#best brother PERIOD
kylatea · 1 year
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liquidstar · 11 months
If my mom sees a significant amount of blood she gets lightheaded, and has fainted on some occasions. Once it happened when we were kids, I wasn't there to witness it but I heard the story from my dad. Basically my brothers, around 7 or 8 at the time, were playing outside while my mom was making their lunch, and she accidentally cut her finger. It wasn't anything serious, but it drew a fair bit of blood and she passed out. My dad saw this and rushed over, but he didn't really know what to do so he just sort of started slapping her to wake her up (not recommended, but he had no idea and panicked)
At that exact moment my brothers both came in from playing, and all they saw was our mom unconscious on the floor and our dad slapping her. So, like, without even saying a word to each other they both just INSTANTLY start whaling on him, like, full blown attack mode to defend our mom. Which obviously didn't help the situation, but she did wake up and everything was fine.
Now our dad says that he's actually really glad they attacked him over what they thought was going on, because it means he raised good boys. And I still think that's true, they're very good boys.
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My period is on and I've always wanted to write a story about that, but Winx Club wasn't something that felt the best for this outlet. Batfamily does work though because they're humans lol.
We go through out periods in different ways. The are the batgirls and batwoman are expys of that and this is how the male members of their family handle it. This is for all my girlie pops that have to deal with this curse. Let's dive in!
Dick Grayson: Hey Barb, you sent me this weird irate text, did I do something wrong?
Barbara Gordon, angry: Yes, remember that triple chocolate cake I had leftover? You better buy me a new one!
Barbara rolls over the man’s foot on purpose.
Dick: Ow, you said I could have it.
Barbara: Lies! Get me a new one or I’m ignoring you for the rest of the day and that’s including comms tonight!
Dick: Okay, I’ll do that after icing my foot. Freaking jerk.
Barbara rolls away grumbling under her breath.
Tim Drake, having silently watched the arguing: Have the girls been acting… on edge lately?
Dick: I haven’t noticed until my foot was ran over? What have you seen?
Tim: Stephanie has been eerily quiet and distant today. Which is not like her. Bruce asked her if she wanted to patrol a different part of Gotham and she just growled at him.
Dick: Hm... that is odd.
Stephanie Brown enters the kitchen, wearing an oversized shirt and jogger pants. She grunts a greeting to the two men. She takes a bag of carrots and a bar of chocolate out of the fridge.
Stephanie: I’m watching cat videos, don’t bother me. Oh, by the by, tell Bruce I will do the other part of town today.
Tim: Got it, bestie.
Stephanie grunts and leaves.
Tim: She hasn’t snapped at me too much.
Dick: Hm… wait… hold on… this isn’t the time is it?
Tim: Time for what?
Dick: We may be in the clear if Cass doesn’t have it.
Tim: Have what?
Dick: You poor summer child.
Meanwhile Jason hears a knock at his door. He answers and sees Cassandra Cain standing there, frazzled.
Cass Cain: Hi Jason.
Jason Todd: Hey Cass, everything okay, you look stressed?
Cass, bashfully: Do I? Yeah, um, my… Aunt Flo is visiting and I… I need to go to the store to buy supplies, I do not want to go in alone and you’re the only one I trust.
Jason: You don’t have an Aunt Flo and why would you need supplies to meet her?
Cass: Oh… oh dear, you don't get it. Um… my crimson tide… has arrived?
Jason: Crimson what?
Cass, pissed off: My period is on! It’s my time of the month! I need to buy tampons or pads before I bleed any-
Jason, covers her mouth: All right, got it... the message is in my head. Okay sure, I’ll get my keys.
Cass: Wait, you’re not… this isn’t strange to you?
Jason: I’m friends with Artemis. I’m so used to this. Let’s get some supplies.
Cass claps eagerly.
Dick calling Bruce: Bruce are the girls on their periods?
Tim: Oh that's what it is!
Dick: Jesus Christ, Tim.
Bruce: Hm... that’s why Stephanie snapped at me and that’s why Barbara cussed me out… I’m a little too used that. Then yes they are. Cass probably is too. Women can sync up sometimes.
Tim: How does he… Bruce how do you know this?
Bruce: Selina is very informative… and Harley is as well. So you learn a thing or two. Go easy on them and they won’t bite your head off. You didn’t do anything to piss them off have you?
Dick, ice pack on his foot: Nope.
Tim: I have not so I’m doing good.
Bruce: Okay, well like I said don’t do anything else stupid, Dick. Dick: I will try not to.
With that Bruce ends the call. He sighs and looks at his cousin Kate aka Batwoman. Bruce: And then there's you.
Kate: Yeah, you’re just going to ignore me? No mention of the four way sync up?
Bruce: I’m ignoring a lot currently. I am a master at many things, women syncing menstrual cycles is not one of them.
Kate, agreeing: Trust me, women don’t get it either.
Bruce: Let’s get you your period stuff at least.
Kate: Could you not call it that?
Bruce: Could you actually be prepared next time?
Kate: Ooh, catty? Maybe you’re on your month as well.
Bruce, chuckles: You’re so funny let me tell ya.
Kate: I cope with humor. Get out the car, Cuzzo. Oh you’re also buying me food today.
Bruce: Of course, I am.
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玫瑰的故事 mei gui de gu shi (the tale of rose)
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jestroer · 2 years
I love being a part of hermitcraft fandom, not a single normal person in sight, I think sometimes am i being too weird and then i see my mutual being absolutely fucking insane on dash and think ah no im fine actually 
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i would like to stop experiencing the full spectrum of human emotions every day please. putting this out into the universe
#had suchhh a good workday. had hot pot with my roommate where we talked about our quarter life crises#and then came home and had a 3 hour screaming match with both of my parents where i said i was cutting them out of my life#it turns out. my dad still does not understand what the word bi means even tho his fucking wife is bi#he was like 'so you marry someone and six months later you see someone else you like and u go marry them instead?'#like genuinely. truly trying to understand#and that shocked me enough to stop crying#do not reblog please#like in hindsight it is SO funny#and that was the point where i was like. wait is this not malice#this is homophobia but i don't think it's malice#anyways we're all Ok now#we've agreed that i'm going to do what i want#and even if they're unhappy they're still gonna have a relationship with me#and they'll figure out how to adjust#my brother periodically came into the room and also screamed at my parents#i feel bad for them a lil bit. like they're not bad people#after he left my mom told me that a week and a half ago#my brother came into her room and told her that when she died he would bury her in a grave instead#of the traditional last rites (cremation rituals etc etc)#if she wouldn't accept me#and my mom said she was on a bunch of meds cause she's sick so she was so out of it it didn't even register what he was going on about#and then today after that convo she was like WAIT A MIN WHAT THE FUCK DID THIS BOY SAY TO ME#funniest 16 year old u could have on your side#truly he kept coming into the room every 5 min and going HEY HAVE YOU BOTH CONSIDERED NOT BEING HOMOPHOBIC. HAVE YOU.#HEY CAN U TELL YOUR DAUGHTER YOU STILL LOVE HER MAYBE??? THINK??? USE YOUR BRAIN???#this is why i would die for this kid#he's the best#he's such an idiot most of the time but when he's not being an idiot he's my favorite person on earth#don't tell him that tho anyone please#he'll hold it against me forever and ever as siblings do
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earlgodwin · 1 year
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I genuinely wish Cesare and Juan's dynamic was explored more since their brotherly bickering, conflicts and competitiveness was absolutely interesting to watch, and Juan's immaturity is very balanced with Cesare's leadership, thanks to David Oakes and François Arnaud's natural and amazing chemistry. Juan's death being very rushed will always annoy me and the show was never the same without him, knowing that Juan's solution at relieving his pain is through closeness with Cesare and loving him. He just wanted to be a part of the family and at every turn they’ve not allowed him. They’ve always pushed him away. when he forgave Cesare at the end saying how they're brothers and wants to be together, It was genuine which makes Juan's death even sadder than ever that Cesare stabbed him when he was just opening up and wanted harmony between himself and Cesare.
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itwoodbeprefect · 5 months
i'm two and a half episodes into a soap opera (what else is new) and have already been reduced to a sobbing wreck over this sibling relationship (that. that's new.)
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catilinas · 5 months
this book is um. not very well written. i hope marcus livius drusus has a narratively satisfying character arc and then dies
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citrus-adventures · 3 months
can't go to sleep thinking about the trolls world tour little mermaid au
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californiaquail · 2 months
ok i told the scary lady i would get back to her by wednesday and i have the interview with a place that might be better tomorrow morning. everyone cross your fingers and hope it's the best workplace on earth and they want to hire me instantly and hopefully for more than minimum wage🤞🏻
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lateseptemberdawn · 8 months
is it. um. normal to like. uh. get an. ick. from your. father. like. just. randomly one day? like um. why you chew that loud sir T_T
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lungthief · 1 year
really funny that sebastian stan went from being in like the worst movies in the entire world (and black swan) to being a lead in a huge tv miniseries and a couple of really interesting and well received movies but not to ever enough to distance himself from being known as That Guy Who Played Captain Americas Gay Lover
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jackalhadrurusluvr · 5 months
born to play games with other people forced to play them by myself
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bluberimufim · 1 year
Hi, and happy blorbo blursday! (as usual I am @writeblr-of-my-own).  I am back and ready to get in the game! For today's question, imagine your characters were in a cartoon TV show (such as Total Drama, Adventure Time, Kim Possible etc). What would their signature outfit be? The one they will never change for the duration of the season, possibly of the whole show? What would be one bit they keep doing or their signature sentence?
Happy blorbo blursday!!
This would be very interesting to answer for B&W because all the characters have their circus outfits, so I'm not gonna do that bc it's boring.
In the dystopia WIP, I've always had a very clear image of what Cristover, Nester and Alexis's outfits look like. Especially Alexis. Their outfit appeared 100% complete in my brain and I never changed it bc it was perfect.
I once did character sheets for all the characters and, while none of them is fully coloured, most of them had a little sketch just to kinda study colours and shapes. And this was Alexis:
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Some of the colours are kinda off and the yellow is supposed to be gold but this is the general idea. They're a ridiculously wealthy swordmaster living a life of hedonism and I think this really captures that vibe, especially when you add their facial expressions. They also always have amazing black and gold graphic-ish eyeliner.
Their outfit changes slightly throughout the story to include more red, to represent how they fall deeper and deeper in love with Veera and how this love gradually distances them from their old life (red is Veera's colour, her outfit also gains more gold elements).
If they had to keep the sane outfit throughout the whole "show", I have decided they would only change their outfit once. When they find out that Veera was secretly sent to assassinate them and is probably not even in love with them (she is), we see them venture out of their property for the first time. In this scene they're wearing nothing but red, no gold to be seen - they're not even wearing eyeliner.
Ok, to put this in simple terms, Alexis very vaguely represents "the rich" (together with Nester, the only other character who's main colour is a metallic tone), and Veera represents "the people", since she's the kinda-leader of the common people's revolt. In this scene, Alexis finally leaves their house (the bubble in which the wealthy live, out of touch with the world) and finds their way to a poorer part of Silver City (where Veera is from, they specifically find their way to the building the revolutionaries are using as headquarters) to finally see the real world and learn about Veera's cause. This kickstarts a redemption arc btw.
The colour-switching in a character duo also happens with Cris and Nester, but it means a very different thing and I've already written too much.
Anyway, here are some of the sketches for the other characters:
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They are, in this order: Vi, Veo, Veta, and Veera. Veera's design has changed a bit since this was made, but the general shapes and colours are still correct.
As for bits that keep showing up, I guess it would be that everyone struggles to pronounce Vi's full name because of how long it is (it's Anastavius Greterssen). It's not even that hard, but he always pronounces it with his native accent (which is kinda nordic-sounding) and always writes it out in his native language's alphabet, which the other characters can't read. The only time anyone ever saw his name in the "normal" alphabet was his and Veta's marriage certificate, which they lost when they got exiled.
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toastingpencils37 · 1 year
Bruh, the ninja's aim with the cannon is fucking ass.
Every damn time.
Lowkey also going to vent in the tags for a minute
#ninjago#tw vent#so of course I'm on day 1 of my period (which started yesterday afternoon) (right now I'm on day 2)#but anyways. At 7:40 am I get cramps in my thighs. And they're bad (though maybe not that bad. But I'm a bitch about cramps)#these fuckers stay until 9:26!!! And it was obvious I wasn't feeling great during Periods 1 & 2.#Because I was constantly fidgeting and in Period 2 I was messing around with my hoodie & constantly putting my head down#So anyways Period 2 and my cramps end. Time for break. My FUCKING BRACELETS are missing#Still don't know where they are at time of posting this except that they're at school#And I like these bracelets. to the point where if I find someone wearing them I WILL argue for them#And yeah my mom got them as a free gift from a company she buys from#But I like those bracelets. I'm so fucking willing to full on call someone out for wearing my bracelets#And bring to attention every feature that shows that it's mine. Like the fade marks or whatnot#So anyways. 3rd Period comes and goes. I get up to go and part of my jeans feel wet while I'm walking#like blood just leaked off the side of my pad wet. So I'm fucking walking like I pissed myself trying to get to the bathroom#and lo and behold.... Blood is on my fucking jeans. And it's not the hugest spot but I can fucking FEEL it#So I dry it the best I can (and swap my pad because it was FULL) then head to 4th#Trying to figure out whether I should ask my mom to bring me a pair or jeans. But indecisive because she's also working#So I text my brother. Bro just tells me to fucking decide for myself#So. Not wanting to impose on my mom (especially since I asked her to take pictures of my Stats textbook yesterday since I forgot to)#I just decide to deal with it#Anyways that's all just wanted to get that out there.#Everything's fine now. Except the bracelets. Hopefully I lost them in my 1st Period because apparently they aren't in my 2nd
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