#bending AU
lea-sbian · 8 months
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and i still want to make art for it, but I've just been struggling getting motivation for it. But here's a concept lil thing i did for leo's water bending
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affo-gatto-gateau · 4 months
So, I wrote a little piece for my atla/npmd au (it's really just, what if Hatchetfield had bending) so here it is!
"Are you ready?"
Max snorts and rolls his shoulders back, settling into a wide, defensive stance. Richie doesn't notice the quiet shaking in his hands, or the way his eyes dart around, searching for an escape. Perhaps he should have, but he doesn't. Instead, shrugs and shifts his feet.
It's a straightforward punch, a lick of flame flowing from the movement and out past his limbs. It flies directly towards Max's chest. Just a warm-up shot, simple, easy to block or dodge. 
But Max doesn't move. 
There's no shaking of earth, his feet are planted, and he seems just as unmoving as the stone he bends. His eyes are trained on that spurt of golden-orange fire, the glow illuminating panic for a brief second. His body crumples in on itself just before it hits. The blow isn't forceful, but it's enough to make him stumble back over his own feet and find himself sprawled on the floor.
Richie lets his stance fall. He stares, in awe. He just knocked Max Jägerman to the ground. That comes with the much more panic-fueled realisation that holy shit, he just knocked Max Jägerman to the ground! His body, luckily, moves faster than his mind, and he's next to Max in seconds. "Are you okay?"
Max stares up at him, unresponsive, for a few seconds, the only noise between them the gasping breaths he drags into his lungs. "I'm fine," he grits out, between puffs. He ignores the offered hand and hauls himself to his feet. "Let's go again."
Richie opens his mouth to protest, and Max shoots him a look that makes him instantly close it again. They settle into their stances once more. 
Max doesn't block the second time, or the third, or the fourth. Richie doesn't shoot on the fifth. 
"Come on, Shit-lips, we gonna stand here all day or what?"
Richie's hands fall. "I'm not doing this," he mutters.
"What did you say?"
"I said, I'm not doing this," he repeats louder. Max's eyes darken. "There's obviously something going on. Definition of insanity and whatnot. I'm not gonna keep throwing fire at you and hoping something different will happen."
"And I will, but this doesn't look much like helping!"
Max takes a step forward. The ground is suddenly unsteady. "You said you would help me."
"It's working fine."
"That's a lie and you know it," he spits back.
"We go again."
"I won't do it."
Max is so close to him now. The literal monster looms tall over him, scowling down. "I'm not asking, Shit-lips," he growls. And Richie, by some miracle, finds it in himself to scoff.
"What, are you threatening me?" His eyes narrow. There's heat building in his hands, he lets it bleed out into small flames, flickering as they wind around his fingers. The second Max sees it, he's cast onto the back foot. He steps– no, leaps back, scrambling away from Richie with all the desperation of a cornered animal. And Richie finally sees it, painted across his face in broad strokes, clear as day. Fear.
He clenches his fists tight, and lets the fire dissipate into thin wisps of smoke. "We're not doing this," he repeats, finally. 
Max doesn't look at him, not as he approaches, not and he settles next to him or places a warm hand on his chest, bringing his breathing back to normal. "You're afraid of fire," Richie says. It's not a question. 
"You don't fucking tell a soul," he whispers, as gruffly as he can manage. It's no use; the illusion is shattered. He's not Max Jägerman, Literal Monster. Richie isn't the helpless nerd. They're two boys, sitting side-by-side on the gym floor.
"I promise," Richie whispers back. And Max believes him.
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phoenixkaptain · 3 months
Me: haha Star Wars bending au where i just don’t stress and write a few scnes
Me, stressing: but how would the politics work. What is Yoda going to be?? Can he just be one of those weird talking owls? Should I put technology in for the sake of technology-necessary plot? The fuck do I do with Artoo?
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Danny in the ATLA/TLOK world
How well would he manage as himself? Would he suddenly be considered a water bender? A fire bender? A new form of energy bending? A spirit bender? There’s so much possibility here!
I’m also a huge huge fan of overpowered Danny so perhaps he starts out that way with his typical powers but as people he encounters learn his starting style he begins to change as a result of learning bending styles of fighting, too!
This isn’t even mentioning if others have powers and show up!
Imagine Sam being a new type of earth bender primarily controlling plantlife!
Tucker with electricity- maybe even sand? -as his sole bending ablility!
If Jazz doesn’t just have weapons or the same as Danny then maybe she discovers her talent for blood bending! That sounds like a dream for badass angsty Jazz lovers!
And if they’re each halfas or liminal they’d all have a bunch of overpowered abilities at first!
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sea-owl · 1 year
hi so not really a prompt I think but would you ever consider doing a an avatar au for the bridgerton spouses like what element they would bend and would their bridgerton be benders
Oh I love atla! Yes let's do element bendings for the spouses!
Simon: Earth bender. Simon is very grounded person or at least tries to keep himself that way. He can be stubborn to a fault as shown with the dual he got into with Anthony but with enough shaking to his foundation he has shown he can change. I also would like to think he would get his earth bending from his mother and the Hastings line was orginally fire benders to add onto Simon's daddy issues.
Kate: Might be cliche but Kate comes off as a fire bender to me. With how passionate Kate is it reminds me a little bit of Zuko. And let's be honest Kate's temper might be a factor too, at times it's what's driving the plot forward in the book. But fire is also the element of energy which describes Kate and her constant drive to what she says she's gonna do.
Sophie: Water bender. Water is known the element of change, it is also associated as one of the elements of emotional wisdom. Sophie has been through it in her life but she has always been able to go with the changes she's been dealt with in her life. She may not always like those changes but she's able to keep her head above up and stick to her morals as she goes through these changes. Plus the healing aspect of water could come in handy with her story when Benedict gets sick.
Penelope: Air bender. I was orginally gonna say water bending for Penelope but then I thought about it some more and air fits her so much better. Air is the only element that can't be seen when it's bended, we can feel it with our other senses, but it is an invisible bending. (we as the audience saw it but that was because the animators made it visible to us.) Penelope would probably feel a connection with her element due to both of them being invisible to others. Air is also associated with not only freedom but also wisdom/intelligence and curiosity traits commonly associated with Penelope too. Plus we've seen what tricksters the air nomads could be, an air nomad would 100% come up with the idea of Lady Whistledown and use their air bending to hear all the good gossip.
Phillip: Earth or water, or possibly fire bender. I can honestly see him being any of these three. Phillip can be a rather grounding or maybe static is the word I'm looking for. But he also does have this secret passionate side to him we see peak out from time to time. Earth would be the obvious choice for him, but I can also see water working especially if we take the approach of the swamp benders who water bend the water in the plants. I can see Phillip doing that for his botany research. Fire I think would be ironic but can see working especially if it's connected to his father and Phillip has to learn to accept that part of himself as a bender.
Michael: Fire. I can see an argument for Michael being water too, and I want to say he got his bending from Helen's side. John was an earth bender and the Earls of Kilmartin were typically earth benders. Michael is one of the few who is not which adds to his imposter syndrome. A part of me wants to say fire just because I think it would be interesting to play with especially with his time in the military. It would also be interesting to play with since Michael has malaria with spiking fevers and fire benders could potentially tend to run warmer in body heat. Plus it has to be cold up on the family estate, he's gonna need that fire to keep Francesca warm at night.
Gareth: This one is hard. All I know for a fact is that it came from Grandma Danbury's side. I could be lazy and say water because backstory wise Gareth is the male version of Sophie some people so desperately want. Earth maybe? I can see Gareth being either water or earth. I kinda do want to lean towards water because water is a purifying element. So I could lean into the purifying aspect for Gareth and when I say that I mean lean into the part of the story of Gareth becoming more honest and upfront with Hyacinth.
Lucy: Air bender. So part of the reason I chose this is because Lucy reminds me of a caged bird. She's the bird wanting her freedom but her uncle has her trapped in a cage demanding her to follow his orders. Lucy wishes to be free and spread her wings. She wants to soar up in the clouds, which eventually does come true.
For the Bridgertons I'm gonna rapid fire them off vibes and let's just pretend for funnies that Violet had two different elements in her DNA and Edmund had the other two so I don't have pick and stay with two elements. That or we can be lazy and say they're all non benders.
Anthony: Earth
Benedict: Air
Colin: FIre
Daphne: Water
Eloise: Fire
Francesca: Earth
Gregory: Water
Hyacinth: Air
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opbau · 2 months
thinking about a little usopp discovering his firebending. he's looking in awe at this little flame in his hands that he made- he made!
maybe he's upset at first. angry at the world- at himself, at his mother- for not letting her live long enough to show it off. maybe he's angry that he's a fire bender instead of all the extravagant stories he regaled his mother with on her sickbed. of becoming a better waterbender than anyone else in the village and healing her good as new.
so maybe he's upset. but once the grief has passed he finds practical uses for it; starting fires, heating the bath, drying his clothes- all kinds of things. and just. thinking about the journey of him learning to love his bending over the years living on his own. overhearing one of the villagers mention his dad having been a firebender too and having mixed feelings before deciding on pride.
and little young teen usopp playing around with a ball of fire before he gets startled by three curious vegetable kids. and then lights his pants on fire.
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Mirabel had never really expected the war to reach the Northern Water Tribe, not even when Isabela was revealed to be the Avatar- because of course it was Perfect Princess Isabela. Abuela had been simultaneously delighted, proud and terrified, even Mirabel had seen it.
But all the same…They were safe. They had their high walls that had never ever been breached.
“We are strong,” Abuela always said. “We are safe here.”
But then the snow turned black.
In which the Madrigals rule the Northern Water Tribe, and the Fire Nation is on their doorstep at long last.
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empressgeekt · 10 months
Fic Prompt - Avatar Lo'ak AU (in a bending way)
Currently, with the release of the new movie, I'm sure that when someone hears the word AVATAR their mind goes to our favorite blue alien family. However, there is another, equally great, franchise by the same name. Avatar: The Last Air Bender (or Korra doesn't matter why part of the timeline you entered in). These are both high popular franchises, but someone in the fanfiction community there have been very few attempts to SMOOSH them together.
So, I present to you the Avatar Lo'ak AU.
Benders are still a thing on the dying earth, but since the four nations have fallen long ago, and many generations of people having kids between each other, humans who are benders could be anything no matter what other benders in their family are. The Avatar is mostly, a military role now. Whatever country they're born into they serve, and protect. The ides of world peace and balance is long past, lost to myth, so people are just fighting over the Avatars depending on which country they are born in, either training them to lead their soldiers or trying to kill them so the would be hopefully reborn in the killer's country. This means that when he was serving Jake actually had the chance to talk to the Avatar before Lo'ak (I'm calling her Adashi, don't know why). Jake would completely forget about this encounter, for years, until...
The day that like a 12-year-old Lo'ak enters the avatar state to save his siblings from some sort of predator in the forest. The whole family, plus Norm witness the event. Shock runs like wildfire, because 1, this is a human thing, and 2, the Navi has no clue what just happened. Norm is a complete obsessive geek when it comes to benders, and the Avatar, so he digs up all the research he did on it to help explain what Lo'ak is to Neytiri and Mo'at, however they don't really understand the gravity of what the young Navi is until Norm compares the Avatar to Toruk Makto, and what could happen if Lo'ak enters the avatar state with out proper training.
Sadly for Lo'ak there is little that can teach him control on Pandora currently. Jake is an earthbender (hadn't done it in years and never tried in Navi form, but apparently bending stuck with him after the body-swap), so he spends the next few years teaching Lo'ak earthbending. Due to their similar personalities, Lo'ak takes to earthbending like a fish to water, and is a very good earth bender in a few years. Norm manages to get his hands on other bending materials to at least get Lo'ak the basics on the other elements.
As for the rest of the plot. I have no idea. I keep jumping from one idea to another, and have nothing to string them together yet. Definitely think that some of the other RDA drivers will retain bending abilities and would want to hunt Lo'ak down. Maybe they revive other benders specifically to take down Lo'ak, one of them being Tommy Sully, because he was a decent Air Bender while alive, and than Jake would get his brother back and a lot of angst regarding Tommy not wanting to fight, a kid even before he learns that Lo'ak is his nephew. So, they rebel. Maybe they don't leave the forest because it is where Lo'ak can defined himself, or maybe they leave to protect him. Maybe the humans decide to eliminate all possible allies to the sullys and take out the homes of the other clans, before attacking the avatar's home. Making the reef people have to come to the forest in a role reversal.
So, many possibilities!!!!
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petricorah · 1 year
I love "i would kill for you" ship dynamics but what about "i would stop killing" ship dynamic??
I would lay down my sword for you. I would change my nature and go against everything i've known. I would resist the easy way out of solving my problems. I would give up the adrenaline of battle to stay by your side and make tea instead. I'm not sure I know who I am without a weapon in my hand because I've had to fight for so long but for you I'm willing to try and figure this out.
It must be hard. To put down your weapon that's protected you for so long. It's allowed you to stay alive it's kept you from getting hurt--physically and mentally. Because you've never had to worry about a real relationship if you think you'll be dead at the next battle. And you feel naked without it and it feels like you're ripping off an extension of yourself. Are you even whole without it? Are you worthy of being loved if you can't prove it by risking your life? And yet they've found someone who's asking them for something much harder than dying in battle on their behalf. They've found someone who wants them to live. And that's much more terrifying.
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notherpuppet · 6 months
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Evil Woman 🎶
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verianal · 2 months
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Uhm waiter theres a payneland in my yuri... 😬
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hinamie · 4 months
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I could've been a better man, but I'm not
more lmhs megu bc i love him. he is here fr ur lunch money :>
jjk atla!au with @philosophiums
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This also makes me want to imagine how each of the Bats would be in the ATLA/TLOK universe!
Just focusing on them, would they still be vigilantes?
Where would they be based?
Would they each have different bending styles and home towns?
How about if only some of them have bending- like if we play similar to canon and have only Duke be consistantly able to bend?
There’s so many possibilities!
Alfred with Air and/or Fire and knowing many techniques from his travels
Bruce with Earth but influences from multiple places (or the avatar lol thatd be fun)
Dick with Water or Fire but being taught to use it many ways due to his upbringing
Cass with Fire but is rarely caught using it unless for entertaining and distracting children or with Water who was taught primarily to blood blend but becomes a healer once she learns of it (though she gives off the vibes of an Earth bender to most I think and personally I’d adore her using lightning)
Jason with…. well, there’s too many good possibilities actually
Tim being an Earth or non-bender with a love for gadgets and studying bending styles from any source he can
Steph being Air, Fire, or a non-bender who loves being showy and badass but is more controlled than people expect
Damian could have any element or none though I suspect he’d end up having a learned hatred of Air if we’re going a bit more canonical to ATLA/TLOK which he unlearns with the help of his family but perhaps especially Alfred
Duke who, if is in a family of benders maybe isn’t a bender, or is so skilled at his element he masters a cross-bending style like Metal, Lava, or Lightning faster than most
and so many more batfamily members I didnt mention cuz lord knows I am not that knowledgable about them (I wanna write for Tiffany esp.)
AND of course none of this mentions the rest of the DC characters. What of their enemies? Their allies? Has anyone been one then transitioned to the other side?
ALSO what if they, as themselves, end up in this world of bending? How would they hold up in a different world of powers?
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apradonite · 15 days
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a realization across dimensions
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chucktaylorupset · 2 years
I think there's something to be said for fanfiction that loves canon in a way that’s rude. Like thank you for this wonderful thematic tragedy made out of this character’s entire arc ending in death, it was emotionally and intellectually moving, but also fuck you fuck you fuck you they live, this time and every time they live, they never died, their flaws are not their undoing, actually they have no flaws, actually they save everyone, actually who cares about a story, any story, where this one dies, actually i cared about that story so much i made a new one, actually i cared so much i unmade the old one, you gave me morals and i left them for the mortal, but they’re mine now and i will never let them die, actually thank you, actually fuck you, strongly worded letter to follow
A kiss for canon and spit in its face all at once, it’s great
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sleepyconfusedpotato · 11 months
🚬🦇 Vampire!Price 🚬🦇
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Vampire!Price AU where he's 737 years old and has been through countless wars. One of the most powerful beings in existence who has the gift, or rather, a curse of eternal life. Now he's with the SAS, forming the Task Force 141, a team of soldiers with special abilities. In the modern day though, Price has sworn to only consume animal blood, because if he consumes human blood (even the enemies') his thirst will grow insatiable and he'll harm other people he grew to cherish, which explains his pale skin colour. He hasn't drunk any human blood since WWII. When he's at the height of his powers, he can control the blood flow of other beings with blood, and with that, their movements and even every pump of their heart. That is, until he met Gaz, who hadn't a single drop of blood inside his body. Spoiler : it's Mummy!Gaz 👀
What a fun experience ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Revisiting the Vampire!Price had been really enjoyable, plus the fact that I get to study more shading and colouring techniques (because I suck at colouring)!
That cup is definitely just a red tea.
Hope you love this art! ૮ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ა
Lineart version 👇
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