#yeah a lot of people do deal with imposter syndrome and role confusion at my age but i am quite literally dealing with somethkng different
nothingnowherenow · 24 days
I really like my job, it pays well and the work environment is like not a hellscape. However everytime I remember I have to work (for the rest of my life!!!) I do consider driving into the side of a building
#or just letting my mental health win and get bad enough that i cannot hold down a job#the fact that i literally cannot pursue my hobbies or things that bring me joy because im exhausted working 20 hours a week#i cant think about it too long or i will do something stupid#i had benefits lined up for myself i was going to be on disability and get an apartment through a program in my city#and i was going to just let myself heal and take life easy at least temporarily until my brain functions better#but now i have like a real job and people are expecting me to go to grad school and i dont want to do any of it if im honest#its totally out of obligation and performing a version of myself for the people around me that i continue to do this#i feel so fucking weak and awful being this burnt out and jaded from working part time for like 3 months#but im also like constantly dealing with trauma shit and voices and sensory overload and social bullshit that doesnt make sense to me#do you know how hard it is to both fulfill a customer service task while your brain is playing a highlight reel of abuse that happened#or when theres shouting and arguing happening in your head and you have to make small talk with coworkers#i work with youth and i love youth work but oh my god half the time i barely feel human much less adult#and people are so quick to brush me off like everyone feels like that and its just because im young yadda yadda#yeah a lot of people do deal with imposter syndrome and role confusion at my age but i am quite literally dealing with somethkng different#i genuinely do not know who i am most days people say my name and it barely registers in my head#i feel like i was just put on earth like a few months ago without any prior history or memories#thats a really distressing feeling!! if you didnt know!! and most people do not know what thats like!!#like not being able to recognize your reflection is not a normal part of being in your early 20s from what ive heard
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walkerwords · 4 years
“The Savior Sessions” Part 17 of 33 - Negan x GN!Reader
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Summary: Following the fallout of their argument, the reader is still trying to deal with their thoughts about Negan. Meanwhile, Daryl, Connie, Lydia, and Henry arrive at Alexandria. With everything going on and the fair only a day away, there are decisions to be made.
Word Count: 4372
Warning: Swearing
Song I Wrote To: “First” by Cold War Kids
Note: Another filler before our big part which is up next...I am putting all the fair stuff in one part and I MEAN EVERYTHING. Part 19 will be the blizzard so Part 18 is going to be A LOT. *ALL ASL IN ITALICS*
Something felt different when you woke up. 
Your mother always used to say that people could feel it in the air when something was to come. You never put much stock in her ramblings, but that particular quote was sticking in your mind as you sat up in your bed.
Sunlight was streaming in through the window and you could hear the faint sounds of Alexandrians starting their days. The nightmares had been worse than usual during the night before and after waking up for the second time, you had to nearly restrain yourself from venturing out of your house and towards another. 
The fact that Negan was the first person you thought of when fear entered your body made you feel even more confused. You were still furious with him, that much was clearly evident, but he was still there in the back of your mind. He was in your dreams, your everyday thoughts, and while you should have been focusing on Alpha and Daryl’s rescue plan, Negan was all you could think about. 
After getting ready for the day, you strapped on Paul’s sword and headed from your home and towards the meeting hall. It still felt odd to consider the sword yours even though Aaron had given it to you personally. You began to wonder if imposter syndrome extended towards melee weapons. 
Walking down the main road, you saw Judith with her brother heading towards the makeshift graveyard. You knew where she was going and you also knew that Judith loved to tell stories she heard from her mom about Carl. While Judith didn’t have many memories of her big brother, she could still remember what it felt like to be carried by him and how he cared for her. Carl had been there since the beginning to look after her and now it was Judith’s turn to do so for RJ.
Your gaze lingered on them for a bit before your eyes caught a commotion at the main gate. You could see Michonne standing on the watch post, looking down. With a furrowed brow, you began to walk forward when a movement out of the corner of your eye caught your attention. 
Stopping in front of the Grimes’ house, you looked to see Negan leaning against the bars of his window. He looked at you with those same beautiful hazel eyes and determined set of his jaw. You stared back, remembering the last conversation you had had with the man. Negan had nearly begged you for forgiveness and you weren’t sure if you were actually willing to give it. At least, not yet. He went to say something when the gate slid open up ahead. Looking back, you were stunned at what you saw. 
Daryl, Lydia, Connie, and to your ultimate surprise, Henry, were walking towards you. Dog trotted in front of his master, his tail up as he noticed you. When they got closer, you finally saw the state that your friend was in.
“Daryl?” you asked, shocked to see blood, Living blood, on his face and clothes. “What the hell happened to you?” you asked as you left Negan behind and ran up to him. 
“Kids need some food,” was all Daryl said. You then noticed that Henry was limping.
“They also need medical attention,” you said and then waved down Siddiq who was walking alongside Rosita. “Come on,” you said and then reached for Lydia who was shaking slightly. 
“I’m sorry,” she whispered, but you just shook your head. 
“Not your fault, kid,” you said, brushing the hair from her face. “Let’s get you looked at.” 
As Siddiq took a look at Henry and Lydia, Laura stood watch at Michonne’s request. You stood on the porch of the infirmary with Daryl, Michonne, and Connie. While your signing was still a bit rough, you could get by well enough for the time being. You had taught Deaf students when you were a teacher and you found that your knowledge of the language was slowly coming back to you. 
“Are you hurt?” you asked Connie. She shook her head and then made the “D” letter with her right hand and dragged it over her eye. You then realized that was the Name Sign she had given to Daryl, most likely due to his scar. You thought it was fitting. 
Connie was telling you that Daryl was hurt, but you knew that he wouldn’t even let you clean his wounds until he knew the kids were okay. 
“Someone wanna tell me what happened?” you asked as you leaned against the side of the house, your ankles crossed. 
“Beta happened,” Daryl said as he matched your position on the other side. 
“Alpha’s man,” Connie signed and you translated for Michonne and Laura, who was listening in the doorway. 
“So, it’s not just Alpha we have to worry about? Great,” you said with a deep sigh. 
“Asshole is massive,” Daryl said. “Threw me around like I was nothin’ and didn’t hesitate at all to try and kill us. Lydia says he’s the best fighter they got.” 
“Fantastic,” you groaned. 
“He’s the one that captured Henry,” Daryl explained. 
“Which brings me to my question,” Michonne said. “Why the hell was Carol’s son out there in the first place?”
“He went after her, didn’t he? After we traded her for Alden and Luke?” you asked and Daryl nodded. 
“Takes after his damn mother,” Daryl muttered, but you could hear a bit of admiration in his tone. Which was how he usually sounded when he spoke about Carol. 
“How’d you get her back?”
“Got into their camp,” Daryl said. “There’s a lot more of these assholes than we thought. We couldn’t see all of ‘em, but there are enough to make me nervous.” 
“You being nervous, makes me nervous,” you said pushing off the wall.
“Where’s he now?” Michonne asked. “Beta?”
“Threw his giant ass down an elevator shaft,” Daryl said. 
“So, he’s dead?” Daryl looked between you, Connie, and Michonne and you could see the fatigue weighing on him and also, the anger.
“For all our sakes,” he said. “He better be.”
Once the Doc had cleared both Lydia and Henry, you invited the teenagers as well as Connie and Daryl to stay in your house for the time being.
You knew that Daryl wanted to keep moving in case Alpha had sent out more scouts, but you also knew that they needed to take a breather, even if it was just until nightfall.
You could hear Connie sitting and playing with Dog outside while Daryl spoke with Henry. You knew how important Henry was to Carol and because of that, Daryl would do anything to protect the kid. 
However, right now, he seemed to be taking on the role of disappointed uncle. He was using his “parent voice” as you liked to call it. He used to use it a lot with Carl and then when Judith would cause trouble years before. Beth once joked that he had become the father of the group. Daryl had just rolled his eyes, but you knew that meant a lot to him. It told him that all of you, even Rick, relied on him. 
Lydia was sitting in the living room when you found her. Sitting next to her on the couch, you tried to see the resemblance between her and her mother. It was there slightly, but only in looks. You couldn’t see the hatred that you saw in Alpha. However, you did see a small bit of resilience and that only told you how much she had to adapt to live within the Dead. 
“I’m sorry,” you began. Lydia looked at you in confusion. “I said a lot of horrible things to you when we had you locked up. I made assumptions and it was unfair.”
“I didn’t really give you much of a chance to trust me,” Lydia said, turning her attention back to her hands in her lap. 
“Then I guess we both need fresh starts,” you said and then offered her your hand. “Hi, I’m (Y/N).” Lydia hesitantly took your hand and gave you a small smile. 
“I’m Lydia,” she said and you smiled at her. 
“It’s nice to meet you, Lydia.” When you dropped her hand, she glanced back towards where Daryl and Henry were. 
“I’m sorry about your friend,” Lydia said, talking about Jesus. “And because my mom took your other friends.”
“We got them back,” you reminded her. “I just wish we could have gotten them back without throwing you back to the wolves.”
“Yeah, then maybe Henry wouldn’t have gone after me and gotten hurt,” she said sadly. 
“Maybe not, but Henry is as stubborn as his mother and as loyal as his father. Trust me when I say that he doesn’t need an excuse to make dumbass decisions.”
“What’s his mom like?” Lydia asked and you paused, trying to figure out how to put Carol into words. 
“I’ve known his mom for a very long time. Actually since the beginning of all this,” you began. “Carol has been through a lot and she has lost a lot of people to get to the place she is right now. She has lost children, especially. Carol isn’t a person whom you need to be afraid of if you have good intentions.”
“And if you have bad intentions?” Lydia asked carefully.
“Let’s just say that when she wants to be, Carol can be even more terrifying than your mother. The difference is, is that Carol’s rage and her skills come from love and the need to protect her family.”
“You don’t think my mom is like that?” 
“I don’t know your mother,” you admitted. “Though I have known people like her and if I had to guess what she values most, I would say it’s power and survival. Alpha seems to be the person who would sacrifice her young to protect the pack and that is why I don’t want you to go back to her.”
“You don’t even know me,” Lydia said. “You only know what you’ve seen.”
“ ‘To perceive is to suffer’,” you quoted with a smile. Lydia’s brow furrowed. “Aristotle said that,” you explained. 
“I’ll tell you about them later. Point is,” you said, taking her hand, “I only saw what I wanted to see because I thought that suffering was better than trying to see your side of everything.”
“So, what does this mean?” Lydia asked. 
“It means that I am not going to let anything happen to you. Especially at the hands of your mother.”
Later that day, Michonne found you. 
Daryl was inside with the others when she came walking towards your house. She gestured you down off the porch as she got closer. “What’s up?” you asked as you approached. 
“We’re doin’ the fair,” Michonne explained. 
“Are you sure that’s a good idea?” Michonne nodded and then let out a heavy sigh. 
“Henry said that The Kingdom is failing. They need this. Judith recently reminded me that we need each other and that we need to start thinking about the others again.”
“Wise girl,” you complimented and she smiled.
“Just like her dad,” Michonne said. 
“Michonne, I want to help Kingdom, you know I do. I would do anything to help Carol and Ezekiel, but what if Alpha finds out that we have her kid? What then? Not to mention that Daryl attacked Beta and we don’t even know if he’s alive or not.”
“We’ll deal with it, just as we’ve dealt with everything else.”
“We’ve never seen anything like this before and you know it.”
“We can’t ignore them anymore, our friends,” she explained. “I know this is going to be rough, but we’ve won wars before.”
“So you do think this is going to end in a fight, then?” 
“It always does, (Y/N),” Michonne said. 
“I know you don’t trust her, Lydia, I mean,” you said. 
“You’re right, I don’t,” she said. 
“There is a lot of shit goin’ on right now, but we have to protect her just like we once protected Enid when she had nobody.”
“Enid isn’t the daughter of a killer,” Michonne reminded you. 
“No, she’s not, but she could have gone down a different path. Just because she found Alexandria, that doesn’t mean that she couldn’t have turned for the worse. If it wasn’t for Maggie and… and Carl, who knows what would have happened to her.” Michonne was quiet for a moment. 
“You’re saying that Henry is Lydia’s Carl?” 
“I’m saying that she’s a scared kid who needs everyone in her corner to keep her safe and help her make the right decision.”
“And that’s gonna be you?” 
“I’m gonna damn well try to be.”
It was night when Daryl and the others were getting ready to leave. 
You met them at the gate as Connie helped Henry balance on his staff, trying to get a rhythm going for their travels. You figured they were going to be headed to Kingdom, but you didn’t know where Daryl would be going after that. Lydia stood by, watching the duo with a smile. 
When Daryl noticed you standing off to the side, he joined you. “We didn’t get a chance to talk. Not really,” he said. 
“There will be other times,” you said with a bump to his shoulder. 
“Judith talked to me,” he said.
“Yeah?” you asked, avoiding the look he was giving you. 
“You should know that she hears a lot more than ya think.”
“Meaning she heard the argument Negan and I had,” you realized. Daryl grunted in agreement. “Just great.”
“She’s worried about ya, thinks you’re not gonna forgive him,” Daryl said. 
“Judith should mind her own business,” you muttered.
“Are ya? Going to forgive him?”
“What would be the point? The situation is gonna still be the same. Negan is gonna be locked up and I’ll be out trying to fight another battle that we shouldn’t be in in the first place.”
“Self-pity don’t look good on ya,” Daryl said.
“That’s not—”
“Ya, it is,” he interrupted. “I already told ya my thoughts on you and him. I still stand by them, but ya gotta start usin’ your brain, Kid.” You smiled at the nickname. It was something he had called you when you first met, even though you were around the same age as Maggie.  
“I thought the heart was supposed to make these kinds of decisions?” 
“Nah, ya gotta use both. Don’t believe that poetic bullshit.” 
“Are you sure you weren’t a motivational speaker before all this?” you joked. 
“Not unless ya count me yellin’ at Merle to get his shit together when the son of a bitch was high and chasin’ birds through the streets.” 
“I do,” you decided. Daryl snorted but stayed quiet. “You’re leavin’ with Lydia after you get Henry home, aren’t you?”
“It’s for the best,” he said. 
“Is it?” 
“People don’t trust her,” Daryl said. 
“That’s not her fault.” 
“No, it ain’t,” he said, “but I’m not about to leave her vulnerable to people who don’t want her around. Maybe removing Lydia from the equation will make Alpha leave everyone else alone.”
“I wouldn’t be so sure,” you sighed. 
“I gotta try.”
“I know,” you said and then leaned into him. He put his arm around and you savored the small moment. “Please be careful.” 
“I will,” he said and then he pushed back to see your face. “Come with me.”
“I know ya have been lost for a while. Judith mentioned you isolate yourself. Maybe you just need a break.”
“What happened to me needing to figure out my shit here?”
“Fuck that,” Daryl said. “I ain’t always right.”
“I’m needed here, D,” you said. 
“By who? Michonne? Or Negan?”
“Judith,” you said. “RJ, Laura, Scott, Gabriel, Siddiq, and Ro who are about to be parents,” you reminded him. “I can’t just run away.” He caught your double meaning. 
“Ya mean like I did?” he asked, but there was no venom in his voice. 
“I never blamed you for leaving after Rick, but that doesn’t mean I don’t think that you should have been around more.” He nodded, understanding where you were coming from. 
“So, that’s a no?”
“Yeah, D, it’s a no,” you said and then sighed, but pulled you back into him, gripping you tight. 
“Remember what I said, Kid, don’t try to fix him. We are the way we are and if you somehow found something you care about in a man like that, don’t try to find a reason to ruin it.”
“I thought people could change,” you said into the side of his neck. 
“They can, but deep down, there’s always that one thing that makes them, them,” he said. 
“I don’t know about that.”
“I do,” he whispered. “Yours is that you don’t give up. Never have, and I don’t think ya ever will. I’ll see ya soon, I ain’t gonna just disappear again.” 
“Ya, I promise.”
“Good,” you said and then squeezed him once more before he shouldered his bow and with a quick whistle had Dog running after him. You actually believed him this time that you would see him soon and that was comforting. Connie waved to you as the gate slid closed and you were only hoping that whatever they had planned, they would get through it alive.
The next day, it was early and Alexandria was saddling up to head out for The Kingdom. 
You found yourself heading to Aaron’s, trying to muster up the courage to speak to him. You missed him and you knew that whatever was going on between the two of you, you needed to deal with it before it got worse. 
Knocking on the door and Gracie answered. “Hey Gracie,” you greeted. “Is your dad home?”
“Daddy! (Y/N)’s here!” she shouted behind her and then turned back to you with a large grin on her face. “He’s getting things ready for the fair,” she explained. 
“Are you excited?” you asked as you heard Aaron’s footsteps approaching. 
“Yes!” she said, jumping up and down a bit. Aaron appeared behind her, his eyes narrowed at you on his front porch. 
“Hey,” you said. 
“Gracie, why don’t you go finish putting your bag together?” Aaron suggested. 
“Okay! Bye, (Y/N)!” she said, as exuberantly as always. You didn’t know where she got all her energy from. When she was out of sight, Aaron turned his attention back to you.
“Can we talk?” you asked and he hesitated. “Please.” With a sigh, he gestured to the bench on his porch and you quickly took a seat, eager to say your piece. Aaron was quiet as you took a breath. “Aaron, I’m sorry.” 
“For what?” he asked. 
“Being an asshole and not being a very good friend these past couple of months. I’ve been confused and angry and I have been taking it out on you instead of dealing with it.”
“I guess that’s one way to put it,” He said with a snort. He then turned his gaze towards the Grimes house and what was beneath it. “I just hate that you stick up for him.” 
“I know.”
“And what’s worse is that I can see that he makes you happy. I don’t know what to do with that, (Y/N).”
“I don’t know what to do with it either. To be honest, I don’t know what to do with any of it. The last thing I ever expected was to care about someone after the world ended, let alone someone like him.”
“Then why do you?” he asked, genuinely curious. “Why Negan?”
“I don’t know, Aaron. I guess maybe because I always felt misunderstood and like an outcast. I’ve done things I’m not proud of and I didn’t think I was worthy of forgiveness…”
“You think we should be forgiving him?” Aaron asked, raising his brows. 
“No, because I know none of you will. I don’t even know if I could ever forgive him for what he did to Glenn and Abraham. I don’t know if I could forgive a lot of the things he did.”
“What do you know?” he asked. 
“I know that whatever I feel for him is my business and something I need to figure out with him and only him. It’s something I would like to do without the entire town ready to pick up torches and pitchforks.” Aaron laughed at that. 
“I don’t think we’d go that far,” he said. 
“I wouldn’t be so sure,” you said. “Negan isn’t perfect, but he’s not evil. There is good in him and I’ve seen it, but I need you to know that I don’t expect you to see it too.” 
“Good, cause I won’t,” he said shortly. 
“I know you hate him,” you continued, “but I don’t and I need time to figure out why.”
“Are you asking for my permission?”
“No, absolutely not,” you said with a roll of your eyes. “I’m just telling you that I don’t plan to turn my back on him, at least, not just yet.” Aaron nodded, his eyes staring at his boots. His right hand fiddled with the straps on his prosthetic as he thought about your words.
“Why are you mad at him?” Aaron said and you paused, not expecting the question.
“Who says I’m mad at him?” 
“I know you,” he said. 
“God, I really wish people would stop saying that,” you said, rubbing at the back of your neck.
“I’ll tell you what,” Aaron said. “I’ll stop being an ass to you if you stop being an ass to me, deal? I think we’ve lost enough already to not have each other’s backs. I don’t need any more regrets.” You reached over and offered your hand. He took it and squeezed it in his own. The loss of Paul was still weighing on both of you as if it had happened only hours before rather than days. Aaron was trying and so, you decided you should too.
“Okay, I’ll take that deal.” 
“Maybe you just need to take a breather,” Aaron said. “And I mean a real break. One where you’re not dealing with Walkers, Whisperers, or missing friends.”
“Are you suggesting I take a vacation?” you asked with your brows raised. 
“Come with me to the fair,” he offered. “Help us with Kingdom. I know you turned Michonne down, but I am willing to convince you.”
“How are you planning to do that?” you asked. Aaron then smiled at you. 
“I think I overheard Enid say that Alden has been singing more often. How much do you wanna bet he’s gonna get roped into singing a verse or two?” Aaron sent you a wink and you knew that there was no point in arguing with him. 
“Fine, I’ll go,” you relented. “But first, I gotta talk to someone.”
Before you headed out with the caravan, you made a final stop. 
“Here to yell at me some more?” Negan said as you opened the door.
“Do you want me to?” you asked, approaching the bar. 
“Not particularly,” he said as he sat up on his cot. 
“I’m going to the fair,” you announced. He stood up at that. 
“Are you sure that’s a good idea?” he asked, concerned. 
“Seems to be. Kingdom needs this and so do I,” you said. 
“I don’t like the thought of you going out there with those freaks running around,” he admitted. 
“I can handle it,” you assured him but then decided to reveal something else. Something you had been careful not to let anyone else know. 
“What is it?”
“They terrify me, Negan. These Whisperers are absolutely horrifying. You asked me not too long ago when the last time I was afraid and I said it was the day Rick died. Now? Now, it’s when I saw those...people walk with the Dead and look at us as if we were the ones who weren’t alive. It was when we were in that graveyard as they killed Jesus... I don’t know what to do with those feelings.” 
Negan thought for a moment, almost moved by the fact that you had decided to come to him with this. Especially considering how your last conversation had gone. All he wanted to do was reach for you and take you into his arms, but he knew had lost those privileges the second he snuck beyond the walls. Instead, he went back to the roots of your communication. He offered a quote. 
“‘I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it’,” he said quietly and you recognized it immediately.
“Nelson Mandela,” you whispered. 
“He was brave, just as you are. I don’t care what they think or what they see. You are stronger than them and the only way they win is if you let them,” Negan said. “Look at me,” he ordered and you did. There was a fire in his eyes, but not the one that was usually there. It wasn’t one of tenderness, but of steel resolve. “Don’t give her an inch. Do you understand?”
“Yes,” you said, your voice barely above a whisper. 
“I know you don’t trust me, but I trust you, (Y/N). Help your friends and then come back. We have a lot to talk about.” You nodded, trying to memorize the words that he said, letting them cement in your mind. 
Turning to go, you paused in the doorway. “Promise me something,” you said, looking back over at him. 
“There’s a line, the one that separates us from becoming like them,” you said and he knew you meant Alpha and her people. “If you ever see me about to cross that line…”
“I’ll drag you back even it means I have to take down every last one of them to do it,” he swore, that fire lighting up his eyes even more. You nodded, grateful for his response. “(Y/N),” he said, stopping you one last time. 
“I promise I’ll be here when you come home,” he said and with those words, your heart felt an ounce lighter. 
“I know.”
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