#because theres like a million things to have controls for
foxstens · 2 years
as a humble laptop user who hates playing on the switch, it’s no wonder i play nothing but vns and indies
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mutagn · 3 months
03 raph and don are so twins. every time they're on screen together i'm thinking about how twins they are
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libraford · 1 year
Sometimes, I forget how good of a photographer I am.
I'm doing sports candids at a high school. School is in the middle of nowhere. There is no cell reception. Its homecoming. Theres a million cameras.
Its middle of the second period and I see a professional looking photographer struggling with her camera. There are two dudes nearby also struggling, same uniform. But I know that look of desperation because I've been there. Guy 1 is fussing with video camera. Guy 2 is on the phone, but like I said- theres no cell service here.
"Are you having trouble?"
"Oh my god, do you know cameras?"
"Take a picture, show me what it looks like."
She takes a picture, shows it to me. Its blown out and blurry.
"It has to be on the sports setting because I'm shooting sports. But I cant get it to work right. This thing is old and busted."
"Shutter speed too low, looks like 1/60."
"Can I fiddle with it?"
Mind you, theres a whole football game happening in front of us. The videographer and the guy on the phone are watching me very closely.
It's a different camera than mine, but it's the same brand.
"I'm putting you on manual, but you have to trust me."
"I... dont have a choice. Everything is malfunctioning."
I put it on manual, fast shutter speed, high ISO. Take a shot, dont like it, fiddle with it again. Take a shot, hand it back.
"Try it."
She takes a shot. "Its a little blurry."
"Bump up the shutter speed to 1/300. It will be darker, so the ISO goes up, too."
She does this. "Holy shit, I've never taken photos like this before! These are better than anything I've ever done! Thank you! You just saved all our asses."
"Congrats, you're now shooting in manual- you have full control of how light enters the sensor in your camera. And that makes you a pro."
She starts catching back up with photos. Her dudes come over to me and say "seriously, from the bottom of our hearts, thank you so so much. Our video equipment went down and we can't get ahold if anyone."
"No problem. But out of curiosity, who are yall with?"
They give the name of the news section that covers local sports.
I just taught a photojournalist manual mode in less than a minute.
...I'm pretty sure they just give a camera to whoever is on staff and dont tell them how to work it.
That's frustrating to me.
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bloodyneptune · 3 months
Sister Sage theory:
I think her plan is to drive Homelander to do something that'll have people turning on Supes and Vought. So she starts pushing him to see himself as superior and humans as something he shouldn't care about killing.
That would feed into Homelanders need for love and approval, because hed only want it from people who are 'worthy'. He already thinks hes better than most supes, so of course the only 'worthy' person is Ryan.
But look what she did by insulting Ryans suit as not being 'unique', it hit Homie in the ego, which caused him to ruin Ryans first foray into Superheroing and turning him away from the only thing Homie has to bond with him, pushing him to Butcher. Which triggered Homelanders need for control, while shes causing uncontrollable chaos in the world around him. The more chaos, the more he has to control, the bigger the chaos the bigger his actions will be
He'll snap, massacre some folks, and everyone will be terrified and vote for all that anti supe legislation, crippling Vought. Which I think is her goal, she clearly doesn't enjoy her powers, and Vought is the reason she's got to lobotomize herself just for a break.
She's based on Lex Luthor, who's whole thing was stopping Superman from taking over the world, and Ozymandias who was cool killing millions to save billions with an incredibly intricate plan involving working with, tricking, and ruining the reputation of his 'Superman' (Manhattans even referred to as 'the Superman' at one point)
But theres more! I think she's working with Neuman, and knew Homelander would go to her if they just put her name in front of him. The most prominent book on her table is 'Beyond Human' almost like she set the scene for him.
Why do I think this? You know what causes strokes? Lack of blood flow to the brain. Do we know any supes that can control blood and would want Hughie distracted from his mission? See, I think his mom is being forced to work with someone, because theres no WAY his dad gave the power to make medical decisions on his behalf to a lady who he cant count on, that he talked to a few times after two decades, over his SON who knows him better than anyone. And no way he didnt know his dad had a DNR.
I think they caused the stroke, changed his will, and planted his mom there to make sure his only option was V. Why would his mom even look in his pocket, know what was in the vial, or how to administer it? It's one of Voughts biggest secrets. So someone had to know he had it and told her (You notice the side eye that Sage gave A Train when Hughie texted? He's one of the most famous people on earth in the middle of filming a blockbuster, theres no reason for a sus side eye if he gets a text...unless she knew)
[POTENTIAL SPOILERS] And most of us know what happens when you give V to someone who's brain dead (lets just say his dads not making it to the Winchester this time). Maybe its a ploy to make Vought look bad, cause chaos, maybe he'll have to take his own dad down and they have plans for Hughie that they need him in a certain mindset for. Idk, Im not the worlds smartest person
I think the whole theme of this season is "nobody is who they seem", and I think Sage is going to do what nobody else could, and bring them down. Id love it if next season was a take on the Mutant Registration Act. Could you imagine Homelander, on the run, thinking supes are superior to humans? Still with his need for love and adoration? Dude, he'd be Magneto (with several personality disorders).
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pinazee · 4 months
Sixty five million years off
I. Love. This. Episode. I think of all the eps this one makes everyone eat their words the most with Shawns prediction. Lassie, juliet, chief vick, henry, gus, and even Shawn was a little like wait, i was right? I eat that shit up, yum yum yum!
It is insane the teacher praised Shawn for his project. He taped a toy dinosaur to a remote control car and that receives a 👌 when Gus built this amazing dinosaur head?? I think this is the beginning of them showing how Gus is substance over style and Shawn is style over substance (though in this case Gus clearly got both). Which i think ill talk more about later.
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Im adding artistic talent to Shawns list of mystery talents. He did this in <5 minutes (also genuinely impressed by whoever did draw this)
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Its such a small thing, but it was nice that Shawn was protective of the dino head because he knows it means a lot to Gus. He just sounded so genuinely concerned that it maintain its integrity.
It’s a little contradictory for shawn to be like i know theres a pattern to these dig locations because i know archaeologists, and act flabbergasted that Gus knows you can’t fill a hole for the same reason. At some point im going to discuss Shawns previous jobs and my own headcanons for some of his history, even though the writers pretty much used them as a mcguffin whenever they need him to know something specific (like what t-rex teeth puncture wounds look like).
Shawn will say two things about someone and then they’re friends. This psychiatrist was like yes i am stressed, you know me so well! Would you like to get a coffee? He does this with a lot of ppl and ill probably discuss more later, but this psychiatrist jumped on board immediately haha
And Henry really had to eat shit this ep lol but he deserved it. He initially told the psychiatrist that shawn was delusional and at the end, essentially said, you’re making cops look bad and that hurts my feelings. Somewhere in the middle is a vague hint of concern for shawns safety (which even Chief Vick had to tsk at him for). Love the psychiatrist calling him out for being a control freak, even though it was probably unethical to be like, surprise bitch! This is your therapy session! (Heres a grown man throwing a fit lol)
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That little hug between juliet and lassiter 🥹🥹 mind you, this is S2E2. Juliet and Lassie have known each other less than a year. Besties for life right here
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P.S This makes me flinch in sympathetic pain every time
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kenny would either watch horror movies like the GOSPEL or he would hate scary movies with every inch of his body
he would either study Saw like I do or he would cry watching Paranorman (pretty sure i did once tbh)
he would either watch a scary movie and absolutely love it because he would just be like "oh ha relatable"
but he would also be like absolutely TRAUMATIZED
idk what side are you on?
Im on the side of Both ✨✨
First, i say kinny would love all the relatable everyone dying stuff because, yeah been there done that lmfao. I'm sure he would Love dumb ways to die because of these reason, like theres no fuckin way he doesnt play that XD
But also, mostly when his ptsd is bad he would get fucking terrified/paranoid bc it hits way too close to home. Like, yeah, he knows the whole saw lore and has studied all of it and has watched the movies a million times, but if you catch him in a bad day he will Not stay in the same room while a horror movie is playing (or will stay and have a panic attack even if its almost not scary ;w;)
And then there's the whole me projecting onto kenny thing, bc i used to be completely utterly absolutely terrified by horror movies, but at some point i just was...not? Like, it stopped being scary for some reason- i feel like kenny, after going through the crap he does, has most stuff from horror movies already accepted as part of life XD
Probably if in a horror movie nobody dies, he won't mind it either even in the worst days. Meanwhile, i hc he can Not stand zombie movies, since after he himself was a zombie he knows how scary it is to not be alive but not dead either, all while losing control of his actions. So zombie stuff? A big fat Nope
So... wait where was i going with this again
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brainrotdotorg · 2 years
im making this post for. fucking NO ONE LMAO but i saw @sydmarch's fucking bonkers post about measurehead being openly racist to "his babe" (named katya) and it boggled my mind so much that i was like. yanno what. I'm gonna find out more about this chick. so strap in because the patented Niche Character Lover is gonna do some digging on this extremely niche character.
Let's get started by checking her wiki page! Here is what we have to work with:
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Literally fucking nothing. Okay cool. Here's the very little amount of information we have:
Her name is Katya
She's Graadian
She's in a relationship with Measurehead (and calls him by his real name, Jean-Luc)
She is one of multiple "measurehead babes" it seems
cool okay so theres some preliminary information. all extremely basic stuff. I dove into FAYDE to see what I could find, and there are a few details to be gleaned.
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Our explanation for why she's with him in the first place! She buys into the bullshit, "craniometric perfection", a fellow believer of racist bullshit. She buys into it hard core, as seen here:
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"Transcends the merely sexual"-- she worships this guy!
Anyway, she's also into 'men with guns and power', implied here she may be flirting a little bit even with the lil hair twirl. Makes some idle conversation with Harry and Kim as they wait:
[Og]996.MEASUREHEAD'S BABE - "Don't worry. Physical stuff like this is *really* easy for Measurehead. Mental stuff too. He's really spiritual, you know." She looks around.
[Og]2.MEASUREHEAD'S BABE - "It's late outside, isn't it? You guys must really like doing what you do. To be out so late..." She turns to behold the behemoth appearing around the corner, approaching the gates.
(good with the mental and spiritual... sure, okay)
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They seem to have some level of... I guess "tenderness" for each other? Calling one another pet names and whatnot, okay, I guess we could call it that. Interesting to see her not be a million percent on his side all the time, she actually asks him to give Harry a chance.
In fact, she's quite amenable to a shift in control. Loyal, she is not!
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She did say she was into power, to be fair, and Harry's the new guy on top once he beats MH's ass, so that makes sense.
Katya is also sometimes used as a mouthpiece for ALL the babes (iirc there are 3?) as seen here
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god they are down FEROCIOUS!!
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Cockmanship above all else!! (this could just be a biased harry-ism ofc so. grain of salt!)
But here's the thing- you know the dick isn't even good, because, as syd brought to my attention... MEASUREHEAD CAN'T SEEM TO FUCKIN GET IT UP FOR THEM BECAUSE HES SO RACIST.
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(screenshots taken directly from their post) ... so, like, what the fuck, right? Well, apparently when you go off to talk to Measurehead privately, it's about the babes. Lets see what he has to say.
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She also doesn't seem to like being ogled by guys other than Measurehead. At least, not by Harry, who she views as genetically inferior.
(This is gonna veer less into Katya-specific territory, but is gonna lean into more about MH's views on women. Which I was actually wondering about earlier tonight, how serendipitous)
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This isn't relevant, it's just table setting. I thought it was funny. Anyway, once you get through some nationalist BS, we get to the meat of the matter. Or should I say the meat and potatoes of the matter? no i shouldnt
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okay. so. lots going on here.
uh. after this he starts talking about semen retention yeah man we've all heard it you don't bust nuts yadda yadda semen reserves whatever. this is pretty much as close as we get from measurehead himself about what... that whole deal is. he lied before, about not being able to get hard for his babes, at least thats the context that im getting. he's TURNED ON by them, he says so himself. but he won't admit it in a public forum, only when its just him and harry.
he... he literally cant justify himself how he's racist AND attracted to those in the racial group he demeans. it's just all faux-intellectual bullshit. i don't know what else i expected! this leaves a lot of questions, though-- did MH and his babes talk this out? do they realized just how hard theyre being fetishized? i mean, they buy into the race pseudoscience shit. oh, god, its most likely a case of "im special, im different, im the exception" that happens too often. thats all speculation; but in my mind, thats the most likely result.
This has strayed away from Katya, let's bring it back to our gal. What else can we learn about her?
Well, unfortunately, not much. I tried my hardest to look for every other instance where she speaks, and there aren't many. Only 65, from my count, and a good chunk of those are just lil dialogue blips.
These last two facts are what I could find that seemed significant:
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When Harry says that he's going to stop drinking, she gives us the only real indicator we have of her personal past- her mother was an alcoholic, and she's pretty blasè about it. Okay girl casual loredrop
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...and Measurehead eats her out. And apparently she enjoys it. okay. (or she could just be posturing, notice she doesnt say that it makes HER pussy say "yes plenty" so...)
and hey, just to tie it all up, here's all the shit that katya and the other babes just say casually when you walk by em:
 "Measurehead crushes all."
"More than enough to please a woman." (further proving the theory that they do fuck, still not enough to support any hypotheses that he's any good at it)
"Measurehead is a powerful man."
"The future belongs to Measurehead."
"Nobody comes close to Measurehead."
"You're the right stuff, Measurehead."
"No man matches Measurehead."
"Measurehead makes all men quiver." (sus)
 "Oh, Measurehead!"
 "Measurehead is *law*."
 "Everyone should try to be more like Measurehead."
"No one will get past you!"
"Just look at him, the wonderful hunk."
"Not soft and weak like other men."
 "Measurehead's amazing!"
"I dream about you all the time."
I don't really know what I did this for or even if i found out anything significantly new but. god. so many questions. what are the other babes like? what are their names? how did measurehead find/indoctrinate them? were they already brainwashed? so many questions!!!!!!!!
IN CONCLUSION i think katya and the two other babes should unionize and start their own polycule without him and also get. un-brainwashed. thanks
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dangopango00 · 8 months
Pt. 1 because I have more to say somehow erm.
Theres basically no content for him but hes sosooo cuteeeeee
Context: In my head he is a fly he has compound eyes like the fly loswr he is
CW: Leaks maybe spoilers??
[ Design/Symbolism (IMG A)
OK FIRST OBSERVE FLY EYES; Theyre compound and have millions of ‘bubbles’ in them. So in my head on elio would represent the different “bubble universes” or rather the millions of possibilities that although generally the same, slightly differ with different choices and outcomes
ELIO IS ALSO AKSHUALLY THE FLY ON THE WALL that phrase represents him really well considering although hes the leader hes the one in the limelight the least out of everyone and just gathers info while making plans. Flies are also considered filthy and sly and bottom feeders n pests and as a stellaron hunter he gets the same treatment as well
[ Function (IMG B)
But besides the appearance the actual function: This is pretty good symbolism for what he sees bc not only does he see a wider range of possibilities than the average person but he can also notice even the slightest movements which is ofc the slightest changes in a scenario that makes the outcome completely different and about flies being able to see things at a quicker pace; I heard that when u swat at a fly they see it in like slow motion and this is pretty symbolic of elio since he sees FARRR into the future wayyy before its even close to coming to fruition
[ Theories (IMG C)
A silly lil hc theory i have bc of this fact and because his alias is “Destiny’s Slave” is that he cant rlly control seeing the future much kind of like a premonition..????? Idk but i like to play with how herta calls all the stellaron hunters lunatics and him a maniac bc like. Its a little true. Theyre all a lil bit cray cray from what weve seen but theres method to their madness so im like hm well elio must have his quirks SO seeing the future so often without wanting to has him a little bit (crazy person hand gesture) so i imagine its a little overwhelming when he suddenly gets a “premonition” like when he suddenly sees the future its a bunch of scattered possibilities filling his mind but when he focuses on it they can converge to create a “perfect reality” where everything goes the best way possible
Also theres so many different “paths” the future holds like it could be the future for that day or the fate of the world or even the fate of the universe so i imagine he was either made/given this power specifically to puppeteer this specific outcome or “story” but its a little draining to think of the big picture constantly or think about things the bigger they are which is why he makes scripts day by day or week by week (????)
I also think he gets like reminders kinda like little flashes into some specific aspects that although he has seen hasnt really focused on or been able to think of bc theyr pretty far ahead and his head is already full so it being so overwhelming, just slipped his mind to kind of create a whole “chain of events” URGGHHH THIS IS SO HARD I CANT TELL IF HES OMNIPOTENT OR LEARNING ALONG THE WAY
I also found it interesting that he told kafka that she and stelle would “change each other” it heavily suggests that maybe he can force the thought of specific scenarios OR MAYBE in his “perfect reality” he has an already decided script which he doesnt deviate from so he already knows what to say. Otherwise how would he know how vague or how exact to be about what he tells people
In the alt ending in the credits hes listed as screenplay director and the screenplay directors are the ones pulling the strings yeah but as another character in the story or “movie” that means he knows exactly what his part is too and is therefore another puppet to be controlled OU LET ME COOK 👩‍🍳🍔🔥
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sluggintub · 10 months
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Haiii!!!! Elloo!!!
Im back with your semi annual Robo Mace wip :0000
Finally was able to expand upon an idea cooking in my mind for a good bit which was a kinda battle mask (Basically whenever conflict is engaged their “human” mouth would be covered with this extravagant layer o’ metal to protect em!)
Practical considering they’re mostly made up of metal?
Absolutely not
Anyways thats literally the whole wip.
Ive redrawn that same pose like five million times on different canvases with every attempt so ive made like zero progress 💀
But now that I have your attention I wanted to expand on Mace’s lore cuz I feel like it and I think i promised to make a post about it
I dont know about any of you you guys-
I personally feel like Darcy the core and Alderitch coulda be so much cooler!
Like dont get me wrong. I like Darcy design wise! They’ve literally been living in my head rent free ever since their first teaser! (It’s a blessing and a curse please send help hshshHahabbfnsuaha)
But I personally feel like plot wise they were kinda lacking :(
And the idea of a bucha a n c i e n t newts consciousnesses invading a 13/14 year old kids mind forcefully is kinda…gross.
I was brainstorming and came up with this:
When the core was first teased. Back in the ye olde days in the pre True colors when the fandom called it the Night-
Im not the only one that thought it was some sorta god right?
A giant mass of orange eyes that a powerful King that ruled for thousands of years kneels down to and calls “Master?”
Idk about you but that gives off omnipotent eldritch horror vibes to me.
So I basically took that concept and expanded upon that and incorporated bits of the lore that Andrias dropped about his kind.
Specifically about how he said that his kind were conquerers.
Sure. It could purely be a generational trauma thing.
His father did it. His father’s father did it. And his father’s father’s father did it as well.
That could be the end of it.
No one really knows why they conquer and enslave races other than “tradition.”
Maybe Andrias only mentions it all is so he can bask in his triumph. To feel a deluded sense of pride in his lineage for finally being able to continue the work of his forefathers after thousands of years of resentment and regret planted in his mind by his own father that twisted and corrupted his perception on reality.
Maybe Matt just thought those sequences up on the spot and they sorta made sense.
Theres alotta maybes and to my knowledge thats about the extent of it
But im not satisfied with that
So I took that concept. The conquering inter dimensional newts and elevated it.
The core was never a series of Newtopia’s “greatest minds.”
It was always an omnipotent being.
An all seeing all knowing all powerful elderitch horror that is always hungry.
Thats why Andrias’ ancestors invaded other worlds!
Whether it was out of fear or necessity or a deal made with the devil
The reason they invaded is because the core is always hungry. And it needed to feed. So they sacrificed whole worlds to the core just to satiate its ravenous appetite.
And it would explain why in the last season Amphibia was being siphoned for all its resources
Not only was it for the factories, the frobo army, and the mind control devices
It was to stave off the cores hunger until the invasion of earth could surpass
And I didnt forget about all those newts that died and had their brain transferred to the core originally oh nonono
They still sacrificed themselves. But not to join the core or become anything greater. Despite what they believed or what they were promised by the core, Alderitch and all those newts who made up the canon core were nothing more than willing sacrifices to the cores endless hunger. They realistically died for nothing.
So. With this concept/au/rewrite/whatever solves alot of the inconsistencies in the plot and also gets rid of the gross old newts in 13 year olds brain plot
Lemme know what you think of this concept! Im open to criticism and any ideas anyone is willing to share and will do my best to respond to em!
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clay-pidgeon · 11 days
can you go into detail about ginger vampirism 👍
ginger has a condition called vampirism, and it is Straight Up Just Vampire. however while some people are born as or turned into vampires, theres also "medically induced vampirism" when the conditions meagre pros (namely conditional immortality) are deemed to outweigh the cons (everything else, including the fact miv (acronym) is fucking RISKY and often done without consent)
ginger got very sick when he was around 8 with an unspecified disease im still figuring out. they couldnt really figure out what was wrong with him but they DID know it was killing her and they were like Okay. You can either let your daughter slowly die ("what no") or risk letting your daughter QUICKLY die but she might just get a condition with about 20 million shitty side effects ("ok cool"). ginger namely was not considered for consent in this process due to it being lifesaving + ginger beinf 8 + gingers parents dont really like him (idk if the lifesaving thing is a real law. the medical/psychiatric system : krillverse :: the legal system : ace attorney in the sense they're exaggerated a bit)
the process was a success but theres a lot of Guilt about being any type of vampire (and there are types of vampires. theyre classified based on how they were turned. theres statistics and acronyms) due to the stereotypes and misinformation about it. "theyre stealing blood from blood banks" and "theyre just assaulting people on the street" and "theyre fucking vampires, dude" are all things that come up. and ginger, as a character, while not being particularly Guilty (thats vanessa) is very invested inhow he is Depicted--which iften isnt well, due to both things he Can control (asshole) and things he Cant (has a lot of stuff wrong w him)
gingers just very caught up in how shes portrayed, which is often disproportionate versions of traits he does in fact have, but exaggerated. ginger isnt evil but he is rude, ginger isnt predatory (something that ties up well with the vampire thing!) but she is a bully. kinda jerky kid with a lot of Problems viewed through a warping lense that makes him an irredeemable unlovable monster <- italicized because Yeah thats ginger. thats ginger
sorry if this isnt phrased well fhsjdhdjfgshs anyways virtue is gay about the vampire thing. theyre both kinda weird about blood i have to do homework now
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stateswscarlet · 11 months
How do I to stop aiming for the manifestation of desires in 3D? I genuinely want to give up wanting things in 3D and just be satisfied with having in my imagination, but it seems I only understand only in the rational mind that I need to stop having the manifestation in 3D as a goal, but I don't know how to apply this effectively
you just take that leap of faith and give up. there isn’t any reasoning to it. you just DO it and admit defeat to the 3D. literally be like “fuck it, i can’t manifest anything into the 3D so might as well enjoy my imagination and give myself what I can control” and acknowledge that is all you CAN ever do. also, keep in mind that theres millions of ppl who have “dream” lives w perfect sp and billions and are miserable af. having ur results in the 3D doesn’t mean shit because ONLY YOU decide what fulfills you.
the more you fall in love with your new state the more you will want to return to that and as a byproduct you will become indifferent to the 3D
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fandomfluffandfuck · 7 days
i havent seen the inside of your ask box for ages so let me just say i finished money magic and WOAH. leave some talent for the rest of us damn. also. im going to add ‘financial domination’ to my mental list of kinks and im doing it with a sly smirk on my face because id never heard of it before this fic and i certainly will be looking for more in the future.
i genuinely think im into it only because you write it so. fucking. well. i love this community youve built where so many people can discover new kinks through your writing and it makes me so happy being able to find out new things about myself from a piece of art like this. i just love fandom sometimes.
plus i think of your blog as a haven bc i can come here anytime i want and its like someone took all the things i love about fandom and put it through your brain then onto here. a true blessing.
ok onto the fic itself, i have a few things to say:
1) i will never get over the way you build up to the climax of the fic. like, from the beginning, its always so obvious that something big is going to happen and i just can never wait until the next update to find out. i dont think ive ever skim read one of your paragraphs because every word pulls me in a makes me want moreee.
2) the way you use imagery in your work is actually something i think should be studied because you do it SO WELL. an example from chapter one that i cant stop thinking about;
His mind whirls. He’s back to spinning out of control. It feels as though his head might come off his shoulders, twisted and twisted and twisted around, thinning his neck, and becoming too unsteady.
like hello???? i can picture every tiny little detail of this moment and its insane how you can just do that.
3) the chemistry between your characters never feels forced or awkward. ive noticed that you dont use dialogue too much when writing smut and i love that because it lets the reader really visualise whats going on. but when you do its absolutely perfect. the way you kept the power dynamics going steadily throughout and even when they were talking on the balcony, it just made me realise how much you really care about what you write and it made reading so much more enjoyable.
theres literally like a million other things i could say but im not gna ramble here. instead, take some snippets that i especially enjoyed that i will think about for a long, long time:
A shiver wracks Steve’s body, accompanied by a rough exhale that fills his bedroom—a confession of how much he’s enjoying this by its very nature.
Steve shivers so hard it might as well be a convulsion. Good. The way his words leave no room for argument, for thought, for anything but all this electric embarrassment to fill his veins and circulate throughout his body, polluting him tip to tail. Jesus. He commands all of Steve without being there. It’s heady. He can feel himself being pulled in like a sailor, lonely after months at sea, to a siren.
A moan comes tumbling out of his mouth, humiliated to the point that he feels dizzy. He couldn’t stand and walk straight if he tried, he’d stumble and fall onto his knees. He wants to stumble and fall and have Bucky push his heavy hands into his hair, he wants to feel the cold metal of his rings and the blunt sharpness of his fingernails against his scalp as he grabs and pulls and twists, making sure Steve feels his place.
Steve imagines this is what being a pinata feels like, struck hard enough that it's twirling around its point of suspension, unable to know what’s up or down, left or right, just focused on each hit and when the next one is going to come, then, ah!, all of the sudden spilling its bounty.
i could put the whole fic here but you know. that’d be too long. ill just have to hope what ive said here is enough.
bottom line is that im OBSESSED and i will be taking the pleasure of rereading this fic as soon as i can. thank you so much for sharing!!! lots of love 💗
"Money Magic"
Thank you, lovely <3
I'm so glad to hear that you finished that fic, and, more importantly, that you enjoyed the read so much! You're too kind. Haha, I'm hitting you again with the kink discovery. I think if I can't find a job (a scarily real threat, lmao), I can make a job of that alone 💀💀 I, too, though, am going to be looking for more of it! I haven't found anything else with fin domming in stucky fics, but I would love to!
I'm honored that it's even a possibility that you'd just be into it because of the way I write it <3 Me too!! I love the absolute filth I can write and people not batting an eye, aside from horny reactions that I enjoy very much. Thank you. Plus, even better, so many people have come into my inbox to say depraved, kinky shit. Like. YES. Discover more kinks from me, tell me more about your kinks, and let's explore it all. Not you calling my porn writing art
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(Like, absolutely, porn is art. Art inspires emotion, and horny is a valid emotion. I wholeheartedly believe that and would very readily call lots of other writers erotica art, but hearing that about my own? Wtf. Shits wild)
And calling my blog a haven?! Staaawp. You're too cute and nice, I can't take it
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1) Ah! I'm so glad to hear that 'cause I plan out my fics EXTENSIVELY, lmao, and I try very hard to up myself consistently within my longer, chaptered fics.
2) You are so fucking sweet I am gonna scream. Oh my god!! I love how you pulled quotes from my text! What the hell??? That's so nice!
3) Thank you, thank you, thank you!! I feel like I use a lot of dialog 💀💀 That's probably because I think so hard about my dialog, though, lol. I do care, definitely. I care too much sometimes 😅 but, yeah, I try to always think, okay, but would the character actually ever say or behave like that? Both this AU character, but also the canon character because the AU is, of course, a canon extension/expansion.
Aww, I don't have words (which is saying something for me, haha)! Again, though, I love, love, love that you included snippets that stuck out to you!
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definitelynotshouting · 10 months
Part 3!! This one's really long so i apologise 😭
"The hooks give lumbering chase, streams of water bleeding for the ocean"
- ooh. Firstly, the overall metaphor here is beautiful. Millions of streams and rivers that leas into the ocean, sustaining it yet so insignificant on their own. Grian's only tasting droplets of Mumbo's emotions. Leading on from the water imagery, what's there now is hiding behind a dam with the potential to be a torrent. "Bleeding *for*" highlights this, firstly with "bleeding" referencing how this sustains grian, and "for", directionally and prepositionally, is a reminder of where things are headed (these are the streams Grian is tasting, how long before he devours the ocean?) The word "lumbering" itself exacerbates this; "lumbering" is heavy, like crashing through undergrowth. It gives an impression of clumsiness, and strain. It's a reminder of how starved Grian is, and how his control only lasts so long.
"Even half-starved, Grian had been stronger, and he'd delighted in it;"
- The "and he'd delighted in it" HURTS. He's trying to convince himself (and this instance, 'proving') that he will be fine in this state. Half-starved, he's still strong enough to pick his friends up to lovingly inconvenience them. He's even stronger than Mumbo! So that's enough to keep living like this, right? It'll all be fine!
"A wave of unexpected heat wells in Grian’s eyes; abruptly, the careful veil of darkness is a blessing, concealing how his vision blurs, how his breaths shake with a new and quivering urgency. The vice around his lungs tightens, cinches shut, and Grian counts backward from ten, until the burn forces him into another shaky exhale."
- man. 🐴
- From my first ask, unreliable narrator-grian back at it: convinces himself his friends hate him and is surprised when they don't! Jokes aside though, fucking OUCH.
"Because… it is. This is Grian, in all his splendid glory: a hideous gap in the fabric of the universe; a cold, bloated corpse still bleeding; a knife in the hands of murderers. Cut from a cloth woven of destruction, fear… Mumbo, with all this hapless hope, basks in the memory of nothing more than a tapestry of deceit."
- *gripping you by the shoulders reaction image*
- I just. wow :(((
- Theres so much in here to unpack, but ill try to be concise. 1) "a hideous gap in the fabric of the universe", in his creation, his life as a player was erased, memories taken and implanted into something so completely different. There is a life that once existed, and now it is "a gap", hidden in... something else? If you have someone else's memories are you them? Or just a version (a perversion, as i recall you said once). 2) "a cold, bloated corpse still breathing" woww.. firstly it's a reminder of how the player was erased, and he is simply piloting the "corpse" of someone elses memory. It's like reverse possession. Secondly, it's a testament to his current plan- how he sees himself as a dead man walking- counting the number of days he has left on one hand. 3) the "knife" and the "cloth": he was made by the Watchers to fill their ranks, and as much as he tries to convince himself he *isnt one of them*, that IS how he sees himself; no better than the beings that created him. 4) the Mumbo part. It wasn't all "a tapestry of deceit"!!! The love was real and it's STILL THERE
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/POS,,,,, sun anon your commentary always hits. Im so so glad you liked this chapter so much-- its a little funny that the chap i was most worried about quality-wise this time around is the one that seems to be a huge hit with people. Everyone has left SUCH nice comments about it and im really grateful for how sweet everyone is ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 tysm, i love your analysis and commentary a TON, its genuinely a highlight of posting each chapter
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morfosi · 4 months
autism time
i can't stop thinking about how every mario game is so different but always hits so fucking hard (most of the time. you arent welcome here sticker star, sorry.)
i finished super mario galaxy today (not really—I beat the boss and saved peach but I have like 50 more stars to get hehe:33) and man this game is so beautiful and timeless and fun. The switch controls were ... a little awkward compared to the wii (especially when swimming. fuck you, water levels) but I cant believe how much I still love super mario galaxy after I've been playing it LITERALLY since it released. its such a unique take on mario platformers and the music is so fucking amazing and of course theres just... something about being in space that makes everything feel so magical
i wanna finish my replay of super paper mario next (i need to rebuild my emulator since my hard drive got wiped a while back and I never quite caught up with remaking my emulators). super paper mario is that same kind of eternal game where no matter how many times you play it, no matter how old you get compared to when it came out and you first played it, you still feel every bit of emotion and heartbreak and wonder. augh i really really really hope I'm right about the spm switch remake being next because spm is my favorite game of all time (yes even above the sims 2. and thats a big deal.) and i need the whole fucking world to reexperience it with me
i remember being like 7 and sitting on my dad's laptop cycling between youtube and the mario wiki absorbing every single ounce of information i could about super paper mario. i could not, and still can't, get enough of that fucking game
theres somewhat of a story in every mario game obviously but spm took it 100x farther and created the most fucking tragic unforgettable video game ever made. and no one ever believes me because its just a silly mario game. but i mean it. every time i play it i cry. i think when i got near the end the first time way back when i was a kid i laid in bed for an hour sobbing because everything was coming together and i knew even at that age that i was experiencing the craziest mario game ever released
like when you pick up a mario game you expect a fun colorful platformer where youre the hero saving someone. you dont expect to be hit with the most incredible worldbuilding, and the most chilling star crossed lovers tragedy, and the most intensely three-dimensional characters across all the mario games. i would pay millions to play it again for the first time, but if they really are remaking it and i get to watch millions of people experience it for the first time themselves.... thats the second best thing. i'll take it
anyway. smg and smp are two of the most unique, impressive, and beautiful games in the mario series (albeit for different reasons) and i will never fucking shut up about them or stop replaying them
sorry for having autism
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hiddenreflections · 1 month
It felt like you trying to finish what youve begun without you even being here anymore, cause a message given a million years ago being played delayed -
I remember all you tried to teach and all you made me forget about the vile actions and touches you visited on me - I remember your ideology, the way you swung your sentences and that childish anger you felt when I disagreed
Still im trying to draw a picture of the man that split me into pieces, parts and hid my own time from me - I know the pain saved in every little fragment but cant quite call it my own -
How can that be that someone violated me so intimately and I was the only one that never knew? How can it be that these voices inside me believe they truly loved you when I see it so clear?
You exist inside of me just like you wished, in every violent action of theirs, every misplaced bout of anger, every wish to visit terror on someone else - and yet its not like you wanted, it wouldnt be possible oh no - because every piece of me you perverted and corrupted still belongs to me,
They may take on your identity and tell me right and wrong does not exist only domineering and violence rules - its joyful to cause pain and corrupt whats innocent - but every piece of me youve violated, I still see them as seperate from you -
I see them as a the victim they wish they hadnt been, I see the manipulation right at its root - Every bit of cruelity you implanted on them only sprouted as a way to survive because you victimized them into bitter tears and fits of rage and the only way to rescue themselves was to do as you said, better be as you are
I know you are obsessed with ruining whats pure, you said it yourself that causing someone pain thats to young to understand it at all is what feels best to you -
I try to figure you out because I dont like the fact that you touched all these places on my body and I never even knew you exist - no I dont like that you reached into my subconcious, I dont like that theres people inside of me that I never even knew, because of crimes comitted against me I could never remember and all these messages to me play a million years delayed -
Im trying to tell them who you are, but they "know" you better than ill ever will they experienced your firsthand afterall, so who am I to tell them what to think?
I dont understand how they could look at you with such fear and devotion, submission and loyality, told themselves they could love you whilst denying what gave birth to them in the first place -
I see you through their eyes, which should be my own - but I am not quite so sure anymore who this body even belongs to - I am convinced it was my own, but youd disagree -
You are all they knew whilst youre everything I still dont understand, you made their build, you were their god, you build a fake reality in which you could rule, what kind of sad pathetic man does something like that to a little child?
You who gives pleasure to the child after he made her beat herself up, make her think the rape is the reward, the end of it all - the mindgames you played - I have no words
Still when I see you through their eyes, im wondering, do my eyes really still belong to me? Its hard to feel sorry, Its hard to know for sure, but one thing I am certain of is that you are no god, you are no deity, you dont deserve anyone pushing your ego -
You always said true control means getting to hurt the other person and them having to swallow their pride, and just take it - that owning someone else is always something that happens at the expense of freedom of the other, that owning the freedom of someone else only gives room to let your sadism run wild -
I still feel like youre just a stranger to me, they might have vented their anger on me just like you did to them, I know the level of helplessness and humilation they must have felt - I know the horrible things you did to this body, and yet youre still just someone I dont know -
I shouldnt make you matter more by trying to find out what type of man you had to be to be having done something just like that - youre just the same as any other predator out there, im sure, but ive always struggled letting go and it bothers me when a question is unanswered -
sometimes I think that I should let some things go unsaid, and I sometimes wonder if theyre impacting me more than I think - trying to feel "closer" to the person I despise, fantasising about getting revenge on you when youre not all that important at all, never mattered, never was the reason I cried and then I nearly died because of things you did to me when I was a child -
I hate to think that you really had the power of me you believed you had, but everytime they hurt their own body to express rage on me its like youre truly that powerful,
but they stopped, I survived, you lost and I won - and id like to say that you can never poison someone elses mind to work against them to the degree you did - but it happened, didnt it?
I want to understand you, is sadly I think how every single personality reacted to you, and im no different in that - what does that say about us as a whole?
I wish I could slit your throat open and watch the truth bleed out of you, but theres nothing to explain or justify the cruelity of what youve done - by trying to understand you to much, and this I know because of them - yes the harder one tries to understand someone like you the more one becomes more of the same - because logically I could never explain it, but I could embody it -
I see it in the cruelity they inherited from you, I see it in the way they delight in cruelity just like you did, sometimes to survive a monster is to turn into one too -
Still I will never accept you, and I dont accept they "love" you - Still I will never become like you, and one of these days ill have to admit you will always be a stranger no matter how intimately you imprinted on me, violated and -
Youre just a stranger that raped me when I was a child, youre just a stranger that nearly murdered me, youre just a stranger that fucked with my mind and enjoyed playing god when theres personalities that only exist to "please" you -
and I hate to sound like I agree with any of your ideology, the excuses youve made for your crimes, like you said "if its not remembered, its like no crime ever occured" and I know by heart it isnt true, but to me youre just a stranger, you dont own me or my life - I didnt die when you thought I might - I survived you so why should you ever be anything more to me than an extremely ill intentioned stranger?
And they yell inside me "So youre denying me by denying him?" And they yell inside me "But he mattered to us" then we will burry him together, ash to ash, blood to blood, cause his actions are cold and dead - if they falsely believe that hes a god, all the power hes had - rest assured, god dies too.
He is to you, what he isnt to me. Just a stranger, a stranger put to rest - and I hate to think theyd be impacting me that much subtly, to keep winding it up - no, I dont think this is freedom - I dont think this is freedom, and I wish theyd agree.
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kaitcake1289 · 2 years
i love your MQ art so much and i love seeing it in the tags! how have you been liking S3 so far?
first of all thank you so much anon! secondly you did not ask me to rant about this season but its the perfect opportunity to so forgive me lol
so far this season has unfortunately felt really off for me (save for the first 2 eps + most of the christmas ep + sarian) and now this may just be me being overly critical since these characters are so near and dear to me but here are what i think are some of the main flaws with this season:
the constant metaverse and nft promotion. this one is the most evident and the main reason why the first half of this season feels like a miss for me. it becomes a problem when every single character is shown openly endorsing anything crypto related, even characters that would realistically never in a million years like nfts (rachel mythic quest im looking at you) and the one character who is at all negative about nfts gets sent down to the basement never to be seen again. they even state in show how nfts have done explicitly good things! (giving carol a promotion) now i understand that this may have some part to do with ubisoft's involvement in the show and how pro-nft they are but if they weren't gonna do a fair honest critique about the subject of nfts/the metaverse i'd rather them not do it at all!
scrapping the foundation made in season 2. now listen i really didn't like them basically throwing away rachel's writer arc, brad's reserved janitor act and hera entirely AND HEAR ME OUT it could've worked a lot better if they stretched out this development over the course of the season but it all just feels soooo rushed. like take hera for example, the decision for poppy to give it all up could've had a much better effect if the game was shown more to be a primary focus of the season (an issue that's the next point) to up the emotional attachment the audience can foster for the game, theres so much they could’ve shown of poppy genuinely pouring her heart out into the flawless system shes constructing all to the build up that thats all the game can really be, a system, missing that it factor. with brad he essentially reverts back to the HOMIE with extra steps in less than 3 episodes, which is a bummer since seeing brad coming into the season humbled, confined to a role with significantly less power could've built on that fear, that grasp for control and even his raw power, HOMIE or not. with rachel as well scrapping her writer arc felt forced especially after the heartfelt speech she gave to see her giving up essentially because she wasn't excelling right away
too much happening and yet not enough somehow???? episode 3 and 4 especially feel really short to me like they feel like filler which i would be okay with but as the season stood we had also so many arcs being set up, janitor brad, david being in charge, grimpop, and a whole movie but it felt like all of it was the B plot for me at least
I'm not saying the season doesn't have things it does right; jos character this season has been the funniest shes ever been + some bits were really funny + the christmas episode and sarian helped me like the season a lot more (mostly bc those eps were detached from the main plot and were about the characters) and the cast stay stunning but yea. im curious to know others thoughts on the season and whether you agree though!
tldr more like midthic quest am i right /hj
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