOMAN.
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wibblyowzah · 8 months
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You were seared onto my hearts, Amelia Pond. You always will be.
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blackhholes · 2 months
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teen wolf meme: [4/4] families -> the mccalls
I've never told Scott to run and hide, and I'm not going to start now. Melissa, he was dead in your arms once before, and you had to bring him back yourself. What if this is the one fight he doesn't come back from?
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stephgingrichs · 10 months
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Rio: I've been going on some dates. Dating actually. Miles: Oh, right. Rio: And there's this one guy, I've seen him a few times and it's...well, it's going well.
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harringroveera · 10 months
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Joyce & Billy core
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floweyheadcanons · 7 days
randomly hits you with the flowey brainblast
Ok ok hear me out but!!! I think Flowey eventually becomes comfortable living with Toriel at first he just kinda. Sneaks around like a little creep... You know how stray cats will occasionally just hang out for a bit before leaving? I think that's what Flowey did, like he'd just watch Toriel while in little hiding spots because he hadn't really decided by that point if he was ready to go back to being a son along with the anxieties that she wouldn't think he's good enough the way he is and that she'd want Asriel and not him :Ccc... I think he'd occasionally get Toriel a glass of water and tuck her into bed when it gets late or she seems to be relapsing... He'd probably get a little frustrated with her and give her notes sometimes that lightly scold her with like a glass of water/little snack next to it...
At some point I think Toriel would catch the little home intruder and attempt to repay him by letting him stay with her, making him food cause she'd assume he has nowhere to go and that's why he keeps breaking in. Not that she's necessarily wrong about that but he TECHNICALLY has Papyrus to go to. After that he more openly comes and goes and will occasionally talk to her but still be too nervous,,, they chat every now and again about things, sometimes wacky and mundane and other times kind of deep. Toriel and Flowey grow close, and she'd eventually tell him he's like a son to her and he doesn't have to leave if he doesn't want to because she's more than ok with him being there. Flowey can't take it anymore so he admits it. He used to be Asriel. The reason he's like a son to her is because he is her son. Toriel just isn't sure how to process it at first. She tries to see any hints of him messing with her but she can tell this is the most genuine he's ever been in his life. They both cry a little cry a lot,,, Toriel tells him that for so long Asriel's birthday has been the hardest for her. She remembered it after all this time and marked it on the calendar. Flowey pretends to not know already because he likes the smile she gets on her face when she thinks he's learning she really cares about him.
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0lympian-c0uncil · 11 months
MORE ARGUS AND HERA !! ( also sorry if this seems rude)
They are the mother son Duo
At first he was just meant to be her servant but over time she was like…. motherly instincts kicking in.
To be honest she might even love him more than she loves her actual Sons which….  jk jk!! …… Unless?
Hera, *after seeing Argus for the first time*: I am adopting him. This is my son now
 Argus is very protective over here so whenever Zeus would cheat on Her he would…. let's just say he would have to be very much held back
 I like to think that on most things that Hera needed done Argus would be her first choice because she trusted him so much.
Especially taking care of her peacocks and other animals like I feel like they're only two people that she trusted with that and that was (Demeter for reasons) and Argus
 Mama and Son talks 
Ares and Hephaestus were low-key jealous of him because of how much attention and love she gave him.
 he didn't talk but she always understood him and what he needed
 When he was stressed out or sad Hera would have him lay his head on her lap And she would tell him a story or sing him a song to make him feel better
Forehead kisses for the big giant
No one was mean to Argus you were mean to Argus you answer the Hera
They went EVERYWHERE  together
Also Hera love to sit on his shoulders it was just a silly thing that they did
When Hermes killed Argus. Hera almost killed him in return
The closest she had ever gotten to murdering an Olympian
After his death Hera mourned and mourned for thousands of years
Until one day Zeus was like “you know what? I might have fucked up just a little bit.”
So Zeus went to Hades and convinced him to give Argus back to Hera 
Nobody had ever seen Hera as happy as she was when she saw Argus walk onto Olympus.
Let's just say there were a lot of Tears
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ghost-qwq · 6 months
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I haven't been drawing what I'm supposed to be... Mailmen beware still
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longstoryshqrt · 1 year
i need joyce to catch mike while he’s in a bad moment and comfort him and tell him that he’s enough and doesn’t need to prove it,he IS the heart of the party and nothing or anyone could even change that
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sieglinde-freud · 2 years
damn fire emblem heroes thats a crazy halloween banner with funny wizard hats u got there lol you know who else has a cool awesome hilarious wizard hat and isnt even in feh yet yeah haha ikr sounds crazy but hear me out
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miraeism · 9 months
the people in the squid game challenge often times doing their best to do the most fair thing possible trying their best to just play as a team… humanity is real !!! open your eyes
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writers-potion · 4 months
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Writing Female Fighters
The Heroine Must. Fight.
Today's female protagonists cannot sit on the side crying and breaking down or whimpering as the battle ensues.
Readers want to see autonomous female fighters who can at least defense themselves with courage and adequate skill.
Not all women are the same, but the heroine should get her butt moving.
Less Muscle, but More Flexibilty
The average woman is shorter than the average man, which makes it more difficult to wield a long sword or slam something down on the opponent's head.
A woman who works out can plausibly be stronger than a male couch potato, but if her male counterpart works out as much as her, the man is going to be much stronger.
On the other hand, the center of gravity in a woman's body is lower than a man's which makes it harder to knock her off her feet.
She is also more flexible, which gives her advantage in grappling fights, making use of complex landscapes, or deflecting blows.
A woman's small size can also be an advantage if her opponent has only ever trained with male opponents. His big hands might not get a good grip on her slender limbs.
In historical fiction, giving your heroine good muscule build can be tricky as exercise was generally considered harmful for women, with some exceptions for horseriding any maybe archery at best.
In such cases, make your heroine an accomplished dancer or an eager horsewoman, or the only girl whose father considered to be son replacement and thus, gave her a boy's education.
Women of lower classes who couldn't afford to be fashionably weak will be plausibly stronger, perhaps even more than an idle gentleman.
More Room for Negotiation, but Prolonged Ruthlessness
In the Suspense part of your fight scene, females are more likely to negotiate and talk more, strategically trying to descalate the situation rather than attacking on a momentary impulse.
Generally, women are less aggressive than men and remain level-headed longer than her male counterparts, opting for non-violent methods first before using force.
Exceptions apply if she is trying to protect her children (or someone who she cares for as a child). Mothers can be tigresses.
A female pre-fight conversation may be: "If you had not done so-and-so and betrayed me with so-and-so, we could have been good friends as I thought we would be." "What do you mean? It was in fact you who brought bad blood between us. I can still hear you laughing with so-and-so, taunting me, purposefully making me look bad -" "But that was so long ago! If you want me to say sorry about something so insignificant, you should have just said so: I'm sorry. There. Satisfied?" "Ha! I can't believe you say that so easily. You still don't get it, do you?" "Who's being petty and unreasonable now?"
A male pre-fight conversation will be shorter: "Who's the coward now?" "You're wrong." "Prove it." "Bastard."
Compared to men, it will take more time for a woman's fight hormones (adrenaline, neurotransmitters and such) to kick in.
She would be slower to engage initially, throwing reluctant punches and thinking, but she'll grow more and more violent and lose all rational thought and compassion, and once she's in full flow, may not stop even when her opponent begs for mercy.
When writing a male-female duo, you can show him going for the first blow while she observes and strategizes first. When he's past his peak and panting, she is flying about left and right. Later when the tension wears off and she becomes wobbly and teary, she can rely on him to have recovered faster and distract other teammates so that they won't see her cry.
Plausible Skills and Backstory
In many cultures and time periods, the general attitude of society towards girls is that they have no place in fist fights or martial arts, unlike how it is encouraged for boys of the same age. So if your heroine has physical prowess that surpasses typical 'fitness' or is hidden, build a backstory of how she's obtained it.
For modern heroines, it can be as simple as signing her up for martial arts classes or yearly membership at the local gym. For historical fiction or girls with strict 'feminine' upbringing, it can be trickier.
It can be related to profession: maybe she was an erotic wrestler, catfighter, or an assasin who thought killing was more honorable than prostitution. They may have dabbles with it for a short time and is now trying to hide their past from their respectable employer or fiance.
It can be family backstory: Perhaps her mother was an accomplished martial artist or she had to fend for younger siblings on the streets from an early age. Maybe she was the only girl in a family of many boys who refused to be the punching bag.
Inexperienced Female Fighters
A woman with no fighting experience or training is likely to resort to one of these on instinct:
Try to talk herself out of the situation, attempting to persuade or negotiate for her life.
Grab something to use as a weapon. This instinct seems to be stronger for women than it is in men.
Use her hands to try and break free, or kick (often wth little success)
Pull hair
In a serious fight, pulling hair and scratching won't be helpful, except when the police come to find her body, they would find the opponent's DNA under her fingernails.
Plausible Weapons and Clothing
All of the above applies to scenes where both parties have no weapons, or has the bare minimum (like one dagger each).
Weapons are equalizers, and if your heroine is pointing a gun at her opponent she will definitely NOT hesitate to be the one to shoot first.
When giving your female character a weapon, choose one she can plausibly use. It would take an unusually brawny woman to wield a great medieval longsword.
For historical fiction, give your heroine something she'll plausibly own. Swords and firearm were a no-go for women, but archery was borderline acceptable.
For clothing starters, you definitely CAN NOT dress her in a tight miniskirt and chainmail bra with long, flowy hair and multiple silver chockers. Unless she's trying to seduce her way into her opponent's bedroom, and he has a chainmail bra fetish.
A practical heroine will have her thighs covered, preferably with leather but at least with fabric, since a lot of blood flows through the thighs and a slash would be critical.
She'll keep her hair tied, tucked under a helmet, braided back, etc. so that it won't impede her vision.
She'll support her breasts with a strong sport bra. In a historical eprioid, she'll either tie her breasts tight with a fabric bandage or support them with some kind of leather corset.
Invent a female version of male fighter clothing of the time you are writing about if it doesn't exist.
If you like my blog, buy me a coffee☕ and find me on instagram! 📸
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wibblyowzah · 2 years
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lecsainz · 7 months
OMGGGG!!!! 🩷🩵 Love your work! Can you do a Percy X (halfblood of your choice) reader and maybe affection headcannons? Like how he stares at you 24/7 and maybe him falling asleep on our shoulder and all that!!!!
parings: percy jackson x fem!reader
an: two weeks without a new episode, I can't take it anymore 😭😭😭
summary: the one where you and percy met at yancy academy, and what your relationship would be like.
( my last work for riodanverse || go to my main masterlist )
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You met Percy at Yancy Academy, and well, you quickly became friends – best friends, to be precise, since your room was conveniently next to his.
When Grover arrived at the school, he became more than worried about finding two demigod kids together.
As you excelled in your studies – you LOVED studying – you decided to help Percy out. However, Percy always seemed too distracted, often catching him staring at you.
Percy looks at the notebook where you were scribbling math problems and realizes he hasn't paid attention to anything you were explaining for the past twenty minutes.
"So, um, how do you solve this math problem again?" He asks.
You point the pen at him with a stern expression. "Percy, we've been through this like ten times!"
Percy gazes at you with a mischievous smile on his lips because, by the gods, he finds you incredibly beautiful with the braid you decided to wear today.
"Sorry, got distracted. You look really nice today." Percy says, shrugging.
"Focus, Percy! We need to get through this." You roll your eyes, but your cheeks are flushed, and Percy still finds it adorable.
You throw the pen cap at Percy, lightly hitting him on the head when you realize he wasn't paying attention again.
"Ow! What was that for?" He puts his hand where the cap hit him and pretends to be in pain.
"For not paying attention! Now, let's get back to work." You stick out your tongue.
Laughing, Percy tries to throw the pen cap back at you, but you quickly dodge, and poor Grover ends up being the target.
You two became an inseparable duo, like shadows to each other, and constantly causing Grover massive headaches.
Percy would talk about you to his mom.
Percy hesitated for a moment before dialing the number. As his mother picked up on the other end, he launched into a torrent of words about you.
"Hey, Mom, you won't believe what happened today. So, there's this new girl, Y/N, and she's amazing. Seriously, she's the smartest person I know, and she's always helping me out with my studies. And she's got this incredible sense of humor. We're like a team, Mom, inseparable. I don't know how I'd get through the day without her."
Sally listened with a gentle smile on her face, recognizing the familiar signs of her son being captivated. She knew Percy well enough to notice the subtle shifts in his tone and enthusiasm.
"Percy, it sounds like you really enjoy spending time with this Y/N," Sally said, her voice warm and knowing.
"Yeah, Mom, it's like... I don't know. She's just different, you know? Everything feels better when she's around. I can't explain it."
Sally chuckled softly, recognizing the telltale signs of young love. "Percy, sweetheart, sounds like you might be developing feelings for this girl."
Percy stammered for a moment, realizing that his mother had caught on. "I, uh, Mom, we're just friends. Really good friends."
Sally's laughter echoed through the phone. "Alright, Percy. But remember, love has a way of sneaking up on you when you least expect it.”
When you first heard about blue food, you didn't believe Percy's words, leading to a heated argument. It all ended when Percy pulled out a pack of blue cookies from his backpack. To your surprise, they turned out to be the best cookies you'd ever tasted.
During one of your study sessions, Percy calling you a beautiful girl, and the nickname sticking because you blushed every time he called you that.
Percy only realized he liked you when they arrived at the camp and you wanted to help Percy defeat the Minotaur, but he wouldn't allow it because he had already lost his mother and couldn't bear to lose his girl.
He told Grover not to let you follow him and instructed him to take you safely to camp.
The air in the forest was thick with tension as Percy and you faced off against the looming figure of the Minotaur. Determination burned in your veins as you gripped your weapon tightly, ready to fight alongside Percy.
But before you could make a move, Percy's voice cut through the silence, firm and commanding. "Grover, take Y/N back to camp. Keep her safe," he ordered, his tone leaving no room for argument.
Your heart sank as you realized what he was saying. "Percy, I can help. We can fight this thing together," you protested, your voice trembling with emotion.
"I need you to stay safe, Y/N," Percy said, his tone unusually severe. "Grover will take you to camp. I can't lose you."
Tears welled up in your eyes, the raw emotion of the situation hitting you like a tidal wave. "I can't just stand by and do nothing while you face that monster alone."
Percy shook his head, a mixture of frustration and fear in his gaze. "Y/N. I can't risk losing you. Not after what happened to my mom."
A heavy silence settled between you two, the gravity of the situation sinking in. Percy cupped your face gently, his eyes searching yours. "I need you to trust me, okay? Grover will take care of you."
Tears welled up in your eyes, and you nodded reluctantly. "Just promise me you'll be safe, Percy."
He gave you a solemn look before pressing a soft kiss to your cheek. "I promise. Now go with Grover. I'll find you after this is over."
Grover approached, his expression mirroring the somber mood. "We should go, Y/N."
After that, you swore to yourself that the next time you saw Percy, you would tell him you liked him. That seemed like the smartest thing to do.
As Percy stirred awake, his eyes met yours, and a small smile played on his lips. "Hey, beautiful girl," he greeted, a newfound warmth in his tone.
You blushed at the endearing nickname he had given you, but concern soon took over. "I thought I was going to lose you," you admitted, holding a small cup of ambrosia-infused nectar.
His expression softened, his hand reaching for yours. "You're not getting rid of me that easily."
Relief washed over you, and you laughed, playfully nudging his shoulder. "Good. Because there's something I need to tell you."
Percy raised an eyebrow, curious. "What's that?"
He looked at you with curiosity, encouraging you to continue. With a deep breath, you confessed, "I... I really like you."
Percy's eyes lit up, a genuine smile spreading across his face. "You do?" he asked, as if surprised by the revelation.
You nodded, a shy smile gracing your lips. "Yeah, Percy, I really do."
"Well, beautiful girl, I think you're stuck with me now," he declared, a playful glint in his eyes. As you leaned in closer, he gently pulled you to lie beside him on the bed. When you rested your head against his chest, Percy winced in pain.
"Careful," he joked, "I just survived a Minotaur. Your head might be more dangerous than that."
You chuckled softly, and Percy couldn't help but smile despite the discomfort. "You know," he mused, "your laughter is my favorite sound in the whole world."
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trivia-yandere · 9 months
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a look into where it all began with jungkook and how much he loves having his lips on you… @darkuni63 @sweetempathprunetree @momnomnom
warning: step-sibling relationship, coercion, oral sex, slight yandere behavior, manipulation, nipple sucking, dry humping/grinding, fingering,
word count: 4.639
series masterlist
You’ve known Jeon Jungkook since you were a child - 10 years of age.  Your father had brought his mother - a beautiful woman, you’d admit, and her son over for dinner one night while you stayed the weekend with him. “Y/N, this is Jungkook.” you recall your father speaking, his hands upon Jungkook’s shoulders. You were seated at the dining table when the two of them arrived. “He’s going to be your brother.”
Jungkook acted the part - even if the two of you were the same age - as the annoying brother. You could also blame your 10 year old self, as well, for how you acted. You were an only child - a girl, at that - and finally, your father had a son. He and Jungkook watched sports together and went to games often. They would go fishing and when you came on the weekend, you’d hear Jungkook brag about it constantly.
But even if your father now had a son, Jungkook’s mother had a daughter. She enjoyed doing your hair the best she could and attempting to go places with you that she could only dream a mother and daughter duo would go - but that never angered Jungkook as much as it angered you that he was with your father. 
“It's just a little sibling rivalry.” your father said to Jungkook’s mother - now his wife - when you and Jungkook were attending middle school. Jungkook was new to your school and yet, he excelled. He had more friends than you and charted the highest scores - the two of you being tied academically. 
Every worry Jungkook’s mother had was brushed off by your father. “They act just like siblings.” he’d say with a laugh whenever you and Jungkook bickered over everything - and nothing. You dreaded going to your fathers on the weekends because that meant that you’d have to see and deal with Jungkook entirely - and he was nothing but a pain in the ass.
High School was the same, the only difference was the change in appearances. Jungkook grew overnight it seems and his high voice deepened. He worked out more due to him playing sports and that also meant his body changed, as well. 
“That’s your brother?!” a friend said with wide eyes when Jungkook had given you a sideways hug (a rule he had broken just to piss you off) and said: “Dad wants us to ride home together.”
And from that moment, you were Jungkook’s sister - not Y/N, but Jeon fucking Jungkook’s sister and you suspected he did it purposely. 
And Jungkook had - something he’d never admit to you. Just as his body developed in High School, so has yours and by senior year you were the talk of the boys locker room (as were most senior girls). “Y/N’s ass is amazing.” one boy had said as he walked in, his eyes focused down the hall where Jungkook assumed you were standing. “She has the perfect hips.”
“Her lips are good, too.” said another boy. “I just know she knows how to suck-”
“That’s my sister.” Jungkook deadpanned, his eyes narrow at the boys who immediately silence their crude talk about you.
A side of Jungkook told himself that he respected you as his (step) sister and didn’t like the filthy thoughts coming from others. But then there was the side of him that he wanted to bury away that agreed with them.
Jungkook had noticed that same day how your hips were nice and your ass was amazing. As you and he walked out of school together that Friday, he noticed as you sat in his car (a gift from your father since Jungkook had gotten his license before you) that your lips were good. You were coating them with gloss, eyes focused on the mirror to not mess anything up. 
Once these thoughts were there, they weren’t going away; as disgusting as it was.
You were his (step) sister and Jungkook had respect for you - even if the two of you fought constantly. You appeared to dislike him as a whole as you grew older and of course, he’d tease you and say it was because he was better than you at everything - but still, you were his sister.
The thoughts he held for you were impure and they weren’t going to go away until he fixed them.
It started subtle at first; light touches. He’d brush by you on the weekends when you’d come. Now teenagers at 18 of age, you two were often left alone. Your father would often go out with Jungkook’s mother and neither of you minded - Jungkook would bring his friends over and sometimes, you’d do the same. This weekend was different, however. There was a change in Jungkook’s behavior.
Jungkook would hold your hips often when passing by. He’d place a hand on your lower back when he comes up from behind you. His teasing never ceased, but they became more…sensual? 
Your mind tells you that it’s in your head. Jungkook was (unfortunately) your brother - step brother - but a brother nonetheless. He has now introduced you as his sister at school and that now means you had girls you’d never talk to attempting to speak with you in order to get to the person that was Jeon Jungkook.
The first time you’ve done something with Jeon Jungkook you had cried and vomited when you came back to your senses. “Stop being scared.” Jungkook said, passing you the glass with a shot's worth of alcohol in it. “Dad would never know.”
You grabbed the glass only because you didn’t want to appear like a loser. It was the weekend once more and you stayed at your father’s home and it was the same weekend your father and step-mother were celebrating their anniversary away. They felt comfortable leaving you and Jungkook alone more now since graduation was right around the corner. 
 A few friends and no parties was your father’s rule and that’s exactly what you’ve stuck by. Jungkook had a few friends each over while you decided to remain alone - Taehyung was someone you were nervous around because he was older and college age. He was far more experienced in drinking than you’d ever be and you didn’t want to appear like a fool.
“Your sister’s so cute.” Jimin had said to you - the same age as Taehyung and attending the same college. He laughed when your face scrunched in disgust at the harsh taste of the alcohol. “So innocent.” he murmured. 
It didn’t take long for the effects of the alcohol to flow through you entirely and you were now looser. You laughed along to whatever Taehyung said, a hot feeling running through you. The man sees the glossy look in your eyes as you look at him with such innocent-like eyes and he does nothing but pat your head gently - you were someone he had to remain at a distance because you were his younger friend's sister.
“You like Tae.” Jungkook said to you once his friends had left and you and he were left alone. “He’ll never like you back, you know? Bro code.”
Your head is spinning slightly and all you can hear is the annoying voice of Jungkook ruining your vibe. You grabbed the bottle from his hands and took a messy swig of it. “Fuck you.” you slur.
Jungkook scoffs, his eyes racking your figure. You had taken off the hoodie you wore an hour ago and now stayed in a tanktop and shorts. 
“No one likes me because of you.”
“That’s not true. Everyone likes you.” Jungkook had scoffed - he’s come across enough locker room talk about you.
“And no one wants to do anything with me because of you!” you hissed. You were drunk, Jungkook notes, and now your feelings were falling right into his lap. 
“You should be thanking me. They just want to use you for your body. They can smell your virginity from a mile away.”
Your eyes widen and your body heats with embarrassment. Without thinking, you threw the bottle at Jungkook. It smashes against his chin and he releases a loud groan at you doing so.
“I-I’m sorry-” you didn't actually intend for the bottle to connect. 
Jungkook presses his lips against yours, hands roughly grabbing your hips to keep you down. You’re shocked at the action and for a moment, you’re stuck on what to do or how to react. 
You’ve kissed a boy before, sure, but not Jungkook - his lips are soft and not as chapped as the last boy you’ve kissed. 
Jungkook pushes himself away as if realizing his mistake, his eyes are just as wide as yours and before he can apologize for his actions, you vomit completely on him, hot tears pouring down from your eyes. Now you’re truly embarrassed; humiliated. You were crying because the thought of kissing Jungkook sends shockwaves of both disgust and a taboo pleasure; and because you also vomited on him.
You ran to your room, stumbling a bit because the room was spinning entirely too much. You ignored Jungkook’s calls for you entirely and slammed your door shut.
You felt stupid, disgusted and humiliated all at once. 
It was the following morning where you were forced to face Jungkook once more, now sober, and this time the boy refused to be ignored. You were fresh out of the shower, speed walking down to your bedroom where you were face to face with Jungkook, him sitting directly on your bed. 
“Good morning.” Jungkook says cooly, his eyes on your face as if awaiting for your reaction. 
“What are you doing here?” you ask, clenching the towel on your body tighter. 
“Are you scared of me, Y/N?”
You’re taken aback by the question. “No.” you answer truthfully - there wasn't a reason to. Jungkook wasn’t a threat to you. 
“Then why do you look like you’ve seen a ghost?”
“More like a roach.” you spit, and Jungkook chuckles. 
“I want to talk about last night.”
You swallow, the room now growing hot. “What about last night?” you say, stepping into your room. “I got drunk…I don’t really remember what happened.” 
Jungkook watches you intently as you enter your closet and crack the door gently. It was big enough for you to hide in it for a moment to grab a robe and return. “Did I do something to embarrass myself?” you laugh humorlessly. 
You’re shaking with nerves and Jungkook knows you’re lying; pretending to not know what has happened. 
“You don’t remember?” Jungkook furrows a brow, turning to you fully. You sit on your bed, back pressed against the headboard.
You shake your head. 
“Hm.” Jungkook stands. “That’s too bad.” 
You swallow a dry lump in your throat, a part of you wanting to question what Jungkook meant by “too bad”. 
“You told me it was my fault that no one touches you.” Jungkook says after a moment of reading your face. “I’m sorry for that.”
Your body is hot; you remembered saying that. You remembered it all, as drunk as you were. You’re surprised you didn’t wake up with a hangover.
“It’s not your fault.” you murmur, glancing away. 
“I know.” Jungkook snickers. “Still, I know how boys are, Y/N. I am one.” he says. “They’ll take advantage of you. They’ll use you just to get in your pants.”
The conversation was going left, you note. You and Jungkook never spoke about this - sex or boys or anything related. He once teased you for having a crush back in middle school and that caused you to push him hard in a puddle of mud. He was so embarrassed about “being pushed by a girl” that he told your father that he tripped instead. 
“You should experience…” Jungkook trails off, as if trying to find the correct words to say. “...being touched by someone you love-”
“Please stop the speech.” you’re cringing, never in a million years thinking you’d hear this from Jungkook of all people. 
“I’m being serious Y/N.” Jungkook comes around to sit directly in front of you, eyes watching you closely. “It’s better with someone you love.”
“Did you love anyone you,” you raise your hands to do air quotes. “touched.”
Jungkook snickers. “I’m a boy. We’re wired differently.” he brushed your question off. “You’re a girl. You’re not. You’ll grow attached to the person who takes your virginity and they’ll let you down. And as your brother,” Jungkook’s eyes zone in on you so deep that it catches you by surprise. “I’ll have to kill them.”
You roll your eyes - but goosebumps litter the skin of your arms. “You’re so unserious.” you respond. “Since when do you play the step-brother role?”
“Since now. I love you, Y/N.” Jungkook smiles, his teeth - that reminded you of a bunny - on full display. “That’s why I want to be the one to…touch you.”
Now, in this instant, you’re positive that you looked like you’ve seen a ghost. Your body is stiff and your eyes widen at Jungkook’s words. He doesn’t speak for a moment to allow your mind to think about the words he’s spoken. 
“Excuse me?”
Jungkook doesn’t appear as distraught as you - he was the one to suggest it. 
“W-What are you saying?” you hiss at him, body hot. You’re sure this was another cruel joke Jungkook was going to push at you. He was going to burst out laughing at any minute and it was just a ruse to fluster you even more.
“I’m saying,” Jungkook tilts his head. “I want to be the one to pleasure you first.” he reiterates nonchalantly. “I can’t think of anyone that would love you more than me. You’re my sister-”
“Don’t call me that!” you hiss at Jungkook. 
Jungkook furrows his brows. “Why not? Is it not true?” he asks. “You’re my step-sister. If you want to lose your virginity then I’ll be the perfect person to do so. I actually care for your feelings, don’t I?” he shrugs his shoulders. 
You shake your head, mind trying to adjust to Jungkook’s words. “You’re crazy.” you scoff, but you glance away for a moment to think about what he’s said. 
“You’d rather have sex with someone you don’t love than me?” Jungkook crosses his arms over his chest. 
“You’re my broth…step-brother.” you respond. “It’s kinda weird thinking about you in that way.”
“Then don’t.” Jungkook shrugs. “Just think of me as Jungkook. We’re both seniors in High School about to graduate. Do you really want to go to college as a virgin?”
Going to college as a virgin shouldn’t bother you - you weren’t there to be fucked into oblivion countless times. However, your childish mind tells you that going to college without any experience was going to be your downfall. You think about Jungkook’s older friends - how Jimin called you innocent. How Taehyung lightly patted your head to dismiss you.
Jungkook watches your face fall and he understands that slowly, you were considering his proposal.
“We don’t have to jump into sex completely. Since you’re new to this I want to focus on your pleasure.”
“Like what?” you ask innocently. 
Jungkook offers a soft smile. “You trust me, right? I love you and you love me.”
Slowly, you nod. You’re sure you did love Jungkook - knowing his since you were a child and growing up alongside him.
“Okay.” Jungkook nods his head, inching closer to your stiff frame. He places a hand onto your face. “It’s just me, remember. You don’t have to be scared.”
You nod your head hesitantly. You didn’t have to be scared, yet you were. The thought of doing anything sexual with Jungkook causes fear to run through your veins - getting caught in the act was yet another fear. Your father wouldn’t be returning until Monday afternoon, but that didn’t cause your nerves to cease.
Jungkook leans closer to press a kiss against your lips much like he did the night prior, only this time more gentle. His lips were what you remembered them to be - soft and…a hint of strawberry? Jungkook often wore chapstick so you weren’t as confused as you would’ve been. 
You don’t move and allow Jungkook to completely take charge. “I’m going to continue to kiss you.” he murmurs breathily against your lips and you can only nod. But Jungkook doesn’t kiss your mouth, he instead kisses down your jawline to your chin and reaches your neck. “Lay down.” he instructs.
Your robe hikes up your thigh as you do as Jungkook tells you and it’s that moment that you remember that you were naked under the silk material - how you forgot was beyond you. 
A hand touches your outer thigh and you flinch, nerves kicking back in. 
“It’s just me.” Jungkook repeats against your neck. “Open your legs.”
It takes you a moment to listen to Jungkook. You’re trembling when you finally do open your legs and Jungkook takes it upon himself to wrap them around his waist. 
Jungkook’s closer - the closest he’s ever been to you. You were naked right beneath him, the silk robe only reaching higher and higher up your thigh that you have no coverage whatsoever. 
Jungkook’s sweats are thick, but he’s directly against your core and he could feel the pulsing from between your legs, similar to a heart beat. 
Your skin is soft, Jungkook notes while both hands run beneath the robe. He inches up slowly, enjoying the way your breathing becomes heavy.
“Jung-” you don’t finish your speech and it’s interrupted by both of Jungkook’s hands engulfing your ass entirely. 
Jungkook shudders at the feel of you. His sweats were becoming tight but he knows he cannot act on his urges - not when you were trusting him with this. 
Jungkook’s kisses proceed to go past your neck, hands rising  upwards to untie your robe. It falls open and now Jungkook has full access to your naked body.
“You have such a slutty body, Y/N.” Jungkook murmurs, his voice deeper than usual. You want to ask what that meant and if it was bad; but Jungkook doesn’t allow you to. His hands engulf your breast fully, his thumbs rubbing along your erect nipples. 
“Does that feel good?” Jungkook asks, his eyes darting from your breast to your face. 
You slowly nod your head, embarrassed at how good it did feel. 
“Good.” Jungkook mumbles. Your breast felt as amazing as your ass and fit perfectly in the palms of his hand. His own breathing intensified, his cock throbbing to be released from the prison that was his underwear and sweatpants. “You’re aroused. I can feel your through my sweats.”
“Don’t apologize.” Jungkook snickers. “You’re supposed to be. Here,”
Jungkook wanted to feel you as much as he possibly could. He removes himself from you briefly, his warmth gone entirely that you slightly shiver. He then lowers his sweats enough so that he’s only in his underwear, his erection appearing painfully hard. 
“You can grind against me. It’ll feel good.” Jungkook returns to you, left hand dipping to grip your ass and press you firmly against his clothed erection. The material of his underwear briefs are far more thin than his sweats and he’s thankful that he gets to feel some part of you.
While Jungkook’s left hand grips your ass, his left goes to rub along your breast, his thumb and index pinching your nipple for a reaction.
You yelp when you feel a new sensation - Jungkook’s tongue. He’s ensuring every part of you has a form of pleasure, his tongue swirling on your other nipple entirely.
Jungkook’s hips thrust into you, his eyes fluttering close. His pleasure could never match what you were feeling now, but even doing the deed - something so forbidden for step-siblings - was causing a wave of adrenaline and pleasure to flow through him.
The pleasure you were feeling was just as foreign, but you couldn’t deny how good it felt. You could feel the sticky arousal between your legs that’s staining Jungkook’s underwear. You couldn’t care now, not when you were matching Jungkook’s thrust with your own grinding.
This isn’t good, you tell yourself. Jungkook and you weren’t supposed to be doing this.
But it felt good - Jungkook’s tongue suckling on your breast, his hand gripping your ass so tight while he’s grinding against you. 
“I told you it’ll feel better when you do it with someone you love.” Jungkook says against your breast, his tongue flickering out his lips to flicker against your nipple. 
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The amount of times Jungkook and you continued to engage in sexual acts should be unhealthy. It should have stopped after the first time - but it didn’t. You’re embarrassed to say that you came just by grinding against him, an act that Jungkook found so hot that he wanted to do it again and again and again.
The entire weekend was you and Jungkook. Slowly, you became comfortable with being with him. By the third day, you had since sat in his lap completely naked just in hopes of getting off - and Jungkook allowed it. He loved watching the way you succumb with pleasure,  so wet and ready to cum that you didn’t care what he was doing. He had to mute his microphone on his game that he was playing with Taehyung, ignoring the screams his friend was shouting over the headset about their team losing because of him - but Jungkook didn’t care.
One thing Jungkook enjoyed was tasting you, as weird as it sounded. He’s done this before with other girls - but you were different. He enjoyed sucking and kissing on your kiss and watching your raw reaction to it. He’d place his hands upon your hips as you grind against his cock,  his tongue rubbing along your soft skin. Your breasts were littered with hickies now and you didn’t care in the slightest.
But Jungkook is salivating at the thought of getting to taste you. He can feel how wet your are, your pussy releasing sweet arousal all over his cock that it’s a waste that he hasn’t tasted it. 
The idea of you spread before him as he ravishes your pussy, your moans high and full of lust.
Jungkook is going to do so - now. He doesn’t care if you’re on the phone with your friends; you’ve interrupted him when he was on his game. He had to hear Taehyung berate him for an hour straight.
You’re already naked, Jungkook notes, and that’s good. While you and he started this only two days ago, you wanted him at every given moment and being naked was the quickest way for you to have him. 
Jungkook enters your room without knocking and you furrow a brow at him. He doesn’t speak, he doesn’t need to. You know what he wants (in a way) and you’ll always be ready to give it to him. 
What you aren’t expecting was Jungkook to pull your legs apart, and without warning, dive right into it. His tongue lays flat against your clit, his hands going beneath your thighs to assure you don’t close them.
You yelp loudly at the sudden action, a low groan releasing from your lips.
“I-I’m okay.” you tell your friend over the phone. “K-Keep telling me what happened.”
You mute your phone and place it aside. “W-What-”
“Shut up.” Jungkook tells you. He doesn’t want to think about anything but tasting you, having you cum all over his lips. 
Your friend's speech dies down in the background. Jungkook doesn’t allow any time for you to adjust, his tongue laps between your folds hungrily. Your moans are as sweet as your pussy and he focuses on it and your pleasure entirely. He slurps and sucks against your clit as if it’s his last meal.
“Jungkook, I-I-”
Jungkook’s eyes flicker up to look at you and once more, you groan. 
This is bad, you think. No, worse. 
You told yourself that eventually, you and Jungkook would need to stop this. That you couldn’t keep allowing him to make you cum; but then he makes it harder. Grinding against him was one thing - still bad seeing as he was your step-brother - but this? This was worst.
And the worst felt so good.
“K-Kookie,  please-”
You haven’t called Jungkook that since middle school - a nickname he hated as he grew older. But the name sounds so sweet coming from your lips that he just wants to ravish your pussy even more. 
“What’s wrong?” Jungkook asks, then swipes his tongue against your clit slowly. He keeps his eyes on you as he does this, your reaction enticing him. “Want you to cum on my face.”
Your thighs quiver at Jungkook's words, body radiating with heat. Slowly you nod your head, slightly anticipating the new found pleasure Jungkook was giving you.
“It’ll feel good…” Jungkook says suddenly. “...might feel a little different.”
You’re unsure what he’s speaking of until you feel pressure. Your walls clench around his fingers, the feeling completely unexpected and unfamiliar. 
“Relax, Y/N. It’ll feel good soon.”
Jungkook continues to lick on your clit, slowly entering his fingers deeper inside of you. You’re tight - the tightest he’s ever felt. But you were also a virgin and this was something he’s never had before. It excites him greatly, the thought of you giving your body to him; him being your first for everything sends shock waves through him.
You hum low and your thigh twitches. Jungkook's fingers are long and they’re now hitting a nerve deep inside of you. 
Your back arches as Jungkook picks up the pace in his thrusting. His eyes never leave you as he does, enjoying the way your face contorts with pleasure. You’re beautiful, he thinks, as he always thought you were. Now you’re beautiful to him in more ways than one and your body has developed gracefully over the years.
Your eyes snap shut, a long moan releasing deep from your throat. You’re positive that this was going to make you cum quick - the quickest you’ve ever had. 
“You’re so wet, Y/N.” Jungkook says, hovering above you. He doesn’t stop his thrusting fingers and his eyes are fixed on how good the sight of you is. “Aren’t you happy you agreed to this?”
“Yes!” you moan, nodding your head. There’s that familiar bubbling in your stomach creeping up on you.
“So pretty…” Jungkook groans. Your juices were leaking onto his palm entirely. He can’t wait until he could have you the way he wants to - to fully pleasure you the best way he knows how. 
This isn’t something Jungkook ever wants to stop doing - the rush that goes through him at the fact that this is something you and he were not supposed to be doing. The forbidden action makes him want you even more - want you at times he truly shouldn’t and he ponders how he would react when you two were no longer alone. 
Your thighs are shaking erratically and Jungkook knows you’re cumming. This must be bliss for you, he thinks, cumming so much in such a short amount of time. You’re just lucky that it was him - someone who truly loved you - that was doing this for you. Another person wouldn’t care if you came or not.
Jungkook presses a kiss against your lips as you ride out your orgasm. He sends them across your cheek to your neck as you slowly begin to calm down from your high. “I think your friend hung up.” Jungkook says, eyes glancing at your discarded phone. 
You don’t respond, exhaustion hitting you drastically. 
Jungkook pecks your lips once more. “Next time, I want you to sit on my face.” he says to you, removing his fingers entirely.
This was bad, you think. But you didn’t want it to end.
next (tape) | series masterlist | final (sibling rivalry)
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bluedosjaykewon · 20 days
🥹✨Enhypen as Dads✨🥹
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Fluffy, only lots and lots of suggar
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Making everyone very sad (I know we would all like to see Heeseung being a “girl dad”, I would love it too) but I see Hee being father of two boys (about 3 or 4 years apart)
I honestly think he would be so happy with that since he grew up with his brother too so he wants to provide a childhood as cool as his children was
He is 100% the type of father "don't tell your mother"
"Don't tell your mother we drank soda at dawn"
"Don't tell your mother we stayed up playing video games until 4 in the morning"
"Don't tell your mother I took you to Burger King after school"
Etc etc
I also can see you scolding your son and he saying "hey honey but he didn't do anything wrong" and you just look at him and automatically he turns around and says “VERY BAD KID THIS IS VERY VERY BAD”
What can he do???? He's the good cop
I think Hee would be the kind of father who would be very supportive of his children, especially if they want to pursue a career in music, but I think he would be very wise to tell his children that it's a very exhausting life and full of very complicated obstacles
His oldest son is definitely his best friend (he lives to make this boy feel proud of him)
His youngest son is his baby
As Heeseung is the youngest children in his family I think he sees himself in his baby boy so is that the reason why he’s always very emotional about the youngest
He wants to be the cool and laid-back father to his youngest son while he wants to be the loyal friend of his oldest
I can really imagine him taking his oldest son for a drive at night to clear his head
Speaking of cars, these 3 always go on a fishing trip every month IT'S A TRADITION
His youngest son doesn't like fishing that much but he loves spending time with his father and brother so he goes anyway🥹
His children always come back covered in mosquito bites because Heeseung always forgets his insect repellent home, but they come back smiling and happy so it doesn't matter.
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Ok, let's go
Jay is a couple father, DOES EVERYONE AGREE?????
He has an older daughter, who he raised with all the love, affection, care and protection and will always take care of her because she is his princess.
And he has a younger son that is his best bro forever (maybe 6 years between the children?)
I imagine that his daughter must have been so jealous of her brother when he was born
I can see them at 16 and 10 years old, having a Disney Chanel sibling dynamic, who live to make each other's lives hell, are fighting 100% of the time but deep down love each other deeply
He and his youngest son are quite a duo
They have a garage band together🥹🫶🏼
Jay taught him to play guitar but the boy's passion is the drums
I imagine that he is much closer to his older daughter, but he doesn't know how to deal very well with his daughter growing up and no longer depending on him.
So he spends all the time he can with his youngest because when the youngest grows up it's over for him
Jay loves to keep his kids entertained so he would be up for anything
“Daddy, are we going to the Taylor Swift concert?”
“Sure, my love.”
“Daddy, can we go to the skate park?”
“We’ll leave in a few minutes, okay? Just let daddy finish this first”
Btw, he supports everything his children want to do
I swear his children have already taken every course and private lesson that exists on the earth
Jay will enroll them in and out of anything they want
Because he wants his children to be happy and he grew up with a family that gave him so much support that I believe he will do the same
Btw, the family tradition is take the childrens to see baseball games
In fact, Jay had a huge existential crisis when his daughter started not wanting to go to the games🥹
He started remembering her when she was little with a t-shirt and a cap that was too big for her, sitting on his shoulders and watching the game🥹🥹🥹🥹
Poor man, he collapsed
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I imagine him being such a calm and relaxed father, you know?
I think he would be such a relaxed father.
His relationship with his children is based on trust, affection and love 100% of the time.
I don't think he smothers his children or wants to be with them 100% of the time.
Of course he is a present father, but I think he respects his children's time a lot.
But let’s go, he has 3 children.
2 older boys and a younger girl (about 2 years apart from each child?)
Oh, how this man was in heaven when these children were born.
Jake loves being a father, I think he considers it his favorite profession.
And he is simply so delicate with his children, his tone of voice is always soft and loving, he touches them as if they were made of porcelain.
He loves taking them to the park, riding his bike with them and stopping for ice cream afterwards, or taking them to the pool, spending the whole day at the water park and then stopping at the McDonald’s🥹🥹🥹🥹
God, he loves his little 4-year-old girl, he’s an idiot for her (she gets whatever she wants, he’s her personal butler)
You see him walking around with weird hairstyles and stickers on his face quite often (he’s a regular at the 4pm tea party with his daughter and her bunny every Wednesday)
But he’s so incredibly in love with his 8 and 6-year-old boys
I can imagine them playing with lots of Hot Wheels tracks lol (and Jake taking it so seriously)
They build a lot of Lego together too, God, his kids have BOXES AND BOXES of Lego of every possible and imaginable type
He’s the kind of father who dances with his daughter dressed as a prince and gives her flowers so she gets used to receiving love early on so he doesn’t worry about future relationships
At the same time, he’s an example of such a good man for your children
Your children are so in love with your relationship🥹♥️
I imagine the 3 of you being so close, they are brothers who truly love each other unconditionally because the only reference they have is love, love and more love♥️😭
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Two girls
He has two girls who are about 3 years apart from each other
His oldest is like “🎀✨💕DADDYS GIRL💕✨🎀” and his youngest is more like “💋✨⛸️DADDYS GIRL⛸️✨💋” if you can understand me
Like the oldest is more “Daddy, can I use your card??? I need a new dress” and the youngest is more “Dad, I told you! You don’t have to buy me anything”
He is absolutely in love with them to an extreme level
They are his world, after they were born nothing else matters more to him than the happiness of his two little girls
like really
He can’t be able to sleep if he knows that your girls are on a party or on a date
He just CAN’T
And you’re like “babe, cmon, let’s rest a little” and he will be like “I can’t sleep, y/d must call anytime”
Something he miss when the girls are little babies…
When they were little they cried for him to put them to sleep and sing to them😭♥️
And now his princess wanna buy short skirts and dance all night😭💔
His youngest really like to skating so they do it together sometimes
These two girls are the pinnacle of what a doting and protective father can do with a girl
But like I said he is protective
The day you came to him saying he was so cute like your oldest daughter had a boyfriend in kindergarten….
He went to the school to have a serious talk with a 5-year-old boy and his parents
Even today, more than 10 years later, he still has a grudge against the poor child who just held his little girl's hand
I can imagine your daughter going to say that she has something important to talk about and him saying "did you find out you're a lesbian and are you going to get rid of that idiot?😃"
and your daughter saying "no daddy" and he would reply with "are you absolutely sure you're not a lesbian?😃"
You think Jay would spoil his children but nothing is as good for the economy as Park Sunghoon, his daughters and his black card at the mall
You know that scene from Beverly Hills where the father asks what his daughter is wearing and she answers "Calvin Clain"
They have this energy
He takes them and picks them up from everywhere because he doesn't like his princesses to walk around alone and he doesn't want boys bringing home
Nothing in the world would break his heart more than seeing his daughters cry. He always makes a point of buying their favorite foods, giving them a cuddle and leaving a kiss on their heads when they are crying.
Now if it is because of some boy... God have mercy and may he not find out the address of that boy
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He has two girls too, but they are twins.
He is over the moon with them.
Do you agree with me that they would wear matching outfits????😭😭😭😭
He knows ALL the Disney princess songs
He would be his daughters' best friend 100%. He gives his daughters a lot of space to talk to him about absolutely anything and everything, he is always very present and aware of everything that happens in the lives of his little gems.
One of them is really extroverted and shining just like him and the other is like “omg you two are making me feel embarrassed please stop”
But he is also very protective of them.
Not like Sunghoon, of course.
Dad Sunoo is like a mother lioness, he protects his children tooth and nail no matter what.
If this man finds out that one of his daughters is being bullied at school... I feel so sorry for the principal of that institution because he will DESTROY her.
He also watches a lot of movies with his daughters, when he gets home from work and his girls have already come home from school, it's always the perfect time to order food and watch Korean dramas together
He would always be available for serious, intimate, or everyday conversations
I think he would be such an attentive father🥹🥹🥹 but at the same time he would have no patience at all
He seems to me like the kind of father who when his kid makes a fuss he leaves the child on the floor of the store crying, walks away and pretends he doesn't know her
I imagine him being very truly with his daughters too, like "are you going out like that? With those clothes???? No, you can't change that, it's not good, you're dressing like Sponge Bob"
He would be their safe place too
I can see him comforting them when they were crying about something, like them lying on his lap while he caresses them and says "it's okay, love, it'll pass, I already have your age too, it'll pass"
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He has a son, a little boy
You are thinking about having another one, but he is always analyzing how you have such a comfortable life with only one child and that a second child would require you to give up some privileges, etc.
Obviously he would be up for more children if you wanted, he catches himself thinking about another baby often, but he always brings up this conversation at some point
But anyway, your little boy is around 5/6 years old????
I feel like Won is in a limbo between “being the cool dad” and “being the example of a responsible man that his son needs”
He demands a lot of himself as a father
whenever he gets home and sees that his son is already in bed sleeping and he didn't get him “good night kisses” he feels terrible😔😔😔 (I think you will have to reassure him several times a day that he is doing an excellent job)
I can imagine him like this:
“What's up, son? Boys' day today, huh? Let's go to the park, the movies, and then have ribs for dinner, what do you think????”
“What's up, buddy? How was school today?”
Like that type of kids that say “MY DAD IS MY SUPERHERO” is really cute
Doesn’t help the fact that this kid has his father kitty bubble tea eyes😭✨
But he’s really shy when he’s not with you or Jungwon, like, your two are his best friends.
Jungwon is such a fun father🥹
Even if he comes home feeling sad, limping, anemic, fragile and inconsistent, he will take time to play with your son and this will charge his energy 100%.
Just like Jake, Won is the kind of father who lets his son do whatever he wants with him.
His son will stick stickers on his face, draw a mustache and a goatee with a marker, etc., etc., and he will stand there laughing at how cute his son is.
He loves taking naps with your son (he even went through a difficult time when your son stopped being afraid of sleeping alone and asked to sleep with you every night).
I think he would be such a responsible father. He would know how to say no to his child when necessary and would teach that there is a time and place for everything and that we should be polite and patient. 🥹♥️
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Just like Won, I imagine that Kiki has 2 father skins: the fun-child father with a 4-year-old mentality and the extremely mature father who is aware of his activities as a father.
He fluctuates a lot between these two.
He is extremely responsible when it comes to his children, he can handle any situation on his own without any problems.
Btw, I can see him having a family just like his own (two girls and a middle boy🥹). They are like 10, 8 and 5 years old. 🥹🥹🥹
He and the older ones do so much messy together that I swear to God I don't know how your house is still standing.
They play a lot of running games until Kiki stops and says "Aaaaaah daddy's back isn't the same anymore."
Like I said, his older ones brought out his fun and agitated side, but his youngest is so calm and sweet that he can't be the childish father with her, he just wants to protect her from everything
(he also joins the team of daddys who let their little daughter do whatever she wants with him) this girl is almost always riding on her father's shoulders😭♥️
He is the biggest fan of his children, he is there for everything his children want to do
I can see his children so interested in his “idol” career and always with stars in their eyes when they see videos of enhypen's performances
But unlike Heeseung, I think Riki would be reluctant to let his children enter the world of stardom, especially young ones like him, I think he wouldn't want his children to go through as much as he did and he would be far away and imposing to do something...
His favorite pastime is taking his children to Disney, I swear to God they are at Tokyo Disney almost every weekend
I like to think he likes to hold his two oldest ones by the feet while his youngest is on his back and playing mechanical bull AJAKAKAKAKAKA
His kids feel so comfortable talking to him (he's not a very jealous dad either)
I also think that there’s moments that Riki just stops, look at his kids and says “wow” like “they’re real, I made them”
And I think he’s the “what your mom thinks about that?” Type of dad, like “bro, you know that mommy is the leader of this family go ask her”
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