#besides he's a king so he's like the dad to ALL waddle dees
mooniety · 6 days
the hc that susie & bandana dee have this parent-child dynamic will never die in my heart, i imagine that ever since they met for the kirby battle royale trailer they've just had this sort of friendship
like i imagine susie would cut & peel him apple slices, pack him lunch with all his favorite foods, provide him spare change in case of an emergency, celebrate his successes no matter the size, excessively worry about whether he's wearing enough/had enough sleep/eating well, or provide him guidance if he's struggling with something --generally things that are similar to how a parent would care for their child (this is from the perspective of someone from an east asian cultural context where some of these actions that appear odd are very conventional ways of displaying affection from parents)
it's cute & she does these things because she can see a lot of herself in bandana dee (the girlfailure) & wants him to have the opportunity for, if not a normal, then at least a happy & safe(r) childhood unlike the one she got
god forbid she watch him fight some newly arisen ancient godly entity with kirby the third time today.
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Please watch all 6 before the 7th one because it really does pack a bigger punch with this last one. 
I think this series was honestly the cure for my depression. I actually want to do an analysis of the last “It’s Kirby Time” series. It shows why the main four (Kirby, King Dedede, Meta Knight, and Bandana Dee) are friends.
“When I met you, I was able to meet a new me as well…”
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King Dedede and Bandana Dee have the same core reason but have different implications. With King Dedede, his relationship with Kirby wasn’t the best, but due to the King's jealousy. Making Kirby his rival, the root of jealousy is always the desire to want what the other person has… or to be that person.
This brings us to this “When I’m with you I find new things to love…” it shows King Dedede being kind to another Waddle Dee. With Kirby’s influence, Dedede learned how to be kind and selfless. Being a positive force in Dreamland and enjoying making others happy, just like Kirby. He was always capable of being kind; someone just had to show him first.
Then there’s Bandana Dee, who is pretty much the underdog of the group. Being one of 300 waddles probably doesn’t help you feel you stand out. Bandana Dee’s main insecurity is that he doesn’t stand out like the others. But being around Kirby makes him feel like, “Hey, I can be a hero too...”. He stands beside the rest of the group, no longer a background character but himself.
It says a lot that Bandana Dee is the one who’s on the island right beside Kirby fishing; he is his equal. Kirby brought out the best versions of Bandana Dee & King Dedede hence the line “I was able to meet a new me... “ This brings me to the fact that the islands are connected to Kirby. Kirby was able to see a part of himself in both of them, which made him feel less lonely.  
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Thank you. With you here, the darkness can’t scare me anymore.
Alright next is Meta Knight and Kirby,(AAAAAAHHHHHH META DAD); honestly, it could apply to both of them; it’s a double meaning. If you read in Kirby’s voice it implies that Meta Knight makes him safe and secure. Even with the unknown future, he will always be there to light the way and make sure that he’s always ready for whatever comes his way. When the darkest times arrive Meta Knight is always there for Kirby.
It gets more interesting if you read it in the context of Meta Knight. it implies that Kirby gives him a reason to be brave. Now it’s implied that MK is from dark origins (created by Nightmare); something he’s trying to get away from. With Kirby, he’s been given the chance to see himself differently, that he can be good. Being allowed to separate himself from his dark past, he’s not afraid of it anymore and can move forward from it.
I will miss the series, but it gave us so many wonderful stories I do hope you have the chance to watch them. 
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digitalmidnight · 2 years
Ridiculous Kirby Headcanons
Unashamedly silly headcanons featuring the dream team with little to no basis that I can not fit into a fanfic at the time. In no particular order at all with cherry picking from various Kirby media.
Potential Bandana Dee backstories for why he is so high ranking
Adoption into position after Crystal Shards
Literally just walked up and said he's the new kings advisor one day and King Dedede said "K"
Found as child and Dad instinct says protect him, but King Dedede doesn't want to admit to having soft spot at the time so Bandee gets funky title and such.
Made King Dedede a cake and it was so tasty he made Bandana Dee the highest position he could
Just happened to be the closest Waddle Dee and kept getting more responsibilities. Ended up being good at it, it became an official job.
Things that would be funny if Meta Knight didn't know how/what to do, but Galaxia did
How to cook, however all of Galaxia's recipes and advice are ancient so it just looks like Meta is bad at this
A whole language that Meta Knight is pretending to know but it's just Galaxia translating for him the whole time
Any weapon besides the sword, assuming Galaxia can still help him if he isn't holding her
Random and obscure facts that make Meta Knight seem well-read
Meta Knight's favorite flavor is chocolate. He thinks it's a secret. Everyone in dreamland knows this is a fact.
Meta Knight and King Dedede, despite being highly intelligent in their respective fields, have the world's stupidest internet search history.
King Dedede has every clothing item in every color in animal crossing. He exclusively wears custom designs and the two very expensive crowns. His wand outfits are cosplays.
Meta Knight and Dark Meta Knight have equal drawing ability
Bandana Dee has eaten something, such as a leaf, to see if he could have a copy ability like Kirby.
Kirby has a random fear that pops up sometimes that if he eats a certain food he will gain a copy ability from it and become that food.
Meta Knight owns a pair of stilts. He did not buy these
Kirby has broken into his friends' bedrooms to have impromptu sleepovers
Meta Knight accidentally confuses the names of the members of his crew in much the same way a parent might say their dog's name instead of their child's. Nobody corrects him.
King Dedede is excellent at reading people because he discovered it gives him an advantage at chess and some other games he is determined to win
Waddle Dees learned their "charge at you and attempt to tackle" attack from King Dedede
Bandana Dee prints out fanfiction and binds them. He does not admit to reading fanfiction
Despite being a horrible cook, Kirby has learned to deep fry foods scarily well
King Dedede and Kirby recommend each other cooking shows. Meta Knight watches them too but will never say anything about it
Bandana Dee collects souvenirs from his adventures such as really cool rocks
Kirby has a better range of taste buds than an average human. This does not mean he has better tastes in food than an average human
King Dedede has attempted to get a pet dragon for his castle as all castles deserve a dragon. Kirby was 100% on board with this idea.
Meta Knight plays Cookie Clicker casually
Bandana Dee can not hover because he can not hold his breath. He can swim because he does not necessarily need air
Daroach sometimes sleeps on the Halberd without telling anyone, wakes up on a different planet, leaves to steal stuff, and accidentally gets abandoned on the planet leading him to have to call either his squad or Meta Knight to go pick him up.
Susie has modded video games involving robots as bad guys to make it so the robots win
Sailor Waddle Dee was the Waddle dee who stole Kirby's cake in squeak squad and has told nobody about this
Magolor makes prank DIY videos that encourage stuff like microwaving metal. Taranza falls for these posts.
Marx only texts in L33t speak
Kirby's past friends do visit him or call him at least once a month and on his birthday
Kirby owns Kirby merch. So does Bandana Dee.
Meta Knight has never gotten rid of a gift from a friend. He has many shoeboxes filled with crayon drawings from Kirby
King Dedede can draw realistically however gets too bored to finish the picture unless it's something he is really passionate about
Bandana Dee and Meta Knight are fishing buddies. Kirby and King Dedede are too technically but they keep falling asleep
Meta Knight rage quits Co-op games with the rest of the dream team.
Kirby has all of his friend's favorite foods memorized
The only person to ever beat King Dedede at chess is Kirby. Kirby has only played chess once and needed his friends to tell him how the pieces moved every time
Meta Knight can't drive and that's why he hired Captain Vul
King Dedede shows affection through gifts, mostly food related. Bandana Dee shows affection through acts of service. Kirby shows his affection in many ways, but especially physical affection. Meta Knight shows affection by rigorously training those he cares about so they can defend themselves
Marx has attacked someone else for being a food thief. He has standards and stealing food is a line one shouldn't cross. Marx has stolen food before and will do it again.
At least one of the Meta Knights' names aren't their real name, however they never corrected anyone and so it just kinda stuck
Bandana Dee has good attention to detail which allows him to find an absurd amount of 4 leaf clovers
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quotes-of-dreamland · 4 years
Mod Taranza Rates The Characters by how good of a friend/partner they’d be, Part 1
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King Dedede - 7.5/10
A chill dude! seems like the guy you could call up for when you want to go and buy 3 big combo packs at the combination KFC and Taco bell. He may not get emotional right away and he may have the short end of the stick when it comes to comforting you, but he’ll find a way. A true pal that will make a great addition to any party event involving smash bros, mario kart, or among us. If only he’d stop getting possessed :( Mom friends be wary of him, he will do almost anything that seems like a fun idea on first glance.
As a partner: an even better cuddler! A more simpler kind of guy who’d take just a long walk and some McDonald’s over anything fancy. You cold? you’re getting his robe as long as he gets to hold you close. Given his predicaments of possession though, he may be emotionally unavailable at times, but he’ll bounce back don’t worry. My mom might not like his loud and kinda messy personality, but he’ll be A ok with my two gay dads, and they’re the ones whos opinion really counts.
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Meta Knight - 9/10
Your typical go-to straight man. (Not that he’s likely straight by any means) Collected, analytical, most likely can relate to your trauma, and he has a group of friends/followers that would cherish you just as much as he probably cherishes your company! He might not be the most expressive, but he has his own way of looking out for you. His low voice may prove to even be soothing at times when you feel upset or in distress. Canonically a dad, so he knows just how to help you and your more childlike friends feel better!
As a partner: melting past his air of mystery and strength will bring out a warm and compassionate side to him. He will be the first to lay down his life for you and protect you from whatever should desire to lay harm to you. He may not be the best at always expressing just how much he feels, who wont hesitate to find a way to show you. Cold? prepare to feel him sitting right beside you, cape draped on your shoulder. Hard day? watch as he swoops down bringing you a delectable chocolatey treat. Who can resist such a sweetness? He sure wont, even if he’s one of popstars sworn defenders. Slow walks on the deck of the Halberd, some homoromantic sword fighting, an accented voice that calls you “mi amor”, is this not the peak of romance that both the straights and gays can strive for? Not sure how my parents would feel about him on first impression since he looks like a “bad boy”, but who cares, I know i’m going to be well taken care of and happy
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Bandana Waddle Dee - 8/10
There he is, there he be! If it weren’t always for Kirby, he could tie with Meta Knight for the honor of “Most Helpful Boy”. Sure, he may be rather nervous when it comes to new things, but he wont let that get in his way of what’s right, and he wont hesitate to put up a fight either! A good guy through and through who’s here to remind you to stay hydrated and take care of yourself.
As a partner: two words: good datemate!! He is here for your wellbeing and he will in fact throw down with anyone who tries to stop that. Medicine? On it! Cold? he’s buying the jacket as I speak! Hungry? He’ll cook something! It all may seem like a lot, but really he’s just doing his best to help like any good Dee should. Just be careful please, he may have a spear, but he’s still small and hugs can be too tight... He’s polite, honorable, and hard working, any parent who doesn’t approve of that is just being a picky asshole for the sake of being a picky asshole.
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thornbolts · 5 years
My Two Lives Ch. 7 - My First Friend
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Previous Chapters:
[Chapter 1: Westfallen Blues]
[Chapter 2: From Student to Hunter]
[Chapter 3: The Doe and the Buck]
[Chapter 4: The Day the Wardrums Came]
[Chapter 5:  Hard Times in a Harder City]
[Chapter 6: The Fall of Stormwind]
It must've been around three days we were at sea then, a boat among the countless others sailing north toward Lordaeron. There was no below-deck, and any raging elements like the storms or the cold rain, we just had to endure with what clothing we were able to carry.
But it wasn't all bad. We were fortunate enough to have a mage apprentice on our ship. He couldn't do much more other than conjuring fire in his palms, but with the cooking supplies the other families aboard the ship brought along, we were able to boil seawater, gather the steam, let it cool down, and drink it. This way, we never wanted for clean water.
There wasn't much to do for entertainment on the boat other than cards and playing a bit of I Spy with the other ships sailing around us on this mass exodus. So we'd fill our days talking with the other people aboard the boat, getting to know their life stories. Hell, I think this was when I began to appreciate storytelling.
Yeah. During those nights where we couldn't see anything around us other than the lamplights on the other boats, we told stories and sometimes sang songs.
That mage apprentice I mentioned earlier? His name was Archie, but we called him Arch. He'd been studying hard with whatever magic books he could buy on a delivery boy's budget. His dream was to study in Dalaran eventually. Fire came naturally to him. But the other magic? Not so much. Nonetheless, he was a sweet guy. Said he wanted to become a mage to help the world, to use his power to protect--to ensure no other people would be hurt by things like war.
I chuckled at that. It was a lofty ideal for a kid whose eyes hadn't seen the worst of it. But I suppose we needed folks like him if we wanted this earth to be a better place for those that'd come after we're long gone.
Along the trip, a barber volunteered to cut people's hair and shave them if needed. He was a grizzled middle-aged man, maybe about my pa's age. He managed to get his barber's tools out of his shop when the evacuation notice came out. His name was Benton.
Alongside Benton was his daughter, Melody. She was about my age, maybe a year or two older. When my pop took up Benton's offer, Melody and I would be off on the other side of the boat, trying to shimmy away from both of our dads telling embarrassing stories about us as kids.
I remember the first time I spoke with her. And today, I'm still in contact with her, even though we lost it briefly when I was an angry specter wandering the forests of Tirisfal, but that's another story for later.
As Benton draped the barber's apron over my pop, my pop got right into telling the story about the Doe and the Buck, my first time out hunting after I got expelled from school in Stormwind. He was having a grand old time telling Benton how he got that expulsion letter and how Uncle Jasper escorted me back to the family hunting lodge. My ma was red in the face. I knew she'd be slapping pop the moment we all got off the boat.
I wish I could shut my ears, but I couldn't do much other than making my way to the opposite end of the boat to at least be able to hear myself think.
Melody waddled up right beside me and took a seat. We both awkwardly stared out into the ocean and at the other ships. At the time, the only interaction I had with kids my age was being the victim of constant bullying and having to fight even to be acknowledged. I was good at one thing, something that hunting taught me well: Staying quiet.
Must have been five minutes before she finally broke the ice, and she had the delicateness of a sledgehammer.
"S-so uh..." Melody stammered as she watched me chamber a bullet into and out of my rifle. "Your f-freckles are pretty."
I squinted, laying my rifle across my lap. My what? Did I hear her right?
"Thank ya kindly. I grew 'em myself." I tried to hide my accent, but it was blatantly obvious I wasn't from the city. And this conversation was already terribly awkward.
Her eyes widened as she heard me, and I thought she'd be another kid that'd get a kick out of the country speak. I closed my eyes and sucked air through my teeth, bracing for her to let all the laughs out. I was used to it at this point.
"Your accent is cool too. Westfallen?" She piped up again, dragging her hand through the water.
Her words caught me off guard. I fumbled the bullet out of my hand, trying to snag it out of the air multiple times before it plopped into the ocean. I leaned over the edge, trying to see if I could plunge my hand into the water to get it back before it sank into the sunless depths.
"REM!" My pops shouted from the other side of the boat, his face covered in shaving cream as Benton paused, looking from my pops' chin to me. "What’re ya lookin’ fer in the water?! Mermaids? Don't make me come over there and tie ya ta the damn mast!”
"Sorry, pop." I leaned back into the boat, facing toward Melody again. "Westfallen. My grandpa and grandma lived there. My ma and pop moved us ta Elwynn when I was maybe three?"
"You mean you've always been outside of Stormwind?"
"Right up until the Orcs came and nearly killed us at our huntin' lodge," I said.
Melody paused, her gaze descending into the wooden boards. A few seconds went by before I realized I probably struck a nerve.
"Yeah. I don't suppose I'm special now considerin’." I glanced out to all the other ships packed to the rails with fellow refugees. 
I extended my fist out. This girl was the first one that didn't laugh at my voice when I spoke. She seemed nice, not at all like those bullies at the academy. I figured that... maybe I’d try the whole ‘making friends’ thing again. "Name's Remington. Rem fer short."
She bumped my fist and looked out toward the water. "Melody," she introduced. "Lost my mom in the attack. Now it's just dad and me." She motioned to Benton with the tip of her chin.
I went silent for a moment, staring at my reflection in the water as we drifted into the seemingly endless horizon. "I'm sorry," I finally mustered.
"Not your fault," Melody assured. "Say... What's with the rifle? Can you shoot?"
“We’re hunters.” I smirked, bracing the buttstock against the crook in my shoulder and looking down the scope at the ground. "Reckon I can shoot better than most soldiers." I was confident that I actually could. I wanted to prove it by pinging a seagull flying overhead, but that'd just make my family pissed.
"Always wanted to try it, you know? Shooting a gun, shooting a bow--never could." Melody sighed, clasping her hands behind her back and leaning on the mast.
"Why not?" I asked. "Walk on down ta any general store, and you'd find a rifle or bow somewhere on the shelf. Only a matter 'a findin' a spot ta practice."
"Finding a spot was always the hard part." Melody just smiled, lifting her eyes to the blue and yellow lion symbol atop our sail. "Never been outside Stormwind City until the Orcs came."
The thought of it was completely incomprehensible to me: Melody stayed confined in those constricting white walls, always in the thick of a busy populace where you couldn't even hear yourself think. No nature. No feeling of vast freedom. Not having to kill to eat and not having to fight to exist. The first thought that came to mind was that she was just pampered and privileged.
I just stared at her. I don't know how long I did before Benton chuckled.
"Looks like you talked the poor girl silly," Benton called out to Melody, wiping my father's face of any remaining shaving cream.
"They're already makin' friends." My pop smiled, scooping a hand into the seawater and rinsing his newly-shaved face with it. "At least one good thing has come outta those damned Orcs attackin'."
I scoffed, looking back out toward the blue horizon. I had an idea.
"Ya know anythin' about this Lordaeron place we're goin'?" I asked.
"I know there are forests! It's probably colder since it's way up north. There's this big city. It's called Capital City!" Melody declared. "It's where King Terenas lives."
"Capital City? What kinda name is that? It's so... boring." I snorted, peeling the brim of my hat over my face to shield it from the overhead sun.
"Looks like you were paying attention in class, Dee." Benton smiled, dunking his razor into the water and cleaning it off with a handkerchief.
"Unlike Rem," pops jabbed from the other end of the boat.
I rolled my eyes, looking back toward Melody. "If'n ya want, maybe I could take ya out shootin' when we get settled in Lordaeron?"
She grinned the widest smile I ever saw someone smile, genuine warmth and enthusiasm. "It's a promise then."
As Melody said that, I felt my chest swell up with excitement. I don't know how else to describe it. It was weird. For once, I actually got the chance to show someone what my pop taught me, maybe give someone a love of the wild.
We wouldn't hit Lordaeron for another week, but it was nice to know that I made the first friend I ever really had in my life. This friendship lasts even today in my second life. Melody and I write to one another still. Moved back into Stormwind City, and she’s got two beautiful sons.
We meet sometimes when we can, maybe once or twice a year to catch up in neutral territory, like Pandaria. A lot has happened, but despite faction lines now and me being the walking dead, we still treat each other like those times back on the boat and in Lordaeron.
My first friend. I’d kill for her.
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kirisakin · 6 years
The Ludicrously Opinionated Triple D Post
I personally can’t see “cool dad-friend Dedede” as being canon. And unlike most fanon interpretations, I know exactly where this one comes form, and why it became so enjoyed within the fandom.
The Subspace Emissary mode in Brawl shows a more selfless Dedede, one who has to resort to less than straightforward tactics to stop this Dr. Manhattan looking creep from turning everyone into statues. 
Up until now, this was quite literally the most personality he has ever been given in any game. And given the Kirby fandom’s… divided opinion on the anime, Dedede being a Dededad as opposed to him being a Dededick was welcomed with open arms, and any depiction of him as being anything less than “jerk with a heart of gold” was seen as Bad and Wrong.
But here’s the thing.
This portrayal is just about as canon as “AH NEED UH MONSTUH T’CLOBBAH THAT THEAH KUHBEH” is. It’s never referenced in the games proper, nor is it considered a part of canon of… hell, anything else besides Brawl.
So, with all that under our belts, does this mean that the anime version of Dedede, sub and/or dub, is the superior, nay, the dededefinitive and superior version?
No, it is not.
It’s not anywhere close to how I envision him.
If it were up to me, he’d be more of a bully and a trickster, kinda like how he was in the test footage for the anime. But even then, I think it works perfectly fine for the narrative and story that the anime was going for! It just wouldn’t mesh too well with the game’s portrayal, given what little scraps we have.
Here’s how I see the 3D.
Dedede is a loud, bombastic guy who made himself the king by saying he was, and the rest of the country went… “ehh, why not?”. He built his kingdom from the ground up, got a bunch of lackeys to help him out with little to no persuasion, and slowly grew to own literally everything in the country.
His favorite pastimes are eating and pranks. These pranks include stealing food from the entire country, stealing all the stars from the sky, and blasting people to smithereens.
Along comes Kirby. The bane of his existence. 
Kirby is a good kid, we know that, but he doesn’t. Kirby doesn’t obey him! He doesn’t respect him! He just does as he pleases with a big, dopey smile on his face. Even when Dedede’s being selfless and trying to save the day himself, Kirby swoops in to play hero.
Dark Matter comes along next. Ol’ 3D gets tossed around like a bean-bag and treated like a meat puppet while that same little pink kid takes all of the glory for saving everyone, again and again, and again, and again…
The nerve of that kid!
Even when Dedede’s not doing anything particularly wrong that day, Kirby comes along and tries to beat him up! Sure, we once again know he’s got his reasons, but Dedede just sees a whiny little brat with nothing better to do than to bug him!
Eventually, he cracks. Demands revenge on Kirby for everything that he’s done to him, deserved or otherwise, and tries to mash his brains out with a souped-up version of his hammer. And how well do you think that works out for him?
Kirby beats him, hands down. Dedede walks off into the sunset, derelict and miserable. Not even the Waddle Dees that have basically formed a cult of personality around him can cheer him up. But, he gets better. Makes a bunch more castles and tries to stay minding his own business, away from that pink little menace.
Kirby’s Return to Dreamland happens.
Even on the title screen, it’s clear Dedede is only helping Kirby out for the sake of not letting some random stranger die in an unfamiliar world. But, something changes. He kinda... likes it. Being on an adventure with everyone else makes him feel good! He finally can be a hero and not get pushed off to the side for once.
It’s not a long-lasting change. Meta Knight is still the only one he really considers a friend (or close ally/acquaintance/business partner, depending on how accurate the English translation of the original Kirby’s Adventure is), and he’s still pretty hostile towards Kirby, which is especially evident in Battle Royale and Planet Robobot, but he can at least push his grudge aside when a giant wasp woman tries to suck up Dreamland’s life energy like a milk carton.
It’s just that Kirby is so young, and cute, and grossly perfect. There isn’t a single blatant flaw he can think that the puffball has. Well, none that he hasn’t fabricated himself to justify his hatred. And it’d be hypocrisy to claim his impulsiveness is his biggest flaw, because… black pot, meet black kettle.
TL; DR My Dedede is a bitter, lonely man with dededepression and his best years behind him, and he also wants to fight literally everything in sight.
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