#belle toujours
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eldaryadiary · 3 months ago
Today marks 10 years of me playing Eldarya :')
I remember coming back from school super exited about that new Beemoov game I had been waiting for months.
Became an Obsidian. Got a becola to look after.
Episodes were not coming out fast enough so I decided to write the story myself and now it's basically a trilogy with each book being 400 pages long x) (also, I stopped playing 'cause the episodes were just too different from my canon lol)
I remember saving for months to afford that Lawrence wig (15k maanas, at the time).
Now 26, living abroad and still logging in every single day to look after the very same becola (Solal, I love you).
And now I'm about to go re-read that fic and add a few chapters to it as I've been doing twice a year for years :)
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lilias42 · 4 months ago
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La main broyé par le rouage trompeur ricanant.
Ou le piège du temps se referme sur l'inconscient doublé d'un ingrat refusant d'assumer qu'il a serré la main au Diable.
En gros pour donner le contexte de la scène : dans mon idée en cours, à un moment, le méchant va voir Esther afin de lui demander l'avenir de son meilleur ami et de sa famille, ceux-ci devenant de sérieux rivaux à son pouvoir, lui ordonnant de lui dire l'avenir, même si Esther ne le prend pas du tout au sérieux et le méprise clairement.
Etant donné qu'elle voie très bien que quoi qu'elle dise, il le tuera de sang-froid, même si elle dit clairement qu'il n'a aucune intention de le trahir ou ambition, elle décide de jouer avec lui. En plus, elle voie aussi que cet ami arrivera à survivre après être resté un bon moment avec la Faucheuse grâce à la magie en lui, la force de son envie de revoir sa famille et la rage d'avoir été trahi et qu'il reviendra se venger, elle voie aussi que le méchant reviendra la voir pour lui mettre son échec sur le dos car, elle lui aurait menti (et il l'aurait aussi traité de menteuse si elle lui avait dit de ne surtout pas faire de mal à son "ami", niant ses attentions claires comme de l'eau de roche), chose qu'elle ne fait jamais quand elle prédit l'avenir, même si elle est sibylline, comportement qu'elle déteste plus que tout autre, et il a osé lui ordonner de lui donner un oracle juste alors, pas de quartier.
Il est tout ce qu'elle déteste en l'humanité : ignare, sûr de leur bon droit, commettant les mêmes erreurs encore et encore sans apprendre des leçons du passé, n'écoutant que ce qu'il veut entendre au lieu des avis contraires ou la voix de la raison, refusant de prendre leurs responsabilités, les fuyant ou trouvant un bouc émissaire, en particulier si cette personne est étrange ou trop puissante à leur yeux. Elle ne va pas le laisser s'enfuir.
Esther dit alors juste "ils sont puissants", chose évidente qu'un enfant aurait pu dire mais, il prend cette prédiction comme une excuse et tue Caemghen. Evidemment, quand ça se retourne contre lui et qu'en plus, Dil est né et c'est évident qu'il est déjà très puissant, il retourne la voir pour lui demander des comptes mais, elle se contente de se moquer de lui. Il a eu ce qu'il voulait, une prédiction, elle a eu ce qu'elle voulait aussi : une situation intéressante et en plus, une nouvelle aberration est née. Il ne peut s'en prendre qu'à lui-même d'avoir serré la main au diable sans penser aux conséquences.
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luma-az · 2 years ago
Le prince à vélo
Défi d’écriture 30 jours pour écrire, 16 août 
Thème : vélo/je suis en vie
. .
La terre est fraiche et douce sur ma peau. Les racines des plantes m’enlacent tendrement. Mon sommeil est paisible.
Six mois qu’on m’a tuée et qu’on m’a déposée là. Mon histoire ne débute pas ici. Mais elle ne s’y arrête pas non plus.
Parfois un bruit brise mes rêves de forêt. Les pas lointains d’un promeneur. Le grondement plus lointain encore d’un avion dans le ciel. La sonnette d’un vélo. Toujours trop loin pour venir me sauver. Et même ceux qui se rapprochent… tout le monde n’a pas le cœur d’un prince. Leur choc et leur horreur en me découvrant ne leur permettent pas de faire ce qu’il faut.
Peu importe. J’ai tout mon temps.
Ce n’est pas vraiment que j’ai perdu patience – le temps n’est qu’une information quand on est mort. C’est qu’il m’a agacée, avec son vélo.
Qu’on ne me voit pas depuis le sentier de randonnée, c’est normal – mes amis se recueillent régulièrement devant mon corps, ils ne l’ont pas installé n’importe où. Qu’on ne me voit pas quand on franchit les buissons et qu’on arrive dans l’herbe courte, c’est déjà moins banal. Mais qu’on me roule dessus sans me voir du tout ! Non mais quel toupet !
J’ai mal réagit, je m’en suis rendu compte seulement après. Mais ça faisait si longtemps que je n’avais pas ressenti la colère, moi qui dormais si bien. Je n’ai pas pu m’en empêcher. J’ai sorti une main de terre et j’ai attrapé la roue de son vélo, à cet imbécile. Dans mon état, je bouge peu, mais quand je le décide j’ai une poigne de fer : il a fait un soleil impeccable et a fini par terre.
J’aurai dû lâcher, mais j’avais envie qu’il débarrasse le plancher. Ma clairière a l’air d’être une piste de cross, peut-être ?
Je m’attendais à lui flanquer une peur de tous les diables, j’avoue. Surtout lorsqu’il aurait tenté de récupéré son vélo et qu’il aurait vu que cette étrange main sortie de terre ne bouge pas d’un pouce. Je l’aurais laissé secouer une ou deux fois avant de lui rendre sa monture.
Au lieu de ça, son premier réflexe en voyant que ce qui l’a fait tomber était une main a été de me chercher, moi tout entière. Ça n’a pas été très long. J’ai été déposée avec soin à même le sol, un peu de terre m’a recouverte peu à peu, mais je ne suis pas difficile à dégager.
Il a marqué le coup en me voyant. J’avoue que j’ai assez apprécié cette réaction. On s’attend à un vilain cadavre et on tombe sur une belle jeune fille pâle, qui parait dormir, ça fait toujours un choc, mais c’est bien la première fois qu’on se donne la peine de me contempler. Alors que j’en vaux la peine.
Il n’a pas crié. Au contraire, il m’a parlé d’une voix douce :
« Mademoiselle, s’il vous plait, pouvez-vous lâcher mon vélo ?
Tant de grâce. Tant de politesse. C’était exquis.
J’ai lâché le vélo.
Il a ajouté :
— Merci infiniment. »
Et il est reparti.
J’ai attendu qu’il revienne. J’ai beaucoup pensé à lui dans mon rêve.
Et il est revenu.
« On dirait que je n’arrive pas à vous sortir de ma tête.
C’est très bien.
Il ajoute :
— Vos amis m’ont dit que je pouvais vous sauver. Que j’avais ce qu’il faut. Enfin, que j’étais celui qu’il fallait.
Il me prend la main, cette main qui m’avait permis d’attraper son vélo. Comme c’est romantique.
— Je vous en prie, permettez-moi… »
Je permets, je permets. La preuve, tu es encore vivant.
Enfin, il se penche et m’embrasse.
Le sort se lève.
Loin, très loin, dans une boite en bois posée sur le bureau de ma belle-mère, un battement retenti à nouveau, porteur d’une excellente nouvelle qui ne doit absolument pas la réjouir.
Je suis en vie.
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smoothoperador · 2 years ago
if i dont get a code for paris im gonna have to file for divorce. im gonna take it extremely personally. how could you this to me paris
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lolochaponnay · 5 months ago
Un gars se place devant sa belle-mère, son smartphone à la main. Il lui dit : - Souriez, belle-maman. Je vais vous prendre en photo ! - Oh, ça c’est gentil. Mais que voulez-vous faire de cette photo ? - Je vais la mettre en fond d’écran sur mon smartphone. - Merci. C’est pour m’avoir toujours avec vous ? - Non, c’est pour éviter qu’on me le vole !
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fragiledate · 6 months ago
mon pire cauchemar c'est de ronfler
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faquirbrahim · 7 months ago
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carter-davis · 1 year ago
Si par t'accompagner tu veux dire venir pour transporter ta bouteille d'eau d'une machine à l'autre sans rien faire d'autre, oui. Sinon je veux bien passer mon tour. Il y'a des tas de gens qui parlent de ça, tu fais fureur sur la Twittosphère. T'as bien raison.
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J'imaginais plutôt que tu ferais quelques machines pour le fun ou que je pourrais t'entraîner un peu. C'est triste que les gens aient pas des choses plus intéressantes à débattre sur les réseaux... mais au moins c'est mieux que des critiques.
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Pendant vos prochaines interviews, dans vos posts Instagram, ça m'est égal
Mais il faut que vous commenciez à parler de cette réunion. Dès maintenant.
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leclercsainzz · 1 year ago
BEGGING for a charles leclerc x reader smau based on “some one like you” please 🙏🏼 where he’s married to someone else after reader and him broke up .. you can make it however you want:)
PARINGS: charles leclerc x ex gf!reader
TYPE: social media au
part 1 - part 2
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liked by carlossainz55, yourusername and 720,038 others
charles_leclerc: dreams do come true, i love you, my love 💘
view 6,736 comments
user: OMG OMG
user: “dreams do come true” 😭
user: he’s officially married, guys
carlossainz55: congratulations, mate 🍾
user: YN LIKED OMG 😭😭
pierregasly: congrats, bro! wishing you the best ❤️
user: congratulations 🥰
user: *liked by yourusername* 😢
↳ user: my heart SHATTERED, OMGGGG 💔
user: i just want to know how yn feels
user: can ya’ll move on from charles and yn?!?
user: yn 😭😭
joris__trouche: ❤️❤️❤️
user: he finally got what he wanted, omg 🥺
user: congratulations 🥳
user: i was doing fine until i saw that yn liked this post
user: im happy for him!!
landonorris: congrats, mate
user: idk why i was waiting to see a comment by yn
sebastianvettel: wishing you a lifetime of love and happiness
↳ charles_leclerc: thank you, sebs! 😊
lance_stroll: congratulations!
user: can’t believe so much time has passed since yn:(
user: i know all the drivers were invited but i NEED pictures
user: guess i won’t be mrs leclerc anytime soon 😩
danielricciardo: wishing you both lots of love ❤️
lewishamilton: congratulations
user: i wonder how yn must be feeling 🥺🥺
user: was hoping him and yn would get their happily ever after
user: i wonder if he calls his wife “mon cœur” or “mon ange”
↳ user: i doubt he calls his wife that considering those belong to yn but who knows
↳ user: maybe “my heart” but not “my angel” or idk
↳ user: ya’ll think she calls him “charlie” ?? the way yn did??
user: guess yn is never getting him back 😭
user: congratulations, charles! sending lots of love 💗
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liked by francisca.cgomes, lorenzotl and 610,840 others
yourusername: — la vie est belle <3
see translation: life is beautiful
view 4,810 comments
user: SHE’s HangING WITH KIKA 💗
user: babes, did you get the apartment you always wanted?!?
↳ user: wait— the one her and charles always wanted right?!?
↳ user: with the view, yes! it seems like it in the third post
pierregasly: hey! that’s MY girlfriend
↳ yourusername: OUR* get it right 🙄
francisca.cgomes: tú es belle 😘
see translation: you’re beautiful
user: “life is beautiful” LIES ik deep down you missing charles
user: i miss you and charles 😭😭😭😭
user: i really thought you and charles would’ve been endgame 😭
user: charles is married but not to yn 😭😭😭
danielricciardo: oui
see translation: yes
leclerc_pascale: belle comme toujours 😍
see translation: beautiful as always
↳ yourusername: ❤️❤️❤️
↳ user: mama leclerc 😭
user: how do you feel about charles’ marriage??
user: crazy to think how charles is married while yn’s not
user: i really thought you and charles would’ve been endgame
user: charles’ got a whole wife, bro 😔😔 and it ain’t you
user: charles got his dream but yn???? 😭😭😭😭
user: she got her apartment with the eiffel tower view
↳ user: but without charles 😢😢
user: times flies fast … it feels like her and charles were still together:((
user: wonder if she congratulated charles
↳ user: she definitely didn’t 🤣 why would she??
user: charles was suppose to be her love forever 😭😭
↳ user: well as they say, “sometimes it last in love, but sometimes it hurts instead”
user: her and charles were supposed to live in france together
user: ya’ll seriously need to move on from those two, he’s a married man ….
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liked by sebastianvettel, arthur_leclerc and 772,046 others
charles_leclerc: surprise!
view 5,940 comments
user: i just know yn feeling SICK right now
user: he got married, he’s gonna become a dad, now he just needs that ferrari championship (FERRARI GIVE IT TO HIM)
carlossainz55: you’re both going to make amazing parents! congratulations on your new baby!!! ❤️
↳ charles_leclerc: thank you, carlos!
user: he’S GONNA BE A DAD 😭😭😭
user: we’re getting a mini leclerc 🥺
lewishamilton: congratulations 😊
↳ charles_leclerc: thanks, mate!
user: he’s achieving his dreams
↳ user: without yn 😭😭😭
user: ya’ll gotta stop with the whole charles/yn relationship, they BROKE UP! i don’t think his wife appreciates you all bringing yn up every chance you get
user: can’t wait!!!!!
sebastianvettel: congratulations on your new adventure
↳ charles_leclerc: 😊😊
leclerc_pascale: ❤️❤️❤️
user: we’re all happy for you, charles 😌💗
alex_albon: congrats!! 🥳
↳ charles_leclerc: thanks, alex
user: i’d be crawling back into his life, if i were yn
lorenzotl: ❤️
user: he’s getting his mini leclerc 🥺🥺
maxverstappen1: favorite uncle max is gonna spoil her/him
↳ charles_leclerc: favorite uncle?!!?? absolutely not
joris__trouche: at your service 🫡
arthur_leclerc: ❤️❤️
user: he finally accomplished his dreams
user: this could’ve been yn’s life 😩😩
yourusername: congratulations, charlie!
↳ user: MOM, OMG 😭😭
↳ user: ik she’s lowkey crying about this
↳ user: “charlie”
↳ user: i want them back together, idc 😭😭😭😭
pierregasly: congrats ❤️
user: he’s living his dreams
user: yn 💔💔💔💔
user: mom’s comment 😢
user: i’d be feeling sick to my stomach, if i were yn
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liked by charles_leclerc, pierregasly and 649,083 others
yourusername: bonjour
see translation: hello
tagged: @yourbrother
view 4,081 comments
user: when she listens to lana del rey >>>
user: LA LA LAND, OMG 😭😭😭 PAIN
pierregasly: yourbrother & toby >>> you
user: charles liked!!! OMG
user: she’s watching la la land!
user: i didn’t realize the 5th slide was @yourbrother
leclerc_pascale: ma belle fille 😘
see translation: my beautiful girl
↳ yourusername: je t’aime ❤️
↳ user: “my beautiful girl” i cant 😭😭😭
↳ user: pascale LOVES yn so much even after all these years
francisca.cgomes: 😍😍😍😍 my wife
lorenzotl: avez-vous oublié monaco? 😔
see translation: did you forget monaco?
↳ yourusername: jasmais ça
see translation: never that
↳ arthur_leclerc: 👍🏼
user: the way charles family still interacts with hers 😭😭
↳ user: i miss them 😔
user: third slide is lowkey for charles
↳ user: girl, MOVE ON! he’s married, get over them
user: i miss yncharles 💔💔💔💔
kellypiquet: 😍😍
danielricciardo: bonjour
yourbrother: mon chein est meilleur que toi
see translation: my dog is better than you
↳ yourusername: toby m’aime mieux que toi
see translation: toby likes me better than you
charles_leclerc: toby est tellement grand 🥺 @yourbrother
see translation: toby is so grown
user: missing mom and dad 😭😭
user: i know charles is married but i can’t help myself thinking about him and yn all the times:(
user: he commented
user: she’s the one that got away 😔
↳ user: what should’ve, could’ve, and would’ve been
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lxclerc · 2 years ago
𝐟𝐚𝐧 𝐛𝐞𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐨𝐫 | 𝐚𝐥𝟏𝟐
summary… arthur is absolutely obsessed with his girlfriend and everyone needs to know request… yes but its for @coffeehurricanes again faceclaim… olivia rodrigo pairing… arthur leclerc x singer! reader
note… i’m being held hostage and the only ransom is arthur leclerc smaus
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liked by arthur_leclerc, yourusername and others
arthurlovesyn featuring the most gorgeous girl in the world
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user1 if he isn't as obsessed with me as arthur leclerc is with his gf then i don't want it
user2 she's so girlfriend in all of the photos arthur posts 🥹🥹
arthur_leclerc the most beautiful truly!
⤷ user3 arthur commenting on here as if he isn't the one running this fan page lmao
⤷ charles_leclerc mate, you need help
user4 if they ever break up, i don’t believe in love anymore
user5 look at her smile omg 🥹
yourusername baby, you’re right next to me
⤷ arthurlovesyn the world needed to see how gorgeous you are
⤷ user6 thank you for your service, arthur 🫡
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liked by yourusername, pascale_leclerc and others
arthur_leclerc she’s everything, i’m just ken but that’s kenough for me
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user1 it wasn’t enough that arthur runs a wholeass fan page for y/n. his main account also needs to be a y/n fan account
user2 they mean so very much to me 🥹
pascale_leclerc demande lui quand elle reviendra. elle me manque beaucoup !!! (ask her when she’s coming over again. i miss her dearly!!!)
⤷ yourusername je saute dans un avion tout de suite pour toi, maman leclerc ! (jumping on a plane right now for you, mama leclerc!)
⤷ user3 y/n learning to speak french to be able to communicate with the important people in arthur’s life will never not make me want to cry
yourusername actually you’re everything to me 🤍
⤷ olliebearman you’re making arthur cry again
⤷arthur_leclerc IM NOT CRYING OLLIE
⤷ arthur_leclerc Je t'aime pour toujours, ma belle 🤍
⤷ user4 not ollie coming for arthur’s neck like that 😭
charles_leclerc you two make me nauseous
⤷ lorenzotl they are in love, charles
⤷ arthur_leclerc not that charles would ever know what being in love feels like 🤣
⤷ charles_leclerc 🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕
⤷ user5 charles fr catching some mad strays in this thread
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liked by arthur_leclerc, pascale_leclerc, and others
yourusername i hope i never lose you, i hope it never ends
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user1 y/n wanted everyone to know that she is, in fact, as obsessed with arthur as much as arthur is obsessed with her
user2 stargazing!!! in!!! the!!! middle!!! of!!! the!!! highway!!!
arthur_leclerc i’ve been sleeping in a 20 year dark night but now i see daylight 🤍🤍
⤷ user3 he quoted daylight 😭😭😭😭😭😭
⤷ yourusername i love you deeply, my sunshine 🤍
⤷ user4 i’m going to kms
taylorswift ❤️❤️❤️
⤷ yourusername mother 🧎‍♀️
⤷ user5 MOTHER
⤷ user6 when mother approves, you know he’s the one
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manueillustrations · 6 months ago
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Reine Amalia et Roi Yugo. J'ai illustré ça en 2022, alors que la saison 4 n'était même pas dévoilée... Une proposition que l'on m'avait demandé sur mon Patreon. 2 ans plus tard, je la trouve toujours belle. Version alternative sur ma plateforme.
Queen Amalia and King Yugo.I illustrated this in 2022, when season 5 hadn't even been revealed… A proposal I'd been asked for on my Patreon. 2 years later, I still think it's beautiful. Alternative version on my platform.
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amateurvoltaire · 2 days ago
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February has finally come to an end, and being the so-called "month of love" (or so the obscene number of pink Hallmark cards in supermarkets would have me believe), I thought—despite being very, very late for Valentine’s Day (when am I not late for everything?)—I’d take the opportunity to talk about Robespierre’s love life. Because surely, he had one, right?
Well... that depends on who you ask. Accounts of Robespierre’s romantic escapades range from total abstinence to secret debauchery and a supposed porn addiction, depending on which political or moral flavour the historian (1) writing the accounts subscribes to.
In case you’re dying of curiosity: there is precisely zero evidence that Maximilien Robespierre slept with anyone—man, woman, or even himself. Nothing. Nada. Zilch.
Does this mean he didn’t? Was he asexual? Abstinent? Just busy?
No. It simply means that if he did have any romantic or sexual encounters, he was extremely discreet about them (and why wouldn’t he be? It’s not as if he’d start randomly monologuing about his love life mid-speech at the Convention or the Jacobins).
As for his relationships with women, here’s what we do know:
As a politician, he was wildly popular with women, to the point of receiving marriage proposals in the mail.
He never married, and while rumours of his engagement exist, they remain just that—rumours. He died at 36, unmarried, childless, and leaving behind no diary or trove of love letters to illuminate his feelings.
He has been posthumously linked to three women: Anaïs Deshors, Éléonore Duplay, and Annette Duplessis. However, these claims are flimsy at best, often put forth by people with their own agendas.
He did, however, write love poems to several women in Arras: a Miss Orptelia Mondlen, a Mlle Henriette, an Émilie Demoncheaux (on the eve of her wedding, no less), and a certain Sylvie.
In short, if we want to find any direct evidence of Robespierre’s feelings towards women, we have to turn to his poetry. And since this is Robespierre—where everything must have some kind of political dimension—let’s talk about how his one publicly released love poem was used against him in the monarchist press.
Robespierre’s Love Poems
As mentioned, a number of love poems have been attributed to Robespierre, though not always convincingly. He wasn’t particularly eager to see them published, and only one ever made it to the general public during his lifetime—both times without his consent.
The poem in question is a madrigal dedicated, according to the Œuvres, to a “Miss Orptelia (possibly Ophelia?) Mondieu.” It was first published anonymously in 1787 in two different collections, without Robespierre’s knowledge. Later, it was republished—again without his consent—by the royalist writer François-Louis Suleau (2), who used it to mock him.
Here’s the poem:
Crois-moi, jeune et belle Ophélie, Quoi qu’en dise le monde et malgré ton miroir, Contente d’être belle et de n’en rien savoir, Garde toujours la modestie. Sur le pouvoir de tes appas Demeure toujours alarmée Tu n’en seras que mieux aimée, Si tu crains de ne l’être pas.
And my translation:
Believe me, young and beautiful Ophélie, No matter what the world may say, and despite thy looking-glass, Content to be beautiful yet know naught of it, Keep thy modesty always. Be ever wary of the power of thy charms; Thou shalt be all the more loved, If thou fearest not being unloved.
Baudelaire, he is not. But it’s charming in its own earnest, slightly awkward way, no? Hardly the stuff of grand, sweeping romance, but if someone wrote this for me, I’d at least pretend to be flattered.
So why was it mocked? Well, for Suleau and his fellow scribes at Actes des Apôtres (3), this was an opportunity far too delicious to ignore.
The Mockery of Suleau
In a November 1789 issue of the paper, Suleau went after Robespierre with sharp sarcasm, mocking him over a minor linguistic mistake in one of his speeches—using "aristocrassique" instead of "aristocratique"—and dismissing him as a mere "poor scholarship student," while feigning an air of condescending generosity. Then came the poetic insults: Suleau sarcastically presented the madrigal as a work of supreme literary genius, only to rip it apart.
He compared Robespierre’s writing to Tacitus, only to immediately undercut the compliment by drawing a parallel to Montesquieu—before mockingly dismissing the comparison, given Montesquieu’s "aristocratic tendencies."
The pièce de résistance? A biting final flourish in which he ironically declared Robespierre a polymath—poet, historian, geographer, naturalist, physicist, journalist, legislator—before delivering the ultimate insult: if Mirabeau was the “torch of Provence,” then Robespierre was merely the “candle of Arras.”
In case it wasn’t obvious, this had little to do with Robespierre’s poetic talents and everything to do with his politics.
Robespierre’s Response
How did Robespierre react? He didn’t. Not a word—not even to disavow the poem. Clearly, he subscribed to the "don’t feed the trolls" school of thought.
The fact that he didn’t deny authorship was enough for historians like Eugène Déprez (who compiled the first volume of Robespierre’s Œuvres Complètes) to confidently attribute it to him.
What Do His Poems Tell Us About Him?
Is that enough proof? Debatable. But even if we accept that Robespierre wrote this madrigal and the other five attributed love poems (mediocre as they may be), what do they actually tell us about him?
His greatest fan, historian Albert Mathiez, thought these poems proved that "far from possessing a barren heart, as some have claimed, he was endowed with a trembling sensitivity and by nature sought the company of the fairer sex."
Did he? Do these light verses really reveal that much?
Personally—and this is just an opinion, because when it comes to Robespierre’s love life, opinions are all we have—I think what these poems tell us most is that, back in the 1780s, Robespierre understood what was expected of a proper gentleman and was trying to play the part. In short, he was capable of fulfilling societal expectations.
That doesn’t mean he never had romantic feelings, but as far as we know, despite the interest some women clearly had in him, none of these romantic fantasies ever became anything more than words on a page.
Note (1) Frankly, the word "historian" is no guarantee of quality research when it comes to the French Revolution).
(2) François-Louis Suleau, a royalist journalist who attended school with Robespierre and Desmoulins, later becoming one of their most vocal critics.
(3) Actes des Apôtres was a royalist newspaper published during the early years of the French Revolution. Founded in 1789 by Jean-Gabriel Peltier and featuring contributors like François-Louis Suleau, the publication served as a satirical and polemical counter-revolutionary voice. It's actually quite funny to read. 
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coovieilledentelle · 3 months ago
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Quand on prend le train de la vie..ce ne sont pas toujours les premières gares qui font notre destinée..Et dures sont les voies qui mènent à l'arrivée..mais gardez le sourire et l'optimisme la vie est quand même belle… Bonjour les amis
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the-offside-rule · 2 months ago
Charles Leclerc (Scuderia Ferrari) - Comme Un Frère
Requested: no
Warnings: none
*if there are any mistakes with the French, please let me know! My french isnt as good as it used to be!*
Also; Happy New Year!
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The silence of Y/n’s dorm room wrapped around her like a heavy blanket as she lay on the floor, eyes unfocused, the weight of it all pressing down. She could hear the hum of life outside her door—the faint sounds of laughter in the hallway, students returning from late classes or early dinners—but it all felt worlds away.
She barely registered the sound of the door creaking open, or the soft patter of paws against the hardwood floor, until a warm, wet nose nudged her cheek. Y/n blinked, turning her head slightly to see Leo, Charles’s loyal dog, staring at her with wide, concerned eyes. Usually, she’d smile and play with him, but today she just lay there, drained. “Y/n?” Charles’s voice followed, gentle, concerned, as he stepped inside. “Où est Alex? Je voulais la surprendre.”
“Elle est partie faire du shopping avec maman,” Y/n murmured, her voice barely more than a whisper. She gave Leo a half-hearted pat on the head, which the dog responded to by lying down next to her, nudging her hand gently. Charles closed the door, coming to sit beside her before eventually lying down too, his head resting just inches away from hers. “Ça va?” He asked quietly, turning his head to look at her. She shrugged, not meeting his gaze. “Je sais pas… C’est juste épuisant.”
“Qu’est-ce qui l’est?” He pressed gently, his voice calm, patient. She hesitated, taking a deep breath before the words spilled out. “Tout le monde me compare toujours à Alexandra. Elle a tout: la beauté, l'intelligence, et elle est en pleine lumière publique. Je suis juste… sa petite sœur. J’aimerais être autre chose que la sœur d’Alexandra.” Charles took a moment to process her words, then gave her a small smile. “Tu sais, ce n’est pas une si mauvaise chose.”
Y/n frowned, turning her head to look at him in confusion. “Alexandra est belle et intelligente, oui. Mais si on vous compare, cela signifie que toi aussi, tu es belle et intelligente, non? Il faut bien tenir de quelqu’un.” He winked, and a small smile tugged at the corner of her mouth. A faint laugh escaped her as she looked back up at the ceiling. “Merci, Charles. Ça fait du bien d’entendre ça.”
“Je suis là pour ça.” He replied, giving her shoulder a light, reassuring pat. “Allez, viens, on va préparer le dîner. Alexandra et ta mère seront bientôt de retour.” Y/n nodded, pulling herself up from the floor with his help. Leo happily trotted alongside them as they headed into the kitchen, where Charles immediately set to work, chopping vegetables with practiced ease. They chatted in French as they moved around the kitchen, laughing about Leo’s antics and sharing stories of growing up in their families. The heaviness in Y/n’s chest seemed to lift a little more with each smile, each shared laugh.
Just as they were finishing setting the table, the front door opened, and Y/n heard her sister’s familiar voice echo through the hall. “Nous sommes rentrées!” Alexandra called, and a moment later, she appeared in the doorway, bags in hand, eyes bright as she looked around. Her gaze settled on her sister, and a warm smile spread across her face. “Alors, petite sœur, tu as fini tes devoirs? Tu étais si déterminée à ne pas sortir avant d’avoir tout fini.”
Y/n exchanged a look with Charles before answering, a playful smile tugging at her lips. “Disons que j’avais un autre problème à résoudre. Mais Charles m’a aidée, comme un frère intégré.” Alexandra’s smile softened, a mix of surprise and happiness in her eyes. “Je suis vraiment heureuse que vous vous entendiez bien. C’est important pour moi.” She paused, then added with a teasing edge, “Surtout depuis que tu n’aimais pas du tout mon dernier petit ami.”
Charles stifled a laugh, and Y/n couldn’t help but smile, glancing over at him with a newfound appreciation. He gave her an encouraging nod, and she felt a warmth that went beyond the comforting words he’d offered her earlier. Alexandra moved forward, switching to Spanish as she looked her sister over. “Todo bien, hermanita? Me alegra ver que estás de mejor humor.” Y/n smiled and nodded. “Sí, gracias. Él m’ha ayudado mucho,” she replied, glancing toward Charles, before switching back to French. “Et maintenant, on a préparé un festin pour vous.” With laughter in her eyes, Alexandra clapped her hands in delight. “Parfait! Allez, mangeons.”
They gathered around the table, Leo sitting loyally beside them, occasionally receiving a scrap of food tossed his way by Charles. They spent the evening switching easily between French and Spanish, conversations flowing and laughter filling the room. Y/n no longer felt the weight of comparisons or the invisible shadow of her sister. For once, surrounded by her family, she felt perfectly content—simply herself, seen and valued.
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jessica-lovebloom · 1 month ago
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Petite grenouille de l’amour ❤️
Le coloriage, c’est ma porte de sortie!
C’est mon moment à moi!
Que ce soit un coloriage digital, numérique, papier, aux crayons, à la peinture, aux feutres divers et variés… J’adore!
Cela m’offre toujours de beaux moments méditatifs qui guérissent l’âme et le cœur en soulageant mon esprit et par la même occasion mon corps!
Hymne au coloriage et à l’art thérapie ! A la créativité ! Aux artistes!
Belle journée enchantée 🧚✨🌸
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les-portes-du-sud · 3 months ago
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Noir et Or
Dans l'ombre et la lumière, où se mêle l'élégance,
Se dressent des dames en noir, parées d'or, fascinance.
Leurs regards scintillent, tels des astres dans la nuit,
Révélant une force, une grâce infinie.
Noir de mystère, or de majesté,
Leur allure, une danse, un secret bien gardé.
Sous les feux des projecteurs, elles s’avancent fières,
De noir vêtues, d’or ornées, tels des rêves éphémères.
Leurs voix, des mélodies, douces et profondes,
Portent des histoires de siècles, traversent les mondes.
Chaque pas, chaque geste, un poème en mouvement,
Évoquant des légendes, des époques d’antan.
Belles dames en or et noir, reflets de perfection,
Vous inspirez l’admiration, suscitez la passion.
Dans le grand livre du temps, vos noms écrits en or,
Resteront pour toujours, brilleront encore et encore.
Noir et Or
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