#but this really did make it feel like that was the intention all along!
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whateverisbeautiful · 3 days ago
Hi there 👋🏽your posts are really lovely and I always look forward to reading anything and everything you write. In one of the comment sections recently, a commenter and you had posed that Michonne may have likely gotten pregnant prior to the episode where Rick asks her to carry his child and I agree. Do you think Michonne's restlessness was due to early pregnancy symptoms or maybe that she sensed something catastrophic looming? I think Michonne may be a clairvoyant. Love to hear your thoughts on this. Thank you 😊
Thanks so much for reading! 🥰🙏🏽 Yeah I always felt like Rick and Michonne’s night in the Sanctuary was when Michonne got pregnant with RJ. And then the early stages of pregnancy could have contributed to her restlessness in 9.03 & 9.04, along with all the other thoughts and feelings she was navigating.
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I think out of all of team family Michonne seemed to be the most aware that this intertwined community they were building was still fragile and needed intentional parameters in place for it to not fall apart or for underlying tensions and divisions to not take over. So I think that also played a part in her uneasiness or the looming sense of something going wrong. She wanted this new world to work but she knew people are still angry both among the remaining Saviors and people like Daryl and Maggie etc.
Michonne has always been a forward thinker and so she saw so much potential in the world they were budiking but knew existing tensions could end up backfiring on everyone. And sadly all the issues people had did blow up and impact her the most since it led to losing her husband and father of her children. 😔
One thing I’m always so curious about is when Michonne discovered she was pregnant and what that initial time was like. Like how soon did she learn of her pregnancy after losing Rick, how did she feel the moment she found out - as I imagine it would stir up such joy and sadness, how did she tell Judith, how did she tell anyone else, etc. I think if Richonne returns it’s very possibly they’ve had another kid. And while I think they’d understandably skip showing the pregnancy storyline it makes me happy just thinking Rick and Michonne possibly will have an opportunity to be together for every part of that baby’s birth and life.
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dayshift-confessions · 3 days ago
(to the Davesport isn't toxic anon, respectfully.)
Just because Dave isn't aware of how awful he's being to Jack doesn't mean he still isn't being that way..
Before I continue, let me start this with the fact that I love Dave. He's one of my favorites from the DSAF gang. But just because his mind has been messed with doesn't mean he's devoid of fault.
Let's start with the good endings. The ones where Jack ceases to do anything harmful. Dave continuously pops up, preys on his insecurities
"you're only about as human as a hammer or a wrench, sportsy, and that's what I and phoney see you as." <- good ending, DSAF 2, saferoom.
Dave is very attached to Jack. We see this in how, even on the good routes, he still writes frantic diary messages over his "old sport." He still sets up cameras in his room. He still uses his shower. He still follows Jack from location to location. He still begs, even as the robotic-trapped shell of his former self, for Jack to play along with his plans.
Dave is horribly attached to someone he sees as a tool. This is EXTREMELY unhealthy for both him AND especially Jack.
Yes, this is a product of what Henry did to him, but he still does it. He still preys on Jack, because he's perceptive enough to notice his weaknesses and use them to gain what he wants.
And Jack. Jack 'seems' to be okay with it, but he's notorious for pushing down his feelings. He's not a "human," after all, so why should he care what happens to him? This mindset is exactly why Dave is able to get him to do anything in the first place.
Jack is a terribly, terribly lonely man. Dave knows this. Even Peter, taking a singular look at him, said that he looked like the "loneliest man on earth." (paraphrased.) Jack, going with the bad route timeline, obviously saw the first person who treated him with anything other than mild disgust.. someone who had greeted him with the subtext that they were equals... And got attached. Dave is one of the only things that seem to be permanent in his life, everything else is fleeting. His family, his own body.. even his soul left him. even when Dave is his enemy in the good routes, Jack still treats him with unreasonable kindness.
Dave went into him and Jack's partnership with the intention to use, abuse, then throw him out. Even in the bad ending of DSAF 1, it ends up with Jack thrown out on the side of the road for "hoarding coke." Dave's plans changed, of course, but his methods of coercion never changed.
Fun thing, did you know that Dave was lying in the first game when he said that he needed Jack to get him out of Freddy's? Dave is slippery. He was NEVER trapped. He tied himself up in a faux web of his own making in an attempt to get Jack stuck in it, too. Dave only wanted Jack because he couldn't handle the idea of not having a partner. He can't do solo acts, not because he's not skilled, but because he's conditioned himself to believe he "needs" someone else, subconsciously or not.
All of this stacked up together really doesn't paint a pretty picture of their relationship, huh. What Henry had done unto Dave was something Dave had done unto Jack. It's a cycle of abuse.
And before you say... "It's mutually toxic, what about the end of bad route DSAF 3???!!" Yeah okay that still isn't a mutually toxic relationship. Jack was coerced into a rigged springlock suit that Davetrap KNEW would end up with Jack getting impaled, all because Davetrap wanted to make himself feel better about his own physical state. Dave ADMITTED to having cameras in Jack's room, watching him sleep.. and Dave then ADMITTED HE KILLED JACK'S SISTER. Jack was never using Dave in the same way as Dave was using him. Jack wanted revenge, that isn't toxic, that's just murder.
All of what I just listed, however, is specific to reality Dave. Flipside Davesport is significantly less 'toxic'
I don't care how you interpret their relationship, I don't mind if you like them better out of character, where they're healthy and in love. I just feel it's important to acknowledge that canonically, Dave IS extremely abusive towards Jack and that you shouldn't take them as an example of a healthy relationship. Do not model your relationships off of them, kids, I know how many young teens populate this fandom.
I. Am sorry I wrote an essay I just really like this game.
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zipyolip · 2 days ago
Let me propose something:
Come along with me on this thought experiment!
Your awareness, is like this infinitely large blank canvas.
It is all encompassing and it has all the space you could ever need. You are free to use it however you want to express however you want.
Now you have this canvas, but there’s nothing on it. You’re just kind of here, looking at this blank piece of infinite potential. You recognise that you can create anything you want… but how? Now this is where intention comes in.
Now what exactly is “intention”? We like to throw this word around A LOT! But some of you, may be thinking, “Zip, What the hell is intention, even?”
Well, I’m glad you asked.
For this thought experiment, I’ll be defining intention as this: it is a definition, a meaning, it is a tool, as in it is the very brush you use to paint your canvas.
Let me elaborate.
Let’s say your awareness is something that exists at all times in all places, an omnipresent and omniscient thing.
Your intention would then be the “direction” you choose to take your story. Intention is the act of defining and directing your awareness toward that experience, shaping it into form. It is not just a passive choice but an active creation, the brushstroke that brings your masterpiece to life.
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Intention gives way to questions like:
"What meaning am I giving to this?"
"How do I want to experience this?"
"What reality am I aligning myself with?"
"What am I allowing myself to perceive?"
"What emotions and energy am I bringing into this?"
"What story am I telling myself about this moment?"
Perhaps you’re still confused. Let me use a different example.
First, let me say, it’s true that you do exist everywhere all at once. However, it becomes a bit more difficult for me to really explain these things once I delve into these nuances and I’d like to make it so easy to digest that even non-shifters will easily be able to understand the concepts I’m talking about, even if in a theoretical pseudoscience type of way.
How you choose to use your awareness: where you guide it, and what definitions you to attach to it: this is what I call “intention.”
This is why I believe shifting and manifestation works regardless of whether you affirm in the past/present/future tense and why it works regardless of whether you believe in what you’re saying or not.
I’d honestly go so far as to describe intention as energy and this would also explain why people are able to shift even if they are not thinking about shifting.
I’ve heard stories of people simply fantasizing about a place, letting themselves completely submerge in the idea. Those feelings of relaxation, gentleness…
I believe this is what truly grounds us to any reality. Feelings.
This is based off of my own research and experience and I’d love to hear your thoughts. Does what I describe match up with your beliefs? Does it resonate with you? Did you understand my explanations? Leave questions in the comments below.
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threegoldfish · 1 day ago
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At some point, everyone talks. Many claim to keep their cool, to never break under pressure, no matter which kind it is - but, so far, Jake's always managed to have them spill, in one way or another. Whether he actually wanted Sasha to start talking he isn't even too sure about... but here she is, and she talks.
And Jake listens, allows her words to reach him, one after another. He keeps sipping that gin in the meanwhile, takes deep drags of his cigar, his back still turned toward her as his gaze focuses on one of her windows; Not really looking outside, not with intention. The faint reflection of himself stares back, expression more readable than his own - it's Marc, he's watching, and Jake offers him a brief blink before his eyes flick to the side, focusing onto another point as erik satie's gnossiennes no.1 keeps playing in between her words.
Sasha's talking herself into a certain kind of rage, desperation even, and Jake can hear the tone of her voice sharpening with every word that leaves her lips. The sound of her shifting on the couch is also noted, followed by what he assumes is her hand going for her gun... and Jake simply waits, does not make a move himself, nor does he display any sign of uneasiness when she pushes and prods on him.
Trying to make him confess. Trying to make herself feel better by having been right all along.
Jake hums, thoughtful - and only once she's done with her speech, the music now cutting back through the silence rather than her, he brings his cigar back up to his mouth again and takes in some more of that smoke, followed by the mellow taste of gin, a shift of his shoulders and waist as he puts his weight from one leg onto the other.
Nonchalant. Comfortable, even.
He's not scared, not afraid. Sure, she could shoot him in the back here - but Jake knows she won't. Not like that, not without getting answers. It would eat her alive to never know who he is and whether he truly did work for... what did she say? The god of chaos? Yeah, Steven mentioned a similar thing. She'd break apart upon not knowing whether she'd been right or not, possibly hurting an innocent soul instead of a killer, of someone who'd tried to trick her and end her to get his hands on that stone slab.
"---Which one do you want it to be?", is what Jake finally, after more minutes of quiet have passed, speaks out into the room. There's no pressure behind his words, not yet - he just tilts his head up again and exhales more smoke, then looks down onto his own gloved hand that holds onto his drink. "¿El primero? ¿El último?"
Another sip of booze, another drag of his cigar. He quite enjoys to make a show out of this, it's been some time since he'd last had the pleasure of doing such; A somewhat lopsided smirk stretches across his features for a second, hidden from her, before his expression turns firm and almost stern again---
And then he turns around to face her, movements slow and fliud, a twirl on his heel before he comes to a halt at the perfect moment for him to look at Sasha. His chin is softly lifted, dark eyes framed by even darker lashes, cigar placed between his lips again to nonchalantly check the fit of his own tie; He gives it a bit of a tug, shifts it into position beneath the classy vest he wears under his jacket, elbow causing said jacket to slip open a bit...
It reveals his own holster and the gun sitting inside, for a fraction of a moment. He knows. He wants her to know too. But he remains easy about it, actions happening with leisure, almost, head tilting ever so slightly as his gaze continues to focus on her.
"Tell me, señorita - what's his name?" Does she even remember? Jake wants to know. "...And am I him? Is he me? ¿Somos realmente la misma persona?"
Fingers have taken a hold of that cigar again by now and Jake takes another drag, holds it, then exhales it long and slow through his nostrils - gaze unwavering, strong, brown irises basically drilling into her form.
he entered without much reaction, finger holding her cigarette twitching gently while she observed. a slower version of erik satie's gnossiennes no.1 played quietly from a bluetooth speaker, eyes watching every move he made.
her words were practically ignored, a smile curling on her lips while she looked into her lap for the moment. lights were kept low in the evening, even still the pale pink silk still shined.
he was upset with her.
she exhaled, leaning back uncomfortably while her free hand rest on the arm of the sofa, finger tapping irritably. hand still close enough to reach for her gun if needed. HE was upset, though? the nerve.
he walked around rather ominously, letting his actual thoughts be known without having to say. " thank you. " sasha purred, a glint of amusement still holding in her gaze. he kept his back to her, raging heart racing in her chest while she attempted to keep calm. perhaps take a sip of her own gin and tonic, watered down and long forgotten about.
she shifted to grab her cup, the clattering ice cubes being the only noise to be made in that room for a moment while she brought it to her lips. it was placed back down on the side table with a light thud, jake deciding to make a drink of his own--still keeping his distance.
" I take this doesn't happen often? " sasha finally shot through the silence, inhaling deeply while taking another drag of her cigarette. she exhaled the plume of smoke quickly, carrying on while she placed her palm on the side of her head, elbow resting on the arm of the sofa. someone meeting both of 'you'.
" it is like night and day. jekyll and hyde, hm? " chuckling to herself. hopefully that wasn't too offensive. knees pulled close to her chest, the woman adjusting herself on her couch. " you can imagine how I felt when the man who helped me the other night appeared again where I thought I might find help...only to not recognize me or claim to be that man at all. but still able to help ? "
a short silence followed while the slow piano echoed around the baroque style penthouse, white walls with gold trim like a step back in time. " it comes across as just a little bit odd, no? for you to be there at the start of my con.. and the end of it. " she tilted her head and squinted, finally putting out her cigarette in the ashtray.
" maybe that was your game all along. let my guard down--make me feel a little INSANE. tell me about the grand plan with the stone since you were going to take it back and kill me anyway. " sasha picked up her drink again, getting more comfortable in her spot. it would be on brand for the god of chaos to do so. probably.
" you can deny it all you want--that you are not that same man. but know that I know you're a liar. " whatever the same man meant exactly. taking a quick sip again, sasha sat up, leaning forward for a moment, her voice a little quieter. " ...there is something there in your stare--even with your back turned to me. I can still see it. it was in his, too. " almost like she was taunting him that she knew. since he seemed to want it to be a secret.
she sighed heavily, gazing at her nailbeds briefly. " so... you are here for one of two things. " using that same hand to rake through her hair.
"one... you have come to take the slab and kill me quietly since you failed to do so at the museum. " that idea made her grin wickedly, rather enjoying the thought for some reason.
" or two...I am terribly mistaken and you have come to explain to me this rather confusing predicament and that you are in fact not affiliated with the egyptian god of chaos attempting to make his return at all. " hand slipped back beneath her robe to rest on her weapon, brows furrowing while she questioned a bit stern now.
" so which is it, mr. lockely ? " oh how she wished this was going differently. she longed to go back to the days prior--the way he looked at her. a part of her wanted it to be the latter so badly.
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mortellanarts · 2 years ago
I hadn't read the ztd prologue in a while but I'm midway through writing my fic that could benefit from that knowledge so I finally got around to it with some of my friends and I firstly did not recall Sigma losing his cool that quickly but also the only canonical interaction this Sigma has with this Akane being "Swear future you will not lie to past me about how the end of the world goes down" and her essentially lying about not lying is so good and Phi being just as mad at him as Akane but otherwise staying off to the side oough the dynamics at play there
#because! I was fact checking on the wiki and it indicated that they were simply inconsistent with this information#as in she never gives the details away despite her own memories having left D-COM intact#but I did already think she probably just decided to lie by omission about the decision game#but this really did make it feel like that was the intention all along!#so yeah I'm glad about figuring that out logistically speaking it was bothering me while writing to not be sure#she was about to cry from how Sigma was talking to her too... that one fanart I made of her with big weepy eyes.......#stop bullying the criminal mastermind she was born in a wet cardboard box all alone#it works for the angle I'm coming from writing her though that she's feeling the pressure of not knowing everything™#and suddenly having to prevent a whole apocalypse after she just started to have a life again™#Sigma this girl is the best liar of the series do you really expect her to not take the chance if she has to like it isn't second nature#underrated dynamic they're the worst coworkers and no one actually respects one another#they're so funny to me they're sooo at odds while working towards the same goal but no one really got a choice to#and in the end the real time loop was the friends we made along the way and the world really only ended because she got them to prevent it#''oh but there's also the fanatic-'' shhh....#zero escape#ztd#zero escape spoilers#vlr spoilers#sigma klim#akane kurashiki#not art#writing
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thinkingthingsthrough · 2 years ago
she really is the bravest soldier bc i don’t know how someone could a. release something so vulnerable and then b. go sing in front of thousands that same evening
#oh this is about#taylor swift#to any non swifties on board#it's such a double edged sword bc at the same time it must feel so great to perform to a crowd of ppl who love you#so in a way its maybe great that this is all getting out there during tour where she has that outlet#but as much as i know once an artist releases a song it becomes kind of more about what ppl associate it with in their lives#instead of directly connected to them and the mindset/intention they wrote it#but it still feels like it has to be hard to separate the 2 on some level right? like esp when a breakup is fresh?#so u get the weird feeling about performing love songs about a dying/dead relationship#although luckily the setlist doesnt have any of the really deep Joe songs other than lover#but i think bc of its fame that one really probably has become more about other ppl than herself#anyways i am rambling to the max#also not to make someone elses breakup into social commentary but there is so much to be said for this general phenomenon#of men stringing women along in long-term serious but ultimately non-committal relationships#like obv situations change so im not saying that he like. intentionally did this from day 1 bc hes evil or something#but ive just seen it happen alot and its sad#im sure it kind of just slowly became that. but it feels like they probably both could have called it quits way sooner#new motto for women (who are interested in marriage) should be: he better lock it down or i won't stick around#and then actually do it
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lovelivision · 3 months ago
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───〃★ Telling your roommate Gojo that you had a date tonight seemed like a good idea, up until his face twisted into a very unhappy expression. His foot tapping impatiently against the floor as you get ready to go out, face sour as his eyes track your movements.
Turning to look at him, you snap, “Stop looking at me like that.”
“Like what?” He’s playing dumb.
“Like you hate me.”
“I don’t hate you,” the frown on his face only deepens.
You walk over to him, “I didn’t say you did; I said you’re looking at me like you do.”
He ignores your correction in favour of whining, “Do you have to go out?”
“No,” you squint pointedly at him, “I want to.”
“You like this person?”
Thinking on it for a moment before answering, “Not really but I like going out and feeling pretty.” Patting his shoulder, you add, “I shouldn’t be home late, we can hang out when I get back.”
Turning on your heel, you start towards the door only to be tugged back by Gojo’s hand on your wrist. Wordlessly, he pulls you into his chest and you stumble at the sudden change. When you look up at him, you go to complain about being stopped but he doesn’t give you the chance. Both his hands grab either side of your face, his lips crashing against yours in a heated kiss.
You’re stunned for a moment before you return his kiss, his lips are insistent and messy, barely giving you the chance to match him before he switches up on you. Pulling a gasp from you when he sucks on your lower lip, he’s making you feel tingly all over.
“Gojo, what–”
He’s cutting you off again, kiss deep as he licks into your mouth. One hand moving to grip your hip, pulling you in closer. Mindlessly, you wrap your arms around his neck, leaning up into him. You’re beginning to feel delirious, drunk on his full kisses. So sloppy and desperate in how he nips and licks at you, pulling quiet and pathetic whines from you.
Gojo doesn’t want to part from you, he wants to keep kissing you stupid, he wants to do so much more but he’s feeling mean. Parting from your lips with a wet pop, he delights in how ruined you look by his sweet kiss. String of saliva connecting your lips together that he licks away.
“You look pretty,” he smiles, “Have fun on your date.”
You blink slowly back at him; he knows damn well you can’t go on your date anymore. Not with kiss swollen lips and a head full of thoughts of him. It doesn’t dawn on you until he’s walking away cheerily that this was his intention all along.
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honeyhae-svt · 3 months ago
kissing my best friend (SEVENTEEN reaction)
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tags / genre: seventeen reactions, seventeen smut, best friend au, seventeen x reader, seventeen headcanons, reader insert, smut warning, romance, best friend-to-lovers warnings: explicit sexual content (smut, NSFW), suggestive and mature themes, strong language, reader is implied to have a close friendship with the members, boundary-blurring dynamics (best friend-to-lovers trope) - minors should know not to interact a/n: it suddenly just popped into my head so im making a headcanon cause why not? (escalates rq)
S.Coups (Seungcheol) he stares at you in disbelief after you press your lips to his, his hand frozen mid-air. "what the hell was that for?" he asks, his tone low, but his eyes darken the longer he stares at your lips. when you awkwardly laugh and try to brush it off, he grabs your wrist, pulling you closer. “you can’t just kiss me like that and pretend it’s nothing,” he murmurs, his breath brushing against your lips before he kisses you back, harder this time.
the next thing you knew is that you're laid down completely on his bed his cock slamming and rutting right in your cunt, flesh slapping and lips messily tangled with each other. love bites are already all over your neck. with every desperate seconds bite, your moans fill the air with seungcheol swallowing every sweet melody you give.
Jeonghan he doesn’t even flinch when you kiss him—if anything, he lets out a soft hum, as if he’s been expecting it all along. "are we still calling this ‘best friends’ now?" he whispers, his fingers brushing against your jaw. when you nervously step back, his hand catches your waist, pulling you flush against him. "don’t go all shy now. you started this," he teases, his lips grazing your neck as his other hand cups your face for another kiss.
it's not all cute until jeonghan's hands are all over you—it's like he's searching for something in your body when in reality, it felt like he's memorizing your figure all completely. who knew one kiss would end up with a night full of moans and whines of overstimulations as he eats you up.
Joshua "oh," he breathes when your lips leave his, his cheeks flushed pink. at first, he tries to laugh it off, brushing his hand through his hair awkwardly. "so, um… do best friends just… do that now?" but when you avoid his gaze, muttering something about it being a joke, he grabs your chin gently, tilting your face back to his. "you think i’m letting you get away with that?" he asks softly before closing the distance again, this time with more intent.
and that's when you find yourself completely surrendering beneath him, whimpering soft "please" and "harder" that makes him lose completely out of control. joshua has it thrusting in you all night until you pass out. who knew someone as gentle as him was the exact opposite at night? now you did.
Junhui when your lips meet his, jun blinks a few times, his mind processing what just happened. but before you can even pull away completely, he hooks an arm around your waist, smirking. "well, that’s new," he says, leaning closer until his lips hover just over yours. "so… what are we doing about it?" his voice is low and teasing as his hands trail up your sides. "because if this is your way of confessing, i’m definitely not complaining."
you did confess. who wouldn't? it's wen junhui we're talking about here. your goofy yet the most charming best friend you can ever ask for. but did you really see him as just a friend? you already planned your future in your head with him, having kids and all—except for the fact that those dreams are coming to reality too quickly. you have him all over you, moaning loudly as you clench onto the fabric of the bed as he fucks you for the fourth time. these are his unspoken feelings for you in the past few years.
Hoshi (Soonyoung) soonyoung’s eyes widen when you kiss him, and he pulls back with a loud, "wait, WHAT?!" but the moment he sees your flushed face and nervous laugh, his shock turns into a mischievous grin. "oh, so this is what we’re doing now?" he teases, stepping closer until you’re backed against the wall. “you can’t just drop a kiss on me and expect me to act normal,” he says, his voice dropping as he leans in, his lips brushing against yours again, slower this time.
everything with hoshi has always been so gentle, almost delicate—but you never expected the other side of him to be this wild, this untamed when it came to sex. the way he slams into you, his hard thrusts relentless as his balls smack against your soaked cunt, leaves you breathless. it’s nothing like the guy you thought you knew. you can’t tell if he’s proving a point, showing you that he really is a tiger, or if this is simply who he is when he lets go. either way, you’re completely consumed, caught between the intensity of his movements and the overwhelming pleasure coursing through you.
Wonwoo wonwoo freezes when your lips meet his, his book slipping from his hands and hitting the floor with a quiet thud. “what was that?” he asks, his voice calm but his expression unreadable. when you stammer out an apology, he shakes his head, taking a step closer. "don’t apologize," he says, his hand reaching out to tilt your chin up. "if anything, i should be the one apologizing." before you can ask what he means, his lips are on yours again, deeper and hungrier.
making out in the library is a classic iconic. but having sex? that's a whole different level we're talking about. wonwoo has to shut you up with his kisses so you'd stay quiet for you two to not get caught. he has his mouth onto yours while he snaps his hips with yours, his cock twitching with how your gummy walls clench around him, making it difficult for him to thrust continuously. he pulls his cock out before you can cum and covers your mouth with his palm on your mouth, preventing you from whimpering.
Woozi (Jihoon) "what the hell are you doing?" jihoon blurts out the second your lips leave his, his cheeks a deep shade of red. but when you laugh nervously and try to brush it off as a joke, he grabs your wrist, his eyes locking with yours. "you think you can just kiss me and get away with it?" he mutters, his voice low. before you can respond, he pulls you closer, his lips crashing into yours with a mix of frustration and unspoken desire.
and that's how you ended up sitting on his lap as you move yourself onto him, grinding your hips back and forth to his cock, making you say his name like it's a prayer. woozi was leaving love bites all over your neck as you work so hard to meet the edge of bliss. "that's it, baby," is what he would whisper if he had to encourage you to keep going. he'd overstimulate you if he wanted to.
Minghao (The8) minghao raises an eyebrow as you pull away, his gaze unreadable. “so… that’s how it is now?” he asks, his voice calm but his smirk giving away his amusement. when you nervously try to laugh it off, he steps closer, his fingers brushing against your cheek. “if you’re going to kiss me, do it properly next time,” he whispers before leaning in, his lips meeting yours again, slower and more deliberate this time, leaving no room for misinterpretation.
oh, the slow yet lingering pleasure. minghao is as gentle as a feather as his lips trail down to your stomach. the way he worked on his tongue as he licked your every part as if he was painting something on your body felt surreal. not until he has you quivering on his bed as he eats out your cunt until you overstimulate. he doesn't let go until you squirt. and that's when you'll be showered with lots of compliments. with one final consent, he'll spoon into you really slow at first and will gradually increase as he edges you to the ends of pleasure.
Mingyu mingyu freezes the second your lips touch his, his face heating up instantly. "wait—what just happened?" he stammers, his hands hovering awkwardly near your shoulders. but when you mumble something about it being a trend, his confused expression shifts into something more serious. "so you kissed me for a trend?" he asks, his voice low. before you can explain, he steps closer, his large hands cupping your face as he leans in. “let me show you how i really feel about that,” he murmurs before kissing you again.
mingyu is the type to lose all control the moment you grind against him, a switch flipping as years of friendship dissolve into something raw and unrestrained. he pins you down, your chest pressed into the mattress while he thrusts his cock deep into your cunt, his grip on your hips firm and possessive. “m-mingyu,” you whimper, your voice shaky as he drives into you harder, his rhythm erratic yet desperate. his groans mix with your breathless gasps, the sounds of skin against skin echoing in the room. it’s messy, heated, and impossibly intimate—something neither of you can take back.
DK (Seokmin) seokmin blinks rapidly when you kiss him, his face immediately turning red. "uh… what just happened?" he asks, laughing nervously. but when you try to brush it off, he grabs your arm gently, his expression unusually serious. "don’t joke about stuff like that," he says softly before leaning in, his lips capturing yours again. his usual playful demeanor fades as his kisses grow deeper, his hands sliding to your waist as he pulls you closer.
his playful nature melts away as his lips move in sync with yours, his hands gripping your thighs tightly. when you break the kiss to gasp for air, dk takes the opportunity to trail his lips down your neck, nipping and sucking gently, leaving faint marks that make your stomach flutter. before you know it, he has you pinned beneath him, his warm hands gripping your hips as he thrusts into you, a sweet mixture of desperation and restraint. he whispers soft apologies every time his pace becomes rough, but the way you’re calling out his name only drives him to lose himself completely in you.
Seungkwan "YAH! what was that?!" seungkwan yells, his face bright red as he stares at you in shock. but when you laugh and tell him it’s just a trend, he narrows his eyes. "a trend?! you’re playing with my feelings for a trend?" before you can respond, he grabs your hand, pulling you into his lap. “you better mean it,” he mutters, his lips brushing against yours again, slower this time as his hands settle on your hips.
seungkwan’s kisses are as passionate as his personality, his lips firm and eager as he devours you, making you dizzy. he’s not holding back now, his hands gripping your waist as he presses you flush against him, your back arching under his touch. "you started this, don’t back out now," he murmurs, his voice thick with want. the next thing you know, you’re on his couch, your legs thrown over his shoulders as he takes his time thrusting his cock into you at a rhythm that has you moaning uncontrollably. his mouth is everywhere, kissing and sucking on your skin as if to make you his, all while muttering praises about how beautiful you look when you fall apart for him.
Vernon vernon blinks at you, his expression blank as he processes what just happened. "uh… what’s going on?" he asks, his tone casual but his ears noticeably red. when you laugh nervously, he tilts his head, his gaze dropping to your lips. "was that supposed to be a joke?" he asks, stepping closer. when you stammer out an excuse, he smirks softly. “you’re terrible at jokes,” he murmurs before kissing you again, his hands sliding to your waist.
he’s patient, his hands ghosting over your body, taking in every sound you make, a small smirk tugging at his lips when he hears you whine for more. "you’re cute when you’re needy," he mutters, his voice low and teasing. but when he finally has you naked beneath him, the teasing is gone. vernon’s thrusts are deep and slow, with his cock slipping out on purpose, his hands gripping your hips as he watches every expression you make. his lips find yours again, swallowing your moans as he works you to the edge, his soft grunts mixing with your cries in the most intimate rhythm.
Dino chan’s eyes widen when you kiss him, his body going completely still. "are you serious right now?" he asks, his voice a mix of disbelief and something else you can’t quite place. when you shrug and try to laugh it off, he grabs your wrist, pulling you closer. "you think this is funny?" he mutters, his lips inches from yours. before you can respond, he closes the gap, his kisses rough and desperate as his hands slide up your sides.
he’s been waiting for this, and now that he has you, he’s not going to let the moment slip away. "you’re mine now," he growls against your lips, his voice filled with uncharacteristic dominance that sends shivers down your spine. before you know it, he’s taken full control, his hands gripping your thighs as he pounds his cock into you relentlessly. he doesn’t care about being gentle—he just wants you to feel how much he’s been holding back. his name spills from your lips like a chant, and he revels in the sound, his lips finding yours once again as he drives you both to the peak of pleasure.
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scorpiossslut · 2 months ago
OFF-LIMITS. -Rafe Cameron.
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Pairing: best friend!rafe x fem!reader
summary: rafe has always been your sweet, loving best friend. until he showed you he’s way more than that.
author’s note: had a cute idea for a fic. hope you’ll enjoy. as always, this is filthy. -xoxo, cherry💋
warnings: possessive!rafe, borderline crazy, obsessive!rafe, mentions of violence, rafe being a perv in secret, mentions of JJ Maybank flirting with reader, choking, face slapping, rough, unprotected p!v, loss of virginity, praising, degradation, breeding kink (baby trapping)
Being Rafe's precious best friend meant that you were always going to get spoiled. Many women wished for the things he was constantly offering you; his undivided attention, his affection, random, huge amounts of money sent to your bank account everytime you'd tell him you had a bad day, or if you wanted to get your nails done, or go shopping, sometimes insisting he'd come along, protection, maybe a little too much of it at times, everything you could ever want.
You were the most important thing in his life, since he never really had much of a relationship with his family, all of them treating him like he was a disease, something to be avoided at all costs, only bringing pain and suffering to those around him, like they'd often tell him. But you never saw him that way, and you hated his family for pushing him away and hurting his feelings like that. You were always there for him, his biggest supporter, the only one who could calm him down when he'd come knocking on your window late at night after having a fight with his father, the one taking care of him and putting a smile on his face. And he loved you for that.
But being Rafe's precious best friend also meant that you were off-limits to everyone else. You knew he had a tendency of being rather... intense, when it comes to you. Shit, everyone knew it, too, always choosing to stay at an arm's length from you in fear of what Rafe might think. Ever since you two were kids, he was always protective of you, and he absolutely hated the idea of sharing you.
As you got older though, it got worse. You couldn't even talk to a boy without him pulling you away immediately, and if you did, he'd always make sure to claim you in some way, wrapping his strong hands around you, or placing his big hand on your ass "innocently", always throwing daggers with his eyes and making sure that whatever asshole was trying to talk to you could see that you were unavailable. That he wasn't playing about you. His pretty princess. He didn't like it when you'd hang out with Topper and Kelce either, but since they were his friends, and they definitely knew not to fuck with him, he let it slide. But only because most of the time, he was with you, never leaving your side and silently taking notes of every time one of them would get a bit too close or be too kind to you for his liking.
You never had a problem with it. Rafe always knew best. That's what he'd always tell you, and you never had a reason not to believe him. He always took care of you. Many people talked and raised eyebrows constantly around you, not believing even for a second that you two were just best friends. There was no way that was all.
To you, it was just white noise. You were so used to Rafe and his behaviour that you didn't bat an eye ever at the closeness between you. He was just Rafey, your beloved best friend.
But little did you know the lengths that he'd go through to make sure you stayed by his side. That you'd remain his. His little bunny, oblivious to the real reason he's always asking to see your phone, hiding his true intentions with the excuse of just “checking for something", or "playing music" or wanting to "take photos" of you, when the real reason was that he was going borderline crazy just thinking about you secretly talking to boys on there.
Oblivious to the real reason his knuckles were violently bruised once in a while, promising you that it was nothing, when in reality, he almost killed a few boys for talking about you or looking at you in a filthy way, or trying to spark a conversation with you.
Clueless about the way he was always watching you, even when you thought he wasn't around. Following you in secrecy, almost everytime you'd leave the house, just to make sure that you were safe and you weren't planning on seeing someone else behind his back.
Completely unaware of the way he'd steal a pair of your panties once a month, sometimes washed, but most of the time used, snatched right out of your laundry basket, just to fulfill his sick, filthy fantasies in the privacy of his room at night, when no one would be awake to hear his moans and your name slipping from his lips as he fisted his impossibly hard cock so fast that he was seeing stars.
He thought it was cute. How you never suspected anything, how blindly you trusted him. And he was fine with you not knowing just how obsessed he was, for a while.
However, his patience was starting to fade. With every pearly smile, every innocent look you threw his way, those short skirts and sundresses you liked to wear that he swore you were wearing on purpose, just to make him go mad. Everytime you'd sit on his lap, or press your cute little ass against him when you'd dance at a party.
Everything was slowly but surely driving him insane, and it was only a matter of time until he was going to finally take what he wanted, what was rightfully his, and only his.
In his mind, the moment you'd find out about his true feelings towards you was going to be romantic, he'd make sure to be careful not to scare you off, he'd make you realize just how much you need him and how much he loved you.
So why did you just have to ruin that, by letting a damn pogue, JJ Maybank of all people, flirt with you? He thought he was going to lose his mind when he'd caught you two on the beach, talking without a care in the world, that stupid pogue scanning your body shamelessly and complimenting your little outfit that was supposed to be for his eyes only. He thought he was smart and fearless, trying to get into your pants like that.
He thought.
Oh, how he hated that you had to make it hard for him and yourself by doing that. He had trusted you, showed you his love, his devotion, for so many years, and there you were, pushing him to do something so reckless that might make you hate him.
But no... he wouldn't have that. He was going to make sure you never looked at another man again, that he would be the only one for you.
"My dumb little princess, always so fucking oblivious." He grunted, pounding into your little pussy violently while he gripped your cheeks painfully, making your juicy lips pout. "You don't know what you did to me back there, baby. You're lucky that little shit is still alive after what he tried to pull."
His tone was soft, almost mocking, but you were having trouble processing his words, too messy and too cock drunk to hear anything as you took what he gave you helplessly, your abused cunt swallowing him greedily with each thrust of his hips.
"I told you not to run off by yourself, didn't I? Told you you should only stick by my side. You. Only. Stay. With. Me." He barked, empathizing his words with harsh thrusts, knocking the air out of your lungs and having your back arch off the bed.
"M' sorry, Rafey! I... I didn't mean to, I promise!" You cried out, digging your manicured fingers into his shoulders as you used them for support.
He just chuckled, the sound dark and lacking any amusement. You didn't mean to. Of course you didn't.
"Yeah? Then what the fuck were you smiling at Maybank for, huh?! Letting him look at you, talk to you, when you know that shit pisses me off? You tryna be a whore or something?!" He snapped, grabbing onto the back of your thighs and folding them to your chest, the new angle allowing his cock to stretch you even more and hit your cervix deliciously.
Your eyes rolled to the back of your head and your lips parted with a loud, pornographic moan.
This wasn't the Rafe you were used to. Your soft, caring, loving best friend, and even if you knew of his outbursts, his undeniable issues, he always made sure to keep that side of him away from you, only treating you like a delicate flower, worshiping you with all his heart. Now, he was a completely different person, and maybe you should've hated him for taking everything from you like that, your sweet, precious virginity, but to your surprise, you loved it. And the way your pussy was fluttering around him uncontrollably was a clear sign of that.
"Well shit, would you look at that." Rafe smirked, leaning closer and folding your legs further, the pain adding to the pleasure you were starting to feel at the pits of your stomach. He wrapped his fingers around your slim throat, applying pressure to the sides of your neck and humming in satisfaction at the way your teary eyes widened in shock. "My pretty princess likes being called a whore, huh?"
"R-Rafe! Please, please!" You begged, but you didn't know what for.
"You were just begging for some cock, weren't you? This slutty hole needed a good pounding that bad. What a shame, baby..." He tsked, shaking his head and leaning to peck your trembling lips briefly, before switching up and slapping your cheek, the sharp sound echoing in the room along with the filthy sounds of your skin slapping and your wet pussy squelching around him.
"My dick is the only one this cunt will ever see, understood?!"
You let out a short scream and clenched around him viciously, his words making your head spin.
You were sure you were scratching his back to the point it was almost bleeding, but you couldn't help it, feeling like you were going to pass out with his hand coming back to squeeze your throat and with the way his pace picked up, the bed creaking underneath you like it was going to break with the force of his thrusts.
"Yes! Yes, Rafey!" You managed to say between moans and pathetic whimpers, reaching out and grasping his wrist, your small fingers wrapping around it.
You looked so beautiful to him right now. Unreal. With tears rolling down your soft cheeks, those pretty doe eyes looking up at him submissively, not hiding the way your pupils were blown in pure lust, only for him. Red, swollen lips from his kisses, your carefully applied makeup that was now ruined on your face, an obsessive amount of marks that were going to become flashy bruises, all over your neck and your chest, a clear reminder for you and everyone else that he owned you. The sweet sounds coming from your lips were like music to his ears, the countless nights where he'd imagine how you'd sound like, how you'd feel wrapped around his cock now useless, because nothing could compare to the real thing.
"Sweet angel taking cock so well. 'S like you were made for me, baby... Don't you think so? Look at how greedy this pussy is. Taking me like a pro." He praised, pulling back a little and tilting his head to the side and watching the way he slipped and pushed into you so easily, your slick covering his entire length, a hint of pink around his base, the evidence of your innocence being ripped away from you, now belonging to him.
Letting go of your neck, you finally gasped for air, blinking stupidly at him with your long lashes. But then, he suddenly reached out and grasped your hair, fisting it and yanking your head forward with force, having you watch the way he was stretching you repeatedly.
"Look how good you're taking me. This is all mine. Mine. No one will ever get to see you like this, baby... Gonna make sure of it. You'll never think about another boy ever again. You belong to me, you always have." His lips stretched into a smirk, the look in his eyes possessed as he watched you squirm and whimper, almost unable to keep your eyes open with the tears blocking your sight.
"Say it. Say this pussy belongs to me. You belong to me." He growled, his once blue eyes that were now dark and possessed burning a hole through you, his fingers gripping your hair tighter and pushing your head back. His body pressed against yours as his other hand sneaked its way to your pussy, his thumb pressing against your puffy, sensitive clit and rubbing it back and forth rapidly.
Your thighs were shaking around his waist, and your small body was trashing underneath him as you whined and locked eyes with his.
"It's yours, Rafey! Pussy's yours. I'm yours!"
"Fucking right. You'll never get away from me, even if you tried. I own you. You're never leaving me." He spat, the possessive words only making you squeeze his cock tighter.
It was supposed to be a threat maybe, but in your fucked up state, it was the hottest thing.
You wouldn't be able to live without Rafe anyway, you were so dependent on him, on his attention, his love, that the thought of ever being without him felt wrong.
Then, a sudden thought came to him. How could he make sure that you were never going to escape him? That you were only going to need him, for the rest of your life, just like he needed you. Maybe he could knock you up. Surely you'll never be able to run away if he got you big and swollen with his baby. You'll be his forever. God, only the thought made his body shiver. You'd look even more beautiful this way. Glowing, all because of him. Carrying his heir in that pretty belly of yours. Giving him a family to take care of.
An animalistic growl escaped from deep inside him, and his hips snapped frantically against yours with a newfound purpose now as he smashed his lips with yours, swallowing your whimpers. The kiss was filled with possessiveness as he tried to claim you in every way possible, his tongue slipping into your mouth and tasting you greedily while you tried to keep up with him, every once in a while clashing your teeth together as he rocked your fragile body into the mattress. When he pulled back, a string of your shared saliva connected your lips, and he grinned at you, but in a way that had the hairs on your body stand up.
"Think I know what to do with you, princess. Think I'm gonna get you all knocked up. Yeah. You'd look so pretty like that, you'll be so full of me you won't even be able to walk. And everyone will know, baby... Everyone will know who did that to you. That you're carrying my baby inside of you. Rafe Cameron's baby. My heir."
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dreamersparacosm · 1 month ago
jeon jungkook - bad intentions
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warnings ; nsfw (18+!!!!!!), unprotected sex
prompt ; in which a TikTok edit sparks a desire to get absolutely destroyed by your boyfriend.
note ; hey… heyyyy *opens door* um idk what this is but I’m back with a new fandom and this random piece of writing. this is my formal request to join the bts fandom pls xoxo i promise im fun and can write hellish smut
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It’s cruel that you live with someone as attractive as your boyfriend.
It’s even more evil that the world posts TikTok edits of your boyfriend to seductive songs that make your underwear soak through with arousal.
All that to say, you’re not really making your life any easier by watching every single one that stumbles across your For You Page.
You have been better. It was a slow Sunday: one where your boyfriend sits perched on your shared living room couch, mindlessly playing with his lip ring as he watches some Netflix show. It’s nice having him like this, all for you, in a space you two built for yourselves. But you, you’re in the bedroom, aimlessly scrolling through an app that has taken up more than enough of your time and perfectly curated content about your boyfriend and this silly little band he’s in.
But it’s when, and only when, you stumble across an edit of your boyfriend to a The Weeknd song, that you shoot up in your bed, blink rapidly, inhale a sharp breath. Your heart catches in your throat, does that stupid little flutter thing. And then.. the clench that follows down below. You replay it once, twice… a third time.
Don’t be weird. Do not be thirsty.
But, he is yours. That much, you do know.
You close the app, delete the page off your phone. It’s not like you two have a boring sex life, he takes care of you and you never feel dissatisfied. In fact it’s rather the opposite. This one time being two nights ago when he had your legs up on… never mind. You look at your black phone screen in disgust. Do not be a horny little freak.
Well, one last look at the edit won’t hurt.
You go back to the fan edit. Glance at it, slap your hand over your face, peek through your middle and ring finger. Fuck.
The arousal that had pooled before in your underwear was now a full-on ocean. Really, you should have more decorum than this. You don’t really want to bother Jungkook, he’s had a busy week with the boys… but it also has been two days since you two have had sex.
Fuck it.
You swing your legs off the bed, shuffle down the hallway of your apartment. You spot your boyfriend lounging on the couch, his back to you. Even from where you stand, you can see his build, his biceps.. Gosh. You sound like a hormonal teenage girl.
You creep up behind him, wrap your arms around his neck and press a few sloppy kisses down it. His hand flies up to caress your arm that’s hung around his neck, a little laugh leaving his mouth, “Well, hello to you too.”
You decide then and there in that moment: You’re going to die if you don’t have him. Maybe that’s a little dramatic, but you’ve lost all strength.
“Hi,” your voice is frail, weak even, as you kiss along his jaw. He sucks in a deep breaths, fingers drawing circles on your arm. His eyes are glued to the television screen like if he looks anywhere else, he might combust.
You detach your arms from around him, moving to the front, blocking his perfect view of the screen. He looks up at you with those doe eyes you love so damn much. One look at you and he gathers quickly there will be no more watching of television.
With little words, you straddle him, knees on either side of his thighs. Jungkook feels up your thighs, smirks a little, “What did I do to earn this right now?”
You are well aware of how needy and desperate you look right now, but that doesn’t matter. You let out a little sigh, pushing your lips onto his. For some reason, you feel like some little fangirl who is hooking up with her celebrity crush. The cold metal from his lip ring is a welcomed feeling, and you place your hands on his neck, feeling the structure and heat of his skin. God, you are going to cum just from this kiss if you keep it up.
Pulling away a little, you look into his eyes, “Nothing specifically… I just…”
You sigh, go back in to kissing him again. Those plump pink lips of his work against yours, shivers running down your spine as he runs his hands up and down your bare thighs. “Just what, baby?” He speaks in a low tone in between the incessant kissing.
“I’m so fucking horny,” You admit.
Upon the minute those words leave his mouth, you feel his cock begin to press against your inner thigh. You’ve got him right where you want him. And it’s not that this isn’t normal; it is. But you’ve essentially offered yourself up to him on a silver platter and the act of desperation you got going on right now is really doing it for him.
“Hmm?” He hums against your lips, his hands roaming underneath your shirt to trace your spine. And you could marry him right now for being so quick to go along with it. For not pushing you, for letting you set the pace.
You start to grind yourself down on him, the wetness soaking through your pajama shorts you have on. It is criminal how much you need this man inside of you, now. “What do you need from me, baby?” He starts to kiss down your neck as light whimpers exit your throat from the friction of your shorts on his grey sweatpants.
“N-nothing,” You exhale out. “Let me ride you.”
“Fuck.” He groans out.
“You need me that bad?” He brushes a strand of hair off your shoulder, kisses down your supple skin.
“Yes, please,” Your voice cracks. You can’t take it anymore; you think you might combust into a million little pieces.
“Well, go on, my love,” He removes his lips from your skin, smirks, sits back against the couch. “Have me.”
He does not need to tell you twice. There’s no time for pleasantries. You move your legs off his, lower down his sweatpants enough for you to be able to access his boxers. You kick off your shorts, leaving the underwear on; there’s not a single shred of a fuck left in you.
Jungkook is sat there, an amused look plastered on his face, mixed with a level of adoration you are not sure you have seen before. His arms have moved, now splayed out across the top of the couch, his biceps flexing. You straddle him again, remove his throbbing cock from the confines of his boxers. Fuck, if you weren’t so ready for him, you would’ve taken him into your mouth.. but alas, no time to waste.
You push your panties to the side, rub your juices over his length. He lets out a little moan at that, watches you eagerly get ready to take him whole.
With a gasp, you align him to your entrance in search of relief. You engulf him, take him in inch by inch until you bottom out. Honestly, you could unravel just from that. “Holy fuck, baby,” His head falls back, eyes still glued to the sight of you fully taking him to the brim.
You never really do get used to how big he is; when you two first started dating, he stretched you out so wide you were certain you would never recover. Your bottom lip is sucked in between your top teeth, rushed exhales leaving your body as you slowly begin to move, begin to gyrate your hips and lift yourself up and down on his pulsing cock. “Oh my god,” You breathe out, hands moving to his broad chest, gripping onto him to steady yourself
He’s not doing much, besides just watching you in complete and utter awe, and yet that still takes your breath away. “You look so unbelievably sexy right now,” He says, barely even realizing the words leave his mouth, since they were mostly meant for his inner thoughts. His hands come around to land on your hips, the pads of his fingers pressing into the bone. There will definitely be a bruise there tomorrow.
You lull your head back, close your eyes tight. It’s all you can do to try and keep yourself together. You’re an absolute mess right now; pussy squelching with each stroke, his cock a mix of yours and his arousal. The only sounds that can be heard in the apartment are the slapping of skin and the moans that continually leave both of your mouths. “[Y/N]…” He moans out. You look at him, deep in those eyes that you love so much.
And there’s such… desire on his face, his pupils blown wide, his jaw slack. He is so undeniably hungry for you, and it’s going to kill you. You speed up your bounces, losing a little more control with each and every passing moment. Your arms snake around his neck, pull him even closer to you. “Fuck, I am so close,” You whisper out, mostly to calm yourself down.
“Yeah?” Is the only word he can muster right now. “Need you to cum for me. Want to make sure you’re taken care of.”
It is all so filthy; the sounds, the look he’s giving you, the way your nails are digging into the flesh of his neck and leaving marks. Your half-lidded eyes meet his, gaze dropping down to his lips. You press a few sloppy kisses on them.
“You like this, hmm?” he asks, fingers digging even deeper into your hip bones that you’re certain he is leaving an imprint on your skull. “Having me like this ready for you? Does that get you off?”
His words elicit a clench around his cock, your walls tightening around him. He is absolutely correct. He knows he’s hit the mark. “Talk to me.” His tone is soft but threatening.
“Y-yes, it does. Oh my god, Kook..” You can barely think, any singular thought beside how incredible his cock feels inside you, how you can feel him penetrate your stomach with his entire length. “I’m gonna cum.”
It’s so close, it’s teetering on the edge. Every nerve ending in your body craves him to a point where you wonder if you need to be institutionalized. All you can see is that stupid edit made by that fan flash across your head, your brain unable to comprehend that that is the man you currently have inside of you. “Cum for me, darling..” He coos.
It nearly wrecks you, this orgasm. It washes over your entire being and you’re so loud you’re certain your neighbors will come knocking down your door. Your bounces go from focused to frantic, hips gyrating wildly, and he wraps an arm around your entire waist, picking you up lightly. He begins thrusting into you at a shallow, quick pace, chasing after his own release. Jungkook lets out a few grunts, eyes trained on the sight in front of him; and then he shudders, his cock throbs inside of you, head falling onto your shoulder as he feels himself empty out inside of you. You’re struggling to catch your breath, gripping onto the hair at the nape of his neck.
“My god..” You breathe out. You’re still sitting on him, cock warm inside you as he lifts his head from your shoulder, meets your fucked-out face.
“Baby, that was so incredibly hot, you have no idea,” His face is flushed, hand reaching up to caress your cheek. You entwine your arms and legs around him, holding him close, drawing him deeper into you. You stay there, hearts pounding in unison, as if they're each trying to break free from your chests, desperate to draw nearer. And still, even in this perfect closeness, you long to feel him even closer.
“Mhmm,” You hum out, quite content with yourself. You press a soft kiss to his lips.
“So… care to share what made you jump my bones?” He teases, pressing another kiss to your lips.
“Oh, nothing…” You act coy, but the heat creeps onto your face regardless. He pokes your side, eliciting a giggle from you that has you folding like origami.
“Maybe… just saw a little something on TikTok..” You trace circles on his collarbone, avoiding his gaze.
“Continue.” He presses a kiss to your forehead.
“Some girl made an edit of you..” It’s low when it leaves your mouth, he can barely hear it. “Just wanted to remind myself I can have you.. whenever I like.”
You bury your face into his neck in sheer embarrassment, feeling his warmth and the vibration as he chuckles. “You can have me whenever. I’m yours, baby.”
masterlist + request
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plethorawrites · 1 month ago
Jason Todd who is used to being in control because for so long he had absolutely no say in his life. He has too many trust issues to let anyone else make decisions or even really consider their opinions as more than complaints about his own thoughts or plans.
But not when it comes to you.
With you, he's nodding along to Every. Single. Idea.
Because he knows you have no ill intentions, no ulterior motive or disrespect. All you have, is his best interests in mind. Something he didn't feel like anyone else ever did.
Your disagreement wasn't mocking or insulting, it came from a place of love. You worried. You didn't want him doing anything reckless, not because you doubted him, but because you couldn't stand to lose him.
Even the small things, the stuff he usually struggled with, like sleeping in the same room as other people or wearing anything that showed the scars on his arms, became easier with you. You actually, somehow, liked his snoring. It wasn't annoying to you, it was just a sign that he trusts you enough to actually fall asleep in your arms.
That was the kind of vulnerability he didn't know he was even capable of.
He needed control. He needed to hold you, not to be weak and have you wrap your arms around him. He needed to protect of you, not have you run a damp cloth over his wounds like an injured puppy. He needed to comfort you, not cry into your chest while you fussed with his hair.
But he could never manage to force himself into that box he lived in around everyone else. The mindset came so easily to him around his family, around strangers, around nearly the entire world. He was calloused, mean, emotionless.
Until he came home to you and he could shed that false persona and be the man he truly was—who craved laying his head in your lap to hear you read to him, who prioritized his comfort over convenience, let himself feel even if that meant being in pain. He could only do that because he knew you'd be there when his guard slipped.
He needed control, yes. But he needed you more.
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cherrybr4t · 7 months ago
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A/N: to the anon that requested for some dilf cheol, i love u i am u. i think about dilf cheol probably 20 times a day. wanted to write a hc but got carried away…as u can see… 2k words 💨💨💋
WARNINGS: smut, DILF CHEOLL, unprotected sex, oral (f rec), dom!cheol, sub!reader, f reader, it’s pretty mild…i think…
dilf!cheol whom you met while bringing your niece to her weekly soccer practice. you often helped to babysit her, and you loved seeing her in action — playing passionately every sundays, calling out to her aunt on the field with her adorable pigtails
dilf!cheol first noticed you on one fateful saturday practice at the stands, shades at the top of your head, pretty face with your ponytail dangling behind you
dilf!cheol comes up to you; telling you that you look younger than all the other parents here. you explain that you’re here for your niece, while he mentions his own daughter on the soccer field
dilf!cheol wastes no time, and asks you out on a date the second time yall meet during practice, as if you could say no to the most handsome man you’ve ever met in your 22 years of living…
dilf!cheol decided that a gem like you deserved the finest things in life — bringing you to his favourite restaurant, a private room he booked out specially for you, the best wine on the menu, with the most spectacular view (especially the man in front of you clad in a sleek button up, hair flawless as he combs it back every few minutes)
dilf!cheol who has his own successful company running, always mentions how his daughter is the light of his life, the one thing that kept him going after his ex-girlfriend up-ed and left after leaving pretty little sua on his doorstep. all he wants is to provide the best for his lil munchkin
dilf!cheol being a gentleman, drives you home and you invite him up for some tea, not wanting to end the night there. he agrees, though it probably wasn’t the best decision; considering how he told himself not to fuck you yet — not after a few more dates (he strongly believes he does not have the sex drive of a 20 year old) aaand he really did not trust himself to be in a room alone with you
dilf!cheol was right — feeling all his self-restraining effort go down the drain as he looks at you, sitting so damn near him on the couch, you might as well be on his lap.
you weren’t playing though. you wanted him, and you needed him immediately. your hands dancing dangerously on his thighs, leaning in closer to him whenever he made a witty comment.
fuck the water that was done boiling. you weren’t going to leave this couch to go make some tea, all you could think about was how cheol looked like he was about to lose it too.
he leans in. you lean in. “cheol…” the way you uttered his name in such a soft and slightly raspy manner made his breath hitch. he definitely caught on to the slight cry and need for him to make the move
that was all he needed, before he crashed his lips onto yours, kissing you so fucking deep, you could feel every crevice of his pretty cherry lips, drenched with the need to meet yours. his tongue — oh god his tongue, dancing with yours half way through the kiss, as if teasing you, showing you what that pink muscle of his was capable of.
dilf!cheol loved making demands. first, you were to strip out of your red dress slowly, standing in front of the couch where he sat, manspreading with his elbows propped up on the sofa. he stares, hungrily, eyes watching every movement you made to remove that article of clothing that was driving him crazy all night.
after which he demanded you to sit on his lap like a good girl — making sure you knew that he loves rewarding good girls. the dark spot on your lace panties made him chuckle. “you wanted this that bad princess? had to ask me if i wanted a cup of tea, when this was your true intention all along…” he traces his finger along your thigh as you settle down on his lap.
you let out a whine — embarrassed, but it was true. “why princess? admit it, you wanted me so bad you were willing to do anything to get us in this situation,” his fingers continued tracing to the back of your bra, unhooking it with one hand, letting the lace material fall to the ground.
“yes cheol, i wanted you so fucking bad i- , you looked so good, during dinner a-all i could think about was you fucking me right,” you moaned out, gripping on his hard shoulders, nails clutching on the fabric of his button up.
he let out a groan, “you thought about that during dinner? my dirty girl, so filthy — all for me, i made you like this didn’t I,” his hands travel to your tits, thumbs brushing on your hard nipples, before pinching both buds and pulling on them, eliciting a load shriek and moan from you.
“yes cheol, you did.. n-need you..” he latched his hot lips on your nipple, showing you once again the power of his pink muscle, licking and sucking like it was his favourite candy. it felt so fucking good you couldn’t help but cry out, grinding down on his crotch. feeling like any more attention towards your sensitive tits could make you cum sooner than expected.
“fuck princess you’re fucking soaking, i can already imagine how good that warm cunt will feel around my fingers, around my tongue..”
“and your cock cheol, need you to be inside me,”
“patience, i told you good girls get rewarded,” as if he himself could wait any longer.
he carries you to your room, laying you on your soft sheets. with no buffer time, you feel a pair of lips at your center, licking through the soaked material.
“o-oh my god, cheol,” he rips the material off you, leaving you exposed right in front of him, and he swears he’s never felt this hungry for pussy before. he licks, he inserts that tongue of his down your warm cunt, pushing the walls open, slurping every single drop of you he can. wrapping his thick lips around that sensitive nub of yours, sucking it hard enough that you cry out, arching your back as you laced your fingers through those locks of his, pushing him closer.
“so good.. so good cheol…more more..,” you were a broken record, all you could think about was chasing your high, and the man in front of you was more than happy to make that happen.
“yeah, princess? so good for me, so fucking delicious you deserve to be eaten out every day every fucking hour, goddd,” wanting to look at your pretty face as he makes you come, he rubs your sensitive engorged clit roughly in tight fast circles, while inserting two fingers without warning.
you screamed out, unable to control the unhinged moans slipping out of your lips. you felt otherwordly, as if you were ascending into a new realm with immense pleasure. “fuck, cheol oh my god oh my god,” your moans going higher in pitch when he curled his fingers, touching that textured gummy pad deep inside you, hitting it non stop.
“wanna cum princess? i know you want to, feels so fucking good doesn’t it? i know princess i know,” he spoke in an overly sweet tone, and it just made you clench around him even more. your knuckles turning white at how hard you were gripping those poor sheets.
“i wanna cum cheol, can i cum now? please please please,” your sweat blends with a drop of tear sliding down the side of your face, feeling your high literal seconds away.
cheol’s cock hurts, straining so bad against those dress pants of his. he needs to be inside you now, but he wants you to — no, needs you to come before that. “fuck, you can cum princess, let go for me,”
and you let go, spasming around his fingers, with the loudest cry of the night yet, body jerking up from the immense sensation of flood gates opening.
“yeah that’s right, princess, so good for me, so pretty when you cum, feels so good doesn’t it,” cheol swears he could cum in his pants at the sight of you coming undone, wrecked on his fingers. and he thinks to himself — it’s a sight he wants the privilege to have, every night, for the rest of his life possibly.
you came down from your high panting, looking up to see cheol in his boxers already, pulling them down, only to reveal the prettiest, girthiest cock you’ve ever seen, and all you want is for him to be in you, for him to make you his.
“i-i’m on the pill, you can go for it cheol,” you muttered out with whatever strength you had left in that moment, all you can think about was being pumped full of cheol’s cum. his heart thumps at your words. he lets out a groan, stroking his member as he gets back on top of you, and you admire how his muscle — his biceps and shoulders goes taut, god, he looked so fucking strong, you were about to cum the second time looking at him.
“ready princess? swear m’gonna fuck you til you’re full of my cum,” and he slowly inserts his full length inside of you, and you moan at the stretch his thick cock gives you.
“hnnng, so thick cheol, so big,” you moaned, nails gripping on his shoulders and he grabs both of your wrists, slamming it right above you on the pillow, holding you right there. you whined, while he spotted a smirk at the corner of his lips.
“look at you princess, so fucked out when i’ve just barely started, is my cock that good baby? hmm? you like it that much?” one hand pinning your wrists down, the other adjusting your leg above his shoulder. the angle making you feel him in places you didn’t know you could.
“this is what you wanted, right princess? fuuuck look at you, so fucking pretty all under me,” he falters; wanting to degrade and embarrass you to utter filth, but looking at you being so good under him, he can’t help but praise you, telling you how good you’re being for him.
your heart swells, pussy gripping onto him even tighter if that was even possible, “cheol…i wanna cum again, wanna cum around you,” you whine out, eliciting a deep growl from the man above you.
“i swear princess, you drive me fucking crazy,” he snaps his hips into you in an insane pace, feeling so lost in the feeling of you and your warm slippery cunt hugging his cock so good he thinks he went to heaven and back for a moment.
as he feels his release approaching, he’s in disbelief at how fast it comes, but he can’t hold it in any longer. “cum with me princess, fuck, can’t take it anymore, need to fill you up nice and full with my cum.” his moans get louder and you love how needy he sounds; not holding back, moaning your name with a crack in his voice.
with no warning, your orgasm crashes over you, arching your back, crying out cheol’s name as you spasm around him. “fuuuck baby i’m coming,” with slower thrusts, cheol leans down to give you a passionate kiss as he releases his hot load into you, it spills and shoots, so much fucking cum that it leaks out immediately and you moan at the feeling, at complete bliss being so full of his cum.
dilf!cheol giving you the best aftercare ever, you’re his and only his now, his princess and now he self declares that he’s going to take care of you like no other man could, or will!
dilf!cheol has a stamina of a teenager, going for multiple rounds throughout the night, leaving marks all over you, needing so bad to claim you as his.
yup…trust that i’m not done w dilf cheol and i’ll be back with MOREEE ✍️💋 anws i hope yall like it <33 if you did, like/comment/rb to lmk what u think abt it 😍 thanks for reading lovelies,, xoxo 😘💨💋
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piistolstar · 3 months ago
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⧼ warnings :: smut, hair pulling, service top!james, cunnilingus, whipped!james
pairing :: james potter x fem!reader
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exams. so many exams, you were slaving over and studying for weeks. all day every day, it’s all your poor boyfriend saw you do. it nearly stressed him out as much as it did you, not knowing how to help and make it easier. despite the times you reassured him that him being there helped.
but finally, it’s all done. and tonight you can finally rest peacefully, laying in james’ bed, spooning him without a worry in the world. james shifts, turning his body around to look at you. "are you okay?" you bite your lip in thought, letting your hand go to his hair.
"i’m better," you sigh, twirling his hair between your fingers. "but i still feel a little on edge'." james huffs out a breath, not knowing what else to say. you hear him hum when you tug his hair slightly, causing a smirk to rise on your lips. you tug a little harsher and you feel his hand come up to yours.
"stop that," he whines into your neck, attempting to pull your hand away.
"that's not how you repay me." you joke back, recalling the reward he had promised you after all of your hard work. you kissed his cheek before letting go of his hair and there's a bit of silence before he's shuffling off the bed. you hear him maneuver himself to your side before turning the lamp on.
you gape at the sight before you, your pretty boyfriend on his knees. looking up at you, hands inching towards you. "is this better?" you shift so your lower half is off the bed and your right above him. his hands find purchase on your thighs and he looks up at you hesitantly.
"you know..." his hands travel further until they're at your waist. "i really should reward you." he shrugs and one hand goes to tug at the waistband of your pajama pants. "you did so well on your exams."
you just watch as he marvels over you, taking in every bit of you like it's the first time he's seen you. "you’re so beautiful." with your permission he tugs your pants off, “like a goddess.” he kisses up and down your legs before finding his way to your stomach. “i want to worship you.”
he nudges you so your back hits the mattress, slow, messy kisses trailing up your abdomen. "let me make you feel better?” you let out a breath and nod your head, his gaze focused on you before he presses his lips against yours, a kiss that's both gentle and passionate at the same time. he brings one hand to your chin, and another to your cheek to caress the side of your face as he deepens the kiss. you can feel how nervous he was, making all the decisions.
he lets out a soft groan, as an arm slips around your waist and pulls you closer, moaning against your lips. he presses his thigh between your legs, satisfied at the noises of pleasure you let out. james smiles into the kiss and pushes his body further into you. his hands run along your sides, feeling the warmth of your body, appreciating every part of you.
he slowly tilts your head to the side and his lips begin to trail kisses down to your neck, leaving nips and bites along your collarbone. his hands slide down to the sides of your thighs and he grips them. his lips keep their focus on leaving marks all over your neck, his hips grinding down on your leg.
"what if someone sees those?" you tauntingly ask him. he pulls away from your skin with red cheeks. he hesitates, letting his hands go up and down your body slowly.
"let them," he shrugs nervously. "i don't care, i want to worship you. i'll be happy if they know." you stare at him for a moment before threading your fingers through his hair. you dip your head down to his neck, littering butterfly kisses on his skin.
a soft groan slips from his lips but it's quickly covered up with a breathless laugh. the feeling of your soft lips against his skin is just so good. he closes his eyes and hums, leaning back to brush his nose gently against yours. his thumbs rub your hips, as he looks at you intently, his gaze taking in everything about you.
he's so infatuated with you, completely at your mercy. his hands slide underneath your top, caressing your skin. he pushes the fabric up a little higher as he presses a heated kiss to your lips. his hands travel higher and higher until his breath catches in his throat.
his face flushes again when he realizes where he's touching you, his thumb gently stroking over your chest in slow, teasing circles. his eye is locked on you as he does so. he feels you tug at his hair, making his body shiver slightly. soft sighs and gasps escape him and he lets out soft moans from time to time. the feeling of being so close and touching you with the soft caresses of his hands has him reeling.
he bites his lip nervously, "can you take it off?" his pretty, glazed over eyes are now avoiding yours. his shyness gives away what he wants and you reach back to unclasp your bra. he doesn't waste any time sliding your bra off to leave your entire upper body exposed to him. he can't help but stare for a moment, as he always does. taking in your body and appreciating the sight in front of him.
"you're so pretty, angel." he murmurs, still a little breathless. you let out a small laugh before sliding your hand up his shirt, leaving ghost touches along his abdomen. he lets out a groan at your touch, his body twitching in excitement. a shiver of pleasure ripples through his body when your lips nip at a sensitive part of his skin.
with a whine he pushes your body back down, "this is about you, not me." he places his lips on your skin again, inching lower and lower with every one he places. they trail from your collarbone, to your chest, down your torso, and landing right above the waistband of your pants.
he looks up at you as if awaiting your commands, causing you to giggle. "thought you were gonna worship me? you get to decide what to do then." he stutters before shutting his mouth and nodding, hands shakily sliding your pants down your legs.
he kisses along your thighs, breathing heavily at the sight before him. you're clad in just your underwear, you're piercing eyes trained on him while you wait for his next move. his kisses come back up until his breath is making contact with the fabric of your panties.
he presses a small kiss to your clit thought your underwear, unable to bite bad a prideful smile when you hum out of pleasure. he pushes your underwear to the side and he slides his tongue through your folds.
he moans when your hand tugs at his hair again, harsher this time. he judges his nose against your clit. he can't get enough of your taste, hands snaking around your thighs to hold them in place around his head.
he feels your hand push down, attempting to control his head. with a soft groan he lets you use his face to get off. the vibrations his noises make has you squirming, your own moans getting louder and louder when a finger slips into you.
your noises turn into tired pants and your hand falls to your side. you lazily grind against his face and he holds your thighs down. you feel yourself getting close and you let out a sigh before tugging his head up by his hair.
he looks dazed and his fingers continue to work inside you, "i'm close, you're doing so good." the praise has his head spinning and his movements quickening. he leans up to capture your lips in a kiss, continuing to pump his fingers in and out of you.
he pants into the kiss, his desperate hips grinding into the mattress. he feels your body spasm before you're cumming around his fingers, biting down on his lip and leaving him whimpering.
he stops and lets you catch your breath, face inches from yours. you go to praise him some more when your eyes catch on the wet spot on his pants. "did you really..." he whines before you could finish your sentence, burying his head in your neck.
"don't say anything, please."
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puari-vol · 6 months ago
Peer Pressure
CW: Hypnosis
I stood quietly and unobtrusively off in a corner of the ‘slumber party’ trying my best not to bother anyone. Occasionally I glanced over at my friend Kelsey who was talking animatedly with some girls and wondered why she had insisted I come along. Of course I had agreed at the time, it seemed like a good way to make friends. But now that I was here…I couldn’t bring myself to try talking to anyone. I fixed my eyes on the cup of water in my hand. This was all… fine, I was just being Kelsey's designated driver. I was being helpful, like a good friend should be. It didn’t matter if I had fun or not. 
I zoned out enough that when Kelsey tapped me on the shoulder I jumped
“Did you really just stand in the corner this whole time? Geez come on you goof its time for the movie!” 
She took my arm and dragged me toward the TV. Both couches were full so I ended up sitting cross legged on the ground in front of them. Kelsey was about to sit next to me before she was suddenly pulled away to sit with some other girls, so now I was just sitting next to two strangers. They didn't seem to mind me, but they didn't introduce themselves either.
The lights go off and the movie starts, the chatter dies down as everybody watches. It seemed like there was something wrong with the audio, there was an odd droning sound playing under the movie. But it wasn’t loud enough to be annoying and nobody else seemed to notice so I kept quiet. The movie was honestly kinda boring, I glanced around and accidentally made eye contact with someone doing the same thing. I felt myself blush and turned back to pay attention. The movie kept going and after a while I started to space out. I was so out of it that when something changed it took me a while to notice. The movie wasn’t playing anymore, or maybe…this was part of the movie? The screen just showed a pink and purple spiral spinning around and around. The droning had gotten louder. How long had the spiral been on the screen? I couldn’t remember. I looked to the girl on my right, about to ask if something was wrong with the movie. But she was just staring at the screen, focused. I noticed everyone else was doing much the same. I quickly turned back to the screen, not wanting to embarrass myself. As I watched I tried to remember what had been happening in the movie for this to make sense, the spiral and been going for at least a few minutes now, but the more I tried the more the details of the movie seemed fuzzy and distant. I stared intently at the screen, trying to find out what everyone else was looking at…
I blinked when there was suddenly someone sitting in front of me. I only noticed because she waved her hand in front of my face after she sat down. She was backlit by the spiral on the screen and she smiled at me. 
“Hey there” she said softly “First time here?”
I just nodded feeling strangely dizzy.
“Kelsy said she was bringing someone knew, is that you?”
I nodded again, she was gazing intently at me and I started to feel self conscious, I averted my eyes and saw that everyone else was still just staring at the spiral
“Well Kelsy has good taste, you’ll be lovely”
I blush, not expecting the compliment
“Um thanks” I mumble no longer able to meet her eyes. She was grinning at me now
“Are you ready?”
“Uh…for what?”
“To learn about the button that turns off your brain” 
I blinked as I tried to sort through the nonsense statement
“The what?”
She giggled and pointed off to my left 
“Just watch, you’ll get the idea”
I looked and saw she was pointing at the girls sitting on one of the couches, all of their eyes were glued to the spiral. As I watched, another girl came up behind them. Starting with the girl on the far left, she leaned down and whispered something into her ear. Then reached over and tapped her on the forehead. At once, she went limp. Head lolling forward, eyes closed. She slumped into the girl sitting next to her, who jolted as if suddenly startled awake, eyes blinking rapidly. But the girl behind the couch simply reached over and tapped her on the forehead as well. And suddenly both girls seemed to be fast asleep leaning into each other. The girl behind the couch smiled and gave them both a pat on the head before moving on to the rest of the couch
“You see? All good girls like you have a button that turns off their brain” 
I was staring open mouthed at the girls now asleep on the couch
“But…but I’m not-”
I felt a hand on my cheek, and my head was turned to face the girl in front of me again. I was blushing like crazy now and I stammered something incoherent. The girl just smiled kindly
“Don’t worry, you won't be bothered by that kind of stuff soon”
Hand still on my cheek, she turned my head to the right, where I watched the girl sitting right next to me get tapped on the forehead. Her eyes fluttered shut, and she slumped back, mouth open and drooling.
“Isn’t she pretty?” 
She put her hand below my chin and made me nod, I hardly noticed I was just staring at the girl
“Doesn’t she look beautiful, all sleepy like that?”
She made me nod again
“Don’t you want to look like that?”
I nodded, I wasn’t sure if she made me or not
She turned my head to face her again. Her other hand was held up in front of me, her index finger pointed at me. My eyes focused on the tip of her finger
“Nighty night”
She tapped me on the forehead
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lady-of-endless · 2 months ago
"Veiled Intentions" (Hwang In-ho/Player 001/Front man x player!reader)
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Summary: No game of cat and mouse ends well.
Author's Note: Thank you so much to everyone who voted for this fic to be done first. I'm happy to provide. He might be a little obsessive, but you should've expected it by now. Don't worry; I got a softer, heartfelt, and angsty fic on the go for tomorrow. Hope you'll enjoy this one until then, darlings!
(Squid Game masterlist here)
Whenever he flashed a smile to the team, no one noticed how the coldness of his eyes was somehow still persistent. The charm of his smile always eclipsed that detail. It was enough to successfully manipulate most players, except for you. The only one who seemed to see the bigger picture was you and he could sense it. No amount of calculated smooth-talking, apparent encouragement, or fake short smiles could trick you too.
The others seemed to accept him easily, either for the calmness that made him seem reliable or for the vital need to have more people with the same vote. Not you, and it was clear to him.
In-ho had a plan going on; he had no intention of wasting time and trying harder to trick you too, letting you do your silent judging. But still, you were slowly becoming more and more present in his mind. You weren't warming up to him, weren't impressed like the others. Why not? More importantly, why did he like it that way? You were smarter and he enjoyed watching you analyzing everyone around, including him. Yes, you were a problem for him, but he was almost proud of having such a fascinating problem to take care of.
In-ho was too good at looking relieved, and joyful whenever the other players from player 456's team made it during the games. You noticed a strange spark in his eyes whenever you also completed the games. Was he really relieved or just glad that with each game he was getting closer to taking care of you personally?
Even now, he was watching you silently when the speakers announced bedtime. You all remembered what was the plan Gi-hun came up with to stay safe and looked around for a lonely bed bunk. Your constant doubt pushed you to come up with a plan to figure him out and now it was the perfect time to strike.
In-ho was ready to make a strategic choice when your voice interrupted his thoughts again.
"Join me?" You asked bluntly, with a warm smile on your face. A fake smile, a reflection of his. He looked at you, raising an eyebrow at your proposal. "For bonding time, getting along." You added, encouragingly, almost playfully, not to stir suspicion in others.
All the other teammates noticed how you kept your distance from him and were glad to see you try to get along.
In-ho almost wanted to chuckle at your reasoning but his expression remained composed. He could tell that you were trying to convince him with your charm and that you only played a role. And he was doing the same.
"Lead the way then." In-ho responded calmly, as always.
In-ho had a small, almost imperceptible smirk on his face the whole time following you, and his eyes were glued to the nape of your neck. How could he ignore you?
You crawled carefully under a bed that was placed closer to a corner no one else chose. A shiver ran down your spine when he joined you effortlessly, making almost no sound at all. The lights dimmed. However, that wasn't the problem. The problem was that the space from under the beds was not enough for two. Both of you were lying down on your backs, staring at the bed from above. His shoulder was pressed against yours, the feeling was impossible to push aside.
You closed your eyes tightly, cursing the tight space and sighing deeply. Why didn't you think this through? In-ho was amused by your frustration and how your body tensed next to his.
"You seemed so sure about this." He teased with a mocking tone he didn't even try to hide.
The way his voice sounded so intimate in the dark and how his warmth surrounded you, were making it hard to stick to the plan. You grew a little hotter under your clothes but you had to go for it. You took a breath in and spoke in a whisper.
"I can see right through your tactics." You said bluntly, still looking at the bed from above to avoid his gaze, knowing how intense it gets sometimes. You were almost proud of the sternness of your tone. "What are your intentions?"
He didn't respond right away, taking time to just look at your expression. In-ho was a meticulous man, he was expecting that question sooner or later from you.
"Wasn't I clear from the start?" In-ho asked calmly, almost innocently, switching his position to lay on his stomach and elbows, never losing sight of you. That position forced you to look up at him, exactly the way he liked it. He was getting too comfortable for someone who was cornered. Seeing how there was no sign of panic or surprise on his face, the previous boost of confidence was starting to slowly diminish in you.
"I think we both know what I mean." You added coldly, letting him know you've had enough of his games. He could feel your patience running thin and he was enjoying it.
Your assumption was true; you were so close to figuring it out but, at the same time, so far away, so clueless about what he really wanted, what he really was capable of. It gave him the freedom of acting anyways he wanted for a little bit.
"Indeed." He said, seeing an opening and moving a hand to the opposite side of your face on the floor, making it look like he was just supporting himself and not caging you. "And that's because you're playing the same games, don't you agree?" He asked smoothly. He watched as you rolled your eyes and looked away to hide your real reaction, taking you longer to respond. In-ho didn't insist, wanting to take his time exposing you bit by bit. When you turned your head back at him to answer, your heart halted, words dying. Your eyes met intimately, his face was even closer than expected.
"It won't work with me." His breath touched your lips. He brushed a strand of hair behind your ear to see your face better. He frowned when he caught himself giving in to his instincts, his fingertips caressing your cheek and stopping on your lower lip without thinking.
"But your tries were..." He added, applying pressure on your sensitive skin and moving his lips even closer to yours slowly. "Entertaining, to say the least."
In-ho watched your expression closely, observing the details of your face in the dark. He couldn't get enough that moment but his face didn't betray any sign of the greed that was coursing through him. So he didn't stop there, using the momentum of your shock.
"Was it fun?" He asked, mercilessly but blissfully tormenting and playing you. "To feel like you had the upper hand?" He whispered while his hand descended to the base of your neck.
In-ho looked at your parted lips again, waiting for your answer and not moving away. There was a storm of conflicted thoughts in your mind and the warmth of his palm on your pulse point was not helping you find a good answer in time.
"Answer me." His grip tightened slightly, his tone smooth yet demanding. "And look at me, darling"
You looked up at him and nodded, admitting silently. Finally, you understood what you got yourself into and felt more than exposed. It was frustrating how easily he switched the roles from being the one interrogated to the one asking whatever he wanted.
You shivered at the sight of his subtle smirk. It was nothing like the bright fake smile he offered to the team. One corner of his lips curled upwards while the rest of his expression remained composed. His eyes glinted with icy, calculated sharpness. Finally, you could see him, whoever he was, and not the simple player 001.
In-ho was studying her, thinking about how you weren't aware of the effect you had on him from how well he was concealing it. Still, none of your questions were answered.
"What are you going to-"
"Hush." He murmured against your lips, cutting your words. "Don't wake the others."
In-ho slowly traced your collarbones through the thin material of the shirt with your player number and placed his whole palm on your chest over your racing heart. He paused, just to feel your heart, taking credit for its hectic beating. The silence that surrounded you was not helping either, you could hear every breath, every move, enhancing the intimate feeling so much you had to remind yourself that you were still in the middle of a sick challenge with daily deadly games.
He looked back into your eyes and spoke softly, seeing your inner conflict, wanting to distract you from it. "I've caught you staring at me so many times."
"I was just spacing out." You whispered, not hesitating this time but still telling him another lie.
Even the always calm, rarely out of character In-ho chuckled at that. It was a pleasant, unfiltered but still strange sound.
"Liar." He said while caressing your hair again but making sure to tug gently at the roots as a warning. "You had so many opportunities to push me away since we got under here." He whispered, almost tenderly, meaning it. His eyes were not locked on yours. Was it because he was letting himself think out loud? "But you don't want to do that..." He added, pausing his touches, giving you time to object. But the truth was that your denial ended with him calling you 'darling'. That waited objection never came and In-ho understood.
With that, he allowed himself to take what he wanted. He thought to himself that it was inevitable. His lips found yours with an unexpected gentleness despite his restrained hunger. The hellhole you were trapped in seemed to fade away with the way his lips explored yours. His fingers tightened possessively against your skin as the kiss deepened. His warmth was embracing you blissfully but his tongue was making you dizzy with each breath he was stealing from you.
After what felt like time, bending to his will, In-ho broke the kiss slowly. Even if you didn't say a word, he still covered your lips with his finger for a moment.
"I'm expecting you to still be smart about this and keep it private." He spoke in your ear, an expectation or a warning. "Do that and you'll be safe no matter what."
What you couldn't understand was that this was a hidden promise. If you kept whatever he gave you a secret for yourself, he would pull all the strings to get you alone with him, away from that game.
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izadi234 · 5 months ago
Forget me not
-Warning: Contain yandere themes, neglected! gn!reader, mention of low self-esteem, the writer's first language isn't English. Yan! Batfamily x gn! reader
Chapters Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 (You're here) Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6
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Chapter 3
For Duke it was a normal day after going to a classmate's house to finish a group project. He was eager to show you the project and talk to you about his day as he had started to do since the first day he set foot in Wayne Manor.
He could never forget that day...
The first time Duke went to Wayne Manor he was a bundle of nerves along with other emotions. He had just lost his parents due to the Joker's toxin and had just started his training with Bruce. He couldn't deny that he wasn't grateful to the billionaire and his family of vigilantes but he did miss that normality in his day to day life like when his parents were still well.
It was a day that he was lost in the mansion that was the one that found you. He had just finished his training with Bruce and Damian and had the intention of returning to his room when he got lost, but it wasn't until he ran into someone that he finally paid attention to where he was walking.
You were walking down the hall with your laptop in your hands, it seemed like you had just come from outside. He had never seen you before but Damian had mentioned that he had an older sibling that he didn't give much importance to.
"Oops, sorry. You okay, kiddo?" you asked him kindly
"Uh, yeah, I'm fine. I should apologize. I didn't see where I was going" the young man apologized
"I see you're lost, these hallways of the mansion aren't that frequented" you commented
"Really? And what are you doing here then?"
"My room is over here" you commented
"Ah..." He didn't know what to say
"You must be the new kid that Bruce adopted, right?"
"Yes, it's me" he nodded
"It's a pleasure, I'm (Name)" you extended your hand to shake it and he took it
He could immediately notice the warmth of your hand, they weren't rough and hard like the hands of others, but he could feel familiarity in your grip. It felt like home.
"Duke" he nodded as he shook your hand
"Well Duke, if you want I can guide you through these halls. It's almost impossible not to get lost in this place" you chuckled
"Yeah... I'd like that" he said with a smile
"Well, then follow me!" you said with a smile as you then guided him through the Manor
From that meeting on, Duke looked for any excuse to go talk to you. He soon discovered that the family didn't show much interest in you, which he couldn't understand why. In a family of vigilantes, being the most normal should be a relief, right? Or at least that's how he saw it, since when he was with you, he felt like he was going back to his old life, without worries or training.
That's why from then on he always waited for the time to be able to go find you.
What a surprise he would get when he saw that you weren't there
Once he entered Wayne Manor, Duke immediately went to look for you in your room only to find it empty. He felt his heart stop for a second.
No... It can't be...
"Alfred!" Duke shouted in search of the butler as he ran to the kitchen and there he saw Alfred who was making food for the Waynes.
"Alfred! Have you seen (Name)? Her room is empty!" the boy spoke quickly
"Yes, I am sorry to have to tell you this Master Duke, but our dear (Name) has left the mansion" informed the butler
"What?! So fast? N-no… They couldn't leave here… Much less without saying goodbye…" he said incredulously
It was like losing his parents all over again.
"They left me a letter in my room. I suppose they left one in yours too Master Duke"
Without saying another word, Duke ran to his room where he found a letter on his bed that had his name on it. He read it and right there (Name) said goodbye to him, thanked him for his company and just like with Alfred, left him the cell phone number of his second phone in case he wanted to talk to them.
"No… It can't be…" said Duke as he let a few tears escape from his eyes
How could he not stop them?
"Please don't cry Master Duke" said a voice from the door of his room. It was Alfred who looked at him with eyes that reflected sorrow and sadness but at the same time determination.
"I know that the departure of Master (Name) was something that hurt you and me" the butler began to speak
"But I assure you that they will return home"
"How Alfred? It was more than obvious that they wanted to leave here" he said between sadness and bitterness "But I don't understand, why did no one in this place pay attention to them? They are a Wayne too"
You were like a refreshing stream for him, you were like a glass of ice water in the middle of a desert.
Why did no one in this damn place notice?
"I couldn't answer that, Master Duke, but what we both know is that the behavior of the members of this family towards (Name) has been unfair and unjustified" Alfred walked towards the young guard and sat next to him
"I spent years waiting for someone else to see how amazing they were, but no one noticed, no one tried to get to know them" he unconsciously closed his hands into fists "And I can say that it was partly my fault, but you came along and finally someone realized what a great person we had in the family"
Alfred turned to look at him and put a hand on his shoulder which he gave a light squeeze.
"And for that same reason that they have such a powerful light, in a place like Gotham it is important to take care of them"
Duke looked at Alfred for a few seconds and then looked at the ground.
He is right. Their light is very bright. He can't let anyone turn it off.
"But… How are you going to do it Alfred? How are you going to get them back? Not even half of the people who live here remember who they are" said the young vigilante irritated
"Don't worry about that Master Duke, but you will have to help me with some things"
Don't worry (Name), you will return home.
Whether you want to or not.
But you will be by their side
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It's been 2 weeks since you left Wayne Manor and to be honest… You've never been happier in your life!
Sure, you'd always had a lot of independence but now this independence felt different, it felt more refreshing.
Likewise, college had also been an interesting change from a social and academic point of view since a few years ago you had studied online and life at university was a bit chaotic but you were starting to like it.
You rented your apartment to an old man who owned the building and who kindly let you pay your rent little by little. Inside it were a few pieces of furniture that were already there, however, you gave it some personal touches to feel more at home. But what couldn't be missing were photos of your parents (F/N) and (M/N), Alfred and Duke with you.
You couldn't complain, you were living a true dream.
But live it up and savor it while you can
Because soon you'll lose it all
You were in the kitchen of your apartment making dinner when your phone rang. You picked it up and answered without looking at who it was,
"Hello?" you said as you answered your phone
"Hey (Name)!" a familiar voice greeted you
"Oh, hey Duke!" you said enthusiastically "How have you been? How's school going?"
"Oh been good, lots of homework" he chuckled "I was calling you because I wanted to see you"
"Oh yeah, sure" you nodded "Do you need me for something specific?"
"No no. I just want to see you. I miss you being around the mansion" he admitted
"Aww, you're really sweet Duke but I'm sure you have plenty of company at Wayne Manor" now was your turn to chuckle
"Yeah, they're good company but you're my best confidant and sibling"
You're MY home…
"Okay Duke, if you want we can see each other tomorrow" you proposed
"Sure!" he excited
"Perfect" you giggled at his excitement "How about we meet at the park near downtown Gotham?"
"Okay" he nodded
"Fine, see you tomorrow bro!" you said goodbye to him
"See you tomorrow sibling" he said goodbye before hanging up the call
You smiled just thinking about seeing Duke tomorrow. You couldn't wait to do it.
This was your first mistake. Trusting him.
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"It's done Alfred" said Duke from the doorway of the living room
"They agreed to see me tomorrow"
"Okay Master Duke" Alfred nodded and then dusted the furniture again
"Now what?" asked the young man
"Now all that's left is to wait for me to arrive tomorrow and just follow my instructions" the butler commanded
"So… do you think all this is going to work? What if it doesn't?" he asked, half scared and half anxious
Alfred turned to look at the nervous boy and walked towards him. He placed a hand on his shoulder in an assuring manner.
"It's going to work" he assured him "Now go rest, tomorrow you're going to have a busy day"
Duke nodded, still a little unsure, but he didn't say anything else. Then he retired to his bedroom.
When he left Alfred couldn't help but smile a little. Everything was going as he had been planning and although he knew that this plan wasn't going to be to your liking in the least, he was also sure that this was the best for you.
Yes… This was the best thing for you…
For you…
For you…
For you…
For you…
For you…
For you…
For you…
For you…
For y…
For y…
For them..
For them...
For them...
For him…
This was going to be the best thing for HIM
This was going to bring you home to HIM
His little ray of sunshine
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Helloooo. Here it goes the third chapter! I hope you like it and I swear that in the next one the rest of the family will appear, still I would love to heart what do you expect of this work! And even some ideas!
Also I added the people that told me to add them in tag list so if you want to be added please tell me and I will happily add you. And also if I missed someone please tell me as well because I'm a bit blind most of the times and despite being on tumblr for a while now I'm still getting used to using it ":v
So if you liked this chapter please leave a heart and I'll see you on the next one!
@eyeless-kun @profounddestinyrebel @holyfishbailiffpeanut @toast-on-dandelioms @dhanyasri @kiarst @phoenixgurl030 @wpdarlingpan @glitterisname @sackofsadstuff @riddle-me-im-sirius @sirenetheblogger @bat1212 @bluelock4life @revysplacexxx @skz-goose @mistfire1999 @vanessa-boo @tatsuri-zomushiki @kore-of-the-underworld @milliu @lee-bits @ch1cky-093
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