#being fans don't mean we are apologists girl
witheredoffherwitch · 9 months
Not surprised you an aemond apologist, that daemon apologist, that other aegon apologist are friends ya'll are a trifecta of delusional self-inserts
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Adding on to previous anon, can the fandom please explain why it's *Stella's* fault they were forced into a child marriage? Can they explain why it's *her* fault they were forced to conceive an heir? If anything, it's both their parent's fault.
The more they present Stella as just a heartless creature, the more tragic she becomes. Now she was a little girl with visible anger issues, and *nobody* bothered to help her or care for her as a person, just as an incubator. This is why she's wasted because she could have been a great example of generational trauma AND an example of a female abuser
This is what I've always thought and I've said it on here before that its appalling to portray a victim of an arranged marriage whos even more disadvantaged by it than the man like this show does (since St*las gets the whole house in the divorce but Stellas only option was to marry him so she could never own her own property, basically Stella has no property rights much like women used to not historically). The St*las stans just don't. Fucking. Get it. They say you're an abuse apologist and that its ridiculous that "Stella fans can't accept that sometimes women are just bad people" yes we fucking can. I'd have no issues with a female Alastor, for example. But the issue with Stella is that since birth shes been a victim of so much heinous shit, and yet shes BLAMED for it by the show and Viv etc like WTH?
The issue isn't that Stella is as an abuser. But that wasn't set up and done properly, much like many things in this show. The way shes mean to Stolas "just because" is fucking nuts. Like what do you mean just because? Yes, some abusers are abusers just because. But that doesn't work when Stella had 0 choice in marrying St*las like huh!? Shes been valued as nothing more than a baby incubator and for her looks since birth. She never had control over her own future in life and if she never wanted to be a mother, tough. If they had written her as being angry about that and then taking it out on St*las it wouldn't have pissed me off. What pisses me off is that the show and the fanbase is encouraged to act like shes a heinous bitch on the level of someone like VALENTINO. Nope, nope nope nope. A woman forced to bear a child with a man she didn't want to by her family is not on that same fucking level. Her abusing the man who also had no choice isn't right but she still never could have been "horrible just because". She is not Jack Horner from Puss In Boots. A victim of a forced arranged marriage could never be that, because Jack Horner type characters are evil just because they love to be despite stable happy upbringings, while Stella has like 5000 reasons to be evil. Which, let me preface with, I'm not saying it would make her abuse of St*las justified then. But it WOULD make it logical, her motivations would feel much more coherent. Instead of the show weirdly and nonsensically writing a woman being an abuser not because shes lashing out at being the victim of an arranged marriage but just because "shes evil" and the arranged marriage never affected her.
She should have been a sympathetic antagonist if they wanted to be her one. But instead the show and Viv encourages the fanbase to believe that none of what was done to her as a child affected her (yea pretty much impossible for that not to impact someone we are our upbringings and environments). We're supposed to believe she totally didn't mind being arranged married because she's mindless and just thought "oh fuck it, I mean I hate St*las and can't stand him but I'm not affected at all by being arranged married to him, and I'm not gonna mindlessly stick around to bully him muehehehe I love being brainless and hateful and evil just because!" Its such bad writing to write your female victim of an arranged marriage like this while your male one is an innocent soft uwu baby who never did anything wrong ever. Because all the arranged marriage and Stella's story boils down to is tragedy for St*las and opposition to the St*litz ship. Its so ick. Its exactly how misogynistic yaoi fanfics of the early 2010s would write women, the misogyny is completely transparent.
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jesncin · 2 months
I did in fact see your points on how strange it was that MAWS was like a colonizer apologist story if I'm not mistaken! Like, it feels weird to have that as a character, especially a main one! And it makes me sad because I was excited for MAWS! Jimmy was Black and I can't see him in any other way. Are there any Superman stories that don't go this angle? Like, one that is more similar to yours? Yes I read Superman Smashes the Klan! I also like your take on Superman and having him be Jewish also!
Yeah, and same! I was thinking with Lois being Asian American that they were absolutely going for an Immigrant Superman- imagine my disappointment when MAWS went as far from that as possible (xenophobe Asian Lois and colonizer apologist narrative Superman). Right, I was really hoping this show would do right by Jimmy too but that fell flat as well.
Hmm! So this is a tricky question to answer because there are lots of stories that don't go for the Colonizer Krypton route, but whether they go for an immigrant Superman story is another thing (they rarely do). You'll have comics briefly reference Superman being an undocumented immigrant but not really go into what it means to be the alien diaspora and especially linking that experience with human diaspora/immigrants to strengthen the allegory. It's a symptom of most writers who get the privilege to write Superman having to fantasize that experience instead of having lived through it (they'll default to white savior instead). There's a reason it took until an Asian American writer like Gene Yang that we got a definitive Immigrant Superman story with Smashes the Klan! I think from articles like this existing (and Princess Weekes is a far bigger Superman fan than I am) it shows how rarely Immigrant Superman is committed to.
Thank you for enjoying my stuff! If I was to recommend anything, while Clark isn't in it, Girl Taking Over: A Lois Lane story is a must for immigrant Superman enjoyers! Best Asian Lois in any sort of canon, hands down. I pull heavy inspiration from it.
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jackoshadows · 1 year
@blankwhiteshield I thought I would respond in a separate post since I don't want to derail from @fromtheseventhhell's OG post about something else. You responded to my comment here by saying that I was 'entirely wrong' and linking to an essay on Jaime Lannister and I did try to read through all that to get a gist of your explanation.
First I want to mention that Rhaegar being a pre-asoiaf/background/tertiary character means we don't know a lot about him. I can only speculate as to his thoughts and motives and why he did what he did.
I wrote that comment because the absolute hypocrisy of Jaime Lannister apologists/Braime shippers critiquing Rhaegar grinds my gears something fierce. And I am not even a Rhaegar fan - he's a character that there's to set other characters on their journey and to set the story.
The consequences of Jaime's incestual adultery was the spark that lead to the WOT5K that two years on is still ongoing with no stability in war torn Westeros. Jaime Lannister attempts to murder a little child because he can't keep it in his pants for the short duration they are visiting the Starks. Jaime was hunting down a 9 year old to cut off her hand. That poll about Rhaegar being a bad father when Jaime refers to Joffrey as semen in Cersei's cunt is a farce.
Hence my comment.
Now, let's start with Jaime being Aerys' hostage. Yes, Aerys used Jaime against Tywin. However, why was Jaime in the Kingsguard (KG) in the first place? He was Tywin's golden child and heir to Casterly Rock, unlike Cersei and Tyrion having no value for Tywin because she is a girl and he is disabled.
Aerys had no power over Jaime until he chose to join the KG to serve the Mad King. Jaime had more choice than the 14 year old bastard Jon Snow who had to leave Winterfell and the NW is pretty much the only option available to him. He had more choice than his sister Cersei. He had more choice than disabled Tyrion getting physically/sexually abused by his own family.
So why did Jaime decide to join the KG? So that he could be close to Cersei and sleep with her. Jaime joins the KG knowing that he was going to break the KG oaths of celibacy. He didn't care about oaths when joining the KG , right?
This is why Jaime's entire spiel about oaths never had any emotional weight for me, coming from a character who had no value for oaths in the first place and who had no intention of upholding his sworn oaths when he joined the KG.
I can understand a character like Jon Snow's angst and conflict when he is forced to sleep with Ygritte or when he has to choose between the NW and saving his sister, because oaths are important to Jon Snow. Oaths and honor is important to someone like Ned Stark. Jaime? Considering his total disrespect for the KG oaths when he joins them to simply be close to Cersei, I don't get it.
Next, Rhaegar's conversation with Jaime.
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Why do you assume here that Jaime was scared of Aerys and asking Rhaegar to save/rescue him from Aerys? I mean, Jaime was KG. At 13 he won his first melee. At 15 he was defeating other skilled swordsmen.
It could just as well be Jaime eager to fight with Rhaegar in battle and asking that Rhaegar leave behind the older KG like Darry to instead guard the king because the battle is where the fight is. Jaime thinks that guarding someone is not as exciting as fighting in battle. It's even right there in the next sentence when Jaime gets angry about being referred to as a crutch and he's like ' I AM A KINGSGUARD'.
We see something similar when Jon begs his uncle to take him for ranging.
Three days after their arrival, Jon had heard that Benjen Stark was to lead a half-dozen men on a ranging into the haunted forest. That night he sought out his uncle in the great timbered common hall and pleaded to go with him. Benjen refused him curtly. - Jon, AGoT
There's also not much Rhaegar can probably do at that point (speculating here) - facing war/battle - about his volatile, angry father, the King. There are all these essays about the effect that Tywin had on Jaime... imagine the burden of being the Mad King's son. What power does Rhaegar have to take away the King's choice of KG? Rhaegar didn't even have the power to send his own wife and children elsewhere. Him actively interfering was only going to further anger a king who was already paranoid about the crown prince. Hence the 'I dare not take away that crutch from him at such a hour'.
I think you also mention that Jaime was terrified of being executed as an hostage - is this mentioned anywhere in the books or are you just assuming/speculating on his thought process here?
Jon Snow is elected Lord Commander of the Night's Watch at 16. In Westeros 16 is considered a man grown and Jaime is an adult by Westerosi standards and Rhaegar certainly didn't see him as some kind of child hostage like that post deliberately twisted it into.
A boy in Westeros is considered to be a "man grown" at sixteen years. The same is true for girls. Sixteen is the age of legal majority, as twenty-one is for us.
At any rate, Rhaegar and Jaime's fellow KG expected the KG left behind in KL - Jaime Lannister - to do his job and protect the crown prince's wife and babies as per sworn oaths.
In which Jaime fails because while his father's men, including the Mountain, were scaling the walls to rape and murder Elia and her babies, Jaime was lounging on the throne waiting for one of the rebels to get there. And hence his guilt when confronted by ghosts of his past in his weirwood dreams.
You have written a lot on how Jaime could not have known about what Tywin's men would do. I mean, why is he waiting around to find out what they would do?! Sorry, these are piss poor excuses and even Jaime Lannister himself doesn't really believe this because he knows that he should have immediately gone to their side after the King was dead as his ghosts tell him.
Jaime knows his father. He knows what Tywin is capable of. He was there for what Tywin did to Tysha. KL was even then being raped and pillaged. And he thought nothing would happen to the Targaryen princess and her children?
The Mad King was dead - literally backstabbed by the hostage. What should this skilled Kingsguard do next? Immediately go to Elia and the babies to protect Rhaegar's family as Rhaegar entrusted him to do or sit on the Throne waiting for someone to come there? We know what Jaime chose to do:
'Then he climbed the Iron Throne and seated himself with his sword across his knees to see who would come to claim the kingdom. As it happened, it had been Eddard Stark'.
This is what is given to us in the books. Nothing more, nothing else. You can add to this of course, but that would be speculative theorizing on what Jaime's thoughts and feelings are about all this, not what is actually given to us in the books.
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ilikekidsshows · 1 year
Okay, I'm done. I'm gonna fucking say it. This is my take that's hot enough to scorch the earth.
Marinette is not a 14-year-old girl
"Marinette" is a fictional character, therefore she is a construct made by a group of grownass adults, who should fucking know better. When Marinette does such an abhorrent thing that it has people renoucing her writing while the writers make excuses for her, that's not Marinette "making a mistake", that's the writers resolving the plot the way they intended to.
The writers literally think she's in the right to lie to Adrien. They've said so, the fucking show bible says Adrien will never learn the truth so Marinette will keep lying to him. Do you honestly think the writers would actually make their protagonist that much a parallel to her boyfriend's abusive father on purpose? They literally had no idea what they were doing when they wrote the finale with Marinette gaslighting her abuse victim boyfriend about his father's abuse. We're meant to only see Marinette protecting poor, fragile Adrien from things that would hurt him, even though that is how Gabriel saw his actions as well.
As far as the writers are concerned, Marinette has to make those decisions for Adrien, because she knows best. Because she's the protagonist. She's literally the center of the fictional universe of Miraculous, and, as of the retooling in season 4, the show is being written accordingly. Marinette only makes mistakes when she doesn't know something, meaning the mistake wasn't really her fault even when she feels guilty. She's never allowed to be morally wrong about anything, because the writers have changed the way this show works. It's Protagonist Centered Morality all the way down, now, the protagonist is literally just a mouthpiece for how the writers think things should work, and that is that Adrien's trauma isn't allowed to inconvenience Marinette in the slightest.
The people defending this writing choice are even worse, though. They actively voice the general idea that abuse victims shouldn't let their trauma ever inconvenience anyone, or they don't deserve relationships, if they're not outright denying a person's right to be traumatized at all. "Adrien isn't emotionally stable enough to know the truth," they say with complete sincerity, not realizing how ableist they sound. "Adrien should forgive Marinette for acting like his abusive father because Marinette had good intentions," they claim every time they try to justify Marinette's behavior, valuing the mistreating party's feelings over those of the party that is being mistreated. And let us not forget that even Marinette's good intentions just mimic Adrien's abuser.
Like, I know it's because these fans care more about Marinette as a character than they do about Adrien. They're both fictional constructs and not real people, so people will side with their favorite. But, once again, the people justifying the bullshit this show does with Adrien sound so much like abuse apologists that we really have to start calling things by their actual names.
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notdeezy · 2 months
Actually I will join @misssicknesss and make my own post abt how.. weird a lot of Amnesia fans are in treating Daniel vs Alexander.
Incoming huge rant
Like unironically I feel uncomfortable around u if you constantly talk about how Daniel is a sweet uwu innocent cinnamon roll (He's not. He's a grown man.) And how evil and manipulative Alexander is and feel sympathy solely for Daniel.
Seriously there's a lot of infantilzation happening with Daniel in the fandom which I think is also rooted in ableism. Daniel showing signs of mental disorders like Schizophrenia- in turn the fandom sees Daniel as this sweet innocent baby that didn't know better when that's not how Schizophrenia works. (Or In general how psychosis works)
People with Schizophrenia don't just go around randomly murdering little girls when they have an episode and just because they experienced psychosis doesn't mean that they can't be held accountable for their actions- especially when it comes to MURDER.
Even without Daniel murdering someone during a psychosis, he willingly and consciously tortured and murdered innocents before that. He was 100% aware of what he was doing and found pleasure in it. Daniel is not an innocent man.
Also did the fandom like collectively forget that Daniel is a British Colonizer who works for the British musuem and the reason Amnesia TDD happened in the first place is because he fucking grave robbed an Algerian Tomb during an expedition???
Talk as much as you want about Daniel being an abuse victim turned abuser who didn't break the cycle to justify his behavior but literally no one forced him to work at the British Musuem. It definitely didn't come from his family from what we know.
Daniel is not your sweet innocent uwu baby.
Okay. Now to Alexander. I'll try my best not to be biased here as the number one Alexander Apologist but Alexander is also not a good person, duh. He kidnapped people and tortured them as well for vitae over centuries and killed anyone who was a liability to him before turning their mangled corpses into his servants.
What differentiates Alexander from Daniel is his remorse. Unlike Daniel, Alexander doesn't enjoy what he's doing. He isn't opposed to it but you don't see him laughing maniacally as he cuts open his victim or mock their pleas for help. People defend Daniel with the reasoning that Daniel was acting on instinct and wanted to save his own life. True, but then you can't turn around and shit on Alexander for doing the exact same thing. Pick a lane.
Alexander doesn't torture people for fun. He does it because the resource found within human anguish- vitae- is what he needs to return home to a loved one. He has tried finding other methods to harvest vitae before resorting to human torture! And in a memory capsule he notes that if he doesn't get home soon, he'll be killed because of his involvement in human politics. Alexander is also just trying to save himself. He constantly laments about how he misses his old self. How he's aware that he has become a monster. How he lives in anguish every single day. He feels like that he has no other choice but to be cruel and he hates it every step of the way. But his desire to return to his love keeps him going.
If you ask me that makes Alexander way more sympathetic than the British bloke who, upon being forced to deal with the consequences of his actions, threw a temper tantrum, cried (literally), blamed Alexander for everything then drank an Amnesia potion to run away from the repercussions.
YES Alexander was manipulative towards Daniel during the game, preying on his insecurities in an attempt to stop him but that was during a time where he was about to finally return home after centuries of being stuck on Earth, homesick and miserable. I'd personally have a hard time staying chipper too if I was in that position. Alexander was desperate.
On top of that, Daniel was manipulative too! News Flash! The way he manipulated Elise Zimmermann into staying at the Castle to keep her from escaping and telling local authorities was fucking disgusting. Even more so when you know that he murdered her shortly after for no reason other than his paranoia. That's a lot more reprehensible than Alexander manipulating Daniel into making him give up and submit to the Shadow (again, out of desperation!!). And if that wasn't enough, Daniel called Elise a "little bitch" and tried justifying what he did by trying to convince himself that she deserved it because he refuses to acknowledge that he's an evil person.
Again. If you want to acknowledge that Alexander was manipulative, then you also need to acknowledge that so was Daniel. In a way that was a lot more evil than Alexander if you ask me.
Long story short: don't talk to me if you think Daniel was an innocent baby that did nothing wrong and Alexander is the big evil abuser.
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nanasalt · 1 year
Hi, I'm genuinely curious why you have called Elsa "abusive sister"? What's your, as an Anna lover, main take on Elsa?
Context for my comment.
Realizing on a reread that you asked for an Elsa analysis and I kinda made it an Anna one. They're entwined, though -- it's hard to talk about one without the other, especially when the first question is why call Elsa abusive? The short answer is I was being very reductive in that post for the sake of brevity. The tag directly after is me saying in a quick, off-the-cuff way that Elsa's not wrong:
#see: Anna of Arendelle #suffering is good! #filial loyalty should trump logic! #dying for your abusive sister is good! #Elsa obviously has her own issues but from Anna’s pov?
Believe me when I say that I can go full Elsa apologist very easily. Send a second ask if you want to see that, actually, I do have a lot of Elsa Thoughts. The thing is, there's a ton of Elsa fans out there and Anna tends to get the short end of the stick, despite being - in my opinion - the better sister, and not for nothing, but I think Elsa would agree that Anna is a better sister.
The tragedy of Frozen is that Elsa isn't wrong to isolate herself and try to keep Anna safe, and Anna isn't wrong to sense her sister still wants to connect and try to make it happen. That's what makes it tragic. Anna's desperate attempt to reconnect at the party is what makes Elsa balk, and Elsa balking is what pushes Anna away into the arms of someone who isn't afraid to tell her she's wanted. (Of course, Hans isn't afraid because wanting her won't kill her the way Elsa is pretty sure wanting a sister will.) Anna coming back from a whirlwind of having fun - having a friend - for the first time in years and telling Elsa she wants to get married freaks Elsa out, because Elsa's about to lose her sister to some stranger! Elsa tries to get the situation under control the only way she knows, which is to get away from everyone and self-soothe, but Anna is fed up and presses the argument then and there, which sets Elsa off and reveals the depths of Elsa's problems.
But critically, Anna's not wrong, and she's not stupid.
A major theme of Anna's character is that nothing is explained to her, and she is mistreated as a result. We, the audience, understand why Elsa locks herself away. We, the audience, skip over literal years of isolation for Anna in a three-minute song. We, the audience, see Elsa's anxiety when alone or with her parents. Anna, on the other hand ... to pull from the musical, which I admittedly like more than the film:
ANNA: ... Truth is, I never knew why my parents ordered the gates shut, why the celebrations ended, or why Elsa stopped talking to me. All I ever knew was, I missed my sister. I spent years trying to figure out what I did. I begged to know, to understand, but all my parents would say is, it’s for the best.
Anna blames herself for the fact Elsa locked herself away, and Elsa does not, as far as we see in the story, disabuse Anna of that notion. Sure, you can argue it happens offscreen somewhere after the show, and I'd agree that the arc of Frozen means the girls are going to sit down and realize their parents kinda sucked and gave them both trauma, but that happens after. (Frozen 2 doesn't exist in my head. I don't hold with anything that doesn't admit their parents fucked up big time. The best you can say is they tried to help their daughter, and that is tragic too, that nobody was able to help them do it.)
From Elsa's point of view, she ran away and Anna followed - against Elsa's advice and orders. Elsa felt confident enough to let her sister in and talk about things -- and Elsa couldn't handle it. She shot Anna in the heart as a result, putting them exactly back where they were when they were kids and Elsa was the biggest danger to her sister. Elsa was right to be afraid of intimacy, she was right to protect Anna from herself. The biggest danger to Anna was always Elsa.
This verges into Hans apologism, but we're focused on the girls so stick with me: Elsa literally kills Anna in the story. Hans is a big asshole about this little, "If only there was someone out there who loved you," speech, but he didn't kill Anna. Elsa did. If Elsa hadn't shot Anna in the heart, Anna would not be dying now. If Hans was going to kill Anna, that would've been the place -- and instead he leaves her to die of the wound her sister gave her.
So how does Anna feel in that moment? Narratively, we focus on the fact Hans has been the biggest dick lately, so she's heartbroken by that, but I'd posit she's been let down by the two people she thought might want her: Elsa and Hans. At this point Anna was probably thinking she could get cured and maybe that she and Hans would fix this together.
Instead, her unending faith in her sister should have brought her to this conclusion: Elsa killed her, Hans refused to save her, and they've both abandoned her for dead. In the film, Elsa - by proxy - throws Anna off a cliff right after shooting her in the heart. She could not be more clear about locking Anna out. Hans locked her in, but all to the same effect: Elsa's curse is going to kill her.
Does it really matter why Elsa cursed her?
When I say Elsa is an abusive sister, I mean that from Anna's point of view, Elsa lashes out and hurts Anna because of her own pain. We, the audience, have the benefit of knowing why - but we, the audience, also aren't feeling our fingers freeze solid as our jaw locks up with ice, so maybe we're not getting the full effect there.
Frozen's magic system is simple: magic and emotion are the same thing. (Frozen 2 do not interact.) Elsa's powers are driven by emotion, and they can be driven to great heights or great lows. The tragedy is that she doesn't learn to channel positive emotions, so she only knows fear and anxiety, which spiral out of control as those emotions always do. That fear isn't irrational - she's afraid for her sister, she's afraid for her country, she's afraid to let people down - but it is damaging and uncontrollable.
It literally kills her sister.
Anna dies, not because she threw herself under the sword and got diced, but because she turns to ice. She dies because of Elsa's curse, which ironically saves her from being killed in a bloody way. In that moment, Elsa sees her worst fears come true: she killed her sister. In the musical, she sings:
Anna? Anna - no! This is what I feared, this is why I shut you out so long ago. I'm sorry, I'm so sorry ... Look at what I've done to you.
As she realizes this, the magic begins to undo itself, not because Elsa realized the depth of her fuck up but because Anna committed an act of true love. Anna is brought back to life miraculously by her own self-sacrifice because it was pure and selfless. Which is why my final tags were:
#the narrative posits that [Anna's] suffering was good #actually. #and wanting things for herself was Bad actually
Wanting Hans, the seeming first person to value her, was wrong. Throwing herself under the sword for the sister who ignored her until she murdered her was good. In a meta sense, Anna wanting something for herself was wrong, and being blindly loyal was good. She is literally rewarded by being brought back from the dead to be a continuing loyal companion to the woman who shot her in the heart.
At the end of the day, the fact Elsa feels terrible about this both makes no difference and makes all the difference in the world. Elsa has been awful to Anna, and her being able to recognize that is what makes their relationship so compelling. The fact Elsa is also abused is important; she was locked away from society just as much! While Anna was so neglected by their parents that she spoke to paintings, Elsa was being told to just get better, keep it inside and don't freak out. Like many abused people, when Elsa grows up, she doesn't know how to form a healthy relationship at first. Her first fumbling steps end in disaster, and as musical Elsa begs:
This is all so brand new Let me first learn to crawl Before I try to walk
On one hand, that doesn't matter, because Elsa did abuse Anna for a period of time, via neglect and outright harm, up to and including murder. On the other hand, it matters more than anything, because Elsa chooses love, chooses to reconnect, finds true regret and wants to be better. Anna forgives her, because she loves her.
It's what makes the bones of this story so tragic and compelling. The love is real and the hurt is real. The difference is that both sisters choose to move past it, and I can see there being a good ending where they repair their sisterly relationship.
But for the duration of the story, and the near-decade before? Anna was abused by everyone in her family, and Elsa has to take responsibility for that before they can begin to heal.
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Hey CJ, you mentioned that you disagree with a lot of your old TWDG opinions, any that stand out you wanna share? Also i agree with what you said about wanting to play the series for the first time again with no prior knowledge - i would love to meet louis character for the first time again.
Yeah, some opinions have changed with time and moving on from being a hardcore, active fan in the fandom. I'm pretty sure I've talked about some of them more recently, like how I used to not like Jane but now I've become something of a "Jane apologist," if you will.
I was also super vocal about hating the Clementine comics when the 12-page comic dropped, and I'm pretty sure I was shitty about Tillie Walden... which I look back on now and feel embarrassed. In fact, I specifically remember calling attention to the fact that Skybound turned off comments on the first book trailer and on their instagram, twitter, etc. and being like, "look at these COWARDS! they know we hate the comic and that Tillie's a bad artist, they're trying to shut us up!" ........but then I heard they turned them off because Tillie was getting threats, and it caused me to dig around and see the vile shit fans were saying.... It gave me pause to think things through and I feel very differently about it all now.
I've also changed my mind on Minerva. Like Jane, there was a loooong period of time where I didn't like her, but now? I think she's great. A real tragedy.
In fact, real talk, I think my perspective on most of the female characters in TWDG has shifted dramatically. I've done a lot of thinking on this just in general; I'm much harder on female characters than male characters. I can pretend like noooooo I was always soooo fair... but no, not always. I'm sure it's from some deep-rooted, internalized misogyny I have that I'm working on, but I also think the games sometimes neglect those characters, too. Which makes it easier to brush them off as just "poorly-written" and "bad characters" if I don't like them when that's not always the case.
Or let's be real, we all know how this goes; the games give us a flawed male character and fans are like "he's my blorbo, here's a 50k essay about why he deserved better and a list of my headcanons and the twenty AUs I've written for them-" but then a female character's just as flawed and fans are like "lol she's poorly written, here's an essay on why-"
Don't look at me like that. I know I'm guilty of this. I know y'all remember Mitch. Back in the day, Mitch was my boy and I used to write about him all the time but like... god forbid I put that much effort into writing about Violet or Minerva, right?
Or even look at Kate, for example. Past CJ would've talked about how much she doesn't like Kate and she hates the forced romance with Javi, she's just there as a way to make David and Javi fight, etc. But you ask me about Kate now and I'm like, "Girl, ANF did you so dirty, you didn't deserve this."
Or how about Bonnie in S2? We all love to hate on Bonnie, but like... she's such an interesting character?? She's a recovering drug addict so desperate for a place, and you can see Carver's manipulation at play in the way she talks about him to Clementine. It takes seeing him physically beat Kenny within an inch of his life before she's like "Yeah no, fuck this, we're leaving tonight." And we give her shit about Luke's death and being mean to Clementine but frankly? Yeah, she's mean to Clementine and that's fine.
What, it's okay for Kenny to lash out and call her a stupid kid when Sarita dies because he's your poor meow meow and it makes his character soooo morally gray and complex? But Bonnie lashes out about Luke's death and suddenly she's just a massive piece of shit? No complexities or anything? There's no grey morality? No underlying motive or emotions behind the choice to abandon the group with Mike and Arvo?? She's just a bitch??
And do I even need to talk about Sarah? Hmm? We all know how Sarah was received and how fans still talk about her. Again, Sarah has a complete meltdown over losing her father and people get hurt, and fans wish death upon her... but Kenny has a meltdown and brutally beats up Arvo or threatens to smack Clementine or a number of things.... "that's fine, he's just really upset, he lost his family, y'know? everyone keeps trying to GASLIGHT me that he's bad but if you really think about it, Arvo totally deserved to be abused and it's actually Clementine's fault Kenny hit her because she tried to stop him-"
I just... the lengths we go to justify and defend this violent, toxic character but then act like Jane is the worst, I can't-
It's so funny to me whenever I see someone in the fandom complain about wanting more morally grey, flawed female characters because like... y'all couldn't even handle Jane. Or Lilly. Or Sarah. Or Bonnie. Rebecca. Eleanor. Christa. Minerva and Violet, in a lot of cases. So like... what do you actually want?
Note that I'm guilty of this, too, and I've asked myself that question... haven't fully worked out the answer yet.
That's the major thing that comes to mind about opinions I had that I've changed my mind about. I think a big factor in that is letting twdg go and getting invested in other fandoms, doing a lot more reading, getting back into writing, etc. Obviously I've really gotten into the Dragon Age fandom and that's what triggered this "journey of self-reflection~" when it comes to how I perceive female characters. Like, you want flawed, morally-grey ladies? That's your series... assuming you can actually handle it.
But I also recently finished a playthrough of Fallout New Vegas and remembered my love for Veronica Santangelo, like... I don't care that the game doesn't technically have romance, that's my girlfriend, I love her. Then the other night I finished my first playthrough of Life is Strange True Colors [I know, where the fuck have I been, right?] and I spent 40% of the time looking at flowers, 10% being sad about Gabe, and the other 50% trying to figure out who I liked more, Steph or Ryan.
I've also been reading a lot of wlw novels which is just..... THAT'S a whole mess I won't get into because this is already long enough and you didn't ask. Just know that's also another factor in this reflection.
And to answer the other part of your ask: I miss Louis. I would love to play TFS again for the first time again, that was a fun time.
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bengiyo · 1 year
Hello hello ~~
Through wen-kexing-apologist's recent post about The Birdcage (which seems to come from your syllabus for baby gays) I got to the original series of reblogs which resulted in said syllabus. I read most of it (not everything because Real Life has my time hostage), and as someone who has seen her fare share of queer media I have now a pretty long to watch list.
As you wrote about how you enjoyed the romance of queer media I have a question.
Recently I have come across a Netflix movie trailer called Love at First Sight. With such a basic trope as a name I checked it out hoping the title to be misleading and to see something surprising in the plot. The disappointment I felt when by the end of it I realized it was exactly what the title sold: the most basic boy meets girl and they have to look for each other throughout the whole movie.
One of the things I really appeciate about queer media (and mainly BL probably) is the possibility to explore different kinds of romances and emotions. Both positive and negative. From Not Me to Heartsopper to Double Mints. I feel that being "out of the norm" they explore such emotions and situations in a more interesting and relatable way (and add to that that I, as a woman, cannot stand women characters making a 360º personality change once they fall in love)
So here's my question: what unusal or out of the ordinary romances would you like to see more of in BLs/queer shows/etc?
I personally would like romances with disabled characters to be more explored (I'm really looking forward to Last Twilight) or polyamory. Also more GL.
I admit this might be a very biased ask, it comes 100% from my subjective view, and I have yet to watch most of the movies in your syllabus for Baby Gays.
Anyway, I hope you have a great day and that this long ask won't bother you ❤
Well look at this ask! Let me get into this!
The Syllabus is on a Google Doc
First, I sincerely appreciate you watching me and @shortpplfedup go back and forth about stuff. For yours and others' convenience, I did put the Queer Cinema Syllabus in a Google Doc for @wen-kexing-apologist
Some Recommendations
If you're looking for a film with a disabled protagonist and also a bit about women, I would recommend checking out Margarita With a Straw (2014), Sleep With Me (2022) (I watched on Gaga), or if you're willing to tolerate hets Isa Pa With Feelings (2019) (currently on Netflix) or Silent (2022) (Viki)
If you're interested in more polyamory, I genuinely think that Quaranthings Season 2 (2021) does some really fascinating stuff worth checking out. We had complicated feelings about Me, My Husband, and My Husband's Boyfriend (2023), but I liked it.
What do I want though?
I think this is a harder question for me to answer than I was expecting. I see myself as a guest when I'm watching a lot of content from Southeast Asia. I will voice my opinion on what I like and don't like, what I'm taking from these shows, and how they're affecting me. However, I don't really consider myself the target audience. I watch the shows as legally as possible and help generate engagement, but the "interfans" they care about are the English-speaking Asians in their region, not really me I feel like.
So when I think about what I want, I don't feel a yearning for any of the BL-producing Asian countries' film industries to make it for me.
I want to see the shit I like in the West get made. I want to see Black queer people presented complexly (Here is my regular plug for For The Boys). I'm a fat black gay nerd. The last time I saw a fat black gay nerd that I liked in an American production was Fire Island (2022).
I'm a 33-year Star Trek fan who still thinks we need more GAYS IN SPACE. I'd like to see more productions like Sort Of (2021- ) where complex queer friend and social groups navigate just existing in the world and finding love and meaning. I'd like to see less of reboots of classic shows like Queer as Folk be about a horrifying mass death event in the city I live in and the spaces I frequent (I refuse to link to it).
I want to see TJ Klune's, Ginn Hale's, or Lynn Flewelling's works adapted to series. I would like to see more wide release queer shit in the West not be overwhelmingly about fit, attractive, young white guys.
I want distribution for queer stories to not always have to go through four years of distribution hell because of the film festival circuit.
I want the West to try to make BL! I don't care if it feels cheap on the front end. I just wish more of us would be willing to throw support behind web shows. We did it for Awkward Black Girl! We can do it again!
This is turning into rambling, so I'll say that I don't necessarily have strong feelings about what I absolutely need to see. I like connecting with the specific humanity of stories, especially if they're about queer people. I didn't know I needed Moonlight (2016) until I saw it. I didn't know I needed Make the Yuletide Gay (2009) or Black Sails (2014-2017) until I watched them.
I just want more people with ideas to get a chance to turn them into something cool for us.
What about the rest of you? Please tag me if you have things you're hoping for.
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Tumblr media
I find it really difficult to take love for Loki seriously when instead of actual fans, he has defenders and apologists that are petty mean girls who actively ignore everything he does wrong and pin it on other people. Such as attempting mass genocide through no one's, literally no one's instruction.
The point of the character has always been that he's a selfish asshole who wants to do what benefits himself, and a major sadistic troll who gets off on fucking around with people. Such as turning his brother into a frog, or turning himself into a snake to trick his brother just to stab him for funsies.
But then we got the fools who forever and always rationalize "well he can't be bad because I'm not bad so I can't like actually bad people and that must mean he isn't actually bad!".
Bravo, grade A+++ circular fucking logic. Then go and complain about Loki being portrayed as the 'soft gentle good uwu dear boi' you make him out to be because you don't feel special for seeing him as good anymore??
Fuck that and news flash.
Loki is best when he's bad.
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sailormoonandme · 11 months
If there was a new Sailor Moon reboot anime someday I'd want it to respect the core values and spirit of the original manga and anime, but do something different. I don't think it is necesarry to re-tell the Dark Kingdom arc all over again, at least not in the same way, let alone methodically follow that up with the Black Moon, Infinity, Dream or Stars arcs.
I think that'd be refreshing for older fans (who currently are the primary target demographic for the brand) and for newer fans (who I actually think should be at least equally the target demographic at some point in the future) they won't know that we are deviating from what we've seen before anyway.
There are no end of ways you can change things up of course, but for the sake of argument lets say Sailor Moon is a seasonal anime, meaning it realistically has 12-13 episodes to tell its arc in.
There are no end of anime or western cartoons that can tell compelling arcs in that amount of time, but the limited episode count almost locks you into replicating Crystal and the manga if you are married to the DK arc or married to how the DK arc unfolded. Namely, introducing the Senshi one by one, building towards the drama with their pat lives etc. So just immediately off the bat you've eaten up minimum 6-7 episodes of your season on set up as each episode is going to be setting up one of the Senshi, Tuxedo Mask, etc. I'm a Crystal defender/apologist, but I see no point doing that again if we are doing a new reboot.
Instead, here is a radical idea. Why not start the series off with the Inner Senshi already established as a team and Usagi is the audience avatar who is being introduced to them, their HQ and their mission when she is recruited to the Sailor Team. Not only will that work for people unfamiliar with Sailor Moon, but for us old geezers who've seen every version out there (and read many more through fanfiction ;) it sort of speeds things up. We can get to the character dynamics and interpersonal relationships with our girls off the bat. In addition, it provides a more organic reason as to why Usagi is less combat savvy compared to the other girls, the latter have just been doing this for longer whilst Usagi is a newbie.
Arranging things this way is also how a lot of Super Sentai (one of Takeuchi's primary sources of inspiration for Sailor Moon) seasons kick off too, they build the team within the first episode or two as the team is the heart of the story.
Here is another radical idea. What if the Dark Kingdom and the reincarnation angle isn't even the plot of the first arc? What if we're dealing with some new villains or the Death Busters even? The Death Buster's base of operations was a school. In a sense, they are even more natural villains for a team of superhero school girls to go up against out of the gate. You could draw out the huge reveals of everyone's past lives and so on across the whole series rather than make it the first arc. Like imagine if Queen Beryl and Metalia were not simply the final villains of the first/only arc, but the Final Big Bad of the entire series?
That's not even getting into all the villains beyond the mainline manga that you could make use of, modernising them or adapting them into an anime for the first time. Ail, An, Fiore, Snow Kaguya, Queen Badine, Shaman Apsu and the Opposito Senshi, Past Wiseman, Death Vulcan, Dark Nibiru, Coatl, Dracul, Vampir, Lilith, etc.
I'm just saying this franchise is replete with rich concepts, characters and ideas. Creatively there is A LOT that can be done with it for old fans and new. It'd be a shame if we never got more and an even bigger shame if what we got was what we have seen before.
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atopvisenyashill · 4 months
the way twitter stans don't get matt smith is playing up the blacks vs greens conflict like most of the actors have been in the recent interviews, like ofc as the person who plays daemon he's gonna say he doesn't like alicent lmao
(also i find it interesting how all of the crazy team green twitter stans had no problem when tgc called jace a dweeb isn't that hate too🤔)
no YEAH and like, obvious caveat it isn't the whole fandom but twitter does incentivise the absolute craziest people to get popular which means some of thee most annoying people to have ever existed in this world are popular in the greater hotd fandom, and what's been consistently frustrating is how many people who are either rhaenicent/girls focused or tg stans who just refuse to acknowledge the absolutely cracked behavior coming from their side. like, all this focus on olivia, basically with the implication that this is an isolated thing like with the hate lena got for playing cersei, but it's not because imo the internet (or at least twitter) has gotten infinitely worse since got finished, so it's not just olivia getting this insane behavior, it's the bulk of the cast! and it's coming from everyone, from the angry book fans, the targ nation delulus, the femslash enjoyers, tb, tg, every subfandom has had some insane and over the line behavior directed towards the cast that loves to default to either "well you're ugly and i hope you die" or just straight up bigotry.
like the amount of people (largely the "toxic yuri enjoyers" or the tb stans, i can whack the people i hang out with!!) going after tom for saying standard actor stuff like "I love my character" or "i feel bad for my character" and saying he's a rape apologist is crazy. people didn't even go after jason momoa for that real dumbshit "i get to rape beautiful women" comment this hard! is he supposed to not try to understand the character he's playing?? are people who play villains or antagonists just never allowed to feel sympathy for their characters? that's crazy, that's insane, but especially in a series where a) there are SO MANY villain protagonists and b) this series is known for exploring why bad people turn into bad people and why good people do bad things and what even a "bad person" or a "good person" looks like, so why are we mad that the cast plays into this??
and YEAH tbh like you say, i think there's a lot of in this case tg stans specifically who get so fucking angry whenever Matt Smith plays along with the "all must choose" angle but it's like - yeah of course he does, he's not the only one doing this, he clearly thinks it's fun to joke about how he's gonna decimate ewan mitchell, and i think a lot of his bts stuff throughout his career has gone from the two extremes of "having something amazing to say" and "being completely and totally unserious" because this is a job he does, and he likes to get goofy with it. it's fine!!! but no, apparently, it's such a crime to simply exist and like that he's playing this fun character with a goofy wig and a cool aesthetic that we've gotta dogpile every post about him calling him ugly!! but when The People We Hate In Fandom do something vile like call olivia a cunt to her face, that's the true evil! and when People We Are Friends With start saying really weird shit about fabien being ~violent~ we just look the other way even tho that feels just a lil racist!!!
it's more frustrating because you can't even say this is a fandom that skews young like a shitty teen show or a cartoon - this is a grown up show for adults, this is prestige tv, this is a show and a series you actually think "maybe i should wait a few years before i let my middle schooler dig into that one" but the fandom is SO INSANE. WE ARE ALL ADULTS WHY ARE WE ACTING SO JOBLESS. GO PAY YOUR CHILD SUPPORT. DO SOME YOGA SO YOUR BACK DOESN'T SEIZE UP BEFORE 40. TOUCH GRASS!!
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rise-my-angel · 2 months
Yeah, a rewatch is eye opening, definitely noticed Dany’s red flags, and everyone around her did too.
But she was 1000% aware of what she did in kings landing, she did not lose her mind, she knew what she had done and that she would keep doing it, she told Jon so, she had told Jorah and more people previously.
While yes, a ruler should be strict, like you said there was no grey area for her, no middle point, it was either yes or no (live or burn)
And i love her character but im not an apologist, i love Jon and I understand what he did
While I would’ve liked a different ending for her and that she would’ve been the Targaryen who broke the mold, she wasn’t. She was 100% Targaryen, the same as the others.
Personally I think wanting to rule the seven kindoms was more a tantrum, her poc of brother always told her that it was their birthright (and others too), she just wanted to prove that she could do it. But she did not like to rule, she liked to conquer, the proof is that was bored in mereen
Others wanted to believe that she would make a difference, but the more time they spent with her the more they noticed that it was yes or burn
I think Dany has gone too far to make a turn now. If she were going to go the other way and actually "break the wheel", we would've seen her have hints of going in that direction for a long time.
Instead, Dany always goes the other. She will claim to have good intentions, then use horrible and tyrannical means in which to do so, with absolutely no willingness to challenge her own perspective on good and evil while doing so. If it is something she thinks should be destroyed, there is no arguing her away from it. She will choose the most destructive or violent path. She always has and she always will.
Dany is not going to end a good character, she is the true Targaryean of the series. She more then anyone of living Targaryean blood, embodies everything of fire and blood and that is not said as a compliment. She is volatile, self righteous to a dangerous degree and has increasingly found comfort in the acts of extreme violence to get what she wants because she thinks she is the sole person who is entitled to have ultimate power above anyone else.
Now, here's the thing, I'm not even saying those are bad things about her character. It's what makes her story interesting to watch, the spiral into starting as a girl who feared watching her brother rule as a King with his dangerous Targaryean mindset, only to watch as she becomes the ruler and turns into an even more dangerous version of her father and brother then before. That's interesting. I'd never say people can't enjoy characters like that. One of my favourite characters in the books is Euron Greyjoy, who is like, the ultimate villain who I desperately hope dies in a pathetic way by the ends of the book and I will throw a party over his corpse.
I've always just hated that so many of her fans, don't engage with who she really is. By glazing her every action, they prove they do not like Dany, they like their self insert version of Dany that would actually use all of this destructive power for the greater good only and made whoopsies along the way.
She is a bad person and was always destined to die as the destructive power that everyone once feared her father would turn into. True Targaryeans in this series like her, have never broken any kind of wheel.
Their entire lives depend on that wheel being in existence so they can weild every bit of it's full power alone. Westeros is a feudal system, meaning Kings do not have sole power, they work alongside with noblemen and Lords to different areas laws and delegate different powers to different people so that one person cannot make the only chocies.
Dany, does not want to be part of that system. She wants to be the only one in charge and everyone else has to listen, or they die.
The only thing Dany has ever wanted to be and will ever turn out to be, is the tyrant that every Targaryean before her wishes they could have become.
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performativezippers · 2 years
Ok so this kinda goes against conventional thought but like. What if cara is NOT the worst? What if she’s just a little too much like kate and they got their wires crossed but no big feelings hurt but also that she made kate pay for her hotel room while she was on the island. They could never really be friends after this fiasco and especially if kate has any chance with lucy, but cara hears everything and is like. Kate. DUDE. Wtf? Get your house in order, girl! Not to be an apologist or anything
honestly the challenge here is that the writers weren't thinking nearly as much as we are about cara, in particular about the timeline.
so in 1x11 when this is first established, kate says she was with cara when she lived in DC and "it wasn't working" and "i thought it would fizzle out." okay, sure. and then she says "I was scared to break up with cara and start something real with you," which tells me it was an actual relationship, right? and okay, you're with person 1 long distance and it's not working, you procrastinate breaking up with them for a month or two, you get swept up in a new relationship and don't actually manage to break up with person 1, that makes sense. i mean it's not great, but it makes sense. i can clearly see kate doing this.
but then! then they wrote 1x19, and what we learn is that this wasn't just a few weeks or months of cara/lucy overlap, right? lucy tells ernie in 1x19 that it was a little more than 2 years from the time whistler first visited hawaii until the end of the season. that means kate and cara were together for 1.5 years of her being in hawaii.
so this blows up the timeline that makes sense, and now we have to deal with the fact that, canonically i guess, kate was in a real relationship with cara that "wasn't working" for 1.5 years, even while she was extremely swept up and committed to lucy.
so i think we as fans and fic writers who are obsessed with timelines and backstories--we get to decide what we do with this. do we throw out the 1x19 timeline? do we say kate and cara weren't actually together for the 1.5 years and cara showing up was the weirdest thing of all time? do we grapple with 1x19 being true, meaning kate cheated on both of them for a long time? do we make cara into some kind of secret agent who shows up to fuck with kate after it really did end 1.5 years ago? do we say kate was committed to cara but not emotionally invested until 1x06 and then thought it would fizzle out if she went low contact from 1x06 to 1x11, and that's why she was surprised when cara showed up in 1x11?
i think all the choices are equally fun to play with, equally fun to write and explore and make our personal headcanons. cheater kate, oblivious kate, evil cara, poor cara, all of those can work! i think the goal is to read the fics you like, ignore the ones that take an option you don't, and remember to take everything in canon with a million grains of salt because we are way more obsessed with making this make sense than the writers.
so do i personally headcanon cara as the worst? no, not at all. or i haven't, at least. it could be fun! everything could be fun!
(and by fun, i think you all know i mean very emotionally hurtful in a fic i would write, lol)
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bericas · 2 years
001 + teen wolf!
Favorite character: scott my best friend scott!!
Least Favorite character: this is so tricky cause i love so much but also hate so much. i think i hate kate most for the obvious reasons but also cause she's dealt with in such a strange way in canon. like maybe this is a hot take, but i truly think it was so unnecessary to make her a literal pedophile? and also strange to never really address the fact that she was a literal pedophile outside of her kissing deaged derek? and even then they did not talk about that at all! it felt like very strange Drama to add and never give any weight
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): obv gotta give it up to my besties berica, but also scallison, stalia, draeden, and scira! can we tell i'm an s4 apologist
Character I find most attractive: HMMMMMM i think malia? this is hard because everyone is so beautiful but i think malia is the one i wanted to kiss most on the mouth when i was however old i was when s4 came out (can we tell i'm an s4 apologist)
Character I would marry: my heart says scott but my brain says i could not survive his lifestyle. he would be like ok babe i gotta go die again and i'd have a panic attack. he'd be like i'm going the store and i'd be like are you sure? are you sure it's the store? are you sure you're not going to go die again? and i truly believe sometimes he would actually be lying and going to go die again. but i don't know who else i would marry? i guess malia i just think she'd be the most bearable of the martyrs. i'd be like please don't die and she'd be like don't worry i'd kill before i got killed and i'd be like okay. well. i guess that's better. also she's cute and fun and strong i'd feel so safe on public transportation
Character I would be best friends with: MY GIRL KIRA
a random thought: scott should die less
An unpopular opinion: scott is the main character! (this being unpopular is embarrassing for the rest of you)
My Canon OTP: stalia!!!
My Non-canon OTP: this is hard bc i love to lie. i think it's gotta be sceo cause i just can't process any of that through a heterosexual lens. this is the one ship that it like makes no sense to me in a straight context
Most Badass Character: i truly deeply in my heart believe it's my best friend scott
Most Epic Villain: it's gotta be either tamora monroe or jennifer blake. the hero in their own stories villains r my fave villains
Pairing I am not a fan of: i hold so much hate in my heart for st*rek i will never forgive the existence of the sterek fandom as its own separate fandom wherein some people literally have not watched the show and have no context for their opinions and are still so loud about it. be wrong or be loud. pick a struggle
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): boyd<3 literally i don't think anyone was done as poorly as boyd. they fucked his whole 3a so bad and gave his death no meaning at all
Favourite Friendship: allydia i think
Character I most identify with: erica!! i saw her at 12 years old and said oh yeah she's me-coded she's just like me for real!! i think my view of her has gotten more balanced as i've gotten older obviously but she's still my girl
Character I wish I could be: literally not one of them. not a single one. i do not want to live in that town nor do i want to live any of their lives. if i had to pick though it'd be lydia just because she's the mom friend by the end and i too want to throw blankets on these people
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magnuficentwo · 1 year
1, 4, 6, 8, 9, 12 for Borderlands
[From this !] Thank u for the ask now I get to practice my VIOLENCE
1- The character everyone gets wrong
Hate hate hate hate hate how so many people write Rhys. Rhys is a character who's whole appeal {personally} is that he is very much Just Some Fucking Guy. Before the stories of Tales happened, Rhys was just some random dude who wanted to make it big, and afterwards, when he gets the opportunity to, he's still Majorly not his own person. He's influenced by the player in a meta sense, but also by Ugly John. This guy's identity is based off what the situation demands and what other people expect of him, and yet no one ever seems to acknowledge it, favoring instead his fucked up relationship with H.J as the sole atribute of his character [and this WILL pop up later trust me].
The guy has potential and the game acknowledges it (by the games own words, he rebuilt Atlas, became the CEO and even invented some cool new tech along the way), but he is NOT ALL THAT and I'm TIRED of people acting like there is that much substance to him. Just say you want the white men to kiss, stop putting on different hats on this guy and acting like hes all that
4- What was the last straw that made you finally block that annoying person?
Moxxi slander. I swear, anyone who says Mad Moxxi is "annoying" or "a bitch" is 20% of the time a misogynist and 80% of the time a Handsome Jack sympathizer who thinks that she should've had some pity on The Active Space War Criminal. And this person did exactly that so yk how it is
6- Which ship fans are most annoying ?
Rhack shippers. No doubt. Partly because of my own personal gripes with how this dude is characterized {see: number 1}, but also because it's genuinely just so boring 😭 you can write this ship a thousand different ways but ultimately it boils down to "We need these white men to kiss" and nothing else. Also the whole "this guy manipulated this other guy for the entire time they interacted and then tried to kill him" thing.
8- Common fandom opinion everyone is wrong about.
There's nobody who is good in this game I'm sorry to all apologists out there but all these guys suck ass. This isn't a competition about who's most morally correct it's about who your favorite criminal is ok
9- Worst part of canon.
The way they don't expand on lore, not even a little 😔 Please just tell me how ancient eridian people got their hands on an Atlas gun all of a sudden. Or at least tell me something about Sirens. How does the magic in this universe even happen. For the love of God HOW did Pandora GET LIKE THAT how is anyone there LIVING. PLEASE just CRUMBS OF INFORMATION you can't have me guessing everything you're presenting !!
+ How they don't expand on characters. Like come on let me hang out with these guys they're so cool :(
12- The Unpopular character you actually like and why more people should like them.
Tannis Tannis Tannis I love you cringe fail autistic woman. I don't see nearly enough appreciation for her. Matter of fact, I see a lot of people hating on my girl like :[ Leave her alone. Here's my comprehensive list of reasons why you should actually like Patricia Tannis.
1- So smart. She seems to be one of the only 5 people who know anything about the setting and who actively tell you about related history. She's one of the only sources of knowledge on Eridian culture we have in-game, which means this also extends over to Sirens, magic and the vaults. Relevant stuff yk !!! /// 2- She's COOL LOOKING okay. Her design is more down to earth and restrained compared to other characters, and it makes her stick out a little more imo. It's also just wonderfully practical which fits for her being a researcher and scientist. /// 2.5- Girl... pretty... /// 3- This woman is so autistic have I mentioned that yet. Because she is. She unfortunately does fall in some pitfalls in terms of stereotypes {I.E: nerdy personality with tendencies to be rude to people, the whole facts and logic thing, etc} but also damn she is so relatable. I too feel nauseous at the thought of a social interaction but still actively crave to have conversations with other people. I also struggle coming up with words at the time of most need. I too have like 3 people who actively take me places and make me feel comfortable (SEE: Roland, Lilith, the VH in some cases). I too humanize objects and talk to them because of loneliness. That's so true. She's so real for that.
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