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prxttylittle · 2 years ago
❝ i don’t love you, okay? i never did. i never will. ❞, ❝ i think we should see other people. ❞, ❝ i’m sorry. ❞
I don’t love you, okay? I never did. I never will.
For the 100th time, Prince’s finger slammed the doorbell. It was going to break soon, but he knew Luna was home. Her car was here and several lights were switched on. She was ignoring him on purpose. He couldn’t say he didn’t understand. He really fucked up this time. He told her he didn’t love her, this was just sex and to add fuel to the fire he basically ignored her at Matt’s party last night and made a big show of talking to Sky instead. He rang the bell again and slammed his fist against the door. Finally, it flung open. Cass stood there, looking angrier than he’d ever seen her. In fact, he was never sure she could emote anger. Clearly she could. “She doesn’t want to see you Prince! Take a hint.” Prince did not take a hint. What he did take was the opportunity of an open door by pushing it further open and getting past Cassie. “Where is she?” Cassie yet again insisted he needed to leave. He ignored her. She was never going to be of any kind of help to him anyway. He found Luna in the living room. He couldn’t tell if she looked upset or angry, or maybe both. Either way whatever emotion it was was his fault.“You’re ignoring me.” He pointed out and the look she gave him in response really made him realise how much he fucked up this time. Cass was hovering like an irritating bug behind him, telling Luna to stick to her guns and trying to tell Prince to leave. “Jesus can you at least call off your fucking watch dog?” She didn’t tell Cass to go away, but she did tell Prince to and stood up to walk away from him. As she walked past him he grabbed her hand. He was starting to feel a little desperate and he didn’t like it. “This is a bit of an overreaction even for you.” Luna didn’t look at him. Instead she looked at Cassie. Everyone in their group wondered if these two could read each others minds and they confirmed it when Cassie finally left despite Luna not saying anything. About time, he thought. He was still holding her hand. Was this a good sign? He put his other hand up, brushing her hair behind her ear. This was always his way of apologising. He never used the word ‘sorry’ or admitted what he did wrong. He would show up, and be gentle to show how he felt instead of saying it. It worked every other time. This time however Luna shook free of his grasp and he brought his hands back to himself. He didn’t say anything, expecting her to. Instead she looked at him with these big sad eyes that were almost completely clouded by the anger on her face. He rolled his eyes. “Fucking hell, do you have to be so dramatic?” He wasn’t the most graceful person that was for sure. He stepped closer to her but she stepped away. Prince was confused. Normally their fights led to make up sex but that didn’t seem to be in the cards tonight.
“Prince. I don’t love you, okay?” Prince scoffed but she didn’t let him speak. “I never did. I never will.”
Prince was a little bit lost for words. Every time feelings came up between them he always imagined he’d prefer to hear her say something like this. He was only now realising he preferred hearing her say she loved him, despite arguing with her every time she did. He wouldn’t say it out loud, mostly because he didn’t understand what he was feeling in reaction to her words, but there was definitely a sting there after hearing that. Prince could leave now and they could call quits on this whole thing. That would be too easy though wouldn’t it? He didn’t even believe Luna expected him to do that. So despite how he was feeling, he shrugged. “I don’t care.” That was a lie but he was trying to be casual. “I never expected you to love me. There’s nothing to love, really. Doesn’t mean we have to stop this, does it?” His tone was more of a whisper now and he stepped back into her space, wrapping his hand around hers. He lifted her hand to his lips and grazed a gentle kiss over her knuckles. He smirked, looking right into her eyes. He lifted her hand more, to his shoulder so it could fall there, his arm wrapping around her waist so they were closer together now, face to face. His lips went to hers, but he just gave her a peck. “If you don’t love me, it’s just sex right?” Last week she got annoyed with him for saying that but if she was saying she didn’t love him, surely he wouldn’t get in trouble this time right?
I think we should see other people.
Prince let out an exasperated sigh. He and Luna had been going at this for what felt like an eternity. They were having the same argument going around in loops, mostly about his inability to talk about his feelings, both parties thinking they were correct and both refusing to back down. Prince was tired. He was actually about to suggest they drop it and he go home, mostly to avoid reigniting the fight, but just as he went to speak Luna made a suggestion of her own. “I think we should see other people.” Prince simply blinked at her. It was as though she said it in her native tongue because he was struggling to understand what she said. He sat back and thought about it. Did he want to see other people? No. He hadn’t even looked at another girl since him and Luna started this thing up, even at the start when he did truly hate her and kept thinking ‘this time’ was the last time. They were a bit past that now though. It was a thing now. Thinking about it, he realised her idea pissed him off. The fight they’ve been having all day never once made him think he’d be better off with someone else.
“You can see whoever the fuck you want to, Luna.” He wondered if she already had someone in mind and that was why she made the suggestion. Well if that thought didn’t near drive him into a blind rage. “I’m not stopping you.” He stood up. It was definitely time to leave now.
Prince showed no interest in other girls. He practically became best friends with Nick to get any scoop he could which Nick would have gotten from Cassie because she couldn’t keep a secret. Nick was better at secret keeping but he swore blind he knew nothing about Luna. Days went by with Prince and Luna not speaking. Those days turned to a week and soon that week turned into two weeks. He hadn’t even seen her when he would hang out at Matt’s. He was hoping he would, secretly. Simply just seeing each other after a fight was normally their turning point to make up. Prince wanted to see her. He wanted to make up, even if he wouldn’t admit it aloud. Opportunity presented itself when Nick asked Cassie one night if she thought Luna would collect her, since he smoked more than he intended. Prince was dead sober and offered to drop Cassie home. He could tell she didn’t want him to but Nick insisted it was a fine idea and far be it for Cassie to argue with him. The car ride was awkward because, well, Prince and Cassie weren’t friends. Neither of them even knew how to make small talk with each other so they didn’t. Cassie was the one to eventually break the silence. “I know this is just your excuse to see her. But if you’re not serious about her Prince, leave her alone. Why shouldn’t she see other people? She deserves someone who’s going to love her, because she’s amazing and she’s worth loving. She doesn’t deserve your crap.” Prince scoffed because Cassie just didn’t understand. They pulled onto the street of the girls place and Prince hadn’t spoken since Cassies little lecture. “Is she actually seeing someone?” He was that embarrassed about his question that it came out in a quiet tone that made it twice as embarrassing as asking in the first place. Cassie didn’t answer. Prince decided to take that as a no and as they pulled into the drive he also got out of the car, much to Cassies irritation.
“This is not my fault.” Cassie motioned towards Prince trailing behind her. He knew Luna was confused because Prince hadn’t yet showed his face to Luna, but as he strolled into the kitchen he watched her face go from confusion to irritation. He wondered if that meant they would argue. That would at least be more normal than the not speaking the last few weeks. He almost smiled when Luna demanded to know why he was here.
“Nick asked me to drop Cass off. Just making sure she gets in okay.” His voice was dripping in sarcasm, proven by Cassies scoff and her insistence that Prince wouldn’t care if she dropped dead. Princes eyes didn’t leave Lunas once though. He could barely even tell Cassie was still in the room nor did he notice her leaving. He just felt that suddenly him and Luna were alone. He did look around to confirm because he sometimes felt like they were alone even in a crowd of people. Prince made a bold move and walked over to Luna. She was leaning against the counter so he rested his hands on either side of it, practically wrapping around her from behind. For some reason, she let him when he pressed his lips to her neck. Her daze didn’t last very long when she pulled away from him and moved his hands so she could get out of his grasp. Prince didn’t need pushing, if she wanted away from him he wouldn’t stop her, and took two steps back. “This is so fucking stupid Luna. You’ve made your point.” He sighed. He should have saved his exasperation though because she began ranting and raving about their last fight and how she stood by what she said.
“What?” He snapped, annoyed now. “About seeing other people? Fuck that. I’m not going to go near anyone else.” He walked back over to her. They were now both annoyed at the other being annoyed, funnily enough. “I don’t want anyone else.” Bravely, he kissed her. When it felt like she was letting him, or more that she wanted him to, he placed one hand on the small of her back to pull her closer and the other under her jaw. He smirked and pulled his head back. “You really need to see other people to feel like this?” His lips went to her ear to whisper. “I know I don’t. It’s only you.” They kissed again, slower this time, softer. And because Prince is Prince, he dropped both his hands and despite being amused by the back and forth, he completely removed himself from her personal bubble. “Think about it.” And then he left.
“I’m sorry.”
Love was a funny old thing. One day Luna and Prince were just fuck buddies who hated each other and were so mortified about continuously going back to each other that they would leave as fast as possible. Now, they wanted to know every thing about each other and spend every waking moment of their free time together. “I don’t have a dating life.” Prince retorted when asked. “You’re the only person I’ve ever-“ he didn’t finish his sentence because he still found it difficult to admit he had feelings. She seemed to take him up wrong and thought he was talking about sex and considering she knew him for a while before they got together she knew that wasn’t true. He chuckled lowly when she said as much. “No you’re not the only girl I’ve shagged.” He confirmed with a smirk. “You’re basically the only one I’ve dated.” He hated that word, visibly cringing as he said it. Dated. It felt so American. He didn’t know how else to label it. He was in love with her, sure, but the boyfriend girlfriend thing wasn’t a regular conversation for them, more of a regular fight. So they limited themselves on bringing that up. Luna decided to dig deep with her curiosity asking about his first time. Prince chuckled again, because thinking about it felt so silly. “It was in her bedroom when her parents weren’t home and I’ve watched music videos that lasted longer. Happy now?” He groaned when she asked who the girl was. “Stacey.” He confirmed, when asked if she knew the girl. He was so embarrassed that he slept with her but also afraid of Lunas reaction. After that it was awkward for reasons Prince could barely understand.
The next day Prince texted her but got no response. He didn’t think much of it as he had a busy day anyway with work and schoolwork and driving Pandora from one place to the next. By the end of the day, she still hadn’t replied so he sent her a Snapchat. He struggled to fall asleep, constantly checking if she replied and if his phone had accidentally been turned on to do not disturb. She opened his messages and still no reply. He wracked his brain to try figure out why she was ignoring him but he couldn’t think of anything. That conversation about Stacey occurred to him but he couldn’t actually believe that was reason enough for her to go ghost. She’d told him the story of her losing her virginity too and he didn’t care. Why would she? It had to be something else. He just couldn’t think of what and no doubt it pissed him off that he had turned into this person checking his phone dying for a text back. A few days later at school Prince very dramatically threw himself down on the seat next to Luna at lunch. She didn’t even look at him, despite the weird glance he got from Valerie and Matt. He was going to make her look at him though. He glared at the pair sitting across from Luna as a kind of silent way of telling them to mind their own business, then he leaned in super close to Luna. “I’m not invisible. I know you can see me.” She finally looked at him and he nearly punched the air in triumph. A look. At least it was something. He was about to start questioning her when Nick decided this moment to have the worst timing ever when he and Cassie arrived with none other than Stacey. Nick sat down next to Prince, Cassie next to Luna and Stacey across from Prince, because of course. Princes body was already fully turned in the direction of Luna anyway so he didn’t even spare Stacey a glance even when she greeted him. He did spot Cassie looking between Luna, Prince and Stacey. He furrowed his eyebrows. Was Stacey really the reason Luna wasn’t speaking to him? Why would Cassie have given them all that look if Luna hadn’t spoken to her about it? He rolled his eyes and leaned in to her. “Is this why you’re fucking blanking me? Really?” He was whispering because nobody needed to hear them half-arguing. She’d gone back to not looking at him, probably because he got distracted by the others arriving. Definitely didn’t help his case that he looked up and away from Luna upon Stacey’s arrival but in his defence he didn’t know she was there before he looked, it had been Nicks voice that made him glance over. He grabbed a hold of her hand, a big deal when they were in school with all their friends considering he was normally very private about all of that. “This silent treatment is pissing me off. At least tell me what the fuck I did.” And what he did was sitting across from them and decided to interject herself, teasingly asking what the two of them were whispering about. “Fuck off Stacey.” Prince snapped. It was if she knew she was what they were fighting over and wanted to make it worse on purpose. Him interacting with her was apparently the last straw for Luna who got up and left. Prince sighed and rolled his eyes. “Trouble in paradise?” Stacey smirked and Prince didn’t even look at her. He caught up with Luna at her locker.
“I think I used the wrong words, when we talked last week.” Prince was mortified. “You’re not just the only girl I’ve ‘dated.’” He could see her attitude was about to get worse. “You’re the only person I’ve ever had feelings for. And you’re the only one I ever lied to about it being just sex. If we had this four years ago then there’d be no other girls at all in my past.” He placed his hand under her chin to make her look at him. “You ignoring me has made me feel like fucking shit, just so you know.” He cleared his throat and announced he was done sharing now. It was getting to be a bit much for him. He went to drop his hand but hers covered his so he kept it there, his thumb looping through one of her fingers. He kissed her. “I’m sorry.” She said as he pulled away and he shrugged, as if he hadn’t spent the last few days losing his mind trying to figure out what he did wrong this time. “We’re good.” He confirmed and kissed her again. Besides maybe Luna was right to ignore him, the universe should have punished him a long time ago for ever even getting into bed with the worst person he knows.
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sonknuxadow · 2 months ago
im not gonna say assholes flooding a bunch of peoples inboxes with gore or nsfw or whatever is a thing that never happens because ive seen it happen and been a target of it myself but i cannot take this recent freakout about a raid seriously. like people are just going "theyre going to send you child gore everyone turn off your askbox!!!!" without specifying whos doing it or providing any real evidence of a raid being planned or people being sent anything . and then the supposed date for the raid comes and goes and nothing actually happens as far as i know. okay man
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prxttylittle · 2 years ago
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“Cass doesn’t know what Nick did, though.” Not yet anyway. There was no way Luna would lie to Cass about this the way they had to her. Luna looked Prince directly in the eyes. “Right, because cheating is the worst thing you can do to a person,” she said in a tone that was difficult to tell if she was being sarcastic or not. She definitely was being sarcastic, and Luna’s words were loaded with implications. She wasn’t going to run down the list of all the things he’s done in the past to her. There’d be too many to name from the past week alone, it felt like, but cheating wasn’t the only thing that made someone a bad partner. Luna finally broke their gaze with a shake of her head. “I’m over this conversation,” she mumbled before moving her leg away from his touch and laying back down as she ran a hand down her face.
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“I know that, you can just name one thing me or my dad have done and it would be worse.” Prince paused, unsure why he mentioned his dad, not expecting it. It was just a thought that came to him when he considered the bad things a person could do in a relationship. “I was just trying to-” He paused again and stopped because Luna didn’t care what he was trying to do, or what point he had been trying to make. Either way he did it in the wrong way. Prince sighed, bringing his hand back to himself. He didn’t speak, just stared at her. The silence made it feel a little creepy. “I’m sorry. I’m still trying to be better at-” he didn’t know so he struggled to even think of something to say there, “being better?” 
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chrissines · 4 years ago
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The unknowing linger of this sneaky bish trying to come into the pub for a proper pint in the Snug and drink her name sake. #beencaught. Big game tonight for the VGK. The new again, Dogfather, Ryan and I on swing. Little Chewie on the overnight. #lfg #goknightsgo (at McMullan's Irish Pub) https://www.instagram.com/p/COthGwztCDM/?igshid=13spl7gcb77dd
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go to sleep idiot>:(
Fine! 😂
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the-firebird69 · 4 years ago
trump and veep have the date and times now and always had for each and every city and area to be targeted refuse to give them up and hold themon their person in hte form of  a stick..thinking it is power as allare after them they try to avoid it and have beencaught several times and by those here and they try retrieving t now...the areas will be gone folks htey are asses. many each night for your constant audacity...and we heard himsay this well we are taking over areas with towers and we said it is too hard...too many come and it is by far worse than anticipated...we shall continue though...he reminds us it attracts we need to. still and we shall...allover too. raid attract raid..and then zap. as you say. Thor
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haikugenerosity-blog · 8 years ago
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43/365 #HaikuCalendar: #BeenCaught #RedHanded #PleaseStopUsingChildSoldiers #RedHandDayFifteen #RedHandDay #senryu #haiku #poem #poetry
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allisonedit · 5 years ago
hi, i saw that requests were open and i was wondering if i could request allison during the car scene with scott in 2x06? thanks in advance!
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euphorixc · 10 years ago
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     shane hadn’t wanted to come to this party. but kate had forced him and to avoid problems he just went along with it. but now? kate was nowhere to be seen and shane was in the back garden of this persons home, calling for jade instead of his girlfriend. he’d seen her when he walked in but things weren’t the same now so of course he kept away but that was when he was sober. now he was giggling and demanding someone fetch jade and sure enough he heard someone assure he’d be back with the brunette soon. though that didn’t stop him from rambling and mumbling about her until she found him. 
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prxttylittle · 2 years ago
"Is this fun for you?" { v ;; the princess and the moon.
Having fun with his friends was not a problem for Prince on nights they all got fucked up together. For the most part his uptight inhibitions faded with the more drink or drugs were in his system. He was able to laugh at Matt’s stupid jokes, dance with the girl he liked, and stand around chatting in the smoking area with the group. It was kind of freeing. Too freeing, hence why Prince didn’t always join them. If he started to enjoy the feeling of being fucked up just so he could actually enjoy his life he could see that being a problem. Mostly for parties he spent the night working just to avoid becoming the goofy best friend Matt knew him to be. Unfortunately for Prince, with the disappearance of his inhibitions, so too went away his ability to act cool and calm when it came to matters of the heart. When it was just he and Luna he didn’t speak much, he was comfortable with the silence that often fell between them when they would spend their days together. He was comfortable when they talked about their favourite movies or food and not their childhoods and whether or not what he actually felt was love. Sober, Prince was able to manage what was comfortable or not. Drunk and high Prince did not have that control. So, when he saw some guy at the bar talking to Luna and Valerie, Prince found himself hoping Valerie was the one the guy was taking a liking to. That said, if Prince was that guy Luna would be the one his focus would drift towards too. He spotted the man hand his girlfriend-not-girlfriend a drink and Prince just saw red. He didn’t even know he’d crossed the club until he was standing next to Luna. He passed the drink over to Valerie, his hand falling to Lunas waist. He whispered in her ear about wanting to be alone with her. The guy gave them a weird look and if he didn’t speak maybe Luna and Prince could get away from this without a fight. “Man, what’s your problem?” No such luck. Prince glared at the guy. “Man, she’s taken. So back off.” He looked to Luna, a little unsure how she would react to being called ‘taken’ by Prince. He refused to call her his girlfriend at the best of times so this would either make her happy or make her annoyed that he needed a few drinks and the threat of another man to make him say it. “Well, she’s perfectly capable of telling me that herself. So about you let the pretty girl talk, and back off yourself?” The bartender noticed the guys about to square up and piped up to tell them to calm down. Prince shook his head with a bitter laugh. He glanced between Luna and Valerie and back to Luna. “Are you coming with me or you want this prick to keep buying you drinks?” A flip ‘who you calling a prick’ managed to turn this quiet argument into a bar fight. Outside, Prince was fuming. Luna followed him. “Is this fun for you?” So she was going with annoyed, he noted. Prince narrowed his eyes at her stupid question. What about this situation made her think he was having fun? What a ridiculous thing for her to say. “Do I look like I’m having fun, Luna?” He snapped. “Do you think it’s fucking fun for me to get fucking enraged when I see you talking to some other guy? Like I fucking want to feel like this- feel so, so- i don’t even fucking know!” Jealous was the word Prince was looking for and he was now embarrassed about stuttering and fumbling through his sentence just to avoid using the word. “Fucksake, Luna.” Prince walked down the street, away from where Luna was standing outside the bar which Prince had just been kicked out of. He didn’t go far though, much to his frustration since he couldn’t walk away and leave her standing outside some bar on her own. He’d worry about her. That sickened him, that she was someone he worried about. He’d prefer if one of their friends came out so he knew she wasn’t alone but none of them even knew the pair were out here arguing back and forth about what this meant for their relationship which was not supposed to be serious. He sighed and walked to her side. “I didn’t fucking sign up for this, okay?” He was speaking calmer and quieter now but he was still pissed off. “I didn’t sign up to be- to be fucking- to be so- to be“ what was the word? “-jealous! And worry about you and fucking not ever be able to think about anything but you. And don’t even think about asking me what it means.” Prince ran a hand over his face, frustrated to no end. The bouncer asking Luna if Prince was bothering her just pissed Prince off even more. “Please go back inside so I can leave and know you’re not standing out here on your own.” Their eyes met and she didn’t move from where she was standing. “Luna, I swear to god. Go back inside.” Prince didn’t want her here with him but for the same reason he didn’t want her there was probably why she was still there, they both knew he was on the verge of finally admitting his feelings. He could feel it. He could feel the words bubbling in his chest. He shook his head, annoyed. “You are so fucking frustrating.”
{ v ;; phases.
Katie did what she could to be okay with Leo having a girlfriend. Some of it was her wanting to be happy for Leo. Most of it was just her trying to prove she could behave better than Leo did when she had a boyfriend. And for the most part she was successful. She was always nice to Ximena, and never even talked bad about her to the twins. Sure she had some slip ups with Kendra but Kendra was like a gossip blog in human form, she encouraged that. Everyone could probably tell she was just waiting for the relationship to end but people’s perceptions of things she never actually said didn’t bother her. For anyone that knew Katie and Leo, Katie was on her best behaviour in matters relating to Ximena. She was actually quite proud of herself. Until tonight. Katie, Leo and the twins had decided to have a night out in London like the old days. It was a fun night but Katie got too comfortable with feeling like it was the old days. She’d definitely had one drink too many. She was talking too much, and would wildly take to the dance floor when a song she liked came on. Katie felt like she could get too drunk, especially with Leo since he always protected her. She allowed him to pull her off the dance floor when she declared how tired she was from too many great songs coming on one after the other. “This is fun, right? The four of us, just like before!” Katie beamed excitedly. She had to get quite close to his face so he could hear her. He indulged in her good mood, and joking around with her but unfortunately for him their faces being so close to hear one another over the music sent the wrong message to a very inebriated Katie. She smiled at him, and just as she was about to say something she couldn’t help but to admire him. He was so handsome. Katie leaned in to kiss him and her mood dropped when he instantly stood up straight so she couldn’t reach. Her eyes went wide and she shook her head, covering her face. “Leo, I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. I’m an idiot.” She wanted to cry when he walked away from her. She looked back to the dance floor to see if either of the twins spotted what just happened. They hadn’t. She couldn’t express her humiliation to anyone except for the one person who saw it happen. She went after him. He was sitting outside, at the edge of a bench. She felt bad for the look on his face. He was probably going to tell Ximena about this, and she figured he was worried about how that would go. “Leo, I’m so sorry. I’m -,” she paused, unsure what to say, “I’m drunk.” Was her excuse. It was a fair excuse because Katie spent every minute of everyday wanting Leo. Whenever she was with him she wanted to kiss him, but she didn’t. It had to be the drink that spurred her on. She could blame that for her own sanity at least. “Is this fun for you?” He looked at her finally, a little exasperated if anything. She got a little annoyed at that. She made a mistake, it was an error in judgement but he didn’t return the action. He hadn’t done anything wrong so why couldn’t he just laugh at it with her? Sure she would go home and agonise about it and hate on herself but right now she needed a resolve. How could he think she’d enjoy this? She sat down next to him but not too close. “This isn’t fun for me, Leo, no. I fucking hate that you have a girlfriend, and I think I’m doing a pretty good job at pretending I don’t. Maybe I’m just saying this now because I’ve drank too much or I’m upset but all I do is think about you. It’s not fun for me, it kills me. And, unlike you used to do, I never actually tell you that. I try to be respectful to your relationship and yeah, I slipped up tonight. But tomorrow you’re going to wake up and then probably spend the day with beautiful, perfect Ximena and I’m going to wake up and think about what an idiot I was for trying to kiss you, or what an idiot I am for ever letting you go. So no, it’s not fun for me. God, how many times did you get in the way of my relationship feeling just like this and I never thought you were just doing it for fun.” Her rant was probably a little out of left field considering Leo hadn’t actually said he was annoyed with her for what she did. He could have been attempting a bad joke for all she knew. It had to be the drink. She felt her eyes welling up and Leo would either accuse her of having a victim complex with the water works or he would try to make her feel better. She didn’t want him to do either of those things so she stood up without looking at him again. Maybe things would never truly feel like the old days again.

I was so nervous. { v ;; the princess and the moon.
“Hey, little man.” Prince couldn’t describe the love in his chest when the nurse handed him his son. He was so tiny. Prince immediately felt a surge of protection come over him, like he would do anything to keep this tiny human safe. Prince had spent hours in this room waiting to hear about his wife. The fact that she wasn’t back yet had a giant bubble of anxiety sitting on his chest. “Your mums not here yet. She will be, though. You have no idea what she can survive. She’s tough. If she ends up being your favourite parent, I won’t mind. She’s mine too.” The palm of his hand supported the baby’s head while his thumb gently rubbed the soft top of his head. He couldn’t help the adoration he felt. This was his son. He and Luna had made this person and Prince was so obsessed with him. Who could have known being a dad and a husband were what Prince was born to do? This was definitely his calling in life. He had an inkling when he met his niece but this was just on another level. Luna and Leo were Princes life now, his priority. Prince continued talking to little Leo, despite how he couldn’t understand a word. He told Leo his aunt and uncle would be here soon, and even informed him said aunt was pregnant so Leo would have cousins his age to hang around with. “Your uncle saved my life, you know. I hope you and his kids can be friends like that. I’ll never leave you though so you’ll always have me, too.” Prince playfully fist bumped the newborns hand. “We can be friends.” Some time later, Prince was cradling a sleeping Leo when he was finally allowed to see his wife. About time, he thought. She was still tired and groggy after the strenuous labour she went through but Prince couldn’t help to admire her. It made him love her more but he definitely didn’t need them to go through that again to love her more. “Hi.” Prince spoke softly. Prince had been speaking in that soft tone from the second the nurse handed Leo-Valentin over. It was like he was permanently stuck in a whisper now. He cradled Leo with one hand and used the other to place a palm on Lunas cheek to kiss her hello. He watched her sit upright so she could take her turn holding their son. What a sight to behold. He was quick in taking out his phone to snap a photo of the pair. The smile on Lunas face was probably pretty similar to the one Prince had been rocking. “He looks like you, I think. I can’t really tell when they’re tiny and all pink like that.” Prince rambled. The elephant in the room that was the terror of the birth, aside from the joy of it, came up when Luna told Prince how nervous she’d been. He nodded because he too was nervous. In fact he’d been terrified. When Pandora had her baby, she’d gone into labour and had the thing in less time it took Luna so it had been admittedly scary. “I was too. After the ten hour mark I was shitting myself, babe. Thank fuck you’re okay.” He squeezed her hand before kissing it and telling her that he loved her. What a parallel to a younger them. “I think I’ll have to buy condoms again.” He mumbled in a very tired voice.

{ v ;; phases.
Katie found out in the morning that something happened to Leo’s dad and before noon she was back in London sitting on his doorstep. When his car pulled into the drive she stood up immediately and ran to his side, pulling open the door and wrapping her arms around him. She wanted to feel bad for the fact she had clearly been crying since it was his dad but Katie couldn’t help it. She loved Prince and more than that she’d been so worried for Leo. Katie knew what it was like to have a parent in the hospital, not sure if they were going to make it through the night. She also knew how it felt when they really didn’t make it through. The relief when her dad called her and told her Prince would be fine was unmatched. Still, she knew how scary this would be for Leo. She looked around and frowned when she didn’t see Luna. Sage was the one who said she’d be staying at the hospital but she told the kids to come home since they’d all been there all night. Leo led them all into the house and Katie didn’t drop his hand once. The fact that he had a girlfriend didn’t even cross her mind because this was her being there for Leo regardless of anything else. “Hey, I’ll get Sage something to eat. Okay? You just relax, take a shower or whatever you need.” Katie was right at home in the Moons kitchen, getting to work to make some lunch for Sage, and for Leo and Luna too. When she was young her mother was in and out of the hospital and she remembered people just constantly bringing them food or helping to clean their house or even walking their dogs. That reminded Katie to go and feed the dog who was very clearly missing Prince. Katie hung out with Sage until one of her friends came over and when they went to Sages room, Katie went in search of Leo. “Hey.” She smiled a very sad smile as she pushed open his bedroom door. She informed him there was food downstairs if he wanted. She felt a pang of sorrow for him when he looked at her. She could tell it had been a long night. He sat up on the edge of the bed and she went and joined him. She took his hand in her own and squeezed it. “Your dads going to be fine. You don’t think something as lame as a heart attack will take that man out do you?” She feebly attempted at a joke. “I was so nervous.” Leo admitted, telling her about how the night went. She wished she’d been in town last night or that she heard sooner so she could have come earlier but she was partly glad that she only heard everything after finding out Prince was actually going to be okay. She wasn’t sure how helpful she could have been had they all been standing around waiting to hear if he was dead or not. Katie nodded, understanding the nerves. “I know. It’s scary. At least he’s okay now, he’s going to be out and complaining about that ‘damn dog’ before you know it though. Don’t worry.” Katie knew saying don’t worry was redundant because Leo was going to worry. Luna was going to worry, Sage was going to worry. Everybody was going to be scared for a while after this, especially since the man seemed to be in fine health so a heart attack just came out of nowhere. Katie rested her head on Leo’s shoulder, her hand still holding his. “I hope you know I’m here for you. Whatever you need, if you need to call me in the middle of the night just to talk, I’ll answer. I’m not going anywhere. Okay?”

“I want to be with you more.” { v ;; the princess and the moon.
Admittedly, Prince made a lot of money by going to Monaco. Like, a lot. More than he knew one person could have in their bank account at one time. That meant that now he was home he didn’t have to spend any time looking for work or worry about what to do regarding his bills or any of that. In turn that meant he had all day everyday to think about Luna, to visit Luna, to wait for her to forgive him. They were getting there, slowly sure but still getting there. She’d gotten to the point with him where he knew he could call over and not be greeted with a fight. At this point they were pretty much guaranteed the rest of their lives together. Prince couldn’t lie, it was sheer bliss. Sometimes he could still see a bit of uncertainty in her but it didn’t bother him much because even if she wasn’t sure he wasn’t sticking around, he knew very much that he was. His temperament was different now he was home too. He’d gone to therapy in Monaco, and even if he hadn’t being away from Luna taught him everything he needed to know. Being away from her was so much more daunting than the fear he felt when he was with her, the fear of his own feelings being too strong. At some point he just decided he didn’t care how strong they were because he was going to be with her. He pushed open the front door of Lunas apartment, calling out her name to see where she was so he could go straight to her. He did just that when she made her presence known from the kitchen. Both she and Cassie were in there, Luna probably listening to Cassie whine and moan about how Nick still couldn’t forgive her. Prince and Luna could no longer relate, as Prince wrapped both arms around Lunas waist from behind and kissed her on the cheek. He nodded at Cassie. He was even nice to her these days. Maybe Luna should have been grateful for the way he’d changed since leaving. That said, he wanted Cassie to leave. She smirked at the two of them and announced her exit. Prince said goodbye to her and pulled away from Luna so the two girls could hug. “Hey.” Prince finally verbally greeted Luna, kissing her on the lips this time. She asked where he’d been. He told her he was on a run which he thought to be pretty obvious from his sweaty t-shirt. His hand cupped her jaw and he admired how pretty she looked. “You know,” he kissed her, “I jogged past,” he kissed her again, “that park.” His lips were on her neck now, peppering pecks and kisses along both sides of her neck and her shoulder as he continued to speak. “You know the one we parked at when we were seventeen, the first time we shagged in my old shitty car.” Prince chuckled lightly against her shoulder before going to kiss her on the lips again. “I couldn’t stop thinking about you.” He was sweaty and due a shower but maybe he could convince her to join him. He was sure he was close but then he noticed, just in a quick second, a flash of a sad look on her face. It was gone as quick as it appeared but he noticed it. He frowned and pulled back, asking her what was wrong. It was to his surprise when she started talking about how she was still learning to trust him, something he already knew, and how difficult it was. His eyes went wide but he knew better than to argue with her. He’d already told her about a million times that he was sticking around this time and she had nothing to worry about, now all he could do was prove it to her. Prince wrapped his arms around her and pulled her into a hug, his lips to her temple. He knew how she felt because the only reason he actually went absolutely mental every time the word love came up as teenagers was because Prince didn’t trust it would last. He never believed her when she said she loved him because really, why would she? But she meant it, he knew now. And he meant it now. He was staying. “If you want rid of me you’ll have to kill me.” He attempted to joke. Luna looked at him and he wished he could get a way of allowing her to read his mind so she knew how dead serious he was. “I want to be with you more-“ she stopped talking and he raised his eyebrows. “More than you want to be mad at me?” He guessed, finishing the sentence for her. He shrugged and pulled her back into his embrace. She could be mad at him all she wanted as long as that first statement remained true. She wanted to be with him. That was all he needed to know.

{ v ;; phases.
Katie had intended to have ‘the talk’ with Leo once they got back from Spain. That possibility was interrupted when she found herself so ill and bedridden for the days following their trip. She managed to break up with Jake before taking to her bed for a full week. Leo came over sometimes just to try cheer her up and it worked and it further spurred her motivation to have that talk about their relationship. Unfortunately for him, and for her, she wasn’t just sick. The news of the foetus clinging to her insides was a bit of a distraction from her romantic life. She’d tell him after the abortion, she had thought. But then there was no abortion. She’d tell him after she told Jake, she then thought. But then she told Jake, and she told Ava and she told Eli. Still, nothing to Leo though. She didn’t really understand it herself. She went to sleep at night thinking “okay, tomorrow go to Leo’s house and just tell him. Just say it. He’s going to know in a few months anyway.” But everyday she woke up and didn’t do it. Time was passing and from Leo’s point of view he probably didn’t understand what was keeping them from being together now. Leo was respectful though and obviously thought she was going through something to hold her back. He didn’t even argue with her when she limited their contact to hand holding or a head on his shoulder. That’s what they were doing now, sitting on his couch watching a movie her head rested on his shoulder and his fingers played with her hair. She was already on her third bowl of popcorn and she found it funny that Leo didn’t notice a damn thing about that since she normally barely ever finished one, leaving most of it to Leo. “Hey, I know we were supposed to have this big talk after Spain,” she found herself piping up unnecessarily. She didn’t look at him. “I appreciate that you haven’t pushed me. I don’t know if maybe me cheating on my boyfriend gave you the ick and now you don’t even want to be with me and that’s why you haven’t said anything and I-“ Leo’s voice cut her rambling off. “I want to be with you more.” He assured her and she smiled. She lifted her head so she could look at him. Now was the perfect time. Now she could explain herself. She could tell him what was really going on. “I’m glad.” She smiled softly, hoping he could tell she wanted to be with him, too. “And I- I want to be with you. I just haven’t said anything because I’m-“ pregnant. Pregnant, Leo, I’m pregnant. Her mind screamed at her but no words came out of her mouth. A scenario of him storming away from her, unable to handle the news came into her head and she had been feeling so sensitive lately that she just wouldn’t be able to deal with that, so the words refused to come out. “I’m just dealing with stuff right now.” She was going to be so annoyed with herself at her pre-sleep debrief tonight. Why couldn’t she just say it? She wished that Leo would just pick up on it. If he was less of a nice guy, he’d comment on her weight gain. Her hair was glowing with pregnancy, had he even noticed that? Did he notice her absently massaging her boobs every now and then? She looked at Leo again and he was so understanding that it actually managed to piss her off. What happened to the guy that argued with her when she gave him mixed signals before? Telling him she wanted to be with him but not ever even kissing him was surely a mixed signal. Last year he would have pointed that out. If he argued with her surely he’d piss her off enough to force her to say it. Now she was blaming him for not putting her in a position to have to tell him she was pregnant. Now she knew she was being ridiculous. She wanted to kiss him, in fact she wanted to turn off the movie and bring him up to this bedroom or have him take her right here on the couch. She chalked that down to hormones and refocused her attention to the screen.

{ katie and jake for fun
Katie and Jake hadn’t properly spoken since the night previous. He text her and asked if she got home okay, and she told him she had, but that was their only exchange. Now she was walking up to his house with her tail between her legs. She would probably have stuck to being annoyed with him except for the fact that Leo was the one who overheard their fight and Leo was the one that rubbed Katie’s back while she cried. If Jake knew that then he would be the one to be truly annoyed. She knocked on the door and smiled cautiously when Jake pulled the door open. He gave her a pointed look. She was hungover and anything she was feeling was only elevated because of that. Clearly, Jake took pity on the fragile blonde in his company because he used one arm to scoop her into an embrace, his lips pressing a kiss to the top of her head. It was comforting. Jake welcomed her into the house and she took to leading them to his bedroom. She thought they were going to argue straight away but when he sat on the bed she found herself straddling him and the pair went to town making out. She chuckled as she pulled back. That was one cure for her hangover. “I thought you were mad at me.” She pouted innocently. He kissed her pout away and shrugged. “I am.” He whispered, kissing her between words. “You look cute when you’re hungover though. You’re manipulating me.” He teased, his lips going to her neck. She smirked but wasn’t happy to hear he was still mad at her. Her boys were always mad at her. She was far away from looking inward to see why though. She pulled away from him and gazed into his eyes. She wanted to apologise, she felt that but she didn’t say it. He could read her mind. “I’m sorry for how I acted last night. If I have a problem then shouting at you isn’t going to help, I know. So I’m sorry.” Katie’s eyes went a little wide when he was the one to apologise. Yes he’d been kind of mean but all he did was shout. He didn’t insult her, or went below the belt. The last time she argued with Leo, he told her she was selfish, had a victim complex and a giant ego. Last night Jake had pretty much just expressed how he felt and still he was apologising to her. It was pretty reassuring to her about the choice she made. She smiled, and felt herself blushing so she hid her face in his shoulder. “I’m sorry, too. I shouldn’t have been so defensive. And I’m sorry that I shoved you.” He forced her to move so that he could look at her when she spoke. That coy smile still played at her lips. He was making her feel shy and that made her feel silly. He kissed her again and assured her it was squashed and they could move on. She giggled softly. She really liked this guy. “I’m in love with you, Katie Keller.” Jake brushed a strand of hair out of Katie’s face, making Katie blush more when his hand rested on her cheek and their eyes met, “I don’t want you to say it back just because I’m saying it but I am. I’m willing to wait for all your shit with Leo to resolve. Who am I to tell you what kind of friendship to have with the guy? I just know that I want to be with you more than anything, no matter what that looks like.” The way this man spoke to her just made her want to melt into a puddle on the floor. He knew exactly what to say to her. This wasn’t his first time saying the L-word but it was his first time saying he was actually in love with her. The way he was looking at her was so intense and she wondered briefly if she loved him too. She kissed him again and this time it was slower, softer with more intent behind it. “You were wrong last night, by the way. You’re not just some placeholder while I figure out my feelings. I’ve figured them out.” “And?” Katie grinned at him, her hands going to the back of his head to run through his hair. “And whose lap am I currently sitting on?” The couple laughed against one another as they fell onto the bed. Considering she thought they were going to argue this was a fantastic alternative.
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prxttylittle · 5 years ago
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the joke was on prince because she planned to ignore him for a week anyway. she might even make it two now that she knew he was annoyed by the prospect of it. why did that annoy him so much? she didn’t know, but she also didn’t need to get her hopes up thinking that it meant anything special just because he called her his girlfriend in the middle of an argument. luna was his dirty little secret meanwhile his friends happened to know all the details about sky from the moment he spotted her. her anger was very quickly turning into insecurity. deep down she knew what she wanted from him was reassurance, but luna had way too much pride to voice that. “i don’t want you to do anything, prince. there’s nothing you can do. it’s all in the past, but i just wish you were a little more honest so i wouldn’t have been—” luna waved her hands in the air trying to find the correct word to say. “unprepared when they said all that stuff. i didn’t like that.” 
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prince struggled to understand what lunas point was. he felt like even though she was speaking he wasn’t actually hearing anything because nothing she said was helpful. it aided in keeping him in a bad mood. “your issue is with matt and nick for blindsiding you there then, not me.” he said pointedly. prince maintained his attitude because he still maintained his innocence. he felt very much like luna was making an issue out of something that didn’t need to be an issue. “i was fucking honest with you, why the fuck would i lie about that shit? to protect your feelings?” he scoffed. “give me a break.” he wasn’t really doing or saying anything to help luna be less angry at him but prince never really did or say anything to help luna be less angry with him. he was very good at making the situation worse but in this instance he felt like it was her stubbornness doing that. she said it was all in the past but he could very clearly see nothing was in the past if she wasn’t just getting over it.
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euphorixc · 10 years ago
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    “arianna, tell me, who gave this to you?” zayn demanded, growing more impatient and angry as the seconds passed. he glared up at her, finally meeting her eyes as his hand remained hovering over the hickey. it almost felt like it burned to touch it.
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prxttylittle · 2 years ago
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When Katie walked into the Moon family home, she followed the sound of music into the kitchen. There, Luna and Prince were in their own world, laughing loudly as they tried to cook dinner together, chucking ingredients at one another and chasing each other around the island. They didn’t even spot Katie until they were about to kiss and she cleared her throat and waved awkwardly. She had to have the awkward conversation with them before going upstairs to Leo and suffering through that conversation, too. Luckily, the one with his parents went well so she made her way upstairs with high hopes. Maybe Leo could be just as understanding, too? On the other hand that could be wishful thinking but once her hopes were raised, there was nothing she could do to bring them back down again. Even though he may have heard her footsteps coming, she stopped abruptly outside his door. This was not going to be easy. She knew that night when they were on the beach arguing that Leo only said their beef was squashed to shut her up and get her inside when she was stubbornly trying to sit outside alone when he didn’t give her the answers she wanted. She took a deep breath, knocked softly, and entered. Here goes nothing. She raised her hands up and proclaimed she came in peace. She opted out of sitting next to him on the bed, choosing the desk chair instead. She sighed, cringing at the tension in the air. Did it have to be so awkward? “I’m sorry that you felt you had to leave, but I get it.” She hesitated, her body physically aching from the discomfort. She barely made eye contact with the boy. “How’s your leg?” She truly didn’t care about his leg but the awkward chit-chat was like a shield of armour before the tough conversation.
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prxttylittle · 2 years ago
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Luna rolled her eyes at Prince. He was completely missing her point. He didn’t have to like that they were together, but he could at least keep his nasty comments to himself or even do some self-reflection on why he thought he could judge Matt and how he handled his ‘dozen’ breakups. Luna was someone’s sister too. How would he feel if her brothers said the same thing about them? Had he even considered that? Because her brothers had more a reason to think that than Prince did. “I’m not trying to force you to think anything.” Luna wanted to add that there was no way for him to even form an opinion on Matt and Panda considering that he’s never stuck around long enough to see them as a couple but held off. After all, she wasn’t trying to change his opinion even if she didn’t agree with him. “We absolutely don’t have to argue about this. Just feels like the pot calling the kettle black, is all.”
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We don’t have to argue about it, she said right before insulting him. That made Prince not trust that they weren’t about to argue about this. He laughed bitterly and shook his head. “Pot calling the kettle black,” he somewhat mimicked what she said, scoffing a little at the end of the sentence. “It’s different! It’s a different situation. Besides, I don’t think I’d take up issue with your brothers if they thought the same thing.” Luna’s brothers would be crazy to not feel how he felt but Prince couldn’t help himself with Luna. He was in love with her and he knew she was in love with him. When he followed her to Spain, if she had turned him down he would have been devastated but he would only have himself to blame. Prince wasn’t exactly the poster child for being a good boyfriend but that didn’t mean he couldn’t have an opinion on Matt. 
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gleaminskin · 11 years ago
hey fuck face ;) ;) ; )
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