ask-the-bombberry-au · 2 months
the silly maggot?
i gave her a cactus :(((
and a cat photo :(
Asmi: "I doesn't have that stuff.."
She mumbles her words while holding her crocodile plush.
// Wrong blog! You gave those to @the-chaotic-drones //
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ask-the-bombberry-au · 2 months
nooo- why :(
i gave her a cactus once :(
The disassembly drones seem confused before their eyes narrow in a weird sync.
S: "What are you talking about?"
V: "I don't remember that."
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ask-the-bombberry-au · 2 months
bonks asmi !! :3
The smallest drone squeaks in alarm, but in a fash of a second both S and V are holding your arm in a tight grip.
V: "Don't EVER do that again."
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ask-the-bombberry-au · 3 months
V and S btw :3
you guys are mean >:(
Before either of them can retort, Asmi hops up, her cheeks puffed.
Asmi: "My mas are NOT mean!!!"
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ask-the-bombberry-au · 3 months
*bonks V and S*
V moves away and doesn't let you touch her, glaring. S lets it happen once before stepping away as well.
S: "And that's enough of that,"
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ask-the-bombberry-au · 3 months
*BONKS EVERYONE!* if I cant bonk everyone, then I bonk S, V and Asmi
S and V both grab your arm before you can touch Asmi, glaring intensely.
V: "Nice fucking try. Don't touch our daughter."
Asmi stares innocently, holding her crocodile plush to her chest.
S: "We don't know you well enough for that to be acceptable."
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ask-the-bombberry-au · 3 months
Sooo... How have you guys been able to deal with everything in the past?
S: "Well.. uh.. I'm not really sure, honestly. That's a great question that I wish we could answer,"
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ask-the-bombberry-au · 4 months
Slightly late but... Happy Pride Month guys!
S looks up from having been fastening a pin to the right side of Asmi's overalls. Everyone seems to have a few more pins than usual!
S: "Yeah, happy pride month to you too!! V and I usually wear pride pins, but we added another for each of us! I'm now wearing a lesbian one,"
V sits down on the couch, adjusting her scarf.
V: "I now have a demi girl one as well,"
Asmi: "I don't know what I identify with yet, but we still have pins to wear!!"
Cyn: "I wanted to be, included. We are wearing an, Aromantic Asexual pin. And a, demi girl pin. Those are both what, represent me,"
S: "We'd never leave you out, Cyn!"
Cyn: "Thank you, Big Sibling S,"
V: "J now has some pins but she's still salty about the confession thing. E has another pin to wear I believe but it's off... probably tripping into the snow,"
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ask-the-bombberry-au · 4 months
alright, more questions becausee I'm bored 1. why doesn't S have a nanite-acid tail end like the other drones? 2. do you guys need sleep like humans or... alsoo, Asmi, since you said you liked crocodiles last timee I made you a baby crocodile plushie! *gives*
S: "Well, I don't have a nanite canister like the others because I was modified! I instead have a system stunning agent that freezes and locks the system of whatever drone I stab!"
They grab their tail, holding it by the base of the spade before it clicks and slides open. A sharp needle is uncovered from the end opening, and there's a cool colored glow from inside. After showing it, S closes it and lets go of their tail.
V: "As for sleep, we do have 'sleep cycles', but it's more so we can recharge our systems. We charge during the day, as we are nocturnal drones. The sun being able to kill you does that,"
As the asker 'gives' Asmi a baby crocodile plushie, one seems to materialize on the table and the worker drone squeals and grabs it, her tail wagging as she squeezes it to herself with a happy sounding purr.
Asmi: "Thankies!!! its so cute!!!"
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ask-the-bombberry-au · 4 months
Well.. I guess that would count as J answering~
J: "Ugh!"
J suddenly gets up, her posture stiff and blush on her visor.
J: "I'm leaving this stupid asks thing for it bit. Bye."
She leaves the room, Asmi frowning after her while S seems indifferent.
S: "She'll be back. Next question!"
Asmi's visor suddenly goes half yellow again.
Cyn: "I was not able to answer."
S: "Oh! Hey Cyn! You want to answer the 'who you love most' question?"
Cyn: "I do. I love big brother N and big sibling S."
A grumble is heard from Asmi, probably from Asmi herself.
Cyn: "Do not be sad. I was not done. I also love niece Asmi."
Asmi: "Yay!!"
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ask-the-bombberry-au · 4 months
Come on J! Answer~
Her tail seems to be visibly flicking in frustration and she keeps her face covered.
J: "No. way. I'm not saying anything."
It was V's turn laugh at this, rolling her eyes.
V: "You guys should know she's stubborn. Maybe I can jsut say it for her-"
J glares intensely at V, shaking her head.
J: "You better not."
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ask-the-bombberry-au · 4 months
J needs to answer the question!!
J: "Wait why the hell is your thingy N- WAIT NO. I'm not answering!! You know the answer!!!"
S chuckles, seeing her blush.
S: "C'mon J, answer the question!"
J: "No! Shut up!"
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ask-the-bombberry-au · 4 months
I have a question
Who do you love the most :3
S: "Oh that's a tough one! Tear out my core why don't ya!"
They laugh, Asmi and V staring at it with their own sized smiles.
S: "I can't pick between V and Asi, I love them both!"
Asmi: "I love my Mas!! I can't pick a favorite!!"
V: "My answer is just the same as S's, these are my two goofballs,"
Everyone then looks at J, both of the Disassembly Drones having a teasing look. J hides her face.
J: "This question was made to attack me! I'm not answering! You guys know already,"
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ask-the-bombberry-au · 4 months
Hiya y’all! I see you haven’t been getting some asks, so I sent one it! What’s your favorite activities and/or memories you like to look back on? =3
-Mod Cosmos~
S scoots forward a bit, prepping to talk first.
S: "I'd say one of my favorite moments was meeting V! Both the first and the second time,"
It has a cheeky smile and gets playfully elbowed by the mentioned drone.
V: "You're such a sap, you know that?"
The modified drone smiles at her and the sound of their tail buzzing can be heard.
V: "Well, I guess I'm next. I don't have a favorite moment, but a nice one would be starting to date S..."
S: "What was that?"
V: "Nothing."
J then rolls her eyes.
J: "I don't have one, case-in-point,"
Asmi then pipes up, smiling.
Asmi: "What about when you and Auntie E started dating?"
The twin-tailed drone then looked to the side, covering her face with her hand.
J: "..."
Asmi: "Okies!! I loved meeting Mama and Mapa for the first time!!"
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ask-the-bombberry-au · 4 months
When did N and Uzi have a child 👀
Asmi lights up, smiling widely.
Asmi: "OHHH!!! Are you talking about Cosie? He's awesome and super cool!!"
Her tail is wagging back and forth quickly, making S chuckle and V smirk from her enthusiasm.
Asmi: "Cosmo is my cousin and best friend!! I've known him since Mama and Mapa found me!! He's a year older than me, so he's 9!"
The small drone then suddenly turns to S, a big smile on her face.
Asmi: "Mapa!! Can we invite Auntie Uzi, Uncle N, and Cosmo over at some point? I wanna answer with them too!!"
S chuckles, ruffling their daughter's hair.
S: "If they want to, then of course,"
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ask-the-bombberry-au · 4 months
They are blatantly ignoring the existence of W and L on the post.
V: "Adorable as ever."
S: "Shush.."
Would anyone like to ask me about these characters? In order they are:
Serial Designation S - They/It (Tall, beanie)
Serial Designation W - She/Her (Nearly black hair, scowl)
Serial Designation L - She/They (Long hair, two eye colors)
Serial designation M - She/Her (Pale hair, pale blue plaid)
Serial Designation T - He/It (Light brown hair, gold paint)
All art done by my partner!!! (Click for better quality!)
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
These might be the goobers use in RPs here on tumblr, other than V at @serial-desigation-vee ofc
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ask-the-bombberry-au · 5 months
Hi! Lunar here again! I thought of some more questions to ask you! For Asmi: What is your favorite animal? (if there’s anything left on your planet besides sentinels-) For anyone who knows: how did you feel when you found out about Uzi’s Sacrifice?(if it happened in your au) And where is she now? And also if you don’t mind me asking, you obviously don’t HAVE to answer this I'm just curious, who is W?
Asmi: "Oh!!! I haven't met any real animals before, but I think baby crocodiles are so cute!!!"
S reads the next question and their eyes hollow. They stare into the screen.
S: "...sacrifice..?"
It shakes its head, eyes filling again.
S: "Uzi's fine. She's probably at her home with N and Cosmo,"
They then start to answer the next question, but V quickly buts in,
V: "W is S's old squad leader. She is manipulative, transphobic specifically to S, and generally a terrible drone in general. She's dead and I'm glad she is."
S: "..Love I could have answered.."
The shorter disassembly drone shrugs before resting her head on their shoulder. S blushes but hugs her close.
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