#because they were so tired from all the plane and train delays they were like WE. ARE GOING TO THE SAUNA. TO RELAX.
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ratatatastic · 4 months ago
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somehow this feels even worse than if you just came in shirtless without the robe man
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justabigassnerd · 2 years ago
You're Home
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Pairing - Pete 'Maverick' Mitchell x sister!reader
Word count - 3,330
Warnings - inaccurate court scenes, angst, mentions of death, abandonment, fluff
Summary - Maverick ends up fighting his mother for custody of his baby sister after her sudden reappearance
A/N - wow it's been a hot minute hasn't it?? I'm so sorry for the delay I'm fighting for my life out here but I'm almost done with my dissertation which is super exciting! this was an anon request so I hope I did the idea justice and I'm so sorry it took me so long to get to it. as per y'all, please send in requests, feedback and enjoy!!!
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When Pete Mitchell turned eighteen, his mum gave birth to a little girl who very quickly became his favourite person in the world. Not even half a year had passed before his dad died, leaving the family in ruins.
Not long after Pete sent in his application to the naval academy along with his best friend, his mum took off, leaving his little sister in his care. He was petrified at having to look after a child but because it was you, he took it in his stride. He got official custody of you and raised you with love and affection and Goose was more than happy to help his best friend along the way.
When you turned four, Maverick and Goose were given spots at Top Gun, and so both men packed up their belongings and moved to San Diego. You were left in the care of Carole who graciously took charge of both you and her son while Maverick and Goose were training at Top Gun.
When it reached the last leg of training at Top Gun, families were permitted to fly out to see their loved ones, so Carole packed a bag with her stuff, yours, and Bradley’s and flew on the first plane out to San Diego to see Maverick and Goose. When you disembarked the plane, you spotted your big brother and immediately barrelled towards him, giggling when he scooped you up in his arms and pressed a kiss on your temple.
“Was the flight okay, kiddo?” Maverick asks with a grin as you cuddle close to your brother, wrapping your arms around his neck and burying your face in his shoulder.
“Yeah.” You reply, nodding against his shirt as you speak. It was clear that you were tired from the journey so Maverick exchanged one look with Goose, and both men instantly knew that tomorrow could be the day they go to the beach.
“Alright, y/n/n. Let’s grab something to eat and then we’ll get you settled at my place. I think that sounds like a plan. Do you?” He asks, receiving a nod in response to his question. The group of five make their way to a small diner and get something to eat. Maverick and Goose fill Carole in on what training at Top Gun had been like while you and Bradley were happy to entertain yourself by colouring on the colouring page the waitresses gave you. When you finished your food and Maverick and Goose had split the bill, you all left the diner with you holding your brother’s hand and giggling as he twirled you effortlessly. When Maverick looked up from where you were walking alongside him to check where he was going, he locked eyes with someone he didn’t think he’d ever see again.
“Hey y/n/n, why don’t you hang out with Goose for a minute. I have something I need to do really quick.” Maverick asks, glancing from you to Goose who instantly picked up on his best friend’s tense frame and nervous expression and crouched down to be at your height.
“I think I saw an ice cream place nearby when I was walking around the other day. I think we should get some ice cream, don’t you?” Goose says with a smile. The idea of ice cream has you instantly leaping into Goose’s arms as he scoops you up and sits you on his hip.
“Ice cream!” You cheer, clapping your hands happily.
“I want ice cream too, dad!” Bradley clamours, tugging on his dad’s Hawaiian shirt.
“We’ll get you some ice cream too my sweet boy. Just remember to say please, okay?” Carole says, stroking her son’s hair away from his face before taking his hand in hers to begin the walk to the ice cream shop.
“Bye, Pete!” You wave over Goose’s shoulder to Maverick who waves back, making sure to blow you a quick kiss as well. The moment you were out of his line of sight he turned to face Shannon Mitchell, the woman who abandoned her children.
“Pete, it’s so good to see you.” His mother gushes, instantly reaching out to cup his face but faltering when Maverick takes a step back, keeping the distance between them.
“What do you want?” He questions, grateful his aviators are hiding the daggers he is shooting towards the woman standing in front of him.
“A mother can’t come and see her own kids? Especially when her son got into Top Gun. That’s a big deal, Pete we should be celebrating as a family!” She tries, this time reaching for Maverick’s hand, and he snatches his hand away from her like she’d burn him if she made contact with him before folding his arms across his chest.
“I’ve already celebrated with my family, thanks.” Maverick says, thinking back to the dinner Carole had made to celebrate the pilot and RIO duo gaining a spot in Top Gun and how the five of you had sat around the dinner table eating the delicious meal.
“They’re not a proper family. I’m talking about me, you, and little y/n. Where’d that man take her to? I want to see my little girl.” Shannon argues, making Maverick grit his teeth at her words.
“Goose and Carole have been more than a family to me and y/n than you ever have. So leave us alone.” Maverick spits angrily before turning on his heels and leaving Shannon stunned and silent. As he walked away, Maverick assumed that was the last he’d see of her and that his warning was enough of a deterrent.
However, not even a week later, Maverick opened the door to his quarters as you sat colouring in your colouring book to see a man in a sharp suit on the other side of his door.
“Pete Mitchell? You’ve been served. Your mother wants to regain custody over your sister, y/n Mitchell.” The man said, holding out an envelope towards Maverick who takes it hesitantly, holding the envelope loosely in his hand as the man explains a few more things before bidding Maverick goodbye. Maverick closes the front door and rips the envelope open, eyes skimming the piece of paper in hand before he lets out a sigh.
“Pete?” Your small voice shakes Maverick out of his thoughts as he moves the paper from his eye line to see you standing in front of him with a worried expression as you clutched your soft toy in your hand. Maverick quickly folded the paper up and put it on the counter behind him so you wouldn’t see it.
“What’s that?” You question innocently, pointing at where Maverick had just put the piece of paper.
“It’s just grown-up stuff, squirt. Really boring if you ask me.” Maverick replies as he crouches down to be at your height, plastering a fake smile on his face for your sake. Instead of responding vocally, you wrap your arms around Maverick’s neck and nuzzle close to him as he reciprocates the hug, straightening up to stand at his full height before he carried you back to the sofa so you could have the cuddles you clearly wanted from your big brother.
When it came time for the court date, Maverick had recruited Goose and Carole to help him maintain custody. His lawyer had told him that he was probably in for a tough case because even though Shannon had left you in Maverick’s care, she was still your birth mother and while Maverick technically had custody, Shannon could make a strong sympathy case.
Maverick’s knee was bouncing anxiously as everyone filed into the courtroom for the trial. You were sat with Carole and Goose who reassured you that you’d be able to see Maverick again soon, you just needed to get through the boring stuff first. When the judge began the proceedings, Maverick could only hope and pray that the judge and the jury would see that you were better with him. Goose and Carole took the stand one at a time, both of them saying that Maverick was the best guardian for you. They explained that while they had been a support system for Maverick, he had been doing a great job raising you on his own and you were happy and loved.
Shannon took to the stand and tore Maverick’s whole case apart in mere seconds.
“He travels all the time for work. He could be killed and then there’d be no one to look after my sweet girl.” Shannon says, dabbing at her eyes with a tissue as she speaks. At her words, the jury exchange a look and Maverick feels his chances of keeping you slipping away. After listening to all the testimonies and reviewing the evidence, the judge calls a recess so they, along with the jury can come up with a verdict. Maverick looked over his shoulder to see you sat on Goose’s lap, waving at your brother once you made eye contact with him. Maverick waved back at you with a soft smile, hoping that when the judge walked back in, he’d get the verdict he wanted.
When the judge and jury return, Maverick watches them carefully. He watches as they take their seats, and the judge clears his throat before surveying the gathered people.
“After carefully reviewing the details of this case we have come to a conclusion. We have determined that y/n Mitchell would be much better suited to live with her mother Shannon Mitchell. Bailiff, if you could please bring y/n forward.” The judge says, and Maverick feels his world fall apart around him. He looked over his shoulder and locked eyes with Goose who was wearing a horrified expression as the bailiff took you away from him. Carole’s eyes had filled to the brim with tears as she watched you get handed over to your mother, who grabbed you by the wrist and gently guided you to follow her as the judge dismissed everyone after stating that Shannon would be permitted to pick up your stuff from Maverick’s the next day.
“I wanna go with Pete.” You whine, tugging against your mother's hold and glancing over at Maverick who could do nothing more than watch with teary eyes as you were dragged away from him as you cried and shouted for your big brother to come and save you from her. The second the doors closed behind you and Shannon, Goose and Carole came rushing over to Maverick, neither one daring to ask if he was okay.
“Hey Mav, let’s head back to ours. You can spend a few nights there.” Goose says softly, wrapping an arm around his best friend’s shoulders and escorting him out to Goose’s Bronco. When Goose got in the driver’s seat, Carole took over taking care of Maverick, sitting in the backseat with him, holding his hand gently and watching him carefully to see if he’d crumble. Maverick remained deadly silent the whole way back to Goose’s quarters, not responding to anything Goose or Carole said to him. When the three arrived at Goose’s quarters, Goose paid the babysitter as he entered the house while Carole guided Maverick into the living room, easing him down on the sofa and making sure he was comfortable.
“I’m going to get you some tea, okay, sweetie?” Carole says gently, before heading into the kitchen to make some tea for Maverick. As she leaves, Goose enters with Bradley hot on his heels.
“Uncle Mav!” Bradley shouts happily, scrambling to sit on Maverick’s lap, dodging Goose trying to stop him from doing so. Bradley settles himself on Maverick’s lap, curling into him as he looks up at his godfather with all the love and adoration in the world.
“Hey, kiddo.” Maverick forces himself to say, trying not to let his voice break.
“Where’s y/n?” Bradley enquires, looking from Maverick to Goose who exchange a nervous look with each other.
“Hey buddy, we’ll see y/n soon. She’s just gone away for a little bit.” Goose lies, kneeling down by the sofa to look Bradley in the eye. He felt awful for lying to his son about how long you’d be gone, but he didn’t want to break Bradley’s heart, not yet. Bradley’s face shifted as he thought about what he could do.
“Could I make her a card?” He asks, making Goose smile softly before he looked up at Maverick.
“I’m sure she’d love that, Bradley.” Maverick said, finding his voice and ruffling Bradley’s hair lightly. Maverick’s words had Bradley instantly scrambling off Maverick’s lap so he could dart off in search of paper and pens so he could make you a card. As Bradley left, Carole re-emerged from the kitchen with a tray with three mugs of hot tea. She places the tray down on the coffee table and hands a mug to Maverick who offers a weak smile in response before taking a sip of the warm drink. Carole and Goose move to sit alongside Maverick as Bradley came barrelling into the room with paper and pens in his arms before he dropped everything on the coffee table, being mindful of the mugs of tea. He asks Carole to fold the paper into a card, waiting patiently for her to do so before he begins to draw on the front cover, humming happily to himself as he doodles. When he’s finished drawing on the front of the card, he turns around to the adults.
“Daddy, can you help me write in the card?” Bradley asks, holding a pen out to Goose who nods lightly before easing himself to sit on the floor alongside Bradley.
“Alright buddy, what do we want to write?” Goose asks, guiding Bradley as he writes in the card, helping him spell certain words and helping him sign his name at the end.
Maverick makes it through the rest of the afternoon without breaking down. He struggled with keeping himself upbeat enough for Bradley’s sake, but he held it together somehow. However, once Bradley was in bed, Maverick broke down. Goose and Carole came downstairs to find Maverick sobbing with his head in his hands. The couple immediately trapped Maverick in a hug, both of them exchanging sad looks with each other as they comfort Maverick.
“I can’t believe I lost her.” Maverick manages to say through his sobs, lifting his head to reveal his bloodshot eyes as he glances at his best friend.
“Maybe if we talk to your mum, she’ll let you visit sometime.” Goose says softly as Carole rubs Maverick’s shoulder comfortingly. Maverick wanted to believe Goose’s words, but he knew that after the battle they had in court would lead his mother to not want Maverick within a hundred-mile radius of you. Goose and Carole continue to comfort Maverick until his tears slow. Carole then excuses herself to grab Maverick some water while Goose picks up the mugs and carries them into the kitchen behind his wife. Carole fills up a glass while Goose places the mugs in the dishwasher. When the two make their way back into the living room, they find Maverick curled up on the sofa, fast asleep. Exhaustion had clearly taken hold of him after the day he had. Carole placed the glass down on the coffee table while Goose grabbed a blanket and draped it carefully over Maverick. They then whispered a goodnight to him and made their way upstairs.
“I’m worried about him. This is going to mess with him even when he’s up in the air. He can’t fly while he’s like this.” Goose confesses to Carole as the couple climbs into their bed, wrapping his arms around his wife and tugging her close to his chest.
“I’m worried too. Maybe you could speak to your instructor? I know the trophy is important to you two, but I’d like my boys to make it home safe.” Carole agrees, making Goose’s heart soften for a moment. She’d known Maverick for as long as she knew him and for her to consider both of them ‘her boys’ showed how big her love was for not only him but his best friend as well.
“We need to be his support system. He needs us now more than ever.” Goose says as his hand finds its way into Carole’s hair, running through it absentmindedly.
“We will be. Let’s get some sleep. Mav will need us tomorrow.” Carole says as her eyes slip shut and Goose follows suit, sleep claiming the couple.
The next day, Maverick returns to his quarters, waiting anxiously with Goose and Carole for Shannon’s arrival after he showered and changed before they packed up your belongings. It took a mere twenty minutes for her to arrive after they started packing and they were soon loading your belongings into Shannon’s car.
“Is there any way I could visit sometime?” Maverick asks awkwardly, shoving his hands in his jacket pockets as he talks, glancing over at Shannon.
“I don’t think so. You stole my daughter from me and then you gave me hell in that courtroom.” Shannon fires back, making Maverick shrink from her glare and harsh words. Goose watched the exchange from afar, eyebrows furrowing at seeing Maverick shy away from someone.
“Well, then could you at least give her this card? It’s from Goose’s kid, Bradley. I thought y/n would appreciate a letter from her friend.” Maverick then says, extracting the card from his pocket and holding it out towards his mother who rolls her eyes but takes it anyway, barely promising to give it to you.
Maverick watched Shannon drive away with all your belongings in her car with teary eyes as Goose and Carole comforted him once more. He couldn’t believe that she had denied him any form of visitation. He had only lived one day without you since you were born, and it was already the worst day of his life, and he didn’t know how he could keep going without you.
However, a couple of days later, Maverick received a knock on the door to his quarters. He didn’t want to answer the door, Goose would’ve called through to him if it was him but when the knocking refused to cease, Maverick dragged himself off the sofa and tugged the door open.
“Pete!” You hugged your brothers’ legs as he stared at you in shock before looking up at the smartly dressed woman who offered him a kind smile.
“After what happened in the court, the judge and jury felt they made an incorrect choice in their verdict-”
“You’re telling me.” Maverick interjected, leaning down to scoop you up so he could hug you close.
“As I was saying. The judge and jury reconvened the next day to discuss overturning their verdict. They realised that their verdict was made in error and that while Shannon was y/n’s mother, the two had no relationship and she evidently felt much safer with you than she did with her mother.” The woman explains. Maverick was barely paying her any attention; he was too focused on the fact that you were back with him.
“Well, here’s her belongings. We’ll be in contact shortly to get you custody again.” The woman continues, handing Maverick a suitcase.
“Thank you.” Maverick says sincerely to the woman, nodding lightly before he dragged the suitcase inside and closed the door behind him. The second the door closed he hugged you tight, peppering kisses all over your face as you giggled, pushing his face away.
“Yucky kisses!” You giggle, wiping at your face as Maverick chuckles lightly.
“I’m just so happy you’re home.” Maverick says, carrying you over to the sofa and flopping onto it, keeping you lying on his chest so he can feel your weight so his brain knew you were home.
“Stay with you?” You ask, innocent eyes looking up at Maverick who nods confidently.
“You’re home kiddo. I’m not going to let anyone take you away from me again.”
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changingplumbob · 1 year ago
Honey, I'm home!
TLDR: I'm back. Incoming reblogs. Normal posting resumes 21st at 9am NZDT (GMT+13).
My cat summary, tales of travel woe and random trip tidbits below.
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Cat! The cat survived the cattery. Apparently she wasn't eating too much and just stayed in her cage area (I say cage but it was a neat two level set up, she had an individual food bowl, litter tray and cat bed). She's lost a bit of weight so she'll be getting bigger feeds the next few days. She's periodically patrolling the house and hiding in my bed which is fair.
Travel! So our first bus was running late. Trying to make up for it the bus sped over the hill. Imagine sitting sideways on a bus with a large suitcase as the bus quickly drives a winding downhill road. So fun right (sarcasm is heavy here). We made the train but halfway through the trip it stopped and sat for 10 minutes because of an "incident" (yeah I'm curious to). Bus from train station to airport was fine but the baggage check in went down just as we reached it. Then the plane was delayed by about half and hour. Fast forward to this morning. Checking in at the airport early to discover our 8:15am flight was cancelled because the aircraft was damaged overnight. They put us in a van for a nice hour and a half trip along a sometimes empty, sometimes standstill motorway. At the new airport we checked in fine, but what do you know the plane home was delayed. Hour delay this time. Eventually back home, took the airport bus to the train station no problem. What do you know, the train line was having errors and replacement buses were running instead. At the home train station we just gave up and got a taxi to the vets, and then home.
Wedding! It was nice, my cousin and his bride were so damn happy. It was in a place called the Tree Church where the structure is actually made out of shrubs so it's like getting married in a church made out of nature. The sun was shining and she walked down the isle to an instrumental of Taylor Swift - Wildest Dreams. Her dress was gorgeous, their vows were sweet and I was sitting in an aisle seat so got to throw flower petals over them as they walked up the aisle together. Then (remember I'm in summer people) they had an ice cream truck after a champagne toast and they had vegan ice cream!!!
Reception! It was at a vineyard and half the area had trellises with grapes growing above you. There was so much food, and some vegan stuff! Because my cousin has a large family (lots of aunts and uncles) I was the only cousin from our branch. But you know when the band started playing ABBA I had to get up and dance with my aunts because how can you not dance to Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! (Man After Midnight)? I sang along, loudest to Love Story obviously.
Tea Ceremony! So my cousin's wife (is she my cousin in law now? IDK), her parents are Chinese and came to NZ before she was born. She had lots of family fly over from China and Canada and they brought her and my cousin these beautiful red robes for a tea ceremony. Basically it allows the married couple to honour their elders by serving them tea. The couple also get money and jewellery from elders. Apparently all the Cantonese speaking relatives told them they hoped to see a grandchild next year, no pressure cousin.
Internet! As some of you probably realised the air bnb had wifi so I was able to keep up on some people's posts. But because I'm an overthinker I wanted to keep my post about going away near the top of my blog. I'm now going to blog some things I wanted to reblog during the 5 days which you may well have already seen but I want to reblog anyway to show support.
Me! This whole thing has been about me but anyway, I am very sleep deprived. I was not sleeping well before we left. The house we were staying was so creeky I barely slept while we were there. So I'm going to do extra rambles because that's what happens when I'm tired. Thank you for a couple of sunflowers today, with my travel chaos I needed them. I keep them in my inbox for low days but appreciate it beyond measure. I'm going to try get to my asks today but sleep may claim me first. The favourite facts are coming I promise! Lastly check out this puzzle that I was fiddling with intermittently for 3 days. I can't believe I eventually solved it!
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rusquared · 1 year ago
epilogue II
the beautiful days still didn’t arrive or at least not as i had imagined - there was no bright and early awakening, or a stretch towards the sun, no feeling of "i am finally worthy" and no lack of the familiar shadows. the beautiful days were disjointed and blemished, the streets were littered and the sun was too hot, the clouds too little, the breeze on my cheek not enough to ruffle my hair like the movies. the ancient cathedral was a modern art installation and the historical city was a street, but my heart was stirred all the same
my beautiful days were so ordinary i barely noticed, until the stroke of midnight, how much i loved them. come back to me, night spent in a hotel room playing mafia, come back to me exhausted laughter and charades and home-cooked pasta. come back to me, friends, and accuse me of being the mafia again and let me laugh and incriminate myself again, and let me love you in that moment, please, i didn't realise it then
my sweet forgiving days let me sleep in though the 8am alarm still woke me, perhaps my body had heard my desire to consume and conserve the daylight hungrily - summer sun, let's put aside our rivalry, you made our smiles glow so gently on the last day, i owe you
my sweet forgiving days, that i fear, that i fear are lulling me into complacency, i fear so much but i love you still. i love you still, i thank the heavens for you still, train delays and all. i'll trudge through the city on tired feet and sleepless muscles again, come back, i'll wear my short sleeves and you will make it feel okay.
come on, hurry, the train will soon arrive and the karaoke place will soon close, i heard my voice in recording and i'll forgive it, i sang you proud. the city is so alive, breathing me in and out, pushing me against the hand-grip of the subway and pulling me from bookstore to bookstore, up and down the stairs and up and down, and up once more because the apartment was always one floor higher than i hoped, though i already knew that from the blue flower prints i memorised, and the rainbow mat of the neighbour who must've cursed us out, let me send flowers to them, let me send flowers. thank you for allowing me joy and delirium and obnoxious laughter. happiness is so fleeting and easily questioned, forgive me, allow me your mercy of returning again and again, and again as i look into my friends' smiles and burst into giggles. 
my beautiful days were so short and spaced between the ordinary days (that were still beautiful, god, they were all so beautiful-) but you still fit so much inside; i battle time and memory to keep you with me, a little more, a little longer, let me linger on the memory of touch and sound and don't you dare take it away from me. my world and my people and my people's people and my world's planet, i love you so. 
and when that plane lands, and that shuttle screeches to a halt, and when i walk down that wooden hallway and hear the familiar roll of my suitcase, i know i'll forget you, i'll forget that i'm not alone. the past will beckon me once more and my daydreams will say so what of happiness when there is no success within it. but perhaps one fine morning of sleeping in again the world will forgive me as it always does, as i pray it always will, and i will be reminded that i have pockets of my heart beating gently around this stupidly large globe. maybe a smile or a joke will set it off, maybe a moment of sadness or even frustration, maybe i can be missed as i miss you so already, all of you, all of you, all of you who i remember and forget with the turn of the earth and the pilot's steady descent onto the landing. i love you so much even when i don't. i love you so much even though i will never be certain that you love me, i will never accept that you can love me differently or less or more, or perhaps not at all. not at all. not at all- 
but you did for a moment, right?
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suomeen · 1 year ago
Chapter 3: The Longest Journey
We departed on December 20. Took the bus at 2 pm and went through 3 of Ukraine’s major cities to pick up other passengers and head for Poland. The trip started out well but soon things began to go south. The bus itself was alright. However, the site boasted outlets for your devices and free wi-fi. Which is true technically. Except the outlets were the type basically nobody uses in Europe and the wi-fi… there was a whole of 250 MB, all for the taking for your 16-hour ride. The seats were fine but the human body is not really made to sit in one place for so long. My knees were soon hurting and I barely had any sleep.
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The trip itself was a bit of a mess too. Flixbus clearly doesn’t want to pay for extra buses for emergency situations so when another one of their buses broke, our driver had to pick up its passengers. Then another company’s bus broke and we took some of its passengers too. Sitting in a bus for hours is bad enough, but at least we weren’t the ones standing in the aisle, wet from the rain. We felt sorry for those people but it was very frustrating for everyone. This incident set us back a few hours. Then there was the border crossing.
Poland was startlingly unwelcoming. I didn’t expect much. I knew we were way past the “Poland is our best buddy” early war honeymoon illusions but this encounter still took me by surprise. We arrived at about 5 am but had to wait for a few hours in a line of other buses before finally proceeding to the border control. At first, they had the few men on the bus go there, making sure they had the right to leave the country. Then it was the rest of us. There were about 5 Poles at the checkpoint and they were not happy to see us. I honestly don’t know what our people did in these 2 years that they hated us so much. First a blond middle-aged woman came up to the bus and began to shout at us in Polish to get out in groups. I understood most of it, but I shouldn’t be expected to. Then we went to show our documents to a few dudes in booths who asked us where we were going and why. After that, a tall handsome young man began to rummage in some people’s bags. He took his time dismantling one woman’s bag, which mostly contained children’s clothes. Her little son, about 3, wanted to help and I don’t like children much, but he was adorable and made all of us passengers smile. Not the Poles though, they didn’t budge. None of them spoke Ukrainian or Russian, or maybe didn’t want to. I wonder who pissed them off so much. We were tired and stressed out as it was and this felt like we were some sort of criminals, not women and children fleeing from a war.
I managed to book a trip directly to the Warsaw airport so, despite the delay, we still had 2 hours to get on the plane. I was just glad we took a plane because 16 hours on a bus wrecked me and I can’t imagine 40, which is what most other people had to endure. We got the world’s most expensive coffees and muffins and took off. The flight was delayed but only by about 10 minutes so it was fine. The Finair plane was kinda small but the flight was very smooth. The weather was rainy but up there, above the clouds, the sun shone brightly and I felt my heart healed a little.
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Finland greeted us with blinding whiteness and I felt a strange comfort when we finally arrived. But there was still a good chunk of road ahead.
Normally, most people in our situation would just go to Helsinki and apply for asylum at the closest police department. But this way you get assigned to any place in the country they see fit. Our plan was different. Since we had a friend there and we wanted to be close to her, we were to go to the large city nearest to her and apply there. She even asked at the reception centre and was told they would be expecting us and we would probably get an apartment that was prepared for moving in.
So first, we had to take a city train to get to Tikkurila. Then we had to take the intercity train to a city where we would later be living. But instead of going there, we were to stay at our friend’s so we then had to take another train that got us closer to her where she could pick us up.
I had no internet connection of my own and got to rely on whatever hubs were available. There were none at the station and I was getting a bit panicky that I would miss the train. I had to bother a few Finns for directions, the first of many. They were very friendly and tried to help the best they could. As I got into the train, I had trouble opening my ticket on the ancient tablet I had but the conductor was nice and patient with me and let me take my time as he went on to check the tickets of other passengers.
The intercity train was great. Fast and smooth, it was the best part of the trip. The cars were clean and comfortable. Everything was designed to make the trip enjoyable for everyone. The Finns looked relaxed and many took off their shoes for the ride and stretched their legs languishly.
We also found ourselves in the children car. The idea of such a car would probably sound a little annoying to me, but I was happy to be there. There were many parents with small children and a part of the space was free of seats with some stuff for them to play in. Small kids were running around back and forth in the aisle. Some fell a few times but nobody seemed to worry, kids or parents. They just got up and continued on their way. I sat next to a Finnish mother with a tiny baby. I don’t care about babies that much but I couldn’t stop looking at her. I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone so gentle and tender and loving as she was with her child. The whole car had such a soothing atmosphere of peace and joy. It later turned out that we took the wrong car and when the rightful owners of these seats came, we had to move to another. But I’m glad we made that mistake so I could experience this.
This train was also slightly late. Not by much, but enough that we were risking to miss the transfer. I’m glad I decided to seek help from the lovely young woman staff, so we just barely made it to our final train, which was a small local train, far less glamorous. After bothering some more Finns, we finally got help from a nice older man and made sure we were going the right way. After another 40 minutes, we finally stepped off the train and into the dark, immediately greeted by our friend and her husband.
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It wasn’t the longest trip of my life but it sure felt like it and was certainly the most intense and nerve-wrecking. Honestly, I don’t even know how I survived the journey, let alone got it all right, though a lot of it was thanks to the lovely Finnish people.
We did not immediately go to their place. First, we went to the nearby building to have our photos taken for the police. Your document photos never look good but having them taken after a 28-hour journey makes them extra ugly. Though I suppose fitting for a refugee application. Finally, after a short drive, we arrived at the house we would spend the next week at.
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wayward-dreamer · 2 years ago
*taps mic* *clears throat* Is this thing on?
Hey tumblr fam!! It’s been a while, huh?
I really am sorry it’s taken me so long to give an any kind of update, and I know some people will say that I don’t need to apologize, but that’s just in my nature lol. So I’m going to tell you what’s been going on and hopefully what’s coming soon enough to the blog.
The main reason for the delay in posting has been that I was away on holiday for pretty much all of March and first week of April. My family (my parents and sister) and I took a trip to UK/Europe for 4 weeks, and while we had an amazing time it was certainly very tiring as well haha. I feel like we need a holiday from the holiday, but that said a lot of lifelong, incredible memories were made and I’m forever grateful for this opportunity we got that we’ve never really gotten before.
So because of the constant moving around from city to city, I really didn’t have time to write much. Even on planes and trains, I was pretty much always sitting next to my sister or one of my parents so that’s not exactly the right time to be writing smut, you know? Lol
That said, I did get a couple of non-smut sections of one shots or series chapters done, so I guess that’s something.
Another reason for my lack of posting is that I’ve really been concentrating on my other forms of writing. I’ve been trying to edit a fanfic series into a book for self-publishing (all will be revealed soon as to which one!!) and that’s been taking a lot longer than I thought, but hopefully it should be done in time for a summer release. I’ve also been working on scripts to send out to different development programs and even a contest or two, which I wasn’t planning on but a friend convinced me to do it. I really don’t know what’s going to happen, but I’ve left it up to the universe to decide and just hope for the best!
So let’s move onto what’s coming to the blog soon (hopefully!!):
- I’ve been writing another Soldier Boy x F!Reader one shot since before we left for the holiday, and it’s not even close to being finished yet, so I’m hoping to work on it this week and let’s see if I can finish it!
- I’ve been working on The Hardest Lessons slowly but surely, and I think within a month or two, it should start posting again. Again, hopefully!
- I’ve also been trying to outline a new series which I’m so fucking excited about. It’s been in my WIPs for I don’t even know how long as just small sentences/paragraphs and ideas, so I really hope I can start writing it soon.
- Other than that, I have plenty of bingo squares to turn into fics, so let’s see what happens. Also, if anyone has any requests, have a read of what I write for and let me know what you’d like, because I’d love to hear from you!
- I also just want to mention that for the time being, I’ve deactivated my Patreon. If I get back into the regular routine I was in, then I might start it again, so watch this space if anything changes.
I’m actually so excited to get back to working on all these things, and I really hope that you guys will be excited for what’s coming. Again, I’m sorry for the unplanned hiatus, but hopefully that won’t be the case again. Thanks for all the support and love, I really do appreciate it so much.
Much love,
Rosh <3
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quirkless-accident · 3 years ago
Teacher Danny is the real teacher of hero basic training, all might is just the teachers assistant, and he is absolutely livid when all might skipped weeks ahead of the syllabus while he was away on a mission.
Danny: im sorry, which one of us has a teaching license?... Thats what i thought.
Since All Might didn't have his teaching license yet, he was reduced to a teaching assistant. Not that it mattered to him either way, not when none of the students would know. The only ones who were aware of this was the staff-more specifically pro hero Phantom who taught foundational heroics. And since All Might had forty years of experience-at least twenty to thirty more than Phantom had-it only made sense that foundational heroics was where he was placed.
This worked out well, though. At the beginning of the school year, Danny was nowhere to be found. According to Nezu, he was caught up in a sensitive mission overseas, and wouldn't be back for another day or two. So the first lesson would be under All Might's care.
And he's really beating himself up now.
Danny had wanted to go over the syllabus before his mission, and All Might had more or less blown him off, and they didn't get the chance to reschedule before Danny left. It's fine, though. What kind of hero would he be if he couldn't improvise?
Battle trials were something they did often enough at All Might's time in UA. Surely they would be fine. And what a way to start the year, too! They could have another one in a few months to check their improvement. Yes, that would work. Perhaps he could speak to Danny about it.
So, the battle trials hadn't gone quite as planned. Everybody did fine, and they were pretty tame, bar the fight between Midoriya and Bakugou. Midoriya was the only one with any serious injury, so All Might counted that as a win. He knew his successor was smart and driven, and would in no time find a way to control his newfound power. And who knows? Maybe Bakugou might mellow out a bit.
"Hey, All Might," Danny greeted as he walked into the teacher's lounge. He looked tired, like he hadn't gotten enough sleep last night.
"What time did you fly in?" Aizawa asks him as he hands the tired hero a mug of coffee. It was still steaming, but Danny didn't seem to care as he downed it like a shot and had Aizawa get him a refill.
"Few hours ago. All the planes were delayed because of the attack, so I just. Flew here. I'll probably catch a nap during lunch or something."
"You flew all the way here from America by yourself?" All Might asked, impressed. Danny just shrugged.
"I was excited. I wanted to see how the kids all did yesterday. I've been waiting to gauge their martial arts abilities since the entrance exam. I have high hopes for Ojiro, though with the skill he's shown he might just put me out of a job," he chuckled as he took another cup of coffee from Aizawa. He took a gentle sip this time before turning to All Might. "How did they do?"
"Midoriya got pretty beat up," Aizawa answered for All Might, essentially throwing him under the bus. "Had to go to Recovery Girl."
"There's no reason he should have been that beat up," Danny said, frowning into his mug. "Not if they were just doing some quirkless sparring."
He looked over at All Might, who's heart was stuttering nervously. He couldn't keep a secret to save his life, bar the one about his quirk. Plus, there was video footage of all of the fights that he had wanted to go over later. There was no way he'd be able to keep it from Danny. But he was their colleague, and a pro with thrice the experience as Danny. This shouldn't be too bad, just a minor misunderstanding.
"Well," he said, hating how nervous his voice sounded. "We didn't do quirkless sparring."
Danny's brows furrowed in confusion as he stood up a bit straighter. With his tired features and the fact he's clearly at the end of his rope in terms of patience, he looked twice as scary as his usual self. It also didn't help that he was a brick shithouse in both of his forms, unlike All Might.
"What did they do yesterday?" Danny asked. He didn't sound super threatening yet. But he knew that he was going to, here in just a second when All Might gave him his answer.
"We did battle trials."
Danny closed his eyes and took in a deep breath to calm himself as his rage spiked. He heard the faint sound of ceramic being compressed, and Aizawa quickly took the mug out of his hand before he could shatter it with nothing but his grip. His hands opened and closed, and All Might watched as he bobbed his head up and down ten times, likely counting backwards, before opening his eyes again. Instead of the calming blue he had been looking at, he was met with a terrifying green that sent shivers down his spine.
"All Might," Danny said through his teeth. "Why did you not follow the syllabus?"
"Well, we never got a chance to talk about it-"
"-I emailed it to you," Danny hissed, stepping forward. "You didn't bother to look? And you-re just-you're perfectly okay with sending a bunch of untrained teenagers without proper control of their powers to beat the shit out of each other?"
Danny's voice was rising with every word, right along with his temper. All might audibly gulped, hyper aware that the remaining teachers, save for Aizawa, were quickly leaving to avoid his wrath. And he's pretty sure Aizawa was there to prevent Danny from genuinely committing homicide.
"Not only that, but if there was a student who got hurt enough to go to Recovery Girl then that means the fight should have stopped way sooner than it had. That kind of injury takes buildup. Which means you more than likely had plenty of opportunity to stop it.
"How dare you endanger the lives of these fucking kids, All Might. And for what? Because you've suddenly become illiterate? Computers are as old as you are, I thought you would know how to function with one."
"Now, listen, Danny-"
"-No, All Might, you listen," Danny was absolutely seething now. The air around them was much more cold than it had been a minute ago, and there was a subtle layer of frost starting to build up on Danny's clothes-a sure sign that he was seeing red right now. "You do not get to dictate what happens in my classes. You do not walk into that classroom unsupervised. You do not get to call the shots. I don't care how many decades you've been the number one hero. That doesn't mean anything at a school when you don't have a fucking teaching license. And if I'm gone, someone else will take over. And the syllabus. Will. Be. Followed. Do I make myself clear?"
All Might opened his mouth to say something, but at the glare Danny sent him, he quickly snapped his mouth shut, and nodded. Danny leaned back, and seemed much more calm than he had a second ago. Still very visibly pissed off, but easier to manage. He leveled All Might with another glare.
"I will be talking to Nezu about this."
Then he took his mug from Aizawa, and walked out the door. Aizawa shot a tired glare his way.
"Just so you know, if he hadn't ripped you a new one I would have. And I don't have the same restraint he does. So count your lucky stars, All Might."
And he walked away too.
Maybe...Maybe he was a bit over his head with this teaching thing after all.
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emwritesfootball · 3 years ago
Long Distance Surprise | Kepa Arrizabalaga
Having a terrible stressful time with barely any sleep due to uni work and you and Kepa doing long distance doesn’t help for either of you as you miss each other terribly. Your sister asks you to pick up her best mate at the airport and you agree with a sigh. Once there, you see Kepa coming out with a tired but very big smile on his face while you just burst down and get into his arms. Then some continuation w fluff nd cuddles please Xx
Warnings: a little innuendo but mostly just fluff x
- - -
Your alarm went off, signalling the end of your fifteen minute nap you’d set for yourself so you could keep studying for your exams the next day...well, make that today now that you’d looked at your phone and saw what time it was.
Your phone vibrated with an incoming call, your heart racing when you saw Kepa’s name on the screen. “Hey,” you said, a smile on your face when you answered. “I’ve missed you.”
“I’ve missed you, too,” he replied, his voice sounding as tired as you felt.
“When are you coming to visit?” You couldn’t help asking, wanting to keep the hope out of your voice but failing.
“I don’t know,” he said with a sigh and you could practically see him running a hand down his face as he muttered obscenities in Spanish. “I wish I could, though.”
“I wish you could, too,” you said wistfully, hating that your second alarm went off which meant you had to go. “I’ve gotta finish studying for my exams tomorrow, but we’ll talk again soon, okay? I love you.”
“Te quiero.”
“Pleaseeee?” Your sister begged over the phone less than a week later. “I promise I won’t ever ask you for another favour ever again but...please?”
You laughed, shaking your head. “Fiiine, but we both know you’ll be asking me for another favour next month. Just so you know, though, you so owe me for this.”
“I know!” Was all she responded with, hanging up the phone without another word. A few minutes later, the flight details appeared in your messages and you started planning the next day around picking up your sister’s friend from the airport.
Of course the plane was delayed and of course you had no way to contact this friend, your patience wearing thing as you waited for the app to refresh and say that the plane had landed. Your car idled by the doors while you waited for your sister to respond to your text and let you know that her friend had gotten the message.
You thought your eyes were deceiving you when you saw Kepa walk out the door, but your phone buzzed with an incoming text.
Sister: He’s coming out the doors now. Do you see him?
You quickly called her. “Either I’m so tired I’m hallucinating but I think I see Kepa,” you said when she picked up.
She laughed on the other end. “You’re not hallucinating! We planned this just for you. Now get off the phone with me and go greet your boyfriend!” She did the hanging up for you without even saying goodbye but you didn’t care.
It felt like a dream as you got out of the car, called out Kepa’s name and ran towards him. His face lit up and he let you tackle him with a hug. “You’re here! You’re really here!” You screamed, laughing uncontrollably as he squeezed you tightly.
“I’m really here,” he confirmed, leaning down and giving you a kiss. It had been months since you’d held him, let alone kissed him, and you still couldn’t believe he was here. “And I’ll be here for the whole week.”
Kepa nodded, kissing you again. “I heard from your sister that your last exam was today and you’ve got a bit of a break. I do, too, so I wanted to come see you because two more months is too long to wait to see you again.”
The two of you didn’t stop touching on the drive back to your place, holding hands the entire way. You listened to Kepa talk about training and life in London, just happy to hear his voice and feel him sitting next to you.
“What do you wanna do when we get back to my place?” You asked, running out of things to ask.
“Honestly? Sleep, then shower, then...you.”
You laughed, shaking your head at Kepa’s teasing. “A nap sounds perfect. I’ve been running on a couple hours’ sleep every day because of exams and I’m exhausted.” You gave him a look. “And I’ll definitely be showering with you after our nap.”
“Nap first, though.”
“Nap first.”
Kepa’s bags were left in the foyer, both of you kicking off your shoes at the door and heading right to your bed. He pulled you into his side, pressing a kiss to your temple as you hooked your leg over his hips. You felt his heartbeat under your fingertips, his even breathing moving your hand up and down. His body radiated warmth better than any blanket you had and soon you were asleep in Kepa’s arms, both of you holding each other as you relaxed, finally together again.
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nationalharryleague · 4 years ago
Christmas in Holmes Chapel
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Pairing: Harry Styles x Y/N
Genre: Christmas fluff on top of Christmas fluff
Word count: 1.7K 
A/N: Hi everyone! This is something I wrote super quick because I was in the Christmas spirit! I was/am also quite drunk (so be nice)!! More of my better writing can be found in my masterlist and I would love to hear what you think ab this in my ask! Also shoutout to Liz (@kiwicherryallaboutharry​) and Morgan (@soullikestyles​) for beta-ing and being sweethearts!! Thank you for reading <3
Shouts of “they’re finally here!” were the first things she heard when Harry opened the door to his mum’s house. After two delayed flights, ten hours on a plane, and bumper to bumper traffic the entire way to Anne’s, they were in shambles. This was the first time the pair were spending Christmas with Harry’s family, and this was definitely not the way she wanted it to start. She almost started crying when Gemma took her into her arms after nearly running across the house to greet her.
“I’m so happy you two made it,” she smiled, rubbing Y/N’s tired back when she didn’t release from the hug right away. “I was afraid that you weren’t going to make it tonight.”
“I could cry, Gem. I'm so happy to be here right now,” she confessed honestly, exhaustion clear in her voice.
Gemma released her from the embrace when Harry tapped her on the shoulder. “Hello? I’m here too. Do you not miss your baby brother?” His voice dripped with sarcasm and his dimples were deep on his cheeks, as they always were when he was home.
She rolled her eyes at him, muttering sarcastically “not as much as I missed your lovely girlfriend,” before he pulled her into a hug of his own. The two were the spitting image of each other, both with their exceptionally similar smiles and adorable noses. He squeezed the smaller woman tight, enjoying their reunion after not seeing each other for at least three or four months. They were still so close, even after Harry’s move to LA to be closer to his girlfriend. Y/N had pretended more than once that she hadn’t overheard them when he would call her for relationship advice.
Looking away from the Styles siblings, she was met by Anne's bright smile paired with her wide open arms extended for a hug. “Sweetheart, it’s so good to see you!” she exclaimed with a Santa hat sitting snugly on her head, pulling her close to the woman’s warm and kind body. “There are plates of dinner made up for the two of you in the kitchen and plenty of leftovers in the fridge if you want any more.” She was naturally so caring about those around her and tonight was no different.
“Thank you so much, Anne,” she said graciously. “I’m so sorry we’re so late.”
“Oh, stop it. It’s a Christmas miracle you made it at all with the snow,” she brushed away her apologies, her voice taking a more serious turn as she locked her eyes with hers. “I’m so happy you’re here, Y/N. You’re just as much a part of our family as Harry is now.”
Y/N’s heart warmed with the kindness behind Anne’s words. There was so much love surrounding her right now, too much for her to comprehend without getting teary eyed. She was so thankful for the tenderness and care Harry’s family had shown her over the last three years. She felt at home in what used to just be a house to her; like she was a part of the family.
“Oi, stop hogging her,” Harry teased Y/N, bumping her hip lightly with his and nudging her out of the way so he could hug his mum.
“Harry Edward, I raised you to be polite. Leave the poor girl alone,” she scolded, but opened her arms up wide to receive her son. He was so much bigger than she was, seeming to swallow her body whole in his arms. Y/N couldn’t help the smile that came to her lips as she watched the two interact.
The pair of travelers were passed around the living room, giving hugs and kisses to the various aunts, uncles, cousins, and stragglers that were attending Christmas Eve dinner at Anne’s. The room was full of loud boisterous laughter and Christmas music that played off an antique record player and it smelled like wine and the remnants of a large dinner that had been eaten when they just couldn’t wait any longer for the two to arrive.
Y/N’s stomach growled without permission as soon as she saw the plates of food resting on the counter that had been waiting for them. The pair stood hovered over the plates and ate like they hadn’t seen food in weeks. At the moment, she could only think of two things she knew about Anne for sure: she knew how to raise children and she was a fantastic cook.
When she looked up and saw a spot of gravy hanging on the edge of Harry’s mouth, she just couldn’t resist. She tiptoed and pressed a short kiss to the corner of his lips, taking the gravy with her in the process. He looked down at her with a slightly surprised, but mostly loving, look after she pulled away. The edges of his lips turned up, asking “What was that for?”
“You had something,” she mused, jokingly twirling her pointer finger in the direction of her own mouth.
Before she could process it, his lips were back on hers, kissing her slowly and with so much love. His lips were soft and pillowy as always, but there was something more behind them that she just couldn’t place.
“What was that for?” she asked breathlessly when he released her, using his own words against him.
“I know I have been kind of on edge all day and I just wanted to thank you for dealing with me. I love you so much.” She couldn’t fight the grin that found its way onto her face every time he told her that he loved her. Sometimes she still couldn’t believe she had nabbed such a good one.
“I love you too. Are you alright?” She asked worriedly, noticing the way his eyebrows were nervously knit together and how his posture was slightly worsened like it always was when he was stressed.
“I’ll be okay soon.” There was more behind his words, she knew it for sure, but Harry was very good at playing it cool when he wanted to. She knew he would either tell her soon or it would resolve on its own; she trusted him to tell her what was going on if he really needed her.
Her train of thought was interrupted when Gemma stuck her head into the kitchen and announced that the annual Charades tournament was beginning. Y/N had only heard about the myth of the Charades tournament before and she was excited to find out why her boyfriend raved about it so often. Harry excitedly grabbed her hand, leading her into the crowded living room, watching as the first teams had already begun acting out and guessing.
Before long, it was Harry and Y/N’s turn to go, matched up against Gemma and her husband. She sat on the couch, assigned to play the guesser after he cockily told her ‘there's only one actor in this family,’ and watched closely as both Harry and Gemma read the clue written on the small slip of paper. Gemma gave him a playful and excited smile before extending a friendly hand for him to shake.
“You ready for this, H?” she asked, but once again, Y/N felt like there was more behind her words than friendly competition. Y/N began to think she was being kept in the dark about something, but before she could think too hard about it the pair had begun their miming.
Harry took the approach of creating a circle with his pointer and thumb, repeatedly slipping the whole he had created over his left ring finger.
“Wedding ring!” she guessed excitedly from the couch, only to be met with a shake of his head.
He then moved to get down on one knee, pretending to hold a ring box in his hands. “Asking someone to marry you!” she questioningly yelled again, only met with another shake of his head, but she could tell she was getting closer.
It was when he performed the same ring gesture while on his knee that she got it. “Engagement ring!” She nearly screamed and jumped off the couch, twirling in celebration (a symptom of always being a bit too competitive) after Harry’s face lit up and signaled they had won.
She was confused for a split second when she came back around and Harry was still on his knee, but it all made sense when she saw the real ring box that was now in his hands. Her hands flew up to her face in shock and she was unable to form coherent thoughts, let alone words.
“My love,” he began softly, “I knew I wanted you in my life forever from the moment I met you at that stupid bar. I fought Mitch so hard that night, but he dragged me along and it was the best thing that ever happened to me.”
She remembered that night fondly, but it had admittedly been a mess. She had just gotten dumped and so had Harry, when they found each other at the end of the bar, far away from anyone who was actually having fun, they had started talking and never stopped.
“You make me a better person,” he went on as tears had begun to roll down her cheeks, “and I never want to be who I was before I met you ever again. I love you so much and I never want to live without you. So,” he took a deep breath with hopeful eyes, “will you marry me?”
A shout of “Yes!” let her lips before he even finished, throwing herself at him and bringing him into a kiss.
It all made sense now. She understood why Harry had been so upset when their flight had been messed up, and why Gemma and Anne had been so excited to see them, and especially why he had been on edge all day. He was nervous to ask her, in the most charming and endearing way.
The crowd around them cheered when they finally stood up and their eyes locked as Harry delicately slid the ring onto her left hand. His eyes were slightly teary, but held an excitement that was unmatched. The ring was giant and beautiful, exactly what she expected from him when the time came, and she could barely tear her eyes away from it.
“This is the best Christmas present ever, H. I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you.”
Thank you for reading! Reblogs/feedback are much appreciated!! 
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tennessoui · 4 years ago
1. Soulmates AU please! It is definitely my guilty pleasure trope
hello im only three months ish late maybe four but this is also 3.4k long and it's just wild i mean we're talking soul mates, superheroes, rushed world building, superhero names this is a trip this is something i wrote after waking up from a four hour nap this ever had a chance and also it's sad
1. Soul Mates (+ 42. Star Crossed Lovers)
“You shouldn’t have come,” Obi-Wan says harshly, pulling the children--they’re just goddamn children--into his apartment and slamming the door behind them. “Did anyone see you?”
The children--all four of them--stay quiet. Obi-Wan wants to wring their necks. He knows why they’re here. He’d rather them die on the streets than suffer through what they’re obviously here about.
But if that were really true, he would have just left them on his doorstep.
“Did anyone see you?” he asks again.
“Not that we noticed,” one of the girls in the middle says. Shili, dressed in a blue and white striped sensible jumpsuit and sporty cape. The leader of the new generation of superheroes and she sounds like she hasn’t even hit puberty yet.
Obi-Wan is suddenly very, very tired.
“Kam,” Shili gestures to the person next to her and a little behind, a tall boy with a helmet covering his face and white and blue armor covering the rest of him, “says he didn’t pick up anything with his sensors. We were safe. We’re not trying to get you caught, sir. We just need to talk to you.”
“You could kick us out,” the other girl points out, crossing her arms over her chest. She’s not even bothering to wear a domino mask, but Obi-Wan doubts very much he’s looking at her real appearance. She’s Mirial, of course.
Which makes the other boy in a padded white and orange suit Mando. Four of the fifty or so remaining Jedi superheroes are in his house.
Obi-Wan sighs and turns to pad down the hallway. “Shoes off,” he calls behind his shoulder. “And does anyone want any tea?”
“No thank you,” Shili responds politely, falling into step behind him.
“Sit,” he tells them roughly when he notices the four of them standing awkwardly in his cramped dining room. “Sit down.”
He puts the kettle on anyway, and bangs around the cabinets for a few seconds to find an unopened bag of chips and a sleeve of probably stale cookies.
He doesn’t have much else to offer them though. Not now.
Weren’t you the one always telling me to eat my vegetables? A laughing voice murmurs into his ear. Look at you now.
Obi-Wan has to stand for a second in his small and dirty kitchen, chips clutched in one hand and cookies in the other, and breathe for an impossibly long moment.
This is why he had not wanted to ever see another Jedi in his life. All they brought with them were questions and ghosts.
Obi-Wan has enough of those as it is.
The kettle goes off and he pours the hot water into his mug. The cowardly part of him that hasn’t faced a fight in ten years now wants to wait here until the tea has finished steeping and then think of a thousand other excuses to not ever leave the kitchen again. He's good at thinking of excuses. He calls them reasons and lives his life with them.
But he has always known someone would eventually come looking for answers. That had always been one of the prices he knew he would eventually have to pay.
He notices immediately upon entering the dining room that they’ve saved him a seat, if it counts as saving someone a seat when they’ve rearranged the chairs so one is on one side of the table and the other two are squeezed opposite it.
“I hope you don’t mind that I’ve brought snacks to my own interrogation,” he says blithely, depositing them onto the table in front of the children.
Kamino stares intently at them for a second, and then nods once to Shili, who reaches out to open the bag of chips. In a show of good faith, she takes one and eats it. Obi-Wan can’t see her eyes underneath the white lenses of her domino mask, but he’s quite sure she hasn’t stopped looking at him once.
“Are you sure you do not want tea, now we have established I am not going to poison you?” he asks, crossing his ankles and taking a sip from his own mug.
“It’s a bit too warm out there for hot tea,” Mirial says disdainfully, looking at her nails. “You know, what with the world on fire.”
“But I’d take an iced one, if you have it,” Shili leans forward.
Obi-Wan pauses, drink halfway to his mouth.
He sets it down gently on the wood of his table. “Ah. Going straight in, aren’t we?”
“There’s not much time for anything else,” Mando says, and at least he sounds a bit apologetic.
“A weighty statement from someone who can manipulate time itself,” Obi-Wan hums.
“Only for a few seconds,” Mando mutters behind his helmet, rubbing at the back of his neck.
“That’s because you don’t have much in the way of training, young man,” Obi-Wan tells him gently with a hint of steel behind it “Back in my day--”
He cuts himself off. He doesn’t know why. Clearly, they know who he used to be. Otherwise they wouldn’t be here. He’s really just delaying the inevitable, but his throat feels tight. This truth, so long unspoken, is hard to drag into his mouth. And yet, every second he doesn’t speak it, it’s bashing itself to death against the backs of his teeth.
“Would you like us to tell you what we’ve found out about your days?” Mirial asks, looking up from her nails. “Would that make it easier for you, Ilum?”
“Meer--” Shili starts to say, reaching out to touch the girl’s arm, rein her in, but it’s too late.
The planes of Mirial’s face change and shift and suddenly for the first time in ten years, Anakin Skywalker is sitting across from him. “Would you like to talk about the old days, or would you like me to talk about the old days?” Mirial in Anakin’s smooth baritone asks.
It’s cruel. It’s so cruel that for a second Obi-Wan wishes his heart could just stop from the pain of it all. “Please put that away,” he tells the tabletop coldly. “And please. Do not call me that.”
“Meer,” Shili murmurs, and there’s a shift in the air.
When Obi-Wan looks back up, Mirial is back to the way she always appears in press releases, green skin and all. “That was a decent impression,” he tells her. She bristles at the perceived slight, but he holds up his hand. “But when I knew him, his eyes weren’t gold. They were blue.”
“Mustafar has had golden eyes since he joined the Imps,” Mirial argues back in a way that reminds Obi-Wan of another young teenager, who never could learn how to take criticism well.
“And he was someone else before then,” he tells the girl. “He had another name and he had a mother and he had a soulmate and a--fiancee and everything.”
His hands have started to shake, so he clasps the mug tightly, though it burns him.
“Tell us,” Shili insists forcefully but compassionately. Obi-Wan had wondered before why they had chosen to make the girl whose only ability is to fly the leader of the newest Jedi team, but it must be that. It must be her compassion. “Please. You’re the only one who can.”
“Yes,” Obi-Wan says. “I know. I’m the only one who is left. But if I am to demask myself, I will not do it to a table of strangers.”
The children turn to look at each other. Kamino cocks his head at Shili, who inclines her own head. Mirial shrugs. Mando shakes his head once, but Shili seems to override him, because she turns back to Obi-Wan and takes off her domino mask.
“My name is Ahsoka Tano,” she says, stumbling over the name. Obi-Wan wonders how many times she’s unmasked herself before. “Or Shili.”
She nudges Mirial, who sighs. “I’m Barriss,” she tells him grudgingly.
Kamino takes off his helmet to reveal a strong-jawed boy with a blond buzzcut. “His name is Rex,” Ahsoka says. “He can’t speak except through minds.”
Obi-Wan blinks in surprise at this. He had known that Kamino had an advanced sense of the senses, could tell something’s molecular makeup just by looking at it, could smell a gas leak from two miles away, etcetera, etcetera, but he hadn’t known the boy could communicate telepathically as well.
“And I’m his twin,” Mando sighs, taking off his own helmet and revealing a startlingly similar face, marred by a scar just across his temple. “Cody.”
“It’s a pleasure to meet you all,” Obi-Wan tells them, drumming his fingers on the table. “You know already. I fought under the name Ilum. I could--”
He searches for words to describe his own powers, and settles instead on a demonstration. With a flick of his hand, the liquid in the mug rises and freezes into a miniature wave, suspended in the air.
He lets the ice drop into the mug, and inclines his head to Ahsoka. “Iced tea?” he asks wryly.
“Tell us about Mustafar,” Mando demands. What a heavy thing to carry, Obi-Wan finds himself thinking. The knowledge of all that time.
What Obi-Wan wouldn’t give to be ten years younger again. Not to even change anything, though he would be stupid to not try to. But to just enjoy the moment for what it had been in the end: just a moment.
“We didn’t call him that then,” Obi-Wan sighs and rubs a hand over his face. “We called him Iego in uniform, and Anakin in civvies.
“He was...radiant. In battle and off the field. I was the leader of our team for six years until Anakin came along. And I just knew as soon as I saw him that he would take everything from me. But he wouldn’t have had to take it. I would have given it to him right then.”
“I didn’t think he was that attractive,” Ahsoka mumbles, and then slaps a hand over her mouth as if afraid she’s spoken out of turn and ruined the story so completely that Obi-Wan won’t say anything else.
Instead, Obi-Wan laughs but it doesn’t sound much like a laugh at all. “Well, to each is his own, of course,” he says when he thinks the hysteria has worn off. “And finding out he carried my soul mark certainly helped.”
The room is blissfully silent, which Obi-Wan is beyond thankful for. He just wants to let those never-before admitted truths hang in the air, just for a few more seconds. He almost wants to say them again actually. Anakin Skywalker is my soulmate. Anakin Skywalker carries the same mark I carry, and he always has.
“But…” Barriss says slowly, “But Mustafar’s soulmark is on his neck.”
“It’s not,” Obi-Wan murmurs, staring at the wall behind their heads. “What he has on his neck is an ice burn scar in the shape of a hand. In the shape of my hand. His actual soul mark is on his mid-back, right over his spine.”
“You tried to kill your soulmate?” Ahsoka gasps, looking horrified.
Obi-Wan smiles with no joy behind it. “I tried to save the world,” he corrects her gently.
“You said earlier…” Cody speaks up. “That Mustafar--that Anakin had a fiancee. It wasn’t you, was it?”
“No,” Obi-Wan admits. “I never told him. I...couldn’t. I wanted to wait I suppose. I. Well. My soulmark is identical to his, but it’s on my thigh. And. You know what they say about a soulmatch whose marks aren’t in the same spot.” “Star crossed,” Ahsoka whispers.
“Yes,” Obi-Wan confirms. “I decided to wait. I was a few years older than him, he had so much to learn, he needed a friend more than he needed a soulmate. I had a long list of reasons, all as iron-clad as the next. But they were excuses. I was afraid. This man, my soulmate, could control fire and sunlight itself. He burned with passion, shone with power. And I...I was cold. Too pragmatic, too quick to criticize when he needed praise. The marks were just marks. Maybe they fit together, maybe they matched. But I was terrified that we wouldn’t.
“And by the time I thought to tell him, he came to find me instead. He was in love, he said. He had been seeing a girl for months and was going to ask her to marry him. And I suppose I must have asked about his soulmate, because he told me he would rather never know his soulmate, if knowing meant losing her.”
So. So Obi-Wan had let him go, though that part doesn’t make for a good story. He had distanced himself as much as he could get away with, which is not much really, seeing as how Iego and Ilum fought best when they fought together.
But in the end, his heartbreak had been too much, even for someone as cold as Obi-Wan had been known to be. He’d put in for a temporary transfer. A remedial medical leave, a Jedi-sanctioned sabbatical so he could ostensibly connect with himself and his powers. Nothing longer than a year.
You’ll miss the wedding, Anakin had told him, heartbreak shining in his own eyes.
But his heartbreak had been nothing compared to Obi-Wan’s, and so he had left. He had needed to. It had felt like rending his soul in two, but he had.
Two weeks into his stay at a different Jedi training base, Obi-Wan had died in an explosion. “That hadn’t been Jedi sanctioned,” he tells the children in front of him wryly. “We thought it was an accident at the time, but there were too many coincidences. Too many casualties.” But Obi-Wan’s death had been the only casualty Anakin had felt. It hadn’t mattered that someone had managed to restart his heart only a few minutes later. He had died. He had died and Anakin had felt his soulmate die. He had burned his fiancee in his own uncontrollable agony. She had not survived Obi-Wan’s death, even though Obi-Wan himself had.
“I...I don’t know what happened. Still. It’s been years and I have thought of little else. She may have been standing too close to him when it happened. Or...the house may have caught on fire and she was trapped inside. Or...I don’t know. I don’t know,” he spreads his hands palm up on the table and looks at the faces of the children.
He sighs and continues. There is so little left in the story now. “The Jedi Order decided to tell the press that there had been no survivors, though there had been a few. We couldn’t know if the Imperials were behind the attack or not, so we had to be careful. The survivor’s families were told, and their soulmates. Officially, I had no family. I had...no soulmate. They didn’t tell anyone I had survived. Ilum died in that explosion. Still to this day, he's dead.
“Anakin had always been absurdly powerful...and dangerous. He’d killed the love of his life, had felt his soulmate dying, and then...heard that I too had died. The first two had destabilized him, but my death and the Jedi Order’s staunch rejection of his request to see my body, to give me a funeral...it made him even more vulnerable to outside manipulation.”
“The Imperials….” Cody murmurs.
Obi-Wan nods, lip curling up. “The Imperials,” he agrees. “The timeline is fuzzy. I spent a good part of these weeks partially dead, one foot in both worlds. I didn’t know what was going on. When I was well enough to watch the news, the Jedi told me there was a new super villain working with the Imperials, going by the name Mustafar. I trained to kill him as he was helping the Imps decimate the Jedi. All of my old team was dead. Anakin was missing. I didn’t--”
He cuts himself off and runs a hand down his face. The children are waiting on his words. He’s telling them why they’re fighting wars adults should be fighting. He’s telling them why they’re out in the field after only a month or less of training. He’s trying to tell them why he isn’t out there fighting with them, but he knows already they won’t accept his excuses.
They shouldn’t have to.
“They gave me a new uniform and a new name,” Obi-Wan picks up the story. “Hoth. And I went off to kill my soulmate.”
“But you didn’t,” Barriss says, and she sounds vaguely confused and vaguely accusatory.
“I almost did,” Obi-Wan admits, like it’s a sin, like it's salvation. “Everything about him was different. He was not the passionate but warm boy I had known. He was a forest fire. A volcano. And Mustafar’s fighting style was completely different from Iego’s. I only realized it was Anakin--my Anakin--when I managed to knock his mask off. I had my hand around his throat, but when I realized who I was fighting...I let go. I couldn’t kill him. Even after everything he did. Even knowing...knowing Iego was gone.”
The dining room is silent for a second, before three voices burst out angrily at once.
“Why aren’t you helping the Jedi?” Ahsoka asks the loudest. “Hoth--Ilum, Obi-Wan. We need you. Mustafar--the Imperials...they’re not going to stop. They’ve killed so many Jedi. We need you to help us.”
“I’m sorry,” Obi-Wan says. “I cannot.”
“You used to be a hero,” Barriss accuses. “Now what are you? A hollowed out, sad man.”
“I was never a hero,” he snaps. “I followed orders. Anyone can do that.”
“You were the best,” Cody says quietly, cutting Obi-Wan to the bone. “You led the Geonosis team for six years. I studied you in class. You were...the best.”
“I wasn’t,” Obi-Wan disagrees just as quietly. “But perhaps you all are.”
“You haven’t even told us any weakness we could use against him in battle!” Barriss shouts, standing up suddenly, which causes the chair to clatter over. “You’ve been no help at all! I’m leaving, this is a waste of time!”
“Barriss--!” Ahsoka cries after the girl, grabbing her discarded mask and taking after her.
Cody opens his mouth and then closes it. He jams the helmet back onto his head. “The soulmark. You said it’s on his hip?”
Obi-Wan smiles mirthlessly. Cody is trying to see if he can catch him in a lie, if this is actually good tactical information or not. “It’s a few inches below his shoulder blades, right over his spine.”
Cody nods once and then files out, leaving Obi-Wan alone in the room with the silent, still helmetless Rex.
“I just told him how to kill my supervillain soulmate,” Obi-Wan tells Rex, even though he’s really talking to himself. “Soulmarks, even dead ones, are extremely sensitive. If Anakin had hit me with his fire on my other thigh, I would be dead. Not just crippled. Muscle, young man, doesn’t grow back easily.”
He rubs a hand over the leg in question, staring down at the uneven way his pants lay over the old injury. It aches from the walking he’s forced it to do today, from trying to walk normally im front of these powerful strangers.
Rex taps the table to get him to look up, and then gestures to his own eyes.
“I?” Obi-Wan asks, confused.
Rex rolls his eyes and then mimes writing something.
“Ah, there should be a pen and pad in the kitchen?” he trails off as the teenager goes to retrieve the aforementioned things.
It takes a second longer than it should, and he comes out carrying just a slip of paper with his helmet forced back onto his head.
With a flick of his fingers, the paper’s lying on the table and Rex is following his teammates out the door and out of Obi-Wan’s apartment and hopefully out of his life forever.
Curious, Obi-Wan grabs the note and unfolds it to read.
We thought Musta. had yel. eyes because all the top Imps have yel. eyes. But if Ankn had blue eyes, then mybe none of the imps should have yel eyes.
No one knows what sidious power is -> what if it’s mind control?
Obi-Wan puts the note down onto the table with shaking hands. He wishes desperately he had never read it.
Because those words plant a seed of hope in his chest he isn’t sure he’ll be able to live without now.
What if Anakin--his Anakin--what if he’s in there still? What if Obi-Wan had abandoned him to ten years of brainwashing and mind control with not much of a fight at all?
But more pressingly, what if there’s hope for him? For both of them? Still, after all this time?
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wonder-kid-pugh · 4 years ago
Homesick - (Christen Press x reader)
Hey guys!!! Honestly heard this song and loved it so much and thought it would be good for an imagine. Halfway through writing it I thought it would have been better with an army service person but honestly was too tired to change it all. But I hope you enjoy!!!
You look so peaceful in our bed
I didn't wanna wake you when I left
To catch my plane
And I'll be trailing through the sky
Just another silhouette up high
Before you wake
I groan quietly as the alarm on my Fitbit buzzes awaking me from my peaceful night. I lay there for another minute before deciding I unfortunately have to get up. Ever so slowly I gently slip out from Christen's grasp and quietly get out of the bed.
I start to move around the room getting ready. The benefit of having everything packed the day before means I wasn't in a rush to pack and I all I had to do was get changed. As I check my watch I see I need to be leaving soon to make my flight. But as I look over at Christen who is still sleeping peacefully in the bed I smile softly at the sight.
She looked so serene and peaceful. She looked so relaxed as her chest rises and falls in slow rhythmic breaths. I frown knowing how hard she's been working lately on Re Inc alongside training and everything else that needs to be done. I sigh and bite the inside of my cheek. We had a traditional, sort of like an unspoken rule. Whenever one of us had to leave for somewhere we would always wake the other up to say goodbye. Sadly it was usually me doing the waking up having to travel a lot for work.
But knowing how stressed she been recently about Re Inc's new capsule launch and the upcoming Olympics, I didn't have the heart to wake her up.
Instead I settle for a gentle kiss on her forehead. I freeze as she stirs in her sleep as she shuffles around in the bed before burying her head into my pillow. With one last smile I creep out of the room leaving her a small note on the counter before leaving for the airport.
Knowing by the time she wakes up I'll be high in the sky.
You tell me that you had that dream again
When I didn't have to go
I wish that we could live inside your head
I had barely stepped into my hotel room when my phone rings. I drop my bags before fishing around in my pockets to find my phone. But I smile as I see the name pop up on my screen, "Morning Chris".
"You didn't wake me this morning..." I didn't even need to see her to know that she was pouting on the other end. I bite my lip, "I know but I know how hard you've been working and you just looked so beautiful and peaceful. I just couldn't do it". She giggles, "Maybe it's because of the dream I was having".
I flop back into the bed settling back into the mattress, "What were you dreaming about?" "You woke me up and told me that your gig was cancelled and you didn't have to leave". I chuckle and run my hand through my hair, "I like the sound of that. I wish we could live inside you head".
And I know that you'll feel better
When you're sat there in my sweater
That I gave you to remember
Being on the sofa next to me
And I'm waking up at 6:00 a.m.
To call before you go to bed
And tell you 'bout the day I've planned
And listen to the one you had
And when I'm homesick
I've got you on my home screen
So anywhere I'm going
I know that you'll be with me
Until I hold you, darling
I grin, "I'm sorry I didn't wake you up. But I have a surprise that will make you happy". She hums, "Oh yeah? What is it?" "Go look in the wardrobe" I tell her. I can hear her shuffling on her end as she no doubt goes to the wardrobe. Then I hear her coo over the phone, "Awe Y/n..." I smile, "I know it sucks being away from each other a lot of the time especially with conflicting schedules and stuff. But I hope this will help remind you I'm always here for you".
She giggles, "It's smells like you and a small bit of popcorn". I had left her one of my oversized sweater which she always loved to steal off me. She had spent many nights curled up in my sweater on the sofa for our movie nights. It was one of my favourites but I could never be mad at her for taking it. She just looked so adorable all swallowed up in the massive hoodie.
"This way" I tell her, "whenever you start to miss me. You can just put this on and think of the two of us cuddled up on the couch". She lets out a content sigh, "I love you". I smile, "I love you too".
Your friends, they ask you all the time
Why'd you wanna wait another night
When I'm not home?
And nothing seems to settle down
Just another day, another town
And we're alone
As much as I love my job it did suck at times. Being a photographer for hire was brilliant as I got to do what I loved and got to travel all over the world meeting amazing people. The problem with being in such high demand means I'm traveling a little too much at times.
It also meant that I was purely reliant on reputation alone. Thankfully I had spent years building it up. It didn't hurt that I was very versatile doing just about everything from travel pictures to modelling shoots. But in building up a reputation it meant that I couldn't turn down bookings.
And it seems that I always had the worst timing with luck. It seems that just as I finish up a job I get booked for another one. Postponing my return home. Things just never seems to settle down. Meaning spending even longer away from Christen. Or just when I come home she's leaving for camp or matches. I would be hopping town to town. The two of us alone.
But not really
But I can never let this go to waste
The further that I go
The more I seem to love you every day
But no matter how far away we are from each other. No matter the distance I travel it could never diminish how much I love Christen. It's as if the further I travel the more my love grows for her. I guess what they say is true.
Absence makes the heart grow fonder
And I know that you'll feel better
When you're sat there in my sweater
That I gave you to remember
Being on the sofa next to me
And I'm waking up at 6:00 a.m.
To call before you go to bed
And tell you 'bout the day I've planned
And listen to the one you had
And when I'm homesick
I've got you on my home screen
So anywhere I'm going
I know that you'll be with me
Until I hold you
When I'm homesick
I've got you on my home screen
So anywhere I'm going
I know that you'll be with me
Until I hold you, darling
After touching down in New York and hailing down a taxi I slump back in the seat as they drive me to the hotel for the night. But the first thing I do is check the time difference. It just became apart of my routine everytime I went somewhere for work. I would always check the time difference between where I am with wherever Christen is.
I had made it a priority to always call Christen before she goes to bed no matter what unless it was organised before hand for some reason.
Of course I never told Christen this. Purely cause in doing so it means that I would have to be awake at insane hours in order to call her. Of course it was a pain but everything was worth it to hear about Christen's day.
As I get to the hotel I immediately slide into the bed not even bothering to change and instead just dropping my bags and getting comfortable underneath the warn blankets. Knowing I only have a few hour before needing to wake up to call Christen.
I groan lightly when I hear the alarm on my phone go off. I sit up in my bed with a yawn before taking my phone off the charge and dialling Christen's number. I rub the sleep from my eyes as it rings. But it doesn't take long as it only has the chance to ring twice before I hear my beautiful girlfriend's voice on the other end, "Hey Y/n!"
I smile tiredly, "Hey Love". "You okay? You sound tired. Early start?" I chuckle quietly she has no idea. "Eh it's okay I just woke up is all". I stifle a yawn, "But don't worry about that how was your day?"
I can't help but smile as she begins her long rant about her day. Starting off with the usual with her morning yoga and meditation and everything. Then tells me about Kelley acting like a crack head at training and work for Re Inc. "Mal was asking for you as well today" she tells me making me smile. "Awe" coo, "tell the little nugget I miss her too".
"Do you have much planned for the day?" She asks. I shrug although I know she can't see me, "Well other than the shoot I have today I don't really know. Maybe if I get a chance I can go explore maybe take a few pictures". She groans, "Uh I wish I could go exploring with you". I smile, "Maybe one day I'll bring you back with me and then we can explore together". "I would like that" she says softly.
There's a small pause before she speaks again. "So do you know when your going to be coming home?" She asks quietly. I sigh knowing it was coming. She asks every time and I hate it. Purely because I can never give her a good answer. I never liked giving her an answer only for her to be disappointed when another job calls me away again. "I don't know Chris" I sigh. "I have this gig which is a city wide shoot which could go on for days if we get delayed and then I might be getting called for another in England afterwards".
I could practically see the frown on her face, "Okay..." I sigh and play with the ring on my finger, "But you know that I'm doing everything in my power to get back home to you". "I know". I inhale deeply, "I love you so so so so much Christen Press". I smile as I hear her giggle down the line, "I love you too". "To the moon and back" I whisper. She sighs contently.
"To the moon and back"
I know that you'll feel better
When you're sat there in my sweater
That I gave you to remember
Being on the sofa next to me
I groan quietly as I rub my eyes tired from constantly staring at the screen. When I glance up I see I've been editing these photos for over 3 hours now as the it now shows that it's nearing 4am. I slump back in the chair and stare up at the ceiling just taking a moment to rest my eyes.
I loved photography and taking pictures of different things. But this was the part I hated the most. Editing. Was simply the bain of my existence. It was just a slow process and took so long to do such small things. And as much as I wanted to just go to sleep I knew I couldn't. The longer I put these off the more pressure I'll be under to get them sent off.
It would also lead to just a bigger amount of pictures to edit and that didn't seem all that appealing either.
It didn't help that all my thoughts just seems to trail back to Christen. She's probably in the middle of team bonding or free time right now. Probably hanging with Tobin or someone right now. What I wouldn't give to just be cuddled up with her right now taking a nap.
I missed her so much right now
My thoughts are interrupted by my phone pinging. I sigh as I grab my phone only to see it's an Instagram notification. I scrunch my face "I've been tagged?" I shrug thinking it's just probably someone posting some photos I took for them but instantly smile when I see who it was.
It was a picture I had actually taken a while ago just for fun but it came out extremely well. It was a picture of Chris sitting on our sofa looking away from the camera and instead to the seat beside her. The light streaming in from the windows we're hitting her perfectly. But the best part was her sitting them in my baggy sweater adorning her small frame making her look even smaller than usual.
Christenpress Wish you were here next to me
I chuckle as I like the photo. Christen was such a tease. She knew that fans had suspicions that she was dating someone but would never come out and directly say who. It was quite funny seeing how many people speculated Christen and Tobin were dating from photos I had taken. Taking friendly gestures way out of context.
After staring at the picture for a while longer I switch off my phone and get back to editing the photos. Wanting to get these done as quickly as possible. Because the quicker I get these done.
The quicker I get home to her.
And when I'm homesick
I've got you on my home screen
So anywhere I'm going
I know that you'll be with me
Until I hold you
When I'm homesick
The day had been longer than it should have been. The shoot had a rocky start with an overbearing manager interrupting the shoot constantly and questioning everything every 5 minutes. I was quickly coming to the end of my tether but I finally cracked. Not only was he making the model uncomfortable, he started questioning me. So I eventually kicked him off the shoot.
Which was the best decision as the model finally relaxed enough to continue on with the shoot. It ran much smoother after that but we had a lot of time to make up for. And along with the wardrobe changes and travelling between locations the day was just tiring overall.
It didn't help that homesickness hit my like a train today.
I don't know why but everything just remind me of Christen. It was almost crippling how much I missed her. Wanting nothing more than to be in her arms. But I plastered a smile on my face and grinned and bared it. The only thing getting me through the day was my phone.
My phone was my lifeline and my medicine for homesickness. Whenever I was having a bad day or just missing home all I had to do was turn on my phone. And I was met with Christen smiling up at me from my home screen. It was a picture that I think one of her teammates took. It was of a picture of a few of us at a party or team celebration I honestly couldn't remember. With Tobin, Pinoe and a few others either side of us while Christen was sitting on my lap with my arms wrapped around her and my chin resting on her shoulder. Both of us smiling at the camera. It was of It's my own way of always having her with me.
She has my sweater and I have my home screen. And that will keep us going until we're back together again.
I've got you on my home screen
So anywhere I'm going
I know that you'll be with me
Until I hold you, darling
I focus my camera waiting for the perfect moment until I quickly snap the photo. I grin as I see the outcome of the shots and swear that she could never take a bad photo ever. I wait anxiously taking the occasional picture until the whistle finally blows.
I pull the snood closer to my face and pull my hat down further down my face making me almost unrecognisable. As I make my way onto the field I snap pictures of the players trading after match pleasantries and talking to each other. I smile as I see her smiling and laughing with Tobin and Mal. I raise the camera to my eye and wave at them, "Hey! Can I get a picture?" 
They all nod before standing beside each other and smiling at me with their arms around each other. I quickly take the picture before lowering the camera, "Beautiful! Thank you but I was expecting a better reaction from you".
She looks at me confused before I lower my snood and smile at my girlfriend, "Hey Love". She gasps at me before launching herself into my arms giving me just enough time to move my camera away from getting crushed and catch her in my arms. I spin her around in my arms before putting her back on her feet. "Your here! Omg your actually here!" She squeals as she wraps her arms around my neck.
After passing off my phone to Mal with a smile I securely wrap my arms around her waist pulling her even closer to me, "Yes Darling. I'm here".
We sway side to side for a bit just enjoying being back in each others arms again. "I missed you" she whispers into my neck as I kiss the side of her head, "I missed you too. So so so much Chris".
She pulled back just even to look into my eyes before leaning in to kiss me. Finally being back in each others arms we were so happy to be back with each other. "I love you to the moon and back" I whisper pressing my forehead against hers.
"I love you to the moon and back"
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tangledstarlight · 4 years ago
2. “Sure, you can use me as a pillow.” For willex 😃
hello hi this could have been so much longer but it’s 2am and i gotta go to sleep, but i also felt compelled to do this tonight so here we go! and yes okay i nearly forgot there was a prompt my bad 😬 hope you like anon!! 
hurt/comfort dialogue prompts!!
2. “Sure, you can use me as a pillow.” 
The thing about traveling is that Alex really hates traveling. 
Sure, he likes going to new places and experiencing new cultures and buying hotdogs from street vendors in New York who don’t work out of a car. But that actual act of traveling? Of getting from one place to another long distance via plane? Absolutely hates it. As he sits around in hard plastic airport chairs he often finds himself wishing he could just teleport himself. Think of where he wanted to be and poof! there he was. 
But he couldn’t poof around the world and instead he was stuck on a flight back to LA from New York that was already an hour delayed and was now a further two hours delayed on the tarmac while they were on the damn thing. 
Balling up his jumper and stuffing it behind his head Alex tries to relax, to stretch his legs out in front of him a little and let the tension leave his shoulders. He thinks about the apartment that him and the band had rented for the three months they’d been in New York working on their new album. Of how he could be on the plush grey sofa right now, listening to Reggie talk over whatever film they’d picked and trying to throw popcorn into Luke’s open mouth after he’d fallen asleep ten minutes in while Julie tried with m&ms. 
But no. He’s stuck in a plane and starting to get cramp in his leg and regretting not accepting the travel pillow Reggie had tried to give him before he left. God there had better be an open bar at his sister's wedding to make up for this experience. Though he knows that’s partly a lie, because seeing his little sister walk down the aisle in her white dress will be worth it, but the way his parents will avoid him the whole weekend? Oh yeah, he’s gonna need an open bar for that too. 
“Sorry folks, looks like we’re going to be stuck here a little while longer. Please remain in your seats and if you need anything––” Alex, along with the majority of the plane, stop listening to the pilot's voice on the speaker. There’s a collective groan and he can hear people complaining and the little tell-tale ding of someone calling for assistance. 
Alex blows out a breath and tries to go back to relaxing in his seat. Which feels awkward and uncomfortable and exposed, probably due to the fact he’s got an aisle seat. Logically, he knows that. Logically, he knows that no one is really judging him right now because they’re all too busy dealing with their own shit. 
The sleeve of his jumper slips free, dropping to his neck and, without thinking, he swats it away. Belatedly, and okay yeah, only after the responding grunt, does Alex remember that there’s someone sitting next to him. 
Eyes snapping open he looks at the man next to him, takes in the long hair and the tie dye sweatshirt and the wires of his headphones and the raised eyebrow as he looks back at him. 
“I am so sorry I just––” Alex trails off because he doesn’t have an excuse. He just forgot there was someone sitting next to him. Which, the longer he looks at his seat neighbour and takes in the jaw line and the lips curving into a smile and the way his eyes haven’t left his–– how the hell did Alex not notice him when he first got on the fucking plane? (He’s going to blame it on how much he hates traveling, it blinds him to all hot people in the vicinity, even if they happen to be right next to him apparently.) He can feel his cheeks growing warm and he realises he’s just staring and hasn’t actually finished his sentence. 
“Fell– neck, y’know?” He gestures vaguely to his neck, and the sleeve of his jumper that’s still on the other man's shoulder and god fucking damn it Alex that wasn’t even a sentence, get it together! If Luke or Julie or Reggie were here right now they would be laughing at him. 
“It’s all good man,” the stranger says with a light laugh and–– god he’s got such pretty eyes that Alex is almost distracted from what he says next, “You seem a little tense there though man. You goo?” 
And see, this is exactly part of the reason why Alex hates traveling. It’s the awkward small talk on the plane or the train or when you’re unfortunate enough to end up next to an extra chatty person on the bus. It’s why he shoves headphones on and pretends he can’t see lips moving. Though, he’s maybe willing to break that rule just a little today.
“Not a big fan of traveling,” is all he says, trying not to grimace about how much of an understatement that is. 
“On planes or just in general?” 
“Just in general. Though after this it might be a plane thing,” he tries to joke, and he’s pretty sure it’s a terrible attempt but the stranger giggles and oh man Alex hadn’t thought he could get cuter. 
“Yeah, this has been a pretty shitty few hours,” he agrees, biting down on his bottom lip for a moment before seeming to decide something, “I’m Willie. By the way. Since we’re going to be stuck next to each other for a while.” 
“Alex. Hi,” and, for some strange reason he lifts his hand and waves at him. That magical teleportation power would come in handy right about now, he decides. 
But, for whatever reason, Willie doesn’t find it weird and they start talking. Alex learns that Willie’s flying back to LA because he’d been in New York for an art show, and that he’s into skateboarding and he looks really good when he ties his hair up in a bun. In turn, Alex tells him about the band and recording their first album and about his weekend. 
“So wait, your parents don’t want you going to the wedding?” Willie asks, body half turned towards him in his chair and there's a look of confusion on his face. 
“They’d didn’t explicitly say that but we all know they’re going to be disappointed when I show up,” he shrugs. It hurts, but it’s also just been a fact of his life for so long now that Alex sometimes forgets that not everyone has the same experience. And anyway, he’s not going for his parents, he’s going for his sister. 
“Man that’s fucked,” he mutters, eyes seeming to zone out for a moment, only to refocus as Alex claps a hand over his mouth to block a yawn. 
“Sorry. I put off going to sleep so I could sleep on the flight but,” he shrugs, shooting Willie a slightly sheepish smile but he just shakes his head, another smile on his lips. 
“You’re all good. When this thing finally takes off you can use me as a pillow,” there’s a slightly teasing edge to his words but a challenge in his eyes. 
And maybe it’s because he’s been stuck in an airport and then on a plane for four hours longer then he’d expected to be, or because he’s just really tired or maybe he’s just feeling brave in the face of his weekend ahead, but Alex smiles back at him and says, “You’re probably much comfier then my jumper.” 
There’s a beat before Willie laughs, knocks his knuckles casually against Alex’s shoulder. Half an hour later, when the pilot announces they’ve been cleared for takeoff and the majority of people cheer, Alex and Willie share a high five, palms lingering maybe a touch too long, but he’s not going to complain. 
He doesn’t sleep on the flight, but he does leave LAX in a taxi with Willie’s number saved in his phone with the first text he’d sent being the address of his sister's wedding and an assurance he didn’t need to bring a gift. 
So okay, maybe traveling isn’t the worst thing in the world.
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ktlsyrtis · 3 years ago
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This is not so much a WIP, but an outtake from the 'five times' fic that @batnbreakfast and I are working on, which was cut because it was deemed "too sweet and fluffy" by my partner in crime. Also, it's Bernie/Alex, so, who even knows!
Pushing aside the flap of the surgical tent, Bernie pulls her scrub cap from her head, balling the sweaty fabric up in her fist as she makes her way across the camp.
They were in surgery long enough that the sun’s almost set, the dry desert air quickly cooling, raising goosebumps on her overheated skin. Lieutenant Murray would keep his leg, but her nerves were still jangling from the close call. Some of the omnipresent noise of the camp fades away as she approaches the perimeter fence, circling around the supply tent to an unpopulated corner of the camp, where a series of large time-worn boulders jutted up from the sand.
She found the outcropping of rocks early in her deployment, while taking a morning run. Far enough from the camp to feel alone, but not far enough to delay if she were needed, it became the place she went to be alone, to decompress when it all got to be too much. Some of the junior doctors have taken to calling the spot ‘Wolfe Point’ when they think she can’t hear them. It’s said with enough affection that she doesn’t take them to task for it, recalls the myriad inside jokes about her superior officers over the years. The important thing is that they all respect her enough to leave her in peace.
Settling on the rock she groans softly, the lingering heat from the sun sinking into her bones like a hot water bottle. She can’t deny the tours have been getting harder. No matter how fit she stays, the aches linger more than they used to, and each morning it’s just a hair more difficult to roll out of her bunk. A tiny, fearful part of her mind wonders if this will be her last deployment, if she’ll finally have to give in to Marcus’s desire to have her home.
To be fair, it’s an argument they’ve had less and less as the years have gone by. Where she used to feel guilty about the hole she left in her family’s life, now it just feels like they’ve filled in the space she used to be, leaving no place for her when she’s home. She knows that the kids are adults now, that this is the natural outcome of her career. That doesn’t stop her heart from aching each time she checks her email and finds nothing from Cam and Charlotte, only a line or two from Marcus.
Bernie still craves being alone. The moment her plane touches down in the UK she’s already thinking about the next deployment, the next adventure, how quickly she can leave the life that she’s never fit into, a life that tightens more around her each passing year, like a vine strangling a tree.
She’s been running all her life, yet somehow she never expected escape to be so lonely.
“Tough day?”
Jerked from her maudlin thoughts, Bernie looks up sharply, then immediately relaxes. There’s only one person who would bother her here.
“Not as tough as some,” she replies, taking the proffered flask from Alex’s hand. The first sip burns like tank fuel, and she grimaces a bit as Alex settles beside her, before taking another and handing it back.
“I heard that Murray’s going to make it,” Alex says, bumping her shoulder lightly against Bernie’s. “Another miracle from Major Wolfe, eh?” Bernie just hums, always feels awkward receiving accolades from her colleagues.
They slip into a comfortable silence, passing the flask of barely potable moonshine back and forth as the last rays of the sun sink beneath the horizon, the sky filled with a blanket of stars. Bernie finds herself glancing at Alex as she drinks, takes in the slender line of her throat, the way the starlight turns her pale eyes almost silver. She doesn’t usually make friends on tour. Prides herself on maintaining a certain detachment, especially with her subordinates.
But there’s something about Alex.
Alex, with her easy laugh and warm smile, snuck past Bernie’s defenses before she even realized what was happening. Being with Alex is effortless in a way no other friendship in Bernie’s life has been, a way that’s as exhilarating as it is terrifying. She finds herself thinking about Alex all the time, craving her company, seeking her out almost without thinking. Doesn’t let herself dwell on why that is, on the intensity of the things she feels.
Alex’s friendship eases some of the ever present loneliness in Bernie’s heart. That’s enough.
“You okay, Bern?”
Bernie startles a bit as she realizes she’s been staring, hides the sudden flush heating her face behind another swig of rotgut.
“Of course I’m okay,” she says with a weak attempt at a smile. “I’m always okay.”
The quirk of Alex’s eyebrow is all Bernie needs to know what she thinks of that statement, and she sighs, too tired to fight against the question in those piercing eyes.
“I haven’t heard from my kids in months,” she says quietly, eyes trained on a particularly bright star. “Not since I came here. Even Marcus hasn’t sent more than a few words.”
Something flits across Alex’s face at that, a kind of careful neutrality shuttering her normally open expression.
“Ah. Missing the family, then?”
“No.” Bernie barks out a bitter laugh, tucking her hands beneath her thighs, against the smooth surface of the rock. “That’s the worst part. I don’t miss them. I don’t miss England, I don’t miss my home.” A note of pain creeps into her words, throat thick. “What kind of mother does that make me, that I don’t even miss my children?”
“Sounds to me like it makes you a human being.” Alex shifts closer, her thigh pressing warmly against Bernie’s hip. “You’re so much more than a mother, Bern. You’re a brilliant surgeon, a brave soldier, a wonderful friend.” She hesitates. “A beautiful woman.”
It’s only when Alex’s tongue swipes nervously across them that Bernie realizes she’s been watching her lips as she speaks. She meets Alex’s eyes, frozen by the intensity she finds there, her heart hammering wildly in her chest. Hardly breathes as Alex’s gaze flicks between her eyes and her mouth, leaning forward almost in slow motion.
The first touch of Alex’s lips to her own breaks something open in Bernie, sends a shockwave through her very self. It’s as if a bomb goes off, scattering all the pieces of her life, rearranging them in a new order.
With that order comes a startling clarity. This. This is what’s been missing her whole life. The thing she’s been running from. The feeling she’s tried so hard to paper over, to hide, to pretend it isn’t there.
There’s no pretending now. With Alex’s soft lips pressed so sweetly to her own and an ocean of stars overhead, Bernie feels absolutely certain for the first time in her life.
A lifetime passes, a perfect moment gone in a heartbeat. Somewhere along the way Bernie’s eyes slip shut, and she can’t hold back a faint whimper as Alex pulls away. Blinking slowly, she finds Alex staring back - lips glistening faintly, her face caught somewhere between hope and horror.
“Bern,” she stammers hoarsely, her breath coming quick and uneven. “I- I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have-”
Apologies are the last thing Bernie wants. Faster than she can talk herself out of it, Bernie slides a hand behind Alex’s neck, pulling her in and all but crashing their mouths together. She swallows Alex’s sigh of relief, moans as a tongue teases past her lips, strong arms wrapping around her shoulders, pulling their bodies flush.
Thoughts of home, of real life, can’t touch them here, and Bernie’s heart soars as she finally finds herself beneath a sea of stars.
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vennilavee · 4 years ago
as embers settle (3)
the soul of a flame masterlist
pairing: levi x reader of color
summary: you get a blast from your past. or, what happened to you in the Underground and how you got out.
warnings: alcohol, cursing, some violence, mentions of prostitution (it’s not detailed), harassment
word count: 3459
a/n: sorry for the almost 2 month delay!! enjoyy
Levi doesn’t come by often. But when he does, he turns heads every time. And he stays for hours whenever he has the chance to. It goes on like this for a few weeks- him arriving late at night or the early evening. And staying until past closure. Just to get a glimpse of you. A chance to talk to you. 
He never once denied himself of that reprieve. He won’t deny to himself that he likes you, that he enjoys your presence. This life within these three walls is too short to pretend and to deny himself of those small joys.
You talk about everything, and nothing. Lately, he’s taken to daydreaming about your lips when he can’t sleep. His thoughts flit to your scars, the one on your forehead and the one on your clavicle. It’s not the first time he’s wondered if you carry any other scars. 
Levi wonders if you’d ever let him see them. He wonders if he’d ever show you his own scars.
He sits at his usual table in the back, rubbing his hand over his face tiredly. Can you see how tired he is? He hopes not. Those shitty kids, the shitty titans, and even shitty Erwin will be the death of him.
If you heard him say that, you’d tease him and tell him that he’s saying that out of love. To which he would scoff.
Today, he expects to see your usual smile and the teasing glint in your dark eyes. But instead, he’s met with a frown and lines of irritation fracturing the planes of your pretty face. It looks out of place on you. In fact, you’re gripping the pitcher in your hands too tightly and even Misaki is looking at you warily. Your eyes are steely as you watch a group of men at the other end of the bar.
They’re MP’s. No wonder you look so displeased.
“Aww, come on,” One of them jeers at you, “Give us a smile, won’t ya?”
You so desperately want to turn them away. But money is money, and if there’s anything the Underground taught you… it’s to grin and bear it. Even when all you want to do is scream. Normally, you’d play along. To rake some extra coins from them. But not today. Because this one- he’s one of the MP’s you’d known quite closely in the Underground. He would roam where you lived late at night, you’d hear the commotion and the ruckus that came along with his arrival.
You’re disappointed that he’s still alive. 
His hair is greying, wrinkles around the corner of his eyes. But he’s very much alive and well. Alive enough to be throwing back your precious liquor like it’s water. 
You hate him, you hate that you’ve known him since you were nineteen, and you hate that he still has this hold on you. That you can’t just kick him out and be done with it. 
He knows it and you know it. He comes by every few months, whenever he feels like torturing you with his face. Whenever he feels like toying with you, reminding you of what you had left in the Underground. Or rather, what you had ran away from.
You hold your head high around Roz, the way you always have. Even if he smirks at you like he knows your secrets, which he does, you ignore him. The way you always have.
You’re usually much better at pushing the bitter memories to the side. But tonight, they threaten to spill out spitefully. Memories of shared sheets, sweaty skin and unkept promises. And then a face, a face you think about every day, a pretty face that makes your heart leap and ache at the same time.
The face of your friend, of your dead lover. Liya. 
When you see him, you see her. You see her stained, dead eyes, her cold skin, her lifeless arms. Her neck bleeding out in your frozen arms, your tears mixing with her blood. 
It was a long time ago. It was a long time ago that you had gotten involved with the wrong crowd- specifically, with Roz- and gotten her killed. The bitter pill of regret dies on your tongue but you push it away.
You were foolish. She had been your partner in every sense of the word. She was the one who had discovered the secret to earthwater. Earthwater was her creation, and she wasn’t even here to reap the benefits. 
The two of you had had an idea. Liya brought it to life. She had figured out how to proof alcohol and distill sugar and starch to create the perfect blend. You were thieves in the night, stealing every bit of raw material as you could to bring your dream to life.
Your makeshift brewery was in the corner of your attic in the small apartment (if you could even call it that) that you shared with Liya. It had taken about seven months of meticulous experimenting to create something that you both believed in.
It was worth it though. To see her smile so full of hope, shining in a way you’ve never seen her shine before.
“People will do anything for booze,” She said confidently, her eyes glinting, “We’ll turn over a profit in no time.”
“Even if we don’t… The memories we made along the way were worth it,” You giggle.
“Shut up, memories won’t get us out of this shithole,” Liya snorts derisively.
The version of earthwater that you both had concocted isn’t identical to what you currently brew and sell in your bar. It was a primitive version, not as tasty or flavorful. But still, it was impressive enough that it had caught the ears and eyes of your little neighborhood. And then word spread further and further. Until you and Liya had enough money to invest a little more in your little slice of magic.
Your little attic operation took off rather quickly. You had wanted to buy a nicer place to live in, but Liya had told you to look at the big picture.
To think about the sun. To think about how the sun would feel once you both saved up enough to get out.
Pretty soon, earthwater had attracted the likes of the MP’s to your corner of the Underground. You gave them free samples, just enough to entice them. And then, of course, you charged them extra for your booze. 
You were happy with what you had. Creating something with the love of your life. Scamming the shitty MP’s. Providing something fun in a place where the sun didn’t even shine. Liya wanted more though. She wanted the sun. 
Sometimes you wondered if she wanted it more than she wanted you. She reassured you though, when her head was in between your thighs, that that wasn’t the case. And you believed her. 
And then Roz came along. With his false promises that fed into your naivete so nicely, like it belonged. 
You would give Liya anything to fulfill her dream. Even if that meant giving up yourself. He had promised you money, so much money. A chance at leaving this hellhole. A chance at a full belly and a good night’s sleep. A chance of not having to be on edge all the time. A chance at a happy life with a girl that was supposed to be your soulmate. 
And then Roz was demanding more of you. Liya didn’t even know- all she knew was that you were returning home later and later at night, with tired eyes and blooming bruises. She wasn’t stupid. She had put the pieces together before you could even confess to her.
“You’ll get yourself killed!” She screams. Certainly loud enough that the windows rattle. You wince.
“I know what I’m doing!” You say stubbornly, “We almost have enough money to get out! That’s what you wanted!”
“What I wanted?!” Liya protests, voice reaching a fever pitch, “I didn’t want you to prostitute yourself to the fuckin’ MP’s so we could get out! 
“It’s just the one-”
“As if that makes it any better! How are we having this conversation!”
“It’s just Roz-”
“Just Roz! Do you know how many girls have gone missing here after meeting him? Everyone here knows Roz! God, you’re so stupid,” Liya begs, eyes filling with tears.
In the end, she was right. You had gotten yourself killed, at least a part of you. In the end, you had rebuffed Roz after that and he had retaliated by slitting Liya’s throat when you weren’t home. Like a coward. You had found her in your bedroom, the sheets dark and stained with her blood. 
Everyone in the vicinity could hear your cries and your broken, raw screams that night and for the next few nights. 
There had never been any evidence that it had been Roz. Liya was a nobody in the Underground, and so were you. But you knew it was him. And he knew that you knew.
You spent months torturing yourself by keeping all of her things in your bedroom, sleeping on her side of the bed. Until you saw Roz again and you knew that there was nothing holding you at home. You vomited the next time you saw Roz, and the feeling never quite goes away even now.
You needed to get out, and it burned like an itch. And ironically, when you pooled together your money with Liya’s, you had almost as much as you needed to buy your way out. It was only a matter of months.
Your train of thought is interrupted by Roz. Seeing him traps you back into a version of yourself that you don’t think of often. There was no point to thinking so much about it- if you dwelled on your decisions when you were younger, you would get wrapped up in this vortex of guilt. You knew that. But damn, Roz always had a way of getting under your skin.
It’s a shame. That he’s still alive, and Liya isn’t. 
His words are garbled in your ears and it takes you a few seconds to realize what he’s saying. You cast a glance over to his table and a sense of dread fills you. He’s alone now- his party has left him. Most likely because he was drunk and being irredeemably stupid. 
Goosebumps rise on your skin. Words bubble in your throat, words you’ve never had a chance to say. You want to cut him, cut him right where it hurts…
Instead nothing comes out of your mouth. He derisively laughs at you and your silence. Misaki clears her throat, about to say something when Roz’s eyes slide over to lazily take her in.
The world tilts on its axis a little bit when his mouth opens.
“Who’s this?” He sneers, light eyes flashing at Misaki, “She looks so much like her… Like your Liya-”
Your heart thumps erratically out of your chest and your face is warm. Before you realize what you’re doing, you’re on your feet and your knee connects with his chest. He falls back in his chair to the ground with a thump. Roz only looks at you with a knowing smirk and your hand latches around his neck.
You must look wild. You feel wild. You feel the pent up fire of nearly ten years burning through your veins and you finally succumb to it. 
“This feels familiar-”
“I should’ve fuckin’ killed you all those years ago,” You scream, your chest heaving and your hands shaking, “Don’t fuckin’ look at her. Keep Liya’s name out of your fuckin’ mouth-”
“Killin’ me wouldn’t have brought her back-”
“No, but it woulda been so fuckin’ sweet,” You grin with the taste of blood in your mouth.
“Not as sweet as you-” 
And then you draw your hand back and punch him. Your ears are ringing, you don’t hear Misaki screaming, you don’t feel your right hand starting to throb or feel your knuckles splitting. You only feel rage wash over you and turn into numbness. 
Tears are falling fast and heavy down your face and your eyes are blurry. Suddenly, you feel a pair of arms circle around you and yank you off of Roz. One last look at his bloody face and crooked grin does nothing to calm the sudden hysteria rising in your chest and blooming from your lips. 
“Get out! Get out!” You scream repeatedly, and you’re not sure who you’re screaming at. There’s nobody here. Nobody but you and Misaki.
And the person holding you close. You whip your head around to rip yourself out of the person’s arms to break your other fist into Roz’s face. With wide eyes, you realize that it’s Levi holding you back. You know him well enough to see lines of concern and confusion dotting his steely eyes.
“Stop,” Levi murmurs in your ear, “Relax. Stay with Misaki, I’ll get rid of him.”
Misaki steps closer to you, something unwavering in her gaze. And she holds your hand, squeezing tightly and taking you to the backroom to get you some water. And have you sit down.
You hold your head in your hands and squeeze your eyes shut. Misaki holds your hands and kneels in front of you, getting you to breathe with her. 
Levi drags the man with a broken nose out of your bar, allowing Roz’s head to hit the door frame with a soft crack on his way out. Roz groans but Levi pays him no mind. 
“I’ve met scum like you before,” Levi says lightly when he dumps him in a dark alleyway.
Roz looks up at him, eyes flashing in recognition. But Levi just scoffs at him and turns his back, heading in the direction of the Silver Sapphire.
“Go home Misaki,” You sigh, “I’m a mess. Stay home tomorrow, I’ll probably keep the bar closed.”
“I’m not leaving you alone,” Misaki says indignantly and gently cleans your split knuckles with a wet cloth.
You hardly even feel it. All you feel is the quiet ache of your heart from being closed off for this long. Maybe you should have handled Roz all those years ago. Would it have helped?
Levi finds you and Misaki in the supply closet. You’re sitting on a crate, your eyes dazed and Misaki is kneeling in front of you. She murmurs words of comfort to you but you’re not listening. Levi doesn’t know who that guy was or why it sent you into such a rage, but he can read in between the lines. 
“Thanks,” You mumble, finally raising your eyes to meet his stare, “For getting rid of Roz.”
“That’s his name? What a stupid name,” Levi says lightly and you snort.
“Misaki. Go home,” You urge quietly, “I’m sorry you had to see any of that.”
She looks at you and then at Levi unsurely. Her green eyes scrutinize Levi for a moment longer, trying to decide if she trusts you with him. With softened eyes, she nods and tells you to rest up before heading out with her bag.
Levi rolls his sleeves up and pulls up a crate to sit on in front of you. He gestures for you to give him your right hand. Against your brown skin, your knuckles are split a bright, brilliant red.
He gets up abruptly to wash his hands before inspecting your hand further, and to look for medicine and gauze. 
“Bottom left shelf,” You murmur.
“Where’d you learn to punch like that,” Levi muses, sitting in front of you with the cleaning solution, ointment and gauze next to him.
“The Underground,” You mutter, “Like you.”
Levi bristles wordlessly. Your words solidify an already existing suspicion of his. Levi motions for you to give him your hand and you wince as his fingers brush over your throbbing knuckles. Despite the pain, heat blooms in your chest at his sudden but soft touch. His hands are rough like yours, but still gentle. 
“This will burn. I’m cleaning it to make sure it doesn’t get infected,” Levi says.
“No shit, I know how to clean wounds,” You scoff. Levi gives you an unimpressed look that you return. 
“Congratulations,” He says dryly.
You barely react when he lightly dabs the cleaning solution on your knuckles. Levi wonders how much of this is muscle memory to you. The pads of his thumbs press into the back of your hand, almost soothing you. He’s quiet as he works, concentration folded into the creases of his handsome face. 
“You’re not going to ask me what happened?” You ask tersely.
“If you want to tell me, you will,” Levi shrugs. He’ll never press you to share more than what you are comfortable with.
An anvil sits on your chest, filled with pain that you’ve spent a long time convincing yourself was gone. If anyone can understand the pain that comes from the Underground, it’s Levi. 
“I had a friend. She was brilliant…”
And so you peel your lips open and tell him of your sinister love story cut short by your own stubbornness. You tell him about Liya, about Roz never leaving you alone, about finding Liya dead in your bed. 
You say it so swiftly, so factually that Levi wonders if you even realize what you’re saying. Your bottom lip is bitten as you look at him sadly, with guilt written in your eyes.
“You did what you thought was best at the time,” Levi murmurs, his voice quiet but firm, “Don’t taint her memory with your guilt and regret.”
“How can I not? This was her dream,” You reply, your own voice sounding far away to your ears.
“So honor her dream,” Levi says simply, “And honor yourself.”
Your eyes widen and his words immediately make you halt the spiral downward. His silver eyes are disarming, almost seeing through you as if you were transparent. But then you realize, he’s not seeing through you… He’s looking at you as if you were a mirror.
Levi pulls his eyes away from yours and gingerly continues to wrap your hand with gauze. His touches are fleeting and familiar. It makes your heart jump erratically, and how ironic that you were in the same place when he had so awkwardly cleaned your face up… All those days and weeks ago.
Something new blooms in your chest, mixing with the heat and adrenaline already pounding through your blood. It’s been a long time since you’ve been touched the way Levi is touching you. Firmly, but as if you were delicate. 
That’s not to say that you haven’t been touched in the past few years.
“What about you? Whose dream are you honoring?” You ask softly.
A breathless sort of sound falls from Levi’s lips. He doesn’t answer you, only smooths his fingers over the bandages around your hand. Silver meets your brown eyes and your pulse quickens again at the intensity of his stare.
He looks at you long and hard but still says nothing. You don’t think you’ll get an answer from him.
“Change your bandages twice a day,” Levi says lightly, “And don’t get infected or somethin’ equally as shitty.”
“Thanks, Levi,” You say with a laugh.
He squeezes your shoulder fondly, allowing for his thumb to float towards the base of your neck. A soft caress, and then another. His hand twists to cup your cheek, thumb gentle against your cheekbone. You lean into his touch, and something quietly shifts in the air between you and Levi. 
“I lost track of whose dream I’m honoring a long time ago,” Levi says softly, “It’s just my dream these days.”
As quickly as he allows for the touch, he pulls away. You find yourself missing his unexpected warmth, but you know that’s the most you’re going to get out of him.
He leaves soon after that and leaves you with the lingering heat of his fingers on your cheek. It feels like something new, something old, and something you lost but found again.
Eventually, over another night of late night tea he does tell you. Levi says it in passing, the names of his friends from the Underground. Isabel and Farlan. He says it fondly, as if he’s telling you a tale from a storybook.
You slide your hand across the table and squeeze his hand lightly. Before you can pull away, he keeps your hand tucked into his. Surprise lights up your features and then it melts into a bright smile. The candlelight illuminates your dark eyes and Levi can’t draw his eyes away.
So he doesn’t, and he lets himself fall into you. Wholeheartedly and completely.
tags: @simpingmaize
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razorblade180 · 4 years ago
Twin Snowflakes 22: Ground Zero
Part 21 -> here! <-
Bad luck has been a part of Qrow’s life for as long as he could remember. It manifested in a variety of ways but there was one in particular that was absolutely the worst, travel. Flat tire on a road trip, inconvenient. Plane delay, well that one was probably not his fault, but it felt like it! Certain cases like that were always a little iffy on if it was him or life. As the veteran huntsman stood on the deck of his son’s boat in the pouring rain with a Kraken raising from the depths, Qrow was sure of one thing. This one had to be his fault.
“I didn’t think grimm this big were still around. We’re in the middle of the ocean for crying out loud.” Qrow sighed, grabbing harbinger.” It’s cases like this he’d usually leave. Two big problems though. Problem number one, Sparrow was already firing cannons at it. Problem number two, it was waving Oscar around like a toy. He seemed okay though.
“CAN I HAVE SOME HELP HERE!?” He screamed, louder than the roaring winds and rough seas. “THIS GUY IS REALLY SLIMY!!”
“Slip out then!” Sparrow shouted in earnest. Oscar might’ve been far away but Sparrow could tell the man was not amused by that response. “What!? Do you want me to shoot that arm with you in it!? Penny will have a fit if I shot you!”
“PENNY WILL HAVE A FIT IF I'M EATEN!!!” Oscar wiggled and squirmed before finally managing to create an orb to push the tentacle off, then dispelling the orb to drop straight down. Cannon fire rained down on the center mass like grand finale fireworks, but only angered the beast. More tentacles cut through the air to reclaim its lost hostage.
“Give me a break.” The rain continued to pour down and sting against Oscar’s skin. He paid no mind to the whirlpools forming or the ship deck quickly approaching. Oscar simply closed his eyes. “Hey it’s been awhile. Mind lending a hand?” He called, subconsciously to his old friend.
“Hehe Oscar, do you even have to ask?”
Oscar smiled, opening his eyes and seeing Oz smile back through the reflection of the rain drops before seeing his own again, complete with white hair and golden eyes. “Let’s get to it shall we?”
Nick remained quiet as Weiss drove back home from school. He was happy he made it back in time. A gigas dragging him away after his fight with Valerie would’ve made the entire incident worse. Though if he was being honest, fighting a gigas sounded cathartic in a way. He gently pulled up the window switch over and over, repeatedly.
Weiss took note of her son’s unusually sad demeanor. “Alright, wanna tell me what happened in there? You were full of energy before getting your work, and I doubt the workload has spooked you.”
“Nothing I’m not used to.”
“Ah, Valerie troubles.” Weiss glanced over and saw Nick glare at his own reflection. Looks like she was right on the money. “Take it from me, I’m sure whatever happened had more to do with her own personal feelings and not the feelings you have for her.”
“You say that with such confidence.”
“I was a teenage girl once too, you know? One with plenty of personal hurdles I tried to associate with other people instead of myself. It doesn’t ever really stop truthfully. You just get better at accepting the fact the problems fix itself when you decide to change how to respond to it.”
“Do you think I have a problem I should change? Loving a girl who pushes me away, it probably makes me look like a joke.” He tried rolling down the window again but found the switch had been locked. Yet another thing to make him sad.
“I think it’s not the wisest thing you’ve done, but it’s definitely the most normal teenage thing about you. Joke or not, feelings are feelings. They’ll work themselves out. Just don’t force anything and before you know it, you’ll see things a lot clearer.” Weiss reached over and ruffled his shaggy hair. “Who knows, maybe you’ll see this dew of yours needs to finally change.”
“As if!” Nick laughed, “I look too much like uncle if I cut it, and any longer makes me look like dad.”
“Not if you style it. Oh, or grow it out even longer. Like when you’re little! “Weiss cooed, “You and Summer were really hard to tell apart then.”
“Yeah, and people kept calling me ‘she’ and stuff. Nooooo thank you!” He folded his arms in protest.
“That won’t happen now that you got your father’s looks. You’ll just be a pretty boy. Then if you get facial hair!? Nick, let me make you gorgeous! I have Coco on speed dial!”
“This is why you had a boy and a girl, mom! So I can escape this torture.”
Weiss pouted, “Summer likes doing her own makeup and hair. I should be proud considering it’s my old look from waaaaay back, but I still wanna change things up. I’d give this entire family a makeover if you all weren’t so whiny about it.” Weiss looked in the mirror at neck length hair. She remembered how free she felt the first time she cut it. Having twins meant twice the hair pulling, three times if she counted the one person she wanted to pull her hair. Thinking back, there was a good chance it was one of times Jaune pulled it that gave way to the discussion of kids in the first place.
“Hmmm, maybe I should grow my hair out. I miss the old length sometimes.”
“Summer would be so upset.”
“Good, then she’ll change it. That’s one family member down.”
Nick playfully rolled his eyes. A makeover didn’t sound too annoying actually. Maybe after the tournament? He’d think about it. “Hey, mind if we train again today? I got a lot of pent up energy and new ideas.”
“I suppose. Someone has to make sure you don’t overdo it. Winter is coming over too, so it’s for the best I warm you up anyways. I’m positive after your recent school events that she has a few words for you.”
Nick gulped, knowing he was in for a workout. “Well now…guess I’m dying today.” He could already feel his muscles ache.
Meanwhile in the woods, Summer and Veronica had crossed into unfamiliar territory, casual conversation. It wasn’t going well. They both agreed to chat but neither of them were actually talking! They were just walking with Veronica taking the lead, leaving Summer awkwardly following a few steps behind.
The girl had finally pulled herself together after her little episode. In truth, she was a little embarrassed to say anything after it. She hated looking weak, especially in front of Veronica, a girl who manages to look strong against even the harshest of critics and peers. It was quite envious, her attitude. Summer would give just about anything to have it. Summer looked down at her scroll for what must’ve been the tenth time. Still no missed messages.
“Expecting a call?” Veronica finally said, noticing the Schnee’s gaze consistently drifting. “Got a boyfriend or something I don’t know about?”
Summer felt like that might’ve been a jab but chose to ignore it. “Nick always calls me if Shiva gets out or nearly escapes. He’s always had a sixth sense for knowing her moves. It’s unlike him to not immediately call, even if he’s doing something urgent.” Summer put her scroll away. “Him not calling is odd.”
“Are you telling me she almost got out earlier? I didn’t really smell anything.” Veronica looked back to see the girl look at her confused. A fitting look honestly. “The one time Shiva was out and even when we argued yesterday, I smelled peppermint, a disgusting amount of it. The diamond dust smells the same.” Veronica pointed to her nose, “I didn’t smell that earlier.”
“Oh.” was all Summer could say. It should’ve been a relief, but it wasn’t. “Great, my panic attack was just unhinged. Even when she’s quiet, she’s ruining my day.”
“Are you saying Shiva tries escaping when you’re hysterical?”
“Apparently not, or at least not all the time? Agh, it’s impossible for me to tell.” Summer was even more perplexed than before. “Just when have I been talking to her? They’re not all fake, but...they’re not all real either? I can’t afford not knowing the” Her train of thought was broken when a snowball thrown by Veronica hit her coat. “Hey! Wh-”
Veronica quickly covered Summer’s mouth. “Shhh! Grimm.” She pointed several yards into the distance where two sabertooth grimm were roaming. “Alright, do your thing.”
Summer looked at the grimm, then back at Veronica, who gave a casual thumbs up. “Wait, you’re not helping?”
“Whhhhyyyyyy exactly?” Summer questioned.
Veronica sighed, because one of the reasons I wanted to be out here is to better see you in action. Why else would I tell you to bring your blade?”
“You lead me here under the assumption of a fight…” Summer deadpanned, “Couldn’t you have looked up old videos of me? I didn’t see you drag Nick off to fight grimm so you can make his outfit.”
“Nick has double the videos of him fighting, as well as him figure skating. Also, I pay more attention to him than I do you.” It might’ve been rude, but it was the honest truth. Summer didn’t even seem surprised. She just looked at Veronica with judgment. “What?”
“Nothing, much.” Summer drew her blade and put a glyph at her feet. “Any requests for data purposes?” She could not believe this was happening.
“Just handle them how you would normally, oh huntress in training.” Veronica teased lightly.
Summer pointed her sword out with her right hand and her right foot forward, then took off. The distance between her and grimm was closed in a matter second. She leaped over one, slicing it’s head off through the back of its neck. Another glyph formed midair behind her. Summer used it to kick off right after the attack and thrust her blade through the second grimm’s eye socket. Not even a snarl was heard before it died instantly.
Summer looked back at Veronica. “Cake walk. You’d get more data out of a video than th-”
“BEHIND YOU!” Veronica shouted.
Summer looked over her shoulder to see a third one already pouncing. With a subtle breath, Summer slowed its approach and then back stepped to safety. One more glyph was put under the paws of the beast and pulled out like a rug to trip it. Summer spun the chamber of her Myrtenaster and threw into its ribs like a javelin. The chamber landed on flame dust, setting it ablaze.
“Phew! That was...unexpected.” Summer said, coming down from a surge of adrenaline.
Veronica ran over to Summer, surprised. “How did you do that, the breath thing?” Veronica asked, “That’s a trick I’ve never seen.”
“ Oh that? Well…” Summer took her left glove off and focused. Little snowflakes started floating upward from it in place like a snow globe. “I’m not too good at it, but I can control a bit of Shiva’s powers. Only when I’m cold though, or freaked out, but that second one is more involuntary.” Summer put back on her glove, “considering the potential risks and conditions, I don’t use it in fights. Explaining it to officials would be a pain anyways.”
That made sense. Veronica could smell a hint of peppermint coming off Summer. That was Shiva’s power alright. This also explained the mass amount of ice she saw Summer create in her video fighting the Paladin. “Permission to touch you?” Veronica asked, like she always did. Summer nodded. Veronica reaches out and places two fingers against the pulse in Summer’s neck. “Any other Shiva related tidbits to share?”
“Ummm, we share a subconscious, sort of? More like a neutral ground.”
Veronica paused momentarily, “what?” She said, annoyed by all this cookie cutter information. “Gonna need more tidbits?”
“It’s hard to explain. I don’t understand it either.” Veronica looked at Summer, unblinking. Apparently that wasn’t a good enough answer. “Look, imagine something like...an ocean, just water and the sky above. Now flip it upside and make that ocean completely frozen. That’s more or less what the subconscious looks like. There’s ground to stand on, but I can’t really see. Depending if I’m actually dreaming or in a certain place, then that’s what the subconscious can look like. The only constant is that ice ceiling.”
Every sentence from this girl felt like a fever dream to Veronica. “Summer, I doubt you're lying to me, but do you by any chance also do drugs? You know, the hard kind.”
“As if!” Summer swatted Veronica’s hand off her neck. “First of all, drugs and I don’t mix. Second, be serious!”
“It was a valid question. Rich kids do a lot of things. If Nick told me he tried it before I wouldn’t be surprised. Saddened, but not surprised.”
“While I would be hounded by you no doubt?”
Veronica crossed her arms, “I’d berate anyone who would do drugs.” Her tone was stern and cutthroat, “It’s an ugly slope that goes down fast.”
The way she spoke about it was rather serious compared to what Summer was used to. “Have...you done drugs?” Summer asked cautiously.
Veronica thought about her answer carefully for a moment. “For a brief time, yes. I’m past it however, totally clean. I thought it might help control my instincts.” Veronica slouched over with a sigh, “Unfortunately, noooo dice. Come on. Let’s keep moving.” Veronica continued to walk.
Summer stood quietly for a moment, then followed as well. She wasn’t expecting to get to the topic of Veronica’s genetics in such a personal way. Then again, someone’s very birth is nothing but personal. Curiosity began to get the better of her. They did make a deal after all.
“V-Veronica…?” Summer stuttered, “I held up my end of the bargain. The only other thing that may be worth mentioning is Shiva only knows what I know when she tries escaping, and I only know what she does if I’m conscious. Other than that I think all the dribble about the state of mind would make you snore. So…..”
Veronica could tell where this was going. “Relax, I’m not about to break a deal that I proposed in the first place.”
She reached for a nearby branch and plucked a silver flower off of it. It’s five petals were spread wide Veronica placed it in her own hair. “I take it that even your school isn’t bold enough to ignore basic faunus knowledge and history, despite their…questionable place in said history?”
Summer nodded, “Hey, Atlas isn’t the kind of place to bury the leads. Older society and its people simply do what they want, how they want.” Summer cringed, “Not that doing so is exactly better in the long run. Besides, you think rich tycoons wouldn’t tell their heirs and shady dealers how they amassed their fortune? Atlas’s people might know too well the benefits and contributions the faunus play in our history and in a work capacity.” Summer felt sick saying that. “It’s disgusting really.”
“Couldn’t agree more. With all that said, how much do you wanna bet there’s aspects glossed over?” Veronica wagered.
“I could’ve sworn you made it clear that you have no interest in money?” Summer quipped.
Veronica let out a humorous breath, “Tah, a girl can change her mind can’t she?” Veronica watched Summer reach in her pocket and pull out a hundred lien casually, giving it up. Veronica was surprised. “We didn’t even make the bet yet.”
“If I knew everything, then I wouldn’t be curious about this in the first place. Odds of you teaching me something new about your people is a given.”
Maybe it was the fact that Summer was made of money, or had good intentions for learning more, but Veronica couldn’t take the money. She could only waved it away. “Geez it was a joke. Making you pay would look bad.” She said, in a forest with nobody but themselves around. “Qualities Like night vision and other adaptations aren’t the only animals traits given. It’s fundamentally built into everything about us. Disposition, personality traits, social skills, everything; the animal you are influences all of these in a variety of ways in varying amounts.”
“Like how faunus with nocturnal animal traits tend to take night jobs?”
“Veronica nodded, “Yes. A bird faunus might choose a home at high elevations, even if they don’t have wings. A deer or rabbit faunus may have to work harder at public speaking than let’s say a wolf faunus. The subtles can get even tinier; or as obvious as a feline faunus loving fish.”
Summer never really thought about it, but that made sense.“What you’re basically telling me is for a faunus, nature vs nurture takes on an entirely different level of complexity? Nothing stops a rabbit faunus from being a motivational speaker, but it would be more work, unless their parents or even their environment had predisposed them to be apart of a more vocal and outgoing lifestyle?” Summer’s eyes lit up. “That’s actually really fascinating, sowhere do you fit in with all of this?” She asked, wanting to learn more.
Veronica was taken off gaurd by how interested Summer was. “For a person who apparently hates school as much as I do, you look eager to learn.”
“School sucks because of social pressure and redundant information.” Summer deadpanned, “Anyone would get bored of learning material that is forced upon them and is as quickly discarded.”
“Well, I guess that’s true. I wouldn’t say I’m in love with any aspect of school, but learning is the least problematic part of what I had to think about it. Anyways, what I’ve told you so far applies to all faunus. With the way the world is and all the kinds of possible traits, finding a place to fit in isn’t difficult. Those animal instincts are very much submissive compared and don’t hinder our ability. Like you said, a rabbit faunus can do public speaking. A bat faunus can absolutely walk around in broad daylight. However, there’s a minority among faunus that have their animal gene act way more dominant than the majority. Roughly 13 to around 18 percent of the faunus population, if I remember correctly. This group, my group, are easily recognized by having exaggerated or extra features. Extra large wings, skin more animal than human, cold blood-”
“Ears and a tail?” Summer interjected, “appearance wise, you seem to have gotten off easy. You covered in fur or having whiskers would be a little distracting. Not gonna lie.”
“Externally, I’m just a tick higher on date lists for everyone with disturbing cat girl fantasies. Make no mistake though, I’m not the average faunus. Super faunus, the minority, have their animal qualities cranked up and deformed. I can’t see in the dark, but my nose is keener than any dog I’ve encountered. All those little traits I mentioned before? They tend to manifest in my people aggressively and often. To put into perspective, I have more in common with my grandpa than I do my mom, on an animal level.”
“Wow, that’s…intense. Your grandpa roars and gets all apex predator on people when he’s pissed- oh! Wait, your temper is shit because of your genes!?”
Veronica inhaled, ignoring the insult for the sake of conversation. “To a degree, yes. I cannot pin the blame entirely on my DNA, unfortunately…” she added that last bit quietly. “Despite what people write online about my family, we aren’t just cats. We are big cats. I’m a panther for crying out loud.”
Summer squinted, “Well, seeing how you’re mostly blonde, aren’t you technically more of a jaguar or a leopar-”
“Panther.” Veronica said, this time with feeling. “I could dye my hair red and that doesn’t change my DNA, Summer.”
For her own safety, Summer wisely chose not to make a very easy pink panther joke. She thought about it, but this conversation didn’t need to fall apart for the sake of Summer wanting to be a smartass to Veronica for once. “Fair enough, continue.” She said, still thinking about the joke.
“My athletic ability is exceptional, hearing too. My tail gives me balance more than other faunus. Despite the term super, anyone with the mutation would tell you how daunting it is. The type of animal, like everything else, determines what the faunus might deal with. For me it boils down two major things that contradict each other. Problem number one, not eating enough meat.”
“What happens?”
“Same thing that happens to any starved predator. I become impulsive, irritated easily, confrontational, my senses get...sensitive, adrenaline makes me dizzy-”
“So you’re super hangry?” Summer said without thinking. She immediately tucked her lips in and accepted the “you are an idiot” look that Veronica gave her without mercy. “Why the hell did I say that?”
Veronica groaned, “Minutes ago I heard you bring up nature vs nurture for comparing and explaining what I’ve said. Now you compare things to being hangry? It’s not even about how full I am, it’s the nutritional and instinctual part of devouring meat that my brain wants. It’s no different than your body craving milk for calcium. If I’m not careful and reach my limit, I tend to lose sense of reason and even blackout into a haze of instinct. Essentially, I go feral. Your brother can tell you that it’s not a pretty thing.” Veronica frowned.
The bruises on his face that day after school started to make a little more sense. No way he’d just let Max and Darren get clean hits in! He was dealing with an enraged Veronica. It actually put a lot of things in perspective. Summer couldn’t count how many times Veronica looked like she wanted to actually claw a person’s eyes out. She might’ve actually been thinking it over! That...was a scary thought. “What’s problem number two?” There was no way it could be just as bad.
“Eating too much meat. That’s when I’m an apex.” Veronica said, giving a thousand yard stare. Summer immediately took her statement back. That sounded way more problematic. “My attitude shifts. My fuse isn’t as short as when I’m starved but let’s say I can be very...demanding. Yeah, let’s go with that.”
Summer raised a brow, skeptical of that statement. “Are you saying-”
“Better think twice before saying I’m already demanding. Neither you or Nick has seen me when I’m caught up in the euphoria of being what I am. I’d put that girl Amber to shame, and my physical prowess are even better. I’m wild in a completely different way. Filter, broken. Can’t even put that state into words. So yeah, that’s my genetic mishap in a nutshell.”
“You being a food snob and all of your diets make a lot more sense now. Why keep this to yourself for so long.”
“Simple, it’s not anybody’s business what I’m dealing with. It’s handled, and doesn’t need to be explained among faunus. Living normally isn’t hard when you know what you’re dealing with, which is why I’m shocked every resource hasn’t been poured into figuring out your problem.”
That stung a bit. “Oscar is currently crossing the sea to potentially find answers, I have you know.” Summer said defensively.
A scoff came from Veronica. “No offense, but that sounds like a waste of energy.”
“Saying no offense doesn’t make me feel less hurt.” Summer folded her arms. “How would you know? Unlike you, my affliction has no prior information to go off of, and isn’t a genetic thing at birth. Any move could be closer to the truth, or a shot in the dark. For all intended purposes, you were born and live normally like anyone else.”
“Hate to make you sound stupid, but a test tube baby isn’t normal in most circles. Two moms, remember?” Veronica said, coldly.
Summer stopped walking. For some reason, that didn’t sit right with her. “Isn’t that name...an insult?”
“Yep.” Veronica kept walking, “Keep up. I’ll leave you out here.”
Summer listened. Maybe it was her imagination, but that atmosphere between them felt like it changed again. They had both held up their end of the bargain. Now things felt cold between them like before. Summer wasn’t expecting to learn as much as she did. Many things were answered today, so why did it feel like she knew less about Veronica. Blanks were filled into a picture she never knew the true size of, and still didn’t. One of those pieces felt out of place. The piece that helped put build up to this situation in the first place.
“Veronica…?” Summer uttered, “By any chance, does any of what you told me having anything to do with the torn pages in your-” suddenly, Summer’s words were stuck in her throat. Veronica had turned around to look her dead in the eyes, coldly and without care. Summer felt herself become small and beneath Veronica yet again, inferior.
“Never bring this topic up again, got it?” Veronica had to stop herself from balling up her hands, or she’d cut them with her nail. “Got it?” She said again, doing her best not to blow a fuse.
“S..sorry. I just...thought-”
“You thought wrong.” Veronica said. She turned around and kept walking. “We’re not friends.”
Heat rose to Summer’s face. It was impossible to know if she was feeling embarrassed, upset, or anything. All she knew was for a moment, she felt tears well up before vanishing. She breathed through her nose and bit back. “Yeah, I’m well aware.”
“Sloppy!!!” The commanding voice of Weiss’s sister cried, knocking her nephew into a bush for the tenth time today. “You’re unfocused! Surely you can do better?”
Weiss witnessed her child stumble back to his feet, hair messed up and panting. He stabbed his sword into the ground to brace himself momentarily. His aura was still high, and yet… “Winter, he’s still under the weather. Ease up.”
“This is me easing up. You simply coddle him too much. Nick is more than capable of continuing. I don’t remember going as easy on you when you asked for training all those years ago. You turned out fine.”
“I wouldn’t exactly use our relationship as a standard.” Weiss mumbled.”
Nick raised his sword quickly. He channeled a fire ball to the tip of his blade as fast as he could, but was still too slow. Winter had already rushed towards his left. He had no choice but to abandon the fire attack for a block that barely withstood his Aunt’s blade. Nick slid backwards on the stone ground.
Winter shook her head. “Once again, you waste aura and energy not because the attack was a bad choice, but because you simply cannot use your semblance fast enough.”
Winter shot off a fire ball not even a second later. She waited closely for Nick to raise his block, then used a standard glyph to propel herself forward. Her speed surpassed the fireball, and Winter was able to position her blade behind him as the flame made contact with his.
Nick looked over his shoulder at her, frustrated, but not willing to yield. He pivoted around with his blade held out to direct hers away, then put a glyph between them. By the time he did so, Nick already knew she was on the move again. “Don’t count me out!” His left hand pulled a summoned sword from the glyph. Nick swung it out to the left and around to his back while his actual blade was swung right. The weight to Winter’s attack came from back and was blocked, perfect. He leaned his body left with his blade as he felt Winter shift that direction to his opened side.
Winter could only smile as she went in to strike. Nick just played her and she knew it. Her blade still clashed with the summon weapon, leaving his right blade free to use the momentum from the lean and make a clean stab with no chance for her to block. Winter did the wise thing and jumped back, abandoning her assault. His left side was never really opened. It was bait. Both swords were used to block wherever she came from. The right one only stopped short because the left one did the job of making sure she aimed for his back by swinging outward. Winter would have either been hit or blocked if she immediately attacked left or right, and the glyph protected the front. By making her attack his back, he all but ensured she would aim left next because it was the only unguarded spot, a spot he was ready to defend and attack from simultaneously. It was this kind of quick thinking and reckless style that separated Nicholas from anyone else. Even his sister. Especially his sister. Winter loved Summer to death, but the girl was quick to panic if plans fell apart.
Normally Winter would hear him say something self-indulgent. Nope. Just a quiet stare and a fireball he had to fire off thanks to the distance between them. Still…
“Nice effort.” Winter said, knocking it away with ease. “But no. The simple fact you can summon the sword of an Arma Gigas so easily yet remain sluggish with more basic functions of your semblance is a baffling talent. If it wasn’t for your unconventional swordplay that you somehow make work, I’d say getting a gold medal would be impossible. Still might be. It only does so much.”
“Well it’s a little late to change my style now. This is what I know best.” He dropped his sword and slowly let out a breath, filled with irritation. “I know I’m lacking.”
Winter raised a brow. She looked at Weiss confused, “What’s wrong with him? The usual?”
“No. Well, yeah, but he’s been stretched thin in general recently.”
“I’m not stretched thin. I just...nothing feels like it’s enough. Training in particular. Like you said, I can make swords in my sleep. All the other things our family is supposed to be good at, I’m average!”
Winter turned off mentor mode for a moment. Clearly this is more than about training, but she’ll play along. It was time to be an aunt. “Nick, you are in a class of your own. Sixteen and this skilled by no means is average. In regards to us, your family, no one here was perfect. Nobody here is perfect. Your mother still over extends her strikes from time to time and your father definitely wasn’t a genius by any means.”
Weiss narrowed her eyes, “Hey, I’m free game but be nice to my husband. You’re right, but be nice.”
“Like me, you choose to wield two blades. Unlike me, it’s your go to stance.” Winter informed, “Our semblance works best when we have a free hand. That’s why shields aren’t a good option for us. The choice to use two blades isn't bad by normal standards. I’ve faced many foes that pressured me with similar tactics, even beat me. Though only one is real, another sword has made it harder for you to use glyphs. At least it should be, but summoning and a video of your exam says otherwise.”
Nick looked at his summoned blade in frustration. “I still don’t know what I did differently that day. I was faster and more in control than I have ever been. Not only did I actually make a gigas, but even all my other glyphs felt on par with Summer’s.”
“Remember Nick, You and Summer excel at different things.” Weiss reminded him. “Yes, her fundamentals and use of dust are better, but she has a knack for it. That’s her edge. In a fight, Summer’s wide range of dust and glyph combinations always means she’s never out of range to attack or control a fighting space. You may not have that but your speed, stamina, and reflexes make up for it. In close quarters, no one your age matches you in Atlas.”
“That merit just so happens to have made you neglect the need to sharpen your other talents. Do you know how dangerous you could be with-”
“Time dilation? Yeah, mom told me.” He interjected, “something about those other things simply don’t click in my head. Can’t even get a fireball right.”
He sat down on the ground and took another breath. “The way I fight, it isn’t like I built it to be the most versatile. My offense is my defense. The use of momentum to add power behind my strikes helps keep in moving. It’s why my stamina and speed is good, to push my body for relentless attacks.”
He didn’t say it out right, but he didn’t have to. Nick made a style that didn’t make him good against a variety of people in mind. No, Nick thought of style against Shiva. In the end, that’s the only fight that matters. Beating others with it was a way to refine it for the moment it mattered. Abandoning it was not an option. Only improving.
Winter could only look upon the boy's face and see someone who only ever has the best intentions for others slowly begin to waver. Her teenage years were long gone, but no one ever truly forgets the confusion they went through during that time. Winter walked over to her young nephew and sat in front of him, legs crossed. “Why is it always the most caring of people who can never give themselves the break they give others? Nicholas Schnee, you are a kind, hardworking young man that never doubts himself often. Much like your mother, you take hold of what you want and clench it tight.”
“Lately holding on seems to hurt more than letting go. Nothing...feels right. Not just in training either. I feel like a gap between me and everyone else has been growing, like I’m out of a very important loop. Val, Vee, even Summer.”
“This time of year gets people stressed. It’s possible every one just needs a breath. I can speak much on a gap, but I’m positive time will mend it. Despite my feelings towards the young Belladonna, it is pretty clear the two of you get along. Confide in her.”
Weiss and Nick went bugged for a moment. They both looked at each other and then back at Winter.
“Wow.” Weiss spoke, “That’s pretty big, coming from you. Anytime you see that girl, you have nothing but disappointing looks.”
“Yeah Auntie, I’m shocked.”
Winter turned a little red, “I don’t see why. I may find her a bad influence on you and your sister, but my opinion is one of many. With you, Veronica is a welcome distraction to break up your daily routine. I’ll give her that much.”
“How generous,” Nick said sarcastically. Veronica was starting to sound more like a battle tactic than a person. Though she probably wouldn’t mind if it meant spending time with him. Regardless, “I appreciate the suggestions, but my time is better spent training at the moment. If I can be half as capable as I was during my exam, then I chalk that up as good progress.”
Winter hit his head. “Fool, you’re not getting it!”
“Ow! What!? All I said was- Ow!” Weiss also hit his head, much lighter though. “Stop hitting me! I thought this was a pep talk!?”
“It is.” Winter stated, “It’s also a lesson. The way you are now, you can’t progress much further. I urge you to really think about what made that day different from now; what made your last attack against me different even. That is all the hints I will provide to him. I do hope your mother keeps quiet as well.”
“Hey! I get I’m a little...lenient with him, but I would never skip an opportunity to watch him grow. Besides, telling him wouldn’t mean he could do it any faster anyways.” Weiss teased. She could hear Nick’s ears practically buzzing.
“If that’s the case then say it!” He asked eagerly. He was given no answer. Winter and Weiss walked away from him like they didn’t peak his curiosity. He assumed training was about to resume like normal. However, it didn’t. A look of shock came to him when both of his elders faced him, blades drawn.
“What, both of you at once.” He said nervously, grabbing his sword and rising quickly to his feet. “What happened to me being under the weather, mom!?”
Weiss smiled, “Hey, you wanted fast results. Until you find the answer to your glyph problem, we’ll double down or swordsmanship. Brace yourself. I’ll hold back.”
“I will not!” Winter smiled.
Nick didn’t even get a chance to blink before the two of them came after him. He gulped, “Should’ve stayed in bed.” Nick prepared himself when suddenly, a cold chill went down his spine. Weiss and Winter immediately recognized the look of fear on his face and stopped their approach while he pulled out his scroll to call his sister. “Pick up. Come on Summer, pick up!” He muttered.
Summer felt like an idiot. Of course nothing has changed. Why would it? A talk didn’She walked faster, out pacing Veronica.
“Hey, slow down. I haven’t told you where we’re going.” Veronica said, but Summer didn’t listen. “Hey!”
“Leave me alone! I may not come here often but I live here. I’ll find my way without you.” Summer said, grunting as she forced her way through dense branches and bushes.
“Can you not act like a child for once!?” Veronica yelled, running after her. “And stop ignoring me!” Veronica was near her wits end.
And then she reached it. Veronica’s tail and tensed up. “Summer!” Veronica yelled again, going through the bushes. “I said stop ignoring-” the potent odor of peppermint invaded her senses out of nowhere. Veronica looked around the area, seeing nothing. Nothing, but a frozen lake, shimmering with diamond dust below the surface; and Summer standing in place, shivering.
“Summer…?” She said, concerned this time. Her words didn’t reach, not immediately. The scent wasn’t only coming from the lake. Veronica didn’t dare to move as she watched a finger point across the water. Her eyes looked in that direction to see nothing but scared trees and large rocks that had been chipped rather deep.
“A fight?” Veronica thought. She looked closer. All the markings looked to be going outward and from one spot. A spot several feet off the lake. Even with all the dust, it was clear that spot smelled the most foul. “No, an explosion.” Her attention went back to Summer. “A dust explosion.” Veronica yelled again. “Hey! Summer! Answer me, please!?” She could no longer be calm. Veronica ran to the girl screaming her name.
Summer might as well have been deaf to Veronica’s voice. All she heard was laughter. Her laughter, coming from Shiva skating on the ice.
“Hahahahaha! Oh wow! We haven’t been here in ages Summer!!!” Grinning and filled with joy, Shiva extended her hand, “Summer, come join me!” The glow of her eyes grew more dazzling, as well as her smile. “Just like before….”
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piracytheorist · 4 years ago
A Kiss for Good Luck (12/16)
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Summary: So this is the story of one born lucky, and one born unlucky. Fate will keep making them cross paths, but is it to bring them together, or to test them? Captain Swan AU.
Warning: This chapter contains depictions of alcohol relapse and a panic attack. Rating: T (make sure you’re okay with the warnings on AO3)
Word count for this chapter: 6.2k (51k in total) AO3
Read from the beginning: Tumblr | AO3
Chapter 12: Killian Jones, May 25th – June 22nd 2016
Killian finds a seat right next to his gate, anticipating the eventual announcement that his flight will be delayed. He leans forward, hoping his eyes are hidden enough so that no-one else can see his tears.
If only a delayed flight could be the worst he has to deal with. His apartment burning down and his landlord asking for a compensation from him. A broken limb. Losing another limb. Anything, as long as nothing happens to anyone he cares for, or who cares for him.
He left the luck with her – he wouldn't be able to live with himself if he hadn't, but at the same time he's condemning everyone who's cared for him. Will and Tink, Shakespeare... Nemo.
His flight is delayed eventually, and Emma texts him about it. Killian tells her to go home and not to worry about him.
Her replying 'okay' seems bland, even for a text from Emma.
More tears fill his eyes as he thinks that they'll both have to get used to that. He has to stay away from her, now that he knows. Even if their relationship wasn't such long-distance, this... this... game of fate, or whatever it is, makes any relationship between them impossible. They can't keep stealing each other's luck, and knowing Emma, they can't keep chasing after the other to return the luck. They can't count kisses, and they can't keep risking each other's life stability.
At least, he's got the bad luck for good now. Anything that may happen may as well happen. Neither of them will have to deal with sudden change again. And Emma will never have to face any unfair hardship again.
He tries to comfort himself with the thought that he's the one who's been lucky the longest. Out of their nearly thirty-three years, twenty-two years plus seven months had been lucky for him, way more than half of the former. Emma, instead, had to deal with twenty-two and a half years of bad luck... though, no-one she ever cared for died?
She hasn't mentioned ever losing someone she loved – aside, of course, from never meeting loving parents in the first place until her foster mother adopted her – and, even though she's faced no fewer hardships than Killian has, it's a stark contrast to Killian's three big losses.
He raises his head, suddenly trying to think rationally. He snorts at his own thoughts. He's just witnessing a supernatural phenomenon he's never heard anything about before, and he's trying to apply logic to it.
But still, Emma has no few people she cares for – and he'd never wish any harm to them to balance his losses – and... and? What should he ask for?
He tries to remember; the best thing that happened to him was being adopted by Nemo, after five years of bad luck – the longest he's gone with it. Similarly, after spending her first eleven years unlucky, Emma received the best news of her life by being adopted.
His tears having dried, he's now pacing around the waiting lounge.
Emma, again, after eleven years of bad luck, received good news by being reunited with her foster mother and finding a good job.
His luck after four years... his breakup with Eloise going smoothly, and Gold going to prison.
He rubs his forehead. Breaking up with Eloise in the first place and staying sober were good things too, but they were his own choices, only aided by his good luck.
Emma... after five years of good luck, her adoptive mother was deported, Emma had her heart broken and went to prison. Then, for those few months that she was unlucky... her job wasn't paying well and it was tiring, and she couldn't spend holidays with loved ones. It sucked, but compared to losing someone...
The bigger they come, the harder they fall?
Killian sighs, feeling a bit of the weight being lifted. He was lucky only for a few months now, could it be that the worst thing that may happen to him is anything but someone dying? If he had to not talk to his family again, even if he went to prison himself for whatever reason, as long as they were safe and happy, he would take it.
And Emma will stay happy as well. She'll probably not win any big lottery, but at least she'll have a comfortable life, with the occasional smile from Lady Luck.
He can live with that.
Though what scares him now is the thought of leaving everyone. He'll be a magnet now, and he can't be a burden to his family, and he can't ever risk Emma knowing what their kisses do – it's enough that he knows.
He has to step back, and slowly disconnect from everyone, for their own sake.
Perhaps, if they stop caring about him too, his bad luck won't touch them, no matter how bad it gets.
How ironic, he thinks. Just as he'd found the chance to fall in love again, to move on from his pain and emptiness, he now has to let it go. Talk about bad luck.
It's a rough trip back to England, not only because of the delay, the disturbances, his ears ringing all throughout, or his complete inability to sleep despite feeling exhausted, but mostly because of this last revelation.
What would it take to persuade Nemo to cut off all connections with him? Nemo saw an expressionless, unruly teenager with a sullied criminal record and gave him love and a chance at a happy life. Killian's stomach turns at the thought of pressing the right buttons to make Nemo and Shakespeare both hate him, and it wouldn't be effective anyway. He'd only manage to break Nemo's heart and make him think Killian got back into drinking again...
Another feeling of sickness overwhelms him at that thought. Really, how many relapses could Nemo handle?
Killian sighs. He's accustomed enough to feelings of self-loathing to know this particular one will never fade.
He calls the flight attendant and asks for a glass of whiskey.
One glass is not enough to muddle his thoughts, but of course the plane is full and there is nothing the flight attendant can do for his dysfunctional seat screen, so it's mostly thinking he can fill his time with.
He thinks about Emma and the secret promise he gave her, that he'd never allow her to feel alone and miserable again. Can he really choose to leave her like this, after everything she's trusted him with? Can he count on the luck he left her with to bring her the happiness she deserves?
Would that luck cover the hole he'd tear open in her heart by leaving her?
He empties his plastic cup with the grim hope that he doesn't mean all that much to her, and that if he takes the ol' it's-not-you-it's-me route, it will help her move on faster.
He'll be just like the first man she loved, proving he was the wrong person to trust. At least he's given her the best he could. Maybe it will help her understand there's nothing wrong with her...
He apparently had some luck when he checked in, for at least he's got an aisle seat and the way to standing up is free. The bathroom is of course occupied, so he tries to wait for his tears to dry by walking along the aisle with his eyes down.
It's late evening when he reaches Heathrow Airport. He looks at the taxis outside arrivals and wonders if he's allowed to push his luck and hire one of them to drive him directly to his apartment in Brighton. He's still got the money from his compensation, he can use a few hundred pounds for a faster transport, but he doubts it's worth it.
And with his current decision, perhaps it's better to not have control of that money now.
He rents a hotel room that stinks of mold and has zero soundproofing to a couple absolutely killing it next door.
Next day at the train back home, he realizes how his bad luck is other people's problem too, unless the broken air conditioning and a thick scent of sweat and urine in the wagon is only noticed by him.
It's apparently better to cut off from everyone. Not even the random passerby deserves a walking jinx.
He stays sober for enough days to get Nemo to transfer the compensation money to an account on his own name, telling him a simple lie about having tax issues as 'told' to him by his lawyer and wanting to make sure the money stays intact until it's resolved.
And then he loses himself.
It only takes him a week to realize how unprepared he was for this. He'd thought it would be just like before, between Milah's death and meeting Eloise. Instead, this time he's weighed down by his guilt over willingly abandoning his family, betraying their trust in him and breaking their hearts... and his cowardice in letting Emma go. He fakes a bad connection and a broken phone camera to only have voice chats with her, and instead of trying to cut off alcohol, he's trying to cut off Emma from his life – or more like, himself from hers, but fails.
He doesn't know what he's waiting for. He doesn't even know what to expect from his life now. No-one depends on him, and with his rotten luck he can't look forward to anything good.
Eloise sends him a text, telling him she found a book of his she had forgotten to give him back, and it takes him a curbing of his self-loathing to not ask her to come to his place that night.
He wants to keep hating himself, he has to, he needs to ruin his life as much as possible until everyone stays away from him and all the trouble he'll bring over. And he has to convince Emma to keep away too, but can he stand cheating on her just to make her hate him, when he's the one who's unable to stop calling her?
She knows he's not well, he can't hide too much from her. But maybe choosing to keep secrets from her when he knows she's suspecting things about him already can be the thing that will finally open her eyes, make her understand how much better than him she deserves.
He skips work or comes late most days, but it's a dreadful day when he decides to actually appear for his shift on time.
He should have known. He should have quit the day he came back two weeks ago. He should have come the very first day drunk off his ass so that Shakespeare would grab him by the collar and throw him out, both as an employee and as a son.
Anything that would have prevented him from being the only one on duty the evening none other than Silver comes through the door.
Silver stops before even approaching Killian's desk. “I remember you,” he says. “Jones, isn't it?”
That side smirk Silver gives him sends a shiver down Killian's spine. He hides his left arm behind his back, though he's sure Silver has already seen his hook.
“How can I help you?” Killian says in an empty voice. His eyes go for the letter opener on the pencil case.
Silver walks closer and actually leans his hands on the desk. “I'd like to rent a boat.”
Killian feels his heart speed up and his stomach turn as he steps closer to the desk, spreading a few of their leaflets on it. With Killian's hand still resting on the desk, Silver starts to point at one of the leaflets and Killian jolts back with a gasp.
“Whoa, easy there,” Silver says. He starts moving around the desk.
Killian grabs the letter opener and points it at Silver. “Stay away from me,” he growls.
“Wait, wait-”
“Shut up! Get the hell out of here!” He feels tears in his eyes.
Silver snorts, shakes his head, then turns around. “What a waste,” he says bitterly before he exits.
Killian runs for the door, locks it and turns around the 'We're Open' sign, then runs to the bathroom and throws up. He kneels down on the cold tile, grabbing the toilet hard as he feels his heart nearly beat its way out of his chest, every breath grating on his throat and never feeling enough.
He's shaking, his head might as well be on fire, his heart is racing and he can barely breathe.
Far back in his mind, the still rational part of it wonders if he should call Nemo or for an ambulance.
He curls into a ball, unable to move further than that.
He hasn't seen Silver in nearly sixteen years, but his mere face brings Killian back to the worst years of his life; a time he's doomed himself to repeat now.
It's hours later and his bottle is nearly empty by the time he reaches his apartment, and both his hand and the lock on the door are shaking too hard for the key to go in.
Too tired and too drunk, he sits down next to his doormat, key still in hand, emptying the bottle and trying to put it down next to him. The bottle swerves and lands on its side. He looks at it, imagining it spinning around. How it all started...
“Killian? What's wrong?”
Bloody hell. Should he consider it bad luck, that someone cares for him when he doesn't want him to?
Killian looks up to see Nemo walk briskly down the hall towards him. Nemo sees the empty bottle, but his expression doesn't change as he kneels down to look at Killian. At least, that's what he thinks, he's still too intoxicated to say for sure.
“Are you alright? You closed early and didn't tell John anything,” Nemo says.
Killian just shrugs. The last thing he needs is having a recap of this day.
“Killian, are you alright?! Why are you outside?”
“I'm fine,” Killian says, voice much weaker than he expected. “I was drunk and my hand shook, and I couldn't open the door.”
Nemo's composure crumbles.
“Why? What happened, my boy? Why didn't you come to me?”
Killian closes his eyes. No matter how many times Nemo refers to him as 'his boy' or 'son', it always makes Killian's heart lighter and brighter. But he doesn't want it now, he doesn't deserve it now.
“Please,” Killian starts.
“Let's go home,” Nemo says and starts to put his arms under Killian's-
“No! Leave!”
Nemo pulls back a little, shock clear on his face.
“Leave. I don't want you here.”
“What happened? Why are you doing this?”
“I'm cursed. Please, leave me alone.” He only realizes how desperate instead of annoyed he sounded after the words are out.
“No, no, no, Killian...”
“I can't- you'll be hurt, please...”
Is he crying?
Oh God, he's crying. And Nemo is pulling at him, and he's leaning on him, crying against his shoulder.
“It's alright,” Nemo says, rubbing at Killian's back. “We'll figure it out.”
“You can't.”
“Come on, Killian.” Nemo starts lifting him, half-carrying him on his shoulder. “You can tell me all about it tomorrow. Let me take you home.”
Killian is too tired to even tell him no. Every move he doesn't stop Nemo from making makes him hate himself more and more.
Nemo takes him to his car, the gentle movement and familiar scent of it lulling Killian into sleep. He's half-awake when Nemo and Shakespeare both help him walk up the stairs to his old bedroom, but it feels too good to stop them, and he's just so tired of all the pain.
The next morning, it takes him a few long minutes to realize the previous night actually happened. He looks at the familiar walls of his bedroom, his drawings on the wall, the old desk and chair that he was sitting on when Nemo told him he'd be adopting him...
Perhaps it's all a dream that he's still clinging onto, not wanting to wake up hungover on his doorstep, with a kink in his neck from a bad sleeping posture.
Though he does feel hungover now.
There's a slight knock on the door, and a soft voice coming from the other side. “Killian? Are you awake?”
He looks at himself; they took off his shoes and pants and threw a sheet over him. “Yeah,” he says, attempting to sit up as his head spins.
Nemo enters just in time to see him squint from the nausea. “You feeling okay?”
“I think. If my head stopped spinning already...”
Nemo places a cup of tea on Killian's bedstand.
Killian looks at it, then back at Nemo. “You're not gonna shout at me?”
Nemo sits down on the desk chair. “I've just been worried about you. I guessed you had gone back to...” He pauses.
“To drinking. You can say it.”
“And I assumed something must have happened.”
Killian picks up the cup, and even the faint scent of the herbs makes him nauseous again.
“Leave it,” Nemo says, standing up, “I'll bring some painkillers and water.”
“I'm coming down. I need to stretch a bit.”
“I started fostering a girl a few days ago, so you'd better make yourself presentable,” he says casually and points at Killian's jeans, placed on a hanger over the closet door.
He already feels better after getting up and splashing some water on his face. He took off his brace before he went drinking, and he wonders if he should find a way to cover his arm for the sake of the kid. When did Nemo start fostering kids again?
He sees a slightly familiar blond head leaning over a chessboard on his way down the stairs.
“Alice?” he says.
The girl turns to him. “Mr. Jones? You live here?”
“Kind of.” Once again his mind is racing, and it's too early in a hungover for that. Why is she here? What happened to the detective? Her mother? “I'll be right back,” he says, heading for the kitchen.
Nemo is inside and immediately turns to him. “You know her?” he says, out of Alice's hearing.
“She's the daughter of the detective who solved Milah's case.” He swallows. “And mine.”
Nemo's face falls.
“What happened?!”
“He was shot. He's in a coma, but the social worker told me – in private – that the doctors don't know if he'll recover.”
The kitchen starts spinning around him and he needs to grab a chair to stay up.
“It's my fault,” Killian whispers, managing to sit himself down on the chair.
“What is? Her father getting shot?”
“Come on, Killian. You barely even knew him.”
“He helped me. He solved a case – two cases – that were plaguing me for years.”
“So? You weren't the one who hired him.”
Killian shakes his head. “You won't believe me.”
Nemo sits on the chair next to him, but turns to face him. “Try me.”
He looks at him. “What?”
“I'll listen to you, and try to understand.”
He did not expect this. He isn't supposed to get lucky with Nemo. If anything, everything regarding Nemo should've been the first thing that got in danger. Their relationship. His health. His life.
Taking a deep breath, he gulps down the glass of water Nemo put on the table for him. “I meant what I said last night, that I'm cursed.”
Nemo pauses, looking at him. “I remember you said that on your very first days here. Why are you convinced it's a curse?”
Killian wraps his hand over his blunted left wrist. “Do you promise you'll hear me out, before you jump to conclusions?”
“I promise.”
Killian closes his eyes. The sudden presence of someone to listen to everything that he's been thinking the past weeks is overwhelming, and he can't stop the words from flowing out.
“My first years of my life, I was very, very lucky. I won competitions, I got good grades, I had great friends, my family was happy and together. Then I went on a trip when I was eleven, and I was with some new friends, and we played spin the bottle, and I kissed only one girl, a blonde girl, whose name I didn't get to hear. Then everything came crumbling down. My mother died, my father left, and I always, always ended up in bad foster homes, and my brother was placed in a home three hours away from me. And a few years later, he died as well, and I was left alone. I was alone for years, until I went to a Halloween party when I was seventeen. I danced with a blonde girl my age, and we kissed. We didn't even speak much and once again, I didn't get her name.”
He looks at Nemo, who appears to be listening carefully, with one eyebrow raised.
“That was when my luck changed again. I got sent out of Silver's house, and I came here... and you cared for me and adopted me.” His voice is low.
“You think it was luck that I cared for you?”
“No, but it was luck that I was sent to a place that would care for me.”
“So, you think that, every time you kiss someone, a blonde woman in particular, you...”
“Not just any woman.” He swallows hard. “When I went with Milah in New York, on the night that she died, we had gone clubbing and... we got drunk, and I shared an impulsive kiss with a woman I didn't know.”
“A blonde whose name you never learned.”
He nods. “Until a few months ago. When I met Emma in that concert.”
Nemo's face scrunches in thought, as if he's only now remembering how she looks like, from the few pictures Killian has shown him. “You think it was her?”
“She actually admitted that her first kiss was in a game of spin the bottle, and we confirmed that the date was the very same that I had my own. Then she said that she went to a Halloween party in 2000 in London, dressed as a zombie princess, and she kissed a boy dressed as a pirate.”
“It was you two again?”
“I know, I know, it's crazy, but... somehow, it's true.”
“Was it Emma in New York too?”
“I haven't confirmed that, but- Nemo, every time we kissed, our luck swapped. She was very unlucky as a child, then after our first kiss luck followed her everywhere, then it changed again after the Halloween party, and... from what she told me, it was just after Milah died that things started going well for her again. Even- even in the bloody concert, I got stepped on and groped and even pick-pocketed, while Emma was in the front rows fully enjoying it. After it was over, we met and we shared a kiss. She took out her phone and it immediately slipped from her hand and the screen cracked. I know it's a small thing, but it's just an example, her life has been giving her hurdles all this time...”
“Until now? You think you're the unlucky one?”
Killian hangs his head. “I figured it out, after she talked about her first kisses. I- I couldn't leave her unlucky.”
“You kissed her before you left.”
“I've doomed you, I've doomed all of you. Even Rogers... he tried to do the right thing and now...”
“It's not your fault, son.”
Killian lets out a mirthless laugh. “I'm not supposed to be lucky enough for you to treat me nicely.”
“I make my own choices. I'm not some pawn in whatever game is going on.”
“So you believe me?” A small flicker of hope sparks inside him.
Nemo sighs. “I have to admit it's a lot. But it makes sense. And if you've been burdened with all that, it's no wonder you've...” He pauses again.
“Gone back to drinking. You can say it.”
“You were afraid something may happen to us?”
“It always does. Both times I got unlucky, people died.”
“Did people that Emma loved die?”
“No. Not as far as I know.”
“Why do you think that is?”
“Well...” At first she didn't really have anyone to love, she never stayed anywhere long enough to develop such a connection. But then... “I have a theory, that the bad luck kind of... Time-wise, I was lucky the longest, so when I got the bad luck, it hit harder.”
“Like it's charging?”
“I'm not even sure about it.” He looks into Nemo's eyes. “I wouldn't bet your lives on it.”
“I'll be a magnet for disaster, from now on. I can't stay connected with you.”
“Please. This has cost me enough. I can't allow it to take more from me.”
“Listen to me. There's something to calling it a game of fate.”
Killian realizes he's wrapped his arms tight around his stomach. He takes a deep breath and relaxes his tight muscles.
“It doesn't sound like there's someone choosing to punish you, or her.”
“Then what?”
Nemo takes a deep breath. “I think that everything luck, good or bad, caused you or Emma has been in order to lead you into each other's path.”
Killian just looks at him, waiting for a further explanation.
“You were lucky when you won that trip to Boston, right? The trip that led you to meeting Emma. Maybe her bad luck led her there too, somehow. Then your bad luck led you to Silver's place, maybe that could have led you to your next meeting with Emma?”
Killian starts thinking out loud. “Silver didn't inspire any respect, so I snuck out all the time. He always took in problematic children, and it was one of them that told me we should sneak out and go to that party that I met Emma at.”
He looks back at Nemo, whose calm face starts reflecting the devastation on Killian's.
“You wouldn't have snuck into that party, if you were still with your mother and brother,” Nemo concludes.
“I lost them... because fate chose me to toy with?”
That bloody game is far more cruel than he imagined.
“And Milah...” he adds and shakes his head. “I- I wouldn't... fate wanted her out of the way...”
He bites his lip to stop the sob from breaking out. He didn't have feelings for Eloise, so she wasn't an obstacle to him choosing Emma. But Milah...
“It's so cruel. And unfair.”
“Am I, in any way, an obstacle in you meeting Emma again?” Nemo says, breaking him out of his dark thoughts.
“What?” Killian asks, confused.
“Going by this theory, something would happen to me or the others, only to bring you closer to Emma's path.”
“But... we've already met. And it's usually the lucky one who crosses over to meet the unlucky one, and if she comes here I'll have little excuse to not meet her.”
“So you'll just have to meet her again.”
Killian closes his eyes for a moment and drops his head. His relationship with Emma is already hard, what with five thousand kilometers between them. Counting kisses and calculating who's the lucky one each time would just be another hurdle.
“There's something else I'm thinking about,” Nemo says. “Does the detective mean a lot to you?”
“What- He was a good man- is, bloody hell...” He rubs his forehead, feeling disgusted at how big of a jinx he is for people he doesn't even know that well. “And he helped me, and I'll always be grateful, but he doesn't mean to me as much as you do.”
“Yet he still got hurt.” Nemo thinks for a moment. “If Alice hadn't ended up here, I wouldn't have thought it relevant, but... you were unlucky when Milah died, right?”
Killian sighs. His throat feels dry, but it's not water it's asking for.
“Nothing happened to any of us during that time.”
“Because I pushed you away.”
“We still cared for you. Maybe John acted a bit tough, but he still worried about you.”
“So caring about you didn't hurt us last time. You not caring deeply for someone didn't protect them.”
“So you think... the detective being hurt is fate telling me that I have to meet Emma again?”
“I'm not sure how it connects.” He reaches over and takes Killian's hand in his. “But it's a lot. You've been dealing with all that on your own?”
“I was scared. I didn't want anything to happen to you.”
“We'll figure things out, son. You don't have to be alone, it won't do anyone any good.”
“There's a first time for everything.”
Nemo smiles a little. “Perhaps this is your first time unlucky to not lose someone you care for.”
Killian closes his eyes.
“I took a responsibility when I adopted you.”
“I'm a grown man.”
“The responsibility over a child is never gone. I'm not giving up on you.”
Killian can't hold back the sob in time. Words cannot express how much he wishes he could just stay here and let Nemo take care of him again.
“I need time,” Killian ends up saying. “Maybe see if there's some way I can help Rogers... what about Alice's mother?”
“She left when Alice was still a newborn. Her father has been raising her from the first moment. She has no other family.”
Killian sighs deeply. Is it Rogers who got jinxed, or Alice?
A good breakfast and a couple painkillers later, Killian joins Alice in a game of chess, trying to take his mind off and hoping it'll do the same for her. Naturally, she beats him, and they keep on playing, occasionally with Alice giving him tips, until it's time for lunch.
Nemo drives him to his apartment, only to help him clean up and pick up some things he'll need while staying at his place. Killian is grateful at Nemo not commenting on the empty bottles, only putting them in a garbage bag to throw away.
That same night, Killian lies in his old bed, going over that morning's discussion, thinking how running off right now to get a bottle would be his choice and not a push from fate.
For all the good things this house brought him, he knows its soundproofing is not the best, and his heart constricts in his chest when not too late in the night, he hears soft cries from the room next to his. The one Alice is sleeping in.
He doesn't sleep until the cries stop. He thinks how the hell the detective being hurt could be part of fate's plan to make his and Emma's paths cross again, but a deeper part of him resonates with Alice's struggle. He was just a year younger than her when his mother passed. The mother who loved him so much... who would be the one to stay. How long did he spend wishing it'd been his father who had died instead...
One week into Killian having moved back, Nemo gives in and arranges the full check-up for him and Shakespeare that Killian has been begging them to do all week long.
After it's done and the results come back relatively normal for their age, Killian now has to mute the small voice that's telling him that all it would take is an accident, especially now that he hasn't talked to Emma since the day Nemo dragged him back into his old home. Fate will strike, one way or another.
Maybe the way he lets Alice teach him more things about chess is a way to appease fate. He doesn't know how it feels for her, to spend so much time with someone who looks so much like her father, but she's always the one inviting him to play with her. Having gone back to his early bird schedule, he's usually the one to drive her to school, and she's an actual chatterbox.
He feels cold dread under his skin the very second he thinks how he's lucky to get to know her better.
Her father may never recover, and here he is already thinking he's some kind of substitute.
It's been exactly ten days since he came to live with his fathers, and when he comes back from driving Alice to school he finds Nemo sitting at the kitchen table, looking pensively at the cordless phone on it.
“Alice's social worker just called. Things aren't looking well for Rogers.”
“Is he...”
“No. But the social worker was informed by the hospital that his brain activity is not going well. They thought we might need to know, just in case.”
Killian feels as if someone kicked him in the spine. He sits down on the table too, his hand fidgeting on his lap.
If only there was a way to give some luck to the poor girl.
A simple kiss on the cheek wouldn't do; with luck on their side, both Emma and Killian exchanged platonic kisses with multiple people, but luck stayed with them.
He feels helpless.
That afternoon is one more of the very few times he's glad he can construct a cool exterior while his soul is shattering inside, and he acts casual while playing a few games with Alice. They all decide to not let her know yet. If it's gonna happen...
His guilt starts overwhelming him after dinner, and when everyone else is occupied, he sneaks out of the house and finds resort in a pub.
He only realizes how late it is when he looks outside and realizes it's gone completely dark. He picks up his sorry self and decides to go back to his miserable apartment. He managed to send Nemo a text, so at least he'll be disappointed – as he should – and not worried.
On the ride home, he once again realizes how pointless it was to sneak off like that for a drink. His thoughts are still stuck on his fear and guilt, both for Rogers and Emma. He hasn't spoken to her at all, and at some point he'll have to. He can't break her heart, at least not completely. But starting the process of breaking up with her means that he will break up with her, and his cowardice lately was all about how unprepared he is for that, how he wishes things were different.
But it's time to come clean. In that way, at least.
His head down, he unlocks the main entrance of his apartment block and starts going for the stairs. There's someone sitting on them.
He starts raising his head, but before his eyes even focus on her, he knows it's Emma sitting there.
She's dressed casually, in comfortable clothes; her hair is worn in a low ponytail and there's a small holdall lying next to her. He looks straight into her worried face.
“Killian...” she says.
He just stares, still not over the surprise of seeing her out of nowhere just as he was thinking on how to start breaking up with her.
“I know this looks weird,” Emma continues. “I've had some time to think and... I'm not stalking you.”
“Wha- how...”
“I'm sorry. I should have let you know earlier. It was... very impulsive. But I would've come soon anyway.”
“How did you know where...”
“The gift you sent me for Christmas. The package had your address on it.”
His head is spinning. Whatever it is she wants to say, it'll have to wait until tomorrow. “Come upstairs,” he says.
“Wait, really? I've booked a hotel-”
“You can take the bed. It's got clean sheets.”
He cuts her off with a stern look. He's not in the mood to have a sweet argue with her about it. “Just come.”
He's glad that this time it's only him stinking of booze and not his apartment as well. He sits down on the sofa, eyes already closing, and he's barely conscious enough to take his brace and shoes off.
“Is something wrong?” Emma starts. “You're...”
“Relapsing. Why is everyone avoiding that word?”
“Are you okay?”
Killian shrugs. “Not much to say. I'm tired.”
“I'm sorry. I should have let you know I'm coming. I... I'd thought I could surprise you...”
Killian laughs mirthlessly. “Lucky me,” he says, then blacks out.
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