#best dry fire training systems
Training Systems: The Key to Unlocking Your Potential
Training Systems provides cutting-edge learning solutions for individuals and organizations seeking to elevate their performance and achieve remarkable results. With a passion for growth and innovation, we harness the power of technology and expertise to deliver tailored training programs that drive tangible outcomes. Our holistic approach combines interactive digital platforms, immersive simulations, and personalized coaching to cultivate a culture of continuous improvement. From skill development to leadership enhancement, our diverse range of courses empowers learners to excel in their respective fields. With a proven track record of success, Training Systems stands as a beacon of transformative education, unlocking untapped potential for lifelong success.
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theladyragnell · 2 months
Number 2 for the leverage ot3? Thanks :)
(Eye contact across a crowded room! This one was weirdly hard to write, because it mostly came to me as a little episode snippet but unfortunately I cannot download videos from my head to yours, but ah well, c'est la vie.)
Eliot knows what it’s like to have a team.
Been a long time since he had one, since he got weaned off having a team when they realized his killer instincts were more useful on offense than defense, and everything since then has been temporary, based on contract or control or cash, but it still comes back. He’ll never say it, doesn’t even want to think it, but it’s his natural state, standing between someone else and trouble. He’s been doing it a long time.
Some of the finer points, though, those get lost in a long time away. The way he gets really damn annoyed when he’s trying to listen to a job plan and someone won’t stop making judgy comments about his guacamole not being like their Nana used to make it. The way he wakes up sometimes feeling like he missed a step on the stairs because he’s not sure where one of them is. The way, in a room full of people, he always knows where they are, like markers on a map.
This isn’t a hard part of the job. Eliot is just there as backup for Sophie, and everybody else is playing safe roles, the kinds they can just disappear into, service staff mostly, but Eliot still knows where they are without looking. Parker by the drinks table swapping out a tray. Hardison badly fixing the event space’s sound system that he sabotaged earlier so they’d have to call him in. Sophie doing that annoying socialite laugh that follows her from identity to identity. Nate pretending to be messily drunk but having to pretend less than he should, getting ready to spill something on the mark.
They’ve all got their own ways of keeping eyes out, Eliot doesn’t pretend that’s some superpower only he’s got, but he’s pretty sure, with the kind of comfortable knowledge of his own skills that his training gave him, that he’s the best at it. Hardison might think he is, but Hardison needs an earbud and a screen to do it.
That’s why he knows a second before everybody else does that the job is about to go wrong. He knows Parker’s too far from an easy escape route, that Sophie’s too close to the mark’s security, that Hardison’s in a nest of wires that will trip him, right when Nate does his trip and Eliot realizes the most competent security guard, who was supposed to be off tonight, came in with food poisoning.
Sophie isn’t blown. Nate isn’t blown. But Parker and Hardison, they tend to do the little one-note grifts to set up the bigger con, and this guard is the kind of person who makes note of new delivery drivers on his routes, an intern who only lasts one day. Eliot looks at Parker first, and finds her looking back, already waiting for him to make the play. It’s taken more than a year for her to trust him like this, but she does, she’s Eliot’s responsibility and he’s not going to leave her out to dry.
“Catering emergency in three,” Hardison says in Eliot’s ear, and Eliot glances over at him, too, finds him looking back. Of course his facial recognition would pay off a second after Eliot figured it out. He’ll even be smug about it later.
But they’re all fast. That’s why they all make a good team, and especially why the three of them make a good team. Eliot might have known first, but he doesn’t have to explain it to any of them. They all know how to handle this. It just takes a moment of connection to make sure they’re on the same page, and when Hardison looks away, it’s to catch Parker’s eye, all three of them syncing up while Nate starts drunkenly stammering his way through an apology to the mark.
“Two,” says Hardison.
“I’ve got the guard,” says Eliot, already moving, taking his eyes off Parker and Hardison, trusting them to get through the next steps.
“One,” says Parker, already moving when the kitchen fire alarm goes off, Hardison using the excuse to panic and flail and sever a wire that kills some of the event lighting, and Eliot moves into the well-practiced dance knowing he’s standing between them and danger.
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tiny-maus-boots · 2 months
Darkest of Nights pt 23
A/N: Hi yes I'm still here. Despite a hospital stay, a month without running water, a promotion, training deadlines and now a septic system failure. I'm so sorry it's been so long between updates but...life, am i right? oof.
As always thank you to @chloes-yellow-cup for still doing the thing for me and supporting me. And thank you to @kimmania for always looking for ways to give me time to breathe...and create. And thank you readers! You are so patient and i'm grateful for your support. Happy Monday! Aubrey
“That is impossible! I will have no part of this sham attempt to gain our consent to drain us dry for her own gain!”
Aubrey could feel Beca sigh heavily beside her. It was so very human and yet she could relate to the weariness in it. This conversation was as tedious as watching a corpse rot and her fingers twitched with the effort to keep from reaching out to throttle someone. 
Chloe seemed to sense her growing impatience and took a step forward to allow Beca to take a step back out of the line of fire. It was an effortless transition like a graceful dance move and Aubrey felt herself smile fondly at it.
“Okay, while I understand your fear, let's not forget that Beca has already done this once before with Aubrey. She healed her from sun damage.”
“That is not the same thing! Athan was cursed by someone long dead.” The vampire speaking turned to face Beca directly, accusation and mistrust plainly written across their features. “Do not promise that which you can not deliver, Necromancer. Athan means nothing to you, his pain and suffering are not whims for you to play at power with.”
“Lady, I can’t tell you how little I’m playing here.”
Beca was bored and Aubrey couldn’t blame her. But her tone caused the vampire to snarl and step forward aggressively. It was all for show, she knew, but despite her best efforts to contain her ire, Aubrey could feel the angles of her face sharpening as her monstrous visage threatened to reveal her true feelings. Vampires had a long history of showing disrespect to people she loved and she was unwilling to accept it any longer. 
“Enough of this. There will never be words of assurance to ease our fears, nor can there be. What you intend will drain us. You say not fully but that is the word of a curarva dii moartit, and the that is worth less than dog shit.” 
There was no sharp intake of breath, silence simply dropped over them like a suffocating cloak. No one dared to move for fear of drawing Aubrey’s attention to them. 
She strode forward a few steps and scanned the small group of dissenters. More than she had expected had agreed to allow Beca to attempt to help Athan, all that had gathered here were the few holdouts too afraid or too prejudiced to accept help when they most desperately needed it.
A few of them flinched back at her proximity but many were bold enough to meet her gaze. Too many of them. They had forgotten who she was and that they should be afraid of her. Aubrey’s voice breathed out in a tightly controlled whisper, the coldness of it enough to make the large room that much more frigid.
“What did you call her?”
Beca herself was only aware of the swift change in their behavior but she had no real understanding of the insult thrown at her. She reached out to the blonde but Aubrey was in no mood to be restrained this time. Nor would they respect her rule if she did not enforce it in the only way they could currently understand. There would be a time for a gentle hand in their leadership but now was not that time. She shook off Beca's light grip and pinned the vampire that has spoken with a deliberate stare.
The woman visibly fought the urge to lower her head in the face of Aubrey’s pitiless gaze and raised her chin a hair higher as a show of rebellion. Her face was unfamiliar to the blonde and she realized that nearly all the vampires in the room were strangers.  She didn't know any of their names or lineage.
“I called her what she is. Death Whore and you are nothing more than her puppet. You’ve been corrupted, you and Chloe both. You’re already under her control and see it not!”
Rage suffused their connection, in part from Chloe she knew but the fire within was primarily hers. Her face shifted with a painfully slow transition. And painful it was each and every time her horns pierced through her flesh. She let the woman see exactly what she was, let the knowledge and horror of it sink in before she shot a clawed hand out to clamp around her throat. It was no effort to fling her like a ragdoll across the room. None at all.
She was strong, she knew, but never had she been quite that fast or quite that powerful. Aubrey didn’t hesitate to press the advantage and leapt on the woman’s prone form before anyone had a chance to intervene. Not that any of the vampires would while she rained down fist after fist and claw after raking claw on the woman without pause. She didn’t stop until Beca’s frantic plea broke through the crunch of bone pulverizing under her blows and the spatter of cold blood hitting her face.
“Whoa whoa whoa…Bree please!”  
Aubrey stopped and turned her head to look directly at Beca.
”I will not allow disrespect, Beca. You wish to begin a new way but now you see why the old ways stand. Respect is earned with fear among vampires. This one held no fear, and thus no respect.” 
Beca hesitated as she sifted through what she knew of vampires and their politics and Aubrey appreciated that she hadn’t outright undermined her. She knew what it must look like to a human. How monstrous she must appear. Aubrey held Beca's gaze and let her see it all in it's horrifying, horned, blood splattered glory.
“Well it’s not like I love being called a whore, but is anyone going to really respect you going all grrr breaking her face for the sake of a necromancer?”
”No but they will fear me enough to respect you.” 
“I see.”
Aubrey tried to read the play of emotions across the smaller woman’s face. Beca sighed and shook her head sadly as she realized that Aubrey had needed to make a point. She brought herself closer to the pair and looked down at Aubrey. The necromancer reached out and gently caressed her cheek. The soothing coolness of Beca’s magic washed over her and her demon face melted away. 
“I think I get it. You’ve got no choice but to be hard sometimes to make a point. I get that and it’s okay, as long as you’re willing to be soft to make a point too.” 
Beca didn’t have to ask her out loud. She knew what was wanted of her. Aubrey looked down at the badly beaten vampire under her then back to Beca and nodded. The small woman smiled at her and leaned in for a soft kiss. Aubrey gave into it and the draw of power that was pulled from her with it. 
Beca leaned away only far enough to touch foreheads. “Thank you.”
Aubrey nudged Beca’s nose with her own and moved back so the necromancer could lean over the brutalized vampire. A wealth of compassion blossomed in her dark blue eyes despite the way she had been treated. It did not go unnoticed by those assembled.
”For what it’s worth I’m sorry. Not that Aubrey kicked the shit out of you. I think you know you kinda deserved that, but I’m sorry it’s come to this between us. Too many years of violence and mistrust to get past with mere words.”
The necromancer reached down and caressed the woman’s face with as gentle a hand as she had used on Aubrey. And despite her grave injuries the woman still feebly attempted to scoot away.
Beca shook her head sadly and pressed a hand gently to the vampire’s chest. She and Chloe inhaled deeply as Beca pushed their combined energies into a broken vessel. It filled the other vampire and reformed the broken flesh and bones of her face in a slow roll of muscle and skin smoothing over the sharp planes of her skeletal structure. 
“And this beating you got? Understand that it was Aubrey showing restraint. You could be so much deader by now if she didn’t care to give you a chance to make up for being a dickbag.”
Beca gazed over at Aubrey and an understanding passed between them. Yes. It could have been so much worse. She could have ended the woman and all others would have fallen in line after. But a beating even without Beca’s help would have healed eventually. However humiliated she would have been, she would still be alive to bear it.
The vampire gasped in a breath when Beca eased her power back and stepped away. She turned to the others standing around watching and raised her hands palms up before letting them drop. 
“Think about it. If you agree to help tell Chloe’s folks. But think fast, we’ve got other shit to do before the Great Clans get here. Or the Blood Guard.”
Beca turned on a heel and Aubrey and Chloe followed her out of the great hall. Aubrey could feel the smile stretch wide across her face. Their mate stopped just outside the door and looked back at the group of vampires. 
“If neither of us are willing to change, what the hell are we even doing here? If this is what it takes to earn respect are we any better the stupid Council?”
Beca shook her head in exasperation one last time and Aubrey held out her hand. The necromancer took it and kissed her knuckles as they padded toward their quarters. 
“Thank you. I know you probably could have ripped her head off and played basketball with it.”
Aubrey raised a shoulder in a shrug. She wasn't entirely sure what basketball was but she felt certain she could have easily torn the woman’s head from her body with no more effort than tearing parchment.
“She is frightened and angry  and more the fool for it. But being foolish alone should not be cause for death when a lesson will do. They will not disrespect you or Chloe ever again.”
Beca smiled at her and gave a half nod. 
“My hero. Of course there's nothing saying any of that made a difference. That lady vamp for sure hates me.”
Chloe chuckled and slid her hand into Beca’s free one. Her sweet smile lit her face with an ethereal glow and the necromancer stumbled over her feet for a second. Aubrey could relate, Chloe just had that kind of effect on people.
“You didn't see their faces when you healed Olivia. It made a difference, we just need to give them a minute. And anyway, we should get ready to meet the Great Clans, they'll be here soon and we look…eh.”
Beca looked down at herself then the two vampires at her side. 
“What's wrong with my outfit?”
“Oh baby, that's not an outfit. We can do better.”
“Huh. Got anything in black?”
"Oh Beca, you don't understand what you're getting into..."
Aubrey laughed but stifled it quickly when Chloe cut her bright eyes her way. The redhead raised a brow and eyed Aubrey’s attire critically.
“What are you laughing at, you could use some styling too.”
Aubrey's mouth opened at that and Beca laughed. 
“Chlo…if you wanted to get us naked you just had to ask.”
“Oh good, we should probably go do that now. But we better hurry, no telling who will knock on our door again.”
“Please don't let it be your dad. I don't think either of us are ready to look each other in the eye yet.” 
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mayhem-neverending · 6 months
The Big Bad Wolf
Word Count: 2,632
Warnings: cannon violence, cursing
Obito and Hina slept peacefully while you shivered against the bitter chill. The night was dark; clouds covering the light from the waxing moon and the otherwise bountiful sky of stars. The clattering of your teeth and your muscles taut against your frame kept you from falling to sleep, but also tired you further. Your lids would fall every so often, only to be lifted again by a gush of northerly wind. 
You steeled yourself against it, wishing for fire, but more importantly, debating whether the tiny use of chakra to circulate heat through your system would be worth the risk. You reached your gloved hands and pulled out a small wrist watch you had forgotten about. It was almost half-past five. You inhaled the icy air through your numb nose, a steadying breath. You reminded yourself to be patient; less than an hour was left before it was reasonable to pull them from their slumber.
You thought of Hikaru while you waited. He was probably warm and cozy, tucked into a bed with your mom, considering it was now the weekend. You hoped beyond hope that he was alright for Kakashi, and you hoped Kakashi hadn’t been overwhelmed. A two-year-old is difficult, such a headstrong one especially. You imagined Hikaru had probably given him a run for his money more than once, and the delightful thought cut through your haze of crankiness. 
You held onto it for a few moments while the cold did its best to drag you back down. That tugging brought you into a flurry of thoughts about Hina’s child. You thought about the two little ones playing side by side, creating mischief, just as the two of you had done. It occurred to you then that you hadn’t asked Hina what its name would be. An ugly feeling curled in your gut, accompanied by the pained expression your cousin could not hide when it flashed over the blankness. 
This should be a time of celebration for her. She should be receiving baby clothes, toys, all the essentials while eating cake and joyously laughing with her family and friends. She should be whispering to her husband in the corner, giggling and sharing looks of love that you could have never fathomed for yourself. Looks that reminded you of how wondrous and magical and full of grace the world could be when you saw them at their wedding, hiding their conversations behind half full champagne flutes in the candlelight. 
A tear froze early in its tracks along your cheek. It wasn’t fair. You could be grateful all you wanted for her getting the chance to experience love of fairy tales, but it wouldn’t cancel out the sorrow. She deserved to live and love and raise her baby with a father and a family that chose her so wholly. Her child deserved to know their father, and would have been made not just better, but brilliant by the warmth of their love. 
You grit your teeth and angrily wiped at that frozen tear while others made their escape. In the midst of your angry thoughts, a calm voice emerged and reminded you: The only thing you can do is bring her home and be there by her side with as much love as you can spare. 
Shuffling entered your train of thought and you managed to dry your face before the tent unzipped. It was still almost pitch black, so you couldn’t tell very well who it was until they called your name. 
“Hina? What are you doing up?”
“I’m ready to keep going,” she croaked. 
“Are you sure? We have a few more minutes before I planned to wake you,” you replied, attempting to make out her features.
“No, let’s go. I don’t want to be out here any longer than I have to,” her sentence was punctuated by the tent zipper moving even further up. 
“Okay, then, let’s get this show on the road,”
Your group passed through the town you had stopped in early enough that not much commotion was in the streets. You were grateful to make it through without the call of the vendors as you passed by their empty stalls. Hina was heavy on her feet, too, no matter how much she tried not to show it. It wasn’t just her feet concerning you, though. It was a dangerous game to be walking so much so close to her due date, especially with the stress she had been through. 
You didn’t mention anything to her, though. Instead, you kept a watchful eye on her while she waddled along the main road. It had been decided between you and Obito that you would travel down that road all the way back. There was no chance she was making it through the heavy snowfall that you were reapproaching, so the two of you kept on guard, passing people every so often as the day began to wear on. 
At some point you also took a bag from Obito. He kept insisting that he was fine, but you could see his discomfort in the gentle downturn of his lips. So, the three of you traveled closer and closer to the border. The closer you got, the more you wished you were already home. The quiet from your companions left your mind unoccupied, but you struggled to break the silence unless it was for a short stop to rest. 
You finally passed the border sometime in the afternoon, and you couldn’t have been more overjoyed to put Akujia behind you. The three of you stopped for a dinner break, maybe an hour or two after. Obito had spotted a rabbit off the side of the trail, and before you two could blink, he skillfully captured it just out of your line of sight. He came back into view with it, proclaiming that he was finally going to be eating some real food for dinner. 
It left you with a silly grin, even as Hina gagged at the process of skinning it and putting it on a stick while you built the fire. She looked between your expression and his. He had puffed himself out at the chest and kept glancing over at you out of the corner of his eye while he worked. She tilted her head to the side with curiosity, but her lips stayed sealed. 
The three of you ate in peace, not minding the greasiness of the animal and truly relishing in having something hot in your bellies after being in the cold for so long. You sat in a semicircle, with Hina on one side and Obito on the other. She hardly glanced at him, though she hardly looked at you, either. She was in better spirits, but she seemed to be in a lot of discomfort. 
“I’m ready to have this thing out of me,” she groaned, leaning back and placing a hand on her massive belly.
You huffed a laugh. “Now don’t go saying things like that. We have another whole day to go before that thing is allowed to come out,” 
She gave you a half smile. “Still, he’s awful heavy,”
She paused for a moment. “Who’s going to deliver him?”
You blinked. You had completely forgotten about that bit. She looked at you expectantly, and you frantically wracked your brain. “Well… anyone at the hospital should do just fine, unless you had someone in mind?”
“Oh, I thought you’d do it,”
“You were trained in the medical field,” she stated matter-of-factly. 
“Sure, but I’ve never delivered a baby,” you raised a brow.
“I want you to be the one to do it. I trust you more than anyone,” she asserted resolutely.
You looked at Obito as if he could offer help. “I think you’d be a good fit for that job, actually,”
Your jaw dropped at his statement. “What?”
He nodded thoughtfully and glanced at Hina, who shot him a small, grateful smile. He returned the gesture, if a little unsurely. 
“If that's..” you faltered. “If that’s what you want, of course I’ll do it,”
“Good.” She stood slowly and wiped her hands on her long coat. You two followed suit, and you were back on the road before you had truly rested. 
The next stop didn’t come until after dark, when Hina almost couldn’t keep going. Her feet had started to drag and she looked positively miserable. You set up the tent and she slipped in much like the night before, passing out before properly getting comfortable. Obito took the first watch again, so, being exhausted yourself, you said a quick ‘goodnight’ and went to sleep.
You were awoken sometime later by commotion outside of the tent. At first, it sounded like several pairs of boots in the snow, then it amplified into crashes, grunts and shouts. You reacted after the first shout when your adrenaline kicked in and plunged out of the opening of the tent, a kunai in hand.
There were five or six men in black all attacking Obito, who was deflecting their attacks and attempting to push them back from the vicinity of the tent. Kakashi’s command to not kill unless necessary came to mind as you joined the fray. 
A man to your left spotted you first, and you met him head on. He had a thick dagger in hand, and it glinted in the moonlight as he swiped at you. He was slow, though, and you were able to dodge his attack easily, taking a calculated dive to slash at his femoral artery. You made your mark, sliding beneath his legs in his overly wide stance. 
He howled in pain and fell forward to the ground. You had no chance to look at him, because another attacker was on you without a moment’s notice. This one was thinner, likely someone who could match your speed better. His blond hair flowed eerily behind in the moonlight when he lunged at you. He was using a katana, and narrowly missed your right arm. 
He laughed cruelly as he swung again, his accomplices' voices mingling with his own as you could make out a crude taunt thrown at Obito. You could tell he was holding back, only pushing them away instead of taking them out. This would be child’s play to him if he were giving it his all. 
“Gonna do something, little girl? I’ll kill you and that Zen’in bastard, no matter what you think is going to happen. I’ll slice it right out of that bitch’s belly,” 
You snarled at him and made your move, catching his blade by feigning a lean to the left and moving right, effectively catching your blade on his exposed neck. But it wasn’t quite deep enough and you moved back, just out of his range. He swung wildly at you, one hand on his bleeding neck.
“Hey, Obito!” you called mid jump.
“Yeah!?” His kunai clanged loudly with an opposing one.
You backed up so you were closer, both of you catty-corner and facing toward your attackers. “Kill ‘em,”
“Are you sure? Kakashi said-”
“I’m making a judgment call on-”
One of them cackled. “No one’s dying but you three,”
That’s when Obito let his blade arc wide. You plunged your own into the gut of your attacker. A nasty gurgling gasp escaped him before he fell. You spun around to see the attackers’ bodies fall to the ground with resounding thumps, one after one. 
When the last one was down, Obito turned to you, breathing heavily with blood stained hands. Despite his state, you could see his eyes shining under the moonlight. 
“Fuck,” he breathed.
“We need to leave, now,” you said hurriedly. 
The tent unzipped and Hina poked her head out, tears streaming down her pale face. Shakily, she asked, “Are you okay?”
Your eyes met and you inhaled sharply. She looked around at the dead men and back at you, fear marring her beautiful face.
“Dammit! We’re across the border, so all the bags are going in a scroll, I don’t give a fuck. Obito, can you carry her? We’ve gotta get out of here,”
Obito was staring at the bright blood on his hands, and you could see a tremor run through them. He didn’t hear you, it seemed, so you instead turned to Hina. “Get your coat back on and come stand out here,”
She disappeared back into the tent and you followed behind her, hauling the baggage out and opening your backpack. You rifled through until you found a spare sealing scroll. With haste, you piled the bags on top of it and signed above it. They disappeared and you shoved the scroll back in your backpack. You slung it over your shoulder and walked over to Obito where he was standing stock still next to the mass of bodies. 
“Are you okay?” you asked in a low, urgent tone.
He glanced from his hands to you and back. Scratchily, he choked out, “I don’t- I don’t know,”
“I’m sorry, but we don’t have the time. More could be on the way,” 
In a swift movement, you used your water style jutsu to wash the blood from his hands. He blinked in surprise and looked at you, his senses returning to him. “But Kakashi said-”
“Let’s go, please,” you nearly pleaded now. 
It only took a half second for him to nod in understanding, and he walked over to a shivering Hina. Whether it be from the cold or the dead, you weren’t sure, but you weren’t going to stick around and find out. You had to move, and fast.
He swept her up in his arms. “What about your tent?”
You glanced at it and back at him. “Not important,”
You nodded at each other and jumped up into the thick trees. You could see Hina clinging for dear life as the two of you flew between the overgrown branches in the dark, but you didn’t dare look further behind you than that. 
She would continue to cling to him for the hours you fled from the scene and back to the Hidden Leaf. The sun came up after a long time, but you did not stop. Breakfast came and went, and so did lunch, but not once did you stop. Only safe in the forest surrounding your home did you even consider slowing down. But even then, you and Obito silently agreed not to stop. 
Hina slept in his arms while the two of you kept pace. Obito didn’t even act like he was tired of carrying her as his home came into view and his speed renewed. All either of you could feel was relief, and a distinct need to make it. He worked through it, arms and shoulders tight as the two of you stepped up to the barrier and finally crossed through. 
You opened the unlocked door to his home so that they could come in and shut it behind him. Obito grunted as he placed a still sleeping Hina on the sunken couch, and you went to the counter in the familiar kitchen where your phone was. You turned it on, your exhausted body slumping against the cabinets and onto your bottom while you waited for the lock screen to load. Obito came up next to you and followed suit, leaning heavily against you.
“We made it,” he uttered under his breath.
“Thank Kami. We made it,” You made eye contact with him, and pulled him into a loose hug with the last dregs of your strength. 
Still in his lap, you unlocked your phone. You leaned against his broad chest and clicked the call button. It only rang once before a familiar voice answered, relief already leaking into his tone.
“We’re home,”
Tag List: @mostlyunsure, @humongousdreamlandbear, @ichaichahatake, @mandy-yeager, @detectivestucks
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moonslittlestar · 5 months
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“You made a pact with a Devil?!” Hunter's voice shook in anger, his fist clenched tight by his side. Wyll has never seen him so mad before, as teens both boys were fairly level headed and any anger that tried to raise in them was swiftly taken out on training dummies in the courtyard.
“I..” Wyll’s eyes drifted to the ground, his weight shifting from one leg to the other, “What else was I to do? Let that beast destroy the city?! Kill thousands of innocents?! What would you have me do?” He finally barked back.
The air around them stirred, the moon was high in the sky and the river beside the bank they sat on glistened under its light. Behind them, the distant sound of a crackling fire and muffled snores from the others that traveled with them. It was late, and the glasses of wine were almost empty.
Hunter examined Wyll's face; he'd aged, they both had… there were new scars that weren't there before, and the bags under his eyes told tales of many sleepless nights. Despite all his differences, he was still Wyll, the same Wyll he'd trained for 6 years with, fought side by side during a great many battles, the same Wyll that stood by his side when everything went to shit with his twin sister Willow and the same Wyll that he once believed could be his soulmate… “I… don't know” Hunter sighed, finally replying after a paused silence; what could Wyll have done?
“Hunter, the city was going to be torn apart. I did what I had to to keep Baldur's Gate safe” Wyll's voice was soft, calm and reassuring, “I don't regret my choices.”
“You left, for me?” Wyll asked, confused. “What of your sister?” Wyll couldn't help but feel guilty; Hunter had joined the Flaming Fists as a young boy, his dream to one day get to a place where he'd be able to help fix the system and help his sister. For so many years Wyll had watched Hunter push himself to the point of exhaustion just to become the best. They'd spar in the training grounds every night, helping each other with their swordsmanship. Those days where Hunter would collapse mid session, it was all for Willow. Leaving couldn't have been an easy choice for him to make. Wyll joined Hunter in emptying his cup in a swift swig.
Hunter gulped down the last of his arabellan dry and wiped his hand over his lips, his eyes focused on Wyll's fingers around the neck of his chalice. “I left the Fists.” His voice was flat and tired, like all emotion had been drained from him.
“But your dream? I don't understand? You were so close to becoming a Marshal?”
“After the battle… things became… weird?” Hunter paused again, “You vanished Wyll. No one would tell me if you were alive or dead!” His voice cracked. Hunter squeezed his eyes shut, forcing a tear back, “How can someone go from being so admired by everyone to suddenly no one acknowledging they ever existed?” The words were bitter in his mouth, his knuckles turned white. Wyll sat beside him unable to say anything to console his friend, instead he eyed the last of the wine in his chalice as he rocked it back and forth. “I demanded answers, that upset your father… said I was ‘overstepping’ and ‘meddling where I shouldn't’… So… I left…” Hunter unclenched his fist and wiggled his fingers before taking it in his other hand and rubbing his knuckles, “to look for you…” his voice trailed off, the tips of his pointed ears turning red.
“Shortly after you disappeared, I started hearing rumors that she'd joined the Temple of Bhaal…” Hunter's voice was small, a sadness etched into his words from the weight of guilt and failure. “I was a fool to think I could save her…” he continued, so quietly that he may as well have been talking to himself.
“You can't blame yourself for her path,” Wyll tried to reassure Hunter, placing his hand gently on Hunter's cold, clasped fingers, and squeezed. Wyll's touch was warm and welcomed; under his hand Hunter's fingers ached. “It's a little late now, I know, but for what it's worth; I am sorry. I should have taken you with me.” Wyll scanned Hunter's face, who's eyes refused to meet him. “That I do regret.” Wyll's hand still gently placed over Hunter's, “After I made the pact, I was forced to leave. I tried to explain things to my father but, well you know how stubborn he can be.” Wyll chuckled to himself, “I guess the apple doesn't fall far from the tree,” he smiled slightly as he rubbed one of his new found horns with his free hand. “You stopped me doing a terrible thing today,” he sighed, looking behind them to the campsite of sleeping bodies. “To think I was such a fool! Mizora said I'd be fighting demons, fiends and the heartless, not innocent Tieflings!”
“There was no way for you to know, if it wasn't for these damn tadpoles…” Hunter thought back on the vision they shared with Karlach. A moment of silence washed over them as they contemplated the outcome of the day. Karlach’s life had been spared but at a cost; Wyll's horns curved around his head, a visible reminder of his actions.
“More wine?” Hunter asked, breaking the silence that floated around them, Wyll nodded and handed Hunter his cup. “You make quite the handsome devil,” Hunter giggled as he walked back over with two topped up chalices.
“I can't tell if you're joking or being serious.” Wyll took the chalice from Hunter, their fingers softly brushing past each other as the cup was passed between them. Hunter smiled to himself and returned to his spot next to Wyll, “Have I ever lied to you?” He smirked, “Actually on second thought don't answer that!”
“I do recall a time where you insisted that the clear liquid in your flask was water… oh and that time you said that that one feral cat just happened to follow you into the dorms… and what about the time-”
“Ok, ok! Sheesh” Hunter laughed, “Do you really need to remember such trivial things?” Wyll chuckled lightly.
“It's good to see you again, would have been nicer under better circumstances though” Wyll's smile was soft and sincere.
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whirligig-girl · 8 months
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Railroader doesn't allow you to customize the liveries of steam engines yet... but if it did, this is how i'd like to run my three engines.
Anyway... sentient locomotives are probably technically employees of the railroad rather than equipment, right? In railroader, the self-driving feature of the engines results in the engine getting a paycheck. So here's some excerpts from their job interviews. (they're not very good at job interviews)
interviewer: "Tell me about yourself." Trinity: "I'm a G-16 Mogul built 1906 by Baldwin with a two-six-oh wheel arrangement and a tractive effort of sixteen thousand pounds. I weigh eighty two thousand pounds and have a factor of adhesion of, ohh, four point five, four point six. Clayton: "I consider myself something of an academic. Of course an engine can't go to school, but I try to keep an eye out for the latest happenings in the world of science and technology. Faith: "I was built for speed and power, so despite these little wheels I am a pacific, and like any pacific, I can do passenger trains just fine. But I have no problem with freight either.
interviewer: "Where do you see yourself in five years?" Trinity: "Switching cars n' hauling freight." Clayton: "Oh god. Have you even seen the way things are going in this country? I mean, it could be worse, I could live in england, but in five years I wouldn't be surprised if I've been… erm, uh, i mean, I have every INTENT on making it past seventy, maybe even beyond. And I don't just mean as a museum piece." Faith: "I don't know. I seem to find my way all around the country these days. Things used to be so predictable, but now, it's just shuffling from one job to another. I try my best, but things keep going wrong…
interviewer: "What are your strengths?" Trinity: "Haven't we been through this? I told you my tractive effort is 16 thousand pounds. And yes, that IS plenty enough. I do NOT struggle to output that tractive effort. Clayton: "I'd say my best strength is my adaptability. I was built for express runs on the west coast, but here I am 60 years later hauling mostly freight on the shortline. I enjoy the intellectual stimulation of shunting just as much as the wind buffeting my face on a good long passenger journey." Faith: "Well you know. I'd probably say my best strength is my strength. Speed is nice, but power is what really gets you out of trouble."
interviewer: "Describe your work style." Trinity: "Well, you first. Describe your rule book. I go by the book whenever I can. And I will push the book to its limits to get things done efficiently, but I will do it by the book." Clayton: "I don't like to rush myself. Once I'm on the mainline I can make up for lost time, but I try to be sure to take care and be methodical with how I work in the yard." Faith: "How does the rhyme go? Safety first and tonnage last? That's the kind of thing management likes to hear right?"
interviewer: "what motivates you?" Trinity: "What a dumb question what do you mean what motivates me. If I have fire in my firebox and a good head of steam I'm going to need to put that steam somewhere. I don't need 'motivation' to work. I just do it." Clayton: "if i do not find a way to make myself useful my tender will run dry and my boiler will freeze and i will be left to rot on a siding somewhere. Haha. I love the current economic system we all live under sooo much!" (interviewer: [writes "marxist ten-wheeler" in notes.]) Faith: "I guess deep down I just want someone to be proud of me? I want someone to look at me go by and think 'wow! she's doing such a good job.' and then I want them to tell me that I'm doing a good job. Please."
interviewer: "Are you a team player?" Trinity: "What, you mean like, am I a multiple unit?" Clayton: "Yes. I think I bring out the best in everyone I work with." Faith: "Well, sometimes it's hard to get to know the other engines, and sometimes I think they don't like me very much. But I'll pull any train even if it has another engine on it too, if that's what you mean?"
interviewer: "Are you willing to work overtime?" Trinity: "The question is, do you have a crew willing to crew me overtime. That's usually the thing that holds me back." Clayton: "Hahaa… yeahh… totally…" Faith: [long pause.] "i do work… over… time… like the job doesn't get done instantly. It. You know it uh. It takes… time… So I do it over… time…"
interviewer: "What are your salary expectations?" Trinity: "Just the coal and water is fine." Clayton: "Well I'm a locomotive with about 60 years of experience so I expect to be paid an engineer's wage of $25 per day." Faith: "I expect a… salary… and know what that is…"
interviewer: "how do you handle stress?" Trinity: "Are you. Asking about my frames. Do I look like a damn twig to you? I can handle tension and compression just fine." Clayton: "Well popping my safety valve usually helps but I have other coping skills like counting the ties and rocking my reverser back and forth." Faith: "I usually just repress it and pretend everything is fine. I'm really good with passengers."
interviewer: "What is your dream job?" Trinity: "shortline railroad locomotive. I love my job." Clayton: "Movie star. The glamor, the recognition, the celebrities, oh it would be so thrilling!" Faith: "Well as long as it's not repetitive logging trips day in and day out, anything works for me."
interviewer: "Why do you want this job?" Trinity: "Your railroad has lots of industries still connected to it, and I think it would be fun." Clayton: "I feel like we've already been over this. If I don't have a job I will rust and decay." Faith: "Hoping for a source of stability finally, and the Class Is don't have that anymore."
interviwer: "Why should we hire you?" Trinity: "Because you'll be hard pressed to find a locomotive with a better work ethic." Clayton: "Because you'll want an adaptable, intelligent, experienced locomotive who can get herself out of trouble better than these new engines can." Faith: "Because I am truly the best of both worlds."
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crystalelemental · 2 months
The full writeup of Y is happening soon because I wrote notes earlier about it so it's basically ready to go. But to write a little about the team, this was a fun one.
I decided to run with some pre-evolutions, with the idea that Super Training would let them statistically keep up with the way fully evolved Pokemon worked in previous generations. Guess what. It fucking worked. I'll have the bigger breakdown in the full post, but because you transition from at best around 100 EVs in the core stats to 252 in your main two, your pre-evolutions here feel a lot more powerful than they could in prior generations.
My final team was Braixen, Carbink, Emolga, Spritzee, Gourgeist, and Cryogonal. I had other pre-evos like Fletchling and Wartortle, but the Eviolite issue rose pretty hard. I didn't want to have for infinite Eviolite. I did, however, hack infinite Everstone so I didn't have to keep mashing the fucking B button to prevent evolution. We desperately need a better system. We had a better system in Legends Arceus, but Scarlet and Violet decided to suck.
Carbink was hilariously MVP. Fairy and Rock really trashes a lot of Team Flare, and the Reflect/Light Screen support was hysterical at times. Emolga was really fun once it learned Acrobatics. Extremely powerful, handled basically all the Sky Battles which was great, but I do feel like I spread its EVs wrong. I went 200 Atk/Sp Atk and 112 Spd. I figured even offenses was positive. But realistically, I should've full invested Sp Atk, because it barely missed a OHKO on Discharge against Siebold and did not dodge the Stone Edge. Spritzee was great fun with Eviolite + Calm Mind/Draining Kiss. Absolute monster. Gourgeist was also really good. I got the Small form, went Atk/Spd, and Seed Bomb/Phantom Force/Leech Seed/Will-o-Wisp was great. Big fan.
Braixen was okay, but rolled Sassy nature which still hurt even with max Spd EV investment. Turns out, natures can still hurt you. A Meowstic I tried running with Impish had similar issues, dealing insufficient damage for a truly strong performance.
Then there's Cryogonal. Cryogonal was in a weird position, because statistically, Cryogonal's already good. So I debated not using Super Training and letting it do whatever. But...I did fold and gave it full investment, which...I feel like might have been too much. Cryogonal wound up being a cannon...that also had Hidden Power Fire. So like. 3/4 of the E4 could be handled with Ice Beam/Freeze Dry/HP Fire.
This was a pretty fun one. I loved getting to use pre-evolutions and Carbink. Really attached to this level of shenanigans.
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afanofmanyhats · 1 year
Before I start publishing my fanfic, I thought I'd share my notes and headcanons on the Toa Mangai with y'all to help get us situated. I don't have any MOCs built yet, but I'm planning on playing around in Stud.io soon. Eventually I'll be making everyone with real pieces in the far, far future.
Sidenote: in order to figure out how to make eleven characters all feel distinct from each other (especially four Toa of Ice), I decided to base them off of the D&D 5e classes, with the exception of Sorcerer and Warlock, as those wouldn't fit as well into the power system of BIONICLE.
Lhikan, Toa of Fire: Fighter, Hau and Fire Greatswords
Design: Metru red, black, and old gold. Average height and build.
Background: Lhikan lived in a Ta-Matoran within the Northern Continent, working as a Crafter. He specialized in Kanoka disks, hoping to give his fellow Matoran a means of defending themselves. He and his fellow workers ended up being targeted by some unscrupulous Vortixx that tried to make them produce only for them, and when Lhikan made a stand, the Vortixx tried to make an example of him by attempting to throw him into a vat of molten protodermis. Toa Dume was able to rescue him and drive off the Vortixx, and made a note of the Ta-Matoran’s bravery. Millennia later, when Dume retired to become the Turaga of Metru Nui, he returned to Lhikan and gave him a Toa Stone before sending him off to an Order of Toa for training. Lhikan’s time with the Order of Toa was all too brief, as only a few years into his training, their fortress in the Axal Mountains was attacked by Frostelus. Lhikan was ordered to leave with the Makoki Stone against his will by the fortress’ commander, but when he couldn’t locate the object, Lhikan had to flee alone. He wandered alone, half-hoping to perish in the harsh landscape of the Axals before Fau found him nearly frozen. She rescued him from his sorry state, and the two began traveling together, assisting Matoran and eventually being joined by other Toa, forming the Toa Aki.
Personality: Lhikan is, in a word, driven. Driven by his sense of duty to the Matoran and his fellow Toa, driven by his guilt over leaving his Order behind, driven by a need to be the best Toa he can be. His dry sense of humor, tactical mind, and valorous attitude make him a popular leader with his fellow Toa.
Nidhiki, Toa of Air: Rogue, Volitak and Air Scythe
Design: Metru green, dark grey, and silver. Average height with light build.
Background: Nidhiki was a Scout as a Matoran in the Tren Krom Peninsula. He was an expert at moving through its dense jungles and rocky canyons, which kept him alive through many close calls. He became a Toa when his village’s previous protector, a Bo-Toa named Lanekh, was wounded beyond full recovery. Nidhiki had helped Lanekh in his final confrontation with a fully-organic monster of Tren Krom's creation, so Nidhiki was Lanekh’s top pick for his successor. With the aid of his Volitak, Nidhiki became a master of stealth, but took up the habit of spending long spans of time away from his village to scout out potential threats. This came back to bite him when he left for a week to follow a beast only to find a relatively safe route out from his village's isolated position. He returned to find his village ravaged from a monster attack, with only a couple of survivors remaining. Distraught, Nidhiki took the survivors to safety through the discovered path and settled in a port, where he encountered Lhikan, Fau, and Tuyet. With nothing left to tie him down to the Tren Krom Peninsula, Nidhiki leapt at the chance to join a group and leave his homeland behind.
Personality: Nidhiki has an impulsive temperament countered by his need to survive. The traumatic environment of his homeland has made him wary of most people, and he keeps his fellow Toa at arm’s length. Nevertheless, he still wants to be seen as a hero, and to protect the Matoran.
Tuyet, Toa of Water: Barbarian, Hamaki (Mask of Intangibility) and Barbed Broadsword
Design: Trans dark blue, Metru blue, and gunmetal grey. Tall with bulky build.
Background: Tuyet comes from Galiki, a small island several miles to the north-west of the Northern Continent. As a Matoran she worked as a Fisher, and took great pride in her work. She worked alongside her friend Mara under the leadership of Turaga Zes, who unbeknownst to her community had been exiled from the Southern Continent for killing an enemy. When a pod of Takea sharks attacked while the Matoran were at sea, Mara was killed rescuing Tuyet. Tuyet avenged her friend by killing every shark with a net and a harpoon, but was heavily injured herself. Zes gave Tuyet a Toa Stone to keep her from dying, and took the novice under her wing. She trained Tuyet to use her powers lethally, eventually divulging the existence of the Nui Stone in the hope that one day Tuyet would return to the land Zes came from and take vengeance on her enemies. Tuyet, however, was forming her own plans. When she felt she had received enough training from Zes, she slipped away from Galiki with the Nui Stone one night, heading for the Northern Continent. There, she met Lhikan and Fau, and ended up joining them in an attempt to get away from her past.
Personality: Tuyet is zealous in her devotion to guarding Matoran, to the point where she frequently has to be held back from seriously injuring enemies that threaten them. While she is fully capable of nuanced thought, she tends to prefer straightforward solutions, like hitting the problem really hard with her sword.
Fau, Toa of Ice: Ranger, Kaukau and Frost Tridents, Energy Hound
Design: Trans dark blue, white, and silver. Average height with light build.
Background: Fau came from the Axal Mountains, a massive mountain range that divides the Northern Continent in half. The treacherous slopes and dangerous Rahi makes travel difficult, but there are a few safe passages that Scouts can guide caravans through. Fau worked as a Scout for much of her life, guarding travelers through rocky canyons, avalanches, floods, and Rahi attacks. Her heroism and sense of duty gained the attention of Vilti, an old Toa of Lightning, who traveled with Fau for a bit before giving her a Toa Stone and turning into a Turaga. Vilti trained Fau, eventually settling down as a village elder and gifting Fau her old Energy Hound companion named Sparky. Fau struck out on her own to be an even better Scout than before. She ended up crossing paths with Lhikan shortly after his brush with the Frostelus, and helped him survive in the harsh landscape until he felt called to explore more of the Northern Continent. He invited Fau to accompany him, and she decided to join him, becoming the first members of the Toa Aki with him.
Personality: Fau is serious and stoic, her survival instincts honed to a razor’s edge by her years of experience. She feels most comfortable out in nature, away from major centers of civilization.
Mafa, Toa of Ice: Wizard, Olfor (Mask of Conjuring) and Ice Staff with Rhotuka Launcher
Design: White, sand blue, light trans blue, and gold. Tall with average build.
Background: Mafa was one of the best Scholars of Ankha Nui, the largest city within the Northern Continent and a close trade partner to Metru Nui. He’s researched virtually every topic, written hundreds of treatises and papers, but he is mainly known for his work on the various types of protodermis and their effect on elemental abilities. Mafa has been to Metru Nui in the past for research, but he still prefers Ankha Nui over the Knowledge Towers of Ko-Metru. Just a few centuries ago, Mafa was approached by Toa Tiro, who told him that it was his destiny to become a Toa, one who would protect the Great Spirit from an ancient threat. Mafa was initially dismissive of Tiro, but her persistence wore down his resistance, and feeling that he had studied all that he could, he agreed to become a Toa.
His Rhotuka launcher teleports the target to a desired location within line of sight.
Personality: Mafa is intelligent, analytical, and self-impressed. He has a high opinion of himself, and frequently acts like he is the smartest person in the room, typically because he is. Tiro has worked hard to help him embrace humility, and he has been taking lessons now that he is out of his element as a Toa.
Motara, Toa of Stone: Artificer, Kiril with scope and Cordak Rifle, Nynrah Ghost Blaster, and Precision Hammer
Design: Grey, tan, yellow, and gunmetal grey. Average height and build.
Background: Motara was one of the original inhabitants of Odina. He worked as an Engineer, crafting tools and weapons for his fellow Matoran to defend themselves against the wild Rahi that stalked the island’s northern area. When the Dark Hunters came to make their base on Odina, many of the Matoran were captured as slaves or killed; Motara was one of the only refugees to escape. He made his way to Nynrah, where he managed to convince the Nynrah Ghosts to take him on as an apprentice. He trained with them for years, honing his skills as a crafter and coming up with plans to liberate his home. Eventually he moved to Xia with a small group of other Nynrah Ghosts to sell weapons, but Motara focused on selling his arms to other Matoran in order to help them defend themselves. His work eventually caught the attention of Toa Dume, who commissioned a new weapon from him. The process of making the weapon put Motara and Dume in close contact with each other, and Dume eventually coaxed the Matoran’s motivations from him. Dume offered to make Motara a Toa to give him a better way of defending other Matoran, and after much deliberation, Motara agreed. With the completion of his staff, Dume helped Motara become a Toa, and taught him what he knew. Eventually, Motara struck out on his own, setting up shop near the Tren Krom Peninsula to defend the Matoran on the edges of one of the wildest places in the universe.
Personality: Motara has an analytical, dissective mind, and enjoys taking things apart and putting them back together to understand how they work. He has a rough, dry sense of humor and is guarded about his past to most people.
Hura, Toa of Ice: Paladin, Rode and Avalanche Axe with Shield
Design: White, light blue, and silver. Tall with bulky build.
Background: As a Matoran, Hura lived in Ankha Nui, working in the city guard as one of its premier Investigators. His dedication to uprooting crime and corruption made him a target of a Skakdi gang, but he teamed up with Ankha Nui’s Toa, a Psionics Toa named Whul, to take down the threat. As a reward for his years of service, when Whul retired, he was granted a Toa Stone, and became one of the new defenders of Ankha Nui. With the aid of his Rode, Hura became even more of a menace to the criminals of the city, and quickly became one of the most popular Toa. His reputation spread all across the Northern Continent, to the point that Lhikan and Fau sought him out for assistance in dealing with a tribe of Zyglak threatening a trade route. He worked so well with them that he decided to join their group, and quickly became Lhikan's lieutenant thanks.
Personality: Hura is a dedicated, focused man who religiously believes in the Three Virtues. He also upholds the Toa Code more vigorously than most, doing his best to be honest and admirable to the Matoran he guards.
Naho, Toa of Water: Bard, Huna and Harpoon Bow
Design: Metru blue, Mata blue, trans purple, and silver. Average height and build.
Background: Naho was a Student in Ga-Metru, known for taking classes in as many topics as she could. She was a veritable sponge for knowledge, but never graduated to a Teacher, as many expected, as she was perfectly content to only learn. Besides studying, though, she was one of the finest singers in Ga-Metru, and had experience boating. Over time, Naho’s curiosity to explore other lands became a driving force in her life, but she was reluctant to leave without a friend, and no one she knew was willing to leave Metru Nui. That changed when she met Marn in one of her language classes, and the two quickly bonded. Upon learning about Marn’s own desire to experience other islands, they purchased a boat together, finished up their work in Metru Nui, and sailed off for the Northern Continent. After years of traveling together, the two became Toa after saving a village of Le-Matoran from a Nui Rama swarm. They trained with a Le-Turaga mentor named Exival, but eventually left the village in the care of a Le-Toa in order to continue exploring. They eventually met Kanae, and she joined their band. The three have them have sailed around the Northern and Southern Continents, Stelt, Zakaz, and Xia, protecting Matoran wherever they could.
Personality: Naho is studious, curious, and quick-witted. She enjoys discussion and music, frequently bantering with her siblings when she isn't learning new songs from other lands.
Marn, Toa of Earth: Cleric, Kakama and Quake Hammer with Shield
Design: Black, sand green, and gold. Short with bulky build.
Background: A former Archivist from Onu-Metru, Marn specialized in stories and artifacts from foreign lands. Years of cataloging and recording legends from far away inspired Marn to travel to these places firsthand, but he could never get the funding for it approved by the Chief Archivist, Mamoru. On a whim, Marn decided to enroll in a class on a language from the Northern Continent he had come across in his work, and met Naho as a fellow student. The two hit it off, and after learning of their mutual desire to travel, bought a boat and sailed for the Northern Continent. Marn kept a journal of their adventures, planning on eventually returning it to Metru Nui and adding it to the Archives, but his transformation into a Toa changed his plans. Now, his focus is on protecting the Matoran and preserving their different ways of life.
Personality: Marn is curious, quiet, and self-assured, confident in his abilities and mindful of his limitations. He believes strongly in preserving the past and understanding others, which frequently makes him a mediator in his team.
Kanae, Toa of Plantlife: Druid, Amana (Mask of Healing) and Thorn Sickle
Design: Dark blue, lime green, Mata green, and gold. Small with light build.
Background: Kanae was a Healer from a heavily forested area in the Northern Continent. As a Matoran, she was exemplary for her patience, compassion, and expertise in her craft. When a parasite created by Mutran made its way to her village, Kanae was the first to identify what was diseasing her people and concocted a cure. It worked marvelously, preventing any deaths from a wasting infection, and she was soon able to spread the cure to the rest of the Northern Continent. To honor her achievements, Kanae’s Turaga offered her a Toa Stone, which she accepted. Kanae mainly used her powers over plantlife to ensure prosperity for her people, but as the years passed without a major threat, she began to wonder if her duty required her elsewhere. When Naho and Marn stopped by her village in their travels, she begged to join them, and left with her village’s blessing to help those more in need.
Personality: Kanae is a dedicated, compassionate healer, always seeking to help. She is also fairly quiet, preferring to stay out of the limelight.
Tiro, Toa of Ice: Monk, Calix and Adamant Staff with Rhotuka Launcher
Design: Dark grey, white, and gunmetal grey. Tall with average build.
Background: Tiro comes from the slopes of Mt. Vikhtol within the Southern Continent, which holds the Temple of Destiny. The Temple is one of the holiest places within the SC, containing prophecies and visions of many different Seers. Tiro was a Seer, as well as the Temple’s guardian Toa. She stayed there for millennia, defending the temple from Rahi, as well as Dark Hunters and other brigands who wished to steal the secrets contained within. She has honed her body and her mind almost to perfection, and her Kanohi Calix gives her the edge she needs against any opponent. Her time with the temple ended when she received a vision to seek out the Scholar Mafa in Ankha Nui to help him achieve his destiny. She prepared for her departure by training a successor, and set out to find the Matoran her visions spoke of. Since finding Mafa and helping him become a Toa, she has done her best to train him in wisdom, not just intelligence.
Her Rhotuka has a calming effect on those it hits, sometimes to the point of knocking them out.
Personality: Tiro possesses vast wisdom, which she likes to convey in parables and the occasional riddle. She tends to be quiet, preferring to observe before she acts in any situation, but her devotion to the Great Spirit and the Toa Code are unshakeable.
Kodan, Po-Matoran: Chronicler, Erodo (Mask of Psychometry) and Chronicler’s Staff with Kanoka Disk Launcher
Design: Brown, black, and grey. Metrutoran.
Background: Kodan was a Merchant that traveled between the different Metrus, with a knack for Kanoka disks that led to him- at least he claims- inventing Akilini. His route around Metru Nui brought him in contact with many different walks of life, but one of his favorite places was Onu-Metru, as he found the stories stored within the Archives fascinating. At one point Marn tried to get him to become a junior Archivist, but Kodan decided against it, as he liked the freedom his current job gave him.
Personality: Kodan is friendly and personable, good at putting people at ease to share things with him. He also has a mean competitive streak, as while his invention of Akilini is up for debate, his skill with it is unquestionably high.
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WT 4: Cattle Prod
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Will of the People - dystopian future - directly inspired from Muse's 2022 Album 'Will of the People'. The title is a WIP, but I’m just having fun with a concept for the album.
Summary: On his way into Arena City, Oliver begins to worry about the guards.
Wordcount: 922
Of all things, Oliver was dreading the cattle prods the most. He could handle the heat; the dehydration, and the paranoia that enveloped him the second he stepped across the cemented orange bricks that signified the threshold of the city limits. He could handle the fact that as he traversed the destroyed inner suburbs, he was being watched. Arena City had a circumference that stretched miles - rivalling the long lost London when it was at its greatest - and a perimeter that stretched even further. This was to put eyes on those even daring to near the city walls, forcing them through an intense process via the one road that allowed for direct movement to one of the few liveable places of the country. It functioned as a nuisance for travellers, and an early warning system for potential invasions. 
Oliver's feet barely carried him across the ancient cobbled roads since ruined by oil and debris. His mouth was parched beyond the cracking, sunbleached brick around him, and sweat had since ceased dripping from his forehead. He was running out of time, as was his commune. The People’s District, as they were calling it, relied on him to infiltrate the Arena, and in turn, give them the queue to revolt. If all had gone to plan, their months of preparation getting the word in in the first place would be in place. All he had to do was be the face of a revolution. He only hoped it wasn’t in vain, and the People were having a far better time on their packed trains and intense security than he was traversing miles upon miles of a decemated landscape. 
Fifty degree heat was no joke; not even a giggle as his legs stiffened and his jaw clenched his mouth shut against the dry, stagnant air, as though keeping any remaining moisture in. 
He could be going faster, he knew this, but urgency was overwritten by is hesitance at the fucking cattle prods. Back when he worked for The Man, the prods were a sure-fire way of keeping their cattle in line, and Oliver had been subjected to many unlawful - and frankly unnecessary - uses of it. As a result, the scars on his back itched, and his hands trembled as his jaw tensed beyond the tautness he’d unconsciously kept it at. 
As time passed, and the sun began to set beyond a hazy horizon, the city limits drew into focus. Sandstone walls as thick as ten men with steel doors and a watch consisting of cameras and men slowly morphed into recognition with every painful step. Oliver's only question was why hadn’t they stopped him yet? Was he that unthreatening with the way he swayed and his vision blurred that they’d assumed he’d keel over long before they reached them? Maybe they pictured him collapsing alongside the picked-at bodies he’d seen miles up the road and even further back… he wasn’t sure. The encroaching darkness on his eyes limited all rational thought as his head spun and his knees trembled. 
He blinked once, his eyes dry and stinging with dust as the bandana he'd used on his face had to be used as an impromptu bandage. During yesterday's travel: when scouring old buildings for a stable place to sleep, Oliver was halfway through a broken window when a ceiling tile fell, and startled him through. From the jagged glass, his leg was sliced from knee to ankle, so sacrificing the bandanna as a tourniquet was his best bet at minimizing blood loss, even if it did maximize the chance of an infection. 
Despite his constant movement, the blood had dried as the dust packed the wound where it could. It plastered the fabric of his clothes to his skin, and created an uncomfortable tackiness to his worn boots. 
He blinked once more, willing the black spots to stop swimming across his vision and for his hands to stop shaking. He was successful until the bricks beneath his feet shifted. In the same moment, his knees buckled and he was sure he was dead. 
In hindsight, he wasn’t sure what brought on the early-onset pessimism, but when his head cracked against a rock, he couldn’t help but believe so. 
He awoke to a boot connecting with his injured leg, and a fucking cattle prod to his empty stomach. It was enough to kickstart his heart and resume the tremors in is hands. Ice water followed quickly after - it was a blessing and a curse packaged into a soothing wave hat tore at his blistered skin and open wounds. Still, nothing provoked him to alertness more than he heavily accented: 
“Shock it again.” 
“No!” He jostled, decidedly more alive as his hands tried to find purchase on the jagged rubble. He was rewarded with cut palms and the low, raging late-afternoon sun that took too long to adjust to - all the guards were to him, were blurred shadows. 
“We have a live one.” Said the guard. 
“It’ll make good fodder.” Another agreed. 
“What do you think, boys?” The first said, circling him like a vulture. 
“If he doesn’t want to die, he’ll put up one hell of an entertaining fight for us.”
“All limbs.” Commented a third, caressing Oliver's leg with the barrel of the cattle prod. “It’ll make a great spectacle.”
The first spoke again: “Get the stretcher, A few synthetics and it’ll be good as new. I might even place a few bets.”
“For him?” The second sneered. 
“Hah. Against. Underdogs are always killed by the Demon.”
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strange-nights-rp · 1 year
Meet the Clans - HollowClan
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🌾 Territory
Plains, rolling hills and grasslands. Flowers bloom everywhere during newleaf. The occasional live oak tree dot the landscape. Many ponds are scattered throughout the territory, fed by the overflowing creeks of TimberClan when it rains.
🌾 Camp
Burrow - HollowClan's camp consist of underground tunnels and rooms all linked together. Connecting the outside with the Burrow there's a short and wide tunnel that leads to a large common room where cats mingle and share tongues. To its left and upward there's a passageway to the leader's den, straight ahead sits the nursery and slightly downward to the right, the warriors' den. At the bottom there's the elder's den; right and upward of the common room, after a sharp turn one can find the medicine cat's den and right below it the apprentices' den. Other than the entrance there are three more tunnels, they do not immediately lead outside like the former, but to the intricate underground tunnel system that sits under HollowClan's territory. These tunnels are connected to the leader's, warriors' and the medicine cat's dens.
🌾 Landmarks
Twoleg Tower - An abandoned firewatch tower near camp, often used as a lookout point. During the first night after apprentices end their training and have recieved their warrior names they're tasked with standing guard and keep watch atop the tower until dawn as a rite of passage.
Burning Tree - A large cottonwood tree that caught on fire after being struck by lightning.
Horse Place - A small farm where horses are stabled for the nearby campsite, has a garden with many useful herbs. Non-clan cats can often be spotted there.
🌾 Weather
Usually warm and rainy in Newleaf, warm and cloudy in Greenleaf, cool and sometimes rainy in Leaf-fall, and cold in Leaf-bare.
🌾 Governmment
Traditionally leadership in HollowClan is passed down from parent to child. If the leader has more than one offspring and two or more wish to lead, the choice of best candidate is left to the rest of the clan by means of voting.
If the leader doesn't have any offsprings the moment they have to appoint a deputy, the choice again reverts back to the clan. Any cat who's at least had one apprentice may candidate themself. If more than three cats run for the position, then HollowClan's healer and leader choose the three most fitting cats and the whole clan votes.
🌾 Fauna
Prey - Snipe, pheasant, burrowing owl, great prairie chicken, ground squirrel, field mouse, pygmy rabbit, vole, lizard, frog, and the occasional creek and pond fish, such as orange-spotted sunfish, stoneroller and redbelly dace.
Predators - Fox, owl, hawk, eagle, rattlesnake, badger, coyote (rarely).
Other animals - Prairie dog (sacred, forbidden to kill or eat), deer, raven, crow, and the occasional horse or dog from the Horse Place.
🌾 Holidays
Prairie Dog Day - This festivity takes place at the start of Newleaf. Prairie dogs do not hibernate, but during Leaf-bare they stay in their burrows and enter a state that allows their bodies' system to slow down. When Newleaf is about to begin praire dogs leave their burrows and start mingling about in the drying grassland. The day after most prairie dogs wake up is considered Praire Dog Day. Every cat takes the day off to celebrate the end of the cold season, and they may give their rodent neighbors small "welcome back" gifts such as insect, and dry or fresh grass.
Midsummer - Held a couple of days after Summer Solstice, this festivity celebrates the arrival of Greenleaf and the season of fertility. Taking place during one of the longest day of Greenleaf, HollowClan cats wake up at dawn and stay up until dusk to watch the start and end of the day, and during both moments a feast is held. Throughout the day cats pick flowers and style them in their furs into elaborate decorations. Games are also arrenged; the most common is a version of tag that involves swimming, tunneling and running. Apprentices often play with prairie dogs as well.
🌾 Specialized Role
Tunnelers - HollowClan's cats should all be well-acquainted with the craft of tunneling, be it navigating tunnels or using them during hunts, all apprentices are taught the basics of tunneling during their training. But only a pawful of warriors decide to specialize in the field and become experienced workers tasked with mapping, maintaining and digging tunnels. Tunnellers also specialize in hunting underground.
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nvrcmplt · 2 years
Sunflower Community Centre
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Sunflower Centre: What they do --- what the social centre provides for those within its walls, is the chance to learn and how to adapt. Depending on the age they are; the workers can and will help with any and every day tasks. Below are some of the services the workers provide without any outside help.
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Household - for teenagers / young adults
Cleaning with the correct bleaches and chemical solutions.
Laundry / Tumble drying machine usage.
Scheduling their days with various activities and acts they wish to do
Medication Schedules - a lot easier for those with multiple types.
Verbal Communication skills & Written Communication skills.
Technology lessons eg; Computers, Phones, Tablets - anything electronic. ( This also includes Safety on the Internet. )
Taxes and Money Keeping / Saving / Spending tips and tricks.
Mental Illness discussions. ( They can do their best to listen; but to give advice or if asked to bring in help; they are 110% on your side for calling someone in to talk to. )
Interview techniques, CV writing, Job applications, Benefits Applications.
Household - for children
Basics of Math, English and Arts & Crafts
Homework help.
Technology ( Including Safety on the internet. )
Chore help. ( With small reward systems to keep them going. )
Playtime scheduling / Chore scheduling.
Bargaining nap times and sleeping curfews.
Daily Tasks - Outside etiquette
Using bus, train, taxi and/or any other public transport with confidence.
Shopping etiquette, money handling in stores / in public eye, using card instead of cash.
Exercise overall. ( Walks, charity runs, car boot sales. )
Panic attack self-help ( A worker will always be at their side; however, they aren’t going to be forever, so in order to ween them from relying on someone 24/7. The worker will give them ten-fifteen minutes to sit in a café on their own, to shop on their own, and to brave a few minutes of their own time and self. If a panic attack occurs, they are to try and practice methods of breathing, seeking a moment of their self and explaining their condition the best they can without the Worker stepping on in. However, the worker will know instantly if their person is finding it too hard and will step in to help them out instantly. )
Social Anxiety trials ( Walking / shopping / going to eat with their worker in public areas. During, mornings, afternoons and evenings. Attending small social events and leading up to bigger and bolder events. Slowly again weening off the 24/7 worker. )
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--- another service the centre provide is a free of charge aid to those who need a professional to come and talk too. the centre is more than happy to bring someone in or recommend someone to visit in a doctors or gp office. all sessions can be within a group or one-to-one, and will be confidential unless you don’t want that. some services are listed below:
With professional help - aka outsourced - for all ages.
Diet balancing - a nutritionist will visit every few months to help with those with either eating disorders, questions and the obese / anorexic.
Understanding the human body. ( Important talks about Puberty and Changes to the body. These talks can be separated by sex and taught by a Male or Female worker, or can be in one group with two teachers. It is wholeheartedly up to the children that want to know what’s going on with their bodies and they can ask questions. These sessions will always have a Doctor on hand, however. )
Street and Online safety talks with Police Officers.
Emergency talks with Fire and Ambulance staff members.
Ambulance staff will also teach them how to help fellow friends in the centre; in any case; slipping in the shower, hitting one's head, an epileptic fit, disassociating — how to move them into recovery positions, how to keep one's head still, how to check for a pulse - etc etc.
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Muses that work here : Julian ( Inherited Owner of SCC ) Shane ( Employee, Qualified Home Nurse ) Noah ( Employee, Front Desk Secretary ) Hanazaki ( Employee, Fitness Group ) Fleur ( Employee, Nursery Teacher ) Toby ( Employee, Nursery Teacher )
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idkhaylijah · 15 days
Comprehensive Solutions by a Home Repair Company in California
When it comes to home repair, finding a trustworthy and reliable home repair company in California is crucial. Whether you’re dealing with minor fixes or major renovations, having a dependable team can save you time, money, and stress. From plumbing and electrical issues to structural repairs and roofing, California’s home repair companies offer a wide range of services. These experts ensure that your home is safe, functional, and aesthetically pleasing. In a state like California, with its varied climates and environmental challenges, home repairs often extend beyond cosmetic fixes. Earthquake retrofitting, energy-efficient upgrades, and water damage repairs are just a few of the unique services a home repair company in California can provide. They are equipped to handle everything from small residential projects to large-scale renovations, making them essential partners for homeowners. The best companies also offer emergency services, ensuring that critical issues are addressed swiftly to prevent further damage. Working with a professional home repair company in California guarantees high-quality workmanship backed by experience and industry standards. Whether it’s updating an old kitchen or repairing structural damage, these companies have the tools, expertise, and licenses to get the job done right.
Plumbing Repairs by a Home Repair Company in California
A top home repair company in California will address plumbing issues, including leaky faucets, burst pipes, and sewer line problems. Their experienced plumbers can quickly diagnose and fix problems, preventing costly water damage. Reliable companies also offer preventive maintenance services, ensuring that your plumbing systems remain in peak condition throughout the year.
Electrical Fixes by a Home Repair Company in California
Electrical issues are a common concern for homeowners. A professional home repair company in California can handle tasks such as rewiring, circuit breaker replacements, and lighting installation. Their trained electricians ensure that all work is up to code, reducing the risk of fire or electrical hazards.
Roofing Services by a Home Repair Company in California
The roof is one of the most critical components of a home. Whether it’s repairing leaks or replacing an entire roof, a home repair company in California can offer comprehensive roofing services. They use durable materials suited to California’s climate, ensuring long-lasting protection for your home.
HVAC Maintenance by a Home Repair Company in California
Your heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems need regular maintenance to function properly. A home repair company in California can inspect, clean, and repair your HVAC units, ensuring optimal performance and energy efficiency. Their technicians are trained to handle everything from minor repairs to full system replacements.
Flooring Installation by a Home Repair Company in California
Updating the floors can dramatically change the look and feel of your home. Whether you prefer hardwood, tile, or carpet, a home repair company in California can install or repair flooring with precision. They provide a range of materials and designs that complement your home’s style.
Painting Services by a Home Repair Company in California
Fresh paint can revitalize any space. A home repair company in California offers both interior and exterior painting services, ensuring a flawless finish. They use high-quality paints that withstand California’s diverse climate, from the dry heat to coastal humidity.
Earthquake Retrofitting by a Home Repair Company in California
California’s seismic activity makes earthquake retrofitting a vital service. A specialized home repair company in California can assess your home’s vulnerability and reinforce its foundation to withstand tremors, protecting your investment and ensuring safety.
Working with a professional home repair company in California ensures that your home remains in excellent condition, no matter the size of the project. From emergency repairs to planned renovations, these companies provide reliable services that enhance your property’s value and comfort. By partnering with experts who understand the unique challenges of California homes, you can feel confident that your home is in safe hands.
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chardryervent5 · 29 days
Charleston Dryer Vent Cleaning
The Essential Guide to Charleston Dryer Vent Cleaning Introduction In Charleston, where humidity can be a constant companion, dryer vent maintenance is crucial for homeowners. Many people overlook this essential task, but cleaning dryer vents is not just a matter of convenience; it's a vital step for ensuring home safety and appliance efficiency. This article will delve into why dryer vent cleaning is crucial, how it benefits you, and why it’s essential to hire a professional service in Charleston. The Importance of Dryer Vent Cleaning Dryer vents are often out of sight and out of mind, but their role is critical in the safe and efficient operation of your dryer. Over time, lint and debris accumulate in the vent, which can cause several problems. One of the most significant issues is the risk of a fire. According to the U.S. Fire Administration, dryer fires are a common hazard in homes, often caused by lint build-up. This flammable material can ignite due to the high temperatures inside the dryer, leading to potentially devastating fires. Another issue related to dirty dryer vents is decreased efficiency. When the vent is clogged, your dryer has to work harder to dry your clothes, which can increase energy consumption and utility bills. It can also lead to more wear and tear on the appliance, shortening its lifespan. How Dryer Vent Cleaning Works Dryer vent cleaning involves removing the lint and debris that accumulate in the venting system. This process typically includes several steps:
Inspection: A professional will first inspect the dryer vent system to assess the level of clogging and determine the best cleaning method. This might involve using specialized tools such as cameras to look inside the vent.
Cleaning: Using a combination of brushes, vacuums, and other tools, the technician will clean out the lint and debris from the vent. This process ensures that the entire venting system is free from blockages.
Testing: After cleaning, the technician will test the dryer to ensure that it is operating efficiently and that the vent is properly connected and functioning. Benefits of Professional Dryer Vent Cleaning While some homeowners may attempt to clean their dryer vents themselves, hiring a professional offers several advantages:
Thorough Cleaning: Professionals have access to specialized tools and equipment that can thoroughly clean the venting system. This ensures that all debris is removed, reducing the risk of future blockages.
Expertise: Trained technicians have the expertise to identify potential issues that may not be obvious to the average homeowner. They can spot problems such as improper venting or damage that could affect your dryer’s performance.
Safety: Professional services follow safety protocols to ensure that the cleaning process is conducted safely and effectively. They also take care to check for any potential hazards, such as mold growth, which can be exacerbated by blocked vents.
Efficiency: A professional cleaning can improve the efficiency of your dryer, leading to faster drying times and lower energy bills. This not only saves money but also extends the lifespan of your appliance. Why Charleston Residents Should Prioritize Dryer Vent Cleaning Charleston’s unique climate, characterized by high humidity and frequent rainfall, can exacerbate the issues associated with clogged dryer vents. The increased moisture in the air can cause lint to become more compacted, leading to faster accumulation and more severe blockages. This makes regular dryer vent cleaning even more essential for Charleston residents. Moreover, Charleston is a city known for its historic homes and charming architecture. Many of these homes have older dryer vent systems that may not be as efficient or safe as modern systems. Regular professional cleaning is particularly important for these older systems to ensure they are functioning safely and effectively. When to Schedule Dryer Vent Cleaning It’s generally recommended to have your dryer vents cleaned at least once a year. However, there are certain signs that indicate it might be time for a cleaning sooner. These signs include: • Longer Drying Times: If you notice that your dryer is taking longer than usual to dry clothes, it could be a sign of a clogged vent. • Hot Dryer or Clothes: If your dryer or clothes are unusually hot after a drying cycle, this could indicate poor airflow due to a blocked vent. • Burning Smell: A burning smell when the dryer is running is a serious warning sign that lint is accumulating and potentially causing a fire hazard. • Visible Lint Around the Dryer: If you see lint around the dryer or on the floor near the vent, this may be a sign of a clog. Choosing the Right Dryer Vent Cleaning Service in Charleston When selecting a dryer vent cleaning service in Charleston, consider the following factors:
Reputation: Look for companies with positive reviews and a strong reputation for quality service. Recommendations from friends and family can also be valuable.
Experience: Choose a company with experience in dryer vent cleaning. Experienced technicians will be more likely to handle any issues that arise during the cleaning process effectively.
Certification: Ensure that the company is certified and follows industry standards. Certifications can indicate that the company adheres to best practices in dryer vent cleaning.
Pricing: While cost shouldn’t be the only factor, it’s important to get quotes from multiple companies to ensure you’re getting a fair price for the service. Conclusion Dryer vent cleaning is a crucial maintenance task that should not be overlooked. In Charleston, where the climate can exacerbate issues with dryer vents, regular professional cleaning is essential for ensuring safety, efficiency, and the longevity of your appliance. By understanding the importance of dryer vent cleaning and choosing a reputable service, you can protect your home from fire hazards, save on energy costs, and keep your dryer running smoothly. Make dryer vent cleaning a priority and enjoy the peace of mind that comes with knowing your home is safer and your appliance is more efficient.
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Dryer Vent Cleaning: Don't Let Lint Become a Menace
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Dryer Vent Cleaning: A Breath of Fresh Air for Your Home
Why Dryer Vent Cleaning Matters
You've probably heard the old adage, "Out of sight, out of mind." Well, when it comes to your dryer vent, that's the worst possible approach. While it's tucked away, out of view, it's a hardworking component that deserves your attention.
Lint, that soft, fluffy stuff that clogs your dryer lint trap, is also building up inside your dryer vent. Over time, this lint accumulation becomes a fire hazard. It can also drastically reduce your dryer's efficiency, making your clothes take longer to dry and increasing your energy bills.
But the dangers don't stop there. A clogged dryer vent can trap moisture, creating a breeding ground for mold and mildew. These unwelcome guests can trigger allergies and respiratory problems.
So, is it starting to sound like dryer vent cleaning isn't just a good idea, but a necessity? You betcha.
Signs Your Dryer Vent Needs Cleaning
How do you know if your dryer vent is crying out for a good scrub? There are a few telltale signs:
Clothes take forever to dry: If your drying time has doubled or tripled, it's a strong indication of a clogged vent.
Exhaust heat is minimal: Feel the air coming out of your dryer vent. If it's barely warm, there's a problem.
Lint buildup around the dryer: Lint accumulating around the dryer is a clear sign of a blockage.
Strange odors: A burning smell coming from your dryer is a red flag. It could be a sign of overheating due to a clogged vent.
DIY Dryer Vent Cleaning: A Risky Proposition
You might be tempted to tackle Dryer Vent Cleaning yourself. After all, it can't be that hard, right? Wrong.
Cleaning a dryer vent requires specialized tools and knowledge. It involves crawling into tight spaces, potentially dealing with sharp edges, and maneuvering long, awkward brushes. One wrong move, and you could damage your ductwork or even injure yourself.
Not to mention, you might not be able to reach all the nooks and crannies. A professional dryer vent cleaning service has the equipment and expertise to ensure a thorough job.
Professional Dryer Vent Cleaning: Your Best Bet
Hiring a professional dryer vent cleaning service is like investing in peace of mind. These experts have the tools, training, and experience to get the job done right.
They'll inspect your entire dryer vent system, from the dryer itself to the exterior vent. They'll remove all the lint and debris, and they'll make sure your dryer is operating efficiently.
Plus, many professionals offer dryer vent cleaning as part of a comprehensive home maintenance package. This can save you time and money in the long run.
How Often Should You Clean Your Dryer Vent?
The frequency of dryer vent cleaning depends on several factors, including the size of your household, the number of loads you do, and the type of fabric you're drying.
As a general rule of thumb, it's a good idea to have your dryer vent cleaned at least once a year. If you have a large family or dry a lot of clothes, you may need to do it more often.
The Bottom Line
Dryer vent cleaning is often overlooked, but it's a crucial part of home maintenance. By investing in professional dryer vent cleaning, you're protecting your home, your family, and your wallet.
So, don't wait until disaster strikes. Schedule a dryer vent cleaning today and enjoy the peace of mind that comes with knowing your home is safe and your dryer is operating at peak efficiency.
Your dryer will thank you. Your clothes will thank you. And most importantly, your family will thank you.
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Restoring Your Home After Water Damage: Why Bernhardt Restoration is the Best Choice
Water damage can be a homeowner's worst nightmare, leading to significant stress, costly repairs, and potential long-term issues if not addressed promptly and correctly. Whether due to a burst pipe, severe weather, or an appliance malfunction, water can wreak havoc on your property in no time. The key to mitigating this damage is quick, expert intervention. That’s where Bernhardt Restoration comes in. Specializing in prompt and dependable water damage restoration services, Bernhardt Restoration Jupiter FL ensures your home is restored with the utmost care and expertise.
Understanding Water Damage and Its Consequences
Water damage is more than just an inconvenience; it can lead to serious structural and health issues if not properly handled. Here’s a closer look at what makes water damage so problematic:
Structural Integrity: Water can weaken the structure of your home by seeping into walls, floors, and foundations. Over time, this can compromise the safety of the building, leading to costly repairs or even the need for complete reconstruction.
Mold Growth: One of the most dangerous consequences of water damage is the potential for mold growth. Mold can start to develop within 24-48 hours of water exposure, and it can spread rapidly throughout your home. Mold not only damages your property but can also cause serious health issues, including respiratory problems and allergic reactions.
Electrical Hazards: Water and electricity are a deadly combination. Water can cause short circuits, electrical fires, and even electrocution if it comes into contact with wiring or appliances. Ensuring that your home’s electrical system is safe after water damage is crucial.
Health Risks: Water damage can introduce harmful bacteria and pathogens into your home, especially if the water comes from a contaminated source. This can lead to a host of health issues, including gastrointestinal infections and skin irritations.
The Importance of Prompt Water Damage Restoration
When it comes to water damage, time is of the essence. The longer water is allowed to sit, the more extensive the damage will be. This is why it’s critical to contact a professional restoration service like Bernhardt Restoration as soon as possible. Immediate action can prevent further damage, reduce the cost of repairs, and minimize the disruption to your life.
Why Choose Bernhardt Restoration?
Choosing the right company to handle your water damage restoration is essential to ensuring your home is restored to its pre-damage condition. Here’s why Bernhardt Restoration should be your go-to choice:
Rapid Response: Bernhardt Restoration understands the urgency of water damage situations. That’s why they offer a rapid response service, ensuring that a team of professionals arrives at your property quickly to assess the situation and begin the restoration process.
Expert Technicians: The team at Bernhardt Restoration consists of highly trained and certified technicians who have extensive experience in dealing with all types of water damage. They use state-of-the-art equipment and techniques to ensure that your home is thoroughly dried, cleaned, and restored.
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Comprehensive Services: Bernhardt Restoration offers a full range of water damage restoration services, from water extraction and drying to mold remediation and structural repairs. They handle every aspect of the restoration process, so you don’t have to worry about coordinating with multiple contractors.
Attention to Detail: Water damage restoration requires meticulous attention to detail to ensure that no moisture is left behind and that your home is completely safe. Bernhardt Restoration’s team is known for their thoroughness and commitment to quality, ensuring that every nook and cranny is properly addressed.
Customer Satisfaction: Bernhardt Restoration prides itself on its customer service. They work closely with homeowners throughout the restoration process, providing regular updates and addressing any concerns. Their goal is to make the restoration process as smooth and stress-free as possible.
Insurance Assistance: Dealing with insurance companies can be overwhelming, especially in the aftermath of a disaster. Bernhardt Restoration offers assistance with insurance claims, helping you navigate the process and ensuring that you receive the coverage you’re entitled to.
Steps in the Water Damage Restoration Process
Understanding what to expect during the water damage restoration process can help ease some of the stress associated with it. Here’s a brief overview of the steps Bernhardt Restoration takes to restore your home:
Inspection and Assessment: The first step is a thorough inspection to assess the extent of the damage. This includes checking for hidden moisture, evaluating the condition of your property, and determining the best course of action.
Water Extraction: The next step is to remove any standing water from your home. Bernhardt Restoration Jupiter FL uses powerful pumps and vacuums to quickly extract water from affected areas.
Drying and Dehumidification: Once the water is removed, the drying process begins. Industrial-grade dehumidifiers and air movers are used to dry out walls, floors, and other structures.
Cleaning and Sanitizing: All affected areas and belongings are thoroughly cleaned and sanitized to remove any harmful bacteria or mold spores.
Restoration and Repairs: The final step is to repair any damage and restore your home to its pre-damage condition. This may include replacing drywall, flooring, and other materials, as well as repainting and refinishing surfaces.
Water damage is a serious issue that requires prompt and professional intervention. By contacting Bernhardt Restoration, you can rest assured that your home will be restored with care, expertise, and attention to detail. Don’t let water damage compromise the safety and comfort of your home—reach out to Bernhardt Restoration today for reliable, comprehensive restoration services.
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contentcouture · 1 month
Top 5 Tips for Electrical Safety at Home: CSK Electric Recommendations
Want to make your home a safe haven for your family? You might be looking for the best ways to achieve electric safety at home. CSK Electric recommends essential safety tips like not overloading electrical outlets and unplugging appliances when they are not in use to prevent mishaps and electrical accidents.
Keep Water Away from Electrical Appliances
Electricity and water can make things worse even before you can notice. Water is a good conductor of electricity and that means if you have water on you then can easily catch an electrical shock. You should also consider keeping water away from electrical appliances, switches, power outlets, etc. You can keep your hands and feet dry when you are using an electric appliance to avoid such scenarios.
Don’t Overload Electrical Outlets
Electrical outlets should not be overloaded. Overloaded electrical outlets might cause electrical shocks or fire. You should not use multiple power strips for this reason. Stick to using a power strip that comes with built-in surge protection. Unplug appliances when they are not being used. You should also avoid using extension cords for extensive periods as they are not designed for continuous use.
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Keep A Check On Electrical Plugs and Cords
Electrical plugs and cords can wear out after some years. One of the common signs that an electrical plug or cord has worn out is when you find loose connections and frayed cords. You should stop using any damaged electrical cord or electrical plug immediately. Overheating of an electrical plug or electrical cord should also be taken care of.
Unplug Appliances When Not in Use
People who care about their family should take a step towards ensuring electrical safety in their home by unplugging appliances when they are not in use. Outlets can end up overheating and leading to destruction of the outlet or your entire electrical system. Unplugging appliances when they are not in use is a useful starting point towards ensuring safety of your home and electrical appliances.
Always Hire Electrical Professionals
Dealing with electricity is not everyone’s job. Attempting to fix an electrical fault on your own can be a foolish decision with irreversible consequences. You must have essential electrical training as well as equipment if you want to handle electrical emergencies. This is why you should always hire electrical professionals like Coquitlam electrician to fix or install electrical appliances and electrical systems in your home. Electrical professionals can ensure the highest level of safety while handling electrical emergencies and electrical faults at your home.
To summarize, maintaining electrical safety at your home is key to enjoying a peaceful life. Electrical professionals, CSK Electric recommends following essential safety tips like keeping water away from electrical appliances and always hiring electrical professionals for electrical system faults immediately before things get out of your hands.
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