#male lilith
Li, Eve, and Adam have their band, The First People.
They didn't know Lucille was actually in a band of her own, The Deadly Sins.
Ya got the pans: Lucille, Ozzie, and Bee.
The aces: Bel and Mammon
The het: Satan
The bi: Leviathan
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turquoisesea01 · 2 years
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We have My version of Alive/Demon Lilith
Now here’s a Male Lilith ✨
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unnoticed-poison · 1 month
Tried to do Ada and Leigh, but I can't draw men for shit 😅
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bucketofchum · 7 months
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this is how I feel every time I see the lil man
I saw this post by soup-erb and I couldn't help but redraw it for Lucifer: https://x.com/its_soup/status/1521175632406843392?s=20
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ambrosiagoldfish · 7 months
I loved your Adam x 3rd spouse piece! I think you really captured his personality! I also just really like you're writing style! You did an qmzyjob and I think you'll continue make amazing pieces like this? Have a wonderful day or night and continue to rest if you can! 🥰🥰🥰
Benefit of the doubt Pt.3
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Adam x 3rd Spouse! Reader
Viewer discretion is advised
Warnings: Hurt/Comfort, Angsty, General Adam TW’s, Reader HIGHKEY has a complex about being loved, Reader finally talks about their issues, Lucifer and Lilith scout for new kissing partner but fails miserably/hj, Lilith will probably be OOC in the future (once Season 2 comes), Adam has abandonment issues, Adam is a puppy in private but a bitch in public, And the couch returns once again (why do all the sad things happen on this couch), This is set way before the show, and Gn! Reader! (Annnnnd We popped the Y/n cherry! It’s used only once tho)
Part 1 Part 2 Part 4
Request box: Open
Word count: 3664
A/N: Hi!!! Thanks so much! I’m using your request as the ask for part 3 so I hope that’s ok! You all were so nice with all the love for part 1 and 2 😭😭🫶🫶 this part is also pretty long but I just couldn’t stop writing it. I wanted to do 1 more part set in the past before we jump to the angst that is the show. So I guess you could call this the penultimate part! A lot of people wanted to see Lucifer hit on Reader and try to do what he did with Lilith and Eve but with Reader. And I had quite a hard time coming up with a reason that could occur in the past but I think I figured it out.
Since Luci and Lilith would still be together at this time I’ve decided to add Lilith in as well for POLY GOALS. Also they may seem malicious but I genuinely don’t think they are (they just find Reader hot LBH) 😭😭 Also I added a few more people to the tag list!
Tags: @tired-of-life-86 @nervoussystemss @qopia @lovelyemily
It’s been a while since Adam first moved into your newly shared home. You weren’t sure exactly how long, it was hard to keep track of time in heaven. Days seemed to blur together. It made sense to you at least, it is heaven after.
After Adam moved in, your life was filled with so many new things to experience with him, and the same was true for him. While he may seem a bit brutish, (and at times he can be) he loved the new things you showed him, the new feelings you showed him.
You were so kind, so thoughtful and so, so patient with him. You never forced him to do something he didn’t want to do but you would still push him to explore new things, even managing to convince him to be a part of heaven's official duties. That’s why, at times like these, you knew exactly what to do.
The sound of Adam slamming the front door as he entered the house made you jump. Even from a few feet away, you could hear him mumbling curses about something as he plopped himself down on the couch. You followed quickly behind, gently laying next to him
“Hey, what’s wrong?” You try to keep your voice light and soothing. Looking at him it was obvious that something was bothering him. The gold feathers of his wings were unkempt from them flaring up, his halo was slightly crooked and his LED mask showed an almost snarled expression.
Your hand slowly caressed his wings, moving the out of place feathers back to normal. But no matter how hard you tried they would stick back out.
“It’s nothing, just some lame shitty meeting I have to go to tomorrow” he crosses his arms and looks away from you.
“Hmm? Something tells me there’s more to it than that, right?” You snuggle into his belly, rubbing it softly .
His mask pouts “Dammit’ bitch, how do you always see through me, huh?” He sighs defeatedly before continuing “You know how more people are starting to kick the bucket or whatever? Well, heaven’s worried about the surplus of sinners so they're having the aforementioned shitty meeting to come to a solution and…”
He pauses
“And?” You look at him anticipatingly
“And… He’ll be there.” Oh… So that's why he’s upset. “They’re having the meeting in their brand new “heaven embassy” down in hell.” His voice mocks
“Oh, I’m so sorry Adam, Have you tried asking Sera if you can sit this one out?”
Adam groans, putting his face in his hands “Yeah like forty fucking times but she keeps saying that it’s my “heavenly duty” and she won’t let me.”
You bring your arms around Adam’s neck pulling him in towards you. You weren’t sure what to do if you were being honest. There’s nothing you can do really, if even Sera won’t let him miss it. Hmm…
“Adam, I know it’s gonna suck but if you can’t get out of it, then that’s that.” Adam looks at you a little confused “but I can go with you, I’m sure Sera wouldn’t mind an extra pair of hands in the discussion.”
“What! Hell no!” He shouted as he sat up from the couch, shaking his head defiantly.
You look at him confused, “Why?”
“That’ll only make the whole thing fucking worse! If it’s just me, I don’t have to worry that he’ll get anywhere near you!” Adam’s mask turns into a slight grimace as he attempts to keep his eyes off you.
You make your way to him, the sound of your footsteps falling off as you stop in front of him. You grab his hand as the other one moves up to his face, cupping it.
“Adam…” you rubbed circles on his hand as you continued “We’re partners. You haven’t forgotten my promise right?” You play with the golden ring on his finger.
Adam groans “No, I haven’t… sigh Shit- Fine! But… just stay by me, alright?” Your face lights up before your arms wrap around his shoulders joining you both in an embrace
“Of course,” you rub his wings gently before you grasp his hands in yours, leading him by them. “Come on, you must be tired right? It’s getting late. Couch or bed?”
“Couch. I’m way not in the mood to make a bed right now.” You laugh at his comment as you pull him to lay on the couch with you. His soft, warm body pushes up against you as you both slowly drift off to sleep for the day ahead.
A not-too familiar sight laid before you, the pearly gates of heaven, guarded by the one and only Saint Peter. There was no real reason for you to ever come here. You never had the chance to die, which is when most, if not all Winners see it for the first time. No one’s allowed to leave heaven unless given permission by a higher up and on top of all that, you weren’t really that enticed to leave the oh-so perfect afterlife, so there had never been a reason to see these golden gates.
But now, here you were standing behind them with some other angels. You didn’t know most of them, the only ones you recognized were Sera and Adam. As expected, it was pretty easy to convince Sera to let Adam take you along. They even prepared an extra wide seat for both of you to share. How generous!
Ever since you woke up this morning, Adam had been… Nervous? Scared? The right word doesn’t really matter but he’s been sweating buckets and was clearly more agitated than normal. His feathers were once again unkempt and you tried your best to keep them in order but he always seemed to get them messy.
Eventually, right on schedule, a flaming portal opened in front of the group. Sera was the first to enter, then followed by the others. Finally it was just you and Adam but as you take a step towards the portal, Adam stops you
“What is it?” You look up at him.
“Just… stay by me, ok?” Adam’s voiced was softer than normal, a way he only did when you two were alone
Nodding your head with a smile, your hand comes down and interlocks his. One of his bright golden wings veils itself around you, bringing you closer to him. You snuggle into him slightly before you both step into the portal.
You didn’t know what to expect when you stepped through the portal but a sight that was almost like home awaited you. The familiar gold that heaven was so fond of was everywhere in the building, accents of white and orange were also present. All and all, it was a familiar sight in a not-so familiar place.
But there was definitely something that wasn’t familiar in that place. Sitting in a chair at the end of the room was him, Lucifer Morningstar. The aura he had definitely made him seem angelic but there was clearly something about him that separated himself from divinity. Though you do have to admit that he was much shorter than you anticipated.
There was something that surprised you however, to his left sat a tall woman with long blond hair and horns. It took you a second to put 2&2 together but when you heard Adam mutter “Shit…” you knew immediately it was Lilith. And from Adam’s reaction even he wasn’t expecting her to be there.
You squeeze his hand gently as comfort, giving him a smile before you both walk to your seat. Your body is pushed closer to him as his wing wraps tighter around you. Looks like there’s no calming him down.
Finally the meeting starts, Sera begins by explaining the issue of the fast growing population in hell, leading to groups trying to form uprisings against heaven. To be honest you didn’t really understand it too well, just a lot of business-y sounding words that weren't really your forte. So you just stayed quiet.
From what you could tell, the meeting was going… well? They haven’t been able to agree on a proper decision even with Sera leading the conversation. Adam though, was being eerily quiet. You don't even think he’s said a word since you both got there. Sera seemed to notice this.
“Adam, want to share any ideas?” Sera spoke in an encouraging tone slightly gesturing to him. This seemed to catch Lucifer and Lilith’s attention. Maybe they didn’t recognize Adam because of the mask?
Adam was caught off guard but still talked “Oh uh… Man, I don’t know, can’t we just fucking kill them?” Both you and Sera looked over in surprise, “What? That would solve the problem wouldn't it? “ He shrugged
Sera sighed “Ok, how about we take a short recess to clear our minds to let in new ideas. We’ll resume the meeting in 30 minutes”
With that, everyone went their separate ways for the time being, you and Adam were the first to leave the board room, he practically was pulling you along and you could tell he wanted out of there. You both ended up in the lobby, neither of you saying a word.
The silence was so very loud. The only sound was yours and Adam’s breathing. Adam’s hand was still firmly tied to yours, not even the slightest hint of letting go. You rubbed your thumb in circles over his hand when a voice echoed through the air
“Adam, may I have a word?” Sera’s voice echoed lightly through the lobby. She gestured to a door next to her. You both made your way over to her and was about to go in when Sera put her hand in front of Adam stopping him
“What the hell Sera?!”
“Alone, please.”
Adam’s LED eyes widened his mouth slightly agape. He looked down with a scowl before turning his face to you. Your free hand going up to his mask, caressing it.
“Go talk with Sera,”
“Shh, I’ll be fine,” You give him a kiss on the cheek, the cold of the metallic mask reaching your lips, “I’ll just be in the lobby, I won’t go anywhere till you get back. Ok?” Adam didn’t look at you, clearly avoiding eye contact, you grab his chin lightly and gently turn him to look at you,
Adam’s mouth formed a frown and he groaned “Fuck- fine, ok…” You gave him a smile as Sera walked into the room, you felt his grip loosen and loosen, until finally his soft hand left yours as he walked into the room. He gave one final look back before closing the room's door.
Silence filled the air once again. It wasn’t like it was with Adam, that comfortable silence that you shared ever so often. This one laid in the air, thick and heavy, threatening to suffocate you at any given moment. You sat on one of the many yellow and white sofas in the lobby.
You tried your best to ignore it. Paying attention to less important details about the scenery around you. The weird zigzagging pattern of the carpet of the floor, the intricate designs on the doors, the huge windows. Heaven sure had a unique taste in interior design.
You tried so hard to ignore the silence that you eventually ignored the sound that broke said silence. Footsteps began echoing through the lobby approaching you. You didn’t realize someone was next to you until you heard a voice say.
“Ahem Hello!” A male voice startled you as it chimed in with a sickening sweet tone. You look towards the direction of the voice only to be greeted by the king of hell himself, Lucifer. You jumped back to the other side of the sofa in shock.
“Oh sorry, I didn’t mean to scare ya.” He chuckled softly, rubbing the back of his neck. “I’m Lucifer, But judging on your reaction, I guess you already knew that. I’ve never seen you before so you must be relatively new, right?”
You nodded your head sheepishly to answer his question. You honestly didn’t know what else to do, what could you do? You slowly picked yourself up from the sofa.
“I’m sorry but I have to go-“ you turn to leave only to bump into a tall woman. You must have been so surprised by Lucifer that you completely missed Lilith coming up behind you.
“But we haven’t even learned your name yet, Dear.” The woman’s voice sounded both somber but also welcoming, it was quite frightening how much it could calm your nerves if you kept listening to it. “How about we talk? No harm in it, right?”
“That’s a wonderful idea, Darling!” Lucifer came up from behind you, a sharp smile on his face. “Come on, sit and chat!”
Crap… they had you cornered. You had no telling what they’d do if you set them off, you wanted the meeting to go as smoothly as possible, for Adam. A few minutes to indulge them. that’s it.
You bit your lip but sighed “Ok… but just a few minutes”
“Great!” Lilith took your shoulders moving you to sit down beside her as Lucifer sat on the other side, sandwiching you between them. “So, I’ll ask again, what’s your name?”
You hesitated for a moment but decided it was better to get the conversation over with as quickly as possible.
“That’s a very beautiful name,” Lucifer spoke, his tone trying to make him sound almost charming, almost. “So, if you don’t mind us asking, who are you to… Adam?” He gestured over to the door Sera and Adam went through earlier.
“I’m his spouse.” This time you answered with complete confidence, not even a shred of hesitation in your voice.
“Ah!” Lucifer nodded his head in understanding. “How’s that going?”
“What do you mean?”
“Well, I for one know how much of a hassle that man-child is,” Lilith laughs, covering her mouth slightly “I asked around, is it true he hasn’t taken that ridiculous mask off since he got it, hmm? Has he even shown you his real face yet?”
“No but-“
“He can be so… tiresome at times, don’t you agree?”
“No. I don’t. Adam is the best thing to ever happen to me-“
“Exactly.” Lucifer interrupted you as your eyes furrowed “You don’t have anything else to compare it to. Of course you’d see trash like the “first man” as the best thing ever.”
Trash. That word really set you off, at least it would have, if it wasn’t for the next sentence .
“But hey! It’s fine! Eve was the same way! You too are honestly very alike, let me tell you-“
Thousands upon thousands of thin threads binding you up. That’s what this conversation felt like. Each annoyance was just a new thread getting tighter and tighter as they were pulled taut, threatening to simply slice through your body, your soul. But they didn’t, instead they kept stretching past their limits until finally those words came.
Like… Eve. It felt like each of those tightly pulled threads were all cut at once with those words. Any and all tension suddenly seemed to disappear. A strange sensation of losing any care about your situation.
You know what? To hell with the meeting! You quickly stood up from the sofa causing them both to jump slightly. You turned toward them, your voice was louder than you thought was possible for you. You weren’t sure what had gotten into you but you felt so… Angry.
“I am nothing like Eve. And I’m especially nothing like either of you.” You had enough, it was untelling what would happen if you stayed. You started walking toward the room Adam was in when Lucifer grabbed your arm
“Wait! That’s not what I meant-“
“Don’t touch me, snake” you stared daggers at him before quickly grabbing his hand and shoving it off.
“We’re sorry if we upset you Dear, but that’s no way to talk to someone” Lilith walks up to you, putting an arm in front of Lucifer in a protective stance.
You walk up to the tall woman, she was at least two heads taller than you but still, you barred your teeth before speaking “Oh! You really think I care about what the first whore thinks of me, Huh?” Your voice dripped with poison from every word.
Even Lilith seemed caught off guard by your sudden change in demeanor as her face turned into a scowl. Red horns protruded through Lucifer’s head, his eyes turning red with anger. You turn your attention back to him.
“What are you gonna do?” Lucifer’s gaze slightly softened with hesitation “Exactly, nothing. Less’ you want to dig yourself deeper into this cyst pool you’ve created for yourself and end up on even worse terms with heaven.”
Without even sparing them a glance, you try to make it to the room, only to be greeted by Adam and Sera standing by the door. How long were they standing there? You must have not heard them over your screaming..
“What the fuck are you assholes doing to them? ” You rush over and grab him by the hand, the action startling him “Babe, what happened-“
“Nothing. Sera. Open a portal back home.”
“Sera!” Your voice was gritty and rough “open a portal. Now... Please…” your voice cracked at the end
Sera had never seen you show so much anger before, but here you were, your entire gaze filled with nothing but pure unadulterated wrath.Threatening to burn anyone who got in your way. Whatever happened clearly set you off like nothing else before.
Sera nods her head “Understood”
“Thank you…”
A familiar flaming portal opened up, you quickly made your way through it with Adam following suit. The portal ended up right inside your home, closing as you both were fully through. You honestly didn’t know where you were going but eventually your body couldn’t go any further than the couch
Feeling the soft couch beneath you made your aching muscles feel like they were melting away, and only then did you realize that you were crying.
Adam crawled next to you, hugging close to you. “What the happened out there, Babe?”
You felt your body slowly break down, as more tears left you then you had cried your entire existence. Adam hugged you tighter, his wings coming over you like a blanket.
“H-How much did you see?” Your voice was shaky as you sniffed slightly.
“Not a lot, just some shit towards the end,what did those bastards say to you?”
You cleared your throat slightly. “I only talked to them because I didn’t want them to get upset and ruin the meeting and make your day even worse than it already was”
Adam’s LED mask shifted into a small sad frown “Sweetheart, you never have to talk to any motherfuckers you don’t want to, let alone for me. “
You smile but look away “it wasn’t… it wasn’t…” you tried to get the words out but couldn’t. You took a deep breath before trying one more time,”It wasn’t the only thing that set me off.” Adam looks at you curious
“They said that I reminded them of… Eve, and it just made me so… angry. I was created for you, to love you-“ your tears start swelling back up as you spoke “I want to be so much better than Eve, than Lilith for you. And then she pointed out how I’ve never seen Your face, which I’ve always been fine with, but at that moment, I started to think ‘what if they’re right?’ What if the reason you don’t want me to see you is because I also remind you of Eve”
You choked back tears “So to be compared to her when I’ve tried so hard… if I’m not better than her for you, then what is even the point of me! I was created to make you happy, if I can’t do that better than someone who hurt you so bad then I’m just useless-“
Soft lips met yours, cutting you off. This felt different than what you normally got on the cheek. It was warm compared to the cold metallic feel you’ve felt previously. Your eyes opened slightly looking at Adam’s LED mask… or what you thought was going to be a mask. He had pulled his mask off while you were crying.
You pulled back from the kiss “Adam your mask!” Adam just kisses back again
“That fucking thing doesn’t matter right now.” He paused “You're not useless and will never be useless to me. Fuck- I love you because I love you! Not because you were created for me or some stupid shit like that! You make me so fucking happy. I’m sorry if I ever made you feel like you were just some object that was made to make me feel better, because you aren’t.”
“Adam…” to think tears could roll down your face this harder than before “I love you so much Adam” you cry into his soft chest.
Adam kisses you again “I love you too Sweetcheeks.” Adam paused before clearing his throat “So umm… how do I look? I hope I didn't disappoint you…”
You look up at his newly unveiled face, just as you had been told, short brown hair, golden eyes, and a little bit of stubble on his chin. By all accounts, he was completely ordinary. So ordinarily perfect.
“Perfect. So so perfect. What’d I do to end up with such a handsome husband, hmm?”
“Oh stop, now you’re just being fucking cheesy” he laughs, he would never admit it but his eyes were a little watery just from hearing you say that.
“It’s true though” you lean in and wrap your arms around him, killing you both with a deep kiss.
Truly ordinary. You couldn’t be happier
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Imagine being Lucifer's older sibling
Like, you're a Cherubim (cause some Cherubs have different roles so you would be way stronger and better than the ones in Helluva Boss) who's been kinda kept from present-day news cause you've been chilling in the Garden of Eden protecting the Tree of Life and training other Cherubs
Then Emily invites you to Charlie's meeting as a council member and you go but you have no idea what this meeting is about so other council members have to constantly be keeping you up to date on what everyone is talking about DURING the meeting
"Ok, so that's Charlie Morningstar-"
"And her girlfriend, Vaggie. An ex-exorcist-"
"An ex-exorc-What??"
"And they're here to prove sinners can be redeemed-"
"Ok...But why is everyone singing???"
"And is that the fucking first man????"
And you'd have to have Hell and Lucifer and Lilith and Eve and Adam all explained to you but all you really hear is that you have a niece that you never knew about
So you go down to Hell just to meet Charlie and see Lucifer. And Charlie gets all excited to have an unfallen angel on their side so she explains the hotel to you but Lucifer would be showing you all his ducks at the exact same time-
Even though you were kept from any news outside of the Garden of Eden to keep you from being unjust, I like to imagine that you have the most Deadpool personality of all time
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lesickun · 4 months
I call them: "the boss-woman and the domestic hubby"
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jay-m3 · 6 months
Ok we all know that Zestial is an older Overlord and whatnot.
Imagine him being around when Lucifer was pregnant?
Zestial: "Ah, you're majesty. I've seen Charlie accomplished many things recently. You must be proud that you birthed her."
Everyone: "AYO PAUSE!?!"
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astro-tag-9 · 5 months
Placements most prone to jealousy
(With a brief explanation)
(Also these are not in order)
-Aries Moon: only jealous about things they are possessive over. They know what is in their control and what is beyond their control. But provoking their jealousy is not recommended. Don’t go after what is theirs.
-Taurus Sun: Will get jealous when their person does things without them. They feel a need to constantly be included and when they are left out, they take it personally.
-Cancer Sun: As much as they want their friends and lovers to be happy all the time, truly, sometimes they just can’t get over somebody having fun or being happy without them being apart of it. Kind of similar to Taurus. They will also still be jealous of anybody their ex dates after them they have a hard time letting things and people go.
-Aries Sun: For people that are success driven, they sure can’t stand watching somebody else get the spotlight. They thrive off of their own success so much that it is hard to see people they are close with have it of their own sometimes. They may belittle or put people down out of jealousy; they strive too hard to be the best where they always feel in competition
-Scorpio Sun: Anything they care about they’ll have some jealousy regarding, although not always focused on the negative aspects of jealousy. Deeply emotional people tend to have deeply emotional responses and reactions. Their jealously is one that can easily be tamed by the right actions and words. They will not be jealous about something or someone unless they love it.
-Capricorn Moon: Typically not your average type of jealous, but definitely still there. Only thing that makes them jealous is giving their all at something just watch the guy who put in no effort at all walk out with the prize. To them, nobody thinks as hard, works as hard, or tries as hard as they do in all things.
-Scorpio Mars/Venus: they are the type of lovers that want to be it all for the one they love or are with. If they think an ex lover was better than them in any kind of way, they will hate them for it and try to fill that hole to be better. They know their greatness, but don’t want you telling them about anybody else’s. As much as they want to understand you, they don’t want to know too much about your past. It can upset them dwelling on a life before they knew you.
-Virgo Lilith: They have a hard time fining acceptance. Due to that, when others are much more easily welcomed, they hate it.
-Leo Sun: Kings and Queens of always wanting things they cannot always have. Always wanting more of the people around them. Part of it is they want people they love to be great, and part of it is they have a complex where nobody is able to be better than them. If they are perusing somebody who is already with somebody else, they are not shy about going out of their way to bash on the person they’re with, and make themself seem better. They want what they want.
-Gemini Sun: the only thing that really makes them jealous is seeing somebody they love unable to give them the love they deserve, but then so effortlessly and freely give it onto others. Ex) having your parent favor her other children over you; or having an ex partner who you had to beg to be a better person finally change for somebody, even tho they could not for you.
- 5th/6th/9th/12th house Mars: The “where were you when I needed you” type of jealousy. When they have to go through something alone, and you were nowhere to be found, they might just not forgive you for it.
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gr33kgod · 1 year
Male gaze: Female gaze:
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0strawberrysorbet0 · 6 months
𝐴 ℎ𝑖𝑑𝑑𝑒𝑛 𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑟
𝐻𝑎𝑧𝑏𝑖𝑛 ℎ𝑜𝑡𝑒𝑙 𝑥 𝑀𝑎𝑙𝑒!𝐴𝑛𝑔𝑒𝑙!𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑟
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This is a series so if you'd like to be tagged simply just comment!
Please do not use/steal my work on this site or any other! Reblogs and likes are appreciated greatly!!
Don't worry they'll find out who each other are evey soon 😈 NEXT CHAPTER IS THE MEETING!!
Part two ← Part three → Part four
Summary: Charlie remembers something from her past about an angel boy. (M/N) has another dream about someone who looks just like his father, the devil.
Warnings: Weird layout, Lilith, probably spelling mistakes, idk anything else
It had been quite a bit since her last meeting with the angels and honestly? Nothing was better. I mean there was Sir Pentious and now her father. But that was it.
She had forgotten about the sightings of the angel outside the meeting room until she kept dreaming about it. The angel that looked so much like her mother.
It made her sad really to think about it. She missed her mother dearly. Her leaving put out the barely lit flame that was melting their family together.
She dreamed about the angel, and on closer inspection, it was a boy. During these dreams she could really see him more, had little ducks and trees embroidered into his robe. The tree had an apple dangling on a thin branch.
She felt like she recognized him. But she couldn't place it anywhere.
Except... From a picture she saw decades ago when she was little...
"𝘋𝘢𝘥𝘥𝘺?" 𝘓𝘪𝘵𝘵𝘭𝘦 𝘊𝘩𝘢𝘳𝘭𝘪𝘦 𝘩𝘢𝘥 𝘤𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘦𝘥 𝘰𝘶𝘵, 𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘩𝘦𝘳 𝘧𝘢𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘴 𝘰𝘧𝘧𝘪𝘤𝘦, 𝘪𝘵 𝘸𝘢𝘴 𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘤𝘬𝘦𝘥 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘱𝘢𝘱𝘦𝘳𝘴 𝘣𝘶𝘵 𝘴𝘵𝘪𝘭𝘭 𝘯𝘦𝘢𝘵. 𝘏𝘰𝘸 𝘪𝘵 𝘸𝘢𝘴 𝘣𝘦𝘧𝘰𝘳𝘦 𝘩𝘦𝘳 𝘮𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳 𝘭𝘦𝘧𝘵. 𝘈𝘯𝘥 𝘰𝘯𝘭𝘺 𝘢 𝘧𝘦𝘸 𝘥𝘶𝘤𝘬𝘴, 𝘰𝘯𝘦𝘴 𝘰𝘧 𝘓𝘪𝘭𝘪𝘵𝘩, 𝘩𝘦𝘳, 𝘩𝘪𝘮𝘴𝘦𝘭𝘧 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳 𝘴𝘪𝘯𝘴. "𝘠𝘦𝘴 𝘮𝘺 𝘭𝘪𝘵𝘵𝘭𝘦 𝘱𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘤𝘦𝘴𝘴?"
𝘏𝘦 𝘨𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘯𝘦𝘥, 𝘴𝘩𝘰𝘰𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘶𝘱 𝘧𝘳𝘰𝘮 𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘪𝘳 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘳𝘶𝘯𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘰 𝘩𝘦𝘳, 𝘱𝘪𝘤𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘩𝘦𝘳 𝘶𝘱 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘵𝘰𝘴𝘴𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘩𝘦𝘳 𝘪𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘢𝘪𝘳, 𝘢𝘴 𝘴𝘩𝘦 𝘭𝘢𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘥 𝘴𝘩𝘦 𝘴𝘯𝘶𝘨𝘨𝘭𝘦𝘥 𝘪𝘯𝘵𝘰 𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘤𝘩𝘦𝘴𝘵 "𝘸𝘩𝘰 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴?" 𝘚𝘩𝘦 𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘥 𝘩𝘪𝘮 𝘢 𝘴𝘮𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘱𝘩𝘰𝘵𝘰, 𝘪𝘵 𝘸𝘢𝘴 𝘣𝘭𝘰𝘰𝘥𝘪𝘦𝘥 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘣𝘶𝘳𝘯𝘦𝘥 𝘣𝘶𝘵 𝘩𝘢𝘥 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘱𝘪𝘤𝘵𝘶𝘳𝘦 𝘰𝘧 a 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘨 𝘣𝘰𝘺.. Who had 𝘣𝘭𝘰𝘯𝘥𝘦 𝘩𝘢𝘪𝘳 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘭𝘢𝘷𝘦𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘳 𝘦𝘺𝘦𝘴...
𝘉𝘭𝘰𝘯𝘥𝘦 𝘩𝘢𝘪𝘳, 𝘭𝘢𝘷𝘦𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘳 𝘦𝘺𝘦𝘴...
"𝘖𝘩 𝘊𝘩𝘢𝘳𝘭𝘪𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵? 𝘗𝘧𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵'𝘴 𝘯𝘰𝘣𝘰𝘥𝘺! 𝘑𝘶𝘴𝘵 𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘰𝘯𝘦 𝘥𝘢𝘥𝘥𝘺 𝘶𝘴𝘦𝘥 𝘵𝘰 𝘬𝘯𝘰𝘸! 𝘈𝘥𝘶𝘭𝘵 𝘣𝘶𝘴𝘪𝘯𝘦𝘴𝘴!"
𝘉𝘭𝘰𝘯𝘥𝘦 𝘩𝘢𝘪𝘳.. 𝘓𝘢𝘷𝘦𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘳 𝘦𝘺𝘦𝘴..
𝘉𝘭𝘰𝘯𝘥𝘦 𝘩𝘢𝘪𝘳 𝘭𝘢𝘷𝘦𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘳 𝘦𝘺𝘦𝘴
Wait. How the hell would her dad know this guy? I mean yeah her father was once a heavenly being but he looked young. Very young.
Ugh. Dead ends were all she had seemed to see for months.
"Char! Char?" Shit, the very man himself. Her father.
"Oh, yeah dad?" She said, stiffly. Turning around the face the shorter man, plastering a smile onto her face. He places a hand onto her shoulder "goodluck yeah?"
She nodded at him, pulling him in a hug "thanks dad. I'll convince them I swear!"
Here he was again. His stupid dream. The same sequence. The same pattern. He'd had these dreams ever since he could remember. They weren't as bad as when he was little but recently had been springing up again.
But it was different. This time he wandered mindlessly, but he could control it slightly. He could choose where to look. He looked down and saw a small pair of feet, covered in dirt as they stepped on the fresh grass.
He also saw a woman in the distance, she was not dressed but that was the least of his concern. She was sitting and talking to someone. His father? Looked just like him. But why would he be talking to a human? His father was always strict on the no-talking-to-the-humans rule.
It couldn't be. Could it? That man had to be the devil. Holy shit.
He desperately tried to turn and walk away but his feet brought him in front of the man.
"ƙׁׅյׁׅ݊ꪀյׁׅժׁׅ݊ᝯׁׅ֒꯱! There you are! We've been looking for you! Your mother was worried sick!" the man said, he noticed the woman has dried tears on her face, her eyelids puffy... The eyelids held a pair of pretty lavender eyes.
He didn't have a Mother. Did he? His father told him that he was shaped by God himself. As a gift to Michael.
The woman held out a hand as she encouraged him to sit with her. He couldn't reach the tip of the rock however, he was short, strange..he was always a rather tall angel. He was the height of a small child.
He tried to lean forward and grab the hand but the dream faded. The colours swirled and noises went wild. Until he could hear a woman and man's heartbroken cry before waking up.
"(M/N)!? Wake up! Why are you crying!?" That voice, although his eyes where still closed he could tell it was Emily.
She and he had weekly sleepovers, what usually happened was he'd stay awake all night so these dreams wouldn't happen. But she had made him watch these movies she found out about from new 𝘸𝘪𝘯𝘯𝘦𝘳𝘴, called Star Wars. She made him watch the whole series so he had fallen asleep around the fourth movie.
His eyes snapped open, sitting up quickly "No no I'm okay. Just a bad dream. It's normal" he answered softly, pulling some hair out of her face tenderly. "You sure?.. Wanna talk about it?" She asked, he could tell she was worried, her heart was too big for her body sometimes. "Well what time is it?" He rubbed his eyes, stretching
"Okay then" he said, he then told her about all the dreams and the one he had just had, her jaw was open before she gasped "oh my.. Wow. You have to tell someone! Sera? Your father?" She smiled "these aren't normal. I mean you've never even been to earth!"
"No no no no. I'm not telling them. They'll think there's something wrong with me. That I'm mad."
"Still... " Emily stared, "Ems I'm fine just drop it and get ready for the meeting thing, you're helping Sera right?"
"Mhm!" She nodded, "You're still coming right? Pleeeaaseee!"
"Don't worry I'll be there, so the devil's really being let up here huh? What are they thinking?" He rolled his eyes, his uncle would be allowed into the heavenly gateways in less than a few hours.
"No! It's his daughter! She looks nice I think"
"You're too trusting of people Em, they're monsters. They're in hell for a reason" she softly hit his sleeve, "hush! Surely some of them are good? Some are hell born after all. They didn't do anything to be there"
"Whatever you say" he stood up, brushing through his hair with his hands, before fixing the bedding and looking back at her, who was layed on a sleeping bag, drowned in blankets "why do you hate them so much?"
"That... 𝘏𝘦 betrayed my father. 𝘏𝘦 betrayed God himself. He did so much harm and is basically getting away with it. My poor father was left in the dark by 𝘩𝘪𝘮. His 𝘣𝘳𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳." He sighed "now come on. Let's get you ready"
Emily bit her lip, getting up and following him to the bathroom, making herself presentable for the meeting. She was so excited. Hopefully Sera will be nicer to the devil's child. Maybe the demon would get her ideas through.
Tag list - @demstarno @kenny-619 @bunbunboysworld @lovedesperatevampire @stealing-kneecaps @paastaboi @1yyyan @enjisthings
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*Bonks Lilith* Bad Lilith! No abounding your daughter for over 7 fucking years!
This whole thing is just MADDENING honestly!
There's loads of reasons why Li left and didn't come back [at least not yet fic wise] but who is going to be more hurt?
Lucille, his wife (technically ex wife) who he had been with since they were children. Who he also left while she was pregnant, made people presume SHE had an affair etc?
Or Charlie, his daughter who has no idea who he is apart from photos in the house, old posters around the city, and the odd music video online?
The thing with Li, which only I know at the moment, is that he really isn't a bad guy and has just a sad story as Lucille, and more appropriately, Alice.
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turquoisesea01 · 1 year
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Ok quick question y’all
I’m just curious that’s all cjscjdjcsn
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man3at3r-mp4 · 1 month
𝔅𝔩𝔬𝔬𝔡 𝔬𝔣 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔩𝔞𝔪𝔟 hazbin hotel x male reader : Chapter Ⅳ - overture
ᴺᴼᵂ ᴾᴸᴬᵞᴵᴺᴳ : 𝐇𝐞𝐥𝐥 𝐢𝐬 𝐅𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐁𝐲 𝐀𝐥𝐞𝐱 𝐁𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐦𝐚𝐧 & 𝐄𝐫𝐢𝐤𝐚 𝐇𝐞𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬𝐨𝐧
↻ ◁ II ▷ ↺
1:35 ───ㅇ───── 3:47
.-. . ...- . .-.. .- - .. --- -. / --... ---... ----. / .- ..-. - . .-. / - .... .. ... / .. / .-.. --- --- -.- . -.. --..-- / .- -. -.. / - .... . .-. . / -... . ..-. --- .-. . / -- . / .-- .- ... / .- / --. .-. . .- - / -- ..- .-.. - .. - ..- / - .... .- - / -. --- / --- -. . / -.-. --- ..- .-.. -.. / -.-. --- ..- -. - --..-- / ..-. .-. --- -- / . ...- . .-. -.-- / -. .- - .. --- -. --..-- / - .-. .. -... . --..-- / .--. . --- .--. .-.. . / .- -. -.. / .-.. .- -. --. ..- .- --. . --..-- / ... - .- -. -.. .. -. --. / -... . ..-. --- .-. . / - .... . / - .... .-. --- -. . / .- -. -.. / .. -. / ..-. .-. --- -. - / --- ..-. / - .... . / .-.. .- -- -... .-.-.- / - .... . -.-- / .-- . .-. . / .-- . .- .-. .. -. --. / .-- .... .. - . / .-. --- -... . ... / .- -. -.. / .-- . .-. . / .... --- .-.. -.. .. -. --. / .--. .- .-.. -- / -... .-. .- -. -.-. .... . ... / .. -. / - .... . .. .-. / .... .- -. -.. ... .-.-.-
Blame Chris for me not being able to update guys :((/jay
I'm sorry this was really overdue.
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That word echoed in your head, as you suddenly sat up, panting as you glanced around the room. Shit. Did you fall asleep?
God, you groaned as you rubbed your head. “What the hell was that dream even about…”
You've been getting a bunch of those strange dreams lately. Almost always in Eden, which was strange because you've never been there. But why did its surroundings feel so familiar?
You glanced at the foot of your bed and saw Shelly, the blue puppy eyes staring up at you with concern.
You snorted, petting his soft fur, “I’m fine Skelly..” you said softly. The puppy’s tail began to wag enthusiastically as he barked in response.
“Mostly anyways…” you added, quietly. Your thoughts still lingered on the marriage proposal. Your mouth suddenly tastes bitter, like you had doused an entire jug of extremely sour lemonade.
You were still pissed off and rightfully so. Having your entire life signed away by your sisters wasn't on his bucket list.
Your life has always been assigned to you; what you'd do, what you'd wear. Etc. you had hoped Sara would have the decency to allow you to decide who and when you'd marry. But you supposed you were being foolish to think so.
A sudden knock at the door snapped you out of your thoughts. You groaned, you really didn't want to see anyone right now. But you knew better than to ignore whoever was at the door.
Sluggishly, you sat up from your bed and begrudgingly made your way to the door. You took in a deep breath, before opening the door.
Your smile immediately dropped as you realized who it was.
“Hey babe” Adam’s infuriating voice called out as he leaned against the doorframe; behind him you could see Lute standing there, looking just as unamused as you did.
“So like-” Before he could even finish you slammed the door in his face, or at least tried too.
Adam seemed to expect this, as he propped his foot in the gap of the door before you could fully shut it. He let out a yell of pain, “ fuck!” He growled out.
Lute quickly rushed over to her boss, “Sir, are you okay?” She asked, with genuine concern.
“Of course I'm not!” He spat, shooting a glare at the female. “Anyways…” he said, his voice slightly strained from the pain. “We really really need to talk, and I'm not taking no for an answer so get your gay ass out here.”
Your eyes narrowed at him, as you continued to try and slam the door shut; purposely using more force this time.
You slammed the door again.
And again.
“YOUR MAJESTY!” Lute yelled, desperately trying to get you to stop before you crush Adam's foot until it's flatter than flat Stanley.
You did it again.
“I'll talk with you once you ask me nicely.”
“What the hell?- no-”
You slammed the door again.
“FUCK OKAY-” he wheezed out. “Please….” he said quietly.
You rose a brow, “sorry what was that?” You asked mockingly, “I can't really hear you.”
“I said..could you remove the door off my foot..” he grumbled. You remained silent, that wasn't good enough.
“Please…” he whimpered out, quietly. You heard Lute stifle a laugh from beside him. A smile made its way onto your face as you opened the door.
“Why of course, now what did you want to talk about…” it was amusing to have Adam beg you. You weren't a sadist but it was funny to have a man so narcissistic look up at you with big puppy dog eyes.
You hoped this wasn't a fetish a thing and just you having some weird psychological thing. You are not a sadist.
While Adam tried to regain his composure, Lute decided to speak on his behalf. “Well…” she began. “We’re here to ask you to accompany us to a meeting.” You crossed your arms, quirking a brow. You were kinda intrigued about what this meeting is about.
“What's this meeting about?” You questioned, one of your ears flicking as you spoke.
Lute glanced at Adam, who was still recovering from the pain. She watched as he gave her a shaky thumbs up, giving her the go ahead. She sighed, her gaze drifting back to you. “We’re having a meeting with the princess of hell about the…exterminations” she explained.
“Oh..” was all you could muster up to say, but your interest was piqued. You were aware about the exterminations, Sara had told you years ago. You didn't know why she told you specifically. But she did. She asked you to not say a word to anyone else about it, and you didn't.
As much as Sara pissed you off sometimes, especially considering your current situation. You never thought even once to spill out the little secret she told you. You thought it was fucked up, you couldn't lie. You still do, but you were so caught up in your heavenly duties, you had forgotten about them.
A sense of guilt began to wash over you, you really didn't do much to convince sera and Adam to not go through with them. You tried a few times and then just… gave up, you could've tried harder. Sure they probably wouldn't have listened, but at least you'd know you did everything you could.
Lute seemed to notice your silence, and awkwardly adjusted her uniform sleeves. “Look..” she said. “If..if you don't want to come; that's fine..I'm sure Adam would throw a fit. But I'm sure he'd calm down after I take him to the new smoothie place that opened up.” She suggested, her voice slightly cracking. You could tell she wasn't really sure what to do. But you appreciated her consideration to ensure that you were comfortable.
“No, it's fine..I'll go.” You replied softly.
“You will?” Her eyebrows rose in surprise. Adam, who had finally recovered, seemed just as surprised as she was.
“Yeah..uh…I don't know..could be interesting I guess..” you shrugged, hoping to not sound too awkward.
“Fuck yes!” Adam cheered, suddenly wrapping an arm around your neck and pulling you closer. “Alright and after we talk to this bitch, we can do some actual fun shit” he suggested.
You couldn't help but crack a small smile as Adam went on and on about some plans he had for you and him. Your gaze slowly drifted to Lute, she seemed to notice your gaze, and quickly looked away.
You snorted at her awkwardness, as you turned your attention back to Adam.
Maybe, a meeting with the princess is what you needed to find out what you were meant to do in this life. You might even go to hell on official business, and not just you fucking around with portals.
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You took back what you said, this was significantly less cool than you thought.
You, Adam, and Lute were sitting in one of Heaven's multiple meeting rooms. As you waited for the princess to arrive. Oh yeah, and Adam was eating some spare ribs. He offered you some which you declined.
Apparently, neither of them had the decency to actually go to hell and speak with Charlie face to face. So you'd just have your holograms in the meeting room instead. Which as much as you wanted to curse them out for being disrespectful, you knew you had know place to speak. With all the times you've snook down to hell, you've seen Charlie's face multiple times and yet you've never taken time out of your day to actually go see her.
You shrunk back in your seat, glancing at Adam who sat at the head of the table. “Can't we-”
“Shh, hot stuff I hear footsteps.” He raised up his hand to silence you, causing you to frown.
You furrowed your brows as you watched Lute turn off the lights in the Hell meeting room, you saw no point in needing to spook her but you did little to stop them.
You glanced over at the doors direction as you heard it open and a familiar voice called out.
“Uh hello?” You watched the blonde demon step into the dark room, glancing around her surroundings. “Is anyone…here?”
The lights suddenly turned on, “Sup” he said. Charlie, clearly not expecting this, jolted as she tripped over her own feet.
“Oh shit-” you heard her say, your eyes widening as you tilted your head to make sure she was okay.
Her head then popped up from the other end of the table, her bangs ruffled and now covering her right eye. You snickered a bit as she greeted the three of you.
She quickly stood up and fixed her hair, “oh hi! I'm Charlie, my dad asked me if I could meet you” she smiled.
You found yourself frowning at Adam’s dismissive response. Your gaze shifting over to Charlie once more.
“Okay well it's nice to meet you..” she said as she furrowed her brows, clearly looking awkward. As she reached out her hand for Adam to shake.
“Totally, nice to meet you too..” Adam leaned forward to shake her hand, you frowned clearly knowing where this was going.
Charlie's hand phased through Adam’s hand, causing her to retract it almost immediately, her eyes wide. “Oooh!”
You rolled your eyes as you watched Adam cackle about how ‘ he got her’. “Did ya see that?” He leaned his head over to you.
You shook your head, your gaze falling back on Charlie. “Sorry about him..” you said, causing her to snap out of daze. “He peaked in high school, which is ironic because he didn't even go to one.” You scoffed. “Charlie right?” You asked, “I'm Y/n”
Charlie’s smile returned at your warm welcome, “nice to meet you too Y/n” she replied. She held her hand out again, on instinct.
You laughed softly, “sorry..I'm a hologram too” , your voice sounding apologetic. “But if I wasn't I'd shake your hand..”
Charlie nodded, laughing nervously. “Oh right! Sorry..”. Her eyes suddenly went wide as she processed your words. “Wait..hologram? So you guys aren't here?” She asked.
You went to reply but were cut off by Adam, “um no. You'd think we'd come down there-” you rose a brow at his usage of ‘we'. The exterminator laughed as he continued. “No, I mean I love the vibe. Love your tunes.” He pointed at the female demon, as he leaned in closer. “Pretty fucking hardcore, don't get me wrong”
He leaned back as he pressed his cheek against the cold marble table. “But it's SUCH a bummer”
“Ugh, you rolled your eyes at his behavior. Why did he always have to act like such a child all the time? You watched as he went on for a few more seconds before Charlie responded.
“Right…” she replied, voice slightly strained. You don't blame her for being irritated. Before she jumped right back into her bubbly self again, “So! I'm glad we got this opportunity to meet! There's a project I've been working on. That I Really-” she leaned in closer, to enunciate her enthusiasm.
Adam cut her off, placing his pointer finger against her lips to silence her. “Hey hey hey..slow down-” he says. “We got time..how about we get to know each other first? How about some lunch hmm? You hungry?” He offered.
“I got you” He handed out the plate of ribs, “here's my personal favorite I got you.”
“Uh thanks..” Charlie said as she reached down to grab one.
“Charlie wait-” you went to stop her, but it was too late, her hand phased through the plate. Causing Adam to burst into a fit of laughter once more.
You and Charlie shared similar unamused looks. “I got you again BITCH!” Adam cackled. “Fuckin hilarious”
You had enough, and yanked Adam back by his collar. Causing him to yelp, “babe what the hell?”
“Can you stop acting like you just crawled out of a cheesy 80s movie and act like an adult.” You spat, causing him to roll his eyes.
“I'm just having fun..” he grumbled, like a child.
You raised a brow, “we came here for a meeting, that's why we're in a meeting room..y'know to discuss things..” you said, crossing your arms.
“And we will just chillax lamb chop~” he teased, patting your head as he wiggled out of your grip.
‘*lamb chop?*’ you thought. ‘*that's a new one’
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You don't know how long it's been, but it's been at least an hour or Adam blabbering about some stupid shit no one but him would care about.
You and Charlie sat there completely bored out of your minds. You had your cheek pressed against the table, while Charlie had her head in her hand while you both listened to the angel.
“So I was playing this gig, and this virtue chick was digging on the drummer. And it's like, ‘do you KNOW who I am? I'm Adam” he stood up from his seat, as he pointed down to his pelvis. “I'm the original dick! All dicks descend from me! You think you want drummer dick? He'll no!-” Lute shook her head in agreement with Adam.
You and Charlie shared a look, as he continued.
“I'm the dick fucking master-” he took a bite of a rib as he finished. “Anyways..then we fucked..it was awesome. What'd you do this weekend?”
Charlie’s eyes went wide as she suddenly realized something. “Wait- your name is Adam? Like the first man Adam? That means you-” she cut herself off as she leaned back. “Ohhhh, that explains so much…” she whispered.
You laughed at her expression, “you're telling me..” you said in agreement. Causing Adam to shoot a glare at you, “hey, you better get used to it, lamb chop.” He said, “cause you're getting married to all of this-” he ran his hands down his body to make his point clear.
“Eugh…” you groaned, rolling his eyes.
“Woah- you're marrying him..?” Charlie butted in, her eyes wide.
“Yep, he is.” Adam said, boastfully. “The original dick and the Prince of heaven getting tied down to each other.” He adds. “It's perfect, I do deserve the best.”
“Prince?” She glanced over at you in confusion. “But..I thought the Prince's name was el-” she suddenly shook her head. “Wait nevermind i'm getting side tracked”
You blinked, wondering what she was going to say? El- what? Your name's y/n, it's always been y/n. You shook your head, she's probably just remembering some things wrong.
“Well Adam sir..Mr. Adam sir” she began, standing up from her spot.
“Call me Dickmaster”
“Adam..” she said with a deadpan expression.
“You seem like a smart- we'll stand up guy!-” she began to walk closer towards him.
You crossed your arms, as you watched Adam respond once more with uninterest. You did a hand motion to urge her to keep going, which she smiled at.
“And I know you are the leader of the angels. and you're a big thinker! A revolutionary! A-A genius!”she threw her arms in her air.
“I mean your words, babe” responded Adam, as he grabbed another rib.
“Who would really love to put his name on something-”
“I love putting my name on shit! Shits the best!” He exclaimed, slamming his hands down on the table which caused you to jolt upward.
“It's the solution to our biggest problem!!!” She smiled.
“Oh herpes?” Adam sighed, “yeah that's a bitch..”.
“What?” You replied, clearly confused as to how that was the first thing he thought about.
“No! Our-” she fiddled with her fingers nervously. “Our other biggest problem!”
“Oh uh..ugly people?” He asked.
“Dude–” you interrupted, clearly irritated.
“Well you don't have to worry about that, you're the hottest piece of ass in heaven..” he winked, in your direction. Which unfortunately, caused you to blush a little, clearly embarrassed he said that right in front of Charlie.
Adam went back to guessing “Math? Global warming? Oh no wait, that's earths problem um-”
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It's been 30 minutes, and Adam still hasn't figured out what Charlie meant. All three of you sat around the table once more, Charlie clearly exhausted, with her head in her palms. While you sat there, arms crossed, as your left eye twitched as Adam kept going.
“And when you take her out for the fifth time and she still expects you to pay the check” Charlie looked just about done, as she cradled her head in her hands. “ hey I thought you wanted equality” Adam finished, raising his voice.
“NO!” Charlie groaned out, “our shared problem of overpopulation in hell”
“Ohhhh..” Adam says, ignoring the glare you were giving him. “ Well that's not a problem! We got that covered.” He turned to face Lute. “Lute, how many demons did you kill this year?” He asked. The said angel, stepping forward as she was addressed.
“Got a good 275 this year, sir” she answered.
“275!?” Woah! Badass! Awesome job, Danger tits. Pound it” he held out his fist for a fist bump, which Lute returned. You shook your head at their behavior.
“Uh no! Not awesome. Those are my people” she placed her hands on the cold surface of the table. “You do know that right?”
“Oh yeah…” he fakes concern. “That must suck for you pfft- HAHAHA-” he laughed.
“ADAM!” You yelled at him, causing him to stop momentarily. Looking at you with genuine confusion.
“But..these are souls…human souls” Charlie spoke, her smile turning into a frown. “Just the same as the ones that you have in heaven”
“They are not the same.” Lute spoke up. Your eyes drifting to the female exterminator. “They had their chance and they earned damnation” she said, her voice lacking any sympathy.
“You're wrong,” Charlie shook her head. “Sinners make mistakes, sure. But everyone makes mistakes ..” you glanced awkwardly to the side, lord knows you have.
“Angels don't make mistakes.” Lute retorted.
“You really think that?” Charlie narrowed her eyes. The exterminator copied her motion.
“I know that.”
“Yeah” Adam interrupted, “I've never made a mistake in my fucking life”. You shot him another glare, which he caught. “Why are you looking at me like that?”
“The only reason you're still here-” lute made her way over to where Charlie sat. Her arms resting behind her back. “Is because daddy gave you and your hellborn kind from an exorcist blade.” She leaned in closer to the demon, “how does that feel?” She moved to the other side of Charlie's chair. “ to know how little you matter.”
Your eyes widened at her cruelty, you had known Lute’s distaste for demons . But you've never seen it in realtime before. Charlie shrunk back at her words, hurt clearly flashing across her face.
You frowned, giving her a sympathetic look. “Ooops~” Adam stretches back in his seat. “Almost out of time,guess we should get into it..”
“You do realize this meeting woulda been shorter if you woulda just let her start off with it” you shook your head. Adam only shrugged in response.
“Oh! Charlie perks up. “Fuck!” She practically leaped out of her chair as she rushed over to the closest seat to Adam.
“Oop- I got a lot to get through and not a lot of time, and I feel like you weren't hearing me before so here it goes ahem” she grabbed the pile of papers she brought and began.
“So hell's population is out of control” she showed a silly drawing she did of multiple sinners in hell. She ripped it off to reveal a new drawing of even more stickman sinners. “ It's a bad situation, it's taking a toll,” she gestured to her drawing. “If we rehab these sinners, and cleanse all their souls-” she threw the drawing aside to reveal the ‘Hazbin Hotel’ with a rainbow and various hearts around it. “At my Hazbin Hotel-” she rummaged through the other piles of papers. “Wait- I'm getting ahead of myself-”
She reached for another drawing of exterminators killing demons. “Right exterminations.”
Adam and Lute shared a skeptical look meanwhile you bobbed your head to the tune of Charlie’s singing.
“I know you guys fly down just to kill once a year and it must be annoying to schlep all the way here” she made a gesture with her fingers to signify the distance. “If they join you in heaven that trip disappears!” She threw both of her drawings over your heads, a rainbow and sparkles suddenly appearing between them. A sparkle landed on your nose causing you to sneeze.
“You can wave that chore farewell!” She let out a gasp. “It'll be a happy day in he-” she reached above her head to show off her final drawing of angels and demons holding hands under a rainbow.
“Let me stop you right there” Adam raised his hand, to cut her off. You could hear Charlie let out a quiet ‘oh’. “Save us all precious time” he continued.
“Okay..” Charlie says, holding her drawings close to her chest as she glanced at him nervously.
“If what you're suggesting” he placed his hands under his head, before he made a motion with his fingers of climbing. “Is letting them climb up the ladder, oh they’d rather cross the pearly gates?”
“Well I-”
“Sorry sweetie, but there's no defying their fate-” Adam suddenly flew and landed on top of the table, causing it to shake slightly. You stepped back in surprise, as you glanced up at your fiancé.
“Cause hell is forever, whether you like it or not” He crossed his arms as he stared down at Charlie. You narrowed your eyes as you heard the condescension in his tone.
“Had their chance to behave better, now they boil in a pot.” You scowled at his words as he continued. “Cause the rules are black and white. There's no use in trying to fight it. Their burning for their lives until we kill em again!”
Charlie clenched the drawings in her hands as she went to speak up again, but was cut off once more.
“Just try to chillax babe.” He placed his hands under his chin once more, as his voice dripped with mock gentleness. “You're wasting your breath.”
“Haha..” Charlie laughed dryly, only to nearly fall back as Adam leaned forward. “Did I hear you imply that they don't deserve death?!”
Charlie stepped back as Adam and Lute stepped forward, you hesitantly followed after them as you bit your lip. Not really knowing what to do.
“Are they winners? Are they sinners? Cuz it's cut and dry-”
“Well actually if you take a look at the-” she tried to speak once more.
“Fair is fair, an eye for an eye” Adam suddenly launched into the air, his wings creating a few dust clouds.
“And when all said in done” Adam sang, his golden wings outstretched as the ‘sun' shone behind him. Charlie narrowed her eyes as she looked up at him.
“Theirs the question of fun” he clasped his hands before he used the clouds as steps as he made his way back to the ground. “And For those of us with Divine Ordainment. Extermination is entertainment!” Him and Lute flew up into the sky, as Adam continued his singing “Bow-now-now-nownow. Guitar solo, fuck yeah!” He began to play air guitar, as lute danced behind him. You and Charlie stood there watching them both with similar expressions.
“Oh, da-ah-ah now-now-n-now-n-now-n-now-n-nownownow” Adam floated down and landed on the table again. “Hell is forever whether you like it or not” he began to clap on beat, as suddenly golden holograms of other exterminators appeared and began to clap along with Adam as they surrounded the princess. “Hell is forever whether you like or not”
“Where did all of you people come from?” She stammered as she backed up against the door.
“Had their chance to behave better now they boil in a pot. Cause the rules are black and white-” they all leaned in closer to Charlie, as they completely surrounded her. You hesitantly stepped forward concern knitting your brows as you tried to get a better look at the demon.
“There's no use in trying to fight it,” Adam and lute did a fist bump “their burning for their lives until we kill them again.” Suddenly in a gust of golden magic, Adam summoned his electric guitar. “Fuckin hell is forever and it's meant to suck a lot” as he played the guitar, the golden exterminators lost interest in Charlie as they flew up to join him.
“So give up your dumb endeavor. 'cause you don't have a shot!” Your eyes flickered to Charlie flinching as you watched her irritation grow. Her hair floating upwards as her horns began to grow, her eyes glowing a vibrant red. “Ughhh.” You heard her groan.
“ long as I got your attention, I should probably mention.” You yelped, as one of the exterminators grabbed your wrist and forced you to fly up with the others. “That we made the determination” you watched as Adam made his guitar disappear, only for him to replace it with a golden scroll.
“To move up the next extermination!” He leaned forward and revealed the scroll, showing her it read ‘I do what I fucking want’. Your eyes widened at this, you weren't made aware of this, and Charlie was just as shocked as you were.
“What-?” She tried to reach up to grab the scroll. “Can't wait a whole year to slaughter those little cunts-” he suddenly ‘grabbed’ Charlie’s wrist. “It's only been a week, but we’ll be back in SIX MONTHS!” He then threw her and her drawings out of the meeting room.
You gasped, flying down as you tried to worm your way past Adam, but he took this the wrong way as he used his wing to push you closer to him, in an embrace as he finished his guitar riff.
You watched as Charlie desperately called out for him to wait, as the door shut on her.
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As Adam finished his riff, the guitar disappeared.
You had enough, “what the hell was that?!” You spat angrily, causing him to raise a brow. “What? That sickass guitar solo? Did it get you creaming in your shorts? Because that was the point”
“No!” You growled. “You just- you just threw her out!” You gestured to the door. “You barely let her speak, you wasted half of this meeting on random bullshit no one but you cares about!”
Adam narrowed his eyes, “Sorry, I think my ears must be ringing cause it sounds like you're bitching to me about treating a demon like a demon.” He sassed, crossing his arms.
Your hands clenched into fists, “if you were just going to tell her that you were going to kill her people in six months then why did you waste this time and give her false hope?”
“I didn't do anything..” he shrugged. “It's not my fault that dumb bimbo thought I'd actually listen to her.”
You wanted to rip your hair out, “god! You're such a dick Adam!”
“Thanks, I am the original after all. I'm sorry I'm not a pansy and didn't lie to her face, lying is a demon's job. Look, I don't get why you're so upset . I told her how it is.”
You growled, he just wasn't getting it. You were sure he'd never will. “Fuck you.” You spat.
“That's what I'm trying to get you do, babes”
“Ugh! I'm done here, if you need me. You can go to sera since my opinion clearly doesn't matter to you anyways…” you grumbled as you exited the meeting room.
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As you made your way back to your room, your eyes glanced up at one of the stained glass windows on the wall, it was of heaven and hell. The window depicted the vibrancy and holiness of heaven as the angels sent Lilith and Lucifer down to hell; while hell was painted grimly and monstrously dark as possible.
You sighed, you recognized a figure, stopping in front of the window. You gently reached up to caress Lucifer’s face, before you glanced at Lilith. You felt a sudden pull to two figures, you didn't know why.
“What secrets are they hiding from me?” You asked no one in particular. “Why do I feel like I know you.”
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Please forget that I've been edging yall with this chapter for 4 months mkay thanks bbg. Also please give me theories in the comments I love seeing ppl theorize . Also join my discord <333
@king-zacharyy @mixplara @lukerycyja-reblogs
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dewdropdinosaur · 1 month
Paradise Hypnotized
LUCIFER X M READER X LILLITH (POLY) Summary: As the extermination wages outside, lost and new lovers find themselves with the opportunity to discover each other Warnings: NSFW, 18+, MDNI Oral sex, p in a sex, mentions of a strap, poly sex, sexual themes, use of pet names, and probaby a lot of other things I am forgetting
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The night was thick with the smog of the city’s underbelly. Outside, an extermination was underway, a chaotic dance of flames and death lead by an angelic chorus of war cries and screams. Inside the dimly lit royal mansion, however, the world was serene. The clinking of glasses and the soft hum of jazz set the mood for an unexpected dinner with two of Hell's most infamous residents. Y/N were seated at a corner table, a single candle flickering between him and his companions. Lilith and Lucifer, both radiating a magnetic charm, were seated across from him, their expressions a mixture of amusement and intrigue. While Y/N had long not seen the two of his old friends since the Fall, there last request the angel before departing back to Heaven.
Y/N glanced nervously out the window of the posh, candle-lit dining room. Outside, Hell’s tumultuous nightlife was in full swing, with the unmistakable sounds of chaos punctuating the night—demonic roars, explosions, and the occasional shriek. But inside, the mood was decidedly more refined. The grand mahogany table was laden with an exquisite spread: rare delicacies from the underworld, exotic fruits, and an assortment of infernal spirits that bubbled and crackled in crystal decanters. Lillith and Lucifer, sitting on either side of Y/N, exuded a sophisticated air despite the pandemonium just beyond the walls.
“Quite the contrast, isn’t it?” Lillith mused, her eyes twinkling as she sipped a glass of shimmering wine. Her gaze never left Y/N, and a playful smirk danced on her lips.
“Ah, yes,” Y/N replied, managing a smile as he watched her with an appreciative eye. “This world below is a bit more… lively than I expected.”
Lucifer, draped in his opulent attire, leaned closer with a languid grace. “You know, it’s not every day we get to enjoy a meal with an old friend while the city’s being purged. Quite the rare opportunity.”
Y/N chuckled, feeling the tension of the outside world begin to dissipate in the warmth of their company. “It’s certainly a memorable experience. Thank you for agreeing to my request.”
“Oh of course. How could we say no to such an old friend? After all, you truly helped us out before it all.” 
“Well how couldn’t I. I may not agree with what you stand for but I certainly wont stand for anyone, even you two, being shamed and cast down. You are deserving of respect.”
“Tch, how sweet. So…saint-like.”
“And how are you finding it so far?” Lucifer’s voice was smooth, each word dripping with a charm that made Y/N’s heart race. “Hell, I mean.”
“Well, like I said…it’s certainly lively. Can hardly even smell the brimstone.”
“You’re not feeling overwhelmed, I hope? Cause if so, I would be happy to find a remedy.”
Lillith laughed softly, a sound as rich and captivating as the finest wine. “Oh, Lucifer, you know how to flatter. But really, Y/N, we’re just glad you could join us tonight. It’s not often we get to enjoy such delightful company amidst the madness.”
Y/N’s cheeks warmed slightly as he met her gaze. “Well, I must say, having dinner with the two of you makes the chaos outside feel distant
Lucifer’s eyes gleamed with mischief. "Perhaps we should make a habit of this—dinner amidst the destruction. It adds a certain… flair, wouldn’t you agree?”
Lillith reached over and lightly touched Y/N’s arm, her fingers lingering. “I must admit, it does make for an intriguing atmosphere. And who knows, maybe we’ll even find a way to make it a bit more… memorable~.”
Y/N felt a shiver run down his spine at her touch, her gaze holding his with an intensity that left him breathless. “I can’t argue with that.”
Lucifer, noticing the growing tension, decided to stir the pot a little more. “It’s clear that the evening’s chaos is not the only thing heating up. Perhaps we should address this growing… chemistry.”
Lillith’s eyes sparkled with amusement. “Oh, Lucifer, always so….humorous. I think Y/N might just be here for dinner.”
Y/N smirked, it tugging at his the corners of his lips. “Is that so? Well, I must say, I’m intrigued.”
Lucifer smirked, sliding his short stature over to Y/N. “It’s been nearly two centuries since I’ve seen you and I will admit…the thought has intruiged me—“
Y/N rose his eyebrow, arching it in both confusion and as a display of asking the short king(hehe author joke) to continue. 
“Wouldn’t you agree Lillith?”
“Oh Lucifer, I would have no idea what you are talking out.”
Y/N slowly rose from his seat, sauntering over to Lucifer. “Oh but I would.” Smirking and leaning down to whisper in the king’s ear, “You would just love it wouldn’t you? How dirty it is, how shameful that you are doing this right in front of your beautiful wife.” 
Lillith’s eyes widen in recognition but settling into a lustful stare at the pair. Y/N continued “But you’re greedy aren’t you darling. You would want her there, both of us. Doing all those naughty little things running around in your head.” 
Lillith started to get up but was quickly stopped by Y/N, who wagged his finger in disappointment. “Tch, tch, tch. No my little poisonberry; you stay right there.” Moving over to Lillith, Y/N dragged his chair along with him; settling next to the queen. With darkened eyes and finally seated, Y/N grabbed Lillith’s chin gently. 
“Why don’t you come over here and sit in my lap mhm? They don’t have things as pretty as you in Heaven.” Lillith, nodding obendiently, crawled over into Y/N’s lap, wrapping her arms around his slender frame. Turning his head back to Lucifer, who sat no so quitely palming his trousers, gained his attention with a snap. “Pay attention now darling, my eyes are up here.” Taking his queue once Lucifer looked up, Y/N dove into kiss Lillith. A clash of tongue and teeth, nothing but a mess of pure erotica and a sense of want. A total and primal consumption of self to satiate the burnig desire within. Breaking from the kiss, both parties panting, Y/N motions with his finger for Lucifer to come over. Crawling on his knees, the king humbled whimpers as Y/N then cups his cheek and kiss him with the same passion and fevor as Lillith. Seeing an opening, Lillith starts to suck on Y/N’s neck, bright red and soon to be bruises forming in a path of affection and lust. 
After some stumbling and a few apologies to the butler, all three parties ended up in the master bedroom. With a quick snap of his fingers, both Lillith and Lucifer were left shirtless; toned and slender bodies on full display. Eyes darkened with hunger at the sight of their bare forms, a silent understanding among them of what was about to happen. 
Y/N leaned down and took one of Lillith’s hardened nipples in his mouth, the warmth of his tongue teasing the aroused bud. Dragging his hands across her torso, he slowly marked her skin with every passing touch. Lucifer, instead dipped down and spread her thighs, enjoying the way they felt in his hands. Slowly kissing up her thighs, just barely ghosting over where she needed him most, Lillith let out a soft moan. 
“Sweetheart, see what you do to me? You are absolutely breathtaking.”
Finally giving into her whimpers, Lucifer licked one long stripe up her dripping slit only for his head to be pulled back; moaning at the impact with his hair. 
“Did I say you could taste her, mhmm? No, but you had to go a be a greedy little thing huh darling?” Tossing Lucifer on the bed, Y/N towered over him. 
“Now you’re going to be good and make me feel good yeah? Yeah, that’s right.” Snapping his fingers, Lucifer ended up behind Y/N. Understanding his job, Lucifer lined up his aching member to the angel’s hole and slid in slowly. Y/N gasped at the stretch, gripping the sheets with each small thrust. Lillith whimpered at the sight, both aroused but feeling neglected as her weeping cunt was slick and cold. 
“Poor thing, don’t worry—ahh fuck—I’ll take care of you sweetheart.” Diving into Lillith’s pussy, despite the, while timid, assualt from behind, Y/N relentessly sucked and licked on that sweet spot like a man starved, sucking on her clit and slurping her jucies tin a way that made it seem like it was better than heavenly ambrosia. It was only a matter of time before that familiar band became taut in her stomach. 
“Fuck, Y/N…..sir, please.”
“Let go my poisonberry, let sweetheart cum all over my face.” 
That’s what did it, Lillith felt the coil in her stomach snap as she cried Y/N’s name. Cum now coated his face and the bedsheets below as her high overtook her senses/ Lifting his head up slowly, slick shone and glinted. Licking his lips, he pressed a soft kiss to her lips and both moaned at the salty taste. Pulling back, Y/N halted Lucifer’s movements, who whimpered at the loss of friction. 
With another snap, Lucifer and Lillith has switched positions, Lillith now adoring a vibrant purple strap. “Do me a favor and do better than ducky here okay Lilly?  So senstive couldn’t even fuck right.” 
With a flash of her teeth, Lillith snapped her hips foward, allowing Y/N but a moment to enjoy the new intrusion. “Shit—ahh…just like that.....don’t think I forgot about you yet Luci~”. 
And that’s how the night continued. Despite the waging war and death outside the windows, some semblance of love could prevail. They say love and hope are fragil things, soft as a feather. But in reality, they are both fighters, wiping the blood from their brows and rising again for the next round to defend the things they hold dear. And so in the darkness, bodies strewn together in a hopeful loving haze of lust and adoration; each person in their own right rose and fought for each other simply by allowing themselves the vulerabiluty of an intimacy forbidden by even God. 
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kdval · 1 month
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Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty
› OC: Ha'al a.k.a. Pale Man [8/?]
For the @lenspluslight dress to impress challenge
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