#billy & joyce
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harringroveera · 3 months ago
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More Billy and Jonathan’s bonding time…in the best way possible
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nyabr0 · 29 days ago
everyone who decided that joyce byers adopts billy hargrove i owe you my life are you kidding
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psychdelia · 2 months ago
billy living with joyce after starcourt and he’s the complete opposite, a shell of himself. he doesn’t talk, doesn’t smoke, doesn’t work out. on the days he’s not hiding and crying in his room, he’s sitting on the couch watching movies. wearing sweats and hoodies and warm socks, curled up under fuzzy blankets with a bowl of popcorn. he doesn’t look at anyone, doesn’t really listen when anyone other than joyce is talking to him, and even she has a hard time getting words out of him. she doesn’t try to get him to talk when he’s got his head in her lap, sobbing after a nightmare and holding onto her so tight like he’s terrified she’ll leave. she just plays with his hair and rubs his back, whispering reassurances and comfort until he’s fallen back asleep.
steve wasn’t necessarily avoiding billy, but he also wasn’t going out of his way to see the guy either. he was pretty sure billy still hated him, and he never really thanked him for quite literally dying to save their lives, then going through a hellish recovery on top of that. in fact, he never really talked to billy at all. but steve thought about him a lot more than he’d admit, especially the longer he went without seeing him. then joyce was calling him one random morning and more demanding than begging steve to hang out with billy, explaining that jonathan and will had tried but never succeeded. at first, steve thought it was an ego thing, that billy didn’t want to hang out with the people who welcomed him into their home. but then joyce was throwing out words like lonely and sad and lost, and it made steve feel a little sick. so he showed up a couple hours later with a stack of movies he meant to return to work and never did, as well as candy. a peace offering. he ignored how his chest hurt the first time he laid eyes on billy after everything that happened.
movies, popcorn and candy on joyce’s couch, and eventually steve’s as well, quickly became part of their daily routine. they didn’t talk for the first week or so, steve trying and failing to initiate small talk, but he didn’t mind the silence. they both appreciated the company, quiet but comfortable. steve talked a little more after about two weeks, and had showed up on one particular day with a story about keith arguing with a customer, finding that he really liked making billy smile, even if it was small. except he found billy on the couch with wet eyes and red cheeks, turning away from steve when he realized he’d been spotted, like he was embarrassed. steve had been around billy when he was more tired than usual, not making fun of him for sleeping through the best scenes because he found himself watching billy more than the movie anyways. but he hadn’t seen a bad day like this, and his heart broke further when billy flinched as he approached.
they didn’t need to talk about everything. not yet, at least. but steve was never as good with words as billy was, and he knew that comfort didn’t require speaking. he just set the movies and candy down on the table, lifting the blanket just enough to squeeze himself in next to billy, ignoring his usual seat further down on the couch. his heart and mind were racing but his hands acted faster, reaching towards billy and hugging him. his touch was so gentle yet his embrace was so firm and grounding, it had billy melting into his arms, choking on a sob. his hands trembled as they hovered above steve’s chest, too scared to touch him, feeling undeserving. steve just pulled him in closer, letting his hands roam. he rubbed billy’s shoulders, hips, the small of his back, dug his fingers into blonde curls that were softer than he could have ever imagined. he sighed, relieved and content when billy gave in and wrapped his arms over steve’s neck, nervous, warm hands touching his hair, shoulders and back. he ignored the way billy’s hair tickled his nose, practically pulling the guy on top of him and forcing billy to straddle him when he moved to pull away after being held. he made sure billy was comfortable as he adjusted the blanket over both of them, smiling so soft when he noticed billy’s cheeks were red for a new, more endearing reason.
joyce found them in the same position that night, billy knocked out on top of steve, limbs tangled and both of them clinging to the other just as fiercely. she had gotten home earlier, but decided to force hopper to take her out to dinner when she saw steve’s beemer, surprised he was still there when she got back. she wasn’t surprised by the way she found them, smiling warmly as she fixed their blanket and turned the tv off, knowing that they’d be inseparable.
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thedeadestmeme · 1 month ago
i just think there’s something about the way that Billy doesn’t single out anyone else. not Nancy, not Jonathan, not even another popular person in school, but Steve — only Steve.
when Billy arrives at the school for the first time? it doesn’t focus on Nancy’s reaction, but Steve. Steve, who wonders about it first, then it focuses on Billy until it pans to the girls being like “wowwww.”
and then, Billy stalking over to Steve, very specifically. the way that Nancy slips away, so Steve can *take off his sunglasses* to stare at this dude that’s staring WAYYYY too intensely at him.
and it’s supposed to be a lot of posturing. it’s meant to be Billy trying to usurp the most popular guy in town. that’s what it was probably meant as, however… i’m just saying. it’s a little,,, how this dude with his oiled-up chest stalks from across the room to single out Steve. and his focus has been EXCLUSIVELY Steve. like, Billy could not care less about having anyone else’s attention, EXCEPT Steve.
and then, we’ve got the basketball scene and such. and Billy’s only interested in watching Steve’s reactions. like “oh, you pissed?? you mad????” and it’s never about anyone else, ONLY STEVE.
in conclusion, Billy Hargrove is the toxic love interest that expresses wayyy too much interest in Steve. and this was part of the training wheels to Steve becoming the most useless bisexual-coded man. gotta start slow with the “they’re rivals, but also…?”
they’re the definition of “you should be addicted to shutting the fuck up” — “you wanna fuck me so bad, it makes you look stupid.”
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imactuallyreallycool · 10 months ago
Hello every-pony lmao
Here’s some of my mlp x stranger things designs :)
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shieldofiron · 4 months ago
The one thing Billy agrees with about the Midwest is this: it really is easier to have conversations in a car.
He confesses to Jonathan after Jon sees him walking alone. His dad took his keys. He has nowhere to go.
He confesses to Hopper in the back of a squad car. He stares straight out at the snow and says it even though it makes him shake. His dad’s a liar.
Joyce tells him in the car too. The lawyers filed. He and Max can stay with her.
Finally, hardest of all, he confesses to Steve. Trembling, nails raw bitten.
Steve is the only one who pulls over. Pulls Billy over the shift and holds his face close in two cold hands.
Maybe the Midwest ain’t so bad.
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brbsoulnomming · 3 months ago
Heart On Your Sleeve Part 2
Part 1
written for steddiebigbang2024 and belatedly posting here!
"Hey, look, if this is some kind of Halloween prank-"
"It's not a prank!" Dustin insists. "Look-"
He fumbles at his chest, and Steve realizes what he's doing just before he pulls his heart out.
"Woah, hey, hey, don't go bringing that out with cat eating lizards around!" Steve tells him.
"It's not a lizard!" Dustin says.
It's dark, and Steve can't see the details of his heart all that well, but he can see the way it beats - racing a little, from the danger, but still steady. No hint of deception.
"See? Not a lizard, not a prank. It's one of those things again, Steve, only a baby one. A demodog."
"All right, I believe you, now just - put that away before it gets eaten."
Somewhat to Steve's surprise, Dustin obeys, tucking his heart back inside his chest.
"Now you," Dustin says.
"What? No way."
"Come on!" Dustin whines. "I showed you mine."
"Yeah, cause you're the one with something to prove," Steve reminds him. "I'm the one you suckered into this, and there's no way I'm taking my heart out with a demodog lurking around. Just stay up here, okay? I'll go take care of this."
Max Mayfield has her heart securely inside her chest even before she believes any of them about the Upside Down.
There's not that many reasons kids that young wouldn't wear their hearts pinned to their shirts, or poking out of one pocket or another, but Steve can think of a few.
He hadn't expected to get saddled with another kid when he let Dustin into his car, but she slides right in like she was one of them the whole time.
And if he makes sure he doesn't ask what she's doing here, if he just starts working on shoring up the bus and treats her like she belongs there right from the start, that's between him and her.
When she asks him if he's really fought one of these things before, for a moment he thinks about pulling his own heart out so she can see for herself.
But there's a monster prowling around outside, and getting caught with his heart out isn't going to help him protect these kids.
Besides, when he makes sure the demodogs target him, when he throws himself in front of the kids - he hopes that's more of an indication of who he is, who he wants to be, than his slightly battered heart could ever show.
If Steve's honest, he's not entirely sure how they get back to the Byers’ from the tunnels. He knows he drives, knows Max complains in his ear the whole time about how he drives like a grandma, knows every time he glances over at her there's a sullen, almost fearful expression on her face, like she's afraid he's going to yell at her or keel over and pass out in the middle of the road.
He's not ruling out the second one.
But they make it, and they beat everyone else back. Billy's still unconscious in the living room, and the house is eerily silent for about a minute before Steve catches himself.
“Hands washed, everyone,” he calls out. “Hands and arms and any exposed skin. And make sure you gargle with mouthwash.”
Mike rolls his eyes. “Mouthwash?”
Steve points at him. “Mouthwash has alcohol in it, you little shit, it might kill any gross Upside Down bacteria you breathed in. But hey, you want to be tasting that place for a week, be my guest.”
There's a moment of silence, then everyone scurries to fight over one of the sinks.
Steve waits until they're all done before following his own advice, then finally sinks down onto the couch with a groan.
Dustin hands him a bag of mostly still frozen vegetables, probably picked up from the kitchen where they'd dumped everything to put the demodog in the freezer. Steve grimaces at the thought of Mrs. Byers coming home to that, but slaps the bag on his head anyway.
It helps, a little.
There's an argument about what to do with Billy that Steve only half listens to. Max apparently threatened him with Steve's bat after she snuck up and stabbed him with the syringe, which - shit, good for her. Steve's guessing that'll make Billy think twice before he messes with her.
He stays out of the argument, though. He already knows the only answer is going to be let Hopper deal with it.
Admittedly, when Hopper and everyone else does come back, Steve's a little out of it. He's on his feet at the sound of cars approaching, baseball bat in his hand and urgently gesturing for the gremlins to stay the fuck behind him.
If his reflexes were any less dulled by the aching pain at the back of his head, he might have taken a swing when the door opened before he realized who it was.
But fortunately, he just sags with relief, and returns to his spot on the couch with the bat resting against his knee.
It's only when he hears the kids all trying to talk over each other that he realizes someone must have asked them what happened.
Steve pries his eyes open - unsure when he even closed them, shit - to find Mrs. Byers staring at him, clearly concerned. He jolts with the surprise of seeing her so close, and doesn't quite manage to hide his wince of pain, judging by her expression.
“Steve, honey?” she asks.
It sounds like a prompt to answer the question he didn't hear, and he grimaces.
“I'm the babysitter,” is what manages to make its way out of his mouth. “Nothing is getting at those little gremlins without going through me.”
Mrs. Byers looks at him in a way he doesn't really recognize, something between soft and sad and - proud, maybe? Like maybe he did something right, even though it makes her sad.
She holds out her hands, and helps pull him to his feet when he takes them.
“Let's get you patched up,” she says, leading him back to the master bedroom.
He sits on the bed while she gets a first aid kit from the bathroom, watching her through a faint, blurry haze as she takes a closer look at him.
“I didn't win,” he says, feeling a little bit ashamed.
Her eyes go a little bit wet, and she makes a soft tsk noise. “Oh, honey. Winning doesn't matter.”
That throws him so badly that he just stares up at her.
“It doesn't?” he asks, once he's accepted that he's probably not going to get his thoughts in any kind of order.
“That sounds like your father talking,” she says, but her voice is gentle as she starts cleaning up the blood on his face.
“You don't think he's right? That I should be more like him?” The question is out before Steve really realizes - out before he really thinks about it, out before he can admit that he doesn't want to know the answer.
Mrs. Byers pulls back a little, looking at him. “Can I see your heart?”
His hands are at his chest so quick that he fumbles with it, and by the time he pulls it out - it's the same dark red as always, despite the deep, jagged crack running through it, and it pulses unsteadily with his uncertainty.
“No one's asked to see it in a long time,” he says, awkwardly trying to explain away the wobbly beat of his heart in his hands.
She looks sad again, for a moment, then she pulls her own out. It's a slightly paler red, lined with thin silver scars, and it's beating a little fast - adrenaline, he thinks - but it's steady, and it's redder than any adult he's ever seen.
“What happened tonight, Steve?” she asks softly.
“They were in danger,” he replies, because it's the simplest, truest explanation.
“And you protected them.” It's half a statement, half a question, and he tears his gaze away from her heart to find her still looking at him, her eyes dark and warm.
“Yeah,” he says, his heart starting to pump a little more steady against his palms.
Like he said to Nancy - he might have been a shitty boyfriend, but he's a damn good babysitter. Those kids are his.
“Might not be much,” he admits, fully aware she's just coming back from fighting some being from an alternate dimension trying to get her son, and there's a whole girl with super powers out there getting dog piled by her friends. “But it's me between them and anything else, Upside Down or whatever. All of them.”
Just in case she wasn't sure if that included Will or not.
Her eyes drop down to his heart, beating steady and sure - and then she leans in, pressing their foreheads together for a moment before she pulls back.
“You're a good kid,” she says, and her heart beats strong, saying true, true, true. “You're as much like your father as Jonathan is like his, and that's a good thing.”
His heart spasms in his hands, and he curls his fingers in a little like he can hide it, though he doesn't even attempt to put it away.
“I was mean to him,” he admits in a rush. “Last year.”
Mrs. Byers snorts. “You were sixteen,” she informs him. She tucks her heart back into her chest, and gets back to work on patching him up. “He said you apologized, and he's forgiven you.”
Steve doesn't stop her, still doesn't try to put his heart back in his chest. “I didn't finish apologizing, though. It doesn't mean anything if you just say you're sorry, and you don't say what for.”
He knows, because before his dad stopped apologizing at all - he'd always say he was sorry, but he'd never say why. Like he knew his mom or Steve were upset at him, and he knew he had to apologize to get them to not be upset, but he didn't actually give enough of a shit to figure out the why.
Or to stop doing it, but at least Steve managed that one.
“I think your actions were a little more important to him than your words,” Mrs. Byers says, like she can read his mind.
Steve doesn't know what to say to that, so he just lets her finish patching him up.
“Kids say Billy Hargrove put his hands on Lucas first,” Hopper says.
Steve scoffs. “Yeah, that's one way of putting it.”
Hopper looks at him, long enough that Steve feels his stomach start to squirm a little. “What's your way of putting it, then?”
“Hargrove's a piece of shit,” Steve says bluntly, too tired and in pain to care. “Come on, Hopper, you know exactly why he targeted Lucas out of all of them.”
Hopper's jaw sets. “I do. And Lucas doesn't want to press charges. So. How do we convince Hargrove to stay the hell away?”
Steve opens his mouth, closes it again, and swallows roughly. “You want me to help figure it out? Why?”
Hopper raises his eyebrows at him. “Seems like you've already been doing a pretty good job at it.”
It's a good thing he'd put his heart back in his chest, because Steve wouldn't want Hopper to see the way it beats a little quicker.
It's strange, having this much adult attention on him. Having people who ask to see his heart, who tell him that he did a good job, who give a shit, even if it's only because Steve's gotten himself involved in all of this mess.
He likes it, he thinks. He likes being seen as someone who can be counted on, someone who can help protect the kids, more than he'd ever liked being seen as popular.
“I could arrest him, easy,” Hopper says. “But something tells me he's used to getting in trouble with the police, and it'll just make him more pissed off.”
“We don't want to get him in trouble,” Steve says slowly, thinking it over. “We want to make sure he knows we're the only reason he's not in trouble.”
Hopper grunts, looking at him expectantly, and Steve realizes it's a silent encouragement to continue.
“If it seems like you're going to arrest both of us, he'll be more willing to work with me on something that'll keep us both out of trouble. He knows I won't want it to get back to my dad or to Coach, but he won't want it to get back to his dad even more. We just have to make sure he knows he has just a little bit more to lose than I do.”
Hopper's looking at him still, in a way that Steve can't figure out.
“It's high school,” he says, feeling the need to - to offer some kind of explanation, some kind of excuse for why he knows how to do this.
“It's politics,” Hopper says, a little wry, a little bitter.
“It's bullshit,” Steve spits out, the word tasting like a chewed up rubber band.
“Damn straight it is,” Hopper agrees. “But it's reality. Sometimes - sometimes you have to play by other people's rules, do things you know are bullshit, make some deals.”
His eyes flicker, back towards the living room, and Steve wonders what deals he's had to make to keep the government off their backs, to keep El hidden and safe.
“I hate it,” Steve says, soft and raw.
He's never admitted that to anyone else, and he has no idea why he says it now, but it makes Hopper's mouth twist a little, something like understanding in his eyes.
“Me too, kid. Me too.”
That's why it's him and Hopper out here, Steve thinks. Sometimes you have to do things you don't want to, sometimes you have to play their bullshit game to get what you want. Something slides a little bit into place - knowing that he isn't alone, that what he wants isn't any of the pointless things he used to do this for.
It's to protect this weird little group that, somehow, have become the most important people in his life.
“You're our babysitter now, right?” Hopper asks after a few minutes. “Make sure he knows that. Knows it's my kid that he's messing with if he comes after them or you again.”
“Yeah,” Steve says with a nod. “Yeah, that'll work.”
Billy wakes up next to him in the backseat of Hopper's car, hands cuffed behind him. It takes him a minute to clock onto where he is, and a minute longer to realize that Steve's next to him, also in cuffs.
“Who the fuck called the cops?” he hisses at Steve.
Steve shrugs. “How the hell should I know? Neither of us were exactly conscious at the time, thanks to you.”
Billy sneers at him. Steve can see him trying to collect himself through the haze of the sedative wearing off. “Here's how this is going to go. You want to keep it from happening again, you do exactly what I-”
Steve laughs at him. “Dude. They did a drug test already. Where did you even get the stuff you were on?”
Billy goes still. It sets Steve's teeth on edge - it's the same still he'd felt sitting in the junkyard, waiting for Dart. But he knows what he has to do now just as much as he did then, and he lets himself sulk as he leans back against the seat and watches Billy think.
If he says Max drugged him against his will - one, he's admitting to the fact that a thirteen year old girl got the best of him, and two, he has to be smart enough to know that Max would never admit to that, and the kids would all back her up. Billy was the one who showed up looking for a fight, Billy was the one who threw the first punch, Billy was the one who smashed a plate over Steve's head - no way in hell the cops believe him over the kids.
Billy scoffs. “Guess I better spread the word that the Freak is lacing his shit with who the fuck knows what.”
Shit, of course that's where Billy goes. Steve scrambles for a moment, then fixes him with an unimpressed look.
He can salvage this. Munson is pretty much the only supplier around, most of the guys aren't willing to mess with him too much - and if Billy does try to spread it around, it won't be too hard to add onto the rumor that it's just because Billy did something to piss Munson off.
“Maybe you should be nicer to him,” he says with a snort. “Munson always gives me the good stuff.”
Billy just snarls at him. It's clear he's got his story, and he's going to go with it.
Steve shrugs - or as best as he can, with his injuries and his hands cuffed behind his back. “Your funeral, man.”
“The fuck are you talking about,” Billy grumbles.
“You're going to tell the cops that you bought shitty drugs from the Freak, went on a bender, tried to attack some little kids, and beat the shit out of a teammate?” Steve asks.
“Shut your fucking mouth, Harrington, I'm going to-” he pauses, and Steve sees the moment that he clocks what Steve is saying.
It doesn't matter how Billy tries to phrase it to the cops to make himself look better - that isn't the story that's going to get around.
“You breathe one word of that around school, and you're dead,” Billy says.
Steve takes it back. This is nothing like that junkyard - Billy may actually try to kill him, but he has nothing on demogorgons and demodogs. Steve isn't scared of him.
“Yeah, because that won't prove any of it true.” Steve smirks, unconcerned that it makes his lip split open. “You put one hand on me and it just backs it all up.”
“Can't exactly gloat about that from a hospital bed. You'll be the one taking a beating that makes this seem like a walk in the park,” Billy replies, his tone low and menacing.
Steve thinks of the sound of the kids screaming on that bus, the sound of flesh splitting open when the demodog peeled its face apart, the endless fangs dripping saliva as it shrieked at him. He meets Billy's gaze and holds it. “I look like I give a shit, Hargrove?”
Billy looks at him - really looks, and Steve sees a flicker of something in his eyes. It isn't jealousy, it isn't recognition, it isn't fear, it isn't hate, it isn't want - Or maybe it is, maybe it's all of them. Maybe Steve is too tired and far too concussed for this.
Maybe his lack of ability to give a single fucking shit about Billy Hargrove and his threats is what gets him through this.
“So what's the play?” Billy asks, biting the words out as though it physically pains him to say them.
“We were blowing off steam, got a little too carried away. But it's all good now. You and me, we're square.”
Billy considers that, and he looks - comfortable. He looks like this is something he's done before, and briefly Steve wonders how many times Billy's gotten into fights, gone way too far, and had to hash out something like this to keep from getting busted.
“Yeah, all right,” Billy says. “Stay out of my way, I'll stay out of yours.”
“And stay the fuck away from the little shits I babysit,” Steve says. “I hear from any of them that you've been giving them trouble, and the deal's off.”
Billy sneers at him again. “No one told me King Steve spends his free time babysitting.”
Steve rolls his eyes. “Yeah, bet no one told you that one of them belongs to the chief of police, either.”
Billy's eyes narrow. “You're watching Hopper's kid?”
Steve shrugs, nonchalant in a way that he knows will work better than trying to lie.
“Fine,” Billy says, sounding pissed as hell about it. You've got a deal.”
Billy gets released and peels out in his Camaro, loud music already blaring from the window.
Steve, on the other hand, gets a ride home from Hopper himself.
He doesn't hate it.
“Second time in less than two years that I've seen you with a busted up lip.”
Steve's got a hell of a lot more than a busted up lip right now, but he's not gonna say that. “Yeah, well. I deserved the one last year.”
Hopper raises his eyebrows at him.
Steve resists the urge to slouch in his seat. “I was angry, and hurt, so I got mean. I wanted Jonathan to fight me.”
Hopper snorts something that sounds like teenagers.
It's quiet for a moment, then Steve says, “But I don't want to do that anymore. I don't want to be mean when I'm angry.”
Hopper's looking at him in a way Steve can't make out, not in just the muted light of the streetlamp. That seems to be a theme for the night - Steve'd thought he was a little off last year when Jonathan socked him in the face, but apparently that has nothing on a concussion like this.
“So… I'm trying,” Steve adds softly.
Hopper shakes his head. “If I'd have figured that out when I was your age, who knows where I'd be?”
He sounds - proud, or something like it. He sounds like Steve's favorite coach, when Steve'd done well.
“Maybe,” Steve says. “But I think we all like you right here.”
Hopper snorts. “Jesus, kid, get out of here. Go put something better on that head than a bag of half frozen peas.”
This is already written, and my plan is to post one part a day until it's all up here!
Part 3
Taglist (always happy to add more to this if anyone wants): @fairytalesreality @lostonceandneverfound @wheneverfeasible @awkwardgravity1 @theintrovertedintrovert
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weird-an · 3 months ago
It’s Christmas Eve and Joyce works the closing shift at Melvald, because Margret’s knee has gotten really bad and according to Jonathan, she can’t ever stop caring - which doesn't sound too bad to her.
Only a few minutes left, the rush of costumers getting the last minute groceries they forgot about already gone. Soon she can get home and finish wrapping the gifts she got for the kids. Maybe she'll bake a bunch of cookies, too. Vanilla butter sugar, she's thinking.
The noise of a glass breaking disturbs her train of thought. She hears a muffled curse. She sighs and walks to the aisle.
A bunch of shards and sad looking pickles lie on the floor.
"Sorry, Ma'am," Billy Hargrove says to her, all smile and flirt. As if he's not her son's age, but about to ask her out.
"Oh, sweetheart, this happens. Don't worry about it." She already brought the dustpan and a mop with her.
"What do you want for it?" He isn't talking about money. His crooked grin waivers a little. A shiver runs down her spine, because the expression seems well rehearsed - and it's utterly fake. She doesn't want to think about why a kid like Billy behaves like that.
She tries to school her expression. "You're alright, it's just a glass of pickles."
Relief flashes across Billy's face. "Thanks," he says, sounding almost unsure. Like he's expecting a trap. It makes her chest tighten.
"I'll get goin'." He's holding himself stiffly, favoring his left side.
Joyce squints her eyes. She should let it go. "Take another glass then."
Billy's eyes dart from her to the pickles and back. He grabs the smallest glass. "I..." He clears his throat. "I can't pay for it."
She aches. The kid isn't getting groceries for Christmas, looking lonelier each second they're standing under the flickering lights. She wonders if there's something hidden his pockets, too, but decides not to ask.
"Just take it." She smiles encouraging, ignoring her sinking stomach.
He doesn't look at her, but cups the jar carefully. Like it's precious.
"Thanks, Ma'am."
"It's Joyce." She grabs the mop tighter, because she's considering to hug him and doesn't want him to get that weird smile again.
"Joyce," he repeats. "Merry Christmas, Joyce."
He's opening the door, the bell chiming, when she can't hold it back anymore.
Billy freezes, knuckles around the jar whitening.
"Do you have a place to go to?" She fears she knows the answer already, so she doesn't give him time to lie. "Because I'm making cookies and there's always too many and Will has this thing about not liking ginger bread, but Jonathan loves it, so I'm-"
"What?" Billy looks confused and so fucking young. Joyce wonders when the last time was he had anybody care.
"You can spend Christmas with us," she offers. "It's freezing outside-"
His face closes off. "I got a place to go to."
Billy obviously doesn't.
"A friend's place?" she asks gently, thinking of all the times in her life a "place" used to be a backyard, a car, someone's garage. "A house?"
Billy chews on the inside of his cheek. Joyce tries to be patient.
"Who the fuck doesn't like ginger bread?" he asks after a while.
"Everybody's different," she shrugs, trying to fight her grin and failing. "It's okay."
Billy stares at her like he can't figure her out. She's used to it. People don't get her all the time.
"Okay," he echoes carefully. "Okay," he repeats and nods at her.
Tension bleeds out of her. She couldn't stand the thought of the kid being alone and cold somewhere.
"Let me just close the store and we can get goin'."
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chloe-skywalker · 8 months ago
Moving - Billy Hargrove
Billy x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Stranger Things
Word count:1,190
Summary: Joyce waiting to move you, Jonathan, Will and El till Billy’s better for your sake. Billy decides to come with and live with you in California. But first he has to ask Joyce.
Authors Note: I love this. 
Stranger Things Masterlist
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“When are we going to Calfironia?” Jonathan asked his mom wondering how much more time they had left with their friends.
“Soon.” Joyce answered as they continued to eat.
“When is soon? I want to know when I have to say goodbye to the party?” Will pleaded for more of an exact answer.
“We aren’t going till Billy’s better and can leave the hospital.” Joyce told her boys.
“For Y/n’s sake?” Jonathan hoped they wouldn’t leave till Billy was better. For his sister's emotional health most of all. She wouldn’t be able to handle leaving Billy in his current state. The Mall accident was bad all around but Billy got the worst of it, but at least he was alive.
“Yes. For Y/n’s sake. Your sister loves Billy and I’ve seen his love for her.” Joyce nodded in confirmation. What happened to Billy affected him and her daughter the most. Joyce knows for a fact they love each other and seeing him almost die killed Y/n. She couldn’t take her away with Billy still in the hospital.
“I hope he heals fast. I hate seeing her so distraught.” Will nodded in agreement, it was hard seeing his badass sister so broken.
“We all do.” Jonathan reached over and squeezed his shoulder. Billy had treated a lot of them horribly but no one deserved what he did to save El.
^     ^     ^
“Hey” Y/n greeted Billy as she entered his hospital room. She never would’ve left but she wasn’t allowed to stay once visiting hours were over. So Y/n comes back every morning.
“Hey. Did you eat?” Billy questions, he noticed she had gotten thinner and it worried him.
“Yes, I ate.” she nodded, giving him a sarcastic smile, knowing he means well. Y/n to noticed her weight loss like she’s sure he did. But she was still eating, it must be stress.
“Just making sure you're still taking care of yourself.” Billy reached out to grab her hand in his.
“Your my priority right now.” Y/n looked into his eyes, squeezing his hand.
“I can’t be your priority if you end up sick and in the hospital right next to me.” Billy points out with a stern look in his eyes even though he wasn’t angry he’s just worried.
“What’d the doctor say?” Y/n asked changing the subject and hoping the doctor said he’s improving.
“That I can leave and be discharged in two days.” Billy smiled at her pulling her with enough force that she leaned on top of him.
“Thank god.” Y/n smiled, hugging him tightly.
^     ^     ^
“When are you moving?” Billy asked as they sat on her bed in Y/n’s room surrounded by boxes.
“Soon.” Y/n looked down, sadness evident in her demeanor. Leaving Hawkins wasn’t the hard part that made her sad, but leaving Billy? That did. “Mom says we’ll leave in the next couple days.”
The two stayed silent for a while not knowing what to say.
“Hey I’m gonna get a drink. Do you want anything?” After a while Billy spoke up having an idea but he needed to leave the room and if it didn’t go as planned he didn’t want Y/n any more hurt than she already was.
“A coke please.” y/n gives him a tight smile in thanks but still in a sad mood.
Billy walked down the hall into the kitchen and saw Misses Byers just who he was looking for.
“Hi Billy.” Joyce greeted upon seeing him come out of the hallway.
“Hey Joyce.” Billy greeted back as he went to the fridge and grabbed himself and Y/n;s drinks before closing the fridge, turning around and asking. “Can I talk to you for a minute?”
“Sure.” Joyce nodds pointing to the table so they both could sit.
“Thanks for staying till I was healed. It means everything to me to have had y/n here for it.” Billy started off by thanking her, he knew they didn’t have to wait but they did and he appreciated it.
“Of course, Billy.” Joyce sent him a smile, it also felt kinda good and odd to hear him thank you. That's not something Billy’s known for. She also knew how hard it must be for him to talk to her like this. With his home life she knows he’s not comfortable around most adult’s.
“I know you’re all moving to California soon. I’m from there and I’ve missed it since the moment I was forced to leave. I don’t want to be seperated from Y/n.” Y/n was the only thing he liked about his time in Hawkins. He was glad in a way he had moved to Hawkins, he met y/n because of it and he wouldn’t have otherwise. “Would you mind if I come with you guys?” he asked nervously.
“Billy you're welcome to join us, and I think it would also be the best decision for you and y/n’s emotional and mental well beginnings.” Joyce smiled warmly at the young man that was going to fight to stay with her daughter. She couldn’t ask for better for her daughter. “You can stay with us as well. Till you find a job and get a place of your own.”
BIlly let out a shocked but relieved breath. Looking Joyce in the eye’s. He was grateful to her. “Thank you, Joyce.”
Joyce waved him off. “You're welcome, and thank you Billy. For the joy and happiness you bring my daughter.”
With the conversation done Billy headed back to Y/n’s room with their drinks.
“Took ya awhile. Thank you.” Y/n smiled, thanking and teasing him. She grabbed her coke, taking a sip all the while Billy walked around the bed to sit across from Y/n on it.
“No problem.” Billy wanted to tell her to badly to wait any longer. “I do have some news.”
“What's up?” Y/n sat up fully giving him all her attention.
“I talked to your mom just now.” he told her as they faced each other.
“Okay?” Y/n stretched out, raising a brow. ‘He talked to my mom?’ she thought, ‘what about?’
“I can’t wait to show you all my favorite places.” he smiled at her. Billy wanted her to figure it out, he watched her look confused for a few seconds before her face lit up and billy let out a laugh knowing she got it.
“You’re coming to Cali?!” Y/n exclaimed with a huge smile across her lips.
“Yeah I’m coming.” Billy nodded with a matching smile.
Y/n leaped across her bed and hugged him, the force knocking them both back so y/n layed on top of him. “Yes! Thank you.”
“No, Y/n. Thank you.” Billy spoke softly, brushing her hair back with one hand and the other wrapped around her waist tightly so Y/n could go anywhere. They were never going to be separated again. Not if he could help it. She saw him for who he was under the asshole he betrayed, she made him a better man.
@padawancat97 @gruffle1 @starkleila @fandom-princess-forevermore @cherriebat
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omikki · 6 months ago
Every single stranger things writer who puts 80s songs in their fics deserve a big ol' kiss on the forehead.
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itswalky · 6 months ago
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Almost this exact scene has been floating around in my head for years, but eventually it couldn't happen, given Developments, so guess what it's a flashback now
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harringroveera · 7 months ago
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Hopper is strict on all of his kids’s boyfriends actually
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readingwithalyssaa · 1 year ago
Stranger Things Favs
18+ (edited 5/31/2024)
Work does not belong to me!
Billy Hargrove
moody @billlydear
Midnight Munchies @billlydear
Closer @ijustwanttoreadfanfiction
bathroom sex @munsluyt
nice boys @beetboxx
Your beautiful locks @sweet-villain
You gonna let me keep her? @sadhours
Housewife @sadhours
no control @sadhours
Fic 1 @sadhours
Fic 2 @hawkins-losers
mine @supermarketbae
When the partys over @billysbabyy
Sunrise and sunset @billysbabyy
She wasnt your person to ruin @billysbabyy
Hand behind your back @billysbabyy
Fic 3 @billysbabyy
On her knees @billysbabyy
Phone number @billysbabyy
Slapping @billysbabyy
Run rabbit run @billysbabyy
Riding @thevestigeofvanillaan
Ruined Makeup @tommydarlings
Toxic @tommydarlings
No more @tommydarlings
Fic 4 @tommydarlings
Religion @tommydarlings
Taking good care of you @tommydarlings
Please forgive me lord @tommydarlings
Crybaby @tommydarlings
Simmer down @sadhours
oral fixation @sadhours
You can be the boss @666eddie
montana blues @sserpente
kiss it better @myobmaya
the child support charade @angelltheninth
Billy x Steve x Eddie
Higher and higher @tastefulstars
Lucky you @kitkathatesu
Get in line @tastefulstars
Jim Hopper
out of the woods @mypoisonedvine
Harmless @moooxy
Jim Hopper x Joyce Hopper
Jopper Fic 1 @ddejavvu
Eddie x Jonathan
fic @eiightysixbaby
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kazhan-draws · 9 months ago
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Retrouvailles, page 5/?. Happy Pride Month, featuring Nancy "Of course I know about.... The Gays...." Wheeler. 💜
1-2 | 3-4
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darcylightninglewis · 1 year ago
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@pscentral event 19 — music (noah kahan's the view between villiages)
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godjustkys · 4 months ago
stranger things headcanons.. pt 1.
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THEME: How the characters deal with your flirtations (friendship stage)
CHARACTERS INCLUDED: mike wheeler, will byers, jane hopper, lucas sinclair, dustin henderson, maxine mayfield, billy hargrove, steve harrington, nancy wheeler, joyce byers, jim hopper, dmitri antonov, eddie munson, jonathan byers.
READER: male reader with a sarcastic, flirty, witty and a slightly cynical personality.
Mike Wheeler;
- dude is either OVER it or does not catch on at all.
- like seriously, your touches would linger for a bit too long and he'd think “oh, that's weird. whatever.”
- you mess up his hair every chance you get and he goes livid.
- “don't touch my hair, man!” is what he'd say and in return you'd just mock him. then a 'playful' fight ensues. he has ruined like five of your shirts now, accidentally tearing it while fighting.
- whenever you say something flirty or out of pocket, you would get two different reactions. The most common one being “ha ha. very funny.” with a sarcastic smile. and the other one.. god, he would just stare at you with a concerned look on his face, not even saying anything.
- for a little while, Mike just stayed oblivious to your 'advances', per say.
- you would do stupid dirty shit behind mike's back when the party's attention was on you just to get some laughs from them. it always worked but it ended up with mike scolding the shit out of you and calling you different names.
- one time at a random party, you invited Mike to dance. He disagreed, of course, and brushed you off with a laugh, but for a moment he almost said yes. Which was very weird for him. Dude was borderline panicking.
- you would call him “mikey” just to piss him off and he hated that nickname with a passion.
- “Mikey-” you'd start, and mike would immediately interrupt you with “get the fuck out of my house. Like right now.” with a blank look on his face while aggressively pointing to the stairs.
Will Byers;
- consider the dude dead. anytime you flirt.
- yeah he's a little slow but when he gets what you meant he goes red in the face.
- like he's blushing so furiously that even the tips of his ears are turning pink.
- he starts fidgeting with his fingers and blinking more profusely, as if that'd help anything.
- “will, you're sleeping with me, right?” you asked once, at a sleepover. He paused. “ay, I'm not opposed to whatever you're thinking but I meant you're sleeping in my room?” you cleared up.
- Oh. oh. “Yeah- yep, I'm sleeping- in your room, yeah.” he responded after swallowing hard. Lucas laughed so hard he started crying.
- he's a sucker for physical contact, truly, so whenever you'd press up against him, or your hands would brush, literally any physicality and he's tensed up, his heart beating out of his chest. It's not that he likes you, but your flirting certainly fucks with his mind. He's not that dense.
- due to your flirty personality, most of the time he would avoid eye contact with you. Because any time your gazes met, you'd wink. And it wasn't that big of a deal, truly, but Will just couldn't help it, it made his breath hitch ever so slightly.
Jane Hopper;
- oh lord. most of the time, she doesn't get it. she just smiles and nods.
- you think it's funny how oblivious she is, it is stupid but hella adorable.
- when it is explained to her, she barely has a reaction to it.
- so in conclusion, she doesn't even answer you. Unless you talk to her about it. But that is literally it. She doesn't deal with your flirtations, you have to deal with her obliviousness.
Lucas Sinclair;
- dude laughs it off when you first start flirting with him. Then he gradually becomes more and more concerned.
- he takes it pretty seriously. But he doesn't care that much, mostly because it doesn't bother him nor does it make him uncomfortable.
- immediately assumed you were into men when you made a slightly over the top joke (not that it was wrong).
- told dustin, will and mike what he thinks. they didn't believe him. Like at all.
- next time you said something flirtatious to Lucas, he didn't waste a second looking over at the others.. who seemed to have taken your flirting as a joke, something you'd say between buddies, you know?
- so after a long long long contemplation, Lucas abruptly asked “are you into dudes?”...
- everyone went dead silent.
- you answered after a beat. “..wasn't that like.. obvious?”
- “WHAT?!”
Dustin Henderson;
- you flirt, sure, you give it a hundred percent. Dustin, though? Dude gives it his ALL. Everything and anything he has.
- he sends you air kisses, he loves physical contact, he loves giving gifts (and receiving them), he loves talking. To make it short, he's love in human form.
- any time you guys have playful banter it turns into heavy flirting. Also, you two express appreciation by flirting, too.
- “don't make me kiss you, henderson.”, “dude,” he paused to put on chapstick. After he did, he turned his focus back on you. “i'm ready, kiss me.” he'd say.
- of course, others would whine and complain about it. Especially Steve, god he hated when you two acted like that.
- “i think my ears are bleeding,” would be Steve's response.
- at one point, you and Dustin had a wedding.. a platonic one, but a wedding nonetheless. He's never been happier that he got to be the wife.
- all jokes aside, you always expressed physical affection to Dustin because you knew that he'd be more than willing to receive it. Hugs, forehead kisses, simple gentle gestures, head pats, shoulder pats, etc. etc.
Maxine Mayfield;
- you low-key think she's scary but shoot your shots nonetheless.
- albeit, they're always met with frustrated silence, sarcasm or judgy glances.
- she acts like she hates it. Yeah, sometimes it truly pisses her off if she's in a bad mood and her social battery is low, but other than that, she kinda enjoys the attention from you.
- she actually liked you since she met you. not like.. actually like you, but you seemed nice, you seemed to have an understanding others lacked.
- she catches onto every single flirtatious remark you make. Every. Single. One.
- if you say something she doesn't like at all, she hits you in the back of the head, flicks your forehead or punches you in the shoulder. Fuck, her flicks are deadly.
- “can I braid your hair?” was a question you asked once. Max just turned to look at you with a soft smile. “Fuck no.”
- “oh-”
- physical contact is not her strong suit. Of course, she loves it, but not every time. It also depends on how she's feeling. A thing she can never get tired of though is quality time. You could spend days with her and she wouldn't mind at all. As long as you don't bother her too much.
Billy Hargrove;
- the moment you open your mouth around him, you're playing with fire. Seriously. You don't know what is gonna set him off.
- fucking hates it. hates it hates it hates it.
- to say that he's your friend is.. an overstatement. He just tolerates your presence. Does not like when you say stupid shit.
- “you've got such a pretty face.” you complimented him once.
“i'm gonna beat the fucking shit out of you.”
- would laugh it off but he knows you're into guys. he done seen it from a mile away bro 😭 gaydar strong as shit.
- was a bit bothered by you liking guys at first, though over a span of a damn week he couldn't be bothered enough to care.
- says he hates when you're around him but has spent more time with you than with anyone else.
- he's gotten too used to being around you.
- “where are we going?” you asked from the passenger seat of his car.
“a date, are you fucking-” he paused, blinking a couple of times. “my date.” he pulled over almost immediately, in a heart beat. “get out of the damn car.”
“you just-” you stammered for a moment. “good luck on your date.” you said in an encouraging tone, feeling defeated as you got out of the car, not even knowing where you are.
“don't need it.” he said bitterly as he drove off. Well, okay.
Steve Harrington;
- either laughs or gets flustered (doesn't show it).
- mocks you so much in return.
- DEFLECTS your compliments with mean comments like crazy.
- “ya look good today, Steve.”
“Couldn't say the same about you. Jesus, have you looked in the mirror this morning?” he said with a concerned smile.
- cheeky little shit. he'd jump in traffic if it meant he'd avoid saying a simple 'thank you' to your compliments.
- he thinks you don't know that your flirting affects him. it's way too obvious. dude's hands get clammy, unclenching and clenching his fists, rubbing his hands on his pants or his stance shifting after a compliment. the signs are subtle, sure, but not invisible.
- the tension between you two is CRAZY. yeah he gets flustered if you say something out of pocket but he's not scared to hold eye contact. I mean, if you're not looking. if you are, he's not sparing a damn glance your way.
- CHECKS YOU OUT SO MUCH. AND FOR NO REASON. dude's a natural flirt.
- he has flirted back like a total of 5 times. otherwise he'd just brush you off fr.
Nancy Wheeler;
- if she likes you and your vibe, she flirts back. SHE FLIRTS FIRST MORE.
- you thought you'd get her flustered? Nah, she's giving you signs dude.
- she'd make 'accidental' physical contact with you, like gently brushing her hand against yours and shit like that. just to tease you.
- shameless with her flirting. Seriously. She doesn't say much in front of others but if you're alone you can't catch a break.
- she'd speak a sentence that has a clear implication of something dirty and then when you ask her about it, she'd give it another meaning.
- eye contact eye contact eye contact, she loves it
- one time, the two of you were hanging out in your room. You were going to a wedding tomorrow, and Nancy knew that.
“fuck, I don't have any nice clothes. What do I wear for tomorrow?” You asked her, hoping for some advice.
“i'd rather you wear.. nothing.” she said mindlessly, flipping through a book.
“what, you asked me, I answered.” She said with a small chuckle.
Joyce Byers;
- she catches onto your flirting but she overthinks it and eventually comes to the conclusion that you're just being friendly.
- a good thing about your flirting is that it would lighten her mood if she's upset or deep in thought.
- she jokes back at your flirting but immediately regrets it, thinking she sounded stupid
- she loves when you wrap an arm around her shoulders, it gives her a sense of security. Some sort of it, anyway. Always gives you a small slightly awkward smile when you initiate physical contact with her, too.
- so afraid of being misled that even when you sent her flowers, a huge bouquet of it, she thought it was a friendly gesture, again. Jonathan and Will argued with her about it.
- is finally convinced that you're into her when you wink at her across the room, being discreet.
- no seriously, all of that and the only time she thinks you're into her when you're winking at her. Not when you're openly flirting with her or sending her gifts..
Jim Hopper;
- everyone at the police department knew you flirted with Jim. But due to him ignoring you constantly, you gave your pick up lines to his co-workers, and made them say the cheesy words to him. Ended them with a 'yours truly, [Name]'. Always.
- that got him to talk to you. He was pissed off, sure, but he still talked to you. And that was better than nothing. Told you to stop - you didn't.
- dude threatened to arrest you for harassment.
- he'd clench his jaw whenever he had to stand next to you.
“Can't tell if you're tense because you want to kiss me so bad or because you wanna beat the shit out of me.” you said, your tone amused yet held a hint of fake seriousness.
“I'm about to shoot you.” He answered, his tone flat and nonchalant.
“hm. not really fond of that idea, thanks though, Jimmy.”
That was his last straw and he genuinely pulled a gun on you.
- of course, after that, it didn't stop you from flirting with him anyway.
- whenever his colleagues see you nearby, they point you to him and urge him to ask you out. He was starting to hate everyone because of you.
Dmitri Antonov;
- Acts annoyed when you gush over his russian accent. though it makes him feel more comfortable about it, more confident.
- most of the time he flirts back in English. Or just says “oh yeah?” with a small smile of disbelief.
- whenever he responds to you in russian.. he is talking shit about you. Not that he hates you, but sometimes your words are too much for him and the only thing he can do is let it out through violently shit talking you. To convince himself that you're 'not all that'.
- deep down hle knows that you are though.
- if he feels flustered, he averts his gaze, shakes his head and/or buries his face in his hands.
- avoids talking to you at any given time, only does it when he has to.
- touch him in any sort of way and he's STIFF AS FUCK. dude's a statue. Unless he pushes you off.
Eddie Munson;
- feels extremely flattered when you flirt with him.
- of course, he flirts back.
- does an eyebrow wiggle anytime you say something suggestive.
- somehow manages to turn your normal sentences to awkward ones when he makes a dirty joke out of your words.
- “I lost my bracelet in a ball pit like a year ago,” you complained once the conversation turned to speaking about lost things.
“ball pit?” he asked, a small smile creeping up his face.
“Yeah?” You said with a raise of your eyebrow.
“Ball.. pit?”
“Dude.” you deadpanned.
- made a bet with Dustin that you're into him, that you're not just joking. Dustin had his suspicions but you didn't seem the type to like.. men. Or even if you did, you would've told him already.
- that's the biggest loss of his life. lil guy was FLABBERGASTED.
Jonathan Byers;
- cannot hold eye contact for the life of him.
- he gets kinda nervous when you're flirting. The first time you flirted dude was a stammering mess, fidgeting with his sleeves like a maniac.
- despite an established shyness he had around you, he enjoyed your company. you were a good friend.
- friend? You have never given someone so many hints that you like them.
- Argyle, when he was high, told Jonathan to just get together with you already because the pining was giving him second hand embarrassment.
- Jonathan has been even more shy around you since then.
- “That's a good photo, when'd you take that?” you asked simply, your eyes locked onto the photo in Jonathan's hand.
“Like-.. last month, uhm, during the trip-” he stammered out after a short pause, his head lowered. HE WAS BEET RED DUDE.
- “you have GOT to give me a kiss, I did such a good job?” You said in a joking manner.
Jonathan died inside, right then and there on the spot. His mouth hung open, staring at you wide-eyed.
Once you notice he was baffled, you huffed out a laugh. “I was kidding, you know. But I won't turn you down if you decide to actually kiss me-”
“[Name]—” he groaned out a whine of your name, disappointed by your last sentence as he tried to gather himself.
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