#smth naruto lacks so much in UNFORTUNATELY (thx filler and cheap animation)
chiso · 10 months
I'm aware I'm speaking to a wall whenever I talk about shonen, but I think like after finishing aot (the only shonen besides dbz and naruto I ever finished) I can say that Mikasa actually portrays the "Girl who likes guy is her main personality trait" that people always fault Sakura Haruno (Naruto) for, way more.
With that I mean, she is actually a character, where I for once can see why people say that she's badly written. I never did with Sakura. (besides agreeing she needed more screentime, but the writing and development she got is NOT bad)
Mikasa's attachment to Eren comes from Trauma, which makes her obsession understandable, but it doesn't really help me in "rooting" for them to come together. I would have totally been fine with them becoming a couple, but the thing is, until the very last episodes, it felt so painfully one-sided. Eren always treated her so coldly. (Again, somethign people fault Sasuke for, while he, in my opinion, showed way more care and interest in Sakura than Eren did to Mikasa, which is wild, considering the series started with them already living together, while Sasuke and Sakura barely knew each other besides being classmates when things started.)
ANYWAY, what I want to say with my rant is, that I'm kind of upset that people praise Eren and Mikasa's love story, while Sasuke and Sakuras gets shamed as "worst ship" ever, while it's more like... the other way around for me. I don't hate the EM ship but I genuinely just don't root for it or find enjoyment in it. I always wanted Mikasa to become more of her own person (which doesn't necessarily equal to her stopping to love Eren) but it kind of... never happened. The only person who forced strong emotions out of her besides Eren was Armin, but even with him, I had the feeling that in the end the only thing she lived for, was still Eren, and only Eren. Also something Sakura didn't do tbh. She even often put others before Sasuke and in the epilogue as his wife, she's also has her own job and life. Is Mikasa less hated because she is strong and Sakura was weak in the first season? I seriously don't get the "rules" of being praised as a female character in shonens lol. But to me personally, Sakura is a better female lead than Mikasa was.
I liked Mikasa, she's okay, but she has a lot of wasted potential, and there's even more lost potential in the whole doomed romance plot she had ongoing with Eren.
But that's at least my unpopular opinion for the day ig?
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