#beetle banks
greenlantern94to04 · 7 months
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Green Lantern #50 (March 1994)
"EMERALD TWILIGHT," Finale! Hal Jordan goes full supervillain, and nothing will ever be the same again (for about 10 years).
Last issue ended with Hal, usually the hero of this comic, attempting to steal the power of every Green Lantern in the universe via their Central Power Battery, only to be stopped by Sinestro, usually the villain of this comic. Hal, driven mad by the destruction of his city and obsessed with getting the power to un-destroy it, tells Sinestro he'll kill him if he doesn't get out of his way, but Sinestro ain't buying it -- he still thinks he's talking to the Hal Jordan who appeared in the Super Friends cartoons.
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Hal demonstrates how serious he is by nearly blowing Sinestro's pants off with all those GL rings he stole last issue. Sinestro points out that one ring vs. ten rings isn't very sporting, so Hal actually drops the extra ones so they can have a fair fight. I guess resurrecting Hal's loved ones as soon as possible isn't as important as proving to a purple jackass that he can beat him without unfair advantages.
So, Hal and Sinestro start fighting as the increasingly worried Guardians of the Universe watch on. Sinestro tries to get under Hal's skin by telling him about the time the Guardians begged him to take this sad little Earthling and turn him into "half" the Green Lantern Sinestro was, but Hal isn't in the mood for fight scene banter right now. What starts as a classic power ring battle (constructs, energy blasts) soon devolves into two angry dudes beating the crap out of each other, until Hal finally gets his arms around Sinestro's neck...
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...and breaks it. Hal doesn't even let out a dramatic "NOOOOOOOO," like a proper superhero. He just mutters "damn you" and walks away, leaving Sinestro's mangled body on the ground.
Now no one else stands between Hal and the Central Battery -- or so he thinks, until Kilowog comes back for another round. Despite having no ring, Kilowog gives Hal a good beating as he tries to make him think about the consequences of draining the Power Battery (you know, like murdering every GL currently in space or in a fight somewhere). Kilowog tells Hal he may have killed Sinestro, but he isn't evil like him yet. He can still stop. Hal replies: "No. I can't." Then he confirms it by turning one of his best friends into a pile of bones.
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Hal drops his ring, saying he doesn't deserve it anymore... and besides, he won't need it after absorbing the Central Battery's power. Hal walks up to the Battery and all the Guardians are there, but without any GLs around, they can't really do anything but lecture him. With tears in his eyes, Hal tells them: "What's going to happen is going to happen. It has to. You can't stop it... and neither can I." It's like Hal knows they're all merely pawns to a higher power: yes, Green Lantern editor Kevin Dooley.
It's only once Hal has entered the battery that the other Guardians turn to Ganthet and are like "okay, fine, let's try that plan you mentioned last issue." As the Battery begins to collapse, the Guardians perform a ritual where they send all their lifeforce to Ganthet (which you can tell because they're getting even older and wrinklier). Finally, the Battery explodes and Hal emerges with a new costume, a new more villain-esque hairdo, and, although we don't know it yet, a new name: PARALLAX.
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Parallax walks across the Guardians' shriveled up bodies and angrily steps on his old GL ring before flying off into space. Then, Ganthet rises from a pile of corpses and puts the broken ring back together (and gives it a redesign, while at it). He says that, as the last Guardian of the Universe, he'll make sure that his brothers' ideals live on, then turns himself into a ball of energy headed for Earth.
Meanwhile, the same young dude who saw Hal flying to Oa in GL #48 comes out of a nightclub to get some air and spots another "falling star" in the sky, only this one is actually falling. In fact, it's heading directly for him. It turns out to be Ganthet, who lands right in front of this understandably confused clubgoer, tells him "You shall have to do," and hands him Hal's refurbished ring.
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Without saying much else, Ganthet turns back into green energy and disappears. After confirming that the hobo who was sleeping in this alley also saw "a blue little guy in a red dress disappear" (for what it's worth), the guy decides to put on the ring -- and suddenly finds himself wearing a Green Lantern costume. "Oh man," he says, "I think my life just got a lot more complicated."
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Haha, you don't know the half of it, buddy.
Things we know about Kyle Rayner so far: 1) he likes Nine Inch Nails, based on his shirt, 2) sometimes he dances so hard that he has trouble breathing, and 3) if a little blue man in an alley tells him to do something, he does it. Perfect superhero material. Things we don't know about Kyle Rayner yet: that his name is Kyle Rayner.
I've always liked the contrast between the way Hal was recruited to the Corps in 1959's Showcase #22 (with a speech about how fearless and honest he is) and the way Kyle was recruited in this issue (with a shrug and a "you'll do").
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The Guardians did approach Sinestro about training Hal, as told in Green Lantern: Emerald Dawn II #1 (1991), but there was no begging involved. In fact, they forced him to do it. I guess he showed him in the end when his trainee wound up destroying the Corps (and killing him, but still).
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Kilowog (RIP) tells Hal "I know what it's like to lose yer home, the folks ya love..." and it's true: he lost his planet twice. Bolovax Vik was destroyed during Crisis on Infinite Earths, but Kilowog managed to preserve everyone's minds inside his ring. Then, as soon as he found a new planet for his people in Green Lantern Corps #218 (1987), Sinestro blew it up again, permanently killing everyone this time. By Hal's logic, Kilowog should have turned himself into a DOUBLE Parallax long ago.
Kilowog also mentions that Hal has gone into the Central Battery twice before: first to save the day at the end of Emerald Dawn, and then to try to save the day in Green Lantern #6 (1990), although it didn't work out so well the second time because a crazy Guardian had already taken that power for himself. You know, they really should have put a door on that thing or something.
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I don't remember if the hobo who was sleeping in the alley when Kyle got the ring will appear again, but I'm giving him a tag anyway. Wonder if they've ever done an alternate reality story about what if he'd become the All-New Green Lantern...
Guy Gardner: Warrior #18 marks the start of the "Emerald Fallout" storyline, which will reunite Guy with his old pal Hal. It kicks off with Guy's yellow power ring (which feeds off GL ring energy) suddenly exploding and showing him a vision of Hal killing Sinestro, Kilowog's corpse, and Parallax emerging from the Battery. Guy, however, seems more concerned with the fact that the ring isn't working now, so he takes it to Blue Beetle, who can't resist the opening for a dick joke.
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Beetle ends up giving Guy a prototype of the EXTREME '90s armor he built for Booster Gold (incidentally, based on Kilowog's old designs), which is somehow even more EXTREME and more '90s. Guy has some trouble adjusting to it, but grows to like it.
Next, Guy visits his on-and-off girlfriend Ice at the Arctic Circle, where she's quite literally chilling as she figures some stuff out -- as seen in the Justice League America series, she recently lost her dad after he was murdered by her evil brother, who also died, and then she gained vaguely defined new powers for vaguely defined reasons. Also, she went from modest clothes and no cleavage to an exotic dancer suit and all of the cleavage. The '90s were hard on everyone.
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Just when it looks like Ice and Guy are about to reconcile, there's a huge explosion that knocks her out -- it's that Militia asshole who tried to kill Guy last issue, who just shot himself out of a submarine's cannon to finish the job. Will Guy ever catch a break?! NEXT ISSUE: Not in this storyline, he won't.
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lavinaigrette · 2 years
Some critic from 1897: The Beetle is by far a scarier villain than Count Dracula!
Count Dracula: *Terrorizes Romania for centuries, concocts a meticulous scheme to conquer England, traumatizes all the protagonists, murders countless people, and is only defeated because his lawyer’s fiancee’s best friend knew a doctor whose former professor happened to know a bit about vampires.*
The Beetle: *Has spent 90% of their screentime crying in bed over their ex-boyfriend.*
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obrother1976 · 7 months
1 am and im talking myself into thinking ive got a carpet beetle infestation. awesome 👍
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thrifted-friends · 2 months
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beep beep
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wonder-teo · 5 months
Entry 4
Date: 5/4/2024 Approx Time Frame: 3:45pm-4:05pm Days Since First Contact: 18 Locations Visited: 3 - Amile Forest - Tsubu Woods - Rem River Bank Creatures Sighted: - Finfin (With pictures!) - Shell Beetle (With pictures!) - Clippy - Essie - V-Rex (With pictures!)
Notes and sightings under cut. Notes I deemed important are in pink bold italics.
Amile Forest - Met up with Finfin in the Amile Forest - He was in the middle of singing! - I talked to him a brief bit before he flew away - While he was flying away, I heard a higher-pitched call. Must be Finnina! - I took a picture of the Amile Forest with lovely cone cloud formations in the background
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[Something I only noticed after the fact, in this picture, only one cone cloud can be seen. In the next few Amile Forest pictures, you can see a second cone cloud start to form on the left] - Shell Beetle sighting! It tumbled into frame, flew around a bit, perched on the closest branch, and flew away
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[In addition to our cute Shell Beetle friend here, you can see a second cone cloud beginning to form in the sky!]
Tsubu Woods - Tsubu Woods really is getting greener and greener!
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[I find it so fascinating how dynamic the colors of the Tsubu Woods are. This place changes nearly every time I visit!] - The wind is howling through the trees... it's a bit spooky - Clippy sighting, weaving in between the trees for quite a while - The wind slowed while Clippy was flying around and stopped after it was gone. It was almost like Clippy had cleared the wind away
Rem River Bank - Caught up with Finfin at Rem River Bank - Finfin had his head sticking out of the water when I arrived. Soon after, he caught a fish that jumped out of the water!
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[Finfin grabbing a bite to eat!] - Finfin left with his catch - Essie sighting. It left before I could get a picture. True to its namesake, it's quite hard to photograph here! - I must say, I adore the flowers in the background. Part of why Rem River Bank is my favorite place on Teo
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[What beautiful springtime scenery!] - V-Rex sighting! Got a bunch of pictures, here are the best shots. I will post all of them separately later
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[It was like it read my thoughts about the background flowers and decided this was its time to shine!]
I was rather tired today, so I decided to conclude today's Teo-watching session on that great sighting!
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gentaroukisaragi · 10 months
I keep seeing people worried about ultraman blazars lack of focus on the endgame considering that timing wise we're getting very close to it, but to me it feels like theyve done a lot of good work to setting it up? It feels like the main plot is entwined with the wormhole/alien tech thread that keeps popping up routinely and they did some good developments with it in the firdran intro eps. Especially with how this particular series doesnt have a singular main villain, i think theyve earned their streak of character focus eps that we're currently on
I would love to watch 52 eps (or even more!) Or Blazar but what we've got so far has been really good. Im willing to trust the writers to create a satisfactory ending, if not a comprehensive one
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chronomally · 1 year
Everyone go see Blue Beetle I am not asking
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selvepnea · 3 months
Guys, the nissan pao is the cutest car ever
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wantoktube · 1 year
Good Men Do Exist in Papua New Guinea
Experience 1. By Andrew Moutu CHANCE & RESPONSIBILITY On the independence weekend in 2017, I went & dropped my brother and musician, David Saun, in his adopted village, Lealea, where his adopted brother, Tau Dikana, owns and runs the Sunset Resort. As I was returning back I spotted what looked like a PNG coloured wool hat on the road in between the entrance into PNG LNG and Edai Taun. I was…
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anemoiashifts · 2 months
what to do if you’ve been trying to shift since 2020.
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if you haven’t shifted yet & you’ve been here since 2020 or for a long period of time, waking up in your bed the following morning after a method & your doubting that shifting isn’t real then that’s simply not true. you are not doubting in shifting, you are doubting in yourself. if you doubted in the belief of shifting or subliminals or working towards a goal, you would have walked away from it a long time ago. you wouldn’t still be here if it was really all for nothing. you still have hope. there is something keeping you here.
you are looking for exterior validation that you shifted & that’s normal. it’s human to look around for confirmation for our manifestations. it’s hard to believe in something we cannot see. what you have to do is recognize that you are the creator of everything you have ever achieved, done & acquired in your life. because you are waiting until you are in your desired reality to recognize your progress, you are giving your “failures” attention.
when we give our failures attention & dwell on what we lack & what we want, we start to see it more. i mentioned this a while back in one of my very first posts but i really wanted a volkswagon beetle & i started seeing them everywhere. this is because your subconscious is showing you what you desire. the cars (your desired reality & manifestations) were always there, the issue is you don’t believe they are yours yet. shifting is a success other people have achieved. not you.
so what’s the issue ? how do we fix this ?
let go of wanting to shift. why ? because you have it. people who have things already don’t sit around & say “i want a million dollars in my bank account” because they already have a million dollars in their bank account.
instead of focusing on what you don’t have, see what you do have. you were born into a life where shifting was brought to your attention. a lot of people don’t even know what shifting is & half of the people that do know what it scoff at it & don’t ever try. be grateful that you are not letting yourself become one of those people. the fact you are trying & attempting this is a testament to you bettering your life & by extension bettering yourself. if you look at your shifting journey, what is working for you ? what methods do you like ? recognize that the universe may be trying to help you out by delaying you being in your desired reality.
people seem to not like to acknowledge the concept of divine timing & how important it can be. there is a time & place for everything we do. between when you first discovered shifting to now, you would have missed out on so many lessons & experiences that are needed for growth. majority of us look at our first script & cringe. if your someone who scripts, reflect on how many’s scripts you had. did you look at how much your desires & maturity changed through those ? the universe — god, your spirit guides, whatever higher power you believe in — may be protecting you. there could be something in your script that you could not handle, there could be a toxic relationship that you may have suffered from if you had shifted successfully & it would’ve done more harm then good.
shifting will always be there; no matter your age, what you go through. you have all of eternity to figure it out. there is no time limit. nothing is worth rushing into. if you want something don’t well, take the time to do it correctly. while there is no “correct way” to shift take a look at yourself. are you nurturing yourself ? are you depressed ? are you in a stable headspace ? the only thing you have is this moment. the moment you are reading this on tumblr or tiktok, this is the only point you have control over. are you going to scroll away ? have you already gave up on reading this long of a post ? are you thinking about the past & your past shifting attempts or mistakes ? why are you thinking about them if they have nothing to do with your future ? if you know you will shift or manifest a job or money or whatever it may be — why are you giving something attention that goes against that ?
what’s the conclusion ?
look at what you have & how you’re still here. start small, recognize that this post came to you for a reason. recognize that this is something you manifested based on content you’ve put energy towards. this post is proof that you are capable of manifesting shifting, even if it isn’t your desired reality directly.
also, this reality is a desired reality. maybe not in the same way as another desired reality you may have but you have manifested plenty in this reality & that’s what shifting is. if you think you haven’t, guess again, because I’m sure there’s one thing you can find that you truly believed in & it became physical right before your eyes.
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pigswithwings · 9 months
in another life, you and i are birds of different species. we happen to meet in a park where our winter migratory groups have stopped to rest; you are swimming in the pond and i am walking along the bank looking for things to eat. we look at each other and you say something in a language i do not understand. your feathers are in a pattern i do not recognise, and i, too, say something that you do not understand. still, we hold each other's gaze all the same.
in another life, we are strangers at a bus stop. my plastic grocery bag breaks and my things go everywhere; i kneel down to grab them frantically and you are there too, on your knees on the asphalt. picking up the apples i have dropped as if we will share them for dinner.
in another life, we are trees separated by the riverbank. the river has been running dry lately, even for the summer, so you ask me if there might be danger of a fire. i shake my branches in mimicry of laughter and ask you, danger? us, in danger because of a fire? no, no - of course not. if there must be a fire, we will be reborn. and i will love you just the same.
in another life, i miss you terribly during a late night. i call you, and you do not answer. you must be very busy, i think. i roll over in bed and watch the shadows on the ceiling bend and twist with every passing car. i sleep, and i am dreaming of you even if i do not remember it the next day.
in another life, you are a beetle, and so am i. we are burrowed together beneath a tree root during a rainstorm. i do not know you. i am not as small as you. your carapace nudges mine as we both try to burrow further into the dirt. it is cold. we are warm.
in another life, we are spotted hyenas in the same pack. you have been hunting, and now your ear is bleeding. you are limping, so i follow you. i lick the blood from your face, lay down next to you and breathe in the silence. we watch the evening sun glow.
in another life, we live across the hall from each other: you are room 317 and i am room 316. we know each other, barely - i have held open the door for you a few times and you've done the same for me. we have never looked at each other's faces close enough to recognise each other. but still, i notice it when you move out, when the sound of music on your stereo no longer floats through my window.
in another life, we are transmission towers, connected by a few metal strings.
in another life, we are lilypads on a pond. we are stars in the sky. now we are skeletons in the same grave. we are corpses on a battlefield. bricks in a wall. stickers on someone's notebook.
what am i to you? and how do i describe who you are to me? i have this feeling that is greater than love, perhaps it is beyond the word "love". all i know is: with the time i have, i am glad to know you.
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bbybrownbat · 1 year
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Japanese Vintage Lottery Ticket, Kabuto, insect, ladybug, cicada, stag beetle, 1957, Kinki [DETAIL]The 59th Lottery "Takarakuji" of Kinki. Trustee: Nippon Kangyo Bank, Japan.
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Types of baby daddy
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It wasn't planned but he is going to do his best to help!
(kaeya stans please don't hate me too much before reading the justification)
Cw: AFAB!reader, pregnancy, Diluc is said to be more traditional than average mondstadt people lol,
Even if he seemed seconds away from dying when you told him, he is particularly more traditional in that regard that the average civilian, so he is already planning a hurried wedding to keep both of your honor (even if most of mondstadt doesn't care beyond a teasing remark)
One week before the wedding as Moka is cleaning a ‘spare room’ Adeline and Elzer approach you with a little gift of clothes and baby bottle from the maids
He is a free soul, traveling between nations fighting whoever he pleased and as unexpected as this is he feels responsible for the situation
As he is constantly in the road and isn't sure how safe most of them are he gives you two choices, stay in your nation and he visits whenever he can (sometimes it's a twice a month and other times it's once every 5 months) with a pretty free access to his bank account or you can stay in Snezhnaya with his family for support in your pregnancy and child raising but have to move nations
Unexpected, but he doesn't dislike it. You both knew it was possible even if unlikely for an offspring to be born between an adeptus and a human
Either way he gets over the initial shock quite fast as he gets on one knee and asks for your hand, he rationalized it as it being normal for humans his age to be married and form a family (to some extent wonders if it was a sign to settle down with you)
Water spills from his goblet as does his serenity for a second, quickly apologizing for this mess wide eyed and pale faced, even if either of you two though that was possible
After a chat about your plans and what would be better on the future you decide for a swift and demure marriage with the melusines and Furina being the only witnesses
Cleans up their act
Even if it's after an earful from kuki or his granny he starts working a job on the port and so far 4 months and he is still hired! Even then you can see his gang on the port the days he does overtime, hiding behind boxes to make his beetle fight
While his behavior isn't as bad as Itto, he would do his best to straighten up his economy, maybe rent or buy a house.
He starts flooding himself with works to the point you can't see him some days if you don't barge in his study, he promises he will take less works when the baby arrives to help you but now he is trying to get as much money as possible
panics and disappears but gets dragged back again
His face loses the color that it usually has as he laughs nervously, he stands up from his chair and hurriedly walks to the door, thankfully Diluc was tending to the bar and managed to catch his brother just a few meters from the door. Now, forced down on his chair and with Diluc breathing down his neck, he faces you
He might not tell you this until midnight where you are cuddled up against the other but he is scared of not measuring up or messing up as a father figure, the first one left him in front of a stranger's house and the other died when he was a teen barely scraping adulthood. He also worries about Khaenri’ah’s past tormenting his child as it did to him, but this is something that will be harder to coerce out of him
Coparent/ goes to a lawyer to get a written agreement
He admits that it was partially his fault the situation you two are in right now so he asks to draft an agreement of sorts, he proposes a 30/70 custody with him getting them on the weekends and some extra days and a higher child support than mandated, when you two bump each other on the street you still act friendly even when you are discussing where your son should spend Christmas or if you should merge this year
Albedo looks at you unblinking, his teal eyes looking you up and down “ I always thought I was sterile. I never guessed homunculus could reproduce…” he says airy before his eyes start sparkling with wonder, I would recommend you retake this chat in 3 weeks after his investigation fever has passed a bit.
Klee might start yelling that she is going to be the best auntie ever
He only clicks his tongue, a snarky comment slipping past his lips “so that hag created me with that ability? What would be even the point” even then he holds your hand acting as if it wasn't a big deal
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annabelle--cane · 9 months
does the tma tumblr fandom know about the madness that seized the tma tiktok fandom (specifically the cosplay side) in the ~month after the finale released? I can't remember the exact order of events, but it went something like
week leading up to the finale: lots of oliver banks cosplays. makes sense, with The End and all that.
the day of the finale: people must have been sitting there already in costume with their cameras and lighting set up to listen to mag 200 when it dropped cause there were some really quite spectacular videos set to dialogue from it within about fifteen minutes.
the next week: cursed cosplays. I think it started with another resurgence of catboy elias (always a favorite), then something Happened to everyone because it immediately moved on to things like the calliope, ex altiora, the daedalus space station, jon's rib, the billboard from mag 74, the metal pipe, jane prentiss's ashes, the blanket (of "never did anything" fame), the homophobic vase, the bag of teeth, the beetle wife, and, my personal favorite, the man upon the stair who wasn't there. most of these were extremely detailed and high quality.
for maybe 18 hours: in-universe in-character avatar discourse. arguments about whether people should reveal that they were avatars in the apocalypse on the first date. it immediately got out of hand, people started satirizing certain kinds of prejudices that it was Not their place to, and almost everyone deleted their videos about it by the following morning so it vanished like a collective fever dream.
three weeks post-finale: the magnus carchives au. they work at a car dealership now.
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thebeesareback · 10 months
I'm fascinated by the way scientists interact with religion. On one hand you have Sir David Attenborough, who said "I tend to think instead of a parasitic worm that is boring through the eye of a boy sitting on the bank of a river in West Africa, [a worm] that's going to make him blind. And [I ask them], 'Are you telling me that the God you believe in, who you also say is an all-merciful God, who cares for each one of us individually, are you saying that God created this worm that can live in no other way than in an innocent child's eyeball? Because that doesn't seem to me to coincide with a God who's full of mercy". On the other hand, you have JBS Haldane who remarked "the Creator must be inordinately fond of beetles: the earth is home to some 30 million different species of them." I appreciate the diversity
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celesterayel · 9 months
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"i only write when i am falling in love, or falling apart."
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꘎ 𓈒 the hunger games | "may the odds be ever in your favor"  𓈒
coriolanus snow
→ match made in heaven | coriolanus snow isn't nice but neither are you. it's a match made in heaven.
lucy gray baird
finnick odair
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꘎ 𓈒 percy jackson | "the real world is where the monsters are" ꥟ ۪  𓈒
luke castellan
→ the it couple | common knowledge is how irrevocably in love luke castellan is with you.
→ goodbyes & waiting | there are the moments you shared and the sadness that came after.
→ something out of my dreams | all he knows is that you were something out of his dreams.
→ midnight secrets | he knows one one true thing: you put all the stars to shame.
→ sacred | coming soon
→ crisis | coming soon
→ muses | coming soon
clarisse la rue
→ kill me slowly | coming soon
→ mad woman | coming soon
percy jackson
→ collide | coming soon
→ the tides | coming soon
→ great mystery | coming soon
→ miss americana & the heart break prince | coming soon
→ the great war | coming soon
→ come back…be mine | coming soon
annabeth chase
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𓈒 star wars | "you can't hide, rey. not from me" ꥟  ꘎ 𓈒
ben solo | kylo ren
anakin skywalker
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꘎ spider man | "with great power, comes great responsibility" ꥟ ۪
peter parker - tom holland
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other genres ꥟ ۪ ꘎  𓈒
the summer i turned pretty
panic (amazon prime)
shadow and bone
six of crows
rebel moon
teen wolf
outer banks
shadow hunters
the sandman
blue beetle
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author's note ꥟ ۪ ꘎  𓈒 
please don't be afraid to ask what other genres i write for. i am a book reader and movie/tv show enthusiast so there's definitely plenty more i'm willing to add when reminded! :)
reminder to be kind and respectful.
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