#because she was born all alone in a cardboard box
system-threat-detected · 11 months
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Horizontober day 16: New
Everyone look at Aloy’s new sister!!
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attleboy · 10 months
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thank you for being so nice to my past couple tadc doodle posts... shitpost be upon thee
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sonknuxadow · 9 months
you know i do wonder how many sonic characters actually have living parents. like knuckles is the last of his kind so obviously his parents arent around anymore. both guys who could be considered shadows dads are 100 percent confirmed dead. sonic is canonically an orphan im pretty sure. and on the other side of the coin cream is like the only character in the game cast who has a living parent we actually see onscreen. but what about everyone else i dont think theres a straight answer for any other character. other than rouge's mom being mentioned a couple times i Guess but we dont even know anything about her or if shes still alive just that she existed at some point. are these kids constantly putting themselves in danger because they dont have parents around to stop them or because their parents just dont care
#like what about tails. im guessing he didnt have any sort of family he was attached to if he left to be with sonic so quickly#but that doesnt really mean he didnt have parents at all. maybe he had parents and they just sucked i dont know#what about amy. what if she had parents this whole time we just never see them.#what about blaze. considering shes a princess id assume she was born into that role#but i dont know if her parents are ever actually mentioned#maybe theyre dead and there was no one else to take on their role and thats why blaze has so much responsibility at such a young age?#silver . he was born in a wet cardboard box all alone i cant really imagine him hvaing parents sorry#considering charmy is 6 and living with vector. an adult whos obviously not his biological dad.#i feel like something probably happened to charmys parents#espio i dont really question as much#becuase it feels very common in the sonic universe for teenagers to have more freedom than would be expected in real life#or maybe its not that common and the teenagers we're actually following are just living the most fucked up lives ever. i dotn know#but either way. espio where are your parents buddy. are they still alive. vector where are YOUR parents are they still alive#i dont know if i actually want canon explanations for all this though#because its kinda fun not knowing every detail about every characters life and being able to speculate and insert your headcanons n stuff#to be clear im talking about game canon#i know stuff like archie sonic and the sonic movies and the 90s cartoons will sometimes give characters new family members#or talk about their family situation even if the games dont say anything about that sort of thing
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okawarihappylife · 3 months
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it took 160 chapters. karasuba completelly snapping. 3 canonical gay characters with one being directly paraleled w karasuba. months and a lot of brainrotting for these doomed bitches to be official
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mortellanarts · 1 year
I hadn't read the ztd prologue in a while but I'm midway through writing my fic that could benefit from that knowledge so I finally got around to it with some of my friends and I firstly did not recall Sigma losing his cool that quickly but also the only canonical interaction this Sigma has with this Akane being "Swear future you will not lie to past me about how the end of the world goes down" and her essentially lying about not lying is so good and Phi being just as mad at him as Akane but otherwise staying off to the side oough the dynamics at play there
#because! I was fact checking on the wiki and it indicated that they were simply inconsistent with this information#as in she never gives the details away despite her own memories having left D-COM intact#but I did already think she probably just decided to lie by omission about the decision game#but this really did make it feel like that was the intention all along!#so yeah I'm glad about figuring that out logistically speaking it was bothering me while writing to not be sure#she was about to cry from how Sigma was talking to her too... that one fanart I made of her with big weepy eyes.......#stop bullying the criminal mastermind she was born in a wet cardboard box all alone#it works for the angle I'm coming from writing her though that she's feeling the pressure of not knowing everything™#and suddenly having to prevent a whole apocalypse after she just started to have a life again™#Sigma this girl is the best liar of the series do you really expect her to not take the chance if she has to like it isn't second nature#underrated dynamic they're the worst coworkers and no one actually respects one another#they're so funny to me they're sooo at odds while working towards the same goal but no one really got a choice to#and in the end the real time loop was the friends we made along the way and the world really only ended because she got them to prevent it#''oh but there's also the fanatic-'' shhh....#zero escape#ztd#zero escape spoilers#vlr spoilers#sigma klim#akane kurashiki#not art#writing
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rominasaintofthebud · 2 years
i dont need to read chainsaw man because i know kobeni personally. and i keep calling her kobemi on accident and it is probably because i am in fact dyslexic but i also like to think im giving her the same treatment i do of the band deftones where i call them deftomes or how i say animal as aminal. its a sign of affection
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ilikekidsshows · 1 month
Didn't Marinette in the emo special tell Shadybug in her redemption talk that she (Marinette) has always managed to overcome everything with her own strength? That it's only thanks to her loving and believing in herself and no one else's help was crucial in how well she's off today?
It's all thanks to herself and no one else? Didn't she also laughably claim that she doesn't need powers (as if Marinette could ever handle that) and then contradicts herself later by telling Shady to define her worth by fixing her world?
Didn't they have Adrien give too much credit to his friends for being there for him when we barely see that on screen?
I'd call that A+ viewer manipulation. Adrien tells us how supported he is despite that not being true and Marinette disregards her entire massive ass support system again to hype herself up
I wonder if girly pop would repeat that in front of Cat Noir real quick, cause according to herself she doesn't need anyone's support, she has always done that all by herself and no one needs to be given credit besides herself. So he can leave, right? According to her own words? No need to for being around with his only job being babysitting her and making her feel better about her flaws she doesn't want to work on.
No? She wouldn't repeat that because it was bs to hype herself up and she can't do anything anymore without always being taken care of and told that she's the greatest person ever?
Sounds right ._.
Something to keep in mind about the writers behind Miraculous: they don't want you to watch the show, they want you to see it. They don't want you to pay attention to what is actually going on, but to listen to them tell you what happened even when it blatantly contradicts the episodes anyone can go back and check. This is why people point out there's a bunch of retcons in the show, because the showrunners will insist something that never happened happened and that something that totally happened didn't. Because they can't actually be bothered to tell the story they claim they're telling, they want the audience to not think about what's actually going on and just cheer at the right parts.
Like, 'Derision' is a great example of the writing process behind Miraculous, because it's nothing but the writers telling you that a bunch of stuff shown in the show actually happened differently. Marinette is seriously traumatized by pools and love; ignore any time she was at the pool or in love with no issue before, she totally wasn't totally cool with Luka ever despite knowing nothing about him. Chloé is an irredeemable monster and it's no one’s fault but her own; ignore all the times you've seen Audrey model Chloé’s behavior and how she abused her on screen, all she did was leave and abandonment isn't traumatizing to a child because the writers say so. Also, Kim is a total insensitive stooge; ignore all the character development he received in the earlier seasons and how he sacrificed himself for the rest of the class in Zombizou, Adrien threatening to murder him is cool and awesome because he's a terrible person. Also, Adrien is cool with murder; ignore how he was the only one enraged at the idea that Sentibug could be so carelessly erased, trying to murder people for your widdle girlfriend Marinette is so cool - cheer, damn you!
Of course the writers are going to have Marinette say that she totally never needs anyone's help ever because she's so awesome. Ignore Marinette needing to be propped up 20% of the time on a regular day, and needing it 100% of the time when there’s a season finale going on (this math is actually accurate. I went back to check all the S1-3 episodes and did it myself, the finale data is accurate up until S5). The writers have cultivated an audience that will take anything the writers say at face value and who have been primed to think Marinette Biggest-Support-Network-In-Fiction Dupain-Cheng was born in a wet cardboard box all alone, she is the saddest, poorest, most pitiful being in existence who always has a hard time because the world is so cruel to her. Ignore all the times she gets handed freebies by other characters and the universe and how she always gets everything she wants. The target audience will ignore anything that contradicts their underdog overcoming hardships fantasy.
Of course they're going to say Adrien has so many friends and so much support even when we've seen the gang come together to support Adrien exactly once in the entire series, to throw a party at his house, and once in the specials to convince Gabriel to let Adrien go on a field trip. Ignore how they've far more often shown Adrien alone with no one to turn to and that one time he was literally sobbing on the floor of his sensory deprivation cell. Also, Gabriel isn't abusive. Neglect and psychological torture are totally normal things for a parent to do. Adrien has a wonderful, perfect life, because we’re watching Miraculous: The New Adventures of Ladybug And Ladybug Alone now and Marinette has a monopoly on hardships because she alone deserves all of the audience sympathy and if you think Adrien deserves more than scraps you’re sexist and just hate cool girlbosses who never need anyone and always win alone, even when they let the villain destroy the world. 
Frankly, considering this thinking can be traced back to the last five minutes of ‘Reflekdoll’, I’m starting to think the average uncritical Miraculous fan only pays attention to the last five minutes of any given episode. They completely misremember obvious facts about the show and characters, they can’t recall the plots of the episodes so they just make stuff up and they can’t recognize any of the patterns in the show. Because who cares if, at the start of ‘Reflekdoll’, Cat Noir tells Ladybug she has the harder job, and clearly acknowledges her efforts, when the episode ends with him saying he doesn’t appreciate her enough. Clearly him not appreciating her enough is the actual takeaway here and not the bajillion times he props her up and calls her the most amazing, intelligent or hardworking person ever. Because who cares what actually goes on in the show frequently, when we can just focus on the five minutes resolution that doesn’t actually resolve anything its own episode set up, am I right?
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fortuneravine · 1 year
Tell me about each of your PMD teams!
OH BOY ok okok
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starting off with team obsidian (explorers of sky)
Mistral is. complicated. for starters i have played as her in rescue team, explorers, And super because at the time they were kinda just. me. less of an oc and more just my self insert (i actually changed their name because her old name is. just my name now)
but lately i've wanted her to be her own character and not me in totodile form so i'm kinda in the process of redoing everything about them.
Cinder i can say more about! they are a disaster. an absolute mess. sopping wet kitten born in a cardboard box all alone. she's wanted to be an explorer since she was little, but being a huge coward kinda got in the way of that. they got that scar on their chest when they went into a dungeon alone and it scared them away from exploring for a long time. it wasn't until she met mistral that she started to get her confidence back and they're much calmer and less afraid of everything nowadays!
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now rescue team. i played as mistral again in my first pmddx playthough along with a cubone partner but. i have kinda replaced them as my Main pmd1 team with these guys. oops.
campfire are much more developed characters anyways so im gonna talk about them!
fig (she/any) is very quiet, as are basically all of my heroes because my selectively mute ass keeps latching onto silent protagonists. she's definitely the one i've given the not talking trait to the most though. chive is extremely extroverted and chatty so she handles all the talking. others tend to see them as closed off or mysterious because they can't get a good read on her. they're really sweet though
chive's main gimmick is she likes cooking! will probably settle down and open a little cafe once she's done with the rescue team business. likes to experiment with random berries and nuts she finds (fig keeps joking she's going to poison herself, but she owns like 3 different foraging guides, she knows what she's doing.)
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next is team hydra! their ref is old and i need to redo it so here's one of my heropartnerweek pieces badly cropped. their names are Ceru (she/xe) and Olivine (he/they)
it turns out i lied when i said all my heroes are quiet ceru is actually pretty outgoing. still the more introverted of the duo but mainly because olivine is a people pleaser extraordinaire. she actually had a pretty boring life as a human and is a lot happier as a pokemon. she was Devastated about returning to the human world, mostly because xe didn't want to leave xyr friends, partially because oh come on it's so much cooler here i don't wanna go back to working retail
olivine, as i said, is a people pleaser, often to his detriment. he's always prioritizing other pokemon's happiness, even when it's at the cost of his own. they get better at this over time (ceru helps him a lot with learning to say No). he and ceru are inseparable besties. they're like a comedy duo. 2 things have olivine's undying commitment, his friends and The Bit
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finally. super. again i already talked about mistral so here is Basil.
honestly? i feel like they don't have much of my own spin. pmsd partner is already a perfect character. they are so full of love. they love making others smile and they're maybe a little too enthusiastic about it. they tend to come off as overly friendly at best or annoying at worst. before meeting mistral they were pretty lonely despite trying so hard to make friends. they're very happy to finally have a real close friend who likes them how they are
this ended up a little rambly!! oops!! but there's my guys hope you like em :)
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yamatenzo · 6 months
karin is my meow meow princess who was born in a cardboard box all alone and most people write her off as her character just being "sasuke obsessed" which i actually do understand because its not like kishimoto put much effort in there now did he. but i actually love her because (and this is personal to me) once you start seeing her whole situation with her body being used by everyone and her believing it's what gives her worth as an allegory for abuse it reframes So much of her behavior because imho? the way she acts towards sasuke is So painfully real LOL
like here's the thing about karin and i'm fully gonna subscribe to her tsukuyomi dream episode here because i think it's visceral, rough as hell and good: what she craves the most is Love she doesn't care if she's used up as long as it's by someone she believes is worthy of her love- again, subscribing to her tsukuyomi dream, girl it fucking ends with her asking for love as she's DYING isn't it so fucked up (but extremely interesting character wise) that THAT'S her ideal world? she doesn't even receive the words of love she is asking for, she just makes the request openly and to her that's enough like. THAT'S HEARTBREAKIIIIING
and back to this idea of craving love, i think she's conditioned herself to believing what she wants is that idealized romantic love where someone Needs her (even if she might end up being thrown away or become obsolete- a very insanely sad way to think of yourself) but if you Fully observe karin back from the time she had her mother still to when she meets naruto and says, if memory serves, she feels a Warmth to him that makes her happy, that what she really wants is a place to belong that is like family... i wish they'd given any payoff on the naruto thing but oh well lol. something i'll actually give boruto props for is karin (orochimaru aside) seems very happy and fulfilled to have found a spot with taka as her family as she says 🥺...
anyway tl;dr karin's character, if you ask me, is (or rather Should Have Explicitly Been) about longing for the love of a family that won't need to use you or throw you away no matter what
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missing-sock-misto · 2 months
Jellicle Ask game: 1, 3, 7
Hi! (So I wrote a drabble for number 7, lol)
1. Favourite Swing
I honestly really like George, simply for the headcanon that he’s actually a dog? It’s incredibly silly but I do think it’s adorable.
3. Favourite Replica costume
I Love Misto’s outfit. It says so much about his character, he's neat, fancy, helps him stand out of a crowd,
(Moscow 2005 Misto)
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I love the little black splotch on his leg, it's reminicent of the markings you'll see on actual tuxedo cat legs.
I also love that he has a single missing sock. Hence my username. Three white limbs, one black arm. It's very cute, is distinctive and unusual for tuxedos. (Which is why I don't like the Broadway revival giving him two black socks, one on opposite limbs. No.)
I also have a particular fondness for the more modern show number tuxedo, especially Xavier Pellin. It's more reminiscent of a figure skater outfit. The black velvet makes it a deeper black than Tugger's grey-black. But I like how the white patch ends just below his chest, while his chorus outfit ends at his midriff. it's like he buttoned up his coat XD
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I like the idea that Misto can shapeshift slightly, going from all black to tuxedo depending on his mood XD
7. Favourite sibling headcanons
Tugger, Munk and Mac are brothers and the sons of old Deut, though Munk has a different mom. Mac is the easiest to not make a Deuteronomy, but it is my preference.
Also while I love the ‘Misto and Victoria are twins’ headcanon, I actually prefer it when Misto is fully an outsider to the Tribe, or even something supernatural in the skin of a cat. Sometimes, this is how I play around with the "Eldritch Misto" idea. So I actually like the idea that Misto and Victoria are foster siblings. Victoria found Misto as a kitten, and they adopted each other. They call each other twins because they don’t know when Misto was born so they just share a birth date.
One idea: When baby Victoria, (who is the daughter of Bustopher Jones's sister), played around the home, she felt the shadows watching her. It raised the fur on the back of her neck, like after rubbing a balloon. Her siblings hated the shadows, arching their backs and opening their mouths in snarls she couldn’t hear. But the shadows didn’t scare her. At first she thought it was the Everlasting Cat watching her. But then she realized it was different. This was not the comforting glow she felt when she stared up at the full moon. This was a quieter feeling, mist on a moonless night wrapping her gently in silver. It was the tingle on her tongue as she looked at the sky heavy with clouds, while lights flickered and flashed overhead. The lights scared her siblings too.
She started tossing toys or bits of her food into the shadow. The toys returned, the food disappeared. Her momma thought she had made an imaginary friend. It was not imaginary.
But it was a friend.
One by one, her siblings found new homes in large hands that caressed them. Hands touched her and held her, but never chose her. Her mother licked her fur with static strokes, her chest vibrating gently. The vibrations fascinated Victoria. So many things made them. The regular thumps as the humans feet hit the floor, the shaking as a truck pulled up to the house.
One day, strange men whose scents she did not recognize invaded her home. Their footsteps sent percussive shocks up her legs. She hid, watching as they put wooden tables into cardboard boxes before carrying them away. She had to move as one by one her favorite hiding spots were taken- the men upending cabinets and removing blankets. Finally, tucked away somewhere high in a nook with no furniture, she was safe. She wiggled her toes against the floor of her hiding place, enjoying the rhythmic vibrations as the strangers moved so far below. Safe, she curled into a ball, and fell asleep.
When she wakes up, the house is empty, and she is alone. No humans. No boxes. No momma. She runs through the house, mouth open, throat vibrating in a way that got momma’s attention, trying to find someone, anyone. After hours of searching the desolate house, she gives up, curling up on sore legs. She shivers, both from cold and tears.
She is awoken by something hitting her back. She unfurls quickly, so quickly she loses her footing and slips on the floor. But her heart soars. Maybe her momma is back! She is greeted by an empty room. At her feet is one of her toys, a little ball. Her hope dies all over again, grief welling up in her, even more choking than before. She buries her face in her arms. She feels a thump as another toy collides with her back. She straightens once again, more angry than sad now. Can't she be allowed to cry in peace? Out of the darkness, another toy, a little round mouse, flies towards her. She bats it aside angrily and opens her mouth. She feels her throat vibrate. She'd see her mother flinch and rub her ears when she did that. She thought it had been funny. The darkness retreats, allowing the evening sun to filter through the room once again. She hadn't realized the room had been so dark. But instead of feeling satisfied or relieved, she feels even more lonely than before. She curls back into a ball, burying her nose under her stubby tail.
After a few minutes, the shadows return, coalescing by her side, a small pool of void. When it departs, a bit of food remains. At first, she thinks about batting it away too. Instead, she manages to eat a mouthful. Then another. Soon the food is gone, wolfed down into her empty stomach. She hadn't realized how hungry she had been. She nods gratefully at the dark, before curling back into a ball.
Day turns to night. She shivers in her corner, the loneliness almost colder than the autumnal chill. Her lungs shudder with soundless tears. She wants her momma.
The air takes on an electric thrum, making all her fur stand up on its end. She sits up, confused. Before her, the shadows pool together, growing thicker and denser, until a patch of Void sit in the corner of the room. Colors flicker in the depths, oil slick rainbows swirling in the black. She stares in astonishment as the shadows tighten, and then open their eyes. Unnatural electric blue and lightning yellow eyes glow back at her. They blink, and when they open again, they are no longer glowing. A kitten steps out of the darkness. It is her age, her size. No, it is more than that. It is her mirror, her inverse rendered in shadow. The only difference is that one of the kitten's eyes is yellow instead of blue. She blinks. The kitten blinks back. It approaches her cautiously. It is clumsy, as if it has never walked before.
It approaches until it is only a few inches away. She should feel terrified. But the strange kitten is familiar, misty night air and lightning storm rain. Almost out of instinct, she holds out her paw. The kitten mirrors, holding out its left. They touch. It’s like sticking her paw in an icy creek. She flinches away, startled. The kitten tilts its head, confused. Then its eyes narrow with concentration. It holds out its paw again, inviting. This time, the paw is warm beneath her own.
They curl up together that night, her old friend and her. She is warm.
When her Uncle comes to retrieve her, he is confused by the new kitten. He knows the kittens his sister had, and this was not one of them. Victoria clings to the stranger, tails twined together. He gestures as the black kitten and shakes his head. He was only here for his niece, for his family. Victoria puffs up, and wraps herself over the kitten, eyes defiant. He is coming with us, her eyes say.
Bustopher hesitates for a moment, before he chuckles. "I guess this is my nephew," he says outloud to himself. At least the two looked similar. Uncannily similar, really. A Victoria dropped in ink.
Some tension in the girl eases, sensing the change in her Uncle's demeanor even if she can't hear his words. He smiles gently at her, and gestures towards the door. She hesitates, tightening her grip around her new brother questioningly. Bustopher nods, and gestures again to the door.
He leaves with two kittens in tow. When the black kitten's face and paws turn white, a reflection of his own tuxedo coat, he is not as surprised as he should be. There was something unearthly about the kitten, too fluid to be natural. But he decides that this action is one of acknowledgement. He chuckles. "Welcome to the family,” he tells the boy.
Thank you for the ask!
Lol, I did not mean for that to turn into a drabble, whoops 😅
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best-element-poll · 8 months
(the 2 most voted elements will continue onto round 2!)
More info about each element (and propaganda for the ones I like) under the cut. pleeeeeeeeease read some of them at least the one about francium
(disclaimer: these are based off short wikipedia reads and my crumbling high school chemistry knowledge. correct me if I'm wrong about anything.)
HYDROGEN: Hydrogen is the lightest element (consisting of only one proton and one electron). It is also the most abundant element in the universe, it's a gas (at room temperature) and it can explode. It's also quite representative of acids, having the (Arrhenius) definition of an acid straight up saying that it has to dissociate in water to form H+ ions. It's also quite an efficient fuel. Hydrogen is anywhere and Hydrogen is everywhere. If you like explosions, sour beverages, or acid in general, consider voting Hydrogen!
LITHIUM: Lithium, under standard conditions, is by far the least dense metal and the least dense solid element! You may primarily know him from your phone's Lithium-ion batteries. There are Lithium-based drugs used to treat mental illnesses. You can throw a block of lithium in water and it will make a really big explosion. The metal is soft and silvery. I'm running out of things to say about him. If you like batteries vote Lithium? (edit: just realised lithium is used for batteries, and batteries are connected to robotics and engineering. if you like robots and cool mechanical stuff vote lithium!)
SODIUM: You must know him from table salt. That's actually NaCl, his best known involvement. There are many more very important and very commonplace compounds that involve sodium, such as baking soda (NaHCO3) and sodium hydroxide (NaOH) (that's probably the most famous base?). It's also very important to the human body (you shouldn't eat more than 2300mg a day). If you've ever used table salt or baking soda while cooking, consider voting Sodium!
POTASSIUM: Their name was based on the word potash, which was based on an early and easy way of obtaining potassium, from putting ash in a pot, adding water, heating, and evaporating the solution. It's used in a lot of fertilisers because it's an essential plant nutrient. It's also involved in a ton of important compounds: KOH (a strong base), KNO3 (often used as salt bridges in electrochemical cells), K2CrO7 (an oxidising agent often used in organic synthesis), and K2CrO4 (I don't know what this one does). If you have ever eaten food from fertilisers consider voting Potassium!
RUBIDIUM: Rubidium compounds are sometimes used in fireworks to give them a purple color. They've also got a cool name, based on the latin rubidius, for deep red (the color of its emission spectrum). I'll be real, I don't really know much about them beyond that, but that is one cool name. Vote for Rubidium if you like cool names.
CAESIUM: Caesium is used in the definition for a second, meaning that an entire SI unit is based on it! A second can be defined as "the duration of 9,192,631,770 cycles of microwave light absorbed or emitted by the hyperfine transition of caesium-133 atoms in their ground state undisturbed by external fields". It was also discovered from mineral water. Did you know that they had to use 44000 liters of water to find her? If you've ever experienced time or had a conception of it in terms of units, consider voting Caesium!!!
FRANCIUM!!!: Caesium... TWO! It's sad that no one will probably read this far but this is my favourite element in this poll. This element is characterised by instability. Her longest half-life is 22 minutes. Her entire existence was conjoint with Caesium before they discovered that she was her own element. She has never been seen. They literally never confirmed what color she is. She was born in a wet cardboard box all alone. Through the hands of different scientists, she was going to be named after Russia, Virginia, or Moldavia at different points in time. At one point the name catium was proposed (for "cation", since she was believed to be the most electropositive cation), but was rejected because it sounded like a cat element. Which is so fucking sad. We could've had cat element but we ended up with France element. That's right she's also named after France. Just tragic fascinating existence overall. Also isn't it just insane that her half-life is only 22 minutes? Dude, you don't get it, the most of her that's ever existed in one place is a mere 300000 atoms. She's here and she's gone. What the hell.
The charm of Francium can be summarised by the wise words of my good friend Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart:
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exoticalmonde · 9 months
Part I. Hortus de Escapismo Dr. Evealia's Reaction
Ah, finally.
Hortus de Escapismo
Garden of Escapism
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Full experience includes waiting for 19837364 endless hours for the servers to open, rewatching the PV (English Version)
The animated PV
And listening to the biggest banger of a boss music without knowing any context. Including to whatever this splash art is meant to be about why does he look so... sad?
The following contains only the aftermath of the gacha and me being real chatty about the way characters look + expectations, so if you're looking for commentary of the story, please refer to Part II!
Hortus de Escapismo is on the horizon and Dr. Lundi is a radiant and unavoidable ball of excitement during the pulls. How could she NOT be??? Six months of saving, an ungodly ammount of pulls and a surprising eagerness of Executor to arrive home later (i.e. the fact out of eight 6*, only two were strangers).
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Speaking of strangers, an obscure horse wandered into the pulls to remind her that he's still her number one husband and Executor comes second. Most likely because to summon Federico she changed Mlynar on her homescreen to Executor normal version and he got a little worried, the old man.
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Among the 4 Doctors there's always 7 pots of each Elite, so it's no wonder the other one went to Dr. Pinkie before pity, which pretty much concluded our pulls. I don't know what happened to Dr. Kryo, but I personally didn't pull because Hoederererer is on the horizon four months from now and I am BEHIND because of Silverash Kernels.
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Fastest character build ever in the world. I think maxing out characters ASMRs have to exist. It's so nice to see it happen so fast. Aesthetically pleasing, complete and right.
But since I'm giving statements that are already unrequested, I just want to say that Executor is not my type. I don't like stiffly blunt and I am also on the side of Sarkaz, so just Sanktas in general are a little... off for me. Except Enforcer, Enforcer is my baby and I would kill for him.
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Go on, TRY and convince me this isn't one of the coolest arts ever. I need old 6* characters to get a revamp on their E2 art, because compared to this few can truly compare. God is behind him, holding the scythe, the statue is half a robot for whatever reason???? And it's so cool???
Not to mention that he looks exactly the same face-wise versus his E0 art, which cannot be said about, I don't know, SilverAsh, who looks like he was born in a wet cardboard box all alone in an alley.
His token is also so so so so cute, I don't know what the overall experience with listening to him talking into your ear feels like, but just-- just read this:
'A wireless earpiece. The latest of the Lateran Curia's tech products, and the same model that Executor himself currently uses. Is he giving this to you so you can stay in contact with him at any time, perhaps?'
Cutie patootie.
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Base skill not all that impressive. For some reason while looking into it Dr. Pinkie expressed surprise, because she couldn't find any other operator who gives productivity for EXP cards, but by complete accident I saw FEater is another one.
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Insider's splash looks great, he's the embodyment of that one weirdo who always gets in trouble for some reason. Might be the spiky hair. Might be the army of pigeons following him.
Their voice actors are amazing so far as I heard, so we wait and see what he's like personality wise.
'A handwritten dessert recipe. With proportions finetuned to Insider's own personal tastes, the sugar content ABSOLUTELY exceeds recommended guidelines! This one's a pick-me-up!'
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Not me. Not with that look.
'A user manual for precision machinery. Though the only thing inside is a special phone number, since she thinks telling you what to do directly is easier. (But sometimes she'll teach you wrong on purpose–depends on her mood.)'
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pennysperfectpolls · 9 months
Adoption poll preliminary match 18
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Liir Thropp (Wicked)
Lucy Heartfilia (Fairy Tail)
Sayo (I Need To Suck Blood Tonight)
Only two will move on
Propaganda under the cut
Liir Thropp (Wicked) Propaganda
Look, his dad died before he was even born, and then the poor kid’s mum was so traumatised by that that she blocked out her entire pregnancy, and can’t say for sure if he’s her kid.
He spends 6-7 years in a convent orphanage with his maybe mother, then gets dragged off to live in the mountains with his father’s widow and her kids, gets neglected by the adults, relentlessly bullied by his half-brother, then gets shut in a basement fish well by said half brother for days until he nearly drowns and nobody notices he’s gone!
Then soldiers turn up and he latches onto them because he’s so desperate for male authority figures, plus he starts to actually make friends with his half-sister, only for the soldiers kidnap and execute everyone but him, his mother and the senile old woman who seems to be doing most of the parenting— and that’s all before he’s even nine! And it doesn’t even encompass the two people he’d seen dead after his mother definitely didn’t kill them. By the end of the first book he’s spent another seven years living in isolation with his mother the mad monkey surgeon and her senile old nanny. Oh, also he’s seen at least one more brutal execution.
Oh, also he saw his first crush kill his mother within like two minutes of having his first kiss with her.
Lucy Heartfilia (Fairy Tail) Propaganda
Her mom died, and her dad was so Oof that she ran away the first chance she got. She made herself some friends at the Fairy Tail guild, and they came to rescue her when her dad hired some other dudes to kidnap her back home (yeah, not winning anyn"father of the year" awards). He does have a semi-redemption, but it's partial and weird and not very well done; he pays for her apartment when she's away for years, and sends a birthday gift every year, but he dies before she can properly decide if she forgives him or not. BUT - my point is, she has a dead mom (who was Good) and a dead dad (who was Crap) and she needs a parental figure (or more) that isn't a pervy old man, gone more often than not, or already dealing with canon offspring. Give her a decent parent to give her away at her post-canon wedding! (I don't know if she actually gets married, but she still deserves All The Opportunities.)
Sayo (I Need To Suck Blood Tonight) Propaganda
the wettest, saddest, most pathetic old man you've ever seen. he looks like he was born in a cardboard box all alone. he's so so sad and i think getting adopted and cared for in a genuine sense would fix him
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ceilingfan5 · 2 years
@taznovembercelebration joking/serious
“Hey, so like, this is Taako, you know, from TV,” Taako drawls, twirling his hair while he speaks into Kravitz’s phone. Kravitz has gone from sweating bullets to sweating laser beams, and if you put your ear up to him, you’ll hear either his heart beat inventing a new time signature or the soft pew pew pew of his worst fears being confirmed in real time.
“Heeyy, Taako from TV,” Sloane teases on speakerphone. “What’s up. Thought you were having a boys night.”
“Oh, we are,” Taako confirms, making smug bastard eye contact and winning the shit eatingest contest there ever was held. “And get this, we’re playing truth or dare.”
“Fun. And this involves me, who was busy, how?”
“I just need a little confirmation from Kravvy’s past life, and you’re the seeker of keeprets.”
“Yeah, I know a few secrets, but you’ll have to buy ‘em.”
“Sloane!” Kravitz hisses, utterly betrayed.
“Pay it,” Magnus insists. Merle nods emphatically, intent on the truth.
“I have your venmo. I mean it. This is very important to me. I am not joking even a little bit.”
“Sloane, don’t say anything???” Kravitz tries to reach for the phone, but he is still duct taped to the chair. This hinders his progress somewhat. He tries to tip the chair and nearly falls over, which would theoretically impact his bones and the flesh they love so deeply. He considers risking it.
“Oh, sorry bud, I’ve just checked my venmo, is the thing?” Sloane snickers. “And he did make good. So our deep bond is dollar store plastic and this fake Barbie’s head has popped off. What secrets am I spilling about, your seriousness?”
Taako gets as close as he can to the phone’s mic and stares right at Kravitz.
“Was he, or was Kravitz not. A member. Of a Werewolf Themed Boyband.”
There’s a long silence. And then a lot of laughter. It goes on for an embarrassingly long time, and Kravitz closes his eyes and wishes for some kind of smiting event to take him to the nice farm where Kravitzes go when they have been literally mortified.
“Yeah,” she says, audibly wiping tears, and still giggling. “Yeah, he sure fuckin’ was. I’ll send pi-”
“Oh sorry, beloved, I’ve, um. I’ve gotten another donation here, and uh-” she can barely hold it together to get the words out, even as the other guys fall all over each other to grab Taako’s phone and see the evidence. “Boyz 2 Wolves was just, just too much of a cultural phenomenon to let it rot in the past-”
Taako’s phone vibrates.
Taako opens the text.
Taako’s eyes go wide, and he chucks the phone across the room entirely. His cheeks burn.
“What the fuck, Taako,” Merle says, gravely. “I need to know.”
“For the good of the order!!” Magnus agrees.
“Order of breadsticks, maybe-”
“Listen, listen, listen, listen, listen-” Taako physically grabs Magnus and tries to stop him from running after the phone. Sloane’s muffled voice hollers from behind the futon. “Listen. That- we don’t need to- we don’t hafta-”
“Oh, you think he’s a pretty werewolf, huh?” Merle grins. Kravitz revises. This is the shit eatingest grin. Call Guiness World Records right now immediately. “Wanna keep that to yourself?”
“I think I’m going to pass out,” Kravitz says to no one, because the other three are about to brawl for Taako’s phone, and Magnus can pick Taako up like a cat that was born in a wet cardboard box all alone, and Merle is at the perfect height to commit some heinously illegal moves. “Thanks for nothing, Sloane. I’m going to die and they’re going to write bye, bye, bye on my tombstone.”
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lycanresistance · 2 years
it’s crazy to me that so many people genuinely don’t like aaron lycan. like i’m not talking minecraft diaries idgaf about that i mean like normie mystreet aaron
are you kidding me? he was born in a wet cardboard box all alone. his parents don’t love him and just want him to fill an image of the perfect quiet heir and him and his sister are estranged because they both think their parents love the other more. as a kid he wasn’t allowed to have any friends so his only friend was a dog he talked to that his dad then carelessly lost (and then like years later “came back” YEAH RIGHT #AlexanderWasReplaced i’m a that was two dogs truther) so he played final fantasy and got into fights for fun. he then got into the relationship with the only person who was ever nice with them and continued to never be able to voice any discomfort or objections in that relationship (see: lovers lane break up arc, the christmas special which literally comes after proving she learned nothing) and stays in it because he’s so alone and he doesn’t know how to do anything else.
think about the scene in pdh where his father smashes his phone and then later he smashes gene’s phone. literally his entire character is defined by cyclicality, so out of his control and forced to repeat the past that irene picks him above all others to protect and revives him over and over even when he tells her he just wants to stay dead. his life is predetermined, both by minecraft diaries and by his parents, doomed to suffer these dynamics he can’t escape over and over for the sake of a narrative that abandons him and a girlfriend that cared about herself more than his own well-being (i don’t want this post to sound like i don’t like aphmau i do a core character trait of her is just that she’s selfish because she’s The Main Character) (i also view mystreet as a trope deconstruction even if it’s accidental)
aaron is the mysterious “bad boy” but as we see in fcu he literally only comes off that way because of a deep anxiety about and insecurity over his ability to interact with other people. he’s been told his entire life he’s a monster, and it’s a cycle he has to fulfill, but until then he just wants to be loved. he’s lonely and insecure and pathetic and bitchy snark hidden under layers of fawn and freeze and he’s my girlfriend
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fairystar111 · 7 months
Trapped in Heaven
by: fairystar111
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Rating: Gen
Fandom: Boku no Hero Academia
Love is something we all need.   It's something we all want, whether it be romantic or platonic.   But sometimes you don't get it from the people you want it from, and the people that were supposed to love you turn their backs.
Characters: Himiko Toga, Twice | Jin Bubaigawara, Ochaco Uraraka, Iida Tenya.
CW/Tags: Kidnapping, Big Sister Himiko Toga, Parental Twice/Jin Bubaigawara, Yandere Himiko Toga, Yandere Twice, Obsessive Behavior, Possessive Behavior, Unhealthy Relationships, Toxic Codependency, Mind Break, Memory Alteration, Forced Infantilism, Stockholm Syndrome, Yandere, Platonic/Parental Yandere, Psychological Torture, Gaslighting, Emotional Manipulation, Suicidal ideation, Suicide Attempt.
As far as Toga could remember she never had a family to call her own. Sure she was created by her mother and father and had a sibling or two but they always felt distant. It was like they were living in a different world than she was. Whenever they would spend time together they would often send weary disgusted glances her way, grimace when she smiled showing off her sharp fangs and predator like eyes, and try to separate her from her "normal” siblings. Later on once her quirk came in harsh beatings from her father became a common occurrence over her habit of hunting small animals and sucking them dry of blood. It was like she was a viper born into a family of cowardly bunnies. They were always on edge, constantly afraid of when she would snap and eat them too. 
When she inevitably did crack, stabbing one of her classmates in a hunger induced haze. Her parents were quick to disown her and claim she had simply been born wrong and that the incident had nothing to do with their parenting. They even tried to turn her into the police station stating she was too dangerous for the general public but luckily she was able to run away. The fresh blood giving her just enough energy to react quickly and escape capture. For the first time in what seemed like forever she had a clear mind. There wasn't a heavy cloud of hunger hanging over her head. But she was all alone with no one to turn to with nothing but her bloody school uniform and an empty backpack.
She spent weeks wandering learning how to live on the streets and trying to get out of her hometown as quickly as possible. Since she was a minor they couldn’t plaster her face on wanted posters but the detailed description the police released of her was enough to get her suspicious glances and frantic calls to the police whenever she entered a store. She hadn't thought she would be so easily recognizable. I mean how many small blonde girls with golden eyes and blood sucking fangs can there be in Japan? Apparently not enough because she was getting chased down by heroes practically every time she went into a public space. She couldn't afford any hair dye or eye contacts but a dirty face mask she found littered on the street helped conceal her identity a bit. It was better than nothing.
Eventually after several weeks the news of the school stabbing died down and people began to forget her wanted description. Now the looks she received were mostly out of pity or disgust, most people just thinking of her as a homeless teen or a runaway. She didn't have any money and most nights she didn't even have a place to go to sleep but she was free. At the moment she was living off any birds and small animals she could catch, mostly rats since she couldn't bring herself to eat any stray pets, and sleeping in cardboard boxes and small hidey holes she could fit herself into. It wasn't much but she felt better than she has in years. 
On the streets she heard rumors of a man who offered housing and decent pay for less than legal acts. It was a month before she found him or more like he found her. Apparently the man, Giran, had spread the word to plenty of his people that if they were to find her to bring her to him. Word of her quirk got around the underworld and many people had requests for it. 
The one who ended up catching her was her Dad. She had been terrified at the time, confusing his gray and black outfit for a hero costume and lashed out at him with her tiny pocket knife. But she was quickly unarmed and pinned to the wall of the alleyway by a pair of clones. She thrashed and screamed, panicking trying to get out of his hold until Twice explained that he wasn't a hero and was here to offer her a job. He was employed by Giran, the man she was looking for and he just wanted to talk to her. She had been wary at first. Many people have wanted to hire her for her body or use her quirk for disgusting things before but she could see sincerity shining in the man's eyes so she reluctantly decided to hear him out. 
He explained how his life had spiraled out of control because of an incident regarding his quirk that had ruined his mental health. He had lost everything and had been on the streets too until he met Giran. The man had taken him in and gave him a safe place to sleep, practice his quirk, and a steady income. He told her that she would have a safe place to live where no one would judge her and Giran told him about a new group that will start recruiting people like them in a couple of months to help change the world. And that even if she doesn’t want to stay with them to at least consider accepting their help just long enough to get on her own feet and off the streets. The man had a soft spot for kids and wanted to help her in a way he had wished someone had helped him when he was younger. 
She ended up reluctantly agreeing to go with him to see Giran and from there on the rest is history. She met the broker and agreed to work for him so long as she didn't have to sell her body. The man had sputtered coughing out lungfuls of smoke when she had said that and vehemently assured her that that was never what he wanted to employ her for. It wasn't much but the slightly offended look on the broker's face and the shocked look on Twice had reassured her that these guys aren't like the disgusting people that have tried to employ her in the past. 
She was then brought to a shoddy apartment complex Giran owned and told she would be rooming with Twice for the time being since all the other complexes were full. She had been weary at first staying in an apartment with a strange man apparently named Jin Bubaigawara but after a few weeks of living together the two became very close. Jin was the first person ever to treat her kindly. He never looked at her in disgust when she drank blood or smiled. He guided her when she needed help and scolded her when she misbehaved. He was everything she wished her original family had been. Slowly but surely the slightly unstable man filled the aching hole in her heart. When meeting with a client for a job they were mistaken for a father daughter duo and they didn't bother to correct them. The title felt right, from then on she started to call him dad. 
After a couple of months of taking odd jobs here and there from Giran they met up with a pair of young men and their Sensei and officially joined the League. They spent most of their time training, planning, and helping lay down the groundwork for the war. Slowly the others were recruited first Mr.Compress then Magne and Spinner and lastly Hawks. Though they recruited many more grunts and even merged with other organizations they remained Tomura’s most trusted confidants. During their time together they had also become a family. They spent most days together managing to find time to goof off and bond with the other members while working to complete their goal. They were tasked with bringing down an entire society centered around heroics afterall. Then when they were ready; they started the war and swiftly ended it managing to bring heroes to their knees.
The beginning of the war had been pretty chaotic, at one point she had gotten separated from the others and cornered by a group of heroes. That was when she met her, her little hero. The reason she was cornered was due to a hero spotting her form melting from a elderly man to a young boy. Ochaco had spotted the heroes charging towards her and screamed at them for daring to hurt a child. The heroes yelled back that she wasn't actually a kid and was really Himiko Toga but Ochaco just screamed “It doesn’t matter if she's a villain she doesn't deserve lethal force! She’s still a kid, she just needs help!” She had fought against her own side to save her. Ochaco was the first hero to ever try to help her; she was her very own hero. From then on she became obsessed; she wanted to know anything and everything relating to the girl. 
After they won the war, all hero schools were shut down effective immediately. While raiding the abandoned UA campus for clues into the whereabouts of the missing class. She stumbled upon files on Ochaco including details on the girl's homelife and past assignments. What she found had shocked her; there were many notes from her teachers detailing Ochaco having trouble staying awake in class, not having anything to eat for lunch, and passing out during training. Her records showed that she attended UA on a financial aid scholarship. The girl likely didn't have enough money to feed herself due to her family's poor financial situation. The heroes knew all this and they did nothing to help. 
Then she found it, in a stack of assignments labeled class 1-A, a worksheet with the prompt: Why do you want to become a hero? All the girl wrote about was her parents and wanting to make money for them. How she was already helping them as much as she could but it wasn't enough so she decided to become a hero to help ease their burdens. This is why she was doing so poorly in class, the brunette was training daily on a near empty stomach and working in her parent’s failing business afterschool with little to no time to rest. It was no wonder she was having trouble in class. Her little hero didn't even want to be a hero other than to help her selfish greedy parents.
That was when Toga knew Ochaco was just like her. She too was being exploited by awful parents while the heroes turned a blind eye and did nothing to help. Ochako needs someone to help her like the League helped Toga. At that moment the blond decided that person would be her. When they eventually find class 1-A, she and her dad will be taking Ochaco with them because she deserves to be saved too. She needs someone to tell her that what happened to her wasn't okay and learn how to be cared for instead of always caring for others. She probably won't understand it at first but it’s for her own good. Her baby sister will be the most spoiled pampered little girl in the world. She won’t have to overwork herself ever again when they get their hands on her. Now all they had to do was find the girl.
Ochaco awoke slowly, groggily blinking her sleepy eyes and yawning as she stretched out her limbs. She was so comfortable she didn't even want to wake up but something felt strange. The blankets were incredibly soft unlike the old scratchy ones she had at home, the pajamas she was wearing felt far nicer than anything she's ever had, and she could hear soft lulling music that made her want to go back to sleep. As her vision cleared she noticed what looked like white bars on the ceiling and something slowly spinning? She shot up in a panic, adrenaline hitting her system when she realized she could recognize where she was. As she looked around she realized the bars were not attached to the ceiling; they were surrounding her entirely. She was in some sort of enclosed crib like cage. 
As she looked around the room she could only feel dread. The room itself was beautiful; it was huge and looked like it was made for a princess. The walls were a soft pastel pink, the floors covered in soft fluffy pink carpet, the room had what looked like a million plushies and toys decorating the space. Her name was written above the bed in white cursive lettering, a circular canopy hanging above the crib with a mobile spinning softly in the center that must have been where the lullaby from earlier was coming from. There were huge windows with pretty pink curtains and a large balcony with what looked to be a white patio table with matching chairs. It looked like something a princess would use for a tea party.
It was really pretty but… it looked like a room made in wait for the arrival of a baby girl. The last memories she had was her and her classmates being forcefully taken by the league from their hideout. So why was she here? Maybe they were saved, someone must have intercepted the League kidnapping them. But why would her name be on the wall? Heroes on the run usually don’t have much money let alone time to customize rooms for the people they rescue. Her stomach dropped as she realized she was most likely still with the league. Her eyes filled with tears and she wondered what was going to happen to her and began to weep. Her lungs could hardly keep up with how heavily she was sobbing. She could barely breathe thinking of all the possibilities for why the League had kidnapped her. 
Suddenly a voice speaking from a baby monitor she hadn't noticed rang out, “Calm down princess, Daddy will be there soon. Everythings all right. Chin up buttercup!” The girl only sobbed harder when she recognized the voice belonging to the masked villain who abducted her. She trembled as she waited for the arrival of her captor. The music from the mobile started up again, soothing her in an almost unnatural way. 
As the doors opened she could no longer feel the rising panic she was feeling a moment ago. She just watched as an unremarkable blonde man and Himiko Toga entered the room while the last of her tears rolled down her face. As they strolled forward marching toward the bed she inched backwards until her back was hitting the bars of the crib looking up at two sets of eyes watching her adoringly. 
“Hey baby we heard you're not feeling too well. ‘Course not she just got here! What can Daddy do to make it better? Hold her?” Jin cooed down at the girl. His little angel was finally safe at home. When Himiko told him about her past he just knew he had to take her in. He’s always had a soft spot for children especially those mistreated by the ones who are supposed to love them most. Her story reminded him of too much of his Himiko; there was no way he was sending her back to live with her parents. His baby went through too much too soon in her short life. She deserved to be loved and cherished like she was always meant to be.
��Yeah Ochaco, just say the word and we’ll make it better. We’ll get you anything you want!” Toga exclaimed with a wide smile. She was so happy that her baby sister was finally home.
“Wait! What's going on? Who are you and why are you calling yourself my dad? I already have parents of my own.” She asked calmly. She knew she should be upset but she couldn’t feel anything wrong, just confusion. It was like any of her negative emotions were being blocked by something. 
“What am I doing here and what is all this?” She gestured to the room around her as a fresh set of tears rolled down her face, it seemed her body was still physically reacting to her emotions; she just couldn't feel them.
“Oh baby you must be so confused. It's okay sweetie! All this must be so different from what you're used to huh? My poor little girl. Let me break it down into simple terms for you. Poor baby doesn't understand.” Twice answers with a bit of sadness creeping into his eyes. The girl clearly has never been cared for before and can’t understand why they were doing this.
“My name is Jin Bubaigawara. I’m going to be your new Papa and this is your big sister Himiko. You’re here because we found out about the way you were being treated at home and by the heroes around you. We couldn't stand to send you back to your parents in good conscience. We just knew we had to keep you. You deserve to be treasured and loved, not overworked and exploited. This is all for you princess.” The man said with full sincerity. He did not want her to end up like he did, a child slipping through the cracks with no one to lean on.
“Ochaco I know what it's like to have bad parents and have everyone around me know they're awful but turn a blind eye to the abuse. I want to save you like dad helped save me.” Toga said, hoping the girl would understand. If they let her go no one will ever help her. She’ll be stuck in the same cycle of abuse for the rest of her life.
“What are you talking about? I didn't need to be saved from anyone! My parents love me! They've never been abusive!” Ochaco spoke gently. She could feel her face heating up like it usually did when she gets mad but felt no actual anger. She knows that if they weren't blocking her emotions right now she would be very angry. Because even though her parents were poor they still loved her and cared for her the best they could. There was no “abuse” in their home; those claims are lies. 
“I know it's hard to accept that what happened to you was wrong but it was. Being cared for will feel weird in the beginning. I know it can be hard to not feel guilty for just existing but we really do love you and just want what is best for you, Even if you can't see that right now.” Toga said grimacing slightly at the red flush indicating anger on the girl's bewildered face.
“Don't worry angel, you'll understand soon. You won't have a choice.” Twice added ominously. 
Then began her new hellish existence. The duo seem to think that since she was previously so “exhausted and overworked” that she shouldn't be doing anything for herself. They won't let her feed herself, dress herself, bathe herself, or even walk on her own. She is carried everywhere and if she isn't being carried she has to hold one of their hands for “safety”. They took away all of her bodily autonomy and ignore any protests she has regarding the treatment. Every time she tries to fight against them they give her a dose of muscle relaxer and do whatever they want anyway. They don’t even have the decency to put her to sleep, she's conscious the whole time while they coo and shower her in praise. 
She can’t tell which one is worse: Twice's constant smothering or Toga’s loud playful disposition. The man is the most overprotective father she has ever bared witness to. This extends to Himiko as well but for some unknown reason he is ten times worse when it comes to her. For example, once while Ochaco was trying to escape her crib she had gotten a splinter and accidentally cried out in pain when it had happened. The man immediately rushed to her, saw the splinter and took her to the doctor to get her splinter disinfected and removed. Then promptly had the crib removed and ordered a new one and observed the hired crew assembling it making sure that each piece of wood was sanded down perfectly. All while Ochaco was in his arms being cooed at and praised for being brave as if she had broken a leg. 
While Toga treats her like a plaything, dressing her in the prettiest clothes she can find and making elaborate games for them to play together. Depending on the day it can help distract her from the heavy thoughts in her mind or make them worse. She can’t even find it in herself to hate them, not really anyway. Clearly they have both been hurt in the past and think they are doing a good thing by keeping her captive but her mind is beginning to crack. 
Ochaco thought that they would eventually get bored and stop but this has been going on for months. They have never once let up on the constant babying except to have serious conversations, where they try to gaslight her into thinking her childhood was somehow abusive and send her pitying looks when she tries to refute their claims. They never fail to remind her that her parents were greedy and exploitative and that she is “safe” now. As if she wasn’t kidnapped and being forcibly imprisoned. 
The punishments were even worse; they just took more basic privileges away from her. She wasn't always carried around twenty-four-seven but after too many failed escape attempts they decided it would be in her “best interest” to stop walking altogether. If she needs something she either has to ask her captors or suffer the humiliation of crawling. If she refuses to call them by their preferred names , Daddy and Himi-nii, she isn't allowed to speak at all. They have this pacifier contraption that physically cannot be removed from her mouth except by one of them. It's probably enchanted by some sort of quirk. Same goes for the mobile that stops any so-called “tantrums” before they start. Which in reality are just her being rightfully upset at her situation and being forced to lock away her feelings. Worst of all she can’t even fight against the punishments because each time she tries they dutifully remind her that the only reason her parents are still alive is because they allow it and how that can always be changed if she does not behave. 
She couldn't handle it anymore. Every day that passed she could feel her mind fracturing. Little by little the cracks are beginning to splinter and widen soon they'll reach the core of her very being. If she stays here any longer she’ll lose herself completely. But where can she go? The League will hunt her down anywhere she tries to run. She can’t go back to her parents, that's where they would look first. She doubts she could even get them out of Japan considering how locked down the country is and if they caught them with her they would surely be killed. She is one those specifically chosen by the League to become part of their “family”, she will likely never lead a normal life ever again. She won’t ever be able to escape them so long as she lives. That's it…she’ll go to the one place they won’t be able to follow…
One beautiful sunny spring day Ochaco and Jin were having a tea party in her room, while Toga was out shopping, probably getting her more frivolous clothes and gifts she doesn't want. The curtains were drawn letting in sunshine and a warm breeze, the doors to the balcony were wide open showing a gorgeous lush garden that surrounded the mansion. She was reluctantly playing on the floor with a pretty floral tea set, wearing matching princess tiaras with her “Daddy” when Twice suddenly got a phone call. It seemed to be very important considering he did not restrain her before rushing out the door. Well she has been doing “better” recently, in reality she’s been too numb to resist much of anything.
Slowly she gathered herself up off the floor, her legs wobbling from underuse as she walked out onto the balcony. She looked over the stone border to see a several mile high drop. As she stared down she contemplated if this really was the only way. She tried to find other solutions but couldn't come up with anything. She had been thinking of escape for months and what she would do if she ever got the chance to leave but nothing seemed feasible. The League will never let her go. She will never be able to see her parents again or have a normal life. This is the only way she thought as she stepped up onto the ledge. She hesitated for a moment before hearing the door to her room click open and made up her mind. She turned around and gently pushed her feet off the edge letting herself fall. She heard the man scream coming from above but ignored it. He’d be too slow to catch her anyways.
“I'm so sorry Mom and Dad. I hope we can meet again in another life.” She thought as her body sailed through the air. “I'm finally going to be free.”
When suddenly a flurry of red feathers flew toward her cutting her rapid descent towards the ground short. 
“No!” Uraraka screamed as she hung from the feathers embedded in her clothing. She thrashed trying to dislodged them before their winged owner arrived but was unsuccessful. The blond man was there before she could blink, lifting her into his strong arms.
“Oh chicklet, what have you done?” Keigo spoke gravely, golden eyes filled with sorrow. When he had gotten the alert that one of the other’s fledgling had fallen off the west side of the building he had assumed it was a fluke. That maybe she and Himiko were playing a bit too recklessly and had a little accident but this…this was intentional. His stomach filled with dread, he would have never imagined any of their children attempting something like this. She was actually trying to die. 
“Let me go! I want to go! Just let me go!” The girl's screams dissolved into sobs as yet another escape attempt ended in failure. This was her last chance to be free. She won’t ever get a chance like this again after this stunt. Ochaco is going to die, maybe not physically but they are going to kill her. They are going to take away everything that makes her her and mold her into whatever they want. At this point, she might just let them. She’s tired. She doesn't want to fight anymore. She’s done.
As they flew back up to the balcony the girl grew limp. Keigo wonders if she knows how badly she is going to be punished for this. While Jin is one of the sweetest most generous guys Keigo knows, he could also be unbearably possessive if you try to take something away from him that is his, a trait from his childhood growing up in the slums. He doesn't even know where to begin when it comes to Himiko. The girl is also both extremely possessive and obsessive of anyone she considers family, due to her lack of a healthy loving family for most of her childhood. Ochaco tried to take herself away from them permanently. This won't be handled lightly. 
“I think I caught something of yours?” Hawks spoke lightheartedly as he handed Ochaco back to her father trying to ease the man's panic. If Fumikage or Shouto ever did something like this they would never see the light of day again.
“Oh thank god! Baby are you alright? Of course not, she tried to kill herself!” Twice hugged the girl tightly. 
“I'm sorry Daddy! I didn't mean to- I didn't want- I…I just didn't know what to do.” Ochaco said the soft words tapering off into broken sobs.
“It's alright sweetheart we’ll get you the help you need. Just go to sleep when you wake up you'll be all better.” The man responded gently, shushing and rocking the girl to sleep. The sedative worked quickly and she was out in seconds.
“Thank you for saving my babygirl Keigo.” Twice thanked the winged man sincerely for once not splitting or contradicting himself.
“It's no problem! I hope the chicklet can safely recover from this.” Hawks answered solemnly. He was going to hug his fledglings so hard when he got home. They won't be leaving the nest for a while. He could feel his instincts beginning to go wild from seeing a nestling in so much danger.
“Oh she will. We’ll make her.” 
When Ochaco awoke she found herself in a white padded room. There was no furniture, no bed, no color, nothing. She had even been changed into a sterile white hospital gown. She couldn’t hear a sound aside from her own breathing.
“Oh…oh no.” She thought, this is her fault, this is what happens when you try to cross someone from the League. She tried to leave them and now they are going to destroy her.
At first she thought she could wait it out. Yes she had done something…bad but surely they couldn’t be so cruel as to leave her on her own like this.
They are.
Nothing she did could get someone to come interact with her. She tried screaming, crying, pleading but no action received a response. Her meals arrived in the form of cold slop and water served randomly throughout the day when she was asleep. The tasteless mush does nothing quell the hunger in her stomach. 
It hurts.
Soon she lost track of the days. There was no way to track it, meals came sporadically and the white lights never turned off. With nothing to focus on but the hunger in her stomach and the sound of her own breathing. Soon her mind began to blank; she would lose hours of the day doing nothing and thinking of nothing. 
It was getting harder to think straight…her mind felt fuzzy.
Then came the doctor. Their face was a black void and their voice sounded staticy and unnatural; their body was vaguely humanoid and draped in white but if she stared too long her head would start to ache. 
It didn't help. It didn't feel human.
Then the sessions began. It started simple enough: What was her name, her birthday, how she was feeling etc ect. But slowly it became more sinister for each question answered wrong and electric shock was sent through her collar. 
“How many parents did you grow up with Ochaco?”
“Do you have any siblings my dear?”
“What is your family name?”
Eventually as the weeks began to blur together and the pain the shocks were starting to get stronger, the hunger, the burning white light became too much. She started to say the lies they wanted to hear. She was starting to believe them too. 
“Can you describe your family for me?”
“It’s just me, Daddy, and Himiko.”
“Good very good.”
“Can you describe the home you grew up in?”
“I have a big bedroom filled with a lot of toys, pink walls, and a big closet full of pretty clothes. I have a TV to watch cartoons and a lot of pretty decorations. And um…um… I can’t remember anywhere else.” 
“That’s alright. I'm sure you’ll remember once you go back home. You're doing very well.”
“Do you go to school?”
“Daddy homeschools me.”
“That’s right.”
“Why are you here?”
“Why am I here? I can’t remember.”
“Oh sweetie, your family brought you here because of your memory problems. You were in a terrible accident and you've been having trouble remembering things ever since. I'm here to fix that and set your mind straight.”
It was harder for her to remember what's true and what's not. It was like whole chunks of her memories were being deleted and replaced. A fantasy carefully curated by her captors was taking over her mind. 
The lapses of reality that break through the delusion hurt more than anything.
“What do you do when you see your family?”
“How do you feel when you spend time with your daddy and big sister?”
“Who do you want to see most when you finish treatment?”
“My mama!”
“I thought we discussed this Ochaco you don't have a mother.”
“I-i d-don't?”
“No, only a father and a sister.”
“Oh right… I guess I forgot. I’m sorry!”
“It’s alright sweet girl, you'll be back with them soon. You’re doing so well.” 
Months… she thinks it's been months since she woke up in the white room. The doctor said it's time to go now. She's all better and it's time to go home. Her family will be picking her up soon. She’s trembling in anticipation waiting for their arrival. For some reason feels sick when she thinks of seeing her family. No that can’t be it, it must be excitement. She probably just forgot how happy she used to get to see them. 
“Hi Daddy! Hi Himi-nii! I missed you!” Ochaco shouted as they walked through the door, wearing one of the bright happy smiles she practiced with the doctor.
“Oh baby I missed you so much. How are you doing? You're not having any more problems are you? We're so glad you're back!” Twice shouted as he scooped the girl into his arms and spun her around.
“No Daddy! I’m all better!” She said, letting out well rehearsed giggles as her dad spun her around.
“She took exceptionally well to the treatment. Ochaco, go ahead and show them what you learned.” The doctor ordered.
“Hi my name is Ochaco Bubaigawara! I live with my Daddy and big sister Himiko. My favorite things in the whole wide world are my family and eating mochi! I like to spend my days playing with Himi-nii and waiting for daddy to come home. Speaking of home, I want to go back now please! This place wasn’t very fun.” Ochaco finished off her speech with puppy dog eyes.
“Of course Ochaco! We're going to have so much fun together when we get home!” Toga responded joyfully, taking the girl from her dads arms. It's okay now her little sister is better. They'll do things right this time. No more mistakes. 
“May I speak to you for a moment?” The doctor asked Jin.
“Of course! Whadaya want?” 
“You’ll need to continue practicing the conditioning at home at least once a day for the next six months but other than that she should be good to go. The girl still has chances for relapse since she was only with me for a short amount of time. Usually the patients I take for permanent changes are with me for a year or more.”
“What! She can still go back to how she was before! What are we paying you for then?!”
“Sir my quirk is good but I'm not a miracle worker. You wanted her back as fast as possible so I did what I could within the six month period you gave me. I can’t remove portions of memory too quickly without ruining a person's individual personality. Unless you want me to keep her for another six months this is as good as it's going to get.”
“No, you're right, I'm sorry. Fuck you! What do we need to do to make sure the changes stay permanent?”
“She still has some blanks in her memory that you’ll have to fill. Past events such as birthdays, friends, and general childhood I left blank for you to come up with. As long as you don’t trigger any major memories of her past within the next couple of months all changes should remain permanent. In the event of any past memories resurfacing so long as you bring her back to me within a couple of days I can reverse the damage.”
“Alright, we can do that. We don’t want her to try to kill herself again! Thank you Doctor. Yeah thanks Doc!”
“No need to be so formal, call me V̸̠̌͗͒͂̑̅͌̕ö̷̥̮̥͓́̉̈́̿̅î̶̡̢̡̖͔͙̿d̸̛͇̗̰͙̋͗̃́. It was a pleasure doing business with you. ”
And with that they left the isolation ward. Ochaco in his arms reaching out to hold Himiko’s hand and smiling like she’s always been a part of the family. Their baby was back safe, sane, and happy as she should be. It took a while but their baby is finally all theirs. 
Life has been so much fun ever since she got to come back home! She can’t believe she had forgotten all of it. It was a little bit hard at first to get back into the routine she used to have, since she had forgotten all of it but her Daddy and big sister have been a big help. Her day starts with Daddy or Himi-nii waking her up, unlocking her crib and carrying her down to have breakfast either one feeding her or sometimes taking turns. She always has the yummiest treats for breakfast. Her Daddy is a really good cook, her sister…not so much. Sometimes her Uncle Giri even teleports gourmet foods in from all around the world just for her.
After breakfast Daddy runs a bath for her and nii-san, he always puts a little too much soap and they end up with a mountain of bubbles overflowing the tub. She gets to play with rubber bath toys while Himi-nii scrubs her clean and Daddy washes their hair. After that she is dressed in something cute and taken to school. After school she is allowed to do whatever she wants as long as someone is watching her. She’s never allowed to be alone but that's okay! She loves spending time with all of her family.
She has a total of eight aunts and uncles who love her very much, especially her uncle Keigo; he never lets her out of his sight when she comes over to play with the boys or lets her go near the windows. Whenever she tries to ask him about it he gets this sad look in his eyes and tells her it’s better if she doesn't know. She gets to visit them as much as she wants and is always allowed to come over to play with their kids.
She loves her cousins Shouto, Fumikage, and Nieto too, they are so much fun to play with and go to school with. Her Daddy even said soon there will be more she will meet that they were just in treatment so she’ll meet them later. Tomu-chan said that his little brother should be out soon and he’ll be very excited to see her. Apparently they used to be best friends! She can’t really remember that though. 
Though that doesn't matter much because today Himi-nii said that she and daddy have a surprise for her after dinner! She could hardly contain her excitement at dinner. She kept whining at Daddy to hurry up but of course that only made him chuckle and feed her slower. “Now don’t pout at me sweetpea, I wouldn't want my baby to get a tummy ache.” The man cooed teasingly. Soon enough dinner was finally over after what felt like hours, it was thirty minutes, and she was being carried back to her room. She was placed on her playmate and told to wait with Himiko while daddy went and got her present. 
As Twice walked down the halls to the elevator he thought about how much progress his youngest daughter had made. Since coming home the girl hasn't fought or resisted even once, she was their perfect little girl. While the treatment had been a bit harsh it was a necessary evil to get his princess to be happy and obedient. 
She was so docile they even removed her collar though it had revealed a terrible accident. Sometime in the duration of her stay in the isolation ward her collar had malfunctioned. The electro shock mechanisms had failed and were discharging exorbitant amounts of electricity instead of what was only supposed to be a mild buzz. It had burnt a thick line of dark pick scarring around her neck. They were devastated when they found out what had happened. They had basically tortured the poor girl without meaning to. They had to replace all of the kids' collars in case theirs failed too, not to mention what Shigaraki did to the inventor of the faulty item… The wasn't much to clean up after he was done with him. They had to scrap the gift he and Himiko were planning on giving Ochaco for her good behavior. It had been a delicate gold chain with a gold heart shaped tracking pendant. It didn't cover the scars. They hurt too much to look at as it was their mistake that put them there. So they replaced it with a soft pink collar with the same heart pendant from the original gift. 
His daughter has been through a lot in her recovery. He hopes meeting with her new guard won't cause any regression to her progress. Meeting the rest of the League and the kids hadn’t had any affect on her memory. So as long Tenya keeps his mouth shut, it should be fine. When the doors to the elevator opened there stood the boy. Huh five o'clock on the dot, well he couldn't say the boy wasn't punctual. 
“You ready kid? Fuck up and your out!” The man spoke sternly as the boy walked into the elevator.
“Yes sir.” The boy dutifully. 
“Alright. Now I don’t have to remind you what will happen if you mess with any of my daughter’s training do I? You won't ever see her again!”
“No sir, I will do my best to guard Ochaco and remain completely processional. Any personal feelings will not interfere with my duties.” Tenya responded stoically. He could do this. He has to. This was the only way to see his friends.
“Good. Fucking great!”
As the door opened he could feel his heart pounding in his chest. This is it, Tenya was going to be reunited with one of his best friends after almost a year of being separated. He didn’t expect to be quite so horrified. 
“You got me a new friend!” Ochaco squealed, eyes glittering as she looked at the new boy. He was tall with dark blue hair and glasses. He was wearing a cute collar similar to hers that said his name was Tenya. Something about that name felt familiar?
“He’s your new guard honey. Heh or guard dog like Shiggy said! He’s going to be watching over you now. All day everyday! When you want to wander the mansion or go play with your cousins he will be by your side protecting you. More like watching you like a hawk! Do you want to say hi?” Twice stepped aside letting the boy enter the room.
“Yes! Yes! Yes!” Ochaco responded, jumping up and down giggling before running over to Iida.
“Hi my name is Ochaco Bubaigawara! But you can call me Ochaco since my last name is soooo long! It's so nice to meet you! We don’t get many new people here. I hope we can become best friends!” The girl spoke cheerfully, eyes focused on him but not recognizing the boy. 
“Hello my name is Tenya Iida. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance.” Tenya lowered himself into a bow. He had to fight his emotions to keep his voice steady and the horrified expression off his face. 
She didn't remember him?!
Why didn't she remember?
What did they do?
He let this happen. While he was off training with these monsters trying to appease them. They did this to his friend. Where is the headstrong girl who fought Bakugo until she couldn't stand. Why was she acting like a meek docile pet looking up at its master for affection? 
“I am at your service, your wish is my command.” He said bowing and extending his hand out to hers.
“I order you to be my friend!” Ochaco giggled as she put his hand in hers.
“As you wish, young master.” Tenya answered, face stoic despite the internal battle going through his head. 
I won’t stand for this. I’ll get you out of here and I’ll fix what they have done. I promise I'll save you. I won't leave you here alone, not ever again. I'm so sorry I couldn't have been there for you sooner.
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