#best computer science homework help
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mathexamhelper-tutor · 6 months
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on stage- s. hinata
⟡backstage + toru
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⟡yn ln⟡
film production major, currently in the middle of trying to direct her 3rd play at the university. has been best friends with yachi since they were little, and both had big plans of working together on a ton of projects, luckily this plans are coming true.
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⟡hitoka yachi⟡
fashion design major, has been friends with yn since birth, also roomates with her now. suffering greatly at the hands of her major and going slightly insane over her assignments, but always willing to help with costumes for one of yn's shows.
⟡keiji akaashi⟡
also going insane over his major, which is literature. enjoys writing, and decided to write a play for yn to direct because he enjoys watching her work. was the one who encouraged yn to start directing in the theater department in the first place. helps with set design in the show as well as being assistant director.
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⟡kozume kenma⟡
computer science and marketing double major. absolutely hates every other CS major and complains about them often. streams in his very little amount of free time, and only really tweets in regards to that. does lighting for yn's shows
⟡toru oikawa⟡
performing arts major, most often the lead of every production put on in the theater building, but also plays on the volleyball team. likes to call himself irl troy bolton but we all know this isnt true. he's roomates with yachi and yn too.
⟡shimizu kiyoko⟡
sports management major, and helps yn with marketing the show, and does sound. seen by yn as an older sister figure, and is often the one people come crying to for homework help or advice. a true angel on earth. lives off-campus with her boyfriend, tanaka.
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agaypanic · 8 months
Headcannons on being the Davenports bestfriend 💗
Being Best Friends With the Davenports Headcanons
Request Something!
A/N: this is probably asking for being best friends with all of them at the same time, but i’m gonna do individual headcanons. also even tho it says davenport, im also adding leo (i know he’s technically a davenport but idk i dont see him as a davenport i see him as a dooley)
You always enable and encourage his silly ideas
Which his family doesn’t like much
But you and Adam have fun, so you don’t care much
You help him with his homework a bunch
He doesn’t like asking Chase for help bc he makes him feel really dumb
Your favorite activity is probably going to the zoo bc he loves all the animals
You peeked through the front door of the Davenport’s house. When the coast was clear, you opened the door wider and waved for Adam to come in. How he was gonna hide this when his family saw, you didn’t know.
“What is that?” Leo’s sudden voice made the two of you jump. He had come from down the hall, and was staring at you with an incredulous look and pointed finger. 
“Lunch,” Adam answered, pointing at the bag of food in your hand. Leo rolled his eyes, furiously trying to make where he was pointing more obvious.
“No, that!” 
You and Adam looked at the alpaca that Leo was pointing to, knowing you were unable to avoid it any longer.
“Oh my gosh, how did that get there?” You asked dumbly, as if you didn’t help Adam break it out of the zoo and bring it home.
“This is definitely the first time I’ve seen this,” Adam said in a faux shocked tone, petting the alpaca’s head. “But since it’s here, we can keep it, right?”
You guys become extremely close extremely fast
Being surrounded by guys all her life, you’re very refreshing to be around
The two of you love to gossip
About who’s with whom, her siblings’ antics, everything and nothing
You guys like going to the mall to shop, eat, and catch up
Even though you hang out literally every day
“Oh my gosh, did I tell you what happened with my brothers this week?” Bree asked as she looked through a rack of shirts.
“You probably have, but tell me anyway.” You laugh, looking at the clothes with her.
“So Leo likes this girl, right? And Chase comes up with some plan to get her to fall for him- oh, this is cute. Well, anyways, it completely backfires, and she ends up going after Adam.”
“No.” You gasped.
“Yes! And that’s not even the craziest part.” Bree took something off the rack and held it up to you, wanting your opinion. You nodded furiously at the sight, and she grinned, adding it to the try-on pile of clothes she was carrying. “So Chase tells Leo that he’ll talk to the girl for him, and guess what.”
“What? Does she start liking Chase?” You ask jokingly. Bree raised her eyebrows at you and pursed her lips, signaling you were correct. “No!”
Yall are that duo at school
Smart, sassy, and pretty
You guys sign up for extracurriculars like science fair and debate club together
Even though he’s literally the smartest man in the world, he likes having you go over his work
Very occasionally, he’ll miss a detail, and you’ll point it out
But he mainly just likes the validation
But you also never hesitate to put him in his place when needed
“Hey, can you read this over for me?” Chase asked as he handed you his laptop. You decided to come over to watch a movie when he suddenly remembered he needed to revise one of his papers for a class. 
Pausing the TV, you set the computer on your lap and read the essay. You didn’t comment until you were finished, handing the laptop back to Chase.
“Pretty good.” You said, playing the movie again.
“I knew it.” Chase gloated, reclining on the couch next to you. “Perks of being the smartest guy ever.”
“Yeah, well, you also misspelled ‘and,’ genius.” You laughed as you watched him scramble for his computer, looking through every word to find the mistake. “Perks of not knowing how to type, I guess.”
“Shut up.” He grumbled, fixing the error and crossing his arms with a pout.
The blind leading the blind
You encourage all of his delusions, mainly because you think it’s funny
You two are a comedic duo tbh
You guys bounce off each other really well
Before the bionic trio, you always defended Leo from bullies
You still do sometimes
Leo was currently talking your ear off about his current crush, some girl named Danielle. This was part of your guys’ routine. He’d tell you about someone he liked, you’d tell him that the two of them were meant to be, something would go wrong, you’d laugh about it, and then Leo would find someone new the next week.
“We’re so close to being boyfriend and girlfriend; I can feel it!” He said excitedly.
“Oh yeah.” You nodded, trying to suppress a laugh. “I know that if I had a boyfriend, I’d want him to be my human footstool because it’s what I deserve.”
“Exactly! You’re like the only one who gets it.”
“Ooh, there she is now.” You said, looking over his shoulder to see his girl of the week at her locker. “She came into the same hallway you’re in, so she clearly wants to see you. You should go talk to her.”
“Really?” Leo asked, slowly standing up. You nodded and pushed him in Danielle’s direction, waiting for everything to unfold. 
Leo somehow found the courage to talk to Danielle, but it was a pretty short conversation. When she walked away, she looked at him from over her shoulder and said goodbye.
“See you later, Lenny!”
The name made you bust out laughing, almost weak in the knees to stand up and go over to the now somewhat sad boy.
“Better luck next time, Lenny.” You said, patting his shoulder and laughing some more.
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zinya · 4 months
How brothers would react to an MC with bad grades ?
Because we've all had bad grades one day and we all deserve to be comforted.
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Being one of the students in the exchange program he will look at your grades very closely , he may even be aware of your grade before you do.
If it's just one bad grade he will lecture you and probably ban you from certain activities so that you work more (You can say goodbye to video game nights with Levi)
If it's several bad grades he will start asking you questions about what you don't understand and will give you lessons.
Of course, if it's grades that start to weigh on your morale, once your homework is finished, you're welcome to his room to relax.
"I believe in you, don't be discouraged, my love"
welcome to the club
If it's a bad grade in math don't worry, The Great Mammon can help you.
Don't be discouraged human, he also has bad grades and lives very well
If he sees that you are depressed because of your grades he will suggest that you go out somewhere with him to take your mind off things. Do you prefer to go shopping or maybe go party somewhere?
If you don't want to go out then he will take you into his room and watch a movie in his arms while he comforts you and cuddle with you
I am convinced that he will show you anime with heroes at school to remotivate you "Hey I have a new anime called "I have bad grades and then everything changed the day I made friends"
If you don't want to, you can always watch TSL with him
But don't get me wrong he will encourage you to work too but he will come get you to take a break if it's been a long time
I don't know if devildom has computer science, but in any case if it's this subject that you're struggling with, he can help you.
Literally become your personal teacher after all, all his knowledge is yours.
Will lend you textbooks and workbooks
He will always encourage you to do your best
Like mammon he will also offer to go out and clear your mind: Do you want to buy new books? Go drink something at the cat cafe? Maybe the park?
Will read books to you or recite lessons at night in his room when you sleep together
Positive affirmations
Are you discouraged? Has your self-confidence taken a hit? Spend 10 minutes with him and none of this will happen
"Honey don't cry your pretty skin and your beautiful eyes will suffer "
Will ask you to go shopping with him and you will receive 2 or 3 gifts so he can see you smile
He will help you with the charms lessons (TP too perhaps XD)
You will have the right to take a bath in his bathroom with his products to relax
Will give you food to comfort you
Would like to help you with potions classes but we all know how it will end
Will give you hugs to comfort you and take you to exercise (if you want of course) to clear your mind
If you decide to study more he will come see you like Levi to take breaks and he will often bring you water or snacks
He will cheer you to death like you do during his matches
Maybe give you a kind of lucky charm to bring you luck for the next exams
Cuddle time
Since it concerns you, he will listen to you talk, like Asmo, about what is wrong
Then he will take you to the top of the Attic to sleep and relax with him
When you revise he comes and sleeps in your bed to keep you company
If you can't sleep because of stress you know where his room is , just kidding, he's already next to you in your bed, can't you see him?
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(I don't know who drew this but it's so beautiful.) Anyway, I wrote that instead of studying my exam for tomorrow haha 😅🥲
Sorry for the mistakes, English is not my first language and sometimes I don't understand your abbreviations or expressions🤣
Tell me if you want the others
And don't forget that the most important thing is to do all you can and to be proud of yourself.
Have a Good day 💋
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yandere-paramour · 17 days
Alright, questions about Noelle. What does she look like? Who is she attracted to? Does she have any hobbies? Does she enjoy animals?
Meet Noelle!
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Noelle is a no-nonsense lesbian assistant to the Montclair heir, Atalanta, meaning she spends her days dealing with Atalanta's bullshit 24/7.
She can be called at any time, any day of the year, and will have to respond to whatever foolishness Atalanta wants. She'll even pick up and work when she's sick or injured.
Noelle is one of the only people Atalanta considers a true friend, and as a result, can speak informally and give advice to Atalanta when they are in private.
Because of this, she is also called upon to sometimes babysit/accompany Atalanta's Darling or even accompany Jamie places (if his manservant is busy).
Noelle knows all the intricate details of Atalanta's life and relationships. If Atalanta needs a new strap because the current one isn't "ribbed for her pleasure," Noelle is going to research the best brands, buy it, and have it delivered to the penthouse. And probably ask Atalanta how it went and if she should get one too.
Noelle's favorite color is ice blue.
Her apartment is decorated with ice blue and grey, and she keeps it spotless. She gets really agitated if her apartment is dirty.
Noelle is 25 years old.
She is 5'4" and hates it.
Noelle is a virgin.
Ever since she was a child, she has always had the drive to go FAST. So, nobody knows this about her, but on her days off, she likes to ride her motorcycle (her one vice) recreationally.
Because she works so much, she is pretty bad at taking care of herself. She doesn't sleep much, and only eats microwaved/frozen foods, what she can order in, or just outright skips a meal and sleeps. Because of this, she is extremely small, almost underweight, and gets cold very easily.
She grew up very poor and worked hard enough to send herself to college and get this job. She has crawled up from the bottom rung of society and will die before she gives up her 6 figure salary.
School was everything to her as a child. It was a place with heat, food, and no little sisters to take care of. Noelle was always a few years ahead of her grade in school because she did homework with her older sister, but they never skipped her grade because it wasn't that kind of school. So she occupied herself with other pursuits, like computers at the public library and reading. She eventually got a full ride to college and broke the cycle.
When she made it to college, she took more classes in both business and computer science and further refined her already impressive hacking and online skills that she uses a lot at her job.
Noelle has a mother, one older sister, and three younger sisters. She has no father and never needed one. She is estranged from her mother but still speaks and sometimes helps out her younger sisters who are teenagers. Her favorite sister is Odette, the oldest who is 28.
Odette also pierced her ears for her.
She hates cigarettes because her mother smokes. She doesn't drink either.
Because of her pale and delicate skin, Noelle is a skincare enthusiast. There is always sunscreen and moisturizer in her purse. She had sunburns constantly when she was young and she's tired of it.
Her hair is another luxury for her. She had to have short hair as a child because it was difficult to take care of, but now that she's an adult, she can grow it as long as she wants. It is currently halfway down her back, but she keeps it in a bun at work. Touch her hair and she might punch you.
With her lover, Noelle is extremely manipulative. She will do anything to improve your perception of her, including drugging you, threatening the people around you, and digitally changing online records.
She starts with stalking you. With Atalanta's connections and her own computer skills, she can easily follow you using street cameras and the ones in your home. She'll move your things around, make you worried someone is following you so you'll run right to your girlfriend's arms. She's the only one you can turn to, the only one you can trust.
When you're around her, she's always rubbing and caressing you, praising you, getting you to associate her with good feelings so when you're away, it always feels like something's missing.
In her small bits of free time, Noelle likes to do yoga, indulge in computer science, and do number puzzles.
Noelle only likes one animal: her Russian blue cat, Sasha. She generally associates animals with filthiness because of her childhood, but she found Sasha alone in a dumpster, starving and dirty, as a kitten, and it reminded her of herself, so she took pity on him and took him in.
Noelle does not want kids. She's raised enough little bastards for one life.
Noelle is practical, logical, and sensible, and what she says, goes. There is no arguing with Noelle, and sometimes her analytical sense of reasoning can feel callous and mean, but she doesn't always mean it that way.
Although she is usually physically in the office with Atalanta, she is sometimes permitted to work from home, provided she stays on call and keeps her phone nearby and charged at all times.
She gets along okay with coworkers, but she does not consider them friends. Except Ata. She considers her a friend.
Noells's job is mainly composed of her keeping blackmail on file, scheduling meetings, planning Atalanta's weekly and daily schedules, prepping and scheduling travel plans, itineraries, and agendas when needed, filing paperwork, doing background checks and compiling resumes for new hires, composing and preparing confidential correspondence (contacting the crime boss Ata uses), and delegating tasks given to her by Ata.
She likes to take relaxing baths, would inject iced coffee into her veins, and prefers fresh and clean scents.
What would make her soft is when she gets home from work and she's tired and stressed and burnt out, but you made her a relaxing dinner, and then you try to release her tension with orgasm after orgasm. Someone taking care of her and showing her that level of concern makes her want to cry, and she never cries.
Noelle has participated in street fights. There is a scar on her stomach that looks suspiciously like a knife would but she doesn't talk about it.
Noelle will do whatever it takes to survive. Don't ever forget that.
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Cute kid, right? Don't be fooled, she'll charm you out of your rent money in a second.
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to-trek-or-not-to-trek · 10 months
TNG Characters as College Majors:
Picard: Definitely an English major. Why are all the Captains theater kids?
Riker: Political science, with a minor in Trombone. He thinks that Trombone should be a more respectable major.
Troi: Psychology. She's the top of her class and unofficial therapist of the friend group.
Worf: Something stuffy, like Law. He does not enjoy it, but it is honorable.
Dr. Crusher: Pre-med. Her study set up is aesthetic goals, and her notes are impeccable.
Data: Computer Science, with a minor in Philosophy. He was one class short of a dual major, and it high-key annoys him.
Geordi: Biomechanical engineering. He's infamous for being the best in class, and would gladly help everyone else with the homework, but they're too scared to ask.
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askauradonprep · 3 months
Uma's crew's 1st week at Auradon prep hc ?
So, immediately they ran into a problem. What were they gonna do for Valor? Auradon Prep has many things but a daycare is not one of them. And well.....there was no fucking way they were going to just not have a plan. Ben made a hasty deal with a nearby daycare that she could be dropped off during school hours. (And Fairy Godmother quietly added a parenting class onto his schedule which was probably for the best).
Computers! Science stuff! Oh, Gonzo and Vince are having fun. Should they be left alone in the labs? Probably not. XD
Desiree starts charging for her art pretty fast. She's good at commissions.
Family Day was. A well meant disaster. That call was NOT a fun one, even without Desiree hiding behind the tv because she'd really rather Shan-Yu think she's dead. Him knowing she's not was....not fun. Gonzo ended up turning off the call after that.
Bonny would have a lot of fun doing sports. She might also get into a fight if someone told her she couldn't but I'm assuming there's girl's sports teams too. She'd have to for ROAR though. She and Lonnie can scheme together.
I think they'd get along alright with Lonnie. I'm assuming her heart still breaks when she learns their parents suck. It feels awkward for Desiree but she means well.
Rosita is probably the one Chad targets for homework help. And that's okay because she's using him too - she wants closer to Ben and if Ben has a girlfriend, maybe dating his best friend works.
Uma starts off more distrusting of Ben but he just....keeps checking in to see if they're doing okay. The help with Valor got him some points too. As she realizes he genuinely does want to help, she starts to be more open to the people in Auradon. She still plans to steal the wand though. That's not gonna change.
FOOD. The crew wolf food down. They need to be careful not to get sick. XD
Drey is....terrified of dogs so yeah, she's avoiding Dude like the plague. It's something Ben will feel bad about once he learns why and how she lost her hand but that's probably not a 'first week' talk.
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carolunduke-04 · 30 days
My Experience with Database Homework Help from DatabaseHomeworkHelp.com
As a student majoring in computer science, managing the workload can be daunting. One of the most challenging aspects of my coursework has been database management. Understanding the intricacies of SQL, ER diagrams, normalization, and other database concepts often left me overwhelmed. That was until I discovered Database Homework Help from DatabaseHomeworkHelp.com. This service has been a lifesaver, providing me with the support and guidance I needed to excel in my studies.
The Initial Struggle
When I first started my database course, I underestimated the complexity of the subject. I thought it would be as straightforward as other programming courses I had taken. However, as the semester progressed, I found myself struggling with assignments and projects. My grades were slipping, and my confidence was waning. I knew I needed help, but I wasn't sure where to turn.
I tried getting assistance from my professors during office hours, but with so many students needing help, the time available was limited. Study groups with classmates were somewhat helpful, but they often turned into social gatherings rather than focused study sessions. I needed a more reliable and structured form of support.
Discovering DatabaseHomeworkHelp.com
One evening, while frantically searching for online resources to understand an especially tricky ER diagram assignment, I stumbled upon DatabaseHomeworkHelp.com. The website promised expert help on a wide range of database topics, from basic queries to advanced database design and implementation. Skeptical but hopeful, I decided to give it a try. It turned out to be one of the best decisions I’ve made in my academic career.
First Impressions
The first thing that struck me about DatabaseHomeworkHelp.com was the user-friendly interface. The website was easy to navigate, and I quickly found the section where I could submit my assignment. The process was straightforward: I filled out a form detailing my assignment requirements, attached the relevant files, and specified the deadline.
Within a few hours, I received a response from one of their database experts. The communication was professional and reassuring. They asked a few clarifying questions to ensure they fully understood my needs, which gave me confidence that I was in good hands.
The Quality of Help
What impressed me the most was the quality of the assistance I received. The expert assigned to my task not only completed the assignment perfectly but also provided a detailed explanation of the solutions. This was incredibly helpful because it allowed me to understand the concepts rather than just submitting the work.
For example, in one of my assignments, I had to design a complex database schema. The expert not only provided a well-structured schema but also explained the reasoning behind each table and relationship. This level of detail helped me grasp the fundamental principles of database design, something I had been struggling with for weeks.
Learning and Improvement
With each assignment I submitted, I noticed a significant improvement in my understanding of database concepts. The experts at DatabaseHomeworkHelp.com were not just solving problems for me; they were teaching me how to solve them myself. They broke down complex topics into manageable parts and provided clear, concise explanations.
I particularly appreciated their help with SQL queries. Writing efficient and effective SQL queries was one of the areas I found most challenging. The expert guidance I received helped me understand how to approach query writing logically. They showed me how to optimize queries for better performance and how to avoid common pitfalls.
Timely Delivery
Another aspect that stood out was their commitment to deadlines. As a student, timely submission of assignments is crucial. DatabaseHomeworkHelp.com always delivered my assignments well before the deadline, giving me ample time to review the work and ask any follow-up questions. This reliability was a significant relief, especially during times when I had multiple assignments due simultaneously.
Customer Support
The customer support team at DatabaseHomeworkHelp.com deserves a special mention. They were available 24/7, and I never had to wait long for a response. Whether I had a question about the pricing, needed to clarify the assignment details, or required an update on the progress, the support team was always there to assist me promptly and courteously.
Affordable and Worth Every Penny
As a student, budget is always a concern. I was worried that professional homework help would be prohibitively expensive. However, I found the pricing at DatabaseHomeworkHelp.com to be reasonable and affordable. They offer different pricing plans based on the complexity and urgency of the assignment, making it accessible for students with varying budgets.
Moreover, considering the quality of help I received and the improvement in my grades, I can confidently say that their service is worth every penny. The value I got from their expert assistance far outweighed the cost.
A Lasting Impact
Thanks to DatabaseHomeworkHelp.com, my grades in the database course improved significantly. But beyond the grades, the most valuable takeaway has been the knowledge and confidence I gained. I now approach database assignments with a clearer understanding and a more structured method. This confidence has also positively impacted other areas of my studies, as I am less stressed and more organized.
Final Thoughts
If you're a student struggling with database management assignments, I highly recommend Database Homework Help from DatabaseHomeworkHelp.com. Their expert guidance, timely delivery, and excellent customer support can make a significant difference in your academic journey. They don’t just provide answers; they help you understand the material, which is crucial for long-term success.
In conclusion, my experience with DatabaseHomeworkHelp.com has been overwhelmingly positive. The support I received has not only helped me improve my grades but also enhanced my overall understanding of database concepts. I am grateful for their assistance and will undoubtedly continue to use their services as I progress through my computer science degree.
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hermannsprecursors · 8 months
hi! who's your favourite oc? May I have some fun facts about them?
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Hello!! Well I mean if you read on my LAST post my current favorite oc is Lt. Commander Ivanov, but that's just because I was conceptualizing them and shit and then they grabbed T'kov by the throat and threw her into the wall, rightfully claiming their place.
This is them! Say hello!
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As for fun facts!
They were initially coded to just be a highly-adaptive computer program, designed by Mikhail Ivanov who, highkey, is a cult leader. But once put into an android body, the program did what it does best-- adapt. And it became Fredyenka.
Despite their origin, nobody really knows why they don't have any recollection of their identity as an android-- the hypothesis is that they found computer files and subconsciously crafted a past for themself out of said files-- and that there's something in their coding that prevents them from knowing the truth...
They can eat! Their favorite food is a butterscotch sundae
Sometimes, their coding takes over entirely, and they have no recollection of their actions when that happens. It's a rare occurrence, but it does happen, and boy can it be terrifying
They have a strange fascination with the religious beliefs of different alien cultures
They have a pet snake named Snakespeare
They LOVE classic Earth literature
Sometimes they just kind of. Freeze up and become unresponsive when overloaded with emotions? it freaks people out Freddie stop doing that
They help the cadets out with their homework ALL the fucking time. They've gained a reputation in the academy for it.
They have a tendency to just stare because like. They don't HAVE to blink technically. And then people get weirded out like "dude what's wrong" and then they go "oh sorry" and blink
They learned flute because the Ulysses and Leviathan wanted to make a joint band and then it NEVER happened and it made them MAD
Basically they're just a freak and I love them
They went through the academy at an accelerated rate, and became a lieutenant commander after just 4 years of service. They're very adaptable and learn quickly, able to take and fill a position in any service track. They're exceptionally proficient in scientific research and computer science. They can be stubborn and difficult to get along with sometimes, but overall, they're hard-working and amicable, just so long as you live up to their standards. Don't think too much about what you're saying either. They know. They always know, and often won't engage you in conversation if you overthink and bore them. They will hold that grudge, too. Just be yourself, and don't worry about it! After all...
You wouldn't want to displease your savior, would you?
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mathexamhelper-tutor · 6 months
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grace122 · 2 years
here me out… sapnap is ur twin brothers best friend
he would never call u his sister like he calls ur twin his brother. he actually gets disgusted when someone says that bc ‘we aren’t that close.’
he’s in the year above u and ur twin so went u struggled with math u ask him for help bc he went to college for computer science.
u went to a picnic in the local park with him and ur brother wearing a small summer pink mini dress and sapnap ‘suddenly’ wanted to sleepover that night to beat ur twin at valorant.
then he ended up in ur room to ask about homework bc ur brother was asleep and he wasn’t tired. u made a comment about sleeping with ur teacher for a better grade and he jokes u should do that with ur tutor instead.
within a couple minutes he was in between ur legs making an absolute mess of ur wet pussy. his hair getting in his way so u tied it in a bun as he continued to suck on ur clit.
neither of u had condoms, so he snuck back in ur brothers room to get some. “tight little slut.” are the first words he says as he entered u.
u degraded him a bit, “u shameless fuck, fucking ur best friend sister with his condom. like u need to be apart of everything that’s his, huh?”
“usually we do these sluts together but i’m glad i’ll always get u to myself.”
you’d continue to insult each other throughout the whole time. you tighten ur walls so tight that he has no choice but to cum.
the next morning you’d ignore him but wear revealing clothes simply for spite. before he goes home he’d make out with u in the bathroom instead of the original plan of a shower.
- CJ
OH MY FUCKING GOD THIS IS INSANE!!!! i actually love this so much wtf😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫
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mirastudiesphysics · 1 year
I am going uni this year and I am planning to major in Physics and minor in Astronomy. I've always been fascinated by stars and the Universe but I never got to learn it deeply. Do you have any advice for me?
I can ramble quite a bit about advice, so I'll do my best to organize this in a way that makes sense. And of course note that this is from my personal experience, so feel free to ignore something if it doesn't appeal to you. (I'm writing this as a physics grad student based in the US studying cosmology.)
A major in physics is more malleable than pure astronomy, and there are a few route that you can explore further, depending on what you find interesting. The following few points don't include any specific things to do, but it will be good to keep mind as you go through your classes.
Theory: Do you love the mathematical side of physics? Do you love working through proofs, and using the tools of math in creative ways? Theory is one route with most things in physics, and typically requires grad school, and staying in academia to research. Theory is held up to high standards and so is rarely funded with few positions.
Experimental: Do you enjoy the technical side of things, like building your experiments in labs or using a telescope? Experimental physics and astronomy is very hands-on, and this has both academic and technical routes after college.
Computational: Do you like programming? In physics and especially astronomy you need computers to analyze the data that you are taking in bulk. There's a lot of data science in both areas, and is good to learn if you'd like to go into industry instead of staying in academia. (Academia in physics is awful for learning technical computing skills, but there are ways to get there, one of which I accidentally stumbled onto.)
I can go into general advice for the classes you'll likely be taking. A simple search online can give you an overwhelming amount of tips, but I'll try to condense the ones I felt were most helpful here.
Ask for help when you need it! Whether this is working with your classmates, getting tutoring, or going to professor's office hours, don't feel obligated to bash your head against the wall when you are stuck. While it is a skill to take the time to understand something, your time is also valuable, and you will benefit from learning from others.
Practice. Typically in undergrad, doing homework sets is the best way to get practice learning new material. I'd suggest finding more problems if you feel you still need more practice, and working through those problems with others as mentioned above to get a better handle on the topic.
Find ways to get involved in your department. I hate to say networking because it's an annoying buzzword, but it's still important. See if you can find a job in the department, like tutoring, or if you're lucky like I was, your school may have a campus observatory for you to get hands-on experience with. Otherwise, take on rolls in any physics club, like Society of Physics Students or something similar. This way you can get to know the older students, and show that you're active in the department.
Keep a lookout for research opportunities and/or internships. This is how you 1) explore your interests and 2) get experience for your goals after you graduate. Usually you need some letters of recommendation, which you can ask from professors that know you (best option) or other managers if you have a job.
If linear algebra and differential equations are offered, take them! They should be required, but if not, make room for them.
Asa general note, keep track of your general well-being when you're studying physics and astronomy. It's not an easy topic, but it's a matter of hard work rather than pure talent. If you feel lost, it's okay. Everyone feels that eventually, and it's usually at different points of time. Have faith that you can learn the material, either now or later when you have had more time to digest it.
In any case, I hope this helps, and I hope you have fun!
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whiskeyswriting · 1 year
More About Me: Lily Lockhart
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{ Lily in Gotham Masterlist }
Name: Lilian Lockhart
Nickname: Lily
Age: 27
Height: 4’6”
Job: Assistant to Bruce Wayne
Personality: A bubbly go-getter; playful when meeting new people at work; very kind hearted; always looking for the best in people; loves to volunteer; artistic
Relationship: Single; once went on a date with Harvey Dent (before he becomes Two-Face); crushing on Bruce Wayne;
Best Friends: Alice Steward; Baylie Wayne; Rainn Elliot-Wayne; Robyn Simpson-Hardy
Background: Grew up in Central City but moved to Gotham to attend Gotham University; got her Master’s in Business Administration; was hired as Bruce Wayne’s assistant; Bruce counts on her to help him run the company; he includes her as a board member; went back to university to get a degree in psychology and volunteers running the art classes at Arkham Asylum
About Me: Hi. It’s me again. So, I’m writing this on my lunch break. I just wanted to introduce myself a bit more. Last time I didn’t properly introduce myself.
As you know, I’m Lilian but I go by Lily. I was born and raised in Central City. I always had an interest in business and technology. It helped that my dad would take me to work with him at times, where I learned the basics of computer sciences.
Studying and doing homework were never my favorite things to do. At times, I wanted to give up, but I didn’t. I told myself that I would study hard to make myself and my parents proud. And I did! I graduated in the top 5% of my high school class.
After graduating, I moved to Gotham to attend Gotham University. There I studied Business Administration and got my Masters’. During that time, I started working for Wayne Enterprises as an Intern. Eventually, upon my university graduation, I was hired as Mr. Wayne’s assistant.
Many people believed that I would let the money influence me and that I’d only date him for his money. What people didn’t know is that his money didn’t impress me. Being honest, my family and I are just as rich as my boss.
While my family comes from old money, I actually enjoy working for a living. It’s why I went to school for. But aside from working, I’ve grown fond of volunteering.
People have called me crazy, but I enjoy volunteering at Arkham Asylum. I even went back to school to get my psychology degree. I spend time with the patients teaching them art and how to express themselves through colors and not just violence or crime.
Anyways, I have to let you go. My lunch break just ended and I see my boss is coming mad from his own lunch meeting.
PS: No I haven’t encountered the Batman yet. I hope I never do.
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Whiskey’s Barrel: @bayisdying @callmemana @gracespicybradshaw @cycbaby @ladylanera @starlit-epiphany @hisredheadedgoddess28 @lilyingotham @dragon-kazansky @askmarinaandothers
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common-grackle · 2 years
Miles Tuck as an outsider
I'm going to spend a couple hours typing up my thoughts so I can share my brain goop with all of you. Should I be doing computer science homework right now? Absolutely, but this is more fun.
To me Miles is the most interesting character in Tuck Everlasting, and I think it's because he's clearly different from the rest. The first time we see Miles is in the prologue, which is not super helpful for establishing his character other than "wow, he drank water." But in Live Like This, there's a lot going on with Miles.
Jesse and Miles sing their part of the number together (despite not being in the same place). The contrast between the boys is obvious.
Miles's first lines are "Off the train in New Hampshire, and it's back in an instant/The feeling that I'm somewhere I don't belong." Excuse me?? In itself, this is an incredibly effective way to introduce him as a character, but it hits even harder when we hear Jesse's verse: "Hello Treegap New Hampshire, catch me up on what's new/Your silo I see still has the best view."
Jesse belongs. Miles doesn't.
Jesse's verse is a greeting, where Miles's is closer to an internal monologue. There's also a parallel between "it's back in an instant" and "catch me up on what's new." Returning to Treegap is an adventure for Jesse; Miles has seen all that it has to offer, and he's not interested in coming back.
Miles and Jesse's parallel character arcs are something that I never shut up about, so let's keep going. Jesse has positive memories associated with Treegap (or he's buried the negative ones), and what he's looking for is a new person. Treegap brings back almost entirely negative memories for Miles, and he's looking to forget the people he used to have.
Going back to the song, we have Jesse singing "I swear/Is there anyone who still knows me?" and Miles echoing "I swear." Like I said, Jesse wants people, and Miles does not want to be here. Miles's next lines, "Almost there/This town never outgrows me" pretty much solidify this in my head; he's just tired. (Jesse's "Almost there" is clearly excitement about arriving at his parents' house.)
And then their part together: "Unaware/I'll never know why this world chose me/to live like this, live like this, forever." This is another key difference between the two: Jesse takes immortality as a blessing, and Miles takes it as a curse.
As a bonus, Miles is clearly on edge in his next scene. He is not going to his Happy Place.
In the next scenes - everything surrounding The Story of the Tucks - Miles is actually pretty quiet. (That's also just kind of How He Is, but it really stands out when he's around Winnie??) He also has a lot of lines that insinuate that he's expected this kind of thing to happen for a hot minute. Miles's role in his family could be read as the downer or as the voice of reason, and I think he knows that.
I kind of love how Miles doesn't want to participate in the discussion, but he needs the facts to be correct. (I'm now realizing that he's kind of coded as autistic but I'll let you guys figure that out.) He's the one who cuts in and actually gets Winnie to understand what they're saying at the end of the song. Miles isn't wordy, but he knows how to get his point across.
The bit that always gets me about this song is Jesse's "He survived much worse" (referring to Miles). In the cast recording his tone is closer to teasing, but I still can't tell if he's referring to Miles's family. (If he is, Miles's "Shut up, Jesse" makes it That Much Worse.)
Jesse: Stop. She's just a kid. Don't make any good thing seem like it's the end of the world.
Miles: Easy for you to say when you've never looked out for anyone but yourself.
Jesse: That's what you think of me?
Miles: Who says I think of you? (He goes to exit, but turns back.) I shouldn't have implied that you're always selfish. You were an amazing uncle. Sometimes I think about that. (Miles exits.)
So much to unpack here. I'm going to make bullet points.
Jesse becomes more abrasive when he's around Miles.
Miles is obviously holding onto a lot of resentment.
Miles thinks Jesse is immature; he took care of his family, and Jesse has only ever taken care of himself (I feel like this is how a lot of people feel about their youngest siblings).
Jesse had a good relationship with Thomas (who we'll talk about later).
It's my personal interpretation that the reason Jesse and Miles don't get along (or, part of it) is that Jesse encapsulates everything Miles is trying to push down and forget. Jesse is optimistic and young (sort of), and he still feels like Miles's baby brother, even if he's 102.
Angus: Not natural, how much that boy has lost.
Jesse: He's not the only one. I used to have a brother.
And Jesse is bitter because Miles doesn't treat him like an adult. There's growth in that area later, but not yet! It's a while before Miles appears again, and when he does, it's...it's a lot. It's also the most insight we get on Miles.
Jesse: I refuse to keep living alone in the shadows.
Miles: Jesse, if you won't listen to your big brother, then listen to some common sense. So, okay: your plan works for three years, maybe four if you're lucky - then what? Do you someday start a family, and make your children drink the water? And what about when the neighbors catch on to your secret? Then what? Do you wanna go to jail - forever?
Jesse: I already feel like I'm serving a life sentence, Miles! I'd rather do my time next to somebody who actually appreciates it! (Jesse exits upstairs.)
Miles could've spared Jesse's feelings a little more than he does (although, with The Way That Jesse Is, I'm not sure that would've been as effective), but he mostly just wants to keep his brother from going through what he did.
Miles arguably went through the most loss out of the characters in the show, but he doesn't talk much about it. When he does, it's usually vague, and always blunt. Even his song (which makes me cry) is just giving us the facts.
Anyway...those are my two cents. I should probably sleep now.
(tagging @marinesocks and @claireverlasting again!)
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changingplumbob · 7 months
New Goth Household: Chapter 3, Part 1
In this part Milton struggles with nightmares, the household discuss their Winterfest plans and there are cats eating on the table... Sorry if there are typos in here, I'm setting it up while watching a livestream of a cat birth way past when I'm normally awake.
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Back to Willow Creek for the holidays! I love how beautiful this lot looks when it snows. The Halloween decorations have been exchanged for some light up snowmen and inside some Winterfest wreaths have been hung. How awesome is it that this household (which includes a toddler) got spun for Winterfest! I’m not sure how much story will actually go on this chapter as my brain has trouble handling so many sims at once but I’ll give it my best shot.
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Joey is still here for now. He finished his computer science degree last rotation. Well, technically he failed the last course due to a bug that stops my sims progressing with their uni coursework but luckily for me cheats helped me get him his deserved grade. He took the time to do homework, did an excellent presentation and took notes every class so there’s no way he did not deserve to pass.
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Keira is in her final year of university, that biology degree will be complete in no time. Her girlfriend Marta works as a barista and spends time practicing on the piano outside their room. I have doubled the delay in skill building as it doesn’t make sense to me how some of my YA’s can have level 10 anything so we will see how that goes. Also, against my better judgement, I have increased how hard it is to build and maintain relationships as some of my sims maintain a full relationship bar by calling each other once a week. It’s helpful but probably not too realistic.
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And in the newly renovated third floor we have Gertrude and Hamlet. Hamlet is no longer a kitten but a young cat. Also I swear I’m a responsible pet owner and Gertrude is spayed, I don’t know why she’s still making calls of love to the universe…
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Newlyweds Alexander and James are adjusting to Alexander’s youngest brother Milton living with them. They tried offering him his own room but it didn’t take. After the death of his father and the disappearance of his mother Milton wanted to sleep where he could see Alexander. He is understandably having a few nightmares. It might make it difficult for the couple to have any kind of woohoo life but both Alexander and James are determined to put Milton first.
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Sure enough Milton wakes up early and distressed. Climbing out of bed he bursts into tears, waking the slumbering couple.
Milton: Father dead! Mummy is dead! I’m dead! *wails*
James: It’s alright Milton, you’re safe now
Milton: I a flat pancake *wails*
Alexander: I’m coming buddy. Tell me what happened
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Milton: Rock that killed daddy fell again and killed mummy
Alexander: It was just a dream Milton, we don’t know that she’s dead
Milton: Then rock roll to me and I try run but I not fast and rock squish me flat. I dead!
James: That sounds rather terrifying
Alexander: You’re awake now Milton. You’re alive, you’re safe. How about some breakfast huh
Milton: I... I can has cereal?
Alexander: Of course
Alexander scoops up his brother to carry him down the two flights of stairs.
Milton: Silas at daycare say he best brother but you best brother
Alexander: *laughs* You’re pretty good to buddy
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Joey: So glad the watcher decided to give us a thermostat
James: I’m pretty sure I decided that
Joey: Sure. And you decided to rip out all your fireplaces for fun
Keira: I don’t mind, I’m still afraid of fire
Joey: Because now, we live in a green neighbourhood, go us!
Marta: A what
Alexander: He means it’s clean
Marta: Why not just say clean then. You simlish speakers
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Alexander: I’m so hungry. I can’t wait to-
Hamlet: *meows* what’s this
James: Hamlet you really shouldn’t be on the table
Hamlet: *meows* bite me dad
Alexander: Okay I’m starving, why does he have to rub eating in my face
Marta: Why is he eating human food? Do you not feed him. As if it wasn’t bad enough that he wakes us up through walls
James: We have several bowls and litter trays all over the place
Alexander: Hamlet, leave some for me!
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Milton tucks into his cereal happily eating the nightmares away. Keira begins her homework while Alexander manages to wrestle a plate of fruit salad from Hamlet.
James: Hamlet you really should not eat human food. It’ll mess up your insides
Hamlet: *hisses* Fight me
Marta: Any Winterfest plans
Joey: I’ll probably head to Tartosa, spend time with my parents
Marta: Keira was thinking we would visit her family too, spend some time in the sun
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Milton: We have guests and presents
Alexander: That’s right. Cassandra and Rahul are going to visit with their kids
Milton: Savannah meanine
Alexander: She’s spirited Milton, just remember you’re older
Marta: I might see if there’s any odd jobs I can swing today. I told them I could cover weekends but that hasn’t worked out
Keira: Their loss
Marta: Thanks carino, good luck with the homework. Remember, almost done
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Alexander: I need to start on mine but I have to get rid of this awful goatee first
Keira: Oh it is you. I thought it was a sasquatch using your voice
Milton: Sass- sass… sass catch
Gertrude jumps on the table and begins to eat.
Alexander: What the heck. Gertrude, you’re meant to be the older responsible one
Gertrude looks at him and pats the fruit salad questioningly
Alexander: Food is not a toy
Milton: *babbles to self about toys*
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James: You all finished eating
Milton: Cereal good and Joey snuck me juice
James: Of course he did
Milton: What we do today uncle James
James: Well we need to get ready for Winterfest but you’re a bit small to help with that. How about a nice hot bath
Milton: With… bubbles?
James: *laughs* bubble bath it is. Up we go mate
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It was here that I completely gave up battling the action queue cancelling and had my run of testing mods. Bjorn was super excited to help (not). But back to the actual stars of this story. Alexander began to shave off the goatee while Marta did daily yoga. Joey heard back from the job agency and he scored a role as an Ace Engineer in the Tech Guru path. Since he wants to be a start-up genius rolling in simoleons when not rolling in the ladies he gets to work polishing off his mobile app.
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Milton has a wonderful time splashing in the bath. I can’t really see the bubbles but the moodlets assure me they are there. When he’s chucked a decent amount of water from the tub James gets him out and into his day clothes. Milton uses the potty since he’s near it while James works on cleaning up all the bathtub overflow.
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Milton: Good kitty cat, good kitty
James: Hey Milton, do you want to go play? I need to do more cleaning
Milton: By Alexander please
James: I think he’s in the library working on his project
Milton: Can I have lift uncle James
James: I suppose your legs are still very short. Okay, hold on tight
Milton: *giggles*
James: Special delivery, one prince of the bubble bath
Alexander: You do make a great parent sweets
Milton: Alexander play?
Alexander: I’m a bit busy now buddy, maybe later. I’m sure someone will have time though
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Gertrude takes the time to sharpen her claws on an especially plump ottoman while Milton decides to have a play with the toy cars.
James: And what do you think you’re doing
Gertrude: *meows* who me? Being a cat
James: There is a lot of old furniture in this house Gerty, we can’t just tear it all to shreds
Gertrude: *meows* pretty sure I can actually
James: Now where has Hamlet run off to
James finds Hamlet in the downstairs bathroom and negotiates him leaving the room so he can vacuum up the puddles from the broken sink. Hamlet begrudgingly agrees.
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Marta: Hey tesorito, you doing okay
Milton: Want to learn more before birthday
Marta: Oh, I can help with that. Shall we go over your numbers
Milton: Flashcards? Flashcards!
Marta: I can see you’re excited. Okay, what’s this one
Milton thinks and tries to peer around to the back of the card
Marta: Hey, no peeking
Milton: Mummy let me
Marta: Oh I doubt that very much
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Alexander tends to his homework after doing a draft of his presentation. Following a workout Keira goes to find Marta.
Keira: What do we have here
Marta: Cheating
Milton: I not cheat
Gertrude: *meows* he would if he could
Keira: You can’t learn if you cheat and peek buddy
Milton: Oh, I want to learn... so maybe I not peek
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Having enough of flashcards for now Milton heads to the dollhouse but he doesn’t want to play alone. Keira joins him and the two make up a life for the doll characters. Milton can’t old back his love of books forever though and soon asks Keira for a story. She gets one and begins to read but Milton is so excited to hear it that he won’t even sit down.
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Previous Part (York) ... Next Part
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