#best frugal living tips
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httpsserene · 1 month
𝐬𝐞𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐧𝐞𝐱𝐭 𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐫 - 𝐜𝐬. 𝟓𝟓 & 𝐥𝐧. 𝟒 | 𝐒𝐎𝐒 |
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𝐬𝐢𝐩 𝐨𝐟 𝐬𝐮𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐞 - 𝐭𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞𝐫
summary: you can't complain about being paid to soak up the heat of the spanish sun and serve drinks— if you can ignore the flirting middle-aged men. however, this summer could be your last. you need to decide if you're returning next year by the end of the day. if only there was a sign to help you make up your mind.
content warning: fluff. light flirting. world-building and backstory. ignore my questionable spanish. no beta we die like summer silly season 2k24.
pairing: poly! carlos sainz jr x lando norris x phd-student fem!black!reader
from, serene: just a little teaser, a lil prologue, to establish the vibes and vague characteristics of the reader ! i’m using my light understanding of spanish (as an unfortunate no sabo kid) to get through this, so pls ignore thx.
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The sweat beading along your hairline causes your edges to curl and lift. The cooling effects of the portable fan dangling around your neck are negated by the suffocating humidity of a mid-August summer day, yet it enhances the scent of sweat, sunscreen, and the hints of your faded perfume. Your appreciation for the dry-fit fabric of your uniform is refreshed; if it wasn’t moisture-wicking, your resignation email would’ve been submitted with haste.
But, the uniform does its best to protect you from the Spanish heat, and the pay (and tips) are satisfying. You make enough money to live frugally and cover any expenses that your financial aid and scholarships don’t during the school year. This meant you didn’t have to juggle being a full-time student and a full-time worker to survive. Working the beverage cart is perfect—you can’t be mad about serving drinks to men who have more money than they know what to do with, and even though you despise the fact that they freely flirt (terribly, at that) with a wedding band shining bright on their left ring finger—it pays your bills. As much as that disgusts you, this was always meant to be a temporary job, a stepping stone. You weren’t planning to continue working here after you got your undergraduate degree. And now, after graduating, a fancy company has hired you and is offering to pay for you to get a PhD. So, of course, you accepted their offer of free education and a job. This means there’s no reason for you to continue working as a cart girl at Golf La Moraleja in Madrid.
But, it’s Spain! Summer in Spain, at that, it’s a massive difference from a monotonous school year back in America. And, you don’t even have to pay for an apartment in Madrid (which is out of your tight budget, anyway) because your parents live here, and they’re always desperate to have you at home rather than out living on your own. The shining summer sun keeps your melanin strong, too. You’ve made friends out of colleagues, good friends. You’ve made good memories, a good resume, stupid choices, near-death experiences—you’ve made a time out of your early twenty-somethings. You don’t want to let it go.
Yet, it seems like it’s time. You don’t need the money, even though having extra income would be terrific in this economy. It would probably exhaust you during a break that’s supposed to be relaxing from your PhD studies. You’ve regained all fluency in the Spanish language that you lost growing up in the States. You’ve been a cart girl for four years, maybe it’s time to start a new chapter and leave this behind. The cart bounces over a bump in the pavement and breaks your train of thought. Your body tenses at the sound of the cans and bottles clinking together louder than you’d like. You do not want to stay late on your last day cleaning out melted sticky alcohol from the cooler. It’s ironic—you would think that with your four summers of experience, you wouldn’t let your mind wander while driving. The clock beeps its warning of fifteen minutes till the end of your shift, and you sigh. Directing the cart back towards the first hole of Course One, you’re aware that if there’s anybody present who wants a cold drink, they will be your last customer of this season or even your last customer for forever.
You lift your foot off the gas pedal as you see three figures become visible on the green, readying yourself for what could be your final service. You halt the cart, turning off the engine and smoothing out the skirt of your uniform as you stand and walk out a few steps.
“¿Qué puedo servirles de beber?”
You catch the attention of one of the men, an older gentleman who greets you kindly and informs you that he needs something strong if he’s going to be dealing with the other two for eighteen holes. You laugh politely, glancing at the men who have yet to notice your presence. The taller brunette is annoying the shorter, poking and prodding at his stance, seemingly teasing him about his form. Your smile brightens at the sight before you redirect your focus to your current client, and you begin to talk him through his options for the stronger alcohol you’re carrying today.
He easily downs a shot of whiskey and takes a bottle of beer with a lime off your hands before he turns to gather the others’ attention.
“¡Mijos!” The men at this point, have dissolved into boyish squabbling that carries over to where the two of you are standing by the cart. They silence easily at the older man’s call, heads snapping in your direction with widened eyes. Oh fuck, that is what your brain thinks at the view.
The taller, tanner one, is handsome. He’s built—broad shoulders, plush lips, a strong nose, wide brown eyes, and long eyelashes that he has no reason to have. The shorter, paler one, is beautiful. Pretty, even. He’s not quite grown into himself yet, you can tell. But, the youthful mischief lingering in his blue eyes is alluring, especially when paired with his cute sunburnt cheeks, and the big grin showing the cute gap in his teeth—did you say he’s cute already?
As they near the cart, you notice that Brown-eyes (you’ve decided on using descriptors because of the lack of names) shares the same eye shape as the older man you’ve served. He must be his son, or related to him at least. Blue-eyes must be a friend, or family, you suppose, if he acquired all the recessive traits during his genetic raffle. You exchange greetings with the two, dismissing the shakiness of the younger’s voice as shyness.
“¿Algo que quieran beber, señores?”
“Can you ask her if she has anything non-alcoholic?” The British-accented English spills from Blue-eyes’s mouth, and you understand that his greeting sounded nervous because of his lack of fluency.
“I do have a selection of non-alcoholic drinks—,” you start, smiling as all three men look surprised at your code-switching, “—That I can tell you about in English if you’d like?”
“Oh, I would like that very much, please,” the words tumble from Blue-eyes in one breath, the Spanish men laughing at his relief of being able to communicate in his native tongue.
“Not fluent in Spanish yet, huh?” You tease him lightly, with a soft smile to communicate your lightheartedness.
“I have terrible teachers,” Blue-eyes laughs pitchily, and both Spaniards gasp in faux-dismay of his words as he continues, “If you couldn’t tell.”
“I am not a terrible teacher,” Brown-eyes clarifies, accent curling around his words,  “You just do not listen to me when I try to teach you!”
“That’s not my fault! How am I supposed to stay focused when I’m talking to you?”
Brown-eyes seems surprised at that response, his eyes appearing to widen even more at the words. Blue-eyes realizes what he said during the pause of banter, his cheeks flushing even redder beneath his sun-baked skin.
“Well,” you clear your throat, eager to dismiss whatever that was about, “While I don’t know if he’s a bad teacher or not—I can assure you that I’m a great teacher when it comes to the non-alcoholic drinks I can serve you today!”
All three men seem to relax at your seamless dismissal, and you can feel Brown-eyes look at you thoughtfully as you ramble a relaxed script about what you're carrying to Blue-eyes. There’s a brief moment where Blue-eyes turns to his(?) father, for his opinion on what he should order, and you look away, making eye contact with Brown-eyes. His eyes are softer, and he nods at you, as if in thanks for your earlier redirection. You do the same, and shrug your shoulders lightly as if to say, “All good.”
Blue-eyes’ voice calls for your attention as he orders a refreshing virgin cocktail, and you turn to start mixing it for him.
“You know,” you think aloud, “If you ordered an alcoholic drink, I wouldn’t believe you’re old enough to be served?”
“Hey! I’m twenty-one, I can even drink in America now!”
You turn to look at him with narrowed eyes, tilting your head to the side dramatically before shaking your head as if you don’t believe him. Brown-eyes and his dad (you’re confident in their relationship), chuckle at this interaction, in a way that leads you to believe they’ve heard it before.
“Aww,” you coo, as you salt the rim of his plastic cup, “Twenty-one! You’re such a baby! I would think your I.D. is fake if I ever saw it.”
“I’m not a baby,” Blue-eyes pouts, his eyes brightening as he thinks of a response, “Wait—well, you look too young to be serving alcohol!”
“I’m taking that as a compliment, not an insult since I’m older than you. Beautiful brown skin like mine doesn’t show age, at least that’s what my mom says. Anyways—there’s nothing wrong with being baby-faced, it means you look young for longer.”
Blue-eyes ponders that train of thought as you add a slice of lime as garnish. You hand the drink off to him, waiting for him to take a sip to see if it’s to his liking. His eyes flutter shut as he swallows, with a tiny moan of approval following, and wow, that sounded like a different type of moan. It’s enough to cause your mind to drift to other scenarios where you may be blessed to hear that noise in, and you make the mistake of letting your gaze cross Brown-eyes again. 
There’s a hint of a smirk tugging at the corner of his lips, and his eyebrow is raised at you slightly—like he’s aware of your train of thought. Hmm, you think, is that because he’s experienced the same train of thought as yourself, or is it because he’s gotten to hear that beautiful sound in the way you want to? It’s also possible that he thinks you’re just desperate, too. You blink at him, forcing your expression to remain innocent, before Blue-eyes speaks gleefully, breaking the tension once more. 
“This is the best drink I’ve ever had!”
You’ve heard those words hundreds of times on the course, but hearing them from him has you suddenly feeling bashful, waving his words away with a hand before you address Brown-eyes.
“¿Para beber, señor?”
“Please, cálmate. I thought you were talking to my father,” he responds, and the older gentlemen, confirming your suspicions about his relation, laughs.
“And—there’s no need to call me sir. Not in this context.”
Blue-eyes chokes on his drink next to you and it’s enough to distract you from responding to whatever that was supposed to imply. Okay, you panic internally, you’re either just a freak, or these two fine men are freaks themselves, and they’re not hiding it. Maybe, they even want you to join—okay, calm down you harlot. The men roughly pat his back to clear his airways and Blue-eyes reddens, you hope it’s due to embarrassment and not lack of oxygen. When it’s clear that he isn’t at risk for dying, Brown-eyes does take a bottle of beer off your hands.
“Have you been working here for a while?” The dad inquires, pulling you away from that mind-boggling exchange and into another bout of small talk while you dispose of the bottle caps.
“Sí, señor. This is my fourth summer here.”
“What?!” The two younger men, both exclaim, shocked at your answer.
“We’ve been coming here regularly since 2019 and we’ve never run into you before?” Blue-eyes continues, perplexed.
“Really? Wow, that’s terrible luck. I guess I’ve only worked shifts when you all aren’t here,” you theorize, cleaning out the shaker you used for his mocktail. 
“Why would it be ‘terrible luck?’” Brown-eyes asks with a painfully cute, confused tilt to his brows.
“It might be my last day,” you nod sadly, as all three men indulge you with sounds of dissent, “I know, sad, isn’t it?”
“But, why?” asks the dad, “Are they treating you badly here? Because I’ll talk to them for you. You seem like such a hardworking young woman.”
“Nonono, they treat me very well, there’s no need for threats! I’m just too hardworking. It’s just—I think it might be time for a change, you know?”
“We don’t know, actually,” Blue-eyes, offers smartly, “But, I wanna know. I like you, I think you’re interesting, and I’m invested now.”
You force the urge to giggle hysterically down as your brain screams, He said he likes you! That sounds like he’s in love with you! The cacophony of your subconscious gnawing at the bars of its enclosure rattles around your skull. 
You stare at them for a second, determining whether or not you should share your personal life with three strangers you're being paid to serve drinks to on a golf course. So, of course, you explain your very simple dilemma to the men. Do you quit your summer job because you’re afraid it might be too much to handle on top of getting your PhD and working an office job? Or, do you continue to work on the green because you’ve genuinely only ever enjoyed your time here, because it’s extra money in your pocket, because you’ve fallen in love with Spain, and because it keeps you near your family?
“I think you should stay.”
“Obviously, stay.”
“Sí, stay.”
You laugh abruptly at the answers. You’re ninety-five percent sure their answers are drenched with an ulterior motive—well, the two younger men's responses are.
“You like it here,” Blue-eyes starts earnestly, “I figure that getting a PhD is a lot of hard work, but why don’t you at least try it out for one more summer? If it’s too much, you don’t have to come back after that, right?”
The clock inside the cart blares its alarm for the end of your shift. You reach inside and shut it off before turning back to look at Blue-eyes thoughtfully, “I guess you’re right.”
“And…if you stay for another summer, there’s a chance we will see you again, no?” Brown-eyes jumps in.
“I would say the odds are pretty low, as this is the first time I’ve served you guys over four summers,” you joke back. That’s the reality of the situation, though. The first time you run into hot men who are your type and around your age range. You have to cope with the fact that you’ll never see them again. You’re the one with the terrible luck.
You tap the ledge of the cart off-handedly as you begin to ring up their drinks in the mobile register, pausing briefly to look up with a polite smile, “Is there anything else I can get for anybody before I head out today?”
Blue-eyes and Brown-eyes turn to whisper to each other, the older gentleman snorts, exchanging thanks with you and well wishes for your future before he walks back over to their equipment, leaving the younger men to close out the tab.
“Yes,” Blue-eyes clears his throat, “Can I have a ‘Sip of Sunshine?’”
You can’t recall ever carrying any beverage with that name and telling him as such, “Sorry, I don’t think we sell that. Is it a beer, or a cocktail—”
“You’re the sip of sunshine,” Brown-eyes interrupts you, twin smiles of pride painted on both men’s faces.
You laugh freely. It’s the most pleasant experience you’ve had being flirted with on the green. “I think that was the worst pick-up line I’ve ever heard!”
Brown-eyes rolls his eyes at your response lightly, giving you his credit card to pay, while Blue-eyes cheeses at you, “It made you laugh though. And, I think it made you blush too.”
“It did, but, the blush might be more of sunburn though,” you grin back at him, handing the mobile register to Brown-eyes for him to sign and tip, if he chooses. You avoid looking at the screen as he hands it back, placing it securely in the cart.
“Wait,” Brown-eyes calls, as you slide into the driver’s seat, “We never got your name?”
“You mean you never read the name tag that’s been clipped to my collar the entire time we’ve been talking?” You pester back, amused.
“We were too busy being distracted by how pretty you are,” Blue-eyes counters.
“Ah, that’s unfortunate,” you giggle, your flushed cheeks a definite result of the conversation and not the radiating sun, “I never got your names either?”
“Carlos,” Brown-eyes answers, “He’s Lando.”
“I can speak for myself you know,” Blue-eyes, Lando, sasses back. He pinches Carlos’ arm, causing the man to yelp and pull away from his side, and Lando takes the chance to address you again, “Will we see you next summer?”
“Oh, I hope not,” Carlos and Lando’s mouths drop open incredulously, “I don’t know how much more of your terrible flirting I can take!”
You smile at your own words, starting the cart and driving away from the green with a self-satisfied wave in their direction. You pray for your boss to still be in his office—you need to let him know that you’ve finally come to a decision about returning next year.
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© httpsserene 2024 - photo in header from pinterest (edited by me).
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izvmimi · 6 months
cw: canon deviation. time-skip (post demon slaying). babies. fem!reader.
“And what are you looking at?”
Genya is known for how intimidating he can be, but the round-cheeked, giggling child held at eye level between his hands right now will never see anything other than a loving father no matter how intensely he pretends to glare at him. The giggly ball of dough, practically hairless still despite nearly three months and a half in the world, kicks its feet and Genya smiles, helplessly charmed, before blowing a raspberry into his cheek and lowering him into his lap.
“Those Shinaguzawa family genes are no joke,” your friend jokes. She’s been watching the baby carefully for the past few minutes since she and Tanjiro entered the home, bearing gifts of cloth diapers and handmade quilt blankets, among other soft things. Genya is quickly defensive, reminding her for the nth time that your son has your nose, but you laugh to dispel the tension. After all, she’s right. The baby’s eyes are practically the same as his father's and his uncle's, although when he smiles ear to ear, his eyes close like yours do. 
“He looks just like his daddy,” you agree. You’re still setting your dining table for six and your friends have gotten up to help you pour tea for six, and collect plates of dorayaki, senbei and edamame to set at the table.
Sanemi chuckles, adjusting his sitting position on the tatami.
“I mean, I think we deserve that much,” he says, gruffly, as he supports himself. You know what he means, and nod solemnly without additional comment while his wife squeezes his shoulder before disappearing to follow you. Your friends have congratulated you after the birth of your first child multiple times, having taken turns assisting you right after delivery, but you haven’t seen them in a month or so, and adjusting to your new life has been rewarding but difficult. One of them fills your pantry with dried goods while the other scans the premises for anywhere that she can clean or reinforce. You thank them, a smile on your face.
“We’re doing great. Genya takes good care of me, don’t worry,” you remind them, and they have no problems believing it. 
Your baby thankfully isn’t fussy, and Genya is a surprisingly adept father, quick to learn the basics of bottle feeding and diapering, and making sure your house is clean and comfortable to live in. Living in relative poverty as a child made him work hard and be frugal, experiencing tragedy made him thoughtful and protective, and he does his absolute best to take care of you. 
He’d always promised to take care of you as long as you both lived.
When you return to the entertainment room, your friends and you settling next to the men you’ve chosen, you lay your head on Genya’s shoulder, thankful that he’s the one that you chose, and he chose you just the same.
Sanemi and his wife stay the night, and once everyone has turned in from the night and your son is sleeping peacefully in his bassinet, you lay in bed, wrapped warm in Genya’s arms. 
“We need a nephew or niece of our own, don’t you think?” you muse. “Gotta get them in the sack faster before they can’t catch up to us.”
Genya snorts, pressing his chin on the soft of your shoulder as he holds you closer. 
“That’s their business,” he murmurs, gruffly. “By the way, tell your friend to stop calling our kid ‘tofu’.”
You giggle. “Has it been bothering you?”
“Yes or I wouldn’t be bringing it up right now.”
“I think it’s cute,” you tease, turning in his hold. He’s surprised by the sudden movement, you can tell, by the red in your cheeks. “What?”
Genya blinks, then kisses your forehead. “Nothing.”
“Is something on my face?” you ask. 
“No. You’re beautiful.” You beam at this, then pull the covers tighter around your body.
“You’re a good dad, Genya,” you remind him.  You’re not sure that he needs to hear it, but you want to reassure him. He’s heard tip after tip from his older brother today and you overheard Sanemi telling him his mother would be proud of him. You hope it sinks in because she would, and you wonder if he’s still mulling over the thought.
The sweet child nicknamed ‘tofu’ to his father’s chagrin sleeps through the night with parents that love him more than anything on earth, because they love each other more than life itself.
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bitchesgetriches · 8 months
Hey bitches! I had an unexpected death occur back home while I’m currently living internationally. Despite the expensive plane tickets (damn you, American Airlines!) I made the decision to buy the tickets on my credit card. However, now I’m worried that I’m going to snowball into debt. I’ve always paid my credit cards on time and in full and my statements are always $0/month because I pay everything off. Do you have any advice for how I can make this unexpected expense go away quickly?!
Deep breath, babycakes! We gotchu. Here is our guide for the best, easiest, and fastest ways to pay off that unexpected credit card debt:
The Best Way To Pay off Credit Card Debt: From the Snowball To the Avalanche 
Stick to a plan and be a little more frugal in the coming weeks if you can. A credit card is a tool, and you shouldn't be afraid of it.
Weirdly enough, I ALSO had to buy some expensive airline tickets to visit a dying family member recently. And I ALSO put it on a credit card because it was an unexpected expense. I will literally be using one of the methods in the above article myself. Call it Bitch-tested and Bitch-approved!
Did we just help you out? Tip us!
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sugarcandydoll · 5 months
hi dolly I'm trying to enter my girly era and you clearly know a lot about it based on your aesthetic and stuff! I was wondering if you could give me some advice or tips on being more girly and hyper feminine?🩷
aww aww angel im so flattered omgg ♡🎀 but don't think im the perfect example of a girly girl cause im so messy n emotional n disorganized :(♡ but i do love pinky n glam fashion n aesthetics hehe so i can totally share some tips on that ♡👛 also pls pls remember there is no right way to be a girly girl ♡💞 those are just tips n advice from my own experience abt what makes me feel girly n happy hehe ♡👼🏼
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🎀 Fashion
browse outfits on pinterest n make moodboards to find ur style hehe ♡ shein is also amazing for finding cute girly pieces for cheap!! i usually shop my pinky n barbiecore outfits from shein!! ♡ if u want inspo here is a link to my pinterest fashion board ♡ i love wearing crop tops, matching sets, cute dresses n skirts, white tights w heart patterns ♡ for my comfy n lazy day i go along with pink graphic sweatshirt w cute print on it like bambi or disney princess hehehe ♡ also get cute lingerie n pjs it's gonna make u feel like a lil princess ♡
🎀 Makeup
if ur into makeup, play with different look n choose whatever makes u feel the prettiest! ♡ my personal fav makeup look is a full face of makeup with frosty pink eyeshadow ♡ lots of white highlight on inner corners of eyes n nose tip ♡ black winged eyeliner ♡ white eyeliner on waterline ♡ cat eye faux lashes ♡ lots of blush, n too faced lip plumping gloss along with pinky lipstick hehe ♡ i also sometimes wear brown circle lenses to give that dolly look to my eyes ♡
🎀 Hair
pls pls take care of ur hair (it's smth i need to get better at cause i fried my hair w bleach) my fav hair care tip is too deep oil it w coconut oil ♡ choose a shampoo & conditioner that smells good n works for u ♡ if ur into dyeing ur hair play w colors hehe ♡ i personally loved a reddish brown and then later a light blonde on me ♡👸🏼💕 but now wanna switch things up cause blonde maintainance is getting too expensive n i feel bad wasting soo much of my dad's money on my hair :( so i might get back to like a caramel brown hehe ♡ i also love curling my hair n putting hair extensions n cute girly accessories like bows n pink barretes n huge pink scrunchies ♡
🎀 Nails
get ur nails n toes done often hehe ♡💅🏼 i love the whole salon experience of mani/pedi but since i don't work anymore n live w my parents i wanna be more frugal :(♡ so press ons are my bffs hehehe n i love putting press ons on my toes too hehe ♡ u can find a lot of cute press on nails on amazon n etsy ♡ i usually go for pink medium length nails either plain or w a cute pattern n rhinestones ♡ i sometimes love going with colors like red, baby blue, purple, n a leopard pattern too hehe ♡ my fav nail shape is coffin or stiletto ♡ but go along with whatever makes ur hands look pretty ♡🫶🏼💗
🎀 Accessories
get cute jewelery n accessories hehehe ♡🧁 i usually buy my cutesy pink jewelry from shein ♡ n i love carrying pink bags n purses ♡ my fav for school is definitely my victoria's secret's carry all pink tote hehehe ♡ i also love wearing rings n toe rings n anklets w little bells on it to jingle when i walk hehe ♡ also also i love getting a necklace w my fav fictional character's initial on it oops ♡ i also love wearing cute pink hair accessories like bows n barrettes n huge pink scrunchie ♡ or if i want my hair up i use a huge pink claw clip ♡
🎀 Smelling Good
perfumes n bodymists are the best hehehe ♡ explore different scents at shops n figure out what u like best!! ♡ my current favs are strawberry snowflakes by bbw & pure seduction shimmer mist by victoria's secret, & tease sugar fleur by victoria's secret ♡ usually go w super super sweet or fruity scents but u don't have to angel ♡🍰 florals n fresh scents are sooo cute too just go along w whatever feels the most you n the best in ur opinion hehe ♡
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tinyshe · 4 months
Garden Report & Frugal Living 24.05.13
I don't have much to say. Forcing myself out to work in the garden and trying not to think but focusing intensely on task at hand. Trying to recuperate. Its slow going. Got a couple of larger pots up in flowers for pollinators. Planted sweet peas and pole beans along the hazel hedge and again behind the monstrous clipped borage. This is my new 'science' experiment -- inter-planting sweet peas with pole beans. I gave up the 'planting by the sign of the moon' because it was so restrictive and doesn't jive with my time I have to garden (still struggling to work full time) -- too much time wasted waiting for the 'proper' moon phase ...
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So keeping with the slow but 'not today' theme (no I didn't check the moon sign to see if posting was a best choice) -- here is your 'frugal' tip and its from the garden. If you trim up your tomatoes -- whether its a fog cut or working on prize winning toms and you take out 'branches' or leaders, put them (clippings) in a jar of water and re-root them to make new tomato plants! You could also do some layering propagation then when rooted, sever that tie and replant (or not).
Don't wait for the right time -- get out there and enjoy the day wherever you are and what ever you are doing.
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absolutedoorknob · 9 months
Pearl’s Red Dress— A Costume Breakdown
Pearl— the prequel to X, directed by Ti West. A story about a young (murderous) girl and her ambitions to leave the family farm to become…. A star! (The murder of at least three people sold separately, batteries not included)
Okay, I’ll confess: I haven’t seen the movie yet. I got about… 60% through of X before I realized that due to the rambunctious sex noises, it was probably a movie best suited for viewing when my family wasn’t home.. and I have not had the time to go back and watch X and then Pearl. I’m still trying to figure out a way to watch it with my sibling (whom I have made sit through eight saw movies, Jordan Peele’s Nope, Talk to Me, and Thanksgiving).
But I am armed with two of my greatest resources when it comes to costume breakdowns:
My eyesight (which is definitely 20/20 and I have never worn glasses in my life no I am not lying)
So, here it is: Pearl’s red dress: an analysis and some cosplay tips.
So: Pearl’s red dress is her mother’s dress, borrowed (stolen?) for her audition to become a star. The movie takes place in 1918, and because Pearl’s family is a little strapped for cash at the moment, plus along with her mother’s frugal tendencies, it’s safe to assume that the dress dates anywhere from 1910 onward, as I feel that it’s unlikely that a dress would be any older than that with zero remarks on it being out of style. This means that the dress is an ~Edwardian~ dress.
Now, my understanding of Edwardian fashion is loose at best, so take everything I say with like fifteen grains of salt. What marks the Edwardian era for me is two things:
Decrease in sleeve puff. We’ve moved away from Leg of Mutton sleeves and they will slowly grow more and more narrow in shape until the 20s, give or take, but we still have some gathers.
The smoothening of the front post-pidgeon breast period. A lot of Victorian bodices have very structured seaming and have a very “tailored” look compared with the relative softness of Edwardian bodices.
Compare and constrast Bernadette Banner’s Victorian waistcoat look (yes it’s a waistcoat my point still stands here) versus the 1910 Jolly Holiday Edwardian gown.
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Now, based off of my very surface level research, Pearl’s dress seems closest to the style of the lingerie dress, which makes sense because a) this is clearly a nicer dress, and it makes sense to be a style that was generally “nicer” and b) the farm is in the South USA, so it also makes sense in context for this dress to be a lighter dress.
That leads us to another question, though. Why red? Well, the answer is simple. Red shows up on camera excellently, especially with the colour grading the movie used, and also… this is Pearl’s mom’s dress, and that woman is way too practical to have a white dress when they live on a farm.
So… what makes up Pearl’s dress?
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Out of cursory examination, the bodice is made out of one front piece with possible darts for basic fitting underneath all that lace, and has two back pieces. It buttons in the back, and in the front there are fake buttons. The sleeves look bunchy here, but based off of the other images I’ve seen, they do end above the elbows with a cuff at least two inches wide.
I can’t see any seams on the skirt, but I’m guessing it’s made of at least three panels. From my cursory knowledge about Edwardian skirts, particularly lingerie skirts, they are quite ‘trumpet shaped’. This shape is partially achieved by a slight train, and a ruffle at the bottom. Pearl has a ruffle, but the train? Well…
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The picture above seems like it has just the slightest train, but while she’s dancing on stage, she doesn’t seem to have it?
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(Yes the above image is hot garbage. I’m working with Pinterest’s finest here)
Now, the lace! On the bodice is at least four types of lace. This is the best guess I have after looking at many many pictures and playing around with the settings to see if I could change the contrast. There is also lace above the sash and right above where the ruffle is sewn on.
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So to make this dress, I started looking for patterns I searched high. I searched low. I searched the big four pattern website. Eventually I just googled Edwardian dress patterns. And then I found it. The perfect pattern.
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The 1914 Afternoon Dress from Sense and Sensibility patterns. the bodice is basically perfect: back closures, a smooth front that can be adapted to wear with or without a corset. Now, from what the pictures show of the skirt, it’s smooth in the front and gathered in the back but the shape is not perfect when it comes to the trumpet shape, but the actual dress doesn’t have it. Personally, I would just flare the panels a bit more to get some more swoosh, and the ruffle would have to be added, but that would be simple because ruffles are basically just rectangles!
All that’s left to do is add enough lace to kill a horse, braid your hair, and definitely not chase your sister in law with an axe!
Happy sewing!
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mamamittens · 2 months
Had a funny thought for my Ambiguous Intent AU (Hitman OP au shipping with OC specifically) where Thatch, during his stalking phase, ends up finding where she lives.
While looking around to get a better idea of what kind of a person she is, he discovers a few things!
She's got a bit of organized chaos going for her. A sort of lived in kind of clutter that fills bookshelves with knickknacks places with care and lined with dust. But the trash is taken out regularly and messes tidied frequently.
Her wardrobe is mostly casual with a few formal pieces. Some old, clearly nostalgic clothes she's never tossed despite not really fitting anymore. Eclectic and old jewelry.
Hell of a physical media collection. Clearly enjoys owning movies instead of streaming. Delicate glass and porcelain figurines on her higher shelves. Many music box types.
It's interesting. He wasn't sure what he expected to find. Perhaps he hoped for a dirty secret or two. A secret double life or criminal leanings. But no. She's pretty normal if quirky. She clearly doesn't aim for a theme so much as meander to it by happenstance.
The most interesting part is her pantry.
Probably the most interesting to him, professionally.
Clearly, she's more of a snacker and cheap meal kinda gal. And he's not judging!
The spaghetios cans are a little offending to his senses, but the ramen beside them makes it clear this is something she's had for years while being broke. Frugal, cheap, and filling.
He gets it... Can't say he was much better in culinary school, ironically. The taste passable at best.
And he can do so much better! Will do, actually!
This is probably where it first starts tipping from planned murder to intended seduction. A simple, unstated challenge.
Impressing her enough she could never go back to her cheap ramen and knock off, mass products spaghetti alternative. He wants to ruin her for paltry fare and raise all her standards from the bog it sits in. Wallowing in it, in fact.
He will ultimately fail, on account of these being comfort foods. And few things can dethrone a comfort food. But she will love his cooking anyway.
He'll pretend he is neither offended nor already familiar with her kitchen when they wind up cooking a meal together at her place.
His own, shared with Izou at least in this city, is a bit ritzy. One of a dozen familiar, modern high rise condos his family owns the building for outright. Modern and a tad empty on account of this location being a backup for when they need to lay low.
It's cleaned while they're gone by someone in the family. Just a quick dusting and cycling the fridge contents to ensure nothing rots while keeping it stocked. No real home or life in it until Thatch starts bringing home affectionate gifts from Nikia. Silly trinkets and things she got that reminded her of him. And eventually Izou.
It was far from his favorite. A lake house in the deep sticks built by their father is actually the favorite. But this one ends up growing on him greatly for all the memories it winds up holding.
Including the few times they tricked her into sleeping over. It was hard to pull off, but he likes making breakfast for the three of them. With a bit of subtle encouragement, Nikia was quite affectionate, if quiet, in the morning. Once she knew they wouldn't be offended or creeped out by the, frankly, cat-like affection. Mainly rubbing her face on their shoulder or leaning against them.
Very begrudgingly, he's got a case pack of ramen and a few cans of spaghetios in their pantry for her in case she's over while he's gone.
He'd rather she ordered out, honestly. He didn't care about competition for his cooking prowess!
Unless it came in a can or a plastic bag at least... Izou tells him to stop being dramatic, but he won't.
Thatch can make something ten times as healthy and delicious as cheap ramen any day of the week!
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ramashmarketing · 8 months
In This Tutorial: Frugal Living Tips 2024: How to Save $10k FAST in 2024. This Video More Details explains how To Save $10,000 FAST In 2024 (Money Saving Tips). The best way is to break down the goal into smaller achievable bits. This Video More Explain how to save 10000 in 2024 to the $385 rule to save money fast This topic set up a budget with me and this Video was Created by The Modern Savvy CPA. Looking to save money fast in 2024?
Check out these frugal living tips that can help you save 10k within a year! From budgeting to cutting expenses, we’ll show you how to be a frugal money saver and reach your financial goals. When people ask how to save money with low income first, Then I would say watch this video. This Video fully explains how to save money with low-income, Complete Frugal Living Tips and Money Saving Challenge.
This video related to frugal money saver and happy planner 2024 ideas. Most of the people asked There are old-fashioned money-saving tips that actually work. Living a frugal minimalist lifestyle, Here are some frugal living tips to save money using simple living to budget your money.
Enjoy these minimalism money-saving tips to save money fast These Tips are Created by The Modern Savvy CPA. Nowadays most of people are interested " 66 frugal living tips for the coming recession to save you money" Don't worry this topic upload our channel Next week. 👉Click This Link for Our official channel's New helpful videos: https://www.youtube.com/@themodernsav...
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visionarycios · 27 days
Frugal Living Hacks: Saving Money Without Sacrificing Quality
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In a world where expenses seem to rise faster than incomes, mastering the art of frugal living can significantly impact your financial well-being. Contrary to popular belief, frugality isn’t about deprivation; it’s about making smart choices to maximize value and minimize waste. This guide explores various strategies and hacks for saving money without compromising on quality, helping you achieve financial stability and freedom.
Understanding Frugal Living
Frugal living involves conscious spending and prioritizing value over frivolous expenses. It’s about:
Making deliberate choices: Opting for quality and durability over trends and instant gratification.
Maximizing resources: Using what you have efficiently and reducing waste.
Building financial resilience: Saving and investing for long-term goals.
By adopting frugal living principles, you not only save money but also contribute to a more sustainable lifestyle.
Why Embrace Frugal Living?
Before diving into the practical tips, let’s explore why frugal living is beneficial:
Financial Security: It allows you to build an emergency fund and prepare for unexpected expenses.
Debt Reduction: By cutting unnecessary expenses, you can allocate more funds towards paying off debt.
Achieving Goals: Whether it’s buying a home, traveling, or investing, frugal living helps you reach your financial milestones sooner.
Practical Frugal Living Hacks
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Now, let’s delve into actionable tips and strategies to incorporate frugal living into your daily routine:
1. Create a Budget and Stick to It
It starts with understanding your income and expenses. Create a budget that outlines your monthly income sources and fixed expenses. Track variable expenses like groceries, dining out, and entertainment. Allocate a portion of your income towards savings and financial goals.
2. Prioritize Needs Over Wants
Distinguish between essential needs and discretionary wants. Focus on fulfilling needs first, such as housing, utilities, and groceries. Limit spending on wants like dining out, entertainment, and shopping. This approach ensures that your essential expenses are covered before indulging in non-essential purchases.
3. Embrace Minimalism
Saving Money and reducing clutter go hand in hand. Adopt a minimalist lifestyle by decluttering your home and focusing on quality over quantity. Invest in versatile, long-lasting items rather than buying cheap, disposable products. Minimalism not only saves money but also promotes a clutter-free, stress-free environment.
4. Cook Meals at Home
Eating out can be expensive and often less healthy than homemade meals. It is by planning and preparing meals at home. Use budget-friendly ingredients, plan meals for the week, and pack lunches for work or school. Cooking at home not only saves money but also allows you to control portion sizes and ingredients.
5. Use Coupons and Discounts
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Take advantage of coupons, loyalty programs, and promotional offers to save on groceries, household items, and entertainment. It on everyday purchases can add up over time. Look for online coupon codes, sign up for store newsletters, and compare prices before making a purchase.
6. Negotiate Bills and Expenses
Don’t hesitate to negotiate bills and expenses such as cable, internet, and insurance. Many providers offer discounts or promotional rates for new customers. It is by calling your service providers to inquire about available discounts or negotiating a better deal. Loyalty does not always result in the best rates, so be proactive in seeking savings opportunities.
7. DIY Projects and Repairs
Learn basic DIY skills for home maintenance and repairs. Saving Money by fixing minor issues yourself, such as leaky faucets or simple car maintenance. DIY projects can also include crafting gifts or household items rather than buying them. Embracing a hands-on approach not only saves money but also builds valuable skills.
8. Buy Secondhand and Shop Smart
Explore thrift stores, consignment shops, and online marketplaces for quality secondhand items. From clothing and furniture to electronics and books, buying secondhand can save significant amounts of money. Saving Money and reducing waste by giving items a new lease on life. Before making a purchase, consider the item’s condition, quality, and long-term value.
9. Cancel Unused Subscriptions and Memberships
Review your monthly subscriptions and memberships regularly. Saving Money by canceling unused or unnecessary subscriptions. Consider alternatives like free apps or services that offer similar benefits. Subscriptions can add up quickly, so prioritize those that bring the most value to your life.
10. Plan Shopping Trips and Avoid Impulse Purchases
Create a shopping list before heading to the store or shopping online. Stick to your list and avoid impulse purchases. Saving Money and staying focused on essential items. Compare prices, look for sales or discounts, and consider bulk purchasing for items you regularly use. Planning reduces the temptation to overspend.
11. Practice Energy Efficiency
Reduce energy consumption to lower utility bills. Saving Money by turning off lights and appliances when not in use, using energy-efficient appliances, and improving home insulation. Consider investing in programmable thermostats and LED light bulbs to further reduce energy costs. Small changes in energy usage can lead to significant savings over time.
12. Explore Free or Low-Cost Entertainment Options
Enjoy entertainment without breaking the bank. Saving Money by attending community events, visiting local parks or museums on free admission days, or borrowing books and movies from the library. Many cities offer free concerts, festivals, and cultural events throughout the year. Embrace opportunities for affordable entertainment that align with your interests.
13. Use Cash Back and Rewards Programs
Take advantage of cashback and rewards programs offered by credit cards and retailers. Saving Money by earning cash back on everyday purchases or accumulating points for discounts or freebies. Compare rewards programs to find the best options for your spending habits and financial goals.
14. Invest in Quality for Long-Term Savings
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While it may seem counterintuitive, investing in quality items can save money in the long run. Saving Money by purchasing durable goods that require less frequent replacement or repair. Quality products often come with longer warranties and better performance, reducing lifetime costs compared to cheaper alternatives.
15. Review and Adjust Regularly
Monitor your progress and adjust your budget and spending habits as needed. Saving Money by identifying areas where you can cut back further or reallocate funds towards savings or debt repayment. Stay committed to your financial goals and celebrate milestones along the way.
Visionary CIOs are adept at leveraging technology to streamline operations and drive cost efficiencies, crucially impacting ‘Saving Money’ initiatives across organizations. By championing innovative solutions like automation, cloud optimization, and predictive analytics, they not only reduce overheads but also foster a culture of fiscal responsibility. Embracing agile methodologies and strategic IT investments, these leaders empower teams to identify and eliminate wasteful spending while enhancing overall productivity. In today’s competitive landscape, the role of a visionary CIO extends beyond traditional IT management to catalyze financial savings and sustainable growth, positioning the organization for long-term success
Frugal living is a mindset that empowers you to make intentional choices about how you spend and save money. By incorporating these frugal living hacks into your lifestyle, you can achieve financial stability, reduce stress, and pursue your long-term goals with confidence. Remember, Saving Money isn’t about sacrifice; it’s about making smart, sustainable decisions that enhance your quality of life while safeguarding your financial future.
Embrace the journey towards frugal living today and discover the countless rewards it brings. Start implementing these strategies and watch as your savings grow, your debt diminishes, and your financial freedom expands. Saving Money is just the beginning of a more fulfilling and financially secure future.
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genremarketing · 1 month
Top 5 Books to Master Money - A Reading List for Financial Success
Many people are striving to achieve financial success. These books offer a wide variety of perspectives on wealth and money management. You're seeking a narrative-based explanation of key money lessons. Clason's tales help readers create a healthy connection with money. His advice is applicable for anyone wanting to improve their finances. 1. The Millionaire Mind This book is a must-read to anyone trying to understand how they can manage their money. Kiyosaki employs his childhood memories with two fathers, one of them wealthy, the other less fortunate - to help readers build a life full of financial freedom and wealth. You'll be taught the value of investing and saving strategies to live debt-free and the best way to make mindful spending choices. The Millionaire's Mind shows how self-made millionaires did not make their money through a simple life. They utilized their understanding of investing to make savvy choices, even during recessions. The book will assist you in developing a powerful abundance mindset that will propel the way to financial prosperity. 2. The Richest Man In Town This book offers an appealing alternative to other books on personal finance which are highly technical. This classic offers timeless financial wisdom regarding wealth accumulation, preservation, and sharing. Learn important concepts such as being mindful of your spending soliciting advice, and investing to earn a profit. This book is the culmination of a decade-long study by multimillionaire businessman Tony Robbins. He sat down with the world's top billionaire investors and then compiled their most effective tips for everyday people to attain financial freedom. It's a practical guide for people of every income that's easy to grasp and implement. This book is perfect for those who want to learn how to manage their finances without having their lifestyle or leisure diminished. Ramit Sethi's philosophies are no-nonsense and a comprehensive six-week program that covers savings, banking budgeting, debt and investing. 3. The Millionaire Next Door This book challenges the conventional notions of wealthy Americans. Through years of research and case studies, Thomas J. Stanley and William D. Danko show that millionaires reside in average communities have older vehicles, avoid excessive usage of credit cards and place a greater emphasis on financial savings over spending. This classic book is a guide towards accumulating wealth. Frugality is the core of the FIRE movement (Financial Independence and Retirement Early). This book shows how staying within your means can assist you in attaining financial freedom and a early retirement. This is a must read for anyone who wants to build wealth and achieve a comfortable life. However, it is not so helpful for people looking for practical advice on budgeting and investing tips. The original edition of this book was prone to a bias of survivorship, focusing on people who have already become millionaires. Sarah Fallaw's follow-up book, The Next Millionaire Next Door addresses this issue with a wider sample to lessen the influence of survivorship bias. 4. The Most Rich Girl in Town If you need some inspiration to get over financial stress the book has it in spades. Rather than presenting you with the complete plan, it will encourage you to examine your values and formulate financial goals that reflect your beliefs. George Clason’s faux-biblical stories have attracted investors since the 1920s. The book is based on his advice. It explains how reducing expenses can help you to build wealth, while also teaching you to avoid debt and focus on charitable giving.
Tony Robbins dedicated ten years to research for the book, interviewing billionaire financiers on the best strategies for building wealth. This book is aimed at anyone who would like to meet their financial goals, whether they are seasoned investors or simply need a little guidance. It also provides tips for getting through challenges like unemployment and health crises. 5. The Most Rich Girl in the World Understanding how to save money is important, whether you're looking to retire with ease, begin an enterprise, or just give more to family and friends. There are plenty of books with practical tips and inspiring stories to help you on your journey. Kiyosaki’s controversial book challenges the American dream of owning the home of your dreams and is focused on how you can become financially smart by focusing on what is the most important in life. The author also gives tips on saving and avoiding credit card debt. This book provides a guide to develop a financial plan and budget that's aligned with your individual objectives. Singletary's advice has been praised by readers as an effective resource for both new and experienced investors who are looking to refresh their knowledge. It's as if you have a knowledgeable partner to walk you through the maze of managing money. Video from YouTube
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hellobrownlow · 2 months
Frugal Food Tips from a Former Extreme Couponer
If there is one thing I know we can do a better job of saving money on, it’s food. Most frugal living experts with all those frugal food tips suggest stocking up as best you can to save money long term and when money may get tight. Stocking up on things is where I struggle to balance frugality and minimalism. On the frugal side, it’s better to buy something at its rock-bottom price to use at a…
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guiderichess · 2 months
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danieldawson · 3 months
Best Finance Books for Every Reader
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Whether you're a beginner looking to understand the basics of finance or an experienced investor aiming to refine your strategies, there's a wealth of knowledge waiting for you in these best finance books. Here's a curated list to cater to every financial interest and level of expertise:
For Beginners:
"Rich Dad Poor Dad" by Robert T. Kiyosaki This classic explores the mindset and financial philosophies that can lead to wealth.
"The Total Money Makeover" by Dave Ramsey Ramsey offers practical advice on budgeting, saving, and getting out of debt.
"The Little Book of Common Sense Investing" by John C. Bogle Learn about the power of index funds and long-term investing from the founder of Vanguard.
For Personal Finance Management:
"Your Money or Your Life" by Vicki Robin and Joe Dominguez This book offers a nine-step program for transforming your relationship with money.
"I Will Teach You to Be Rich" by Ramit Sethi A practical guide to automate your finances and grow your wealth
Is your financial behaviour and empty bank account making you feel like your life is miserable? Let's face it - the economy is putting a strain on quite a bit of families. More people are looking for money saving tips in order to keep their household out of survival mode. We've all been at a point in our life in which we need to find ways to cut expenses and live more frugally. It isn't always easy to make changes and put a few extra bucks into our pockets, but every little bit of savings helps no matter how minor it may be. Read our 3 best finance books and get an innovative solution.
No matter your financial goals or current knowledge, these books provide invaluable insights and strategies. Whether you're looking to manage personal finances, delve into investing strategies, or understand the psychology behind financial decisions, these best finance books will guide you towards financial literacy and success. Happy reading and learning!
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11 Unconventional Ways That I Saved Money Without Sacrificing My Lifestyle
Saving money doesn't have to mean giving up the things you love. In this video, I share 11 unconventional ways that I saved money without sacrificing my lifestyle. These creative tips and tricks will help you cut costs while still enjoying life to the fullest. 
Discover how you can achieve financial savings without compromise. Check out these 11 unconventional ways to cut costs and still live your best life! From finding creative ways to save on everyday expenses to making smart financial decisions, you'll learn how to live a more frugal lifestyle without sacrificing your quality of life. 
So sit back, relax, and get ready to start saving money in ways you never thought possible! Don't forget to like, comment, and subscribe for more money-saving tips and tricks.
0:41 Embracing Minimalism 1:17 Cooking Adventures 2:02 DIY Everything 2:27 Alternative Transportation, 3:07 Subscription Audit 3:32 Embracing Second hand 3:57 Cashback and Rewards 4:20 Negotiating Everything 4:44 Mindful Entertainment. 5:24 Concept of conscious consumerism 5:49 Conclusion
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tinyshe · 10 months
Garden Report & Frugal Living 23.12.02
I peeked out the back window. All the garden chores were still out there waiting for me. It looks like they invited friends and are having a party.
The winter birds have arrived from out of town. Some of these guest will just rest up and carry on while others will settle in for the season. I should put up the suet racks soon but first to move out the ROUS gang (rodents of unusual size) to make the accommodations a bit more safer for the feathered one. Still dealing with woman next door and her cat.
Winter time leaves the hens looking anemic and forlorn like little ghost floating under the coop in their sand box. Yesterday I gave them this summer's strawberry that had been thawed. I love that little noise they make when they find something good to eat. They all huddled around their dish making little satisfied hen humming noises while they gobbled up their treat.
I really haven't been out in the garden due to circumstances. I can see (and hear) it from inside, the cheery red rose hips, the glistening camilla leaves, the happy chatter of little birds. I'm satisfied for now to just be looking at it instead of in it -- like watching from the sidelines.
Coming down to the last of pantry preps from the garden harvest. I hopefully will get some help sorting apples and then designating some to the dehydrator.
Frugal tip for the day: I love cake and muffins and perogies and all those type of baked goods but stuff them up with extra goodness. Cakes can accommodate fruit (fresh or dried) and jams as can muffins. Got an apple that is still good but past prime then chop and dice to pop in in the batter. Stuff up those periogies, quesadillas, wonton wrappers etcetc with left overs! You can even reinvent your casseroles this way. If you can make pizza dough, go ahead with those left overs and add then on your dough to leave flat or roll up like a jelly roll, slice and bake. Just get creative and enjoy!
Its the holiday season so before I go please take this message to heart: Merry Christ mas to You and Yours! Best of Wishes for the coming new year and beyond! God bless and keep!!
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