#best ever motivational speech
get-inspired-for-life · 7 months
Embracing Wisdom: A Path to Personal Growth
Whether you are looking to enhance your self-awareness, develop a more positive mindset, or gain a deeper understanding of the world around you, Embracing Wisdom is a must for anyone on the path to personal growth.
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feralchaton · 6 months
It just doesn't matter!
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vibewitharifin · 1 year
IT AIN'T OVER - Powerful Motivational Speech
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informysite35 · 1 year
Matthew McConaughey Best Ever Motivational Speech COMPILATION | MOST INS...
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smartdatatrends · 1 year
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astro-rainbow777 · 6 months
♈︎ 𝔄𝔯𝔦𝔢𝔰 𝔦𝔫 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔥𝔬𝔲𝔰𝔢𝔰 ♈︎
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✶ Aries in 1st: Being ruled by the planet Mars, these natives give a bold and invigorating first impression. What you see is what you get with Aries in the first- they have a raw and honest personality- which can be off putting for some people because it can be taken as rude depending on the person/situation- but I have to say you must admire them for being so tenacious and authentic in nature. I can hands down say the best quality about Aries in the first is what you see is what you get! They have a strong ego here, are not ashamed of their behaviors, body or personality - regardless of what others say to or about them. ✶ Aries in 2nd: Bold spenders, can be quick to have, give away and lose money. Fleeting self worth and values- can feel and act confident one hour and then shy and shameful the next. Values honesty, integrity and sense of self- this may be because they don’t have the greatest sense of self. Believes that kids and the younger generations have the most value in the world. Having children of their own could be of the greatest importance- OR (and this is a big or) they could never want kids and value connecting to their inner child and independence greatly. It’s one or the other. Can feel at war with their finances and self worth.
✶ Aries in 3rd: Athletic and popular in middle school/high school. Known for their leadership skills and qualities amongst their peers, classmates, cousins and siblings. Can be the youngest of their siblings or babied by others. Intellectually motivated, driven and competitive. Impulsive and passionate in their speech. May say things for shock value or improv their actual knowledge. Finds stimulation in an intellectual debate and arguing. It’s hard to win an argument with these people because they speak so quickly- their arguing style is just backing people into a corner mentally, they don’t give up easily. However, they can regret things that they say when they are angry or upset.
✶ Aries in 4th: Huge indicator of raising yourself as a kid. Family required you to be very active, you could be the most successful in your family as an adult because of this. Family is a point of weakness for you, mainly because they possess a lot of “childish” qualities. You may feel like your parents/guardians were big babies and never grew up. You could put a lot of energy towards your family, but could have a shorter fuse with them over all people. You may be the youngest out of your entire family. Your family could be competitive with you our vise versa. Your family could be the start of your “Villan Arc” 💀- your family may have childish values, argue a lot or they may be a “board game family”. TW - Worst case scenario- violence in the home.
✶ Aries in 5th: Play fights when flirting, aggressive flirters, acts like they hate their crush. I have this placement lmaooo and I LOVE to play fight with my man- like btch?! You wanna go!?!?!? It’s so much fun to me and usually leads to s*xies ayyye. But that’s definitely a me thing, I love to talk smack to my significant other- that’s how it’s always been. Being competitive, NO BORING DATES EVER! Known to have secs on the first date. Passionate- goooood lovers. Either wants to have kids right away or doesn’t want kids at all- this I huge independence thing that keeps them from not wanting to have kids. You can’t be the baby, if you have a baby! Commitment issues.
✶ Aries in 6th: Enjoys active routines and work place. Known to work in establishments with competitive pay and many enemies in work place. Can be scene as bossy by their coworkers. Needs to be weary of being hypocritical of their coworkers. Temper at work. Benefits from a workout routine. Needs to take out stress and anger from work & daily responsibilities. Can be very active or have hyper pets, may need a big back yard to run their dogs or other animals in. Competitive in health and motivated to be the best version’s of themselves. Picky with their diet and what they decide to put in their bodies. Can have an all or nothing attitude- because theirs definitely a reason why they are so picky. Usually this stems from poor self care habits and bad physical health. ✶ Aries in 7th: Passionate and assertive lovers, the fire they feel for their committed partners are unmatched. They may loose interest beyond physical lust- especially if they don’t take they time to figure out whether or not they ACTUALLY like someone. These individuals could truly find good in anyone so it’s important that they don’t project their desire for commitment onto someone else. They can date or be friends with some bold and persistent personalities- even bossy. It’s important that these natives find someone who will give them some wiggle room to find themselves. These people find out who they are through trial and error in their relationships - it’s typical for these natives to have “failed relationships” that lead them to find out what they definitely don’t like- which leads them to their ultimate truth.
✶ Aries in 8th: This gives the native a hyper-vigilant quality to the native with Aries in 8th. In the past the native may have been made to feel like they didn’t belong, maybe they were bullied, or judged for something they couldn’t control. This may lead them to be on edge, secretive and even defensive about who they are authentically. They are very protective about who they actually are because they have been hurt before- many of these people are Virgo Risings, so it’s interesting to see that this may be one of the reasons why they are so hard on themselves and receive a judgmental sort of reputation. ✶ Aries in 9th: I love this placement so much honestly, because a lot of these natives have the philosophy that they can go after anything that they want. They have a particularly strong sense of self and actually may have a hard time understanding why other people don’t go after what they want or believe in themselves and their dreams. This is a super hard working placement IMO - it gives very much that “I want it, I got it!” vibe! It’s very possible at a time in their life that no one believed in these individuals so they just had to prove themselves to the world, and that’s so beautiful.
✶ Aries in 10th: Go getters in their career- they do best when they are their own boss- they definitely don’t do well with being told what to do because of their sensitive nature. However, they have a lot of creativity and art to give to the world. They need a career that is authentic to who they- a simple 9-5 WILL NOT cut it for these people. So if you’re an Aries 10th and you’re still trying to make your boring, loveless day job work- this is why. It is not in your genetic code to be running someone else’s business 😂 you are the business starter- not finisher! Quit diminishing your own light because I know y’all are hard on yourselves regardless. Pick your hard and go after it!
✶ Aries in 11th: Leaders of the pack, these natives love bringing their friends together and being absolutely crazy with their friends. They are naturally socialites and feel their best when they are interacting in their community and collaborating with like minds. These people live for their down time, special niche hobbies and interests. They work hard to play hard. They may also have some pretty strong humanitarian values they stick by, these natives have no problem with telling people their opinion on any given situation and they really don’t care what you have to say about it 😆
✶ Aries in 12th: With Aries in the house of isolation, hidden endings, mental health, dreams and subconscious awareness- this can make a native who suppresses their anger deeply and keeps a lot of their authentic reactions to themselves. They may feel more comfortable expressing this rage internally or when they know nobody else is around. They may be completely out of touch with their anger and impulses. They could have to isolate before taking action towards their authentic desires or dreams. Dreams can be violent and they may have intense nightmares. These natives can work out their best alone- although they usually like to workout with someone, this keeps them from pushing themselves for fear of being ugly or vulnerable. They don’t like to show their struggle to others, complain or their authentic side.
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Happy Aries Season Everyone! I hope you are all safe and navigating eclipse season /mercury retrograde with ease. I am making a series out of the signs in the houses. I hope y’all are enjoying my content! Love you and thank you so much for reading my content and giving me feedback. This is such a sacred study to me. It is my life.
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fatuismooches · 2 months
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Every time recruits were assigned to a Harbinger, they were required to give a speech to the new agents. It was simply the way the Fatui worked - everyone must be made aware and dedicate themselves to the Tsaritsa's will through working for the Harbingers. The experience varied from Harbinger to Harbinger - if one were lucky enough to be with the Captain, they'd be filled with a sense of pride and bravery, if they had the misfortune of working for the Balladeer, well... one could guess how that goes.
Dottore's orientations were also anxiety-inducing, no doubt, considering the kind of reputation he had. Most recruits prayed day and night not to be selected to work for him. It was a very popular rumor about how easy it was to end up as a test subject of Dottore's. However, what many recruits quickly realized was that... working for Dottore was not as bad as many claimed.
Sure, some segments were definitely more difficult to work with than others, but it was actually preferable to working for certain other Harbingers. Just continue to produce results, and you'll be fine. Surprisingly, there were a sizeable amount of agents who adored Dottore. They would rave about him at any given opportunity to anyone who was willing to listen, and that didn't even include their signature handbook. It was also said that if you truly impressed him, he wasn't picky about rewarding you. Unfortunately for new recruits, they were still unaware of this and were left to shiver with their hearts in their throats, awaiting their impending doom.
Even worse for those poor souls, was that a habit of the segments was that they were notoriously late to these meetings, diving deep into their research and discarding it until the last minute. You learned this through idle conversation with one such segment, Beta, who especially despised this baptism.
"So... you just stood there and gave a speech to them?" You couldn't help but find the idea very funny, considering the kind of man he was. "What are your speeches like? Are you motivational, Beta?" He scowled at your teasing and focused his frustration on his latest creation.
"I don't have the time to waste on foolish things."
"Isn't it a good thing to encourage your employees?"
"This is the Fatui. They know what's expected of them," Beta scoffed as if he hadn't turned certain agents into flying robots in the past.
"Aww, but it sounds fun! I would wanna talk to them like that," you sighed. Most of the time the agents would bow, stutter, and quickly make themselves scarce when they saw you. Certain ones would just stare at you in awe silently as if they couldn't believe their eyes, and then scribble something in their notepad. You were unsure of their motives.
"There's a reason why Prime has never attended one himself ever since he created his first segment. All of us fill up our schedules to avoid it," the segment grumbled. He was the one stuck with the duty today. You only hummed in amusement.
"So when is the next screening of new recruits?"
"Tomorrow morning. Hmm, Omega's turn this time too. He's best at these things, anyway." You smiled as you had a very good idea.
"I'm going to go!"
"Are you now? Have fun." Beta responded dryly. Now that he thought about it, if you were so eager, perhaps he should have brought you to do most of the speaking.
"I will. I'll get them to be the most motivated Fatui agents there is!"
For a small group of people, they were starting their mornings with possibly one of the most frightening experiences of their lives. It was only natural for them to whisper to each other, all huddled up.
"I wonder if the rumors about Lord Dottore are true. Is he going to dissect us if-"
"You know what I wonder? What segment of Lord Dottore we'll get assigned to. I heard-"
"He has segments???"
"Apparently, he cloned himself at different stages of his life, so we'll deal with numerous versions of him."
"... As soon as the time comes, I'm putting in a request to transfer out of here."
"And that will be your biggest mistake. Lord Dottore is far more generous than you lot make him out to be."
"Lord Dottore is quite frequently praised by many agents around here. You just haven't heard them yet. Furthermore, he'll always appreciate results, regardless of your actions." The Dottore defender passionately gripped his chest. The group looked unconvinced.
"Are you sure they weren't under duress or something...?"
"Well, I've met his spouse once too! And [Name] was as kind as-" The poor agent was interrupted by laughter.
"Spouse? The sun would sooner shine bright in Snezhnaya than Lord Dottore ever being married."
"Is he even capable of love?"
"It's not a lie. Many agents who work for our Lord know them! In fact, they-"
"Ahem! Attention everyone!" A voice sounded in front of the room, that was... definitely not Dottore's. There stood a person who was... definitely not Dottore either. The room went completely silent as they gazed upon your rather proud form.
"You all were expecting Dottore, but I, [Name], will start this thing off first!" The glint of your wedding ring became all too noticeable for the new recruits as your eyes scanned the crowd. "Oh, hey! You're that guy I gave directions to a while back! You really did transfer over, huh!" You gleefully waved to him as he scratched his head, in both embarrassment and honor, and the agents suddenly had a feeling that the man was not lying about Dottore's marital status.
"Anyway, I'm gonna ask you all the question I know you're all thinking about. You're absolutely terrified of Dottore, aren't you?!" You pointed at them while their throats were dry from the situation. After a few seconds, they glanced at each other before nodding awkwardly. You only chuckled as you puffed out your chest.
"Well, I'm going to erase all those fears right here, right now. As the person who knows him better than anyone, I can assure you he's a great Harbinger to work under! And to do that... I'm going to give you all a crash course on Dottore's segments! So go on, ask me anything and I shall deliver!" Your resounding confidence was met with blank stares, save for the new inductee into the fan club.
"Are they really Lord Dottore's lover?"
"Well, they have to be... no one can just walk around casually claiming to be married to him."
"I mean... if someone like Lord Dottore is able to fall in love, then he can't be too bad, right...? We should listen to them."
One by one the nervous agents asked you a variety of questions - how to deal with them, how to tell them apart, what to do if they were annoyed, a few quirks to look out for, the kind of work efficiency he valued, the kind of sweets they most favored when it came time to pacify them- the more you spoke, the more engaged the new recruits got. You were rather proud of your skills.
"And if that wasn't enough motivation for you, do it for him!" In the end, you pulled out your one and only pet, the strange blue fox creature who blinked at the crowd who was loudly clapping for some reason.
"You know, I feel a lot more confident about working here!"
"I told you all, you just didn't believe me," the one fan said, still over the moon. But even amidst the commotion, a pair of shoes neatly echoed throughout the room, causing everyone to nearly fall silent at his presence.
"Oh... that's Lord Omega, right? His mask is black." Said agent got elbowed by another for speaking, as they all bowed lowly in respect. The segment was more interested in what you were doing here.
"... [Name], what exactly is the meaning of this?" The segment studied you carefully - despite your sweet smile, he didn't exactly have the best feeling about this.
"I gave them a speech of course! You need to motivate them more, you know? For the results you love so much! I just decided to do your job for you." Your lover stared at you and then turned his attention to the group who were standing stiffly.
"Is that so?"
"Y-Yes, Lord Dottore."
"Then you are all dismissed." The group blinked before quickly shuffling out of the room, mostly in awe at how casually you spoke to the Harbinger. You really were married...
"Just trust me Omega, those guys will be some of your most hardworking agents!" Omega looked at you thoughtfully - their demeanor did seem much better than when he spoke. But he still had a lingering thought that bothered him.
"[Name], you didn't tell them anything potentially... inappropriate, did you?"
"Inappropriate? O-Oh, of course not, Omega. I merely boosted their spirits into working for you!" You smiled, ignoring how his gaze was boring into you.
"That's all?"
"Yes, that's all!"
"Well, actually, I-I may have told them about the sweets thing again- hey- don't get closer!"
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lizdive · 3 months
hi there! platonic aventurine, jing yuan, sunday, blade, welt, dan heng, boothill, argenti and dr ratio with a teen reader who is like fischl?
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Hi anon <33 I really wanted to finish this in one part because i loved this req in specific (i love fischl) but idk why I’m lacking sm motivation,,, so I decided to split this into 2 parts (hopefully) i hope you don’t mind,,, thank you so much for requesting <33 if you’re unsatisfied just tell me and i’ll redo it !! <33
notes 𐙚 gender-neutral reader — "you" + "royal" + "they/them" used to refer to user ,, reader is a teenager ,, user is based off of "fischl" from the game genshin impact ,, platonic relationships ,, mention of fu xuan in jing yuan’s part ,, not my best work i’m sorry ,, mention of robin in sunday’s part ,, not proofread ignore typos
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⭑ When he first met you, AVENTURINE was a bit taken aback with your speech and eccentric character in general. You claim to be royalty from a far away world, and while Aventurine didn’t quite believe it at first there was a small part of him that was lowkey kind of convinced.
⭑ He was a bit concerned that someone like you was so high ranking in the IPC because he knows the IPC is probably exploiting you especially because you seem to be a bit naive, so he’ll start watching over you.
⭑ He’ll gradually get used to your persona and understand what you say. He might need a second to process if you drop a huge paragraph of dialogue on him, but with every conversation and interaction he gets faster.
⭑ Takes one to know one — AVENTURINE can tell you’re trying to cope with something that’s happened in the past via roleplaying this character you put on, and he won’t be the one to burst your bubble. In fact, he’ll try to protect it for as long as possible.
⭑ Nobody’s going to make fun of you while he’s around. If anyone tries to reality check you, he’ll lowkey gaslight them into thinking that everything you say is real. Yeah, you’re a royal. He’s also actually seen this far away land you speak of, so that person is just being an ignorant hater !!
⭑ If your character is based off of someone from a book like Fischl, AVENTURINE will find that book and read it to better understand your references and persona as a whole. Likes seeing how you get happy when he references something.
⭑ If you ever feel insecure because of your past, AVENTURINE will be there to comfort you. He’s good at picking up signs when it comes to you because he practically had your character memorized. He’ll try to distract you from your past but if you do want to open up and vent he’ll be there to listen.
⭑ Give him a role in your little world and he’ll play it scarily well. Would probably do best as a royal advisor or assistant.
⭑ Buys you literally anything and everything that could fit your aesthetic and world. Fancy gems to add to your riches because every royal needs to have riches!! Buys you clothes too that you think is fit for royalty of your world.
⭑ You practice archery next to him while he practices gun shooting and it’s nice bonding time,,
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"I, [Name], [Insert desired title here], descend upon this land by the call of fate an— Oh, you are also a traveler from another world? Very well, I grant you permission to travel with me."
"They’re saying that it’s nice to meet you."
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⭑ Was not in any way bothered or confused by your eccentric mannerisms. JING YUAN’s pretty used to the unique speech style due to Fu Xuan, so he understands what you’re saying or at least gets the basic idea.
⭑ Oh? You’re a royal from a far away distant land? Yes yes, how nice. But royals do need to complete their training as well, no? As a cloud knight, he’s impressed with how you easily climbed up those ranks. Praises you whenever you somehow jump up a rank quicker than the last.
⭑ He doesn’t really suspect too much of your personality and that you’re putting up a front until you slip out and go ooc which makes him do a double take mentally. When you get all flustered and a bit distressed, he’ll reassure you by acting like nothing happened.
⭑ It’s then that he really pays attention to the little story you have going on with the world you live in. If he ever forgets something important, he’ll apologize and tell you that he never meant to insult your highness.
⭑ Another one that would protect your little bubble. I don’t think anyone would really want to say something bad about a high ranking cloud knight but even if they wanted to if JING YUAN or Yanqing were to hear they wouldn’t know peace,,
⭑ He can play the role you give him should you give him, especially as a general. You tell him about someone trying to attack your kingdom and he’ll reassure you he’s got this !!
⭑ Keeps a piece of paper in his pocket that has details about your persona if it’s based off of a character from a book. Also probably has a timeline on all your 'historical' events — sometimes he scares you because it feels like he knows more about your world than you do,,
⭑ He finds your keen instincts and intuition a bit intimidating. Have you ever thought of learning a thing or two from Fu Xuan? He always trusts you whenever you feel uncertain about a plan or idea because somehow you’re almost always right in the end.
⭑ Becomes your archery mentor and will watch over you as you train. Your skills are impressive and he finds amusement in the way you pose after a full combo.
⭑ If you feel upset because of your past, JING YUAN will comfort you and tell you that you don’t have to grow up — you’re still young and deserve to enjoy what remains before you become an adult and have to face the world. He’ll always be proud and support you no matter what.
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"I hear the voice of fate, speaking my name in humble supplication..."
"Hm? Care to share what fate whispers?"
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⭑ The talk of an eccentric worker in the reverie hotel had easily reached SUNDAY’s ears, and wanting to see who this eccentric worker was, he decided to wander around during his free time to catch them in action.
⭑ It wasn’t hard to find you as you were a bit loud. Pushing the cart of luggage while speaking of your magical kingdom to the guests as they nod along, clearly invested and assuming you were a storyteller. Once you had brought the guests’ luggage to their room and left, SUNDAY made his way to you to talk with you in interest. You had quite the imagination and spoke in a very sophisticated manner for your age.
⭑ Wasn’t at all phased by the paragraphs upon paragraphs of dialogue you would drop on him, replying easily and holding the conversation well. He noticed you seemed happier the longer he spoke to you.
⭑ While some guests may be annoyed by your behavior, he’ll remind them — if he’s present — that penacony is the land of festivities and many different people visit. Plus, you’re young and free to be who you want to be. If you’re really get picked on though he’ll deal with them personally.
⭑ SUNDAY is scarily observant so he knows you’re playing a character. He doesn’t really acknowledge it too much or confronts you, though, since everyone in penacony is also technically playing the character they wish they were.
⭑ Because of that, SUNDAY will let you do as you please. He’ll indulge you and will play the role you wish for him to play. He’s good at acting, so he can play whatever you wish. It reminds him of when he’d play pretend when Robin when he was younger.
⭑ Has everything about your character memorized. However he knows what to say and what not to say so he doesn’t fluster you by knowing more than you. Will also cover for you if you accidentally go ooc.
⭑ Your ability to rise up in the ranks so quickly will eventually make you work directly under him at some point and when that happens trust that people will refer to you with a royal title. He may indulge you a bit too much,,,
⭑ When you open to SUNDAY about your past, he kind of just. . . Dodges the subject after that. Doesn’t mention it at all. May act like your father a bit and call you his [insert royal title here] — you never realize it’s him trying to reassure you that you needn’t worry about growing up and being mature because of the role you’ve given him.
⭑ Gets a bit worried for your safety when you practice archery, but he also appreciates the fact you can take care of yourself should you face any dangers (especially in the dreamscape.)
⭑ Takes your advice and warnings a bit seriously because of how good your intuition and keen instincts were. (He didn’t listen ONCE and he paid the price.)
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"What does it take to rile a royal? ...If you must know, it is those who cannot recognize my true identity. But it is no great loss, for solitude is the noble's lot, so long as I do not lose the nobility of my soul..."
"How wise you are, your highness."
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⭑ He has no idea when it happened, but one day BLADE became your 'knight' and he has yet to comment on it. Not really the best knight as he doesn’t really stay close to you on the daily however also a really good knight as he protects you during missions to the point where you don’t use a single arrow.
⭑ Can understand what you day, does not translate for other people. You’re the yapper and he’s the listener. Doesn’t reply like 95% of the time but when he does it’s really flat and monotone which you don’t mind because he’s the big scary knight !!
⭑ Gets teased by the other stellaron hunters for indulging you, but he doesn’t really care too much. He can’t leave you to die during missions, can he? You’re way too young to hold your own properly so he’s there to make sure the number of stellaron hunters doesn’t decrease (that’s his reasoning don’t ruin it pls.)
⭑ Said this in other posts: not the best at comforting so when you open up, he’s kind of just,,, there. He’s also a bit distant sometimes but after that he’ll try to put an effort into playing his role so you don’t get upset or feel like he’s ignoring you.
⭑ Nobody thinks of making fun of you or your interests because BLADE’s always standing behind you — even if you’re tall for your age it’s still very scary to have him just staring at the person with a dead look.
⭑ Doesn’t research your character like the others — he learns as he goes. He doesn’t even have the chance to mess up because he just doesn’t talk much so he can’t mess up.
⭑ Not much to say for Bladie he just goes with it,,
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"Dusk and dawn but fleeting shadows are. Once more, the twists of fate have led you into my everlasting night."
"…Good morning."
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erwinsvow · 6 months
uuuh love the kook!best friend idea??? the trio would be so overprotective of her??? at keggers she would just make small talk with some pogues and they'll be 🧍‍♂️🧍‍♂️🧍‍♂️like right next to her!
- 🔮
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rafe is getting weirdly possessive over you, you think for a moment, standing near the keg and waiting patiently for your turn to get a drink. you don't think he's ever been so.... territorial. or maybe he has been, and you've just been ignoring it, thinking that he's been a really good, really close friend—looking out for you the way he does.
you can feel eyes burning holes into the back of your head, three sets of eyes in particular. your friends are funny—charmingly stupid, annoying arrogant, and a whole host of other things, but they've always been funny. it's why you guys get along so well, you return their jokes and comments at the same pace, more often than not even cracking jokes that make rafe break his stoic facade.
but he has been, you reflect, stepping up to whichever pogue is pouring the beer today—breaking his facade. you thought you were going a little crazy, thinking that he's actually being nicer to you, until kelce and top comment on it too. even today, he picked you up from your place first, letting you crawl into the front seat even though the other boys complain about being smushed in the back endlessly. he complimented your dress, even asked if it was new, which it was. he even got you your first drink without you asking for it, the strawberry seltzer that you're sure the pogues hosting didn't have lying around.
you feel surprisingly giddy about it—after all, you're still a girl, still their newer friend. like any other girl, you worry your new friends won't like you or that there's some ulterior motive going on. rafe's being a little weird, but he's always thinking about something that he doesn't talk about until days later. you think it'll pass like it always does.
"ah, ah," the blond pogue boy says—the cute one some of your girl friends buy weed from occasionally, when rafe can't deliver. "what's the magic word?"
you giggle at his antics, your worry about rafe floating away. you keep chatting with him, reaching in for the red cup twice, that he pulls up and over his head—impossible for you to grasp.
fifteen feet away, rafe watches jj tease you with the beer cup, jaw clenching while top and kelce see what he's staring at.
"see, boys. now that is not okay." he gestures to you with the cup in his own hand, watching your tiny dress ride up as you jump to get your beer from jj. "that pogue is disrespectin' our girl."
"rafe, i think it's just a joke-" top interjects, but he gets interrupted himself.
"nah, nah, man. these pogues. they think it's funny. i'll show him funny. c'mon." rafe stalks over, and the two boys follow. you don't notice but jj does, lowering the cup and staring at something—or someone—behind you.
"havin' fun, huh?" rafe questions, and you spin around. the jerk scared you—kelce and top surrounding you like bodyguards.
"guys, what are you-"
"i think she's all set, pogue. you can fuck off now."
"don't you have some store to rob?"
"guys, c'mon, it's a beer-"
"it's alright, princess, i see these three musketeers have an issue, so i'll just catch you around, hm?"
jj walks away, leaving the beer he poured for you on the log. you smile apologetically at him, fist clenching in anger at your stupid, stupid friends.
"you idiots. what the hell was that? i can't even talk to someone now-"
"what the hell's that mean, i'll catch you around?" rafe says, cutting you off. "you talkin' to that pogue?"
you pick up the beer and splash it over rafe's head.
"no, you asshole. it's a figure of speech and we live on the same island. jesus christ."
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icycoldninja · 6 months
Dating Vergil headcannons
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-Vergil is undoubtedly a loving sweetheart. Yes, he has a grumpy side, but he truly loves you and cares for you however he can.
-Always protects you, be it from devils and grotesque monsters or a dog that happened to growl at you a little too much.
-Kinda gets overprotective like a dad over you whenever you get sick or injured, no matter how small the wound/illness is. He will immediately go into full parenting mode and wrap you up in a cocoon of blankets while worriedly feeding you soup and forcing bitter tasting medicine down your throat, or force you into a chair so he can dress and disinfect the wound as needed.
-Very jealous around Dante. Even though he knows that his brother would never attempt to steal you away from him, he can't shake that feeling; that nagging worry that perhaps you would fall for Dante's charms and leave him all alone.
-Of course, you'd never ever leave him, but Vergil's not the best at reading people, so he often needs to be told that.
-Shower this man in all the love and affection he deserves--you're the only one he'll ever allow to anyway.
-Calls you cute nicknames (but only in private) such as Babe, Dove, Sunlight, Sweetness, Queen, and My Motivation.
-Not good at expressing his affection through speech (bro I feel u) but excels at writing love letters to you, which he will never give to you in person--he'll just leave them lying around and hope you notice them.
-In order to escape teasing from Dante, he refuses to participate in any kind of PDA, no matter how small. He will, at the very most, hold your hand, but only when Dante is not around and if you ask nicely.
-Behind closed doors, however, things are entirely different. You will have yourself a living koala. He will latch onto you and never let go, using his huge frame to keep you pinned to whatever you happen to be lounging on, be it his plastic chair or your living room couch.
-Can't cook. It's a Sparda family curse. You are now tasked with the sacred duty that is producing a meal for this poor dude.
-Once a year, he undergoes his demon mating period--during this time, he gets really grumpy and cuts off all contact with everyone for like a month, the only exception is you.
-That's cause he needs you for something, if ya catch my drift. ;)
-Literally cold as ice, all the time. No matter how much you hold and snuggle him; no matter how many layers of clothes he wears, he's always cold.
-He doesn't feel it though, only you do, and because of that, he wonders why you always want to wrap him up in blankets and cuddle him.
-Complete and utter NERD for books, movies, TV shows, anime and so on. Knows enough about these topics to write an entire wiki but unfortunately must suppress this knowledge to save himself from the agony that is Dante's taunts.
-If you happen to share the same interests as him, then good for you! You two can spend all day holed up at home, geeking out about literally everything like the soul mates you are. 💓
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spidybaby · 7 months
Can I ask for part II of "Not the romantic type"? Please, I need Pedri getting some sense and realize that he did wrong😭😭
Not the romantic type | part two
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Part one | Part Three
"Ferran!" Pedri yells, knocking violently on his friends door. "fuck, open the door."
"I'm literally with my mom on the phone, what the fuck do you want?" Ferran whisper, pulling him from his t-shirt and making him enter the room. "wait a damn minute."
Ferran says his goodbyes to his mother and sister. Sending them all the love. Pedri was passing around like crazy, phone in his hands texting frenetic.
"What's wrong?" Ferran asks, making him stop by grabbing his arm.
"I fucked up, I told her she was a bother and that my friends told me that I was an idiot because I was with her in a serious relationship and now we're done, she won't answer to me, to Fer, to no one and I can't think straight. This is my fault."
Ferran didn't understood one single thing, Pedri was talking at a very fast speed. "Qué?"
"She broke up with me, I have to go back to Barcelona." he walks over to the door, opening it to run to his room.
"Pedri, there's no way Xavi is allowing you to go back before the match." Ferran stops him, closing the door before he's out. "Wait, you just said that you called her a BOTHER?"
The way Ferran screams the word bother makes Pedri squint his eyes. He fucked up big time.
"I wasn't thinking, and I was mad at something not at her and that was out of the blue."
"Dude, I won't ever forget you if I was her, you literally just make her believe that everything she did for you was bothering you. Do you even understand that?"
He let out a scream, fist impacting against the door. Ferran can't even understand what is going on with him.
He punched the wooden door, once, twice and more until Ferran who was too stunned to react quickly stopped him.
"Joder, Pedri stop." he hug his body to make him stop. "Calm down, Pedri. Breath."
"I can't lose her." he says, angry at himself. "I have to go back."
"No, you're not leaving before the match. We cab calmly plan something that doesn't include you getting a thousands of euros fine for leaving the hotel and abandoning the team"
Ferran won't even let him speak, shutting him down and walking him to his room, he was tired and hurt due to the door thing.
He advised him to go to sleep, taking his phone with him to force him to actually rest. "Please, sleep, we have to play tomorrow."
He forced himself some sleep, not really wanting to keep thinking about his actions.
When the time of the match was getting closer and the team moved from the hotel to the stadium.
Xavi motivates the team with a speech. Asking the players to be strong and to play their best. He notices his eight was down and distracted.
"Pedri, don't be nervous. You will do amazing." He pats his back and walks with the technical team.
Pedri was not on his element, he felt so out of place, not sure how to work with the ball. "Pedri, let's go more up, Lewandowski is asking us to."
When they do, Pedri gets to stole a ball from the forward of Napoli, but his excitement was taken when the same forward tackle him.
He let it pass, noticing that the referee didn't even give a yellow. He tried his best to focus on stealing the ball and creating an opportunity to score or assist a ball.
When the second tackle came from the same player, again he found himself on the floor of the stadium.
He gets up from the floor, mad the other player is smirking like crazy. "Ve aprendiendo a jugar, hijo de puta." He push the player, making him fall. (Learn how to play, son of a bitch)
He wins his first yellow of the night. He laughs at the referee giving him a yellow for that but not a yellow to the other player for the tackle.
Frenkie protects him with his body, taking the midfielder from Napoli away from him. "Pedri, walk away now."
He respects Frenkie as a captain, doing what he's told he walks back with Koundé and Cancelo.
"Pedri, relax. You don't want to get a red."
A red card
If he gets red, that means he has to leave, and probably Xavi would send him to the hotel. Making him free to go back to Barcelona.
He just shakes his head, letting the game keep going. He tries his best to stay away from the forward of Napoli.
He never got more than a yellow in his career. Not being used to fight on the field, he leave that to Gavi.
But when the forward tries to make him fall, he knows this was not only about you anymore. This fucker has to learn.
He sees the opportunity, sliding to "catch" the ball away from the player, making him fall as his feet get tangled in the process.
The referee stops the game. Giving him his second yellow of the match. "Venga que él me ha tirado dos veces." He talks to the referee. (C'mon, he tackled me twice)
"Pedri, vamonos." Araujo pulls him by the arm.
But when another Napoli player decides to push him from the back, yelling at him for "hurting his forward," Pedri turns and push him too.
Araujo is doing everything in his power to keep the Napoli players away from the eight, Pedri got pulled by his shirt by the forward.
When he free himself and sees the ball he grabs it and does a very Koundé move and throws the ball at the players face.
The field looks like a WWE encounter, players yelling, and technical teams are already involved. He saw a red card, a referee pointing at him.
"Pero si lo hacen en todas las jugadas ellos." Cancelo yells, defending Pedri from the red.
He got pulled from the shoulders, turning to see Xavi. "Let's go, kid." He walks him to the tunnel and to the dressing room. "That mother fucker provoked you, don't worry. Take a shower and go back to the hotel. We can talk later." nodding and thanking Xavi, also apologizing for the red.
He shower before leaving to the hotel, running to his room to pick his things. He purchased the first flight he finds to go back.
He needs to go back, can't lose more time away. He's scared you won't take him back, he's mad that he even spoke to you in that way.
The way you whisper his name and the way your eyes were dulled, those shiny eyes he remember meeting when he was fifteen.
Back in Barcelona you're getting ready for a big presentation. You can't let this get you down.
People break up everyday, people stop loving each other, people sometimes hurt you that bad that you don't want to be near them.
People is he.
You love him with all your soul, he was always that person for you, your go to person, your everything is going to be fine person, but that was one sided.
You weren't that to him, he had friends who were more important than you. He had a family that loves him and visits him and you were alone.
He knows you're alone, he knows you can't just go home and have a prepared meal, a person to talk to, someone who can listen to you or hug you when you cry.
He was to you that person you could trust, that person you could cry to, that person who wasn't going to judge you.
But now you wonder if every time you call him about something making you happy, sad, angry were a bother to him, if every time you shared a goal with him, every time you went crying to him about being stressed or just sad were a bother.
Were your presence a bother to his family too? Were their hospitality fake? Were they just faking smiles?
Was he uncomfortable when you told him you love him? Was he uncomfortable with you when his friends were over and you were there? Was he uncomfortable with you all this time?
You can't help but cry yourself to sleep, feeling empty and alone. Being far from home is hard, being heartbroken with no one to talk to is hard.
While you rest on one side of Barcelona, he landed at the airport. Ferran scolded him for leaving without the rest.
Fer was waiting for him, he felt guilty about the breakup, he felt like a bad brother. He knew Pedri was fucking things up, he knew by the look on your face when you two were together.
He heard you two fight, he heard how Pedro treated you and talked to you like if you were nothing.
He never got into that, mostly because the only time he did Pedro ask him to stay out of it. He did, but every time he heard you two, he just put some music or put on a movie.
When he heard Pedro and his Tenerife friends talking him out of the idea of him taking you to Napoli, he just told his opinion about it being wrong.
Pedri wasn't a cheater, he couldn't do that to you and certainly he wasn't raised like that. But he also wasn't raised like the way he was treating you.
Most of the drive home is silent, the discomfort can be cut with a knife. Fer is not even making conversation with him about the red card.
"I need you to help me plan something." He talked so calmed like if everything is cool.
"You're a fucking idiot, you know that?" Fer says, he's mad about the red, he knew he did it on purpose, he was mad about everything. "That red is just the crown of everything."
"Can you stop?" Pedri was annoyed, he's not a kid who needs to be scolded by his older brother. "Don't mind it."
"I've been not minding things for too long to keep myself quiet." He shouts, acting like a father. "You're such a fucking idiot, treating this girl like she's trash for God knows how long, when I told you that it was wrong you told me that it wasn't like that. Then you call me late at night and ask me to help you fix things but don't want me to mind it."
"Fernando, stop."
"No, I'm done with you. Honestly, I hope she doesn't take you back. She really deserves something better. She deserves so much better."
Pedro slams the door of the car as soon as they're home. He feels rage inside because of the words of Fernando.
On the inside, he knows that everything his brother shouts at him is true. He did treat you badly, he did hurt you in ways he didn't even mean, but he did.
Xavi texted him back after the news of him leaving to Barcelona, he informed his coach about him leaving, telling him that he needed a few moments to cool down and take on what he did, and Xavi agreed.
It was almost two in the morning, his plan was to go to your house and talk to you, fix things, and when you take him back, enjoy the day with you.
But something stopped him, he remembers that you had this big project presentation, and he can't fuck up things. He already mess things up. He doesn't need for you to be more mad at him than you already is.
He sleep more calmly than when he was in Napoli, he had a good feeling about the situation.
When the light hit the city, he woke up, ready to get you back and to be the best he could be with you. He has to be at the club after lunch, so he has time to go pick you up from college and to be with you.
You were happy that morning, you did an amazing presentation and you have a perfect grade.
"Hey, Y/n. We're going to go get some brunch, want to join us?" Your friend Pamela asks.
"Yes, I just have to go home to change and I'll see you guys there"
You hurry home, ready to change into your bikers and a t-shirt. The day was fresh, but the weather was unpredictable.
The doorbell sounding made you hurry with brushing your teeth, you thought it was the ups guy.
When you open the door you can feel the cold shiver running down your spine.
"Please, let me talk to you." He steps closer to you. "Let me fix things, amor."
You don't want to fight, you want to get this over with, for once you're not giving up on your feelings with him.
You move, letting him into your house. He feels confident at how you let him in, he knows he can fix things.
"Listen, I know I fucked things up, I know I'm an asshole and that you have all the right to be mad and to want to scream at me. Please just believe me when I say I want to fix myself for you, I haven't been a good boyfriend and you are the best thing I have, you don't even know how much I love you and how much I think about you when we're away.-"
You block the rest of his speech, you can't think of anything else but his own words. "Such a bother."
He hasn't been a good boyfriend, that is true. But you never once told him how much that did bother you because you didn't want him to feel the way you're feeling right now.
"I bought this for you." He hands you a bouquet of flowers.
You smile a little, how ironic.
"All this time, I always wanted you to give me some flowers and you had to lose me to give them to me." You laugh lightly, not wanting to cry.
"What?" He's confused. "But you never asked me for them."
"Exactly." You shrug. "I never did because I expected you to come see me with some. Not a bouquet, just one." You leave them on the table next to you. "But you never did."
His breathing became irregular, he's nervous. "Amor, I never knew you felt that way."
"I didn't mean to be a bother." You say, feeling like being fully honest to him. "I just wanted you to love me the way I love you. I just wanted you to support me the way I support you." You can't help but let some tears wet your cheeks. You wipe them away as you begin speaking again. "I know I can be too much sometimes, but I've always been so proud and happy for you, couldn't you be that with me?"
He can't think about something to say, he's hurt that you feel that way, hurt that he caused you to feel that way.
"I hope you understand that I can't be with you." You grab his hands. "I love you so much, you were my many firsts, my first love, my first time, my first thought in the morning, my first person to go to." You smile at the memories. "But I'm not the person you need, I can't pretend I'm fine just to keep you happy, I can't pretend your words don't hurt me when all I want to do is cry."
"Amor, I'm sorry."
"Sorry doesn't fix it." You step away from him. "I have to put myself first, I have to fix myself to even think about you again. Pedro, I love you but I have to love myself first."
You want to hug him, seeing his red tearful eyes, but you can't.
"You're so talented and amazing, amor mio." You smile to him. "And your career will blow much more than now, I'm so sure you're going to win a Ballon D'or and that so wanted champions league." You walk to your door, unsure if you want to open it. "And I'm sure you'll find someone who can grow with you and supports you all the way, cause you deserve that."
You open the door, moving to the side of it.
"I love you, and I hope you understand that what I'm doing is for the both of us. Have a nice life, Pedro. You deserve that as much as I do."
He's crying, tears wetting his face, heart breaking from all the feelings. "Can I hug you one last time?" He asks as he's almost out of the house.
You nod, opening your arms to him, his hands hug your waist. He's going to miss it, he's going to miss your smell, your hair, your body, you smile. You.
"Te amo, I'm sorry I'm not what you deserve."
"Te amo." You kiss his cheek.
You hand him something, and he keeps his hands closed. He walks away and enters his car.
He open his hand, his house key shining on his palm. It's done, he knows he can't fix it. He'll have to accept that you deserve better.
🏷: @gadriezmannsgirl @mbappe-pedri @coco657 @gavisfanta @jajajhaahaha @urmotheris @dessxoxsworld @girlidekanymore @lanussysworld @lanussysworld @largavidaalsol
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merakiui · 25 days
Okay that hive mind Riddle this is soo hot. But hear me out, the colony is very important to and in an effort to maintain peace, they rotate who gets to breed you on a schedule. They're 5 of them and that gives you 1-2 days grace period for "me" time. And Riddle is a major hard ass on the schedule.
"No, Ace. You know you have mondays and you should have planned around that."
The schedule is as follows:
Mon- Ace, Tue- Cater, Wed- Deuce, Thurs- Trey, and Fri- Riddle
Because Cater and Trey make a point to clean you up at the beginning and end of their days so that's why
Sorry, Idk why Im soo fixated on how they're set up
These are excellent thoughts aaaaa!!! <3 not only does breeding you on a schedule keep things organized and allows you to slowly but surely adapt to the way the hive works, it also boosts morale for the aliens themselves. Relief sweeps through the rest of the hive seeing their new Queen soft and round with new clutches. Now they won’t have to worry about the dangers of going extinct.
Ace and Deuce, while younger than the other three, are perhaps the easiest to approach. Deuce is friendly and so is Ace (though usually when he wants something from you). For a while, your relationship with Ace is one of transaction. Deuce makes sure you’re always prepared and taken care of before, during, and after breeding. You look forward to the days with him because he treats you so tenderly. He tries to tell you in what limited human speech he can use that that’s how he was brought up. It’s important to treat one’s mate with respect and admiration.
Ace, though childish and seemingly more interested in your body than you, gradually warms up to you. He can’t let Deuce outshine him, so he starts making an effort. He sees how much happier it makes you when he sticks around after breeding you, when he gathers snacks for you, when he talks to you, etc and realizes he’s been a terrible mate so far. Now he’s improving himself and his methods have changed. He genuinely wants a connection with you, even if he slyly skirts around that truth when asked.
Trey and Cater are much more mature than Ace and Deuce. They look after you in their own ways, though no one can beat Trey when it comes to that. He’s a natural caretaker, always putting you before himself, but you think he has ulterior motives for this. Gaining your trust would definitely be one of them. You’re hesitant to open up to Trey because of this. Cater makes it easier but not by a lot, if only because his constant fawning over you feels…superficial sometimes. Even though you realize your appearance in this hive makes you a curiosity for everyone else, it still manages to embarrass you just a little when he smothers you, calling you cute in his native tongue. At the very least, you appreciate how both he and Trey will go out of their ways to ensure your safety on their allotted days.
The dynamic between you and Trey sometimes borders that of a pet. He loves to wash and clean you, and he prepares delicious meals for you. You keep expecting him to put a collar on you next. Cater already has the cute nicknames covered. There’s a very clear divide between you and them. You receive the treatment of a beloved pet, but when it comes to breeding you’re used for your intended purpose: to carry their young. It’ll take time for them to view you as a mate they wish to keep forever and not just a convenient hole to keep their young safe and snug.
And Riddle!!! Riddle is probably the most anxious and high-strung around you. He’s devoted to his schedule, to the rules of the hive, to doing everything in accordance with tradition. Sometimes it feels controlling, but he really only ever has your best interests in mind. He’s so infatuated with you and adores every little aspect about you! From the way your human toes curl in pleasure to the way your human voice wavers with soft gasps and groans to the way you leak salty liquid from your pretty human eyes when something feels good or hurts. It’s all so fascinating. He wants to learn more.
When he isn’t using his days to breed you, he’s spending that time studying you, courting you, enjoying delicious foods with you in what feels like the equivalent of a human tea party. Though he has a temper and can get frustrated, it’s never directed at you. In fact, he’s overwhelmingly gentle when he handles you and surprisingly respectful. Just,,, please forget and forgive that first day he met you, when he’d been so desperate for a Queen he’d dragged you back to the hive and knocked you up with a clutch. >_< it was all purely for survival!
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beware-thecrow · 2 months
I fucking hate BNHA The last panel about "granma is here" in fact further proves my point on another post of how empty and nonsensical BNHA became in the last arc because AfO wanting Tomura from the very beginning made impossible for him to be saved anyway, which means all his beef with the heroes became unjustified and his speech about violence and heroes and villains held no importance in the end. Why?
Because you cannot have a character built over the premise that society was so corrupt and selfish that put a little boy in the bad bad villain's reach for 5 arcs, to then say "oh, wait. He was fucked anyway because the bad bad guy was behind everything all along"
A bad bad guy not even all might in his prime could defeat, so it doesn't matter if people would or wouldn't help others. "It's all bad bad guy's fault anyway and he's practically immortal." Perfect, now we know granma didn't stand a chance against AfO, he planned this.
The whole idea of a society that relies on heroes too much instead of everyone doing their part from kindness falls like a house of cards if you have an evil so corrupt that none of said kindness will mean a thing. The moment Horikoshi went from "Tomura was found by AfO" to "Tomura was planned by AfO" the core theme of his series crumbled down. The league as a device lost its meaning, the characters that composed it became unjustified because whatever motivation they had was in fact a manipulation from the greater evil. And this applies to everyone.
What's the point in Toga and Twice calling out the lack of help for people with mental illness and problematic quirks if the message still is "If you do bad things out of despair no one will help you and you'll get killed." And yes, Toga died loved, Toga wanted to be loved, but she didn't wanted to die?? She was literally an abandoned child who found a family and ended up dying giving blood to the same girl she stabbed. And yeah, it's kinda poetic she died giving blood instead of taking it, but what was the point if she doesn't get to know she's loved? Further more, are we really to believe Ochako loved Toga? A girl she literally didn't know. Sorry, but once I got lost in a mall and a police officer helped me find my mom, that doesn't mean the officer loved me. And yeah, Ochako tried her best to be a good hero, but it's not about what the characters do, it's what the story tells you it happens with what they do. The story just told you the ill and abandoned die in the end before anyone helps them. And they die hunted by the police. What's the point of Touya as a whole? oh, wait. I know, it must be very awful for Endeavor to be such a bad person, his child ended up incapacitated. Very hard on Endeavor. Fuck Dabi being turned into a piece of charcoal, IT'S HARD ON HIS DAD.
What's the point in Spinner pointing out discrimination and people following him if in the end we got that he should have stayed in his lane, in his room, friendless because he only went out to be seen by someone who accepted him, just to have that person tortured in front of him before he was killed. And for what? For a teen to tell him "Yo, bro. I punched your bestie to death, make a comic about it. Btw you'll be staying in jail forever. So so sorry for you guys." Proving once again, murder is okay if you are on the right side of the story. No matter how much compassion, Tomura showed Spinner, or how much he suffered through life. Heroes had the right to kill him, and there was nothing Spinner (who legit loved his friend) could do about it because AfO had taken over. Again, another good character turned pointless, with a pointless point of view, with a pointless conclusion because he can tell the story of Tomura Shigaraki all he wants FROM JAIL, but under the public eye Tomura will go down as an insane mass murderer either way since looking at him in any other light would inevitably make a target of Izuku for killing him and that won't happen. You cannot have "the best hero ever" and "he killed this dude that was kinda right" in the same sentence. It doesn't make sense. Not to mention his case against discrimination went nowhere since everyone who followed him became a villain and the only person who actually makes a point about discrimination ends up being Deku on another, totally different chapter that had nothing to do with Spinner. And...he's a hero so he can say whatever he wants, we go back to "questioning bad, unless a hero says it" and "people are really that horrible in BNHA universe".
Tomura's case it's even more fucked because even when he said he didn't want a future, every single wish he had fell flat. His hatred for not being saved as a child proved to be out of anyone's control, his desire to destroy society didn't land because nothing really changed. There are still schools for child soldiers, and people are still not questioning the violence heroes use to keep the status quo, and certainly no one is wondering how is that a couple of heroes were able to kill a couple of villains (because so far Hawks still has a job). His friends ended up dead or locked away, and the child in him that begged to be saved ended up...being not. In the end, we got a suffering festival for Tomura, from his granma being pushed to drop her kid, his dad being tricked, his parents getting killed in front of him, Mon-chan and Hana's memory squeezed dry and young Tenko asking for help while Tomura was assaulted by his creepy guardian for 200 chapters straight just to tell us that Deku at sixteen was a great hero for putting a twenty one-year-old dissociated guy out of his misery like a euthanized dog. And for what? To finish a guy who was infatuated with his dead brother AND THAT COULD HAVE BEEN EXECUTED IN JAIL LIKE...300 CHAPTERS AGO, since the manga already made the point that villains can be executed with little repercussion, and it can be justified if said villain it's a threat. Then...why was AfO alive to begin with? Oh, I guess this is something we can trust to a 16 year old instead of... the government or whatever. And yeah, these are tragic figures, they certainly are, but you can hardly claim that they achieved anything in the end because the first premise of the league, why it was formed and why they joined was
To live as we want/are. And now they are dead, or locked away, or bedridden crispy for something that was planted by someone else from the very beginning. And what they believed didn't change anything in the end because it's not like the public saw them do something meaningful but, again, they are being told what to believe, by whom? BY THE HEROES. Are we really arguing that Iguchi's comic will change society? ARE WE FOR REAL????? Have you ever read the story of Jesus Christ? he died for our sins by Marvel. And on top of that as the last nail in the coffin to prove that NOTHING changed, Hawks really said rebranding + target audience =📈🤙🏼 StOnKS✨ I wish I was joking.
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buccini555 · 11 months
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𝐓𝐨𝐤𝐲𝐨 𝐑𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐬: "𝐏𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐲 𝐞𝐧𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡"
˖◛⁺⑅♡ Them reacting to you saying you don't feel pretty
₍ᐢ..ᐢ₎ · ° H e a d c a n o n s !
⋆ ࣪. 𝐹𝑡. Ran Haitani, Rindou Haitani, Sanzu Haruchiyo, Kakucho Hitto, Izana Kurokawa, Shinichiro Sano, Inui Seishu and Kokonoi Hajime
𝗪𝗮𝘁𝗰𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝘀𝗻𝗼𝘄𝗳𝗮𝗹𝗹 𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵 𝗦𝗲𝗶𝘀𝗵𝘂 𝗜𝗻𝘂𝗶 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗞𝗼𝗸𝗼𝗻𝗼𝗶 𝗛𝗮𝗷𝗶𝗺𝗲/Ambient Music Playlist (𝑆𝑝𝑒𝑑 𝑢𝑝)
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•.*° 𝐑𝐚𝐧 𝐇𝐚𝐢𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐢
Ran always had in mind the fact that you had problems with your own appearance, despite that, in a way, he just couldn't understand you the way he really wanted.
"What? Pretty enough? You're much more than enough, It's true, baby you're perfect to me." Ran would speak in a calm tone while gently running his hand through some strands of your hair.
Later, after hugging you for a few brief minutes, he would make you look at him and pay attention to his every word.
"I hope you don't think I'm lying when I tell you how perfect you are." Right then, Ran wouldn't rush to stop kissing you.
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•.*° 𝐑𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐮 𝐇𝐚𝐢𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐢
It is undeniable that initially Rindou could not have the necessary understanding to try to understand your problems with your appearance since he finds you extremely attractive, despite this, when he realized the seriousness of your lack of self-esteem, he began to pay more attention in you.
"You're already pretty enough for me, you don't need to say those things about yourself my sweet." Rindou would speak in a serious tone, hugging you right after, while he wanted to comfort you, he would be a little afraid to say something that could make you feel worse.
"You know you should believe me, don't you?" Stroking your hair affectionately, he would speak calmly, Rindou honestly wasn't lying when he said he thought you were incredibly perfect.
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•.*° 𝐒𝐚𝐧𝐳𝐮 𝐇𝐚𝐫𝐮𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐲𝐨
Haruchiyo always showers you with the most varied compliments possible and never hides how obsessed he is with your beauty, despite this fact, he understands your problems with your appearance and always at least tries to help you overcome them.
"Don't you think you're pretty enough for me? You know that's not true, baby." He would express his displeasure in a few words, despite being somewhat reserved, Sanzu went to great lengths to try to make you see yourself in a kinder way.
"Listen to me." He would hold your face making you look directly into his gray eyes.
"You're perfect, I wouldn't say that for nothing." Haruchiyo would say in a serious tone.
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•.*° 𝐊𝐚𝐤𝐮𝐜𝐡𝐨 𝐇𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐨
Your lack of self-esteem was something that really worried Kakucho, even so, he committed to helping you in the best and kindest way possible.
"Enough? What do you mean? Listen to me, princess. You are much more than perfect, much more than beautiful, believe me, hmm?" He would say gently caressing your face and kissing your forehead, Kakucho really doesn't like seeing you sad, for that reason, he would always do his best to keep you well and would always praise you.
"See? You have the most beautiful smile I've ever seen, I'll never get tired of saying that." With a shy smile, he would speak when he finally managed to make you smile at him.
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•.*° 𝐈𝐳𝐚𝐧𝐚 𝐊𝐮𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐚𝐰𝐚
Izana doesn't accept the fact that you don't think you're beautiful, he simply can't understand the motivation for such low self-esteem.
"Baby, listen to me, you're perfect, believe me, please." He would speak in a completely serious tone, Izana didn't like hearing you being so hard on yourself, for that reason, he wouldn't allow you to say things like that.
"I know it seems selfish of me, but I can't understand it, I just wanted you to see the same beauty in yourself that I see." Izana would pay more attention to his speech and manners so as not to end up hurting you, and he would also be even more determined to help you see yourself in the adorable way he saw you.
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•.*° 𝐒𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐢𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐨 𝐒𝐚𝐧𝐨
Shinichiro has always been aware of your problems with your appearance, although he can't understand how you really feel, the older one always goes out of his way to try to make you feel beautiful.
"Hey, hey, hey... Don't talk like that! Baby, you're beautiful." The taller one would say while holding your face, making you look at him and pay full attention to his every word.
"Someday, you'll realize how beautiful you are, that you'll even let go of me, I'm sure of it." He would say trying to lighten the situation, Shinichiro definitely wasn't very good with words, but he really remained determined to make you see yourself with a kinder look.
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•.*° 𝐈𝐧𝐮𝐢 𝐒𝐞𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐮
Seishu never had as high a self-esteem as people imagine, for that reason, in a way, he understands you like no one else would.
"Don't be so cruel to your own appearance." He would say looking at you directly, as if he was noticing every detail of you.
"You're simply the most beautiful person I've ever seen, I know you might not believe it, but try to give yourself the chance to see how beautiful you are..." He would say smiling, gently caressing your face and giving you a soft kiss.
Inui is usually the type of person who expresses himself with few words, so he believed he had already done enough, even if he wanted to just spend a few long hours praising absolutely everything about you.
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•.*° 𝐊𝐨𝐤𝐨𝐧𝐨𝐢 𝐇𝐚𝐣𝐢𝐦𝐞
Koko felt unable to understand your low self-esteem, in his eyes, you always were and always will be the most perfect person that could exist, of course, far beyond your appearance.
"Don't say that about yourself, you are much more than beautiful, much more than enough, you know..." Kokonoi would tell you as soon as he heard you saying that you didn't think you were pretty enough, the taller one would gently hold your face and spend a few seconds observing you in silence right after.
"...If you could only see yourself the way I see you, you would realize how perfect you are." In a low tone of voice, he would say almost as an outburst, Hajime would go to great lengths to make you see yourself in a kinder way.
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slowcatsworld · 21 days
Noel Noa SFW Headcanons
Takes his coffee black. This was the first way he had ever tried coffee when he was an older teenager; all of the add ins he tried later just never gave him the same feeling. The bitterness of the drink is enough to shock his body into a reactive state. If you ever offer him coffee, he requests some milk in it.
He prefers to dress more formally when the situation calls for it. By this, if he is going to a meeting with his club team it means he will be wearing a suit. The elegance of fashion and the social status of what you wear is most definitely not lost on him. It is a noisy static in his mind until he wears something more classy.
When he is in the solace of his own home, his guilt pleasure is to stay in his pajamas as long as he can. He just got home from practice at 8am? He’s putting back on his fuzzy pants. He got back from his morning workout he does during off days? The thick socks he wore to sleep are coming back on once he showers. He just arrived home during lunch hour? His sleeping sweater was on him by the time you stepped foot in the door. He does value his comfortableness in more private settings.
He is both a dog and a cat person. His stoic nature draws sweet, stray felines towards him weekly whether he’s out in the streets of Germany or France. The way cats will purr so loud he can hear them when he’s standing tugs at his heart, though he never mentions it. (He would so let a cat just climb up him like a tree). Dogs don’t really come up to him the way cats do, yet when he sees one out and about he is always tempted to ask the dog’s owner if he could pet the animal.
He doesn’t much like bread. It was one of the few things he was able to eat somewhat frequently during his early childhood in the ghettos of France. That bread will always taste different than the bread he has available to him now to eat, but the feeling of dirty grit will never leave his mind.
He takes pride in his title of the world’s best striker. It gratifies him to look at his teammates and his opponents and think to himself, ‘I’m the best forward there is here.’ About them both alike. He is somewhat humble, though. It’s only when his title is being threatened or ignored does he feel the need to be a total force of dominance on the field.
Can be seen as a slightly sore winner sometimes. The success and privilege that comes with winning a popularity vote, a league game, etc fulfills a dead space in him. To know he has worked hard enough to be the best and he got what he trained to earn is a feeling he will chase forever. It changed his life, gave him a life worth living for. So he when you come up to him saying it was unneeded for him to point out to another soccer player that he has the title of worlds best striker and he is the favorite to win the upcoming finals game for their league in a couple weeks; a ghost of a smile graces his face as he squeezes your hand.
He didn’t quite realize he was perfectly ambidextrous until he tried shooting a soccer ball with his supposed non dominant foot and it was just as easy and smooth as his other foot. This was where he began to plan, to get motivated to use soccer as a way to better his life.
Because of the ambidextrous quality in both his legs and arms, he is able to learn ball control movements and tactics at a faster rate. He’s also able to write very well with both hands, however his right hand has neater handwriting. He uses his phone in his left hand.
Enjoys intelligent conversations. The bounce back and forth between him and another person about whatever topic. Doesn’t actually need to be a topic that is only for those of a higher intellect to understand, it can be anything you are passionate and knowledgeable about. How they are able to articulate their thoughts and understandings and show Noel through speech or body language. It is engaging and he wants to know all of what you think and feel at this moment. It will forever outweigh the basic question-answer format he can get accustomed to in interviews.
Like Marc Snuffy, he does view football as a job. He has to in a sense. In the early days of his career, he had to be diligent and desperate to stand up above the sea of other players. He had to work harder than everyone else on the field, he had to work faster than everyone else on the field, he had to need football more than everyone else. He tries to carry this drive with him even in the peak of his football career, he won’t allow them to shelve him- not yet.
Unlike Marc Snuffy, Noel doesn’t try to rope in his whole team to create a ‘work force’ per se. He makes sure everyone on his team that plays either with him or with his name brand is a competent, driven, and rational person on the field. They do go over play strategies he’s, but he is sometimes dissatisfied at the level of tenacity in Snuffy to have such rigid plays.
Is a silent cheerer. He doesn’t yell and he doesn’t stand up and pump his fists in the air. He’s quiet, waiting and watching. He’ll occasionally mumble praise or encouragement, but you won’t hear it unless you’re right next to him.
He goes to bed really early most days if he can. When he is alone, he sleeps like a dead man. No movement and no noise. Even when he has a nightmare, he’ll just jolt awake in the same position. When he started sleeping next to you, the pair of y’all would just begin to wake up entangled with each other. His arm wrapped around your waist, his feet holding your ankle. Your hand in his short, frosty hair and your chin on the top of his head. He moved quite a bit with you, always seeming to try to burrow into you in his sleep.
Has received numerous compliments on his eyes. He didn’t really understand why people were so entranced with them, especially when he paired it with his eyeliner until you. You loved them. You loved staring into them during bed time, gazing at them across the room. They were precious to you, so they gradually started to become precious to him as well. They aren’t his favorite feature on himself, but it brings you enough pleasure to look at them so he confidently thinks they are one of his top physical characteristics.
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hard-core-super-star · 4 months
Random thought popped into my head but it's about vampire Kate x reader. What if reader was a witch of some sort who got her heart broken because Kate is an fboy and became terrified and left when she realized how much she loved the reader but came crawling back a year later because she needed reader's witchy help and they ended up casually flirting because they clearly still have feelings for each other and stuff
ain't that the kicker [K.Bishop]
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pairing: vampire!kate x reader
summary: the morning after your late-night encounter with kate doesn't go quite as planned...and neither does the day after that or the day after that. [aka you and kate have way more issues than you thought]
warnings: none, i think?; did somebody order angst?; so much tension, you need more than one knife; i rob you of a longer wanda scene; cliffhanger ending because this got too long; weird vampire powers that are badly explained; very long dream sequences; a surprising lack of actual vampire stuff [i badly need to rewatch first kill]; idiots in love but emphasis on the idiots!
wodcount: 3.2k
a/n: hey everyone, my motivation was pretty dead for a while but, unsurprisingly, vampire kate brought it back! and before you all freak out, YES! THERE WILL BE ANOTHER PART! and maybe it'll be less sad and more spicy, who knows? anyway, thank you so much for sticking with me and my constant disappearing act. my second year at university is wrapping up so hopefully you’ll see more of me this summer ;) that's all i have to say, hope you enjoy <3
part one | part three | part four
* * * * * * *
Saying going home with Kate Bishop had been a bad idea would be a massive understatement.
You knew being alone with the heir of Bishop Security would come with problems but the problems all seemed relatively small compared to the continuous waves of pleasure you had been under all night.
To be fair, though, you never expected a grainy picture of you on Kate's lap to be part of that list of problems. You had expected some awkwardness from the charming brunette, the usual "we can't do this again" speech while actively making out in some random storage closet, maybe even some weird looks from your co-workers to further complicate things.
Your original plan had featured everything except you going viral overnight and waking up to the biggest PR disaster to ever hit Bishop Security. (Which is saying a lot considering the many one-night stand scandals Kate always finds herself wrapped up in)
You had so many ideas of what the morning after would be like but none of them included you waking up to an empty bed and a large pit in your stomach that tells you you fucked up big time.
Maybe it had been your fault, maybe you had been too naive for thinking you could really have it all.
Or maybe Kate was right. Maybe she had a longer list of enemies than you had been willing to entertain.
There were far too many “maybe’s” in your mind, an overwhelming amount of notifications on your phone, and you had no idea where Kate had gone.
You’re not sure how long you spend scrolling through Twitter and avoiding all the texts filled with unanswerable questions from your co-workers but eventually, you manage to regain control of yourself and get up from the archer’s ridiculously comfortable bed. You do your best to ignore how shaky your legs are as you get dressed, your mind unfortunately drifting to the night before.
You manage to find your way to the kitchen where there's a full spread of, slightly burnt, breakfast waiting for you. Your heart swells as you read the messy handwriting on the post-it note next to the biggest stack of pancakes you’ve ever seen.
Morning, sunshine. I didn’t know what you were in the mood for so I made a bit of everything. Eat as much as you can, you’ll need a lot of food and water to recover from last night ;) - Kate
It’s impossible to stop the wave of relief that crashes into you after reading that.
As impossible as it feels, you allow yourself to believe things will be fine. That Kate will stick by your side after opening up to you about her supernatural abilities.
But the fantasy doesn’t last long.
You’re halfway through your breakfast when you hear the front door slam shut with so much force you briefly wonder if the hinges came off. It takes no more than fifteen seconds for the archer to appear in front of you, her shoulders tense and an unreadable storm in her eyes.
Her posture already tells you the answer to the question forming on your lips but you ask anyway. “Everything okay?”
She seems almost startled by the sound of your voice as if hearing you makes you real.
It makes the mess you’re both in real.
“No,” she sighs. “I have some shitty news.”
“Shittier than being called a slut by all of New York?” You reply, unable to stop the urge to make her smile.
Kate doesn’t fully smile but she does let out a small chuckle, her shoulders dropping into a less tense position as the sound escapes her. “Yeah…shittier than that.”
You should’ve known where the conversation was headed. Should’ve realized there was no way you’d be able to have it all. No way for you to continue with your life as if nothing had happened.
Maybe you are too naive because you truly didn’t see her next sentence coming.
“y/n…I have to fire you and we...we can’t do this again. This has to be goodbye.”
Everything crashes into you at once.
The realization of what you’ve actually done, the stupid ease with which Kate is cutting you out of her life, the betrayal of her practically kicking you out onto the streets. You’re not an idiot, you know there’s no way you’ll be able to keep your apartment, your humble yet expensive life in New York, without your job.
Without her.
“You…you’re serious? You’re throwing me out just like that?”
“It’s not easy for me either-”
“It looks pretty damn easy, Kate.” You scoff.
“You’re not the one who spent her whole morning getting chewed out by her mom.” Her words come out like an afterthought, like she knows just how badly she’ll fuck up if you hear the annoyance behind them.
Unfortunately for her, you hear her loud and clear.
“Oh, come on. That’s your excuse? You had one bad conversation with your mom and suddenly I don’t mean anything?”
She doesn’t reply and her silence only serves to stoke the flames of fury and resentment rising within your chest.
“Do you know how many death threats I’ve gotten in the last hour? How many coworkers have tried to blackmail me already? Do you understand just how much of my life this has ruined? And you have the audacity to act like you have it hard?”
“Don’t pretend like you know anything about my life,” she spits back. “You don’t know anything about me.”
“That’s bullshit and you know it, Katherine. If I didn’t know you, if you didn’t care, why the hell did you tell me your dirty little secret?”
She blinks, taken aback by the hard-hitting truth you throw her way.
If you didn’t know her, you wouldn’t notice the way she nervously fidgets with her fingers or the way she bites down on her lower lip while she tries to come up with something to say. If you didn’t know her, you wouldn’t know she’s hurting underneath.
You do know her, though, but knowing her isn’t enough if she’s not willing to let you stay.
So, because you do know her…you walk away.
It feels like giving up in the most infuriating of ways but it’s the only thing you can do. If Kate’s mind is made up, there’s no amount of reason that will get her to change. That’s another thing about her you’ve learned the hard way.
So you swallow your pride and walk away with no plan, no job, no way of supporting yourself. If you were a more spiteful person, you would have applied for a job at Stark Industries but instead, you do the second hardest thing you’ve ever done.
You restart.
It’s a bitter defeat and still, you pack up your things and pay an old friend a visit.
You had left Wanda behind after the Westview fiasco but she’s the only person you can think of running to after your entire life went up in flames. All it takes is one quick spell and the realization that a life without dark magic isn’t one you can live before you’re standing on the porch of her small cabin in the middle of nowhere.
Saying she’s disappointed would be an understatement, especially since she explicitly warned you not to fall in love with Kate Bishop. It’s hard to believe the witch knew about Kate’s vampire secret but you also wouldn’t be surprised if she knew what awaited you the second you left for New York.
Unfortunately, you had to learn things the hard way.
You could write multiple books on everything you’ve learned the hard way.
At the top of that list, though, is the true extent of a certain archer’s vampire powers.
It takes less than a month for Kate to reach you again…through your dreams. Dreams that feel far too real and leave you a tad bit more breathless than you’ll ever be willing to admit.
The first time it happens, you assume it’s one of Wanda’s new tricks, maybe it’s her way of helping you cope with what (or rather who) you’ve left behind. You think it’s weird but maybe a tad bit sweet and you make a mental note to ask her about it in the morning.
It’s not until you realize that you’re actively thinking that you start to worry.
To make matters worse, you’re inside Kate’s apartment…and she quite literally stumbles out of her bedroom to see you standing in the middle of her living room.
“Oh, shit.” She groans.
Your heart skips a beat at the sound of her voice. You know you’re just dreaming and yet it all feels so real. It’s like you can feel her eyes on you, hear the way your heart won’t stop pounding in your ears.
Your confusion must be written all over your face because she answers your question before you can even ask it.
“Yes, you are dreaming but this isn’t like a normal dream.”
“What the fuck happened to you not being a mind reader?” You blurt out.
You wait for that stupid smirk of hers to appear, maybe with a half-assed shrug and a semi-charming joke, but it never comes. “My dream, my rules, I guess.”
“That still doesn’t explain what’s going on.”
A beat of silence goes by before she sort of gives you an answer. “I can explain but you might hate me afterwards.”
The look in her eyes says more than you can possibly handle right now. You’ve never known Kate to be particularly insecure but all you can see in those blue depths is fear and insecurity. Fear that your feelings for her have changed, that you already hate her and never want to hear from her again.
Too bad you’ve never been good at lying.
“Try me.”
The corners of her mouth quirk up into a small smile. “Long story short, we’re bonded. That’s why we’re in each other’s dreams.”
There’s a bigger question to be asked but you’re still a little freaked out by how real this all feels. By how intense your feelings for her still are.
“But this isn’t like a normal dream, is it?”
“Nope, perks of having vampire powers.”
“So, you can do everything except read minds?” You can’t help but tease her like all the times before. “That sucks.”
“Shut up,” she says with an over-dramatic roll of her eyes.
A calm silence falls over both of you and you hate how normal it feels. How just like that, you forget your anger and the betrayal you’ve felt every minute since the day you left New York in favor of falling for her stupidly enchanting self all over again.
It doesn’t help that with every second, the distance between you gets smaller and smaller.
You don’t know who takes the first step, all you know is you blink and suddenly she’s standing right in front of you, those soft blue eyes of hers searching for the truth you can’t hide.
“y/n,” she murmurs, her hand tentatively reaching out to tuck a stray piece of hair behind your ear. “I’m sorry, I know this isn’t what you wanted.”
She’s technically not wrong, leaving because of her incapability to deal with her feelings was the last thing you wanted, but it’s not like you had any other choice.
She didn’t give you any other choice.
And now she’s here, staring at you with that wounded puppy look she so effortlessly embodies.
“I wanted you,” you whisper in response. “When are you going to get that through your thick skull?”
She chuckles, the sound warm but nervous. Her hand moves to cup your face and her touch is so soft, it leaves you breathless for a moment. “Never, I’m too stubborn for that, remember?”
You can’t help but tease her as the atmosphere shifts into something more affectionate than you’d like. “How could I forget? It’s your worst trait.”
“Ouch. Is that how you treat your favorite vampire?”
“Aw, poor little vampire baby.”
You wait for her to make one of her usual jokes but she doesn’t.
Instead, her eyes drift down to your lips and your mind instantly goes blank.
There’s an endless list of reasons why you shouldn’t do it. Just because it’s a dream doesn’t mean it isn’t a bad idea. Then again…when has that ever stopped you from being with Kate Bishop?
It’s subtle but you lean forward just enough to give her the invitation she’s too much of a gentleman to ask for. Her eyes widen the slightest bit before she meets you in the middle, the space between your lips becoming nonexistent in the span of a few seconds.
You try your hardest to hold on to your self control, to not seem as desperate as you’ve felt since that first night, but it’s useless. Your hands grip the front of her shirt in an attempt to pull her closer despite how insane everything is.
You’re simply dreaming and yet you can feel every touch, every breath, every desperate effort to make your desires a reality. You would feel embarrassed if Kate wasn’t acting the same way.
Her lips leave yours only to trail down to your neck, her fangs instantly teasing the sensitive skin she finds. The anticipation builds inside your chest as she toys with you and it’s all you can do not to beg for more.
“Kate.” Her name leaves your lips in the form of a whisper that disappears just as fast as it formed.
All you hear is her sharp intake of breath before it all fades to black.
Your eyes snap open and you’re greeted with the absolute silence you’re starting to associate with Wanda’s cabin. All you can do is lay there in the darkness, your heart pounding in your ears while your fingers trace the spot Kate’s lips had just been on.
It had all felt so real and now you’re all alone again. It shouldn’t be surprising at this point and yet you still hold on to the hope Kate will come looking for you.
But she doesn’t.
All she does is haunt your dreams in the most literal way possible. She doesn’t come to find you and fix your many, many issues, instead, she simply appears in your dreams long enough to send your mind reeling without offering any solutions.
You wish you could hate her for doing this to you but you can’t.
You love her.
Worse than that, you love her more and more each night. Even though it’s not nearly enough to heal any of your wounds, and maybe it only serves to hurt you more, it’s definitely addicting.
Wanda offers to help you sever the connection between you and Kate, something about a spell she read in the Darkhold being her only assurance that she knows what she’s doing. You don’t fully trust her on that but you do consider the option for longer than you want to admit.
You reason with yourself that there are much worse things to deal with on a daily basis than highly realistic dreams, though. That being bonded to a vampire isn't the worst thing in the world.
And maybe that would be true…if the vampire in question wasn't Kate Bishop.
You don't know what possesses you to ask but the question slips out in the middle of another midnight rendezvous. It’s been a little over two month since you moved away from New York, a little over two months since you've shared these weird dreams with Kate, when you finally ask.
“What exactly did you do for us to be bonded to each other?”
The question must catch her off guard given the way her eyes widen in panic. “What?”
“You said these weird dreams happen because we’re bonded or something but you never explained how that happened.” You watch the brunette from your spot on the couch and impatiently wait for a response, for something that will help you make sense of everything.
She swallows back her nervousness but gives herself away due to the way she fidgets with the rings on her hand. “Oh, yeah, that…it’s because I bit you that night in my apartment…remember?”
Her awkwardness would be endearing if her response wasn't so damn suspicious.
“Yeah but you're a vampire, biting people is kind of your thing. You're not automatically bonded to every person you bite, right?”
A beat of silence passes before she answers, her voice shaking the slightest bit. “No that…that only happens when there are…certain feelings involved.”
It takes a second for her answer to click in your brain. For her sudden nervousness to hold real meaning.
The answer hits you like a train and it makes your blood boil like nothing else.
“Kate, tell me that doesn't mean what I think it means. Tell me you didn't fire me because you were too afraid of having feelings for me.”
“For fuck’s sake, Kate!”
The sudden frustration in your voice makes her jump, hundreds of meaningless explanations forming on the tip of her tongue.
You don't hear a word she says.
You can't hear anything besides the pounding in your heart and the devastation that threatens to swallow you whole.
You always knew being with Kate would be impossible but this was something else entirely. This wasn't a lack of feelings between you two, this was too many feelings and too many miles of distance and not one ounce of regret from her.
You're not sure when you stood up from your spot or when she approached you, you simply feel her hand on your waist and the unmistakable sound of her breathing.
“y/n,” she tries again. “I’m sorry.”
“I’m so tired of hearing you say that.”
“I know.”
The last thing you feel is her lips on the back of your neck before you wake up. Alone. Again.
Wanda must catch on to your desperation because she brings up the idea of cutting your connection with Kate that same morning.
“It’ll only be temporary,” she assures you. “No offense but you need sleep more than you need Kate Bishop.”
“I’m a little offended,” you grumble in response.
Despite your reservations, and the voice in the back of your head that tells you running away again is a bad idea, you go along with her plan. She's right, after all. You definitely need some time away from Kate Bishop and her never-ending messes.
The spell is simpler than you expect and it, thankfully, requires pretty much no effort on your part and no weird liquids.
It does also bring the best sleep you’ve had in months so you can’t complain…even when you wake up missing the sound of the archer’s voice.
You still miss her every day and you're sure that won't change any time soon but you welcome the peace with open arms.
Wanda spends her time teaching you random spells while you help her build a nice flower garden in the backyard. It's weird but…comforting.
You could even get used to life out here someday.
At least, that's what you keep telling yourself as the weeks go by.
Until Kate shows up unannounced and flips your world upside down again with those same soft eyes you fell on love with all those months ago.
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