#being an adult that's too disabled to work but also not disabled enough to get support about it is rufff
donnyclaws · 2 years
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Hey overnight crowd, reminder I have a pile of available adopts in my pocket! Feel free to message through here or toyhous.e If you buy multiple I’m happy to knock some off the total for you!
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nothingnowherenow · 1 month
I really like my job, it pays well and the work environment is like not a hellscape. However everytime I remember I have to work (for the rest of my life!!!) I do consider driving into the side of a building
#or just letting my mental health win and get bad enough that i cannot hold down a job#the fact that i literally cannot pursue my hobbies or things that bring me joy because im exhausted working 20 hours a week#i cant think about it too long or i will do something stupid#i had benefits lined up for myself i was going to be on disability and get an apartment through a program in my city#and i was going to just let myself heal and take life easy at least temporarily until my brain functions better#but now i have like a real job and people are expecting me to go to grad school and i dont want to do any of it if im honest#its totally out of obligation and performing a version of myself for the people around me that i continue to do this#i feel so fucking weak and awful being this burnt out and jaded from working part time for like 3 months#but im also like constantly dealing with trauma shit and voices and sensory overload and social bullshit that doesnt make sense to me#do you know how hard it is to both fulfill a customer service task while your brain is playing a highlight reel of abuse that happened#or when theres shouting and arguing happening in your head and you have to make small talk with coworkers#i work with youth and i love youth work but oh my god half the time i barely feel human much less adult#and people are so quick to brush me off like everyone feels like that and its just because im young yadda yadda#yeah a lot of people do deal with imposter syndrome and role confusion at my age but i am quite literally dealing with somethkng different#i genuinely do not know who i am most days people say my name and it barely registers in my head#i feel like i was just put on earth like a few months ago without any prior history or memories#thats a really distressing feeling!! if you didnt know!! and most people do not know what thats like!!#like not being able to recognize your reflection is not a normal part of being in your early 20s from what ive heard
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f1ghtsoftly · 1 year
Upon reflection, it was so damaging in childhood to be expected to preform at the same level as everyone else while being abused. I had so many embarrassing conversations with adults in my life about why I did this, why I was messy, why I was late all the time, why I didn’t get work done. Telling the truth would mean a CPS call that would yield nothing but a brutal beating the next day. Sorry, I was shaking when I woke up and could barely get out of the house because there was screaming so loud it shook the walls to my bedroom. Sorry, my sister was locked outside like a dog last night, I had to wait late to sneak her out a snack. Sorry, I’m afraid to ask my parents because of how they will react.
I really can’t overstate how much I dislike stories about magical poor kids, disabled or otherwise marginalized kids somehow preforming exceptionally under very difficult circumstances, because even though sometimes that does happen, it is a vanishingly small amount of kids that can even make something of that talent or skill after they display it. It is simply too much to ask a human being to continue steady work while caring for addicts, while getting sexually abused, while repeatedly not being accommodated for disability, in the aftermath of severe bullying and assault.
It is so brutally, brutally unfair that our society sees working hard through abuse, homelessness, unaccommodated disability, illness and poverty as some kind of badge of honor and not what it really is, a blistering indictment of how our society expects someone living in a shelter to work just as hard as someone in a stable home and have the same resources and blames those who fail to meet expectations with less opportunity, lower wages and social scorn. I can’t express how inhumane it is.
I remember a friend of my sister’s who was r*ped by an older boy in my grade. She was taking some advanced classes and the school was “unable” to separate them and keep her in advanced classes. I remember how anyone expected her to learn in that class but she would also be blamed if she didn’t preform well. No college would get a note explaining a poor grade or a poor semester due to retraumatization from abuse. Her failure to work through humiliating and traumatizing circumstances would mean a loss of educational attainment and potentially a worse transcript.
A lot of words are thrown around about victim blaming and there are very real cases, like Amber Heard, where women are attacked for coming forward or defending themselves against abuse-but another pernicious form of victim blaming comes from expecting someone to trudge through the unthinkable and label them as sick, as failures, as mentally challenged or just not good enough when they inevitably fail.
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happy autism month
wanna help a physically disabled autism get by this month?
good news! that's me and you totally can. 🥰 only if you're a financially secure adult tho.
hi, i'm tdf and i live under the poverty line (income less than $1k/mo) bc my mitochondria are gorked and there are soso many other things wrong with me 😔
unfortunately this causes problems like
not having enough money
because being disabled is expensive cuz you need things abled people don't which sucks! and i can't just work more when i'm broke! bc i am Brokened.
i've been sick as hell for months bc life stuff has been A Lot and pushed me into a bad flareup. so things are extra tight rn.
anyways if you wanna help out your local autistic blogger:
i have a food and necessities wishIist that also includes visa and other gifft cards so i can get stuff that isn't available on amazon a walmart card to help w groceries would also make a huge difference. they can be sent anonymously (or not) and start at $5.
i will reblog this post with an update and turn off reblogs if i get enough help that i think I can get by!!
i'm really sorry to be asking when so many ppl are in need but. i am too unfortunately. 😔 thank you for tolerating this post on yr dash!
EDIT: I forgot that knowledge of my email address is not just like divinely granted to everyone! 😅 It's thatdiabolicalfeminist at gmail dot com.
(Please don't try to send me pay paI though, that account is old and I'm locked out)
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So, especially with it being disability pride month, I've noticed something more and more: A lot of people, disabled and able-bodied, give a TON of hate to us ambulatory wheelchair users. So, I decided fuck it let me tell people a story about one.
There was this boy. He grew up with a disabled father and a mother who had a ton of chronic pain. He could see the effects. By the time this boy was 5, his father walked full time on a cane.
When he turned 11, he started suffering from severe debilitating leg pain. To the point he would miss school for days and would spend all day every day sobbing his eyes out from how severe it took, even after taking the max amount of ibuprofen and Tylenol he could. He eventually got into seeing a rheumatologist out of fear it was something rheumatology related.
For 6 years, the boy was constantly in pain and the most he would get told is "well your double jointed that's why you have this much pain, just go do physical therapy". That never helped him. When he turned 17, everything changed.
He went to go see a different doctor at this office, one he had to wait years for since she saw adults and, well, 17 was just close enough to be tolerated. She looked at his blood tests and did a physical and came to a realization.
"It's not that you're double jointed, you have rheumatoid arthritis. It's why your shoulders grind, they lack cartilage now from years of this disorder. Let's do our best to treat it"
That started a year's worth of trial and error before she finally decided to give the boy an immunosuppressant that had worked for his father who also had the disorder. He wasn't cured but, quickly, his symptoms started to go away more and more.
This boy, from the age of 15 on, had to use mobility aids frequently if not all the time. It started with a simple cane and while it helped, his hands couldn't take the pressure on his nerves. So, he tried a walker. And that helped too. Forearm crutches were best to get him still able to have some ability to walk. He found something that made his life a lot easier however.
His grandfather had a multitude of issues, many of which required him to have a wheelchair before he passed. So, his grandfather made it known that any mobility aids the boys father didn't use, the boy was more than welcome to have. So, he decided one day to try and use the wheelchair.
Suddenly things were so much easier. He couldn't walk all the time yes and he didn't need the chair 24/7 but it meant that when his POTS was acting up or he was in a arthritis flare up, he could use a wheelchair and still be mobile. It changed his life. However he wasn't free from shame and hate on how he shouldn't use one.
He was told repeatedly it wasn't that bad and he was being dramatic and was taking away from people who actually needed them. This boy was 18. He had a disorder that was seen as an "old person" disorder. His body was literally attacking itself. And here was a ton of people attacking him for needing a wheelchair or, if he was in a store with them, a mobility scooter.
This boy took months of steady therapy to be willing to even go in public with the wheelchair again. A lot of it took support from his boyfriend and his father who encouraged him and reminded him that it was OKAY to use a mobility aid, even if he didn't need it 24/7.
If you haven't caught on now don't worry, I'll just say it. I am that boy. I still need reminders from my boyfriend or my father that it's okay to need my wheelchair and I'm not stealing anything, my body has day's of different intensities. Take today.
I thought all I would need is forearm crutches and I'm typing this in my wheelchair and I feel a lot better now that I've used it since, due to the fact this chair is meant to be sat in for someone with a disability not just a regular every day chair, my legs are feeling a shit ton better.
My left knee has been in an awful flare up for about a month and a half at this point. Today it got unbearable so I just sat in the wheelchair my dad keeps at his job for me. I can move now without wanting to cry.
This is a really long post and I'm not entirely sure why i started it to be honest, blame the whole "oh yeah I have a CDD" and the fact that, well, I've been diagnosed with ADHD, specifically attention deficit part.
Something I wanna end this long post on. Don't think just because you saw someone walking yesterday or even 10 minutes ago and now they're in a wheelchair that they're faking or something. Shit can change in a matter of MINUTES.
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horce-divorce · 7 months
something something about the power imbalance inherent to being an unhoused person, how similar it is to the dependency that abusers intentionally foster in their relationships to keep victims from leaving. but if you're homeless and someone is putting you up, especially if it's for free/some kind of exchange other than rent, you're basically expected to put up with whatever indignity they can imagine for you and still just be grateful. And if you set a boundary or speak up for yourself in any kind of way, that's Taking Advantage of this poor kind person who's doing SO much for you already, how could you?
sorry its 2am and I'm trying to write a better draft about this for later too but its like. being homeless is a huge, huge vulnerability. ppl people will look to exploit that, intentionally or not. and doubly so if you're homeless because you're disabled.
also something the ableism involved... about how I know so many fellow disabled people who have struggled with homelessness, and we all have similar stories about people we trusted, friends or loved ones who seemed all too happy to help and take us in, and how we repeatedly impressed upon them the nature of our health and the situation, and they swore up and down that they understood and that we were on the same page about boundaries and expectations... only to have them blow up and kick us out at the absolute first sign of conflict or miscommunication, or because we didn't get jobs fast enough, or because we didn't contribute financially even after being told that wasn't expected, and so on.
and how, I know so many housed people who have never been through this, who all have very similar stories about how they tried to help a friend in need once, and they were SO lazy and horrible and took SO long to get their shit together that they clearly were just a freeloader taking advantage who should've never been trusted, just like all homeless people, and that's why we give them socks and canned beans instead of money.
I was never allowed to complain about ableist expectations or abled people ignoring my boundaries in my parents' home. Especially not after I became a disabled adult who still needed help with housing. And that's been true of most of the couch-hopping I've done since then, too.
Currently we have a fairly nice situation... we live with a trusted and pleasant friend. It's a whole house, not an apartment. Not even in the city. We have our own entire room. We don't have to pay rent or anything. It's temporary even aside from our discomfort, it's just been a nice place to land for the cold months.
However. Friends parents are not so chill. Their dad is the most disgusting man alive and has repeatedly gotten us sick bc he's always got something, bleeds all over and never cleans it up, never washes his hands, leaves his dentures on countertops and tables with food still stuck on them, coughs all over our stuff and never masks, is actively making the mouse infestation worse with all the food he leaves out, and puts our health at risk in SO many ways.
he used to work in Healthcare btw. His wife still does. They know we're here bc we're homeless; they know we're both disabled and immunocompromised; neither of them will wear a mask. Both of them are constantly coughing everywhere and not even covering their mouths. We've tried to politely bring this to their attention multiple times and nothing changes. They just ignore us.
We could literally die from this. We could get lifelong health complications even worse than what we have now. Bel lost his sense of taste today and now we're terrified that it's gonna be long covid or something else that sucks what little joy is left from our daily lives.
You lose everything, and then you're supposed to just say nothing and accept your lot, no matter how much danger you're in, because beggars can't be choosers. If you're disabled and poor you'd better just be fine with people abusing you and putting your health and safety at risk indefinitely, because you're lucky they're even helping you at all instead of JUST abusing you.
You dont get to have a home. You dont get to collect things, or keep sentimental things, or have a whole, adequate wardrobe. You get what you can carry with you and what won't get stolen or destroyed by others, or by the nature of moving so much. You dont get to have safety and stability and roots and community. You dont get the dignity of boundaries or your own space. You get what you get and you don't throw a fit. And be happy and say "thank you" if people are merely ignoring you instead of actively silencing you. And if the people "helping" you actually give you the thing that kills you, at least you didn't die of exposure, I guess? Or something?
Its just. Every single thing you do as both a homeless & disabled person reminds you how utterly worthless you are to the """normal""" people around you. Every day. It's so demoralizing.
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dandylovesturtles · 8 months
Does the movie still happen in SideLines AU? \
Yes! Though it would be radically different and I haven't thought much about how exactly events would play out. Leo already got his character development, though, so someone else would be the driving force of the story. Probably Raph, or maybe Mikey?
Ooooo, actually, idea for a very Raph and Mikey centric movie plot: Mikey wants to prove himself but Raph keeps trying to protect him (because he has even more ptsd about not protecting his brothers with what happened to Leo) that they are the ones fighting in the beginning, and Raph's inability to trust Mikey is what leads to the key being stolen. And the way to win is for Raph and Mikey to reconcile their differences, with Raph acknowledging that Mikey is as strong as the rest of them and he needs to trust him, and Mikey acknowledging that his brother's help isn't meant to be a sleight but is there out of love.
I'd have to think about this a lot more to give you, like, a chain of events. I actually had a completely different answer ready for this and then thought of that while I was typing lol.
As for what I was going to say, while I'm not sure exactly how the movie events go down in Sidelined AU, I do have some idea of how it changes the bad future timeline.
By the point where the timelines diverge, Leo is recovered as fully as he ever will, able to walk around the lair most days and even go out on missions, provided he's careful and knows his limits. He still uses a range of mobility aids, given how he feels on any particular day, including the wheelchair for bad days or days where he knows he would be walking more than he could otherwise handle, but he's still relatively active.
The Krang invasion reverses a lot of this. As supplies dwindle, Leo starts suffering from malnutrition and a lack of sleep, and doesn't have access to medicine to help with the pain and fatigue, which takes a big toll on his body. Also, he really overdoes it and pushes himself too hard in the early days of the invasion, which accelerates his decline. By the time Casey is old enough to remember things, Leo is entirely wheelchair bound and doesn't often leave the base, only using his portals when he needs to to evacuate members of the resistance or help civilians.
He is still very much Master Leonardo - he's highly respected in the resistance, and anyone who wants to look down on him for his disability (or for being a turtle) either learns quickly or dies. However, he's not Casey's teacher in this timeline, instead leaving that to Raph and sometimes Donnie and Mikey. So Raph is Sensei now, and Leo is Master Leonardo or just Uncle Leo.
Leo takes over most of the care of Casey after his mom dies, since he's always at base, only sometimes sending Casey to Donnie or another adult when he's particularly busy (he's still the guy in the chair here, and also handles a lot of the day to day running of the resistance). Sometime early on, Donnie builds Leo a new chair that either hovers or has some other way of mitigating rough terrain (spider arms maybe?), and he frequently lets Casey ride on it. Even as Casey gets older, hanging off Leo's chair as they move around the base is second nature to him.
Casey was so used to Leo only being in his chair he was a little shocked on coming back to the past and seeing that Leo walks fairly frequently. He also grabbed onto Leo's chair sometimes out of habit, which made younger Leo tense up initially; something they eventually work through as they get closer.
Though all four turtles make it longer in the invasion than I usually headcanon (since I usually think of Raph as dying while CJ was too young to really remember him), they do still die, and Leo is the first to go. Casey is about 11 or 12 when this happens. When the Krang finds their base while the others are gone, Leo tells Casey he loves all of them and then portals him and the other non-combatants to safety, giving his all to hold the Krang back and give them a chance to escape. After that, Raph (who was already close to Casey anyway as his teacher and another of his uncle-dads) took over as the main adult looking out for him, and started taking him out on missions.
I'm not sure what happens next but I think it's Donnie who goes next, and then Raph and Mikey's deaths playing out the same way Leo and Mikey did in the movie. Especially since that goes with what I was saying above: Raph in the future comes to see and accept Mikey as an equal rather than someone to baby, foreshadowing what their relationship will become under happier circumstances.
Thanks for the ask!
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autism-alley · 8 months
augh found my old post abt pjo and disability from before the show came out but it was on ye olde blog so i’m literally just gonna copy and paste, 3, 2, 1—
ok now that i’ve got it on the brain, i want to talk about disability in pjo and specifically how calling percy jackson dumb or treating him as such is not only a mischaracterization, but ableism. as a quick note, i’m keeping this to just percy to avoid having this already long post be even longer, but there are other disabled characters in pjo worthy of discussion, though i hit many of the same points in this post. i bring up percy specifically because he is mostly the character i have seen people treat as stupid.
percy is a dyslexic teen with ADHD who comes from a low-income family, raised by a single mother, and deals with an abusive step-father. i cannot stress enough how much of his character is shaped by that experience, but as hard as it is to single out any one part, i am going to focus on his ADHD and dyslexia. this kid has nightmares of being forced to take tests in a straightjacket as teachers ask him if he’s stupid and withhold him from recess with his peers. he is constantly labelled as “troubled” and blamed for things he didn’t do or aren’t his fault. he is told, over and over again, even from trusted adults, that he is “not normal” (othering him). he bounces between schools. he struggles to make friends. he deals with bullying. he has difficulty studying and reading, even when invested. teachers struggle to connect with him and tend to just give up on him. these are real disabled experiences, and rick does a good job at presenting them in the pjo books. sometimes, it feels like everything is a struggle. you are living inside a system that not only is restricting, but actively works against and punishes you.
in contrast, CHB is a great example of how when environments meet the needs of disabled people, it hugely changes how disabled we are in that environment. demigod brains are hard-wired for ancient greek, not english, and they’re born impulsive, with high energy levels that help them survive battle—but aren’t very good for a classroom setting. but by having them read books in ancient greek, regularly do lots of training/physical activities, and have genuine opportunities to express themselves...they function pretty damn well. percy discovers that while he struggles academically, he is brilliant in combat and capable of saving the world numerous times—he is a hero. do you know how important that message is for disabled children? disabled adults, too? that we can be heroes?
it is here, in camp half-blood, that percy finds a place he belongs, that shows him his worth—finally, somewhere is built to not only include him, but to nurture and genuinely prepare him for the world outside its boarders. however, i think people forget that just because percy functions in the world of CHB and the gods, that does not mean he doesn’t face ableism in the mortal world—and that there is an entire group of people who see ourselves reflected in his character.
i could talk on for hours about how much being disabled shapes percy’s identity and how he interacts with the world—like how percy’s humor revolves around coping with his environment and actually displays a very low self esteem after being looked down upon his entire life. this kid doesn’t even have to say anything and he screams i had a neurodivergent childhood. but about 5-6 years ago, when i was more regularly tuned into the fandom, every time i saw someone call percy jackson dumb or an idiot, even jokingly, i raised an eyebrow, and now that the series is getting fresh coverage from disney+, i have wanted to make this post. so much of this kid’s life and personality comes from being treated like he’s dumb or incapable, so it’s troubling to watch part of the fanbase reflect the harmful parts of this character’s upbringing. i truly hope it does not become common again. it’s also one thing coming from a neurodivergent/disabled person with similar experiences (and even then i personally find it a little uncomfortable), it’s another to be said by a neurotypical/able bodied person.
percy jackson’s experiences make for very important representation, and for people to characterize him as just a goofy, unintelligent guy is not only an insult to his character as a kid who is intelligent, but previously lacked the environment to show it, but also ableist. so in the dawn of the new tv series era, i ask that we cut that shit out. rick riordan did not create rep for neurodivergent and disabled kids for them to be called stupid by the fanbase. even jokingly.
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saturnniidae · 3 months
More rotbtd modern au info
(Some of this was in the other post but it's more organized here. Hopefully)
After The Incident, Hiccup, Stoick and Astrid move from Berk (tiny, mostly unheard of, self-governing island somewhere in the Norwegian sea) to Burgess Pennsylvania. Supposedly for Stoick's work, but they all know it's to get away from Berk after what happened, a fresh start. Stoick's rarely home (and a bit emotional negligent) but Hiccup's self sufficient and has been since he was old enough to use a stove, plus Astrid's there (to attempt) to keep him out of trouble.
Hiccup and Astrid are trans. This is part of why Astrid is staying with them 'temporarily' (she needed to get away from her parents so she could breathe)
Astrid comes from a famliy of athletes with rather high expectations.
Hiccup and Astrid grew closer essentially bonding over being 'town outcasts' after she came out (the other teens didn't really care and were respectful, most of the adults had s noticeable change in behavior; lots of dramatic sighing and disappointment over 'what a promising young man' Astrid was). Astrid occasionally talking about gender (especially since she's very blunt and rarely afraid to say what's on her mind) is what triggered Hiccups realization
How it went: Hiccup, who's been crushing on Astrid for a while *finds out Astrids a girl*: oh shit! Am I lesbian?? *Hiccup a while later, looking like a drowned rat with a fuckass uneven haircut*: No. No I am not.. (Astrid's so awesome for being his bi AND trans awakening)
Stoick was unsure at first (Hiccups done a lot of weird random things, he couldn't tell if this was serious or not) but after a talk from Gobber he was supportive and mostly just happy Hiccup was making friends (Hiccup was on neutral ground with most of the kids but was still mostly excluded though he talked to Fishlegs occasionally + Ruff & Tuff would follow him around for front row seats to any disaster he caused and since Snotlouts his cousin, spending time together is inevitable) and Astrid began spending more and more time over at their house.
Toothless is a scrappy tripod cat of unknown origin that Hiccup accidentally hits with his bike a bit after moving to Burgess (this happened because he was fed up with having even worse balance than before due to the. Yknow. Lack of slightly less than half his left leg. And Astrid – off handedly during a 'don't do dumb, dangerous things' rant – advised against doing stuff like biking which gave him the amazing idea: 'bike ridings a good way to work on balance'). After watching it speed limping away to some alleyway, Hiccup resolves to gain the cats trust so he can help it and make up for what he did.
The rest is under the cut because this is a monster of a post
Hiccup slowly realizes this cat is way more intelligent than it should be, in an almost unnatural way. He doesn't care, he's just pleased its begun allowing him to pet it and even started to follow him around (even if it's mostly for treats. Progress is progress)
As much as Hiccup loves Astrid he thinks she worries about him too much; she always has, but it's worse now more than ever and he finds it almost overbearing
After The Incident Stoick's a mix of avoident when it comes to the word disabled or amputee, as if in some kind of odd denial, while also being simultaneously overprotective and distant somehow. Hiccup is not pleased with this
Valka is absent but she and Stoick aren't divorced. She works as a paleontologist and when she's not traveling shes in the lab. Their relationships quite strained. She calls monthly to check in but it's usually Hiccup who answers (he eagerly talks with her about her work, but still feels a bit like he's talking more to an acquaintance than to his mother)
A large factor in how Stoick treats Hiccup after his amputation is due to the fact he was there (or at least for the aftermath) when the initial injury happened and saw how much general destruction there was, and was absolutely horrified. Hiccup's banned from inventing for the foreseeable future. ("YOU THREW OUT MY SOLDERING IRON?!" "No. It... got lost in the move." <- being bad at lying runs in the famliy)
Hiccup gets to the point where the cat willingly follows him inside through an open bedroom window and even sleeps on his bed. During this Hiccup realizes the cats missing some teeth, hence the name. He also slowly makes the realization he can communicate with Toothless on an unnatural level. This also doesn't bother him (though he logs his discoveries in a journal), he's elated to have made a new friend (especially since things with Astrid are currently rather tense)
Now onto the Rotbtd parts
the Dunbrochs already live in Burgess. Merida is Hiccups cousin he's met only a few times before when he was little, they barely remember each other. So much so that Merida doesn't even realize Hiccup's trans since his names the same she's just like 'yeah, that's my cousin, the tiny one with the goofy name'
Merida and Astrid meet and hit it off but their dynamics kinda funny. Astrid has somewhat of a crush on Merida and thinks she's amazing (archery and fencing + various other sports + she's never afraid to say what's on her mind + she's funny and cute and has pretty hair etc) and is trying to be nonchalant about it, Merida also thinks Astrids super cool if a bit withdrawn and feels she'd be a lot happier if she loosened up (she would be) and also if she stopped worrying about Hiccup so much.
Rapunzel is a weird sheltered (fucked up) homeschool kid Merida met on accident a few weeks prior to the Haddocks (+ Astrid) moving in, and is determined to give core childhood experiences to
Jack is kind of a loser. All his friends are the kids at the daycare he works at, and his best friend is his 11 year old sister (he doesnt get along well with most teens bc they think hes too enthusiastic or childish <- just neurodivergent), though he kind of knows Merida from speaking to her when she's sent to pick her brothers up.
He doesn't actually become friends with her until he sees Merida trying to get Rapunzel to use some lended rollerskates at the park. He was curious as to what they were doing and offered some tips (he skateboards but his sister's more interested in rollerskates so he knows some stuff) then they got distracted and started talking about random things until the subject of Merida's self imposed 'mission' came up and Jack offered to help.
Jack meets Hiccup by accidentally hitting him while skateboarding (Hiccup's first thought is 'well I suppose this is what I get after hitting a cat with my bike") and freaks out because he thinks he broke Hiccups leg or something since the prosthesis got forced into an unnatural angle on their landing. Hiccup thinks his panic is funny at first until he realizes how genuinely freaked out Jack is and tells him he's actually fine. Introductions are made and Jack offers to show Hiccup around since he's new, he only accepts because Merida keeps saying he needs more friends.
Hiccup and Jack start spending more time together after learning they have similar interests (Jack doesn't believe Hiccup's claim he's the best snowboarder on Berk until Astrid backs him up, Jack's kind of scared of Astrid but thinks she's cool), tastes in bands and comics along with their general (sometimes considered odd by others) curiosity with the world. Also Jack is enamored with Hiccup's inventions (Stoick thought he could stop him but underestimated Hiccup's resourcefulness. Recycled tech stores, thrift shops, and hardware stores are what his allowance goes towards.)
Later Merida decides to introduce Rapunzel to Hiccup, they're both kind of awkward until she brings up Rapunzel's art and how she likes birdwatching (from her window and yard since she's technically not supposed to leave, but they don't need to know that) and Hiccup's immediately interested
Hiccup likes charcoal and mostly sketches animals and plants to log them, but Rapunzel gets him into painting and portraits. And she, like Jack, is also incredibly interested in his inventions and other crafts (he sews and also took up woodworking a few months ago before they left Berk)
Merida decides to make a group chat for all her new friends that seem to be social recluses (not out of choice), but is startled when Hiccup mentions he and Astrid share a phone. It's technically his but he barely uses it + the last one got crushed in his bike on accident (and the one before that got dropped in the ocean. on accident) so he's not really meant to use it unless he needs to. Astrid uses it fairly often to text Ruffnut and Heather. Hiccups not very interested in it because he's fine with his laptop and mp3 player (Valka gave it to him last she saw him on his 14th birthday, hes 16 now).
The woods of Burgess are said to be haunted (something Jack swears is true. He says something breathed on the back of his neck while he was climbing a tree once) which endlessly fascinates Hiccup (he's always had a fascination with magic and the supernatural) so he often wanders around but since he's not allowed out at night he doesn't find anything. Yet
He also discovers some supposedly haunted closed down buildings on the edge of town he wants to explore. The others for the most part have no idea why he's so interested but Jack's immediate reaction is to say yes since he's curious as well then the others follow
Hiccup also has a tendency to forget he can't just wander wherever he wants like back on Berk. (On Berk he and the other teens could go pretty much anywhere no one cared about 'tresspassing')
Hiccup can't really see the 'ghosts' but Toothless can so Hiccup's aware of their presence through him
Jack isn't a huge fan of Toothless and neither is Merida. They think he's too smart and that it's uncanny. Neither of them will say this to Hiccup's face. Though they've mentioned it to Rapunzel, who insists sometimes animals are 'just Like That' (ofc she'd say that. her chameleon is like a human soul stuck in a lizard body)
One of the first scenes I thought of that sparked this AU was the big four, sitting in a 7-Eleven parking lot, horrified, watching Jack mix a five hour energy into a can of monster because 'it'd be so funny'
And that's it for now! (I have some extra stuff on Berk but that's kinda like background details)
Tysm if you read all this!! If you have any questions or even suggestions/ideas PLEASE send me an ask
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Part 2 of Everlark and their parents lets go Peeta your turn now.
Now this one is harder. We know very little explicit information about Peeta's family so a lot of this will be inference and my own personal interpretation of the family and their dynamic based on what we do see, what we don't see, and the way Peeta acts, so if you disagree with me that's all good lol.
So first, Peeta grew up in an absuive household. That's not a debate that's explicitly canon. Him mother not only hits him, implied to be with something, but also calls him a worthless creature when he burns the bread for Katniss. No matter that circumstance that is not how you treat your eleven year old child, that is not how you treat any child period, and this clearly isn't a one off or first time. Even though we personally see very little of the abuse on page, I at least think its impact of Peeta is very clear.
This boy has abysmal self esteem, when he discovers Katniss and Haymich have hidden things from him again he feels as if they view him as weak and stupid and too dumb to get it, that's the automatic assumption even though we know that's so far from the truth it's laughable. But for a child that grew up being consistently insulted and belittled it's not that far of a jump to make.
His ability to lie, also I think is relevant here. That kind of ability with words doesn't come from nowhere, that doesn't just happen that's something practiced. A theme with Katniss and Peeta's talents throughout the trilogy is that even the things they are good at and that help them were born from necessity. Katniss is so good with a bow and practical survival skills because she had to be, because even though she grew to love hunting, she and her family would have died without it. Peeta's skill with art comes from working at the bakery it comes from years worth or practise and labor he put in as a child, and I think his ability to lie, manipulate, mask his true feelings and talk his way though things stems from a similar place. His mother is called 'the witch' colloquially, we see she clearly has a temper and resorts to violence and insults quickly. A lot of children who grow up in abuse grow to be very charming, they learn how to lie and manipulate the situation to get themselves out of trouble and to keep themselves and potentially their siblings safe. At least to me Peeta's unmatched ability to impact and morph a situation with just his words could very easily be linked back to his childhood. We all love that Peeta is such a good manipulator but only ever uses it for good, and I think this is partially why, because he doesn't even want to be necessarily, it was a skill born for survival. His mothers cruelty is also shown very much to not be reserved purely for him, she chases starving children away from their empty bins, speaks awfully about the seam and the people from it.
His father is a complicated man. he clearly dose have love for Peeta and is shown many times to be a kind man at his core. But he is passive. He may bring Katniss cookies and make generous trades, he may have been the one to impart that inherent kindness we see in him onto Peeta, and may have been the only safe adult in the house, but he is passive. We don't know the extent of how much he steps in when his wife starts acting out, but from what we can see of her effect of Peeta clearly not enough. He also doesn't come to live with him after the games, none of them do. And while I understand practically that might not be the most reasonable situation, a newly disabled, traumatised sixteen year old boy was still left to live alone. His family may have visited often, they still talk we see him going to dinner with them, but I think their lack of mention speaks more than anything else here.
The relationship between his parents was also not exactly the best model to grow up observing. When he is five years old his dad tells Peeta is was in love with another woman, he points out her child to him, explains how he lost her. There is no addendum of how much he loves his mother now, how it was in the past. Peeta grew up with parents he was acutely aware did not love each other and from what we see and here, don't even pretend to act like it.
Now how dose this relate to Katniss. This first part is more my own speculation so ignore me if you disagree, but Katniss in the first games mentions Peeta doing certain things with her she remembers her parents doing, and wondering where he learnt it from, thinking surely not his own parents. And I think she's right, I think he learnt it from hers. Peeta is observant, I think after his father pointed out Katniss and her mother he payed attention, not just to Katniss but to her parents as well. I think he was a little fascinated by this family, these parents who clearly adore each other these children with skin clear of bruises who have never been made to feel like nothing from there parents who clearly think the world of them. There was six years from when Peeta noticed her to Mr Everdeens death, that's six years for him to observe this family and their love. Not obsessively, not even knowingly, but I think it happened. I think the Everdeens weren't just Katniss's reference for a relationship but Peeta's as well. I don't think she was the only one drawing comparisons, even if he didn't completely realise what he was doing.
(Additional evidence for this pointed out by @intellectual-punk in Mockingjay Haymitch tells Katniss the doctors showed Peeta the propo of her singing The Hanging Tree and he recognized the song and Katniss says she doesn’t know how he could as he never heard her sing it. Haymitch says he remembers her father singing it as their fathers traded. Peeta hasn't heard this song since he was 11, he’s 17 at the time of remembering it. So for him to remembering it after so long after last hearing it and clearly not hearing it around the house we can imagine that her father must have sang it near every time the two men traded and that Peeta was either specifically listening to his singing as he knows from his father that that is how Mr Everdeen won over Mrs Everdeen or he was just generally paying attention to the man either on his own or in relation to Katniss.)*Found in notes {Thank you so much for this}
I also think, going back to people seeking out the familiar, that Katniss reminded him in certain ways of his father. They're both quiet, both people associated with providing food in one way or another. I think he see's her in the way that while they both clearly love him, they both struggle to show him, leaving him to question it for a long time. But where his father fails to protect him, Katniss doesn't. Katniss doesn't have his fathers passivity, far from it, Katniss Everdeen is anything but passive. She actively works to protect him and others, she speaks out loudly when she finds something wrong, she still has that kindness, but it never gets in the way of what's necessary.
This is also where I see his mother come in, I think he dose see some similarities there. In their tempter, in the sharp way they can use their words, in the way she underestimates him in the beginning and even hurts him on occasion, shoving him into the vase (I think?) and cutting his hands after the first interview. But in so many ways Katniss is the opposite. Peeta may have developed a crush because of her voice, but he falls in love because of the way she helps people, because he knows her intrinsically and intrinsically Katniss is someone who cares. He always comments on her healing ability, even if she finds it lacking it's clearly something he loves about her, hands that heal instead of hurt. His mother was cruel to everyone especially those less fortunate, meanwhile Katniss would give everything on her to those who need it more. He see's the similarities yes, and unconsciously that familiarity might be a small drive towards her, but ultimately he loves Katniss for the ways in which she is different from his mother, the ways in which his mother failed, for the ways in which she stepped in where his father fell short. As well as for a lot of other reasons of course, but I think his parents impact is definitely something to consider.
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insipid-drivel · 2 months
Read the horse fact post, with all the things that isn't actually true of horses and stuff and.
Yeah the weight limit is a time.
The most horse riding i have done is Sit on the back of a horse in kindergarten while an adult lead the horse around in a big circle pretty much.
However, my older sister used to do horseback riding, and spesifically like that one fancy sport where you have then jump over things and stuff.
But, she isn't that healthy, i Will be fully honest, she is overweight. And she had to stop because she became too heavy. Which sucks! Because i Know she loves horses and would love to do it again.
Unfortunately, a lot of equestrian sports can be limiting to heavier people depending upon what the sport in question is. It's pretty unusual to see anyone over about 200lbs doing impact-heavy sports on horseback (such as jumping fences) without a horse that's appropriately sized and trained to deal not only with the regular weight of their rider + tack, but also the shocks of jumping/jolting around with ANY kind of heavy weight directly over their spines. Even in professional horse racing (like the Kentucky Derby), the riders of the racehorses (jockeys) are specifically hired based upon how small and lightweight they are, which has negatively impacted how we see horseback riding + big people today in a serious way. Jockeys only need to be small and lightweight for racing because being smaller means the horse has less extra weight to carry while trying to outpace other horses, and since it's professional racing most of us get any knowledge of horse-related stuff from, it's very easy to fall into the trap of self-gatekeeping if you're not a tiny little jockey-sized person when you shouldn't feel that way!
It SUCKS telling someone they're too heavy to Do A Thing or, in some cases (especially if you're in spaces with very limited sizes of horses), too heavy to ride at all, but I would still recommend you and/or your sister look around for teaching ranches with horses or alternative riding techniques for accommodating larger bodies in a way that won't put the horse or rider in danger. Your sister should not have to go on an extreme diet to lose weight in order to have a great time with horses. That is a myth perpetuated by the racing industry.
If your sister and/or yourself would like to try to explore equestrianism in a much more weight-friendly setting, try looking into Carriage Racing. It looks like this:
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Carriage racing is an awesome way for people who, due to mobility issues, weight restrictions, or outright disability, want to work with horses, ride, and even compete with a more accommodating setup to traditional saddle-and-bridle riding. It's a throwback to Roman and Egyptian chariot warfare, racing, and sportsmanship, and is still practiced casually and as competitive sports today:
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Because the horse is pulling the rider rather than carrying the rider, you're likely to find much more accommodating forms of horsemanship for people with bigger bodies if you forego riding and instead try out something like a carriage setup. Without as much direct weight on their spines, a horse is likely to handle a heavier person much better, and carriage setups also give the option of more than one horse to share in pulling a carriage or cart.
Carriage racing is more commonly viewed as a sport in Britain and the former UK due to Prince Philip championing it during his later years when he wasn't healthy enough to play conventional games of polo or take part in more contact-heavy sports. Carriage racing is also practiced in North America, but it isn't nearly as popularized or discussed as traditional racing like the Kentucky Derby. You're more likely to find carriage racing and teaching schools wherever you can find Amish and Mennonite communities in the US and Canada, but looking into teaching ranches in and around your area may reveal places to go that you never knew were actually there! (Horse people are kind of notorious for sucking at networking outside of facebook and very niche community pages, ngl)
If horses really bring a great benefit to your sister's life and she's struggling to find accommodations so she can ride, let her take a look at single-person carriage riding and see if that's more of an attainable thing for her! "Racing" is the usual term applied to it, but carriage riding can be learned and practiced in very quiet, non-competitive, low-impact settings for fun rather than as a full-on professional sport, and can even be a marketable skill! There's very much a business industry around carriage horses and riders, especially in the wedding industry.
Please know that I am not, and will not, in any way pressure you or your sister to lose weight in order to ride again. There are accommodations out there, and nobody should feel hopeless that they'll never achieve their dream of spending time working with horses if that's what they want to do. What is a problem is how little these alternative and more weight-and-disability-friendly equestrian sports are publicized and shared so disabled and overweight people can feel welcome in equestrian spaces.
Horses and equestrianism is not, and never has, been limited to one particular body type or a person's physical ability. There have ALWAYS been weight- and disability- friendly forms of equestrianism, and horses are increasingly popular in therapeutic settings as therapy animals for helping people suffering from major issues like PTSD find confidence and a sense of comfort and non-judgment. No matter your weight or degree of mobility or ability, you shouldn't feel "too" anything about looking into horses, riding, and equestrianism as an outlet or passion.
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authoralexharvey · 4 months
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INTERVIEW WITH A WRITEBLR — @sleepyowlwrites
Who You Are:
M.J || She/her
I'm a relentlessly optimistic affectionate creative who will impart love to the world through whatever means possible, and this includes my writing. And it shows, because all my kids are either full of love or in desperate need of it.
What You Write:
What genres do you write in? What age ranges do you write for?
Action, Adventure, Contemporary, Fanfic, Fantasy, Poetry. Young and New Adult.
What genre would you write in for the rest of your life, if you could? What about that genre appeals to you?
Fantasy, it's always been fantasy. Even my contemporary pieces have trace elements of fantasy in them. I like having rules in my worlds, but ones that I made up instead of science or society.
What genre/s will you not write unless you HAVE to? What about that genre turns you off?
Romance. I sometimes think about trying it, but I quickly turn away. There's nothing about romance that is fulfilling in a way that I couldn't find elsewhere. It's just not enough for me. I want everything else, everything in the wider love spectrum, all the kinds I personally treasure in my own life.
Who is your target audience? Do you think anyone outside of that would get anything out of your works?
Anybody, but especially people who have emotions that refuse to be processed. I'm hoping to help them process those emotions through the lens of character. If a reader isn't ready for striking combinations of whimsy and weight, or unexpected feelings, then they might not jive with my stories.
What kind of themes do you tend to focus on? What kinds of tropes? What about them appeals to you?
Mental illness, friendship, hurt/comfort, the mortifying ordeal of being known, purpose, trauma, personal choices, siblings, raw depths of emotions, and shenanigans. One of these is not like the other. I like to put relatable qualities in fantastical realms and make it intimate. I want you to indulge, and I want you to think.
What themes or tropes can you not stand? What about them turn you off?
Romanticized abuse or toxic relationships, romanticized mental illness or disabilities, fake redemption arcs, poorly realized characters or cheap twists, and sex. I'm entirely uninterested in sex. There are too many things I dislike to think of them now that I've been asked, but they're just preference. Don't backtrack on character growth for the sake of drama, please.
What are you currently working on? How long have you been working on it?
That's a trick question. I work on multiple projects at once because that's what my brain prefers. My longest wip is 10 months old and my oldest is almost 7 years.
Why do you write? What keeps you writing?
I've always talked my thoughts aloud to make them make sense - my adhd doesn't think in sentences, so it can get very jumbled in my brain - and stories are an additional way of explaining the world or people to myself, or explaining myself to other people, or of explaining nothing but exploring the unnamed. I write because I feel these things anyway. Might as well share them.
How long have you been writing? What do you think first drew you to it?
Since I was 9, so 20 years ago. The same reason as above, and also my mom said I was talented. I was decidedly untalented in various other areas, so I jumped on that talent and went for it. I do still think I'm talented but I'm a good writer because I kept at it. I have the skills now to back up the talent. It’s very gratifying.
Where do you get your inspiration from? Is that how you got your inspiration for your current project? If not, where did the inspiration come from?
Anywhere, and I really mean it. I can't tell you how many times I've been sitting at a stoplight, or cleaning, or watch Chicago Med with my mom bemoaning the horrible writing and poof! Idea. It just comes to me. Little bit gift, little bit curse, really.
What work of yours are you most proud of? Why?
Hard to say. Everything. The ones that barely exist and the ones that don't make sense anymore. The poetry from 2010 that is simply terrible. The ones from 2020 that are full of grief. The stories that change form but won't leave me alone. The ones I just invented. I'm proud of of it for impacting me, the audience I write for first.
Have you published anything? Do you want to?
No. Yes? It's not the only end goal like when I was 14. It's an idea I like to entertain. I'm currently happy just to be writing along with work.
What part of the publishing process most appeals to you? What part least appeals to you?
I'd like to self-publish first, and that means learning and doing new things, which I hate. I'm 29 and I still hate it. The upside would be more control, the downside would be more control.
What part of the writing process most appeals to you? What part is least appealing?
Least appealing is finishing. Most appealing is starting and middling. I'm also afraid of worldbuilding because it tends to squash my writing drive for some reason? I'm working on it.
Do you have a writing process? Do you have an ideal setup? Do you write in pure chaos? Talk about your process a bit.
It's pure chaos. I rubber duck until sentences settle like dew in the morning, and then I sometimes collect it to make tea, and sometimes I just watch it evaporate. Both activities are important. I write until I find a plot, and if I cannot find one, I will let the tea sit and grow mold. Sometimes I have to throw it out. Sometimes I recycle, plant flowers, and grow new stories. It's chaos. I love it.
Your Thoughts on Writeblr:
How long have you been a writeblr? What inspired you to join the community?
2018 - I converted from a kpop blog - I wanted to get back into writing original fiction again, and I wanted my writeblr to be my main. So. I did that.
Shout out some of your favorite writeblrs. How did you find them and what made you want to follow them?
How. Am I supposed to pick. Some? I found everybody from following a few people and seeing who they followed. I usually follow on a whim, and then make friends after. @zmwrites, @akindofmagictoo, @blind-the-winds, @oh-no-another-idea, @ink-fireplace-coffee, @avrablake, @chayscribbles, @mel-writes-with-her-dragons, @artbyeloquent, @writing-is-a-martial-art, @ashen-crest, I have at least 80 more people I could mention
What is your favorite part about writeblr?
Making friends and adopting each other's blorbos! And reading some truly excellent stories, obviously.
What do you think writeblr could improve on? How do you think we can go about doing so?
Initiate interaction. If you want asks, send some, if you want tags, tag people, if you want readers, read stuff. There's no guarantee of reciprocity - I'm often too tired to respond enthusiastically even when I'm happy to see a post - but the more we engage, the more we are engaging. Wow, I'm a writer.
How do you contribute to the writeblr community? Do you think you could be doing more?
I try to send asks whenever I see people asking, I post prompts lists and invent tags. I start conversations and make friends that way. I could be doing more, but it’s a balance between doing more and not breaking my boundaries. I talk to people all day at work and expend social energy. As an introvert, I have to not overreach or I get anxiety and burnout. Life's a balancing act, and writeblr is no exception.
What kinds of posts do you most like to interact with?
Tag games? It liberally depends on the day. I struggle the most with reblogging others' writing. But I'm getting better!
What kind of posts do you most like to make?
Writing memes or relatability, or new tag games.
Finally, anywhere else online we may be able to find you?
Not anywhere that I use frequently.
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I think that a lot of the adult "immaturity" is result of being abused by the family structure and capitalism so growing up into some agency allowing certaint comforts. Then having to challenge some comfortable established belief, aspect, themself or lifestyle poses a struggle they aren't willing to engage in if at possible as it frequently seemingly has no reward outside of their current comfort.
I think when youths are liberated the concept of "immaturity" will be largely replace by a more accurate term because we have adults less "mature" than children because of the absurdity of it. It's like lazyness it's not a thing but a situation. Idk this a ramble now, but appreciated you broaching the topic of adult "immaturity'" publicly
1000% I agree & I don't like the terms I'm using, but they're what we've got. Someone else sent an ask about what "child traits" are for the same exact reason.
Also no it's okay ramble, that's all I do, watch this.
I think the way we discuss minors/kids/YA/maturity entirely needs to change tbh, but not in a child wife way, before someone says that.
They're robbed of a ton of autonomy, are raised to be workers, and then are thrust into adulthood with no teaching about the Real, actual world. They're treated like 2nd class citizens and are the only people I can think of who you can still legally assault. We belittle everything they do as less important and then wonder why everyone needs therapy as adults.
I was more critical thinker than my parents by 8 and more capable than both parents by 12. This isn't a flex because I was too smart. At all. My parents should have had more skill than I did. They were capable of it, I assure you. By their own circumstances they just weren't able to access it.
But this goes back to capitalism and broader mental health and family resources because they also weren't raised with Google and didn't have gentle parenting TikTok or free zoom classes to join. I don't think we even had healthcare growing up so it's not like they had access to a lot of methods to improve themselves outside traditional reading BUT both parents worked too and they were already too fucked up and in their ways to even be interested in a self help book lol so like?? Realistically and in reality that didn't happen. They were thrown out as teens as had to work to support Me very quickly. Then had 2 more.
Like you said; lifestyle and having no reward. They didn't seek out being better people cuz it doesn't pay the bills.
And I know that isn't entirely their fault, but they are Still responsible for how they handled the hand they were dealt. Me and my siblings deserved better regardless of their background ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ But I can be compassionate and understanding too in that I know if they had the Actual opportunity to heal and resources to be good parents then at least at the very least they could have been.
And like I said, as a person who does try for my daughter I get it's hard and it is unfair that I can't catch a break, but that's the way it is. And yeah it is harder for me than it would be for a lot of other people and it's not especially easy to begin with. BUT I also don't work cuz I'm disabled so I have a lot of time to do it that others don't.
You're right. I don't know if immature is the best word to use for this but idk what is.
What's the word for state sanctioned generational trauma?
Cuz not providing more resources given the world is much more than just ableism or not caring enough about families. It's like they're creating people like this on purpose which is I think is more fucked up. But hey, who else would they hire for as cheap as prison labor if everyone was making good choices amirite? 🤧
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bainofjustice · 1 month
Welcome to Crime.net, a 18+ Payday fan server with a focus on Payday's interesting Lore! We have channels to discuss the games, to share fan creations and for discussing the gameplay, under the cut is the full rules list, which is also in the server
**The Rules**
1. Be kind, ultimately this is the most important, do not be rude/cruel to people and respect people's boundaries
2. No bigotry, this fits above and includes queerphobia, racism, ableism/sanism (towards physical & mental disabilities), etc
3. This server is friendly to all systems, if you are anti endo please leave
4. This server is 18+ ONLY due to the dark subject matter of Payday as a franchise & because currently the admin do not feel responsible enough to be watching out for minors as well as adults
5. No works with incestuous or pedophilaic content is allowed here, alongside on-screen/noncon being banned. I ask if one makes this sort of content they do not stay in this server
5¹. The above also mean no sharing dubcon or similar work as it creates too much of a grey area in regards to the ban on 'noncon' and what that means
6. Do not share any AI made content or sites, this includes art, memes or any text (including character AIs), we support artists & writers in this server
7. NSFW content is only allowed in the NSFW area, this includes content with the following: any nudity, suggestive content & sexual content
7¹. We do not allow NSFW content with real people, cosplaying or otherwise, suggestive content that does not include genitalia or sex acts are still allowed within the nsfw channels though.
7². I hope this would be obvious, but if you post anything sexual/suggestive with characters or people you are getting banned without any appeal or anything, this server has zero tolerance for pedos
8. Please keep the following content to the Blacklist area only: irl death, suicide, any discussion of SA/rape, gore & major injuries, body horror, heavy IRL news
9. No character bashing, like developers for Pokémon say for their creations "Every one is someone's favorite" and I feel it feeds into a negative fandom experience
10. Please do not use this server as a venting space, at the moment the admins are unable ensure that it would a safe environment for those venting and others in the server
11. Please try and remain on the topic of discussion in a channel, but ultimately this a looser rule as conversation tends to wonder naturally
- If there is ever a issue going on please @ the admin role, and dm a admin, this also goes for if there have been issues with a member in dms (though we will ask to see screenshots in the case of dms as there are no other ways for us to check these things)
- New rules are added as needed, when that happens there will be a update everyone is @'d in
**What Happens When A Rule Is Broken**
- If it is something that could be a honest mistake such as taking a joke too far, posting something for the blacklisted area outside of it or other small errors in judgment they will get a warning and on their 3rd warning they will be kicked
- If it is actively harmful such as posting nsfw of minors or other abusive content they will be banned without any warnings as soon as possible
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st4rrmii · 1 month
Lucien's Lore/Timeline Up Until CT
TW//Substance abuse, Parental/Sibling deaths, Transphobia, Ableism, abuse, self destructive thoughts/attempts and Bullying-Please only read ahead if mentally okay to!
Disclaimer!!-Lucien's story does get dark at certain points, as I've stated before, I use OCs to vent about certain things, as well as base parts of them off my own life experiences. No part of his story is meant to be for shock value or "edginess", it all has a purpose. On top of all that, the show is for children, so of course it wouldn't be too dark with its themes, however I did want to delve a little bit more into the after effects of the trauma that would be being one of the campers. If this makes you uncomfortable, please do not read, I don't mind!
Now to it, everything under the cut!
Pre-Camp Cretaceous-
Lucien was born into a family of three, his mother(unnamed), father(Brian), and older brother(Landon, 9 years older than Lucien). The four lived a very normal life, as far as Lucien was aware, Lucien's little sister(Mia) being born when he was 5. Both his father and Mother worked for Jurassic World as scientists. Shortly after Mia's birth, their mother went missing, there was a search for her but she was never found. Unfortunately this cause Landon to fall into a depression that ended up with him hanging out with the wrong type of people, people who taught him that the best way to cope was with drugs.
Everything after that seemed to start on a slow but steady downhill, Lucien's father was a loving man, but he needed to continue to work to keep his family afloat, Landon did try his hardest to keep a stable job despite everything, but as time went on his addiction made it harder to do that, this all left a very young Lucien to do most of the parenting for Mia. This was also around the time Lucien started to realize he was "different", he hated being called a girl, he knew it was 'technically' what he was, he knew his body was that of a girl's, but it all just felt wrong. Despite not knowing what this meant, he was lucky enough to have a supportive family, Landon and Brian referring to him with more GN/Masc terms and pronouns to see how that felt, which as expected, felt right. Brian knew Lucien was trans, he always had a feeling, but at that point in the game, with how young he was, he never really told him what that was, not wanting Lucien to feel like it was something weird that would make him too "different", instead just going along with the terms that made him comfortable until he reached a certain age. The unfortunate part of this however, was that with Lucien entering school it was somewhat- difficult- to explain to children of the early 2000s, on top of his disabilities(both physical and more mental, ie. Autism/selective mutism), with this, kids were quick to judge, and unfortunately he became an outcast in his schools due to bullying.
The three siblings had to move in with their grandparents after their mother disappeared, which was okay at first, as despite their grandmother being strict with them, as well as somewhat.. bigoted- towards Lucien, they did have a loving grandfather. Unfortunately things went south when he passed, his passing causing their grandmother to spiral, her transphobia towards Lucien becoming so much worse. I won't go into detail, but to say the least, Lucien is absolutely terrified of that woman, even as an adult. Sometime around here was when Lucien's grandmother did something absolutely vile, which I once again will not go into detail on, but it ended up with Landon and his friends beating a man that had hurt Lucien, unfortunately for Lucien, this man was one of his bullies' fathers, which caused the bullying to become worse.
Things continued like this until Lucien was 12, which is when Landon unfortunately passed away, this tore Lucien apart, as Landon was his best friend, and on top of that, their father became sick not long after (quite possibly triggered by stress) and was forced to come home on sick leave, which at least got Lucien and Mia out of their grandmother's house and home with their father. Lucien had to become a major caretaker of both his father and Mia while very young and in mourning, causing him to fall into a deep depression, and on top of all that his bullies took Landon's death to fuel their bullying, telling Lucien it was his fault, because of this, Lucien ended up dropping out of public school, getting homeschooled which was luckily funded by JW.
It was all of this that made Brian start to look into the Camp that would be launched in a few years, he knew they'd be looking for campers to give everything a test run, so he used a few of his connections to have Lucien selected as one of said campers. Lucien had always loved dinosaurs, and always wanted to go to JW, but due to his father's work schedule he simply was not able to, so his father thought now that he was home he would finally let Lucien go, even if he couldn't be there with him.
Lucien was unaware of this until mere weeks before he would be leaving for Camp Cretaceous, and while part of him was excited to finally go, it was very quickly drowned out by the worry that his dad and Mia wouldn't be able to take care of themselves while he was gone, but Brian did assure him it would only be for around a week and they would be okay. Unfortunately, that did not happen.
Camp Cretaceous and the Downfall of Jurassic World-
The first person Lucien met at CC was Ben, both of them docking at the same place as they lived close to each other, they ended up talking a bit before the boat arrived, Lucien learning the Ben knew asl which was very helpful considering it was Lucien's main form of communication due to his selective mutism (The nerves and everything of the trip were making it act up, and he would end up not talking verbally until around the 2 month point of being stuck on Nublar)
Lucien ended up clinging to Ben the entire time they were at camp, the same way Ben clung to Kenji. In all honesty, Ben didn't mind it, it was nice having someone that would hold back with him even when the group went forwards, he also could not lie, having someone cling to him for protection definitely made him feel a little cool (especially when that person was so pretty) they ended up growing pretty close, Ben even letting Lucien use his inhaler at some point after his went missing in the chaos (yes, ben did have to coat it in sanitizer after but its the thought that counts). One core moment of being on the island pre-monorail was when, at one point, Ben fell, cutting up his hands pretty bad and getting them dirty. This, plus all the stress, triggered a panic attack on Ben's part, Ben panicking that his hands would get infected due to the dirt and kill him. Lucien, both having struggled with panic attacks, as well as knowing how to dress a wound (his dad worked on the medical team on JW, and shared a lot of his knowledge with Lucien), quickly did what he could, using the bandage wraps and alcohol wipes in Ben's 'dork pouch' to clean him up and dress the wounds, doing his best to help calm him down as well as constantly signing to him "You're okay, I've got you, you're gonna be okay." (Something Landon used to tell him when he would have panic attacks). This acted as one of the first moments Ben realized that he may feel more for Lucien than he had originally thought.
The monorail incident definitely fucked Lucien up hard, having tried to help Darius save Ben but it just- didn't work. Lucien shut down after this, Brooklynn physically having to pull Lucien off with her when they all jumped off the monorail. Lucien ofc wanted to go looking for Ben, which everyone (but Kenji and Sammy) objected to; in hindsight, he understands that it wouldve been stupid to spend time looking for someone who was probably long since dead when they only had a certain amount of time to get to the boat, but at the time this cause Lucien to lose any sense of trust for the group (He wasnt AS mad at Kenji and Sammy, but there was certainly a bit of distain for them not fighting as hard) and he became even more shutaway from them than he had been before.
The month where Ben was missing was horrible for Lucien, and he could not lie, that plus being stuck on the island brought back the suicidal thoughts that he thought he left on the mainland, he never acted on them, but there were a few times while running from dinosaurs he considered just- stopping dead in his tracks, acting as a distraction so the others could get away, but he didn't, always being pulled forward by Sammy or Kenji, he owed his life to him honestky, as much as he hated how egotistical Kenji was or how- weirdly optimistic Sammy was.
Lucien was ecstatic when Ben came back, of course, it was hard to tell through all the sobs, but he is sososo relieved to have Ben back, even if he has- changed. This is the first time Ben hears Lucien's voice, the first time any of the campers hear his voice, and its the first time Lucien says anything verbal, telling Ben "I thought I-..we- lost you-" and Ben would be lying if he said that one second slip up didn't make his heart run laps (HOW did it take them so long to realize they loved each other CHRIST). It took a lil bit to get used to Jungle Man Ben, but it wasn't too hard since Lucien was just relieved to have Ben back, ntm having Ben actually protrcting him at times, even putting him on Bumpy's back whenever they had to walk/run somewhere, not wanting him to trigger a pain flare up, definitely had Lucien questioning if he only liked girls (spoiler, he doesn't, thanks Ben).
He is able to grow more confident once Ben is back, kinda looking up to him and his growth for 'motivation', he's able to start talking with the campers, as well as helping out a bit more. His first major moment where he's able to step up and take some form of control over a situation is when Sammy gets hit by the Scorpios' spines, Lucien has knowledge in venoms and how they act, not only has he been bit by plenty of venomlus things (he does not think before he grabs) but he's also seen his father's studies (some of which did include the secret hybrid). He was able to take watch of Sammy, staying back with Brooklynn and Kenji to keep track of her symptoms, as well as help slow down certain ones. This was definitely the first time him and Yaz ever really spoke to each other (put two closed off ppl in a room, theyre probably gonna sit there in silence until you give up and let them out) Yaz thanking him for helping save Sammy, even hugging him in her emotional state (which very much caught him off guard).
Everything from there was somewhat normal,(Lucien even finding out Ben was also transmasc like him in this time), just them trying to get off the damn island, until Ben dropped the bomb that he didn't want to leave, this all sent Lucien back to the monorail, he knew what it was like to lose Ben, and that was back before they were as close as they were now, he just couldn't do it again. It got to the point where he threatened to stay on the island if Ben was, which Ben absolutely could not let happen, having Kenji physically drag Lucien onto the boat when they left. Ben would be lying if he said Lucien didn't have a big part in why he came back to the boat, yes, all the campers did, and more than anything, realizing he already found himself and didnt need to stay did, but the idea of never seeing Lucien again and letting him deal with losing him again definitely played a huge part in it.
MantahCore and Island 2, electric Boogaloo-(this one may be the shortest because, quite frankly, I forgot half of what happens in s4/5)
The second island is certainly a time for Lucien, the fact that he thought they were finally going home just to end up on another goddamn island sending his mental state crashing all over again, absolutely horrified he was never going to see his family again. The night where theyre all around the campfire is where he's able to break down. Of course at first he doesn't want to, he doesn't want everyone to know how scared he is, but when he doesn't get up to yell with everyone else they all turn their attention to him, trying to get him to join them, and he does- in a sense. At first it starts as just the most bloodcurdling scream, but quickly turns to him venting out all the emotions he's held pent up for the past god knows how many months, yelling about how sick he is of being stuck on random islands and being terrified that by the time he does get home his father is going to be long gone and his sister isnt going to be lost somewhere in the foster system, or worse, with his grandmother. He screams about how guilty he feels leaving his little sister alone, fearing that she's going to lose the only two people she has left. He screams about how he's sick of fearing for his life and not being able to trust anyone, he screams about how he's so sick of not being able to sleep because the RARE times he feels safe enough to actually fall asleep he's riddled with nightmares, whether they be about his own death or the deaths of those he loves. He fully breaks down once its all out, just crumbling completely. Darius is the first to hug him, the part about his dad hitting hard, and it eventually turns into one group hug, which they quite honestly all needed.
After they find Mae, and realize the island is not as it seems, Lucien is able to calm down a tiny bit, he doesn't trust Mae fully, but he can also smell the autism on her which helps a little bit. This is also around when he gets the scar on his face, courtesy of a brad. Mae is able give him the stitches he needs, as well as cleaning and dressing the wound, Ben and Sammy not leaving his side for a second, which is exactly how Ben gets 4 tiny scars on his palm from Lucien digging his nails into his hand while he gets the stitches witjout any form of anesthetic or pain meds.
When Lil Eatie gets injured, Lucien immediately goes into caretaker mode, not caring about his safety and doing whatever he can to make sure she's okay. Of course Mae tries to stop him at first, but once she notices that Lil Eatie has started to trust Lucien, still acting like a literal trex, but also not trying to kill him when he brings her untampered food, she calms down.
Another dino Lucien bonds with on the island is Firecracker, immediately clicking with her and loving her in a similar way to Ben with Bumpy. Everything was fine until he saw Nash controlling her, seeing how scared and in pain she was seemed to flip a switch in him, all his bottled up emotions turning into anger. This is what started him on the path he's on now, where he's willing to do anything to protect dinosaurs.
From that point on he just does whatever he can to bring Nash and Daniel down, refusing to let them proceed with controlling dinos and their dino fights for their own enjoyment, or anyone's for that matter. Lowk forgot what happens atp but he helps take them down with the others, joins Ben to get Kenji and Bumpy back, helps with the plan to get Daniel off the island, yeehaw.
And then they're rescued.
Returning to the mainland and aftermath
Lucien is absolutely terrified the whole ride back to mainland.
Everyone else is excited, happy to go back to their families (except Kenji), and Lucien is alone, not even sure if his father is alive, if his sister is okay, if he has a family to go home to. Ben does try and cheer him up, reassure him that his dad is okay and everything will work out, but ofc, Lucien is too afraid to really listen.
When they return to the mainland, his father isn't there. Everyone's parents are there to reunite with them, and Lucien is alone, hell, even Kenji gets invited into the Bowman family hug. This does cause panic on Lucien's end, but Ben quickly takes notice, introducing Lucien to his mom and asking if Lucien can try calling his dad with her phone. She ofc says yes, recognizing Lucien as one of her coworker's kids, and Lucien is able to call his father, who is alive, but in the hospital as his health has deteriorated due to Lucien being assumed dead.
Ms.Pincus ends up giving Lucien a ride to the hospital, as it's very close to Ben's home anyways, Lucien sees his dad and sister again, breaks down, introduces Ben to his family, all is well.
Lucien and Ben continue to see each other nearly daily, Ben visiting him and his family in the hospital whenever he can, as thats literally where Lucien and his sister live now.
Everything is okay for just under a year, then Lucien's father passes.
Lucien is a mess after his father's death, his mental health completely deteriorating now that his father is gone. He blames himself for his death, wondering if he never went to that camp, never caused him so much stress, that he'd still be here, but its too late, he went and his father is gone.
Luckily enough for Lucien and Mia, Ms.Pincus did make arrangements with Lucien's father to take Lu and his sister, as his father did NOT want them ended up with their grandmother or in the foster care system. Thankfully for them Ms.Pincus had always been interested in adopting, as Ben's birth took a toll on her health, but she was afraid that whoever she adopted could hurt Ben, so taking in two kids who she knew loved her boy and would never hurt him was easy.
Lucien resorts to using after his father is gone, it's the only thing that can keep him from feeling so many emotions, from thinking about the what ifs and the fact that his father is dead. It keeps him numb. This is what leads him to his current place of work, the sanctuary kept him in check, not allowing drugs and keeping him busy, keeping him distracted. Was it the most safe? No, but neither was using.
It doesn't help that he and Ben get into an argument soon after he starts using, Ben getting mad at him for clinging onto him so hard and ending the argument with "Sometimes I wish you never moved in!"
This is when he disappears for 18 months, yes he lets everyone know he's leaving, but him going no contact definitely scares people, especially Ben. This is what leads to Ben going to the island with Mae, as he cannot handle going home to a house without Lucien.
Post leave of Absence, Pre CT, The birth of Luciben
Lucien comes back after 18 months, finally feeling okay enough to see those he loves again, ntm he misses them like crazy. Ben is relieved to see him but god is he pissed, pissed that Lucien just up and left him and Mia behind, pissed that he did nothing to let them know if he was okay, or even ALIVE. Ben doesn't know WHY he left though, and that does cause arguments, Ben nearly breaking down when Lucien tells him why he left. The fact that his words were the final straw makes him feel so guilty, the fact that he made Lucien feel that way when he was already going through so much absolutely tears him apart.
The n7 aren't as close anymore once Lucien comes back, and it takes a lot of getting used to, Lucien even trying to get them together only to be shot down nearly everytime, so he just- gives up. Ben notices that Lucien stops asking tk hang out, and while he was one of the ones guilty for shooting down plans, it does worry him that Lucien just stopped asking. Ben tries asking to hang out only to be shot down himself, leading to an argument where Lucien breaks down and admits he feels like he doesn't belong here anymore, and that he almost regrets coming back because it feels like no one wants him around anyways. This breaks Ben's heart as he was part of the people shooting him down. From this point on Ben makes it his mission to make plans whenever he can, trying desperately hard to get everyone back together at least once for Lucien's sake.
Luckily Brooklynn does come around, she travels the most and she's felt that loneliness before, so she does what she can to visit Ben and Lucien whenever she can, which is when Lucien starts bleaching his hair with her help, making it somewhat of a tradition that whenever she comes around they redo his roots.
Things start to get better, Ben and Lucien hanging out like they used to, this however brings up buried feelings for each other, and a few months after Lucien comes back, right before Ben's about to go to uni, Ben confesses that he loves Lucien, and ofc Lucien returns those feelings and bam, gay rights.
Everything is good for a while, Lucien and Ben are happy together (minus the fact that Ben is still in the closet so no one knows about them), and eventually Brooklynn finds out about them (its kinda hard to make an excuse for why you were caught locking lips with your "homie") and she's super supportive, leading to their lil "BBL" friend group.
This just makes Brooklynn's death so much worse.
Lucien relapses after Brooklynn is pronounced dead, even showing up at her funeral high (he couldn't do it otherwise), this causes issues of course, it getting to the point where Ben doesn't feel okay leaving Lucien alone, leaving uni in order to be with him constantly, afraid he's going to do something stupid. Not long after he gets the messages on dark jurassic, leading to him and Lucien lacking up and heading out to get the others, leading to the events of Chaos Theory.
Really quick CT rundown go read Secret for more details
Tl;dr, Ben fucks up by saying he has a gf instead of coming out, the events of Secret happen, Lucien goes with Kenji and Darius, they find out that Lucien also left messages for Brooklynn when he relapsed, he breaks down, Kenji and Darius help him calm down, then the rest of Secret happens abd they get on the boat, yeehaw.
This ended up being lowkey poorly written near the end cause I just wanted to get it out, but I will most likely be releasing more detailed fics to kinda give insight on the parts where it feels like there are missing details. I just need to finally lost this cause its been in my drafts for a month LMAO
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Friends | Surprise
Sam and Tucker were acting weird. They hadn’t had any arguments about animals, or meat, or who’s turn it was to have the Doom controller… nothing.
It was suspicious.
And yeah, okay, they were all 16 now, so they could maybe just be getting more mature. Danny, himself, had stopped being a gremlin to Vlad, which after two years had actually messed with the guy more than anything Danny had done, so that was a plus! The Fruitloop had spent the last few months constantly on guard, expecting some prank to befall him. It was fantastic!
But back to Danny’s dilemma.
His friends were acting weird, and Danny couldn’t help but think it was because of the Big Reveal.
No, not Danny telling his parents about Phantom. That had gone well enough, as by then they’d realized that Phantom was helping and sentient, not just a pile of malicious ectoplasm.
No, the Big Reveal had been from Danny parents, who after hearing Danny’s confession has given one of their own:
Danny was adopted. In itself, not a big deal. They were still his family, they all still loved one another, it didn’t really change anything.
No, the Big part of the Reveal had been the fact that his birth father was none other than Bruce Wayne. The Bruce Wayne.
Apparently, as a just-legal adult he’d had a pretty serious thing going on with a woman named Selina Kyle, but she left him at the alter when they were both 20, only for her to discover her pregnancy. By then, Bruce had taken in an orphaned Dick Grayson, and Selina had decided that she didn’t want to overwhelm him with a newborn on top of a nine-year-old. But she also didn’t think she’d make a good parent, but wanted to be sure the baby would be safe and loved and cared for, and so decided to look for a family herself.
Eventually, she’d come across the Fenton’s file on her advocate’s desk, saw that they were rejected due to their ‘line of work’, and decided to check them out.
Anyway, long story short, she liked them, they loved him, Selina used some of her ‘contacts’ to get the paperwork sorted and legalized, and Bam! New baby Daniel Thomas Fenton, ready for action!
… Yeah, Danny thinks Selina was probably into some stuff, and left Bruce because of a scam gone wrong or something.
But again, he’s waaay off topic. His friends are being weird, he’s like 87% positive it’s about his birth parents, and now they’re both obsessively checking their phones like—
“Oh, sorry about that, we must have missed one when we were disabling them. Please, come in!”
Aaaand now there’s apparently people over? From the noise, it’s like five people or so, though they all walk so quietly on the carpeting it’s hard to tell, even with Danny’s enhanced hearing. He turns to ask his friends if they remembered his parents saying something about guests, only to see two identical grins.
‘Uh oh. Those looks combined usually mean bad news for me. Maybe I should take off while I’ve got the chance?’
Unfortunately, his friends knew him too well, and they both instantly blackmailed him with embarrassing Phantom PhailsTM videos.
So stayed he did, and down he went, once his mom called for them. The entire way down the stairs, his friends are grinning and smothering laughs and just generally acting like elementary school all over again.
Taking one, bracing breath, Danny prepares to see whatever the h*ll kind of prank his ‘besties’ have set up for him, and turns the corner into the living room.
…’Is that Bruce f*cking Wayne on our couch?!’
Indeed. Indeed it is, along with Dick Grayson, who grins and ruffles his hair; Jason Todd, who offers an eye roll and a fist bump (and hoo-boy, that’s some very corrupted ecto in there, Danny’d better check that later); Tim Drake, who very distractedly shakes his hand before diving back into a conversation with Mom about their security system; and Damien Wayne, who gives him the stink-eye and only very grudgingly shakes Danny’s hand as well after Bruce nudges him into it.
So. That’s a thing, now. Meeting his super-famous estranged family members because his friends thought it’d be good both as a ‘parents-blew-themselves-up-and-Danny’s-not-a-legal-adult’ back-up plan (which, Danny can admit, is necessary, after he’d already had to put out several fires down there this month), and of course, a great prank to play. No doubt Tucker has several videos of Danny’s gaping.
After the awkward introductions comes an even more awkward dinner, though thankfully the atmosphere is due to all around lack of conversation skills and not a re-run of Night of the Living Food. (Thought Danny’s pretty sure he saw the meatballs wiggle a bit)
Eventually, everyone winds up at the front door, with yet even more awkward goodbyes and see-you-laters and a few, yes, awkward hand shakes.
By the time they door closes behind them, with a promise to join Danny and his friends at the mall tomorrow, he has decided one thing, for absolute certain:
‘I am soooo getting them back for this! Watch out for your own surprises, friends.’
In case you’re curious:
Bruce- 36
Dick/Barbara- 25
Jason/Jazz- 18
Tim/Steph/Team Phantom- 16
Duke- 14
Damien- 12
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