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frozenvepar · 4 days ago
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Can confirm, as someone who was lucky enough to get their hands on one of these dolls a little while ago, the hands are both soft and exquisite. the feet are also made of the same soft material, but the rest of the body is a hard plastic. It does mean that it's very easy to put clothes onto the doll without having to take the hands off, although it's pretty easy to do as they're articulated dolls rather than BJDs
So early this week I discovered Bel-eve dolls and had the ol’ madness come over me, HAD TO HAVE one.
Went through the whole process of figuring out Taobao and using an agent. Had some back and forth with the agent that took a few days, and NOW the dolls are no longer listed.
After all that, I missed out. I was pretty beside myself when I found out, but I’m … better now 😜
It’s the hands, you understand. This is a sixth scale doll with a body kinda similar to Unoa Lights, with hands an SD sculptor would envy.
Here is their Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/keytosoul
Here is the (now defunct 😭) Taobao listing: https://m.intl.taobao.com/detail/detail.html?id=565212967339&abtest=24&rn=449bc5bf566c4e082cdb29c9f6a25cc2&sid=9f41ee6de5915478239a50db7c8e195d
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demisexualnathanvuornos · 1 year ago
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Carrie Pilby (2016)+ holidays: New Year's 6/ 6
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What do you think of the legislacerating department?
terr)(ble corrupt reform )(t -NOW- > ^OnO^ <
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yourmeowi-post · 2 years ago
🤍Soru Postu🤍
‼️Soruları AÇIKLAMALARI ile Gönderin
‼️En alttaki notları okuyun
Acı eşiğin yüksek midir?
Acı sana zevk verir mi?
Alkollüyken nasıl biri oluyorsun?
Alkollüyken seks yaptın mı? Nasıldı?
Anal yaptın mı? Anal yapmayı seviyor musun?
Arabada hiç seviştin mi?
Arzuladığın bir kadın/Erkek var mı?
Aşık olmadığın biriyle seks yapar mısın?
Ayaklarının bağlanması hoşuna gider mi?
Aynı kişiyle bir günde en fazla kaç kere birlikte oldun?
Bağlamalı fanteziler hakkında ne düşünüyorsun?
Bakire misin?/Bakir misin?
Bakirelik önemli midir?
Bakirelik senin için ne ifade ediyor?
Bakireliğini kaç yaşında kaybettin?
Bakirliğini kaç yaşında kaybettin?
Bakirliğini aldığın birisi oldu mu?
Bekaretini aldığın birisi oldu mu?
Beslemek istediğin bir hayvan var mı?
Bir arkadaşınla yatmak ister miydin?
Bir erkekte/kadında en tahrik edici yer neresidir?
Bir erkeğin en çok senin nerene boşalmasını seviyorsun? Nedeni var mı?
Bir erkeğin inlemesi seni tahrik eder mi?
Bir kadının inlemesi seni tahrik eder mi?
Bir günde en fazla kaç kere boşaldın?
Bir günde kaç farklı kişiyle seviştin?
Bir hafta içinde tahminen kaç kere boşalıyorsun?
Bir köleye sahiblik/sahibelik yapmak ister miydin?
Birisi seni nasıl baştan çıkartabilir?
Birinin sana mastürbasyon yapması hoşuna gider mi?
Birlikte olduğun kişiyle en fazla kaç yaş fark vardı?
Birlikte olduğun en genç kişi kaç yaşındaydı?
Birlikte olduğun en yaşlı kişi kaç yaşındaydı?
Biseksüel misin?
Cinsel içerikli bir anında ailenden birine yakalandın mı? Anlatır mısın?
Cinsellik hakkında kimsenin bilmediği bir şeyini itiraf et.
Cuckold fantezisi sever misin?
Cuckold fantezisi yaptın mı?
Çocuğun var mı?
Çocuk sahibi olmak istiyor musun?
Çocukları sever misin?
Çocukluğun nasıl geçti?
Değişik bir fantezin var mı? Varsa nedir?
Domine edilmeyi sever misin?
Domine etmeyi sever misin?
Ellerinin bağlanması hoşuna gider mi?
En çok seks yapmak istediğin yer neresi? Neden?
En çok tahrik olduğun şey nedir?
En sevdiğin film kategorisi nedir?
En sevdiğin film nedir?
En sevdiğin iç çamaşırı rengi nedir?
En sevdiğin iç çamaşırı türü nedir?
En sevdiğin kitap nedir?
En sevdiğin kitap türü nedir?
En sevdiğin sütyen rengi nedir?
En sevdiğin porno kategorisi nedir?
En sevdiğin porno sitesi hangisi?
En sevdiğin pozisyon nedir?
En sevdiğin renk/renkler nedir?
En sevmediğin pozisyon nedir?
En son ne zaman mastürbasyon yaptın?
En son ne zaman porno izledin?
En son ne zaman seks yaptın?
En son ne zaman seviştin?
Eşcinsel bir ilişki yaşamak ister misin?
Eşcinselliğe bakış açın nedir?
Ev dışında hiç mastürbasyon yaptın mı? Yaptıysan neresiydi?
Evin hariç biyerde ıslandın/sertleştin mi?
Evli biriyle sevişir misin? Seviştin mi?
Farklı bir yerde seks yaptın mı? Yaptıysan nerede yaptın?
Fobin var mı? Varsa nedir?
G@angbang fantezisi sever misin? Yaptın mı?
Göbek, göğüs, bel, sırt, popo, bacak, vajina, yüz, ağız nereye boşalınmasını/boşalmasını seversin?
Göğüs bedenin nedir?
Göğüslerin ile oynamayı seviyor musun?
Göğüs uçlarının emilmesi seni tahrik ediyor mu?
Grup seks hakkındaki düşüncen nedir?
Grup seks yaptın mı? Yaptıysan kaç kişiydiniz?
Grup seks yapmak ister miydin? Kaç kişiyle yapmak isterdin?
Günde birden fazla kişiyle seks yaptın mı? Yaptıysan kaç kişiyle?
Güzel bir seks için en önemli şey nedir? Neden?
Güzel bir arkadaşlık için ne önemlidir?
Güzel bir dostluk için ne önemlidir?
Güzel bir ilişki için ne önemlidir?
Hard seks mi, soft seks mi? Neden?
Hayallerinde ki araba nedir?
Hayellerinde ki erkek/kadın ile seviştin mi?
Hayallerinde ki eş nasıl biri?
Hayallerinde ki ev nasıl?
Hayallerinde ki gibi bir hayata sahip misin?
Hayallerinde ki meslek nedir?
Hayvan besliyor musun?
Hiç arkadaşına nude yolladın mı?
Hiç arkadaşınla seviştin mi?
Hiç arkadaşınla yattın mı?
Hiç biri ile duşa girdin mi?
Hiç birine nude yolladın mı?
Hiç tanımadığın birine nude yolladın mı?
Hiç çıplak uyudun mu? Uyur musun?
Hiç orgazm taklidi yaptığın oldu mu?
İç çamaşırının rengi nedir?
İç çamaşırının türü nedir?
İlişki sırasında konuşur musun, konuşulmasını ister misin?
İlk buluşmada ne önemlidir?
İlk buluşmada seviştiğin oldu mu?
İlk buluşmada utandığın veya çekindiğin oldu mu?
İlk mastürbasyonunu kaç yaşında yaptın?
İlk öpücüğün hala aklında mı?
İlk öpücüğünü ne zaman aldın?
İsteğin dışında ıslanır/sertleşir misin?
Kaç parmağınla mastürbasyon yapıyorsun?
Kedi insanı mısın köpek insanı mısın?
Kimlere ilgi duyarsın? Kadınlar mı? Erkekler mi? Her ikisi mi?
Kucak sever misin?
Mastürbasyon yapan birini izlemek seni tahrik eder mi?
Mastürbasyon yapmayı seviyor musun?
Mastürbasyon ne sıklıkla yaparsın?
Mastürbasyon yaparken birilerinin seni izlemesini ister miydin? Neden?
Mastürbasyonu herhangi bir cisimle yaptın mı? Yaptıysan neydi?
Mastürbasyon yaparken hayal mi kurarsın porn mu izlersin?
Nude arşivin var mı?
Okul da hiç elleştin mi/seviştin mi?
Oral seks yapmak mı, yapılması mı?
Oral seks yapmayı sever misin?
Oral yapan bir kızı veya erkeği izlemek sana nasıl hissettirir?
Ön sevişme ne kadar önemlidir?
Ön sevişme ne kadar sürmeli?
Ön sevişme sever misin?
Ön sevişme sevmeyen biriyle seks yapar mısın?
Öpüşürken dilini kullanıyor musun?
Penisin boyutu mu, işlevi mi daha önemli? Neden?
Penisin şekli nasıl olmalı?
Piercing sever misin?
Piercing’in var mı?
Public ortamda seks yaptın mı? Yapmadıysan nerde yapmak isterdin?
Sana iğrenç gelen bir fantezi var mı?
Sanal ilişki yaşadın mı?
Sanaldan tanıştığın biriyle buluştun mu?
Sarhoşken seks yaptın mı?
Sarılmak sana ne hissettirir?
Sarılmayı sever misin?
Seni ne veya neler tahrik eder?
Seni seviyorum demenin senin için anlamı nedir?
Seks oyuncakların var mı? Alır mısın?
Seks senin için ne demek?
Seks sırasında arkada müzik çalmasını sever misin?
Seks sırasında annen/baban arasa telefona cevap verir misin?
Seks sırasında hiç video kayıt yaptın mı?
Seks sırasında küfür sever misin?
Seks sırasında ne olursa libidon düşer?
Seks sırasında şiddet sever misin?
Seks yaparken sence prezervatife gerek var mı?
Seks yapmak için para kabul eder miydin? Paranın miktarı ne kadar olmalı?
Seks de asla yapmam dediğin birşey varmı varsa ne neler?
Seksini ?/10 üzerinden puanla.
Seksten sonra evini terkettiğin biri oldu mu? Olduysa neden?
Seksten sonra ne yaparsın?
Seksting yaptın mı? Yaptıysan kaç kişiyle yaptın?
Seksting yapmayı seviyor musun?
Sekstingte en önemli şey sence nedir?
Seni tahrik eden bir fantezi var mı?
Senin veya partnerinin komik erken boşalma hikayesi var mı?
Ses seni tahrik eder mi?
Sevdiğin porno yıldızı var mı? Varsa ismi nedir? Takip ediyor musun?
Sinemada hiç seviştin mi?
Son izlediğin porn videonun linkini atar mısın?
Sperm tatdın mı? Tadı nasıldı?
Sperm yuttun mu? Yuttuysan kimin?
Sütyenle mi, sütyensiz mi uyursun?
Şuan ne kadar çok mastürbasyon yapmak istiyorsun ?/10 puanla?
Şu an ne kadar çok seks yapmak istiyorsun ?/10 puanla?
Şu an kiminle beraber olmak istersin?
Şu an neredesin?
Şu an nerede olmak istersin?
Şu an üzerinde ne var?
Tanımadığın biriyle seks yaptın mı?
Tanımadığın biriyle seksting yaptın mı?
Telefon seksi yapar mısın?
Telefon seksi yaparken kendine bir şey sokar mısın?
Telefon seksi yaparken ne önemlidir?
Telefon seksi yaparken zevk alır mısın?
Telefonda konuşarak birini tanıyabilir misin?
Telefonda konuşarak birini sevebilir misin?
Telefonda konuşmayı sever misin?
Telefonunda nude arşivin var mı?
Telefonunda nude var mı?
Telefonunda porno var mı?
Tumblr'dan biriyle yatmak ister miydin?
Utandığın bir anın var mı?
Utandığın bir fantezin var mı?
Utandığın bir mastürbasyon anın var mı?
Utandığın bir sex anın var mı?
Üçlü seks yaptın mı? Yapmadıysan, yapmak ister miydin?
Üçlü yapma imkanın olsa 2 erkek-1 kadın mı, yoksa 2 kadın-1 erkek mi? Neden?
Vücudunun sana göre en kötü kısmı neresi?
Vücudunun sana göre en seksi kısmı neresi?
Vücudunun sana göre en yalanası kısmı neresi?
Yatak dışında sevişilecek bi yer söyle?
Yatakta itaatkar mısın dominant mı yoksa ikisinin ortası mı?
Yeni tanıştığın biriyle yattın mı? Yatar mısın?
Zaman senin için ne kadar önemlidir?
Zamanını nasıl harcamayı seversin?
‼️ Bana @yourmeowi bloğundan sorabilirsiniz.
‼️Önerilere Sorulara açığım.
🤍Hazırlayan: @yourmeowi - @yourmeowi-reblog
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muyaterlik · 9 months ago
Muya.com, çocuklar için özel olarak tasarlanmış, onların rahatlığı ve eğlencesi için tasarlanmış çeşitli stil ve tasarımlara sahip çok çeşitli plaj terliği sunmaktadır. Bu çocuk terlikleri, parmak arası terlik ve normal modellere sahip olup, her biri genç ayaklara en uygun desteği sağlayacak şekilde anatomik ve ergonomik tasarımlarla donatılmıştır. Çocuğunuz ister canlı renkleri, ister eğlenceli desenleri, ister klasik tarzları tercih etsin, Muya.com'da farklı zevk ve tercihlere hitap eden bir seçki mevcuttur. Eğlenceli çizgi film karakterlerinden şık ve sade tasarımlara kadar uzanan seçeneklerle çocuklar, her ortama uygun bu plaj terliklerinin konfor ve işlevselliğinin keyfini çıkarırken, kişiliklerini de ifade edebilecekler.
Muya.com'da bulunan plaj terlik göze çarpan özelliklerinden biri, aktif oyun ve açık hava maceraları için mükemmel olan yüksek kaliteli malzemeleri ve dayanıklılıklarıdır. Bu terlikler suya dayanıklı malzemelerle tasarlandığından havuz, plaj, bahçe ve hatta ev gibi ıslak yüzeylerde kullanıma uygundur. Bu çocuk terliklerinde yer alan MUYA Comfort MANTAR Koleksiyonu, ayakları yormadan uzun süreli kullanım sağlar ve nemi emen iç malzemesiyle terlemeyi önler. Konfor, dayanıklılık ve işlevselliğin bu birleşimi, Muya.com'un plaj terliklerini, çocuk terlik ile enerjik yaşam tarzlarına ayak uydurabilecek ayakkabılar sağlamak isteyen ebeveynler için güvenilir bir seçim haline getiriyor.
Büyüyen ve gelişen genç ayaklar için uygun ayak desteği ve koruması şarttır ve Muya.com, çocuk plaj terliklerinde bu faktörlerin önemini vurgulamaktadır. Terlikler, ayakları farklı noktalardan destekleyerek bel, sırt ve ayak ağrısını en aza indirecek, sağlıklı ayak gelişimini ve genel refahı destekleyecek şekilde tasarlanmıştır. Ayak desteği ve korumasına öncelik veren ebeveynler, çocuklarının sadece şık görünmek ve rahat hissetmekle kalmayıp aynı zamanda ayak sağlığını ve uyumunu da destekleyen ayakkabılar giydiğinden emin olabilirler. Muya.com'un kalite, konfor ve ayak desteğine olan bağlılığı, plaj terliklerini çocuk ayakkabı koleksiyonlarına değerli bir katkı haline getiriyor.
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thehalloweenhub · 7 months ago
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10 TV Episodes for Halloween (part one)
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angstandhappiness · 2 years ago
@wolfloupen if this song gets stuck in my head it’s your fault
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vividiana · 26 days ago
tastes like she might be the one
pairing: Astarion x f!Dark Urge · word count: 5.3k
rating: E for shameless smut (MDNI)
tags: blood drinking, period sex, oral sex, face-sitting, vaginal fingering, masturbation, Astarion being a little feral, porn with (some) plot, idiots in love, post-canon, general Durge spoilers
“Well, all of that’s to say that if you would like to… indulge, this might be your one and only chance to do so.” “Oh. I see.” Astarion’s eyes light up at the idea and Eve’s breath hitches when he takes a couple steps closer, his face just inches away when he says: “Then I suppose we better make it count.”
a/n: I did it, I succumbed to the Urge and wrote a period kink oneshot. hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it!
tagging some of my lovely moots who were hyping me up as I shared snippets from this fic: @khywren @nerdallwritey @xxnashiraxx @obsessedwhyyes @verbenaa @bby-bel-art @hellethil @arzen9 (thank you so much for getting excited about this with me. tbh it would have still been sitting in my wip doc if it weren’t for you all ❤️)
the title is from "LUNCH" by Billie Eilish
read on ao3 · dividers
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As Eve is leaving the market, she feels her lower abdomen clench painfully in a manner she doesn’t recognize. She winces, tightening her grip on the grocery bags and tries to figure out what mundane malady it could be this time as she hurries back to the apartment. 
Soon, she reaches the familiar facade, but as she goes for the handle, the door swings open. Eve startles when she sees Astarion, wide-eyed and visibly tense. 
“What are you doing?” she yelps when he pulls her inside, standing just inches away from the pool of sunlight spilling onto the hardwood floors. “Get away from the door!” 
She kicks it shut behind her, the room safely dim again. But Astarion seems to pay no mind to the obvious danger, as he grabs the bags from her and puts them on the ground, before turning her around and assessing her body as if looking for something.
“What happened? Where is it? Show me.”
“Where is what? Are you okay?”
“The wound!” he shrieks, voice high-pitched from nerves. “Hells, I can smell your blood, I could smell it from blocks away. Did someone attack you? Who do I have to kill?” 
Eve freezes as the pieces connect in her mind. The pain. The scent of blood that was imperceptible to her but obvious as alarm bells to Astarion’s senses. 
Eve laughs at the absurdity of it, Astarion’s eyes widening even further as he tries to fathom what in the Hells she’s on about. Bhaal hand-sculpted her for one purpose and one purpose only, designed her to carry out his gory vision most efficiently, and yet he still made her bleed like this…?
“Oh, that petty son of a bitch!” Eve says to no one in particular. After a deep breath, she reaches for Astarion’s hands and explains in a calmer tone: “I’m not hurt, Star. I think I just got my period. It’s as novel to me as it is to you, honestly.”
She watches as Astarion’s expression cycles through a series of emotions, so clear and unfiltered. First confusion, then relief, and finally a peculiar mix of glee and dread. 
“Oh. Oh. ALRIGHT.” He takes a step back, frantically looking up and down her body. When his mouth opens again, words spill out in a chaotic monologue punctuated by nervous giggles. “Fear not, I am so prepared for this. Well, truth be told, my only knowledge about half-elves and menstruation comes from Shadowheart and I don’t know how reliable that is, she tends to be a tad dramatic, don’t you think? But let’s think hmmm… A bath! Would you like me to draw you a bath? Wait, no, you must be hungry, let’s make you some food first.” 
He reaches for the grocery bags and darts upstairs.
“Are you sure you’re feeling okay?” Eve asks warily as she follows him up to the kitchenette. 
“Oh yes darling, I am doing quite SPLENDID myself, I am just concerned about your comfort!!” 
Rather unceremoniously, Astarion turns the grocery bags upside down, produce tumbling in all directions across the counter. He grabs a small knife and begins to peel some potatoes whilst aggressively humming Down by the River.
As Eve watches his frantic movements, her stomach drops in realization. 
“Star…” she starts, walking up to him.
“YES, my dearest?”
“Is the blood… distracting?”
Astarion’s nervous, high-pitched giggle is enough of a confirmation.
“OH YES! Incredibly so! But do not worry about me, the concern right now should be YOUR COMFORT.”
“Oh gods,” Eve sighs, massaging her temples. “Is this what the next tenday is going to look like?”
“TENDAY?” Astarion stabs the counter, the tip of the knife wedged into the wooden surface. There is sheer panic in his eyes when he turns around and asks: “You bleed for a tenday?”
“I don’t know, this is a first! But as far as I know, people can bleed for anywhere from three to ten days?”
“THAT’S FINE. We will get through this together!” He yanks the knife out and resumes his task. 
Eve stands there for a moment, watching him, unsure of what to do with herself.
“Are you hungry, is that the problem? Would feeding on me help?”
For a moment, Astarion freezes. He turns around, knife in hand, his gaze slipping down Eve’s body for a split second.
“What exactly are you offering?” he asks when he meets her eyes again, and Eve can feel her cheeks grow hotter in an instant.
Eve storms off to the bathroom. As she starts pouring water into the tub, she tries to push away the mental image of Astarion’s head between her thighs.
She adds some lavender oil into the water and gets inside, the hot temperature helping soothe her cramps. She leans her head against the edge of the tub, trying to make sense of all this.
Perhaps the reason she doesn’t remember this happening before is because her body put this particular function on hold while she was fighting for her life every day, sleeping on the ground, and eating irregularly. But now in the six months since the Netherbrain fell, she has been able to finally feel safe, giving her organism a chance to settle back into its natural rhythm. 
It still doesn’t explain why Bhaal didn’t just skip this part in the design process, but Eve does not even want to begin to understand his sick and twisted ways, so she pushes those thoughts away and tries to relax.
After fifteen minutes or so, there is a light knock on the door.
The door creaks and Eve opens her eyes to see Astarion with a mug in his hand, looking a tad embarrassed.
“Hello,” he says as he continues to stand awkwardly in the doorway.
“You can come in, I won’t bite.”
He walks up and places the steaming mug on a stool by the tub. Eve can smell the mix of chamomile, ginger, and something else she doesn’t recognize. Astarion kneels beside her, arms propped on the edge of the tub.
“I brewed you some herbs that should help ease the pain. And there’s stew cooking, it will be done in an hour or so.”
“Thank you.” She reaches for his hand and places a kiss on his knuckles, eliciting a soft smile.
“I’m sorry about earlier. It was a lot to process all at once. I thought you might be bleeding out on the street somewhere and I couldn’t do anything about it, I was just stuck inside waiting for you to come back. And then you waltz in here as if nothing happened and once I knew you were safe, the smell of your blood was–” He trails off with an absentminded smile. “Well, let’s just say I’ve gotten somewhat accustomed to it now, but it is still quite distracting.”
“I’m sorry you were so worried, that must have been terrifying.”
“It was. But I also should have known that if anyone was foolish enough to attack you, you could handle it just fine. Anyways, you should drink your tea,” he says, passing her the mug. She takes a sip, the herbal mix blossoming on her tongue, and hands it back to him. “Are you enjoying the bath?”
“Yes, the hot water is helping a lot. But, I’m afraid there is something wrong with our tub.”
“Which is?” he asks, raising his eyebrow.
“It’s missing an elf.”
“Ah, an easy fix,” he says with a smile. 
Eve takes another sip of her tea as Astarion slips out of his clothes. She shuffles forward to make space for him, and he slowly lowers himself into the tub behind her, gasping as he touches the hot water. She leans back against his chest, nestling into his open arms.
After a moment of silence, Astarion asks:
“So, we don’t have to talk about him if you don’t want to… But, um… Doesn’t this seem like a design flaw?”
“No, we do have to talk about him, because what in the actual fuck was he thinking? As if my whole life wasn’t bloody enough. And I can’t even justify it in any pragmatic way, because it’s not like I needed to bear more Bhaalspawn. I was supposed to be the last one!” 
“Daddy’s special girl.”
“Do not ever say that again.” She elbows him and Astarion laughs behind her.
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After her bath and dinner, Eve decides to head downstairs and visit Derryth while the apothecary is still open. She explains the situation and asks for some menstrual cloths and anything that could help ease her cramps. The woman watches her intently as she listens, brows furrowed.
“Okay, so personally this is none of my business of course,” Derryth says, raising her hands defensively. “But as an apothecary, I feel obligated to ask: are you aware that you do not need to bleed every month? There are ways you can stop it.”
“There are?”
“Yes. Well, but first: are you and Astarion trying to conceive?”
Eve just stares blankly ahead as her life flashes before her eyes. It’s not something she ever thought to consider, she just assumed… Well, he is undead, after all.
“Umm… is that even… possible?” she asks weakly. “Given our… situation?”
“Under regular circumstances, no,” Derryth rushes to answer and Eve sighs with barely concealed relief, “but I’ve heard of some rituals… I don’t know, Eve, stranger things have happened. But no, unless you go out of your way to achieve it, you’re safe.”
“Okay. Then no, we are absolutely not trying to conceive. Gods, could you imagine–”
“I’d rather not,” Derryth says curtly. “Now, if that’s the case, then there is absolutely no need for you to suffer every moon. There are different ways you can go about it, the one that seems most popular with my clients is this tonic,” she says as she pulls out a couple of bottles from the drawer behind her and places them on the counter. “It’s fairly easy to use, it comes in these little bottles and you drink one the first night of each tenday. And there you go, problem solved.”
“That sounds… awfully easy,” Eve says as she eyes the medicine before her.
“Well, yes, because it is.”
“Does it have any side effects?”
“Of course it doesn’t. It’s supposed to make your life easier, not harder,” Derryth says with the patience of a parent explaining the most obvious concept to their child. 
Eve gets a month’s supply to try out, along with some pain medicine to help carry her over before the tonic starts to work. When she gets back to the apartment, she shows Astarion the bottles and explains how it all works.
“That’s probably for the best,” he says. “I’m glad you won’t have to go through this pain again.”
“Yes, me too, but…” Eve hesitates for a moment, but the memory of Astarion’s frantic energy from this morning is enough to give her the confidence to suggest: “Well, all of that’s to say that if you would like to… indulge, this might be your one and only chance to do so.”
“Oh. I see.” Astarion’s eyes light up at the idea and Eve’s breath hitches when he takes a couple steps closer, his face just inches away when he says: “Then I suppose we better make it count.”
There is a moment of tense silence as they regard each other, Eve’s chest rising and falling heavily at his proximity. 
But then the final thread of self-control snaps and Astarion pulls her closer, capturing her mouth in a greedy kiss, swallowing up the gasp that slips past Eve’s lips as she opens up to him. Suddenly, the air around her is all citrus and spice, Astarion’s scent and taste mixing into an intoxicating combination. It could easily sweep her off her feet were it not for his hands digging into her hips, anchoring her against him.
With a firm tug to her lower lip, Astarion breaks away, an undeniable urgency to his movements as his mouth slips down to her neck and he inhales sharply, head nuzzled against her. His voice is low and breathy when he says:
“Hells, you smell divine.”
With bated breath, she awaits the sharp sting of his fangs, wanting nothing more than to give him everything he craves. But instead, Astarion’s hands slip down to the back of her thighs and Eve’s body instinctively follows, like it’s a routine they’ve been rehearsing. She jumps, legs wrapping around his waist as if that’s precisely where they belonged. 
Eve sinks her fingers into his soft curls, kissing him with a newfound ferocity. She barely registers the steps Astarion takes until with a loud clatter, he kicks a chair out of his way, and she realizes they’re at the dining table. He lets go of her with one hand to push his notes to the side, pieces of parchment flying to the floor as he seats her on the edge. 
Astarion breaks the kiss, pinning her in place under his watchful gaze, the room silent save for the heavy pounding of Eve’s heart.
“Indulge, you say? Don’t mind if I do.” 
Astarion sinks down to his knees before her, and the sight of it alone is enough to make Eve’s head spin with need, the overwhelming desire to feel his mouth against her skin, to hear the savory sounds that escape his throat every time he tastes her. 
He tugs at her waistband and Eve lifts herself off the table just enough to let him pull her pants down and toss them to the side. Astarion swallows hard when she parts her legs for him and it looks like it’s taking him every ounce of self-determination to not rip off the final barrier between them and devour her right there and then. 
His hands reach up to push her back, and she leans away, propped on her elbows, not daring to miss out on a single moment of this hypnotizing spectacle. A low, guttural sound rumbles out of his chest as he presses his lips to her plush thigh and starts kissing up, closer, and closer, and–
Eve winces at a sharp stab of pain that begins to radiate down her thighs and up her spine in a throbbing, dull shiver, the hard wooden surface beneath her doing nothing to soothe her discomfort.
Astarion pauses, leaning away to meet her eyes.
“Are you alright, love?”
“I, um–” she sighs, bemoaning the need to be rational at a moment like this. “I am loving this energy, I really am. But there is no way we’re doing this on a table, my back is killing me.” 
“I suppose we can make do with a bed, then.”
He wastes no time as he rises to his feet and scoops her up, and in that moment Eve is convinced that she could get used to being carried like this. Astarion rushes to the bedroom to find Scratch splayed out across the mattress, raising his head curiously as they enter.
“Out,” he orders with poorly concealed desperation.
The dog whines, but darts out of the room obediently, and Astarion kicks the door shut behind him. He lowers her onto the edge of the bed and retrieves some pillows to place under her back. 
“Are you comfortable?” 
“Yes, I feel quite spoiled, actually. Are you comfortable?” she asks, unconvinced, watching as he once again gets to his knees on the hardwood floor.
“Oh, trust me, I am exactly where I want to be,” he says in a tone that erases any lingering trace of doubt from her mind.
Eve falls silent as Astarion’s hands begin to snake up her thighs, lithe fingers reaching the hem of her underwear, eyes meeting hers for a final confirmation that feels superfluous given their current predicament, and yet he still seeks it. Eve nods slowly, her throat too tight with anticipation to utter a sound, and she watches as Astarion hooks his fingers in and begins to slide the garment off her body with nigh religious reverence.
Once it slips down to her knees, she can finally get a better view and gods damn it, she changed into clean clothes less than an hour ago and already the fabric is ruined, a dark, rust-colored stain blooming along the gusset.
Eve shuffles her legs, helping Astarion slide the underwear completely off her. She expects him to toss it on the floor, but instead she watches, transfixed, as he folds it meticulously before slipping it into his pant pocket.
“Excuse you–”
But her objection dies in her throat at the sight of Astarion parting her thighs with unmatched focus. For a moment he just kneels there completely still, pupils blown wide, watching her like a predator poised to strike. It would be unnerving if it wasn’t him.
He hooks his arms under her thighs and pulls her closer, resting her legs on his shoulders.
Under his scrutinous gaze she becomes utterly aware of the wetness between her thighs, blood and arousal mixing into one. Suddenly, her mind drifts away from her kneeling lover to the softness of the silk bed sheets beneath her, the sheets that they got as a housewarming gift from Shadowheart, the ones that Astarion was so excited about, and however weakly, she whispers:
“Wait– We’re going to ruin the sheets–” 
Her words seem to snap Astarion out of his trance and he looks up from the sanguine scene before him to meet her gaze. 
“I can live with that.”
And as if to prove his point, he lunges forward, their moans mixing in unison the moment his tongue drags a firm line along her center. His grip on her tightens, surely enough to bruise, but Eve is way past the point of caring. Damn the bruises, damn the sheets, all that matters right now is the inferno raging within her, the ungodly sounds erupting from the depth of Astarion’s chest as he feasts on her like a man starved. 
Eve’s elbows give in beneath her and she falls back on the pillows, losing sight of his efforts. Instead she reaches for him, nails scraping against his scalp, legs crossed behind his head and urging him closer. Astarion’s nose presses deliciously against her clit as his tongue enters her time and time again, his groans vibrating through her core. 
One of his hands wanders to the hem of her shirt, lifting it up past the soft curve of her stomach. He leans away ever so lightly, lips brushing against her as he pleads:
“I need to see all of you.”
Eve complies, the tempo of Astarion’s tongue hastening the moment the linen slips past her the stiff peaks of her nipples. As she tosses her blouse to the side, she is struck by how completely bare she is before him, all the while Astarion looks as if he might have just come home from work, every button accounted for, every thread in place. A perfect picture of composure, were it not for the state of his curls, dampened with sweat and flattened against the grip of her thighs, nor the blood smeared against every inch of his exposed skin.
His tongue leaves her, but before she can protest this newfound emptiness, his mouth shifts up, lips closing around her clit with a firm suck as a single finger teases her entrance. Astarion slips inside with no resistance, one knuckle deep, tormenting her with how it’s simultaneously overwhelming and not nearly enough.
“Please, Star–”
But before the words fully leave her lips, they blossom into a wanton moan as he sheathes his finger, and beckons her, brushing against the spot that makes her feel weightless, like she is not of this world.
She bucks her hips into him and he moans against her cunt, encouraged by her reaction, and soon enough a second finger follows. He slides in slowly, the stretch combined with the suction of his lips pushing any previous aches and discomfort from her mind, leaving naught but an all-encompassing surrender, delicious pressure rising within her.
Through the haze, she reaches down, fingers teasing the points of his ears, and she knows exactly what she is doing, knows the effect it has on him, how it coaxes the sweetest sounds from his lips she is sure she will never get enough of. 
She recalls the first time she did it, over a year ago, back when neither of them knew how to define the curious companionship that has grown between them. It elicited the most unrestrained noise she ever heard from him and Astarion must have been taken aback by it, too, because he tore her hands away from him, pinning them above her head. He told her then that she was playing with fire but she couldn’t help it, couldn’t tear her eyes away from the blaze. 
It consumes them both now, eliciting the most obscene sounds from her love, his fingers picking up speed as they dart in and out of her, brushing deep inside with every stroke. 
She knows she won’t last long, cannot last long, not with the way he has become fluent in the language of her body, knowing exactly which strings to pull to make her sing. 
And sing she does, mouth falling open with praises that get increasingly terser, until the only word she can remember is his name. 
She cries it out as she grasps the sheets, the moment the pleasure becomes uncontainable, when it lights up every nerve, every inch of her skin. It’s a trust fall and he is right there to catch her, just as he always is. Just as he always will be.
Astarion’s grip doesn’t soften as she rides out this crest, his mouth and fingers relentless in drawing every last one of her moans, her eyes shut in pure bliss.
But then eventually all of her energy evaporates, her thighs growing slack around him, and Astarion retracts slowly, placing the softest kiss on her clit before getting to his feet. 
Eve feels the mattress dip as he crawls towards her and she somehow wills her eyelids to open, only to witness Astarion’s bloodied fingers slip into his mouth, his eyes fluttering shut as he begins to suck. The display is enough to make her throat go dry, skin flaring up with want that never got the chance to subside. 
Finally when he salvages every single drop, he lets go, eyes meeting hers as his fingers leave his mouth. Eve takes in the gory state of him: there is blood on his lips and chin of course, but also some on his nose, and is that…? Yes, somehow a bit of it found its way to his brow line. She can’t help but laugh as she tucks a flattened curl behind his ear.
“You look…”
“Happy?” Astarion offers, making a show of licking his lips in a manner that is surely against some moral law.
“I was going to say insatiable.”
“You would be correct,” he admits as he cups her cheek. 
He kisses her deeply, his taste a heady mixture of them both, laced with the metallic tinge of her blood. And suddenly their bodies are flush against one another once more, hands wandering, the unmistakable evidence of his arousal pressed against her thigh. Eve’s hand slithers down between them, Astarion’s jaw going slack the moment she palms his still-clothed cock. 
Her breath hitches at the feel of him in her hand, but Astarion seems to have a plan of his own because he manages to compose himself, leaning away to ask:
“Can you take more?” 
“Try me,” she dares, the attempted edge of her words dulled by how breathless she is. 
A wide grin blooms on Astarion’s face, the tips of his fangs glinting in the moonlight when he asks: 
“How is your back?”
It takes her a second to register the meaning of his question. Truth be told, she completely forgot about it, the pain pushed out into the far corners of her mind by the overwhelming pleasure.
“It’s better.”
“Excellent. Do you think you can sit up?”
“Yes?” she says, unsure of where he is going with this.
Astarion leans away enough to pull his shirt over his head, and then rests on his back, tapping his shoulders as he says:
“Then sit.”
“What?” she asks, swallowing hard.
“You heard me.”
Slowly, Eve gets to her knees, trying to ignore the way the wetness pooled between her thighs seems to shift with the movement. But the shameless anticipation painted on Astarion’s face is enough to weed out any sprouting insecurities, and so she moves up, caging his head between her thighs and gripping the carved headboard for support. 
There is a moment of stillness when she hovers over him, and then Astarion’s gaze travels from her face down to her core and he licks his lips at the sight because of course he does.
Eve rolls her eyes and says:
“You’re ridicul–” 
But before she can finish the thought, Astarion grabs her waist and pulls her down, forcing an ungodly gasp out of her and suddenly all she can think about is how overwhelming the feeling of his mouth is in that position. Astarion gives her a slight, encouraging shove, and Eve starts rocking against him, chasing the friction that feeds the tempest brewing within her.
Astarion seems to be completely lost in the feeling, clawing at her thighs and moaning against her cunt in a way that vibrates deliciously up her spine. Eve wants to hear more of those sweet sounds, so she looks back, witnessing the erection straining against his pants and she reaches out to stroke him through the fabric. He groans, the movements of his tongue growing sloppier by the second, as she’s trying to unlace his pants with one hand without losing her balance.
“Need a little– Ah– Help,” she gasps when the task quickly proves beyond her current capabilities.
Astarion lets go of her thighs, nimble fingers moving to unfasten the garment in no time. He pulls his pants and underwear down just enough to free his untouched cock and Eve’s mouth waters as she catches a glimpse of how hard and flushed it is.
She leans back, propping herself with one hand as the other reaches out to spread the bead of precum over the head. As much as she can muster from that position, she starts to stroke him, encouraged by the truly obscene sounds that start erupting from his throat. 
But then she feels her side cramp up, her arm giving in beneath her. Astarion’s hands dart to grasp at her waist to keep her from collapsing.
“Bad idea,” she admits as she regains her balance, clutching at the headboard.
Astarion hums a noncommittal ‘mhm’ against her center as he settles back into a rhythm. His tongue is relentless in forcing ragged gasps out of her, but Eve wants to give him more, so in a flash of lust-laced genius, she offers:
“Bite me.”
Astarion’s eyes widen, his pupils dilated to the point where she can barely see the scarlet encircling them. He turns his head to the side and Eve would mourn the loss of his touch, were it not immediately compensated by the deep guttural moan that escapes his mouth the moment his teeth sink into her thigh.
Somehow, in all this time together, they have never done this. The initial sting is much sharper than usual, but as Astarion starts to drink, blood leaving Eve’s body in greedy pulls, she feels the familiar throbbing sensation begin to radiate from the wound, her cunt pulsating with every sip he takes and oh gods–
She watches mesmerized as Astarion reaches down and starts to pump himself and the image alone is enough to push her towards the edge. Her fingers slip down to her center to gather some of her slick before gliding up, tracing circles around her clit, her movements matching the rhythmic groans that Astarion makes with every mouthful of her blood. 
Eve knows that he’s close, recognizes it in the timbre of his voice, the furrowed line between his brows, the tension in his muscles as his strokes pick up pace. She swallows hard, wishing for nothing more than to watch him unravel beneath him, to witness–
It sneaks up on her this time, the electrifying shudder that tears through her body. Her mouth falls agape, knuckles white as they grip desperately at the headboard as if it’s the only thing keeping her tethered to reality. Through the bliss, she barely registers the final guttural moan coming from somewhere below, the thick, hot rivulets painting her back.
Astarion’s mouth reluctantly leaves her thigh, his tongue cleaning up any remains of blood off her skin. Eve can feel his hands come up to her waist to steady her, but for now all she can do is just sit there, breathing heavily, head spinning with blood loss and afterglow.
After a couple moments she wills her muscles to move, her legs shaky as she shuffles down Astarion’s body before collapsing on top of him. His arms drape softly around her and they lie there in silence, utterly spent.
Eventually, Astarion slips out from underneath her, and Eve would reach out to stop him if she had any energy left. Instead, she burrows her face into the pillow and listens to the soft clicks of Astarion’s heels against the floor (how did he keep his shoes on all this time?) as he rustles through some drawers. 
When he returns, she feels his palm nestle in between her shoulder blades, his voice soft and steady when he utters the incantation:
“Te absolvo.” 
Healing magic begins to radiate across her body, lifting the heaviness from her muscles and dissipating the fog clouding her mind. And then there is another sensation as what she assumes to be a warm wet cloth runs gently along her back before slipping between her thighs, erasing the evidence of whatever the Hells it was they just experienced.
Suddenly, Eve feels a pang of disappointment and she voices it by mumbling incomprehensibly into the pillow.
“I don’t speak Ghukliak, love,” Astarion says.
Eve groans before turning her face to the side. She meets his amused gaze, spotting the Amulet of Silvanus that adorns his bare chest.
“I said: ‘are you done already?’ You don’t want more blood?”
Astarion laughs heartily as he grabs another cloth to clean his stomach and chest.
“Oh, and I’m the insatiable one? I always want more blood, dear, but you look like you could use a break, you know.”
“Excuse you, I feel excellent.” 
And as if to prove it, she props herself up and sits on the edge of the mattress. She takes a sip from the water cup he left for her on the bedside table before getting to her feet. 
Astarion watches her intensely as she approaches. Usually, he’s much more relaxed after he feeds, but Eve can see that there is still some tension in his features, his nostrils flaring ever so slightly as she steps into his space. 
She knows he’s holding himself back. 
And that just won’t do.
Her arms drape around his neck, and she leans in, lips brushing against his ear as she whispers:
“Take as much as you want, Star. It’s a rare treat, after all.”
Eve delights in the strained gasp that leaves his lips, in the caress of his hands that trail down to her waist before pulling her flush against him.
“How awfully selfless of you,” he drawls, leaning in to kiss her.
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a/n: aaaaaand with that, I have officially passed 100k words on ao3. what a glorious way to reach that milestone 😅 I would love to hear your thoughts on this one, especially since I rarely write smut so any feedback is super helpful ❤️
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digitalls · 2 years ago
Gurkanmobilya - Devasa+
Ofis koltukları her iş yerinin olmazsa olmazıdır. Çalışanlara rahatlık ve destek sağlayarak daha uzun süre üretken kalmalarını sağlar. Çok çeşitli ofis koltukları mevcut olduğundan, ihtiyaçlarınız için doğru olanı bulmak zor olabilir. İster kendiniz için ister çalışanlarınız için bir ofis koltuğu arıyor olun, ergonomi, dayanıklılık ve maliyet gibi faktörleri göz önünde bulundurmak önemlidir. Gursanmobilya ile, mevcut farklı ofis koltukları türlerini, özelliklerini ve sizin için doğru olanı bulabilirsiniz. Çalışanlar için rahat ve ergonomik bir oturma seçeneği sunarak sırt ağrısını azaltmaya ve verimliliği artırmaya yardımcı olur. Ayarlanabilir koltuklardan ofis bekleme koltuğu çeşitlerine kadar farklı ihtiyaçlara uygun pek çok farklı ofis koltuğu bulunmaktadır. Doğru koltuk türü ile çalışanlarınızın gün boyunca rahat ve verimli kalmasını sağlayabilirsiniz. Ekstra bel desteği sağlayan ergonomik sandalyelerden, fark yaratan makam koltuğu çeşitlerine kadar, Gursanmobilya’da birçok ofis koltuğu veya ofis sandalyesi bulunmaktadır. İster ev ofisiniz için rahat bir çalışma sandalyesi, ister işiniz büro koltuğu ihtiyacınız olsun, ihtiyaçlarınızı karşılayacak bir seçenek var.
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ohmybunnny · 1 year ago
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100% new mesh
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hataysekshikayelerisblog · 5 months ago
Tatlı Komşum! (4) (Furkan 31 Y., Manisa)
Günler Ebru, Hatice, ev ve iş arasında akıp gidiyordu. Mayıs sonunda Hatice, yaz için okullar kapanınca gideceğini söyleyince, "Olsun, gelirsin sık sık, ev burda nasılsa!" dedim...
Bir akşam Cevat'la yine bira içerken, Ebru, "Tatil işini ne yapacağız?" dedi kocasına. Cevat, "Ben bu sene tatile falan gidemem, sevkiyat hızlı!" dedi. Karım da bana dönüp, "Biz ne yapacağız?" dedi. Her yıl Haziran'ın ikinci yarısında Antalya taraflarında 1 hafta tatil yapar, sonra da karımla oğlumu memlekete bırakır işime dönerdim. Karım, Ebru'ya, "Siz de bizle gelin, madem Cevat abi gidemiyor, hem kalabalık tatil daha güzel olur!" dedi. Ebru sanki istemezmiş gibi, "Ya siz ailece tatil yapın..." diye geveledi. Cevat, "Gidin gidin, senin de çocukların da ihtiyacı var!" dedi. Otel bulma görevi bana kaldı. Ebru mesaj atıp, "Güzel bir yer bul, evdekilere düşük fiyat söyle, ben takviyelerim!" yazdı.
Ertesi gün araştırmaya başladım. Belek'te ultra lüks, herşey dahil, yanyana 2 tane havuz manzaralı 2 yatak odası ve oturma odasından oluşan villaların olduğu bir otelden yer ayırttım.
10 Haziran'da okullar kapandı. Hatice Perşembe günü mesaj atıp, "Yarın okullar kapanıyor, Cumartesi gününü bana ayırır mısın?" yazmış. Hem karıma, hem Ebru'ya Cumartesi mesaim olduğunu söyledim. İşe gider gibi çıkıp Hatice'ye gittim. Aşağıdan mesaj attım, "Senin oğlan var, sen alt kata gel!" diye. Hatice, "Yok, sen gel!" diye yazmış. Çıktım yukarıya. Meğer Cuma akşamı kocası gelip bir miktar eşya ve oğlanı alıp gitmiş. Hatice, "Ben de buraları toparlayıp, kalan kıyafetleri falan ayarlayıp kendi arabamla arkadan getireceğim dedim oğluma!" dedi.
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"Ben koca yaz tatili bu yaraksız geçiremem, kaçar kaçar gelirim Furkan'ıma, ohhh, sik, sik!" diye inliyordu. "Gel güzelim, ne zaman amcığın yarağımı istersen koş gel!" diye gaza getiriyordum. Orgazm kasılmaları dinerken yarağımı amından çekip göt deliğine dayadım. Onu hiç götten sikmemiştim. Kafasını çevirip, "Dur, kocamın durumundan dolayı anal sikişmekten nefret ediyorum, hiç yapmadım! Ama bunu istediğini biliyorum, o yüzden şimdi götümü sikmeni istiyorum!" deyip dudaklarımdan öpüp, kalçasını daha geri çıkardı.
Zaten amcık sularıyla parlayan yarağımı göt deliğine dayadım. 5 dakika sırf kafası girdi ve durakladım ve yavaş yavaş ittirmeye başladım. Dudaklarını ısırıyor, gözleri kapalı, doğum yapar gibi nefes alıp veriyordu. Sonunda tamamı içine girdiğinde, "Sen hareket et!" dedim. Yavaş yavaş kalçasını oynatmaya başladı. Sonra biraz daha hızlı, biraz daha hızlı derken, birkaç dakika sonra boşalmak üzereydim. Uzanıp amcığını avuçladım, sırılsıklamdı ve yine kasılmaya başlamıştı. Götünden sikerken amcığından orgazm olmak ürereydi. Dayanamayıp döllerimi götünün içine boşaltırken, o da titrerye titreye orgazm oldu amındaki parmaklarıma...
Nefes nefese dinlendik koltukta oturarak. "Baştan çok canım yandı, ama sonrası çok zevkliydi, orgazm oldum farkettin mi?" dedi dudağımdan öperek. "Evet, bakire götünü bana vermen harikaydı!" dedim. Hatice, "Şimdi mola, giyinip çıkıyoruz!" dedi. "Nereye?" dedim. "Görürsün!" dedi. Daireden çıkarken, "Sen beni marketin sokağında bekle, ben arabayı otoparktan alıp geliyorum!" dedi. Marketin biraz ilerisinde beklerken, Hatice önümde kıpkırmızı bir araba ile durdu. Bindim ve İzmir'e gittik.
Önce Bornova Forum'a uğradık, Hatice bir sürü alışveriş yaptı, oğluna, kocasına, kendine. Her mağazadan birşeyler beğenip aldı, ama çok seri bir alışveriş oldu. Bir saat sonra arabanın arka koltuk dolu çıktık. Özdere'ye bir restorana gittik. Dün akşam internetten bakıp tüm rotayı çizmiş zaten, güzel bir yemek yedik. Ben rakı, o bir tane bira içti. Saat 16:00'da tekrar Manisa'ya döndük. Yine beni marketin orda bıraktı.
Ben binaya girdiğimde karşı dairenin kapısı açıldı. Ayşe çıktı kapıdan. Eyvah, ne diyecektim, ne yapacaktım. "Aaa Furkan bey!" dedi. "Merhaba!" dedim. "Siz bugün buluşacak mıydınız, Ebru çalışıyor demişti. Ben de o yüzden izin aldım, dükkana döneyim bari, görüşürüz!" dedi acaleyle çıktı.
Bir dakika kadar kapıyı açar gibi yaptım. O sırada Hatice gelip yukarı çıktı, kapısı kapanmadan ben de içeri girdim. Durumu anlattım. Hatice, "Dur. Kadın benim ölçülerimde, ya da çok yakın, (çantalarının birinden bir iç çamaşırı takımı çıkardı) aşağı in yatağın üstüne bunu bırak. Eğer kadın gelirse yatakta bulur, arar seni, sana sürpriz yapacaktım dersin o yüzden önceden gidip eve bıraktım diye kıvırırsın!" dedi.
Ulan bu kadınların kafası aldatmak mevzu olduğunda zehir gibi çalışıyordu. Aşağı inip kutuyu yarı görünür yarı görünmez halde bıraktım. Tekrar yukarı çıktım. Hatice'ye pencerenin önüne geçmesini söyledim. Pencereden kafasını çıkarıp perdeyi beline çekti. Arkasına geçip yere oturdum eteğini sıyırıp amını yalamaya başladım. Dışarı belli etmemek için neler yapıyordu bilmiyorum, ama 10 dakika sonra eliyle beni ittirdi. Hem orgazm olmuştu, hem de içeri girip, "Geliyor seninki tozu dumana katarak!" dedi. Perdenin arkasından baktım, gerçekten çok hızlı ve hınçla geliyordu Ebru...
Telefonu sessize alıp, arka odaya geçtim. Merdiven boşluğu ve kömürlükler nedeniyle üst katlar birer oda büyüktü. İki dakika sonra aradı, "Aşkım nerdesin?" dedi. "Arkadaşlarla bira içmeye geldik." dedim. "Hımm, tamam, Ayşe seni eve girerken görmüş te, burdasındır diye geldim..." dedi. Ben de, "Yani sürprizi mahvetti değil mi, ne boş ağızlı kadın!" dedim. "Gördüm hayatım, da ne gerek vardı aşkım?" diye yavşadı. "Arkadaşlar huylandı, kapatıyorum ben, görüşürüz!" dedim. "Tamam aşkım, iyi eğlenceler!" dedi kapadı.
Tekrar ön odaya geldiğimde, Hatice, "Gel buraya!" deyip yarağımı avucuna aldı, "Pencerenin önünde kudurttun beni, tüm mahalle nasıl orgazm olduğumu biliyor artık!" diye gülüyordu. Uzun uzun yarağımı yaladıktan sonra, "Götten sik yine!" dedi kulağıma. Yere diz çöküp, kollarını ve yüzünü koltuğa koydu. Sabahkinden çok daha kolay girdim götüne, göt deliği artık yarağımın beden ölçüsünü almıştı, ama halen daracık ve çok sıcaktı. Parmağımı ağzına soktum, yarak yalar gibi yalıyor, ben götüne pompaladıkça parmağıma dil darbeleri atıyor, somuruyordu. Bu kez kendisi sağ elini amına atıp, art arda orgazm oldu. Veda zamanıydı, yarağımı götünden çıkardım, yüzünü çevirip, göğüslerine, yüzüne, uzattığı diline boca ettim döllerimi. "Ben sık sık kaçarım, zaten bizimkilerin yazın tarla tapan işleri çok olur. Ben sana buranın anahtarını da vereyim, ona göre haberleşiriz!" dedi. Sımsıkı sarılıp ayrıldık. Eve giderken bir bira alıp, bir kenara çekip içtim. Karıma ve Ebru'ya (Arkadaşlarla bira içiyoruz) demiştim, alt yapı sağlam olmalıydı.
Bir hafta sonra, 16 Haziran'da tatile yola çıktık. Ebru ile o hafta içi yalnızca bir kez görüşebilmiştik. Otele vardığımızda hepimiz pert olmuştuk, ama çocuklar hemen denize gitmek istiyordu. Karım uykuyu sever, bana, "Sen oğlanı havuza götür!" dedi. Çocukları almak için Ebru'ların villasının kapıyı çaldım. Çocuklar kendi odalarında üstlerini değiştirirken, Ebru beni kendi odasına çekti ve "Bu odada bu hafta her fırsatta her deliğimi dolduracaksın, tamam mı?" dedi gülerek. Zaten altında bir şey yoktu, parmağı taktım amcığına ve "Tamam yavrum, havuza gelecek misin?" dedim. "Sen bak, çocuklar kendi başına takılabilirse çık gel!" dedi.
Çocukları havuza götürdüm. Animatörler çocuk külübüne kaptılar hemen, ben de ters yönden Ebru'nun odaya gittim. Ebru yatağın üzerine 5-6 tane bikini sermiş, hangisini giyeceğine karar vermeye çalışıyordu. Tersten taraftan geldiğim için, ardına kadar açık ama perdesi kapalı sürgülü kapıdan daldım içeri. Ebru küçük bir çığlık attı. Sarıldım hemen. Dönüp dudaklarıma yapıştı ve "Nerde kaldın, bak ıslak ıslak seni bekliyorum, tüm yol boyu bu anı düşledim, aşkım sok hemen sok ki sularım yarağına süzülsün!" diye öperken yatağa doğru ittim. Bikinilerin üzerine düştü. Bacaklarını omzuma alıp hemen soktum yarağımı amına.
"Oh aşkım, yol boyu ikimiz olsak şurda ağzıma verse, şu ağacın altına çekse kucağında hoplatsa diye düşler kurdum, sik aşkım, çok özledi amcığım seni!" diyor, sırılsıklam olmuş amcığına gömerken, buz gibi klima sırtıma vuruyor, bir yandan ürpertiyor bir yandan da daha da tahrik ediyordu... Epey bir sikiştikten sonra inlemeler ohlamalar arasında boşaldık ikimiz de. Daha nefeslerimiz düzelmeden dış kapı çalındı.
Karım, Ebru'ya sesleniyordu. Ebru bir bornoz giyip kapıya gitti, ben odada kapının arkasına geçtim. Ebru, "Furkan çocukları götürdü, ben de duş alıp gelecektim, sen git gelirim!" dedi kapı aralığından. Şortumu giyip arkadan çıktım, havuzun oraya gidip direkt havuza atladım. Karım geldiğinde havluyu koyduğumuz şezlonga doğru yüzüyor havasındaydım. İlk günden ilk yakalanma tehlikesini atlatmıştık.
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xinfinityl0ve17 · 5 months ago
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Translated by my cousin (corrections are always welcome)
A comprehensive biography of this band, which is second only to X-Japan in importance within J-Rock or Visual Kei, would be too extensive. Here, we will focus on the period starting with Gackt's entry into the band.
Malice Mizer was founded in August 1992 by Mana and Közi (Kouji). After several line-up changes, the band consisted of: Gackt (vocals, piano), Mana (guitar, keyboards), Közi (guitar, violin), Kami (drums), and Yu-ki (bass) starting in August 1995.
Shortly thereafter, the group released their second album, "Voyage (sans retour)," marking a first step toward superstardom. The musicians' popularity steadily increased, attracting the attention of major record labels. Thus in 1997, MM signed with Columbia in Japan. Their first single, "Bel Air kuhaku no toki no naka de," was released followed by TV appearances and radio shows as well as the famous concert at Nihon Budokan.
In 1998, "Merveilles" was released. Malice Mizer was at the peak of their career, embodying everything associated with superstardom. Fan displays overshadowed anything conceivable, and Gackt could undoubtedly be referred to as the most popular Japanese show star at the time. The concerts were elaborate events, with costumes and staging that surpassed everything seen before. However, the fractures within the band were unmistakable. While Gackt seemed to thrive in the J-Pop Olympus the remaining members were striving for artistic quality. Disputes ensued, resulting in Gackt leaving the band in January 1999. As if that weren’t enough, drummer Kami passed away later that year due to an arterial brain hemorrhage. Following Kami's death, on September 21 1999 the band decided to take a hiatus.
Their fourth album, "bara no seidō," was released in August 2000 under an indie label, Midi:NetteM+M which was the newly established label owned by the band. The album "bara no seidō" is an epic work, heavily influenced by German classical music. Choral passages and long instrumental sections elevate this work to classic status. The trio of Mana, Közi, and Yu-ki experimented on this album without a fixed singer or drummer. This is undoubtedly the most impressive and monumental work by MM, although its reception from the audience could have been better. Perhaps under this impression, the band decided to recruit a new singer, Klaha, in August 2000. The sound shifted towards an epic and darker rock sound. With Klaha, MM returned to catchy melodies, though they were far removed from the J-Pop of the Gackt years. In my opinion, this is the best, albeit temporarily concluding, chapter of the group.
A few singles were released afterward. The last tour took place in July 2001, after which the band disbanded. Klaha began his solo career, Közi is currently active as a solo artist and as a member of Eve Of Destiny, while Mana has become a well-known figure in Japan with his own fashion line and Gothic Lolita shops. He continues to be active as a musician in his band MDM. Yu-ki is no longer prominently involved in music.
It’s also essential to look into the successor bands of Malice Mizer. I can't find anything appealing in Gackt and Klaha's solo works. I really enjoy Eve Of Destiny, as well as everything Mana releases to the public. EOD is an industrial goth band; Mana is much heavier but also more classical in orientation. Közi's solo work sounds very relaxed and somewhat French, although he writes in English.
I have met Közi several times and found him to be a somewhat shy and introverted man. However, he is a very nice guy. But that’s just a side note. What fascinates me is the band's fluctuating musical trajectory. By the time Gackt joined, the typical "growing pains" of any group had settled, and a first creative peak was reached with Gackt. The time with Gackt was the commercially most successful period, and the concerts were a dream visual event. The costumes changed multiple times during the show, and the staging would be compared to German theatrical productions.
Part 2
Groups like Rammstein would turn green with envy. Musically i find Gackt quite uninteresting. He knew how to present himself well in the spotlight but that’s about it. Gackt after Malice Mizer is nothing more than slimy, sweet-and-sour J-Pop. A nod to Herr Rohlen. Artistically an MM album like "bara no seido" is much more impressive. Some elements remind me that both Mana and Közi are great admirers of the German composer Bach. This influence is unmistakable. These influences, combined with Közi's and Mana's magnificent guitar playing, elevate "bara no seido" to a masterpiece for this group. The musicality of Malice Mizer is one of the outstanding characteristics of the Japanese band. The range of instruments spans from the standard instruments of a rock band to very European instruments such as clavichord, spinet, violin, or accordion. One might think that nothing catchy could emerge from this, but that is precisely one of the band's strengths.
Each song is assigned a style and a color. Mana represents the color blue, in which his clothing is designed. Mana is an imposing figure who can only be described as beautiful. When I first saw a video by MM, I thought the guitarist looked quite good. Not to mention, the guitarist is a male. In Japanese tradition, it is not so unusual for a man to appear feminine. Mana gives few interviews and hardly speaks in public, yet he is the creative mind behind Malice Mizer. He has perfected the Gothic Lolita style and can be understood as the counterpart to Gackt. Gackt does not wear white makeup and is considered by a large part of the female MM fans to be the quintessential fairy tale prince.
Közi represents the color red. He appears quite androgynous as an MM member. At the same time, he is aloof, reserved, and doll like fragile. Kami represents the color purple and Yu-ki represents yellow and/or orange. Noteworthy about him is his occasionally drawn-on occasionally real beard. Klaha’s color is either black or white. He later takes on Gackt's role but is much more masculine and less boyish than Gackt.
The look of this group. Malice Mizer seems to change costumes like others change underwear. It’s incredible how tastefully and stylishly Malice Mizer dressed and presented themselves. The staging on stage and in the videos is trendsetting and has not been achieved by any group known to me before or since. The transition from a metal band to a VK group and ultimately to a heavily Gothic-influenced act is marked by significant breaks. Yet, one can always recognize Malice Mizer's typical sound. For anyone who is now curious, I strongly recommend checking out the live DVDs or the group’s videos. Personally, I really enjoy the videos and music from the time with Klaha. The videos with Gackt are more colorful, vibrant and playful. I can recommend all DVDs from Malice Mizer.
The End
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kisa-hikayeler · 7 months ago
Yaşlı ev sahibim
30 yaşında 5 yillik evli bi adamim , geçen yıl başka bir eve taşındık, 1 yildir yeni evimizde oturuyoruz ev sahibimiz 70 yasinda yalniz yaşayan bir kadin , gayet hanım efendi hoş sohbet bir ev sahibi , o yaşta arada bel alti sakalari bile yapiyor tatli tatli , eşim yokken dozunu arttiriyorda , arada aklima acaba hala cani istiyormu diye gelmiyor desem yalan olurdu, eşim bu yıl 1 aylığına memlekete ailesinin yanina gitti , ben yalniz kaldim evde , ev sahibi sagolsun sen yalniz kaldin diyip yemek falan yapip getiriyordu 3-5 gun böyle gel git derken tabi ben arada zahmet etmeyin falan da diyorum , neyse bir gun oturduk sohbet ediyoruz , bu sefer ben biraz şakaya kacayim dedim evet yalnizim ama benim tek ihtiyacim yemek değil ki dedim digerleri ne olacak , yani şunu dese şaşmazdim napim ben mi girim koynuna diye ama o dedi ki ah ah o konudan bende muzderibim sen yine gencsin bi kacamak yapim desen yaparsin , beni kim ne yapsin dedi , aa öyle demeyin siz istedikten sonra size talip çok olur dedim , sen yalniz ben yalniz niye duruyoruz böyle ozaman dedi , yanasip opup ellemeye basladim , hadi yatak odasina gidelim , karini becerdigin gibi becer beni , onu inlettigin gibi inlet , sesinizi her gece duymaktan bir hoş oluyordum simdi o sesleri biz cikartalim dedi , yaş 70 ti ama yillardir bi erkegin koynuna girmeyisi onu çok azgin yapmisti , o kalan 20 günun 10 gununden fazlasi seviserek gecti , karin gelincede unutma beni , benim esyali boş diger evim var oraya gideriz arada olur mu dedi , sen iste yeterki dedim , arada sevismelere devam ....
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mumatsi · 1 year ago
TADC Christianity metaphor theory!!
So, I'm pretty sure everyone already knows the Caine & Abel theory along with the Last supper reference at the end of the pilot, but there are some other stuff nobody mentions.
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Firstly, Pomni might be a reference/metaphor for Jesus not only because of "The Last Supper" reference in the pilot but because some official bloopers constantly show crosses and a model of pomni literally getting crucified
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Jesus was born into a world where he tried to convince others into disobeying the ones in authority but nobody took him seriously at first. Perhaps Pomni is there to convince the circus members to disobey Caine and keep looking for an exit? Or maybe go into the void and find out what is REALLY out there?
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Not to mention Bubble sounds like a wordplay for Abel. Yknow, like Bu-bel?? This one might be a reach but im not quite sure.
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This theory, ive never seen anyone make
Kinger is supposedly the one that was there the longest. And he had a wife who's name is canonically Queenie. Queenie is already abstracted so this could be a reference to Adam and Eve. Where Eve eats the apple, or in this case, Queenie abstracts. My theory is that they were both the first two people to come to the digital circus. And if Kinger has been there for that long, seeing everyone he met die it could explain why he is so insane too.
Thanks for listening to my ramblings, remember these arent canon this was just for fun!
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the-apple-of-her-eye-au · 8 months ago
Li, Eve, and Adam have their band, The First People.
They didn't know Lucille was actually in a band of her own, The Deadly Sins.
Ya got the pans: Lucille, Ozzie, and Bee.
The aces: Bel and Mammon
The het: Satan
The bi: Leviathan
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thewitcheslibrary · 11 months ago
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The date of the holiday: 1st may
History: Beltane is derived from the Celtic term Baal or Bel, which meaning "Bright One." As farmers prepared to shift their livestock from winter pastures to summer grazing in the hills, they sought protection and abundance from the gods by starting fires and herding cattle through the flames to the summer grazing fields. This was thought to protect the herd from attack while also increasing fertility.
In more practical terms, these bonfires were most likely used to burn brush heaps and clear space for planting and pastureland. In the home, hearth fires were extinguished and replaced with flames from Beltane bonfires. People often walked the perimeters of their properties or towns to evoke additional protection for the next year. Yellow flowers were used to decorate doorways, windows, and even cattle during Beltane.
Like all of the Wheel of Year sabbat celebrations, Beltane was a time for merry making and feasting.  People would write a wish upon a ribbon and tie it a to a tree, in the hopes that the gods would grant them.  Hawthorn, ash, thorn and sycamore trees were believed to be the best trees for making wishes.   
Dew gathered on Beltane was thought to have special properties for increased beauty and youthfulness. 
Beltane and sexuality- SLIGHT NSFW WARNING!
Part of Celtic Beltane beliefs revolved around the holy union of the God and Goddess, which people celebrated by having sex on Beltane. Usually outside, to further connect with nature. Children conceived at Beltane (and hence born at Imbolc) were regarded to belong to the Goddess, and were commonly referred to as'merry-be-gots', with a particular tie to the faerie world. Beltane, like Samhain, was a period when the curtain between the worlds became thinner, allowing ghosts to pass through. Unlike Samhain, the visiting ghosts were not looking for a feast or a quick chat with relatives. The spirits of Beltane were considered to be seeking reincarnation or sexual intercourse.
The topic of sexuality runs throughout Beltane. The Maypole, which maidens usually adorn and celebrate, is a phallic emblem signifying masculine strength, whereas the cauldron represents female power. Women who desired to produce a child would start a small fire, place the cauldron on it, and then leap over it.
To go Maying, or picking flowers and other flora in adjacent woodlands, was associated with casual sex in the woods. There was no stigma connected with out-of-wedlock marriage, and hand-fasting was prevalent, in which two individuals bonded together for a year and a day. Beltane activities such as the Maypole were forbidden by the Puritans in parts of Great Britain in the 17th century, owing in part to their overt sexuality.
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Symbols of beltane-
Colors:  White, dark green, red 
Foods:  Dairy foods, honey, oats, mead, lamb  
Stones:  Sapphire, blood stone, emerald, orange carnelian, rose quartz  
Symbols:  Goat, honeybee, cown, fairies, pegasus, rabbits, flower crown, maypole, basket  
Flowers & Plants: Primrose, lilac, hawthorn, birch, Rosemary, Ivy, woodruff, rowan, violet, alfalfa, cedar, peppermint lavendar 
Deities: Aphrodite, Artemis, Freya, Rhiannon, Apollo, Bel/Belnos, The Great Horned God, BÓand/Boann 
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Setting intentions during this time-
Beltane has traditionally been a fertility celebration. However, if you don't have infants in mind, that's OK! Beltane is an excellent opportunity to reflect on creativity and success. Beltane is the moment to follow through on your objectives from Imbolc and Ostara. Perhaps you've been thinking about launching a company; Beltane is the time to set an appointment with the bank and inquire about finance. Perhaps you've been writing a book and now it's time to contact publishers or locate an agent. Beltane, with its promise of harvest and fruitfulness, is a time to take inspired action and be confident.
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Ways to celebrate-
Chose one of the deities listed above and honour them in some way, yes even if you dont work with them. You can still celebrate them and wear or do things associated with them, just do so respectfully! Eat some of the foods associated with beltane! Even if you just eat a bowl of oats with honey for breakfast, its a good and simple way to celebrate. And its perfect if you can't openly celebrate, it just looks like your enjoying some food. You could also drink peppermint tea!
Wear some of the colours and carry the stones and gems around with you during this day. You can incorporate both colour magic and crystal magic by doing this and is also just easy to hide and do subtly! - everyone wears clothes (hopefully) and you can just say you are collecting rocks and crystals because you find them cool! - Flower crowns can be incorporated into outfits too.
Buy flowers or make a bouquet with the flowers associated with the holiday! They will make your space or altar look colourful, and flowers are pretty. This isnt as easy to hide, but if people do ask you can tell them you just liked them and treated yourself!
Set aside time for some self care - treat yourself to a special meal, music, aromas - whatever make you feel special!- with this you could use the plants, herbs, crystals, candles in the colours associated with them and some drawn symbols and put together a ritual bath! - bit of a clean up after but again its somewhat easy to hide
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some less subtle way to celebrate.
Hold a bonfire for family and friends 
Take action on a project you’ve been working on 
Decorate a tree with colorful ribbons that represent your wishes for the coming year 
Make flower crowns 
Walk your property and give thanks and ask for protection in the coming year 
Decorate your home yellow flower wreaths, bouquets or garlands
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