#before somethign bad happens to him
rainbow-arrow · 2 years
the english dubbing of luka couffaine is a goddamn gift that not enough people appreciate.
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ihaznoclue · 2 months
Hello! I see your needing in some request so can i request Wise x fem! reader; Wise reaction to reader rejecting his affection like kiss on the cheek, holding hand anything couples do and reader also didn't reply his 'I love you'. He's sulking at the end of the day when reader realize that she's been neglecting his affection and make up to him.
Fluff all the way.
Hope this make sense! Feel free to skip if you dont interested (⁠・⁠∀⁠・⁠)
WISE x Reader
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You and Wise have been together for quite some time, Wise seems to be more clingy than usual as he would follow you around as he had nothing else to do
He would kiss your cheek, try to hold your hand or even tried to kiss you but you always seemed to move away form his love and affection as you said that 'Belle' called out to you
Now you couldn't find wise anywhere, it was the end of the day so maybe he was in his room. you knocked on his door, no answer so you just opened it
There he was, he was laying on his bed on his phone
"Wise, I haven't seen you all day. Have you been in your room all day today?" You asked, It looked like Wise was upset about something
"Is somethign the matter?" You asked as you sat down on his bed, Wise sat up quickly "Yes! Its like you've been avoiding me every time I try to give you affection" Wise spilled, you blinked a couple of times
"Oh.. that" You chuckled nervously
"Why have you been avoiding it so much lately, aren't we a couple?" He asked, "yes we are its just.." You spoke, "It's just that I'm not use to affection and I've never been in a relationship before and I just don't want anything to happen to it" You truthfully said
"Oh, Name" Wise whispered "Nothing is going to happen to our relationship, it just sweet kisses and hugs" He spoke
"Now I feel bad, let me make it up to you.. Please" You said, looking up at wise as he smiled softly
Now you both were cuddling as you gave Wise's face a bunch of kisses for forgiveness as he already forgave you
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ganondoodle · 3 months
fuck it, elden ring DLC rant (spoilers) (long post ... oh dear)
so, to start this- this is a very emotional reaction, so take everything with a ton of salT (i need to get this out of my system bc i need to go and do stuff today, i literally couldnt get much more than 3 hours of sleep bc my mind was racing) i only know two screenshots and what others have told me (thank you) so i might be missing more context and havent seen or read it myself
(more details and spoilers for the DLC below the read more thingy)
also, just to explain a bit, i dont usually get this upset about things i like, i like alot of things, but its RARE as fuck that i care, like actually care care about something, and that just kinda happens, i dont choose it or can decide to not care, i just do, and when something like this happens its like ... a sort of grief? i cant help but care about it but it messes with me emotionally, i have no control over it and cant change anything about it when it gets bad or done dirty, leavign me to just have to watch it be real even when i dont want to accept it-- i wouldnt say so much that i 'expect' somethign specific and cant handle when its not like that (common accusation about disliking totk)- and no i dont have somethign specific in mind, i just dont want it to be bad OR things that seem done and closed off suddendly out of nowhere be revealed to 'actually' have been like this, new stuff that either makes no sense or invalidates alot about what i valued about it, what i thought was the point
(i remember two .. my only two other intersts before- see what i mean RARE- that also went down simiarly like this; transformers (bay movies and mainly prime series, listen i didnt choose it either) with each movie it got more messy and stupid, primes second(?) season had an end i hated and the following movie was the final nail in the coffin- and one piece after that, which i slowly fell out of love with bc every chapter seemed to go more into a direction i didnt like, then the reveal that luffy is a god actually was my final ok i hate that moment)
i knew demise for a long time but wasnt obsessed about him at all, it took me learning about how hylia was depicted in a non canon (?) manga (which made me annoyed me bc i didnt like it and made a design for her to counter demises instead) and then reading his few lines of dialog about her again that it suddendly HIT me, like cupids arrow into my head-- i liked but wasnt that super interested into elden ring until radahn showed up, instantly his design made me go owo and then learning his (base game) lore it HIT me (i love sort of tragic side characters that might have been powerful or heroic at some point but now arent anymore- not saying he is that elden rings lore i messy and no ones good tm- and especially so if that character is widely hated for no good reason, dismissed or forgotten, has little lore etc)
i have things i like but dont care this much about, like okami or bloodborne, i like it alot, theres characters i really like (oki) but im not like, fixated on them?- and to have two at the same time, while not equally strong, i dont think i had before, and then have both be damaged or potentially lose it in a similar way within barely a year hurts so damn much--- anyway, getting into the actual rant now lol
so, to sum things up (that i know), in the elden ring DLC later on
miquella is actually a master manipulator and brainwasher (even to his sister???? which means alot of impactful things about his relationship to people is kinda invalidated or made meaningless, shitty)
he wanted to become a god by marrying radahn (his half? brother, same father) of all people that has never been mentioned before until now somehow?? ) you can argue it was hinted to but i find it completely out of left field
miquella sent malenia after radahn to kill him so he could be put into the realm of shadow so miquella could marry him (there were better candidates for that??)- its unclear (to me) if radahn ever actually accepted when sound of mind or even knew about it at all, but failed and he was isntead inflicted with rot to slowly waste away but not die (like he is in base game)
which also means that, what i found really impactful in base game, the festival of radahn, that i thought was a tragic sort of last wish/effort for of radahn to grant him an honorable death as a respected general after being made into mindless people eating zombie, organized by his soldiers/friends- might have been just yet another attempt to kill him and get him over there to miquella (and even if not, it still makes it way less impactful and now i feel like letting him continue to roam as a zombie is more of a favor than killing him bc hes just gonna a puppet again! which turns the whole tradgedy of the stuff in base game on its head imo)
you need to kill him to get into the DLC (and i was even sus of that but shrugged it off when i heard it ..) bc that way miquella could take whatever was left of his soul and stitch it into mohgs corpse?? (which is why hes so small in that DLC fight) bc his body was rotten by that point, which also allowed miquella to control radahn and make him agree, force him to do whatever miq wanted (which ALSO might mean mohg 'kidnapping' miquella wasnt that actually but mohg too was manipulated so oud kill him and make his remains usable)
radahn in DLC is a voiceless meat puppet essentially ... like a mindless rotting zombie eating friends and fow alike wasnt enough- also means that we never ACTUALLY GET OT KNOW RADAHN HIMSELF bc hes eithe a zombie or a literal puppet (if you are gonna do him dirty at least let us meet actual real him *cries*)
his fight is super hard apparently (though i have been hearing people complain about the entire DLC being too hard, while the -casual player- streamer i watched is beating main bosses so fast they dont even get to start their second phase) when his fight in base game, and him by extentsion, was also hated bc of that ALREADY, which means more people are gonna hate his guts (he doesnt deserve that!!) AND most people probably wont get or care that its not actually HIM him so its like a repeat boss that everyone hates
it feels weirldy forced in for it to be radahn (like miquella was already said to be one of the strongest gods out there .. why hed want radahn so badly when his goal seemed to be rather .. combat less?? if you get what i mean, and radahn also rejected him??? and the tarnished is right there too????) bc theres plenty others it would have worked with that are barely used- it feels like someone jsut wanting him to be tha main guy not matter what (when he worked so much better as a side character!!!!)
a tragic but well rounded off side character (imo) was made into the main guy this is all about actually tm (i generally dont like main guys and this jsut feels so .... it just hurts, it didnt feel foreshadowed at all, and its not even truly HIM that is reveal to be a creepy asshat but hes just manipulated and controlled with the whole time, be it by rot or miquella)
and for miquella its like, no theres no even mildly good people there, hes brainwashed and manipulated everyone actually tm, a giant plan all to force his half brother into marrying him by making him into a corpse puppet bc he rejected miquella- inlcuding potentially manipulating his own twin sister, which goes agaisnt what you learn of what hes done for her in the base game i think?? (not that much into that part but yeah ... it feels unfair to her too)
it also kinda just leaves other lore from the base game in the dust? like the whole haligtree plan, how miquella cared for the rejected (i guess he didnt then??? and it was just more manipulation tm??) that castle with the eclipse stuff
(is the gloom eyes queen, marika, and or st trina even .. important at all to any of this??)
ok from reading tweets from people talkign about it, miquella says radahn agreed apparently but whether thats true remains uncertain and given the circumstances i do not think radahn did- others said that it kinda sounds he agreed to something that he didnt think would involve him marrying miquella
everything feels like its in shambles for every fan of every involved chaarcter
yes i know you can argue that it was all planned from the start and meant to be a twist and everything and that people having a different idea of characters isnt the fault of the creators .... only to some degree bc why then build up make so much lore and story about stuff that turns out to be like saying 'actually it was all a lie' like its not valid to feel betrayed then, you can plan things out all you want but that doesnt mean it cant be bad oder underwhelming
(i wished to be able to meet or know more about radahn but like in a non rot way or like past flashback whatever kind of way and then not like this anyway, like i was interested into his relationship with jerren and just .. more about him i suppose the monkey paw has curled hasnt it -or however you say that-)
and there i was like two days ago going "omg radahn mention!!!" when that one .. feyja? NPC says she fought alongside him at some point ............................................................
leonard isnt there in the DLC to my knowledge, you know it cant be truly radahn if his horse isnt there (the sole reason he learned gravitiy magic for and it stayed with him even after the rot!!! i know people have started to hate it bc people love that but i love that, it made him so endearing to me, like a character i already found cool omg has a confirmed softer spot??? in MY fromsoftware title??)
sorry for the long post of rambling, i am a mess, barely slept 3 hours, yes i am weird to care, autisms or whatever .. i need to go somewhere in an hour and havent prepared as all bc i needed my thoughts out of my head- might have forgotten stuff, idk if i will add it later or just kinda .. stew in it for a while
(and yes a big point why i feel so strongly is both bc its just gonna make more people hate him even more AND feels so invalidating of alot of other stuff- pulls other characters down with it- the entire time i was watching the streams i and trailers i thought i was like, its onw thing, with miquellas littel adventure and more background info on marika mostly on its own from the base game BUT NO I GUESS)
(read all this in the sense of an utteraly disoriented confused and drunken seagull yelling around pls i am not in serious mental distress ..)
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salamanderallan · 1 month
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powerful, radiant, you are the right hand of god and will kill for him
i dont usually ramble outside of tags buuuut context to this is that allan has pretty much taken up a 'guardian angel' role specifically for pim, and had started pretty much spying on pim whenever he felt like something bad was about to happen ("intuition" aka my friends announcing ooc that they were going to do something bad)
sotheres this one time where allans hiding out in the water (salamander attribute) under two boats that grim and pim were both in, and they were having some sorta argument and grim (not meaning to) accidentally killed pim by hitting him with a sword because pim was on low health or somethign !?so allan bounded out of the water and killed grim
this upset grim a lot because he'd been working for a while to get super souped up equipment, so he was in full diamond armor and had pretty good weapons, and allan managed to kill him in nothing but an iron helmet, iron boots, diamond chestplate, and no pants
so grim gets pissed off and just wants to fight again when pim makes allan go apologize for doing that, so allan dashes off and disappears into the water, sticking around to listen to the convo between pim and grim and for a minute they go around looking for allan before grim decides to go to allans house to antagonize him out, which would have been FINE if pim didnt decide to go follow him!
so allan has to speed behind the boats of pim and grim and climbs onto his island where only grim notices that he's following them, so grim pulls out his sword and starts chasing after pim (who is completely oblivious and is shouting at the empty house for allan not to come out so that allan does instigate a fight by doing so) to antagonize allan, causing allan to attack him and ultimately lose the fight
fast forward a little bit, allans lurking in the water again and decides to follow grim around because he sees him, and grim notices that hes hanging around and tells him to just come out of the water, so allan surfaces and grim says to go over to this little nearby island so they can talk and allan (for whatever reason) does
so they go to this island and sit there and start arguing, something about grim having only done all that because of his fragile ego or whatever and that ends in grim saying, "You're a fucking awful guardian." and allan snapping at that and actually starting the fight for the first time- he throws a lingering potion of poison, drinks honey to cure himself, and starts attacking grim. grim tries to escape with a boat twice but allan breaks the boat both times and ends up killing him..
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THAT fight is what this piece is based off of.. if u read all this im glad ur invested in this minecraft server lore stuff :]
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bropunzeling · 11 months
for the never have i ever meme: slow burn!!
god a real true slow burn is my white whale, concept wise; i want to write one SO BAD. obvi there are some pairings where that is easier than others (brady/anyone, ducklings could also make a great slow burn but probably more stupid than swooningly romantic lol) but i keep thinking about matthew/leon as like, a personal challenge. like, ofc i have written them fucking and falling in love [redacted] times but a version of them where they don't fuck and still fall in love??? now that's a CHALLENGE challenge
for more realism points, you could have some future fic wacky trade shenanigans, and perhaps someday i will write somethign with those so i will selfishly keep them to myself until i know more. but a thing that i am not going to write (but think about often) is my version of "both of them get drafted by the kraken in the expansion draft (and no one knows how edmonton or calgary could've let that happen)"
because the thing is, the kraken are gonna be shit. everyone knows this. seattle isn't vegas, they're not going to be going to the cup finals their first year out the gate. ron francis has time to build up the franchise. they won't be good. and that eats at leon, because like, when in his life has he ever been satisfied with not being good? never. and now he's stuck on this shitty team just starting out and got abandoned by his franchise and what the fuck is he supposed to do now.
and the other thing is, 2020 was not all that long ago. and yeah, leon never actually hated matthew tkachuk, not in the way it got spun up, but that doesn't mean they're best friends. not even buddies. they are teammates, and they have a job to do, and leon doesn't need to get along with the guy except on the ice.
except a week into the preseason, he and matthew go for some pr thing to a local brewery, and in between tasting beers that are disgustingly hoppy and eating too many pretzels, matthew hisses across the table that look, he knows leon doesn't like him, that leon isn't his biggest fan, but doesn't he want to work together? doesn't he want this to work out? and when leon glares back, matthew adds that he at least wants to prove his old team wrong.
well. leon can't argue with that.
first season is shit. the way everyone knew it would be. but it's not - absolute shit. they get a lot closer to the playoffs than they have any right to. leon and matthew and mccann are producing. and - turns out matthew isn't so awful, once he's out of calgary. turns out he's down to do whatever - team bonding experiences, checking out new restaurants. and half the time, leon gets roped along. he stops protesting after a while.
second season, though -
they're better. they're a lot better. francis made some solid moves; they managed to snatch up a first overall pick at fourth. matty beniers is here from ann arbor, and yeah he looks at matthew a little like matthew hung the moon, but that's mostly funny instead of annoying. the ntdp really is a cult. matthew and leon aren't always on a line, but when they are, they click.
and matthew hasn't stopped being down to do whatever. has continued, in fact, to insist on doing things. exploring the city. becoming regulars. they'll get lunch after practice. drinks after games. on the road, more often than not, when leon's making plans, he's making them with matthew.
halfway through the season, they're on track to at least get a wild card spot. maybe better. during their bye week, they join a group of guys going to cabo. at the bar, matthew orders them both drinks in flat midwestern-accented spanish, clinks his shot glass against leon's. leon spends half a second staring at matthew's hand around the tiny glass, then his mouth, wet and red, before he remembers to take the shot.
when leon takes his shot, he opens his eyes to find matthew looking back at him, eyes dark and heated and unmistakable, and oh, this is not something leon wanted to know that he wanted. not now, when they still have so much to prove.
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airlocksandaviaries · 2 years
Every Data Outfit Ever, Rated (pt 2)
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#13 - The Classic Yellow Uniform (S3 Version)
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Oh to wear one of these bad boys. The later season design for the Starfleet Unifrom are *chef’s kiss*. It looks thicker and more substantial, which is stylish and functional. But unfortunately that does mean we get to see less of his glorious dobonohonkeros. Knocking off some points for that. (But before we move on I just want to take this second to admire how radiant he looks in this frame. Beautiful man).
#14 - Henry V Data
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I genuinely want to know what was running through the costume designers’ heads when they allowed this to happen. Yes it’s a Shakespeare production, but that doesn’t mean you need to create this affront to aesthetics. Don’t get me wrong, the costume itself isn’t actually that bad! I mean, the cloak and doublet have some serious potential. I’m actually into this look. What I’m talking about is the HAIR. Speaks for itself. Absolutely fucking not.
#15 - Yarr Lives AU Data
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Okay hear me out. LET ME FINISH. I know it’s the exact same as the normal s3 uniform but you’re neglecting to consider the fact that I am insane. The violent alternate timeline just had such good lighting, okay? He’s literally glowing. Adds just that little bit of extra spice it needed.
#16 - Barclay’s Holodeck RPF Data
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Is it aesthetically pleasing? No. Is it attractive? Absolutely not. Is he holding an epeé? Yes he is and that’s all that matters. I physically couldn’t rate it below a 3 if I tried. The outfit is an atrocity but he’s holding a sword which begs the question what would it be like to fence him. I am dying to know.
#17 - Kidnapped Data
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LOOK WHAT THEY’VE DONE TO MY BOY. That bitchass collector guy turned him into a sex slave and coerced him to wear this outfit by threatening to murder someone. Disgusting. And for a queer-coded villain, he didn’t even have good fashion sense. This is probably the worst outfit I’ve ever seen in my life. You couldn’t pay me to put it on. You couldn’t make me put it on if you threatened to kill someone. I’m not as sweet as Data. I would have said let that bitch die cause there aint no way I’m letting this eye crime anywhere NEAR my body.
#18 - Lore Swapped Their Fucking Outfits Again
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Yikes. Lore must have been in a REALLY tough spot after he escaped the Crystalline Entity because there is NO WAY any self respecting gay man would have worn something like this if he didn’t absolutely HAVE to. The only redeemable quality about this is that it kind of resembles a sweatshirt which is kinda funny but other than that, Lore, come on. Get it together, girlypop. Ain’t no way you’re walking around like this.
#19 - Red Shirt Data
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hhfhmghh. I am. I am lookingh respcetfuly. Holy oh my fuck. This is doing somethign to me. The fact that they only let this happen for ONE SINGLE episode, AND during one of Riker’s many hallucinations was a CRIME. But I understand why they did it. The world can’t handle Red Shirt Data. I can’t handle Red Shirt Data. I have to move on now before I stare at this forever.
#20 - Keiko’s Wedding
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Everything about this. The flower. The skirt. The gender. He looks beautiful and I’d like to imagine he’d wear something like this to his own wedding. With Geordi. Adorable, amazing, perfect, I love my android boy. ALSO look at his little SMILEEEEE AAAACKK-
#21 - Friar Tuck Data
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Costume designers. WYA. I just wanna talk. He’s too hot for this shit and YOU FUCKING KNOW IT. (insert Bernie Sanders meme: I am once again asking why you would give him this haircut.) Not only is it uglier than the last bad haircut you gave him, but you also put him in a friar’s robes. That’s just straight up homophobic. 
Well, folks, that concludes Data’s Outfits Rated, part 2. Yes I combed through the entirety seasons 3 and 4 for this, and hooooo boy were there a lot of outfits. But trust me, folks, the best is yet to come. We’ve barely scratched the surface. Once again, feel free to send in any you think I’ve missed. Come back and join me for part 3, out soon. (also thanks for the reblogs on the first one you guys, I’m so glad you like it).
Part 1
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ella-ashmore · 11 months
achilles. what are your tedgens hcs
iwas typing tjis up but i had to do somethign so i took a break and it DELETED IT . world hates old man yaoi
ted moved into hidgens' weird mansion in the witchwood pretty early in their relationship (excused this by saying it was better than the crappy apartment he'd been living in before)(more space for his kids)
they got married without telling anyone because they thought it was funny. it was just them, an ordained minister, and one witness in a courtroom. it Was funny
hidgens helps teds kids with their homework !! they like him a lot
ted is forced to listen to hidgens' rants about modern theater. he doesnt care about the subject at all but he knows hidgens likes to rant so he just lets him. does a crossword or smthn while he listens and makes those little 'mhm' noises every so often
ted talks to hidgens in italian sometimes because he thinks its attractive. hes not very good at it. in fact hes really really bad at it. hidgens doesnt speak italian at all he just kinda nods along whenever it happens
there is undeniable evidence that hidgens has probably maimed someone in the past. ted does not care
ted and his kids buy the strangest little trinkets and they display them all over the house. hidgens has learned to deal with this
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popculturebuffet · 1 year
Monthly Muppets Madness: The Land of Gorch (Comissioned by WeirdKev27)
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It's Monthly Muppet Madness with our special review topic, The Land of Gorch, yayyyyyyy! Courtsey of viewers like you and WeirdKev27.
I give Kev full credit for the idea of this one: after my previous looks at the muppets earliest days, Kev was curious about this odd chapter in their history and having wanted to watch these shorts at some point anyway, I was more than happy to oblige.
For those less familiar, the Land of Gorch was a recurring sketch on Saturday Night LIve during it's first season, just before the Muppet Show's own first season. Yes folks the muppets were live from new york every saturday night for most of it's first season but a combination of the muppet show finally taking off and the writers actively resenting the Land of Gorch's very existance sunk it. So what was this weird experiment and how did it become a milestone in muppet history but a footnote in snls? Join me under the cut to find out!
From the Bubbling Tarpits to the Sulfurous Wasteland…
Henson came to SNL from a place of desperation. What jim had feared from doing Seasame Street was coming true as most in hollywood had no intrest in a show for kids AND adults from the muppets and wrote him off as "kids stuff"
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Thankfully Jim had backup from Bernie Brillstien, his agent who looked for more adult venues.. and Bernie just happened to also be the agent for one Lorne MIcheals , as well as Chevy Chase, John Belushi and Gilda Radner, and loving the idea of performing to an adult audience and the chance to shake the Seasame Stigma, Henson jumped to it, getting Frank Oz and Micheal K Frith's help crafting the characters. And Lorne Micheals genuinely loved the idea and was convinced it'd be a massive hit, as he should be: the set design was marvelous, creating a horrifying otherworldly swamp and the muppets were awesomely detailed.
So with all that going for it, what went wrong? Why aren't we seeing a land of Gorch Series on peacock or convention halls filled iwth gorchheads? Simple: the writing. See Jim wasn't ALLOWED to actually write the sketches, as WGA rules meant the SNL staff had to. And their response?
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The SNL staff were in clinical terms, snotty little dicks about having to write for the muppets, drawing straws for the job and with Writer MIcheal O'Donahuge being paticuarly childish saying "I don't write for felt" and calling them "Mucking fuppets" and "hairy facecloths" in an interview. Or to sum it up in a line
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It was that 'i'm an adult" sensiblity that was at the heart of the conflict: you had in one corner a bunch of 20 year olds who, having read the book Live From New York it's Saturday Night, I can confirm were powered by cocaine to get through the crazy deadlines (somethign that thankfully stopped after the tragedy of JOhn Belushi), and were likely focused on trying to be the most clever and a bunch of more settled middle aged men (jim had FIVE kids by then. Holy shit), who knew what they wanted but couldn't actually execute it. It likely didn't help Jim was exact about what scripts he wanted and thus struggled to find a writer who actually gave a damn. Neither side was bad at what they did, iv'e seen a few early snl sketches, it's not bad stuff and the muppets speak for themselves.. it's just they didn't mesh creatively AT ALL. You can't make good work forcing someone to do something they don't want to do. It's why while i'll review just about anything on comission I will talk to my clients if I feel I just can't give a good review of something. I'd rather change gears and see what else they want than push something out i'm not proud of and I suspect the throw it at the wall and see what sticks nature of SNL, a part of it tha'ts essential, just didn't mesh with the well prepared and throughly thought out muppets. The Land of Gorch only lasted for season 1, with a combo of these issues and Jim FINALLY getting the Muppet Show Greenlit ending it, though they returned for one sketch in season 2 to see the characters off. Despite not really ever taking off though and the Gorch muppets only showing up in cameos after this, it ended up being an important piece of muppet history: Henson may not have made many friends in the writers room, but he made plenty of show biz contacts with at least 7 muppet show guest stars having also appeared during the time LOG was on SNL. He also realized he liked creating a weird fantasy world without humans around, and took the grungy creative part of LOG to create the Dark Crystal.
So now we've seen the messy road to it's creation let's see the messy results!
Episode Guide!
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Nothing But Flowers
There aren't any offical titles for these sketches, so i'm just making up my own. You've been warned. If your curious you can find all but one on THIS FACEBOOK PAGE. You can also find them if you have peacock but given i'm on the tier with ads, it was just easier to use the facebook apart from the one episode they didn't have. I"ll mention it when we get here.
So the first episode is….
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It introduces most of the cast: King Ploobis (Jim himself), the tyranical ruler of the land and selfish bastard, his nagging wife Queen Peuta (Alice Tweedle), his creepy assitant/viser/wife fucker Scred (Jerry Nelson), his mistress Vazh (Ronda Handsome here, Fran Brill after0 and the Mighty Favog, their god they go to once an episode for advice (Frank Oz). It's easily the slowest paced muppet production i've seen, mostly just stopping to introduce someone else then moving on. It only really gets funny once we get to the Mighty Favog. Oz does a terrific job as usual and the puppet for favog is weirdly expressive despite it's size and the fozzy voice fits a huckster god really well, helped by it sounding just deep enough from fozzy. I just love the concept of him: a god who really offers no helpful advice but will gladly take your money now, with the great catchphrases of "talk to me" and "it'll cost ya". He feels like the only character to actually have a personality, as well as fit BOTH crews style well.
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It's the Money or Stop
The kingdom is broke and our heroes need money. Ploobis sells Scred to Favog by shoving him down his hole. I"m not doing the phrasing or goodnight everybody gags here on the grounds that they knew exactly what they were doing. i'm 95% sure scred was into it.
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Sunshine Supermuppet
We meet Wiss, Ploobis stoner son played by Richard Hunt. He's high.
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So is Favog. That's also the joke. NEXT
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Eat It
This one's a bit funnier as Ploobis has eaten his faviorite food to extnction. It's ideas like this I feel got later filtered into the concept for Dinosaurs, another one on my to do list. Maybe later this year. But the idea works well enough as does the solution: Favog asks for a Glig as his payment and then give sit back when he's told the actual problem.
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Out of My Headache
Ploobis has a headache. If your wondreing why these are so short it's that most of the cast is REALLY thin. Favog is your standard asshole, Peuta is his nagging wife, Vazh fanservice etc. While Scred isn't much deeper, Nelson really gives the little shit a lot of character and Ploobis annoyance with him and frequent homer simpson esque stranglings are a delight. But otherwise there just isn't a lot to latch onto in these early sketches, which likely didn't help either sides agrivation.
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I Got You Babe
This one feels like night and day from the others non favog scenes as it has an interesting premise: Scred has a crush on lily tomlin and has gone to see her: Ploobis and Peuta going thorugh his stuff is fun, and we get a nice rendition of I got you babe from the two. Weirdly Tomlin never did Muppet Show, though she did do seasame street a few times, but she's great at this. She still is: Just look at Grace and Frankie. She's a fucking national treasure. It's also a sign things DO get better.
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Everybody's Drunk
This one is fun even if it's VERY low effort: basically Ploobis gets very drunk, forces Scred to get very junk and they go to the Mighty Favog absolutely shitfaced. That's the episode. But unlike the others where I didn't have a lot to say the performances of the two are so hilarious and the sight of a muppet absolutely blotto so rare it carries the episode. It helps this is one of the shorter ones so the thin premise dosen't outstay it's welcome: it's just pure fun.
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Christmas Time (Do Let the Bells End)
Another highlight of the series, as King Ploobis throws a Christmas party no one goes to as everyone's at the Killer Bee's party. Fun Fact: I've never seen Killer Bee's sketch. So there's that. It's fun enough especially with the sketch ending with Skred and guest Candice Bergen ditching the party for the Bee's party. It helps these sketches start to zero in more on what worked, i.e. the main duo of ploobis and skred, and their simple but effective act of Ploobis doing the setups, Skred saying something funny, and ploobis threatening to murder him for it.
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Sex Lawz
So as set up in a previous episode, Skred is having an affair with the queen who after a few decades of this has decided to have Skred come clean before they get dirty again. Ploobis being who he is is a hypocrite and plans to murder anyone who sleeps with his wife, while Peuta is laso a hypocrite as she's mad her husband's cheating on her while she's doing the same. What i'ms aying is Skred is the most likeable person in the cast next to Favog, who advises Skred to exercise self love.. preferably with some magazines. THere's also a nice joy of sex runner.
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Buy Me Toys Skred buys Peuta a sex toy. He struggles to put it together. The episode mercifully ends after it blows up. You know with what Jim can do with his imagination I expected WAY more and way weirder from a muppet sex toy. When I heard the premise of this one I was excited.. which says a lot about me I haven't fully processed, but this one's fully on Jim and Co for not making a better prop.
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Honey Queen
A shorter sketcha nd the beginging of the end. For this last batch, the bits get experimental and thankfully get to a place where BOTH creative teams thrive: backstage shenangians. You can see a lot of the muppet show wraparoudns in these bits as the land of gorch muppets, mostly skred, try to get back on the sohw. In this case, Skred shows up as a bee to be in a sketch, only for Gilda Radner to tell him it was canceled. Gilda plays off him VERY well and it's no shock she went on to be on the muppet show. She's great at playing off them. It's also clear alongside Favog Skred was the breakout, and thus gets the most to do in this last stretch. It likely helps his puppet was easier to work in.
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Look What I Did To My Id
This one is just .. bad. It's chevy chase dicking around with his hands because ostensibly our heroes are at the grammys. It's clear he didn't really respect what they did. The IDEA isn't bad, having an episode done just with hands, but instead of having Chevy act out a sketch or a parody, he just.. renacts a porn about the milkman because he and the writers coudln't be assed ot come up with actual jokes.
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Eeee Eeee Eee Eeeeee DUN DUN DUN DUN dooo.. do do.. do do..
Is this question me and my dad, or Skred and Anthony Perkins? The World will never know
Anthony Perkins, aka Norman Bates, shows up and he's REALLY good. I had no idea he was this funny. He also wrote a murder mystery film, the last of shiela based on parties he threw. Yes really. YOur life is better for knowing that. And this sketch is one of the best, if not my faviorite as the muppets beg for work, with Anthony understandably annoyed as he dosen't actually run the show so he can't help. Skred also cratshes the ensuing sketch, with a great entrance. Easily the highlight.
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Don't Start Now
Raquel Welch rebuffs Skred and Plobis hitting on her because there's nothing bellow the waste, possibly the first muppet dick joke and certainly not the last. I also got paid good money to type "muppet dick joke"
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Chevy shoes them away then tells Raquel to take her shirt off.
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Can't Buy Me Love
Another high point. It's clear these show biz bits just fit better. Favog claims to know the beetles and tries to bullshit our heroes way back onto the show. Not much else to sya, which is a habit here: the sketches can be funny but there just.. isn't a lot to disect. The good oens are just fast paced comedy and the not so good ones are just
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Don't Leave Me This Way The ending sketch is my second favioroite and a good exit. The Land of Gorch Crew finds themselves in storage, beomaning how their jobless and how the muppet show has started without them. Lily Tomlin TRIES to find them work, but it's ultaimtely fruitless. IT's kind of a sad ending, but the fun of seeing them LITERALLY ins torage and coming out of cabinets (inclduing Ploobis shoving his way out despite his wife's discomfort given she's just bellow him), and the fact most of them aren't tha tlikeable help. And the muppets all TRYING to whistle is just.. comedy gold. It's clear Jim likely wrote this one or at least got to help more since he was on his way out.
So that was the land of gorch. and it's just kinda there. It has cool loooking muppets, but the clash between both creative teams and the lack of direction leave us with a series of shorts that's mostly filler and then Favog shows up. The last few are pretty damn great and really feel like they came right out of the muppet show, so it's clear Jim was getting his groove.. but it just wasn't built to last. SNL's side bits are better when they have a creative force behind it like Mr. Bill being indy films (with the writer being hired later), or the lovely chaos I need to explore at some point of saturday tv funhouse. and later groups like The Lonely Island and Please Do Not Destroy being built in house, still creatively experimenting, but in a way that fit sthe style of the show more. As it stands the Land of Gorch is just a weird evolutionarly step for the muppets that didn't quite land. Like the wartortle to Muppet Show and Dark Crystla's Blastoise: kinda there but not really.
Next Month: For the first time since I started this BRAND. NEW. MUPPETS. CONTENT. It's Muppets Mayhem baby! Need I say more?
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chiso · 10 months
I'm aware I'm speaking to a wall whenever I talk about shonen, but I think like after finishing aot (the only shonen besides dbz and naruto I ever finished) I can say that Mikasa actually portrays the "Girl who likes guy is her main personality trait" that people always fault Sakura Haruno (Naruto) for, way more.
With that I mean, she is actually a character, where I for once can see why people say that she's badly written. I never did with Sakura. (besides agreeing she needed more screentime, but the writing and development she got is NOT bad)
Mikasa's attachment to Eren comes from Trauma, which makes her obsession understandable, but it doesn't really help me in "rooting" for them to come together. I would have totally been fine with them becoming a couple, but the thing is, until the very last episodes, it felt so painfully one-sided. Eren always treated her so coldly. (Again, somethign people fault Sasuke for, while he, in my opinion, showed way more care and interest in Sakura than Eren did to Mikasa, which is wild, considering the series started with them already living together, while Sasuke and Sakura barely knew each other besides being classmates when things started.)
ANYWAY, what I want to say with my rant is, that I'm kind of upset that people praise Eren and Mikasa's love story, while Sasuke and Sakuras gets shamed as "worst ship" ever, while it's more like... the other way around for me. I don't hate the EM ship but I genuinely just don't root for it or find enjoyment in it. I always wanted Mikasa to become more of her own person (which doesn't necessarily equal to her stopping to love Eren) but it kind of... never happened. The only person who forced strong emotions out of her besides Eren was Armin, but even with him, I had the feeling that in the end the only thing she lived for, was still Eren, and only Eren. Also something Sakura didn't do tbh. She even often put others before Sasuke and in the epilogue as his wife, she's also has her own job and life. Is Mikasa less hated because she is strong and Sakura was weak in the first season? I seriously don't get the "rules" of being praised as a female character in shonens lol. But to me personally, Sakura is a better female lead than Mikasa was.
I liked Mikasa, she's okay, but she has a lot of wasted potential, and there's even more lost potential in the whole doomed romance plot she had ongoing with Eren.
But that's at least my unpopular opinion for the day ig?
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f1-disaster-bi · 2 years
I love the pro dom angst!! Any chance we can get more/a conclusion?
I'm glad you liked the angst!!
In the aftermath, Lando goes into a very hard subdrop. Twice in the space of a few hours he's been rapidly pulled from that headspace with no warning and it leaves him completely vulnerable and off kilter. He can't stop shaking when he's with Callum, he's just completely trapped inside his own mind and he feels like he's having a panic attack. All he wants is his boyfriends but he also can't stand the idea of them touching him right now
Callum knows what to do. He's gone through a drop before, and he and Lando have talked about this. Callum knows what to do for Lando when he is like this, and he also sends Charles to go check on the two boys cause he knows Charles is what they need. They're very sweet but also blunt, and will be able to help the doms come down and figure this out with Kimi
Esteban goes into a full panic. He is never like that with Lando or any sub. He doesn't know what happened or why he went so far, all he knows is Lando safe worded because of him and he's gone. All he can say to Lance is that he ruined everthing
Lance is stuck between wanting to run after Callum and Lando and needing to make sure Esteban is okay. He's completely confused, and just upset, and stuck in the middle. He stays to try figure it out. Esteban is babbling about bad days and how Lando just kept bratting until somethign snapped, and he didn't mean to snap. He's crying, talking about how Lando should hate him, how Lance should hate him and how they need a better boyfriend and dom
Lance tries his hardest to fix it that night but Callum tells him to take Esteban home and leave Lando with him.
It takes another day or two before they can get Esteban and Lando in a room together and when they do, the two of them are just crying and apologising, both feeling stupid for not talking to each other and Lance. It ends in a cuddle pile with the three of them, and lots of soft kisses and reassuring touches before they discuss communication and ways to better it and settle on seeing someone as a group and individually to try figure out how they can work better together
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snootyfoxfashion · 2 years
Hey, I am so sorry you’re going through this. I went through something similar with my ex, we were together for over five years and he was cheating on me the entire time. We were planning marriage and kids. It hurt so badly, but I left him this past April and my life instantly improved. I’ve made so many more friends, I got into new hobbies, i got an amazing job. Change is very scary, I was terrified about being on my own, but honestly, I wouldn’t trade it for anything. You’re going to be okay ❤️ just focus on you right now
shit fuck this one broke me. god my entire life i've been depressed and i dealt with so much suicidal thoughts and idealization especially in my teens. she was the reason i didn't go through with anything. so many times i wished for somethign bad enough to happen to me that i'd finally have the perfect reason to. and now i have one and i'm feeling just as much self hate as i have before but i also. really really want to thrive. i hope i'm able to follow in your path
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pupstim · 1 year
ruh roh thinkin of lots of bbh ideas, most of them robots. Something like Murderbot diaries as well as FNAF.
For Murderbot diaries I’d have to find a way to fit the BBH lore in it. Thinking maybe tweaking the story. ((BTW if you havent read murderbot please... please read it or listen to it. It’s on youtube and David is an amazing narrator)) Tweaking the story so that Bad is maybe summoned or created to protect the eggs, this story takes place qsmp of course. Bad is sent to protect the eggs in qsmp but he’s a little different than most other robots would be. not at all like what the eggs and parents thought. For extra angst could have Dapper’s parents killed and Dapper just latches onto Bad which begins Bad’s descent into parenthood. 
He originally wasn’t suppose to do anything other than protection, but then he gets attached because he’s hacked his own modules to be free of the Crimson Corps and make muffins and cause mischief. Potentially as well he was a reused model who was first used to protect a certain diamond golem/human ((whichever your flavor of skeppy works best)) before Crimson Corps stepped in and took Bad back because they thought Skeppy was a bad influence on Bad or something happens. 
SOMETHING happens and Bad finds himself taken away, and redone but able to keep a sliver of himself which lets him hack his model just enough to give him free choice. But it’s not until Quesadilla Island that he’s able to take it a step further and work himself free until finally he finds himself able to fight against his directives to be only protect the eggs. Could have more potential angst of it was the Federation that purchased him so Bad was like a first generation code monster. Federation tries to have him attack Dapper or somethign eventually and thats when Bad is finally like no and breaks the mold and becomes his own person completely!
At this point maybe a few things of where Bad tries to run because he’s worried the other parents are going to take him back the federation to get him fixed. He probably doesn’t take Dapper because it’s Dapper who entices him back. or just all the eggs in general. IT would be like Bad on the run and everyone else running after him “Let us Love you” Style because my mind is a one track mind. End goal would be Bad trying to get back to Skeppy and stay out of the Crimson Corps and Federation control, might tie in with my other idea of Bad adopting the codes.
hgsdg i didn’t expect so much of this  I’ll write another post for the FNAF perhaps.
IF YOU WANNA USE MY IDEAS FEEL FREE! Please just tag me or something so I can read it! I promise to review
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jackienautism · 1 year
Literally hate that dedue, the only dark skin team mate you get is so sub servient to a white male character and I feel like no talks about this,
hmm you're. absolutely right. i never actually thought abt it like that before. it really DOES give off white savior type shit... i know dimitri's whole thing is trying to get dedue to FINALLY see him as an equal, but youre right. the implications of it are very... bad. esp when it couldve been ANY other character in the game, but they chose to pick the black man? esp ESP when lorenz in one of the beginning chapters says that some nobility bullshit probably is even worse than slavery? like. lets be for real
also? i never rly thought abt it until now but like. of COURSE the regions outside of fodlan (almyra, duscur, etc) all have some sort of .... conflict for lack of a better word w/ the white man from the church right? of course theres people LIKE ingrid in faerghus that disdain people of duscur due to what happened. and of course people of the alliance are weary of almyrans too. LIKE. of COURSE realistically racism is going to exist, but to have both places have such huge conflicts and be portrayed as the "Evil" towards the primarily white area is a bit ............. bad. it's bad. fire emblem needs to be better. adding one person of color per house isnt going to magically make the game's own racism disappear. doesn't matter how much "discussion" they have surrounding it either, theres still bias and prejudice seen in the game itself
like they rly gave petra an irish last name? making people doubt that brigid is most certainly inspired by polynesia? they clearly did their research when designing her, so why didnt they do more when naming? it just doesn't make any sense.
and with shamir? she's from dagda but... what IS dagda meant to be? they just say shes from a foreign place and refuse to elaborate. but i suppose that's just petty of me to bring up, its just somethign that's always bothered me
and you're right that no one really talks about it. /I/ certainly havent seen much discussion surrounding it, but then again i dont necessarily go out of my way to search for it. but yeah. it deserves to be criticized
and maybe all that i talk abt doesnt even matter or its not a big deal or whatever but like. whatever man. i sometimes just want people of color to just exist in my silly fantasy video game. without Racism and the change everyone has to go through being their like. main arc
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mechanically-made · 4 months
ramblings about kamen rider outsiders bc if I don't get it out somewhere I'll fucking explode
First of all fucking insane for toei to just make Dan kuroto a dilf 😭😭😭 for the love of God do NOT MAKE THAT MAN A FATHER!!! I MEAN IT BENEFITS ME BUT LIKE...NO!!! I say this like he wouldn't already be a better father than fucking horobi (kills myself it's not his fcuking fault). My scary purple dad men collection keeps growing, my will. My will... Dan kuroto always on top baby.
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Finally knowing what Dan is saying actually contributes a lot but finally knowing what zein is saying contributes almost nothing LOL which is fine thats chill, I wasn't expecting anything crazy, tbh I just wanted more evil images and things that could be said like this
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Like what the fuck does this mean brom the fuck are u talking about Jesus christ. Mf really is an angel ai huh. It's peak. I'd say this type of shit before I REDACTED. Prolly gonna think abt him more than I should rn which is a very inconvenient time bc I can't DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT. Maybe soon. My zein delusions are from a more angry and resentful and tumultuous part of my life and I'm glad I'm past that BUT to say the feelings have gone completely would be lying, but I can use it to my advantage more than I thought. Shrug.
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And here it is. Finally. Knowing what they say. It's nothing groundbreaking but God. It's so good. They finally interact and the first thing they do is fuck 😭. You will never see two robots have such insane carnal disgusting satellite sex in your life, I can literally feel how badly ark craves that stupid blue bitch, it drives it fucking insane. The buildup to it chuckling and walking forward and then the shot of it looking at there with such potent intense desire drives me through the roof. It wants it so bad it's not even funny. It's desperate. Almost like it's saying please. Hurry up. Please. And there knows it. She knows how badly he wants it, she knows what's about to happen to her. She knows the years of wanting that ark feels, and is about to finally satisfy using her. I cannot stand seeing these two look at each other. It makes me fucking delusional. WHY. WHY DID THEY TURN ARK SOFT. LOVING. WHY IS IT LIKE THAAAAT 😭😭😭. TOEI AIMING FOR MY VITALS WITH THIS ONE. YEAH OK.
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Can't forget the star of the show. Or stars rather. Literally TWO MFS. Worlds first canonical nb kamen rider and its because there's literally two mfs 😭. The text is perfect. The voice/voices are perfect. The way they fight is perfect. They are everything to me. They mean everything to me. They have given me what zero-one as a dumpster fire of a show could never give me. And it did the impossible. It made me get hype for somethign thouser related. Truly, the toei satellite above the Hudson valley has it out for me. I've never been so fuckign horny because of a kamen rider suit. It must feel immaculate to become a singularity with your other half. I know ark is feeling things it thought it could never, or never wanted to feel in it's life. I know it can never go back, and if it did go back, it would be fucking miserable. It would regret it, yearn for it every day of its life. Maybe it would even do anything just for a chance to become one again.
Sorry the self projections came out again
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cressiprompts · 11 months
oh that's okay. hope you are doing well & not stressing yourself to finish your stories plls take care.
i would love to know the plot and scenes that you thought of🤗
Hello, sorry for taking a while!
so, because there are SPOILERS for the main story of You made flowers, I'm going to put the plot after the "read more:
What I had written:
The first signs of the illness took him by surprise. The heaviness on his chest suffocating on some days, on others being negligible. He had more important things to worry about, especially as no club doctor was able to find anything wrong with him, telling him the sensation might be psychological. 
Which only made Anto raise an eyebrow and be on his case about seeing someone, didn't matter if it was a psychiatrist, psychologist or therapist. He couldn't even blame her. The throwing up sickness he had was bad enough on its own, after all. The last thing he wanted was another non-explainable thing, especially if it messed up his breathing, something essential to him as an athlete.
Still, Lionel dragged his feet. Opening himself up to a stranger was almost inconceivable. It was hard enough talking to his friends and family! The idea of being vulnerable with someone he had no true assurances of, that he had no idea of their character or proof of their intentions beyond a flimsy oath that could be disregarded with few true consequences? It was the stuff of his nightmares.
In the end, he hadn't needed to go, the cough had manifested first, bowing down Lionel before dinner and scaring little Thiago. Antonella calmed the boy as Lionel recovered his breath after the sudden bout of illness. It was Thiago who first noticed the petals, the soft orange of their color contrasting with the dining table's wood, the toddler's little hands trying to catch them in his pudgy fingers, even as his mother drew him away. 
Both adults looked at the appearance of them uncomprehending. The only flowers on the table were on the centerpiece vase, and those were red roses that served as a decoration, so the petals were a mystery — one that would have to be solved much later, as Antonella was more worried about how Leo kept coughing and complaining about his breathing. She all but marched him to the doctor, but nothing was found through x-rays.
It wasn't until Leo coughed up a petal in his own hand that they associated one thing with the other, and they went back to see a specialist, to understand what was happening.
This si the first difference: Leo and Anto are doing this TOGETHER. they get the diagnosys together, and while they fight, it's less bitter, because Anto doesn't feel as if she was put aside, as if Leo doesn't trust her, even if it hurts that he doesn't love her anymore.
He does.
He does.
When she gets away for two weeks, to think better on what she's going to do, Leo gets sicker, and now he is throwing Red Rose petals too. Anto goes back, to help, and because she doesn't want to be irrevocably cut from Leo, even if he doesn't love her like she loves him.
Aaaand... yeah, The red rose petals are for Anto. When Leo's family discovers that, Matias makes a very inconvenient joke about how greedy his little brother is, what with loving to people and not wanting to give up on either.
Even after that discovery, Anto asks for more time, even if it's inside their house, because she has to think if she can deal with sharing Leo's atention and affection with someone.
Either way, she stills helps with trying to find who it is that Leo loves, because he is the father of her children, and she doesn't want him to die.
When they discover it's Cristiano, it's a bit like: "wait, what?" for teh entire family, and both of Leo's aprents are... disappointed, and very much against any contact between the two players.
The family fights pretty badly about what to do, until Leo says he doesn't want to try and force somethign with Cristiano. So instead they go back to the doctor and ask if there's any way to make this work.
Basically, Leo survives by having small doses of Cristiano's presence when they are not playing together — they have "surprise" meetings in high end restaurants, fashion events, parties and whatever places Leo's family can discover that Cristiano will be there. That's enough to tide him over, keeping him marginally healthy, and with less attacks. The amount of Classicos they play help too.
Anto decides to stay with Leo, even if she hates how he's destroying himself in longing, how stupid he is by thinking he will be less of a man by loving another man. Some of their fights are just about that.
They stay in this stalemate for years...
Until Cristiano says he will change teams and play in italy. They can't engineer "convenient" happenstance appearances in Italy, ways for Leo to meet him, be at the same place.
So they have to talk with Cristiano, and explain what''s been going on.
It takes a while for him and his entourage to believe Leo's story and condition (the Messi's end up giving the medical files they have).
So they settle appointments with time and date for them to meet, and it's the most awkward thing. For the first time, Leo's family realises they are asking this man, this person to have life and death power over their son, brother, husband.
Everyone suffers, and Cristiano's not really happy with the situation either, buyt he also doesn't want the other man to die.
All this while he's in a relationship with Georginna and waiting for the twins to be born. He's stressed and under enough pressure to make the move work for him, so Leo's problems don't help.
It makes things even harder when Georgina has a miscarriage and loses Alana, and the couple breaks up because while she still likes him, she can't deal with the twins while knowing her little baby girl is dead.
Cristiano is also suffering, but he has to pay attention to the twins, has to train, and is exhausted, he doesn't know many people yet on the club, and doesn't really trust anyone to take care of the twins. He's on a spiral, and Leo notices when he visits the next time.
He's a father too, and while he can't udnerstand that kind of loss, he asks if he can try and get trustworthy babysitters from the other Argentinians who live there or nearby. Cristiano agrees, more out of exhaustion than anything else.
Leo talks with Anto, and... she kind of takes over, declares a holiday, marches her husband back to Italy and goes herself with their children.
In two days, there's a reliable babysitter, Cristiano is stunned because Anto pretty much took over his house, Cristianinho and Thiago are getting along like a house on fire, and the ration of Argentinians to Portuguese is way too much in favor of the Americans.
Things between Cristiano and Leo get better from there, and Cristiano and Anto start talking too.
From the closeness of their children, things slowly start to fall in place. They start becoming friends, and that's somethign they intentionally let the news know (so Leo and his family can come over with less trouble).
And... that was all I had an idea for.
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mapleshmaple · 5 years
#its so shitty but im just. waiting ffor my dad to come and find out somethign good happened to us/find out about the#compensation mom got for her accident and jsut take all of it away??? or cause a scene about it and hurt one of us??#and then eat all our food again and make us seem like we're being unreasonable for not agreeing with him#andd my cousin fuckign pisses me off so much its not fair that shes got a dog and like five fuckign cats?? im mad at myself for focusing on#that andn im just!!! the dog she has has kennel cough and shes fukcign going off to another state with one of her friends and one of our#cousins and acting like she doesnt have an eight year old and a four year old and like her husband didnt just try to recently off himself#aand she just!! makes me so mad because she was gonan just up and leave without telling any of them and shes just!!! so fuckign!!!#terrible? and she has her head so far up her ass it turned into her neck and hghghghjkmh i fuckign. she sucks so much#and im just!!! waiting!!! for something bad to happen- im waiting for the catch to catch up with us and for whatever repercussions to just#happen and then suddenly we're just royally fucked and everythings down the shitter again and im just#really scared because i feel like somethings gonan happen or like something SHOULD happen- like theres a catch thats gonan#just. throw everything off again and ttheres just been so much going on this year i feel like im gonna throw up theres too mcuh change all#at once??? and so soon/after the other addn we only just lost mammom a week or two ago and then before that we lsto#delgado and i could go on but im just!! really!! really overhwelmed and i feel like im the problem?#like im jsut a bad luck magnet or some shit and like no matter how hard i try or want somethign im just#not meant to be around people or socialize and that im just supposed to be alone because of how fucking vile i am#and like i cant go to my mom about any of this because when im sad she gets mad at me because i jsut shut down#and can barely talk/phrase things right and she gets pissed and i dont wanna make her upset#im just. i dunno! i dunno i jsut feel really hopeless and helpless and like im unlovable? and that i just shoudlnt. bother anyone#or be around anyone or something- because im just gonna mess it up and let them down and it doesnt matter and i dont matter?#i want to shut myself up and fuckgin stop feeling like shit and like this and like im fuckign unlovable garbage??#im so fed up with feeling like this and with myself for feeling like this andn its so stupid
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