#belmont clan
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mr-shimurka · 7 months ago
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Well, as I promised someone с;
Trevor Belmont and firstborn daughter Mary Belnades-Belmont🤗
Hdc Alucard helps new parents with babysitting. Trepha really appreciate it but...you know...he's stealing their little pumpkin sometimes. /pos Ok, everybody knows you have maternal instinct and SO DO THEY. Much. More. It happens Trevor and Sypha missing their daughter so why don't you have your own child? Then Trevor and Sypha will also have someone to babysit :3
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theblueprincess590 · 1 year ago
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Been reading Bram Stoker's Dracula and was stuck with inspiration. BTW Dracula is supposed to be the guy running away in the second image
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slutpoppers · 1 month ago
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Castlevania Nocturne S2 (2025)
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Belmont Clan from Castlevania Cross stitch and pattern.
Made by Juan Carlos Durón Lazo
(Via Facebook)
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lily-s-world · 1 year ago
All the men in the Belmont clan:
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castlephantom · 5 months ago
Belmont + Morris Family Trees (according to Wiki).
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Some facts:
•Trevor and Sypha have three children: Ann, Frederick and Mary (according to Castlevaina: Bloodines unreleased material)
▪︎Ann married Lloyd Morris (so they are ancestors of Morris clan)
▪︎Frederick married a woman named Janis to continue the lineage
▪︎And Mary married Leo Helsing (they are ancestors of Helsing clan)
•Christoper married Cynthia and they have three children as well: Amanda, Grehart and Soleil (according to Castlevaina: Bloodines unreleased material)
▪︎Amanda married Leif Ericson (they are ancestors to Ericson clan)
▪︎Gerhard dies by unknown cause
• Is unclear about the woman that Simon married but I go with Selena
•The same case goes with Juste with Lydie and Richter with Annette
•Michael R. Belmont is descendant of Richter (according to Castlevaina: Bloodines unreleased material)
•And is also unclear if Julius is descendant of Michael
•Quincy's wife is Mina/Miena (do not be confused with Mina Harker)
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the-crow-binary · 1 year ago
The Belmont clan be like
Julius: I hope I can be as strong as my ancestors and make them proud
Richter: I hope I can be as strong as my ancestors and make them proud
Juste: I hope I can be as strong as my ancestors and make them proud
Simon: I hope I can be as strong as my ancestors and make them proud
Soleil: I hope I can be as strong as my ancestors and make them proud
Christopher: I hope I can be as strong as my ancestors and make them proud
Trevor: I hope I can be as strong as my ancestors and make them proud
Leon: My descendants are going to be so strong and kick your ass so hard, Mathias. >:(
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yoshimickster · 1 year ago
Richter: I am Richter Belmont, last descendant of the Belmont clan, and I HUNT- Maria: UUUUUUH hold on a second, I may be your third cousin but I'm STILL related to the Belmonts. Richter:...oh...well, I RICHTER BELMONT-second to last member of the Belmont clan- Tera: Yeah, I ALSO exist thank you very much! Juste: And I've been here the whole time some how! Richter: UGH-okay FINE, I'm NOT the last Belmont! WHAT should I assume there's an entire VILLAGE of people related to the Belmonts?! The Entire Town of Wygol: HELLOOOOO! Richter: UGH-I need a drink. Annette: Hon, you're only 19. Richter: And its 1792, I'M GETTIN' HAMMERED!
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xenobuster · 2 months ago
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The flames of a Belmont
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little-gremlins · 3 months ago
I replayed Los2 again and do you know what I found?
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Are these two dragons, with twisted tails and a cross in the middle???
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Literally the crest of the Belmont Clan??
Konami, you are genius, i love you
Also, won't stop to say, that this game is awesome, especially all background, architecture, all tiny details, it's amazing
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rainywolfden · 4 months ago
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Just felt like sharing some screenshots of Simon.
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mr-shimurka · 9 months ago
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Trevor apologize he came into her life and ruined it, everything he wants to make Sypha happy. He's one of those who will do anything for loved ones but it will never be enough.
His being was a mistake he's confident now. Lost in a desolation just a wounded soul wants to protect dearly friend.
Sypha never knew Treffy could feel this way and never really blamed him cause she happy to love him.
There's no your fault. I'm blessed to be with you.
(new version here↴)
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anjels001 · 11 months ago
Barbatos's Vision
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Barbatos stood still, observing the doors that dotted the wall of the room. Each of them was a portal to a specific moment in time and space, and he knew them well. Through these doors, he had witnessed epic battles, cruel betrayals, and moments of triumph.
But today, a new door had appeared. One he had never seen before. It emanated a strange energy, a sensation that made him shudder. Barbatos approached, his hand hesitant on the knob. He knew this door was different. It wouldn't take him to a past or future event, but to something deeper, more personal.
The door swung open, revealing a scene he instantly recognized. It was Rachel, a mysterious figure he had not yet met. She stood before him, with a determined look in her eyes. A shiver ran down his spine. This was the moment she would make her first demonic pact.
But how could he know this? Recognize Rachel before even meeting her? A voice echoed in his mind, his own, but from a distant future. "Barbatos," the voice whispered. "This is the moment. Make the pact with Rachel. It's crucial to our destiny."
Barbatos frowned, perplexed. He had no memories of this vision, couldn't remember seeing Rachel before. But the voice insisted. "Rachel Desmonte," the voice continued. "She is the key to the future of the demon realm. Make the pact with her, guide her, and protect her. The fate of all of us depends on it."
Waking from the memories that enveloped him like a veil, Barbatos found himself back in reality, in the vast library of RAD. The solemn silence of the surroundings contrasted with the agitation of his past visions, but he knew something unusual had occurred. A sense of urgency drove him as his memories slowly dissipated, leaving behind only a subtle echo of his presence.
Closing the recipe book in his hands, he took a deep breath, seeking clarity amidst the confusion. Walking among the shelves, he tried to unravel the puzzles haunting his mind. Fragments of the vision assaulted him, mixing with the murmurs of the ancient books surrounding him, creating a whirlwind of thoughts.
Finally, a flash of understanding hit him as his eyes met Rachel's, standing before him with an inquisitive expression. She still didn't fully understand what was happening, but Barbatos knew it was time to act. With renewed determination, he reached out his hand to her, ready to embark on the journey that was about to change the course of their lives.
"Miss Desmont," he said, his voice firm and soft like a whisper, conflicting with the intensity of his gaze. "It's time for us to make a pact."
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blleackki · 1 year ago
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Richter Belmont
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missxaster · 1 year ago
Can you imagine starting a Vampire Hunting Clan just because your fiancée was kidnapped and murdered and then left a legacy, to later be remembered as the Belmont who carried the whip (the first)years later to be recognized in a painting as the most handsome Belmont.
(My God, I already personal you with Leon)
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joy-the-vamp · 1 year ago
i had a dream that i found a castlevania version of mario kart at a garage sale and it was only available on ps2
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