#best dermatologists
healthbay-dubai · 6 months
Tips and Advice from Dermatologists in Dubai for Maintaining Healthy Skin
Transform your skincare routine with insights from HealthBay, Dubai's trusted Dermatologist. Discover the significance of hydration, sun care, and mindful lifestyle choices in nurturing healthy, radiant skin. With our expert tips, backed by years of experience and expertise, you can unlock the secrets to a complexion that glows with vitality and confidence.
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ganitsoni9951 · 10 months
Radiant Beauty Unveiled: Dr. Venus's Journey as the Face of a Famous Skin and Hair Clinic in Hyderabad
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In the heart of Hyderabad, where beauty meets expertise, Dr. Venus has emerged as a renowned figure in the skincare and haircare realm. This blog post delves into the transformative journey of Dr. Venus as the face of a famous skin and hair clinic in Hyderabad, showcasing the unparalleled experiences and exceptional results that have made the clinic a household name.
The Essence of Hyderabad's Beauty Scene
Explores the vibrant beauty landscape of Hyderabad and the significance of having a famous skin and hair clinic in Hyderabad.
Discusses the criteria that define the fame of such clinics and their impact on the beauty and wellness of Hyderabad residents.
Spotlight on the Famous Clinic
Shines a spotlight on Dr. Venus's famous skin and hair clinic in Hyderabad.
Discusses the clinic's achievements, reputation, and contributions to redefining beauty standards in the city.
Explores the specialized services and treatments that set this clinic apart as a go-to destination for skincare and haircare needs.
Dr. Venus's Commitment to Excellence
Introduces Dr. Venus as a prominent figure in the skincare and haircare domain, showcasing her qualifications and expertise.
Explores how Dr. Venus stays at the forefront of industry advancements, ensuring the clinic offers cutting-edge and personalized care.
Highlights success stories and instances where Dr. Venus's expertise has led to transformative results for clients in Hyderabad.
Transformative Experiences for Clients
Discusses how the famous clinic in Hyderabad provides transformative experiences for clients seeking radiant skin and luscious hair.
Explores the state-of-the-art technologies and innovative approaches employed at the clinic.
Narrates success stories of clients who have witnessed life-changing results through Dr. Venus's renowned clinic.
Embracing Wellness and Beauty
Explores Dr. Venus's holistic approach to beauty, emphasizing the interconnectedness of overall wellness and the vitality of skin and hair.
Discusses how the famous clinic fosters not just external beauty but holistic well-being for individuals in Hyderabad.
Dr. Venus's journey as the face of a famous skin and hair clinic in Hyderabad is a testament to the transformative power of personalized care, cutting-edge technology, and a holistic approach to beauty. This blog post invites readers to explore the renowned clinic's offerings and experience the unrivaled excellence that has made it a standout destination in Hyderabad's beauty landscape.
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acemedicare · 2 years
Understanding Acne: Causes, Types, and Treatment Options
Acne is infamous as a well-known skin condition that affects millions of people around the world, regardless of age, gender, or ethnicity. It is characterized by the appearance of blackheads, pimples, cysts, and whiteheads on the skin, primarily the face, back chest, and neck. While acne is often associated with adolescence, it can continue into adulthood, causing emotional and physical distress. Understanding acne, its causes, types, and treatment options is crucial in addressing this condition and restoring the health of the skin. So, let’s dive into this guide compiled with tips from the best dermatologists.
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Causes of Acne:
Acne occurs when the hair follicles are clogged with oil and dead skin cells. The overproduction of oil in the sebaceous glands, which are connected to hair follicles, is one of the primary causes of acne. Hormonal changes, particularly in puberty and during menstrual cycles, can also lead to increased oil production and trigger acne outbreaks.
Bacterial growth, specifically Propionibacterium acnes (P. acnes), can also contribute to acne. P. acnes is a naturally occurring bacterium on the skin, but when it grows in large numbers, it can cause inflammation, leading to the development of pimples and cysts. Certain medications, such as corticosteroids, testosterone, and lithium, can also increase the risk of acne. Stress, poor diet, and skincare products that clog pores can also trigger or worsen acne outbreaks.
Types of Acne:
There are several different types of acne, ranging from mild to severe. Some of the most common types include:
Whiteheads: closed comedones that appear as small, white bumps on the skin.
Blackheads: open comedones that appear as black or brown spots on the skin.
Pimples: inflamed bumps that are red and filled with pus.
Cysts: large, painful bumps that are deep under the skin.
Nodules: hard, painless lumps that are larger than pimples and deep within the skin.
Treatment Options:
Acne can be treated with a combination of over-the-counter and prescription medications, as well as lifestyle changes. Some of the most effective acne treatments include:
Topical treatments: Over-the-counter and prescription creams, gels, and lotions that contain ingredients such as salicylic acid, benzoyl peroxide, and retinoids, can help to unclog pores and reduce inflammation.
Antibiotics: Oral antibiotics, such as tetracycline and erythromycin, can be prescribed to reduce bacterial growth and inflammation.
Hormonal therapy: For women with hormonal acne, birth control pills can help to regulate hormones and reduce outbreaks.
Isotretinoin: A powerful prescription medication that is taken orally, isotretinoin is effective in treating severe, stubborn acne that has not responded to other treatments.
Light therapy: Certain types of light therapy, such as blue light therapy and photodynamic therapy, can help to kill P. acnes bacteria and reduce inflammation.
In addition to these treatments, lifestyle changes, such as maintaining a healthy diet, reducing stress, and using non-comedogenic skincare products, can also help to prevent and manage acne outbreaks.
From topical treatments to oral medications and lifestyle changes, there are a variety of options available for treating acne. Working with a skin specialist in Chandigarh can help to determine the best course for treating acne and identifying its causes. So, instead of experimenting with cosmetics and homemade remedies, reach out to professionals now to bid adieu to acne.
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queenlua · 8 days
hey lua what decks do phoenix aceattorney and miles aceattorney play in magic
once upon a time, a friend bullied me into going to a Pro Tour Qualifier, which was probably the largest Magic tournament i’d ever been to at that time, right?
i was happy to be bullied, to be clear, but the problem was… i hadn’t played standard-format Magic competitively in about 2-3 years.  so my knowledge of the current metagame, what deck archetypes were popular, and what the current cards even were, was staggeringly limited.
“it will be fine,” said my friend.  “here, take this spare deck i built.  it’s super-straightforward and easy,” he lied.
he said this to me approx. 8 seconds before the first round began, so uhhhhh, i sure was playing a game of magical cards without ever having even looked at the damn deck before!
so, lo, literally in the course of playing the deck, i was learning how this shit was supposed to work.  “oh!” i’d exclaim with delight, halfway through my turn.  “THAT’S how those two cards are supposed to interact.  oh that’s super clever.  what a neat combo.”  and then i’d proceed to shiftily look at my opponent over my cards, riffle those cards a lil bit, and then say “pass” with as much of an enigmatic vibe as i could muster.
meanwhile, my opponent was Actually Prepared, and they were Trying To Win, and they were pissed.  they threatened to call Slow Play on me because i was taking so fucking long reading all the cards.  as in, he literally called a judge over, who stood there watching me the whole time, in order to determine if i was being Criminally Bad At Magic versus just A Regular Amount Of Bad At Magic, and i was sweating bullets the whole time because i didn’t know this deck or their deck or any of those cards and AHHHH why is the judge staring at me!!!
….which only served to make it EXTRA-humiliating for this poor fuck when i proceeded to eviscerate them 2-0.  hahahah get dunked onnnnnnnn nerd!!!
and then i also proceeded to eviscerate my next opponent???
sheer dumb luck.  i cannot overstate how ill-prepared i was for this tournament.  i absolutely did not deserve these wins.
meanwhile the friend who gave me the deck was having a much worse time with their deck, and they were like “what the fuck. you weren’t supposed to win. how are you winning with that shit, my deck’s so much better than yours”
anyway.  i think that’s the kind of scenario Phoenix would get into if he were an MtG player.  dude Gets Himself Into Situations And Then Uses Cleverness + Bullshit + Luck To Get Out Again.
(AA4-era Phoenix seems like he’s doing the same thing… but, in reality, he’s actually been meticulously crafting his deck in secret for the past six months.  he’s not even aiming to win the tournament, he’s just exploiting a known weakness in the opponent-matching system that lets him know with certainty who he’s going to get matched up against (spoiler: first round is Kristoph), and he’s hyper-optimizing his deck to beat Literally Only Those People.  meanwhile, Apollo, who built a tryhard hyper-optimized variant of Red Deck Wins, is lowkey annoyed that Phoenix's seemingly-random pile keeps vaulting him just one table above him in the standings, because Apollo knows his deck is better. he knows it!!!! just let him go 1v1 and prove it aaaaughhhh!!!)
((also, in case you want Actual Concrete Cards And Colors And Stuff: in general i think Phoenix prefers limited play (draft, sealed, "anything where you open booster packs on the spot & throw a deck together") to constructed play, because he doesn't like being tied down to any one game plan. when he does play constructed, i think he's less attached to a specific colors and more attached to specific mechanics. in particular: he's not a combo player exactly, but he likes mechanics that feel like bullshit. dude saw Madness for the first time & his eyes lit up & he was in LOVE, "you mean i'm discarding the card but then i can cast it for free??? hell YES." he absolutely ran a poison counter deck during New Phyrexia. ah fuck i just realized he was probably a huge stan for noted awful expansion Battle for Zendikar, i think i gotta cancel him now, sorry))
((and i think Phoenix also has a touch of Timmy in him! like, i went to a huge state tournament once with a bunch of really skilled players, and there was this one dude in our car who had a really solid deck, clearly adhered to a lot of the trends in the meta at the time... but his win condition was a Shivan Dragon. which wasn't a bad card at the time, it was a reasonable win condition, but it was... slightly suboptimal? not at all the obvious pick? sort of random? and multiple people asked him "why is that your win condition" & he shrugged and said "i like dragons." so the dragon stayed & that dude ended up getting second place in the whole tournament so FUCK optimal play, bring a dragon. i think Phoenix would sneak in a dragon now and again. just 'cause))
this one is trickier!!!
young!Miles is just going to play Whatever The Meta Deems To Be The Best Deck, right. the von Karma perfection thing and all. it's all very boring & micro-optimized to be the Best Deck Of Its Kind & he pours over the results of the big name tournaments week after week & does some math or whatever to hyper-optimize his own build of the Obviously Correct Deck. there is no soul in any of this, purely Executing On A Formula.
...but then he experiences Character Growth & has his big gay crisis & now he has to pick up the game again. he opens the latest tournament results... clicks around some win % stats for various cards in a desultory kinda way, and... his heart's just not in it, right?
enter 2-4 era Miles. 2-4 era Miles is playing some utterly unhinged Five Color Good Stuff thing. there's a lot of Planar Chaos cards in there, because that whole set was about Weird Shit & cards doing Stuff You're Familiar With (But In The Utterly Wrong Color!!!) & all that is resonating with Miles more than he'd care to admit. he cannot possibly talk about his unnecessary feelings but he can make a weird noise rock album about them. and by noise rock album i mean this fucking Magic deck.
and he's playing this deck with a 100% straight face, as though this is the exact same behavior that won him the Junior Super Series five years in a row & not a desperate cry for help from a madman. everyone else is like Miles... are you playing fucking singletons... in a fucking standard deck... you know your deck will be more consistent with four-ofs right... and then he gives a cool fish-eyed stare & taps out to cast some arcane bullshit legendary creature & gives a single rap of his knuckles against the table to indicate that he's passing the turn.
and it works, is the thing! all those years of training to be the Spikiest Spike Ever have paid off; this Five Color Good Stuff thing relies on some pretty clever insights to make the mana base work, and parts of what he's doing eventually get adopted by the larger metagame to become an Actual Serious Deck. but, like. it's still a monstrosity. any skilled players watching are still definitely wondering Are You Okay, Dude.
after 2-4, i think Miles settles back into playing something more normal. he still cares about winning, but he's going to do it with a touch of class. he wants a game that involves dialogue, some actual back-and-forth, because just trying to combo off is lame coward behavior.
aw yeah baby we're talking counterspells!!!
he's a blue player at heart & he's happiest when he's updating the autopsy report shutting down whatever his opponent's plan is. he'll splash other colors as the occasion calls for it, but he'd be happy running mono-blue the rest of his life. like, i ran a pretty fun Legacy deck back in the day which consisted of:
every kind of counterspell i could get my hands on,
propaganda because FUCK creatures,
thieving magpies for the card draw,
and a few silver wyverns to, y'know, actually win the game
...and i think Miles would appreciate that deck. just play counterspells until the opponent runs out of steam & then cruise your way to victory with a couple birds. simple. elegant. classic. doesn't involve any of this modern Planeswalker bullshit (Miles regards most developments that happened to MtG post-Time Spiral block or so as affronts to game design).
(i do think Miles has a secret fondness for sagas as a card type, however. they remind him of all that Character Growth, but in an abstract/subconscious/nonthreatening way. too bad most of them are a bit of poor match for the kinds of decks he likes to play)
FINALLY: i think Miles hates playing Commander with every fiber of his being & Phoenix loves it & this is a pretty serious point of contention in their relationship. poor dudes
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the-goodkhush · 1 year
“spider-man why’d you create that guy? 😕😕” BRO LEGIT JUST THREW A BAGLE AT THE GUY AND NOW HES TRYNA KILL HIS DAD 😭😭😭😭 IT WAS A YEAR AGO PLSSSS ITS NOT THAT SERIOUS I MEAN SORRY ABOUT YOUR SKIN IG???? you can just go to your dermatologist tho??? there’s no need for murder you can just be sad like the rest of us
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grplindia · 1 month
Hiring Now MD Dermatologist, Varanasi (UP), Salary 40 Lakh , Call & WhatsApp 8188998866, 8188998899
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rowenabean · 3 months
Getting a good grade in dermatology referrals (normal to want, etc, etc)("thank you for the extensive high quality images" AND "confusing presentation" AND validating my "idk whether this is eczema or psoriasis" with "probs both")
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asthetixluxe · 3 months
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corpish · 1 year
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Here's my general facial skincare routine and products I use!
Rinse face with water
Apply niacinamide on face (Product: The Ordinary)
Apply caffeine de-puffing + dark circle eye cream under eyes (Product: The INKEY List)
Apply moisturizer on face (Product: Dermalogica)
Apply SPF 40 facial sunscreen (Product: Supergoop)
Rinse face with water
Apply facial cleanser while in shower (Product: CeraVe)
Rinse off cleanser while in shower
(Once a week) Apply exfoliation toner to face (Product: Youth to the People)
(Once a week) Apply face mask for 10 min (Product: Fresh)
Apply niacinamide on face (Product: The Ordinary)
Apply firming + lifting eye cream under eyes (Product: Bioessence)
(2-3 times a week) Apply 0.025% retinol on face (Product: prescribed Tretinoin)
Apply moisturizer on face (Product: Dermalogica)
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drjaveriajia · 5 months
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what do you Think about this transformation??
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dermapeeks · 6 months
Dermatologist in Basavanagudi
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Dermapeeks is a leading skin, hair and aesthetic clinic in Basavanagudi, that specializes in offering a wide range of dermatology and aesthetic solutions such as laser hair removal, acne treatments, skin brightening, party peels, instant glow peels and many more. Book an appointment with our best skin specialist or dermatologist in Basavanagudi for all your concerns.
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rxrejuvenate · 7 months
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Best Dermatologists, Skin & Aesthetic Clinic In North Delhi & Delhi NCR.
Website : https://www.rejuvenate.in
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dermstetiqclinic · 8 months
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gamboneroyce · 8 months
Best Dermatologist Recommended Shampoo in the UK
Very few shampoo best dermatologist recommended shampoo and hair products are recommended by dermatologists. This list is short, but effective for most people.
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robertopaciollas · 8 months
Best Dermatologist Recommended Shampoo in the UK
Very few shampoo and hair products Dermatologist recommended shampoo uk are recommended by dermatologists. This list is short, but effective for most people.
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citizen-zero · 2 years
After years of my mom obsessing over my hair and forcing me to do various treatments on it and threatening punishment if I didn’t comply. I’ve come to understand why Britney shaved her head that one time. I know that was something she did as part of a mental breakdown but fuck yeah good for her. I get it.
#and the stupid bitch still doesn’t get it or maybe she refuses to#like you can’t pretend you’re just worried and you don’t understand why I’m angry when you’ve spent years strong arming me into#putting castor oil in my hair and attempting to put mayonnaise in it and I think the only thing that stopped her was my dermatologist#bc he said it wouldn’t do anything at best and also don’t put fucking condiments in your hair#but she really wanted to and I don’t remember this but she might’ve hit me over my refusal#and she’d threaten to take my phone away or deny me something else if I didn’t let her do shit#and then recently she FaceTimed me while I was at DND and tried persuading me to see an endocrinologist#like saying oh she had a friend with the same problem and went to an endocrinologist and the birth control was the issue#(never mind the fact that my BC is the reason I don’t have painful cystic acne anymore and do have a regular period again)#and she was trying to push me into going#and I kept saying I wasn’t having this conversation w her now bc I was busy and she was just like ‘so when are we going to have it’#and basically trying to push past my boundary of I’m fucking busy and this conversation doesn’t need to happen now#I just hung up on her and went on airplane mode but fuck even thinking about it makes me so angry like I want to punch her kinds of angry#and honestly if she hadn’t kept ignoring me and hadn’t kept trying to have this conversation after I said I was busy maybe I would’ve taken#it into consideration and looked into seeing one sometime#but honestly now I absolutely fucking refuse unless my doctor and I agree it’d be a good idea#fuck off mom fuck off and mind your own fucking business#personal#erika's blog and bar
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