#belle darwin
homefryboy · 2 years
it’s thanksgiving or whatever so today I’m giving thanks for male characters w/ visible eyelashes
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thanx guys
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ragazzoarcano · 1 year
“L'amore disinteressato per tutte le creature viventi [...] è il più bell'attributo dell'uomo.“
— Charles Darwin
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thecrimecrypt · 2 years
Crimes That Shook Britain (North East)
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John Darwin In March 2002, John Darwin, 51, paddled out to sea in his canoe near his Hartlepool home. He never returned Coastguard rescue teams and police searched for him, but all they found was Darwin's paddle.
Several weeks later, the wreckage of his canoe washed up on a beach. With no body found by April 2003, John Darwin was declared dead. His widow Anne and their two sons grieved. Until December 2007 - when Darwin walked into a police station, claiming to have amnesia.
John Darwin was reunited with his sons and Anne, who'd moved to Panama, was delighted. Only, a pjoto emerged of Anne and John in Panama, together in 2006. The couple had actually faked John's death to claim his £250,000 life insurance.
Both Darwins were jailed for over six years - him for obtaining cash by deception, her for deception and money laundering.
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Michael Atherton New Year's Day 2012 - taxi driver Michael Atherton, 42, shot dead his partner Susan McGoldrick, 47, her sister Alison Turnbull, 44, and niece Tanya Turnbull, 24, at his home in Peterlee. He then turned the gun on himself.
His stepdaughter survived after fleeing via a window. It emerged Atherton had a history of domestic violence. He blamed Alison for his arrest in 2008, after a row. When he discovered Susan had gone out with her sister that night, he said there'd be trouble if he saw Alison at his home. He said he'd stay in a hotel.
Yet the women arrived home before he'd left. A row erupted and Atherton got his gun from the car.
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Mary Bell On 25 May 1968, the day before her 11th birthday, Mary Bell strangled Martin Brown, 4. His body was found in a derelict house in Newcastle.
Two months later, Mary enlisted a 13-year-old friend to help strangle Brian Howe, 3. His mutilated body was found on waste ground. When detectives questioned local children, Mary and her friend acted strangely, their stories changing. Officers soon realised Mary was a killer.
The friend was acquitted and gave evidence against Mary. The court heard Mary committed the crimes 'for the pleasure and excitement of killing'. Mary Bell was convicted of manslaughter on the grounds of diminished responsibility. She was sentenced to life in detention, released aged 23, and given a new identity.
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Raoul Moat Two days after being released from prison on 3 July 2010, Raoul Moat, 37, from Newcastle, went on the rampage with a sawn-off shotgun.
First he shot his ex Samantha Stobbart and her new partner Chris Brown. While on the run in Rothbury, Moat shot police officer David Rathboand in the face. Brown was killed, Stobbart injured and PC Rathboand blinded.
Police deployed armed officers in one of Britain's biggest manhunts. In a letter left with a friend, Moat declared war on officers, saying that he wouldn't stop 'until I am dead'. On 9 July, police tracked Moat to the river Coquet, leading to a stand-off. Police negotiated, but Moat shot himself the next morning.
Sadly, David Rathboand later took his own life.
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Billy Dunlop - Double Jeopardy Pizza delivery girl Julie Hogg, 22, disappeared in November 1989. Eighty days later, her mother Ann found her decomposing, partially mutilated body behind a bath panel in Ann's Billingham home.
Julie's ex Billy Dunlop was charged with murder, yet juries at two trials failed to reach a verdict. He was cleared. The double jeopardy law (which meant Dunlop could not be tried again) meant he thought he'd got away with murder for 17 years.
Ann fought for double jeopardy laws to be scrapped and, in 2003. MPs backed changes allowing serious cases with compelling new evidence to be reopened. Dunlop pleaded guilty to murder in 2006, was jailed for life.
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Gary Vinter = Freed to Kill Again Gary Vinter killed colleague Carl Edon, 22, in a railway workers' cabin in 1995. Vinter stabbed him 37 times, puncturing every organ. He was jailed for life, but released in 2006, after serving 10 years.
In July 2006, he married Anne White. But Vinter was recalled to prison after a New Year pub brawl. Released again in early 2008, he separated from Anne after attacking her at their home in Eston, Middlesbrough. That February, Vinter bundled his estranged wife into a car.
After holding her hostage at his mother's house, he stabbed Anne to death. He was jailed for life. In 2011, Vinter attacked Roy Whiting - killer of schoolgirl Sarah Payne - in jail.
In 2016, he received a third life sentence for trying to murder fellow 'life' Lee Newell behind bars.
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Infected are dying, the news says.
Bodies slumping to the ground, curling into a foetal position, the human hosts finally at rest. The fungus continuing to grow, forming a silhouette of the old host when the body finally crumbles into the embrace of the earth, fungal cups and caps and oddest of all, spires reaching towards the sky. Like how humans reached for the stars before she was born.
The world is changing once again. Ellie talks to the fungus in her brain.
One day it talks back.
Hello everyone I am back on my bullshit. Do you like themes of horror and grief and nature and transformation? Did stories like Annihilation make you question everything and stare at the wall for a few hours? Do you think there's potential for The Last of Us Part 2 to be emotionally devastating but in a different way to how it currently goes? Check this out!
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upper-admin-scp · 2 months
Council, what are your thoughts on the Insurgent's adventures in the Manor?
/User/O5-01/> The defenses are in working order.
/User/O5-02/> Serves him right. I hope he faces a hundred deaths for his transgressions.
/User/O5-03/> It is hard to watch at times.
/User/O5-04/> I think it's angry with him.
/User/O5-05/> It makes me hope the Estate only eats people. Or keeps them lost until they starve.
/User/O5-06> I have popcorn.
/User/O5-09/> Oh, I am loving this. Mind sharing?
/User/O5-10/> I agree Cowboy.
/User/O5-11/> Honestly, we're just glad that our house likes us.
/User/O5-13/> My main thought is that this is a damn good example of why being immortal isn't always as nice as it sounds.
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The Amblyrhynchus, a remarkable genus of lizards, is confined to this archipelago: there are two species, resembling each other in general form, one being terrestrial and the other aquatic. This latter species (A. cristatus) was first characterized by Mr. Bell, who well foresaw, from its short, broad head, and strong claws of equal length, that its habits of life world turn out very peculiar, and different from those of its nearest ally, the Iguana.
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"Journal of Researches into the Natural History and Geology of the Countries Visited During the Voyage of H.M.S. Beagle Round the World, 1832-36" - Charles Darwin
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tenth-sentence · 1 year
16th. – The major-domo of the Hacienda was good enough to give me a guide and fresh horses; and in the morning we set out to ascend the Campana, or Bell Mountain, which is 6400 feet high.
"Journal of Researches into the Natural History and Geology of the Countries Visited During the Voyage of H.M.S. Beagle Round the World, 1832-36" - Charles Darwin
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hana-no-seiiki · 11 months
yan! school grass (most handsome/perfect guy)/rival x crossdresser! male! reader x yan! friends - part one
tw/cw: mention of abusive parents (but not reader’s) and yandere themes. also your rival has some repressed sexual urges, he really needs to get laid or some head or something-
Like I imagine this the best with stoic and/or tsun yans the best. You know those types that want to be perfect but only feels perfect when they’re with reader.
ive always loved these tropes as a kid, from mulan to that one tawog episode where darwin fell in love with fem! gumball and like this was even before i knew i wasnt cis but gahd AAAAAAA
also inspired by @moyazaika ‘s rival work. go read it!!
but anyways have the fic, lowercase intentional for first part to differentiate povs.
it was a dare given by your friend group earlier last weekend. wear the girls uniform and a wig for the entire month. it was easy to get the materials necessary for the most part. your mother had several wigs and was more than happy to style her son in feminine clothing. she was just amazing and supportive about your whims like that.
it didn’t take long for you to realize that no one recognized you in your new look.
the day started like many of your other ones at the school, you’d race your rival as the first one in class and whoever wins gets rights to a smug look on their face until the next thing you guys eventually compete on.
but unlike the crestfallen expression you expected — nay wanted — from that stupid pretty boy, you were greeted by what you could only described as complete bafflement.
“what?” despite having a different reaction from what you imagined, you managed to keep a composed appearance. “cat got your tongue?”
“ah. . .”
and that were the only words he said to you the entire day. nothing else. not a single groan of anger whenever you answered everything correctly, he didn’t even attempt at stopping you mid-way or disagree with you answer simply because he wanted to annoy you.
and so you couldn’t help it, as soon as the bell rang signalling lunch time you swiftly turned around to face him.
“are you alright?”
you inquired. not at all worried about his well-being at the slightest. you hated him with all your being after all and you didn’t make an effort to be soft with your tone either.
“h-huh?” he looked dazed. like his head had been in the clouds and you just yanked him down to ground.
your rival never got distracted.
“you—“ you reached out about to smack his face to keep him in check.
“if you’ll excuse me!” he smacked your hand out of the way, screeched at you, and then left in a hurry to who knows where.
nevermind that was definitely him. that silly brat hated it whenever you touched him. he must have just been having issues at home again or something.
Haoyu was trembling — shaking uncontrollably as his breaths turned more shallow by the second. His heart was pumping blood in places of his body where it shouldn’t have been in the middle of school hours. Sweat lined his entire skin and it didn’t help how the bathroom he rushed into had nothing to keep the temperature down.
Who were you?
You sat at his rival’s seat. That nasty kid that always got in his nerves. No one questioned the boy’s absence and he would have asked the teachers on what had happened if you didn’t suddenly take his breath away.
You were, ethereal. Otherworldy even. When he first saw you he was taken away by the way your hair moved in the wind (if only he knew . . .).
Still, he was far too distracted by [Y/N]’s absence to properly let the feeling simmer.
Then, all that went away when you reeled in his mind back at you again at class. You were incredible, capable, intelligent, and oh so perfect. But unlike that stupid child that usually sat in front of him, he did not feel an ounce of envy at all.
If only who could see your eyes as you spoke; the tone of your voice conveyed so much passion that he wanted to see in those beautiful (e/c) orbs.
And his prayers were granted by none other than the goddess that is you,
“Are you alright?”
Your voice? Oh your voice! Haoyu’s heard it already of course, but each new time you spoke it was like a whole new melody, a new piece that immediately turned into his favorite.
His mind was too fried with these thoughts, thoughts that his parents would no doubt beat out of him if they found out.
His feels the parts down there suddenly move. He wasn’t completely unfamiliar with the phenomenon. He wasn’t without his hormones after all. But this was the first time it ever reacted that way so strongly, like if he didn’t give it attention himself it’d explode.
And for the time in his entire life, Haoyu does something he knew his parents would definitely be disappointed if not livid about. A hand on his mouth, and another in his school uniform’s pants.
lunch time.
you usually spent those studying or preparing for the next class as hanging out with your friends always ended with you being too distracted to do schoolwork but today you had to show up with ‘proof’ that you went through with their dare.
“yiran ? yichen ?”
no response.
you sighed. as usual, the twins were late. what did you expect? those two would be caught dead before they could be early much less found in the library.
and so you spent the entire time reading,
unaware of the crowd that formed around you while you were busy studying.
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creature-wizard · 1 year
Toxic Individualism In Modern Witchcraft
The modern witchcraft movement is very much a product of the 20th century, and one thing it picked up from that was a pretty individualist way of thinking. This isn't all bad, since it helped normalize people being allowed to do spirituality in a way that truly resonated with them, rather than following whatever an institution prescribed for them.
But as many of us know, western individualism comes with a lot of really toxic shit, encouraging and even enshrining apathy, cruelty, and social Darwinism. This, unfortunately, is very much an attitude you occasionally see within modern witchcraft.
This is sometimes expressed through a "let 'em sink or swim" attitude. For example, you might see people bristle at the idea of warning people about dangers such as toxic plants; "well, they should know to just research this themselves, if they get hurt, that's their own faults." Never mind that most of us live in a socioeconomic environment where "natural" tends to be equated with "safe," and few people were taught any real amount of research skills. (Most people don't know how to research beyond "type a thing into Google and click the first link" or "watch a video on YouTube and follow the algorithm.")
There's this sort of idea that witchcraft and the occult is this kind of Darwinian proving ground. You're either just born having what it takes, or you're not. Supposedly, there's no need to warn people about red flags, fascist rhetoric, pseudohistory, or anything, because supposedly, the "worthy" will just be able to find their own way on their own. Anyone who doesn't make it? Anyone who ends up poisoning themselves or falling down the alt right pipeline or abused by a predator? Couldn't be helped; they were never "meant" for this path anyway. It was simply too much for them. Why, if you really think about it, it was their own faults for daring to reach above the station they were born for, anyway.
This is a completely irrational view, because it's simply not how things work. People aren't born having research skills, critical thinking skills, or knowing the difference between real history and pseudohistory; they're taught these things. And some people are statistically much less likely to receive a good education than others. There are a few people who beat the odds and end up better educated than most people in their socioeconomic status, but this doesn't mean that they were born with inherent greatness; it just means that they were curious and lucked out in finding the right materials.
As many of us also know, Victorian-era eugenicists believed that members of the upper class were just inherently better. They had the genes for intelligence and strength of will. (Yeah, that whole modern occult fixation with willpower has some dodgy origins, too.) They just ignored that whole thing where they lived in a socioeconomic system designed to keep most people in poverty. If they ever saw someone beat the system, they attributed it to that person being born exceptional for some reason. I would highly recommend that anyone who hasn't done so already watch Shaun's video, The Bell Curve, which criticizes the book by the same title that effectively tries to argue for Victorian-age eugenics, to get a better picture of this whole thing.
Toxic individualism also encourages thinking of individuals as main characters on some kind of hero's journey, where every pain they suffer and every mistake they make is a vitally important part of their journey and growth; so much so that any effort to prevent them from making mistakes or suffering harm is hindering their personal growth.
Sure, people do often gain valuable insight from their mistakes and suffering. But it's absurd to claim that this is always the best way for people to learn and grow, especially if there's a risk of serious harm for themselves or others. Certainly it's much better to learn from a friendly Tumblr post that essential oils can give you chemical burns or harm your pets than experience it first-hand. And it's much better to learn what far right rhetoric looks like beforehand so you can recognize it when you first see it, rather than get drawn into some far right belief system and perpetuate harm on vulnerable minorities for any amount of time. (This whole thing of acting like you're life's main character and other people are basically just NPCs on some hero's journey that you imagine yourself to be on is so immensely fucked up.)
And finally, if anybody out here finds themselves thinking, "but nobody should expect help from others; after all, I didn't get any!", I'm gonna tell you: it shouldn't have been that way. You didn't not get help because that's just how the world works; you didn't get help because that's how modern western socioeconomics are created to work. Toxic individualism is a construct, and it's one that we can dismantle and replace with something better.
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An updated (April 3, 2024 7:48am pst) list of WW2 movies and TV shows in chronological order
thought out WW2 -(Imitation Game 2014) -(The Book Thief 2013) -(The Zookeeper’s Wife 2017) -(The Pianist 2002)
October 26, 1937 Defence of Sihang Warehouse (The Eight Hundred 2020)
December 13, 1937 Nanjing Massacre - (John Rabe 2009) - (The Flowers of War 2011)
Fall of 1938 (Munich – The Edge of War 2022)
Summer 1939 (Six Minutes to Midnight 2020)
September 3, 1939 King George VI first wartime speech (King’s Speech 2010)
September 17, 1939, Soviet Union Invitation of Poland (The Way Back 2010)
November 30, 1939 Soviet Union invades Finland (The Winter War 1989)
April 9, 1940 Operation Weserübung -(April 9th [movie] 2015) -(King’s Choice 2016) -(Narvik 2022) -(War Sailors 2023)
April 27, 1940 (Into the White 2011)
June 4, 1940 -Churchill gives “We Shall Fight on the Beaches” speech (Darkest Hour 2017) -Dunkirk Evaluation (Dunkirk 2017)
July 10-October 31, 1940 Battle of Britain (Battle of Britain 1969)
May 1941 (Call to Spy 2019)
June 22, 1941 Operation Barbarossa -(Fortress of War [The Brest Fortres 2010) -(Defiance 2008)
September 8, 1941, Siege of Leningrad begins. -(Battle of Leningrad [Saving Leningrad] 2019) -(Leningrad 2009)
October 1941 Battle of Moscow (The Last Frontier [The Final Stand] 2020)
October 1941 Battle of Sevastopol (Battle for Sevastopol 2015)
December 7, 1941, the Empire of Japan attacks Pearl Harbor (Tora! Tora! Tora! 1970)
December 8, 1941 Japan invades Shanghai International Settlement (Empire of the Sun 1987)
January 20, 1942, Wannsee Conference (Conspiracy 2001)
February 1942 Battle of the Atlantic (Greyhound 2020)
February 1942 (The Railway Man 2013)
February 19, 1942, Bombing of Darwin (Australia 2008)
Spring 1942 (U-571 2000)
April 18, 1942 The Doolittle Raid (In Harm’s Way 2018)
June 4, 1942 Battle of Midway (Midway 2019)
1942 Summer Occupation of Jersey Island (Another Mother’s Son 2017 Prime)
July, 10 1942 Easy Company Trains in Camp Tocca (Band of Brothers 01x10 Currahee 2001)
July 21, 1942, Kokoda Track Campaign (Kokoda: 39th Battalion 2006)
August 7, 1942, 1st Marine Division land on Guadalcanal (The Pacific Ep. 1 Guadalcanal/Leckie 2010)
August 19, 1942, Dieppe Raid (Dieppe 1993)
August 23, 1942 Battle of Stalingrad begins (Stalingrad 1993)
September 1942 Formation of Troop 30 (Age of Heroes 2011)
September 18, 1942, 7th Marines Land on Guadalcanal (The Pacific Ep. 2 Basilone 2010)
Autumn of 1942 Battle of the Atlantic (Das Boot 1981)
October 18, 1942, Operation Grouse (Heavy Water War Ep. 2 2015)
November 8, 1942, Operation Torch (The Big Red One 1980)
November 10-17 1942 Vasily Zaytsev kills 225 German Soldiers during the Battle of Stalingrad (Enemy at the Gates 2001)
December 1942 The 1st Marine Division on Guadalcanal is relieved (The Pacific Ep. 3 Melbourne 2010)
December 15, 1942, Battle of Mount Austen (Thin Red Line 1998)
March 13-14 1943, liquidation of the Kraków Ghetto -(Schindler’s List 1993)
April 17, 1943 Operation Mincemeat (Operation Mincemeat 2021)
April 19, 1943, beginning of the Warsaw Uprising (Uprising 2001)
May 4, 1943, Final Mission of The Memphis Bell (Memphis Bell 1990)
May 15, 1943, Salamo Arouch and his family arrive in Auschwitz Concentration Camp (Triumph of the Spirit 1989)
May 27, 1943 Louis Zamperini plane crashes on a search and rescue mission (Unbroken 2014)
May 30, 1943 first All-American Girls Professional Baseball League game played (A League of Their Own 1992)
June 25, 1943, 100th Bomb Group flew its first 8th Air Force combat mission (Master of the Air: Part One 2024)
July 1943 -(The Tuskegee Airmen 1995) -(The Liberator Ep. 1 2020) -(Heavy Water War Ep. 5 2015)
July 16, 1943, The 100th Bomb Group bombed U-Boats in Tronbhdim (Masters of the Air: Part Two 2024)
August 17, 1943 the 4th Bomb Wing of the 100th Bomb Group bombed Regenberg (Masters of the Air: Part Three 2024)
September 16, 1943, William Quinn and Charles Bailey leave Belgium (Masters of the Air: Part Four 2024)
September 18, 1943 John ‘Bucky’ Egan returns from leave to join the mission to bomb Munster (Master of the Air: Part Five 2024
October 14, 1943, John ‘Bucky’ Egan interrogated at Dulag Lut, Frankfurt Germany (Masters of the Air: Part Six 2024)
December 26, 1943, 1st Marine Division lands on Cape Gloucester (The Pacific Ep. 4 Gloucester/Pavuvu/Banika 2010)
January 22, 1944, Battle of Anzio -(The Liberator Ep. 2 2020) -(Red Tails 2012) -(Anzio 1968)
February 20, 1944, Hydro Ferry bombing (Heavy Water War Ep. 6 2015)
March 7, 1944, Stalag Luft III Sagan, Germany, Germans find the concealed radio Bucky was using to learn news of the War (Master of the Air: Part Seven 2024)
March 24/25, 1944 Allied Mass Escape of Stalag Luft III (The Great Escape 1963)
June 1944 (Cross of Iron 1977)
June 6, 1944, 00:48 & 01:40 First airborne troops begin to land on Normandy (Band of Brothers 02x10 Day of Days 2001)
June 6, 1944, 06:30 D-Day landings -(Storming Juno 2010)
-(Saving Private Ryan 1998)
June 10, 1944, Easy Company Takes Carentan (Band of Brothers 03x10 Carentan 2001)
June 15-July 9, 1944 Battle of Saipan
-(Windtalkers 2002)
-(Oba: The Last Samurai 2011)
July, 1944 The Monuments Men land in Normandy (The Monuments Men 2014)
July 20, 1944 Operation Valkyrie (Valkyrie 2008)
August 12, 1944, The 332nd Fighter Group attack Radar stations in Southern France (Masters of the Air: Part Eight 2024)
September 15, 1944, U.S. Marines landed on Peleliu at 08:32 (the Pacific Ep. 5 2010)
September 16, 1944, U.S Marines take Peleliu Airfield (the Pacific Ep. 5 2010)
September 17, 1944, Operation Market Garden
-(Band of Brothers 04x10 Replacements 2001)
-(A Bridge Too Far 1977)
October 2, 1944 Battle of Scheldt (Forgotten Battle 2021)
October 12, 1944, Battle of Peleliu, Assault on Bloody Nose Ridge (the Pacific Ep. 7 Peleliu Hills 2010)
October 13, 1944, Rovaniemi public buildings were destroyed (Sisu 2022)
October 14, 1944, Erwin Rommel is arrested (Rommel 2012 Prime)
October 22/23, 1944, 2100 – 0200 Operation Pegasus (Band of Brothers 05x10 Crossroads 2001)
November 1944 middle of the Battle of Hürtgen Forest (When Trumpets Fade 1998)
December 16, 1944, Battle of the Bulge (Band of Brothers 06x10 Bastogne 2001)
December 1944 (Hart’s War 2002)
January 2, 1945 (The Liberator Ep 3 2020)
January 10, 1945 (Attack Force Z)
January 13, 1945, Battle of Foy (Band of Brothers 07x10 The Breaking Point 2001)
January 30, 1945 The Raid at Cabanatuan (The Great Raid 2002)
February 14, 1945, David Webb rejoins the 506th in Haguenau (Band of Brothers 08x10 The Last Patrol 2001)
February 19, 1945, Battle of Iwo Jima starts. - (Letters from Iwo Jima 2006) - (The Pacific Ep. 8 Iwo Jima 2010) - (Flags of our Fathers 2006)
March 21, 1945, Operation Carthage (The Bombardment 2021)
April, 1945 (Fury 2014)
April 5, 1945, 506th Finds abandoned Concentration Camp (Band of Brothers 09x10 Why We Fight 2001)
April 26, 1945, near the end of the war in Europe (A Woman in Berlin 2008)
April 29, 1945, 45th Infantry Division liberated Dachau Concentration camp (The Liberator Ep. 4 2020)
May 2, 1945, Fall of Berlin -(Downfall 2004) -(Jojo Rabbit 2019)
May 1945 Battle of Okinawa -(Hacksaw Ridge 2016) -(The Pacific Ep. 9 Okinawa 2010)
May 7, 1945, Germany Surrenders V-E Day - (Master of the Air: Part Nine 2024) - (Band of Brothers 10x10 Points 2001)
July 30, 1945, USS Indianapolis sank. (USS Indianapolis 2016)
August 15, 1945, The Empire of Japan surrenders end of the War. -(Oppenheimer 2023) -(The Pacific Part Ten: Home 2010)
September 11, 1945 US Military search and Arrest Japanese Leaders for war crimes (Emperor 2012)
1946 April 29, 1946 Tokyo War Crimes Tribunal (Tokyo Trial 2016)
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changingplumbob · 4 days
Foster Household: Chapter 9, Part 7
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CW: Mental Health Struggles - Guide to content warnings
The last thing Carson felt like doing on a warm morning was dressing up and getting the ferry to Copperdale, but he had no choice. That’s where the high school was, even if it was covered in several inches of snow. He quickly headed inside to the library to double check his homework. Confident he hadn’t missed anything he decided to go find some friends.
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Darwin was in his usual spot, asking the milling students for some homework he could copy. Study was not his priority.
Darwin: Carson! My best buddy. How about that math homework? Can I check your answers
Carson: Math home- we didn’t have math homework
Darwin: You sure? I got a text from Anya reminding me but then I changed topics
Carson: She’s not even in our year Darwin. And isn’t she like best friends with Artemisia?
Darwin: Oh yeah. She must have taken her phone and sent me a bogus text, she takes me flirting with her friend personally for some reason
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Nanami: So I’m thinking we should shift you more to the middle and then while you’ve got the flyer-
Onyx: We’ll have more room for tumbling up the left side, got it
Ariadne: Hey Onyx
Onyx: Hmm? Oh hey Ariadne. Have you met Nanami? She’s in cheer with me
Ariadne: I don’t think so. I was actually hoping I could speak with you for a minute
Onyx: Yeah sure. Catch you in math Nanami?
Nanami: Math. The best class for doodling routines in
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Onyx: You all good Ariadne
Ariadne: Yeah thanks. I, um... how close are you and Carson
Onyx: Me and Carson? Oh we go way back, best friends since forever
Ariadne: Are you and he... like together?
Onyx: What? No, no. We just grew up together in scouts and stuff, our dads are best friends
Ariadne: So he... he’s not dating anyone?
Onyx: *smiling* Tell you what, he’s over there by the mural project if you wanted to check with him
Ariadne: Oh no, I mean I didn’t-
Onyx: Bye now
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Carson stared at the wall. What to paint, what to paint, what to paint? He was deep in thought when he heard Ariadne talking and had to stop himself kicking over a paint can accidentally.
Carson: Sorry what?
Ariadne: Oh, ah... I just asked if you’re... painting anyone-thing at the moment
Carson: I’m trying to paint but *sighs* I don’t know how mum does it. I love art but a blank canvas and I just falter. Maybe I didn’t inherit the right genes
Ariadne: I know what you mean. My grandmother... well she did a lot and I’m not sure I can do any of it half as well
Carson: I’m sure you can, you're brilliant
Carson was busy staring at the mural but that made Ariadne smile.
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Ariadne: It’s so much colder here than Sulani, how do you stand the change everyday
Carson: *shrugs* I get by. I mean I have been in snow when we lived in willow creek. Are you cold?
Ariadne: Yeah... a little bit
Carson: You should tell your dads. I’m sure they’d wrap you in furs before you could blink
Ariadne: Oh I like my animals alive thanks. Listen, could we- I wanted to ask...
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The bell rung loudly and a startled Carson began to pack up, terrified of being late. If he was late his grade would go down. Or he’d get detention. And if he got detention once he was bound to keep getting it and then he’d be kicked out of school. His parents would probably die from embarrassment. Wait, Ariadne had been saying something...
Carson: Sorry, you were going to ask something?
Ariadne: Nevermind, I better get to class
Carson tucked the paints away and watched her walk off. He liked that they were both wearing green today. It was matching in a way. Not that she was likely to want to match with him. Especially if he got kicked out of school. He ran the rest of the way to class one she was out of view.
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Mrs T: Hurry up, everyone sit down. Who can tell me what we did in our last math class
Darwin: Sleep
Mrs T: We all know you did Darwin, we heard you snoring
The class giggled and Darwin tried to look put out but Carson knew he loved being the centre of attention.
Carson: We were talking about how to find x if there’s more than one
Mrs T: Very good Carson. Now, who can tell me our first step to solve the written equation
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Carson: Nice job on that last question Paola, it threw me for a loop
Paola: Thanks! I was practising all weekend, no way am I flunking exams this week
Onyx came over and pulled Carson aside.
Onyx: What do you think you’re doing
Carson: Talking to our friend?
Onyx: Dude did Ariadne not talk to you? I think she’s interested. Last thing you want her to see is you talking to someone attractive. Oh quick, look like you’re talking to me so I can watch Zharfina
Carson: Does she... have binoculars?
Onyx: Isn’t it adorable
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After eating Carson went to work on the mural again. Every so often he checked behind him to see who was around. He hoped Ariadne would come over and talk again, he was a doofus for not giving her more attention earlier. When she did come in she made a beeline for the food and Carson was sad to see that Artemisia was there talking to her. Stupid. Artemisia was probably busy telling her that Carson was seeing half a dozen girls, or gave terrible hugs, or-
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Carson got so worked up at himself he had to leave the mural to chill out upstairs before class. As it was he almost stabbed his book with his pencil several times during science class. Thank goodness he had an appointment with Chad after school.
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crowleybigbang · 5 days
Crowley Big Bang 2024 Recap
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And so, summer has come and passed, and so has this round of the Bang. Thank you, thank you, thank you to everyone who let us play with their souls, be it by being tortured by deadlines, drafts, reviews and levels, or just by letting the wonderful creations ruin their days in the best possible way.
Here's a recap of our stories, so you can indulge and get ready for the next round. They're listed in posting order.
Love Is A Bet, A Wild One - written by @doctorprofessorsong with art by @vibe-howie can be read here and the art is here.
Unum Diem - written by @butterflyslinky and arted for by @hobbitual-psychick-art-stuff. Read it here and admire the art here!
Meditations on Schrödinger was written by @risingphoenix761 with art from @sagee-sketches read it here and find the art here!
The lovely @thisisbugsy wrote "Darwin's Theory". Go read it here!
The Monster Outside Is Frightful is a piece written by @ichbinnurzugast and arted by @midnightsilver, which you can read here. You can also admire the art and the process to get it here.
Then came The Cold Certainly Bothers Me Anyway with art from @jenniferb-art and a story by @hectatess. Read it here and find the art embedded in the story!
The King Of Another Hell followed. It was a story written by @12gittens which was arted by @charie-caphine. Art and story can be enjoyed here!
Runaway Hellhound was the fruitful collaboration between @celestialstarlight27 and @sinister--potato. Read the story here and gaze upon the art here!
Hell's (Wedding) Bells was the piece born from @jenniferb-art and @ravenfuchs efforts. You can read it here and you can enjoy the art here!
To Hell And Back came from @additionaladdams' pen and with art from @sagee-sketches. Story's here while the amazing art is here.
The Demon And The Derby came from @panthera-dei's mind and had stunning art from @writingfromkitchenator. Enjoy the story here and admire the art here!
The Black Church Of The Sunken Island closed this round. The story was written by @walkingaline and the art was created by @writingfromkitchenator (for a third-time collaboration). Story here and more amazing art here!
We also had a story from @nickelkeep who had a few technical issues, but the art from @zissie is still up, and you can enjoy it here!
And... this is all, for now. Thank you again to everyone involved!
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ravenn-darkholme · 2 months
Permanent Price - chapter 6
Alex Summers x Mutant!OC
Summary: Isabella Darkholme, sister of raven Darkholme and Charles Xavier. Also a mutant. Her mutation allows her to blend in with the light rays, turning herself and whatever she's touching invisible.
*warnings:* none that I know of
series masterlist
Last night left Belle depleted. She barely used her forcefields and when she did, Charles made sure it wasn't on an empty stomach and when she wasn't tired. So using it multiple times without any breaks drained her. The group sat outside the destroyed facility. Isabella leaning on Alex with her hand holding ravens. Every so often, Alex glanced down at Bella making sure she was okay. Her mind kept going back to the vision of Darwin's death.
"I could have stopped it," Isabella said, her voice soft.
"What?" Alex asked, looking down at Isabella.
"Stopped what?"
Isabella opened her eyes and looked up at the man next to her.
"I could have put a forcefield around Darwin. Then he would still be here. Same with Angel"
Alex didn't say anything for a moment, but he placed his hand over Isabella's free one, which was in her lap, and sighed.
"Star, don't blame yourself. You told me not to, so you shouldn't."
She was about to reply when screeching tires caught her attention.
"Raven! Isabella!" Charles exclaimed, rushing towards them. He grabbed the sisters and embraced them tightly, before turning to the rest of them.
"We've made arrangements for you to be taken home immediately."
"We're not going home," Sean said.
"He's not going back to prison," Isabella said pointing to Alex. She couldn't lose her new friends, especially him.
"He killed Darwin," Alex said.
"All the more reason for you to leave," Charles replied. "This is over."
"Darwin's dead, Charles," Raven said. "And we can't even bury him."
"We can avenge him," Erik said.
"Erik, a word please," Charles requested, moving out of earshot with Erik.
Isabella moved back to Alex smiling sadly. She watched Charles and Erik, unable to hear what they were saying, and when Charles turned and found all of them waiting expectantly for his next words, he sighed.
"We'll have to train," he said. "All of us. Yes?"
"Yeah," Isabella nodded, excitedly.
"Well, we can't stay here," Hank said. "Even if they reopen the department, it's not safe. We've got nowhere to go."
Charles smiled looking at his sisters. "Yes, we do."
Charles took them back to their home. When Isabella saw it, she couldn't help but feel happier, the anxiety in her bones reducing. She stared up at it feeling Alex nudging her.
"You didn't tell me you lived here." He said gesturing to the huge mansion in front of them.
"This is yours?" Sean asked.
"No, it's ours," Charles replied.
"Honestly, Charles, I don't know how you survived," Erik said. "Living in such hardship."
"Well, it was a hardship softened by me and Bella," Raven replied. "Come on, time for the tour."
Raven showed them around the house, pointing out various rooms before Charles assigned them each a bedroom. Isabella's mood skyrocketed when she found out Alex's room was next to hers.
When morning rolled around the next day, the sun peeking through the curtains, illuminating her room with soft light, Isabella was glad to be back in her safe space.
She was soon dressed and ready for the day. Parts of Isabella's mind were still going haywire with the events of last night, her mind also making her paranoid that Shaw would come to her home. She was fairly sure most people were still sound asleep as she put her mother's necklace on as well as kissing a picture of her mother before putting it safely in her drawer.
Then she heard a knock on her door, followed by Alex's voice.
"Hey, star, you in there?"
"Uh, yeah," she said, smiling at the nickname.
"One second."
As she walked to the door, she finished zipping the knee-high boots she wore, perfecting her outfit. Which she may or may not have chosen so she could look nice for Alex.
"Uh, what's up?" She spoke trying to act as chill as possible. Inside she was screaming. She's known him for a few days and she already has a schoolgirl crush. That's sort of what happens when your brother doesn't let you socialize.
"I just wanted to see how you were after last night," Alex said, making the girl smile.
"I'm fine, tired, and still a bit anxious I guess," Isabella assured.
"Great," Alex nodded.
"I guess I'll see you later."
"Yeah," Bella nodded before she recalled yesterday, how she needed to stop being shy, make friends, and stop walking in her sibling's shadows.
"Hey, Alex?"
He turned to her. "Yeah?"
"You want a tour? Better than ravens I mean?" Isabella asked with a smirk. She was gonna show him all the best places in her home and the garden outside of it.
He grinned. "Definitely."
After showing Alex the best parts of her home, they ended up in the spacious games room next to the library. Alex thought it would be a good idea for a rematch, so they grabbed paddles and balls and began to warm up, hitting the ball back and forth across the table. Isabella showed off her impressive skills, winning the first three rounds.
"I told you I'd win every time." She joked getting ready for the fourth and last round.
"Hold on, we still have one more round. Im gonna get a redemption you'll see." He stated confidently.
"You're on Summers."
She thought it would be a good idea to start hitting the ball back with more power, originally going easy on the boy. He caught onto her and did the same. One wrong move though and Isabella saw the ball coming rapidly toward her face. She caught it in a miniature forcefield before it could hit her though.
"Oh, so you're playing dirty now huh?" She teased.
"You started it star." He defended, holding his hands up.
They were interrupted when Charles walked into the room looking at his sister and then at Alex.
"Ah perfect. Just the people I was looking for." He said to the two.
"My stepfather took the possibility of nuclear war quite seriously- This way," Charles said to Alex, as the trio walked into the bunker, Alex holding a mannequin. Isabella knew why she was here, though she didn't tell Alex, not wanting to make him feel uncontrollable. She knew he could do it.
"That is why he had this bunker built down here."
"I thought we could use it as a practice range of sorts."
"You don't think I'm going to blow through the walls?"
"He had this place built to withstand a nuclear bomb. I think it can handle you, Alex." Charles said as Alex put the mannequin down.
"You know, when I do this, bad things tend to happen."
"That's because you can't control it. It controls you." Charles started.
"That's why we're here, Alex. It's why we're training." Belle finished for him softly.
"If you're serious about me doing this, you might want to get back," Alex said to the two.
"All right," Charles stated gesturing for Isabella to follow.
"It's ok Charles, I can stay in case something happens." She guaranteed.
"Alright, if you're sure. Shall I shut the door?"
"Whenever you're ready," Charles yelled from the outside.
Alex released the laser rings from his torso attempting to hit the mannequin. The beams went firing in all directions, some coming toward Belle and Alex. She threw up a forcefield though protecting the two from any rings. Isabella softly rubbed his back.
"Oh, my God!" Charles said running in with a fire extinguisher, putting the fires out.
"I will teach you to control this, Alex."
Now they were training Sean to use his sound waves to be able to fly. Isabella was in the window with Raven, Erik, and Alex watching Charles encouraging Sean that it should work. Keyword should. Charles said if needed Isabella would catch him in a forcefield safely.
"Catch them at the right angle and they should carry you," Charles reassured
"They should carry me." Sean scoffed.
"That's reassuring."
"Good luck. And don't forget to scream."
He breathed before falling out the window, screaming but not using his sound waves. Alex nudged Isabella, but she was too late.
"Sorry!" She yelled down to him whilst the others laughed at his fall.
Alex and Belle found Hank and Charles running laps around the house, and when they stopped, Isabella saw that Hank had taken off his shoes and had completed his lap of the house before her brother even made it to the first corner.
"Impressive, Hank," 
"Feet like those, all you need is a red nose. Right, Bozo?" Alex commented.
"I'm done here," Hank said quietly.
"Thank you, Alex," Charles said. "Come on, Hank."
When Charles and Hank were gone, Isabella nudged Alex's arm.
"You should be nicer to him," Isabella said once the two were gone
"He's obviously embarrassed about his mutation. Not all of us are lucky enough to be able to hide in plain sight." She said. Isabella felt incredibly lucky with her mutation, if things were to go wrong she could just turn invisible and it would all be fine.
"Yeah, I guess you're right," Alex said.
"I might apologize later." he joked. But Isabella didn't find it funny, her face straight.
"If you don't apologize I won't teach you my table tennis tricks." She said knowing he was dying to know her tricks. Said tricks was her cheating with her powers but he didn't have to know.
"Fine fine I will apologize," He told her making Isabella smile and grabbing his hand.
"Come on I wanna show you something."
She dragged him to the library where she was going to find her book on stars, galaxies, and constellations. A few years ago she found out the stars she gets her energy from are in the Cassiopeia constellation. She loved the stars and she wished she could see them up close.
"What did you want to show me?" Alex asked noticing their hands still attached. Isabella didn't really care if he found her stars cool or not. It was mainly an excuse to spend more time with him, which she loved doing. She detached their hands grabbing her book, missing his touch in her grasp.
"Look at this. You see these stars?" She pointed to the page showcasing the stars in Cassiopeia. Alex nodded wondering where this was going.
"Those are the stars I harness my power from. See." With a smile, Isabella closed her eyes and held out her hands, and suddenly tiny sparkling lights appeared in her palms. She opened her eyes and looked at Alex, who watched in wonder as the lights grew and combined into a miniature version of the night sky, complete with stars and constellations. Isabella's mutation also allowed her to create a stunning and realistic display of the stars, and she pointed out each star, sharing its name and the mythological stories behind the constellations. Alex was mesmerized by the beauty of the stars and the incredible display of Isabella's powers. They sat together, looking at the magical night sky in Bella's hands, feeling the warmth of each other's company in the peaceful and enchanting moment.
"Star this is amazing." He gasped in awe. He was starstruck, no pun intended. They sat close together, gazing down at the starry sky created in Belle's hand, They both felt a strong connection and as they looked into each other's eyes, they both knew what they wanted.
With a shy smile, Alex leaned in and whispered, "Can I kiss you?"
Isabella's heart swelled with happiness and she nodded eagerly. As they kissed, the stars in Bella's hands glowed brighter, illuminating their tender moment. The kiss was tender and sweet, and they both felt the warmth and love that had been growing between them. As they parted, they looked into each other's eyes and knew that this was just the beginning of something beautiful.
authors note
THEY KISSED AHHHHH was it to quick?... ik they have been training for a few weeks so it may be ok but idk sksks comment if I should change it <3
btw I'm honestly not sure if any of the star shit made sense but lets pretend it did hehehe
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victimeyez · 1 year
CW: captive whump, drugged whump, graphic depictions of torture, intimate whump
Taglist: @lonesome--hunter
The nausea starts when they roll off the highway. An unfamiliar town lies here, sporting lots of fancy diners and shops for wasps. 
“It’s coming up. Get ‘im lively.”
Tommy had been awake for a while now, but a bump of coke made him “more lively” for clients. The bitter taste didn’t help his stomach when he rubbed it into his gums. Sure, it was more direct up the sniffer, but one time he sneezed blood into the passenger window, so they switched strictly to the oral route. He didn’t like the taste or the buzz, but it helped with the pain a little. Not that it mattered. 
His stomach drops to his knees when they turn off onto a long side street and begin passing houses. Only a few down and they turn onto a long, neat driveway that slithered into the woods. Finally, a house emerged from the foliage.
(Brown, drab. Not a mansion, but expensive. Groomed lawn. Driveway, maybe a quarter mile. Isolated. Definitely not a client we’ve seen before. New clients are always crapshoots.)
Caius dragged Tommy up the path to the door. He hesitated before ringing the doorbell, making Tommy face him while he fixed his curls and looked him over. He pinched his cheeks and his lips to give him a flushed look, pinching some of his eyelashes between his fingers and tugging them painfully. He repeated it on the other side, making Tommy’s eyes water so they were tearful and moony. He then pressed the gold-framed button next to the door. A twinkling classical piece played inside in lieu of a standard bell.
A middle-aged man answered too quickly, surprisingly well dressed in a tortoiseshell suit and matching glasses. He looked like a professor. He smiled kindly at the two of them.
“Please, come in.”
Caius put a firm hand on Tommy's shoulder and pushed him through the doorframe into the house, while the client politely held the door for the pair. He closed it behind them and activated an electronic lock, hidden from the outside. A heavy deadbolt slid into place with a loud chink. It resonated with an ominous finality that made Tommy’s stomach clench.
“I am Darwin. I take it this is Tommy?” He gestured to Tommy. 
“I’m Caius, and this is Tommy.”
Darwin nodded, and then hesitated as he began to turn. 
“Forgive me if I’m new to the etiquette of these…arrangements. Could I offer you a water, or maybe some wine?”
“Don’t worry about formalities, you’ve paid for us to be here. Let’s not waste your time.”
Darwin's eyebrows raised just a touch, but he seemed relieved to dispense with niceties. He began up a flight of stairs, which Caius ensured Tommy followed close behind. His heart was starting to pound and his feet felt heavy. Upstairs rooms were less common than basements. They somehow felt so much more intimate. Tommy had long since learned you can’t tell what a client wants based on appearance. He wasn’t sure what he feared more - a dungeon, or a bedroom.
He could feel himself starting to shut down already, and he embraced the dissociation. 
(Left, right, left, right, keep walking, just follow. Don’t feel anything, just exist. There’s nothing you can do now. Just breathe. Disconnect from the feeling of desperation. We don’t have to remember this part.)
He walked robotically behind Darwin until he was led into a room that looked like an enormous study, with a fireplace at one side and rows of nice bookshelves and displays lined the walls. The display closest to him looked something like fireplace tools, but not like ones he had seen before. The floors were of a rich hardwood.
“Remove your shoes, Tommy.”
He hated it when they used his name. As if they knew him. As if they were friends. All it took was a warning look from Caius and he peeled off his tennis shoes, setting them awkwardly to the side. (Avoid eye contact. Makes it easier.)
“Are you wearing underwear?” 
Tommy didn’t like where this was headed. He despised the romantic ones.
“Yes, Sir.”
“Strip down to them.”
Tommy mechanically removed his shirt, and then more hesitantly, his sweats. He was down to plain black boxers, a stark contrast to well-dressed Darwin. He handed them off to Caius while his eyes scoured the room.
The center of the room was filled with precariously placed items that looked very old and worn. There was a big lumpy looking chair made of wood, a kind of bench-like table with three rolling pins attached in the middle, and a big sort of horse-shaped wooden structure. It looked badly built, and had a big triangle for the saddle.
(Don’t panic. Don’t run. You don’t have to know what’s happening. Don’t think about it. Don't think at all. Turn your brain off. It makes it easier.)
“I curate for the museum here, and over the years I’ve become a bit of a collector of sorts myself. When the museum here wasn’t interested in these pieces, I knew I just had to buy them up. Unfortunately, I haven’t gotten the chance to play with them, and they’ve gone without use. Then I found a video of Tommy here online, and I thought I found the perfect person to try them out.”
Tommy felt like his body was moving without his will as he was led to the chair, which upon closer look, was more than uncomfortable. It had no open slats but was made of uncut pieces of wood with a high back, wide arm rests, a flat seat, and another solid plate between the front legs, almost to the floor. Every inch of it was covered in neat rows of small, wooden spikes. 
“Which video?” Caius asked conversationally. 
(Market research.)
“It was some kind of flogging scene, with Mistress Alice. A few months ago now.”
Tommy’s head swam before he realized he was holding his breath. He felt a little shaken by the mention of Alice, and struggled to stay adrift from his feelings. 
“It looks like he’s healed up marvelously though,” Darwin appreciated, looking him over hungrily. 
“He cleans up well, and we have excellent doctors on hand. We cannot allow certain things that will damage him beyond repair, so I will be staying with you for our time. Most nerves can be fixed, but no severing of central tendons or arteries, and go easy on the spine to keep basic motor controls intact.”
Darwin nodded. “They shouldn’t puncture too deeply. Everything is antique, but sanitized.”
Without ceremony, Tommy was shoved back into the chair.
He took a sharp breath in when all the points sank in at once, biting into the sensitive flesh of his ass and thighs. The shock of It was like being submerged in icy water. He instinctively leaned forwards away from the back of the chair, but he could feel beads of blood forming where he had knocked into them initially. 
Hands appeared from nowhere, wrapping a leather strap across his throat and pulling him flat against the back of the chair. The shock of the pain winded him, and he gasped for breath as Darwin fastened his restraints. His ankles were locked with leather and pulled taut hard to force his legs into the spikes, and his arms were pulled hard down on the spiked armrests. Thick leather cuffs bound his wrists in place, and slight sides built into the back ensured his outer arms were also penetrated.
The best he could do was try to arch his back away from the back of the chair, but with his neck fastened it only seemed to drive the ones in his shoulders deeper. The awkward position made his back start to cramp immediately, and he doubted he could hold it for long. The urge to fight the restraints was overruled by the pain that the slightest movement caused, and he found himself paralyzed by it. Even breathing agitated the punctures, and on instinct he started to breathe shallowly to avoid it. A muted thought came to him, of the sharp wooden skewers used for shish kabobs, and he suddenly related to being a piece of skewered meat.
He vaguely registered that Darwin had stood back and was watching him, a great grin on his face. 
“This piece is called the ‘Armchair of Inquiries’ - a bit of a cheeky name, in my opinion. This one was actively used a bit longer than most, with the last recorded use being May 8th, 1868. I’ve had it thoroughly cleaned and disinfected just for you.”
Tommy tried to pull his head away from the pins, only resulting in choking himself against the leather collar.
Darwin smiled. “I had that strap attached as an extra, from a heretic’s fork. I think it makes a good addition, even if it wasn’t the original.”
There was something deeply sickening about the pride in Darwin’s voice, while he gladly explained history that hardly mattered to the butterfly he had pinned. 
The initial shock was starting to wear off, but the pain was blooming. He doubted there was enough coke in the world to shield him from this. His shallow panting took on a whine to it on every exhale as the pain began to steep. 
Darwin had walked away, and returned with quick steps holding some sort of miniature harness. It consisted of metal bands arched and connected, with an adjustable leather strap. Tommy couldn’t identify it, but the glee with which Darwin presented it made him think he would find out the hard way very soon. 
With a surprisingly gentle hand, Darwin guided his head forward as far as it could go against his neck restraint, and slipped the harness over his head. 
“This one has many names, and many forms. It was the first piece in my collection. There are other ones that are shaped like pigs, or fools with long noses, or even a cone coming out from the mouthpiece. Just to name a few.”
At being masked, Tommy started to panic and struggle, shoving hard against his restraints only to have the spikes impale him again and again, agitating the wounds with every movement.
“Wait, wait, wait, fuck, fuck, wait you don’t have to do this-”
Tommy finally begged, which Darwin only acknowledged with a soft smile as he worked the cage mask on. There was a metal band that ran down the back of his head, parting his hair, but pushing him off of impalement on the spikes there as the metal band rested atop the points. 
The other band came down the middle of his face, forking into a triangle around his nose. Right below, it connected to a thicker metal band across his mouth, and a sharp obtrusion from it pressed hard against his lips. He clenched his teeth against it to try to keep it out, abruptly ending his ability to beg with words. His pleas reduced to panicked keens of fear and pain.
“It’s called a bridle mask, a scold’s bridle, a mask of shame…” Darwin rattled off idly. He tapped a finger against the metal bit against Tommy’s lips.
“If you can’t feel it yet, there’s another spike in here. I’m about to fasten this tight across your jaw, and if you don’t let it in, it’s going to puncture through your lips and cause you quite a bit more…discomfort. Open up for me, Tommy.”
Darwin’s hands cradled his face with a disturbing intimacy, stroking over his cheeks. His fingers found the hollows of his cheeks and pushed into them sharply, forcing his jaw open. A long metal spike followed by a thick metal bit pushed in, and he had to curl his tongue to keep it from skewering straight through. The metal bit held his jaw slightly open, but if he tried to speak, he would pierce his tongue. 
The strap at his jaw was pulled sharply taut and secured. Darwin’s hands returned to his cheeks, stroking his face gently between the gaps of the mask. 
(Don’t spiral. Just another - just ignore it - the pain is - how much -)
His best guards against the pain were failing, easily overwhelmed by this unfamiliar torture. A new hysteria was building deep inside of him, and he was starting to grow light-headed from his shallow panting around the gag.
Darwin’s lips were parted and he was panting a little too, his face so close, hungry eyes roving over Tommy’s own caged face. His thumbs tenderly stroked comforting circles over the apples of his cheeks, and Tommy felt a wetness there. (When did we start crying?) His eyes felt so heavy as they spilled over without relief. 
Darwin closed the gap between them suddenly, pressing his lips intensely against the outside of the gag. Tommy tried to turn away from him, but Darwin’s gentle hands became restraints holding his head in place. He slowly kissed and tongued and licked the dark metal there, and Tommy couldn’t help the harsh whimpers escaping his opened mouth. 
Darwin finally pulled away, his lips wet. A strong urge to wretch boiled in Tommy’s gut. 
“You look so beautiful.”
His stomach lurched.
“I have one more piece for you,” Darwin murmured, mostly to himself. 
Tears ran down the sides of his face, wetting the metal harness as it started to warm against his skin. 
“But before that…can I take a picture?” 
Tommy was confused for a moment until his brain finally caught up to the fact that Caius was still there, sitting off to the side and witnessing his agony with a look of profound boredom. 
“Sure. I have a camera in my bag if you’d like me to take some nice ones for you. It doesn’t cost extra if you let us also use them for promotional materials.”
Darwin licked his lips. “Of course.”
Tommy let out a miserable moan of protest, with heavy tears of humiliation and pain dripping down his face and cooling uncomfortably at his neck.
Caius kept a calm demeanor of cool indifference while he circled Tommy, collecting photos with his camera. Tommy was only addressed with a sharp snapping of fingers, directing him to look one way or another. He could see a dark reflection of his face in the wide lens of the camera, and he closed his eyes with a sob. 
Darwin emerged to be front and center again, holding one of the metal tools that Tommy had noticed when he entered. It was a crude, thin piece of metal, with two fork-like tines on each end. He held it up so Tommy could see it, and then playfully tapped one side of tines against his cheek. 
“The heretic’s fork. It fits right in here,” Darwin offered, and slipped it into a leather buckle of the collar around his throat. Tommy tipped his head back to try to avoid it, but yelped when he felt one pronged end pushed shallowly into his neck behind his collar bones. This firmly locked the fork vertically against his throat, the tines on the opposite side baring threateningly against the soft flesh under his jaw. 
“If you can keep your head up, this won’t hurt.”
With this last attachment, Tommy suddenly felt entirely overwhelmed with helplessness. He couldn't move an inch, couldn’t even breathe without disturbing the bed of thorns beneath him. His tongue was cramped in the back of his throat, and he was starting to drool around the gag. Lowering his head at all would impale him on the tines of the fork, driving it both into his jaw and into his sternum. He couldn’t think of a time he was held in such strict binding, and his brain was starting to short circuit with the horror of his situation.
Darwin seized this opportunity to lean in and press another kiss over his gag. Tommy whined impotently, hyper-aware of his inability to pull away.
Darwin stood back and took a long, shuddery breath of excitement. He ran his tongue over his lips.
“P-pictures, please,” he called breathily. Out of the corner of his eye, Thomas could see Caius toss his cellphone aside and get back up to take pictures. 
Tommy stared at the ceiling, blinking tears of terror. He always hated the feeling of something stuck inside of him, the gnawing urge to pull it out only growing with the many barbs penetrating his skin. He thought his regular collar was bad enough. He could no longer see anything around him, and he had no idea where Darwin or Caius were in proximity to him. The anxiety made him tense, agitating his wounds. 
“This doesn’t quite fit in with the others, but, well…we only have so much time. I think this will speed things up.”
He sounded close. There was a popping, crackling sound Tommy couldn’t quite place. 
(How much time do we have? How long has it been? It felt like an hour, at least. Maybe. It always feels slower than it is.)
Something touched him, two dull points maybe an inch or two apart. Pressed to his diaphragm. He braced himself for it to puncture him, but for a long minute it just rested there. Darwin was breathing heavier. (Psyching himself-)
His body was on fire. 
It almost felt like relaxing. He lost all control while a painful, hot tingling went through his body. He spasmed, shuddering violently until it stopped as suddenly as it had started.
He sagged back into his bindings, but the damage had been done. There were a thousand points on his body that throbbed in urgent pain. It was a full-body pain like he had never experienced before. It was terrifying not being able to look down at his body to see how bad it was - he felt like his skin must be shredded, vivid imaginings of his flayed corpse pinned to this throne.
A touch against his diaphragm, heavy breathing in front of him. Excited sounds from Darwin. He was lit up once more, for a longer time. He could feel himself tearing around the spikes. This time he was vaguely aware of the sound it pulled from his, a deep, guttural cry as the breath was knocked from his body. It was a unique sound he didn’t recognize as his own voice, but a deep wail of anguish. It felt entirely disconnected, like the sound was coming from the prod pushed to his stomach, not his body.
When it ended, his vision was swimming. Everything was black, gray, yellow, dancing shadows. He blinked a few times as he slowly started to come back to his senses.
This time, he noticed the foam in his throat. He coughed, and blood burned on his lips, long dried from the gag. He finally registered the taste of blood on his tongue, the pain in his mouth. His tongue had been speared on the spike inside of the gag. His brain couldn’t process where or how his tongue was pierced, but he drooled blood out the corner of his lips and struggled to swallow the rest pooling in his throat. He couldn’t identify an exact moment when, but the fork under his chin had been driven into his jaw, and judging by the burning pain in his chest, it was up to the hilt on bottom as well. 
Darwin let him stew with the tip of his device pressed to his stomach again. Tommy sucked in a breath, his only chance at pulling away from it, but his movement was easily followed.
He writhed in his restraints as he was electrocuted again, spasming uncontrollably even as it tore him open. Everything was pain, every breath, his nose burned, his eyes rolled back into his head. It let up again and he shuddered to stillness. He could still feel the tingle, and he continued to twitch in spite of his best attempts. He dry wretched, blood in his throat, in his stomach, making him sick. The still room reeled around him. 
“Next time…you can call me Arthur.”
It felt a bit like sweating, an intense sweating across the entire side of his body. As the blood trickled out underneath him, he was starting to feel very cold. The shocks left him feverish, and he felt quite sick, like when he had the flu and felt hot and cold at the same time. He hoarsely barked out sobs that wracked his body. Every surface he touched pooled blood, making his seat feel wet and tarry underneath him. He was limp in his restraints, his heavy head supported solely by the prongs driven into him. 
He numbly felt a prodding against his naked torso, and unconsciousness took its mercy on him.
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eliaswoodt · 11 months
The Name List
Organized from A-Z (yes I will add more names whenever I find more I like, probably in reblogs)
I currently have 1035 names (and that’s only including the first names. I have a list of last names, too.)
Angel, Atticus, Atlas, Apollo, Ares, Athena, Achilles, Artemis, Adonis, Avery, Aubrey, Aubry, Aceline, Ashlynn, Aislinn, Anjanette, Arthur, Archer, Addison, Arrietty, Amity, Autumn, Alastor, Alastair, Alasdair, Alistair, Alison, Arren, Arin, Astra, Aoife, Adalyn, Adeleine, Astoria, Agnes, Angus, Abigail, Ann, Anne, Ambrose, Adeline, Avarsel, Agatha, Ari, Azariah, Aniyah, Armani, Anastasia, Annabelle, Adah, Adelaide, Avis, Amelia, August, Axel, Adelina, Amir, Amin, Ayala, Arne, Averett, Adil, Astro, Ava, Anti, Ailun, Akemi, Asahi, Akari, Asako, Atsuko, Azumi, Aka, Aren, Akko
Blossom, Bambi, Babs, Bo, Bella, Blair, Bea, Bonnabel, Badeea, Betty, Bailey, Boris, Bee, Bugs, Blaise, Benjamin, Bog, Buford, Beatrice, Bryce, Bryan, Bazil, Brutus, Bellamy, Brigitte, Bailee, Bailey, Bao, Belladona, Belladonna, Bell, Bill, Bishop, Bones, Boneothy, Benno, Behemoth, Barry, Bellynn, Bowie, Bunki
Clover, Canyon, Cleo, Cameron, Celestial, Celestino, Ciro, Camilo, Cain, Charlotte, Clara, Corey, Cin, Charlie, Cassidy, Chiara, Callista, Cisco, Cynthia, Casper Clinton, Celestina, Clement, Christopher, Cornelius, Clifford, Claudius, Carey, Carrie, Coatl, Cyrus, Cyril, Cecil, Caisus, Castiel, Calla, Cosmos, Cherry, Cheryl, Crowley, Crow, Cassius, Cliodna, Clíodhna, Cliona, Conan, Cordelia, Calypso, Cas, Cillian, Chiyo, Chiaki, Chihiro, Calcifer
Danny, Darlene, Dex, Dot, Diana, Daphne, Demeter, Daedalus, Daeddel, Darphel, Dawn, Derrick, Derek, Dravan, Dravid, Drae, Dallas, Dimas, Dominic, Damien, Drew, Delilah, Dakota, Darian, Darius, Darwin, Devan, Darla, Dagmar, Daelyn, Dale, Dae, Dacey, Desmond, Dabria, Daniel, Daniela, Danialla, David, Davis, Donnel, Dennis, Demitrius, Delaney, Daiki, Daiyu
Everest, Emery, Ember, Elliott, Elliot, Earlana, Eliseo, Ezequiel, Emie, Evan, Eloise, Eric, Emmet, Elizabeth, Eugene, Ethan, Eret, Ester, Elias, Eos, Ellis, Edwin, Ebony, Elijah, Eliza, Enzo, Elissa, Edward, Eddalyn, Esther, Eda, Edalyn, Edalynn, Edison, Eddison, Estervan, Emma, Eden, Erfan, Eun-hae, Erytheia, Egan, Errol, Eiichi, Eiji, Eriko, Etsu, Etsuko, Eiichiro, Ezume
Flint, Finn, Fae, Fred, Fritz, Fang, Frankie, Frank, Fermin, Freddie, Freddy, Finley, Freya, Fai, Felix, Freda, Faolan, Frey, Feylynn, Faelynn, Failynn, Felipa, Febby, Febbie, Febie, Feby, Flynn, Fuji, Feiyu, Fukiko, Fumitaka, Fumito, Fuyuko
Griffin, Garnet, Gothi, Gertrude, Gabe, Grant, Giovanni, George, Gage, Gregory, Gabriel, Gabrielle, Guy, Gilbert, Guadalupe, Gerry, Grey, Gray, Gia, Grace, Gracian, Gracis, Gracie, Gretel, Gideon, Griffilow, Ghost, Ghazaleh, Gavin, Gryphon, Griffith, Goliath, Grayson, Greyson
Harmony, Hannah, Harlei, Harlie, Haritha, Haris, Harry, Harlan, Harvey, Hadrian, Harley, Hari, Harlow, Howl, Hank, Harper, Herbert, Humphrey, Hestia, Helios, Hephaestus, Hollis, Hunter, Hero, Henry, Helda, Hajar, Hasta, Hadis, Howard, Howie, Hannan, Haoyu, Hisako, Hachi, Hiroto, Hoshiko, Honoka, Hiroshi, Hiro, Haitao, Hamako, Haruhi, Harue, Hayate, Hide, Hideyo, Hidetaka, Hisaye, Hisayo, Heiji, Higari
Ivy, Ivey, Ivo, Ida, Iris, Ilyssa, Illy, Irene, Iren, Isaiah, Ira, Idelle, Ivan, Illaoi, Isabel, Isabell, Isabelle, Isobell, Isabella, Ismelda, Io, Ismael, Isolt, Icarus, izuru, Isamu, Itona, Ichiro, Ichiko, Ichigo, Isoko, Ishiko, Isaye, Inari, Ikuko, Itsuki, Itsuko, Inosuke
Juniper, Jupiter, Jinx, Jamie, Javier, Josiah, Joan, Jake, Julia, Jamil, Jamila, Jesse, Jessie, Jess, Jasper, Janus, Jordan, Joshua, Julian, Juilliard, Julius, Juliana, Jeremiah, Jace, June, Junebug, Jazzy, Jackson, Jackie, Jackalynn, Jodie, Johnnie, Jan, Jaime, Jason, Jorge, Justin, Justice, John, Jay, Janelle, James, Jennifer, Jillion, Jill, Jana, Jonah, Jaycee, Jaxen, Junpei, Jona, Jun, Jin
Kenneth, Kat, Kas, Kris, Keith, Kingston, Kaeton, Kingsley, Kent, Katherine, Kyle, Knox, Kristen, Kristin, Kristeen, Kylie, Kaylee, Kamila, Kehlani, Kendall, Kerry, Kry, Kenny, Kath, Kathleen, Krow, Kix, Kedrick, Kennon, Klaus, Killian, Korallia, Krank, Kaz, Kaede, Kirara, Katsuhiko, Keisuke, Kanako, Kenji, Kaemon, Kamin, Katsu, Kaki, Kazane, Kazuyuki, Kazushige, Kenta, Kei, Kimi, Kin, Kohako, Koichi, Kota, Koji, Koharu, Kosuke, Kuma, Kumi, Kuniko, Kuniyuki, Kideko, Kazuko
Lullaby, Lotte, Lapin, Lorelei, Loralai, Lorelai, Luna, Lily, Lucy, Lee, Liana, Lola, Lethe, Lance, Laurence, Luther, Luca, Lennon, Logan, Lennox, Ilias, Liu, Lui, Luis, Lefu, Liam, Lyall, Lowell, Luella, Leona, Leonie, Leon, Lev, Lincoln, Lin, Link, Laverna, Lazarus, Lewis, Louis, Louise, Levi, Leslie, Lesley, Leilana
Marley, Marlai, Mei, May, Mae, Marceline, Marshall, Marshalee, Millie, Mallorie, Marcela, Melanie, Maddison, Mary, Mirabel, Marsh, Murphy, Montgomery, Mildred, Memphis, Molly, Maverick, Maurice, Muiris, Morgen, Max, Moses, Marion, Merrill, Monroe, Melanthios, Maxwell, Matias, Melissa, Maëlle, Marlene, Meredith, Maybelle, Margaret, Maeve, Moss, Mara, Maria, Myrtle, Mona, Mark, Markus, Michael, Micheal, Michelle, Mahsa, Minoo, Mehdi, Mohammad, Matin, Morpheus, Marlowe, Monica, Marilia, Magnus, Malachi, Malachy, Maggie, Makoto, Megumi, Mio, Maemo, Maemi, Masa, Masaaki, Masashi, Michi, Midori, Michinori, Momo, Motoko
Natasha, Noelle, Noni, Neville, Nixon, Neda, Natalio, Ned, Nausicaä, Noxis, Nova, Nathen, Newt, Noah, Nash, Nox, Nathara, Nathaira, Nathair, Nyoka, Nagisa, Nathan, Nate, Nik, Nick, Naohiro, Naoko, Nara, Natsu, Naoya, Nishi, Nobuko, Nori
Olindo, Ollie, Oliver, Ophelia, Odysseus, Orion, Osono, Oxen, Onyx, Otto, Ottoline, Otitile, Ottavia, Octavio, Olivia-Marie, Oakley, Omar, Olivia, Oscar, Octavian, Octavia, Oz, Octavius, Otta, Oisin, Orson, Orlos, Osiris, Owen, Odalis, Odell, Ozuru
Penelope, Patton, Paddy, Percy, Paulie, Page, Pazu, Phoebe, Phebe, Prairie, Porter, Parlay, Pally, Piper, Parker, Payton, Phil, Paul, Philip, Pyre, Piers, Phylis, Patricia, Payne, Payneton, Pip
Quinn, Quincy, Quil, Quinley, Quinstin, Quinlan, Quillen, Quavon, Quaylon, Quensley, Qing, Qrow, Quilla, Quianna, Quita, Qiao, Quinella, Queenie, Qaylah, Qailah, Qitarah, Quenby, Qadira, Qudsiyah, Quan, Qian, Quinby, Quella
Roseline, Raul, Rahul, Rafael, Roque, Rogelio, Remmy, Rei, Rey, Ray, Robin, Ro, Reika, Rowen, Rowan, Rose, Rosie, Ralsei, Riley, Remus, Rosalyn, Rosalin, Rosaline, Renata, Ron, Rat, Ratt, Reef, Roxy, River, Reed, Rufus, Robbie, Renee, Rivia, Ross, Rex, Ruth, Rosemary, Rosabe, Rosabee, Rosabell, Rosabelle, Rosabel, Rai, Rain, Rosella, Rosalie, Rhody, Robert, Raelinn, Rebane, Ren, Rollin, Ralph, Roxanne, Rox, Roderick, Reginald, Reggie, Rio, Ryu, Ryo, Ryoji, Rinmaru
Sage, Sam, Syd, Selkie, Storig, Sal, Sirius, Summer, Susie, Scott, Sunni, Sosuke, Sophie, Satsuki, Sheeta, San, Sulley, Sully, Savannah, Sappho, Selene, Shaw, Sean, Seán, Shaun, Sawyer, Sabrina, Sebastian, Shane, Stan, Socks, Snom, Stolas, Spencer, Sammie, Stevie, Samus, Sarff, Sullivan, Seth, Susiebell, Susiebelle, Sadreddin, Shellaine, Sverre, Saoirse, Sylvania, Sanae, Silas, Sumi, Shiori, Shinzu, Sile
Toby, Tobias, Teddy, Ted, Tomas, Thomas, Tomothy, Tyche, Taiga, Tundra, Tracy, Timothy, Troy, Tatum, Tommie, Tommy, Theia, Tae, Trix, Trixy, Thanathos, Tod, Todd, Toddy, Tora, Torie, Theodore, Theo, Theophania, Talos, Thanatos, Teddy, Tomohito, Tazu, Tanjirou, Touya
Ulysses, Urijah, Uriyah, Urina, Ukiah, Ulnar, Ursula, Ulric
Virgil, Vanessa, Vito, Venacio, Vylad, Veronica, Valentina, Violet, Velma, Venus, Verna, Veld, Victoria, Victorie, Vinyl, Vincent, Vasuki, Vex, Valor, Valentine, Valerie, Valeria, Valerius, Vitoria, Vic, Victor, Vik, Vikktor, Viktor, Vick, Vicky, Vicke, Vickie, Vidya
Wynn, Willow, Warren, Wilbur, Wylie, Will, Walle, Whisp, Wade, Wendell, Wendy, Willard, Wes, Wallace, Wilber, Wyatt, Wybie, Wynnie, Wennie, Winnie, Wynnston, Wynston, Wynsten, Wiles
Xenophon, Xuan, Xio, Xori, Xanthos, Xander, Xavier
Yen, Yukio, Yae, Yoko, Yume, Yaeko, Yui, Yuzuki
Zane, Zana, Zion, Zachary, Zach, Zachariah, Zander, Ziana, Zoe, Zula, Zenix, Zenith, Zaharia, Zaria, Zack, Zakaeia, Zara, Zakaria, Zev, Zaira, Zanata
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libraryofloveletters · 10 months
holiday extravaganza 2023!
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hi besties!! those of you that have been around for a while now that the holidays are my favourite time of the year; christmas, new years, and my birthday. 
so in honour of my favourite season, I bring to you; the holiday extravaganza 2023.   
it's a bit different this year, I've picked out prompts and drivers/players that are attached to each. they are meant to be blurbs so they vary in length but aren't very long :) - I hope you guys enjoy these as much I did! - as always, thank you to @diorleclerc the beautiful banner :)
running from: December 20th to December 29th. // 4-5 blurbs a day :)
tagged under: holiday extravaganza blurbs 23
December 20th
Sebastian Vettel - The Right Way To Do It 
Sebastian is the most meticulous person you've ever met in your life, and yes, that also translates to Christmas tree decorating.
Rodri - Don’t Fall
It was safe to say the man who comes from sunshine had yet to ice skate in his life. You made it your mission to change that; he was in Manchester,  after all.
Carlos Sainz Jr - Always You 
The infamous Sainz Christmas party. Every year your parents dragged you along and you only went to see one person. Your motives for going haven’t strayed despite growing up.
John Stones - Sing It With Me
John’s Christmas parties were famous for being crazy and unhinged, much like their host himself; because who else would end up drunk on a table, singing Christmas carols?
Jack Grealish - Made For You
His favourite time of the year; when you suggested the idea of matching pjs, Jack was all over it.
December 21st
Aaron Ramdale - Messy 
Aaron can’t help himself when he comes home from training and finds you baking Christmas cookies.
Mick Schumacher - Say Cheese  
Angie, much like her human father, hated to sit still for photos. Imagine the struggle to get both Schumachers to sit for a holiday card.
Paulo Dybala - Sweet Like Candy 
You had started making holiday treat bags for your class with the help of your boyfriend, who seems to be puzzled by the long curved candy you put in the bags.
Charles Leclerc - Stuff It
Charles goes a bit over board seeing that it’s your first Christmas with him, as his girlfriend that is. He revives an old tradition you two had as children.
Max Verstappen - Gimme A Smooch 
He was never one to indulge in things like mistletoe but since he begun to date you, he didn’t have much of a choice. 
December 22nd
Lewis Hamilton - The Art Of Wrapping
As he does every year, the house is filled with shopping bags and Lewis struggles to wrap all of his gifts. This year, he has a secret weapon; you.
Christian Pulisic - A Solid Foundation 
You and Christian have a contest to see who can build the best gingerbread house. Safe to say, you both went a little overboard
Kevin Magnussen - Something Doesn’t Taste Right 
Your husband convinces you that he knows how to make eggnog, no need to buy it from the store. His father’s recipe is the best of the best.. that’s if Kevin can figure it out.
Yuki Tsunoda - A Sweet Treat
Over your years at Alpha Tauri, you developed a habit with your driver; a sweet treat left behind as a peace offering when something went wrong. This time, Yuki was the one leaving the sweet treat.
Fernando Alonso - Wrapped Up 
Yet again, Fernando has forgotten to buy his Christmas gifts but there’s only one person that he cares to get something for.
December 23rd
Pierre Gasly - The Christmas Market 
You were missing home quite a bit and Pierre decides to indulge in one of your favourite holiday traditions.
Jenson Button - Jingle Bells 
The kids are convinced that they hear the bells on Santa’s sleigh, and Jenson is the exact same way. 
Darwin Nunez - Burnt 
Darwin suggests you host a dinner party at your place for a few of his teammates before you all head out for the holidays. He seems to have underestimate how much work goes into said party.
Son Heung-Min - Rudolph, The Red Nose Reindeer 
The winter fair was in town and Sonny decides that you two should go pay the reindeers a visit, because that’s what Santa would want.
December 24th
Jude Bellingham - A Visit To Santa
Jude decides now that you two are back home in England to take his brother to do the one thing they always did as kids; visit Santa.
Virgil Van Dijk - Holiday Oopsies
A snowstorm hits Liverpool and Virgil decides it would be good to take the kids to the park. Even with a warning from you, someone ends up in the hospital on Christmas Eve.
Daniel Ricciardo - Holiday Tunes
He insists on making a playlist for the holiday party, picking the worst possible songs on the planet.
Ibrahima ‘Ibou’ Konate - Movie Stars 
Ibou decides it would be a good idea for you two to make a vlog over the holiday break, just so he can keep his teammates updated.
Ruben Dias - The Lights Shining Down On You 
The people of Manchester love Christmas, just as much as you do. Ruben makes it his mission to ensure that you get to see every single Christmas display there is to see.  
December 25th
Antonie Griezmann - Glues Sticks and Pom Poms 
Every year since moving to Atletico, his girls have helped him to make Christmas cards for his teammates; this year was no different. The three of them covered in glitter, glue and pom poms.
Dominik Szoboszlai - I Spy With My Little Eye
This Christmas was different. Dom made you work for your gift rather than giving it to you; following the clues through the neighbourhood to your final gift.
Erling Haaland - Moo-rry Christmas
Erling insists that Santa has to get cookies and milk for his journey to Norway. Now where you got that milk? Erling the Farmer was on the job.
Trent Alexander Arnold - Christmas With The Robertsons 
Andy and Rachel have a holiday date night and call their two favourite people in the world to come babysit for them; auntie y/n and uncle trenty.
Andrew ‘Andy’ Robertson - Bumps and Bruises 
You convince your boyfriend that it’d be perfectly safe to go down the massive hill.. except it wasn’t.
December 26th
Jordan Henderson - Chocolate Doors 
Jordan buys your children a Christmas advent calendar, but they don't exactly understand the concept.
Jobe Bellingham - Must Watch 
His training took over most of his time so now that he was on break, you insisted you two do nothing but laze.
Yassine Bounou - The Mystery Gift
The Sevilla players have a tradition of playing secret Santa amongst themselves. You're a bit confused when a gift ends up on your desk.
Achraf Hakimi - Unwrapped
Kylian invites a few friends over to celebrate Christmas with him and his family. You can't quite remember what happened the night before you know you don't remember the events leading up to this morning.
December 27th 
Sergio Ramos - Christmas Cookies 
The kids insist Santa must get cookies when he drops off his present. Sergio make sure they know that Santa stopped by during night.
Pato O’Ward - Roll Over
Home for the holidays and cooped up inside due to the rain, both puppies and Pato go a little stir crazy.
Sergio ‘Checo’ Perez - Work Place Friendly 
RedBull hosts their annual holiday party, everyone sprawled out through the factory and you two ? Well.. that was a different story.
Thiago Alcantara - A Countdown To Midnight
Thiago insists on a new way to do the new years kiss, because waiting hours for one kiss wasn’t good enough.
Richarlison - A Brazilian Christmas
Rich stays in London for the holidays but he’s feeling bit home sick. You try your best to work with what you’ve got to cheer him up. 
December 28th
Kylian Mbappe - Ho Ho Ho 
When Santa’s elves weren’t at the workshop, his niece and nephew were a bit disappoint. Uncle Kyky finds a way to cheer them up, even if it earns him a few teasing comments from you.
Kostas Tsimikas - Mountains of Snow
Kostas insists that you two should go out into the snow and make a snowman. When you say no, he uses his skills of persuasion to get you to change your mind.
Mark Webber - Snowed In 
It wasn't even his idea to go to Switzerland, and now he was stuck on New Year's Eve, in the worst place on the planet; the airport.
Esteban Ocon - Behind The Curtains 
A school boy crush on his teammate; all it takes is a few sips of liquor and a photo booth to reveal his true feelings.
Lucas Paquetá - Box It Up 
As long as it takes to put up, it comes down in half the time. Lucas doesn't understand the delicate process of re-packing your ornaments.
December 29th
Giovanni ‘Gio’ Reyna - I’m Not Wearing This 
Gio tells your aunt that he loves the sweaters she knits.  So when he's gifted one, you make sure that he wears it.
Joe Gomez - Stuck 
You and Joe take a week off before Christmas hectic-ness to go up to the cabin and relax. The last thing you expected what to get snowed in.
Marcus Rashford - The Time For Giving 
The last place you expected to bump into him was the exact place you seem to find him.
Kimi Raikkonen - New Years At Home
From partying to parents; you and Kimi celebrate your first new years with your baby girl.
Lance Stroll - Choo Choo Trains 
Uncle Lance promised his nephew a toy train and when he remembers, he scrabbles last minute to find something.
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