#behind the fairywinkle
shozmonthefairy · 1 year
Black paradise arguments
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Nitro North was trying to save Shozmon from other members of black paradise cause they wanted to make him one of them. But Nitro North was on other side, he wanted to ask Shozmon stay with them, but without changing his soul or mind, cause he knew Shozmon will do what they want without mind control.
Heartbreaker was one who doesn't like magic creations (cause he's a demon and magic creations are immortal), so he asked everyone else want they change Shozmon or not and everybody (except of Arcady and Nitro North) agreed that they must change him.
But Nitro North won this game, he helped Shozmon escape from Black paradise, loosing last person who thought he was good, after that Nitro North changed, and everybody really started to be afraid of him. And Shozmon, he's now a new outcast leader, he still miss Nitro North and his father but done mean done, he just can't change it.
Also the idea for this picture come from song the fruits, because it's really contains to this moment in Shozmon's life.
That's all
Bye 💚
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zennyzach · 5 days
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More doodles I did with my friend!
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artificial-angels · 3 hours
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cherry-pop-elf · 2 months
Flowers For You
‘Poof’ Periwinkle Fairywinkle-Cosma x Reader
Authors note: @clownsgirlghost You asked, Gimmie yo life force/jk
Sum: You’ve always been utterly obsessed with folklore. Fae, Crypteds, what have you. You respected them, the traditions, even when people made fun of you for it. You didn’t care. You loved them, and it seem’s like the gesture has been returned.
Warnings: Bullying, religious metaphor’s, paganism, assholes to witches, my attempt at accurate folk lore, and a shitty attempt because I only know so much from a show I don’t have access to
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“There goes that weirdo again. Stay away, might get cursed.” You would listen to them gossip. Never seeming to actually try and keep it subtle. You didn’t care, you were living your life. Well, trying to. It eats at you after a while. No matter how strong you were.
You would just sigh, as you just wanted to return home already. Had been such a long day. Shopping was a pain, and you just wanted to go to bed. Buying dumb adult things like food and toiletries. Also some things to leave as offerings. You saw a beautiful bundle of periwinkle flowers.
A fairy circle had appeared in your backyard, and you wanted to show your respect to the Fae that use them. You kept your distance, and respected the ring of mushrooms. Even put rocks around it, to try and help protect it. It’s a small gesture, but you hope they know your intent. They should, unlike your neighbors.
Swore they could hear the jingling of your keys, as they were quick to look over their fences to face you. Trying hard to not be seen, as they knew what they were doing was wrong. Actually it was because they genuinely thought you were a weirdo that might throw mud at them.
“Just ignore them. Just ignore them. The richer the man, the dumber the man.” You would plead to yourself, wishing you never inherited this old house. Right in a Richie rich neighborhood. Hey, a free house is a free house. Especially in his economy. Not like you’ll ever be in a position to move.
You would sort out your groceries, and be back in your zen. Feeling calm with yourself. Taking out the flowers, gently trimming off the dead parts, just fluffing it up really. Wanting it to look its best, as if offering it to a physical person. Gave you calm, and comfort.
With the flowers made you would go out to your backyard. Right to the fairy ring. Rocks all around it, as to try and keep it safe when you mowed the lawn. To give it respect, and honor, with letting it have its own space. Even as far as to gently toss the flowers into the middle, as to not break its barrier.
“Witchcraft I tell you. Keep your animals inside. Might be used for some kind of satanic sacrifice.” You would over hear, as the rattle of collars echoed from behind the fence. Made your heart ache. You weren’t doing anything wrong, this was your practice. What makes it different from what they do?
You tried to fight your tears, as you turned your back to the ring. Just as you did, however, you heard a strange noise. You swore it sounded as if a rattle of chimes went off, while hitting a pillow case. It was such an other worldly sound, you just had to turn to look at it.
“Really? You really jumped into the nearest fairy circle you could?” “I WANTED TO GO TO FAIRY WORLD-!” “YOU COULD HAVE ENDED UP AT THE BOTTOM OF A LAKE!” “I CAN SWIM-!” On and on the shouting went between your neighbor Dev Dimmadome, and a strange floating man. Left you in shock, as they argued. Not quite aware of your existence. Left you to study them.
“And further more-! Hey! Move your sneakers-!” The bright, purply man, shouted. Fluttering wings were quick to zoom down, and scoop up the flowers. Dusting them off from the trampling, and seeming to make them bloom back to life. As if they were never harmed.
“Look at that! Periwinkles! I love these flowers! Yes I’m bias, because they are my colors, but still! I remember back when I was just a little basketball. Back when me and Timmy…..” The man seemed to trail off, as those glittering eyes seemed to sparkle for other reasons.
“Uh, Peri…..You can cry about your brother later, we got company-“ Dev would tug at the floating man’s pant leg, drawing his attention to you. Those pure eyes just seeming to stare through your soul, and through your heart. Taking in every mortal detail you offered, and seeming to be taken aback. As if watching a sunset for the first time.
Didn’t last long, before he seemed to panic. The flowers tossed high in the air, leaving Dev to try and catch them off. Seemed like Dev can care for other living creatures. Who knew! As if you could focus on that, as a massive purple book appeared. With the worlds ‘Da Rulz’ on the cover.
“WHAT DO I DO?! FAIRES CANT BE SEEN LIKE THIS! OH NO OH NO OH NO OH NO-“ The poor, floating, man was in a panic. Not knowing what to do, while Dev would just casually walk up to you. Bundle of flowers still in hand, as he lower his shades a bit. Not all the way, but enough for you two to share eye contact.
You were one of the few people that ever gave a shit about him, and actually had human interaction with him. Not just his robot baby sitters, or just smoozed on him for his money. You didn’t have much, but you gave him something no one else did. Time. Time for him.
“Hey Witchy-“ A nickname he gave you, but like many friends it was a term of endearment and mockery at everyone else compared to actually an insult to you. Just a kid being a kid, and it was nice to have. Someone to just talk to you.
“So ya know how you always talked about fairies and folk lore and like Bigfoot and stuff? Yeah. That’s a fairy. Neat, huh?” He seemed to try and brag to you, as the poor fairy in question was still a panic mess. Just wanting to try and find an answer to his worries.
“Promise not to tell anyone?” He asked, as you slowly nodded. “Peri! Chill! Witchy is cool! Probs left the flowers even. You left the flowers, right? Course you did.” He more so said to himself.
That seemed to calm the fairy down, and make the book vanish. Ever so gently he would flutter over to you, as Dev returned the flowers to him. The bundle brought to his pointed nose, as he inhaled them. Lost in a memory, from childhood days. Days when he was with him.
“For me? Really? Like really really?” He asked, as his face was a brilliant pink. Was accompanied by intense fluttering of his wings. Much like how a person would wave their hands around when over stimulated, but in the positive way.
“I mean….Yeah. Yeah actually.” You nodded, as that was the intent. Never in your wildest dreams did you think something like this would happen. To very literally give flowers to a fairy, and to have the gesture enjoyed. Must be some kind of divine intervention.
“….Guess you would follow under a magical being identification, so I don’t need to worry…” Sounded more like he was trying to convince himself more than anything, but at least he was calming down.
“Um….Do you two want to come inside?” You offered. Probably a bad idea to invite a fae inside, and definitely a good idea that Dev used your nickname then your real name. The number one rule is to never offer a fae your real name. But…..Never have you seen a fae design like him in stories. Maybe things were a little different. Especially since he seemed to be in some kind of connection with Dev.
“Hell yeah. I do NOT want to be around my old man right now. Come on Peri-!” And Dev ran inside, leaving you two alone. For him to keep fluttering those pale purple lashes, as he was just adoring the flowers you had bought. Just stuffing his face in them. Lost in the textures and smells.
“Thank you…..I….They remind me of my childhood. Miss those days…So I uh. Thanks, Witchy.” He smiled to you, as you blushed all the same. Not as intense as him, because you were a human, but it was returned.
“You don’t have anything good in here! Peri! I wish that Witchy’s house was full of food! The good kind! You know what I’m talking about!” You heard Dev shout. Ever the blunt one.
Before you could make a remark, you saw Peri raise the strange cane of his. That same magical sound went off, and it seemed to blow out of your open door way. This bloom of smoke, that vanished as quickly as it arrived.
You would hurry inside, more so to see if Dev was ok, to be met with your home filled with food. Cabinets full and organized. Fridge open with sodas and juices. Pantry with chips and canned goods. It was like you suddenly were a grocery store with the levels of goods.
“There we go-!” Dev said, as he sat on the counter. Just munching away on a bag of cookies. Just left you speechless. What do you even say to something like this? Such pure, literal, magic.
“Guess that’s one way to say thanks for the flowers.” Peri would snort, as he giggled into his flowers. As if just a bashful school girl. Left Dev eye rolling, but was contented to be anywhere but his place. A mansion doesn’t bring the warmth your home did.
“Told you Witchy was cool. Didn’t do that weird back breaking dance, no screaming, no kidnapping. Witchy is so mellow. That’s what I like.” Dev would use you to brag to this fairy companion. Had you worry a moment.
“Are you like, owned by Dev? Did he kidnap YOU? Are you trapped?” You worried, given what Dev said. Along with just how true the statements are. To steal them for power, and wishes. Which was just what Dev did.
“Yeah. I mean-! Not like that-! Like-Oh uh. I’ll start from the top-“ He was blushing even more now, somehow. Suppose your genuine worry touched him. Along with the fact that even though he literally stuffed your home with food you were worried about him. Not a single drop of green in your tongue.
“I’m a Fairy God Parent. We are, basically, step in parents for kids who are….Well….” He gave a nudge at you, as Dev didn’t seem to be paying attention much. Messing with his phone. Most likely to plan some kind of tech aligned experiment for his future mischief.
“I get it-“ You nodded, as it was clear now. A parental figure, that can help kids be kids. With wishes to their hearts, and rules in place to keep both parties safe. Made you understand the situation alot more. You were wondering why Dev seemed alot happier lately. And a lot less of an asshole. Something you marked up as out bursts from his troubled home, which you couldn’t blame him for lashing out about.
“Guess since you are definitely classified as a magical being, I’ll be seeing you a lot more now. Dev hates being at home. Yeah it’s got all the things money can buy, but if it filled the damn void I wouldn’t be here. Huh?” He snorted, as you nodded as well. Along with a laugh, as it was certainly an experience to hear a fairy swear.
“Will you two stop flirting and get over here? Hazel sent me a text. Something about burritos? Violent mood swings?” Dev more so muttered, as Peri seemed red alert now.
“WE CAN NO HAVE ANOTHER BABY! I swear if Dad is pregnant, again-“ That had you both staring at him, before Dev’s phone dinged. “Never mind, it was just gas.”
Peri gave a sigh of relief, but you both were gawking at him still. That’s when he snapped his fingers, before trying to fix his hair. Get himself back in fairy order, instead of being a blushing mess of anxiety and nerves.
“It’s….Oh it’s a long story-“ Peri huffed, as his cane seemed to turn into a hand mirror of sorts. Floating in the air, so he could properly fix his large curl. Along with sneak a few flowers into it.
“I’ve got time…..” You offered, as you grabbed a drink from the fridge. Just finally able to enjoy some time now. Just chilling with people, and not so worried about food right now. Able to actually savor it all.
“Well….It all started with a wish. Before you ask, that’s gonna be a massive staple to most of my insane stories I have-“ Peri warned, as even Dev seemed interested now. Chaos from wishes? Don’t mind if he do! Even held the carton of cookies to you, as you were both ready for the gossip now.
It honestly seemed to make Peri happy, and do that flutter of his eyelashes again. Those flowers back to being snuggled into his face, and his cane turning into a photograph. A picture with a green haired fairy, a pinker haired one, a bundle of purple cloth in their hands, and a little kid. With buck teeth, and a pink hat.
“It all started, with an average kid, who made a wish for my parents to have a baby…”
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morallygreyparents · 1 month
Yolonda Fairywinkle
Basic Details:
-Full name is: Yolonda Esme Fairywinkle
-Age is around 63,000 after her kids had grown up and left the house.
-Parents are unknown at the moment, but she had 3 sisters, (Yvette, Yazmeen, and Yvonne)
-Other Relationships include: Miguel Fairywinkle (maiden name Cadabra) husband, twin daughters Wanda and Brenda "Blonda" Fairywinkle, and grandchildren Cassia and Poof "Peri" Fairywinkle.
Yolonda is a tall, plump woman, with a large chest and curvy body type. With matching dark purple eyes, she also has long, plum, straight hair that curves towards the tips and reaches just a little bit below her shoulders. She is very rarely seen without make-up on and casually wears a deep purple dress, alongside silver and gold jewelry to "embellish" her outfit as she likes to call it.
On formal occasions, she'll wear a black, sparkly dress in replacement of her purple dress, and a periwinkle pants suit during work and job interviews. All come with gold or silver jewelry, depending on her mood.
Personality, Likes, and Dislikes:
Currently a recovering alcoholic, Yolonda was a party-animal in her youth. While she loved her daughters and husband dearly, she was very rarely at home, using credit cards and taking advantage of her family's wealth to go out clubbing or partying, desperately clinging onto her youth.
She's generally a pleasant and fun person to be around. Despite her formerly spoiled attitude and beliefs that her husband' success and business will provide for her nightlife, she's very friendly towards those who are also out looking for a good time. When she was home however, she often spoiled her daughters, often turning the other way if they got into trouble, resulting in Brenda's entitled attitude. Yolonda can also be somewhat vain, as she is very rarely seen without a ton on make-up, and dislikes old, hand-me-down clothing, preferring new, expensive things.
After the girls had moved out however, her marriage with Miguel had started to go south and took what he said to her to heart. In a desperate attempt to try and save their marriage, Yolonda got a job at a jewelry store downtown, trying harder to contribute to the household. Unfortunately, after she found out he had cheated on her, their marriage is on the rocks once more; both of them currently taking counseling sessions before calling it quits.
Noteable Relationships:
Miguel Fairywinkle: Yolonda loved Miguel very much in their youth, but the latter often felt like she took advantage of him and his business. Both of them would often be separate from each other, with Miguel buried in his work while Yolonda is out partying. After the girls had moved out however alongside Miguel becoming pregnant with Luna through an affair, Yolonda and Miguel have a rather tense relationship, currently going through marriage counseling. While Yolonda still believes she loves Miguel, she's not sure if their marriage is good for them.
Wanda and Brenda Fairywinkle: While Yolonda loves both her daughters very much, she neglected both her girls while she was out partying most nights. She also often spoiled them when she was home, leading to both girls believing they can get whatever they want if they demand it. After they had grown up, Brenda had cut her off, really only asking her for money and blames her the rare times she gets called out for her snobbish attitude.
Wanda, however, did attempt to keep in contact with her mother, believing that she is genuinely trying to be better than she was when they were kids. However, after she started seeing Juandissimo Magnifico behind Cosmo's back, Wanda currently calls her mother less and less, more wrapped up with her new, exciting relationships. Yolonda often worries that she's going down the same path that she is.
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fountainpenguin · 5 years
What is Commelina’s relationship with her boss and coworkers like? Is she treated the same as anyone else? Is she considered a good worker?
(Light Origin of the Pixies spoilers)
Commelina is young. She was born the same year Anti-Cosmo overthrew the Anti-Coppertalon family, so she’s as old as the Anti-Fairywinkle dynasty. That makes her only 90,000 years old in Timmy’s time period, so she’s mentally about 12 (which I need to write down because I keep thinking she’s 17).
Commelina is H.P.’s only biological, non-clone child (!!!) He sees himself as her father, but doesn’t talk about their relationship often. Bad memories. He loves Commelina very much and is extremely overprotective of her… She’s kind of fragile. Since she doesn’t have Pixalchia, she’ll die a horrible death if she comes into contact with it.
Everyone’s pretty sure Pixalchia can’t survive outside the body and she won’t accidentally encounter it, but H.P. Doesn’t Trust Like That. He likes to fight his problems and the thought that the same bacteria which keeps him alive threatens her is scary for him. Here’s a stressed wasp dad:
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Commelina has a “job” (chores) like all the other young pixies and is treated like they are, except that H.P.’s a bit overprotective and extremely reluctant to let her leave Pixie World. Sanderson’s not as overprotective as H.P. is, but he gets anxious when he sees her outside. He blames himself for the fact that her mother and H.P. aren’t together anymore and he can’t even work up the energy to be jealous when H.P. shows her favoritism. Mostly he’s just slammed by guilt when he looks at her.
So for most of the pixies, Commelina is just there. She’s kind and easy to remember, so they like her. Sanderson is her bossy, protective older brother. She’s pretty close with Talon (the anti-fairy H.P. and Anti-Cosmo raised together) since they grew up together and are both very good at washing up- exactly what a hypochondriac like Talon needs in a friend.
Anti-Cosmo sort of sees Commelina as his “niece” even though he and H.P. didn’t “officially” raise her together the way they raised Talon. But since Talon refused to be held and preferred H.P. as his caretaker, Anti-Cosmo spent a lot of time cuddling with Commelina so he could fulfill his need for touch and H.P. could keep his hands free. He feels guilty about this and still gets upset with himself for “replacing” his own children with the “sweet little pixie.” Pixie nymphs aren’t much for emotions and get quiet, not loud, when they’re upset, so Commelina was easy to take care of and Anti-Cosmo feels guilty for that.
So that’s what’s coming in Origin Act 4! We’ll see her about 12 chapters from now. She and H.P. have a wholesome relationship and are very cute. Sneak peek drafts of their relationship from the end of Origin under the cut:
Commelina sat across from me, her hands folded on the desk, and looked me in the eyes. “All the other pixies are dressing up in their suits. But Emery has a dress. I want to wear a dress too.”
I studied her, my fingers resting against my lips. “I don’t think so.”
“H.P., I’ve been nothing but kind and loyal to you throughout my life, suppressing myself even when I haven’t wanted to. I ask simply for one day to wear my hair down and feel the whirl and flow of light fabric around my legs.”
I closed my eyes. “One day?”
“One day.”
“But the gloves stay on.”
“Fine, but I want a knee-length skirt.”
“Halfway, and the dress is long-sleeved.”
“Sleeveless and I babysit the next five nymphs any time of day you need it.”
“Sleeveless and you clean the warehouse every week for three decades.”
Commelina pursed her lips, but agreed. We drew the contract up together, and she signed it with her right hand instead of her left.
“For one day,” I said as she rose to her wings. “But only this once. Do you understand?”
“I’ll wear my gloves, boss. I’ll be fine.”
I elbowed Sanderson in the ribs and lifted my glass in Commelina’s direction. “There’s a pretty damsel over there that I think you ought to dance with.”
He massaged two fingers behind his neck. “You know I’m not the best dancer, sir.”
“I don’t think that will matter. I know she likes you a lot.”
“Oh, does she? Well, I suppose that’s different.” A thin smile crossed his lips. After licking both palms, he ran them through his hair. His cowlick bounced up straighter. “It would be rude to leave Dayflower a wallflower, wouldn’t it?”
Sanderson bowed, then presented Commelina’s hand to me. She turned, her face as blank as any pixie’s, but her shoulders tense with anxiety. I placed one of my hands behind her back, low at the base of her spine. I held her left hand in my right.
“Have you ever danced the Riverfall?” I asked her.
“I don’t believe I have, sir. What is it?”
I whisked her in a circle, lifting her a little higher off the ground with every turn. “The last dance your mother and I ever shared.”
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jknerd · 6 years
Do you plan to make a fanfiction about Timantha?
Here’s the sneak peek:
A peaceful, “normal” daily routine of Timantha “Timmy” Turner may sound as having relaxed, fun and functional life; spending time with her parents who are loving, being popular with students in school, enjoying the childhood as a kid.
Well…. that’s an ABSOLUTE wrong answer.
Yes, two flying man and woman with odd colored hair, holding wands, wings attached to their back… they’re her godparents. To define the existence of Fairy godparents, are group of fairies who are assigned to children from dysfunctional or miserable life; such as neglectful or abusive parents, bullied in school, upopular with kids, lack of self-esteem, or when people doesn’t like them. 
And she’s one of those miserable kids. Her real parents were neglectful as they always left her with horrible babysitter—who would be introduced later— and she doesn’t have good time in school.
“What is it…. Today is Saturday…” Timmy yawned.
“We wouldn’t want you to miss the day to go out and have fun~” Wanda said in sing-song tone, knowing Timmy wasn’t a morning kid.
This is Wanda Fairywinkle Cosma. Her pink hair curled a bit with a bun, wears yellow T-shit with frills, black jeans and shoes. She is a wife of…
“Timmy! Have you seen my coin Phillip?! I’ve been holding it for seven hours and a half during night!” The green haired fairy said.
Cosmo Cosma. He is known for the “dumbest” fairy in the Fairyworld, married to Wanda. They used to go to same high school there and she found him cute when he asked her how to spell “chocolate” because that was her favorite sweet.
“Poof Poof!”
With a smile, Timmy greeted a small fairy with a hug. The purple haired, toddler fairy was none other than Wanda and Cosmo’s son, Poof. Timmy Turner’s god-brother.
Timmy hopped off from her bed and quickly went to take morning shower. Afterwards, she brushed her teeth, washed her face, and wearing her usual pink outfit. She usually wore pinkish white T-shirt, pink hoodie jacket, blue jeans and black shoes. Her iconic material is either pink ribbon hairband, or pink baseball hat. 
“TIMMY TURNER!!” A loud, tough voice of masculine figure roared through the room.
‘…. Oh [CENSORED].’ Timmy sighed.
The loud, explosive POOF was heard as Poof hid behind Timmy, who seemed annoyed by the sight of “the most tallest, and toughest fairy of the universe”, Jorgen Von Strangle.
“You’re in for a big surprise!” The tall, military-attired fairy roared.
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shozmonthefairy · 1 year
Anti-Chloe stuff
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I didn't draw Anti-Chloe stuff lots of time, so I decided to draw something from this AU.
This art is something like a poster for this AU, because Chloe is real Angel, and Wandie is more than Devil (because it's Wandie). And also Wandie protects Chloe and Chloe trying to make Wandie kinder.
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Also I made dark version of this picture with Wandie's opinion on this situation. This quote suddenly came to my mind while I was drawing so yes I put it here because it's describe Wandie at all.
That's all
Bye 💚
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shozmonthefairy · 1 year
BTF characters design from the foop bases.
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Shozmon. The leader of young outcasts and after war the leader of the outcasts in general.
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Cedric. Unusal pixie, great fighter and a pretender on pixies throne. But after war he decided to live with outcasts because he was afraid Wandie can kill him like she killed HP.
Nutria. She's very glory Anti-fairy. A copy of her mother. She wanted to beat her sister and get the Anti-fairy throne. But after war she and her mother get back on Anti-Fairywinkle and obey Wandie as their queen.
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Anti-Shozmon. Curious Anti-fairy, big fan of books and interesting stories. After War he went back to Anti-Fairywinkle and get the role of Anti-Cosmo's right hand.
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Juniper. Elf who left his home with outcasts after he met them. After war he stand with outcasts. Actually in love with Cedric.
Adult Outcasts:
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Papa Cosma. The leader of outcasts. After war he became mad, after Nitro North get into his mind. He did suicide because he wanted Nitro to leave him alone. Now he in Black Paradise.
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Ex-queen Weasel. Mother of Wandie and that one who made her a Monster. After War she went back to Anti-Fairywinkle with Nutria and became a nanny for Wandie and Anti-Cosmo's kids. Yes Wandie Forgive her.
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Sanderson the Oldest. The leader of pixies before HP and actually a father of Cedric, Sanderson, HP and 5 HP's brothers. After war he went to town of ex-leaders which is pleased behind elfs forests where previous leaders of pixies world and other tribes live.
New outcasts:
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Anti-Violet (Vi or Beelzebub (Wandie wanted to named her so). After Foop leaved Anti-Fairywinkle and went to earth she was pretending on Anti-fairy throne, but Wandie didn't let her to fight, and after Fairy Academy Vi went to her friend's Anti-Rubius and live with him in her own castle (it was foop's, but he decided to live with l.O.S.E.R.S. ).
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Lucifer (Anti-Philip). Young scientists who turned his castle into a jail and lab where he studied tribes from other contest like less-fairies. Yes he came in Wandies line of non ethical experiments. If wandie what's the one laden from pixies body parts, he'll have a throne from less-fairy body parts.
And as bonus info.... Wandie's gang called "ACID"
That's all
Bye 💚
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shozmonthefairy · 1 year
The most violent leaders in magic world.
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I got the idea for this picture after listening one Russian song from my favorite Russian singer (you may translate it if you want, I'm too lazy to do it).
Also I really rare draw papa Cosma so his design might changes, and also he definitely looks like Shozmon because genetics.
And a mini-bonus for this picture is first pack of BTF stickers I created from FOP bases.
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That's all for today
Bye 💚
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shozmonthefairy · 1 year
A tragedy of love
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That's a phrase I heard once and couldn't forget, because it's really close to Nitro's tragedy and also close to Shozmon. Actually they will be together in final but not for long, because as I said before: nobody survived this war.
That's all for today. Actually I didn't draw Anti-Shozmon because he didn't betrayed Shozmon, he leaves because he was scared by Nitro North and organization black crown memebers.
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shozmonthefairy · 1 year
New dude in BTF
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Gerund became a member of the outcasts after he was expelled from the "valley of the tailed" for his opinion, which was radically different from the opinion of the rest of the genies.
Among the outcasts, he is one of the teachers, as well as a teacher of the geography of the magical world.
Gerund himself is polite, calm and prefers to resolve conflicts without rigor.
Fun Fact: Gerund insisted that gene should be one of the pupils, but Papa Cosma didn't allow this to be done,because the prophecy.
Also a fun fact: in original (Russian) he's name has a short version which is of one of the types of drugs.
And actually I call him with "H" because in Russia it's close to one of the main bad words.
That all
Bye 💚
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shozmonthefairy · 1 year
BTF final was spoiled
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The final is a big fight between Fairies, Pixies and Anti-Fairies. And I can say that Wandie started and also finished it because it's she ✨
The "war" started from HP's death by Wandies claws and finished when Wandie killed the last outcast (Others die before Shozmon) Shozmon. But in final nobody from main characters (except black crown) survived. Wandie dies because of bleeding after Shozmon trying to fly away from her and give her a lot of bleeding wounds, but it was hopeless for him.
Don't worry, magic creations are immortal so after few day they all was okay because magic that I can't explain ✨
That's all
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shozmonthefairy · 2 years
My "perfect" headcanons.
Everyone hello! I want to put there one of my Fop headcanons and of course I will (you don't have a choice).
This headcanons is totally about Fairy kids. I watched "Fairly odd baby" And "Anti-poof" And made my own headcanons about (anti) fairy kids.
I put short info in kinds of refs or info shifts, I dunno how to call it correctly.
I will make same thing for other magic tribes soon, but now it's only Fairies and Anti-Fairies.
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Some facts, which I wanted to add, but forget:
Lucifer is Anti-Philip, Wandie just choice his name by her own.
About fairy baby. Newborn fairies not always look like their parents (hair and eyes color), sometimes they look like their grandparents or cousins.
Anti-Fairies, who was born not in thirteen, replace their birthday, because they want to spend it in their favorite day (Foop did it, cause he was born 10th of July).
And information more about BTF. During the events taking place in BTF, Wandie was pregnant with Lucifer (Because of which she was terribly irritable and yelled at everyone who was in her way.), who was born 2 months after Shozmon returned to the fairy caves.
I hope you like it! (You still don't have a choice).
Bye 💚
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shozmonthefairy · 1 year
Wandies moral
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Just something with Wandie and her friends (as angel and demon) but this picture isn't true, because Wandie has demons in both shoulders.
And yes, she really want to destroy them
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shozmonthefairy · 1 year
Shozmon's ref
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I finally did it! And I bring him back his favorite sweater))
I think soon I'll make all refs of outcasts memebers.
Nothing in Sho changed, except of his tierd looking face.
And I didn't put sweater color in palette because Shozmon wear different sweaters and not only them.
That's all
Bye 💚
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