#« ( Hanazaki ) » HC.
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hxroccmplexarchived · 4 years ago
i love the parallels of tarek bc he’s an ass to literally everyone but once those Specific People come into play he’s a doting househusband  
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hxroccmplex-archived · 6 years ago
Hanazak eating out Tarek for the first time and his tongue gets tongued back almost and he is just: !!!!?????♥♥♥ and just doesn't stop cause he can't explain how hot it is, for one, then also how good it feels to make Tarek this wet. Also, picture, Hanazaki on his back, holding Tarek up on his face whilst Kian goes to town on his dick in anyway they desire and Hanazaki's just in bliss, his tics almost non-existent in that moment cause he is supreme concentrating on making his boys feel good.
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    The fact that Hanazaki isn’t alarmed by the tentacles fills Tarek with both relief and immense joy. They circle his tongue, drag across his pallet, mimic Hanazaki’s own movements and the moment Tarek realizes how into it Hanazaki is, is when he’s more vocal. He’ll moan, gasp, beg Hanazaki not to stop even when his cum has stained the bed sheets. It’s the wettest he’s ever gotten, the most he’s ever orgasmed, and Hanazaki’s going to have tiny galaxies dripping down his chin and on his tongue by the time Tarek can’t take anymore of it. He’ll thread his fingers through his hair, roll his hips up into the mouth pleasuring him, and it’ll take hours for his self-lubrication to stop coating his thighs afterwards. It’s after this that the tentacles inside his body know when Hanazaki’s near, because they begin to coil and uncoil inside of him; Excited by Hanazaki’s presence. 
Kian loves seeing both Tarek and Hanazaki feel good. And while Hanazaki works Tarek with his tongue, the alien grinding his clit against Hanazaki’s mouth; Kian is teasingly slow settling down on Hanazaki’s dick. He doesn’t take him to the hilt just yet, he wants to see Hanazaki groan up into Tarek’s pussy before he meets his hips with Hanazaki’s own. It isn’t until he finally caves into his own pleasure does he ride Hanazaki with desperation. Kian’s a little more selfish than Tarek, he wants to cum first before he focuses on Hanazaki’s own release but to make up for it, Kian doesn’t stop bouncing on his cock until Hanazaki’s done pouring every last drop inside him. 
After, both boys cuddle up with him, tell him how great his is and give him kisses! they love drenching Hanazaki with affection after sex, and they all take a moment to catch their breath, look on their phones to check for any missed texts or calls, maybe a shared shower- until Tarek wants a round on Hanazaki’s dick too. 
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nvrcmplt · 1 year ago
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Hanazaki Ieji
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nvrcmplt · 1 year ago
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Abs Off
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nvrcmplt · 8 months ago
Think a lot my muses sleep openly with others to feel self worth, to feel wanted by their partners of choice. Though it seems on the outside they are out there, happy to be fucked into the mattress for hours, it's for the results of a hollow mindset of not being wanted enough all of a sudden.
Some of my muses use sex in that method of self-reaffirming that their partners do lover them. The physical aspect of wanting to be touched and have sex with little provocation or it. 'They still have it' that aura of being 'sexy to look at in any position'.
EG :: Doumeki
Some of them use it as a method to stop thinking about anything and just get their rocks off to suffer the post-nut clarity of dumb thoughts. Sex is the direct numbing they need to shut their heads up.
EG :: Hanazaki
And the last group fuck because it's the only way they know how to communicate to their partners they need someone else's touch. These are the muses that love being told they are smitten to pillow talk / ownership like talks during the deed. Verbal conformation from their partners they are wanted and loved.
EG :: Tyler
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nvrcmplt · 10 months ago
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Pros of dating Hanazaki ;; 98797x topless selfies.
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nvrcmplt · 10 months ago
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Another gift for Hanazaki is something that's been unknown in his family for generations. There is no record nor family secret that's been passed down, but the Hanazaki bloodline, is no stranger to the supernatural. Hanazaki is human, through and through - however, his bloodline is blessed with the nullifying ability of Magic Negation. Immunity to all types of Magics.
This, is mostly unheard of by many magic users. A rarity beyond rare.
However, Hanazaki doesn't know he has it all. Tyler knows, he doesn't say anything however because Hanazaki's not about that life, so why make him think about something he doesn't ever need to think about?
Hanazaki is a walking beacon of godly protection against magic and thus, nothing - no hex, no curse, no illusion, nothing's can effect or work with him. This includes mind tricks, sensory changes made around him e.g.; he'll see through disguising magics, illusionary walls / doors / items invisible - etc. He is a walking menace and crux to magic folks - however… He has no interest in the Witchcraft life.
He just wants to lift weights and make friends. Tyler's the one that's all about the abra kadabra shit.
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nvrcmplt · 1 year ago
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hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh iloveyou
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nvrcmplt · 1 year ago
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nvrcmplt · 1 year ago
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Ieji Selfies 101.
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nvrcmplt · 1 year ago
Mrs Hanazaki, used to be Mr Hanazaki.
They transitioned with full surgery near the mark of 42. Ieji was already a teenager at this point due to being an accidental pregnancy that landed in his ( Fathers lap ) at the time, taking the responsibility from his Birth Mother. It was a forced relationship between families that didn't meet to any standards outside a child being born out of wedlock and natural love. Hanae denied himself everything to appear normal for the world… but that's not how the world works any more.
Hanazaki Hanae, didn't know what to do with himself and his child, as a man. Never really fully coming to terms in what or who they were in a country that denied him everything to find out. So, he winged it. He took his role and flipped it because that wasn't who she was. Hanae, didn't need to change her name, as it was already rather feminine, but she did change her wardrobe.
Safely and secretly wearing woman's clothing and feeling herself be free - she carried her child with her everywhere, treated him as everything beautiful and grand under the sun - like any mother would. Hanae didn't date, didn't seek relationships outside neighbourly duties, and he was Hanae-san ( masculine ) when Ieji was outside with him, but indoors, she was Hanae-okaa-san at home. Ieji learnt quickly that it was his norm - when Ieji was old enough, Hanae didn't hide who she was from his son's questions, answering everything with them and for them to the best of her ability.
It was when Ieji was around 18 that Hanae ( 42 ) went overseas for a full surgery. Top and bottom, to finally be in the body she knew she was to be born in if she could be reborn.
It's been around 18 years since that, now at a beautiful aged 60 - Hanae thrives in her pretty dresses, motherly duties and even gained herself a husband - from 52, a calm and wholesome 8 years of happy marriage.
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nvrcmplt · 1 year ago
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Gold Eyes x not Red
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nvrcmplt · 1 year ago
Hanazaki & Tourette's
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Hanazaki suffers from Tourette's. He was diagnosed with his parents help at the age of 5; when he suddenly labelled off his friends then teachers names during a school assembly when he was standing before the class to recite a poem he wrote. He managed to do it in the end with a little coaxing from the teachers, and it was the clear indicator that Hanazaki needed a hand. His teacher spoke to his parents; praising him on his work but also giving them a heads-up that Hanazaki may need a professional opinion upon his listing habit and to check out if he had a cold when Hanazaki cleared his throat rather roughly after the assembly.
The Doctor’s also concluded his listing off items / things / people in front of him was a small strain of OCD and Hanazaki never felt so complete to know what was wrong with him - when he was old enough to understand Doctor lingo.
His parents are very supportive of him, accommodating to his tics and noises, even joining when the boy is in a stressful situation that made him smile all the time when his Mom helped him label off fruits and vegetables he didn’t know on passing. He also loves it when his Dad hands him instruments like tambourines or rainmakers to occupy his clicking fingers to shake and listen to when he needs a little bubble for himself.
He was given a small set of tablets to use when the stress became too much; and he still has them now, however; he rarely uses them because he is always good at getting himself out of his stressful bubbles with humming his Mom’s favourite song and covering his ears in a quiet area.
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The current noted physical tics under normal circumstances are;
Clicking his fingers [ As many times as he needs it to be. ]
Slapping his thigh [ Once to ‘finish’ his tics. ]
Blinking hard usually twice in a row
Licking his lips repeatedly
When stress is involved, he slaps his palm against his forehead; he tells his therapist it’s because he wants it to stop; so he tries to hit his brain because he knows that’s what’s making him fuck up.
Though it causes him to be physically stopped by others if he hits himself too much.
Vocal Tics;
Clearing his throat even though he doesn’t need too.
Shouting out what he sees in front of him; labelling it off like it is a shopping list.
Whistling - Short and quick toots.
Humming when he speaks. [ Gets worse with stressful situations. ]
His tics can change over time / throughout his life, however these listed are more of a stable, forever tics that he has had since a child.
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nvrcmplt · 1 year ago
Hanazaki’s vocal tics are more noticeable when he has to:
A) Speak for a long time / reading out loud or a long reply
B) When he isn’t sure of the answer / topic he is talking about
C) Nervous / Put on the spot
D) Is stressed and/or crying
Humming often breaks up the sentence not only in his vocal but in his mind; a hiccup of thought. He described the feeling to his GP and therapist, that it kind of like the TV. A program could be one, but an advert cuts the movie in half and starts playing.instead.
Repeating a word is to do with a part of his OCD tendencies; it’ll be random when it strikes; but his mind tells him to repeat that word; two more times after speaking it once. [ that-that-that / He-He-He ] He had tried to not do it a lot as a child; but the feeling that something was missing always made him feel paranoid and in turn; he did it whenever he could. If stopped mid-repeating, he’ll feel panicked, and do it anyway; louder and more times; until it ‘feels’ right in his mind.
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Things people can do to help Hanazaki through his tics:
Not notice them; don’t point them out because he knows; he grew up with them.
Help him through the tougher spots when speaking; coax him with words and small replies to jog his memory and to allow his focus to remain on you and not the surroundings.
When stressed, DO NOT TOUCH HIM; he will swing, his physical tics will be on overdrive. Instead, coax him to sit in a safe space and let him get the feelings wash over him. Taking him out of public eye is the best bet to help him focus on himself and the surrounding space.
Hand him a STEM toy; the more twisty and click-y things on it; the better.
Call his Parents when it’s beyond his control; he’ll tell you when to call them. Hanazaki just knows that it’s too much, and his Parents know what to do to calm him down without worrying of hurting him or making things worse.
Hanazaki has a chart in his room and on the family kitchen’s fridge; that’s labelled with colours, numbers and face expression magnets. It was a part of his self-care and agreement to use non-verbal cues to help his parents understand what he was going through if his voice or words didn’t work out right.
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nvrcmplt · 1 year ago
Hanazaki’s medication :: [ Source ]
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fluphenazine & pimozide
( not a double dose; these are the drugs he can take; if he runs out of the drugs given to him at his local hospital. Fluphenazine; is his prescript-ed medication, however. )
What it does: Lessens / Blocks dopamine in the system.
What does it do for Hanazaki: Helps him control his more volatile tics.
Side effects: Weight Gain & Involuntary repetitive movements.
adhd medication - concerta
What it does: Aids Methylphenidate in the body to help increase attention and concentration.
What does it do for Hanazaki: Allows him to sit in his university classes without missing a thing due to his tics taking over. He doesn’t use this tablet every day but it at least once a week to help himself out during stressful times.
Side effects: Some ADHD medication can exacerbate his tics. So far, this one hasn’t made them any more worse than they are.
antidepressant - sarafem
What it does: Help control symptoms of sadness, anxiety and OCD
What it does for Hanazaki: Settles him down very fast; though he doesn’t like these meds since he feels very - hollow - after taking them. However, it is one of the best medications to give him when his system is near overdrive in outside stimulation and his tics are in control from other medication. These are the days when Hanazaki is very low; in his head and making things mentally worse for himself. Blaming himself for things in the past.
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Hanazaki used to have; clonifine ( catapres ) though it usually treats high blood pressure; it also helps him have impulse control; however, the drug made him exhausted to the point he’d be asleep in a matter of hours after taking the pill. His parents and doctor deemed it an unnecessary drug to take; so he moved Ieji off the drug within the last few months.
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Even though Hanazaki is on medication; it is his last resort. Having grown with those drugs are a child and now an adult; he has seen a huge difference in his symptoms. It was in a recent discussion with his GP and Therapist that he quits the medication. Feeling like he is becoming too dependent on them and out of fearing the worst; ‘of not ever being able to give them up to feel normal in society’, his GP and Therapist are currently looking into the possibility.
The worst that Hanazaki could go through is; withdraw symptoms from the medication he takes the other, Hanazaki’s tics come back worse. However, knowing of Hanazaki’s lifestyle, family support and current goal in life; they believe Hanazaki has a good chance of becoming medication independent; in terms that Hanazaki knows what to take when he needs to take it and not; take it when the clock strikes a certain hour.
Hanazaki will be reviewed again in a mouth; before he will take on the trial of not having to take medication for his Tourette. A trial period of two months; will be given to him, once his GP and Therapist sort things out on their end.
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nvrcmplt · 1 year ago
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Hanazaki can and will make his tiddies bounce with no hands.
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