+ Everyone says that I look happy when it feels right. I know that you're wrong for me; gonna wish we never met on the day I leave. I brought you down to your knees because they say that misery loves company. It's not your fault I ruin everything; and it's not your fault I can't be what you need. angels like you can't fly down here with me. I'm everything they said I would be +
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
❝ i don’t love you, okay? i never did. i never will. ❞, ❝ i think we should see other people. ❞, ❝ i’m sorry. ❞
I don’t love you, okay? I never did. I never will.
For the 100th time, Prince’s finger slammed the doorbell. It was going to break soon, but he knew Luna was home. Her car was here and several lights were switched on. She was ignoring him on purpose. He couldn’t say he didn’t understand. He really fucked up this time. He told her he didn’t love her, this was just sex and to add fuel to the fire he basically ignored her at Matt’s party last night and made a big show of talking to Sky instead. He rang the bell again and slammed his fist against the door. Finally, it flung open. Cass stood there, looking angrier than he’d ever seen her. In fact, he was never sure she could emote anger. Clearly she could. “She doesn’t want to see you Prince! Take a hint.” Prince did not take a hint. What he did take was the opportunity of an open door by pushing it further open and getting past Cassie. “Where is she?” Cassie yet again insisted he needed to leave. He ignored her. She was never going to be of any kind of help to him anyway. He found Luna in the living room. He couldn’t tell if she looked upset or angry, or maybe both. Either way whatever emotion it was was his fault.“You’re ignoring me.” He pointed out and the look she gave him in response really made him realise how much he fucked up this time. Cass was hovering like an irritating bug behind him, telling Luna to stick to her guns and trying to tell Prince to leave. “Jesus can you at least call off your fucking watch dog?” She didn’t tell Cass to go away, but she did tell Prince to and stood up to walk away from him. As she walked past him he grabbed her hand. He was starting to feel a little desperate and he didn’t like it. “This is a bit of an overreaction even for you.” Luna didn’t look at him. Instead she looked at Cassie. Everyone in their group wondered if these two could read each others minds and they confirmed it when Cassie finally left despite Luna not saying anything. About time, he thought. He was still holding her hand. Was this a good sign? He put his other hand up, brushing her hair behind her ear. This was always his way of apologising. He never used the word ‘sorry’ or admitted what he did wrong. He would show up, and be gentle to show how he felt instead of saying it. It worked every other time. This time however Luna shook free of his grasp and he brought his hands back to himself. He didn’t say anything, expecting her to. Instead she looked at him with these big sad eyes that were almost completely clouded by the anger on her face. He rolled his eyes. “Fucking hell, do you have to be so dramatic?” He wasn’t the most graceful person that was for sure. He stepped closer to her but she stepped away. Prince was confused. Normally their fights led to make up sex but that didn’t seem to be in the cards tonight.
“Prince. I don’t love you, okay?” Prince scoffed but she didn’t let him speak. “I never did. I never will.”
Prince was a little bit lost for words. Every time feelings came up between them he always imagined he’d prefer to hear her say something like this. He was only now realising he preferred hearing her say she loved him, despite arguing with her every time she did. He wouldn’t say it out loud, mostly because he didn’t understand what he was feeling in reaction to her words, but there was definitely a sting there after hearing that. Prince could leave now and they could call quits on this whole thing. That would be too easy though wouldn’t it? He didn’t even believe Luna expected him to do that. So despite how he was feeling, he shrugged. “I don’t care.” That was a lie but he was trying to be casual. “I never expected you to love me. There’s nothing to love, really. Doesn’t mean we have to stop this, does it?” His tone was more of a whisper now and he stepped back into her space, wrapping his hand around hers. He lifted her hand to his lips and grazed a gentle kiss over her knuckles. He smirked, looking right into her eyes. He lifted her hand more, to his shoulder so it could fall there, his arm wrapping around her waist so they were closer together now, face to face. His lips went to hers, but he just gave her a peck. “If you don’t love me, it’s just sex right?” Last week she got annoyed with him for saying that but if she was saying she didn’t love him, surely he wouldn’t get in trouble this time right?
I think we should see other people.
Prince let out an exasperated sigh. He and Luna had been going at this for what felt like an eternity. They were having the same argument going around in loops, mostly about his inability to talk about his feelings, both parties thinking they were correct and both refusing to back down. Prince was tired. He was actually about to suggest they drop it and he go home, mostly to avoid reigniting the fight, but just as he went to speak Luna made a suggestion of her own. “I think we should see other people.” Prince simply blinked at her. It was as though she said it in her native tongue because he was struggling to understand what she said. He sat back and thought about it. Did he want to see other people? No. He hadn’t even looked at another girl since him and Luna started this thing up, even at the start when he did truly hate her and kept thinking ‘this time’ was the last time. They were a bit past that now though. It was a thing now. Thinking about it, he realised her idea pissed him off. The fight they’ve been having all day never once made him think he’d be better off with someone else.
“You can see whoever the fuck you want to, Luna.” He wondered if she already had someone in mind and that was why she made the suggestion. Well if that thought didn’t near drive him into a blind rage. “I’m not stopping you.” He stood up. It was definitely time to leave now.
Prince showed no interest in other girls. He practically became best friends with Nick to get any scoop he could which Nick would have gotten from Cassie because she couldn’t keep a secret. Nick was better at secret keeping but he swore blind he knew nothing about Luna. Days went by with Prince and Luna not speaking. Those days turned to a week and soon that week turned into two weeks. He hadn’t even seen her when he would hang out at Matt’s. He was hoping he would, secretly. Simply just seeing each other after a fight was normally their turning point to make up. Prince wanted to see her. He wanted to make up, even if he wouldn’t admit it aloud. Opportunity presented itself when Nick asked Cassie one night if she thought Luna would collect her, since he smoked more than he intended. Prince was dead sober and offered to drop Cassie home. He could tell she didn’t want him to but Nick insisted it was a fine idea and far be it for Cassie to argue with him. The car ride was awkward because, well, Prince and Cassie weren’t friends. Neither of them even knew how to make small talk with each other so they didn’t. Cassie was the one to eventually break the silence. “I know this is just your excuse to see her. But if you’re not serious about her Prince, leave her alone. Why shouldn’t she see other people? She deserves someone who’s going to love her, because she’s amazing and she’s worth loving. She doesn’t deserve your crap.” Prince scoffed because Cassie just didn’t understand. They pulled onto the street of the girls place and Prince hadn’t spoken since Cassies little lecture. “Is she actually seeing someone?” He was that embarrassed about his question that it came out in a quiet tone that made it twice as embarrassing as asking in the first place. Cassie didn’t answer. Prince decided to take that as a no and as they pulled into the drive he also got out of the car, much to Cassies irritation.
“This is not my fault.” Cassie motioned towards Prince trailing behind her. He knew Luna was confused because Prince hadn’t yet showed his face to Luna, but as he strolled into the kitchen he watched her face go from confusion to irritation. He wondered if that meant they would argue. That would at least be more normal than the not speaking the last few weeks. He almost smiled when Luna demanded to know why he was here.
“Nick asked me to drop Cass off. Just making sure she gets in okay.” His voice was dripping in sarcasm, proven by Cassies scoff and her insistence that Prince wouldn’t care if she dropped dead. Princes eyes didn’t leave Lunas once though. He could barely even tell Cassie was still in the room nor did he notice her leaving. He just felt that suddenly him and Luna were alone. He did look around to confirm because he sometimes felt like they were alone even in a crowd of people. Prince made a bold move and walked over to Luna. She was leaning against the counter so he rested his hands on either side of it, practically wrapping around her from behind. For some reason, she let him when he pressed his lips to her neck. Her daze didn’t last very long when she pulled away from him and moved his hands so she could get out of his grasp. Prince didn’t need pushing, if she wanted away from him he wouldn’t stop her, and took two steps back. “This is so fucking stupid Luna. You’ve made your point.” He sighed. He should have saved his exasperation though because she began ranting and raving about their last fight and how she stood by what she said.
“What?” He snapped, annoyed now. “About seeing other people? Fuck that. I’m not going to go near anyone else.” He walked back over to her. They were now both annoyed at the other being annoyed, funnily enough. “I don’t want anyone else.” Bravely, he kissed her. When it felt like she was letting him, or more that she wanted him to, he placed one hand on the small of her back to pull her closer and the other under her jaw. He smirked and pulled his head back. “You really need to see other people to feel like this?” His lips went to her ear to whisper. “I know I don’t. It’s only you.” They kissed again, slower this time, softer. And because Prince is Prince, he dropped both his hands and despite being amused by the back and forth, he completely removed himself from her personal bubble. “Think about it.” And then he left.
“I’m sorry.”
Love was a funny old thing. One day Luna and Prince were just fuck buddies who hated each other and were so mortified about continuously going back to each other that they would leave as fast as possible. Now, they wanted to know every thing about each other and spend every waking moment of their free time together. “I don’t have a dating life.” Prince retorted when asked. “You’re the only person I’ve ever-“ he didn’t finish his sentence because he still found it difficult to admit he had feelings. She seemed to take him up wrong and thought he was talking about sex and considering she knew him for a while before they got together she knew that wasn’t true. He chuckled lowly when she said as much. “No you’re not the only girl I’ve shagged.” He confirmed with a smirk. “You’re basically the only one I’ve dated.” He hated that word, visibly cringing as he said it. Dated. It felt so American. He didn’t know how else to label it. He was in love with her, sure, but the boyfriend girlfriend thing wasn’t a regular conversation for them, more of a regular fight. So they limited themselves on bringing that up. Luna decided to dig deep with her curiosity asking about his first time. Prince chuckled again, because thinking about it felt so silly. “It was in her bedroom when her parents weren’t home and I’ve watched music videos that lasted longer. Happy now?” He groaned when she asked who the girl was. “Stacey.” He confirmed, when asked if she knew the girl. He was so embarrassed that he slept with her but also afraid of Lunas reaction. After that it was awkward for reasons Prince could barely understand.
The next day Prince texted her but got no response. He didn’t think much of it as he had a busy day anyway with work and schoolwork and driving Pandora from one place to the next. By the end of the day, she still hadn’t replied so he sent her a Snapchat. He struggled to fall asleep, constantly checking if she replied and if his phone had accidentally been turned on to do not disturb. She opened his messages and still no reply. He wracked his brain to try figure out why she was ignoring him but he couldn’t think of anything. That conversation about Stacey occurred to him but he couldn’t actually believe that was reason enough for her to go ghost. She’d told him the story of her losing her virginity too and he didn’t care. Why would she? It had to be something else. He just couldn’t think of what and no doubt it pissed him off that he had turned into this person checking his phone dying for a text back. A few days later at school Prince very dramatically threw himself down on the seat next to Luna at lunch. She didn’t even look at him, despite the weird glance he got from Valerie and Matt. He was going to make her look at him though. He glared at the pair sitting across from Luna as a kind of silent way of telling them to mind their own business, then he leaned in super close to Luna. “I’m not invisible. I know you can see me.” She finally looked at him and he nearly punched the air in triumph. A look. At least it was something. He was about to start questioning her when Nick decided this moment to have the worst timing ever when he and Cassie arrived with none other than Stacey. Nick sat down next to Prince, Cassie next to Luna and Stacey across from Prince, because of course. Princes body was already fully turned in the direction of Luna anyway so he didn’t even spare Stacey a glance even when she greeted him. He did spot Cassie looking between Luna, Prince and Stacey. He furrowed his eyebrows. Was Stacey really the reason Luna wasn’t speaking to him? Why would Cassie have given them all that look if Luna hadn’t spoken to her about it? He rolled his eyes and leaned in to her. “Is this why you’re fucking blanking me? Really?” He was whispering because nobody needed to hear them half-arguing. She’d gone back to not looking at him, probably because he got distracted by the others arriving. Definitely didn’t help his case that he looked up and away from Luna upon Stacey’s arrival but in his defence he didn’t know she was there before he looked, it had been Nicks voice that made him glance over. He grabbed a hold of her hand, a big deal when they were in school with all their friends considering he was normally very private about all of that. “This silent treatment is pissing me off. At least tell me what the fuck I did.” And what he did was sitting across from them and decided to interject herself, teasingly asking what the two of them were whispering about. “Fuck off Stacey.” Prince snapped. It was if she knew she was what they were fighting over and wanted to make it worse on purpose. Him interacting with her was apparently the last straw for Luna who got up and left. Prince sighed and rolled his eyes. “Trouble in paradise?” Stacey smirked and Prince didn’t even look at her. He caught up with Luna at her locker.
“I think I used the wrong words, when we talked last week.” Prince was mortified. “You’re not just the only girl I’ve ‘dated.’” He could see her attitude was about to get worse. “You’re the only person I’ve ever had feelings for. And you’re the only one I ever lied to about it being just sex. If we had this four years ago then there’d be no other girls at all in my past.” He placed his hand under her chin to make her look at him. “You ignoring me has made me feel like fucking shit, just so you know.” He cleared his throat and announced he was done sharing now. It was getting to be a bit much for him. He went to drop his hand but hers covered his so he kept it there, his thumb looping through one of her fingers. He kissed her. “I’m sorry.” She said as he pulled away and he shrugged, as if he hadn’t spent the last few days losing his mind trying to figure out what he did wrong this time. “We’re good.” He confirmed and kissed her again. Besides maybe Luna was right to ignore him, the universe should have punished him a long time ago for ever even getting into bed with the worst person he knows.
#I had to post this from my phone so idk how bad it looks sorry not sorry#hopefully I can edit it on my laptop#but anyway#these have been sitting in my drafts for so long I can’t stand to look at them anymore#the theme of this meme collective is Prince is annoyed Luna won’t talk to him#talk about obsessed#and he’s trying to say he’s NOT obsessed with her??!!#{ v ;; the princess and the moon.#beencaughts#memed
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“he is the dangerous boy with the wild heart and I am the girl who never stops trying to coax the softness out of his shell. he makes me feel free and I give him the freedom to be, to hurt, to feel, to love. his lips taste like thunder and I have always tried to brave the storm.”
— i tried not to love him, by j.h. (via alyxofrp)
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Eli groaned as he flopped onto his back, staring up at the ceiling as he considered Katie’s advice. He appreciated her encouragement, but he really couldn’t fight the anxiety creeping into his body right now. Katie’s suggestion of just telling Georgia how he felt seemed so straightforward, yet it felt like a huge risk to him. He wondered how he could be sure that his feelings wouldn’t be rejected, or worse, that he wouldn’t risk damaging their friendship. Eli came to the realization that Katie was right, though. He’d spent the past week debating on whether he should try to figure it out himself or turn to his friends for advice. It was a big deal that he even acknowledged that he was actually crushing on someone, let alone saying it aloud to another person. The fact that he was even asking Katie meant that he was ready to take his relationship with Georgia to the next level. Now Eli was stuck at the part where he didn’t know what to say to ask her out. Eli had no game. He thought of himself as charming, but he didn’t think that transferred into the romance department at all. He was certainly not a flirt like his friends were. “Okay, Keller, let’s go with what you’re saying: I’m going to ask her out. When? Where? How? I need you to explain this to me like I’m in primary school, Katie.”
“Well, I’m not your personal assistant. I don’t know when or where you two spend time together so that one’s up to you.” She patted his arm and gave him an apologetic smile that she couldn’t help him on that front but really those details were unimportant in her opinion. What did matter was the how and while he dramatically threw himself down on the bed she gave herself a moment to consider that one. How was she going to explain it like he was in primary school? “When Jake asked me out, I had switched from working full-time in the summer to part-time and he told me my little four hour shift on Fridays was the best part of his week because he got to see me, even if it was only for a few hours.” Katie smiled because even though it hadn’t worked out it had still been a nice thing to hear and was a nice moment. “Like, even though I knew he had a crush on me it was nice to know he actually valued spending time with me so, like, all it took was him saying that for me to say yes.” She looked down at Eli with a shrug, unsure if sharing her own experience was any bit helpful to him or not, especially since she was using the relationship that didn’t work out but it was the only normal relationship experience she had really. “So just tell her the truth about how you feel. Say “Georgia, I always look forward to this class because I know I get to see you in it. I really like spending time with you in class and I’d like to do it more, like go for a drink together” or something like that.” Katie waved her arm around, giving him space to think of his own version of her words. “Is this helping at all? I can’t tell.”
#Leo says what are we waiting for and then they fight!!#and then Katie goes to his hours years later and says she can’t be around him anymore#so yano I don’t think that’ll help Eli#especially since it hasn’t happened yet#{ b ;; not family but friends.#{ katie ;; interact.#beencaughts
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Leo couldn’t help but notice the tension in the air when he approached Katie and Eli. His cousin had to be up to no good. He wasn’t sure what Eli could be stirring up, but he had a feeling it had something to do with him. He ignored it because he didn’t want there to be drama anymore, but he couldn’t stop his brow from raising at Katie’s answer. Before now, Leo was never above ignoring another girl to give Katie all of his attention. Even back when they were both down for the pact, they still weren’t above getting jealous at seeing the other with someone else, and he’d drop anyone for her. As he’s joked with her many times whenever she’d get jealous, she’d always be his favorite. In all seriousness, though, she was. Katie was his endgame until she started dating Jake. Leo didn’t have a reason to care anymore. She didn’t care how jealous he’d be when she got a boyfriend, buy in a way, her being jealous made him happy. It meant she still cared that he was with someone that wasn’t her. “Okay, good. I’m glad,” Leo spoke awkwardly. His eyes flickered back to Eli smriking, wishing he’d disappear like his sister.
Eli always loved a bit of chaos, and he was not going to pass up the opportunity for more even with Katie’s elbow in his side. “Katie and I were talking about how we could keep your little driving lesson going when you inevitably call me to be your Uber in the morning, right, Katie?” Eli looked to her because he knew she wasn’t going to admit to what they were actually talking about. They just became friends again. Neither one of them was going to risk pissing each other off right now. Eli, not even attempting to be annoying anymore though, asks Leo how the logistics of sex will even work considering he was still on crutches. “Easy. She’s on top the whole time,” Leo shrugs. “If I were her I would never shag you again,” Eli chuckles. “Well, you’d have to be having sex in the first place to do that,” Leo retorts. Eli just laughs again. He walked into that one. “And this is already us shagging again. Besides, it gives me a reason to hit her up in 6 weeks and say, ‘Hey, remember that time I was rendered immobile and still blew your mind? Well, now all of my limbs are functioning, so imagine how much better it’ll be.’ It’s a perfect plan.” Eli rolled his eyes at his cousin but took the moment to loop Katie back in. “Do you hear that? It’s the perfect plan.”
The awkwardness between Katie and Leo was killing her because there shouldn’t be any at all. She knew she shouldn’t care who he flirts with, or sleeps with but Katie could never help her feelings. It actually made her not mind Elis attempt at chaos because at least the attention wasn’t focused on her weird behaviour. She even appreciated that Eli lied about what they were talking about. “I mean, I do have plans but I’m sure I can clock in for a shift as taxi driver to help my boys out.” She beamed and really she only mentioned having plans to remind herself she had someone who should be preventing her from the ugly green monster that had taken over her body. It was like telling herself to stop feeling jealous. It wasn’t working. Involuntarily, she pulled a face when Eli changed the topic of conversation to the logistics of Leo’s sex plans for the night. Now, how was hearing all that fair? Still, she put on a brave face despite being the easiest person to read. If she wasn’t so illogically mad at Leo for being interested in someone else she’d probably scold him for once again mocking the virgin thing. “Don’t worry Eli, Leo does a fine job from the bottom. He’s very good with his hands.” She giggled. Was that the alcohol? She momentarily wondered if that was inappropriate. Jake definitely wouldn’t be happy to hear her say that with such a smile on her face. She definitely needed to reign it in. She knew Eli was negging her by repeating the perfect plan comment but Katie was fighting a war here that Leo didn’t need to know about. She was going to overcome her jealousy and learn to live with this new style of friendship, though it was very difficult especially when he hinted at the concept of this thing carrying on for another six weeks. She really felt sick about it. “It is a perfect plan. In fact, it’s so perfect that I think blue-hair,” Katie didn’t know her name, “will be so appreciative she’ll invite our boy Leo for breakfast and we won’t have to be his Uber.” She looked between the boys, smiling sweetly, sickeningly sweetly. “I won’t even have to rearrange my plans, it’s that perfect.” And once again that was a reminder for herself to just stop being so jealous, she had something else going on but the way she said it she knew it sounded less like a reminder for herself and more for the group. She chose not to care. Well, she chose to pretend not to care.
#I literally was like wtf is this lol#Katie’s literally dying#say literally again leanne#{ v ;; phases.#{ b ;; not family but friends.#{ katie ;; interact.#beencaughts
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Although Katie was making a good point, Eli couldn’t help but still be skeptical. Obviously, she knew more than him about girls and dating, but Georgia wasn’t like every girl, and he didn’t want to scare her off with his amateur skills. “I don’t want to be the kind of lad who assumes a girl is into him just because she’s being nice. She’s sort of my friend, at this point, like how do you tell the difference between friendly and romantic?” Maybe it would’ve been beneficial to date around when he was younger. At least then he wouldn’t have juvenile questions like the one he just asked. Even if there were hints of girls crushing on him before, he never paid any mind to it because he wasn’t ever interested. Eli was completely and totally lost. “Katie, I don’t know if you realized this, but I don’t know how to ask her out. Maybe I shouldn’t say anything. Let her make the first move, right? That’s not a bad idea.” He figured at least they’d be moving at her pace, and he’d feel less weird about potentially making things awkward. Eli still wasn’t sure if that was a good idea, though. He looked to Katie expectantly.
Katie chuckled softly. “If you’re worried about being that type of guy then, trust me, you are not that type of guy.” Katie confirmed. “And you know the difference by telling her how you feel and if she shoots you down then it’s friendly, if she feels the same it’s romantic. There isn’t really a simpler answer than that, sorry.” She understood that for Eli, a man who chose not to date, that what she said was probably daunting. Her basically telling him to just do it was not an easy suggestion and she understood that but it really was the quickest way for him to find out if there was something there or not. “Don’t you dare. You’ve already got step one out of the way, which is asking your incredible bright best friend for advice. Like, how long were you standing outside my door considering doing this? Or how many times did you try to convince yourself not to even ask me anything at all? But you just did it. You obviously were a little scared since you told me not to talk shit, but here we are and I’m not so it worked out. Now apply all of that to asking her out, that could work out too. You’re never going to know unless you try and you’re not doing you any favours by waiting around, and if she feels the same you’re not doing her any favours waiting around either. You just have to do it, you can’t leave it up to her.”
#wow katie in her happy era love that#{ b ;; not family but friends.#{ katie ;; interact.#beencaughts
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Eli shifted uncomfortably on the bed, his cheeks turning pink again as he struggled to find the words to explain. He knew he could trust Katie not to judge him, but it was still embarrassing to admit his feelings. “It’s not a problem, alright?” He didn’t mean to be snappy with Katie since he was the one coming to her for advice, but he was sensitive about this which was why he didn’t bother with his cousin and sister. Eli’s blush deepened as he looked away. “But there is a girl, and you know I’ve never really done this kind of thing before. I thought maybe you’d have some insight to share.” He explained how he and Georgia met through some mutual friends a few times before they wound up in the same course this semester. They sat together every class, and whenever Eli was around her, he felt like he could be himself. It was a strange feeling for Eli because he usually had a guard up around others, but with Georgia, he felt comfortable enough to let it down. He found himself laughing at her jokes and being genuinely interested in what she had to say. He wanted to see more of her. Eli just had no clue how to do it. “I can’t even bring myself to ask for her number. What if she’s not interested, or I somehow make it weird?”
Katie found all of this to be incredibly endearing even with Eli being a bit snappy. It was sweet. She literally had to stop herself from squealing when he admitted there was a girl. She sat back and nodded, listening intently to every word as he talked about the girl. “Well, you’re not just sitting next to her in all your classes. She’s sitting with you, too. She must like you somewhat if she’s willing to put up with you that much.” Katie pointed out. “At the very least it means she’s comfortable around you which is already a good sign that you can ask her out without making it weird.” This was all very foreign to Katie to see Eli open up like this. She was happy for him because no matter how much he said she, Leo and Ava made love look unappealing, Katie loved love and she wanted to see her friend fall in love. She shook her head. “Worrying about making it weird is such a waste of your time, Eli. You really like her so regardless you need to know if it’s reciprocated. Like, if she has the same feelings you two could be spending this time you’re using to secretly crush on each other to actually hang out, right?”
#im not sure either!! so cheryl existing it is#when is this#id like to know what katies love life looks like when shes dishing advice#{ b ;; not family but friends.#{ katie ;; interact.#beencaughts
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Katie should have been studying but she just kept finding herself picking up her phone and scrolling through Instagram even though she’d seen pretty much everything that could interest her. So she was glad when she heard a knock on the door and was almost gleeful to invite the intruder in. She patted the space on her bed in front of her to welcome Eli to sit. She was just about to make an incest joke when she noticed he actually seemed a little nervous and it surprised her. She nodded at his warning, dying of curiosity about what she was about to be privy to that she couldn’t share with Leo and Ava. She furrowed her eyebrows. He was going to need to speak up. “You need what advice?” She swore she heard the word ‘girl’ but considering those words never came out of his mouth before she had to double guess herself. “Are you-,” she paused because she didn’t want to seem like she was mocking him, because she wasn’t. “Eli, are you having girl problems?” Katie struggled to hide her excitement because she’d been waiting for this day to come.
Eli hesitated outside of Katie’s door, his heart pounding in his chest. This was an entirely new experience for him, and the first person he could think to talk to about it was the one person who never judged him for still being a virgin. He swore off relationships because no one around him made them look inticing. If it weren’t for his sister and her messy love life, Katie and Leo definitely sold him on avoiding relationships like the plague. That was, until Eli met Georgia. She was beautiful, charming, smart, and matched his wit with ease. He had never felt this way before, and he was both excited and terrified. He had no idea what to do or how to handle his newfound feelings. Taking a deep breath, Eli finally knocked on Katie’s door. He heard her voice from inside, telling him to come in. “You can’t start chatting shit or tell the other two,” he said, taking a seat on her bed as he did so. Eli lost his confidence as he felt the blush rush to his cheeks. “I need girl advice,” he mumbled so quietly he wasn’t even sure if Katie would understand what he said.
#ugh!!!!!!! LOVE Eli!!!!!!!#what a pleasant surprise for katie and i#{ b ;; not family but friends.#{ katie ;; interact.#beencaughts
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This sudden attitude from Prince threw Luna for a loop. He was the one in the wrong here. It probably wasn’t fun to be questioned, but all of this could’ve been avoided had Prince taken a few seconds to consider that he was married and was about to do something his wife wouldn’t approve of. She was about to ask if he had any plans to contact her, but that thought immediately left her at his next words. She knew that Leo wasn’t his dad’s biggest fan as of late, but there was no way Prince truly believed that Leo hated him. “You are being so dramatic,” Luna scoffed. “And don’t try to throw Leo in here because no one fucking hates you. Leo is just being a teenage boy who’s jealous that his girlfriend wanted to shag his dad. He’ll get over it.” Luna didn’t want to be dismissive but it was true. Leo was just being a teenage boy. Surely, Prince could recognize that considering his moody teen years. “And I’m just asking you to think before you do things. Why does that make you so angry?”
Prince scoffed but not after pulling a face of disgust at the way Luna worded Leos so-called problem with him. “That’s easy for you to say.” He retorted but he didn’t plan to just stand here and argue about Leo. That wasn’t the point of their conversation and he hadn’t really meant to bring it up. If he thought about his son not talking to him for too long it would just drive him crazy so he tried not to think or talk about it. “You asking me to think before I do things is not what’s making me angry. I am sorry I didn’t think before I did any of it. You telling me I’m being taken advantage of and judging me is what’s pissing me off.” Prince couldn’t do anything but apologise for not warning her beforehand and he did that, and he felt genuinely sorry. He didn’t know what else he could do now to make her feel better and now they were both annoyed so he was at a bit of a loss. “If I bumped into my dad I wouldn’t give him money. I don’t know what it is about Elizabeth, it’s just different. I know you don’t understand but I’ve apologised and lord knows I’m not going to ever do anything else without talking to you. Can’t we just draw a fucking line under it?”
#prince DOES truly think Leo hates him#he doesn’t believe the Katie thing he thinks no one’s brave enough to say what they’re thinking which is that he’s a bad dad!!!!#god he’s paranoid isn’t he#{ v ;; the princess and the moon.#{ prince ;; interact.#beencaughts
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Eli had been catching up with his old mates before they had to take off for the night. He had plenty more people to chat with, but he decided to find the friends he came here with. He didn’t bother to look for Ava because he had no interest in learning what his sister was getting up to. Eli considered going back to Leo and Justine, but he got a much better idea when his eyes landed on Katie who was staring at the pair. Messing with her was a much better option than being a third wheel. Eli slid next to Katie, wrapping an arm around her shoulder as he greeted the other girls. “Y’know, Katie, you could stand to look a bit happier that he’s finally not crying about you having a boyfriend,” he spoke into her ear. The other girls seemed uninterested in continuing the previous conversation now that he had joined and carried on with their own. He’d come over to speak to Katie anyway, and Eli just wouldn’t be Eli if he didn’t spill any gossip about those two while he was at it. “They shagged back in secondary school. She was actually the first girl after you.”
It was nice to catch up with Justine. Leo really liked her. He always had, and he might even say he liked her more now that she looked even more like she could beat him up. Any other time, he might’ve felt bad for flirting with a girl with Katie so close in proximity, but they were strictly friends now. Leo spent a lot of time moping about her not wanting to be with him but talking to Justine was making him see the positives. They started to reminisce about the past. particularly about them hooking up and why they never did again. “I wanted to, but I had a thing with Katie. I didn’t want things to go too far knowing that nothing would come out of it.” She asked what about now, pointing out the fact that they’d come here together and she’d been keeping an eye on him. Leo laughed and explained that he and Katie were done since she had a boyfriend now. “She isn’t a factor anymore,” he assured her. They flirted a more before deciding to meet up later tonight. He couldn’t do much with the drink Katie poured for him since he needed his hands for his crutches, so he offered it up to Justine before setting off to find his friends. Leo could barely say ‘hey’ before Eli was asking him what was going on with Justine with a smirk on his face. “Not much. We’ll probably leave together later since we both sorta just got here,” he chuckled. He looked to Katie, his smile falling a bit. “You alright?”
Katie’s gaze was torn away when all of a sudden Eli made his presence very known. She glared at him and shrugged her shoulder. “I am happy.” She insisted. She looked up at Eli and smiled as brightly as her face muscles would allow but her gaze was like gravity and immediately went back to Leo, fading her fake smile. “It’s just-“ she paused trying to work out what she was feeling or thinking. She knew her behaviour was that of an obviously jealous person but if confused her because she still felt the same about everything as she did before. “I know I’m the one that ruined it but, like, is it fair that I can’t be touchy feely with Jake if Leo’s around, I can’t even mention him but I have to sit front row to his flirting?” Katie looked back to Eli now. He really annoyed her at times but he was still one of her best friends so she chose not to be embarrassed about basically admitting being jealous. What he said next made her mouth drop open though she wasn’t sure why. She knew Leo slept with other people. She did too. It was part of their thing. It was something about Eli saying this girl was the first after herself that made Katie feel a certain way. Like this was the first person who made Leo want to sleep with someone other than Katie. She wasn’t sure why that was significant but it felt that way. Katie didn’t get a chance to collect her thoughts or ask any questions because she saw the pair separate and then Leo making his way over. She looked at Eli because she felt like she just couldn’t look at Leo. She had no choice when he reached them. Elis smirk was so Eli that it irritated Katie. She refrained from rolling her eyes at their interaction and looked at Leo when he looked at her. She noticed his expression falter which made her raise her eyebrows. Why did his smile fade upon looking at her? Why was she annoyed about that tiny thing? “Me? I’m good. I’m great.” She knew her answer gave her away and she slyly elbowed Eli as a silent warning not to point it out.
#wow not eli being one of the cool kids i love that for him#and i always love a surprise eli interaction hes my fave#i also am about to leave for work sorry prince and luna will see those two later#{ v ;; phases.#{ katie ;; interact.#beencaughts
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Luna kept her expression as neutral as possible. She pursed her lips as she sighed, but she didn’t want Prince to think that she was judging him. He was confiding in her right now, and even if she didn’t understand nor approve of it, Luna still didn’t want to come across as judging him (though, she totally was). “That would be incredibly insightful except it isn’t your job to help, and Matt failed to differentiate between helping and letting yourself be taken advantage of. Why woud you even want to help? You don’t owe her anything.” Luna could recognize that kids felt a responsibility to take care of their parents when they got older, even she felt that way about her own father, but Prince’s mom was practically never in his life unless it was to re-traumatize him. Why did he want to help her so badly? “You tell me, Prince, did it work out? Have you heard from her since then? Did she stay?” And Luna wasn’t asking to be mean. She genuinely wanted to know the answer.
“I’m not being taken advantage of.” Prince found himself snapping. He surprised himself with how much he let that comment piss him off. Did she really just think he was an idiot and nothing more? “I don’t know why I would want to help her. It’s been fucking decades, am I not allowed to get over it at some point? Jesus Christ.” He wasn’t really sure why he was snapping when Luna was the one who started out with the grievance here. He narrowed his eyes when she began to question if it worked out this time. He couldn’t tell if she was mocking him or if she genuinely wanted to know if Elizabeth was gone again. He shrugged. “I don’t know.” He answered through gritted teeth. Prince hadn’t tried to contact her in the last few days and he told Luna that. “Judge me all you want, Luna. I’m an idiot, I’m a fuck-up. Whatever. Go ahead and hate me- you wouldn’t be the only person in this house.”
#married Prince is a different species#here have him being snappy not sweet#{ v ;; the princess and the moon.#{ prince ;; interact.#beencaughts
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Ava kept her gaze fixated on Leo and Justine for a moment longer. They were standing closer together now. She looks away to turn back to Katie. “Believe me when I tell you he’s been quite aware that he’s free since you’ve started dating Jake.” Ava didn’t want to give too much away to Katie because she knew her cousin only told her things about his dating and sex life because he couldn’t tell Katie. Would it be wrong to tell her that this could be the first hookup Leo’s had that wasn’t directly related to her having a boyfriend now? Every girl was only there to help him get over Katie. He had to slow down because of the leg. They seemed good now, though, so Ava was interested to see where this was going. She decided to keep everything to herself. She didn’t need Katie getting a big head about it, or Leo getting mad at her for saying it. Ava’s phone buzzed in her pocket, a smile tugging at her lips. “I’ll be right be back. Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do!”
He probably shouldn’t be drinking anyway. Eli joined Leo and Justine for a moment. He also knew her from a seperate class they had together. When Eli wasn’t trying to ruin Leo’s life, he actually turned out to be a good wingman. Turned out that Justine was one of the few people that knew about Eli’s tattoo. Leo and Eli laughed about the story and they retold it to her, which she happened to also find funny. “Did you know this lad wants to become a tattoo artist?” Eli smirks as he puts an arm around Leo’s shoulder. “He says it’s because he likes the art, but I reckon it’s because Leo likes a girl with tattoos, and he’s trying to contribute to his own cause.” Eli gives Justine a wink and excuses himself to catch up with his other friends. Leo would’ve been embarassed had Justine not seemed intrigued by the tattoo conversation. They talked more about it - her tattoos, his tattoos, their plans for future ones, why he wanted to become an artist. Leo chuckled when she asked if it was true that he liked girls with tattoos. “Yeah,” he admitted. “Guess I like girls with some edge. Means they’re not afraid to get up to something they shouldn’t, right?”
Katie wanted to curl up and die when Ava walked away from her. Since going to college Katie had barely spoken to anyone they went to school with so even though she recognised most faces she wasn’t close to any of them, not that she ever was. Leo, Ava and Eli were normally her armour with kids from school. She glanced at Leo and Eli talking to this girl and wondered if Leo often saw people from school around town. She also wanted to know what Ava meant about Leo being aware he was free but she had too much pride to even ask before the girl walked away from her, leaving her to fend for herself. She debated going and joining the boys but then Eli also walked away, causing Katie to feel a little lost. She took a shot, finished her drink and poured another one. She couldn’t possibly invade Leo’s cozy looking chat. She decided to go find someone she knew but as she walked past Leo she heard his line about how he liked girls with edge and what it meant. She found herself scoffing and letting out a bit of a laugh without meaning to. She realised she was standing a little too close and he would probably notice her reaction so she just shrugged and continued walking past. If she said anything now then an argument was sure to break out. She found a group of girls that she knew from school and was happy to catch up with them. They asked about Leo which made her fumble through the short story version that they were no longer a thing. Not that anyone truly understand what kind of a thing they were before. “I was confused when I saw that guy on your insta. I always thought you and Leo were, like, soulmates.” One of the girls confessed and all Katie could do was laugh uncomfortably. She glanced over at Leo. Even though she was the one who ended whatever was between them, that sentence made her feel sad because she used to think that, too. She could almost feel the sadness set into her features as she stared at him, absolutely physically unable to drag her gaze away as she watched him flirt. She thought this party would be more fun, honestly.
#who is this Justine bitch and why does she know more about Eli’s tattoo than Katie!!!#katies jealous over Eli not Leo#I also did not know what to do with her omg is she standing there like a freak watching them talk#also notttt me changing this to suit their new timeline lol#{ v ;; phases.#{ katie ;; interact.#beencaughts
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Luna shook her head. Prince might’ve cared about what she thought on every other topic, but when it came to his mom, he never wanted to hear a word Luna had to say about it. He always did the complete opposite of what she’d say. It was like that when they were younger, and it seemed like it was going to keep being that way now that they were older. “My opinion doesn’t mean anything to you. Did you hear yourself upstairs?” She retorted. Luna didn’t feel like explaining herself again to Prince, but she answered his question since he seemed so annoyed to not have one. “I’m pissed off because you didn’t think to ask. I’m pissed off because you didn’t ask. I’m pissed off that you even did it in the first place, Prince, and maybe I am actually a little mad about the money too. That much to a woman you won’t see for, what, another six months until she comes back with more stories of her shitty life? That was not just your decision to make, and I have hard time believing you didn’t know that.”
Prince could do very little except listen to Luna. There was nothing he could do about what had already happened and he couldn’t take it back now. He was starting to understand her point though and he really was realising what an idiot he’d been. His own idiocy became even more clear by his next sentence. “But what if she stays this time?” And if he was talking to anybody else in the world but Luna he would be beyond mortified for how quiet he spoke, how somewhat hopeful he sounded. He knew he sounded like a fool, like that same little kid who wanted his mother to come back. Prince couldn’t help it, he couldn’t help how he felt. He grew up wanting a relationship with his mother and it was just something that stayed in the back of his mind. “Matt once said to me that parents have their own trauma that the kids will never know about and she wasn’t ready to be helped back then. Maybe she’s ready now. I wouldn’t have known if I didn’t try. I am sorry that what I did hurt you because you are the most important thing to me. But what if this works out? It could.”
#yknow what I forgot that lolllll#wow if she threw that pasta at him he'd start crying hes obsessed with luna would not be happy getting hurt by her !!#im literally putting off getting up for work for this lmao#{ v ;; the princess and the moon.#{ prince ;; interact.#beencaughts
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Luna couldn’t recall a time she ever had a full conversation with Nick Keller. They’d known each other for years, hung out together all the time, but she still couldn’t remember ever just speaking to him — not about Cass or Prince or even some other superficial topic like what liquor to buy for the next party he threw — but to him, as a person or as her friend. They didn’t have much in common besides their friends and lack of parental supervision. Or at least that had been the case before Cass and Prince decided to give them one more thing to have in common.
Luna hadn’t spoken to her friends in weeks if she felt like she could even still call them that. She just had so much resentment towards them for driving Prince away that, at times, it blinded her to her own fault in the situation. She had been so focused on being a good friend that it made her lose sight of being a good girlfriend. Now, she had neither. Luna focused her attention on school and work. If she wasn’t busy with one, she was doing the other. It had become a bit exhausting, but it was much better than having any downtime to focus on how fucked her life had become.
“Desi, you have to clean the—what are they called in English? El mejillón?” Luna racked her brain trying to remember the word but gave up after a minute. “Whatever they’re called, you have to clean those before you put them in the paella. It will be disgusting now, but I bet you’re still gonna eat it,” She giggled. Luna and her brother were on FaceTime. It’d been a while since she spoke with him, and since her flat had become so empty, the homesickness was hitting her a little harder than usual. They made plans a few days ago to make her favorite Spanish food together. It was nice to talk to him. Before moving to London, Desi was the person she was closest to because they were only 11 months apart in age, and she needed that again. She opened her mouth to speak until she was interrupted by a knock on her door. Luna raised a brow, not having been expecting any guests. Wiping her hands clean with a dish towel, she picked up her phone and moved towards the door. Her brother asked who it was, and she shrugged. “Either I’ll have to call you back, or you’ll have to call 999.” Luna looked through the peephole and rolled her eyes. “I’ll call you back.” Her brother started to protest, but she hung up on him as she opened the door to see Nick Keller on the other side.
That day Luna was so annoyed that he’d come over, but she never did give her brother that call back. She and Nick talked for hours, sharing her paella as she explained her disappearing act and how she hadn’t been doing too well. He must’ve pitied her because, after that, Nick would start showing up at Luna’s door a couple times a week. She welcomed the company since she still wasn’t speaking to Matt and Panda, and the other two people in her life didn’t have much of a physical presence anymore. Sometimes Luna would make them dinner, and other times they’d just have tea and chat, but one thing they never did was talk about Prince and Cassie. Nick would tell her about what dumb thing Matt did that day, and she would talk about work and school, never addressing the elephant in the room until one day, Nick just took the leap and asked how Cass was doing. Luna was caught off guard by his question because they’d been talking about when she planned on speaking to their other friends again. “Oh, um, she’s good. She started working at this cafe recently, and she won’t shut up about it because it’s like some dream she’s always had in her head.” He seemed content with the answer, a small smile on his face, although his features showed a hint of sadness. “You’re lucky you get to ask, y’know.” Somehow, Luna figured her words would cheer him up a bit. He looked up at her. “I know it sucks that she didn’t say goodbye and that you’re not the person she still talks to, but I think you’re really lucky for being able to know if she’s doing okay.” He shakes his head but returns to their previous conversation to avoid delving deeper into the topic. They decided she’d go home with him today to make up with Panda and Matt, but that’s the last time they talk about Prince and Cass until a few weeks later.
Luna would have days where she could be reminded of Prince, be sad for five minutes, and move on with her day. Other times, not so much, and today was a not-so-much day. She’d already cut her hair, but there were still so many things in her flat that reminded her of Prince. Luna wanted to get rid of it all, starting with her bedroom. Every picture was thrown into the bottom drawer of her desk, and she tossed her sheets in the bin and replaced them with some that he never laid in. The biggest task left was her closet.
She made it easy for him to leave. He couldn’t have had much to pack because she found shirt after shirt in her closet. Each one having memories attached to it— him waking her up with coffee in the morning, her secretly stealing it from their trip to Paris because she wanted something to remember it by, him managing to finally convince Luna to skip her uni classes. They didn’t leave her bed once that day. Luna tried to push through the task, but she was spiraling. Her mind was filled with him. She still loved him. She missed him.
Abandoning her closet, she went to her living room for another distraction. She only got as far as picking up the remote before her tears blinded her vision and a sob clawed its way out. Luna heard the front door open, but she didn’t care enough to lift her head to see who it was. She stopped caring about a lot of things lately like locking the door. It was something she’d always nag at Cass about, but there wasn’t anything in her flat that she cared about anymore, herself included. There was no point. She knew whoever it was didn’t mean her any harm when they asked what was wrong, and she immediately recognized that it was Nick.
She laughed bitterly, finally lifting her head to look at her friend. “What’s always wrong. The reason you even come over here in the first place. We weren’t friends, Nick, let’s be real here, but you come over and look at me with your sad fucking eyes because we had to break each other’s hearts when we had to tell each other that the people we love left us without saying a word, but we sit here and drink tea all the fucking time and pretend that’s not the only reason we’re even talking.” Nick wasn’t put-off by her outburst because he comes and sits next to her, wrapping an arm around her shoulder and encouraging her to rest her head on his, which she does. The pair sit in silence for a while, Luna’s sniffling being the only noise in the room before she speaks up again.
“I never needed him to love me as much as I loved him. I just needed him to love me enough.” Nick asks enough for what? “I don’t know — enough to not leave me. Enough to say fucking goodbye…..enough to take me with him just — enough. Why couldn’t he give me enough?”
After that, they stop pretending like their shared fucked up love lives aren’t what’s making them hang out, and they start talking about it more. Nick tells her how much Cass hurt him, and she talks about how much Prince hurt her. Luna tries to reassure him of things without giving too much away. It was honestly nice for Luna to have someone to speak to that understood what she was going through, but it sucked he could never provide her enough back.
One day, he speaks up about his and Prince’s night at the bar the night before he broke up with her. Luna chuckles.“I knew he was going to break up with me that night, Nick.” Nick’s eyes grow wide. He asks if it’s because Prince said something but she shakes her head.“I knew he was going to break up with me because every time I saw him the last few months he was here, I knew he was always so close to doing it. I don’t know why he stayed with me so long. Maybe to torture me and make me feel as bad as he did.”
“Why did you stay so long then?”
Luna shrugs. “I guess the same reason why you stayed around for Cass.”
Nick and Luna had been hanging out in her bed, staring up at the ceiling as they once again bonded over the trauma Cass and Prince caused them. “A while ago, his mum was here," Luna didn't know why she was bringing this up, but she just thought of the moment and had to share. "But she left and we had this whole thing where I told him that I’d be his person who stays, always.” She said the last word of her sentence with sadness. “I promised I’d never leave him, so I just-“ Luna paused, taking a deep breath to control the aching in her chest that her words were causing. “I just wonder if he realized I needed a person who stays too.” Luna reminds herself of what she told Prince about people who leave— they do it because they're selfish, and there's something wrong with them. It had nothing to do with the people they left. She still believed the former half, but she was struggling with not taking it so personally. Her eyes move from the ceiling to Nick's face. "Do you blame yourself for Cass leaving?" He says no because he doesn't even know why she left. Luna's voice is in a whisper when she asks her next question. "Do you blame yourself for her not saying goodbye, then?" Nick is quiet for a beat, but he eventually says no to that too. He repeats the question back to her. She nods her head.
“Nick, I don’t even think them leaving is the issue.” Nick is confused and looks at her, but she refocuses her gaze on the ceiling. “They never asked us to go with them. They left everything behind and we weren’t special enough to be exceptions.” Luna briefly considered how much her comment might sting for Nick because Cass did have an exception, and she was laying right next to him. At least when Prince left, he decided no one was worth speaking to anymore, including the person he trusted enough to tell that he was leaving. Luna rolls over and rests her head on his chest and he welcomes it. “How could we be so in love with people who just viewed us as the same as everyone else?” Nick lightens the mood by joking about them hooking up. Luna laughs and pushes him away, and they joke about why they’d never.
"I like talking to you, Nick, seriously." They gaze at each other, smiles on their faces. "I'm sorry I told Cass that you're like a stale piece of bread, and I don't know why she hangs out with you." They both laugh before he pushes her off of her bed. She hits the floor with a thud. "Okay, I accept that I deserved that," Luna groaned as she stood up. That doesn't stop her from punching him in the arm, though. "So what's for dinner, Keller?"
#oh this was quite cute#for me#Prince would be so 🤔🤔🤔 if he got his hands on this#I also read the end of it first and I read it wrong and thought they DID hook up omg#that would be scandal of the century#but it’s so cute they became each others besties 😭😭#memed#save#{ b ;; squad goals.
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14, 38 and 48!! I know the meme numbers were spelled out but god I don’t have the time!!
“how do you really feel?”
⊰ v. phases ⊱
Leo and Summer were always the last ones to leave the shop. It’s how they became friends because besides cleaning up and closing down for the day, there wasn’t much else for them to do but talk to each other. She became his new best friend, which meant she was privy to every detail of his life these days, including Katie. Summer would usually roll her eyes and attempt to change the subject when she came up, but Leo was in a crisis right now, and he needed Summer's advice.
It'd been a week since Katie came over to tell Leo she couldn't be in his life anymore. Sleeping with her was his pathetic attempt at keeping her from walking away from him, from them. Leo should’ve let her go. If they couldn’t make it as friends like they used to be, how the hell could they ever make it as a couple? He didn’t know, but standing there, remembering how he once felt for her and hearing how she currently felt for him made him afraid to not do it. There wasn’t a version of his life that didn’t involve Katie, and he needed her. At the time, sex was the only way he could think to express that need. Once it was all said and done, Leo couldn’t bring himself to say anything more to her. He just got dressed and mumbled how he thought she should leave before hiding in his bathroom to contemplate what he’d just done and what it all meant. He only came back out once he heard her leave.
Leo explained all of this to his friend. "You have got to be taking the piss right now, Leo. You did not sleep with her," Summer groaned. He asked her if that was so crazy. "Yes! You're supposed to be moving on and getting out of toxic cycles, and you were doing so well. What happened?" Leo shrugged. He couldn't give Summer an answer besides the one he already gave. Though, he was starting to get annoyed. His cycle with Ximena wasn't any less toxic than the one with Katie, yet Summer was all for his relationship with Ximena. They were actually beginning to mirror each other. He could stop being friends with Katie to make it work with her, but Summer and Ximena suggested that before, and he had refused. What happened between him and Katie last week was just another indicator that he couldn't leave her alone. "So, how do you really feel? About Katie, I mean, after everything she said?"
"I feel like," Leo paused, choked up by the onslaught of emotions he was feeling. "I can't live without her. I love her. We were quite literally born for each other. She's my soulmate. I wish I could explain where it's all coming from, but I guess you just had to be there," Leo chuckled awkwardly. It was true, though, he couldn't explain. He had built this dam around his feeling for Katie. They never left, nor did he stop thinking about them from time to time, but he was able to keep them at bay because he suppressed them in order to move on. Once there was one crack in the dam, there was no stopping the flood of his feelings from coming back to him. If that was what Katie wanted to accomplish that night, she was quite successful. Summer wrapped her arms around Leo with a sigh. She pulled away, keeping her hands on his shoulders. "I know I haven't been the most supportive of you and her, but if that's really how you feel, Leo, then you ought to just try things out with her. Stop thinking about the past, what you're supposed to do, how other people feel, or how it'll affect your friends and family if it doesn't work out. Just...try." Leo was shocked by his friend's words. That was probably the most positive thing she's had to say about Katie in the past year. If Summer was saying he should be with Katie, it must be a sign.
“this can mean something…if you want it to?”
⊰ v. princess and the moon ⊱
Luna tossed and turned in her bed, and it’s what she’s been doing for the past few hours too. She rolls over and groans into her pillow before settling on her back again and staring at her ceiling. 2:37am. It was a good thing there wasn’t class tomorrow, or she’d be screwed. She reached over for her phone because the sensory overload of social media should help her go to sleep, right? Luna spent a total of 8 minutes on Twitter before deciding everyone was too stupid to be allowed to share their opinions publicly and 10 minutes on Instagram. She liked a couple pictures and saved some posts for inspiration later, but after that was done, she was back to staring at her ceiling and not falling asleep. “Que tienes, Luna?” She whispered to herself. This time when she picks up her phone, she goes to her messages with her thumb hovering over Prince's name. He was the only person she knew who’d be awake at this hour, and although she hadn’t particularly been in the mood, a thrill runs through her body at the thought of seeing him right now.
Opening their messages, a laugh slips past her lips. The last message was from her calling him a dick out of context. The text before it was unrelated, and he never responded to this one, but she laughed because he ran off with her shirt after they hooked up in the broom closet at school. The story she had to spin to Cass when she asked her to bring her a shirt was completely crazy and, frankly, nonsensical. She was sure Cass was onto her for sleeping with someone new after that one, and Luna had to lay low to not raise her suspicions further. Inviting him over with Cass down the hall was laying low, right? It wasn't, but Cassie was sleeping, so Luna wasn’t not going to ask him to come over. She was nervous, though. The two of them were past pretending that they didn’t like having sex with each other. They’d even graduated to going to his place sometimes, but he’d never come over to hers before, and certainly not at her proposition this late at night.
Luna types and deletes her text probably a hundred times before settling on ‘i can’t sleep :(‘ which wasn’t even all that good, and she regretted it the moment she sent it. The sad face was lame, but without it, the text seemed boring. She kept overthinking the longer her message went unanswered until she saw his message notification on her lock-screen. ‘So?’ That was all he had to say? Prince was really going to make her work for this. Instead of texting back, Luna opens Snapchat. She was only wearing underwear to bed and was feeling a bit cheeky. Holding her phone above her, Luna takes her time making sure everything looks good — her hair perfectly fanned out, her blanket covering her boobs enough to be suggestive because she can’t send him a nude. If he wants to see her naked, he has to come over. She types out, ‘so come over?’ and waits to see that he opened it. Luna swipes back over to their messages and sends her address without waiting for a response. She hasn’t been this straightforward with Prince yet. Did he like that? Maybe he liked girls who let him do the chasing? But Prince was quiet, so he had to like a girl who was bold. She was pulled out of her thoughts when her phone chimed again. He liked the message.
Luna sat up in her bed. Was he coming over? How far was he from her right now? Should she clean up? Her room wasn’t messy, but maybe she should double-check. Would he like her room? People’s bedrooms said a lot about them, and hers was a bit vintage eclectic, so maybe he’d think she was weird. She looked at the time again. 3:08am. Cass would be up for her run soon, so they’d have to be quick or wait until after she left for him to sneak out. Her thoughts were running a mile a minute, but the worries seized the moment her phone chimed again, and it was him telling her to hurry up because he was outside. Now, Luna just felt excitement. She couldn’t believe that actually worked. Throwing on a random shirt, she tip-toed downstairs to open the door. She tried not to seem too happy that he was there, but Luna couldn’t help the slight smile on her face when she opened the door to let him in. She led him through her living room and straight to her bedroom.
When they were done, she doesn't expect him to stay, but Luna doesn’t want him to leave either. She thought about offering to go another round, but the words never leave her lips. She couldn’t seem desperate or attached. Instead, she propped herself up on her elbows and watches him get dressed before begrudgingly joining him. They didn’t have much time before Cass would be awake, so they quickly (and quietly) make their way to her front door. He was about to leave, but Luna couldn’t resist pulling him in for one last kiss. She wraps her arms around his neck, pressing her body against his. It was by a mere thread of self-control Luna had that they weren’t taking their clothes off again right in her doorway. “Okay, you really have to go before Cass wakes up,” she giggles. Luna opens the door for Prince, but before he’s fully out of the door, he turns to her. “This can mean something…if you want it to?” Luna is surprised by what Prince was offering her. “Yeah, you know where I live,” she says in response with a smirk on her lips. Once he’s around the corner and out of sight, Luna closes the door before leaning against it. Did they just officially become each other's booty call?
“i should have never kissed you.”
⊰ v. princess and the moon ⊱
Smoothing her hands over the lapels of her blazer, Luna twisted and turned to check herself out in the mirror. She looked nice — her shirt was undone a button too low and her skirt was shorter than their school dress code allowed, just how she liked it. She ran her hands through her perfectly curled hair before leaning in to check out her makeup. Luna always took forever to get dressed for class. Cass always had to yell at her that Nick was outside waiting and they were going to be late, but Luna was very meticulous when it came to her appearance, and today much more than the others because it was the first day back after she and Prince slept together.
The entire weekend Luna tried to keep her mind off of it. She was successful, for the most part, unless she caught a glimpse of the mark he left on her chest whilst she showered. The brunette had gotten annoyed with him at the time, but she didn’t dwell on it because she was far more distracted by his hands slipping underneath her dress and making her gasp his name. “Hello? Luna? We’re at school.” Luna jumped slightly, not realizing she had spaced out until Cass started speaking to her. She ignored the look her best friend was giving her, grabbed her backpack, and headed inside.
The day had gone by well. They didn’t have class together today, and she managed to never run into him in the halls. What she hadn’t anticipated, though, was Matt asking her about him. Luna had stopped by her locker to switch out her books for her next class when he appeared next to her, a cheeky smile on his face. “So you and Prince, huh?” He asked. She could feel the color drain from her face but laughed to keep herself from giving him a hint about anything. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.” Matt rolled his eyes. “C’mon, Luna, he told me about what happened.”
“Nothing happened, okay?” She snapped. Her hand subconsciously moves to the mark on her chest. “I have to go. I’ve got other stuff to do.” Luna didn’t wait for a response from Matt before storming away. Mathew watched her go, shrugging his shoulders. “Guess I’ll never be able to make those two get along.”
Luna had become so consumed by the second half of the night that she completely forgot about what even made Prince pull her into that room in the first place. They’d fought in front of everyone, and she even threatened to tell them how he was the one who gave her the black eye (but that was something only Luna and Prince knew). Matt hadn’t been around for it, either. He was off trying to get his ex-girlfriend to forgive him for cheating on her again. By the time he came back, Matt could only find Prince and knew something was bothering him. He shouldn’t have been surprised to hear that Luna and Prince fought. “You guys should just try and be friends,” Matt suggested. Prince glared at him. “Just start over with each other. It’d be good for everyone. I’ll talk to her about it at school.” Matt was sure Prince didn’t hear a word he said because he just up and left without saying anything. That became the least of Matt’s worries when he spotted his ex-girlfriend again.
None of that was on her mind. She only heard that Prince told Matt something, and she assumed the worst. Her blood was boiling, and annoying enough, she knew exactly where to find Prince. She knew he had art class, and that the teacher would let him hang out in there after. Luna was angry, but she still wasn’t dumb enough to not check if there was anyone around. It was lunchtime, so the foot traffic in this part of the school was pretty much non-existent. She barged into the room, sure to close the door behind her, and there he was. Luna wasn’t thinking calmly or rationally, at this point. She storms over to him and snatches the paintbrush out of his hand before throwing it across the room. Prince glared at her, asking what the hell her problem was. “Why did you tell?” She shoved him. “You know, Prince, you’re a piece of shit, but I never took you as someone who liked to kiss and tell. Why the fuck did you tell Matt?” Luna goes to shove him again, but Prince is expecting it this time and grabs her by the wrists. Luna pulls away but she doesn’t go too far. He insists that he didn’t tell Matt anything, but she doesn’t believe him. Prince scoffs. “I should’ve never kissed you.” At least that’s one thing they could agree on. “You really shouldn’t have. Now I have to worry if anyone knows about what we did.”
“Why? You embarrassed of me or something?” The change in Prince’s tone causes Luna to pause. Their eyes meet and she doesn’t like the smirk on his face. Was he trying to flirt with her right now? She was certainly not here to flirt. “Look at you and then look at me and answer your own question. You’re a dick drug dealer no one likes, and I get perfect marks and everyone loves me. If people found out that we—“ Luna couldn’t bring herself to add the ‘had sex’ to her sentence, not when that’s all she was beginning to think about. Prince's mouth, his hands, his everything was clouding her judgment, and it was only making her angry that she wanted to feel all of that again. “If people found out that we—“ she tries again, angrier, but still nothing. Her cheeks turn pink. Luna knows he knows what she's thinking, and she curses under her breath because she can't delay the inevitable any longer. In an instant, their mouths are slotted together messy and desperate. The uniform she took so much time to make sure looked perfect was being disheveled by Prince, and Luna hated how much she reveled in it. She pulls away breathlessly. “If you tell anyone about this, I will kill you.” Luna reconnects their lips. He really should've never kissed her.
#she’s my soulmate 🥹🥹 Leo’s so cute!!!!#luna being consistently horny is not a problem for Prince lbr#princes art teacher is out here running a brothel in that classroom#and I DID enjoy these u have to be the one to write the squad chronicles and get us super rich honestly#{ v ;; the princess and the moon.#{ v ;; phases.#memed
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Luna didn’t even know what she was looking for. She just wanted her hands and her mind busy. Her eyes landed on a box of fettuccine. She could do something with that, that was, until she heard Prince’s voice behind her. She mumbled to herself about how that was the problem, so he was asking for a lot when he didn’t want her to be mad at him. Luna thought she’d been pretty clear on what was bothering her. Prince asking her that only annoyed her more because it must’ve meant he hadn’t been listening. She put the box of pasta in her hand down and turned to her husband. “Why does it matter to you? You’ve said it yourself: you’d do it again, and you’re not sorry that you did it. Why do you even care that I’m angry? What I think obviously doesn’t mean anything to you. That was obvious when you didn’t ask before you gave her the money anyway.”
Prince rolled his eyes unwillingly and leaned against the counter, crossing his arms over his chest. He was getting more annoyed the less he understood her. “Oh come off it, Luna. Why are you saying all of that instead of just fucking answering my question? I ask you what the problem is and you say ‘why does it matter?’ and all this shit about what you think doesn’t mean anything to me. You can’t be serious.” He scoffed. That wasn’t helping either of them. “You know I only give a fuck about what you think. And if I did something to piss you off this much then I obviously didn’t do it on purpose, or to be a prick on purpose. I’d fucking never do that so why are you acting like this is all some conspiracy against you?” He found himself shaking his head and repeating her words of ‘why does it matter’ to himself because he found it so wild that she would say, or even think something like that when Prince’s biggest priority in this world was her, so why wouldn’t it matter to him why she was so annoyed? Really Prince was wanting to learn what he had to do to not piss her off again but she was making it difficult. He couldn’t remember the last time they had an argument that was this mind-numbingly excruciating.
#wow Prince conned himself out of dinner there huh#also they argued about it like 20 years ago Prince lives in a post child world bliss his previous life does not exist#how would he remember!!!#poor Prince :( just wanted to help his mama and upset his lady doing so#{ v ;; the princess and the moon.#{ prince ;; interact.#beencaughts
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Leo assured Katie that he was fine, giving her his best smile. He wasn’t in any direct pain, but he agreed with her about drinking. Leo wasn’t sure if crutches and alcohol were the best combination, but he was here for a good time. At least if he made a fool of himself it’d make for a good story. The farther he and his friends moved into the house, the more self conscious he became. Every eye on him seemed confused, so it was not a surprise when they started asking him about what happened to him. Explaining to people that he fell out of a tree was embarassing but at least they all found it amusing. Leo took the drink from Katie before ruffling her hair. “Wow, I should break my leg more often if you’re going to be this nice,” Leo joked. His attention was pulled away as a couple more people came over to greet him.
If there was one thing about Ava and Eli that made them twins (other than the fact that they looked eerily similar), it was their ability to pick up on details. Ava couldn’t help but notice how much attention Katie was paying to Leo. She wasn’t assuming it was because she still had feelings for him. Things between Katie and Jake seemed to be great. Everytime the girls spoke, she was gushing over her boyfriend, and Ava was happy for her. Katie deserved a lot better than whatever Leo had been giving her, but Ava still made note of Katie’s attentiveness. “Of course,” she answered, taking the bottle from Katie and puring them both drinks. “And so do you because Eli is officially our designated driver tonight.” At that moment, Ava noticed that Leo had been talking to one of their classmates who lingered around longer than the others. She thinks her name is Justine. The three of them had a class together last term. Justine was pretty cool and not to mention gorgeous with her bright turquoise hair. She was certainly Leo’s type.
Leo would have to break his leg for Katie to be that nice to him all the time, she thought but didn’t say it choosing to focus instead on Ava who was pouring her a drink. Katie was glad they assigned Eli the designated driver because she was 100% sure she wouldn’t be able to drive them all back if they were drunk. That was a car crash waiting to happen. “Ava King, you are trouble.” Katie clinked her cup with Ava’s before taking a swig. “Getting pissed was not on my to-do list!” She’d only gone to the twins house to kill time and hang out for a bit and now she and Leo were getting along and she was drinking at a party. What an unexpected twist to her night. Katie followed Ava’s line of vision to the girl Leo was talking to. She was pretty, Katie noticed. She wondered if Leo was going to go there. She also wondered if it was weird to tell herself not to care. That one was definitely weird. She leaned closer to Ava. “We’ve been fighting so much about my dating life that I completely forgot that he’s pretty much free now.” She made very sure that Leo didn’t hear her because she could pretty much say anything to Ava, not so much to the boys. “Anything can happen.” She glanced at Leo and the blue-haired girl. She looked back at Ava. She wasn’t sure what she was feeling because she’s been jealous around Leo before and this wasn’t it, especially if he was just talking to the girl. Maybe curious was a better word for it.
#we LOVE Ava honestly Leo who#have Ava talk to someone and really see Katie get jealous#I also remember Justine from the sims that’s so crazy what a standout memory I have#{ v ;; phases.#{ katie ;; interact.#beencaughts
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