#ben hardy pregnancy
Can I request a fluffy Joe Mazzello x fem. reader long fic where reader and Joe are spending Christmas with Joe’s family and reader watches Joe being adorable with his nieces and nephews and admires how good he is with them and is so excited for Joe to open her big surprise she has for him later tonight. Later that night, Joe, reader, and Joe’s family are all in the living room taking turns opening presents and when it’s Joe’s turn, reader requests that he open his present from her last, and when he opens her present, inside is a Yankees onesie that says Mazzello on the back and a sonagram photo and everybody is so excited that reader and Joe are going to have a baby?
you watched as Joe hugged his family, saying hello and merry Christmas to them all. after hugging Joe they greeted you with a warm welcome.
you heard a little scream from two young children from the living room and Joe's laugh following after it.
you walked into the room, seeing your niece and nephew being tickled with the stuffed broccoli. they were giggling you screaming.
you smiled at the sight
"auntie Y/n! help us" your nephew yelled breathlessly
"what do you want me to do?!" you giggled
"get him away!"
"she can't help you" Joe laughed, continuing to tickle them
they both screamed, squirming in your spot, trying to get out of their grip.
your mother in law called you all for dinner, making the kids laugh in Joes face as he stopped.
"would you like some wine, dear?" your mother in law asked, gowing around the table filling the adults glasses
"oh no thank you, I don't drink on Christmas" you shook your head. turning the drink down
she smiled at you before filling Joe's glass with wine.
"help yourself to any drink in the fridge"
"presents!" your nephy yelled out, running to the tree and kneeling down in front of it with a big smile on his face
you all sat down in the living room and watched as the kids ripped open their presents
"hey, you two have to open mine!" Joe smile at the kids, looking over at the two wrapped presents you two bought for them.
your nephew picked up his present, gasping as he saw a lego star wars set
"woah, thank you!" he said, getting up at hugging you and Joe.
your niece opened the box, seeing a little pearl bracelet and a teddy bear
she tanked you both and smiled widely.
"ok, you open mine" Joe said, passing you a box
you opened the box, seeing a candle, perfume and a necklace with chocolates scattered around the area.
you leaned over and kissed him "thank you" you muttered to him
"eww!" the kids pretended to throw up as you kissed him. Joe laughed at them and pulled out the broccoli from behind him.
their eyes widened and they had scared looks on their faces, quickly apologising
"ok now mine" you said, passing Joe a thin box. he gently pulled the ribbon, lifting the lid and looking down at the little white onesie with blue striped and sleeves that said Yankees
"I think you got the wrong size" your brother in law commented
Joe pulled out the onesie and saw how small it was, he looked down at the box again. seeing a sonogram photo of a little growing baby. Joe looked up at you with watery eyes
"seriously?" he laughed breathlessly
"yeah" you nodded, starting to cry
"this isn't a joke?" a tear fell from his eyes
you shook your head and smiled
you put the box next to him and pulled you into a hug, crying.
"I don't get it. is he crying that it doesn't fit him?" your nephew said
"you're going t have a cousin, Honey" you sister in law said happily.
everyone congratulated you both and hugged you tightly.
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mightyfineblog · 5 years
Morning Kisses
Ben Hardy x Reader
“Mmm.” I smiled without opening my eyes.
“Princess.” I heard Ben’s deep sleepy beside me. Then I felt his hand sliding over my hip up and down lazily, before gliding over my stomach. Pulling me in I felt so small in his brace. So comfortable. Just being the snuggled little spoon in his strong arms. I nuzzled my nose in his other hand which I used a pillow and decided, not getting out of bed today.
“Princess.” I heard his lazy voice again and groaned in protest. “Baby” he removed my tangled hair off my face. Hovering over me he ran his fingers over my temple.
“So cute.” He commented on the way I was hugging his other arm, like my favourite teddy bear.
“Noo.” I held tighter his hand under my head.
“Darling, we have to get up eventually.” Ben kissed my cheek. That’s where I started really protesting.
“Wwhat kiss was that? Comebackhere” I mumbled, turning my head, searching for his lips.
“It’s time to rise and shine” he slid himself from under me and swiftly hovered over me.
“I cancel.” I cupped his face with two hands, and leaned for a kiss.
“Somebody is needy this morning.” Ben chuckled.
“Dunnowhat youtalkin bout” i murmured against his lips, tugging on his hair with my fingers.
Ben lowered himself so he was laying between my legs. Resting his head on my stomach his fingers rubbed circles around my bellybutton. I cocked my head to the side, admiring the view.
“You know, soon you won’t be able lay flat there?” I asked curiously, playing with his hair.
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Can I request a fluffy Joe Mazzello x fem. reader oneshot where it’s Joe’s Birthday and she goes to the doctor while he’s out with Ben and finds out she’s pregnant and buys something to surprise Joe and later that night at their home after they have eaten dinner and are cuddling on the couch, she surprises Joe with a present of a Yankees onesie that says Mazzello on the back and a sonagram picture?
Take Me Out to a Birthday Ballgame
Fandom: Actor, RPF, American Actor
Pairing: Joe Mazzello x Reader,
Characters: Joe Mazzello, Reader, You, Ben Hardy
Word Count: 1609 // Rating: Gen
Summary: Joe gets a birthday surprise
Tags/ Warnings: My Writing, BoRhap Boys, Joe Mazzello Fic, Joe Mazzello x Reader, Joe Mazzello, Ben Hardy, Bohemian Rhapsody Actors, Birthday, Birthday Present, Reader, Reader Insert, Reader Fic, Pregnancy, Pregnancy Announcement, Long-term relationship, Pregnancy, Established Relationship, Kissing, Doctors, Requested Fic, Requested, Requests, Yankees, Yankees, Take Me Out to a Birthday Ballgame
Notes: sorry its been so long
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‘But I thought you and I were going to go?’ Joe said with a pout. Y/N had just hit him with the news that despite it being his birthday she was ducking out their plans. She had bought them tickets to the Yankee game and then booked a table for dinner afterwards. Yet, when the day came she couldn’t go. She had woke this morning incredibly nauseous and covered in sweat. She thought she knew why, in fact, she had thought she knew why for a few weeks but she had been too scared to take the test. She didn’t want to let Joe down, but she also didn’t want to get him excited if it was nothing. And a home pregnancy test wasn’t always certain, which is why she had rung her gynaecologist first thing this morning when she had woken feeling so crappy.
Her gynacologist had made her an emergency appointment but had told her she had to come in today. Or it would be another three weeks before she could squeeze her in. Y/N couldn’t hang on any longer and as soon as she had gotten off the phone with her doctor had rung for backups for Joe’s birthday plans. 
‘I was, we were going to go but somethings come up at work,’ she lied.
‘Can’t someone else take care of it? I mean it’s a Saturday,’ he said. 
‘If there was anyone else I swear I would make them but I can’t,’ she said as there was a knock on the door, ‘besides I’ve made other arrangements for you.’
‘It’s not your dad is it?’ Joe said with another pout. 
‘No,’ Y/N chastised as she headed to the door.
‘Because I love the guy but I can’t go to a Yankees game with a Dodgers fan, bleurgh,’ he said following her to the door. 
‘It’s not my dad. And I think you’re going to be in the minority at Dodger Stadium there Mazzello,’ she said as she yanked the door open to reveal a handsome blonde man standing there.
‘Ben?!’ Joe said with excitement as he moved past his girlfriend and engulfed his friend in a hug. 
‘Hey mate,’ the other man said hugging his friend back. 
‘What are you doing here?’ Joe said. 
‘Well I was in town for your party tomorrow and Y/N told me you needed a babysitter so I thought to hell with jet lag eh?’
‘Gee I’m touched,’ Joe chuckled. The two started talking but Y/N started to panic. She could feel another round of nausea coming on. And she had managed to hide it this morning but she feared if they hung around much longer her cover would be blown.
‘Right you better get a move on,’ she said. 
‘What’s the rush?’ Joe said, ‘Ben’s just got here.’                                                                                                                    ‘I know but there’s all that traffic on the freeway. You don’t want to miss anything,’ she rambled grabbing his wallet and keys off of the sideboard. They were barely out of the house before she was launching herself upstairs to the bathroom. 
After that, it took her a good while to recover enough that she felt she could drive to the doctor. But soon enough she was laying on her doctor's table with jelly being rubbed across her belly as the sonographer ran the wand across. Her doctor had already made her do a urine test which had confirmed her suspicions. She was knocked up. But since they had the technology on hand and given how long Y/N had suspected her doctor had insisted they do a sonogram to confirm just how far along she was. Suddenly, a whirring thumping noise rang in her ears. 
‘That’s baby's heartbeat. It’s good. Strong,’ the doctor said as Y/N turned to look at the screen which she was moving towards her, ‘and that is your baby. 11 weeks approximately.’
‘That’s it?’ Y/N said feeling tears sting her eyes. 
‘I know. It's not always what you expect-’
‘No, no,’ she said, ‘it’s…well, I don’t know what it is.’
‘Don’t worry. You’re not the first woman to be a little confused about everything. I’ll give you a minute to think and get yourself cleaned up. I’ll get the nurse to do a few health checks, take some history and give you some pamphlets. I’ll write you up for a prescription for prenatal vitamins and leave it at the front desk, okay?’ 
Y/N didn’t have much time to respond as the doctor was already snapping off her gloves and washing her hands by the end of the sentence. And then she was gone. Leaving Y/N alone with her thoughts.
She was pregnant. 
She was going to have a baby. 
With Joe. 
She didn’t know what to feel. Happy? Conflicted? Scared? 
She loved Joe. She knew she wanted babies with him it was just that now seemed too soon. She was still in this fog when she left the doctor's office, so much so that she decided to go for a walk instead of heading back to her car. She walked until she was too hot and sweaty to continue but instead of turning back she ducked inside a store hoping that they would have someplace to sit down. It was a clothing store which she rejoiced at as she headed to the shoe section which had benches to sit down on. 
She sat there for a while. Thinking about the little human that was growing inside of her. She was still conflicted. Unsure of what she wanted when she heard someone cough next to her. She found a man standing beside her with a pair of shoes in hand waiting to sit down but she was taking up all of the room. 
‘Sorry,’ she mumbled as she got up and walked away wondering through the aisles mindlessly before she realised she was in the baby section. In front of her, she found a little onesie styled like a Dodger’s baseball uniform. She chuckled, ‘your daddy would hate that.’
She stopped. 
She was talking to the baby.
Her baby. 
She was going to be a mom. Joe was going to be a dad. 
Why had she been worrying? Even if she wasn’t ready. Joe was. He had always wanted kids and that feeling had only gotten worse after his dad had died. He was ready enough for both of them. Even if it was sooner than she anticipated.
Y/N was in the lounge when she heard movement at the front door. She had been laying on the couch. Today had been long and rough. She’d been through a whirlwind of emotions, had barely eaten and vomited more times than she could count. Still, she pushed herself up into a sitting position excited to see how Joe’s day had gone. 
He came in cheery as ever and came to sit next to her slinging his arm around her and pressing her kiss into her temple.
‘Good time?’ she chuckled. 
‘Yep,’ Joe beamed. 
‘Drunk?’ she said trying to fight the nausea that rumbled in her at the whiff of beer.
‘Buzzed,’ he corrected. 
‘Did you and Ben enjoy the game?’ she asked and without warning, Joe burst into a full in depth explanation about the game, the car ride and the meal they had shared. All of which she had missed out on. 
‘I’m glad you had fun,’ she said. 
‘What about you?’ he sighed, ‘how was work?’ 
‘Fine,’ she lied, ‘actually, I managed to finish a little earlier than I thought and I went shopping.’
‘Oh yeah?’ he said. 
‘Yeah, I even got you a little something,’ Y/N said leaning over to grab the small gift bag that she had slotted underneath the coffee table previously. 
‘Ooh, another present,’ he said grabbing it off her somewhat heavy-handedly in his drunken state and tearing the top of it open. 
He pulled the contents out unwrapping the small white garment from its tissue wrapping.
‘I think this is a little small for me babe,’ he chuckled.
‘That’s because it’s not for you,’ Y/N said. Joe frowned, confused. Y/N rolled her eyes and reached into the bag bringing out a small piece of paper.
‘I don’t,’ Joe started, ‘I mean is this?’
‘I didn’t go to work today,’ Y/N said. 
‘You didn’t?’ he said still trying to piece together what was happening in his drunken state. 
‘No, I went to the doctor,’ she said, ‘and-’
‘You’re pregnant?’ he whispered. Y/N nodded. 
Before she could say anything Joe leapt towards her throwing his arms around her and kissing her profusely. They collided and fell back against the couch.
‘Joe,’ she giggled, ‘can’t breathe.’ 
‘Sorry,’ he chuckled pulling back, ‘I can’t believe it.’
‘Me either,’ she smiled. Joe started babbling once more, leaning his head down on her chest as he unleashed his excitement upon her. Y/N felt more content than she had all day. Curled up on the couch with Joe by her side she wondered why she had ever doubted them. 
Joe was going to be a fantastic Dad. 
Well, as long as the baby supported the Yankees
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megalony · 3 years
Teacher’s pet- Part 21
This is the latest part of my dad! Ben Hardy series, I’m planning one more part of this series and then a follow-on series. I hope you will all like it, thank you for the lovely feedback, comments are always appreciated.
Taglist: @lunaticspoem @butlegendsneverdie​ @langdonzvoid @jennyggggrrr​ @rogermeddow​ @radiob-l-a-hblah​ @rogertaylorsbitontheside @chlobo6​ @rogertaylors-lipgloss​ @sj-thefan​ @omgitsearly​ @luckytrashgooprebel​ @scarsout​ @deaky-with-a-c​ @killer-queen-ofrhye @bluutac​ @vousmemanqueez​ @jonesyaddiction​ @rogahs-drowse @milanosaurus @httpfandxms​ @saint-hardy​ @7-seas-of-fat-bottomed-girls​ @mrsalwayswritex​ @rogerina-owns-me @hellsdragon​ @im-an-adult-ish​ @crazylittlethingg​ @allauraleigh​ @ceres27
Series taglist: @im-an-adult-ish​​ @gwilymleeisbae​​ @k-k0129​​ @haileymorelikestupid​​ @glittrixvibe @youngpastafanmug​​ @ultraviolencezs​ @kdatthecastle​ @darlindolan​​
Series masterlist
Summary: (Y/n) teaches at the school Ben’s boys go to and they soon start a relationship. But they have their ups and downs with the problems Ben faces with his boys and how quickly the relationship progresses.
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"Carter told me she was pretty, I think he was being modest." A tentative, gentle smile pulled at the edges of Gwilym's lips as he stood just inside the doorway of the neonatal room.
The teacher ruffled his hand through his curls, brushing them from overlapping on his rounded glasses that were perched neatly on his nose. He slowly moved his hands into his jean pockets as he leaned his shoulder against the wall behind him. When he had seen Carter at school, the eldest boy had been talking about seeing his sister and he kept repeating how tiny and slightly weird-looking she was. But he did repeatedly tell Gwilym just how pretty his sister was, although Gwilym knew the little newborn was sweeter and prettier than he had first thought.
"Yeah... she doesn't get that from me." A lopsided smile came onto Ben's features but it was overshadowed by the exhaustion clearly shown on his face. His eyes were red-rimmed with dark circles underneath them and his pupils were bleak and strained.
Constantly switching between home and the hospital everyday and worrying too much to sleep was taking a toll on Ben and it was clear to anyone who looked at him. But he was trying and he could do little else right now.
"So, how's she doing?"
It felt nerve-wrecking for Gwilym to approach Ben, he didn't want to feel like he was intruding on personal space or being around when he wasn't wanted. But when he stood beside Ben, he could feel a wave of calm washing over them both when their eyes were both staring down at the newborn in front of them. The little girl was fast asleep with one of her mitten-clad hands pressed against her button nose like she had fallen asleep in the middle of scratching her nose.
Ben and Gwilym had known each other for years, they had been through a lot together and during the period where Ben had to go to court against Lucy, Gwilym had been there through it all.
But this was different.
Gwilym had never seen Ben in a situation where he was close to losing someone dear to him. He had never witnessed Ben where he was worried about turning up to the hospital and finding his partner had passed away or gotten worse whilst he wasn't there. And when Ben was here with (Y/n), he was still worrying that something was going to happen or go wrong and she was going to get worse. (Y/n) was part of Ben's world now, she meant everything to him just like his boys and now his daughter. Losing any one of them would crush Ben to pieces and he didn't like how close he had come so far to losing (Y/n).
"She's doing great, another week or so and I can take her home." Ben leaned his hip against the incubator as he stared down adoringly at his little girl. He was desperate to get her home and out of this incubator so she could be cuddled and fed and washed and dressed properly. He wanted her to sleep in her cot and be surrounded by her family and just held and nutured rather than being kept cooped up in here like she was still in the womb waiting to be born.
But at the same time, Ben didn't want to take her home if (Y/n) wasn't going to be there with him. He couldn't look after a newborn as well as three young boys on his own. And if Ben did take her home without (Y/n), he would be doing everything without her, (Y/n) wouldn't be there to put their daughter in her cot for the first time. She wouldn't be there to wash her or dress her or get her up during the night. She would miss out on everything and Ben didn't want to do any of this on his own, he'd done that with all his boys, it had to be different with his daughter.
"It... it doesn't feel like a week since she was born, you know? It's like, two hours ago I was holding (Y/n) and she was born. A whole week and (Y/n) hasn't even seen her yet."
It hurt and scared Ben to think that it had been seven days since his daughter had been born. Seven whole days and she and (Y/n) were still cooped up in the hospital, when he had the boys three days was the longest they had been in hospital before coming home. And (Y/n) hadn't even set eyes on her baby yet, nor did they have a name or even a birth certificate for her. It was like time inside the hospital had completely stopped but when Ben left, time raced past him without his consent.
"I know, it barely feels like a year since you were both starting to go out together. Why don't we go visit (Y/n), I haven't seen her yet." Gwilym rested his hand on Ben's shoulder, his eyes lingering on the newborn in front of him before he looked at Ben.
When (Y/n) went into labour, the last time Gwilym had seen her was when he helped her get into the car and whispered that she would be fine. Since then he hadn't visited (Y/n), he still had to go to work and with how ill she had been, he didn't want to intrude. (Y/n) needed her family around her and as much as Gwilym thought of her as his family, he wasn't immediate family and therefore decided it was better to simply get updates from Ben. But it had been a week now and Gwilym wanted to see her and see how she was.
Ben took a deep breath before he nodded in agreement. He had held his daughter this morning and spent the morning here with her, it was about time he went down to see (Y/n).
Moving his hand, Ben slipped his hand into the incubator and gently brushed his finger against his girl's cheek, smiling down at her before he and Gwilym turned and left the room of sleeping newborns.
A comfortable silence enveloped the pair as they walked down the halls to reach (Y/n)'s ward, but a look of fright took over Ben's face when he looked towards (Y/n)'s room. Doctor Mills was stood outside her room with another doctor that Ben didn't recognise. The doctor was never normally here at this time, for the past few days he visited (Y/n) early in the morning and later on in the afternoon and if he didn't visit then it was just a nurse. No one should be here right now.
"Doctor Mills, is everything okay?" Ben's voice was packed with nerves but there was a sense of apprehension in his voice. He didn't know what the doctor was going to say or if anything was wrong with (Y/n) and Ben couldn't take any more bad news or set backs right now.
When they approached the room, Ben leaned to try and look into (Y/n)'s room and catch a glimpse of her but all he could manage to see was two nurses in the room with her. If they were in there with (Y/n) and there were two doctors talking about her outside, something was clearly going on.
"Ben, good I was just about to call you."
"Is she okay?" The panic was clear in Ben's voice but there was anger in his eyes. (Y/n) had been through enough, Ben didn't know how much more she could take.
"I came to check on her this morning and she's improved, we've been running tests and (Y/n)'s lungs have improved enough for her to breathe on her own without the ventilator. We're about to take her off the ventilator now, I was going to call so you could be here when we do that."
Doctor Mills had told Ben yesterday that (Y/n) seemed to be getting stronger but they couldn't take her off the sedatives because she was still weak and would panic about the ventilator. But to know they were going to try and get her to breathe on her own brought tears to Ben's eyes because it meant she was actually recovering. Once she could breathe on her own she should start to eat and drink and get better enough to go home if the sepsis didn't develop any worse.
"You- you mean it? What about the sepsis?"
"Her infection has cleared up and the sepsis is finally starting to receed as well. We have to keep her on antibiotics for another week or so just to be on the safe side and it will take a few weeks for her to fully recover. But if all goes well, she won't have to be in hospital for much longer."
Gwilym reached over and patted Ben's shoulder when he saw the tears forming in his friend's eyes. Ben had been so deaperate to hear news like this but he didn't think it would ever come. (Y/n) still didn't look well and none of the doctors could give Ben an answer as to if she might recover soon or if she was getting worse or not. To finally be told that (Y/n) was starting to get better and her recovery was now going to start, made Ben elated because he could finally stop worrying that he was getting close to losing her.
"Thank you." Ben ran his fingers through his hair, pulling at the strands as he tried to catch his own breath. He couldn't believe it, (Y/n) would be able to talk and be awake and look at him properly in a couple of hours instead of being sedated every single day.
"I took her off the sedatives this morning so she will be awake and responsive when we remove the ventilator but I think you should be in the room to keep her calm so we can remove the tube and check her vitals. There is a chance she won't respond or breathe very well without the ventilator so we have to see how it goes."
"She'll be fine, she's a fighter." Gwilym spoke quietly to Ben, smiling encouragingly to him before he moved to stand by the window. There couldn't be too many people in the room and Gwilym knew he wouldn't be of much use but he didn't want to go home, he had to know how (Y/n) got on. And if he stayed out here then at least he could watch the situation and possibly talk to (Y/n) if everything went okay.
Ben nodded with a fearful smile before he headed into the room when Doctor Mills motioned for him to go first.
The moment Ben entered the room, his eyes locked with (Y/n)'s and it was as if someone had struck a match up in his heart. He could feel his body tensing and growing hotter as his heart started to hammer away in his chest. (Y/n)'s eyes were full of so many emotions, there was surprise, fear, pain but there was such a sparkle in her tired eyes that made Ben smile. He couldn't remember the last time he looked into her eyes.
"Baby, oh baby you're awake." Ben breathed through his words and when he stood beside (Y/n) he could feel her hand immediately reaching out for his. He interlocked their fingers together and brushed his free hand through her hair slowly and methodically to try and calm her down.
He could see the panic in her eyes, it was clear she hadn't been conscious for very long and she was typically going to be scared and confused. She didn't know how long she had been sedated for or what was happening and the fact that there was a tube stuck down her throat was clearly scaring the living daylights out of her. Ben had to calm her down so that they could help her and remove the tube so she could breathe on her own.
"Shh, you're okay, baby everything's gonna be just fine. The doctor's here to help you."
"Okay (Y/n), we understand this is confusing and worrying for you but you are doing very well. This tube is to help you breathe but I can remove it now, it's going to be uncomfortable but please try and stay still, it will only take a few seconds."
Ben kept running his fingers through (Y/n)'s hair before he bent over more so he could be closer to her. He could feel her hand tensing and holding his hand tighter and her eyes were starting to water. Ben hated how panicked and frail she looked because she didn't understand what was going on but she was doing well not to panic or sob or even lash out from confusion and pain.
"Right, let's turn the ventilator off." Doctor Mills looked to the nurse behind him who nodded before turning off the machine which would give them chance to see if (Y/n) was still able to breathe first. Even with the tube down her throat.
The exact moment the oxygen stopped pushing into her lungs, it was as if (Y/n) had been given an electric shock. Her chest jolted before her lungs started to work but it was distressing.
(Y/n) could feel the tube down her throat, every time her muscles constricted or tightened they pressed on the tube and each time it sent a shock through her system. She felt like she was choking and being suffocated even though she could breathe around the tube. All (Y/n) wanted to do was either to pass out or press a magic button and have everything go back to the way that it should be. This wasn't how things were meant to work out.
"(Y/n), I'm going to remove the tube now, just try and hold still for me."
Doctor Mills locked eyes with Ben before he moved to unclip the tube and when he started to remove it Ben moved his hands to gently push (Y/n)'s shoulders and chest back onto the bed. She couldn't try and sit up or bend her neck whilst the tube was being removed even though it was clearly hurting and scaring her. The gagging sounds that (Y/n) made sent Ben's stomach reeling and the moment the tube was free a strangled sound left her lips before she started to cough.
She no longer had the feeling of air being forced into her chest, she was back to breathing on her own and her throat felt dry and scratched.
Doctor Mills moved the small piece of plastic in (Y/n)'s lips that kept the tube stable in her mouth and her jaw clearly hurt the moment she tried to move it and press her lips together.
"Well done, it's going to hurt for a few minutes but just try and breathe normally, I'm going to check your lungs and if all your vitals seem okay we can leave you and Ben alone for a little while." Doctor Mills pressed his stethoscope to (Y/n)'s chest to listen to her lungs as she tried to take deep breaths. "Good, you're lungs are holding up enough that I don't even think you need any extra oxygen. I'll come back and check on you in a little while, if you need anything just press the button."
The moment the doctor and nurses left the room, Ben leaned down and pressed his lips to the top of (Y/n)'s head.
There had been a small part of him that worried that (Y/n)'s lungs would give out or not be strong enough yet after one collapsed and the sepsis had taken a big toll on her. But to see her breathing on her own and actually awake and recovering like this made Ben's heart soar.
"Thank fuck... baby you didn't half scare me back then. I thought I was gonna lose you."
Ben crouched down beside the bed, his hand smoothing over her cheek as his other arm moved to rest over her stomach. He was desperate to cling to her, to pick her up and hug her and hold her to his chest like he wanted to fit her into his heart. But he couldn't do that just yet, she had only just woken up and was still in bad shape.
He didn't bother to wipe away the tears of relief falling from his eyes that moved to watch (Y/n)'s lips when she mumbled something that he couldn't make out.
"What, baby?"
"E-Ella... where's Ella?" (Y/n)'s voice was hoarse and very quiet like she had been crying rather than having not used her voice for almost five days now. But Ben heard and worked out what she was saying and after a brief second, realisation hit him.
She wanted to call their daughter Ella.
"She's in the neonatal unit, oh baby she's beautiful... they let me hold her, she's only four pounds. You can see her soon, and the boys are so fucking desperate to come see you. I love you so much, please don't scare me like that again."
Ben couldn't waste anymore time, he moved before his mind could comprehend what he was doing and he pressed his lips to hers. He could feel that (Y/n)'s lips were slightly chapped like he expected but when her hand moved to cup his cheek he nearly burst out crying. Nothing compared to how nearly losing (Y/n) made him feel, not even the way he felt when Lucy broke his heart and his mind. He needed (Y/n) more than he ever thought he would and that scared him more than anything.
He couldn't let her go, he loved her far too much.
"Boys, remember what we said?" Ben ran his hand over James' hair, ruffling the strands as his eyes darted between his boys.
Carter was switching between bouncing off the walls with excitement and scratching his hands from anxiety. He was finally able to see (Y/n) after just over a week without her and that made his adrenaline go sky high but at the same time, he knew that she wasn't well and that made him anxious in case she really didn't look well when he saw her.
James was holding Ben's free hand swinging their hands between them as he looked around the halls, having rarely been into a hospital. He just wanted to go and see (Y/n). And Finn was perched on Ben's hip, nervous about being in a hospital but excited because he had missed (Y/n) more than anyone thought he would over this past week. Every day he had asked Ben if she was okay and when he would see her again.
"Yep, mum is still poorly so we can't stay long in case she gets tired and not to be upset if she doesn't look well." Carter's voice was hyper and he held his head up to show and prove that he had been listening and had done well to remember what Ben had said.
"We can give mum a hug but we have to be careful." James added quietly, looking up at Ben when they all stopped in front of the room he guessed was (Y/n)'s.
"Alright, let's go see her." Ben let go of James' hand so he could open the door before both Carter and James nudged him out the way and barged passed so they could get to (Y/n).
(Y/n) felt her breath hitching in her throat when she saw all four of her boys coming into the room. She moved her arms out but she wasn't quite ready for the impact of Carter and James who both went to one of her sides before launching themselves at her. Admittedly, James was more cautious, he wrapped his arms loosely around her middle and huddled under her arm. He rested his head on her shoulder, gazing up at her with a smile.
Whereas Carter was a bit more heavy handed, wrapping one arm around her neck and the other around her middle before he buried his face into her neck, clinging to her like he thought she was going to disappear.
"Boys! Be careful with your mum." Ben scolded, shaking his head at them with raised brows. He had told them two minutes ago to be careful and then they run in and shake her and attach to her like a leech. (Y/n) was breathing on her own now but her lungs were still weak and she was going to have a long recovery. The boys couldn't be rough with her no matter how much they had missed her.
"We missed you."
(Y/n) could feel tears welling up in her eyes when James spoke, looking up at her like she was the only thing in the world worth looking at; he definitely took after Ben. She smoothed down his hair before pressing a kiss to his temple. Even though she had been mostly sedated during the last few days, it had still felt weird when she woke not to have the boys surrounding her.
"When are you coming home? It's not right without you." Carter pulled back enough so that he could climb up onto the bed and sit as close to (Y/n)'s side as he could. Grabbing her arm and making sure it was still wrapped around his side so he could still be close to her. Even though they had just moved house Carter was starting to think of it as his home but he couldn't fully do that without (Y/n) there. Nowhere was going to be right if she wasn't there with them and he wanted her back home now.
"I should be able to come home in a few days, honey. It won't be much longer I promise." (Y/n) looked between Carter and Ben who sat down on the end of the bed with Finn on his lap.
(Y/n) didn't feel great, yesterday it had taken a few hours for her to fully wake up and feel able to talk and breathe normally. And the painkillers and antibiotics were making her drowsy, doctor Mills said she would be moving very slow, her chest was going to hurt and her breathing would be uneven for a while. And she had to get back into eating properly since she had been on nutrients and drips for a week.
When they knew for sure that her sepsis had gone and she had no other immediate issues she would be able to recover at home with her family which is what they all wanted.
"Is your tummy better now?" Finn slowly crawled from Ben's lap and moved up near James so he could be closer to (Y/n). He reached out and slowly patted her stomach and (Y/n) could see the intrigue in his eyes. The last time Finn had seen her he remembered her stomach being very round, now it was almost back to how it used to look.
The easiest way for Ben to explain it to Finn was to say that the baby was born but (Y/n) wasn't very well, she had a poorly stomach and a bad chest and Finn seemed to understand that.
"A lot better now, sweetheart, have you seen your sister yet?"
"Baby sister is very pretty, daddy said she looks like you."
(Y/n) drifted her eyes from Finn up to Ben as a smile formed on her lips. She knew Ben had held Ella the other day and this morning since (Y/n) was feeling better she had managed to see and hold Ella for the first time. The picture Ben had taken of his girls was one that he was definitely going to get printed because so far, it was the only good memory of this event.
The first week of Ella's life had been traumatic and distressing for them all, now it could start to be wonderful like it should be.
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mdittyz123 · 4 years
Ben Hardy Fic Recommendations
Queen/Bohemian Rhapsody Cast Fic Recommendations Masterlist
Sexy Panties vs Dirty Nappies Summary : Reader is eight months pregnant. The only problem ? She just find out. Yep, pregnancy denial. Now, they only got one month to be ready for the baby. Ready…steady…go! #dad!ben #mom!reader #pregnancy denial #suprise pregnancy #queen+adam lambert
New Godfather Summary: Joe makes another Instagram video…this time accidentally telling the world Y/N Hardy is pregnant, very pregnant. #dad!ben #mom!reader #pregnancy #godfather!joe
Surprise for Mommy Prompt: "Show me what is behind your back" "Did you just hiss at me" "I lost our baby" #dad!ben #mom!reader #child
Little James - Masterlist Summary: Daily concepts of Ben and (Y/n) looking after their son who has autism and ADHD and their other two children. #series #complete #dad!ben #mom!reader #autistic child
Hell To The No-- Ben Hardy x Reader (ft. Joe Mazzello.. like, a lot) Reader meets Ben during the filming of Borhap thanks to her brother Joe. #brother!joe #sister!reader #photographer!reader #bohemian rhapsody movie filming #awards show
Dude Looks Like A Lady Summary: You play the only female member of Queen in the new biopic Bohemian Rhapsody. When you and your friend Ben decide to go out for lunch between takes of shooting I Want to Break Free, one thing leads to another and he finds himself in a situation that he doesn’t know how to get out of. #bohemian rhapsody movie filming #actress!reader #fliming "i want to break free" #dressing in drag #crack fic
Ben Hardy x Reader Headcannons, LONG Headcanon of Reader's life with Ben. #headcanon #bohemian rhapsody movie filming #dad!ben #mom!reader #pregnancy #babies #twin #engagment #marriage
Jealous/Protective Ben Headcanons #bohemian rhapsody movie filming #makeup artist!reader
"What the hell did you just say?" summary: i was wondering if you could do a Ben Hardy imagine where there is quite a big age gap between the reader and Ben, and when they are on the red carpet a reporter starts being very rude to the reader about it and like putting her on the spot but then Ben defends her after the reporter basically calls her a slag #bohemian rhapsody movie filming #costume designer!reader #age difference #award shows
Ben Hardy x Reader x Roger Taylor Series You, Roger, and Ben have found your soulmates in each other. Queen was founded several years ago, making Ben and Roger nearly the same age. All BxRxR stories and blurbs take place in the same world. #series #part 1 of 36 #chapters #blurbs #headcanon #group text #polyamourous relationship #dad!roger #dad!ben #mom!reader #3-way marriage #puppy #dog
Two Becomes Three Summary: You tell Ben that you’re going to have a baby. Fluffy as cotton candy. #pregnancy
*Prodigal Daughter Prompt: Ben and the cast finds out reader is an expert drummer. #bohemian rhapsody set #drummer!reader
Future Management You and Ben Hardy had been together for the better part of the decade.  After hitting a rough patch, the two of you decide to end things.  However, one small surprise keeps you two connected more than you thought.  #series #completed #dad!ben #mom!reader #actress!reader #divorce #baby #get back together
Flutters Joe accidently announces Reader and Ben's pregnancy on social media #dad!ben #mom!reader #pregnant #godfather!joe
*Prodigal Daughter Reader is Ben's girlfriend and she visits him on set. They find out she's a drummer. #drummer!reader
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mistymazzello · 5 years
telling them you’re pregnant
borhap cast headcanon :-)
joe mazzello
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you were crying taking a pregnancy test on the floor of your bathroom
joe came home and heard you crying but didn’t know if he should go into the bathroom or not
he eventually knocked on the door and was like “y/n? what’s wrong🥺”
you were like HDOSHEOWHEOSJS because you didn’t know he was home
when you didn’t answer he walked in and saw you sitting on the edge of the bathtub
“what’s the matter, sweetheart?”
he started walking towards you and then saw the pregnancy test in your hand and froze
you stood up and noticed his hesitation. you were like “joey, i’m pregnant. look.” and you handed him the test.
he kinda took it in disbelief and he looked at you all tearyeyed and said “y/n/n... you’re pregnant? like we’re gonna have a baby?”
you smiled and nodded and he just took you into his arms and hugged you
you were both crying
he just rocked you back and forth in his arms and murmured stuff into your ear like, “we’re gonna be parents... we’re gonna have our own little baby”
y’all i’m soft 😔😔
gwilym lee
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you had known for a while but you had NO clue how to tell him
you had never talked about having kids with him and you had only just got married so you were scared about how he would react
you were standing in the bathroom connected to your room one night and you just were like fuck it
you got the positive pregnancy test out from your cabinet
he was laying in bed reading a book and you looked over at him and just said “i’m pregnant.”
he was like ?????
he just kinda sat there and looked at you
he eventually laughed and was like “haha you’re funny.”
you walked over to him and set the pregnancy test on his book
he looked at it and was like “oh you’re serious?”
you held your breath and said yeah
he said “aw, dove, really?”
“you’re not mad?” you said.
“mad? why would i be mad?”
“i don’t know, i just thought...”
he grabbed your waist and pulled you down onto the bed with him
he kissed you all over your face and you were both smiling/laughing
“i love you, i love you, i love you, i love you, i love you”-gwil
he put a hand on your stomach
“hi there little bean :)”
WOW gwilym lee pls get me pregnant
ben hardy
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okay so you had kinda been trying for kids for a while
so when you found out you were so excited to tell ben
you bought a little onesie that said some shit like “i ❤️ my daddy”
you put it in a box with a bow and then brought it to him
“hey ben, i have a present for you!!”
he was like “oh??”
you gave him the box and he just kinda smiled while he was opening it.
he pulled out the onesie and just kinda held it and looked at it.
he looked at it, then you, then your stomach, and then you again.
“wha- are you-?”
you just nodded and smiled
“y/n, what? are you serious?!” he said excitedly.
you were like YES DUMBASS
jk you said “yeah, ben, i’m pregnant!!”
he hugged the onesie to his chest and put his hand over his eyes.
“oh my god, love, i cant believe it!! come here!!”
he hugged you and legit just smiled so fuckin hard
bro he’s so happy :)
rami malek
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so you guys were married and had talked about having kids, and you just decided if it happens, it happens.
you had been feeling really sick lately and had fainted multiple times so (despite your pleading that it’s just a small sickness) rami took you to the doctor
the doctor asked “is there any way that you could be pregnant?”
you were like “um, yeah?” and the doctor laughed and said “alright, we’re gonna give you a pregnancy test, because it sounds to me that, based off your symptoms, you’re pregnant.”
rami grabbed your hand and said “really?”
u had to pee in a cup and then like 20 minutes after PAINFULLY waiting for the results, the doctor came in and said, “yep, you’re pregnant!”
rami said “oh, my god. we’ve got a baby?” but internally he was like DHALDHWPDHOSODLW
“yes, and she’s 3 months along”.
you were like ? “THREE MONTHS?”
you’ve had irregular periods before so you didn’t think much of it when you missed your period a few times
rami was so excited and WOULD NOT stop talking about it
he called his mom right away and was like “mom, y/n is pregnant!!”
rami malek let me have your babies
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hardforbenhardy · 5 years
the perfect gift | benxfem!reader
summary: the first time ben is meeting your parents, and you are nervous. but not as nervous as you are to give ben his present
warnings: intense fluff so prepare yourself coz ben is a d o r a b l e in this
based on two prompts: "that's what your wearing?" and "i tested positive"
word count: 4.5k
thought i'd do a little christmassy themed oneshot considering it was ... yakno... christmas; it’s been in my drafts for a while so there’s no better time than the present (no pun intended😊) i had fun writing this so i hope you have fun reading it! :)
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Christmas had always been the same; through the 27 years of your life, you stuck to your traditions. You would always spend the time with your whole family, with the traditional Christmas roast and gift-giving. You loved it; you were extremely close with all your family, and spending time with them was always cherished since it only happened twice a year. However, there was one part that you couldn't stand. The worst part of it all was the fact that every year you were the only adult who was yet to find a relationship. All your siblings, your parents, aunt and uncles, grandma and grandpa, even some of your older cousins; they were all coupled up. You had even tried to convince them one year that you had finally found yourself a man; of course, you had simply bribed your best friend to pretend to be your boyfriend for the one day. He, however, was not as good of an actor as you thought he would be - caving in after only 3 hours in the household by accidentally spilling that he was in fact gay.
Though, this year you didn't have to pretend; you had finally found a man who you truly loved. He was the spitting image of what you considered perfection and you were sure he was the one. You and Ben had taken your relationship quite quickly, you had only been together for 10 months and yet you had already moved into a house together and adopted a small puppy. Though, you didn't see it as a particularly bad thing; you knew for certain that he was the man you wanted to spend the rest of your life with, the man you wanted to start a family with, grow old with. And you were also pretty certain that you were that woman for him; I mean, that's what he told you every single day. Every morning as you sat around the table to eat your breakfast; every lunch time when you'd facetime him from the office; every evening when you were snuggling in bed and he just had to mention it, which of course often led to more. You were absolutely hooked onto him, like a baby to a bottle; you simply couldn't resist him. So showing him off to your family was assuredly what you were most looking forward to this Christmas. You had already met Ben's family, and so it was now his time.
The two of you were about to leave to drive down for Christmas Eve, and the nerves were beginning to set in; what if they didn't like Ben? What if they thought you were both moving too fast? What if the nieces and nephews didn't want to play with him? What if they all took one glance at Ben and thought he could do better? You saw Ben as an angel, but you didn't know about them; after all, your mother had always wanted the perfect step-son.  She had been pretty adamant about it from the start. Nevertheless, you brushed the nerves off and paid attention to curling your hair. Your concentration was broken, however, by the sight of Ben entering the bedroom in the reflection of the mirror in front of you. You grinned widely at the sight before you, or rather behind you, as the strapping blonde man strode in wearing what you noticed to be a rather formal suit considering the fact you were only attending a Christmas dinner with your family. In fact, it was extremely formal considering the fact you were only attending a Christmas dinner with your family; meaning you couldn't help but giggle.
"That's what your wearing? Baby, we're going to my parents for Christmas, not a wedding!"
"What? I wanted to impress them!" He exclaimed rather seriously, which made you chuckle before standing up off the little stool to walk towards him to give him a small peck on the cheek; which funnily made him blush like a madman. That was something you loved about Ben; he seemed like every day he saw you was as if he was seeing you for the first time again. Somedays, he acted like a horny teenager who couldn't resist your touch. Other days, he acted like you were made of glass, as if you were the most precious, fragile thing on the earth which led to being peppered with little kisses and hugs of every form whenever he saw you. And other days, he acted like he was made of glass, and would blush or smile every time you even placed a gentle finger on him; and you had a strong feeling, this was one of those days. "I mean, what if they don't like me, or they don't think I'm good enough for their daughter? What do we do then? Because I love you, I really really love you and I want to spend my whole life with you but I can't do that if your family doesn't like me because-“
"Baby, I know they're going to love you, okay. Maybe not as much as I do, but trust me; my mum is going to take one look at you and she'll treat you like the son she never had. You look gorgeous, and as much as I am admiring the way you look in this suit, you need to change. Swap the shirt and tie out for a tshirt, and the tapered pants for some of your nice jeans." you encourage him, stroking his upper arm lightly and smiling up at his face which looked extremely defeated. You could sense the anxiety emanating from his body, he was just as nervous to meet your parents as you were for them to meet him. But you didn't tell him that, because you didn't want to worry him anymore than he already was. He simply nodded, taking a deep breath and unsleeving his arms from the blazer so that he could unbutton his shirt. You pushed his hand out the way and did it yourself, after seeing the way his hands were pretty much shaking. He still preoccupied himself, beginning to pull his trousers off to fasten the pace, as he knew you needed to set off soon to make it in time.
Once he was dressed in more appropriate clothing, which you deemed suitable for a first impression, you were finally able to leave for your parents. The car journey over there was a little less stressful, as Ben had began to calm down and forget all about his little moment in the morning. However, as you stood outside your parent's house, your own nerves began to set in. You had arrived a lot later than you expected to, having been stuck in traffic for a lot of the journey. Your hand trembled as you went to ring the doorbell, Ben stood a step behind you so that your parents would be able to greet you first. The door swung open after a few seconds, revealing the bright cheery face of your mother.
"Darling, hello! It's lovely to see you! Come in, come in!" she cheered, stepping to the side to allow you and Ben to enter. You gave her a warm hug as you walked in, in which she responded with a small kiss to your temple. Your father entered the room too, a smile emerging on his face, and you couldn't help but laugh as you noticed the apron he was wearing; it was the same one he wore every single year, with an awful christmas pun which to be honest was not a suitable apron to wear around children.
"Mum! Dad! I've missed you so much! Sorry we were late - the traffic was awful" you squealed, pulling your dad in for a hug as well, until you looked to the side to see Ben standing there incredibly awkwardly as you greeted your parents. "Mum, Dad, I'd love for you to meet my boyfriend, Ben"
"It's nice to meet you, Mr and Mrs LN. Thank you for having me, especially during a time which is meant for spending time with family" He greeted, holding his hand out to shake my fathers, but rather he pulled Ben in for a hug. You then realised you had completely forgotten to mention to Ben quite how open and friendly your family were, meaning he had quite a shocked reaction to the sudden embrace.
"Please, call us Lydia and Michael. And you are part of this family Ben; any friend of YN's is a friend of ours, lovie. Now why don't the two of you head up to your room and settle down - that way, you'll be awake in time for tomorrow morning when the kids come up and completely wreck your lie-in!" Your mum whisper-yelled, chuckling as she handed your suitcases over to your dad to help you haul them up the flights of stairs to your old childhood room that you and Ben were planning to stay in for the next two nights. Admittedly, you were a bit embarrassed considering you knew your mother hadn't changed anything about your room since you were 18 and moved out to University, so you were in for an awkward and humiliating moment when Ben first saw the posters of Roger Taylor and Queen all over your wall like you were some kind of crazy fangirl. Which, of course, you were but you didn't even think about having to explain that until now.
After a good 10 minutes of Ben laughing at your seemingly-passionate devotion to the band, you had finally settled down in your bed, which was thankfully a double. It was rather cold, being wintertime, so you and Ben were cuddled up extremely close together under bundles of blankets in an attempt to keep some warmth between you. You spent a majority of your nights curled up like this, Ben's touch providing a haven for you. And just like every other night, you ended it with the same words.
"I told you they'd love you, you practically had my mum wrapped around your finger!" You grinned, poking Bens stomach jokingly as he released a low chuckle at your point. He knew you were right, because you had mentioned that your mother was often more removed from people if she didn't like them.
"Okay, okay; I was worried for nothing, I'll admit it! But I had every right to be!" He defended himself, his warm breath on your shoulder sending shivers down your spine. You couldn't help but cuddle closer, wrapping your arms around his torso and place your head in the nook of his shoulder.
"I know, I know; I really do love you Ben"
"I love you too"
You were woken by the feeling of a small body pouncing onto your stomach, shouting and cheering filling the otherwise silent room; "Aunty Yn, Unca Bwen! Wake up! It's Christmas Day! And Santa's come!"
You chuckled, partly at your nieces urgency to get downstairs and open some presents, but mainly at Ben's low groan at being woken at 7 in the morning. Your heart softened at her reference to Ben being her Uncle, and not just a random man who had joined the family for the day. You urged the 4 year old to move off you so you could climb out of bed, grabbing the dressing gown screwed up in the floor and pushing your arms through the sleeves. "Lilah, give us 10 minutes and we'll be right down, okay?"
"Okay!" She squealed, wrapping her tiny arms around your legs before running off to shout to her brother Jackson that you'd be down in "twen" minutes.
"Baby, wake up" You whispered, shaking Bens arm lightly and kissing his forehead, only to hear him grunt and roll to face the other way. "Tired"
"So am I, but it's Christmas hun; come on, I want my presents!" You giggled, giving him a shove and jumping out of bed to tie the newly-clad gown. Ben pulled himself off the mattress and lugged over to the en-suite bathroom, mumbling that he was taking a quick shower before they head down. In the meanwhile, you busied yourself with helping your mum out in the kitchen to prepare Christmas dinner.
"Is Ben not joining us this morning?"
"He's just taking a quick shower, he'll be down soon" you explained, chopping the veg; you found yourself grinning at the mention of his name. Of course, your mother noticed this.
"You seem perfect for each other, you know. He seems like a very lovely lad too; your father and I are very happy you have found yourself someone" She smiled, elbowing your side a little which made you chuckle and grin widely; you were extremely happy that your parents actually accepted Ben into the family so unquestionably, and liked him. "So when can Michael and I expect more grandchildren!"
You saw the question coming; there was no doubt that your mother loved being a grandmother to Lilah and Jackson. But they were getting older now, Jackson being 7 and Lilah being 4, and Lydia desperately wanted a baby to care for. So, your next words came like a haven to her.
"What if I have reason to believe roughly 9 months?" You mumbled, placing your hand on your stomach and looking up at your mum with nervous eyes. Her own eyes widened in shock and happiness, taking in your words.
"You mean? You're pregnant?" She whispered, not wanting the rest of the house to hear. You nodded, worried your mother would think you and Ben were moving too fast, having only been together for roughly 10 months. "Darling, oh my gosh, that's amazing! I'm so happy! Does Ben know?"
"No not yet; in fact only you know. I was planning on telling him today, and the rest of the family, but I'm seriously beginning to second guess everything; what if Ben doesn't want the baby? I mean, we're not even married and Ben is always away for press tours and filming. What if he thinks we're moving too fast? I don't want to scare him away-" You stumbled, tears beginning to brim your eyes. Whether it was the hormones or your nerves you didn't know; but it was most likely a mixture of both. Your mother hushed you, rubbing your arm in a way to calm you down as she understood you tended to over worry about a lot; and of course, this is an extremely reasonable thing to worry about.
"Lovie, look; you will not scare Ben away. I see the look of lust in that boys eyes when he looks at you, and I can tell just how much he really loves you. This is a big thing, of course it is, but you need to tell Ben; whether you plan on keeping the child or not. He deserves to know, and if he turns you away then he was never a gentleman to begin with. You have this whole family to support you the whole way, but at the end of the day; it is both yours and Bens decision" She comforted, her words calming you a little as you realised she was right. You couldn't just not tell Ben, it was his child and you were a couple. And, to be completely honest, you were excited as hell to start a family with the man you considered the love of your life. The only reason you were hesitant with this was because you and Ben had literally never spoke about having children or starting a family, so you didn't have his opinion on the matter to fall back on. The moment between your mother and you was interrupted by the man himself, hugging you from behind and pressing a small kiss to your neck.
"Hiya love, everything okay?" He muttered, his arms wrapping tightly around your waist as you continue to chop the carrots as you were before the conversation with your mother. You hummed, leaning back into his touch, hoping he hadn't heard the previous conversation between you and your mother. You felt the smile on his lips against your skin, and he tucked his head into your neck.
"Why don't you go and meet my siblings huh? I'll be in in a few minutes, just finishing up with this" You suggested, to which he nodded and placed a small kiss to your temple, before walking into the living room to join your family. You could hear the loud voices of your older brother, Sam, and his wife greeting Ben from the other room, and painfully worried that Ben wouldn't get too nervous as your brother tended to be quite boisterous at times. In fact, your whole family did; which was extremely different to Ben's family who were much more calm and collected. Although by the sight you received entering the room a few minutes later, you were immediately filled with joy; the sight of Ben sat on the living room floor, cross legged, with Lilah on his lap and Jackson sat beside him, as he read them a story Lilah had begged him to. You were a little confused as to how he was getting on with them all so well; Lilah didn't usually warm up to people so well unless she had been properly introduced. And your mum was usually very judgemental of your boyfriends that you had brought home before. And your brother was often extremely protective over you. And your sister would most likely try to steal any guy you brought home and have him for herself.
You can't help but admire the way he is around the 2 children; it's as if he's done the whole parenting thing before. Lilah was smiling so widely, you thought her face was going to get permanently stuck like that. The two were amazingly engaged as he spoke the words on the page, acting out the story with little actions and different voices,  making sound effects when needed. Your brother's wife, Sophia, walked up to you with a small grin on her face before mumbling "You've got a good one there, don't ruin it" in your direction as she passed by to enter the kitchen. At the sight before you, you realised exactly how correct she was. You had got someone in your life who you could never lose; you'd be a fool to ruin what you and Ben had. So of course, you began second guessing telling him the news once again. If you told him the truth, he may leave and then you've lost him for good. But seeing just how well he was around the children and how engaged he was, you actually considered that this was a good idea.
The time came to finally exchange presents; no doubt after the children had nagged the adults for 20 minutes straight, asking "when can we open them?". The children spent the most time opening presents, getting excited after each one and showing it off to every single adult in the room. You were sat on the small armchair; well Ben was, and you were perched on his lap, an arm around his neck and head rested on his shoulder. You were admittedly beginning to grow impatient at telling Ben the news; as much as you didn't want to tell him, waiting to do it was becoming painful because it only gave you more time to re-evaluate your decision. Thankfully, your mother had finished giving everyone her gifts, so it was the end and you could give Ben his. You rushed out of the room to where your coat hung up, pulling out a small box that was wrapped in paper and had a bow placed on the top. Ben noticed the box and furrowed his brows, even more so when you went to hand it to him.
"YN, we agreed we weren't doing presents this year?" he questioned, hesitantly taking the box from your hand, almost as if he expected it to explode in his hand. You nodded your head a little, understanding his confusion. Honestly, you forgot that you had agreed to not give each other presents this year because you had spent quite a lot of money so far on your relationship, first buying the house and then investing in a pet.
"I-I know, but you wouldn't have got any other gifts, and I think you'll like this one" You mumbled, urging him to open it and trying to hide your nerves from Ben as you knew he had a strange talent of noticing when you were hesitant to do something. He was like a human radar; he knew when you were happy, sad, angry, nervous, excited. He had a mental notebook of all your habits for each emotion, so he could probably tell that you were absolutely bricking it right now. But you assumed that he just thought this because you were nervous he wouldn't like the gift; which you were, but he didn't realise why. He took his sweet time opening the present, unwrapping it slowly considering he had all eyes of the room on him at that moment, alongside the glare of a camera that your mother had pulled out in excitement of the moment. As he opened the flaps to the small cardboard box underneath the wrapping paper, his eyes widened and his whole body froze. You can't deny, so did yours. He slowly pulled out the small stick out of the shadows of the box to reveal two small pink lines on the small screen.
"A-are you... is this real?" he mumbled, looking up to meet your eyes. You saw the tears beginning to pool at the bottom of his eyes, and you saw a glint of happiness. You nodded, awaiting his reaction.
"I tested positive."
You didn't know if this was a good reaction or a bad one because he didn't really show much emotion on his face. That was until a giant smile stretched across his face and his hands dropped the box so that he could wrap his arms around you. It was rather sudden, but he took you into the tightest hug you'd ever felt; his head rested against your shoulder and you felt the tears of joy seeping into your jumper. You obviously hugged back, relieved that he was actually happy about this.
"I-I'm gonna be a dad? W-We're gonna be parents?" He continued questioning, unable to believe any of this was true because he didn't think contentment like this could exist. You could barely speak your own words, only having the ability to nod and cry as well as Ben.  The whole family was now cheering with you, Lilah jumping on your lap to give you the biggest hug she possibly could, exclaiming that she couldn't wait to have a little cousin she could play with. Well, you assumed that's what she said, considering most of her words were indistinguishable.
"I can't believe this, this is the best day of my fucking life. God, we're gonna be parents in 9 bloody months, love. I love you so much, and you too" he gushed, tears brimming in his eyes once again and also yours. He bent down and gently kissed your practically-non-existent bump as he whispered "and you too" and you couldn't help but admire how well he took the news; you certainly didn't expect this much of a reaction from him and you felt a little stupid for ever second guessing yourself. Of course, being the bundle of nerves Ben tended to be, started questioning everything; "How far along are you? Have you been feeling ill? Because I'm sorry if I haven't been much help to make you feel better but I don't recall hearing you being sick of anything in the mornings so I don't know-"
"Ben, I've been fine so far; I'm only a month along and I've only had two instances of morning sickness, both of which you weren't home for so you don't have to worry. I suppose I've felt a little under the weather recently but nothing that I couldn't cope with." You explained, which brought comfort to Ben as he knew you weren't suffering too much in the time being. Though, he had heard of how harsh pregnancy can be for some women and he prayed to the Lord that you would not be one of the small percentage.
After finding out the exciting news, Ben had been non-stop protecting you like you were a piece of glass; not that he didn't before, he just did it a lot more intensely now. Every time you tried to sit down or stand up, he would help you so that you didn't 'strain your back'. Every time you went up the stairs, he would walk right behind you. Every time you yawned, he asked if you wanted to go to bed and insisted you had an early night so that you and 'bean' were well rested. Oh yes, and he had nicknamed the growing child 'bean'. You, thankfully, now found yourself wrapped up in the covers of your duvet after a long Christmas day and could not wait to fall asleep. Ben had jumped in beside you and cuddled close so that he could rest his hand on your stomach and head on your shoulder. You were so close to being asleep, until Ben decided to create conversation.
"You know, I thought your boobs had gotten bigger, but I didn't want to mention it in case you thought I was complaining" He mumbled into your neck, which woke you up immediately. You slapped his arm and chuckled loudly, making him wince in pain a little.
"They've also gotten a lot more sore so no touching. And alongside that, I constantly need to pee, very gassy and am continually getting mood swings; so good luck for the next 9 months because you're officially dating a zombie" you countered, making him chuckle gleefully. He didn't care how disgusting or gross you may have seen yourself; you were still beautiful to him and he was going to let you know that every day.
"A gorgeous zombie who I love very very much and is literally bringing my child into the world; with my help, of course." He smirked, making you roll your eyes because you completely understood what he meant by 'his help'.
"I'm so happy that your happy and I can't wait to have a family with the love of my life"
"And I can't wait either" He grinned, feeling happiness he had never felt before in his life. Now, all he had to do was propose; luckily, he'd been planning it all along
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v1rg1nvodkasprite · 5 years
Burning Midnight Oil → Harry Styles (Part VI)
Harry and you had been married for 4 years and you were tremendously proud of him but recently, he had been working himself to the bone. When he starts to lash out on you, you make the ultimate decision to end it.
Warnings: language, angst, minor pregnancy, crying, argument
Notes: the last part for the BMO series. lmk if i should do something like this again. also lmk if you'd like to be added to any of my taglists. enjoy!! x
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"Harry, come on. Come to bed, please," I pleaded as exhaustion started to take over. It was 3:15 in the morning and he hadn't come to bed yet. "I've got to work on these songs for the album. I've already said that," he said, becoming annoyed.
I sighed, shuffling back to bed, tiredly. Harry had been working non-stop for on his second solo album and the new Gucci collection. He was working himself to the bone and I couldn't stop.
I covered myself underneath the blankets, cuddling into the feathered comforter. A certain warmth was missing from around me and Harry's absence clouded my mind.
I barely saw him nowadays, him always in meetings, in the studio or constantly writing. It was becoming tiring for me, for our relationship. He went to bed about three hours after I would usually fall asleep and then be long gone in the morning.
The next morning, I awoke to warm bed sheets that still smelt like Harry but I knew he was already off somewhere working. I sighed, rolling over, not wanting to deal with anything today.
When this all first began and Harry started to write again for the album and Gucci picked him to be the face of their new collection, he would leave sweet notes on the bedside table for me to read when I woke up and we always found time to do things together with no distractions or work getting in the way.
How was definitely different from any of that. Harry would usually be short and would expect me to know that he was busy and to not be bothered at anytime, even when he did take a break, which was rare. He wouldn't leave notes let alone send me a simple text to tell me where he was or at least a good morning and i love you.
I finally decided to get up, making myself a cup of coffee feeling lonely and almost numb now. He was an amazing husband and partner in the beginning and up until his working habits became extreme. It almost felt like there was no passion or love in our relationship.
I waited around the house, occasionally cleaning and picking up as I really had nothing better to do. After moving in together, Harry insisted that I quit my job as a barista at the cafe downtown. I constantly told him that I didn't want to live off of him and would rather work and have money for myself but finally quit, giving up on trying to convince him otherwise.
Now, I had wished that I still worked there and could distract myself from our down-spiraling relationship and maybe pick up more shifts to stay away from arguing with Harry when he got home.
As I started dinner as usual, I decided to make something more interesting for dinner to try to get his attention and maybe sit down to have dinner together for the first time in months.
When 10:00pm rolled around, Harry finally came home, trudging in tiredly and immediately headed for the office. I sighed before knocking on the door lightly, opening the door to let myself in.
"I made dinner," I told him and he nodded as he kept on typing. I waited a few more seconds before speaking again nervously. "I thought maybe we could eat together. I haven't seen you in a while," I said and Harry grunted.
"I just saw you last night," he said, grumpily. "But, we haven't really spent any time together, you know?" I said, twiddling with my hands.
"I'm busy right now," he said, not even looking at me. I started to become angry and fed up with his shit. "Harry, I spent three hours preparing dinner tonight. Can you please just take 30 minutes of your time to eat with me? We never hang out anymore," I said, crossing my arms over my chest.
"Maybe I would make time for you if you weren't such a clingy bitch. You know I have work to do. Now I already told you, I'm busy," he said, raising his voice.
I shook my head, tears starting to brim in my eyes. I had never seen Harry like this. He was always kind, pushing other people to never put others down like he just did. "Harry-" I started to say. "Y/N! I said I was busy! Get the fuck out of my office!" he yelled, standing up from his desk, pointing towards the door.
"Who the fuck are you?" I asked, looking at him in disgust, "This wasn't the Harry I married." "Then leave. I'm not gonna wait for you to learn how to entertain yourself while I do all the work," he said, harshly.
A tear rolled down my cheek as I debated whether or not I should leave or not. "Fine! Don't call me crying when you realize what an asshole you've became!" I yelled, finally deciding to leave as I grabbed my car keys.
"I'll be back to grab my shit later," I said, slamming the door angrily. I was furious with Harry. He had completely turned into somebody else in the matter of months, confusing and breaking me.
I drove to my friend's house as I sobbed. "Dave, can I stay here for a little bit?" I asked and he nodded with a confused expression on his face. "What happened?" he asked, carefully.
"Harry, he just- I don't know," I said and he closed the door behind me before wrapping his arms around me, embracing me tightly.
"Will you guys be okay?" he asked. I sat there, quietly for a bit, contemplating his question. Would we be okay after this? Would he even realize what he was doing and come back or did he not care anymore? Had he really lost who he was?
"I don't know," I said, staring blankly at the floor. "He just completely changed. I don't know who he is," I told him and he furrowed his eyebrows. "What do you mean?" he asked.
"He's been working so hard lately, coming home late and getting up early. He's burning the candle at both ends and in the process, burned me. He finally snapped. Called me a bitch and told me to get out," I said, sniffling.
Dave looked at me sympathetically, "I'm so sorry." I shook my head. "It's not your fault. He's just an ass," I said and he smiled at me.
"Well you can stay as long as you like. I can help you get your things from there tomorrow if you'd like and then we can start looking for jobs and stuff, yeah?" he asked, comforting me and I smiled sadly, nodding.
"It'll be okay," he said, hugging me once again. I looked down, placing my hands on my stomach. "I really hope so," I said, rubbing the small bumb.
I needed everything to be okay for the sake of the being that was about the size of a plum, growing inside of me. At least I wouldn't be alone in this. I smiled at the thought. We'd be okay.
@rrrogah-tayluhh , @rencontre-moi-dans-le-couloir , @satanspaghetti , @rogersrager , @no-business , @thewinchesterchronicles , @bisexuwhale69 , @rexorangecouny , @harrysstyleseyes , @xoxoalisonjane , @weakling-grace , @lilibellecms , @computersaysnot , @jonesyaddiction , @toogoateechild
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writingformadderton · 5 years
Love at First Sight
Joe Mazzello x Reader
Word Count: 2604
Summary: You and Joe have been preparing for your new baby to arrive any day now, but you’ve enjoyed much of your pregnancy because Joe was so sweet and attentive towards you. One summer night, you wake up to use the bathroom. But soon you’re rushing to the hospital
Additional Tags: Pregnancy, fluff, soft, just some good Husband!Joe vibes 
Author’s Note: Hey guys :) This is super late I’m sorry. But here is a little introduction to the world of the BoRhap boys we love so much. I really hope you guys enjoy it. Feedback is welcome!
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You and Joe had spent the last nine months preparing for your new bundle of joy to arrive any day now. The journey had been long and hard, and you were so close to the end. But you couldn’t deny the fact that you enjoyed the precious moments. Joe was very caring and attentive towards you. He took on fewer acting jobs to be more available to your pregnancy and preparation. He has waited on you hand and foot. Well, as much as you would let him anyways. You tried to be as true to your independence as you could, but as the months went by it got harder and harder to move around and function like you want. But Joe didn’t mind at all. He knew when to let you do your thing and when it was his time for him to step in assist. This was one of those times.
“Babe, you gotta let me help you. Your ankles are way too swollen.” Joe pleads with you as he holds your hand. You are sitting on the bottom stair, trying to find the strength to walk up to the bedroom. You two just came home from lunch and getting a few finishing pieces for the nursery. Since the gender of your baby was going to be a surprise for the both of you, it was the perfect opportunity for Joe and you to experiment with the style of the nursery. Constructing the nursey was one of the best experiences you had in a long time. Now if only you could get the last few decorations into the room…
“I got it, Joe. I just need a few minutes to prepare myself to stand.” You try to reason, but continue to hold onto his hand. Walking should not be this difficult, and it normally wasn’t. However, the last few days have been hell for you. You seemed more miserable than normal and Joe sensed it too. But even with your mood swings raging, Joe was still patient.
“(Y/N), you and I both know you’re not getting up anytime soon. I’m carrying you upstairs.” He shakes his head and bends down to pick you up.
You whine and close your eyes. “I don’t want you carrying me. I’m a fat cow that weighs a ton. Put me down Joe.”
But he ignores your small pleas and holds you firmly in his arms, standing with ease as if you were as light as a feather. “Oh hush and wrap your arms around me.” He begins his ascend upstairs, holding you securely in his arms.
You gasp, faking offence and wrap your arms around his neck. But you look up at him and pure adoration shine in your eyes. How lucky were you to have such a man so willing to be there for you in every way possible? It was a real dream come true, and you couldn’t pinch yourself hard enough to wake up. He was your Prince Charming.
You pout slightly and play with the hair on the back of his neck. “Well since you’re already up and walking, ca-“
“Yes, I will bring you ice cream and rub your feet. Yes, I will help you in the shower later.” He stopped you in the middle of your sentence and pushes the door open with his feet. Your jaw drops a bit, stunned.
“How did you-“
“You’re my wife and have been consistently asking for the same things for 4 months now. I know you like an open book.” Joe chuckles and sits you down on the bed carefully. You try to get comfortable by taking off your light jacket, while Joe kneels down in front of you and takes off your shoes. The July heat didn’t help your case either, another contributing factor to your recent misery. But you were almost there, your due date came and went a week ago. You were just sort of waiting patiently for your baby.
He began to rub your feet tenderly, but with enough pressure to work out the tension. You moaned out and closed your eyes, throwing your head back. Joe was amazing with his hands, massages alone enough to make you curl up and fall asleep afterwards. He knew how much you needed and enjoyed a good massage during your pregnancy, and was quick to drop anything he was doing when you really needed one.
“Ugh Joe, you’re the best.” You breathe out gratefully.
“I love you baby. Pregnant and all. You are so beautiful and somehow, you’ve become even more beautiful during your pregnancy. To know that you’re carrying our child and still walking around being such a badass, it makes me fall in love with you more and more every day.” He pours his heart out while looking into your eyes, now moved on to your other foot and massaging it perfectly.
You gasp and feel tears well up in your eyes. He knew just what to say to make you feel loved and your heart swell. “Oh Joe...” You start to speak, but your throat starts to tighten and the tears begin to start.
He smiles and leans up, wiping the tears from your eyes and cupping your face. You put your hands over his and smile as best as you can. “I love you more than words can describe (Y/N).” He whispers and kisses you sweetly. You melt into the kiss and smile. You open our mouth to speak, but the urge to pee just shot right to your bladder. Your face slightly contorts and it doesn’t go unnoticed by Joe. “What’s the matter?”
“I have to pee.” You try to keep a straight face, but chuckle out. He rolls his eyes playfully and chuckles, kissing your forehead and standing up. He holds your hands and pulls you up to stand carefully. He then helps you make your way to the bathroom. “I love you so much Joe Mazzello.”
He nods and kisses your forehead, leaving to let you do your business. He makes his way downstairs to get some ice cream for you both. You waddle back into the bedroom and slowly crawl into bed, laying on top of the covers and patiently wait for Joe. Turning on the tv, you cuddle into your pillow and relax. Normally, you would be rushing to get out of your yellow flowy dress due to the heat. But with the window open and the ceiling fan running on high, you actually found yourself very comfortable in bed. A bit too comfortable as you found yourself beginning to drift off.
Joe’s footsteps coming up the stairs and into the bedroom brought you out from your light slumber. You turn onto your other side and look up at him with a wide smile, slowly sitting up against the headboard. Joe sits on the bed beside you with two bowls of your favorite ice cream in his hand, giving one to you along with a spoon. “Thank you love.” You barely get out before immediately indulging the sweet treat. You close your eyes and savor the moment. You try to speak to him, but your mouth full of ice cream makes your words come out muffled and strange.
“Whatever you’re saying, I love you too.” He chuckles and eats his ice cream. You giggle and eat, turning your attention back to the television. You lay your head on his shoulder and smile.
Suddenly, a powerful kick comes to your side and you whine and look down at your belly. “Hey, I’m trying to enjoy this for the both of us.” You whisper to your child. But the kicking continues like there was a mini soccer team in there.
Joe smiles and rubs your belly. It calms down enough for you to eat your ice cream. You kiss your husband on his cheek. This was one of those moments that you were going to cherish forever.
You and Joe are laying in bed, cuddled up close and taking in the cool night breeze. Its 1:45 am. You were already dosing off after the movie you and Joe watched, so you were asleep by 11. It was a comfortable slumber. Your baby finally resting enough to let you catch some sleep.
You stir in your sleep and open your eyes. Your precious bundle of joy was pushing on your bladder. Sighing, you slowly sit up and rub your eyes a bit. Don’t completely rub the essence of sleep from your eyes, just give yourself a little vision to make it to the bathroom. You stand up and waddle to the bathroom, turning on the light. You try to move as quickly as possible so you don’t wake the little one in your womb.
You use the bathroom, but you begin to feel some discomfort. Not the normal, pregnancy discomfort of carrying around a big belly. No, this was something different. Uncomfortable being the only word to describe it. “Maybe it’s in my head. Let me hurry back and finish resting.” You mumble to yourself and finish on the toilet. You wash your hands and lazily dry them, leaving the bathroom.
As you waddle your way back to bed, you feel something wet going down your leg. You ignore it, assuming you may have gotten a water droplet on your leg from washing your hands. But, you stop in your tracks as a surge of pressure and slight pain hits your uterus. You you’re your belly and close your eyes, wincing but giving no attention to the rush of water falling onto the floor beneath you. Raising your eyebrow, you look down. Your eyes widen and your body instantly wakes up. “Oh my god. JOE! WAKE UP!” You scream out.
Joe immediately opens his eyes and sits up, your scream forcing his body to wake up. His eyes fall directly on your frame. “What’s wrong?!” He asks quickly.
“My water broke. We gotta g-“ Your voice is interrupted by a painful moan as the first contraction courses through your body. He jumps out of bed and rushes to your side, holding your hand and putting his other hand on your lower back to rub small circles. You grip his hand and breathe in and out quickly, making your way to the edge of the bed. Joe carefully helps you sit down, and then rushes to get everything ready for the hospital. You rub your belly and continue to breathe, thankful that the contractions are more far apart at the moment.
Joe comes over to you with a nightgown in hand, helping you out of your current pjs and into that. He slips a pair of slides on your feet and helps you stand. “I’m gonna get you to the car love, okay? Just keep breathing for me and holding on to me, okay?” He speaks calmly to you while cupping your face. You nod and close your eyes, feeling another contraction come through. You grit your teeth and breathe through your nose.
He slings the hospital bag over his shoulder and picks you up in his arms carefully. You instantly cling to his body and keep breathing as the pain took over your body. He carries you downstairs as quickly, but carefully, as he can. Snatching the car keys from the table, he goes outside to the car and helps you into the passenger seat gently. He kisses your forehead and looks in your eyes. “You’re doing great hunny. I’m so proud of you.” He smiles before loading up the car with any bag he can find that’s meant to come with you. Once finished, he locks the house up and gets into the car. “Here we go.” He breathes out and drives off into the direction of the hospital.
“Fuuuuck!” You whine out and grip Joe’s hand and the bed sheets tightly. Once you two got to the hospital and into a room, your contractions were merely 2 minutes apart. At the moment, the room was packed with staff, but Joe stayed right by your side the entire time. He gave you soft forehead kisses and encouraging words to keep you calm and focused despite the chaos going on around you. You kept your attention on his voice as you breathed and bared the pain of contractions. Eventually, it came time for you to push.
“Alright (Y/N), you’re gonna start pushing, okay? On three, I want you to give me a big push. Take quick breaths.” Your doctor instructs encouragingly. You nod and look up at Joe, tears in your eyes from the pain.
He wipes them away gently and kisses your forehead. “I’m right here. I’ve got you.” He whispers and nods at you. You let out a shaky breath and turn back to your doctor, nodding.
“I’m ready.” You start breathing and close your eyes. Your doctor begins to count off, and soon enough your first effort to push comes through. You cry out as you do so and breathe again once you finish.
“Great job baby. You’re doing great.” Joe says and wipes your forehead with a wet cloth. You pant and close your eyes. Your doctor counts off again and you breath quickly, pushing and moaning out.
“I have the head!” The doctor calls out.
Tears stream furiously down your face as the pain starts to take a toll on your body. It’s the only thing you can focus on at the moment and its consuming you. You begin to cry and grip Joe’s hand. “Joe, it hurts!” You cry out.
“I know baby, but you’re almost there. I’m right here.” He encourages and kisses your hand and forehead. “I’m right here with you.”
You take a deep breath and close your eyes. God, all you needed was the strength for at least three more pushes. Just three more.
You breathe quickly and grip Joe’s hand tighter as you get ready for another push. This was going to be a long night. But it all pays off when just a short hour later, you hear the cries of your newborn baby boy.
Joe sits on the sofa bed near next to you, a hand holding yours and another resting above your baby boy. After a long but safe delivery, your body was exhausted beyond anything you could handle and you passed out as soon as got the okay. You’ve been asleep for almost 6 hours now and Joe could not stop adoring your baby boy. He was in awe of the tiny human, in love with someone who was just a few hours old. He looked at your sleeping figure, even more in love than before.
He had a newfound respect and adoration for you and he will never let you forget it from now on. You powered through almost 3 hours of labor and yet you still managed to hold yourself together long enough to get checked out and hold the baby for a bit. He was more than proud to call you his wife and be by your side.
Joe leans closer to you and places a small kiss to your forehead, moving some of the hair behind your ear. He took a look at your son, his small frame swaddled in his receiving blanket and a blue hat covering his head. This was the start of his family, and he couldn’t be any prouder. Joe laid down on the sofa bed and threw the blanket over his body. He closed his eyes and relaxed, his hand still holding yours firmly.
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mightyfineblog · 6 years
7 and 54 about Ben. I forgot to write that. 😂❤️
“7. You’ve gone to the bathroom fifty times today.
54.Why’s there a pregnancy test in the trash?”
Ben’s  POV
I wonder what’s gotten with her today. Usually on the weekends she’s always so happy to be around me. She would beg me to go out and enjoy the sun. But today’s so worried, moody, wouldn’t pay attention to me.
“Babe. What’s up?” I walked over my lovely girlfriend.
“Nah, nothing, Ben.” she gave me a fake smile.
“Sure? Nothing to tell me?” I tried harder.
“I, I’m sure it’s nothing.” She stood up, from the sofa and gave me a quick peck on the cheek, before skipping away.
Women. I thought. How am I supposed to figure out what’s wrong, if they won’t tell me. Pff. I turned on the telly. BBC Sport. Perfetto.
Over the next couple of hours, I couldn’t help but notice at the corner of my eye, some kind of rush back and forth.
“You’ve gone to the bathroom fifty times today.” I stroked her head and gave her a kiss on the tip of the nose. She blinked a couple of times. Her eyes were gloomy, and I could see something wasn’t right in this the picture.
After a particularly quiet dinner, she seemed to have lost her appetite. 
I went off to take a shower before bed, when I saw it in the trash bin. “Babe, would you come over for a sec!” I nervously shouted across the flat. 
“What’s up, babe?” She popped up at the door, eyeing me, the bin and back.
“Why’s there a pregnancy test in the trash?” I lifted a brow. shit.
“I uuugh. Okay, lets take a seat.” She forced me to sit on the edge of the bathtub.
“I think, that, maybe. It’s possible …” That moment Frankie cut her sentence off as she jumped in my lap.
“Y/N” I prompted to talk further.
“I think, that, maybe, it seems like, we’re going to be parents” she spat out quickly.
“What?” I blinked a few times to make sure  I heard right.
“FrankieMayBePregnant” she bit her lip, as I stared at the little fur ball in my lap, in awe.
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butlegendsneverdie · 5 years
Expecting Again (b.h)
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Warnings: none really
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You had found out a couple of days ago and were trying to figure out the best way to tell Ben. You thought of all the different ways you could reveal to him that you were expecting and he was going to be a dad again. But looking over and noticing how perfect your two year old was sleeping on top of her father, you decided that you didn’t need any fancy way of telling him.
“Ben.” You lightly shove his shoulder, attempting to wake him from his slight daze. “Hey Benji, wake up. I need to tell you something.”
“What’s up?” He shift his body to a sitting position, making sure that the toddler in his arms was still sleeping.
“Remember when I was pregnant with this little one and you were really happy?” You bit your lower lip anxiously waiting for his reply.
“Yeah. Why? You’re going to tell me you want another baby, aren’t you.” Ben smiled to himself. It was something he had been thinking about recently, trying to find the right opportunity to bring it up.
“Well.” Your quiet laugh fills the room. You place one hand on your lower belly, while you grab Ben’s hand with the other and place it one top. “I don’t think we have to try.”
“You’re pregnant?” Ben’s green eyes went wide with the realization at what you were trying to tell him. 
“Yeah. I found out last week. I’m about a month. So not to far along.” You weren’t sure how he was going to take it. The two of you had talked about having more in the future, once your little one was a bit older. But sometimes plans change a bit for the better.
“Yes! I’m going to be a dad again!” He cheered a little too loudly, waking up the child in his arms, looked at him with confusion written clearly across their little face. “Hey baby you’re going to have a baby sister or brother.” He couldn’t have been happier, your small family was growing.
@har-rison-s @dreamerofzaldrizes @ken-yee-not @yourealegendroger @blathena @neymarlionelmessi7 @megalony 
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megalony · 3 years
Teacher’s pet- Part 20
So I have about two more parts planned for this Ben Hardy series but I am going to be doing a follow-on series because I love this story and still feel I have more to write for it. I hope you will all like this part, feedback is always lovely to hear.
Taglist: @lunaticspoem @butlegendsneverdie​ @langdonzvoid @jennyggggrrr​ @rogermeddow​ @radiob-l-a-hblah​ @rogertaylorsbitontheside @chlobo6​ @rogertaylors-lipgloss​ @sj-thefan​ @omgitsearly​ @luckytrashgooprebel​ @scarsout @deaky-with-a-c @killer-queen-ofrhye @bluutac​ @vousmemanqueez @jonesyaddiction @rogahs-drowse @milanosaurus @httpfandxms @saint-hardy @7-seas-of-fat-bottomed-girls @mrsalwayswritex @rogerina-owns-me @hellsdragon @im-an-adult-ish @crazylittlethingg @allauraleigh
Series taglist: @im-an-adult-ish​ @gwilymleeisbae​ @k-k0129​ @haileymorelikestupid​ @glittrixvibe @youngpastafanmug​ @ultraviolencezs @kdatthecastle @darlindolan​
Series masterlist
Summary: (Y/n) teaches at the school Ben’s boys go to and they soon start a relationship. But they have their ups and downs with the problems Ben faces with his boys and how quickly the relationship progresses.
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"I'm gonna go and see our baby girl now, they said I can finally hold her today."
Ben's fingers slowly and methodically carded through (Y/n)'s hair, moving the strands into waves and brushing them from her face as he talked quietly in a soft voice. He didn't know if (Y/n) could hear him or not, she was sedated but he knew that some people in comas could still hear voices around them so he hoped that even though (Y/n) was asleep, she could hear his voice.
He had spent most of the morning here with (Y/n), holding her hand, brushing his fingers over her skin to try and show her he was still here and talking to her in case she was listening. But now he had to go and see their daughter before he went home to the boys.
Every time he left (Y/n) here he felt guilty and in pain because something could happen when he left and he didn't want anything to happen when he wasn't here. And if felt awful to leave (Y/n) here on her own and he didn't like being apart from her, but he had to go and be with the boys until everything settled and he could bring (Y/n) home.
"I'll be back tomorrow, baby." He pressed his lips to the top of her head, tangling his fingers in her hair as he was desperate not to let her go.
It hurt that Ben couldn't wrap his arms around (Y/n) or kiss her or even talk to her. He wanted to take her home and have everything be as it should. Ben wanted (Y/n) in his arms, he wanted her and his daughter in his arms in a hug and he wanted the boys at home with them and for them to be the family they should be. He didn't want (Y/n) to be ill and in pain and their girl to be stuck in an incubator without her family surrounding her every hour of every day.
The moment Ben got out of the room he just wanted to turn back around and go lay with (Y/n) but he knew if he did that then he wouldn't leave.
"Ben, how is she today?"
He didn't get more than two feet away from (Y/n)'s room before his eyes suddenly locked on her mother heading towards him.
The first time Ben had met Alicia was worrying for him since he had met her only a month before he and (Y/n) found out they were going to have a baby. He had no idea how she would react to her daughter being in a relationship with someone who already had three children of his own, he knew it wasn't the best kind of image or the best situation her parents would want for her. But he had been more than surprised when her parents had taken to him straight away and Alicia was very welcoming to the boys, she was practically another grandmother to them already.
It crushed Ben more than anything when he had to ring (Y/n)'s parents and explain that (Y/n) had suddenly taken a turn for the worst after he had told them she was recovering well the night before.
And it was too hard for Ben to stay with (Y/n) when her parents came to visit her. They came every day like Ben did but he made sure they had time alone with (Y/n) or else he didn't know what to say, where to sit or how to act. All he wanted to do was sit beside (Y/n) and hold her hand and suddenly make her better but he didn't feel comfortable when her parents were in the room. He couldn't cry in front of them either.
Ben was engulfed in a rather comforting but still crushing hug the moment Alicia was in front of him.
(Y/n) always told Ben that he had charmed her mother almost like he had charmed (Y/n) herself. His smile won Alicia over and his nature and just generally how he was made Alicia accept him into their family straight away.
"They're keeping her sedated, she got too distressed when she was awake with the ventilator and she's still on a lot of antibiotics... but the doctor said her heart isn't affected, so that's good." Ben scratched at the short hairs at the back of his head before he rubbed his hands over his face, trying to wake himself up a bit more.
When (Y/n) had woken up early in the morning, they had to sedate her because it was distressing for her to try and move and realise that she couldn't breathe. Feeling a tube stuck down her throat was too much for her, especially when it made her focus on her lack of breathing and she couldn't communicate without panicking. It was kinder and safer to keep her in a sleeping state, at least until she started to recover.
But the sepsis was still attacking her system and her lungs weren't working on their own. The antibiotics were treating the infection (Y/n) had gotten after labour but they couldn't control the sepsis. The only good news they had right now was that (Y/n)'s heart was still strong and wasn't effected by sepsis because if that happened, her chances would be next to none.
"Well s-she needs the rest... how's the little one doing?"
It was clear that Alicia was about ready to burst into tears but she was doing her best to push the tears back and keep her voice under control. (Y/n) was her only child, she had no other kids so (Y/n) had been her world and Alicia didn't have much other family other than her husband and her sister. If she lost (Y/n) she wouldn't have anyone around her except for Ben and her granddaughter and the boys.
Alicia had been to see her granddaughter along with (Y/n)'s dad, Jeremy, they visited the baby every day they visited (Y/n).
"They're letting me hold her today, I just can't do the birth certificate yet... (Y/n)'s supposed to be picking her name."
Ben could feel a bad headache forming behind his eyes, causing him to rub ferociously at his eyes to try and relieve the feeling. Their girl was four days old now and by this time Ben usually got the birth certificate sorted but he couldn't do that when he didn't have a name for her. He and (Y/n) had three names but they never managed to decide on one before labour happened early. Ben picked the name for all three of his boys and he said he wanted (Y/n) to be the one to pick the name for their daughter but right now she couldn't so he wasn't getting the certificate done until (Y/n) was better.
"There's plenty of time for that. I'll visit her after I sit with (Y/n) for a while, and if you want to stay here with (Y/n) at any point, you just ring me and those three boys can stay with me. You know I think of them as my own."
Alicia rubbed her hand up and down Ben's arm as a silent look of appreciation filled his eyes before they parted ways. He couldn't carry on this conversation without wanting to cry and it was very clear to see, Alicia didn't want to push either of them too far. Ben knew and appreciated that she would look after the boys whenever she could because she thought of them as her own grandkids. But Ben had to be at home with them as well as being here with (Y/n) because the boys were starting to get worried and he couldn't have that.
It was only a short trip from (Y/n)'s room down to the neonatal unit where is girl was and it was a route Ben walked three or four times a day. Switching between seeing (Y/n) and their daughter before he went home and spent the night with the boys before coming back to the hospital as early as he could.
When Ben reached the room that held four other newborns as well as his daughter, he headed straight over to his little girl and where a nurse was doing her routine checks.
"Mr Jones, are you ready to hold baby today?"
Ben nodded his head, finding a smile already on his lips just at the thought of having her in his arms. The moment she had been born she was taken out of the room to be looked after and she'd had a tube down her nose to help her breathe since she inhaled some fluids. But now she just had an IV for some nutrients and a few monitoring clips and stickers to check her vitals.
Doctor Mills had checked up on her yesterday and said she just needed the incubator for another week to make sure her lungs were developed enough to work properly on their own. So Ben could take her home in just over a week.
At least one of his girls was okay.
Ben tried to stop his leg from jittering up and down when he sat down, anxiously waiting for that strange yet intoxicating feeling of holding his baby for the first time.
When he first got to hold Carter, Ben had never felt a wave of emotions like that before. He didn't want to put Carter down, he just wanted to sit and hold him for the rest of his life. Then when he had James it was the same emotions but more intensified, he had another life depending on him and another boy he could cherish and look after. Finn was the smallest of all his boys, he felt like a little baby doll in Ben's arms, the kind he remembered playing with as a kid. Finn was so small and delicate but he had been beautiful.
After Finn, Ben had been sure that he had all his kids. He didn't think he would want or even get the chance to have another child, especially not after things between him and Lucy evolved in the worst possible way.
But here he was now, about to hold his fourth child, his first daughter.
The moment she was placed into his arms, Ben felt a shiver running down his spine and tingling throughout his body. He thought Finn had been his smallest child but his daughter was here, proving him wrong. She was four pounds and three ounces which was definitely underweight considering the average baby was supposed to be around seven pounds.
But she was perfect.
She had a tiny button nose that didn't reflect Ben's bumpy, slightly crooked nose that both Cater and James had inherited from him. Her hands were tiny but formed behind the rose pink mittens stuck on her hands so she didn't scratch her face. Her body fit along the expanse of Ben's lower arm perfectly and the way she curled up in his arm made him grin. She tucked her face into his chest and it tickled when Ben felt her nose brushing against his skin through his shirt.
"Hey, girlie. We don't have a name for you yet, but I'll talk to your mummy about that soon. She's so desperate to come see you when she's better, and the boys are all in love with you already, even Finn says your so pretty. My first girl."
Ben slowly brushed his finger across her cheek, smiling at the way it made her head lean into his touch before it seemed to tickle her. When he brought the boys to see her yesterday, all of them had been in awe of their little sister. Carter looked like he wanted to pick her straight up and cuddle her, James had reached his hand out to take hold of hers. And when Ben picked Finn up so he could see her, the first thing he said was that she was very pretty and sweet even if she was very small. They all seemed to instantly take to the thought of a sister now that she was here with them.
All they needed now was for (Y/n) to get better so she could hold her daughter.
"Buddy, come on it's past your bed time, you need to try and settle down you have school tomorrow." Ben tried his best to sound sympathetic and understanding but it was hard when he didn't have the patience or the effort left in his system.
It was half past ten, both James and Finn were fast asleep in their room and all Ben needed was for Carter to either settle down or for once, actually fall asleep. They all had school tomorrow and Ben needed to try and calm his own mind down because he had to take them to school then go to the hospital to see (Y/n) and their baby.
Ben had seen this coming. He had seen the state Carter was in after his mum dropped the boys back home, he was anxious and hyper and that was a big sign that he wouldn't settle tonight.
"No, I don't wanna." Carter shook his head with a defying look on his face before he planted himself down on the sofa.
His eyes followed Ben's movements in the same way they normally did when he tried to defy his dad. He didn't look anxious or irritated, he looked blank like he didn't know where he was or what he was doing. Carter watched what Ben did in case his dad was really riled up and to see what he could get away with doing. He watched Ben down the last bit of beer in the dark brown bottle in his hand before he got up and moved to put it in the kitchen.
But the moment Ben came back into the living room, he turned the tv off and looked at Carter expectantly. He knew well enough to know that Ben wouldn't let him sit up and watch tv all night when he had school in the morning. Even if Carter wouldn't be tired if he stayed up all night, it still wasn't good for him and would break his routine of trying to settle for the night.
"Carter, listen to me. I'm tired, okay? I'm knackered, I've been at the hospital every day for the last five days and then I'm coming home to be with you boys. I can't sleep either but I need you to keep your routine, I can't deal with you being unsettled from no routine."
If Carter didn't have a routine it unsettled him because routines helped to calm him down and give him structure. (Y/n) and the baby being away in hospital and Ben running between home and hospital definitely didn't give Carter routine or structure. So Ben had to keep that routine for Carter wherever he could and right now that was keeping him at school, bringing him home and keeping set times for getting up and going to bed.
"No, you just want to deal with mum and not let me see her. I miss her and I can't sleep, I wanna go see mum! I wanna see my mum!"
Carter stomped his foot down on the carpet as he stood to his feet, his height making him just below Ben's shoulder. Carter had trouble sleeping but he was normally fine with laying down and thinking until he fell asleep. But when he was anxious like this all he could think about was what was worrying him and that was (Y/n). He thought about her and how he hadn't seen her in over five days but Ben saw her everyday. He missed her and he was jealous and angered that he couldn't go and see her yet.
"Carter she's ill, I have to be there and make sure she's getting better you know that-"
"I wanna see my mum-"
"I wanna see her too!" The way Ben's voice rose and his words bellowed back at Carter made the eldest boy take a step back. He wasn't expecting Ben to shout at him and he certainly wasn't expecting him to say that.
Ben saw (Y/n) every day so far, he did see her whereas the boys didn't get to, Carter didn't understand what he meant by that.
"Every second I'm away from her I want to go back to her Carter because she's sick! I wanna see her wake up and look at me and talk to me and kiss me and just to hold her. But I can't because every fucking second I'm with your mum, she's asleep because she is so fucking ill she can hardly breathe. I miss her even when I'm sat next to her because it doesn't feel like she's there, do you get that? If I take you to see her you'll get upset and when I go see her I cry so no, you can't go see her and I'm fucking sick of all this shit."
The tears that fell from Ben's swollen, red eyes made Carter start to cry silently because he never saw Ben cry. It was something that hardly ever happened and it showed him just how poorly (Y/n) was and how badly it was hurting Ben.
"I want your mum home with us and I want your sister here too, she's at the hospital all alone until I can go hold her. She's my daughter and I can't look after her like I did when I had you boys and it kills me." Ben's tone softened like slowly melting butter and his voice was quieter when he realised he had scared Carter which he never meant to do.
His daughter was all alone in the hospital without her family and even though she wouldn't understand what family was, Ben knew she would have that maternal and paternal instinct and know who he and (Y/n) were. When Ben had the boys they were all home within two or three days and he was looking after them. But with his one and only girl, she was at the hospital without her family and that cut Ben up into pieces.
"I miss mum."
Those three words were the only ones Carter could think of and could manage to say. And the moment they registered in Ben's ears, he went down on his knees in front of Carter and engulfed him in his arms. It didn't and would never matter to Ben how old any of his children were, he would always want to pick them up in his arms and cuddle them like they were all still toddlers.
He picked Carter up and stood to his feet until the eleven-year-old wrapped his legs around Ben's hips and tucked his head into Ben's neck, breathing in his scent which started to calm him down.
Ben kissed the side of Carter's head, moving one of his hands so he could slowly smooth his fingers over the hair at the back of Carter's head. No words were spoken between the pair as Ben silently headed out of the living room and made his way upstairs to his room. If Carter wasn't going to sleep and Ben didn't think he was either, the best option was for them to stay together and try to settle and calm down. They both needed comforting right now.
Carter stayed clinging to Ben like a monkey even when Ben laid down on the bed with his upper body leaning up against the cushioned headboard. Carter put a bit of strain and weight onto Ben's chest as he laid on his front but it didn't bother Ben, he just wanted to hug his son.
"I... I heard the new teacher talking about mum today." Carter kept his face buried in Ben's neck as he spoke but he was clearly calmer when Ben continued to run his hand through his hair.
"Yeah, what did they say?"
"She told the class that mum had her baby but is poorly so she won't be at work for a few months."
"No, buddy she won't be at work for a few months because when a person has a baby, they get time off to be with their baby. If your mum wasn't sick she still would have time off, she has to look after your sister. She's just in the hospital still because she's poorly."
Carter clearly worried that (Y/n) was going to be in the hospital for months with what he had heard the supply teacher say but that wasn't going to be the case.
"Mum is gonna get better... isn't she?"
"Yes she is, I promise."
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anxiouslymalicious · 5 years
Until you see the truth.
Summary: A continuation of Until the time is right in which the reader takes care of Frankie and ends up with a rather unexpected guest.
Word Count: 3,584
Warnings: None. Literally none. Except maybe bad writing.
A/N: What is up, my dudes? I actually didn’t want to end like this, but I felt like it was getting too long and boring so I decieded against it. Anyway, I hope that I’ll be able to post the next chapter soon, but it’s currently almost 1am and I’m getting kinda tired. Anyway, I hope you like it! Oh and a huge thank you goes out to @lakef for helping me out!
Tags:  @mamaskillerqueen @yourealegendroger @lakef @mcrmarvelloki @oh-well1 @sam-mercurry-sixx @queen-turtle-boiii If you want to be tagged, message me please! And I’m truly sorry if I forget to tag you, but things get kinda messy on tumblr at times. 
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It had been a few days since you found out that you were pregnant. The thought of it had started to settle in, although you still did not feel like any of it was real. You had tried to come up with a plan of how to tell Ben that he would be a dad but were discouraged every time. Whether it was by him telling you how happy he was with his life right now, him going out with his friends and having drinks or him telling you about this new role he had gotten. Meaning, he would be gone for quite some time again. Meaning, you only had about three more weeks to tell him and figure out what to do with him.
You felt pressured. Your anxiety had been gnawing at you for days anyway, making you consider so many different scenarios of how Ben would react once you told him you were pregnant. From him being ecstatic to him telling you that he never wanted to hear from you or the baby again, your mind was making you go crazy. All the time, you tried to tell yourself that you were being irrational, but Ben had fucked up your relationship before.
‘You know him’, you told yourself. ‘He loves children. You’re just being irrational. The worst he could do is tell you that he is not ready to be a father.’
You pushed your hair out of your face as you walked through the streets of London towards the building in which Ben lived. He had asked you to come by and maybe stay with Frankie for the weekend, as for why, you didn’t know. But as you were desperate to see Ben again and maybe catch a calm minute to talk to him about your predicament, so you gladly accepted.  
As soon as you rang the bell, Ben had buzzed you inside and once you made your way upstairs, you found Ben eagerly waiting for you by the door. But not only Ben was eagerly waiting for you.
Frankie ran passed her human, straight towards you. You giggled and kneeled to her level and gladly accepted her affection as she jumped at you and tried licking your face. Gently, you pushed her away from your face and she started curiously sniffing you, like you smelled differently. Then, she took a step back and eyed you carefully.
“What’s up, Frankie? Everything alright?”, you asked her.
“Did you use a different body lotion or something?”, Ben asked, confused at his dog’s behaviour. She had never acted strangely towards you, she had quite literally been affectionate with you since the very beginning.
“I think I did.”, you said and shrugged, then got up and greeted Ben with a hug.
“So why did you need me to come over? I mean besides to take care of my beloved Frankie, of course.”, you asked as you sat down on the couch with Ben, Frankie, however, sat down a little further away than usually, her head tilted lightly as if she was wary of you.
“A mate of mine’s in a bit of trouble and needs help. Nothing too serious, but he needs someone to support him emotionally. I told him I would be there, but I really don’t want to drive with Frankie for so long. You know how she gets on car rides. And- “
“Alright, Ben, calm down. It’s alright, I was just being curious.”, you interrupted his rambles which almost sounded panicked. You placed your hand on his knee and moved your thumb over it slowly. He placed his own hand above yours, squeezing it gently. Your eyes met his and you felt your heartbeat speed up. That’s when you decided that enough was enough. You needed to tell him, or you would explode.
And just as you opened your mouth to drop the bomb, Frankie ran off and you heard the sound of something being broken echoed through the flat.
“What the fuck, Frankie?”, you sighed, rubbing your hands over your face as Ben went after Frankie to see what amount of damage she had done. According to the incoherent curses from Ben, she must have broken a vase in the hallway.
“I think I’m gonna get going now. If you want, there are still leftovers from what I had for dinner yesterday or you can just order something. It’s on me, you still got my passwords, right?”, he told you and you involuntarily giggled. You did, for a fact, and Helen had tried her hardest to make you use them for food orders. It felt wrong, though, and so you decided not to.
“Yeah, thanks. But I can pay for my own food.”, you replied.
“I know you can. Doesn’t mean you have to. Anyway. Thanks again for doing this, I really appreciate it. Use whatever you want, I hope you still know your way around here.”, Ben’s smile was small with the thought of what had happened earlier that year.
“No need to thank me. It’s my pleasure staying here with my love. And yeah, I think I do.”, you told him and got up to hug him again. This time, a little longer. Your arms wrapped around his waist, your face snuggling into his chest. Ben’s arms wrapped around you, his hands slowly moving up and down your back.
“Everything alright?”, he whispered.
“Yeah. Just promise you’ll get home safely. I need you here.”, you told him and once more felt tears well up in your eyes. It wasn’t exactly uncommon for you to cry these days. Not only because of your whole predicament, but mostly because your hormones were going batshit crazy. Once, you cried over accidentally killing a spider by stepping onto it in a moment of shock.
“Are you sure you’re alright?”, Ben asked once more, his hands rubbing soothing circles onto your back, his gaze sceptical.
“Yeah. Let’s talk about this later, your mate needs you.”, you told him with a kiss to his cheek. Ben still eyed you warily, but nodded, grabbing his bag and shoes.
“Okay. Y/N, I promise you, I will make it back home.”, Ben told you honestly, and you felt some kind of ease on your heart. Like a heavy stone had been lifted from your chest. He wasn’t making fun of you, not in any way and you appreciated that. Ben kissed your head before he walked to the door.
“Oh, and Roger might come by tomorrow. I forgot something at his a few days ago and he told me that he would bring it around during the weekend.”, Ben added before leaving. You nodded and watched him go.
A sigh escaped your lips as you turned around to face the flat. You felt like a foreigner in a place you once called your home. Like you didn’t really belong anymore even though you once did.
Frankie watched you with those huge eyes of hers as you wandered through the flat. Your mind felt restless, yet you felt at peace. It was strange.
At some point, you laid down on the couch, watching a random Netflix show as your hand rubbed over your belly. Someone was growing in there. It was still a strange thought and you were still not showing, but you had somewhat built a connection with the little being in there.
Little footsteps sounded through the flat. Frankie eagerly came closer to you again, sniffing at your hand once more, almost like you were a stranger to her. You were confused at her actions, nonetheless you gave her the time she needed to get used to you again. Google would surely give you some answers later, so you shrugged it off and instead focused on gaining your favourite dog’s trust again. It didn’t take her long, though, to jump on the couch next to you and crawl onto your legs, lying down on your thighs with her head and paws gently resting on your stomach. You watched her in awe, tears shooting back into your eyes. You tried to hold them back but failed miserably.
And so, you were wailing on the couch with Frankie trying to calm you by nuzzling her head into your stomach as a Black Mirror episode was playing. A Friday evening almost exactly how you wanted them to be. Only Ben was not there to cuddle with you.
The constant crying tired you out. So much that you kept drifting in and out of sleep and settled on heating up Ben’s leftovers for dinner, this time, settling for something easier to watch. Something that was guaranteed to make you laugh. Ben made you laugh, meaning that the only logical conclusion was to watch Bohemian Rhapsody. Watching four of your closest friends harmonise like that on screen warmed your heart. It made you proud. And if you were to drift off again, there was nothing better to lull you to sleep than Queen songs.
You actually drifted off into a merciless slumber full of nightmares and when you woke up, Frankie was gently licking your face as she whimpered, trying to pull you out of your own dream. With your hand, you wiped her saliva off your cheek before you pushed your legs over the edge of the couch and stretched. Frankie jumped off, nervously plodding and dancing around in front of you, signalling you that she needed to go out for a walk.
A little smile crept onto your face.
“Hold on for one more second, will ya? I need to put on a sweatshirt before we can leave. I imagine it’s not too warm outside and we don’t want for anything to happen to your little sibling, right?”, you asked Frankie as you made your way to the bedroom- Ben’s bedroom- to steal one of his sweatshirts and threw it on. It was comfortably huge on you and with that, you grabbed your wallet and phone, stuffed them into the pocket, and got Frankie and yourself ready to go, then left.
You walked a route you usually took when Ben wasn’t taking her on a walk. Everything still felt so familiar, like you had never stopped walking Frankie, walking through the still quite brightly illuminated streets. Street lights and the different lights of the many shop windows you passed kept the streets casted a warm light over the cold street, making you feel safe. And all that despite the lack of people walking through the streets. Most people spent their Friday nights near the pubs and clubs rather than the antiquaries and book stores you passed. It was crazy how a place that was usually so full of life could suddenly be so quiet and deserted.
Once you returned to the flat, both you and Frankie were exhausted and too tired to do too much. So, you put your empty plate into the kitchen sink, stole one of Ben’s shirts to sleep in and curled up under the covers, along with little Frankie.
The bed smelled like him. It was soothing. You couldn’t help but smile, thinking about how you might be able to sleep in this bed on a daily again soon. The feeling was perfect, the only thing missing was Ben, your personal heater. But Frankie tried her best to replace him, curling up at your stomach, almost like she was trying to protect the unborn baby from the world. Once more, a few stray tears made their way down your cheeks, but you quickly wiped them away before you snuggled into the pillow, pulled the blanket up to your chin and drifted off into a much more peaceful dream.
You woke up with the urgent need to pee. It was ridiculously urgent. A groan escaped your lips as you made your way to the bathroom, freshening yourself up once you were there. As you knew Frankie, you knew that she felt the same need as you did, and so you quickly brushed your teeth, washed your face with a bit of cold water and threw your hair up into a ponytail, then got dressed in sweats and a sweatshirt once more, property of Ben. You couldn’t help it, though. They smelled like him and made you feel comfortably small. Once you were all set, you once more walked Frankie through the city, this time on a slightly different route to pick up something for breakfast at a bakery.
And as you stood there, a hazelnut croissant caught your eye and you felt your mouth start to water. Just like your eyes. You remembered how Ben bought you one shortly before your relationship failed. The day he tried to make you feel better about yourself. And you did. You truly did.
After you paid for your breakfast, you hurried back home, the tears aggressively made their way down your cheek as your mind forced you to think about Ben’s words that day once more. Reliving his actions.
It was no wonder that you ignored Ben’s call and instead told yourself that you would answer to his text with a lame reply about how you binge watched a show last night, stayed up too long and slept well into the afternoon today.
One thing you completely forgot about, was that someone was meant to come over. And not just a friend of Ben’s who you had met several times before, but Roger fucking Taylor.
Let’s just say it was an unpleasant surprise when you opened the door in Ben’s sweater and sweats, your hair dishevelled and tear streaks all over your cheeks, only to be met with Roger Taylor looking as gorgeous as ever. You felt your cheeks heat up in embarrassment as Roger chuckled lightly.
“I take it you haven’t had a good night’s sleep?”, Roger asked with an amused grin on his lips. You just nodded as you felt a fresh wave of tears in your eyes. All of this crying was so unlike you and you felt disgusted, almost, but you couldn’t help it.
“Are you alright, sweetheart? Need someone to talk to?”, Roger asked. You hesitated, anxiously rubbing your hands together.
“It’s nothing, I guess. I’ll deal with it.”, you mumbled, not daring to look him in the eyes.
“You know, love, I hate to admit it, but I’m an old man. I’ve spent some time with people and I know that what you’re dealing with is not ‘nothing’. You don’t need to deal with it on your own. Ben’s still head over heels for you.”, he told you sincerely. You nodded once more, sighing deeply.
“That’s the thing though. I can’t tell him. Not right now at least.”, you said as you wrapped your arms around your stomach, trying to find some comfort. Roger looked at you, his eyes showing just how sorry he felt for you and how much he regretted that he wasn’t really able to help. Tears stung in your eyes as you watched his expression change from happy to concerned. Your teeth sunk into your bottom lip, desperately trying to hold back the tears.
“Come here, sweetheart. Can I hug you?”, Roger asked, his voice soft and you nodded, leaning into him. It felt nice. Like a father’s hug. You just broke down further.
“Let’s get you inside, hm?”, Roger whispered as he led you back inside the flat, looking around Ben’s place to find a place to make you sit down comfortably. Noticing his distress, you nodded towards the living room and sat down on the couch, patting the cushion next to you, motioning for Roger to sit down. He did as he was asked. Meanwhile, Frankie sat down next to you again, resting her head in your lap.
As Roger sat down, he placed a bundle on the armrest of the couch.
“Ben’s sweatshirt. He forgot it at mine and told me that he needed it back as soon as possible. Don’t know why though.”, Roger replied to your silent question. A watery chuckle escaped your lips.
“Because it’s my favourite sweatshirt of his.”, you mumbled, playing with the hem of the sweatshirt you were currently wearing. Roger let out a hearty laugh.
“He’s always been a huge softie, hasn’t he?”, Roger asked.
“He was. Then he wasn’t. Now he’s getting back to being one.”, you replied quietly, quickly slapping your hands in front of your mouth to stop yourself from talking. You were well aware that talking like that about Ben in front of any of his friends was inappropriate. A hand on your shoulder made you look up, though.
“If you want to talk about it, I won’t stop you. I like Ben. He’s done quite a good job on Bohemian Rhapsody. I doubt that what happened between you two will change my mind. Not when I hear him talking about you like this. Always asking for advice, trying to do everything right, asking for ideas. Even that party was his idea. Told me he saw how you didn’t fully enjoy yourself at Gwil’s wedding and wanted to give you the opportunity to let lose. I didn’t tell you though.”, Roger looked at you with a playfully threatening look. A light giggle bubbled up from deep inside you as you wiped furiously at your tears.
“It’s just… I don’t know… Everything’s a little too much right now. I don’t know what to do. I mean I’ve got my friends’ opinions, but they are my age and all kind of… Have the same thought process I guess? But my parents, they are…” You took a deep breath. “They are not in the picture. Not anymore. They haven’t been since I started dating Ben. And it’s tough in times like these.”, you tried to explain. Your fingers trailed over Frankie’s soft fur, drawing random patterns to distract yourself.
“Times like these?” Roger’s confusion was obvious. You took a shaky breath.
“Roger, you can’t tell Ben. I want to do it myself eventually, but I’m pregnant.”, you whispered, anxiously awaiting his reaction. But instead of the dreaded negative reaction, Roger grinned from ear to ear.
“That’s fantastic, sweetheart! Why wouldn’t it be?”, Roger pulled you into his shoulder, giving you a tender hug. It was almost fatherly.
“Because we’re not even dating at the moment.”, you told him in a broken voice.
With that, you told Roger everything. From how Ben told you to leave, over how he fucked up, all the way to Gwil’s wedding and the situation you now found yourself in. It felt different than talking to Helen. Maybe because Roger wasn’t too biased. Obviously, he knew Ben a lot better than he knew you, but you felt like Roger was trying to stay neutral. He wasn’t there when any of it happened and both of you were aware that your perception of the events differed from Ben’s, so he wasn’t trying to be on your side only, but he wasn’t going to purely defend Ben’s actions either.
Roger told you that he did understand Ben for some part, being the centre of attention was hard, and especially when something as big as Bohemian Rhapsody happened to you, however he also told you that you had every right to keep your distance.
“If there is one thing I know for sure though, it’s that Ben won’t leave you alone with the child. But just in case, although it’s highly unlikely, I promise to help you.”, Roger told you truthfully. You were shocked.
“Absolutely not. Roger, you barely know me.”, you scolded Roger and stood up.
“You barely know me either and you didn’t hesitate to tell me half of your life story. Besides, it’s my money and I’m an adult. I can decide what I want to do with it.”, Roger mumbled the last part. You sighed, walking around the room. Frankie watched you, her ears perched up in curiosity, but also worry.
“We’ll talk about that one again if Ben tells you that he won’t support you. When did you plan on telling him anyway?”, Roger asked, now moving closer to Frankie to scratch behind her ears absentmindedly.
“Definitely before he leaves for filming.”, you explained, stopping in your tracks. But what would be after that?
“If you can’t tell him when he’s awake yet, why not practise while he’s sleeping? Or tell him after he had a glass of wine or two, that’ll loosen him up and you will have less to worry about.”, Roger suggested, and you nodded along.
“Better than any ideas Helen or I came up with.” you shrugged, considering his idea. Yeah, that didn’t sound so bad.
“And if you want me to, I’ll tell you more embarrassingly adorable things Ben said about you. He truly likes you, Y/N. And I will keep on telling you that it won’t end up too bad. Ben is absolutely in love with you. There is something about the way he talks about you, the things he says, how worried he gets. You know that I’m not a fan of Ben’s actions, but he regrets everything. And I’m sorry to say this, sweetheart, but I will keep on telling you all these things until you see the truth. That he’s not such a bad boy after all.”, Roger told you, sensing your uncertainty as he hugged you close once more. This time, it truly felt like a father’s hug.
And with that, a tense conversation was imminent.
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mdittyz123 · 4 years
Roger Taylor Fic Recommendations
Queen/Bohemian Rhapsody Cast Fic Recommendations Masterlist
I've Been Waiting for You Summery: Roger and (Y/N) are caught off guard when she goes into labor. Suddenly their lives are laid before them as they prepare to greet their first child. #dad!roger #mom!reader #pregnancy #baby #birth
Love is Art Prompt: Can I request a soulmate au with 80's Roger? Where when your soulmate draws one their body it appears on your body in the same space and Roger's soulmate is an artist. She likes to draw very intricate and extravagant things on her thighs. One day Roger sees his tour assistant in a skirt with a matching drawing on her thigh. #part 1 of 2 #soulmates au
Best Grandpa Ever Prompt: I was wondering if I could request some grandpa Roger Taylor where the reader is the partner of Rufus and they are pregnant with/ or has a small boy perhaps 1-3 years and Roger is this doting grandpa and the reader has a relationship to Roger as being just like a daughter to him? #rufus taylor x reader #dad!rufus #mom!reader #grandpa!roger #child
Family Roger's wife and kids visit him at the recording studio #dad!roger #mom!reader #children #baby
*We're Not Normal Reader is taken to the hospital when she has difficulty breathing. Roger and reader learn reader is 9 months pregnant and she is in labor. #dad!roger #mom!reader #pregnancy #suprise baby #birthing problems #queen member!reader
Roger Taylor-Freddie's Best Friend Plot: being Freddie’s best friend means supporting him on everything, and being in love with Roger Taylor means suffering in silence, doesn’t it? Maybe a little trip to the fields can change that, but not in the best way. #series #part 1 of 12 #best friends!freddie and reader
Daughter of Roger Taylor So Roger had a daughter and she is the only kid in the group and Freddie is always there to joke and have a good time with her and John always dances with her while playing and Brian always talks to her about different stars(he tries to make it interesting thinking she would be bored but she really did like it). Can you write about what happens one day she is sick and the four take care of her? #dad!roger #daughter!reader #sick #child
Fill in the Blank Summary: Roger cares for the reader, his best friend, who has shown up at his door in the middle of the night, in need of him. #single mom!reader #series #part 1 of 10 #mom!reader #step-dad!roger #pregnancy #new baby #abusive ex #protective!roger #engagment #marriage
The Weight of the World Synopsis: Roger’s got the weight of the world on his shoulders. Or maybe it’s just the drumming.
Ben Hardy x Reader x Roger Taylor Series You, Roger, and Ben have found your soulmates in each other. Queen was founded several years ago, making Ben and Roger nearly the same age. All BxRxR stories and blurbs take place in the same world. #series #part 1 of 36 #chapters #blurbs #headcanon #group text #polyamourous relationship #dad!roger #dad!ben #mom!reader #3-way marriage #puppy #dog
Maverick A writer for a magazine was hired to follow Queen on tour detailing the bands life and their families. #marriage  #tour #interview
Out of Time Reader finds herself in the 1970s on her 23rd birthday and bumps into queen in their earlier days. Her and Roger fall in love. Will she want to return to the future once it is time? #series #complete #part 1 of 34 #somewhat sad ending #somewhat alternate ending
Falling Slowly Reader works under Jim Beach as Queen’s lawyer. She and Roger fall in love #series #completed #part 1 of 32 #lawyer of queen!reader
All Grown Up You return home after a few years and catch Roger’s eye. WARNING: age gap (19 & 32), breeding kink, pregnancy mentions #brother!brian #sister!reader #pregnancy
Child of Mine Roger is dating reader who is a single mother and they raise her daughter together. #series #part 1 of 5 #dad!roger #mom!reader #stepdad!roger #single mom!reader #child #pregnancy
Tears Ricochet Reader has been in a coma for the last couple of years and when she wakes up she finds that her boyfriend Roger now has a wife and child. Has he really moved on though? #series #ongoing #past relationship #angst
Slipping Through My Fingers Ben and taylor!reader’s wedding day #ben hardy x reader #dad!roger #daughter!reader #current!roger #wedding
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lovelykhaleesiii · 5 years
That’s My Boy
Headcanon - Daddy!Ben Hardy x fem!Reader
Words: 836
Summary: From the moment you’d surprised Ben of your pregnancy to the present moment, had you not once ever doubted his life as a father. 
Warnings: fluff, mentions of pregnancy, swearing, time jumps (***), (Y/S/F/N) = your son’s first name
A/N - so this is my FIRST EVER IMAGINE for Ben, and I’m so keen to write some more. I fell for him instantly after watching Bohemian Rhapsody and now ya girl just can't get enough... My ass really does belong to him. Sorry if this is shit and short too, I just felt the sudden urge to write for him real quick and this is all I want in life right now, so enjoy :) xx
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The moment you had revealed to Ben that you were pregnant, he’d grown ecstatic like you'd never seen before. 
He’d just finished filming for Bohemian Rhapsody, and so it felt like perfect timing.
And that was the greatest relief. 
His reaction towards you being pregnant, was everything you’d ever hoped for.
He was incredibly supportive, keen and most importantly he was devoted, just as he'd always been since the start of your relationship. 
He had his fleeting moments of doubt of course, here and there, just as you had throughout the progression of your pregnancy. 
He had doubted that he was going to be the perfect father figure in his mind, that he had always envisioned. 
“Babe, I really can’t handle the pressure that if I screw up just this once if-” 
“Ben, sweetie, you could never. This child, our son-” Taking his hand in yours as you guided it over, letting it gently rest over to your protruding bump, you’d witnessed the fleeting moment his eyes ignited with shock. 
“W-We’re having a boy?” His deep voice broke. 
“Yes,” You whispered back, your smile growing on your face, accentuating your glow even more that Ben would never stop boasting about. 
“I can't believe it...We’re going to have fucking a son!” He repeated, staring off into space, before bounding over towards you, his strong arms embracing your body before realising just how careful he needs to be from now with you.
“Oh, god! Sorry babe...Still getting used to now being so rough around you.” 
The smug bastard that he is, he winks and you know exactly what he's referring to...*cough cough* sex (cause he definitely is DOM). 
The birth of your son, (Y/S/F/N) Hardy, could not have been more perfect. Undoubtedly it was exhausting, and at the very least, it was excruciating, although with the outcome of it all: delivering a healthy baby boy, with Ben by your side throughout it, you wouldn't of wanted it any other way. 
“He’s gorgeous,” Ben sincerely uttered, gently stroking his newborn’s face, despite him crying ever so loudly, as you cradled him protectively in your arms... It seemed your motherly instincts were already beginning to kick in. 
“Already seems to take after his father, hm?” 
It had been a year since you’d given birth, and your son was already 1. 
It was a quiet night in, and you could confidently say that both Ben and you had now completely adjusted to the life of parenthood. 
It was perfect: your life was beyond everything you could have ever wanted or imagined. 
You were in the career of your life, that now was currently on hold as your time now was currently preoccupied with being a full-time mother, you had found and now lived beside the love of your life, and from that you both had extended that love into the little being that was your son. 
As you stood in the kitchen, preparing some popcorn, snacks and tea for your traditional movie nights, you'd taken the moment to study Ben and your son. 
With each passing day, he’d become more and more alike with his father...Appearance wise, of course. 
He had the same lips, same smile, same nose, and the same damn mesmerising blue eyes you’d become ever so captivated by. 
The only difference was, was that he had your (h/c) hair. 
You watched with a smile beaming on your face, as Ben laid down on the couch, holding his son firmly in his hands, holding him high above his face, as he pretended he was soaring through the air. 
“Look at you go, (Y/S/F/N)!!!” 
And by the ecstatic look on your son’s face, as his laughs echoed through the room, he was having the time of his life. 
“Landing, landing and he has landed!!!” Ben roared, as he gradually sat his son on his stomach, in return his son let out a little giggle, one that filled both your hearts with joy. 
“What’s taking Mummy so long, hm?” 
As soon as your son heard the word “Mummy” his eyes in sync with Ben’s turned towards you in the kitchen. 
“Just waiting for the tea, Bubba!” 
“Come on, say hello to Mummy, go on,” Ben eagerly encouraged his son, as he nudged his son’s hand away from his drooling mouth. 
“H-Halllooo-” Your son cooed, before instantly turning back to Ben, hastily becoming distracted by the print on his father’s shirt.
“God he’s going to be a genius-”
“That he got from me,” You retorted, as you cock your brows, cheekily staring up at Ben, who had a smug look on his face, whilst you poured the tea into your cups. 
“Is that so?” He cockily insisted, as he bounced his son on his lap, whilst still focusing on you.
“Absolutely! He mostly has taken after your looks, which only leaves me to say that he’ll take after my personality.” 
“We’ll see about that...Isn’t that right, Bubba?” 
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benhardyisdaddy · 5 years
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(hope whoever requested this likes it <3 also ben looks soft and cute in this pic, i cant rn) 
Word Count: 4,326
WARNING: underage drinking, unwanted pregnancy angst
One week before Summer vacation’s over and you’re officially a senior. Eighteen looked good on you and you were so determined to do amazing in school - like always - and earn your way into an Ivy League. It was a huge dream of yours and you wouldn’t let anything get in that way. 
“What do you mean you’re not going to Will’s party tonight? You promised!” 
You were laying on your bed with your phone to your ear. Your best friend Ben is on the other line with a pathetically sad voice. 
“Will’s thrown an end of summer part since we were in second grade! We always go together! You can’t bail on me now!” 
You just sigh as you roll over onto your belly and close your eyes. 
“Ben, it’s just that I want a clear head before we go back. This is the year of y/n, okay? I don’t want anything to ruin this.” 
“So a silly party might ruin your reputation and acceptance into college?” he asks with a dramatic voice. 
You roll your eyes again. 
“This is serious to me, Ben! I’ve worked hard to get where I’m at.” 
“Don’t have to rub it in.” he says softly, causing your heart to break a bit. 
Ben still hasn’t gotten any acceptance letters to colleges he had applied for this Summer and it was bumming him out badly. You could tell. 
“What time do you want to leave?” you ask with a slight smile as you change the topic. 
You can hear Ben slightly gasp and can practically hear the smile on his face. 
“Is that you saying that you’ll go!?” he asks loudly. 
“Yes. I’ll go with you to Will's silly party! Pick me up around eight?”
Ben looks at the clock and realizes that’s only thirty minutes from now. He smiles and nods, even though you can’t see it. 
“Eight it is.” 
The idea didn’t seem so bad to you after you got yourself all ready. It was your senior year after all. This would be your last end of Summer party with your friends. You wanted to get dolled up and look nice for the occasion… Or possibly look nice for Aaron - your crush. You know he’ll be there so you mentally thank Ben for making you say yes. 
You’re waiting downstairs in your living when there’s a honk just outside. You know it’s Ben. You say goodbye to your parents as you rush off. Ben’s in the driver's seat with a big goofy grin on his face. You hurry to the car and slide in. 
“You look fancy.” he says in a purr like voice. 
You roll your eyes and lightly blush. 
“For Aaaaaron?” he asks, drawing out his name. 
You reach over and shove his arm playfully, causing him to laugh out loud. 
“What’s wrong with just wanting to look nice, huh!?” 
You both talk about anything and everything as you drive to the party. It’s located out by the docks on the lake like every year. That meant swimming, bonfires and god knows what else. You both finally arrive as he parks the car. You jump out and look around at the swarm of kids that were here. Your knew everyone that was here, but it felt odd seeing them after a year of being absent for Summer. It was nice to see familiar faces. You scan around and spot Aaron and your heart jumps. He’s near a table with all kinds of drinks on them - including alcohol. It was a party after all. 
“Want a drink?” asks Ben as if he’s read your mind.
He nods and walks away towards the table. You slowly follow behind him with your eyes on Aaron. He’s smiling and laughing with one of his friends as you stare at him with actual heart eyes. You’re closer to the table when Aaron looks over and spots you. He smiles big and waves. It catches you off guard as you stand up straight and awkwardly wave back. He definitely caught you staring. Your face burned as you walk up more. 
“How was your Summer break?” asks Aaron as he walks up and brings you in for a hug. 
You’re frozen as he leans away with that sweet smile still plastered on his face. 
“Oh,” you say fast, realizing you need to speak. “It was awesome! Thanks. How, uh, how was yours?” 
Aaron shrugs and continues smiling as Ben turns from the table and stops as he watches you two. He knows about your feelings towards Aaron and doesn’t want to ruin the moment for you. Ben sips on his drink as he just stands back and observes. 
“Wasn’t too bad actually.” says Aaron. “Missed my science buddy though.” he teases as he talks about you. 
You giggle and move a piece of hair behind your hair - your way too obvious way of flirting. 
“Well, maybe we’ll have that class again this yea-” 
Before you can finish, Clara, the popular girl in school, walks up and wraps her arms around Aaron’s waist all while leaning up and kissing him. Your smile falls fast as you watch their intimate moment. You look away and feel your heart break. Ben watches you as he lowers the cup, his heart breaking for you as well. You’re looking around awkwardly as you rub your arm. Aaron and Clara look to you as her face falls. 
“Can we help you?” she asks rudely. 
Aaron speaks up in defense. 
“No, babe, I was talking to y/n about how I missed my science buddy. She use to let me copy her stuff all the time.” he laughs out. 
Oh, you think to yourself. That’s why you missed me. 
“Hey, y/n!” calls out Ben to rescue you. 
He walks up and you watch as Clara eyes him up and down, a smile on her face. He doesn’t pay her any attention as he’s only focused on you. 
“Here’s your drink. Let’s go by the fire.” he says quickly before grabbing your hand and leading you away. 
You follow him without a fight. You were thankful for the save. The two of you walk until you spot a giant log sitting by the huge campfire. You sit down and down your drink in an instant. Ben gets back up and steals a bottle of liquor for you two to share. You’re staring at the fire as your head starts buzzing. 
“Thank you.” you say quietly. 
Ben knows what you’re referring to. He reaches over and wraps an arm around your shoulder as he pulls you close to him. He kisses your head and rests his on it for a moment. 
“Anytime.” he says back, causing you to smile. 
You lean away to drink some more. You’re staring over at Aaron and watching as him and Clara hang all over each other. They look so happy and it made you sick. 
“Why would he want her?” you ask. “She’s the rudest human I’ve ever met.” 
“Agreed.” says Ben with a mouth full of booze. 
You just shake your head and down another drink. It was starting to mess with your head and you were actually kind of happy. You needed to let loose for a bit. Let go of all of your stress before the actual stress even begins. 
“Wanna dance?” asks Ben randomly as he watches a big group of kids dancing like crazy on a gravely patch to the right of you. 
You watch them for a moment before smiling and standing up. You wobble for a moment, but catch yourself. 
“After you,” you say to him. 
The two of you hurry up and begin dancing like crazy. Ben’s holding your hand and twirls you around as you laugh. He does some silly dance moves that make you cry from laughter. When the song’s over, you both return back to your seat. But as you sit down, you both miss the log at the same time and land on your butts. You’re drunk as you both lean against one another and laugh hard. You continue to sit on the ground as you sip on your drink some more. 
“I’m really drunk.” you confess to Ben. 
He laughs and nods. 
“Me too.” 
You look back over to Aaron and frown. 
“She’s so lucky.” you say. “I bet he’s so good in bed.” 
Ben chokes on his drink as he coughs, making you look at him fast. 
“What!?” you ask.
“Innocent y/n talking about a guy in bed. I’m surprised.” 
You roll your eyes at him. 
“I’m not as innocent as you think, Ben.” 
He raises a brow to you. 
“Oh really? Do you even know what a sex is?” 
“A sex!?” you ask as you laugh hard. 
“Yes! A sex!” he laughs out. 
“For your information,” you slur. “There’s a lot that you don’t know about me. Especially me with sex.” 
Ben’s actually shocked by that. His face falls and his mouth closes. 
“You’ve…?” he asks. 
You nod proudly. 
“Of course I have. Have you…?” 
“Yeah, of course.” he laughs. “Just a bit shocked by yours.” 
You look back to Aaron and frown once more. 
“I just bet he’s so good.” 
“Jesus, y/n. There’s other men out there that are decent at sex ya know. I bet he’s shit.” 
“Oh really?” you ask. “Are you good in bed, Benjamin?” 
“Actually,” he says smugly. “I’m quite freaking fantastic.” 
You’re taken aback by his bluntness. 
“Oh…” is all you can say. 
“That’s what you need though,” he says taking a swig. “A good shag. You’ve probably been deprived all Summer.” 
Honestly, he was right. You’ve been so focused on school and your studies this Summer that you failed to do anything remotely fun. 
“But, you know, I didn’t have any all Summer either. So, ya know, it’s just an idea… Maybe,” 
You lean away and raise a brow at him with a somewhat twisted face.
“Ben, are you trying to say what I think you’re saying?” you ask a bit loud. 
He just looks around and then back at you.
Ben slowly moved his car down the dirt road that it was parked on. The car was far away from anybody as you straddled his lap in the back seat. Your lips were pressed together in a hot and messy kiss. His hands roamed your body as you grind into him. 
“Just to be clear,” you say pulling away. “I don’t like you like this, okay?” 
“Ditto.” he says fast, trying to go back to kissing you. 
“We’re just doing this because we’re super drunk and turned on. And because I have angry sexual frustrations over Aaron that I need to release. Got it?”
“Got it, but if you say his name again, I’m gonna have to leave.” 
You both laugh as you shake your head and resume your kissing. The car windows were fogged up and you were so happy that no one was able to look inside and see what the two of you were doing. 
2 Weeks Later 
School had started back up and you were thrilled about how well you were already doing. You and Ben had practically every class together, besides first hour. Last year, you had none, so you were happy. It was time for lunch as you both made your way to the cafeteria. Surprisingly, you weren’t hungry. You opted for a drink instead and sat next to Ben as you both talked about anything and everything, but today Ben decided to bring up another topic. 
“We never really spoke about what happened that night…” he lingers. 
Your eyes go wide as you look around fast, hoping no one could hear you. 
“Ben!” you scold. “What is there to talk about? We were drunk and just bored.” 
“I know, but I didn’t want this to be weird or anything.” 
“Nothing’s weird.” you smile. “You’re still my best friend and that’s all.” 
That relieved Ben as you both enjoy your lunch break with laughter about what had happened that day so far. 
2 Weeks Later 
You had woken up that Tuesday morning with horrible nausea. You weren’t running a fever, but you felt like you had the flu. You were constantly in the bathroom as you released everything you ate the day before. You felt horrible. Your mom decided that you needed to go get checked out at the hospital and she’d go with you. 
It felt like forever in the waiting room before your name was called. You were taken back to a room where you had to get dressed in a hospital gown. After checking you and drawing blood, your doctor was there. 
“Heard we’re not feeling good today.” she says sweetly as she checks your chart. 
“Yeah, I’ve had the worst nausea ever. It just keeps hitting out of the blue.” 
She’s quiet as she studies the paper and then speaks. 
“Tell me, y/n, when was your last period?” 
You sit there and think for a moment before your heart jumps. 
“I, uh,” you look to your mom as she watches you closely, a confused look on her face when you linger. “I guess I’m sort of late for it.” you say quietly. 
Your mother swallows hard and leans back in her chair. The doctor looks to you and then to her. 
“Mrs. y/l/n, do you mind if I speak to y/n alone real quick. She’s considered an adult now and I just need to ask her a few more questions by herself.” she says with a smile. 
Your mom nods and looks to you with a half sad smile. She reaches over and grabs your hand for a moment before standing up and exiting the room. Once she’s gone, the doctor turns to face you. 
“Alright, mom’s gone so now I can ask you some questions. Are you sexually active?” she asks. 
You shake your head no fast but then stop. You remember Ben instantly and your stomach twisted. 
“No… Well, once, but…” you trail off. 
The doctor just watches you as she nods and stands up.
“We’re gonna take another sample of blood real fast and I’ll go tell mom that she can come back in.” 
All you can do is nod as she leaves the room. What was happening!? They can’t actually think that you might be pregnant… Right? Your mother comes back in and says nothing as she sits down and stares at the floor. A nurse walks in and hurries to draw some more of your blood. You’re told that it’ll take a bit for them to get the results… And they did. 
And you were pregnant. 
You’re sat in the passenger side as your mother drives back home. You’ve just been told you were going to have a baby and it felt like a bad dream. You stared out the window until she finally speaks up. 
“I tell you the same thing over and over, y/n, always wear protection! I was your age once, I know what it’s like to have urges. I don’t care what you do, I just needed you to do that one thing and you didn’t.” 
Tears well up in your eyes as you look over and watch her speak. She doesn’t look angry, she doesn’t even sound angry. Just disappointed, which was somehow worse. 
“I was seventeen when I had you,” she says finally looking over at you. “Was I too young? Yes. Do I regret it at all? Absolutely not. I’d do it again in a heartbeat, it’s just… It’s just that I didn’t want you to miss out on things like I did.” 
“I don’t have to.” you barely whisper.
Your mother looks over and she understands what you’re referring to. She looks back to the road and nods. 
“I think that’s something you should probably talk to the father about. Speaking of the father… Do I even want to know who it is, because when you’re father finds out…” she lingers off as she sighs about the moment you have to tell your father. 
You take in a deep breath and look down at your hands. 
“Ben.” you barely whisper. 
Your mom’s head flies to look at you, her eyes wide. 
“I’m sorry, who?” she asks. 
“Ben…” you say once more. 
“Ben?! Your best friend Ben!? The same Ben that you use to take bubble baths with when you were two!?” 
All you can do is nod. Your mother looks back to the road and just shrugs. 
“In an odd way I’m actually a bit relieved that it wasn’t that Anthony kid from your school.” 
“Aaron, mom.” you correct her. 
She rolls her eyes at his name. 
“His name can be whatever - doesn’t make him less of an idiot.” 
That comment makes both of you laugh and some stress falls off your shoulders. But she’s right… You need to tell Ben. 
“Ya know, being asked to meet in the park after dinner really makes me think you’re going to murder me.” teases Ben as he jogs up to you. 
You’re sat on a swing as you gently go back and forth. You didn’t laugh at his dumb joke which made him a bit worried. 
“Hey, what’s wrong?” he asks as he sits on the swing beside you. 
You can’t look him in the eyes as you stare down at your feet. 
“I went to the hospital today.” you say quietly. 
“Shit, are you okay!?” he asks worried.
 “I’m… I’m fine.” you tell him. “I just found out something that I need to tell you and I don’t want you to get angry at me for it. Okay?”
You finally look to him and your eyes are watery. He was beyond worried. 
“Okay.” he whispers. 
You take in a deep breath and close your eyes. 
“I’m pregnant.” 
You open them to watch as Ben’s face goes pale. He’s staring at you as you wave your hand in front of his face. 
“Ben?” you ask, causing him to come back to reality. 
“Is it mine?” he asks fast. 
You’re offended by that questions as your face twists up and you stand fast. 
“Yeah, Ben, because I sleep with so many people!” you shout as you begin walking away fast. 
He jumps up from the swing and yells out to you before gently grabbing your arm to stop you. 
“I didn’t mean it like that and you know it. I’m sorry! I’m just… I’m just trying to process all of this, okay? I wasn’t expecting that. At all. I don’t even know what to say.” 
You realize that he was still in shock as you look down and nod your head. You wrap your arms around yourself as he watches you. 
“I - we - can’t raise a baby right now. I have college to look forward to. I wanted to talk to you about adoption and-” 
“Adoption?” he asks confused. 
“Yeah? I can’t give up my dreams because of one dumb mistake we made, Ben.” 
Ben sarcastically laughs as he takes a step backwards. 
“Your dreams? You see, yn, that’s so typical of you to always be thinking of yourself.” 
You’re taken aback by his harsh statement as your eyes narrow. 
“Thinking of myself?! Ben, this is Ivy League we’re talking about! You can go to a community college whenever you want, but mine’s a big deal!” 
You knew that was a mistake to say whenever the words slipped from your mouth. Ben laughs and raises his eyebrows as you close your eyes and sigh. 
“I’m sorry, Ben. That’s not what I meant, okay? I’m sorry.” 
“No, it’s fine. I’m gonna go and not get in your way of whatever it is you want. As long as you reach the top, right? Because my opinion on this doesn’t matter.” 
He turns around and begins walking away as you shout out for him to stop, but he doesn’t. That didn’t go as you planned. 
3 Months Pregnant 
“Ben, I have my first ultrasound appointment today and I really want you to be there. I know we’ve been distant lately, but I could really use you there by my side. Please?” 
You hang up the phone as your mom walks into the living room with your coat. 
“Didn’t answer?” she asks sadly. 
You just shake your head as you wipe away a tear and stand up to leave. You were nervous for your appointment. The drive wasn’t long until you get there. You’re taken back to a room and lay down on a bed. You lift your shirt up and expose your slightly swollen belly. Your mom smiles at the sight as you look around at all of the odd machinery in the room. There’s a knock at the door and in walks your doctor. 
“Ready to see your baby?” she asks sweetly as she sits down on a small chair in front of a screen. 
As she’s rubbing a weird green jelly on your stomach, there’s a loud knock at the door. You all look to it as it opens up and in walks Ben. He looks out of breath as he just awkwardly smiles and looks to you. You’re shocked to see him as you grin and sit up slightly. 
“You came.” you whisper. 
“I wouldn’t miss this for the world.” he replies. 
He walks over and greets your mom with a hug as he places a chair near you and sits. The two of you sadly smile at one another and by the look in his eyes, he’s telling you that he’s sorry. You hold out your hand for him to take, symbolizing that you were too. He takes it as the two of you watch the tiny screen light up.
“There it is.” says the nurse showing you the tiny face. 
Your heart swells as you quietly cry to yourself. You look over and watch as Ben’s eyes are blood red and he’s crying too, along with your mom. 
“It’s so tiny.” you whisper, looking back to the screen. 
“I can’t believe that’s our baby.” whispers Ben, a sweet smile on his face. 
The way he was looking at it made something in your head start turning. It made your heart swell up and something felt different. 
6 Months Pregnant 
“Is it odd to have a baby shower when we’re giving her up for adoption?” asks Ben a bit sad as he places pink plates on a table. 
Your mom looks over to you and gives you a knowing smile as you look back to Ben. 
“Ben,” you start as he looks over to you. “I’ve been thinking about things a lot lately. College will always be there for me when I’m ready to go, but this,” you say as you place your hands on your bump. “This whole parent thing seems much more rewarding than that, so…” you linger, causing Ben to understand what you’re trying to say. 
He steps towards you fast with his eyes wide and a serious look on his face. 
“Are you saying what I think you’re saying!?” he asks fast. 
All you can do is bite your lip and nod. Ben’s face broke into a huge grin as he reaches forward and hugs you. 
“You have no idea how happy that makes me.” he whispers against you. 
You wrap your arms around him and nuzzle your face into the crook of his neck. 
“Me too.” you whisper back.
9 Months Pregnant
“Breathe, it’s okay. You’re doing so great. Just breathe.” 
You’re in a hospital bed as contractions hit you hard. Your water had broken while Ben was moving some of his stuff into your room for the arrival of the baby. It was a week early and you weren’t expecting it. Ben and your mom were in the room with you as he held your hand and allowed you to squeeze it as hard as you want. 
“You’re doing so good.” he whispers as he rubs your back with his free hand. 
“I don’t want her to think she was a mistake!” you yell out randomly, causing your mom and Ben to look at each other confused. 
“Why would she think that?” he asks. 
“Because her parents aren’t even in love! We’re two best friends having a baby and I don’t want her to hate us for that! I don’t want it to feel like a broken home!” 
Ben laughs softly as he feels bad for you thinking that. 
“Hey, no! It’s not like we’ve gotten a divorce or broke up. There’s not going to be any split holidays or separate birthday parties, okay? She’s being born into a family that loves her more than she’ll ever know. Understand? Yeah, we’re not the typical ‘fall in love and have a baby’ scenario, but we do love each other and she’ll always see that.” 
You’re looking up to Ben as you cry hard at what he’s saying. You nod your head and feel a million times better already. 
“Thank you for that.” you whisper just before another contraction hits. 
Your rooms door opens up and in walks the doctor as she puts on some gloves. 
“Alright, who’s ready to have a baby?” 
1 Hour Later 
You’re laying in the bed with Ben at your side. Your mom had ran out to grab some food as you both admire your beautiful baby girl. 
“She has your eyes.” you tell him. 
“Well she has your lips.” he says with a smile. 
“I can’t believe we created something this beautiful.” you whisper as she begins squirming around and makes the sweetest little noise. 
You both scrunch your faces and ‘awww’ at it. You look over to Ben and smile. 
“I’m glad she’s ours.” you admit. “This is a way better feeling than receiving an acceptance letter.” 
Ben laughs softly as he kisses your head. 
“I can agree with you on that.” 
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