#best friend joshua
wanderingcritter · 5 months
god gives his most niche fandoms to his most autistic warriors
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nemotakeit · 4 months
i think tyler canonically comparing josh (torchbearer) to the holy spirit is insane and should absolutely be talked about a LOT more like this dude is literally deifying his homie and he's a christian too what the fuck
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j0s1core · 1 month
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Me and my Bestie core
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tinykittendelusion · 2 months
Okay but Chan best friends to enemies to lovers just feels soo right! The fire, the heat🤩🤩🤩 this has just been upgraded from a want to a need🤯
a/n: ikr the thoughts have been thought. I got too excited and just literally ranted about everything I was thinking so i apologise if my thoughts are all over the place. I'm glad anon adored the idea as much as I did 🥺
tw: kissing, mentions of violence (a punch)
he would be an adorable bestie especially when you guys were younger he'd play with you in the park. You'll sit on the swing set and talk for hours. He'd hold pinkies and walk with you. He'd show you all the dance moves he learned from his dad and that's how you learnt to dance.
bestie chan excited that you want to participate with him in a dance competition helping you practice and perfect the routine
bestfriend chan waiting for you backstage of the competition and being so confused when he sees you with your crush instead.
bestfriend chan who runs out of the venue when you tell him you are performing with your crush because he's your boyfriend. He goes to the park you guys used to go when you were younger and cries.
bestfriend chan who refuses to meet you for days angry and hurt by your behaviour.bestfriend chan finally becomes your enemy when he causes a fight between your crush and him leading to a break up.
Enemy chan who would glare at you whenever you'd cross paths.Enemy chan who scoffed every time you'd dance.You feel somewhat empty when he joins pledis. as if his move cemented the fact you'd lost your childhood bestfriend forever.
Enemy!chan shocked to see you waiting in their practice room with the rest of your crew. Even the boys were shocked at how cold and angry he was.
Him being even more angry when he found out you'd be one of the background dancers for the performance units songs. So angry with all this he skips practice for 3 whole days until jeonghan talks to him.After that you always saw him at practices but he pretended you never existed like he saw through you.
On one of the stops on the tour you and the rest of the crew went to a popular club with all the members. Some random guy started making you uncomfortable when suddenly dino punched him.Both of you were slightly drunk and before you could register what was happening he kissed you.
The next day both of you started wondering about the kiss and what was behind it.
Him confessing all this jeonghan who urged him to talk to you.
He finally talks to you and you realise how much you hurt him you also talk about how you were hurt when he stopped being your friend but now you understand.
You guys decide to take another shot at being friends but suddenly things were awkward between you both it was as if you were seeing him as a guy and not as a friend.
The tension was so thick between you both that one day during practice you just leaned over and pecked him. cue chan.exe stopped working.
He suddenly leans and smashes his lips against yours
And lo behold you are dating him!
a/n: i hope you liked it :)
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bisupergirl · 2 months
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"Guess I just bring out the best in people. 'Stick with me, kid, and you'll go places…'" "Yes. I think I might."
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1x3 | 4x5
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everythingbasil · 2 years
twewy is the funniest game in the whole world. What if god made a bet against an emo boy and lost catastrophically
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aesadraws · 10 months
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Oh so you're also a blonde royal with an English accent, healing powers, and an older brother who was distraught about a tragedy that befell you?
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l14099l · 4 months
4043 881
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mountainashes · 8 months
I love Until Dawn (evidently) but omg everytime I play the game or think abt the game I end up feeling so gd sad. Like damn its bleak. Josh Washington genuinely has made me cry more times than I can count.
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3raaaachachacha · 1 year
8:02 pm
Jeon Wonwoo x female reader / 462 words / fluff
Warnings: None
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“You know, I didn’t take you for someone who enjoyed watching reality shows,” You stated as you sat on the comfy couch with your best friend, eating delicious fried chicken.
“What's that supposed to mean?” Wonwoo chuckled to himself, taking another swig of his beer.
“I just mean, you always seem so analytic and serious, so when you let loose and relax, it’s always a surprise,” You shrugged, knowing he was going to be annoyed with you, yet you didn’t care. He was your best friend and he loved you, even if you could be too honest at times.
“I’ve known you for 6 years and this is how you think of me?” He paused for you to answer, but you waited for him to follow up, “I mean, okay. I can be serious a lot and forget to show emotions, I get it! BUT I don’t do it all the time, come on now Y/N. Don’t paint me as the villain.”
“Yeah, when did I paint you as the villain of this story? All I said was that you were too serious sometimes. If anything, you’re more the nerdy kid in the background of every scene,” You rolled you eyes at him before grabbing another piece of chicken.
He grabbed your chicken away from you, making you yell at him as he laughed at your cute annoyed expression, “And you’re too emotional. We’re perfect for one another,” He joked, taking a bite of the chicken.
You smacked his arm before grabbing your beer. The two of you sat in silence, watching the newest season of Single’s Inferno, debating who was your favorite, who was your ideal type, and who should ultimately end up with one another.
“I bet you could be on this show Woo, just look at you,” You joked, making his eye widen in surprise before turning to you.
“Are you trying to tell me I’m hot or something? Because if so, just say it, we already know,” He teased back, making your scoff at his sudden confident attitude.
“Why am I even your friend?” You sighed before laying back against the couch, wrapping a blanket around you as you began to get cold and a bit sleepy from eating.
Wonwoo joined you, snuggling into your side before readjusting the two of you so you were laying on his chest slightly, while his arm was around you, “Because you love me, duh.”
“Love is a strong word. Just be happy I’m low energy from eating or else I’d be smacking the shit out of you right now,” You snuggled further into his side as you watched the tv.
He chuckled at your comment before pulling you closer and putting his feet up onto the coffee table, “Yeah, yeah whatever.”
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- Admin 🦋
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master-tonberry · 1 year
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Joshua & Mingyu for Cosmopolitan
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mishy-mashy · 11 months
Julius is just a Hard Knock Life orphan on a path called Julius's Terrible Horrible No Good Very Bad Day
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confusedhomicidalrage · 6 months
9pm. Fips and Lawrence were in the living room, watching through some random horror movie. They suddenly heard little footsteps, making Fips pause the movie to look at the doorway. EIi was standing there, teary-eyed in his pyjamas, holding a pillow. Lawrence immediately became alarmed, and stood up, walking over to his son.
"Eli? What happened?" He asked, as Fips stood up after a few minutes to help comfort their young son, who looked like he was on the brink of a breakdown.
"I-I had a n-nightmare..." Eli sniffled, hugging his pillow tight to his chest "T-That you left me..." He hiccupped, barely getting the words out through sobs.
Lawrence and Fips exchanged looks, as Lawrence picked Eli up, making the small child immediately curl up and sob into his Father's chest. Fips was visibly concerned, as he began to gently stroke Eli's hair.
"don't worry, we would never leave you!" Lawrence reassured with a gentle tone, making sure Eli knew he wasn't mad or anything. Fips sighed and Eli kept sobbing, and the small mutters he did get out were pleads for his two Fathers to not abandon him. Lawrence and Fips kept trying to soothe and comfort him, until they heard quiet snoring.
Eli had fallen asleep in Lawrence's arms
Fips and Lawrence exchanged looks, chuckling softly. They walked up to Joshua and Eli's room, carefully not to wake either up, and set Eli back into bed. Eli, like an instinct, immediately hugged Joshua, who sleepily hugged back. Fips and Lawrence quietly exited the room, and sighed, before going back to the living room to resume their movie (Spoiler alert: they fell asleep halfway through and ended up just sleeping together on the couch)
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llamaisllama777 · 3 months
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yes, I'm on an art binge. Why, you ask?
Bio: Earth loves her life granted yes, it has its issues whose life doesn't but she does wish she could make some changes. The main being people would take her more seriously. Everyone seems to think Earth can't handle things herself. They either think she's a damsel in distress or can't protect herself, which isn't true, right?
Earth began to wonder what if they're right, what if I can't handle things myself, I mean, I know I can, but what if they're right?
Well, Earth would get the chance to prove her metal when one day the bombs started dropping, Earth and her family were rushed to a vault courtesy of their new bosses Vault-tec. Earth could hear the rumblings and feel the vibrations as the bombs fell. Earth won't lie she was beyond scared but who wasn't that day?
After the bombs stopped dropping, they all began to get adapt to their new lives in the Vault,Earth was there to ease everyone's concerns. Basically, she became the Vault therapist. (Not fun, by the way) While she eased others' concerns, her family eased her's. One day, Moon suggested that all the animatronics in the Vault should power down temporarily just until it's safe for them to go home. Earth joined her friends and family in their 198 year nap.
After waking up stiffer than a board, she and her family walked out of the vault and saw what the world was like now. It was enough to make anyone shed a tear. The world was wrecked, but her sadness was replaced with joy and inspiration when she saw entire towns and people working together to survive. With a renewed sense of hope, Earth and her family made a place for themselves in the post-apocalyptic world, and it was a wonderful... while it lasted. Moon discovered that the Ruin virus had somehow made it to their dimension and was now causing all robots to go haywire and become violent. Earth joined Moon's team to hunt down and destroy the virus much to Moon and a few others shagrin. Earth wanted to help everyone in this new post-apocalyptic world and wanted to prove to her family and friends that she could handle things herself.
After many explorations and long travels, they came across a group of Robot-loving protectors named The RailRoad. Earth thought their mission was quite inspiring but did dislike the fact they chose to stay hidden instead of shouting from the rooftops for every synth to hear, so they would know someone is out there protecting them and trying to save them but she understood why they stayed hidden, the RailRoad had many enemies who wished harm on them and the robots they protected. Earth gladly aided the RailRoad in many missions to rescue synths and met many friends on those missions like the religious yet fully willing to throw down Joshua Graham and her-totally-not- the-father-she-wishs-she-had synth detective Nick Valentine, Earth on these missions proved to everyone and herself she could indeed handle herself. Though she prefers to deescalate situations before things turn violent, she has been proven to be able to handle herself in a fight, preferring to use her fists and melee weapons instead of guns because she can chose to leave her foes alive and just knock them out instead of putting them six feet under. Just cause Earth knows how to throw down doesn't mean she forgot how to relax. On one mission for The Rail Road, they came across a town full of synths led by their leader Dima, Dima became friends with all of them and even gave them a place to live in Acadia. Earth definitely added a dash of color to Acadia, and it became like a second home to her... well, third home, her second home was a little town they found when the RailRoad sent them to the Captial wasteland to rescue a synth somewhere out there. A town ran by kids! Little lamplight Gregory and Cassie instantly fell in love with the place a town run by kids for kids, Earth at first was kinda horrified. A TOWN FULL OF KIDS WHERE ARE THEIR PARENTS?! Earth decided to help out around the town become the sort of town mom, eventually the town grow on her and the kids became almost like her own children so, every now and then they all take a trip out to the capital so, Earth can be a mother to an entire town.
Earth's life is going pretty well in the wasteland despite the many sacrifices she had to make and losing an eye to some mercenary. She's doing pretty well for herself, and she and everyone else now believe she's proven her metal!
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scar-eyejolteon14 · 5 months
From an au I thought of please check it out in my post!
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