#best laptop to buy in 2024
usa-techpulse · 6 months
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techtoio · 3 months
How to Select the Perfect Laptop for Your Needs
Choosing the right laptop can be overwhelming with so many options available in the market. Whether you need a laptop for work, school, gaming, or general use, it’s essential to pick one that fits your specific needs. In this guide, we’ll break down the key factors to consider when selecting the perfect laptop for you. Read to continue link
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Too big to care
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I'm on tour with my new, nationally bestselling novel The Bezzle! Catch me in BOSTON with Randall "XKCD" Munroe (Apr 11), then PROVIDENCE (Apr 12), and beyond!
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Remember the first time you used Google search? It was like magic. After years of progressively worsening search quality from Altavista and Yahoo, Google was literally stunning, a gateway to the very best things on the internet.
Today, Google has a 90% search market-share. They got it the hard way: they cheated. Google spends tens of billions of dollars on payola in order to ensure that they are the default search engine behind every search box you encounter on every device, every service and every website:
Not coincidentally, Google's search is getting progressively, monotonically worse. It is a cesspool of botshit, spam, scams, and nonsense. Important resources that I never bothered to bookmark because I could find them with a quick Google search no longer show up in the first ten screens of results:
Even after all that payola, Google is still absurdly profitable. They have so much money, they were able to do a $80 billion stock buyback. Just a few months later, Google fired 12,000 skilled technical workers. Essentially, Google is saying that they don't need to spend money on quality, because we're all locked into using Google search. It's cheaper to buy the default search box everywhere in the world than it is to make a product that is so good that even if we tried another search engine, we'd still prefer Google.
This is enshittification. Google is shifting value away from end users (searchers) and business customers (advertisers, publishers and merchants) to itself:
And here's the thing: there are search engines out there that are so good that if you just try them, you'll get that same feeling you got the first time you tried Google.
When I was in Tucson last month on my book-tour for my new novel The Bezzle, I crashed with my pals Patrick and Teresa Nielsen Hayden. I've know them since I was a teenager (Patrick is my editor).
We were sitting in his living room on our laptops – just like old times! – and Patrick asked me if I'd tried Kagi, a new search-engine.
Teresa chimed in, extolling the advanced search features, the "lenses" that surfaced specific kinds of resources on the web.
I hadn't even heard of Kagi, but the Nielsen Haydens are among the most effective researchers I know – both in their professional editorial lives and in their many obsessive hobbies. If it was good enough for them…
I tried it. It was magic.
No, seriously. All those things Google couldn't find anymore? Top of the search pile. Queries that generated pages of spam in Google results? Fucking pristine on Kagi – the right answers, over and over again.
That was before I started playing with Kagi's lenses and other bells and whistles, which elevated the search experience from "magic" to sorcerous.
The catch is that Kagi costs money – after 100 queries, they want you to cough up $10/month ($14 for a couple or $20 for a family with up to six accounts, and some kid-specific features):
I immediately bought a family plan. I've been using it for a month. I've basically stopped using Google search altogether.
Kagi just let me get a lot more done, and I assumed that they were some kind of wildly capitalized startup that was running their own crawl and and their own data-centers. But this morning, I read Jason Koebler's 404 Media report on his own experiences using it:
Koebler's piece contained a key detail that I'd somehow missed:
When you search on Kagi, the service makes a series of “anonymized API calls to traditional search indexes like Google, Yandex, Mojeek, and Brave,” as well as a handful of other specialized search engines, Wikimedia Commons, Flickr, etc. Kagi then combines this with its own web index and news index (for news searches) to build the results pages that you see. So, essentially, you are getting some mix of Google search results combined with results from other indexes.
In other words: Kagi is a heavily customized, anonymized front-end to Google.
The implications of this are stunning. It means that Google's enshittified search-results are a choice. Those ad-strewn, sub-Altavista, spam-drowned search pages are a feature, not a bug. Google prefers those results to Kagi, because Google makes more money out of shit than they would out of delivering a good product:
No wonder Google spends a whole-ass Twitter every year to make sure you never try a rival search engine. Bottom line: they ran the numbers and figured out their most profitable course of action is to enshittify their flagship product and bribe their "competitors" like Apple and Samsung so that you never try another search engine and have another one of those magic moments that sent all those Jeeves-askin' Yahooers to Google a quarter-century ago.
One of my favorite TV comedy bits is Lily Tomlin as Ernestine the AT&T operator; Tomlin would do these pitches for the Bell System and end every ad with "We don't care. We don't have to. We're the phone company":
Speaking of TV comedy: this week saw FTC chair Lina Khan appear on The Daily Show with Jon Stewart. It was amazing:
The coverage of Khan's appearance has focused on Stewart's revelation that when he was doing a show on Apple TV, the company prohibited him from interviewing her (presumably because of her hostility to tech monopolies):
But for me, the big moment came when Khan described tech monopolists as "too big to care."
What a phrase!
Since the subprime crisis, we're all familiar with businesses being "too big to fail" and "too big to jail." But "too big to care?" Oof, that got me right in the feels.
Because that's what it feels like to use enshittified Google. That's what it feels like to discover that Kagi – the good search engine – is mostly Google with the weights adjusted to serve users, not shareholders.
Google used to care. They cared because they were worried about competitors and regulators. They cared because their workers made them care:
Google doesn't care anymore. They don't have to. They're the search company.
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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uwurakax · 3 months
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𝐬𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬 finding an obscure otome game on the internet wasn't on your 2024 bingo card, but with only the cover art and no blurb, you decided to give it a shot. it looked promising enough at the start, and nothing could go wrong, right? ✩
𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 various jojo's characters x f!reader
𝐮𝐧𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐞 otome || university/college!au || isekai || alt!universe ||
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 cursing (duh) || me thinking im funny asf || dio
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭 2.8k
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masterlist || next
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-> 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐮𝐞
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
You liked to think that you were an otome game expert. Even if it sounded… strange to the everyday person, it was your niche and who didn't have an out there hobby anyway? Supply and demand, right?
So you’d pride yourself on your extensive, and completely useless, knowledge regarding fictional pixel romance.
That was how you found yourself here, at two in the morning researching a really obscure listing of a dating game that you had never heard of before. There was no description, release date or year, and no mention of a publisher found anywhere.
A Bizarre Dating Adventure.
That was all you had to work with, the title of this so called game. There wasn't even an item picture uploaded. Spending a whopping thirty minutes gave way to absolutely nothing and you weren't going to lie, you were pretty miffed about it. A piece of so-called lost media just happened to be put on sale on a totally legitimate looking website at the grand old price of.. wait, $10?
Now you were intrigued. An otome game for that price? There was no way this was authentic when games of this nature cost upwards of $50 to $80.
With a few more clicks on your laptop, you came to find out there was free shipping included as well.
That was surely safe, you thought to yourself in your sleep deprived mind.
You faltered for a moment before closing the tab, shutting off your device and promptly collapsing onto your bed for the sleep your body craved hours ago.
Damn, you’ll feel that tomorrow.
The following days were mundane at best, your mind drifting to the odd listing of the game. The circumstances alluded you, and during your free time, you found yourself naturally going back to it. Exploring any and every corner you could, even going on the occasional forum. You didn't get much information however, and it seemed the more you looked, the more elusive it seemed.
How was it that no one else seemed to know of this game? Surely that wasn't possible.
It became more and more tempting to just shot the odds and buy it outright and trying it yourself, but you were still apprehensive.
The website didn't do any favours for itself, looking like it hadn't been updated since 2009, and there didn't seem to be any reviews on the authentication of the site either.
You groaned, sinking back into your chair and staring at your ceiling. Closing your eyes, you cautiously rubbed at them, deep in thought as the listing displayed at attention on your screen.
With a deep inhale you leaned forward again, focused as your hand hovered over the trackpad. The inner debate followed; curiosity killed the cat…
but satisfaction brought it back.
Super sketchy website, but if you played it smart, you wouldn't need to give out too much of your personal information. Plus it was dirt cheap for what it claimed it was.
‘Fuck it’, with a click and a few taps of your keyboard filling the otherwise silent bedroom, you received a congratulatory email and in red capital letters were the words ‘SOLD’ on the now ended post.
And so, you were now the future owner of the enigmatic video game, and if you so happened to be scammed… rest in peace that ten bucks.
You were honestly pleasantly, and weirdly, surprised at how quickly your package arrived. Didn't you just order this thing yesterday? The no bigger than A4 sized parcel sat at your doorstep in a white bubble mailer, perched upright. The keys jingled in your hand as you bent down to pick it up, purse falling forward slightly in an uncomfortable manner. Your mood was already soured from the days events, and any little inconvenience had grated you. You were about to roughly shove your bag back and open your door when you realised there was no label stuck to your package. You flipped it over, only to find the same blank space.
That's definitely not worrying at all.
You jammed the key inside your door and forced your way inside with an all too loud slam. You knew you shouldn't have trusted that damn website. Now some axe murdering lunatic knows where you live! You could feel the nerves wash over you, and your heart began to palpitate. Twisting the deadbolt lock on your door gave you some sense of security, but it did little to appease you.
Tossing your keys and bag on your coffee table, you sat into your much too old and worn out lounge as you ripped the parcel open.
Discarding the plastic wrapping, you’d clean it up later, you found that inside was a small case with what you suspected was the game. There was nothing of note on the back, no text, rating, or any other information found. Turning it over, you saw the images of various male characters decorating the cover.
These must be the leads.
You glanced over each of the men as your fingers traced their features.
Four blondes, one brunette, one with dark blue hair, another with dark purple, one with a green undercut, a redhead and at the center was a brooding character with black hair and a tipped down cap.
What an interesting cast.
You couldn't help but wonder what made the creator go for ten different routes. It wasn't like that was unheard of, but it was quite a larger cast of romantic interests. In the midst of your thoughts, you felt a chill.
Like you were being watched.
Walking over to your kitchen window you looked outside, hand still holding onto the keep case. You stayed there for a few seconds, looking at the now setting sun against the trees. The orange glow offers little warmth within your small apartment. You gaze back down at the cover art, focusing on the dark, capped character. You didn't know why, but there was something unsettling about them. The longer you looked, the more the feeling began to fester. Gently facing it down on the marble counter, you headed into your bedroom to shower and change; hopeful that a new set of clothes and washing the day's grime away would lighten your mood.
Spoiler alert, it didn't.
Clad in only a towel, you went back into the kitchen to get a drink, throat parched and getting dry. You drank the cool beverage as your eyes began to wander back to the faced down disc. You still felt unexplainably wary, but it didn't feel so bad in that moment.
Gosh, you were such an idiot, who gets freaked over plastic?
You took the few steps towards it and turned it back over again. Tapping your fingers against the countertop in thought you wondered if you should actually play the game. It's highly possible it was just some kind if virus ready to wipe your entire harddrive, but your curiosity was getting the better of you.
You really needed to see what this was, consequences be damned!
Deciding that you’ll use your old high school laptop, you headed back to the bedroom to change into comfortable clothing. You found a pair of old white, cotton shorts and your well loved gray t-shirt that was much too big for you, left behind by a long forgotten ex. You couldn't even remember his name, or maybe you didn't want to remember. He was an ex for a reason, but the shirt sure was comfortable and his loss for leaving it with you. The only scent lingering on it was your own, so by definition and for all intents and purposes, it was yours.
Placing the game on your desk, you went rummaging around your room for the laptop.
Searching high and low; under your bed and in the wardrobes, resulted in nothing. You spend a good twenty minutes before checking the drawers of your desk and finding it hidden under stacks of scrap bits of paper in the bottom drawer. How cliché, and of course it was there.
Agitated, you moved your current laptop away and plugged in the old tried and true. It got you through high school, so hopefully it’ll make it through this.
Though you had hoped inside it wasn't a dud, as you began to feel sentimental about the outdated electronic.
If it did, you'd think about setting aside the money to have it fixed, even if it wasn't worth it - and it most definitely wouldn't be worth it.
You waited a couple of minutes for the thing to boot up, dusting off the slight dirt that accumulated from its lack of use. The age of the laptop was clear as you heard the fan blare to life.
Would it even be able to run the thing? There's no way you'd risk your actual computer on this…
Once deemed ready enough, you pressed down on the disc drive a couple of times, using much more than necessary force on the last push when the reader wouldn't open.
You waited impatiently as it closed with a quiet click, tracing your finger over the trackpad as the cursor moved violently across the screen.
You kept waiting… and waiting… and waiting… until….
The screen had shut off, and no amount of pressing the power button, force restarting the laptop or even hitting it did anything.
“You’ve got to be kidding me!” the disbelief and anger present in your tone as you plugged the charger cable in and out of the port.
You weren't entirely surprised it was a scam, a virus now killing your laptop, but that didn't mean you weren't any less pissed.
Yeah you were lucky it was an old laptop, anything on it long since gone when the thing was reset before you graduated, but still…
What a waste of a laptop and the ten dollars spent on a useless thing. On the off chance that the laptop's hardware was too old to run it, you couldn't even get the disc back unless you wanted to pry the drive reader open and damage it further.
With a huff you slammed the laptop shut, grabbing your phone and laying down in your bed. You’d figure out what to do when you had time, but you were too upset to deal with your broken device now.
At least you had the sense to use an old laptop with no data. Gotta take those silver linings.
To lift your spirits, you ordered some takeaway, eagerly awaiting to stuff your face full of the greasy food. After the later half of the day, you felt like you deserved it, and the knock on your door couldn't come soon enough.
Switching off your television, you reached beside you and tapped on your phone screen to check the time.
You debated whether you did want to sleep now, but your body decided to answer for you as you let out a loud yawn.
Your lounge was pretty comfortable right now, but after previous experiences, you'd definitely be feeling it in the morning.
The longer you stayed, the more difficult it would be to leave so you quickly got up, threw away the rubbish from your order and went on to do your nightly routine.
After the final step of brushing your teeth, you went to bed, flicking off the bedroom light before you looked towards your desk. Your laptop illuminating a glow along the edge.
Well that's suspicious… that's weird…
You shook your head off the image and voice of Cardi B and slowly sat down at your desk. Tentatively reaching out and opening the laptop you were met with a title screen.
A Bizarre Dating Adventure.
A deep blue background with the words in a hot pink gradient that faded to white. Deep violet coloured roses garnished the sides as different hues of purple petals fell from the top of your screen.
A Bizarre Dating Adventure, that was the name of the game from the listing, wasn't it?
Absentmindedly, your middle finger moved across the trackpad, white sparkles glittering off the cursor with every motion.
Surely a few minutes wouldn't hurt right? Just to get a feel and understanding of the game.
Small, white text slowly flashed underneath the title text reading ‘PRESS SPACE TO START.’
“Here goes nothing.” you murmured, as the screen faded to black, shrouding your entire room in darkness as well.
After a few seconds of nothing, you became apprehensive. You silently prayed that it didn't conk out on you again. There was no way you’d be teased like this.
It felt like a minute before the black screen started to light up again imperceptibly, a slight purple tinge colouring against the blackness. More white text appeared.
>> ‘HELLO’
You awaited the continuation, but nothing else had occurred, the bold letters staring at you. You clicked all over the screen and tapped enter, but there was still nothing. On a whim, you ran your hand over your keyboard to see it typed into the screen, right underneath the greeting.
How peculiar.
You held backspace to remove what was a mess of letters and numbers before typing back a ‘HI’ and hitting enter.
New student? Was this game set in a school?
At least it wasn't in high school, thank goodness. You’d be damned to face another high school otome game. Figuring this was how the game went, but deciding to see what would happen you typed,
> NO
You tried to hit enter, but nothing happened. I guess it wouldn't accept that answer. You deleted the text before following what you assumed to be the correct response,
The text response was different now, a yellow instead of the earlier white. You felt a shiver run up you, looking behind at your empty room. You sensed that something was wrong, yet you didn't know why.
Okay this wasn't funny, and this disc was obviously some kind of troll or some deep web, tracking crap. At minimum it was designed to scare you and at most… well you didn't want to think about that.
You don't know why you decided to be somewhat honest, but something was telling you that it would be better than lying. Not like it mattered much.
You kept rereading the text before the screen flashed with your name, repeating over and over and over again.
Fuck that!
You unplugged the charger, covering your room, once again in darkness. Your breathing became laboured, as your heart beat thundered furiously in your chest, threatening to explode. That most definitely was some type of tracking, data hacking bullshit! Fuck, fuck, fuck!
What were you supposed to do now?! Call the police? Move? You were only kind of kidding about being sent the disc by an axe murderer, but it was now a very real possibility.
You tried in vain to calm down, tears forming at the corner of your eyes. This was so stupid! So completely, utterly and devastatingly s, t, u, p, i, d! You closed the lid and shoved it back into the drawer. It gave you some semblance of safety. Tomorrow you’d go far away and toss it in a random dumpster. To hell with sentimentality, that laptop was now dead to you.
You wished it would've worked earlier, at least then you would've been able to dispose of it. There's no way you were leaving your unit now at this hour.
Maybe you shouldn't throw it away and instead give it to the proper authorities? But if it was just some troll, you'd either be laughed at out of the station, or berated for wasting their time with nonsense.
You triple checked your deadbolt and closing every curtain, also ensuring that every window was sealed shut and locked.
Retreating back to your room you hid under the covers, the fluffy security net doing little to curb the anxiety that was manifesting inside.
You were surprised to feel yourself growing drowsier, the cute cat compilation video that you put on was only 6 minutes in.
You fell asleep shortly after that, your phone showing a ginger cat jumping off a shed roof and face planting into the concrete.
You woke up with a start, sitting up as you gasped for breath. You could feel the slight sweat covering your body, a stuffiness surrounding you as you attempted to slow down your breathing. You looked around the room, a new panic forming as you saw the furniture and belongings of someone who was definitely not you.
Your room didn't look like this! Neither was that desk, or that chair! These sheets weren't yours either.
You closed your eyes as your breathing picked up again, thinking of what to do next before your phone went off with a ding.
Reaching down, you unlocked your phone screen as the words ‘A BIZARRE DATING GAME’ faded into view.
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kaliforniahigh · 3 months
Fluffy request, with a touch of angst maybe 🙈
You and Noah have been together for 2 years but now you're slowly drifting apart for various reasons 🥺 He's always on tour or in the studio, he forgets your birthday and anniversary, when he's home he's tired and quiet, etc etc... Well, on the day of your 3rd anniversary he surprises you with a song he wrote (the acoustic version of Just Pretend). He's always loved you even if he isn't good at expressing it, so he thought the song would be the best way. Fluffy hugs and cuddles after the song and maybe a proposal??
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I loove a good flangst. I got a little carried away with this one.
Questioning if Noah still loved you after almost 3 years wasn't on your bingo card for 2024.
You knew he was busy for the most part of the year, so you always tried to work around his schedule and he always helped you out.
But in the past weeks you felt a shift in your relantionship.
You noticed he secluded himself in his studio for longer than normal.
Because of that he is more tired and when he gets home he doesn't give you the attention he usually did. Now he just showers and goes to bed.
You could probably count on one hand the words you exchanged with each other during the day.
And today wasn't any different. You get home tired from work, and decided to just take a bath and make something simple for you to eat.
You knew Noah wasn't going to be home before you hit the pillow anyway. You weren't going to wait up just to have yet another awkward conversation.
You went up to your bedroom, dropped your phone on the nighstand, grabbed your favorite candle and went to have your bath.
You didn't hear the front door opening and Noah ascending the stairs to your bedroom. He could smell your candle burning and decided to not disturb you, figuring you had a bad day at work.
While he was changing into some comfy clothes, he heard your phone ping a couple of times.
He knew he shouldn't do this, but he couldn't help but take a peek. He saw your best friend's name on the screen and a text that shattered his heart.
I'm sorry you're feeling this way, honey. Why don't you ask him if his feelings have changed in these years?
As he finished reading, another one came through.
I'm sure he has an explanation for having been treating you this way.
You think he doesn't love you anymore. And as he thinks to the past couple of weeks, he doesn't blame you.
He walks over to the closet and picks up the ring box he has hiding in there along with his work laptop.
As you finish your bath and get yourself dressed, you go downstairs to make yourself some dinner.
You see Noah sitting on the living room couch, doing something in his laptop.
Great, now he is bringing work home too, you think.
"Hey, why don't you sit down with me? I need to talk to you", he tells you, a nervousness in his voice.
"Before I say anything, I need to show you something. It's a song I've been working on and it means a lot to me that you listen to it"
You nod and a few seconds later the soft strumming of a guitar fills the living room.
Noah's voice is unlike anything you've ever heard from him in a song. You can hear the emotion and vulnerability and it brings tears to your eyes.
Somehow you know he is singing this to you, and your confirmation comes when he stands up from the couch and kneels in the carpet right before you.
"I know I haven't been a good boyfriend latetly. Truth is, after buying this ring for you, my head went down a rabbit hole, with thoughts of losing you and not being a good enough partner that I turned into that without even realizing it. I made you doubt my love for you and that is something I never want to do again. I want to spend the rest of my life showing you just how much I love and appreciate you, if you would let me. So, will you marry me?"
To say you were in shock was an understatement. You honestly thought he was breaking up with you when he said he needed to talk.
You found yourself nodding and saying yes over and over again. Kneeling with him and engulfing him in your arms.
"Whenever you feel that way, I need you to tell me, because we're gonna work through this together. You don't have to feel caged in inside your own mind, okay?"
After a few seconds, he pulled away and slipped the ring in your finger, and you stayed there, feeling the love you have for each other.
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lostlibrariangirl · 5 months
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May 14, 2024
135/366 Days of Growth
Images of my PCI DSS study this morning. I want a job in Cybersecurity so badly!!!!
My current job is taking all my happiness away. I am tired, sad, and no matter how hard I work, I still feel empty.
Cried a lot as my husband told me he bought a better PC for me due to Cybersec studies (as my laptop will soon stop working, old friend) ... I told him I will do my best to do some savings and buy it, but he was faster and surprised me with an awesome machine!!! It was lovely 🥹
This, and the good vibes from my sister's gave me some straight to keep fighting some more 🥲🥰
I hope you guys have somebody: a friend, a brother, a sister, mon, dad, aunt, a companion, somebody, to help you to regain your hope to keep moving forward 💜
And of course: thank you for this blessed study community here on Tumblr, with special thanks to @memorias-de-una-computadora and @cyberstudious 🥰
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borisbubbles · 4 months
Eurovision 2024: #15
15. AUSTRIA Kaleen - "We will rave" 25th place
Decade Ranking: 50/153 [Above Systur, below Lesley Roy]
Fucking AMAZING chorus. At this stage of the ranking, I don't really give too many shits about the flaws in the product. And that's for the best because Holy Hell Kaleen that was NOOOOOOOT GOOOOOOOD (objectively). Fortunately it was still very entertaining (also objectively?), so.
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Also at this point, you may expect some real emotional investment from my part and Kaleen is clear example of that too. SHE, more than anyone else, was the uncrowned queen of Millennial Monroehood this year. Not only did she provide a fucking BANGER from the time I was a middleschooler, she also SERVED:
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and also NONE OF THE VOCALS. 😍 😍 😍
And this comes on top of her song being leaked two months in advance off Marvin Dietmann's laptop, and becoming a viral hit among millennial eurotwitter BEFORE its full release ♥ (and I fully buy into the conspiracy theory that the leak was intentional to build hype.)
But yeah, this performance was heavily flawed, I won't deny that. "We will rave" is a great song and it's only 15th on my ranking, that's how far south that went.
It is equal parts comical and tragic that Marvin Dietmann arranged for his PARTNER (I assumed "business partner" at first, but apparently also partner in a domestic sense? Yeah I'm as surprised as you are that he likes the clam.) to be cast for Eurovision and then failed to provide staging for her that capitalized on her strengths.
Kaleen is a professional dancer and dance instructor.
She runs Marvin's Dance School FOR HIM, FOR A LIVING.
The leak showed a vibrant dance choreography that allowed her to (barely) provide passable vocals.
She's a natural born performer of the ~rhythmic arts~
So what does Marvin do?
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And all of that, I mean I'm sorry, is fucking hilarious, foremost. I know the live was "bad" but god it was really good at being bad. Casting your girlfriend and then FAILING to take her skillset (anything involving movement) into account is so uproariously funny to me. The staging was not bad on paper (it tried to increase momentum via the lasers and looks good if you mute), but it featured a slow, aenemic choreography that couldn't keep up with the music's light speed pace. That same dichotomy killed Halo, killed Edgar and almost killed "We Will Rave" too. This is the choreo you'd give to someone who cannot dance either due to being a block of wood (Dons) or old (Meri Bas.).
Even Firefighter, which is a fucking abortive attempt at a "dance song", had more tempo and life and let Nutsa (who is NOT a dancer) perform a break by herself. Christ Marvin.
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(Granted it may be the outfit that forced Kaleen to perform a pantomime rather than a dance, but if that's the case... change the outfit? If those boots restrict your mobility, then don't wear them AT ALL, you know?)
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However, as much as my appreciation for the live is based on irony and schadenfreude, I also just really love the song that much. "We will rave" is the best written girlbanger of this year - catchy, infectuous, smoking hot, and a wonderful throwback to the good Flemish techno of the early aughts. It's such a fucking banger in the style of Milk Inc, Lasgo, X Session, Touch of Joy, 2Fabiola, etc.
The prechorus and lyrics are delectable, and Kaleen is, despite her vocal inaccuracies, a charming hostess and style icon. Her personality is the saving grace of this live performance and the reason why I still embrace it in the face of its many mistakes. As disrespectful as Marvin's choreography was, she was flawless in its execution. SHE is what turns "We Will Rave" into a ride. The choreo and the results both did her dirty, but eh. Someone had to finish near the bottom. This year, that was Austria.
Now SAVOUR this last ever instance of them being fun in Eurovision because they'll only send salvaduncans from hereonout. If Eurovision isn't cancelled first, of course.
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sereia1313 · 2 months
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For @crescent-dreams's FCN (February 2024).
Summary: Sesshoumaru cares little for his co-worker's personal life or the woman he's pursuing. But an office outing proves there's more to the woman than meets the eyes, and Sesshoumaru discovers he wants her for himself.
Read it on Ao3 and FFnet.
Sneak Peek
The door of his shared room at the inn slammed open, and Sesshoumaru Taisho sighed, not looking up from his laptop. "What now?"
"I've figured out the group event!" Bankotsu Nintai boasted, crossing the room. He hadn't bothered closing the door behind him, and Sesshoumaru resigned himself to not getting any more work done. Once Bankotsu got an idea in his head, he wouldn't rest until everyone knew about it—and was on the same page.
"I thought you'd booked a hike up to the local shrine so they could buy charms for the third quarter," he said, leaning back in his chair.
"I did, and we are, but now we're going to cross Umenoki Todoro Park Bridge instead." Blue eyes gleamed, and Sesshoumaru closed his laptop, giving his colleague his full attention.
"Is that not reserved for people with a death wish?"
Bankotsu waved him off. "Nuance. The point is that it's a great trust-building exercise, especially for the new recruits."
Sesshoumaru tapped his fingers against his desk. Technically, the desk came with the room, but since everyone else was focusing on racking up the CEO's alcohol bill, he'd sequestered it for himself. "Including the woman you are pursuing," he stated knowingly.
"Listen, the innkeepers swear every company that's used the bridge comes back from their trip with a 'new respect for life and teamwork'. If Higurashi happens to fall extra hard for me after I help her get over that stupid fear of hers, that's just a perk."
Sesshoumaru rolled his eyes. They'd started at the company around the same time, and he still hadn't figured out what he'd done to put himself on Bankotsu's radar in the first place. The man had gotten it into his head that they were a perfect match, going as far as to request assignments where they worked together. Sesshoumaru was a wiz when it came to numbers and organization, leaving Bankotsu to deal with the face-to-face negotiations when they arose.
Sesshoumaru hadn't argued, as it gave him more time to edit and revise, but some new hires had skewed Bankotsu's vision, and his latest obsession included a pair of long legs and sapphire eyes. He was professional enough that he didn't let it interfere with his work, but a group retreat allowed the lines to blur, and Bankotsu was determined to bed the woman before they returned.
He hadn't noticed a change in her behaviour since she'd started working at the company, but Sesshoumaru never paid much attention to trivial things like that. She was nice enough to look at, he supposed. She was a diligent employee who was more than willing to work overtime when needed, but Bankotsu had been offering up his skills so she could go home on time—as another way to look good in her eyes.
Sesshoumaru hadn't figured out if his tactics were working, but considering Bankotsu was resorting to something as treacherous as walking across a rickety bridge over a steep ravine at daybreak so that he could swoop in as the hero proved they hadn't been that successful.
"As long as no one gets hurt—" he began.
"They haven't had a major injury in the last two years," Bankotsu assured him.
Sesshoumaru's eyes narrowed. "Draw up a waiver before we leave and ensure everyone signs it."
The man clapped him on the shoulder. "This is why I ran it by you first! Just because you aren't the team leader doesn't mean you don't have our best intentions at heart." He snorted. More like he was trying to avoid a lawsuit. Bankotsu's grip increased. "Come on, everyone else is finished unpacking and is headed down to the bar. Stop being your usual recluse self and join us."
Sesshoumaru pursed his lips. "Must I?"
Bankotsu shoved him out of the chair. "Yes, you must. I have decreed you to have used up all your hermit points and must now socialize before you're allowed to slink off again." He smothered a groan but allowed Bankotsu to push him out of the room, promising no more than one drink—and threatening to let him sleep on the bathroom floor at the first mention of shots.
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Best Buy will stop selling DVDs in 2024. Fewer movies/TV shows are being released for sale and home viewing already (for awhile now). The availability of content continues to narrow down and narrow down until being able to enjoy cinematic entertainment, a person needs to subscribe to multiple streaming services, have WiFi, have access to a smart TV, smart phone, laptop, etc.
If I were far more eloquent and versed in all things Roget, I would scribble out a diatribe or TED talk about the sheer wrongness of technology advancing but corporations (and thus society) forcing people into one method of doing a thing, one manner through which to partake of the world, that inevitably disenfranchises a majority of the population, but manages to yield a hefty profit for a small percentage.
Once upon a time, we were able to own art and enjoy it.
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mrslandgraab · 9 months
Simblr Goals 2024
Hi! Err...hello...*clears throat *, hope ya'll doing well and made it through the year? I think my biggest goal for 2023 was to just make it till 2023. I wanted to finish my Master's (did not whoops) and started a new job (still there!) and then somehow depression hit somewhat and eh... I got a new PC, started playing Baldur's Gate 3 and Pathologic Classic HD and had barely the time to just devote myself to the Sims...and now it's the holidays and I notice - I really miss it and I miss hanging with you guys :) Therefore, I decided to give myself some small, achievable goals this year. I don't need to fulfill all of them - but I wanna motivate myself. And the fact that I am on vacation next week means I might be able to do just that.
Finish Setting Up On Win11 As I mentioned, I did buy a new PC. I still have my very beloved old laptop that has a bunch of CC and the Trepes and all on there -it's time to find out who I want to take with me, and what I need to say goodbye too. But ideally I want to be able to run this darling completely on Win11. By now I can already run the game - it's all about assembling mods, cc and clean neighbourhoods by now!
2. Start Something New Because I need to think about where I go with the Trepes (who I love but that pet wish is killing me but I love the lore I built around this), I think the best way is to just start something new - maybe build a neighbourhood I do not play after all? Choosing a college FIRST and playing just that before starting one of the mainhoods attached to it?
3. Write "brutal." "brutal." was actually a project I prepped for this year and scrapped because I had too much going on - it's a premade-focused story with Angela as a protagonist (because she is my favourite) and I really want to write that story. I wanted to experiement a bit more with the screenshot-style I've seen in some ts4 posts - my goal is to at least shoot and publish one chapter! :)
4. Have Fun! I always want to have fun with the game - and then I get too caught up in "omg I need to upload THIS or I am not allowed to play anymore" or "oh this screenshot ain't so good". NONE OF THAT! We'll play! That's what counts!
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elsanna-shenanigans · 8 months
December 2023/January 2024 Contest Submission #9: a pinch of salt
Words: ca. 5,000 Setting: modern AU Lemon: no CW: none
With a low grunt, Elsa lifted the bag of flour to spill into the industrial mixer. Holding her breath and turning her head away while a puff of flour wafted out of the steal bowl. She didn’t need to measure, the cupcakes she was making required the entire bag and if it was a little off, no one ever seemed to notice. This wasn’t Paris anymore after all.
It was a big shift from quantity over quality. She still did her best on the more specialty confections, the ones in smaller batches. But with these cupcakes, she simply couldn’t, they were made and bought in mass.
“Good morning sweetie,” Elsa’s mother said, pushing open the back door with her shoulder. Letting in both the sounds and smells of the city. It closed with a soft thud and the noise in the back room was once again just the hum of the equipment. “I got you a latte.”
“Mom, we can make lattes here.” Elsa sighed, crumbling the empty bag and brushing off her apron.
“Yes, but that little shop on the corner has the egg sandwiches your father loves. And I just want him to be happy, he’s really struggling.” Iduna dipped her head and placed a small paper bag and a coffee cup on the counter near Elsa. 
“I know.”
“I got you some food too, I can’t just go in there and buy one sandwich, that would be weird.” Iduna laughed, it sounded a little forced but Elsa chose to ignore it.
“Well, you can, but thank you I didn’t have time to make anything.”
“Hmm, I figured and you can drink this coffee now while I get our machine set up.”
“Thank you, Mom.” Elsa opened the paper bag and took out the egg sandwich. her mom smiled and disappeared through another door that led to the upstairs. She glanced over at the mixer, debating for a moment before she leaned back and ate. Better to eat it while it’s hot, the cupcakes could wait a few minutes.
“And that wraps up today’s cafe adventure, make sure to leave a comment with your suggestion for my next cafe. Thanks for watching!” Anna smiled and held of the peace sign, counting to three in my head before she flipped the phone around and stopped the recording.
She took a sip of her drink and looked around the busy cafe, glad that she had long since grown out of being embarrassed of filming herself in public. Truly no one really cared, specially in cafes where folks were in and out with a snack and drink or deeply buried in their work of choice — hunched over laptops. 
Anna pulled out her own laptop, a few minutes later she was deep in editing mode, headphones on, computer glasses askew. A little notepad sat next to her where her marked notes for a voice voice she would record later.
The cafe thinned out around her, settling into the mid-afternoon calm before the teenagers and after-workers descended in masses. This was Anna’s favorite time at any cafe when she could really look around and enjoy the decor and little unique touches. This place was rather ordinary. Anna found herself stretching to come up with some positive things to say.
“Miss, we have two hour limit unless you buy something.” A tired looking barista said.
“Oh I’m sorry, I’ll just pack up and get out of your hair.” Anna smiled and the barista just sighed and nodded, drifting off to another table. Anna debated buying something on her way out as an apology, but the only non-drink items were some basic-looking chocolate chip cookies. She shoved her laptop in her backpack and shouldered.
“One cookie please,”
“Sure,” the person behind the counter said, scooping the cookie into a paper bag and handing it over in one smooth action.
Outside the cafe, the early evening was just starting to kiss the city, long shadows and slow traffic. She started walking, no destination, just to wonder till it got dark and then she would navigate the subway system home from wherever she ended up.
She passed a homeless man, sitting on a small blanket with his back leaned against a wall. People passed without paying him much mind. Anna approached and he eyed her but made no other moves.
“Here, I just bought it,” Anna said, offering him the cookie.
A weather-worn hand reached out and grabbed the bag, “Thank you, young lady.” He said offering a smile.
Anna returned it before continuing, hopefully the cookie would brighten his day a bit.
“Jimmy get the door.” A woman shouted once Anna rounded a corner. Only Anna didn’t see a woman, she only saw a stack of purple boxes wobbling towards a waiting town car and a panicked-looking young boy who was opening the door while his eyes, wide and frightened, stared at the stack of purple.
Anna held her breath but the woman was able to safely get the boxes into the back seat and she breathed out a sigh of relief at the same time as the boy. The pair of strangers disappeared into the car and it pulled away into traffic. She glanced at where the woman had come from and was surprised to find a combo cafe and bakery.
She pulled out her phone and googled the location. ‘Fjord Flavors Bakery’ popped up on maps but lacked a website or any social media. Anna’s interest spiked, this could be the hidden gem she’s been looking for for her web series.
She walked up to the door at the same time someone did from the other side of the glass. A woman. Tall and blonde, stood inside the shop. She looked at Anna for a moment as if waiting for something before she reached up and flipped the sign on the door to closed. She pointed with a long finger to a faded paper sign with hours before turning her back and walked away.
Anna was left speechless and intrigued, she needed to know more. She attempted to look through the windows at the bakery counter but the lights were flipped off and Anna was left staring at her own reflection.
Elsa pushed through the door to the back and hung up her apron. It was quiet now in the back room save for a faint hum from the walk-in fridge.
“Hi sweetie,” Iduna said, opening to door to the apartment upstairs. “I scrubbed the floors and wiped everything down already. You just need to take the trash out.”
“Thanks Mom,” Elsa said, rolling her sleeves up. “What did you want for dinner?”
“Oh, your father really wants Chinese takeout if that’s okay.”
“Yeah, that will work,” Elsa said with a sigh. “I’ll just get my usual. I’ll be up after this.”
“Alright sweetheart, I’ll call Wok The Block.” Her mother disappeared through the door. Elsa took the trash out, wrinkling her nose at the smell and pretending not to see the rats scurrying away from the shared dumpster.
She looked up at the glowing window of the second floor where she shared an apartment with her parents. This wasn’t where she had imagined herself being but life is weird like that.
“Hey dad,” Elsa said as she finally walked into the apartment. “How are you feeling?”
“Oh, I’m doing great honey, I think I can come downstairs and help tomorrow.” Her father replied, his voice raspy.
“That’s great dad.” Elsa forced a small smile, it was the same every day. But he was never well enough the next day. She often flipped between annoyed and missing the man her father used to be before he got sick, before Elsa came back home to help.
Anna held up a hand to shield her eyes from the early morning bright sun, well early for her anyway. She was making her way back to Fjord Flavors Bakery, she needed to scope it out and make sure they were okay with her filming a vlog in there. Most places had no issue but she always asked anyway.
The bakery was fairly busy with sleepy patrons and frantic-looking folks of intern age. It smelled like a lovely mix of coffee and fresh bread with a hint of sweetness. There were stacks of purple boxes in various sizes on nearly every counter behind the register and the sparking large glass case showcased everything from chocolate moose cake to simple bagels.
Anna was captivated, her eyes darting around the small shop, bouncing from various things in the glass display case to the handwritten menu board. She didn’t notice she was next in line till a warm voice cut through her thoughts.
“What can I get you this morning?”
Anna blinked and chewed on her lip. “Um, a vanilla latte and a—“ She looked over at the case, noticing the blonde woman from last night for the first time. She had a baseball hat pulled down low on her face, hiding most of it in shadow as she moved with an almost floating grace, putting goods in boxes or bags.
“Sweetheart?” The woman at the register asked again. She was older but looked much like the blonde woman, at least from what Anna remembered from the few seconds she saw her on the other side of the glass.
“A chocolate muffin please.”
“Good choice, you can tap your card when you’re ready.”  She didn’t wait for Anna to finish paying before turning around to begin working on Anna’s latte.
As Anna waited for her latte and chocolate muffin, she couldn’t shake the feeling of anticipation that fluttered in her chest. The bustling atmosphere of Fjord Flavors Bakery seemed to envelop her. She pulled out her phone on instinct, realizing at that moment that she forgot to ask about filming, too distracted with the baked goods. And, if she was honest, the younger of the two women behind the counter. Something about her just captivated Anna.
Lost in her thoughts, Anna’s eyes inadvertently met those of the mysterious blonde woman. A brief moment passed between them, a flicker of recognition that left Anna both intrigued and slightly unnerved. The woman’s gaze was penetrating, as if she could see through Anna entirely.
The older woman at the register, likely the mother of the intriguing figure behind the counter, smiled at Anna, snapping her out of the momentary trance. “Sweetheart, your card didn’t go through.”
Anna fumbled for her wallet and tapped her card again, grateful for the distraction. Once the reader beeped the older woman nodded her head and handed over her latte and muffin — enclosed in a little purple bag. Anna stepped away from the counter and took a sip of her latte before turning on one heal — committing before she could change her mind, and approached the younger woman who was still engrossed in her work.
“Hi,” Anna began, her voice carrying a hint of nervousness. “I was here last night, and I’m Anna, and I’m a food blogger. I was wondering if it’s okay for me to film a vlog here. Your bakery is so charming, and I’d love to share it with my audience.”
The blonde woman, her eyes still concealed beneath the shadow of the hat, looked up from her task. There was a pause, a moment of silence that stretched, leaving Anna wondering if she had overstepped a boundary.
But then, to Anna’s surprise, a small smile tugged at the corners of the woman’s lips. “Sure, you can film. Just try not to get in the way too much. We’ve got a busy morning ahead.”
Anna beamed with gratitude, her excitement bubbling over. “Thank you so much! I promise I’ll be quiet as a mouse. Your bakery is truly special, and I want to capture its magic.”
The woman’s smile vanished. “Can you not put my face in your video? You can film my mom, Iduna, she loves attention.”
“Yeah of course, no problem-o uh… I’m sorry I didn’t catch your name.”
“Because I didn’t give it, I usually don’t, but maybe I’ll tell you.” The blonde shrugged and turned around to busy herself with some other task, effectively ending the conversion.
Anna retreated to a corner, setting up her camera and adjusting the frame. The bakery’s ambiance, the hum of activity, and the tantalizing aroma of fresh pastries served as the backdrop for her vlog.
As Anna began recording, she couldn’t help stealing glances at the blonde woman, who continued working with a quiet intensity. The exchange between them felt charged with unspoken intrigue, a dance of curiosity and captivation.
Elsa continued her meticulous work behind the counter, arranging pastries with practiced precision. The rhythmic hum of the bakery machinery and the murmur of customers created a familiar symphony around her. She was engrossed in the delicate dance of crafting confections, her mind focused on the artistry of each creation.
The arrival of this new customer, Anna, occupied Elsa’s thoughts. She had observed the woman from beneath the shadow of her hat, curious about the stranger who had locked eyes with her the night before. Elsa’s eyes, sharp and discerning, followed Anna’s movements as she fumbled for her wallet and paid for her order.
Her mother, ever knowing glanced her way and gave her daughter a smirk. Elsa could swear that woman was some kind of mind-reading witch sometimes.
When the woman turned away from the counter, Elsa felt her heart sink a little only to have it completely flip over and she couldn’t help but feel a flutter of anticipation as she approached. There was something about this food blogger, Anna, that piqued her curiosity, a blend of charm and nervous energy that resonated with the essence of the baking itself.
Anna’s voice, smooth and kind sounding, reached Elsa’s ears and rang through them like a gentle song. The request to film a vlog seemed to echo through the busy bakery, and Elsa found herself torn between the desire to share Fjord Flavors’ story and the instinctive need to guard her own privacy.
The moment of silence that followed stretched, and Elsa locked eyes with Anna. The intensity of the gaze exchanged between them held a silent understanding, a recognition of the delicate balance they were navigating. When Anna’s request was met with a small smile, Elsa allowed a fraction of relief to wash over her.
“Sure, you can film. Just try not to get in the way too much. We’ve got a busy morning ahead,” Elsa replied, her tone measured. The decision to allow the filming was not without hesitation, but she couldn’t deny the bakery’s newfound visibility had its benefits. They needed more customers, they were barely breaking even as it was.
Anna’s gratitude beamed like a ray of sunshine, but Elsa’s smile faltered when the request about her face being excluded from the video surfaced. The vulnerability beneath the confident exterior became apparent. “Can you not put my face in your video? You can film my mom, Iduna; she loves attention,” Elsa stated, her voice carrying a mix of firmness and vulnerability.
“Yeah, of course, no problem-o, uh… I’m sorry I didn’t catch your name,” Anna responded, her enthusiasm tempered by the subtle shift in the conversation.
“Because I didn’t give it. I usually don’t, but maybe I’ll tell you,” Elsa said with a shrug, turning her attention back to her tasks. The brief exchange left an air of mystery hanging between them, an unspoken understanding that some stories were meant to be guarded.
As Anna retreated to a corner to set up her camera, Elsa returned to her craft, the dance of creation resuming amidst the inviting aroma of freshly baked pastries. The bakery’s ambiance, now subtly altered by the presence of a camera, continued to weave its magic, leaving Elsa to navigate the intricate dance between visibility and the sanctuary of the shadows.
Anna’s vlog unfolded seamlessly, capturing the essence of Fjord Flavors Bakery with a blend of charm and authenticity. Anna highlighted the meticulous craftsmanship behind each pastry, the warm interactions between staff and customers, and the unique charm that set the bakery apart.
The mysterious blonde woman, now a central figure in Anna’s narrative, moved gracefully through the frames, her hands expertly crafting delicate pastries. Anna didn’t realize until she was editing how much footage she got of the woman. That was not like her to make that much B-Roll.
The vlog, however, resonated with Anna’s audience, who eagerly embraced the enchanting story of Fjord Flavors. Within a few hours, it was already set to be one of her top posts. This was truly the hidden gem she had been looking for — she couldn’t wait to get back and film more.
As the week unfolded, the bakery continued to buzz with activity. The patrons, now aware of the filming, exchanged smiles with Anna. The atmosphere was charged with a sense of community, a shared appreciation for the hidden gem that had captured their hearts.
As Anna packed up her equipment, a few days later the older woman approached her, her eyes reflecting a mix of warmth and curiosity. “You’ve got a way of capturing the soul of a place,” she said. “We’re glad to have you share our story.”
Anna smiled, touched by the genuine sentiment. “It’s a special place, and your daughter… she’s something else. There’s a magic about her.”
The older woman’s eyes twinkled knowingly. “Elsa has always had a touch of magic. It’s what makes Fjord Flavors what it is. Don’t tell her father I said that though, he built the place.”
“Elsa,” Anna repeated, tasting the letters for the first time.
“Hmm, I don’t think I was supposed to tell you her name. Silly old me.” Iduna said, failing to hide a smirk. She turned and walked away before Anna could reply, disappearing into the back room.
“Elsa.” Anna repeated to herself as she glanced over to the counter again where Elsa herself was polishing the top of the glass case. Her hat pulled down so low that Anna could only see the very edge of her chin.
Elsa wiped her hands on her apron, the remnants of flour clinging to the fabric. The bustling activity of the bakery had quieted as closing time approached. Iduna, joined her behind the counter, offering a weary but affectionate smile.
“Another day is done,” Iduna remarked, her eyes reflecting a mix of exhaustion and resilience.
Elsa nodded, the weight of responsibility settling on her shoulders. “Let’s clean up and head upstairs. Dad’s probably waiting.”
Together, they moved with a practiced efficiency, tidying up the bakery with a shared understanding of the routine. The aroma of the day’s creations lingered in the air, a comforting scent that masked the underlying concerns both women carried.
Once the last tray was stored, Elsa locked the front door. They ascended the narrow staircase that led to the second floor. As they entered the apartment, the atmosphere shifted from the warmth of the bakery to a more intimate, subdued setting. The living room was adorned with family photos and traces of the life they had built together. Soft light illuminated the room, casting a gentle glow.
Elsa’s father was in his favorite chair, a worn blanket draped over his frail shoulders. His eyes, once vibrant, now held a weariness that spoke of battles fought within. Despite his illness, a flicker of a smile appeared and he sat up straighter as he saw Elsa and Iduna enter.
“Hey, Dad,” Elsa greeted, her voice carrying a mix of tenderness and concern. It had been months now and he hadn’t shown any progress. “How was your day?”
He coughed softly, a reminder of the fragility that had settled in and Elsa was painfully reminded that they couldn’t afford the medicine that could help him. “Same as always, sweetheart. You girls working too hard down there?”
Iduna leaned down to kiss his forehead. “You know us, always keeping things running.”
Elsa fetched a glass of water from the kitchen, handing it to her father. As he took a sip, his eyes met Elsa’s, and an unspoken understanding passed between them. The weight of their shared reality hung in the air.
“I’ll start dinner,” Iduna suggested, attempting to infuse the moment with normalcy.
Elsa remained by her father’s side, her hand gently resting on his. “You doing okay, Dad?”
He sighed, his gaze distant. “Just tired, sweetheart. But seeing you and your mother’s faces at the end of the day makes it all worthwhile. Your mother tells me the bakery has been a video-er the last few days.”
“Yes, we’re not paying her but it seems to be helping business.”
“I heard she’s really sweet and pretty and your mother told me I have to tell you to talk to her.” A familiar twinkle danced across her father’s eyes.
“I’ll try Dad.” Elsa replied, not sure how much she believed her own words.
Her father smiled and leaned his head back, closing his eyes. Elsa squeezed his hand, a mixture of love and sorrow coursing through her. The trio settled into the familiar routine of an evening together, finding solace in the shared moments that transcended the challenges they faced.
As the evening unfolded, the soft hum of family echoed through the apartment—a fragile melody that held within it the strength of love, resilience, and the unwavering bond that anchored them in the face of life’s uncertainties.
The following week unfolded with a rhythm of anticipation as Anna returned to Fjord Flavors Bakery. The atmosphere had shifted subtly as if the bakery itself recognized the growing curiosity that surrounded it.
Elsa, the elusive figure behind the counter, continued her work with a quiet determination. Her hat pulled low, veiled her expression, leaving Anna to wonder about the stories concealed beneath the surface. The name “Elsa” echoed in Anna’s mind like a secret she was on the verge of unraveling.
As Anna set up her camera for another day of filming, she couldn’t help but feel a magnetic pull toward the enigmatic blonde woman. It was a dance of curiosity and respect, a delicate balance that Anna had grown accustomed to navigating.
The day unfolded with the familiar symphony of Fjord Flavors��the hum of machinery, the aroma of fresh pastries, and the chatter of contented patrons. Anna’s lens captured the intricate details of the bakery, from the artful arrangement of desserts to the interactions between staff and customers.
While filming, Elsa’s hands worked their magic with practiced finesse. The vlog became a canvas, each frame painted with the passion and dedication that Elsa poured into her creations. Anna couldn’t deny the magnetic allure that Elsa exuded, and her camera seemed drawn to the mysterious pastry chef.
As the day wound down and Anna packed up her equipment, Iduna approached once more, her eyes twinkling with a knowing gleam. “You’ve been capturing the essence of Fjord Flavors beautifully, dear. My daughter may be a bit of a mystery, I’m afraid. There’s a reason I suppose, but I think she needs someone to talk to.”
Anna nodded, grateful for the hospitality she had received. “Thank you,” she paused before continuing, weighing her words. “Do you think I’m the person to talk to her? I’m just a vlogger, I can’t say I’m really friends with Elsa.”
Iduna chuckled softly. “Well, dear, I watch your vlogs and I know my daughter,” She looked directly into Anna’s eyes, her expression hard to read. “Sure, sometimes the best stories are the ones left untold. But I have a feeling Elsa might be willing to share a bit more, given the right nudge.” She winked and walked away.
Encouraged by Iduna’s words, Anna glanced over at Elsa, who was now meticulously arranging a display of delicate pastries. The hat cast a shadow over her features. Anna swallowed, she wanted nothing more than to have a meaningful conversation with Elsa. Even with her face covered, the woman drew Anna in like a moth to a flame.
Approaching Elsa with a newfound resolve, Anna couldn’t suppress the curiosity that fueled her, if Elsa was a cliff, she willingly jumped over the edge.
“Elsa?” Anna began.
Elsa jumped and visibly tensed, forcing Anna to fall silent. She turned slowly, cold blue eyes locking with Anna’s. There was fear there, a panic that stirred under the surface. And Anna wanted nothing more than to reach out and calm the storm.
“Elsa?” Anna tried again and was met with a scowl as Elsa rushed forward and placed a hand over her mouth.
“How did you learn my name?” Elsa demanded in a hushed whisper. Anna was distracted by how close their bodies were, never mind the strong hand over her mouth. With Elsa this close she could really see her face and the delicate features, the sharp cheekbones, the soft lips. She was beautiful.
She looked familiar…
Someone cleared their throat on the other side of the bakery and Elsa stepped back, letting her hand fall but her eyes never left Anna.
“Come into the back, we need to talk.”
“Aye aye, Captain,” Anna mumbled, she ran over to her bag and scooped up her belongings before following Elsa behind the counter and through the door into the back room.
The back room offered a small reprieve from the prying eyes in the bakery. Elsa closed the door behind them, the muffled sounds of the bakery now distant. She turned to face Anna, the air between them charged with unspoken tension.
Anna broke the silence first. “Okay, spill. Why the secrecy, Elsa? Which, by the way, your mom told me, alright?”
Elsa sighed, feeling the weight of the years of hiding settle on her shoulders. “I’m sorry I touched you without asking, it just caught me off guard and I got scared.” She took off her hat and ran a hand through her hair, letting her bangs fall. “As for the name thing… well, that’s on me. I should’ve been more careful I guess. But the secrecy, it’s a long story.”
Anna grinned, and Elsa could sense her eagerness and curiosity. “Long stories are my specialty. Lay it on me.”
Elsa motioned for Anna to sit at a small well-worn table in the corner. The old chair creaked as she sat down and gathered her thoughts, her gaze fixed on the floor. She was so tired of hiding, but so scared of being open. Yet this weird nerdy girl with a camera that kept coming back day after day had worn down a wall. And Elsa felt this urge to open up to her. Anna felt safe, and she liked that feeling.
With a sigh, she decided to just open the floodgates and see what happened. “I used to be a TV chef, you know? A pretty famous one, actually,” Elsa began, the memories stirring a mix of nostalgia and regret. “I had my own cooking show, traveled the world, won awards. It was everything I thought I wanted.”
Anna’s eyes widened with genuine surprise. “You were a TV chef? Seriously? That’s amazing! That’s why you look so familiar, I used to watch your shows. I was so upset you lost Iron Chef, that judge was stupid. Why’d you stop?”
Elsa sighed again, the weight of the past pressing upon her. “It’s a glamorous life, but it comes at a cost. The constant scrutiny, the pressure to maintain an image. I felt like I was losing myself. And then my dad got sick. So, one day, I decided to step away. I came back here, to my family’s bakery.”
Anna’s excitement tempered with understanding. “But why the secrecy? You could’ve been a sensation, Elsa! People would love to know the famous TV chef behind Fjord Flavors.”
Elsa’s eyes met Anna’s, revealing a vulnerability that went beyond the façade she had carefully crafted. “I don’t want the fame, Anna. I found solace here, away from the spotlight. I wanted to be able to focus on my dad and help him, and I did till my money ran out.” She picked at a piece of dried flour on her apron. I didn’t want people to see the TV chef; I didn’t want the food critics coming here and tearing this place apart just because I was famous. I just wanted them to enjoy the pastries.”
Anna nodded, absorbing the sincerity in Elsa’s words. “You’re not just hiding from the world; you’re hiding from your past. From who you used to be.”
Elsa simply nodded.
Anna’s gaze softened “You know, Elsa, I get it. Fame isn’t always what it’s cracked up to be. But your story, it’s captivating. People would understand.”
Elsa offered a small, appreciative smile and stood up. “Wait here.” She ran up the stairs into the apartment, pausing to check on her father who was softly snoring away. After grabbing the box she was looking for she ran back downstairs to find Anna looking around at the various machines.
“Look, I don’t know if this is the right thing or not, but if anyone was going to break the news that Chef Elsa has been here in this little bakery, I want it to be you.” Elsa held out the box to Anna who took it with a confused look.
“What’s this?”
“It’s a bunch of my old TV stuff, tapes, and photos, things you can use in your video. Everything in that box is all yours, consider it a gift.”
“No Elsa, I can’t take this,” Anna said, handing the box back. “You kept your privacy for so long, why now suddenly?”
“Because maybe you’re right. I thought people would judge me. But as you pointed out, people would understand. And I’m selfish for not using my fame to help my dad. So here we are.”
“Okay, but I have a better idea than I box of the past.” Anna bit her lip and looked up at the ceiling.  “Two things, first, let’s let up an interview and I’ll film it. Second, let’s go on a date, get dressed up, have some drinks, and just talk about whatever.”
A warm feeling bubbled up inside Elsa and she couldn’t help but smile. “You mean that?”
“Well yeah, I have my camera stuff with me.”
“No, about the date?”
Anna’s face turned bright red. “Oh I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have overstepped, I just thought that uh… I’m sorry.”
“Hush, I would love to go on a date with you. I’ve been waiting for you to ask.”
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cyclopsandphoenix · 10 months
If ddlv and stardew are two of your favourite games, you should definitely keep an eye out for coral island (if you're solely on a switch it's coming 2024, it's out on everything else already!) It's super fun, I've already dropped like 200 hours into it, and it's like insane 3d stardew with some of the best npcs I've ever seen in a farming sim game!! And mermaids!!
(Also there's two cats named peanut and butter and a dog named taco and you can tell them how good and cute they are)
oh my god that sounds incredible thank you so much!! im a slut for a good cozy game with farming in it so this sounds PERFECT for me
is it on pc too? bc i just got a gaming laptop and ive been looking for games to buy!
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murumokirby360 · 3 months
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💀 R.I.P., my PSU & GPU Card 😞 (feat. my Paper Dolls) [Jun 30th, 2024]
DeviantART version → [CLICK ME!]
1st & 2nd Image(s) 📷📲: ↑
Hello, June... 🌧️☔ It has been depressing for me as if raindrops and cloudy weather weren't enough to down my mood. You can see, my two recent PC parts from January of this year (2024) were... *sigh* Died, too soon. 😞 My "Fuzion FU500WG" PSU (Power Supply Unit) died on May 30th followed by my "CERVVO Radeon RX580 8GB" graphics card, which died on Jun 3rd after replacing the old PSU (twice) with the newer and improved one albeit a different brand this time, plus a brand new RAM sticks from a better brand (once again) (2x 8GB = 16GB, 2666 MHz). The total cost of replacement is ₱4,400 (roughly $75, today). You know, I was gonna spend on something cherished and huggable that I loved (from a certain called ✌️"Playtime"✌️ [🥰🐶☀️🤗] ), but I ended up spending more on computer parts. *sigh* Damn... 😩
IMPORTANT NOTE: It turns out, that these two PC parts that I've mentioned, they were "FAKES"! 😰 Yup, didn't see that coming after I watched few videos about using fake computer related parts.
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3rd to 5th Image(s)📷📲: ↑
Alternatively, and if that wasn't enough, I also tried to buy a CPU (Central Processing Unit) chip with the same gen as my current CPU chip, which is the "Intel Core i3 10105F" to "Intel Core i3 10100" (downgrade, I know), with the latter that doesn't have a letter. Why? It turns out, that my current one requires a GPU Card, and we all know had turned out pretty bad. The best way for me to do this is to replace the CPU chip with the integrated CPU chip that doesn't require a GPU card. So, I found it at an affordable price, and it said "freshly disassembled from PC", meaning it is 100% functional without any floss. So, my answer was, "Will it work on mine"? Unfortunately, no luck... As I tried to replace it with the 10100 chip, to no avail. 👎😟 You know, I could downgrade with another CPU chip (e.g. slapping a Core 9th or 6th gen CPU Chip), but I'm not sure if it's not the best idea, in my opinion. 🤔 And so, I reverted it to my current CPU chip, the 10105F, which surprisingly worked after the swap.
In the end, it is back where I came, again... It's like deja vu from last year. Although, unlike last year, it seems to me that I'm only browsing for a better GPU card since my PC desktop is safe and well thanks to two replacement and better-upgraded parts; the PSU and the DDR4 RAM. Also, I decided to sell my useless computer-related parts and used my earnings to get a newer and better Graphics Card (or maybe a laptop 💻). 💵➡️🖥️ Otherwise, I might find a suitable job rather than helping my parent's small business. It's best for me is say "Good Luck, pal. You gonna need it." 👷
As of now, I'm using my mom's laptop, once again... 💻
BTW: I was gonna review an item as a improvised, but I can't think about what happened to my custom PC? That I can't get off of my chest, so I have to get rid of it... Once and for all.
Well, that's all for now.
If you want to see my previous topic, then please → [CLICK ME!].
Tagged: @bryan360, @lordromulus90, @shadowredfeline, @leapant, @rafacaz4lisam2k4, @alexander1301
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ereborne · 5 months
Bookworm meme 1 20 31 35 🐛
1) Name the best book you've read so far this year: Best new book of 2024 so far would have to be Aftermarket Afterlife by Seanan McGuire. Preventing the 'forgetting about allies' issue I've got as my answer to #35 below could be considered the entire point of the book. It's part of the InCryptid series, which is about a family of cryptid conservationists, and they are a family. Complicated dynamics and intergenerational ties and love and loyalty and all. Incredibly well done. I cried like a baby.
20) Where and how do you find new books to read? Money's been tight so it's been a minute since I sought out books that were truly new to me--not that I haven't been buying books! I would surely perish. I've just mostly been getting ones by authors I trust, often in ongoing serieses, so it's less of a gamble on enjoyment--but when I had more of a risk-taking budget I'd spend ages looking through recommended lists. I'm subscribed to a ton of newsletters and blogs that talk about books, and there tend to be even more recommendations in the comments and replies to those posts. It's lovely to comb through.
31) Do you mostly read through e-reader; reading app on phone; on your laptop; a physical copy; or by audiobook? Phone, laptop, and paper copy! I usually have at least one story (book or fic) open on each device and then a book by my bed. When I was going to campus in person more regularly, there was often also a second paper book in my bag.
35) Least favorite trope in your most favorite book genre: Forgetting about allies. I read a lot of ongoing serieses where characters will accrue friends and allies, often fairly close ones, and then as soon as the immediate need for that character is gone, they vanish. I understand that there's only reasonably room for so many characters in one story, but what I mean is that they vanish. They aren't happily settled on their own journeys, they aren't unavailable for any particular reason, they just don't exist to the main characters anymore. A special hatred in my heart also for next-generation sequels where the parents aren't dead but still aren't going to help.
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36mobiles · 9 months
Realme V50S 5G Price in India (3 January 2024) Specifications Comparison
Realme V50S 5G Price in India (3 January 2024) Specifications Comparison
Realme V50S 5G best price is Rs. 21890 as on 3 January, 2024. See full specifications, expert reviews, user ratings, and more. Compare Realme V50S 5G prices before buying online.
READ MORE....Mobile Price in India Find best phone 5G Mobiles Laptops - 36Mobiles.com
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spyslayerkaisen · 9 months
Happy New Year everyone!
It is now, as I'm posting this at midnight at this point, 2024 in my area. Sure, 2023 had plenty of shitty moments (which I am not gonna talk about here since I wanna keep things positive here), but this year is not all entirely doom and gloom, as there are plenty of positives that happened this year for me. Those include, from the top of my head:
* I got a brand new gaming laptop with an RTX 3050 GPU from NVIDIA, with my own money
* I saw The Super Mario Bros. Movie twice in my local theatre (I even saw a movie at my local theatres twice before back in 2019, being Endgame 4 years ago, meaning this is the second time I've done so)
* I got back into plush collecting. Sure my plush collection in the past few years was small, but it has been growing lately as I got more later down the stretch of the year.
* I've been trying out new foods my mum has cooked for the first time (one of which includes cheesy potato with bacon)
* I’ve gotten into anime series that I never watched before this year (such as Darling in the FRANXX, Idolish7, Ensemble Stars, and Bungo Stray Dogs, and I did rewatch season 1 of JJK and Spy x Family before season 2 of their shows came out (I finished Spy x Family season 2, but I still need to catch up with JJK a little later on) and rewatching Demon Slayer season 1 again managed to make me watch the Mugen Train arc (technically twice, first for the movie and second for the TV-adapted arc) and Entertainment District before the Swordsmith Village arc came out (I was gonna see it premiere at the movies, but I did not get to, but at least I saw the arc when it actually aired on Japanese TVs).
* I saw a Studio Ghibli movie on the big screen, for the first time (I have seen anime movies in my local theatre before though, but this my first Ghibli movie in my local theatre, and it was dubbed too, which I saw to hear Christian Bale, Robert Pattinson and Mark Hamill in a Ghibli film)
* I've gotten more posters throughout the year in addition to the posters I already own. This year, I got posters of Spy x Family, Yu-Gi-Oh! (Duel Monsters, of course), Fairy Tail, Jujutsu Kaisen, Zelda Tears of the Kingdom, Pulp Fiction, Spider-Man, Demon Slayer, Batman and even Bluey! (which Bluey is one of my favourite shows, so I could not resist) I need three more in 2024 then my walls in my room are complete
* I saw two Amazon Prime exclusive shows for the first time (Invincible and The Boys) and they both became two of my favourite shows upon seeing them. And hell, even 2023 was a great year to see them for the first time, as Omni-Man and Homelander are coming to Mortal Kombat 1 which made me a proud fan of both shows.
* I've gotten back into physical media collecting (well I stopped early on in the first half of the year when I got Zelda Tears of the Kingdom, and I thought I was not gonna buy anymore physical media after that, but fortunately, I saw on the internet that people I've known on social media still love collecting physical media as long as they are still releasing them (I'm glad my local JB is still selling them which is a good thing as people are still buying discs for movies in Australia as I saw, despite that Best Buy, on the other hand, is no longer selling them starting 2024), so because of that, I decided to get back into buying physical media again, which this year after I got TOTK back in May (which I pre ordered in January), I got Street Fighter 6 (which I still need to beat the story mode of that), Resident Evil 4 (still need to play more) for PS5, Mortal Kombat 1 (which I pre ordered, and hell, I even got on Steam recently so I can play it on either my laptop or the ROG Ally, which I’ll get to in a little bit, but at least I beat the Story mode of it), Super Mario Bros. Wonder (which I still need to beat), and Spider-Man 2 (which I also need to beat and get the Platinum trophy of it post-game) and I even started to buy physical media of movies/TV shows/anime series (I didn’t buy any shows this year though, maybe I will next year), which are Puss in Boots the Last Wish, The Wizard of Oz, The Super Mario Bros. Movie, Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse, My Dress-up Darling, Cinderella (the 1950 Disney Classic), Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory (which I still own on DVD and I'll still keep the DVD, but might as well upgrade it to 4K) and recently, The Crow! (which I'll watch later on for its 30th anniversary and maybe again on Spooky month)
* I got the Platinum trophy for three more games (Spider-Man Remastered, Spider-Man Miles Morales, and Bluey the Video game, all for PS5) after Astro's Playroom), so hopefully in 2024 I hope to get more Platinum trophies for PlayStation games
* And lastly, to end the year off with a bang, I finally got the brand new ASUS ROG Ally, also with all the birthday and Christmas money I've saved! Since it is a Windows device and it functions as a gaming PC, I can use that as my new gaming PC (one of these days I will get a docking station for it so that way I can have my new Ally replace my gaming laptop (which I'll still keep for collection purposes) and use it as my new main gaming PC).
That being said, 2023 (despite all the bad things that happened then, including several that happened in my life) I thought was a mixed bag between shitty moments and good moments. It was a shitty year for the bad things that happened (which, like I said, I'm gonna keep things positive here), but the good things that happened to me in 2023 definitely unequivocally saved the year for me from being entirely bad (2020 was still the worst due to “we all know what happened then which I'm not gonna bother mentioned since I mostly focus on the positive oriented stuff, but hey at least it had a few good things that happened for me back then, such as when I got my PS5 pre-ordered and got very lucky when I got it purchased when it was still in shortage (when it first came out, anyway) in early December, and even pre-ordering my first PS5 title which is Spider-Man: Miles Morales before I got said console).
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